Nephrolepis(Nephrolepis) - one of the most unpretentious ferns grown in room conditions. The genus Nephrolepis includes about 30 species of ferns, which are perennial herbaceous plants with bunches of pinnate leaves, which are called fronds. Fern species differ in the structure and size of the leaves, on average they reach a length of 50 - 60 cm.

The most common is nephrolepis sublime(N. exaltata), characterized by light green pinnate leaves arranged vertically or arcuately curved.

16 oct 2012

Asplenium(Asplenium) - decorative fern with long graceful leaves. The genus Asplenium unites about 650 species. herbaceous plants that grow on the ground, on rocks, on trees, like epiphytes. In nature, they inhabit the tropical rainforests of Asia, Africa and Australia.

Most common as houseplant Asplenium nesting(A. nidus) with large, shiny, lanceolate leaves forming a funnel-shaped rosette. This species is most suitable for growing indoors. Fern leaves are not dissected with a black-brown vein in the center, slightly wavy.

13 oct 2012

Azalea- wondrous beauty indoor flower , which is actually a dwarf rhododendron. The genus Rhododendron from the heather family is represented by evergreen and deciduous shrubs, from which many varieties and hybrids are bred, grown as horticultural crops and indoor pot plants. In nature, they grow in North America, China, Japan and Asia Minor.

The potted form of the azalea is a small compact shrub 30-50 cm high. It usually blooms profusely from January to April. Rather large flowers up to 7 cm in diameter are simple, double, with corrugated petals. The color of flowers is pink, white, yellow, red, cream or two-tone.

When purchasing an azalea, keep in mind that this capricious plant requires complex and careful care. Otherwise, after the purchase, without following the rules for caring for the azalea, the blooming flowers will quickly fade and the leaves will fall off. When buying an azalea, look for plants with lots of buds and two or three open flowers.

07 oct 2012

Hippeastrum(Hippeastrum) is often called amaryllis or room lily, blooming in the middle of winter, showing bright large flowers on graceful tall peduncles. These popular bulbous plants belong to the Amaryllis family. The hippeastrum genus includes about 75 species. bulbous plants with dark green belt-like leaves up to 70 cm long and large funnel-shaped flowers on a high hollow peduncle.

In nature, hippeastrums grow in tropical and subtropical regions of South and North America, namely along the banks of the Amazon River, in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.

05 oct 2012

Gardenia(Gardenia) - a delicate indoor flower, admires the beauty of flowering and the delicate aroma of flowers. Gardenia is native to China and Japan. Belongs to the madder family (Rubiaceae). The genus includes about 250 species of plants, mostly small evergreen shrubs, also found with thorns and deciduous. Leathery, glossy dark green leaves are arranged oppositely on the branches. The flowers are mostly white or cream, up to 7 cm in diameter, they are simple and double, similar to roses, have a strong aroma reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. Most often grown as a room culture gardenia jasmine(G. jasminoides).

02 oct 2012

Aphelandra(Aphelandra) is a decorative and deciduous and flowering houseplant, which is a low-growing shrub. It is a plant from the acanthus family (Acanthaceae) native to Brazil. Translated from Greek, "afelandra" means "simple man."

In indoor floriculture, three types are most common:

Aphelandra protruding(A. sqarrosa), there are several varieties: "Prince Prinsler", "Dania", "Leo-poldi", "Luisa". This species reaches a height of 30-60 cm, has dark green leaves with bright white stripes along the veins. The leaves are oval in shape, pointed at the top, up to 30 cm long. Orange or yellow inflorescences are large tetrahedral spikes up to 20 cm long with tubular flowers. Inflorescences persist for 6-8 weeks. Flowering time is in spring or summer.

01 oct 2012

beautifully blooming hibiscus(hibiscus) is often called a room rose. Its attractive flowers and dark green glossy leaves have a positive aura. In the teachings of "Feng Shui" this plant is called the "flower of love."

The genus hibiscus is a member of the mallow family and unites about 300 plant species, some of which are trees, shrubs, perennial or annual herbaceous plants. The most common species in room culture hibiscus chinensis is a perennial evergreen shrub with large dark green leaves with a serrated edge. Hibiscus flowers are large up to 10-15 cm in diameter. In their shape and structure, they resemble mallow. Now many hybrid varieties have been bred with flowers of various colors: white, pink, purple, red, simple and terry. The flowers do not last long, about a day, but abundant flowering continues from spring to autumn.

25 sep 2012

Guzmania(Guzmania) - original indoor flower brought from the tropical forests of Central and South America. The genus Guzmania unites about 110 species of perennial herbaceous plants belonging to the bromeliad family. Under natural conditions, most Gusmania species grow as epiphytes on trees, branches, but modern hybrids are adapted for growing as potted plants.

