The Decembrist (Zygocactus, Schlumbergera), or Christmas tree, comes from the tropical forests of South America. It is known for its peculiarity - zygocactus blooms in winter, when all other plants have a dormant period. Such an unusual behavior of a flower already distinguishes it from a number of other plants. But, besides this, the Decembrists are surrounded by all sorts of things.

Home care

Despite the fact that the Decembrist is devoid of thorns, it belongs to the genus Zygocactus. This is very, which is able to please the owners with abundant flowering all winter.

But the Decembrist blooms only if it is properly cared for, and these rules are fundamentally different from the rules for caring for cacti, there are few of them:

  1. bright lighting during the flowering period (that is, in winter). The rest of the time, on the contrary, the Decembrist should be in the shade;
  2. the pot with the Decembrist should be small;
  3. the container must not be moved during flowering, otherwise the cactus may crumble;
  4. the plant requires abundant watering during flowering, even during the rest period the earth must be constantly wet. But you shouldn't overdo it either. You also need to frequently humidify the air around the succulent;
  5. The cactus practically does not require top dressing, but in the summer you can add a little nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to the soil. In September, top dressing is canceled, otherwise flowering may not occur;
  6. in summer it is better to take the Christmas tree outside: into the yard or onto the balcony. This creates the closest environment to the natural conditions of the succulent;
  7. Decembrist can be transplanted at any time, except for flowering. This perennial, which at proper care will please the eye for a long time.

Benefit and harm

In addition to unpretentiousness, the Decembrist is also a very useful plant. Astrologers and feng shui experts recommend putting a Christmas tree in crowded places: in schools, gardens, offices. The plant does not require a specific location, the main thing is that it be healthy.

The influence of the plant on people is quite significant:

  • he helps to establish communication and resolve conflicts;
  • the location of the Decembrist in the offices of a psychologist will be very successful - he will contribute to the desire of people to communicate. It can have the same effect on shy, timid people, liberating them;
  • the flower helps to identify people with bad intentions - with them it begins to fade;
  • the plant is very helpful for young couples to get along with each other, as it can resolve conflicts;
  • helps children develop spiritually and creatively, fills them with kindness;
  • the cactus is generally capable;
  • a Christmas man can even direct inveterate egoists on the path of altruism and helping other people;
  • it is believed that the Decembrist possesses, especially in diseases of the joints and muscles.

The negative qualities of Schlumbergera are also noted:

  • the people call the plant "muzhegon". It is believed that a woman should not start it, otherwise men will not linger in her house, and she risks;
  • it is believed that if the flower is poorly looked after and it starts to hurt, maybe.

Can you keep it at home?

Such a beautiful and unpretentious plant in care, despite its beneficial features, for a very long time they were afraid to keep in the house. This is due to the superstition that the flower can feel the approach of death in the house. In this case, it begins to turn yellow and fade.

The people have a sign that the cactus sheds leaves to the dead. Because of this, the opinion was established that the Decembrist invites death into the house and that his dead flower takes a person with him to the next world.

So is it possible to keep a Christmas tree at home? Psychics agree that this plant does not destroy, but feels bad energy, for example, from negatively minded guests, and can warn its owners about this. And also the flower feels the approach to the house of death by the changed energy and begins to hurt.

So keeping the Decembrists at home is not only possible, but also necessary in order to be warned of an impending disaster and have a chance to prevent it. And the ability of the Christmas tree to absorb negativity, beneficially influence the mood of people and the general atmosphere, on the contrary, makes it extremely useful for the home.

Many signs are associated with the flowering of the Decembrist. The most unpleasant sign associated with the prediction of death in the family has already been indicated above. But there are other, both positive and negative superstitions.

Positive superstitions:

  • zygocactus bloomed in early December - to pleasant adventures and positive impressions;
  • the flowering of a Christmas tree just in time, in mid-December, means a successful year in related and family relationships. And for people of art, this symbolizes a way out of a creative crisis;
  • if the buds opened a little ahead of schedule - a quick romantic adventure, acquaintance;
  • if you see flowers in the fall - expects, for example, an inheritance. But profit can also be intangible - an addition to the family;
  • if there are many flowers on the Schlumberger, then the whole family will receive the same many positive emotions;
  • a Decembrist blooming rapidly in a lonely woman means that happiness will soon knock on her door;
  • a pleasant strong smell from a flower - quick good news;
  • if a pet is interested in a plant, it means that someone will soon be interested in the owner too.
Bad omens:
  • late flowering for a cactus, in the spring, troubles will overcome: negativity or problems at work. Difficulties and illnesses may haunt the family throughout the next year;
  • active growth of the leaves of the Decembrist - a possible struggle of a family member with the disease;
  • if the Decembrist did not bloom at all, then this is an indicator of cooling in the family between husband and wife. It is necessary to immediately resolve the conflict, and in this case the plant will bloom again.
  • superstitious people do not advise starting a Christmas tree for a young girl - because of its poor compatibility with men, there is a risk of remaining an "old maid".

