What is original and ? This means that it will be different from the usual ones found everywhere, for example, in photos in thematic magazines. But how to make it exactly like that?

is something unusual, unique, perhaps even exclusive. And this can only be created with your own hands, or rather with your brains. Of course, you can use other people's ideas, but they can only be taken as a basis, and then refined and brought to perfection, or rather, to originality. That is, your imagination will come in handy in any case, and it will play a decisive role.

How to create an original kitchen design?

A certain algorithm by which it would be possible to create original design kitchen does not exist. This is a creative process, sometimes very long. Some hatch ideas for months or even years, and only then proceed to repair. But if you have some ideas about design and the basic rules of interior design, then the following rules can help you:

  • No rules! Yes exactly! No need to figure out how to do it better and right. In general, the concepts of "rules" in the process of creation unique interior simply no. The main thing is that it be creative and different from everything that you often see in furniture stores, in magazine photos, in other houses, and so on.
  • Break stereotypes. In general, this concept in design is gradually dissolving. And if before all designers were taught the basic rules of design in one style or another, today truly talented and gifted professionals in their field use their most unimaginable ideas, and sometimes deliberately mock the generally recognized canons.
  • Forget about traditions. If you're tired of your classic and incredibly boring kitchen, then you need to come up with something completely opposite.
  • . And even if they do not match at all in color, let them refer to different styles, now everything is possible, because your goal is an original and bold design.
  • No restrictions! In the end, you are decorating the interior of your own kitchen, which means that you can not limit yourself in anything. And if someone tells you that you are crazy, take it as a compliment and a sign that you are on the right track (after all, originality is needed in order to surprise).

If you decide to create an interesting and original kitchen design, then start with finishing. Try to use modern materials, but preferably environmentally friendly and, of course, high-quality.

What materials are suitable and will make the room bright? These can be all kinds of panels of different textures, creative wallpapers with unusual effects, plaster (you can create exclusive relief patterns on it with your own hands), and so on. By the way, one of the walls can be distinguished, but in order for it to appear in all its glory, free it as much as possible. On it you can place huge photo, an interesting picture. Or you can just make it different from the rest of the walls with the help of finishing materials.

The ceiling can either be the most ordinary, or, conversely, play the role of an accent. In the latter case, it is best to make it tension, for example, multi-level. Moreover, the tiers should be non-trivial, have unusual shapes and arrangements. And you can choose a canvas with a bright print, this is also welcome.

When finishing the floor, it is advisable to abandon the classic materials, such as parquet, or boards. But the laminate is suitable, but if it is stylish and unusual, for example, bright and plain, or decorated with patterns. A large selection of textures and patterns is offered by linoleum manufacturers, and this option is not only practical (which is important in the interior of the kitchen), but also original. Also, the floor can be painted, and in the most juicy tones or saturated. And if you plan to make the floor the most important part of the room, then you can choose 3D technology or simply place a bright print in the center.

To make the design creative, play with contrasts. Choose non-trivial tandems of colors: combine dark and light, combine seemingly incompatible shades. You can also try experimenting with textures. So, gloss will perfectly get along with a relief surface, glass can be combined with matte details, shade metal with a cloth. And don't be afraid, it will hinder you.

Color spectrum

If you want to get an original design, then allow yourself to experiment with colors. In the photo of interesting interiors, you can find the brightest and richest colors, such as light green, orange, red, mint. And today they are very relevant. But more saturated, deep and dark colors are also in fashion: blue, purple, brown. By the way, some designers choose only one color, and it is present on all extensive surfaces. Accessories can also match in shade, which will create a single boundless space. Another trick is to use different shades one color. If you make such a decision, the room will become multifaceted and, no doubt, very interesting.

If you really like one color, but the monochromatic interior seems boring, dilute the background by placing on it color accents, and preferably contrasting ones to shade the room, refresh it and make it brighter.

You can also create an original . To avoid excessive variegation, use no more than three to four tones, one of which can be taken as a basis. And if the multicolor does not scare you at all, then do not limit yourself. And tandems can be classic and most successful, or more daring, not previously used. Rely only on your perception. Do you like how red and mint look side by side? Then combine them! And let it look too bright in the photo. If merging bothers you, use borders, for which you can use the classic and universal white and black colors, marking the junctions with them.


Do you want original furniture? Then order it, and do not purchase a ready-made headset. It is, of course, much more expensive, but worth it, because your main goal is the creative design of your kitchen. A sketch, by the way, can be drawn up both independently and with the help of a specialist.

Modern modular furniture will look no less interesting, as it can be used to create a variety of unusual sets, and parts can be easily interchanged, so you can quickly and easily change the look of your kitchen if you wish.


Accessories complement and refresh the interior, and sometimes play a decisive role in the final perception of the kitchen. And that's why they have to be stylish. But I immediately want to write: do not overdo it! Firstly, minimalism is in fashion, and secondly, abundance small parts can make the room cluttered.

