Earth houses - you stand on building material.

Long bags are filled with sand and arranged in layers. Sometimes cement, lime are added as stabilizers, but the main composition of the ideal mixture is 70% sand, 30% clay. Straw is also sometimes added. Then the earth-beaten walls are covered with clay and plastered. Architecture in balance

Polypropylene bags made from recycled plastic bags can last for hundreds of years, especially if they are covered with clay, adobe or plaster on top to keep air out. Arquitectura en Equilibrio, Colombia.

Earth kneading differs depending on the area. Here, in a rainy area, a stone foundation was laid under the bags for drainage. Notice the barbed wire that keeps the bags from slipping and creates a stable frame during an earthquake. Arquitectura en Equilibrio, Colombia.

The hardest part is filling the bags. The bags are filled in place on the wall. With a reasonable approach, you can lay 30 linear meters of bags per day. Arquitectura en Equilibrio, Colombia.

Arch strength testing

Seres project, Guatemala.

CalEarth is an earthen building in California.
Iranian architect Nader Khalili founded earthbuilding technology and in 1991 founded the California Institute of Earth Art and Architecture (Cal-Earth), a research non-profit and educational organization. Photo by James

Initially, Nader Khalili presented the technology for building such houses for NASA as an option for building and living on the Moon and Mars. Photo by Ashley Muse

In some places, he left layers visible.

Aerodynamic shapes are resistant to hurricanes, and the frame structure is resistant to earthquakes in California. Also, earthen houses are not afraid of floods and fires. A double eco-dome can be built (from bags) in 10 weeks. Photo by James

Classical arches, domes and vaults. Their combination protects from the prevailing winds. Photo by James

CalEarth - inside is light and cozy.

CalEarth - vaulted ceilings.

roof structure

Building an earthen house in the Philippines. Long sandbags add stability, but using barbed wire between layers of short sandbags is fine too. Long bags certainly take longer to fill than short ones. Photo by SCDLR8899

Construction of an earth house at a boarding school in San Juan Cosala, Mexico.

This is the first earthwork to receive official building permission in New York State. A project by Marsh Allen Rochester's sister, she hopes that the students who helped build this house will join her in Haiti, where she hopes to build many of these buildings.

Start of construction of the Gainesville, Florida earthen house. Photo by Justin Martin

Kicked out the walls and covered

Stucco of an earthen house in Gainesville, Florida.

Reconstruction of an earthen house in Argentina.

Compaction of the first layers. Initially, trenches are dug and then filled with gravel, cement, or several layers of bags. Each layer is leveled before the next one is laid down.

The plastering of the earthen house is done by hand. Some of them use bags as a temporary owner of Adobe. The bags may rot, but the building will still be strong. With this construction scheme, the bags should be filled with a small percentage of reject material (eg adding 5%-10% slaked lime or cement, mixed well and then lightly moistened before filling and tamping into bags).

Earthen house from the inside, ready for plastering. Eze is one way to knead. Mix soil; clay/sand, and insulating material such as volcanic stone, slag, pumice, perlite or vermiculite and put into polypropylene bags (which have a half life of 500 years). must be protected from sunlight by plaster.

If you don't like the idea of ​​plastic bags, you can use organic linen or hemp. Fill them with clay, sand, lime, crushed stone or other cement-forming material, and, after installation, lightly pour water over them to harden them. You will receive a very durable and reliable material.

Earth house project.

Earth house. Andrey Bobrovitsky Lvov. Ukraine
The earthen base can be used as a component, in the construction of, for example, a straw house. Here, the walls of the bag are laid out for the construction of the basement of the house.
Reinforcement with mesh between layers.

Insulation of the earthen part of the house, first clay plaster, then extruded foam. As a foundation, a trench is dug out and covered with gravel.

they compact the foundation in an earthen house, constantly ramming it and pouring it with water. The main components are crushed stone, sand and granite screenings. Concrete screed 5 cm above. Andrey Bobrovitsky Lvov. Ukraine.

Waterproofing is placed between the first layers so that it does not draw moisture. The sand is sieved each time before filling the bags.

