Which, in addition to being decorative, has useful properties. The value of the plant in nuts, which are eaten, is used to prepare medicines. Growing an almond tree on your site is the dream of every summer resident.

Almonds are associated with bliss, the fragrance of the East. In the Middle Ages, traveling with caravans from Asia to the Mediterranean, almonds conquered new territories. Now it is distributed both in Europe and on the American continent as a nut crop. Warmth is important for the growth of the tree, it is difficult to grow it in areas with a temperate climate. The plant is successfully cultivated in the south of Russia, in California.

The plants are larger than the crown of the tree. The almond trunk branches abundantly, giving shoots of two types - long and short. The grayish-green leaves of the shrub are narrow and long. Before blooming, their almonds bloom. The flowers have white or pink corollas with many stamens. In place of flowers, gray-green fruits are formed, inside the pulp of which there are bones, or nuts.

When the fruits ripen, the outer inedible part of them dries up, and it is easily separated from the seed.

Oval-shaped nuts are two to three centimeters long. Grooves or small dimples are visible on the shell. Depending on the type of almond, the shell has strong walls or thin, similar to paper. There are two types of almond kernels - bitter and sweet. They differ both in taste and composition. The pulp of the stones is half fatty oil and 30 percent protein, which indicates a high nutritional value almond nuts.

types of nuts are eaten raw, and the oil is used to make confectionery products. It is used in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries. The bitter fruits of the tree contain substances useful for the human body. Almond wood of a reddish hue also has valuable qualities. Furniture and souvenirs are made from it.

During flowering, almonds attract insects with their aroma. Bees collect early nectar from the tree, which is especially important for them. And the beauty of the bush, covered with a pink fragrant cloud at the beginning of spring, was sung by many poets and artists.

Grow almonds more often in order to get nuts. Gives them ordinary almonds, which has a huge variety of varieties:

  • The Nikitsky Botanical Garden in the Crimea bred varieties of almond Alushtinsky early term ripening, late-ripening Sevastopol. They give up to forty kilograms of nuts from one bush. Their flower buds endure spring frosts. Trees tolerate drought and heat very well. Kernels of nuts are dense, sweet. The only drawback of varieties is their inability to self-pollinate.
  • Frost-resistant varieties include Victoria. Already in the fourth year of life, sweetish nuts weighing four to nine grams are harvested from the tree. The shrub is resistant to fungal infections.
  • The main difference between low or steppe almonds is its small height of half - one and a half meters. Large flowers of a rich pink tone appear simultaneously with the leaves in May. Shrubs are not afraid of frost, resistant to drought.
  • The homeland of the three-lobed almond is considered the northern provinces of China. The tree blooms in early spring, covered with a thick pink cloud. Each large flower has up to twenty petals, in the middle of which a greenish spot with yellow edges forms. Use this type of almond in landscape design. The splendor of the plant is combined with the effeminacy of the species. He often dies from the cold, does not tolerate drought. Among the popular varieties of ornamental shrubs, Captivity and Joy with double flowers can be distinguished.
  • Petiole almond is found in the steppes of Buryatia. The trunk of the tree reaches a height of no more than a meter. Its elliptical leaves and bright pink flowers adorn the slopes of the mountains.

All types of almonds are interesting to their own appearance who are beneficial fruits.

Reproduction of almonds takes place in different ways:

  1. If a bone is taken to plant a tree, then it is very difficult to preserve varietal characteristics. In early spring, prepare a landing site, protected from the winds. Twenty days before planting, the bone is lowered into a container with sand and placed in a room with an air temperature of one to ten degrees Celsius. Germinated seeds are ready for transplanting to a permanent place in the garden. Sprouts are buried in the fertile layer, pinching the roots to stimulate their growth.
  2. The grafting of varietal species of almonds on stocks of bird cherry and plum is successfully carried out. The cutting for the scion is grown from a walnut or taken from an adult tree. On the branch of the scion there should be developed eyes, fully formed. Before the procedure, all leaves are removed from the cutting. Reproduction is carried out during the period of active sap flow - May or August. On the rootstock makes a T-shaped incision just above the root collar. A shield of the handle is inserted into the hole, pressing it with bark and fixing the place of inoculation with adhesive tape or plaster.
  3. Material is prepared for cuttings in the first half of summer, cutting off semi-lignified shoots with two nodes and a length of twenty centimeters. The cuttings are planted in a nutrient soil mixture, having previously kept it in a growth stimulator.
  4. After heavy pruning, almonds give a lot of young shoots. In the second year of life, it is separated along with the root system and transplanted to a permanent place.
  5. Similarly propagated by layering. Having bent the lateral offspring to the ground and fixing it with a hairpin, they weed, loosen, water the ground around. A year later, a root will form at the layer, and it can be separated from the mother bush.

Almond seedlings are planted in a hole thirty centimeters deep. Drainage is laid at the bottom of it, then sand is poured. Before planting, the root of the seedling is lowered into a clay mash. Lowered into the hole, the stem is sprinkled with a substrate of humus, sand. Make sure that the root neck is two centimeters above ground level.

