With the help of home flowers and their compositions, you can decorate the interior, organize the interior space and enliven the interior of the house. Phytodesign does not stand still and offers new options for arranging an apartment and garden plot. One of them is living paintings from plants, which are both a wonderful decoration and an exciting hobby that is gaining more and more supporters.

Options for using live paintings in the interior of the cottage and garden decor

Pictures of plants are created on the basis of a certain composition of flowers and greenery, and certain decorative elements are often used (colored stones, pebbles, shells, etc.). They are similar to ordinary paintings in that they are also hung on the wall, placed in a frame. However, they also have their advantages:

  • green plants create a unique living landscape that looks more original in comparison with painting;
  • as the color grows, the landscape begins to change, besides, the sequence of planting can be changed from time to time - the picture turns out to be really alive, and it is always interesting to look at it;
  • unlike a canvas with painting, a picture of living plants looks voluminous, it can be viewed from different angles;
  • finally, the creator of such a picture is you yourself, and this is much more interesting than acquiring a ready-made drawing.

To make a composition, you must first decide on the original plot., composition, and only then select the frame, the plants themselves and the elements of decorative decoration. The concept for your future work depends only on the author's imagination. For creative inspiration, you can discuss future landscapes with loved ones, as well as look at photos of already existing options, or attend master classes.

There are many ideas, and here are some of them:

  • flower arrangements in the form of a flower bed or a bouquet;
  • all kinds of flower panels;
  • landscapes resembling forests (taiga or deciduous);
  • branches of plants on which all kinds of birds sit (made from handy tools);
  • moss-based paintings resemble solid green walls (under the guise of green fields);
  • thematic paintings (for example, coniferous branches in the form of a Christmas tree with decoration in the form of a clearing powdered with snow);
  • planting plants in the form of a pattern (for example, someone's name or logo).

If the use of the landscape is supposed to decorate your dacha, then the option of creating a miniature copy of the garden with its beds, paths and a house will be very original. Such a picture, installed in a conspicuous place (for example, at the entrance to the house) will become the hallmark of the owner and a kind of plot scheme.

In the apartment, living pictures will perfectly fit into almost any design. It is only important to choose the right frame, make the composition harmonious - so that it matches the interior of the room.

How to make a living picture (video)

Independent production of living paintings from succulents

The graceful appearance and ease of care have determined the special place of succulents in the manufacture of vertical gardens. They have a variety of shapes, get along well with each other, are unpretentious in courtship, so it is very convenient to work with them.

Choosing plants for living decor

Almost every representative of this group of plants has characteristic outward signs, which give color and originality to a living picture:

  • zygocactus fits very well into the design of the contours of the picture due to the peculiar long stems and (scarlet, pink, lilac);
  • dracaena will add composition exotic look- its peculiar leaves successfully emphasize the tropical nature of the picture;
  • delosperma - perfect option if you want to show the effect of snow in the picture. If you place sprigs of needles in the form of a Christmas tree in the center, then the house will immediately smell of celebration. But the Christmas tree can be decorated with small toys and, if desired, a garland! It's incredibly beautiful;
  • haworthia has original fleshy greens of dark green tones with white stripes; he will be able to emphasize the desert landscape in the style of the wild West;
  • ripsalis will harmoniously fit into the picture, seething with greenery - it creates the effect of a tropical forest, deaf Amazonian thickets;
  • euphorbia in appearance resembles a rich, sprawling tree - almost like a palm tree; a good option for southern landscapes.

There are many other succulents that have their own unique features. In addition, they can be combined with each other and with other colors. This gives rise to an incredible number of options for vertical gardens.

Mosses are used to create a green landscape background.(most often - sphagnum).

Making the base for landing

After you have decided which plants will participate in your composition, in which place in the house or in the garden you will define your picture, you need to proceed to the practical part of the project and make the very foundation of the garden - the place where all its inhabitants will be placed.