This plant has a funnel-shaped dense rosette of sword-shaped leaves of light green color. Guzmania is especially decorative during flowering. An inflorescence with bright bracts emerges from the center of the rosette. Bracts can be painted in several shades from bright red to orange or yellow tones. They serve in nature to attract insects. The flowers themselves are inconspicuous. In room conditions, guzmania usually blooms in February, March and June, so it goes on sale in large quantities in late autumn.

Oxygen room triangular. Description

Oxalis triangularis or oxalis triangularis is a low (15-25 cm) plant with a creeping rhizome. The leaves are dark purple, forming three- or four-leafed compounds on long thin stems. The flowers are small in inflorescences, umbrellas, bell-shaped pink or purple, sometimes just white.

It is very interesting to watch the sour when it folds leaves at night or in cloudy weather, and some species also flowers.

Oxalis flower is a non-frost-resistant plant. Therefore, they take it out into the street only in summer, when the warm weather has already settled down and return it to the apartment even before the first autumn frosts.

Oxalis can be grown outdoors, but only as annual plant, but in this case it produces seeds.

Oxalis triangularis a herbaceous shrub with beet-colored leaves that lighten towards the middle. Shamrock on a thin stem resembles a clover. The length of the stem can increase markedly with a lack of light. The plant folds its leaves at nightfall, and in winter hibernates and can completely shed its foliage.

Triangular room sorrel is a charming flower whose leaves look so much like a butterfly.

Oxide room. Care and reproduction


The lighting is preferably diffused, because in direct bright light the leaves of room sorrel curl up and fall, it seems that the flower withers. Therefore, avoid direct sunlight on the plant.


The optimum temperature with moderate humidity is 20 degrees. If the temperature is higher and the air is dry, then room sorrel will not bloom. If the temperature is below 14 degrees, then the plant will shed its leaves and go into a dormant phase until spring. In the resting phase, you need to reduce the temperature to 12 degrees, rearranging it in a cool room.

The soil

Oxalis flower prefers light soil: a mixture of sand, hardwood and peat lands in a ratio of 1:2:1. When planting on open ground, you don’t have to worry too much - the plant is not very whimsical, although there should still not be an abundance of clay in the soil.

Although oxalis is not whimsical enough, it is still better for it to develop in good light without direct sunlight. The flowering period is usually from March to November.

top dressing

Room sorrel is fed from May to August once every 2-3 weeks. For top dressing, the soil is carefully loosened beforehand, and complex mineral fertilizers are used and in an amount 2 times less than indicated on the package itself.

Air humidity


In the summer, oxalis needs abundant-moderate watering, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the water in the pot does not stagnate. In the autumn, the abundance of watering gradually decreases, and in winter it is enough that the soil does not dry out. During the dormant period, the flower does not need watering, but when the first shoots appear, the plant is transplanted into fresh soil, returned to a warm room and watering is resumed.


For transplanting room acid, the most suitable soil is prepared for it, and the lower layer is provided with expanded clay drainage litter. The plant is best repotted annually, preferably when it comes out of its dormant phase.

Interesting! But, in Europe, they really believe that sour brings happiness if you give it on the last day of the year on New Year. They call it that - "clover of happiness".


Under room conditions, oxalis does not produce seeds, therefore it reproduces vegetatively, that is, by dividing the rhizomes during transplantation. Small tubers form around the tap root. Such tubers are transplanted into standard pots of 5-10 tubers each, 1 cm of earth is covered on top of them. The development cycle of a plant from a tuber is 30-40 days, depending on the season. The oxalis flower develops quite quickly and will grow from a tuber in two years mature plant. It is also picky in care, grows quickly and blooms for a long time. geranium royal, not in vain it is considered one of the most beloved and common indoor plants among flower growers.

If you decide to grow sour from seeds, then it is worth considering several factors:

The plant produces seeds only if grown outdoors;

The seeds are very small and therefore are sown rather than planted;

The sown seeds do not need to be covered with earth;

The soil is moistened with a sprayer, jet watering will destroy the seed.

Oxalis flower. Care in the resting phase

From November to February, the plant can go into a dormant phase if it observes a lack of heat and light. There is no need to be afraid, this phase is useful for the plant - there is nothing superfluous in nature. If the flower is not allowed to move into this phase, it will get tired of constant activity and stop blooming and multiplying profusely. The best option will give it a full winter: let it drop some of the leaves and rest.

Oxalis is not particularly demanding on top dressing. In summer, an oxalis flower can be taken to the dacha, where it will get stronger and gain new strength and colors, but in winter it is better to arrange a dormant period characteristic of this plant by placing the plant in a cool, dry place.