The bush is watered, tied to a support. It is possible to mulch the near-stem circle to preserve moisture without falling asleep the basal neck. Almonds are unpretentious in care, its cultivation does not cause difficulties.

For full development, ornamental shrubs need watering. Observing the state of the soil near the stem of the plant, determine the frequency of its moisture. Usually once a week is sufficient. A bucket of water is poured under each bush. Then the soil around the trunk of the tree is loosened to a depth of five to ten centimeters. The depth of loosening increases depending on the age of the tree.

The requirements for caring for almonds are simple, they grow successfully not only in warm areas, but also in regions with a temperate climate.

Of the fertilizers, they are used in feeding almonds, diluting it in a ratio of 1:6. The mineral complex for almonds consists of urea in the amount of ten grams, ammonium nitrate twenty - in a bucket of water. In the autumn, close up for each square meter twenty grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

The care includes an ornamental shrub. In the spring, at the beginning of sap flow, damaged, dried shoots are removed. After the shrub has faded, the crown is formed. To rejuvenate plants, old branches are removed from an adult tree. Since almonds do not tolerate frost well, especially young shoots, they are covered with straw, material.

Fungal infections often affect almonds. They spread faster if the summer is damp:

  • Cercosporosis infects trees in early summer. The leaves are covered with a gray bloom, round reddish spots. Developing pathology leads to the drying of the leaves, their fall.
  • Scab fungus spores overwinter in plant debris, becoming active in the spring. At the same time, the growth of young shoots slows down, and the fruits become unsuitable for human consumption. Rust is characterized by the appearance of medium-sized brown spots on the leaves, which merge into one large spot.
  • Moniliosis can infect all the trees of the garden if you do not fight the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms overwinter in the remains of vegetation. Symptoms of clasterosporiasis, or perforated spotting, include the appearance of purple spots on the leaves, then on the fruits. Cracks appear on the trunk, gum protrudes. Gray rot fungus spores hide under fluffy islands located on almond leaves.

You can fight fungal diseases by spraying with fungicides such as Topaz, Kuproksat. To prevent diseases in the fall, plant waste is removed by burning it, and the earth is dug up. Spring treatment with Bordeaux liquid also saves from diseases.

Of the pests, they like to feast on almond leaves, aphids, leafworm caterpillars, and spider mites.

Used to control aphids folk remedies. Pepper tincture is prepared by taking twenty pieces of hot pepper pods in a bucket of water. After keeping the infusion on low heat for an hour, add three hundred grams of laundry soap. After a day of infusion, the bushes are sprayed in the early morning.

The spider mite is destroyed by an infusion of onion peel, which is prepared by putting the onion peel in a bucket and bay hot water. After infusion for twelve hours, filter the solution and dilute with water 1:1. Carrying out timely weeding, loosening the soil will prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

An almond tree can decorate any site. The plant tolerates the conditions of the city well, so it is grown in parks, squares, they decorate the entrance to administrative buildings with them.

Designers use ornamental shrub in group plantings with red-leaved plant species.

But a lonely tree against the backdrop of a green lawn looks great. Groups of ornamental shrubs are combined with undersized conifers. Hedges are formed from almonds, giving the original shape to the crown. They use a powerful root system of almonds to strengthen the slopes and banks of the reservoir. The early flowering of almonds allows it to be used in conjunction with other ornamental shrubs.

More information can be found in the video:

" Trees

Almond is a tall tree or bush, which belongs to the genus Plum and the family Pink. Many people think that almonds are a nut, but in fact they are not, they are a stone fruit.

The almond tree reaches a height of 4-6 meters, and a shrub of 2-3 meters. The rhizome consists of 3-5 skeletal roots that are able to penetrate deep into the soil, thereby protecting themselves from drying out.

The plant is quite branched, while it consists of two types of shoots, which include shortened generative and elongated vegetative ones.

dark green leaves mounted on brown petioles and have a lanceolate shape with a pointed tip.

An interesting feature of almonds is that it begins to bloom in March or April, much earlier than the time of leaf bloom.

Flowers such a plant consists of 5 petals painted in white or light pink. On average, the diameter of one flower is 2.5 centimeters.

almond fruit is a dry and velvety to the touch drupe with a leathery and fleshy green pericarp.

After drying, the pulp is very easily separated from the edible pit, oval in shape and long, equal to 2.5 - 4 centimeters. It is characterized by the presence of a large number of furrows.

The first fruiting occurs at 4-5 years of tree life., but in full force it manifests itself only for 10-12 years. At good care shrub bears fruit for 30-50 years.

In addition to getting fruit almonds are also grown for ornamental purposes.. The pink or white foam of the flowers of such a tree not only decorates the garden in early spring, but also exudes a unique aroma.

Almond is a plant whose pollination must be taken care of in advance. There are two types of trees:

  • the former need cross-pollination, therefore, at least 3 pollinators are planted next to the fruiting almonds, the flowering time of which must coincide;
  • the latter are pollinated by bees, so it is desirable that 2-3 hives stand next to the plant.