Since the vertical garden is stylized as a regular picture, it is placed in a frame. Certainly, you will also need a container for the earth, which will be attached to this frame. And since the green picture is placed on the wall, to prevent the soil from spilling out, a grid with large cells is needed (so that the stems of the future inhabitants of the garden can easily fit in them), which is also fixed on the frame.

Besides, For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • hammer, nails (they can be replaced with a special stapler for furniture);
  • wire cutters;
  • soil for succulents;
  • wooden bars;
  • brush, paints, varnish for frame decoration;
  • wooden bars;
  • plywood sheet;
  • work gloves;
  • special garden film (preferably dense).

The size of the main components of the future picture (frames, plywood, mesh) is determined in advance based on the project. In this case, the plywood sheet should be slightly larger than the frame (by 5-6 cm in each dimension), and it is better to take one that is made of oak.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Lay the frame face down, stretch the mesh along its perimeter, cut off its excess parts with wire cutters;
  2. Nail wooden bars over the grid; at the same time, it is better to work together - one pulls the net as much as possible, the other nails it;
  3. Stretch a dense garden film along the bottom and also fix it;
  4. Moss is laid in an even layer along the grid - it serves as a base, a bottom, thanks to which the soil will not spill out;
  5. In addition to the option with mesh and moss, it is possible to nail plywood to the frame - in this case, the container is more reliable, but the picture becomes heavier - this must be taken into account when you attach it to the wall;
  6. Moss is again placed on the soil layer, and a mesh is again stretched and nailed over it;
  7. Next, the plants themselves are planted, and then the picture is attached to the wall.

How to water paintings from fresh flowers (video)

We create a green picture: features of composition and planting technology

After all the preliminary preparations, the frame is placed in a horizontal position with the front side up. Plants need to be rooted firmly and neatly directly into the grid cells. The moss is moved apart with fingers, the roots sink into the ground, then the moss moves back so that the ground does not blacken in the picture (except, of course, in those cases when this is provided for by the original plan).

Usually dark plants alternate with light ones, planted in the form of a pattern.. It is better to plant the most beautiful, flowering succulents in the center, and to emphasize them, plant plants with fleshy and dark greens next to them - they will contrast well against the general background.

If there are any decorative elements in the picture, you need to think about how to attach them. For example, small stones can be glued to the frame. Do the same with shells. Right on the picture, some of its parts (coniferous branches, petals) can be attached directly to the grid in accordance with the composition.

Important! After completing the planting of all the inhabitants of the garden, you need to let the picture stand in a horizontal position for 2-3 weeks. Plants should take root, grow tightly into the ground. After that, it can be carefully hung on the wall.

Fixing the picture to the wall and further care

The orientation of the top and bottom of the picture is determined only by the author himself. Perhaps he wants to hang it in the form of a diamond. But anyway the picture in a vertical position should be slightly at an angle(the lower part should protrude from the wall by at least 5 cm, and the upper part should be pressed against the wall).

The picture is attached to at least two strong nails or self-tapping screws in the wall. To do this, two loops are attached to the upper corners. To ensure a slight slope, you can nail two wooden blocks to the lower corners, or drive 2 more self-tapping screws into the wall to the same depth.

In the future, there will be only a few recommendations for care:

  • watering plants 1-2 times a month by spraying;
  • regular removal of dead flowers and replacing them with fresh ones;
  • once a year, the picture needs to be removed and the soil loosened well.

We decorate the walls of buildings with living pictures of moss

It is beautiful, unpretentious and covers large areas, rooting easily on almost any surface.

That is why it is well suited for decorating the walls of various buildings on suburban area. It is this direction of phytodesign that is gaining popularity in recent years.

What moss is suitable for decorating walls

Almost all types of this plant are unpretentious in care, however, the most suitable in terms of aesthetic value are:

  • mni wrinkled;
  • Spanish moss (aka sphagnum);
  • bryophytes.