In early autumn, begin to reduce the intensity of watering, gradually muffle artificial lighting according to the season and slowly lower the temperature to 12-14 degrees. If the plant has shed its leaves completely, then it no longer needs to be watered. Such a deep period of the dormant phase lasts a month and a half, then the plant begins to sprout. After the plant has begun to wake up, it is best to transplant it and begin full care.

Oxalis flower. Diseases and pests

With a lack of light, room sorrel can lose all its charm: the stems will stretch in search of light, and the leaves themselves will become smaller, it will not bloom. If direct and intense sunlight hits the plant, burns may appear on the leaves. It is also not uncommon for the roots to begin to rot due to improper watering, in which case the oxalis can become ill with fusarium or gray rot. The plant tolerates a lack of water better than its excess.

The soil should not dry out, oxalis requires moderate watering, and during dormancy they practically do not need watering and spraying.

Oxalis is prone to aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, scale insects and spider mites. Therefore, at the first signs of the appearance of pests, the plant is treated with insecticidal preparations. Although the plant is not very susceptible to pests and diseases, you should not deprive it of attention.

Triangular room sorrel is not a particularly picky plant, it can adapt to most conditions, but in this case it will no longer delight you with its beauty and flowers. It will turn into a faded semi-shrub with thin and sparse stems. Therefore, it is still worth taking care of her. After all, it requires very little.

The most unpretentious plants

If you don't have flowers indoors because you don't have the time or experience to take care of them, choose hardy plants to suit your taste; believe me - there are more than enough of them.


Heart-shaped philodendron - strong ornamental plant, which has been the most popular in indoor gardening for many years. It has heart-shaped leaves and adapts well to low light. Philodendron weaves very beautifully along the edges of bookshelves or other furniture.
Pros: Tied to a moss tube or root plate, the philodendron takes on the shape of a green tower.
Name: Philodendron hederaceum oxycardium
Size: 2-3 m long creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of this plant are highly poisonous and can cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew its leaves.

Mother-in-law language

This unpretentious flower It does not require special care. It is ideal for beginner gardeners who have only dealt with artificial plastic plants. All varieties of mother-in-law's tongue tolerate the lack of light well, but still prefer bright lighting. Do not water this plant too much or root rot may occur.
Pros: The plant is very unpretentious and has beautiful, xiphoid leaves.
Name: Sansevieria trifasciata "Laurentia"
Growing Conditions: Low to bright light; temperature 15-26 C; let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: up to 1.2 m in length and width
Important: May cause irritation on sensitive skin.

corn palm

Do not confuse it with a vegetable with a similar name. This beautiful plant has bright straight leaves that seem to stretch into a palm tree. Plant several corn palms in one large container for a spectacular interior design.
Pros: Colorful yellow-green striped leaves on a straight stem.
Name: Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana"

Important: Poisonous to dogs.

English ivy

In most cases, English ivy is known as a creeping plant. For a decorative effect, place a pot of ivy on the edge of a fireplace or on a bookshelf with its stems hanging down. Try trimming the plant to give it shape. English ivy is very easy to propagate: it is enough to cut off a 10-centimeter piece of the stem, tear off the leaves from below and plant it in moist soil. If you remember to water the seedling, it will take root in a few weeks.
Little tip: The plant is often damaged by the red mite. To scare it away, periodically rinse the ivy in the shower or in a bath at room temperature.
Pros: It's durable climbing plant with dark green variegated leaves.
Title: Hedera helix
Growing conditions: Medium or bright light, temperature 12-23 C, uniform watering.
Size: 1.8 m long creeping or tied plant
Important: All parts of English ivy are poisonous, so make sure children and animals do not chew it.


Peperomia is a group of diverse small houseplants with waxy leaves. Peperomia with red edges has wide creamy leaves. Wavy peperomia, watermelon peperomia, baby doll peperomia and silverleaf peperomia are well known.
Pros: Peperomia's waxy, colorful leaves fill the room with color and the plant itself doesn't take up much space.
Name: Peperomia spp.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 15-23C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 30 cm in height and width.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs and cats.

This plant, like its name, is very impressive. It has tufts of long, narrow, dark green leaves and red woody gray stems along the edges. The Tricolor variety is distinguished by pinkish-cream edges on the leaves, which is why it is also called the rainbow plant.
Pros: Herbaceous leaves on tall stems give the dracaena a festive look.
Name: Dracaena marginata.
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 18-23C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 3 m long and 0.6 m wide.
Important: The plant is poisonous to dogs.

Ficus (rubber tree)

The old-fashioned classic plant gets its second name from the sticky, milky juice it releases when cut. It grows quite tall, but by trimming the long stems, you can control its growth and even turn the rubber tree into a bush.
Pros: Large dark green ficus leaves are very pretty. The older the ficus, the larger its leaves. This creates a wonderful decorative effect.
Name: Ficus elastica
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 15-26C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.2 m wide.
Important: Ficus juice can cause irritation on sensitive skin.