Initially, it was believed that almonds could only be grown in the southern regions, but with the development of scientific technology, breeders have developed varieties that, with proper shelter, can survive even the harshest winter.


Sweet varieties of almonds are grown in the culture, the following types are especially popular:

  • Anniversary- the variety blooms quite late, has good drought resistance. The skin is of medium thickness, and the kernel is sweet, dense and dry;
  • Ayudag- this variety is late-ripening and early-growing, the first fruiting occurs already in the 3rd year of the tree's life. Fruits, covered with a soft shell, are a dense, slightly flattened oval core of light brown color;
  • Sevastopol- such almonds boast excellent resistance to heat and drought, in addition, they bring a huge amount of yield. The shell of the fruit is soft, and the kernels themselves are dense, sweet, painted white;
  • mangul- This late-ripening variety is not afraid of drought. Hard and dense kernels with increased oiliness are covered with a soft shell. Distinctive feature there will be good immunity to most diseases and pests;
  • Dessert- such self-fertile almonds are well suited for cultivation in middle lane Russia, because he is not afraid of return frosts and frostbite of flower buds. The shell is soft and rough. The oval-shaped kernels are very sweet and oily. Primorsky or Spicy almonds are usually used as pollinators for this variety.

Rules for planting an almond tree in open ground

It is best to grow almonds from annual seedlings., which are placed in open ground at the beginning of March or at the end of November.

As a planting site choose a sunny area, protected from drafts and gusty winds, almonds can also grow well in partial shade.

It is believed that trees planted in autumn take root better than those that were transferred to the open ground in spring.

Before you plant a plant, you need to prepare a hole. In autumn, two weeks before planting, pits are dug, the diameter and depth of which will be 50-70 centimeters.

If almonds are planted in groups, then the distance between individual trees should be 3-4 meters, and between rows 5-6 meters.

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of each pit. consisting of crushed stone or gravel. Then fertile soil is placed in them, consisting of the following elements:

  • 1 part sand;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 3 parts of leaf land;
  • 5-6 kilograms of rotted manure or humus;
  • 500 grams of superphosphate;
  • in the presence of acidic soil, an additional 200-300 grams of dolomite flour or lime is added to it.

After the pit has sufficiently infused you can start planting a tree:

  • initially, a support 1-1.5 meters high is dug in in the center of the pit;
  • then a hill is built around it from the earth;
  • the seedling is placed on a mound so that the root neck is 3-5 centimeters above the ground;
  • at the next stage, the pit is covered with fertile soil, rammed and carefully watered;
  • as soon as the water is completely absorbed, the seedling is tied to a support and the soil is mulched with a 3-5 cm layer of peat or dry leaves.

During the spring planting, the pit is also prepared in the autumn.

How to plant almonds:

Almond Care

Almond care consists of several standard procedures that must be followed when growing almost all fruit trees.

For best fruiting almonds need regular watering. Young plants are watered every 2 weeks, and adults once every 20-25 days.

Loosening the trunk circle beneficial effect on tree growth. The first time such work is carried out at the end of March to a depth of 10-12 centimeters.

Then, during the entire growing season, another 3-4 loosening is carried out, but already to a depth of 6-8 centimeters. It is also necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner.

Almonds are very responsive to fertilizing. Starting from the 2nd year of life in late April-early May, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate or urea diluted in water are added to the near-trunk circle of each tree.

In autumn, the following mixture is added to the near-stem circle for digging:

  • 1 kilogram of manure;
  • 20 grams of potassium sulfide;
  • 40 grams of superphosphate.

The first 5-7 years of the life of trees in the aisles, it is recommended to grow green manure.

In Siberia, without shelter, you can grow bean, steppe, low or Russian almonds. Three-lobed almond grows well in the central strip.


Early spring, before bud break it is necessary to remove all frozen, broken, diseased or deforming branches.

After flowering is over, you can start forming pruning., during which 3 tiers of skeletal branches are displayed:

  • in the first year, three branches are selected, located 15-20 centimeters apart and shortened to a length of 15 centimeters;
  • the next 2-3 years on the central conductor form 3 tiers, located at a distance of 20-30 centimeters;
  • shoots that are insignificant for crown formation are pinched several times during the summer;
  • the rest are cut to 50-60 centimeters;
  • at the end of the work, the central conductor is shortened so that the distance between it and the upper tier is 55-60 centimeters.

In autumn, after the leaves have fallen, carry out sanitary and anti-aging pruning. That is, they remove all dry, diseased, broken branches growing in the wrong direction and thickening the crown.

It is worth remembering that when pruning thick branches, the cut point must be processed with garden pitch.

Diseases and pests

The most common types of diseases on almonds are:

  1. cercosporosis- initially, brown spots with a diameter of 2-4 millimeters appear on the leaves, on which you can see a gray coating. Then the center of the leaf dries up and falls off.
  2. Scab- This fungal disease that affects the leaves, flowers and shoots of a tree.
  3. Rust- red spots appear on the upper side of the sheet, and brown pads on the inside. Over time, the leaves dry and fall off.
  4. perforated spotting- the disease affects all parts of the tree. You can find it on the leaves, because characteristic spots of red shades with a dark border around the edges appear on them.
  5. Gray rot- brown spots and a gray fluffy coating appear on the shoots.

