Planting a hosta in a flower bed is always a pleasure. It will help not only decorate the garden during periods when nothing is blooming yet, but also reduce the time to care for the flower garden. But before you buy a hosta, read our tips here. They will not let you make a mistake with varieties, so that later your work will not be in vain.

This plant has proven to be so practical that there are only hosta beds, which are called hostaria. Having picked up, you can create attractive and original flower beds that keep a beautiful look for a long time and which, moreover, do not require special care.

Choice of landing site

Since the hostarium is created for many years, be careful when choosing a place for it.

Find a fairly spacious place in your country house or garden, and it can even be a shaded part. Usually the choice falls on areas under large trees or near the walls of buildings. Please note that for variegated varieties, at least the morning sun is desirable.

If there is a lot of sun in the selected area or sandy soil, which dries quickly, consider how you will water the host. Although the plant tolerates drought, but for beautiful view requires moderately moist soils, and it will be necessary to irrigate it in such areas often. In addition, during the growth period, this perennial simply needs regular watering.

How to choose and buy a hosta

1. Avoid bright and colorful colors. One of the most common mistakes when creating a hostarium is to design it from . The flowerbed immediately catches the eye with its diversity, loses harmony and seems chaotic, unorganized.

Therefore, use mainly green, blue varieties with a delicate pattern and diversify them due to the shape of the leaves. The more such varieties there are, the calmer the look of your flower bed will be.

The second reason is that the brightness of the hosta depends on the amount of sunlight they receive. If they are located in deep shade or next to giant varieties, then the variegated species will not be as beautiful as they should be.

For example, bronze hosta in the shade turns greenish yellow and loses its attractiveness and its famous shade.

2. When choosing varieties, approach carefully. They grow very quickly and begin to crowd out other plants. And in order to separate it, you need a crane, or at least strong male hands.

Therefore, choose places for giants on the hostaria closer to the trees, the roots of which will not allow them to roam. And limit their number: one or three bushes are enough for a small area.

Better get more medium and small varieties. Small hostas are easy to divide, many do not even require a knife: you just need to pull them apart with your hands. They can be divided every 2-3 years and transplanted to free places, preventing them from growing to their full height. And then they will nicely complement the big hosts.

Soil preparation

Dig up the selected area to a depth of 25-40 cm, cover with a layer of humus to a depth of 10 cm and mix with the excavated soil. It is very important that organic matter provided plenty of air space for vigorous root growth.

Having done this once, you will not have to repeat this operation, but your seedlings will take root well and will quickly gain strength.

Landing hosta

1. If you purchased seedlings in containers, then to land on a permanent place, do the following.

  • Remove the plant from the container by holding the base. Then lightly shake it off excess soil, thereby loosening the roots.
  • Sprouts are placed in prepared pits so that the border between roots and leaves exactly matches the surface of the earth.
  • Carefully water the seedlings from below several times until you are sure that the water has not reached the roots.

2. Arrange the giant and tall varieties first.

Depending on how shady the area is, the distance between the sprouts of large varieties should be different:

  • in the sun and in partial shade, the hosta grows larger and requires space around it within a radius of 50 to 70 cm.
  • in the shade for the same varieties, the radius is reduced to 25-35 cm.

3. Plant medium and small plants of the same variety in groups of three, if you don't want your flower bed to look chaotic. The distance between them should be 15-30 cm.

4. Low-growing bright species can lay out the front border of the hostarium in the form of a border.

Straight or wavy borders laid out from the hosta will make your flower bed much more interesting. Be sure to leave enough space for them so that other hosts in the flower bed do not come into contact with such a border. For beauty, you can lay out the entire space with a border hosta with bark mulch.

5. Exist rocky gardens from hostas planted at a great distance from each other. The entire space of such a flower bed is filled with colored gravel or river pebbles. Looks clean, attractive and very effective.

In order not to strangle plants with stones, you can bury them directly in pots. When doing this, be sure to transplant the hosta into a container of the appropriate size, sufficient for this variety. With such a landing, a drainage layer of stones and sand is arranged at the bottom of the pit.


Having once bought a hosta and planted it in a flower bed, you no longer need to pay much attention to caring for her in the future. As a result, you get another beautiful corner of your garden for many years, even if you abandon it.