The photo shows that functional elements can be used as decor, for example, towel hooks, pan holders, pot holders, chair seats (if you purchase them separately), kitchen utensils, dishes and so on. By the way, you can create installations from some parts. For example, hang pans at different levels or arrange plates in an original way.

original styles

You can not choose a specific style, but create it yourself, then the design will definitely be bold and original. And you can choose one of the following directions:

  • Vanguard. The photo shows that this is a bold style, involving the use of bright colors (but neutral light is usually taken as the basis), furniture of complex shapes, bright accessories.
  • Hi-tech is a modern technological style. This kitchen is made in gray or metallic colors and is equipped with multifunctional appliances.
  • Fusion - a combination of styles in textures, tones, shapes and other features.
  • Eclecticism is somewhat reminiscent of fusion, as it also involves a mixture of directions. Also, the main features are: geometric prints, comfort, abundance of decor, the use of complex shapes, interweaving of lines.
  • Kitsch is a kind of mockery of all existing rules. For example, you can create refined interior by deliberately using cheap and tasteless items.

Create your stunning and interesting interior!

Reading 8 min.

Not all housewives have spacious kitchens. Most often in old Soviet apartments they are quite small in size, and sometimes even tiny. However, in such a situation, you can find a way out by resorting to design tricks. The play of colors, original modern style, spacious lockers and much more will help to solve this issue. How to make the most of a small space in the kitchen will be discussed next.

Layout for a small kitchen

A small room, most often, even with the right layout and design decision, can continue to crush with four walls, as a feeling of constriction remains.

To avoid this, you can get rid of the door by arranging an arch instead. This can visually expand the space and remove the feeling of tightness. In case doors are needed, sliding models can be one of the options, which in addition look very stylish and modern.

A radical solution would be to combine the kitchen and living room, while receiving a studio apartment. This layout is especially popular among young people. At the same time, the kitchen expands and the disadvantages of a small area are no longer so noticeable. Besides dinner Zone may affect part of the living room, due to which space will be won for kitchen set and furniture, which will give the kitchen more functionality and comfort.

The layout of the kitchen set depending on the shape of the room

The correct location of the headset in the kitchen is the key to comfort, saving space and, as a result, saving time on cooking.

First of all, it is worth remembering the rule of the triangle, which consists in placing the refrigerator, sink and stove. It is this that contributes to the improvement of ergonomics in the kitchen, since it is based on the principle of cooking the dish in turn, that is, first the products are taken out of the refrigerator, then they are washed, cut and thermally processed.

The choice of layout of the headset should be based on the shape of the room, the location of windows, doors, communications. If the kitchen is square, then the best option considered U-shaped headset. If the dining area needs to be separated separately, then the L-shape is more suitable.

For a rectangular kitchen suitable linear the arrangement is either parallel, when only one wall is used, which is longer, for arranging furniture, or outside parallel walls.

With a non-standard form, including a studio apartment, the layout can be any, including island, oval. Also in this case it may be necessary individual order furniture.

What style to choose for a small kitchen

IN small room unacceptable bulky parts, a large number of accessories, various parts, especially small ones. Therefore, the style must be chosen based on the features that each of them represents. Therefore, for a small kitchen, the following styles are suitable:


This style fits perfectly. It is characterized by functionality, practicality and a minimum of details. The area in this case is used as efficiently as possible. Clear expressive lines, strict colors are welcome here, while decor is almost absent.

High tech

This style is dominated by smooth glossy surfaces, glass inserts, metal elements, clear lines, cold tones. High-tech furniture and appliances, innovative design, above all. You will not find elaborate details in this style. Everything is done in the most comfortable and tasteful way.


One of modern styles, for which non-traditional materials, original accessories, the presence of glossy surfaces, metal, mirrors are relevant. At the same time, colors can be very diverse, including quite bold contrasting combinations.


Characterized by strict lines, natural materials, simple shapes. Tones in this case are combined dark with light. There are also patterns in the form of flowers, while the texture of textiles is as simple as possible.

Color and pattern

With the help of color, you can not only expand, but also narrow the space, so the choice of colors plays a huge role. For a small kitchen, it is better to abandon dark tones, otherwise the room will seem even smaller, and the atmosphere will be dull and burdensome. Therefore, the choice should be stopped at such colors as white, beige, cream, peach, olive, gray.

Brighter tones are also possible, such as green, yellow, pink, while it is important not to overdo it with brightness. Contrast is not always appropriate. If we are talking about bright colors, then, for example, a red spot on a white background will narrow the space.

A smooth plain surface will visually add additional area. Gloss is also a winning option, as it perfectly reflects light, thereby moving the walls away from each other. Drawing can only be used small. Large ornaments and patterns are absolutely unacceptable in this case.


Huge overall curtains are not recommended for use in the kitchen, regardless of its size. This is due to the fact that they not only absorb odors and get dirty quickly, but are also fire hazardous. Moreover, their moderate use concerns small kitchens.

For protection against sun rays you can use a short tulle in the form of a curtain or a dense canvas hung in a narrow strip like a visor. Blinds, bamboo roll products will become a universal solution. Also popular and comfortable are Roman blinds, reminiscent of an accordion.

Advice! If, nevertheless, the choice fell on fabric curtains, then it is better to use synthetic materials than natural fabrics, as they are easier to care for and have a fire-resistant and water-repellent impregnation.

Table and bar counter

A full dining area for a small kitchen often becomes a huge luxury. In this case, it is relevant to ask the question of how to save space and fit the table, or what other options are possible.

There is always a way out. The first option is to use a window sill, which can be made an extension of the table. Thus, there will be an additional work surface that can be used functionally. At the same time, you can order a countertop that will replace the window sill, or you can install the surface on a different level.