The plinth is ready, now you can lay down straw bales. In our latitudes, an earthen base is very economical and environmentally friendly. And the layout with straw and clay is very practical. The house will be both warm and dry.
Big photo

A modern dugout resembles a cozy underground house that organically fits into the landscape. The interest in building a dwelling similar to a “fox hole” is justified not only by the desire to be original, but also by the economic benefits of building and operating a house. The options for deepening a dugout into the soil, as well as construction methods, are diverse, so the construction budget fluctuates in a wide price range.

What are the benefits of building a dugout?

The disadvantages of the dugout of the usual design are obvious: due to the lack of walls and natural lighting, the climate inside is humid. Use for building dugouts quality materials began in the late 60s of the last century, which brought the cost of such an environmentally friendly structure on a par with similar buildings located on top of the ground. If you need an inexpensive underground home, there is a possibility of problems with good ventilation of the room and humidity control.

If you have found the right place to build, then take advantage of the following natural advantages:

  1. energy saving due to poor thermal conductivity of the earth, so the dugout inside is provided with a stable temperature, which makes the underground house a comfortable place in a harsh climate.

Interesting. Dry earth has the same properties as brick, so temperature fluctuations on the surface of the earth reach the depth with a delay. For example, with a soil layer depth of 3 m, the temperature of the warmest moment of the year arrives with a delay of 3 months. So, in a temperate continental climate, the soil temperature at a depth of 2 m is: in winter - 6-8 0С, in summer - 15-18 0С.

  1. Excellent sound insulation from external sounds, which is important for homes in noisy areas, such as near freeways or airports. Neighbors won't hear too much either.
  2. Safety from thieves, the effects of hurricanes or earthquakes, Fire safety, especially during martial law, the dugout will serve as a bomb shelter, and the landscape as a disguise.
  3. Preservation of the original landscape, which is important for unique places. Maximum landscaping of the site is the key to its ecological cleanliness.
  4. Development plots (slopes, hills) that are unattractive for development or crops, which will significantly reduce the cost of buying land (unsightly territories cost several times less).
  5. Cost reduction to keep the underground house safe, since the dugout will be reliably waterproofed, and the roof or walls covered with a layer of soil with grass do not need special care.
  6. Reducing the time of building a house because part of labor-intensive facade and roofing works is not required, respectively, and materials for them do not need to be purchased.

Features of the dugout:

  • limited view, depending on the specific area;
  • water penetration due to incorrect calculation of the level of groundwater, their rise or soil shift;
  • small glass area for natural lighting.

Which area is more suitable for an underground house?

To determine how expedient the construction of a dugout will be, one should take into account all the features of the site, namely:

  1. terrain, the preferred option is a slope or hill, so that the building will look more successful, and you will save on earthworks. On an inclined platform, it becomes possible to make the house completely underground, and on a hilly place, the walls of the dugout should be partially covered with earth. Therefore, if you have looked after a beautiful, but difficult hilly allotment, then turn the disadvantages of this land into advantages.

Important. The greater the angle of inclination of the site, the faster surface water drains, leaving the soil dry. Therefore, places in a ravine, lowland or thalweg are not the best place to build.

  1. Orientation. A dugout with a southern orientation of the slope will provide an underground house with solar lighting, and the northern slope will cover with its coolness homeowners living in a hot climate (not the best option in terms of hygiene). If the terrain is as horizontal as possible, then simple rules construction also apply to it: orientation front door and windows to the sunny side.
  2. Soil type. It is better if it is a well-permeable soil, for example, sandy, sandy loam or loam. Clay is not suitable for lining an underground house; it retains moisture for a long time, eroding when moistened. But the clay will serve as a waterproofing lock in the layers that are adjacent to the main structures under the globe. For the final coating, fertile soil is used, therefore, before construction begins, this layer must be removed and stored.
  3. Ground water level should be at a sufficient depth from the dugout to lower the structure as much as possible into the ground. Check also the places where underground streams flow.
  4. Microclimate, namely dry, since excess moisture will cause problems with dampness and increase the cost of improvement.