Important, so that they fit together color scheme- successfully contrasted, harmonized in form.

Preparatory work

Before you start creating a garden, you need to prepare the substrate well (in this case, the wall of the building) so that the moss quickly takes root on it.

For this, a special nutrient mixture is made:

  • regular yogurt or kefir - 2 cups;
  • moss in crushed form - half as much.

You need to mix these ingredients thoroughly to get a thick mixture. And then, using a brush, apply it to the wall, which is pre-sanded, rinsed from dirt and remove all unnecessary elements (for example, protruding nails).

Drawing a pattern with moss paints

You can grind one type of moss into one mixture, another into another. That is, when applying it to the wall, you must immediately imagine how the pattern should turn out (zigzags, waves, in the form of a logo, etc.).

To give more beauty, it is better to alternate light green tones with dense greenery. At the same time, the first month the plants need to be actively sprayed with water (almost every day) - this way they will take root much faster.

Other options for landscaping a country house and plot

Along with growing moss on a wall, there are other methods for designing walls and other vertical surfaces. One of the most traditional and at the same time not losing its relevance is the cultivation of climbing plants(loach, hops, clematis, etc.). For them, you need to pull special fishing lines or create. It is more time consuming, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Living pictures from moss: ideas (video)

There are a lot of options for designing a garden and an apartment with the help of plants. For creating beautiful interior you can use the most affordable, inexpensive means. The main thing is just a little desire and imagination, and then everything will work out.

Every year, succulent compositions are gaining more and more popularity in design. These unpretentious exotic plants suitable for anyone who wants to decorate the interior in a lively and original way. Due to their unpretentious care, beautiful shapes and wide range of colors, succulents have become an indispensable element of decor for designers.

The role of succulents in design decisions

A rare design does without living elements - plants. Unfortunately, with flowers there are difficulties due to care. Often due to lack of light, insufficient watering or wrong temperature regime houseplants perish, and without them the decor becomes inferior.

Interior decoration with succulents, due to their unpretentiousness in care, has opened up new horizons for designers. These plants are multifaceted, differing not only in the size and shape of the leaves, but also in color and texture. In addition, there are flowering species that make the decor fresh.

There are many ways to use succulents in the interior. The most common of them:

  1. Phyto pictures from succulents. Plants are planted in the ground, which are placed in a deep frame, and hung on the wall. Such a composition is poured from a spray bottle without difficulty.
  2. An alternative to a phyto-picture is a panel of artificial (dried) succulents. It is made into narrow frames and does not need care, and due to the properties of this type of plant, it will please the eyes of the owners for a long time.
  3. Compositions of succulents in pots. Interior design does not have to be flashy. Plants are pleasing to the eye in simple pots, the main thing is to correctly compose the composition and choose the right place in the house.

In order for succulents in the interior to look beautiful and delight the owners, you need to follow the rules for decorating and caring for plants.

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Ideas for interior design

From a variety of succulents, it often ripples in the eyes, and good ideas are not formed into one ideal. To understand which plants will take their place in the future dream interior, it is not shameful to peep the designs of designers on the Internet, take into account all the pros and cons of each of them.

One of the easiest ways to make your small home garden unique is with pot mixes. Combining vessels small size, you can create whole compositions, and plants planted singly are more convenient to care for.

It is easy to make a picture of succulents with your own hands. The avant-gardeness of such a piece of decor scares some novice designers, but in practice the process does not take more than a few hours, and the result will please the eye for many years.

mini potted garden

One of the easiest ways to use succulents in your design is to plant them in one large pot. So that such a composition does not look too ordinary, you have to get out.

Every year mini-gardens made of succulents become more popular. How do they differ from ordinary plants planted in the soil? In addition to many varieties of succulents, special decorative elements from specialized stores are used for decoration. As a result, the planted flowers resemble a small corner of nature on a shelf. Due to the specificity of the succulent family, they are often used to create indoor "rock gardens".