The second option is to use a folding or sliding table. Again, it can be attached to the windowsill. It is also possible to install a small table and attach a retractable tabletop to it. In addition, a folding table can be installed near a free wall and it can be adjusted only if necessary, for example, during a meal.

Finally, a bar counter, which can be different size and forms. It can become a continuation of the window sill or become part of the U-shaped headset, continuing it. Bar counters are more compact and therefore take up less space. In addition, for a studio apartment, this is a great way to zone space.

Floor and ceiling

In a small kitchen, it is important to make the ceiling in light colors, and best of all in white. by the most simple options considered to be ordinary painting or wallpapering. Another inexpensive solution and at the same time more practical and durable is the use of plastic panels.

more expensive and modern version are stretch ceiling. They will take only 2-3 cm in height, the effectiveness of such a choice is worth it. The main thing in this case is to use a glossy film that will visually increase the height of the ceiling.

For the floor, it is necessary to use durable materials that are not afraid of moisture and can be easily washed. Therefore, it is recommended to choose linoleum, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or self-leveling floor. It is unacceptable to use patterns; a plain surface will look better.


For walls, it is recommended to choose light solid colors that will increase the space. It can be both painting and wallpaper. A pattern or drawing can only be unobtrusively small, decorated plaster is allowed.

Wall murals look original, but they must be used carefully so as not to overload the kitchen even more. It can be seascapes, photos of street cafes.

The apron is preferably made of ceramic tiles, stone or tempered glass. Again, large patterns and landscapes are not recommended.


A small kitchen should be as bright as possible. Good lighting, which requires special attention, also contributes to this. Bulky chandeliers are inappropriate here. They should be small size, not very remarkable, discreet colors, simple shapes.

For the working area it is worth installing a separate lighting. Suitable for spotlights or led strip. The window should also be as open as possible so that natural light enters the room.

Secrets and tricks

Light colors, smooth glossy surfaces and good lighting have already been mentioned. All these subtleties can significantly increase the space visually. At the same time, it is important to know certain secrets that allow you to make the most of the usable area.

The headset itself is desirable to take in narrow and high in order to accommodate more items. The more hanging cabinets there are, the more space there will be for storing kitchen utensils.

Roof rails in the kitchen are often simply irreplaceable. They are hung over the tabletop in the form of a tube or plank with metal hooks. It is convenient to place ladles, skimmers, ladles and many other necessary items on them.

Organizers not only help to make lockers more spacious and convenient, but in some cases they also make it easy to get items located near the far wall. There are also sliding drawers, dividers for dishes, which also become excellent helpers in a small kitchen.

Thus, every centimeter of the kitchen can be put to good use by installing convenient modern elements that save space. Even the space under the window sill or bar counter can be reasonably used by installing additional drawers, niches or retractable structures.

small kitchen real photo

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DIY kitchen design: photos, non-standard ideas, design solutions

It takes ~6 minutes to read

The kitchen is the place where the whole family comes together. Therefore, it should be warm and cozy for each member of the family and comfortable for the hostess. It is these factors that should be considered when planning repairs. Today, a do-it-yourself kitchen is far from an innovation. Often the template interior design ideas of experienced craftsmen do not suit creative and demanding customers, then they try to bring individual ideas into the already finished project or create your own style and interior from scratch.

Beautiful layout of the premises in a private house from scratch

If the scale of the kitchen or the layout of the entire apartment allows, then you can visually create it unique and non-standard. This can be done using drywall, podium, multi-level ceilings and spotlights. Such repairs, of course, are easily soiled and long, but in the end you get a cozy kitchenette that you don’t want to leave. It is also a great option to create a kitchen-studio or combine it with a balcony, loggia. If this a private house(more details on the design were written in the article), and from the dining room there is access to the terrace, by making a beautiful massive glass door, you can solve several problems at once:

  1. Increase the amount of light in a natural, economical way.
  2. Move the dining area to the terrace (more details), which is possible in the warm season.
  3. Arrange cabinets and working area on the terrace.


Small corner dining room


Layout option


Option with yellow tones


Option with a terrace

The idea of ​​​​custom wall decor at home

Partitions are also an important element of the kitchen space. Many psychologists claim that the right shades, color and pattern in the interior design of the kitchen can influence a person both positively and negatively. So, bright and catchy tones of flowers awaken an appetite in a person, but at the same time, with a long stay in such a room, a person quickly gets tired and experiences excessive nervousness. But gentle pastel colors, on the contrary, soothe. So for harmony inner world these colors are best combined. There are many options for creating a kitchen design and a headset, among the most successful are:

  • stickers, they can be pasted on walls or ceramic tiles (read also), you can pick up a series of drawings and create a whole story;
  • ornaments drawn through stencils (this is the most inexpensive way, because you can make stencils yourself by downloading a picture from the Internet);
  • paintings, panels, plaques and photographs;
  • painting.

You can buy ready-made wallpapers for the kitchen with a pattern (considered in the article) that you like, or you can paint the walls in a monotonous shade (they considered color advice) and make inserts with a pattern, as in the photo:


A photo of the whole family or even a whole collage will add home warmth. You can decorate such a portrait as you like. The internet is full of ideas.