If you have not yet chosen where the dugout will be located, then build an underground house on the top of the hill, because more convenient place can not found. Everything favors this construction site: orientation, diversion from water sources, good visibility and the maximum percentage of natural lighting. The top of the hill is torn off, and at the final stage of the construction of the house it is sent again.

If you're looking for a home with energy-efficient features that provide a comfortable, quiet, weather-resistant home, a recessed underground home may be for you. How to make an underground house?

There are two main types of recessed design - underground and bulk house.


When the entire house is built below ground level, in whole or in part, with the appropriate modern structure. The design of the central part of the dwelling and the courtyard can accommodate an underground home and still provide an open feeling while using modern ones.

Such a house is built entirely underground on a flat site, with the main living quarters surrounding a central open courtyard. Windows and glass doors, which are located on the open walls overlooking the central part, provide light, solar heat, appearance and access via stairs from ground level.

The design is visible from ground level and creates a private outdoor space and provides good protection from winter winds. This design is ideal for construction sites in harsh areas.

Passive sunlight is received plausibly through the windows as in a conventional residential building, and the amount is thought out by design.


A mound house can be built partly below ground level covering more wall buildings. The design involves covering the sides and sometimes a roof with earth to protect and insulate the bulk house.

The open front of the house, usually facing south, allows the sun to illuminate and heat the interior. The floor plan is arranged so that the common areas and bedrooms share light and warmth with a southern exposure.

This may be the least expensive and in a simple way build a ground-protected structure. Strategically placed skylights can provide adequate ventilation and daylight in the northern parts of an earthen house.

Main disadvantages underground houses are the initial construction costs, which can be 20% more than conventional and elevated level the professionalism needed to prevent moisture problems during design and construction.

What to consider when building an underground house

About the most specific factors for the design of a house protected by the earth.

Before deciding to design and build a secure, energy-efficient underground home, the climate, topography, soil, and water table will need to be considered.


Research shows that earth-sheltered homes are more cost effective in climates that have large temperature swings and low humidity, such as rocky areas and black earth plains.

Ground temperature changes more slowly than air temperature in our areas, and can absorb extreme heat in hot weather or insulate an underground home to keep warm in cold weather.

Relief and microclimate

The topography and microclimate of a site determine how easily a building can be surrounded by land. A modest slope requires more excavation than a steep one, and a flat area is the most demanding, needing extensive excavation. A south-facing slope in a region with moderate and long winters is ideal for a sheltered building.

South-facing windows can let in sunlight for direct heating while the rest of the house returns to the slope. In regions with mild winters and hot summers, a northerly slope may be ideal. Careful planning by the designer will bring out the full advantage of the conditions at a given site.

The soil

Another critical point is the type of soil on the site. Grainy soils, such as sand and gravel, are best suited for building such houses. These soils are compact, well-worked with structural materials and permeable enough to allow water to drain quickly. The poorest soils are lumpy like clay, which can expand when wet and has poor permeability.

Professional soil tests can determine bearing capacity soil in the area. Soil radon levels are another factor to consider when building an underground home because high concentrations of radon can be dangerous. However, there are methods to reduce the accumulation of radon in both conventional and earth-sheltered dwellings.

Radon is a chemically inert natural radioactive gas, odorless, colorless and tasteless. Radon is formed due to the natural decay of uranium from rocks and soil.

Ground water level

The groundwater level at the construction site is also important. Natural drainage away from the building is the best way to avoid water pressure against underground walls. Installed collection system required Wastewater which must be designed when laying the structure of the future structure.

Building materials and considerations for underground houses

Construction materials for each earthwork will vary depending on the characteristics of the site and the type of structure. The materials must, however, provide a good surface to be waterproof and insulating in order to withstand the pressure and moisture of the surrounding earth.

Concrete is the most common building construction solution because it is strong, durable and fire resistant. Concrete blocks reinforced with steel bars placed in the main masonry can also be used and usually cost less than monolithic concrete.

Wood can only be used for light structural work. Steel can be used to reinforce screeds, columns and concrete reinforcements, but must be protected against corrosion if exposed to groundwater. Metal is also expensive, so it must be used efficiently in order to be economical as a structural material.