Florarium is a transparent vessel that is open to the outside world only on one side. Such flower pots are more like aquariums, but due to the presence of walls, the succulent garden looks voluminous.

It is better to plant moisture-loving succulents in florariums, because holes are not made in such vessels at the bottom, and water evaporates from the soil much more slowly. But plants in glass receive some protection from sun rays, so such a composition can be placed in more lit places.

Horizontal compositions

Succulents and cacti look no less charming in small wooden boxes or other flat containers. The size of such an impromptu pot allows you to create large compositions, build images from plants or transform them into small ones. play areas for children.

Wall panels and paintings

The most difficult to manufacture are paintings and panels of succulents, but in fact, working with them is sometimes even easier than with florariums. The vertical arrangement does not prevent flowers from growing and developing over the years.

Live paintings diversify and highlight the design, so before moving on to the panel with artificial plants, it is better to work on real ones. It's not that hard when correct selection soil and frame depth.

A picture of succulents implies that plants remain alive throughout the entire period of use. Due to the fact that this species can exist in rough, rocky soil, the soil is easily held upright.

Despite the weak root system, succulents are well kept in the frame, and due to the absence of the need for abundant watering, the soil can simply be irrigated with a spray bottle.

If the option with live plants turned out to be inappropriate, you can make a composition of artificial ones. This process is much simpler, and in the interior such a thing looks no less impressive. Due to the fact that artificial or dried plants are used in the manufacture, the design uses not only a rectangular panel, but also any other shape - after all, the ground is glued and varnished, so it does not need to stay in the frame on its own.

How to create a composition with your own hands

In order for a corner of succulents to appear in the apartment, it is not necessary to call a designer or florist. You can settle these unpretentious plants in a pot with your own hands. You can decorate and transform a composition of cacti and succulents as you please, even without special tools at hand.

Basic layout principles

There are no restrictions in the design of the future living corner, except for those dictated by the general style of the apartment and the taste of the creator, but you should be careful with the selection of plants. There are a number useful tips, which are worth remembering before starting the creative process:

  1. If you want to create a unique composition, it is best to use a rectangular, white-painted vessel. In such a container, all attention will be paid to the succulents and decorations inside the pot, and not to him.
  2. When working with vertical compositions, the main thing is to cover the root neck with soil. From above, you can lay and even glue stones, decor and pieces of brick - this will not harm the plant.
  3. If it was decided to plant succulents in a glass vase, you must definitely take care of how moisture will evaporate. If the bud is too wet, the root system will quickly rot and the plants will die.
  4. Live pictures of succulents are best kept for the first time (at least 2-3 months) in a horizontal position so that the plants get stronger and get used to the new environment. Only after that, the resulting decor element can be turned over and hung.

Ideas for compositions are not shameful to look on the Internet. In any case, it is impossible to repeat such work, so each work with succulents is a work of art.

What plants are best to use

To create flower arrangements, you can choose any plants, but it is best to use cacti and succulents. They are in perfect harmony with each other, picky in care and add a certain amount of exoticism and piquancy to the interior.

In no case should you add various mosses to succulents. They retain moisture on the surface, and it harms the neck of the plant's root system.

Decorative ferns and crotons look good in the composition. Compared to small succulents, they look gigantic, but they add volume to the composition.

Alocasia is well suited to create a tropical look. This plant looks like a large water lily on a long stem and, due to its unusual appearance, refreshes any composition.

What can be planted with

Despite the fact that succulents do not require reverent care, only compatible subspecies of this family can be planted together. It is imperative to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Plants should grow in similar climatic conditions. You can not plant moisture-loving succulents with cacti in the same pot, which do not tolerate abundant watering.
  2. Do not plant large plants with miniature ones. The root system of large succulents will simply suffocate the roots of small ones, and they will quickly die.
  3. You can not plant closely flowering and non-flowering plants. The former require much more nutrients during flowering, and because of this, succulents without flowers may simply not have enough of them.