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In fact, the benefit of the Decembrist far exceeds the alleged harm. And unconfirmed superstitions should not be taken so close to heart. Moreover, over time, all popular beliefs tend to change.

Objectively, the Decembrist is absolutely harmless. It is not poisonous, beautiful, unlike cacti, has no thorns. The Decembrist is harmless to people and animals, it is easy to take care of him, and for a long time he can please the owners with a piece of summer greenery in the winter cold.

Decembrist in the house: folk signs and superstitions. Is it possible to keep a Decembrist at home? Why is a Decembrist dangerous in the house? In today's article, we will consider all the signs associated with the Decembrist plant in the house.

Is it possible to keep a Decembrist at home: signs

It is surprising that the fears of flower growers can be associated with such a beautiful, attractive plant as a Decembrist. What should you pay attention to if you want to acquire this magical plant?

Pros of growing a Decembrist at home

Decembrist flowering - signs:

  • If it bloomed in December - this is good news and guests. It can be expected that the year will be joyful.
  • Bloom in April marks the arrival of spring and happiness in the house. If, at the same time, the Decembrist smells seductively, good luck awaits you.
  • If after winter formed many new blooms , and the Decembrist is actively growing - this is for profit.
  • Decembrist flowering at the end of winter in a tense house - to reconciliation (family, spouses, friends).

Cons of growing a Decembrist in the house

Despite all the wonderful advantages, I associate the flowering of the Decembrist with mysterious, negative signs. Early flowering - until December is considered a bad omen. This may signify an unsuccessful year with all sorts of difficulties: loss of money, problems in the family. Flowering by autumn - you should also expect problems. Repeated flowering, when the family is idyll, a conflict may arise. In appearance, you can’t say that a plant can cause them, like, for example, cacti.

Superstitions associated with the Decembrist in the house:

  • The rapid withering of the plant - to the disease, the extinction of the patient in the house.
  • The Decembrist fades, sheds buds, gets sick after visiting guests - unkind people in the house, calling trouble, exposure to negative energy.
  • It does not bloom for a long time, but it develops - there are many quarrels and scandals in the house, they often swear.

Our grandparents believed that when a person is sick in the house, the Decembrist needs to be looked after many times better in order to restore the energy balance. The plant was coaxed in every possible way: they fed more, watered it, put it in the most advantageous place in the house. It was believed that if the Decembrist quickly recovered, then the patient would recover. .

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The Decembrist is a beautiful plant, but bioenergy experts advise not to rush to buy it for your home. Many negative and even dangerous signs are associated with the Decembrist.

The energy of your home depends on many factors. The presence of plants or their absence is very important point. Many flowers protect the house from poverty and trouble, but some have a dual energy. Decembrist is one of these flowers.

Energy Decembrist

The Decembrist is also called the Rozhdestvennik or Christmas cactus. This plant blooms every year at about the same time - in December.

The Decembrist has a very powerful energy. If the plant feels normal, then it affects people positively.

The plant not only shares its energy, but also absorbs the negative coming from people and from the events taking place in the house. It is best to place the flower closer to the window so that it takes away all the negative energy of the external environment.

Signs and superstitions about the Decembrist

Closely monitor the condition of the plant. It is believed that if the plant wilts or blooms poorly, then negativity prevails in the house. If the plant dies for no apparent reason, this can promise serious illness to the household. If the plant feels good and blooms profusely, then there is no discord, deceit or problems in the family.

If the plant suddenly begins to wither and dry out, think about someone who recently visited your home. Perhaps the flower has absorbed the negative that was intended for you or your loved ones. A flower can dry up and bloom after negative people come to the house.

Changes in life promise early or late flowering. Positive changes promise early flowering. If the Decembrist blossomed in January, then next year may be unsuccessful in work and the financial sector.

