Some plants attract good luck and success, others carry negative energy. Violets are a favorite flower of many of us, but some folk signs do not recommend keeping this flower in your home.

Violets are beautiful and unpretentious flowers, so many people grow them with great pleasure in their homes. However, our ancestors often attributed negative properties to the flower, believing that it could destroy happiness and scare away good luck. At the same time, some signs say that this flower only brings benefits and improves the quality of life. Site site experts recommend that you learn about the most important folk signs associated with violets that will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from trouble and figure out who the violet in the house will attract success and who it can harm.

First of all, folk signs do not recommend keeping this flower in houses where an unmarried woman lives. Since ancient times, violets have been considered husbands, so if a single lady grows these flowers in her house, then she may not get married soon. However, other folk wisdom refutes this sign, arguing that a flower can become a strong talisman to attract love. But for this you need to take good care of him.

Many attribute vampiric properties to this flower. It is believed that in a house where there are violets, household members may notice a deterioration in well-being, weakness, decline. vitality. It is not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom, otherwise the person will suffer from insomnia.

In many ways, the properties of a flower depend on caring for it. If a person devotes more time to this house plant, then it will be grateful to its owner and will attract good luck. And if you brought a flower just to decorate your home, but at the same time often neglect it, he may be offended. In this case, he will attract troubles, illnesses and troubles.

According to one of the signs, violets attract money and prosperity. To enhance the energy of a flower, you need to bury one coin in the ground. If you believe folk wisdom, then soon the flower will attract prosperity and help improve the financial situation.

In many ways, the energy of a plant depends on the color of its flower.

For example, a violet with white flowers will help you find harmony and get rid of negative thoughts, emotional experiences, as well as unrequited feelings.

Red and pink violets help get rid of addictions such as gluttony and wastefulness. It is believed that this variety of violets reduces appetite, appeals to unhealthy food and accelerates weight loss. People who do not know how to save money and often make useless purchases purchase red violets to fight their passion for waste.

Violets with blue flowers help develop new talents and seek inspiration. This type of flowers is especially useful for creative people, as flowers help fight the crisis and speed up the search for new ideas.

Blue violets also help cleanse the house of negative energy. Therefore, if you have recently encountered difficulties, are going through a difficult period, often quarrel with loved ones or are in need of cash, then this type of flower will help you get rid of the accumulated problems.

Some flowers are our personal talismans, as they attract good luck and other necessary blessings. Find out which flower will bring you happiness, you can use your date of birth. We wish you success and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.11.2018 03:55

Many believe that the cactus is a plant that brings negative energy into the house. This is not quite the right opinion. Magic properties...

There is a lot of debate about indoor flowers. Some argue that they need to be brought into the house. Next to plants, you can breathe easier, sleep better, feel more alive and better. The thing is that the flowers emit phytoncides - special volatile substances. That is why after a walk in the forest or park, appetite increases, mood improves, and fatigue disappears.

Others say that some flowers can be harmful. And the point is not only in allergies to odorous substances emitted by flowers, but also in the energy potential of plants. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the miniature violet. A beautiful flowering plant has taken its rightful place on the windowsills of flower growers. But there are people who deliberately do not breed these flowers. They like it, but they can be harmful. Why can't you keep violets at home? Who will harm these beauties?

Analysis will accept

Why can't you grow violets at home? From a biological point of view, this question is meaningless. violets

  • do not provoke allergies;
  • do not emit toxic substances;
  • do not have serious thorns, which can be accidentally hurt.

They are absolutely safe.

A biased attitude towards unpretentious beauties is explained only by superstitions and unconfirmed results of energy analysis.

1. According to an old saying, violets make you sad.

Try to say this to lovers of fluffy miniatures. The diverse flowering of indoor plants causes only joy and pride, but not a dreary mood.

2. Another legend says that violets used to be planted near the graves. The flowers neutralized all the negativity and helped the souls of the dead to calm down. Therefore, bringing violets into the house is a bad form. It's like populating your home with grave fear.

Maybe someone once planted violets in the cemetery. That this was a tradition is nowhere confirmed. In this legend, one moment confuses - flowers neutralize negative energy. Then why is it not recommended to keep them in the house?! They will only help, they will normalize the energy background.