Other design considerations


Waterproofing can be a problem for such structures. Keep in mind these ways to reduce the risk of water damage to your building:

  • choose the area carefully
  • plan drainage both on and below the surface of the underground house for watertightness.

Waterproofing systems should apply:

  • Rubberized asphalt - combines a small amount of synthetic rubber with asphalt and is coated with a layer of polyethylene to form sheets. It can be applied directly to walls and roofs and has a long service life.
  • Plastic and vulcanized sheets are among the most common types of underground waterproofing. Plastic sheets include polyethylene high density, chlorinated polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and chlorosulfonated polyethylene. Suitable vulcanized membranes or synthetic rubber include isobutylene isoprene, ethylene diene monomer, polychloroprene (neoprene), and polyisobutylene. For all these materials, the seams must be properly sealed to protect against leaks.
  • Liquid polyurethane is often used in places where it is inconvenient to apply a membrane and is sometimes used as a coating over insulation on underground structures. Please note that weather conditions must be dry and relatively warm during their application.
  • Bentonite is natural clay assembled into panels that are nailed to walls or applied as a liquid spray. When bentonite comes into contact with moisture, it expands and seals the moisture.


Humidity levels may increase in earth-sheltered homes during summer period, which can cause condensation on internal walls. Installing insulation on the outside of the walls will prevent the walls from cooling and improve the cooling effect of the walls. Careful planning by the designer of an underground home is important to eliminate future problems.


Although the insulation in an underground building does not have to be as thick as in a conventional house, it is necessary to make an earthen house comfortable. Insulation is usually applied to the exterior of the house after the application of the waterproofing material to preserve the interior of the building. If boards are used, then the protective layer of the board must keep the insulation from contact with a wet surface.

Designing and building a new energy efficient home or renovating an existing one requires careful planning and attention to detail. A comprehensive systems approach helps homeowners, architects and builders develop successful strategies to optimize their home's energy efficiency.

This approach sees the house as an energy system with interdependent parts, each of which affects the performance of the entire system. It also strongly influences the location and the local climate for the main consideration.

To take full advantage of the systems approach, whole house computer simulations are needed that compare multiple combinations of variables in order to design the most cost effective and most energy efficient solution.

Important variables when designing an underground house:

  • Location conditions
  • local climate
  • Appliances and household appliances
  • Insulation and air convection
  • Lighting and daylight
  • Heating and cooling
  • Water heating
  • Windows, doors and skylights.

Some benefits of using an integrated systems approach include:

  • Reduced utility and operating costs
  • Increased comfort
  • Noise reduction
  • Healthier and safer indoor environment
  • Improved building durability.

You can use the approach to systems with any home construction. Once your energy needs have decreased you need to consider adding systems that generate electricity and thermal water.

Very rarely, underground houses are built according to one project. In fact, those who want to live in a unique home should know that an underground home is an easy way to build your home. Individual project is done depending on the type of soil, climate zone, landscape and the wishes of the future owner. An underground house can be completely or partially deepened into the ground. Why do people choose such houses?

Underground house and its advantages.

First, these houses are warm, they maintain room temperature with less fuel for heating. The construction of a house is often carried out using materials that can be found directly on the construction site, which will reduce transport costs by 3-4 times. Worker costs are also lower, as less concrete, brick, or other materials are used in construction. Last but not least, underground homes have proven fireproof, hurricane and earthquake resistant.

Underground houses are an unusual and attractive phenomenon.

Despite the many benefits they offer, underground homes come with a few drawbacks. Such a house is not suitable for areas where earthquakes often occur, unless the design provides for a massive structure with shock absorbers. Such houses are not built in areas where there is ground movement. Some feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic while underground. The house underground does not provide a panoramic view of the street. During the construction of such houses, it is necessary to make high-quality ventilation. If not thought through properly, indoor oxygen levels will decrease due to occupants inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.

underground houses so reminiscent of a hill or a hole that they almost merge with the landscape. Recently, an increasing number of people are trying to acquire such housing outside the city. This can be considered a way to stand out from the crowd or get closer to nature. Buildings of this type are underground in whole or in part. This is rationally beneficial not only at the time of construction, but also during operation.