This shrub tolerates semi-darkness, but its leaves take on the brightest color in good light. They cast gold, pink and orange hues in the sun. Rinse croton leaves from time to time to keep them looking radiant.
Pros: strong leaves beautiful shades.
Name: Codiaeum variegatum pictum.
Size: Up to 1.2 m high and 0.9 m wide.
Important: This plant is poisonous, therefore dangerous for children and animals.


One of the most common and unpretentious indoor plants, the syngonium has arrow-shaped leaves of a pronounced shape (hence another of its names - arrow-shaped syngonium). Unlike many other plants, syngonium has a lot of species and varieties. Most of them are distinguished by bright leaves. Depending on the species, the leaves may be green with white markings or bronze green with a pink tint. Young plants begin to curl over time, so take care of an artificial trunk or hanging planter for them.
Pros: Colorful leaves allow you to brightly decorate every corner of your home.
Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Growing conditions: Low or bright lighting, temperature 15-23 C, uniform watering.

jade tree

If you constantly forget to water your plants, the jade tree seems to be made for you. It goes well with cacti. The jade tree prefers room temperature during its growing season, but it will grow better if you keep it cool and give it enough moisture to keep its leaves from drying out in winter.
Pros: An unpretentious tree plant with interesting twisted branches and fleshy leaves.
Name: Crassula ovata.
Growing Conditions: Bright light, 18-23 C (12 C in winter), keep soil dry
Size: Up to 3 m high and 0.6 m wide

Goya, or wax tree, is distinguished by waxy leaves and waxy-scented pink flowers. Golden goya has cream-colored leaves. Goya can curl, form a topiary, or just look good in a flowerpot.
Pros: Goya beautiful flowers(often with a pronounced aroma). This is not a very water-loving plant, so do not be discouraged if you suddenly forget to water it.
Name: Hoya carnosa
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 12-23°C, let soil dry out between waterings
Size: Can curl up to 1.2 m in length.

norfolk pine

The secret to the health of the Norfolk pine is rich light and moisture. In low light, the lower tiers of leaves may turn yellow and fall off. When the room is dry, the plant becomes a tasty morsel for red mites.
Pros: Perfect tree for Christmas or any other holiday. In addition, it brings a unique cozy atmosphere to the house.
Name: Araucaria heterophylla.
Growing conditions: Bright light, temperature 15-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 3 m high and 1.5 m wide


This hardy climbing plant, also known as pothos or devil's ivy, is often confused with the heart-leaved philodendron. Like the philadendron, pothos has heart-shaped leaves and can be grown in a pot on a tabletop, in a hanging basket, or tied to an artificial trunk. This plant does not require a lot of light, but the more it is, the more colorful the leaves will be.
Pros: Devil ivy is one of the most practical houseplants. It looks great in a hanging basket.
Name: Epipremnum aureum "Marble Queen"
Growing Conditions: Away from direct sunlight; temperature 18-23 C; the soil is relatively dry.
Size: creeping plant 2-3 meters long.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may irritate the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew the leaves.

boston fern

The lacy, arrow-shaped leaves of the Boston fern make it perfect plant for planting in a pot or planter. However, don't let this delicate-looking plant fool you: it can grow for decades if you remember to water it and keep it in a medium-light, medium-humidity environment. Variety "Dallas" is more unpretentious to dry air.
Pros: Boston fern creates a classic look in any space. It goes well with country or rustic style.
Name: Nephrolepis exaltata
Size: Up to 1.2 m in height (length).

green dracaena

Some varieties of green dracaena, such as "Janet Craig", are distinguished by strong green leaves. Others have white, cream, gold, or yellowish green stripes on the leaves. All varieties have rosettes at the beginning of growth, but then become upright growing green plants. They normally tolerate poor lighting, but the leaves become more saturated color in medium or bright light.
Pros: Long-lasting unpretentious plant with beautiful leaves.
Name: Dracaena deremensis.
Size: Up to 3 m high and 0.9 m wide.
Important: This plant is poisonous to dogs.


Surely you remember how your grandmother grew this plant; chlorophytums were and remain very popular. Just look at the number of their varieties - from species with simple green leaves to decorated with cream or white stripes.
Pros: Growing chlorophytum does not require much hassle.
Name: Chlorophytum comosum
Growing conditions: Medium or bright lighting, temperature 15-23 C, uniform watering.
Size: Up to 30 cm long and 60 cm wide.