IN landscape design plants and flowers occupy one of the main places. Very often, only flowers are the decoration of the site. Designers use many different plants, one of the most favorite is hosta. It is used by both novice landscape designers, making a basic background with it, and professionals, experimenting with varieties of this plant and other colors.

Hosta is an ornamental deciduous plant that blooms for several years. It is unpretentious and can grow in any conditions, becoming an adornment of both a flower bed and an alpine hill. The advantage of this flower is its basal foliage, it resembles an air cushion and has many colors and shapes. Its flowers are located at the ends long stems and bloom all season. Many gardeners prune the stems, enjoying only the colorful foliage.

In autumn, the colors of the lush hosta bush continue to delight their owners and their guests, changing the saturation of colors and colors, right up to the very frosts. Therefore, hostas in landscape design are considered indispensable. By planting, somewhere in the depths of the garden, a small corner of the host, you can get a wonderful place to relax and think.

You can watch some design secrets for using a host in the garden in the video:

Designer's Favorite

Hosta favorite landscape designers. Positive traits for which it is chosen for the design of the site:

The leaves of this plant create a good contrast, which allows you to create colorful compositions with other flowering plants.

Advice ! Different varieties reveal their color in certain places, in sun or shade. When choosing a hosta variety, first determine the place where it will grow.

Plants are neighbors

Hosta is not always combined with other plants, as it has about 40 species, different in shape, texture and color. By planting several different types of hosta next to each other, you can create a colorful composition. Such flower beds are created to decorate statues and monuments, fences and terraces.

Almost any other will get along with the host in the neighborhood. For example, coniferous plants, favorably emphasize the sprawling shape and color of the host itself. Dicentra, hellebores or geraniums will help to emphasize the differences in the shapes and textures of the leaves. Varieties of hosts will make friends with hydrangea, with light and silvery leaves. A well-spreading bush will fit into such a fashionable now Japanese garden, complementing sedge, ferns and rhododendrons.

When decorating rockeries, low varieties with blue or dark green leaves are used, growing, they resemble a carpet spread on stones. Creating a "natural" flower garden, the host will fit well into the company of barberries and daisies, stonecrops and phloxes. The combination of hosta with astilba looks amazing, the flowers of which, with fluffy colorful inflorescences, favorably set off the leaves of a saturated bush.

When creating vertical compositions, select tall flowers such as phloxes, lilies or kupena. Hostas will beautifully cover the bare stems of tall roses. Plants with leaves of a different color, for example, geyhera or Goryanka, will help to make a bright contrast. The combination of large hosta leaves with narrow leaves of tradescantia virginia and iris looks very advantageous.

Also, plants with small leaves will reveal the beauty of the host itself, such as meadow lysimachia, boudra or periwinkle. Also flowers with carved leaves: peonies, gladiolus or ferns. Often when composing a composition, designers plant tall cereals nearby, such as miscanthus, lightning or reed grass. For color and texture separation, wormwood or lavender are planted nearby. Miniature types of hosta get along well with a lungwort and a soft cuff.

Important ! When planting small hostas, you need to avoid the neighborhood with rapidly growing plants.

Types of hosts

The species of this sprawling bush are so diverse and numerous that only narrow specialists know them all. It is classified by height:

  1. No higher than 20 centimeters are ground covers that are well suited for rocky design expositions such as rockeries and alpine slides.
  2. Not taller than 30 centimeters - such plants are suitable for finishing borders and growing in containers for decoration in open spaces.
  3. Not higher than 45 centimeters - well create a carpet among flowering plants with design compositions.
  4. No higher than 60 centimeters - these types of hosts will be a stunning decoration around any pond or stream.
  5. Above 80 centimeters - tall flowering and multi-colored plants, planted next to each other, in a separate flower bed, will conquer any plant lover.

There are so many varieties of hosts, they differ not only in color. The leaves of this plant can be narrow, round or heart-shaped. To the touch, they are all different too - smooth and rough, matte and wrinkled, wrinkled and shiny, with a metallic sheen and velvety, wavy and with a wax coating. Given the variety of leaf colors, hosts distinguish:

  • Green;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • Variegated and with light edging;
  • With a green border around the edges.

Popular varieties of host

Wavy - takes its name from its wavy leaves. It grows in the form of a ball of green leaves with a wide white stripe in the middle. Flowers, in this variety, appear towards the end of summer. In order for the plant to grow further, the flowers should be cut off after they have faded.