Choice of container and substrate

Anything can serve as a pot for a future composition - from a fancy-shaped wooden box to a planter specially prepared for succulents. The main thing is to remember that there must be holes in the bottom of the vessel for excess moisture.

The most popular containers for succulents at the moment are:

  1. Florariums or small aquariums, glass vases.
  2. Deep frames for wall compositions.
  3. Planters.
  4. Loft-style pots made from old boxes, wooden crates, and more.

How to plant plants

You need to plant succulents for design in the same way as in ordinary pots on the windowsill, but taking into account the peculiarities of the place and the vessel.

If you decide to plant flower arrangements in a cup or other unusual vessel without holes in the bottom, you need to make them yourself, or choose a more moisture-loving subspecies of succulents for planting.

When working with vertical compositions, the main thing is to let the plant take root, strengthen its roots in the ground. From above, the soil must be pressed down and strengthened. Stones work best for this. They can be glued to the sides of the vessel and to each other for strength.

If the future composition will be located in the dark places of the apartment, you need to pick up special plants for it. Leaving succulents without light can quickly kill them. At the same time, some subspecies of this plant can comfortably live in dark corners.

Use of decorative elements

There are many ways to make your composition unique, and using additional decor elements is one of them. You can make them yourself, buy them in specialized stores or pick up suitable household items.

Sand decoration is the most economical and effective way to create a composition of succulents. Imitation of desert rams, a rock garden and simply drawing drawings - these are just a few of the options. Sand opens up a huge scope for creativity.

Florist shops, aquarists and creative outlets sell many miniature items that can be used to create compositions. Small houses, trees, animals and even little men will help to make a real work of art out of a simple pot of flowers.

Subtleties of care

Caring for decorative succulents is no more difficult than caring for plants in a pot. It is only necessary to take into account those special conditions that you have created, for example:

In order to create your own composition of succulents, you do not need step by step recipe. The creative process does not tolerate restrictions, and working with this type of plant contributes to the lack of frames. The only thing to reckon with is the biological limitations of the succulents themselves, which are extremely undemanding. The rest of the designer is limited only by his imagination.

Among the fashionable ideas that interior designers offer, phyto-pictures from succulents are especially popular. And this is understandable: unpretentious and easy to care for, diverse in shape, size and color, living canvases fit perfectly into any interior and are suitable even for a novice florist. In addition, you can create such a masterpiece with your own hands, without spending a lot of effort, time and materials.
The most difficult thing in writing a phytopicture is to pick up a large number of processes different shades milkweed, agave, stone rose, stonecrop. Many types of cacti, especially flowering ones, will go well with them.
A beautiful picture needs a decent frame. It could be a wooden frame classical style carved and gilded, a bright photo frame or frame that can be given a vintage look by painting it in desired color, and then, not allowing the paint to dry, lightly wiping with a cloth. The choice of edging must be approached with all responsibility, since it depends on it how harmoniously the picture will fit into the style of the room.

The next step is preparing the canvas. A wire mesh is stretched onto the selected frame from the inside, and wooden beams are attached on top of it around the perimeter. Moss-sphagnum is laid on the grid in an even layer. It will create a favorable microclimate, retain moisture, prevent mold from developing and prevent soil from escaping. A special soil for cacti or any ready-made universal earthen mixture for flowers is poured over the moss. From above the box is closed with a sheet of plywood.

The structure is quite heavy. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of reliable fasteners in advance and install them before planting.
Having prepared the basis of the future masterpiece, you can proceed to the creative stage - planting the shoots. The cuttings must be prepared in advance: sorted out, leaving small and healthy ones, cut off excess shoots and lower leaves, shorten the roots and, spreading out in one layer, dry for several days. In order for the picture to please the eye, it is better to pre-assemble it on a flat surface, and only then transfer the plants according to the idea. With the help of a wooden stick or pencil, first large specimens are planted in moist soil, and then the entire space is filled with small sprouts. You should not plant plants too densely, as the flowers will quickly grow and fill all the empty spaces.

