Among the fashionable ideas that interior designers offer, phyto-pictures from succulents are especially popular. And this is understandable: unpretentious and easy to care for, diverse in shape, size and color, living canvases fit perfectly into any interior and are suitable even for a novice florist. In addition, you can create such a masterpiece with your own hands, without spending a lot of effort, time and materials.
The most difficult thing in writing a phytopicture is to pick up a large number of processes different shades milkweed, agave, stone rose, stonecrop. Many types of cacti, especially flowering ones, will go well with them.
A beautiful picture needs a decent frame. It could be a wooden frame classical style carved and gilded, a bright photo frame or frame that can be given a vintage look by painting it in desired color, and then, not allowing the paint to dry, lightly wiping with a cloth. The choice of edging must be approached with all responsibility, since it depends on it how harmoniously the picture will fit into the style of the room.

The next step is preparing the canvas. A wire mesh is stretched onto the selected frame from the inside, and wooden beams are attached on top of it around the perimeter. Moss-sphagnum is laid on the grid in an even layer. It will create a favorable microclimate, retain moisture, prevent mold from developing and prevent soil from escaping. A special soil for cacti or any ready-made universal earthen mixture for flowers is poured over the moss. From above the box is closed with a sheet of plywood.

The structure is quite heavy. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of reliable fasteners in advance and install them before planting.
Having prepared the basis of the future masterpiece, you can proceed to the creative stage - planting the shoots. The cuttings must be prepared in advance: sorted out, leaving small and healthy ones, cut off excess shoots and lower leaves, shorten the roots and, spreading out in one layer, dry for several days. In order for the picture to please the eye, it is better to pre-assemble it on a flat surface, and only then transfer the plants according to the idea. With the help of a wooden stick or pencil, first large specimens are planted in moist soil, and then the entire space is filled with small sprouts. You should not plant plants too densely, as the flowers will quickly grow and fill all the empty spaces.

The phytopanno is ready, but do not rush to hang it on the wall. The sprouts need to be allowed to take root well. To do this, the picture is left for 10-14 days in a horizontal position, protected from direct sun rays place, and then gradually increase the time spent in the sun.
Caring for a painting is not difficult. It is enough to water it once a month, having previously removed it from the wall, and in extreme heat, spray it with water twice a week. You can place living canvases in any room, on a balcony or loggia. The main thing is that they are light and warm enough.

Every day, going out into the street, people notice many ingenious pictures of nature. A charming landscape of the majestic trees of the city park, living pictures of flowers underfoot, a green panorama of a country forest. All this was created by the Creator and has served for all mankind for centuries.

Many people, imitating the Great Artist, equip their homes and yards in a unique way. Recently, fresh landscaping ideas have been used for this. Creative summer residents create green decor to cover unattractive walls of outbuildings or a fence. Moreover, they decorate the living quarters with compositions of green plants.
Unique living paintings are made from indoor plants, which are placed in special frames. They effectively fit into any interior of the house or apartment.

With the help of phyto-pictures, you can exotically decorate an apartment, give it a special coziness and enliven it with greenery.

Original live panorama on the wall

Creative designers, creating living paintings, sought to turn them into an original element of an art object. In this case, instead of paints and canvas, use indoor flowers and soil. As practice has shown, the green mini-landscape, unlike the painted picture, is constantly changing its appearance. It increases in size, plays with shades, purifies the air and relieves stress.

To create living picture on the wall, materials needed:

  • wooden frame;
  • plywood;
  • metal grid.

These elements are fastened into a single frame that will hold living plants. First, they take a thick wooden frame with planks (the bottom one should be at least 4 cm) and match plywood of the same size to it. Prepare a film for insulation and a mesh with small cells. Then the film is applied to the plywood so that the soil does not damage the wall.

Suitable for waterproofing cling film if you wrap plywood with it in several layers.

A mesh is attached between the frame strips with nails or staples. Plywood is nailed to the back of the frame. The main thing is that the insulated part is inside the structure. After that, you need to make at least 2 mounts to securely install the picture on the wall. The finished fixture is painted and varnished.

The dried structure is filled with soil through the grid cells. You can tamp with a pencil or a wooden stick. When the soil reaches the level of the grid, it must be sprinkled with water and covered with a small layer of dry soil. To prevent it from spilling out of the structure, you can use moss. Next, start planting houseplants.

At the same time, it is important to know the basic rules of how to make a living picture in order to get a real work of art. So, indoor flowers should be planted in such an order that a conceived pattern is obtained. In order to save time, a drip irrigation system is carried out under the frame.

Some designers use hanging containers instead of mesh, which can be firmly fixed to the wall. Each of them is planted suitable plant for the desired composition.

Using containers of different shapes and colors, you can freely change the pattern, periodically updating the design of the room.

It is quite possible to create an exotic picture of fresh flowers without the use of frames. The landscape is placed on a part of the wall, having previously covered it waterproofing material. It will protect the building from the destructive action of moisture coming from fresh flowers.