If the plant does not bloom at all, this may mean that someone from the family has an evil eye or damage. It is possible that there is a great discord between a man and a woman. This may also be evidence that someone harbored a great grudge against the hostess - children, husband, father, sister or mother.

Is it possible to keep a Decembrist at home

Folk omens they say that the flower does not like men. If a woman is lonely, but wants to meet her love, then she should not start such a plant. If the lady is already in a relationship or married, such a flower can be safely bought or accepted as a gift. Thus, the desire to find a soul mate and start a family is the only condition under which such a plant would be inappropriate in the house.

Best of all, the Decembrist will take root in an office where there are few men. It is said that the plant loves the same place. If you decide to make such a friend, then it is better not to move him once again.

Those wishing to purchase a talisman flower to protect themselves from negativity are better not to give preference to the Decembrist. This plant is not suitable for everyone, so be careful. Check out other man plants that will prevent you from finding your love and finding happiness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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The Decembrist is a well-known houseplant. This flower got its name from the name of the month in which it most often blooms. Many doubt whether it is possible to keep a Decembrist at home, because there are various signs regarding this flower. Some of them are downright bad. That is why you should think about whether to keep the Decembrist at home.

Note to flower growers

Bright red flowers of the Decembrist are an excellent decoration of the home. But it does not bloom for long - only once a year, in the month of December. By the way, if the plant showed its flowers in December, then this is a very good sign. Such an event suggests that luck and profit await you, everything will be fine in the house and family. This best sign on the eve of the new year, he says that the next year will be favorable for you in all areas.

In the event that the plant is late in flowering or blooms its flowers prematurely, this is already an unfavorable sign. This fact indicates that trouble awaits the family or one of its members. If the Decembrist blooms “at the wrong time”, then the owners of the flower over the next year may be plagued by various troubles - illnesses, problems at work and in personal relationships, financial difficulties. It is difficult to say in what area the negative will be.

It is for this reason that not all people love the Decembrist, because when you see that flowering does not begin in December, you mentally prepare for the worst. Problems can roll like a snowball. Without this omen, there will be no expectation of trouble.

Also, the fact that the flower dries, dies and generally does not feel very good is considered a bad sign. If there are no visible reasons for this, the care of the plant remains the same, and the flower is still not in order, this is the most Bad sign. It is believed that a suddenly dying Decembrist symbolizes an imminent death in the house, and it is not at all necessary for a person to be sick. It can happen as suddenly as the death of a flower.

According to the Decembrist, you can determine which of your immediate environment has a negative impact on the energy at home. After visiting this person, the flower will wither or start to hurt. Analyze the events preceding this phenomenon and remember who was visiting you before the illness of the Decembrist. You should not communicate closely with these people, because they bring destructive energy into your home.

Sometimes it happens that the Decembrist does not bloom at all during the year. This sign suggests that there is conflict or omissions in family relationships. Until you get rid of this, the Decembrist will not bloom.

Many novice gardeners are convinced that a cactus is necessarily a prickly "pet" that loves the sun and is afraid of excessive moisture. But beautiful flower the Decembrist is able to destroy these prevailing ideas and prejudices.

Where did this strange name come from? How difficult is it to bloom? What should be the care of a popular plant? What superstitions accompany its cultivation? Our article will tell about all this and much more.

The generally accepted name of the flower is zygocactus. There is also another botanical name - Schlumbergera. It was awarded in honor of the French scientist Frederick Schlumberger, who was the discoverer of this variety of cacti.

In Russia, the plant is called the Decembrist or Christmas because of its peculiarity of producing bright inflorescences in winter frosts. December and January blooms are due to the fact that in nature the zygocactus blooms in the middle of summer, which coincides with the Russian winter in South American latitudes.

At first, Schlumbergera had exclusively red flowers. However, after breeding work florists were able to grow plants with pinkish, white, lilac, yellow clusters. More recently, a Decembrist variety has appeared on the market, on which flowers of different colors coexist.

This beautiful tropical South American plant is an epiphytic cactus. IN nature it grows on the root formations or trunks of Brazilian trees, forming real armfuls of flowers on hanging stems.

In general, the natural conditions for the growth of the Decembrist are as follows.

  1. Cacti are constantly in a semi-shaded environment (due to the fact that they grow under the canopy of trees). Naturally, this cannot but affect their cautious attitude to direct sunlight.
  2. Schlumbergera are located on branches or roots, therefore, the requirements for soil composition are minimal. A plant does not need a saturated complex of various micro and macro elements and other useful substances.
  3. Since the zygocactus grows in the humid climate of tropical forests, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions in the room where the container with the plant will stand.