3. Violet is a feminine plant. A lot of violets - a lot of female energy. This is dangerous for both single women and single men. A man in the house of the violet plant will feel depressed, and a woman in the house of the violet plant will feel superfluous.

But how many happy families are breeding violets! There can be only one danger here: the hostess was overly carried away by her indoor flowers and forgot about her husband.

Violets not only scold, but also praise. Other legends and energy analyzes say that the plant is a symbol of the family hearth, brings good luck and prosperity. Therefore, the decision on whether to breed violets or not, everyone makes their own.

Flowers for happiness and unhappiness

It is believed that the following plants bring happiness to the house:

Myrtle. It is a symbol of family and happy marriage. Myrtle tree suppresses envy, aggression, anger, fear. Therefore, there are fewer quarrels and conflicts in the house.

Dracaena sander. original exotic plant attracts money and good luck to the house. It's time to think about why the leaves on the dracaena turn yellow. Perhaps there is a strong energy vampire nearby, taking away the well-being of the family.

Ficus. He is advised to acquire those women who want to become a mother. Ficus also neutralizes aggression and negative emotions. But in the bedroom to place a tub with a plant is contraindicated.

Rose . About the queen of flowers, as well as about violets, they also argue a lot. Some believe that the rose fills the house with positive energy, develops the intellect. Others believe that indoor beauties, on the contrary, take energy from a person. By the way, roses do not tolerate the neighborhood of other plants. If we reign, then undivided.

Flowers that can be dangerous:

Monstera. She is considered an energy vampire, bringing misfortune to the house. Therefore, it is recommended to keep beautiful plant in the office.

Cyclamen. Rather, it takes not energy, but health. A houseplant can provoke an allergy. And if there is also a disease that explains why cyclamen turns yellow, then the reaction will intensify. Ferns, pelargonium, geranium, hydrangea are also contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

Dieffenbachia. Produces highly poisonous juice. Even getting on the skin in small quantities, it causes a burn. If there are small children and animals in the house, it is better not to grow dieffenbachia.

Tradescantia, ivy and liana are considered indicators of energy well-being. If the plants suddenly began to turn yellow, then something is wrong in the dwelling.

Folk omens are an interesting phenomenon. It is believed that they arose in everyday psychology as a result of centuries of observation. Being supported by real events, they are firmly rooted in the minds of people and began to influence the course of their lives. For example, everyone knows that if a black cat crosses the road - to trouble. A person who believes in an omen may try to perform some ritual, such as knocking on wood or spitting over his shoulder. But there is a high probability that this will not help, and failures will haunt him all day.

Mystic? Not at all. The trick is that what happens to us is what we expect. In other words, we ourselves model certain situations in our lives, following a predetermined pattern. The phenomenon of persistent popularity of folk signs goes back to the eternal human desire to shift responsibility for one's actions to a combination of circumstances. Really convenient. That is why they believed in signs and continue to believe even now, in the age of the rapid development of technology, when the material principle prevails. And a certain proportion of those who still do not believe in omens still continue to follow them. Yes, just in case.

If you delve into the history and folklore of our people, then the appropriate signs can be found in almost any area of ​​our life. They did not bypass the indoor floriculture. For example, everyone knows that growing the so-called money tree at home is prosperous, and if you secretly steal a leaf of a particular flower from the owner, it will take root well and will delight with active growth. There is a similar belief about almost every indoor plant, this fate did not bypass the violet.

beautiful and loved

Violets are the favorite indoor flowers of many women, thanks to the variety of shapes and colors. They came to our homes from the distant Uzambara mountain range (which is why it is correct to call them), which is located in Africa and, it should be noted, they successfully took root and adapted. Due to the fact that they are accustomed to an arid climate, they have formed pretty fleshy leaves that can accumulate moisture and evaporate it not with the entire surface of the leaf, but with numerous thin villi.