It is also called an eternal plant, because Zamioculcas is durable, does not require much light and care. The petioles of the leaves of this plant are so thick that you can mistake them for plastic ones. Zamioculcas grows slowly, so buy it already large. Cut stems stay green and healthy looking for weeks, even without water.
Pros: This plant is so unpretentious that you still have to try to get rid of it.
Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Growing Conditions: Low to bright light, 15-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: 0.6-0.9 m long and wide.
Important: This plant is poisonous, so make sure that children and animals do not chew it.

grape ivy

"Ellen Danica" - a variety of grape ivy - is also called oakleaf, because its leaves are more prominent than those of other varieties of this plant. Grape ivy is a climbing plant, the shoots of which willingly master a lattice or pole.
Pros: This is a great plant for neat hanging baskets.
Name: Cissus rhombifolia
Growing conditions: Average lighting, temperature 15-26 C, uniform watering.
Size: Up to 1.8 m long climbing plant.

Aspidistra (cast iron plant)

One of the most hardy plants, aspidistra can withstand lack of care, light, humidity and a wide range of temperatures. It grows slowly, so buy a large plant already.
Pros: This plant really lives up to its name. It is very durable.
Name: Aspidistra elatior.
Growing conditions: Little light, temperature 7-29 C, keep the soil well moist during active growth, lightly moisten the soil in autumn and winter.
Size: Up to 60 cm long and wide.

Also known as the "umbrella tree", this plant has "glossy" green leaves that "spread" in different directions and resemble the spokes of an umbrella. A close relative of sheflera - dwarf sheflera - has shorter and smaller leaves. Both plants are sometimes classified as Brassaia species.
Pros: Chefler's bright green leaves create an instant tropical vibe.
Name: Schefflera actinophylla
Growing conditions: Medium to bright light, temperature 15-23 C, evenly moisten the soil.
Size: Up to 2.4 m high and 1.8 m wide.

Chinese evergreen aglaonema

A plant with beautiful leaves in silver, gray and green hues that will brighten up the dark places in your home beautifully. Use aglaonema as a neighbor to upright tree houseplants or set a pot with it separately.
Pros: Very hardy plant.
Name: Aglaonema commutatum.
Growing Conditions: Low to medium light, 15-23°C, keep the soil evenly moist.
Size: Up to 0.9 m in length and width.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew its leaves.

Ficus lyre

Ficus lyre is a wonderful tree that got its name from the dark green leaves in the shape of a lyre. It tolerates poor lighting well, although this may cause the lower leaves to fall off. If your ficus lyre is too tall, don't be afraid to prune it to the desired height, or cut off the shoots and plant them separately.
Name: Ficus lyrata
Growing Conditions: Medium to bright light, 18-23 C, let the soil dry out between waterings.
Size: Up to 4.5 m high and 1.5 m wide.


There are several varieties of dieffenbachia. All of them are upright plants with white-green leaves. Grow one dieffenbachia as a tree, or grow several plants together to make a bush. One of the names of dieffenbachia, "mute rod", comes from the toxic sap of the plant, which seems to cause numbness in the mouth and throat.
Pros: Dieffenbachia's large white-green leaves add a tropical look to any space. It is great for decorating balconies and loggias in the summer.
Name: Dieffenbachia spp.
Growing Conditions: Low to medium light, temperature 15-26 C, evenly moisten the soil
Size: Up to 1.8 m high and 0.9 m wide.
Important: All parts of this plant are poisonous and may cause irritation to the lips, tongue or throat if children or animals chew its leaves.
Plants for forgetful gardeners who forget to water.

Dracaena. Dracaena deremensis 'Lemon Lime'

Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Prefers bright light.

Haworthia fasciata (Striped Haworthia)

Palm ponytail. Beaucarnea recurvata

Cactus Rabbit ears. Opuntia microdasys. Prefers bright light

Zamioculcas. Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Panda plant. Kalanchoe tomentosa. Prefers bright light

Euphorbia Mil, Euphorbia beautiful (lat. Euphorbia milii)

Donkey tail. Stonecrop Morgan (Sedum morganianum) Prefers bright light, originally from Mexico

Crassula atropurpurea

Beef tongue. Gasteria bicolor. Prefers bright light

golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii). Prefers bright light

Peperomia griseoargentea

Sago palm. Cycas, cycad (Cycas revoluta)

Crassula or crassula (Crassulo) belongs to the genus of succulents, the family of Crassulaceae. More than 350 species of fat women grow in Madagascar, southern Arabia and South Africa. Many of them are known as indoor flowers, while others can only be found in natural conditions or greenhouses.

Common indoor varieties of fat women can be divided into tree-like, creeping and columnar species. Some of them bloom infrequently and in adulthood, while others please with their flowering every year.

Decorative blooming fat women

This variety of fat women blooms annually.