The phytopanno is ready, but do not rush to hang it on the wall. The sprouts need to be allowed to take root well. To do this, the picture is left for 10-14 days in a horizontal position in a place protected from direct sunlight, and then gradually increase the time spent in the sun.
Caring for a painting is not difficult. It is enough to water it once a month, having previously removed it from the wall, and in extreme heat, spray it with water twice a week. You can place living canvases in any room, on a balcony or loggia. The main thing is that they are light and warm enough.

When you see something original and unusual, inspiration wakes up, and your own imagination begins to seethe with new ideas. Making compositions from succulents with your own hands is a very exciting process. The result is not a simple planting, but a living picture, which changes over time, takes on intricate patterns. Care for succulents is minimal, they are not demanding on watering and bright lighting.

As many probably know, succulents are plants that are able to store moisture in fleshy leaves and stems. This property helps them to easily endure even prolonged drought. Perhaps the most famous succulent plants are cacti. And this group also includes lithops (living stones), aloe, many spurges, stonecrops, young, peperomia and other representatives flora. Most succulents can be grown in containers - even a small amount of soil is enough for them. And unpretentiousness, drought resistance, an amazing variety of shapes and colors make them extremely attractive to amateur flower growers.

Living colors

All kinds of stonecrops and spectacular "stone roses" often serve as a kind of "living colors" for designers: with the help of these plants, amazing panels and decorative compositions are created; they can "draw" patterns in flower beds, arrange retaining walls or decorate the interior.

True, knowing firsthand about the aggressiveness of these cultures, their ability to instantly grow and capture fairly large areas, I do not have a very good idea of ​​how it is possible to preserve the original form of the composition for a long time. But maybe this is not necessary? Perhaps the beauty of such paintings is precisely in their mobility, in constant changes?

Succulents are indispensable vertical gardening. You can start with a small panel, and then, having mastered the technology, build a real phytowall or a green screen in the garden, on the terrace, loggia ...

And you can, without aiming at grandiose projects, create amazing miniatures that you want to admire endlessly ...

All such compositions are made according to the general principle. First, a container of the intended shape is made - it will serve both as a container for the soil substrate and as the basis for the future picture. For flat panels, you can use a wooden box; for three-dimensional figures, a metal mesh is more often used (a frame is made from it). The same mesh is fixed on the front side of the base box; it does not allow the soil to spill out and at the same time holds the planted plants (for planting, holes of the required diameter are cut in the grid).

The finished composition should not be immediately hung in the place intended for it. It is recommended to leave it in a horizontal position for a while so that the seedlings have time to gain a foothold in the ground.

About the role of a container

Live paintings of succulents are undeniably very attractive. But to create them, we must have an extensive set of "colors": to make the composition bright and interesting, we need a lot of different planting material. If opportunities are limited, there is another way: container landings.

The successful choice of landing capacity in this case plays a paramount role. Approximately like a setting for a precious stone: only if their connection is harmonious, a real masterpiece of jewelry art is born.

Succulents are surprisingly plastic: depending on your idea, the composition with their participation can be funny or romantic, ironic or tender and touching, contrasting or monophonic, fragile or monumental...

For example, I was subdued by these charming jugs)) Nothing special, it seems, but it looks cute and quite original. And it's not hard to do...

Due to the fact that succulent plants can manage with a minimum amount of soil, the choice of containers for them is noticeably simplified: almost any object can play its role.

Compositions of succulents are appropriate not only in the garden, but also at home. How do you, for example, these chests with "jewels"?

Of course, wood is short-lived - it can suffer from contact with wet soil ... But who prevents us from using boxes as planters by installing a ceramic or plastic container with soil inside?