Signs associated with violets in the house

ABOUT indoor violets There are a number of signs, here are a few of them:

  • with the advent of violets, peace and harmony reign in the house. These flowers help smooth out conflicts and help find understanding in the family;
  • violet in the house contributes to the achievement of well-being and prosperity;
  • if there is a baby in the house, then you need to put a violet in the bedroom - it will help improve the health of the child;
  • white violets relieve suffering and heavy thoughts;
  • blue violets contribute to the development of creativity, give inspiration;
  • red violet is able to save a person from addiction to gluttony and excessive concern with his financial situation;
  • violets "expel" ants from the house, but this is perhaps not a sign, but advice - after all, it is much more useful to have a flower in the house than buying toxic chemicals to get rid of insects.

The negative impact of violets on humans

Like many other, quite harmless things and phenomena, these plants are sometimes associated with negative circumstances. For example, it is believed that violet is, that is, a woman who is fond of breeding violets has no chance of getting married. But this sign is successfully refuted by many collectors and simply lovers of indoor plants, entirely happy wives and mothers. Another popular sign associated with violet says that this flower is an energy vampire. There is a perfectly rational explanation for this. The fact is that violet, like other plants, releases oxygen during the day, and at night, on the contrary, it absorbs, releasing carbon dioxide. And the lack of oxygen is known to cause drowsiness. Therefore, it is not recommended to arrange abundant "greenhouses" on the windowsills in the bedroom.

Houseplants cause a lot of controversy. Some talk about their benefits, and not only aesthetic. Others note allergenic properties and negative energy potential. These disputes did not bypass the beautifully flowering violet, which has long and firmly settled in our apartments. So, is it possible to keep violets at home?

Negative signs about violets

Some people consider violet a symbol of loneliness, a flower that destroys family life. Esotericists note female energy in violet, which the plant generously shares with the outside world. If you adhere to this point of view, then unmarried women and single men are not recommended to grow a flower at home, as it violates harmony, energy balance.

If a representative of the opposite sex appears next to the owners, the following happens: a woman in a bachelor's apartment begins to feel superfluous, and a man in a house with an excess of female energy feels depressed and oppressed. Esotericists also explain discord and scandals in the family with an energy imbalance.

There is a belief that if a single girl grows violets, she will never marry.

Psychologists explain the problem of loneliness by the choice of the person himself, his inability or unwillingness to build relationships with the opposite sex.

Violet (saintpaulia) is also attributed vampiric properties. She allegedly takes vital energy. Indeed, if a large number of flowers are placed in the bedroom, then in the morning you can wake up with symptoms of fatigue. But this is due to natural processes: the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide by a flower in the dark. To prevent this from happening, you should place a reasonable number of violets in the bedroom, be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed.

To avoid discomfort after sleep, violets are recommended to be placed on the windowsill of the living room or kitchen.

According to some, the violet is a cemetery flower that can neutralize negative energy and help the souls of the dead find peace.

Positive signs about a flower

Except negative superstitions, positive beliefs are also associated with violet:

  • a blooming white violet predicts to its owner a date with a loved one;

    Thanks to white violets, an atmosphere of cleanliness will reign in the house, they will get rid of bad thoughts and negative energy

  • blooming red violet attracts material well-being to the house;

    Red violet increases the feeling of satisfaction, gives a feeling of fullness of life

  • violet saintpaulia is able to calm the nerves, extinguish the energy of scandals;

    Medicine refers violet to medicinal plants

    Video: signs and superstitions associated with violets

    Blooming violet contributes to the creation of a cozy atmosphere in the house. If you are positive, then be sure to believe in the good omens associated with this. decorative flower!

Indoor plants are in almost every apartment. They decorate the house and have unique positive qualities that can help in life. The magical properties of violets (Saintpaulia) have been known to people since ancient times. But there are some superstitions that prohibit the cultivation of these plants.

Violet Color Meaning: Facts and Signs

Today there are a huge number of varieties of violets. They differ in the type of inflorescence and even in shades. Most signs that have a positive or negative meaning are based precisely on this fact. Each color is interpreted differently:

white saintpaulia

This color represents innocence. Therefore, the meaning of such a violet speaks of the purity of thoughts and intentions. White flower purifies the human energy. It does not allow negative character traits to be fully manifested.

It is especially good to keep a white violet for people who are prone to frequent stress and emotional overstrain. The flower reduces the load on nervous system, cheers up, fights irritability. This flower will also help a person cope with unrequited love.