If there are small children in the house, and repairs are simply inevitable, you can use the IdeaPaint wall. You simply glue special wallpaper on the wall and draw on it with a special marker that can be easily erased. Such an undertaking will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults who will be able to write down the information they need, a reminder or interesting recipe right on the kitchen wall. It's not only useful thing but also an interesting design.


Decorating furniture with your own hands, or how to create an inexpensive design (photo)

After finishing the renovation in the dining room, putting in a new set, it often seems boring and simple. To give standard furniture exclusivity, use the following techniques:

  • decoupage;
  • painting;
  • plastic, foam pads that look like threads (great for giving classical style conventional kitchen set);
  • special film: it can look like any natural material, made in any shade you need, or with any pattern;
  • non-standard fittings.


Walls in orange


cartoon kitchen set


Mosaic tile apron


Apron option above the stove


Classic style


Italian décor

The kitchen interior and its design will help to dilute hand-made textile decorations. On the Internet you can find many such master classes from experienced handmade masters. To give old technology a new look, it can simply be painted or pasted over with a film. In the case of painting, it is better to use paint in spray cans, it lays down in an even and thin layer.

There is a special film for decorating countertops and facades, it is easily glued, you can choose any pattern or “material”: leather, metal, marble, granite and wood.
If bright colors and massive decorations are chosen as decor, then it is better to give preference to either walls, or furniture, or appliances. Decorating everything at once will make the room overloaded, and it will become difficult to be in it.

Make furniture for the kitchen with your own hands

There is nothing better than conveniently furnishing a space in the kitchen that can save space in the room and accommodate as many utensils as possible. Often, finished furniture in the interior of the kitchen is rather impractical. That's why experienced craftsmen assemble your own or remake an already finished one. An important criterion is functionality, practicality, space saving and, of course, external characteristics.


Table with drawers


Drawers for dishes


Do-it-yourself washing


Country style


A good solution can be called secret cabinets for large dishes, spices and cereals, cans with preservation and other things.


Hidden dish drawer


Spacious closet


Spacious cupboard for dishes


Corner kitchen cabinet

DIY interior textiles

A cozy interior in the kitchen can be created using individually decorated textile items. So, curtains, potholders, towels and even pillows will become not just helpers in the kitchen, but also decor. Elements made from the same fabric will look harmonious. It is better to use natural linen and thick cotton for such purposes. These fabrics are not very easily soiled, absorb moisture well and are heat resistant.


Various grip options


Aprons and tablecloths


Table in gray tones

Cozy little things

In any home, you can see a cute little thing, completely useless, but it is she who creates a special homely atmosphere. Among these little things you can use:

  • magnets. Today, probably, there is not a single apartment on the refrigerator of which there are no magnets. They can be bought on vacation or made by hand. The materials for such magnets are varied: salty dough, cereals, coffee, tea, textiles, cold porcelain, flowers and other improvised means;
  • vases and dishes. An original vase for every little thing can be created from twine, or threads of different colors, glue and a ball. It can also be dishes made of clay or gypsum;
  • souvenirs and boxes. Any materials are suitable for their manufacture: paper, plaster, cold porcelain, clay, wood. Needlework masters make boxes even from what an ordinary housewife simply throws out after use: a scotch tape reel, a toilet paper base;
  • hooks. Non-standard hooks can be made from cutlery, tree branches;
  • non-standard organizers;
  • pots various forms, in which there can be both flowers and healthy greens.


Spices in a frame


Cereal decoration in a bottle


Can decor


flower plants

The kitchen is quite a popular place in the apartment, especially for a woman. It is here that the hostess spends a lot of time, cooking, cleaning, feeding the household, etc. And, accordingly, it should be not only functional, but also cozy and beautiful. Decoration, design play a huge role in preparing the kitchen for its immediate comfortable use.


Initially, it is important to decide how exactly it will be designed. To do this, you need to evaluate the size of the kitchen room, the entire apartment, as well as the design of the room as a whole. The material used for decoration must be of high quality and durable. The right design of the walls in the kitchen is, first of all, the right shades of wallpaper in accordance with the overall design of the apartment.

Right choice

Wallpaper should be chosen very carefully. And the point here is not even so much in the coloring of the wallpaper as in quality. Of course, waterproof wallpapers are best suited here. In addition, the choice can also fall on fiberglass wallpapers and wallpapers intended for painting. A very important tip that you should definitely pay attention to is that the wallpaper should be glued far from the sink area (for example, above the dining table). In the sink area, it is better to make a design with stone, tile or fresco. It will look great and fit well into the overall design of the kitchen room.

Modern Ideas

Metallic wallpaper is one of the trendy and modern ideas for decorating the walls in the kitchen. They are made from aluminum foil. These wallpapers are perfect for small kitchens, as they visually expand and increase the space. They can be both smooth and textured. Look very modern.

Wall mural

Wall murals have been relevant at all times. And now quite often the owners choose this type of finish for their kitchens. Wall murals can give a very romantic look to the kitchen room. But you should choose them especially carefully, paying attention to the overall design of the room, colors, the nature of the household and other nuances. The picture can look very out of place in a particular shade, or, conversely, become a bright addition that harmoniously fits into the overall picture and atmosphere of the room.

When choosing wallpaper, you should consider the size of the kitchen itself, especially if the kitchen is small. In this case, not everything will fit. Wallpaper must be chosen carefully. And, in this case, mostly wallpaper with a small pattern. Large details will only make it visually even smaller.