Frequently seen:

C. falcata Wendl

It has large, about 20 centimeters in diameter, umbellate, inflorescences with red flowers. They form on top of the fleshy stems. The plant grows up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are fleshy, thick, sickle-shaped, the tips are blunt. The leaves grow together and wrap around the stem. In relation to the stem, they grow at a right angle. Crassula blooms every year, in July and August.

C. schmidtii

It grows up to 10 centimeters tall. It blooms with dark red flowers, annually and for a long time.

C. justi-corderoyi

It is similar to Schmidt's fat woman, but has different leaves. They are flattened above, rounded below, ciliate edges.

C. perfoliata

This profusely blooming, tall flower grows up to 1 meter. It has pointed leaves, triangular-lanceolate in shape. The length is about 10-15 centimeters. Flowers are red or white, collected in an umbrella. Flowering occurs in summer.

C. coccinea or Rochea

This undersized species forms into a low, compact bush. The plant blooms with red flowers.

C. arborescens

In the people, these fat women are called money trees. This group of colors is different beautiful view and unpretentiousness in care.

The leaves are rounded, bluish in color. The underside of the leaf is reddish. The edges are bordered with a red stripe.

They grow up to 1.5 meters in height. The length of the foliage reaches 7 centimeters, the width is 4.5-5 centimeters. The flower is similar to Owata's fat lady, but is less common. The flower needs good lighting and moderate watering.

This tall tree-like flower has large, up to 7 centimeters, bluish leaves with a red border and dark dots. The plant reaches a height of 1.5 meters.

The varieties of the tree-like fat woman include:

Variety Blue bird

It is distinguished by large, wavy, curly leaves. From this species, the Blue Bird variety can be distinguished.

C. arborescens undulatifolia

This cultivator has flattened, narrow (up to 3 centimeters), silver-blue leaves, the ends are red. There are also varieties with snow-white stripes on the leaves and a red border on the edge.

The variegated form (C. Arborescens undulatifolia f. variegata) has similar characteristics.

The most popular tree fat women

C. Ovata

It belongs to the shade-tolerant succulents. The flower withstands temperatures down to 10 degrees and short weak frosts. This plant has quite a few varieties and varieties. They differ in shape, size and color of foliage.

The bush grows up to a meter in height. The stem stiffens with age and turns brown, branching profusely. The leaves are glossy, thick, numerous, oval or wedge-shaped.

The leaves are covered with light dots. The length of the sheet is 5 centimeters, the width reaches 2.5 centimeters. Green above, light red below. Some varieties have a red border around the edge of the leaf. White-pink star-shaped small flowers appear in autumn and winter.

The surface of the leaves in one of the varieties of this fat woman may be covered with light dots. It is for these qualities called silver (C. Argentea).


It belongs to the variety of Crassula Ovata. A flower has white aerial roots on a tree-like trunk and stems. They darken over time. Flowering of the plant occurs in adulthood, it occurs quite rarely. Small flowers of white or pink color are collected in a panicle.

This unpretentious plant loves good lighting and moderate watering. The blooming of the fat woman depends on the amount of light falling on the flower. With a lack of light, the decorative effect of the flower is lost.

Common varieties:

C. Gollum

In the variety, the leaves are completely wrapped in a tube, the ends are expanded in the form of a funnel.

C. Hobbit

Leaves from the beginning to the middle turned outward and fused. The color of the foliage in both varieties can be both green and variegated.

The size of the bushes and the growth pattern of the Gollum and Hobbit varieties are similar. Fat women of these varieties have high decorative qualities.

Compact (Crosby's Compact)

Crosby's Compact

This is a slowly growing plant with elongated small foliage. The length of the sheet is 1.5 centimeters, the width is 1 centimeter. The color is dark green, the edges of the sheet have a red border. The young stem is green, fleshy, becoming stiff with age.

C. ovate Minor

This is a rather capricious slow growing, compact form of fat women. Indoor varieties, in comparison with the natural species, have a smaller bush size. Leaves are reddish in color. Length reaches 1.5 centimeters, width - 1 centimeter.

C. ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset

This cultivator has leaves decorated with white and yellow stripes and a red border.
In order for the leaves not to lose their decorative effect, the flower needs intense lighting. With a lack of light, the leaves turn green.

C. Ovata var. Oblique

It is not a very common form of this species. The leaves are large, the sides are slightly bent down, the tip is raised, pointed.

Known variegated varieties of Crassula Oblikva:

C. ovata var. Oblique cv. Solana

It has asymmetrical yellow stripes on the foliage. The amount is different on each shoot. On some plants, there are no discolored areas at all. These green shoots must be removed, otherwise the plant will lose its variegation over time. You also need to pinch the buds growing between pairs of leaves. In their place, 3 buds appear, and the plant begins to branch intensively. Pinching is carried out over 3 paired leaves.