Plantain - has large, smooth and green heart-shaped leaves. Its small white flowers look like small bells. It grows well both in the sun and in the shade.

Hybrid hostas are very diverse. Their leaves come in a variety of shapes and colors. Hybrid plants are good because they are more stable and will fit any designer's idea.

white-rimmed at all small size. It has green leaves with a white border, which is why its name. Likes clay soil and is good to plant near a pond.

Swollen - usually larger than average. Its light green leaves, pointed at the ends, are very large and lined with stripes, which gives the impression that they are swollen. It blooms with white or lilac inflorescences on tall stems.

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Hosta is an amazing plant from the plantain family, able to maintain its attractiveness throughout the season. She is rightly called the "princess" garden bed. A very beautiful and non-capricious plant is popular among landscape designers. Hosts look good at the pond, and on the stone embankment, and in the flower garden near the house. amazing plants have large leaves, painted in various shades of green, purple or yellow.

The flower beds, decorated with hostas, are distinguished by sophistication and elegance. They often become the centerpiece landscape composition. The main advantage of this green favorite of gardeners is ability to grow in any conditions. Hostas tolerate the neighborhood with other plants well, which is one of the key factors. landscape design site.

Plants of this variety unpretentious to lighting. They easily tolerate shade and partial shade. True, the most comfortable conditions for the host are a small shade, where the plants are hidden from strong gusts of wind and direct sun rays.

Professional gardeners do one trick. They buy a couple of seedlings of the plant and plant it in the intended location. Then observe how the host feels. If the conditions are suitable for the flower, then additional sprouts are planted. When analyzing appearance pay attention to the shade of the leaves and their integrity, the amount of freshly grown green mass.

Hosta is so popular among gardeners also because it is durable. Some types of plant able to grow in one place for more than 20 years. Hosta leaves are also respected by florists and arrangers. They are often used to create amazing compositions and stylish bouquets.

What are hostas: types and varieties?

Hostas are great for landscaping parks, ornamental ponds, flower beds and gardens. For each individual option, you can choose your own type of plant that will fit into general form terrain.

Hosta plant happens:

The sheet may have different shape- heart-shaped, round, narrowed. It all depends on the type of flower. The texture of the sheet can also be different - embossed, wrinkled, smooth, compressed, matte, shiny or with a slight metallic sheen.

Gallery: hostas in the garden (25 photos)

How to plant a hosta correctly?

Almost all types of this plant are unpretentious and can be planted anywhere in the country. But there are some nuances. If a gardener or designer wants the hosta to reveal itself in all its glory, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting it.

For green leaves, flower beds hidden under partial shade are perfect. garden trees. And light types of hostas, with yellowish leaves, are more like sunny open flower beds.

For any kind direct sunlight is undesirable, which can burn the foliage.

You should also pay attention to the soil. hosta does not like too wet or very dry soil. It is not necessary to add fertilizer or complementary foods when planting. At the same time, if the soil is too bad, you can feed it a little.

planting do not need special shelter for the winter like roses. They shed their leaves, and the roots easily endure even severe frosts.

What varieties of hostas are decorative?

Hosta fell in love with breeders and gardeners, so today new, amazing varieties of this plant continue to appear.

The most sought after and unique are hosta flowers with three or two color leaves. For example, flowers called Whirlwind, which have a bright three-color outline of the leaf core.

Or hosta Striptease, which is decorated with a white contrasting spot in the center of the sheet. One of the popular directions in host breeding is the creation of plants with wavy edges.

Varietal flowers differ from "wild" ones in that they grow more slowly and require more careful care. Such plants can fully show their beauty only at the age of 8 or 10 years.

How to take care of hostas?

When caring for a garden or flower beds, it is important to consider life cycle plants. It is necessary to take into account not only the sunlight on the site and the quality of the soil, but also the acidity and composition of the soil.

The ideal option is where the shade is in the afternoon. It is good if the soil in the flower bed is slightly acidic. Hostas do not tolerate stagnant water, it destroys their root system.

It is important to consider that not all types of plants like shade or partial shade. Some varieties prefer well-lit areas. Shade is more suitable for plants with bluish and blue leaves, and light areas for hosts with yellow, tricolor or light green foliage.