In the kitchen, pasted over with wallpaper, various kinds of interior decorations will look very harmonious, such as vases with and without flowers, paintings, family photos in beautiful frames, especially those made by hand under the overall design of the room, thus creating a special cosiness and emotional atmosphere in home. With a TV of this style, kitchens will also look good.

Ceramic tile

One of relevant solutions when decorating a kitchen, especially if a kitchen with a gas boiler is, of course, a tile. Because it's beautiful and comfortable at the same time. It is easy to clean, not afraid of grease and other contaminants, very practical, which is very important for this type of room.

In the case when the kitchen is completely tiled, designers recommend using additional details as decoration. It can be beautiful vases, decorative jars, beautifully arranged fruits, etc.

plastered walls

Decorative plaster makes it possible to make the design unique and individual, reflecting the taste and preferences of the owner of the apartment. This type of cladding is very in demand and popular, because it makes it possible to create something unique and unlike anything else, to express your own flight of fancy. In addition, painting can be done on the plaster coating. To do this, it is better to invite an artist or do the painting yourself. Also with ledges on the walls with beautiful plaster A panel made with your own hands or purchased in a store will look great.


A big plus of such a material as drywall is that when using it, absolutely straight and smooth walls are preserved. This design is suitable for creative people. Drywall allows you to embody almost any creative ideas, using fabric or draping openings where necessary, if necessary.

This type of decoration also provides various design ideas that you can refer to when choosing this option.


Panels are also used in the design quite often. And this is no coincidence, since the panels have many advantages. Firstly, it is reliability and durability, as well as the possibility of combining different kind(glass, polymer) panels. And secondly, it's beautiful and modern. design solution that would look good in any kitchen.

painted walls

Perfect solution for those who want to save money and at the same time create beautiful decoration with your own hands - this, of course, is painting the walls. Painted kitchen walls look very stylish, bright and will look harmonious in any design. But you need to understand that for these purposes only suitable decorative paint. By combining and mixing paint with elements such as sand, starch, sawdust, etc., you can end up with a very interesting and unusual surface.

In this case, any additional design ideas are appropriate. You can decorate such a kitchen with decorative elements (vases, frames). Wall shelves will also look very harmonious, especially if they fit perfectly color scheme to the color of the walls.


Often the choice falls on a brick when it comes to choosing a material for decorating a kitchen room. brick walls in the kitchen give a special charm to the room. If you choose the right color and shade of this material, then such a kitchen will look especially harmonious, at the same time cozy and homely sincerely.

White brick will look very noble and is more suitable for sophisticated and romantic natures. With gray bricks, you can also achieve a similar effect. The unusual color of the brick, for example, yellow or orange, will give the room some playfulness and brightness. Such colors in the interior should be chosen by those households who have children.

Apron design

To finish the working area (the so-called "apron"), it is recommended to use materials such as stone (natural or artificial), metal panels, tiles and other materials. They are expensive, but they can and should be used selectively, on a separate area, and not on the entire wall.

In fact, there are two types of this kitchen area:

  1. Style "casual", or otherwise neutral style. It does not require any additional details. The key here is functionality.
  2. If the goal is to pay attention to any detail of the kitchen interior, or directly to the work area, then in this case it is made bright and contrasting. It is quite possible to add additional elements there.

The main task of transforming any small-sized room is to create the illusion of spaciousness and volume. In this case, experts recommend several ways to visually increase the area. First of all, they advise replacing a simple swing door sliding or a model resembling an accordion.

You can also consider the option of redevelopment of the kitchen by combining it with the next room or loggia. An excellent way out would be to purchase a compact but roomy headset or special transformable furniture.

Correctly selected color solution, for example, calm pastel colors and a good contrast of vertical and horizontal surfaces will help to give the room a lively and joyful look.

To add a touch of warmth and homeliness to the atmosphere, it is best to use decorative decorations made of materials such as copper, bronze and natural wood. Examples of interiors for a small kitchen, the photos of which we bring to your attention, are designed to clearly demonstrate the effect of the basic rules of organic space planning.


Creative kitchens in small spaces

Agree, there are pluses in small kitchens - wherever you turn, everything is at hand: vegetables from the sink quickly fall into the pan, ladles and plates are taken from the shelves in a matter of seconds, and food and spices - decorously waiting for their turn on the shelves - "in crowded , but do not be offended. So we decided to pick up for you photos of kitchens that take up very little space in the apartment.


Creative kitchens

Whatever your kitchen: small or large, with modern gadgets or a grandmother's refrigerator, so you want it to be pleasant to cook food in this room, small room, mansions, sit over a cup of coffee or tea and gather the whole family for dinner.

It often begins with the kitchen renovation of the entire apartment. And then the owners begin to bypass furniture stores and surf thematic sites in search of right decision. Editorial "With taste" I decided to make the task a little easier by collecting the most interesting ideas kitchen design different sizes.

Kitchen Design Ideas

From general view you can choose the details you like, for example, decorate the wall a picture of three canvases or choose a wallpaper with inscriptions in the style of a pizzeria.

Even with a limited budget, you can make the kitchen cozy, because it's not only about furniture and expensive equipment, but also about details. experience inexpensive repair one couple shared with our editors what came out of it, see here. And save the collection in your bookmarks and draw inspiration from it!