To get rid of diseases, it is necessary to remove and burn the damaged parts of the plants and carry out the treatment with fungicides according to the instructions. The most popular drugs are Horus, Topaz, Champion and Oksihom.

Of the pests on almonds, you can find insects such as seed-eater, aphid, leafworm or spider mite.

As a pest control, trees must be treated with insecticides, which include Actellik, Fufanon, Tagore.

Against aphids use Biotlin or Antitlin. You can get rid of spider mites with Apollo, Agravertin or Fitoverm.

As you know, it is much better to prevent the occurrence of any trouble than to treat it, therefore preventive measures will be extremely effective:

  • in early spring, before the formation of buds, the tree and the soil around it are treated with a 1% solution of Brodsky liquid;
  • after the end of leaf fall, the treatment should be repeated;
  • The best preventive measure would be the observance of cultivation agrotechnics. This includes proper watering, delete weed grass and sanitary pruning.

Remove the almonds only after the green outer shell darkens and begins to easily separate from the kernel.

The use of a flowering tree in landscape design

Almonds have a very beautiful and unusual flowering., for which it is very often planted for decorative purposes. Early flowers can only decorate a waking up garden and create a spring mood.

In addition, a well-formed crown shape will help to use such trees to create an alley or simply as a shading for recreation areas.

The almond tree is amazing flowering plant , which in modern conditions can be grown anywhere in the country. With the correct implementation of all the recommendations, you can get very tasty bone fruits.

This culture has been grown since the 4th millennium BC. In total, there are 40 types of almonds, 3 of them grow in Russia, the rest in the USA, Europe, and Asia.

The species of this plant are propagated by seeds, varieties - by grafting, cuttings, shoots, layering.

Modern varieties are adapted to the climatic features of a particular region, so deciding to grow this useful and beautiful tree, you should choose the most suitable variety.

Despite its resistance to frost, due to the early flowering of almonds, flower buds, flowers and ovaries can freeze at low temperatures in early spring. For this reason, for planting in the northern latitudes, it is recommended to choose specimens with a long and stable dormant period of generative buds, late flowering periods and high palatability of fruits. Below are winter-hardy varieties of almonds.

One of the most unpretentious and winter-hardy varieties is "Nikitinsky 62". It is a shrub up to 5 m high. The bark on the trunk and branches is gray-brown, gray at the end of the shoots. The leaves are large, hanging. Flowers 4.5 cm in diameter, white-pink. The fruits are large, flat, wide, with a wrinkled surface, dark brown. Sweet taste. The variety is suitable for growing in all regions, as it has a stable winter rest period, high yields, and its flowering occurs in mid-April. The variety is self-sterile. Dessert and Languedoc are used as pollinators.

"Papershell"- resistant to spring frosts. Reaches a height of 4-5 m. Its flowering occurs in late March - early April. The flowers are white, the edges of the petals are crimson, 3 cm in diameter. The fruits are large, 4 cm long, with a paper shell. The kernels are light brown, rough, sweet.

"Seaside"- has a stable dormant period. It is a tree up to 3.5 m high. Its crown has a fan-shaped shape and a flattened top. The branches are thick, short, densely leafy. The bark of the trunk and shoots is gray-brown, the annual branches are green. The leaves are large, lanceolate, green, shiny. The flowers are medium in size, with white-pink petals. Flowering in mid-April. The best pollinators: "Dessert", "Alenik" and others. The fruits are elongated, pointed at the end, with a round base. Ripens in November. The yield of the Primorsky variety is high.

"Dessert"— differs in the increased resistance to frosts of flower buds. Reaches 4.5 m in height. The crown is dense, spherical. The ends of the shoots are thin, hanging down. The bark of the trunk and branches is grey. The leaves are lanceolate, with a wedge-shaped base, arranged horizontally. The flowers look like roses. Flowering early to mid April. The fruits are oval, slightly pointed, with a soft, rough shell, easily separated from the core. The kernel is oval, yellowish-brown, with a thin skin, with a sweet, oily taste. The fruits ripen in September. Varieties - pollinators: "Primorsky", "Spicy". Productivity is high, annual.

To the most frost-resistant species almonds include pedunculate almonds. It has small fruits of good taste and high yield. This type of almond is widespread in Russia. It is a short branched shrub with short shoots, reaching up to 2 m in height. It has wedge-shaped leaves of medium size. The fruits are pointed on top, slightly pubescent, contain a stone with a rough surface.

Southern varieties are designed for growing in warm climates. As a rule, they do not tolerate low temperatures and spring frosts.

Almond "Petunnikova"- undersized shrub no more than 1 m high. The crown is spherical, compact, 0.8 m wide. Pink flowers of this plant bloom in May. Flowering lasts 12-14 days. Comes from 3 years of age. Fruits are orange or light brown, small, round, pubescent. It starts fruiting 5 years after planting. The tree is warm. In winter, the ends of annual shoots often freeze slightly.