Read more on next page

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Each owner equips the site so that its design is unique, different from the neighbors. Therefore, non-standard decoration techniques are used, with the help of which they plant trees and shrubs not only horizontal space, but also vertical. Creative summer residents cover the ugly walls of outbuildings with green decor, old fence and even manage to create a barrier from plants for the prying eyes of neighbors. new direction in landscape design can be called phyto-pictures. Compositions from living plants placed in frames look spectacular and unusual. How to create living picture, what plants to choose for it - we'll talk about all this in more detail.

The essence of the new direction is to turn living plants into an art object, replacing canvas and paints with soil and flowers. A "live" landscape will always win over a painted one, because it lives its own life, plays with colors and constantly changes.

The canvas of the great artist Van Gogh shone with new colors when it was recreated on a huge wall with the help of living plants.

The basis for phyto-pictures are frames, metal mesh and plywood, which are fastened into one holding frame. It is filled with soil and planted in plant cells so as to create a specific pattern.

A drip irrigation system is carried out under the frame (if there is no time to water).

Ugly wooden fence, which is located “facing” to the north, can become a real art gallery if it is decorated with phyto-landscapes different sizes

Instead of a grid, you can use special hanging containers that are fixed on a support. Plants planted in containers create compositions due to their texture, different sizes and colors, and at the same time they can be interchanged if the drawing is not successful.

Material on how to arrange vertical beds will also be useful:

The height and texture of the picture frame can be completely different. The main thing is that the frame has sufficient thickness to fill it with soil.

Some designers do not frame phyto-pictures at all. They create landscapes on the entire area of ​​​​the wall of the house, hedges, etc.

But in the case of using buildings for the basis of paintings, the walls will certainly be waterproofed so that “wet neighbors” do not destroy the structure of the material from which the wall is made.

Still lifes of succulents

Most often, succulent plants act as components of a living drawing. They grow well on any type of soil, are not afraid of changes in humidity and normally withstand a period of drought (if the owner forgets to water the composition in time).

To create a painting, you will need:

  • A thick frame ready-made or hand-made (lower bar from 4 cm thick).
  • A sheet of plywood, equal in size to the frame.
  • Waterproofing material for plywood (film).
  • Fine-mesh metal mesh of the same size.
  • Soil (forest clay soil, half mixed with sand or fine expanded clay).
  • Sphagnum moss (optional)
  • Carnations, hammer, construction stapler.
  • Paint or varnish on wood.
  • Succulent plants.

Create a picture like this:

  1. They cover the plywood with a film so that the soil that will come into contact with it does not destroy the material. The film can even be food wrapped in several layers around the plywood.
  2. A mesh is installed between the planks of the frame and fixed with cloves or staples.
  3. From the back of the frame, plywood is nailed with the insulated side inward.
  4. They nail fasteners to the plywood on which the picture will be held (at least 2x).
  5. The frame is painted or varnished.
  6. While the frame is drying, the plants are being prepared: cuttings with a long tail are cut to make it easier to insert into the mesh cells.
  7. Plants are laid out in the desired pattern right on the table to determine the composition of the picture.
  8. The frame is laid horizontally on the table and filled through the cells of the network with soil. Do not forget to tamp, using a pencil for this.
  9. When the earth fills the frame flush with the mesh, spray the soil with water from a spray bottle.
  10. Lightly cover the damp soil with dry soil or cover with a layer of moss to prevent the soil from spilling through the mesh, and start planting.
  11. Large cuttings are planted first.
  12. Try to fill the frame as tightly as the size of the mesh allows, as succulents grow slowly.
  13. Leave the finished composition for a month to take root in a warm place where there is no direct sunlight.
  14. Check soil moisture with a toothpick. Water only when there is no soil left on the toothpick.

As soon as the plants started to grow (and this can be seen from the young growths), feel free to hang your creation in a permanent place. Most importantly, avoid sunny places otherwise the succulents will burn. For the winter, the paintings are removed to a heated room.