Hosta in the landscape design of a garden or park

Hosta leaves are of great value to designers. Thanks to these plants, they manage to create amazing landscapes. Hostas are often used as background bases for flower beds, garden decoration in Japanese or English style.

And with the right approach, you can make this plant the central element of the composition.

Why is hosta called the "queen" of gardeners?

How are hostas used in garden design?

A bright flower bed in the country can be created using hosta and other bright flowers. It has fluffy bushes, often a solid base. Astilba looks win-win in landscape design. Astilba has large flowers that blend harmoniously with the volume of hosta leaves. Plants of this variety emphasize the fluffiness and volume of another plant. Astilba goes well with both low-growing hostas and plants of medium height and tall.

Geyhers and hostas in landscape design are often combined in one composition. Heuchera act like connecting link hostas with other plants in the garden. Heuchera and undersized hostas look especially good when created artificial reservoirs or at .

Varieties of hosta create additional options for growing these plants in the garden:

  • element of a multilayer border;
  • living edging of a place to relax in the garden or near the gazebo;
  • as a “cushion” near a vertical support;
  • small, low hosts are perfect for decorating rose gardens, alpine slides, stone compositions;
  • to create a design in the form of a mosaic in the garden;
  • creating decor by planting flowers in special pots or metal buckets.

How to grow a hosta at home from seeds?

Hosta can be propagated in several ways. The most popular option is cuttings. The second easiest way to grow hosta in the garden is sowing a plant with seeds.

Seeds for sowing are harvested when the fruits are fully ripe. They are in a dense box, which is formed after flowering.

Whether a hosta will grow from a seed depends on the preparation of the seed. Experienced gardeners recommend soaking the seeds in a growth stimulator. For example, in "Kornevin", "Epin" or aloe juice as a natural alternative.

The second nuance that should be taken into account when growing and caring for hostas is that the soil is disinfected from fungi and other aggressive microorganisms. You can solve this problem with the help of a substrate that is sold in any gardening store.

If you sow the host in pots, then they can be pre-treated with medical alcohol. After that, you can add a special substrate. The seeds are laid out on the surface, after which they moisten the soil well and sprinkle them with a layer of earth 5-7 mm.

Then the powdered place needs to be compacted a little. After these manipulations, it is considered that the landing is completed. Before the emergence of shoots, the pot must be covered with glass or plastic wrap.

After the first plants have sprouted, they must be carefully protected from direct sunlight and regularly watered generously. At the same time, there must be a lot of light in order for the seedling to grow.

Undemanding, fast-growing and easy to propagate, hardy, shade-tolerant and extremely ornamental, the hosta quickly won the hearts of gardeners. The variety of its varieties allows you to create fantastic compositions, combining colors and shades, shapes and sizes. The size of the bushes varies from dwarf - no more than 10 centimeters in height - to giant, growing up to 80 centimeters or more. Today, the hosta in the garden is an indispensable element of design, or, in any case, has every chance of becoming one.

Variety of shapes and colors

The color range of hosta leaves is very wide. On this basis, five main groups are distinguished: blue hosts (their leaves are covered with a waxy coating of a bluish-gray color); green (the foliage of these hostas varies in different shades of green); yellow (hosta group with yellow foliage); variegata (a group of varieties with variegated leaves with a yellow, white or cream border); mediavariegata (in the host of this group, the main part of the leaf has a yellow or White color surrounded by a green border).

The shape and texture of the sheet also differ in variety. The hosta leaf may be smooth or wrinkled; heavily wrinkled leaves are a feature of Siebold's host (Hosta sieboldiana) and hybrids created on its basis. The decorativeness of many varieties of hostas is enhanced by deeply striated veins that give expressiveness to the leaves.

Hosta leaves are round, oval, heart-shaped; often they have pointed tops. For example, a giant hosta Sam and Subatance, growing up to a meter in height, is distinguished by large (up to 60 cm) heart-shaped glossy leaves. There are hostas that have narrow lanceolate or ovate leaves; for example, a plant variety medusa, whose narrow variegated leaves grow almost vertically.

Spectacular border from the host

Hostas are often used as border plants in combination with other perennials. The unpretentiousness of the hosta, its ability to grow in one place for a long time (up to 20 years) without transplants, the decorativeness and expressiveness of this plant are fully manifested here.