Bright decor elements in the kitchen: 25 creative ideas

One of the resurgent interior design trends is wallpaper. The resumption of fashion this species finishes in the last few years has been simply sensational, it reminds us of the time when this option was considered the cheapest and convenient way room decorations.

The one who feverishly got rid of wallpaper 10 years ago now happily glues them again! Despite this, there is one room in the house that still remains without it. finishing material- kitchen.

While beautiful wallpaper very often used in bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms and corridors, the kitchen is out of work. However, a similar finish in this space can give the same stunning visual effect as in any other part of your apartment.

Versatility and ease of use are the main advantages of wallpaper. This is a great alternative for those who want to get away from the standards. Here are 25 inspirational pictures from enthusiastic designers.

Decor doesn't always have to be colorful.

Neutral shades are more suitable

Colorful details enhance the nautical theme

Mixing colors and patterns

This design is the perfect choice for retro style.

some color

Wallpaper is one of the easiest and fastest ways to add variety to your interior design. But when it comes to the kitchen, we often turn to tiles. With your wall decor in mind, you can choose from gorgeous pinkish tones and floral patterns to breathtaking purples and blues.

Luxurious mediterranean room in blue

Dare to let print options into the modern space

Cozy place with nice decor

Your space can become more neutral through the visual impact of decor. Therefore, this type of wall cladding is gaining popularity in modern houses, where a minimalist design is applied using shades of gray and white. small plots simple wallpaper can have a powerful effect in such trendy areas ...

Add a touch of flashy pink

Regal purple indoors

Chic wallpaper with a dynamic combination of colors

A touch of green for a minimalist décor

Pattern game

Today, designers use not only bright colors, but also an achromatic palette. This allowed homeowners to apply wallpaper indoors without changing the existing color scheme. You can choose tones that fit well into almost any organized area.

Whether it's surreal patterns or artsy flowers, stylish prints or zebra stripes, wallpapering is a great way to bring out the architectural features of a room and also add some texture to an area.

Template Options

Fairy rolls bring some black to the room

Wooden cladding elements in a modern apartment

Light touches of vintage for classic cuisine

Interesting mix of tiles and wallpaper

Stylish range that does not violate the color range

In the kitchen and beyond!

The room becomes really interesting when decorated with colorful and cheerful wallpaper. But if you overdo it with flowers, it will be bad. You will quickly get bored with this design and soon want to change it again.

That is why the use of not so bright options is the best choice, since you can use them longer, they will not bother you. Another fantastic way is to use this finish on floor areas, thus connecting the kitchen and other parts of the house.

Wonderful use of colors

Elegant details visually connect the kitchen with the dining and living areas

Using this option is a really unusual choice. But don't let the standards stop you. If you're bored with tile or want to focus on certain parts, let this finish do its thing. It's fresh and A New Look in design!

Add original items

Contrasting pattern brings the kitchen island to life!

Classic room with charming teapots on the walls

Traditional style with an inviting atmosphere


Creative kitchen interior - design possibilities, unusual design ideas

Fashionable and creative cuisine cheers up and attracts attention. In its interior, you can place expensive accessories and furniture, or make the design of the kitchen with your own hands. In any case, interesting and unusual ideas become her hallmark. But not all friends will be able to understand the creative thinking of the owner, but only connoisseurs who can appreciate the design. And this point should be taken into account!

Why creative?

Ordinary sample kitchens filled with cabinets modeled suites Soviet period, unremarkable wallpapers and standard lamps hanging from the ceiling of every third apartment have long been tired of everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone in our time is able to shell out a tidy sum for the purchase of a new kitchen furniture made to order according to an exclusive project, even if it is very small in size. But you can change the interior of the kitchen without attracting large funds.

Creative design is available to almost everyone, especially since in this case there is no need to adhere to a certain style. Eclecticism is most in demand today, so do not be afraid of bold decisions!

The main driving forces for fundamental changes should be:

  • a great desire to do something unexpected and original;
  • energy, determination and purposefulness;
  • a little imagination and creative ideas;
  • absence of stereotypes.

Ideas can be gleaned from the Internet, and for advice, turn to a designer who supports views on unusual interior and not afraid of too small or huge kitchen area. Creative design is in trend today, and owners of any material wealth and age category can afford the design of a room in a trendy style.

Possibilities of a small kitchen

The boring and uninteresting interior of the kitchen room inspires few people. But its design should be so attractive that the hostess can get aesthetic pleasure from being in the kitchen and cooking. Only in this case real culinary delights are obtained!

Premises of a small area are a hassle when decorating, which most owners complain about. Of course, certain difficulties exist, but small kitchens also have advantages. They are a little cramped, but everything is at hand. Standing literally in one place, you can reach for pots and knives, get food from the refrigerator and place a baking sheet in the oven.

In a small kitchen, in fact, it is easier to achieve a cozy atmosphere and a romantic setting, and its new design will require less financial investment.

In the design of a creative interior, an important role will be played by:

  • original furniture;
  • non-standard finish;
  • unusual accessories, cutlery and crockery;
  • exclusive table;
  • bright color solutions;
  • original lamps and much more.

There are many creative style solutions for a small kitchen, but it must be remembered that the room should remain comfortable and not overloaded with unnecessary elements.