Succulent cuttings must be prepared 1-2 days before planting in the picture, so that the cut site has time to dry and not rot

Wooden frames do not like the proximity of wet ground, so their internal parts should be coated with varnish or antiseptic impregnation in advance

Sand or expanded clay added to the soil plays the role of a moisture accumulator, so even with infrequent watering, succulents continue to grow normally

Landscapes on walls and fences

If you want to create a living picture on the entire wall or completely hide the old fence under it, use the container decoration option (phytomodules). They are extremely popular in Europe.

Phytowalls differ from vertical gardens in that designers carefully work out the pattern of plant placement in order to create some kind of visual image.

The basis of phytowalls are also metal frames. They are attached to the base on which they will create floral masterpieces. In the southern climate, such walls are made from perennials that will not freeze over the winter, since there are no severe frosts.

IN middle lane or northern regions, it is most convenient to create phytowalls from. They give no less bright colors and colors, but you don’t have to worry about wintering.

The metal frame is the main component of phytowalls, since it is on it that the entire weight of the green picture is kept, which is gaining mass day by day

Gardening rules

Consider the main points:

  • Complete waterproofing of the base is carried out.
  • There should be 2-3 cm of space between the frame and the base for ventilation.
  • The frame is attached to the wall with thick wooden bars, laying them between the metal and the building.
  • A tube for drip irrigation is laid on top of the frame. Water will have to be pumped into it.
  • A container for plants can be a jute cloth or material like felt, which is not afraid of decay and accumulates moisture well.
  • Pockets made of the same material are sewn onto a jute cloth, in which plants will live.
  • You can not sew on pockets, but quilt two large canvases of felt with squares, and when planting, make cuts in the center of the squares and plant plants there.
  • Each plant is wrapped in felt or jute before planting on the wall to keep the soil in a dense state.

Professional gardeners for phytowalls use a drip irrigation system, laying a tube to each plant. But such complexity is needed for home phytowalls.

And on the street, it is enough to organize drip irrigation from above, as the water will spread over the entire surface of the fabric and nourish each flower. Even if you get an excess of water, it will drain from below and will not damage the landscape.

An example of a drip irrigation system device can be found in the material:

Jute material has high strength and hygroscopicity, so all the moisture flowing down from above will evenly diverge through the pores of the canvas and seep into the roots

Quilted two-layer felt also retains moisture well, so even adult plants with a small clod of earth or grown on hydrogel can be planted in it.

In addition to pocket fabric structures, container-type plastic phytomodules can be purchased in specialized stores. For more information about these systems, see the video.

Phytoideas by Patrick Blanc

The most famous phytoartist was the Frenchman Patrick Blanc. He abandoned the container method of decorating the walls, and came up with a hydroponic growing system. All the plants with which he decorates the walls live in felt slabs.

When creating carpets, they are limited to 4-5 types of crops. A larger number breaks the picture, lubricates the overall picture. To draw the contours, you can use gravel, sand, decorative pebbles, colored sawdust, bark, etc.

Carpet flower arrangements have a truly royal look, therefore, in this way they decorate the main entrances and the central flower beds in the garden.

How to create a carpet:

  1. They break a flower bed without using fertilizing and humus. Poor soil will keep the plants from growing vigorously and keep the carpet the same height.
  2. They draw the lines of the drawing with a sharp stick, and then fill them with fine sand from a bottle.
  3. Limiters are inserted along the lines of the pattern (curb tape, cut plastic bottles etc.) so that the plants do not climb into someone else's territory. They are dug deep, leaving 2-3 cm above the ground.
  4. Next, separate layers are poured decorative material(if one is used).
  5. The last step is planting. Planting begins from the center to the edges, placing the seedlings as densely as possible. It is dense plantings that create the carpet structure of the flower bed.

In order for the flower bed to retain the pattern, it is necessary to periodically pinch the tops of the plants, cut off too elongated specimens and do not forget about watering.

As you can see, becoming an artist is not difficult. A little imagination - and your site will become a real art gallery.