Underground houses are not so expensive, almost everyone is able to build them. In this case, it is important to comply with technological standards so that the quality of the environment inside the house is at a high level. The soil has certain temperature features, which is why the described buildings allow you to save electricity. In addition, up to the most severe cold weather, heat is stored inside such buildings, which accumulated during warm spring and summer days. That is why holiday season can be extended.

Why choose an underground house

Soil acts as a rather poor conductor of heat. Due to this, the temperature passes through the soil for a very long time, which is beneficial not only in summer, but also in winter. Studies show that on the hottest day, heat penetrates to a depth of 2.5 m only after three months. The coldest time of the year for such houses is spring.

Choosing a place for construction

Underground houses should be built on the terrain, which must first be selected. Better if you can find the top of the hill. This will prevent groundwater from seeping into the house. Windows are recommended to be oriented to all four sides, which will provide the premises with a sufficient amount of light.

When building a house, the upper part of the soil must be cut off, and after completion of work, return it to its place. In such houses it is rare to find additional lighting. Natural rays are enough so that, once inside, you do not feel the difference between such a building and an ordinary brick house.

Underground houses are of two types:

  • bunded;
  • underground.

The latter variety involves the location of the building underground and below the upper level. The bunded houses are above ground level or partially hidden behind the level line. However, their surface is still covered with soil. After completion of the work, the soil is returned to its place so that it can become part of the site.

Features of the construction of a dugout

Underground construction of houses may involve the creation of a dugout. In this case, the house is located on a relief that has a slight slope. The roof should be covered with soil, it is usually made gable, in rare cases this design is vaulted or flat.

The entrance must be made from the end, providing it with a canopy. There are steps leading up to the door. Windows are usually found in the roof or gables. The peculiarity of the dugout is the presence of only one floor. If you make two, then it will be an ordinary building with a basement. The width of the building depends on the span of the floor, but this value usually does not exceed 6 m.

For construction, it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit, inside which walls are being built. It is important to waterproof them, to install on which the roof will then be located. After completion of the construction of walls and ceilings, as well as laying waterproofing materials the roof is covered with soil.

Features of the construction of a bunded house

If you are interested in underground construction of houses, then you can choose a bunded building, which is suitable for a flat site, slope or hill. The building will not be completely submerged, its upper part remains on the surface. The rest of the walls are rolled, which reduces construction costs.

The house can have any layout, and the windows in this case usually face two sides. The first stage of construction will be digging a foundation pit. If the house is supposed to be built on the surface of the earth, and then protected with soil, then you can immediately proceed to the second stage - the construction of walls and roofs. You will need waterproofing, which must withstand the load of the soil, so calculations should be carried out in accordance with the standards. At the last stage, the house is covered with earth, with the exception of those areas where windows and doors open.

Construction rules

If you decide to build an underground house with your own hands, then you should be guided by certain rules. It is important to remember that the building will be exposed to moisture. That's why Construction Materials must be appropriate. For example, wood is processed water-repellent impregnation. It is best to use monolithic concrete or ceramics. Aerated concrete is not suitable, because it is able to absorb moisture.

Before choosing waterproofing, it is important to consider all possible situations. The most common way to build an underground or bunded house is to dig a foundation pit. In this case, the house should be buried more than 1 m in comparison with the planned dimensions of the building.

On the outside of the house, endurance is made which is calculated taking into account the loads. If it is not too large, the load of the soil should be taken into account. The roof structure is usually made on the basis of truss system, however, you can use the method of installing a plank roll.

When a residential underground house is being built, concrete or brick can be used in the construction of walls. In this case, the ceiling is made monolithic and has the shape of a vault. This design will be more durable. The waterproofing of the floor and walls must be made in the form of a continuous contour. If the house is deeper than 1 m, then there is no need to insulate the building. This applies exclusively to walls, while the roof must be additionally insulated.

When arranging floors, it is important to lay waterproofing, thermal insulation and screed. On final stage decorative coating is installed. Modern underground houses should have a drainage system, which is located near the walls around the entire perimeter. In this case, the water will drain and be directed to the drainage pipe, which should be below the level of the house. The output must be directed to the sewer.

