species affiliation Linden
plant type Trees;
Group decorative leafy
Reproduction methods Seed and vegetative (cuttings)
Landing time Sowing - in the fall; cuttings - in early spring
Landing pattern 3.0 - 5.0 m between plants
Soil Requirements Light loam, black soil
Light requirements Sun, partial shade
Humidity Requirements moderate watering
care requirements Pruning weak branches, shaped pruning
plant height 15 - 40 m
Color spectrum Greens;
Type of flowers, inflorescences Corymbose with membranous leaf-shaped bract
flowering period July August
seasonal decoration Spring; Summer; Autumn;
Usage Solitary plants; Hedges; Plants of the second plan;
USDA zone 2; 3; 4; 5;

Linden (Tilia) - tall trees with an openwork crown - the genus includes about 80 species, differing in the size of the tree, leaf blade and flowers.

Linden is a relatively fast growing species. Thanks to the openwork and spreading crown, it forms an extensive shadow, and the large surface area of ​​the leaf blades produces a significant amount of oxygen and moisturizes the air well. In urban conditions of gas pollution and smoke, linden is one of the few resistant species. A special characteristic that linden has is its unusual delicate, honey aroma. Therefore, it is she who is preferred when creating green spaces in urban environments.

In autumn, linden foliage creates a special bright golden yellow background that gives a special mood to landscape plantings in parks and residential areas. Also, the positive aspects of growing linden include the fact that, unlike birch, linden leaves fall almost all at the same time and they can be completely removed in 2-3 doses. If the foliage is not removed, then the fallen leaves quickly rot and fertilize the soil.

The most decorative is basswood (Tilia americana), which differs from other types large leaves(15 - 20 cm long), flowers (1.5 - 2 cm in diameter, collected 5 pieces in corymbose inflorescences) and fruits (about 1 cm in diameter). But less resistant to urban conditions than linden heart-leaved (Tilia cordata) And common linden (Tilia x intermedia) « Pallida", the leaves of which are covered with a wax coating. Linden American " Fastigiata"has a decorative narrow pyramidal crown.

very high in landscape design appreciate linden felt (Tilia tomentosa). It has beautiful, silvery foliage on the underside and a very neat wide-pyramidal crown.

The American linden is distinguished by the decorativeness of the leaves. Tilia americana f. macrophylla», european linden , f. grape-leaved ( Tilia europaea f. vitifolia) And linden heart-leaved« candida» - with whitish leaves.

Order: Malvotsvetnye Family: Malvaceae Genus: Linden View: Linden American Latin name Tilia americana area

In America, linden is distributed from New Brunswick to Manitoba south in Canada, and south to North Carolina, Kentucky, and Nebraska in the USA. The life form is a tree up to 39 m high, with a crown up to 22 m in diameter, dense, broadly pyramidal, later elongated, ovoid, almost round. The bark of American Linden (black) is dark, almost black, with long, shallow furrows.Shoots glabrous, green (brownish). The leaves are broadly oval, up to 20 cm long, asymmetrical, pointed at the top, heart-shaped at the base, sharp-toothed, dark green in summer and lemon yellow in autumn.

From above, the leaf of American linden (black) is dark green, glossy, and light green below, with tufts of hairs (beards) in the corners of the veins. The flowers are yellowish, quite large, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected 6-15 in drooping inflorescences. Abundant flowering occurs in the second half of July. The flowers are so rich in nectar that blooming trees literally teeming with bees collecting it. The resulting linden honey has an unusual aroma. The fruits are spherical nuts, without ribs, 6-9 mm in diameter. Linden American (black) grows relatively slowly, its annual growth is up to 60 cm in height, up to 45 cm in width.

Shade-tolerant, sufficiently wind-resistant, undemanding to soil conditions, tolerates drought well, is quite frost-resistant, but in severe winters there is a possibility of freezing of annual shoots. Prefers sheltered from the wind, bright place with fertile, moist soil.

Sowing with immature (beginning to turn brown) seeds should be done immediately after they are collected. It is advisable to store the seeds in a tightly sealed glass container at a temperature of about 0 ° C. Sowing with mature seeds sprouts in the 2nd - 3rd year. It is recommended to prepare seeds for sowing using scarification (surface damage to the hard shells of seeds) or stratification (long-term keeping of plant seeds at a certain temperature). When scarifying, acid pre-treatment is recommended; during stratification, place in a peat-sand mixture (sand) for 6 months at a temperature of 0 - 5 ° C, or under variable conditions (2 - 3 months of warm, then cold stratification). Seeding depth 2 - 3.5 cm.
Linden American (black) is recommended for single and group plantings of large-sized trees. Cultivated since 1752. An extremely ornamental linden, distinguished from others by large leaves and flowers collected in small inflorescences with a long bract. Looks good in alley and single plantings. Linden American (black) gives a deep shade and is especially effective in the form of tapeworms (single planting) on ​​a free lawn area. Possesses average resistance to gases. It is used in landscape design of urban areas.
Three different decorative forms American linden (black): vine (f. ampelophylla) with large lobed leaves, large-leaved (f. macrophylla) with very large leaves, more than 20 cm long and pyramidal (f. fastigiata) - with a narrow pyramidal crown.


In Canada, this species is found from the Atlantic coast west to southern Manitoba, and also grows south in the deciduous forests of the eastern United States.


Sometimes it reaches a height of 30 m with a diameter of 1.2 m, but more often the height is from 18 to 21 m, the diameter is about 0.75 m.


Light, ranging in color from creamy white to pale brown, straight grained, with a fine, uniform texture due to uniform growth and lack of sharp contrast between early and late wood zones. The breed is soft, light, with a dry density of about 416 kg / m³, low-strength, non-viscous.


Dries without significant cracking and deformation.


In terms of most indicators of the mechanical properties of wood, American linden is similar to poplar, but has a higher strength under shock loads.


The wood is not durable.

Technological properties

It is processed very easily and gives a smooth surface. It has good nailability, adheres satisfactorily, can be etched with dyes and polished without difficulty.


Structural veneer, plywood, carved products, shutters, blinds, drawing boards, casting models, piano keys (pianos, grand pianos), turning products, barrel bottoms, beehives, containers for food products, match straws, wood wool.