When planting a hosta along garden paths, you can make compositions of two or three varieties that match in color and shape, or you can prefer variety. But for success, it is important to consider the preferences of the varieties you choose. So, variegated hostas, as a rule, need good lighting - in the shade, such plants can become green in color. However, the bright sun is also contraindicated for them - it can cause burns, lead to burnout of the leaves.

Miniature hostas look great in borders; For example, Blue Cadet with bluish-blue leaves light up, characterized by yellow wavy leaves. Miniature hostas can be combined with lungwort, soft cuff, geyhera, and others. perennials. It is only important to avoid fast growing, aggressive species with which dwarf hosts cannot compete.

A good choice of hosta varieties for will help to place accents and form color transitions, shade the beauty of flowering plants. Good varieties look like Fragrant Bouquet having green leaves with a light yellow border; Patriot with green leaves, along the edge of which there is a clear white strip about two centimeters wide; similar to him Francee And Minuteman and others. Low, Goryanka, maidenhair, astilbes go well with hosts.

In the thickets host

Hostas are successfully used in the garden for carpet plantings. The dense foliage of these plants does not allow weeds to break through, so such thickets not only have decorative properties, but are also extremely practical. Carpet plantings can be made from a single variety of hostas or represented by all sorts of combinations. Here, such unpretentious and stable species as Fortune's host are often used ( Hosta fortunei) and hosta psyllium ( hosta plantaginea).

Very spectacular and expressive hosts and combined in mixed carpet plantings. Openwork leaves and loose inflorescences of astilbe make an attractive contrast with dense dense foliage host.

Often, early-flowering small-bulbous plants (muscari, chionodox, pushkinia, Molly onion and others) are planted next to the hosts. Hostas unfold their foliage in late spring, usually in the second half of May, and primroses planted between the bushes noticeably enliven the plantings before the space is filled with foliage. In turn, the growing leaves of the host hide the dying foliage. bulbous plants. In order to prevent weeds from sprouting between host bushes in the spring, and to keep spring moisture in the soil, the ground between planted hosts is mulched with bark or other natural materials.

Expressive group of hostas

In group landings, hosts do not know equal. Amazing contrasting combinations are obtained when planting hostas with perennials, which are distinguished by carved, openwork foliage, leaves of complex shapes. Such spectacular contrasts are obtained by combining hosta with different types, with a variety of ferns (maidenhair, shield, nomad, ostrich), with Goryanka and Vancouver.

Against the backdrop of powerful broad leaves hosts acquire special expressiveness narrow leaves, daylilies,; interesting is the combination of hosts with all kinds of cereal plants, for example, such as spreading boron, soddy pike, and two-kind. Beautiful and unusual combinations of hosts with geykhera. The geyher foliage, in various shades of crimson red and beetroot, with a bronze sheen, becomes even more expressive against the backdrop of large hosta bushes.

Yellow hostas, with the golden color of their leaves, perfectly set off the color of the foliage of the shrubs growing next to them. Low conifers make harmonious combinations with most varieties of hosts.

Hosts everywhere

Hostas are amazingly combined with stones, so they will definitely find a place in small rock gardens and rockeries. For such plantings, medium-sized species and varieties are chosen, such as small host (Hosta minor), wavy host (Hosta undulata) and others.

Miniature hostas grow well in flower containers; they can be used for landscaping terraces and balconies. It is worth paying attention to such varieties as Pandora`s Box,snowstorm, Shining Tot, Herifu and others.

Hosta in garden design can also be a great decorative accent. The expressive foliage, combined with the beautiful shape of the bush, makes the hosta an excellent plant for a single planting. The huge hosta bush will surely attract attention. Sam and Substance or T Rex, whose height reaches 120 cm, and the peduncle grows up to 180 cm.

About the flowering of the host must be said separately. Although the foliage is considered the main advantage of this plant, hosta inflorescences perfectly decorate plantings. The flowers, resembling bells, are collected in spike-shaped loose inflorescences, rising above the bushes on high peduncles. Flowers in some species and varieties of hostas have a pleasant aroma. These are, for example, Royal Standard, Honeybells, hosta psyllium. Hosta flowers can be of various colors: white, bluish, lilac - from pale pinkish-lilac to rich deep lilac.