"Yalta"- a medium-sized tree up to 4 m high. Gives annual, plentiful harvests. The nuts are large, oval, pointed at the end and rounded at the base. The shell is smooth, brown. The kernels are light brown, oily, sweet, with a pleasant aroma. Late blooming variety. Flower buds are sensitive to low temperatures.

"Fragrant"- shrub 3-4 m high. Nuts are large, weighing 3.5 g. The shell is light brown, with an uneven surface. The kernel is yellow-brown, oily, sweet, tightly attached to the shell. Flowering time is late.

"Reems"- medium or vigorous tree. Brings regular, good harvests. Fruits are oval or rounded, weighing 3 g. The shell is dense, rusty brown. The kernel is large, brown, oily, with high taste qualities. Seeds of this variety ripen in mid-late October.

California almonds - a nut crop

The California almond is widely distributed in California, where it is the most popular nut crop. In total, there are 25 of its varieties, each of which has its own distinctive features. Some of them are described below.

"Nonpareil"- early maturation. Nuts of a light yellow shade, with a smooth surface. The shell is soft, dark brown, easily separated from the core.

Carmel- ripens a month later than the variety "Nonpareil". Medium-sized nuts, narrow, smooth, with a soft, whole shell.

"Butte"- a variety of medium ripening period. The nuts are small, round, with a rough surface. The shell is soft, easily separated from the core.

"Padre"- average maturity. The nuts are short, wide, dark brown, with a wrinkled surface. The shell is hard, there is no opening of the seam.

Missionlate deadline maturation. The nuts are wide, short, wrinkled, with a strong aroma. The shell is hard, smooth, there is no opening of the seam.

Monterey- late maturity. The nuts are large, long, narrow, with a surface dotted with deep wrinkles. The shell is hard, smooth, with a small seam opening.

Sonora- average maturity. Nuts are large, long, smooth. The shell is paper, with a bumpy surface and a good opening of the seam.

Common almond - shrub up to 6 meters in height

The common almond is a shrub reaching up to 6 m in height. The bark of the trunk and skeletal branches is gray-brown, young shoots are red-brown. The leaves are oval, lanceolate, narrow, with a pointed apex, alternate, serrate-toothed along the edge. Attached to a long petiole. On short branches they form in bunches. The flowers are large, grow singly, develop on last year's shoots, the petals are light pink, the calyx and stalk are pubescent. The flowers bloom before the leaves. Common almond blossoms in warm regions in late February - early March.

The fruit is an oblong, unequal ovoid drupe 3 cm long. The pericarp is thin, dry. Ripens in June.

This type of almond is very popular among gardeners for its decorative effect and high palatability of the fruit. During the flowering period, it looks very impressive, resembling a huge ball strewn with pink flowers.

In Russia, this crop is grown in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory. This plant is demanding on light, but grows equally well in any soil. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and the proximity of groundwater.

Pink and three-bladed almonds and his photo

pink almond(photo above) - a sprawling shrub up to 5 m high. In another way, it is called three-lobed almonds or three-bladed Louisiana. The homeland of this culture is Northern China. The crown is wide, vertical, about 2 m wide. The shoots are dark brown. The leaves are broadly elliptical, alternate, sharp, three-lobed, dark green above, gray below, 6 cm long. A distinctive feature of this type of almond is dark pink, double flowers resembling roses, forming in pairs along the entire length of the shoot, which gives the tree an unusual, attractive view during flowering. Flowering occurs in May, lasts 14-20 days. The fruits are small drupes 1 cm long, with a dry hard shell.

This culture, unlike other types of almonds, is quite whimsical. Prefers sandy, loamy, loose, light soils. During the flowering period, it needs a lot of moisture. This plant is suitable for growing outdoors. sunny place protected from wind and drafts. Pink almond tolerates frost well, but flower buds can sometimes be damaged. In order for a tree to successfully overwinter, it is necessary to provide it with a layer of snow cover. In this case, it will withstand frosts down to -30 ° C.

A photo of a three-lobed almond proves that this culture is a real decoration of the garden. Spectacular shrub can be planted singly and in group plantings. During the flowering period, it harmoniously looks against the background. Flowering branches are cut for a long time.

Undersized steppe shrub wild almond

Wild or steppe almond grows wild in the steppe zone and the European part of Russia, as well as in Central Asia. Often settles on ravines and beams. It is a low-growing shrub 1-1.5 m high. It has a dense, spherical crown with straight branches. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, smooth, serrated along the edge, dark green above, lighter below. The flowers are small, pink, bloom at the same time as the leaves. Flowering is plentiful, comes in May. Lasts 2-3 weeks.

The fruits are oval-shaped drupes, 2 cm long, with slight pubescence. The stone is flattened, with longitudinal furrows.

The shrub is photophilous, winter- and drought-resistant. Lives up to 80 years.