Suitable flowers for living masterpieces

Often as suitable material green succulent flowers are used for paintings. They excel in any soil. Normally react to different humidity and unforeseen drought if watering is done irregularly.

To get a beautiful living picture of plants, make it in a horizontal position. Flowers are planted according to the intended composition, starting with large cuttings.

Since succulents grow very slowly, it is desirable to arrange them tightly enough in a frame.

After planting, the finished picture is left in a warm room away from sunlight for 1 month. During this time, the flowers will take root and grow. Now they can be hung in a permanent place in the house or apartment.

Original live compositions are created from different colors. Particularly effective:

Designers add colored pebbles to some phyto-pictures, seashells or pebble. This gives them a more luxurious look.

The advantages of living paintings in the interior

Unlike ordinary paintings, live compositions fill the room with freshness and originality.
As the greenery grows, the panorama changes, which brings emotional satisfaction to the household.
In addition, you can periodically change the set of plants to create new landscapes.
And finally, a living picture is the fruit of one's labor, which can be enjoyed for many years of life.

Living Painting Ideas - Video

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Living pictures, or phyto-pictures, are a bewitching sight. They will suit almost any style of interior, because nothing decorates the house like living plants. Pictures of natural flowers never go out of fashion, a living picture of plants will make the atmosphere at home enchanting. This article explains how to make paintings and panels from living plants.

live moss

Live moss looks best on light walls. Living moss removes from the air ammonia, acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Having a few moss decorations around the house will eliminate unpleasant odors, purify the air and reduce the level of audibility. It can be not only green, but also yellow, brown and even red and purple. For decoration, you can use both live and artificial moss.

Ideas for decorating the interior with living moss with your own hands:

How to make a phytopicture from moss with your own hands

You will need:

  • a new or used photo frame (with a flat, solid back)
  • preserved moss;
  • preserved moss clots;
  • a set for hanging pictures;
  • plywood;
  • saw ( hand saw, desktop, circular - it doesn't matter);
  • building glue;
  • sand paper;
  • glue gun and glue;
  • electric stapler;
  • quick dry silicone (optional)
  • paint (optional)
  • plants with aerial roots, such as tillandsia;
  • pliers.

How to do:


Succulents in the interior are ideal for travelers or those who do not really like to take care of plants, as they are difficult to kill. Mostly they are placed in pots in a conspicuous place. Beware, many of them have sharp leaves! Living pictures of succulents are especially good in sunny rooms.

How to make a wall of succulents with your own hands

You will need:

How to do:

  1. Cut the wood into 4 pieces to make a box that fits the back of the frame.
  2. We glue greenhouse shading materials or landscape fabric onto the frame.
  3. We attach the tree on top of the materials to make a box.
  4. We drill drainage holes in the bottom of the frame.
  5. We mix the moss and primer soil with our hands and place it in a frame.
  6. Cut out the plywood to fit the back of the frame.
  7. Cut out crosses in shading materials or fabrics.
  8. We insert plants into them with our hands. Phyto picture of succulents is ready.

Every two weeks lay the frame flat and water it, then leave it for half an hour or so before hanging it up again.

How to make a panel of succulents with your own hands

You will need:

  • a frame wired crosswise to form a mesh, with a back box;
  • Earth.

How to do:

We choose plants depending on the illumination of the room by the sun

Many dream of a wall of living plants or paintings of plants in the house with their own hands. But when choosing flowers and plants for interior decoration, it is important to remember that they all require a different amount of light.

If most of the time the room is lit by direct sunlight, then fit:

  • cacti, succulents, agaves;
  • ornamental grasses;
  • agapanthus (African blue lily);
  • bougainvillea;
  • coleus;
  • jasmine;
  • passionflower;
  • vegetables and fruits.

If there is not much direct sun, then they will do:

The fashion for "green walls" or "phytowalls" came to Russia quite recently, although this design technique has existed for a long time. With the advent of large and bright rooms, as well as materials and technology, “living walls” became possible in our country, but this name did not take root among designers, so they often say “pictures from plants”. This is one of the types of vertical gardening.

The direction is so interesting that it interested not only professionals, but also lovers of indoor plants.

Here are interesting implementations of this design idea.
Living painting representing a copy of Van Gogh's famous painting "Wheat Field with Cypress" - a project of the National Gallery and GE. It was presented in 2012 along the west wall of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square in London. It took 8000 plants, a lot of time and effort to create it. But it was worth it.
Van Gogh's painting was chosen from many others, as it is most suitable for creating a picture of living plants in all shades of green due to its clear lines and color scheme.

But these masterpieces are not for our climate. We can limit ourselves to only a heated room.
Therefore, the dimensions should be more modest.

Perhaps even more modest:

Plants in modern home and the office should be harmoniously integrated into the surrounding environment. Pots on the windowsills are no longer fashionable, they are often a hindrance in the interior.