As can be understood from the foregoing, the Decembrist differs significantly from the "classic" cacti. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide favorable care for the plant, taking into account certain conditions and requirements. If everything is done correctly, then the tropical guest will delight you with flowering for decades.

plant species

In total, several species of Schlumbergera have been found. But there are a lot of hybrids and plant varieties. And this list is constantly growing due to the appearance of new copies. But we will list only the most basic varieties of the Decembrist.

  1. Schlumbergera truncatus (truncated). The growth of an adult plant reaches half a meter. The stalks are long (up to 300 mm), consist of several segments with pronounced teeth. The flowering plant is completely covered with clusters of flowers of white, pinkish, lilac or purple color. In their place, small fruits of a bright red hue subsequently form.
  2. Schlumbergera bucklei (bouclei). This zygocactus is less tall than the previous variety of the Decembrist. Stems branched, dark green, shiny. There are no spines, instead of them there is a light edge. Flowers are large - up to 80 mm, different shades. You can purchase yellow varieties of this variety of Christmas.
  3. Schlumbergera Russelliana (Russeliana). A small cactus up to 300 mm in height. The stems are well developed, without spines, divided into flattened shiny segments. The plant is grown in hanging pots, since the shoots can reach a length of 100 cm. The flowers are large, their color can be reddish, pinkish, carmine or purple.
  4. Schlumbergera gaertneri (Gertner). This zygocactus is quite large. Stem segments alone can reach 60-70 mm in length. The main feature of this type of Decembrist is huge buds resembling bells with pointed petals. The color of the flowers is bright red with an orange tint.
  5. Schlumbergera opuntioides (opuntia). As the name suggests, the plant is very similar to prickly pear, that is, a cactus. The stem segments are very fleshy, covered with spines. During the flowering period (in early spring), this variety of the Decembrist is also covered with pink-purple buds.

If you want to please yourself with more daring and unusual varieties of Schlumbergera, then start growing hybrid varieties. The most popular include Madonna Danse, Madama Butterfly, Pasadena, Golden Cream. The beauty of their flowers will amaze all house plant lovers.

This indoor flower is quite unpretentious in care. But from keeping important rules and principles will depend on how intensively the plant will bloom and how long your green “pet” will stand on the windowsill. Let us dwell on the aspects of care in more detail.


Epiphytic cactus prefers bright and at the same time diffused lighting. Optimal conditions are places near windows facing east or northeast. But the south side does not count ideal solution. But if it is not possible to achieve a diffused light regime, then the flower is shaded.

During the period of budding and active flowering, the container with the Schlumberger should not be rotated or even moved. Otherwise, the plant will get rid of flowers. But when it retires, you can and should regularly turn the pot around so that the stems turn green evenly.

Humidity and temperature

The Decembrist is extremely tenacious and unpretentious to temperature regime. Indoor plant without any special physical and moral losses, it will endure both 35-degree heat and a drop in temperature to + 2. However, there are also optimal indicators for this parameter - + 18-25 degrees. It is under such conditions that the flower feels especially comfortable.

In order for the zygocactus to bloom especially intensively and delight others with bright greenery, experts advise placing it in a cooler place in September-November (no higher than +16 degrees). But just before flowering, it is moved to a warm place to form beautiful and healthy buds.

The tropical guest is not afraid of drafts. Therefore, in the summer months, a pot of zygocactus can be taken out to outdoor balcony for airing or even take with you to the country. The only condition is not to expose the flower to direct sunlight.

Schlumbergera, unlike the "classic" cacti, loves high humidity. That is why the plant needs to constantly arrange a shower from a spray gun: in hot weather - several times a week, in winter - 1-2 times in 30 days.


Proper care of the zygocactus also implies compliance with the irrigation regime. The latter is conditionally divided into 3 periods, each of which differs in certain nuances and aspects.