Almond (Prunus dulcis) is a shrub crop belonging to the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus) in the genus Plum. The plant looks very impressive and decorative, therefore it is often grown by domestic gardeners in home gardens.

How different types and varieties of almonds look and bloom

The Rose family includes several species that have petiolate and lanceolate leaves with a long pointed apex. Single flowers have white or light pink petals, numerous stamens and one pistil. Medium sized flower with a slight almond fragrance.

Flowering occurs before the leaves open. Both mountain wild and cultivated flowering shrubs look very attractive. The fruit, which many perceive as a nut, is a dry and velvety-pubescent oval single drupe with a leathery and fleshy green pericarp.

How to plant almonds with a bone (video)

The variety "Pink foam" is grown in central Russia and the Moscow region as ornamental plant, which can serve as a very beautiful living decor for any garden and personal plot.Such a plant is cultivated quite often and purely for practical purposes. The presence of a superficial root system helps to strengthen soils on slopes, which helps prevent landslides.

Amygdalus georgica Desf. - shrub about a meter tall, with large leaves. Blooms in large bright pink flowers in May, and the fruits ripen around September. By the winter period, the shoots are well lignified, therefore frost resistance sufficient for cultivation in many regions.

Compact shrub plant or small tree with a double and spreading crown shape. Height does not exceed three meters. A feature is the presence of regular, lanceolate, with serrated edges of dark green foliage.

In April, large double flowers appear, which have a pink color. The fruits are represented by a rounded drupe. For the growth and development of a light-loving and frost-resistant plant, exceptionally well-drained, fertile soils are needed.

Steppe almond (low, bean)

Amygdalus nana L. - bean, or steppe almond. It is a low-growing shrub with erect branches and a loose, slightly branched crown. The shoots are covered with reddish-gray bark. Foliage lanceolate or oval-lanceolate. Flowers pink or light pink. Bobovnik blooms in late April or early May, but is characterized by weak fruiting. It is recommended to plant in clumps on the edges of park and forest parks. and for the purpose of sodding slopes.

Common almond bitter and sweet (A.communis L.) - a small tree or branchy shrub with dark brown or almost black bark on the trunk and grayish-brown or reddish-brown shoots. The foliage is lanceolate, narrowly elliptical, with a pointed apical part and a wedge-shaped base.

The plant is characterized by long petioles. The leaves are alternate, collected in bunches on shortened branches. The edges of the leaves are serrate-toothed. The flowers are large, solitary type, represented by snow-white or light pink petals, as well as numerous stamens. Flowering in March or April before the leaves open. Fruit ripening occurs in June or July.

Ledebour's almond (A.ledebouriana Schlecht.) is a shrub no more than one and a half meters high, with a spreading, transparent and loose crown. The shoots are covered with reddish-gray bark. The foliage is narrow-lanceolate. Flowers of pink coloration.

The homeland of this species is the territory of the Western Tien Shan. This is a dwarf culture with a crown with a diameter of up to 80 cm and a height of the aerial part of no more than a meter. Fruiting occurs in the sixth year. The formed fruits have a reddish color, covered with a thick velvety peel.

This variety was bred by breeders of the State Nikitsky Botanical Garden as a result of crossing the Nikitsky-62 almond variety with the Nikitsky-1 variety. They belong to varieties of medium early ripening. Varietal features are a stable dormant period and late flowering. The plant belongs to the category of medium-sized. Forms a dense and spherical, well leafy crown. Very rarely affected by pests or diseases.

Decorative almond in landscape design

Most often, a beaver is used in the decor of household territories. Such a plant can be used not only in single, but also in group plantings. Looks very impressive and original. decorative culture against the backdrop of lawns and various conifers. A very good result is the design of rocky gardens in oriental style with almonds. Quite often, a crop is planted in order to fix slopes that are prone to shedding or sliding.

A characteristic feature of the culture is the rather rapid death of all aging shoots, as well as their replacement by root offspring formed in large numbers. The result of such specific features becomes the formation of powerful and fairly wide clumps even around separately grown bushes.

In order to preserve the decorative attractiveness of curtains for a long time, shoots that are more than seven to eight years old must be periodically removed. Most good feedback gardeners in the middle zone of our country have now received such varieties as "Anyuta", "White Sail", "Dream", "Pink Fog" And "Pink flamingo".

How to grow decorative almonds (video)

Features of planting almonds in the garden

Almonds are among the light-loving, drought-resistant and heat-tolerant, as well as relatively winter-hardy crops, so they grow best in elevated areas. At proper care And correct location, even seedlings of such a garden crop are able to withstand frosts up to 23-25 ​​° C. However, frosts in the spring can be detrimental to flowers, and to reduce the risk of damage to flower buds, crops should not be planted in lowlands and in areas with stagnation of cold air masses.

Planting in spring or autumn is recommended annual seedlings. Landing pits are required to be arranged according to the scheme 7 × 5m or 7 × 4m. When planting, it is very necessary to carry out a slight deepening of the vaccination site. Absolutely all varieties and types of almonds need cross-pollination, therefore, the main variety alternates with a number of pollinators.