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Hosta is an ornamental rhizomatous plant, which in a fairly short time begins to grow into huge plantations. The main decoration of this plant is its leaves, which differ both in their shape and size and color, based on the variety of this plant. Quite often, many gardeners resort to this plant to decorate their personal plot, as it is characterized by unpretentiousness and versatility: hostas in garden design are not only a beautiful decoration, but also cold-resistant and drought resistant plants, which grow in the light and in the shade, look harmoniously in an ensemble with other plants.

Hosta garden decor

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Hostas are native to Japan, China, and Korea. Different kinds of this plant, and there are more than 60 of them, are very easy to interbreed. It is possible to preserve in natural conditions own varieties of hosts only due to the territorial remoteness of the ranges. Starting from the 18th century, this type of plant began to be widely used in European horticultural crops.

At constant breeding work and ease of crossing, today gardeners from all over the world grow hundreds of varieties of ornamental varieties of this plant. For example, only one of the UK retail chains has 741 varieties. Sometimes it is customary to call it a function, this is its old name. For its resemblance to the common plantain in English-speaking countries, it is colloquially called the plantain lily.


Hosts love a semi-shaded location, while there should be reliable protection from the winds. It is under such conditions, which are close to ideal, that the color and pattern on the leaves of the plant become apparent in their the best option. Some varieties with yellow spots look better in bright sunlight, but in others it can cause leaf burns. This plant is also not very cold-resistant, and caring for it is simple, but it is necessary to protect the first spring shoots from deep frosts. It must be grown on moist, slightly acidic, humus-rich soils, where there is good water permeability.

In the spring, gardeners usually fertilize the plant with a nitrogen fertilizer and mulch with a thick layer of garden compost. Hostas do not like to be disturbed and will do well in one spot for many years. Plant care involves dividing territories no earlier than once every 5 years, because it grows very much, and thus densely fills the area allotted to it. Its territory should be divided either in early spring or in late August. Its cultivation, as shown in the video, with the help of seeds is impractical, because it can also grow a new plant similar to the parent.

Hostas as a decorative element of the garden

Hosta is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and a wide variety of varieties that are appropriate almost everywhere: both on rocky hills and in mixborders, near water bodies, they will be an excellent decoration for the front entrance to the house, able to emphasize the beauty of the sculpture.

According to their intended purpose, the plant is usually divided into the following categories:

  • the lowest reach a height of 20 centimeters, they are ideal for planting in rockeries and on various rocky hills;
  • varieties of medium length, which reach a height of 30 centimeters, can be planted in the foreground of borders;
  • high varieties about 40 centimeters long, which grow rather quickly and have a long rhizome, usually gardeners plant in groups, create one continuous ground cover, with them lilies, delphiniums, and even gladioli will look great in the garden design;
  • in the background of mixborders and near water bodies, large varieties of this plant look great, which reach sizes of 60 cm;
  • and the tallest hostas in the garden are used as tapeworms, that is, as solitary plants.

Neighbors for hosts

When choosing a “neighbor” for a host, it is difficult to find a plant that would not harmonize with her in the garden. In addition, the competent cultivation of this plant is the key to a beautiful summer cottage. Very important point- this is the correct composition of the entire composition, while it is necessary to select for contrast with the same outlines of a leaf plate of a plant with carved foliage. Therefore, plants such as astilba, dicentra, fern and peonies look spectacular with it, as in the photo.

For color contrasts, plants with identical leaf color are planted near it, for example, Goryanka, which have red foliage, or geyhera. In group plantings in the garden, kupena, delphiniums, phloxes and lilies are used to form vertical accents. On the video you can see such a composition, and caring for them is simple.

The hosta in the photo is in perfect harmony with the variegated brunner, lungwort, geyhera, besides, caring for them is no different and they grow in similar conditions. As a background, almost any plant that has small leaves can approach them, these are budra, meadow lysimachia and periwinkle.

The decoration in the garden can be supplemented with tall cereals like reed grass, lightning and miscanthus. In a single composition, they look more complete and dynamic. For textural and color separation next to them, many gardeners like to plant wormwood, lavender and yams. This plant is widely used to form compositions with flowering plants.

According to many gardeners, green-leaved varieties of this plant are an excellent option for the design of any type of suburban area. They cover “bare legs” and decorate long plants, but at the same time, flowers “offended” by the entourage like phloxes, lilies and gladioli. Of course, plants with golden, silvery and variegated foliage look unique, however, many of us prefer to suburban area as much greenery as possible. Besides green color is a life-affirming accent.