The wall design has great importance in the design of the kitchen only if they are not completely covered with floor and wall cabinets. But the kitchen apron will still remain open, so it is finished with bright multi-colored tiles, mosaics, plastic or glass with a creative image.

The interior of a "boring" kitchen will help to refresh the use of wallpaper with a contrasting pattern, imitation of textiles or other materials. Wallpaper does not have to be expensive, it is quite suitable and inexpensive analogues. Often one of the walls is made brighter, focusing attention. In this way, they achieve zoning of the room, highlighting, for example, a dining area. The interior only benefits from this.

Plain walls can be decorated with various original accessories:

  • stylish watches;
  • bright pictures and stickers in unusual frames;
  • cups and saucers;
  • wooden or metal trays;
  • hanging notebooks with recipes, etc.


Manufacturers produce original refrigerators, stoves and small kitchen appliances different sizes and shapes. But its cost is quite high, so most consumers do not even think about such an acquisition.

But a creative interior requires non-standard solutions and they must be found!

Corps large household appliances Can:

  • first, paint;
  • secondly, apply individual images or drawings to it;
  • thirdly, decorate with applications, ready-made vinyl stickers or decals;
  • fourthly, stick around with decorative magnets;
  • fifthly, "age".

Decorate the refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine any patterns are allowed, ranging from Khokhloma or Gzhel, ending with national flags or flower fields. The creative design is emphasized by rhinestones or Swarovski crystals pasted on the case.

One of the most budgetary and available options creative decoration household appliances will become a design made with self-adhesive film. On its reverse side, the outlines of future stickers are drawn, after which the figures are cut out. Then the protective film is carefully removed from them, and the applications are glued onto the prepared surface.

As a stencil for applications, you can use any pictures, such as children's coloring.

Stylish things

Creative kitchen utensils deserve special attention. The interior with unusual accessories will always look stylish and original. On the shelves you can find:

  • "crumpled" porcelain, similar to crumpled paper;
  • teapot with two spouts;
  • cups with pockets for cookies;
  • frying pans with a funny pattern;
  • disassembled kitchen boards-puzzles;
  • sets for spices in the form of test tubes with a stand;
  • designer cutlery and much more.

Self-made decor for a creative kitchen looks no less attractive. For example, for a small tea mug, you can knit a button-down blouse, which will help keep the tea hot longer.

creative lamps

Stylish design is not complete without a creative chandelier. If it does not perform the function of the main light source, it can be used as a decorative element.

Today, the choice of fixtures in specialized stores is huge, but you should not buy them based only on visual perception. The main selection criterion should be the harmonious combination of the chandelier with the surrounding interior.

By using LED backlight can be emphasized individual elements or combine them into a single whole, changing the interior beyond recognition. Properly placed accents will add additional notes of creativity to it.


For a stylish headset, bright multi-colored facades made of innovative materials are suitable. Refusal of the upper tier of lockers will make the kitchen not quite ordinary and unloaded. The vacated walls can be filled with creative decor or narrow shelves with exclusive vases, lace dishes, glass containers with fruit, colored wine glasses or decanters.

The original table and chairs diversify the interior. Unusually shaped legs, upholstery with ruffles or large studs, woven backs from wire are welcome.

The flight of fancy in a creative interior is practically unlimited, and bold decisions are now in fashion!


Wonderful photos of creative ideas for a small kitchen

Properly organized space for small things is the key to saving space

Many apartments in our country have one common drawback - small kitchens. Often, the architecture of the room further complicates the task of decorating it, and low ceilings, an elongated shape and other features are added to a small area. Fortunately, modern designers and furniture manufacturers are ready to work competently with these shortcomings, and a lot of ready-made solutions come to the rescue of those who want to make their kitchen cozy and comfortable. Practicality and beauty in this case can be combined, and this is easy to see.

One of important points in creating a roomy headset is the use of corner space. Retractable structures look classic from the facade, but at the same time give full access to the desired area. The cabinets on top of the set often open vertically upwards, which also helps save space to move around.

To create the desired visual effect, the conciseness of the decor is a priority, since smooth surfaces and a uniform texture of materials do not "eat up" the volume of the room, and make furniture maintenance easier. Fittings for such an arrangement of the main items of a furniture set are not cheap, but in this case it is better to reduce the price due to the material and complexity of the facades, choosing the practicality and comfort of a thoughtful kitchen structure.

Visually, the facades may look absolutely classic, but behind them are very interesting solutions.

If the top tier of cabinets has doors that open vertically, then quite a lot of space is freed up in the room.

Corner space must be used to the maximum in a small kitchen


Creative kitchen design: 25 photos

What is original and stylish design kitchens? This means that it will be different from the usual ones found everywhere, for example, in photos in thematic magazines. But how to make it exactly like that?

  • 1 What is original design?
  • 2 How to create an original kitchen design?
  • 3 Interesting finishes
  • 4 Color range
  • 5 Furniture
  • 6 Accessories
  • 7 Original styles

What is original design?

An original and creative kitchen design is something unusual, unique, perhaps even exclusive. And this can only be created with your own hands, or rather with your brains. Of course, you can use other people's ideas, but they can only be taken as a basis, and then refined and brought to perfection, or rather, to originality. That is, your imagination will come in handy in any case, and it will play a decisive role.