Outdoor almond care

Growing such a shrub in a backyard or summer cottage will not require a lot of labor from the gardener, but it will still take some effort to get a crop.

Feeding and watering

The soil in the area around the plants during the entire growing season must be kept under black fallow, as well as regular loosening. Irrigation activities are carried out as necessary. In late autumn, it is recommended to make organic fertilizers in the form of manure, compost and bird droppings, as well as phosphorus-potassium complexes. Any nitrogen-containing top dressing is made only until June.

Technology and timing of pruning

Directly after planting in the spring, annual seedlings need to be shortened at a height of 80-120 cm, which will make it possible to form a stem 60-80 cm high and a crown 30-40 cm high. It is necessary to leave three or four skeletal branches of the first order.

In about four years, subject to the pruning technology, it is possible to form a cupped crown. In the future, sanitary and maintenance or thinning pruning is carried out.

Frost protection

In too severe or little snowy winters, the plant may freeze slightly. flower buds or shoot tips. In preparation for winter, the apical part of the shoots is tweezed, which allows them to accelerate their lignification. Young seedlings need to be covered winter period straw, dry foliage or non-woven fabric to a height of 10-15 cm from the ground.

It is important to ensure that the root neck does not rot under the snow mass. mature plant, as a rule, winters well even without the use of shelter.

Disease prevention and pest control

With a leaflet, you need to fight with 0.15-0.3% chlorophos. You can protect the plant from plum codling moth by spraying karbofos or chlorophos three times. The plum bark beetle can be destroyed with a lime-clay mortar with the addition of wood glue or bustilate. Prevention of diseases is carried out with Bordeaux liquid or colloidal aqueous suspension of sulfur.

How to cut almonds (video)

The almond is the closest relative of the garden plum but is much more commonly used in decorative design adjoining territory or country landscape. A flowering crop with beautiful fragrant flowers, reminiscent of a peach tree, and undemanding care allows even inexperienced gardeners to grow it.

Many have seen how almonds, shrubs, planting and caring for which do not cause much concern to gardeners, are strewn with a delicate pink-white color in spring. This marvelous low deciduous plant can transform any garden with its abundant flowering and decorate even the most unsightly corner. Most of its varieties are light-loving, frost-resistant, and tolerate drought and infertile soils. In the wild, it grows in the south, in the middle zones of Siberia, the Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Belarus, Ukraine, both singly and in small groups. In cities and summer cottages the shrub is an excellent honey plant, a valuable hedge that can last up to 130 years.


Almonds are an ornamental shrub that can be easily grown by a beginner gardener. Some of its varieties are standard, having lanceolate leathery foliage with serrated ends and straight thin branches that create a spherical crown shape. Almond blossoms often begin 5 years after planting. Together with pink fragrant flowers densely enveloping the branches, leaves open in April-May. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks, attracting bees. Its fruits are inedible shelled nuts.


In wild nature decorative almond propagated by seeds. Cultivated varietal shrubs are bred vegetative method- budding, division, stump shoots, cuttings, layering, seeds.

Kidney vaccination

Budding is carried out in July-August. Decorative almonds are grafted onto plum, cherry plum, apricot.

  • choose a strong one-year-old seedling with a root neck thickness of at least 1 cm and a well-developed bud;
  • on the rootstock make a T-shaped incision 10 cm above the root collar;
  • a vegetative bud cut with a heel from a bush of the required variety is inserted into it.

The vaccine is wrapped with a film, which is removed after a month and a half. The accustomed kidney is actively growing, starting from the spring of next year. From the resulting shoot, a shrub or tree is formed, which is transplanted to the chosen place.


An easy way to reproduce further cultivation almonds. The overgrown shrub is divided into required amount parts and seated.

Breeding with stump shoots

After pruning the plant, a lot of young growth appears. When its roots are strengthened by the next year, the shoots are planted from the mother bush.


They are harvested in the summer, planted as seedlings. To do this, choose cuttings with 2-3 nodes. When landing above the ground, only one knot is left. Plants will not be able to survive the first wintering without warming. The cuttings are covered with dry foliage, sawdust, straw.


The shoots are taken aside, bent, fixed, covered with earth. A year later, roots appear on the layering. After their strengthening, the layers are cut off from the mother bush.


They are planted in the fall in a hole 8 cm deep. If planting is carried out in the spring, the seeds undergo a 4-month stratification and are buried in the soil by 6 cm.


Decorative almond is unpretentious in planting and care, but it should be noted that it is photophilous, does not tolerate shade and drafts. You need to choose a site for planting on the south side of the garden in a sunny or slightly shaded place. It is planted in late autumn or in spring, when warm weather sets in and the risk of frost during the growing season has passed.

The shrub does not grow well on acidic saline waterlogged soils. The place allotted for planting is cleared by removing weeds. Planting one individual, you should not count on the fruits. The plant is cross-pollinated. If a summer resident wants to see decorative rounded fruits on almonds, he needs to plant at least two bushes at a short distance.