C. Ovata var. Oblique cv. Tricolor

It has white stripes on the sheet and a red border around it. A clear arrangement, the number of stripes on the sheet is missing. Young green shoots must be removed, otherwise the plant has decorative qualities.

Creeping, ground cover, lycopsform fat women

These fat women have thin and decumbent stems. Plants grow rapidly in different directions.

This group of species includes:

C. muscosa or C. lycopodioides

This is a small, neat flower, about 20-25 centimeters high. The shrub has fleshy, tetrahedral, creeping shoots with slightly raised tops. The leaves are thin, small, fleshy, scaly, folded in 4 rows in the form of a tile. They are closely adjacent to each other and to the stem, outwardly similar to a club moss, hence the name. The plant blooms with inconspicuous yellow flowers.

Care is easy. A little shade when growing does not harm. In bright light, the scales on the leaves become reddish. The flower has several varieties. They differ in the shape of the bush and leaves.

C. Pseudolycopodioides

It has curved stems. The leaves, in comparison with the previous fat woman, are less pressed against the stem and are not arranged as often. In room conditions, there are silver, variegated and yellow-leaved cultivars.

C. tetralix

This is a creeping look. It is similar in structure to the False-moss. The leaves are dense, fleshy, rounded in diameter, awl-shaped. The length reaches 4 centimeters, the thickness is 0.4 centimeters.

C. Picturata

A flower with decumbent, branched stems and unusually colored foliage. Their length is 1.5 centimeters, width - 0.8 centimeters. The leaves are green in color, covered with a large number of dots. Red above, inside the leaf - lilac-red, the edges have thin transparent cilia. Crassula blooms annually. Flowers are pink in color.

C. cupera regel

It is similar to the Dot Crassula, but it is smaller in size. Flowering is annual. Flowers are pale beige.

Columnar fat women

This group has a non-standard structure, compact size and magnificent shape. The foliage is opposite, thick and fused at the base, enclosing the stem.

C. Perforate

This is a liana-shaped low plant with a slightly branched rigid stem and diamond-shaped leaves growing in pairs. The length of the leaves reaches 2 centimeters.
Leaf pairs are arranged crosswise. The leaves are bluish-green, have a bluish coating, the edges are bordered with a red cartilaginous stripe. Dark blotches are scattered on the leaves, thorn-like growths grow on the edges.

The length of the barrel is 20 centimeters, the diameter of the column is 3 centimeters. Variegated forms have a green trunk, young foliage is covered with yellow stripes on the edge and in the center.

C. Rupestris

This is a pretty high crassula. It has straight fleshy or creeping branched shoots, 50-60 centimeters long. The foliage is smooth, thick, rounded, the tip is pointed. Length 1-2.5 mm, width up to 2 mm. The color is bluish-green with a reddish bloom and purple-red stripes on top of the leaf. Leaves grow in pairs.

C. socialis

This is a low succulent with branched thin stems. Columnar rosettes grow on them with small, up to 0.5 centimeters leaves. They are bluish-green, flattened, smooth, rounded, with ciliated edges. The plant grows rapidly and forms dense cushions.

C. hemispherica

It is a solitary, sometimes branching plant. Forms a rosette of curved leaves.

C. deceptor

This is a low (up to 10 centimeters) bush with short, tetrahedral, very thick (1.5 centimeters) leaves. They are densely planted on stems. The leaves are greenish-gray in color, densely dotted with silvery patches. This plant is demanding to care for and grows only in warm conditions and loose soil.

Money tree (fat woman): video

All types of fat women are beautiful in their own way and decorate any home. Plants, regardless of variety, give coziness and make rooms more comfortable.

We are talking about indoor plants with white flowers.

Beautiful flowering plants have always been very popular among flower growers and ordinary connoisseurs of beauty.

And recently, flowers began to play the role of the finishing touch in interior design. Combinations of two colors have come into fashion: yellow and brown, red and black, but the most sophisticated solution is the interior in white and green tones.

No designer's imagination can surpass harmony and perfection green houseplant with white flowers and, beautiful by nature.

Gardenia (Gardenia)- a low evergreen shrub of the madder family, originally from South Africa, India, China. In nature, there are up to 250 species of this small tree.

Gardenia jasminoides (Gardenia jasminoides) is the most popular among flower growers. Bush with dark green glossy leaves, rather large, with depressed veins.

flowers white color creamy, collected in corymbose inflorescences, each - 4-6 pieces or single, double and semi-double, 5-7 cm in diameter. The aroma is sweet, intense, with notes of jasmine.

At home, gardenia grows up to 45–50 cm. Flowering begins in July and continues until the end of October.