Houses with underground garage

A house with an underground garage today is also quite common. This decision is relevant if you have a plot that is limited in free space. Before starting work, it is necessary to decide whether the parking will be deepened completely or partially.

The second option is more economical and easy to implement. Too deep garages have some disadvantages such as excessive dampness and soil pressure. It is important to prepare the floor slab, which must be reinforced and thick enough. It is necessary to start work by calculating the volume of materials. It is important to provide for the presence of waterproofing.

At the next stage, a foundation pit is being prepared, it is important to take into account the slope of the entrance road. The slabs are placed on the bottom of the pit, and lifting equipment should be used. Houses with underground parking can be built according to a technology that involves pouring concrete into the bottom of the pit at the stage of building a garage. The foundation of the walls is formed using They will be load-bearing, which means that they will be subjected to a high load. An overlap should be installed on the side plates, which will serve as the first floor. A residential building with underground parking must have waterproofing on the top of the walls. This will prevent the penetration of moisture into the premises.

Construction technique

Walls and ceilings must also be waterproofed. A reinforcing mesh is installed on the surface, and then covered with plaster. Previously, the base plane is treated with antifungal compounds. This must be done before you cover the surface with a primer.

At the next stage, you can begin the installation of the gate and the design of the entrance road. The project of an underground house, as well as an underground garage, should provide for the presence of communications. It is important to lay the cable, it will only be necessary to determine its cross section. The voltage must be sufficient. Experts advise choosing a cable with an upward tolerance. Otherwise, you will be faced with the fact that communications will not last as long as we would like. After completion of construction, you can begin to install the heating system.

Entrance to the underground garage

Underground houses, photos of which are presented in the article, quite often also have underground parking lots. In this case, it is important to correctly arrange the entrance. Too steep and short can cause inconvenience. In good weather, the difficulties will seem imperceptible, but during the rains, you may not be able to cope with the task of entering. Plus, a lot of water will flow down.

The angle of inclination in this case is usually made in the range from 140 to 150 °. If this value is less, then you may encounter problems during the cold season. With an increase in the depth of the garage, the length of the entrance should be made longer. The trajectory of the race must be divided into separate zones. The first of them is the starting one, its length is usually 3 m. The slope in this section should be 120 ° C. The second zone occupies half the length, the angle varies up to 150°. The third zone is called red and is located directly in front of the gate itself. Its length is usually 1.2 m.

It is important to ensure that there are no too sharp differences between the mentioned sections.

When arranging the entrance, materials that will have an anti-slip effect should be used. Some craftsmen make braking serifs that will help during ice and rain. A footpath with a handrail is laid near the wall. This will allow you to safely go down inside and back up.

With the gate is installed equipped with a grate. It is better to supplement it with a heating element, which will prevent the water from freezing. On the sides of the entrance are installed this will prevent the collapse of the soil.

Construction of an entrance road to the underground garage

The formation of the road should involve filling the soil, which will protect against failures. The road is covered with gravel, which is well compacted. The thickness of this layer can vary from 10 to 15 cm. The carrier layer, which will be the main one, is made of a 15 cm layer of concrete.

It is important to ensure that during the drying of the solution it does not get Sun rays. If the weather is too hot, then the surface is watered. Once the concrete has dried, the coating can be installed. Asphalt sometimes acts as it, paving slabs or other materials.

Ventilation installation

Ventilation for the underground garage and dwelling is necessary. The first installation method involves mounting a monoblock. This system will draw out the used air and supply new air. The monoblock provides ventilation, and ease of installation acts as its advantage.

But if you are afraid of its high cost, then you should use the second method, which involves the installation of a modular system. The design has two separate blocks, one of which is responsible for the inflow, while the other is for the outflow of air. The system has special sensors and provides automatic adjustment of work.


One of the important tasks in the construction of underground houses and garages is waterproofing. It is performed using drainage system and forming a filter pad.

Do not assume that this issue can be solved by using liquid waterproofing, which is used only indoors. In fact, this approach is not very efficient. Liquid waterproofing can be used as an aid.