They dig a hole with a depth of 30 cm. Drainage is poured into the bottom - a mixture of sand and gravel. The roots of a one-year-old seedling are neatly laid out in a circle, and sprinkled with earth. Before planting, the roots can be lowered into a clay mash. The soil is enriched with compost, sand and leafy soil. The trunk circle is watered with a bucket of water. When the soil settles, a support is established so that the few roots of the plant can gain a foothold. Mulching is carried out with dried earth or peat. In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting mulch on the tree trunk.


Planting and care includes watering, loosening, fertilizing, trimming decorative almonds.

Water it as needed to keep the soil from drying out. During flowering, soil moisture should be monitored especially carefully. Lack of moisture leads to rapid fading. A bucket of water when watering a bush is enough. If the soil is too wet, there is a risk of root rot. After that, loosening of the soil and cleaning of weeds is carried out.

top dressing

In spring, the trunk zone is flavored with organic matter - mullein, ammonium nitrate, urea. In autumn, potassium sulfide is added with double superphosphate per square meter, 20 g each.


Decorative almond, like all plants, when planting and caring, needs spring sanitary pruning of shrubs immediately after flowering. Sick, dry, thickening crown branches are removed. Places of cuts are treated with garden pitch. Shaping haircut is carried out if necessary. Branches that interfere with each other are cut off, choosing the one that is more advantageously located in the crown. A young seedling in the second year is reduced to a height of 1.2 m. Within 4 years, a crown is formed in the form of a bowl. Then the bush is thinned out.

Preparing for winter

In August, the apical nodes are cut from the plant for speedy lignification. This helps the bush survive frosts without freezing the shoots. Young seedlings are covered with dry foliage, and adult plants can do without warming.


The almond bush is prone to various diseases.

  • Gray rot. To save all the affected branches are removed and burned after flowering. The plant is then treated with fungicides.
  • Leaf curl. Sick leaves are torn off, burned, and healthy ones are treated with Bordeaux liquid.
  • Rust. Almonds are sprayed with sulfur powder.
  • Moniliosis. Every 2-3 weeks the plant is treated with Bordeaux liquid.


The shrub can be overpowered by aphids, plum pachyderm, leafworm, and spider mites. All of them are destroyed by insecticides. For prevention, you can use chemicals that protect in advance garden plot from pest attack.


Common almond

It has no special decorative value. It is divided into sweet almonds and bitter. Sweet nuts are used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Bitter contains poisonous hydrocyanic acid and is not suitable for consumption. It grows up to 3-8 m. A heat-loving tree with reddish branches resembles a cherry. After pink or red flowering, it is covered with oblong foliage.

Georgian almond

It bears fruit from the age of seven. Frost-resistant, growing up to 1 m. Blooms bright large pink. Produces bristly, leafy fruits. Likes slopes, edges, hollows.

Almond Ledebourg

The plant has large long dark green leaves. Exuberant pink flowering begins earlier than other species and lasts almost 3 weeks. Fruits from 10 years. It is grown mainly in Altai.

In the wild, it is found in the lowlands of Siberia and Asia. Gray erect branches form a spherical crown, abundantly strewn with narrow leathery foliage. It appears at the same time as pink flowers. Blooms 1-2 weeks. Undemanding to the soil, frost-resistant, photophilous plant. Handles any pruning well. Propagated by layering, seeds, grafting. Grown as cultivated plant in the middle zone in white-flowered form and Gessler form with large pink flowers. Known varieties include:

  • White sail - almonds strewn with small white flowers;
  • Anyuta - with bright rich pink flowers;
  • Dream - soft pink;
  • Intermediary - created by Michurin, with a pale pink color. Possessing high frost resistance.

Almond Petunnikova

In the wild, it grows on slopes with rocky soil, forming impenetrable meter thickets. Straight shoots are strewn with short branches of light fawn color. After flowering appear long leaves with pointed ends. The frost-resistant, drought-tolerant plant is pleasing to the eye during flowering and during fruiting.

A bush with a spreading crown, covered with fruitful dark gray shoots and foliage that appears on the branches in bunches. The flowers are dark pink, sometimes red, grow in pairs. Flowering begins in early May and lasts 2-3 weeks.

Several varietal species of Louisiana have been bred:

  • Captivity is a wide spreading two-meter shrub with double pink flowers. After ten days of flowering, the branches are covered with dark leaves.
  • Kyiv. Bush or tree up to 3 m. Pink flowers delicate aroma attracts honey bees for a week.

Three-lobed almonds have a lot of hybrids and varieties that radically differ not only in the type of flowers, but also in the duration of the flowering period:

  • Svitlana - a variety bred by Ukrainian breeders with light flowers;
  • Tanyusha is a densely flowering almond. Shrub with double twisted petals;
  • Ruslana - a hybrid with simple pale pink flowers that turn white towards the end of flowering;
  • Wimura Snows - soft pink terry color, acquiring a creamy shade towards the end;
  • Hybrid No. 3 - pale pink flowers growing on long peduncles. Almond blossoms are similar to sakura.