How to create an original kitchen design?

There is no specific algorithm by which it would be possible to create an original kitchen design. This is a creative process, sometimes very long. Some hatch ideas for months or even years, and only then proceed to repair. But if you have some ideas about design and the basic rules of interior design, then the following rules can help you:

  • No rules! Yes exactly! No need to figure out how to do it better and right. In general, the concept of "rules" in the process of creating a unique interior simply does not exist. The main thing is that it be creative and different from everything that you often see in furniture stores, in magazine photos, in other houses, and so on.
  • Break stereotypes. In general, this concept in design is gradually dissolving. And if before all designers were taught the basic rules of design in one style or another, today truly talented and gifted professionals in their field use their most unimaginable ideas, and sometimes deliberately mock the generally recognized canons.
  • Forget about traditions. If you're tired of your classic and incredibly boring kitchen, then you need to come up with something completely opposite.
  • Combine incompatible elements. And even if they don’t match at all in color, even if they belong to different styles, now everything is possible, because your goal is an original and bold design.
  • No restrictions! In the end, you are decorating the interior of your own kitchen, which means that you can not limit yourself in anything. And if someone tells you that you are crazy, take it as a compliment and a sign that you are on the right track (after all, originality is needed in order to surprise).

If you decide to create an interesting and original kitchen design, then start with finishing. Try to use modern materials, but preferably environmentally friendly and, of course, of high quality.

It's worth starting with the design of the walls. What materials are suitable and will make the room bright? These can be all kinds of panels of different textures, creative wallpapers with unusual effects, plaster (you can create exclusive relief patterns on it with your own hands), and so on. By the way, one of the walls can be distinguished, but in order for it to appear in all its glory, free it as much as possible. On it you can place a huge photo, an interesting picture. Or you can just make it different from the rest of the walls with the help of finishing materials.

The ceiling can either be the most ordinary, or, conversely, play the role of an accent. In the latter case, it is best to make it tension, for example, multi-level. Moreover, the tiers should be non-trivial, have unusual shapes and arrangements. And you can choose a canvas with a bright print, this is also welcome.

When finishing the floor, it is advisable to abandon the classic materials, such as parquet, or boards. But the laminate is suitable, but if it is stylish and unusual, for example, bright and plain, or decorated with patterns. A large selection of textures and patterns is offered by linoleum manufacturers, and this option is not only practical (which is important in the interior of the kitchen), but also original. Also, the floor can be painted, and in the most juicy tones or saturated. And if you plan to make the floor the most important part of the room, then you can choose 3D technology or simply place a bright print in the center.

To make the design creative, play with contrasts. Choose non-trivial tandems of colors: combine dark and light, combine seemingly incompatible shades. You can also try experimenting with textures. So, gloss will perfectly get along with a relief surface, glass can be combined with matte details, shade metal with a cloth. And don't be afraid, it will hinder you.

Color spectrum

If you want to get an original design, then allow yourself to experiment with colors. In the photo of interesting interiors, you can find the brightest and richest colors, such as light green, orange, red, mint. And today they are very relevant. But more saturated, deep and dark colors are also in fashion: blue, purple, brown. By the way, some designers choose only one color, and it is present on all extensive surfaces. Accessories can also match in shade, which will create a single boundless space. Another trick is to use different shades of the same color. If you make such a decision, the room will become multifaceted and, no doubt, very interesting.

If you really like one color, but the monochromatic interior seems boring, dilute the background by placing color accents on it, and preferably contrasting ones, to set off the room, refresh it and make it brighter.

You can also create an original multi-color kitchen design. To avoid excessive variegation, use no more than three to four tones, one of which can be taken as a basis. And if the multicolor does not scare you at all, then do not limit yourself. And tandems can be classic and most successful, or more daring, not previously used. Rely only on your perception. Do you like how red and mint look side by side? Then combine them! And let it look too bright in the photo. If merging bothers you, use borders, for which you can use the classic and universal white and black colors, marking the junctions with them.


Do you want original furniture? Then order it, and do not purchase a ready-made headset. It is, of course, much more expensive, but worth it, because your main goal is the creative design of your kitchen. A sketch, by the way, can be drawn up both independently and with the help of a specialist.

Modern modular furniture will look no less interesting, as it can be used to create a variety of unusual sets, and parts can be easily interchanged, so you can quickly and easily change the look of your kitchen if you wish.


Accessories complement and refresh the interior, and sometimes play a decisive role in the final perception of the kitchen. And that's why they have to be stylish. But I immediately want to write: do not overdo it! Firstly, minimalism is in fashion, and secondly, the abundance of small details can make the room cluttered.

The photo shows that functional elements can be used as decor, for example, towel hooks, pan holders, pot holders, chair seats (if you purchase them separately), kitchen utensils, dishes and so on. By the way, you can create installations from some parts. For example, hang pans at different levels or arrange plates in an original way.

original styles

You can not choose a specific style, but create it yourself, then the design will definitely be bold and original. And you can choose one of the following directions:

  • Vanguard. The photo shows that this is a bold style, involving the use of bright colors (but neutral light is usually taken as the basis), furniture of complex shapes, bright accessories.
  • Hi-tech is a modern technological style. This kitchen is made in gray or metallic colors and is equipped with multifunctional appliances.