In winter, we have so little sun, so the windows should let in the maximum amount of light.
Decorative leafy species of indoor plants are used in phyto-pictures. They are usually unpretentious. But they perfectly enrich the room with oxygen and maintain a comfortable level of humidity.

Such paintings are like a carpet with a lush pile and are admired.
Is it possible to use flowering plants in living pictures?
Maybe. But flowering plants require more care And better conditions. Therefore, but in my opinion, flowering houseplants are best grown traditionally.

If the living walls of decorative leafy plants are more like a carpet, then a real picture can be made from succulents. Succulents grow slowly and do not require frequent watering, they have rich shades and textures.

A real picture frame would be appropriate here. In addition, you can enjoy your stonecrops not only in the summer in the country, but also in the winter at home.

What should be considered when choosing succulents for plant painting?
They are photophilous, therefore, the place for the picture should be well lit by sunlight and it would be quite appropriate to place a phytolamp with directional light.
Now let's turn to experience. foreign designers and see a master class on how to make a live picture.
To do this, you need a picture frame, a wide soil frame with a bottom and a grid. And of course succulents different forms, sizes and shades. Succulents can be planted either rooted or cut from big plant- they are perfectly rooted right in the picture.
The first stage: making a frame with filling it with soil.

Next, plants are planted in the cells of the grid. It is better to think over the drawing in advance. First you need to plant more large plants, then shallow, as close as the grid allows. For the first time, the picture is left in a horizontal position.

After a week, another plant will take root, and the picture can be hung on the wall, remembering to regularly spray the plants with a spray bottle.

Bonus: another idea from DIG Carden - hanging live succulent balls using the same technology:

Caring for a phytopicture of succulents

It consists in weekly spraying the surface of the leaves with settled water, once every 2 weeks - liquid fertilizer for succulents and cacti, removing dead parts of plants, thinning or replanting new plants as necessary.

Ryzhkina Svetlana
When reprinting an author's article, a reference to the author and the first

MASTER CLASS based on the materials of the site:

Phytodesign enters our life thanks to and from various countries. vertical gardens admire their grandiosity in the number of plants and are very good for landscaping large and small sections of walls in any place.

On the site, you could already familiarize yourself with the global ones in this direction and learn how, using an ordinary one, to make a small vertical garden with your own hands.

And now I bring to your attention a master class on creating an amazing do-it-yourself paintings from living plants . The author of the project chose moss and various as the material. > >>

To make it clearer how to do this DIY vertical garden, I will describe the work process based on 2 options that are similar to each other. And do living picture very easy.

  • Vintage picture frame 16″ x 20″ or 2 deep medium photo frames
  • The oak plywood sheet is slightly larger than the vintage frame (22″x 26″)
  • Thick garden film as used here (optional)
  • Coarse mesh wire or coil of steel wire
  • Hammer and nails or furniture stapler
  • wooden bars
  • wire cutters
  • Paints and brush for painting frames (optional) + varnish
  • Substrate for succulents (cacti)
  • Spanish Moss or Sphagnum Moss
  • Gloves

The process begins with the preparation of frames for work. If required, paint your frame in the desired color and polish. It will take about 4 coats of paint and varnish. Be sure to dry each coat well before applying a new coat of paint or varnish.

Turn the frame face down. Stretch the wire mesh along the perimeter of the wrong side (nippers come in handy). Don't forget to wear gloves. They will protect your hands from cuts and punctures. Nail wooden beams on top of the stretched mesh.

Or twist the steel wire mesh yourself. Staple one of the frames along the inner perimeter and screw the wire mesh to the brackets. The mesh should be well stretched, without deflections. Put the second frame on top, secure it with a hammer and nails. The grid will be between 2 frames.

In both options. Start laying in an even layer on the grid spanish moss or moss-sphagnum. Moss will prevent the earth from spilling out, it is also a means of retaining moisture, protects against mold and fungi. Top with a substrate for cacti (succulents).

In the first version with a vintage frame, a sheet of oak plywood is nailed on top. Do not forget to immediately attach reliable fasteners that can withstand remarkable weight. A large vintage frame will be quite heavy. The author of the project did not immediately think over this issue and subsequently did not hang the frame on the wall, but simply leaned it against it.

But I suggest using double-folded landscape fabric or thick plastic wrap for a small frame and staple it with frequent stitches. This method has already been used by Fern Richardson V . Although this is not necessary, as moss perfectly absorbs moisture. But this will help to avoid unnecessary expenses of moss and will definitely prevent moisture from entering the wall.

It is up to you to decide which method to choose, of course. If you stop at the author’s version, then the mesh will allow you to mount a living picture on the wall, if on my addition, then make mounts for hanging right away until they are seated.

Choose to plant succulents with long roots in size so that they cover the entire cell. Leave some soil on the roots.

All preparatory work behind and now in both cases you just have to turn the processed frame over to the front side and start planting your succulents in the cells in the order and combination that suits you. You can make indentations for planting with a stick.