In addition, saintpaulia white color gives the hostess the strength to constantly clean up and keep the apartment clean.

Red and pink violets

These shades direct energy to combat a person's excessive appetite. Therefore, it is useful to keep such Saintpaulia at home for people who are actively fighting overweight.

It also helps to stop being lazy. The positive energy that comes from the plant cleanses the room and fills it with positive. It uplifts the mood and removes negative thoughts from the mind that prevent a person from enjoying life to the fullest.

According to folk signs, the meaning of the violet flower of these shades speaks of strengthening the immune system, which has a beneficial effect on health. Red or pink saintpaulias help a person fight excessive wastefulness and waste of money.

blue flower

This shade helps to develop and maintain in a person creativity. Thanks to the energy of this plant, you can easily draw on various ideas for inspiration. It is better to stir the blue Saintpaulia in the office, music studio, art workshop or classrooms. It will cheer you up and add color to a boring and monotonous life.

purple violet

When a person places it in an apartment, the space is immediately transformed and filled with positive energy. Negativity and negative energy changes to positive and joy.


Violets of these shades will help to establish good and warm relationships between households. Plants are uplifting, providing fun and ease of communication. The sign says that from an apartment in which there is a Saintpaulia blue color, the spirit of rivalry and enmity will go away forever. All problems will be quickly resolved.

Good folk omens about violet

When violets are in the house, then according to popular belief, their energy is able to smooth out any conflict that arises within the family. The main thing is that the plant is carried out proper care. It should be absolutely healthy, bloom beautifully and have a well-groomed appearance.

If scandals and quarrels often flare up in the apartment, then you need to start a violet. After that, disputes will be quickly resolved.

Saintpaulia creates a pleasant atmosphere in the room, fills it with harmony and positive energy. Therefore, the plant can be placed even in the nursery. It has long been believed that the flower helps to strengthen the immune system, which is important for the fragile body of the child.

Proper care of this flower guarantees an influx of prosperity and well-being into the house. In addition, according to the sign, a complete idyll in relations will reign here. This applies to communication between spouses, children and parents.

It is especially good to start a saintpaulia in a house where a difficult teenager lives. The flower will help overcome misunderstanding and build the right model of communication with him.

From a household point of view, the sign says that these flowers will help get rid of pests. For example, ants or. Therefore, in the house where this plant is, there are no harmful insects.

Bad omens about violet

The plant is not always beneficial and helps a person. A sign about violets that are in a woman’s house suggests that it will be difficult for her to find a husband or tie herself to family ties. Therefore, it is believed that saintpaulia cannot be bred or kept in the house before going to the registry office.

Another not so good good value signs about violets in the house suggests that this plant is a vampire. This interpretation has scientific rationale. The flower produces oxygen exclusively during the day. At night, it absorbs it, releasing carbon dioxide in return. As a result, a person, being with violets all night, does not feel very good. He may show the following signs of illness:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • discomfort in the muscles.

Therefore, if there is a great desire to become the owner of this flower, then it is better not to put it in the bedroom.

Is it possible to keep violets at home: signs

Based on signs, I’m interested in whether it is possible to keep violets at home. If you choose the right one for the plant, then there are no barriers for this. It is recommended to keep saintpaulia at home in the following rooms:

  • kitchen;
  • cabinet;
  • children's room (here you can place a violet only if the parents take it out of the crumbs room at night).

In order for the signs about the violet in the house to have only good meaning, it is necessary to properly care for the plant and water it in a timely manner. It is better to entrust this event to a woman who is married, or a child.

For financial wealth and material stability, put purple flower on the southeast side of the apartment.

Is it possible to give a violet?

Flowers can always be given, the main thing is to forget about all the signs. It is better if they are in the form of a bouquet, and not in a pot. Saintpaulia can only be given as a gift when it is grown on its own. Depending on the shade of the inflorescence, you can unravel the secret meaning of what the plant is given for. For example,

  1. White. Symbolizes purity of thoughts, as well as innocence.
  2. Blue. He says that the fan is secretly in love and is ready to make a confession.

A well-groomed violet in the house is the personification of happiness and harmony. It will help fill your life with bright and positive events.