Gardenia is very demanding, it must be taken care of exclusively according to all the rules. But there are not many of them:

  • slightly acidic or neutral soil;
  • watering timely, no frills;
  • mandatory spraying of water around the bush;
  • temperature - strictly within the range of 16 to 22 ° C;
  • a bright place, but at the same time protected from the direct rays of the sun;
  • after flowering, formative pruning is necessary.

Jasmine belongs to the olive family, distributed in Asia, Transcaucasia in northern China. Flowers at different types are white, yellow, pink.

Jasmine officinalis (Jasminum officinale) has exceptionally white fragrant flowers - the most common species for growing at home.

In form - a liana with gradually woody stems, pinnate leaves, white flowers, collected 5-6 in a racemose inflorescence. The diameter of the flowers is 2.5 cm. The plant blooms all summer, but only upon reaching adulthood.

Jasmine is quite unpretentious, he gratefully responds to care, and he does not need so much:

  • a brightly lit place with shading during the hottest hours;
  • moderate watering, the earth should always be wet;
  • regular spraying of leaves;
  • room temperature is moderate, jasmine prefers wintering to be cool (up to + 7 ° C), and in summer - stay in the fresh air;
  • soil for young plants - clay-turf with leaf and sand, for adults - clay-turf;
  • time for transplantation - March.

Zephyranthes white(Zephyranthes candida) is a member of the Amaryllis family, common in Central and South America.

In nature, there are up to 40 species of zephyranthes. This plant is bulbous, perennial, with small rounded bulbs (3–4 cm in diameter).

The leaves are narrow, belt-like, up to 30 cm long, 0.5 cm wide. Each peduncle (about 20 cm long) has a single flower. Perianth funnel-shaped, about 6 cm in diameter, white on the inside, pinkish on the outside.

Blooms from July to October. For a special straight and high peduncle, the plant was popularly called the upstart.

In order for the plant to please with normal growth and abundant flowering, several conditions must be observed:

  • the temperature optimal for zephyranthes is 17–23°С during the growing season, during the dormant period - 12–14°С;
  • watering is moderate, if during the dormant period the plant began to lose leaves, then watering should be stopped and the bulbs should be kept dry, if the leaves remain, water occasionally;
  • well lit sunny place, zephyranthes is not afraid of bright light and direct rays of the sun;
  • in summer, in a room with dry air, you need to periodically spray the plant;
  • transplanting is often not recommended, it should be done in the spring, no more than once every 3-4 years or when the pot has become cramped;
  • the soil should have in its composition in equal parts: clay-soddy soil, leafy, peat, sand and humus.

Spathiphyllum(Spatiphyllum) - from the aroid family, it is called differently. Distributed in South America, Polynesia, East Asia.

It has a unique feature: under favorable conditions, flowering continues all year round. And for the first time, the flowering period begins in him at a very young age - at 6-7 months.

Spathiphyllum profusely flowering usually has an underground creeping stem, oblong-lanceolate leaves pointed at the end. Its peduncle reaches 25 cm in height, the inflorescences are cobs with a slightly concave pure white veil.

This houseplant with white flowers requires favorable conditions for itself. Here is a short list of them:

  • loves heat, the optimal range is from 22 to 26 ° C, occasionally dormant periods are needed at a lower temperature (14 ° C) lasting 2–3 weeks;
  • it is desirable to isolate the plant from drafts;
  • lighting is bright, but at the same time diffused, shading from direct sunlight, additional lighting in winter;
  • watering plentiful, more moderate in winter;
  • regular spraying, flowers and buds should be covered,
  • leaves need washing;
  • the composition of the soil should contain two parts of soddy soil and one part of leaf, peat, humus and sand.

Eucharis(Eucharis), or otherwise - the Amazonian lily. Representative of the Amaryllis family, native to tropical America. Eucharis is a bulbous plant with wide leathery dark green leaves.

The peduncle is tubular, high, the buds are located on its top. Snow-white, fragrant flowers are collected in an umbrella of 3-6 pieces, reminiscent of a narcissus in their shape. Blooms twice a year: from October to cold winter and spring. From March to August, the dormant period continues.

Eucharis is a rather unpretentious plant, even with a minimum of care, it blooms on time. Let's take a look at the minimum:

  • at least three bulbs should be planted in one pot;
  • eucharis loves warmth, at least 16–18 ° C even in winter;
  • he needs diffused light, partial shade, the bright rays of the sun are destructive;
  • watering is plentiful, during the dormant period you can practically not water, but do not let anyone dry out;
  • regular spraying is required in summer;
  • leaves should be occasionally washed with a sponge;
  • transplant every 3-4 years during the dormant period, carefully preserving the clod of earth;
  • very nutritious soil (a mixture of fibrous sod with a small amount of peat and leaf).

This is not a complete list of indoor plants with white flowers.

I wish you success in growing and! How to properly care for them, you can read in my article at this link.