  1. Bloom. During these months (December-February), the plant requires frequent but moderate watering. You can understand that a flower wants to “drink” by drying the soil 1-3 centimeters deep. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to fill the pot, otherwise the cactus will simply begin to rot, especially if the room is cool enough.
  2. D about and after flowering. To start laying buds, the intensity of watering is reduced. Some gardeners generally sharply limit the moisture of the flower in order to redirect its forces not to stalking, but to budding. In the period after flowering (March-early summer), the same watering regimen should be followed as during flowering.
  3. Hot season. In summer, the plant goes to rest, so it is watered as the soil substrate is almost completely dry. But we should not forget about spraying, more precisely - about the soul. To do this, the pot is transferred to the bathroom and the jets are directed directly to the leaves and stems. The soil at this point should be covered with a plastic bag.

Do not water a tender plant with tap water. It contains a huge amount of chlorine and calcium compounds that harm the home cactus. Take care to use settled boiled water for irrigation.

Under natural conditions, most nutrients zygocactus receives from the tree on which it grows. And this is a rather modest "diet", so it is generally accepted that the Decembrist is indifferent to vitamin and mineral supplements.

And yet, it is possible and necessary to feed the Schlumberger, if, of course, you want to enjoy a longer flowering. To do this, it is worth purchasing cactus fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus compounds in certain proportions.

From March to August, when the Decembrist fades and proceeds to intensive stemming, the plant is fed twice a month. Please note that the dosage must be taken 2 times less than what is written in the instructions. After all, the Christmas tree, as we have already said, is different from its prickly counterparts.


The Decembrist flower is not a very capricious plant, but it also needs a transplant. Moreover, the younger the zygocactus, the more often it needs to be moved to another planting container. But an adult pet no longer needs annual transplant procedures - 1 transplant is enough for him within a five-year period.

This procedure is carried out after the flowering period - in early spring, so that by December the plant is already fully rooted, gaining strength and preparing for the formation of buds. If you are late with the time, then it is better to postpone the transplant to the next year.

For planting, they acquire a shallow, but wide capacity. Its diameter is 2 cm larger than the previous pot. This ratio must be maintained if the Christmas tree is grown as an ampelous (hanging) flower.

It is highly desirable to make small holes in the landing tank for drainage and leakage of excess fluid. Otherwise, the roots of the plant may rot in conditions of excessive moisture.

As for the soil, it should be relatively fertile, light, lush, permeable to air and water. The acidity level is weak. Such soil can be bought at the store (marked "For succulents" or "For cacti"), but it is better to make it on your own.

For this you will need:

  • 1 part of turf;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • ½ part crushed coal;
  • ½ part of crushed brick;
  • a little wood ash (for disinfection).

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the landing tank (one third of the total volume). Then the soil is poured out, and after that the extracted plant is placed. It must first remove rotten roots. Everything, the flower is ready for life in a new pot!


To care for a flower correctly means to cut it regularly, or rather, pinch it. This clarification is important because the removal of ugly, painful or spoiling appearance stems is done manually, without the use of scissors. To create a beautiful crown, to ensure more abundant flowering, you need to unscrew the extra processes with a rotating motion.

Usually, the pinching procedure is carried out immediately after the flowering of the home cactus. But some flower growers skip this period and prune at the beginning of summer, combining it as needed with the reproduction of Schlumbergera.

Zygocactus is so beautiful at the time of flowering that many owners have a desire to propagate it and place bright pots throughout the house. As we said above, you can combine this process with cutting a green bush.

The simplest and most common way to obtain a new plant is cuttings. In this case, the following sequence of actions must be observed.

  1. In a circular motion, disconnect the stem with 2-3 links (segments) from the flower.
  2. Dry the prepared cuttings for three days at normal temperature and natural light.
  3. Prepare small planting containers with the right soil composition. Deepen the shoots into the ground.
  4. Cover the container glass jar or polyethylene, thereby creating greenhouse conditions.
  5. Put the pots in a shaded and not too warm place (+20 degrees) for 30 days. Moisten the soil daily, ventilate the plant.

Another method of reproduction is grafting. It is used very infrequently, since it is labor intensive and has numerous nuances. But if this does not scare you, then try to grow a new Decembrist by replanting a shoot to prickly pear.

To do this, the stem of prickly pear needs to be split and a pointed process inserted into the connector. After that, the junction is fixed with a needle and additionally tied with tape. After about 2 weeks, the Decembrist will grow together with the mother's body.

What to do if the Decembrist does not bloom

So, we figured out when the Decembrist blooms. However, some florists do not wait for the cherished inflorescences in winter months. Why is this happening and how to help the Christmas tree get bright and attractive bunches of flowers?

Among the reasons for the lack of flowers, experts identify poor-quality (not meeting the requirements of the plant) soil, low air humidity, excessive shading, lack of nutrients. All these factors need to be analyzed and eliminated.

Another question is how to “force” the Schlumberger to bloom at home?

You need to prepare in advance and do the following:

  • choose a planting capacity that is not too wide (so that the flower is cramped);
  • do not put the pot in a too warm place - the optimum temperature is +16 degrees (in a cool microclimate, flowering will be longer);
  • avoid major temperature fluctuations;
  • put the pot with zygocactus in one place and refuse to move it and turn it over (otherwise the buds will fall off);
  • carry out pruning (pinching) in advance and do not cut off the stems in October-November, otherwise you may not wait for the buds at all;
  • organize additional lighting in the room if there is a lack of sunlight in the autumn-winter period (you can put the pot next to the lighting fixture);
  • abandon top dressing in September, because otherwise the plant will form stems, not buds;
  • reduce the intensity of watering during the formation of buds (October-November), but when the plant blooms, the volume of water can be slightly increased, but very carefully.

All these recommendations will allow you to finish off the abundant flowering of the Decembrist. And, of course, it is necessary to follow the principles of care described above so that the zygocactus feels great not only during budding, but throughout the year.

Diseases and pests

The Decembrist is quite resistant to the attacks of harmful insects. And yet, some problems happen if you do not follow the green "pet". What pests are considered the most dangerous and how to deal with them in order to prolong the life of the zygocactus?

The most common disease of the Decembrist is fungal fusarium. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the cactus through the soil and scratches, which leads to rotting of the roots. You can defeat the disease with the help of fungicides, for example, Bayleton.

Another common pathology is bacterial late blight, which manifests itself in the form of a dark spot, which subsequently captures all new sections of the stem. It will not be possible to cure the affected areas, therefore it is easiest and most correct to remove diseased processes so that the infection does not spread further.

The Decembrist flower usually does not cause any particular inconvenience to gardeners. But it is impossible to exclude the occurrence of some problematic situations associated with the growth of leaves and stems, as well as with flowering. We have already talked about something, something should be said additionally.

Table 1. Problems with growing Zygocactus.

Problem Causes Solution
The flower withersThe pot is next to a hot battery, which causes the leaves to become shriveled. Another possible reason is over watering.It is necessary to rearrange the pot to a cooler place (however, if this is done during flowering, the flowers will fall off). You should also reduce the intensity of watering, replacing it with abundant spraying.
Falling leaves and budsThe main reason is over watering.It is necessary to reduce the intensity of watering. After a while, you need to remove the flower from the container, remove the rotten roots and transplant into new soil.
The stems and leaves of the plant turn redThe main reasons: excessive watering, incorrectly selected top dressing, direct contact sun rays, drafts.It is important to exclude all of the listed provoking factors. You should also keep the Decembrist in a cool room, away from drafts and bright sunlight.
Plant growth slowed downThe main reasons: lack of moisture, untimely application of top dressing to the soil, too bright light.From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, special fertilizers must be applied to the soil. You should also regularly water, spray and wash the leaves and stems with warm settled water.

Signs and superstitions associated with the Decembrist

Many people are superstitious and tend to associate problems in their lives with certain events, such as flowering plants. So signs were also found on the Decembrist flower. Such superstitions are both positive and negative.

Positive signs:

  • the cactus bloomed on time (in December), therefore, everything will be fine in relations with relatives;
  • the buds opened at the beginning of winter - the coming year will bring a lot of positive emotions;
  • flowers appeared a little prematurely - a new acquaintance is coming soon;
  • flowering began a month before the usual dates - wait for an inheritance, marriage or the birth of a child.

Negative omens:

  • the Christmas tree bloomed in the middle of spring - superstitious people advise preparing for such unpleasant events as lack of money, difficulties at work, illness or death of relatives;
  • finding a flower in the house - constant quarrels in the family, divorce from her husband, a young girl will not be able to find a chosen one (some believe that the Decembrist is a "husband").

There are no objective reasons that would limit or exclude the presence of Schlumbergera in the house. The plant is not poisonous, does not have thorns (unlike other cacti), does not harm children and furry pets. Therefore, do not pay attention to various superstitions!


The Decembrist flower will decorate any home, especially during the winter months when the flowering period begins. Caring for this plant is not very difficult, the main thing is to achieve the creation of natural conditions familiar to the zygocactus. The result of all efforts will be bright buds and juicy greens.
