Kitchen in Khrushchev 4 - 5 sq. m and household appliances

Owners of small apartments are always tormented by the same everyday question, how to properly place 4-5 square meters in a small space. meters of the most necessary household appliances - a stove, a refrigerator, a washing machine, and sometimes you really want to have a dishwasher.

Let's start with a large, important item - this is refrigeration unit. In a small area, it can still be installed so that it looks stylish, modern and functional.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a refrigerator

The most important feature in development individual design for a small kitchen room - this is versatility and compactness. original solution for an area of ​​​​4 - 6 square meters. meters - of course, built-in furniture, which allows you to place household appliances in the right place without overloading the small kitchen space.

To create a modern and functional design, our professional designers furniture company Loreto have developed a lot of interesting, individual projects With photo examples, which are presented in large numbers in our colorful catalog with different types household appliances: gas water heater, washing machine and dishwasher, microwave ovens, TVs, etc.

Presented in the catalog modern ideas, photo and kitchen design 5 - 6 sq. meters in Khrushchev with a refrigerator and another household appliances will help you choose suitable option, just for your cooking room.

Narrow specialization in working with small-sized 29 years, allows us to work wonders in the development of unique, modern design– projects of headsets and the manufacture of a small kitchen furniture to order according to non-standard sizes qualitatively and in a short time, i.e. by individual order.

Arrangement of a kitchen in a small Khrushchev with a refrigerator

Do not install a free-standing refrigerator close to a gas or electric stove. This will make the side plane of the device unusable. It is also undesirable to place it next to a heating radiator. Make sure that the doors open freely, providing full access to the drawers and freezer trays. If you still choose a compact model of the unit, then there will be enough space for passage.

In our experience, we recommend placing all large and bulky items in the far corner from the entrance. If the refrigerator is a continuation of the kitchen set, in this case, a full-fledged dining area or bar counter can be organized in the free area. If it is located in the corner by the window, opposite the kitchen furniture, then the possibility of developing an individual design with a large number of furniture items opens up.

It is also necessary to observe the "rule of the triangle": fridge, sink and gas stove should be located at an optimal distance from each other. In order to ensure the ergonomics and functionality of the kitchen set, strictly adhere to this rule.

The worst dream of the inhabitants of Khrushchev is the kitchen design of 4 sq. M. I liked the elegant sideboard, my hands reach for the “order” button, but after a minute it comes to the realization that, in addition to the secretary, only a refrigerator can fit in the room. And you will have to forget about the functions of cooking and washing dishes with such a headset. The living room as a place to eat is a good option. The atmosphere of a separate dining room is indescribably cozy. However, it is worth imagining how you will rush from room to room three times a day with hot pots, salad bowls and tea, the horror is growing. This means that you need a dining table, and not just a work surface. From one thought, the thigh treacherously begins to hurt. God only knows how many times you will kick the corner of the table, trying to cook pasta faster in a space limited by a four-legged monster. In the process of cooking, a small area will turn into a hot hell. Do not be surprised if two dwarfs with a strange ring soon pay you a visit. This article will help you avoid the nightmares of an uncomfortable galley on a long voyage.

Redevelopment and zoning

Remodeling is no easy task. Rules traffic written in blood, and the redesign of the premises - flooding. It will not work to swap rooms if the neighbors below and above have not done the same. If it is not possible to expand the apartment or transform the living space into a kitchen, it would be a good way to combine it with the living room. Bearing wall will not be an obstacle to design solution, there is a way out with the help of an arch.

So that the smells of food do not spoil the aroma of a new leather sofa, the passage is equipped with transparent partition. Breaking is not building, so think about the disadvantages and advantages of the project before implementing it. Visually divide the area into areas for different uses, take measurements. High-quality zoning, the choice of furniture and appliances with combined functions, and the correct external design will help overcome the difficulties of a cramped space without drastic measures.

Having calculated the likely nuances, create layouts that repeat the shapes of the desired equipment and in practice check whether the planned zoning is convenient.

Color spectrum

Bringing comfort into a narrow space will contribute to the harmonious coloring of the situation. Linear division of walls horizontally different colors- the best option for a small kitchen. Finishing the lower surfaces that require constant washing is done in dark shades. Walls and ceilings that are light on top will remove the pressure effect. Interior small room looks organic in many colors.

  • Classical black and white version distinguished by rigor and refinement. The similarity with the colors of the keys on the piano will show the guests that you manage the household with the virtuosity of an avid pianist.
  • Beige-brown looks great in alliance with natural wood furniture. With a set "under the tree" bright colors will look out of place and stupid.
  • A variety of combinations of cream and rich shades of yellow will make the kitchen an example of everyday style.
  • Blue and green will show the importance of the water element and the forces of nature in your life.
  • Red tones will add strength, energy and vigor.


Everyday cooking is a traumatic occupation. The floor slippery from spilled water, a colossal variety of cutting and piercing objects, monstrously high temperatures- factors that put your health at risk. It will be possible to protect yourself by providing good visibility at any time of the day. The main light source should be from above. It is important to be able to adjust its brightness. Excessively intense lighting will spoil the comfort of an intimate setting at dinner. The fading of the ceiling lamp will reduce the saturation of the shades of the furnishings and walls, making your kitchen dull and lifeless. Adapting the expressiveness of lighting to your needs is an excellent option.

Illumination in cabinets and the refrigerator will help save time when looking for the right ingredients and tools. Illumination on the hood will allow you to better check the readiness of dishes. The light in the oven performs the same function. A prerequisite is the greatest intensity of illumination of the tables on which the preparation and cutting of products is carried out. Attention! Each work surface should have separate lighting.

Refurbishment, refurbishment and minor alterations

Are you planning to completely redo the space? It is easy to remove or hide existing flaws through cosmetic repairs or minor alterations. First, identify the points that don't line up with your vision of exemplary cuisine.

  • Uneven walls that have darkened from time to time do not require large expenditures and complex manipulations. It will turn out to get by with a couple of bags of putty, a jar water-based paint and new wallpapers. But do not rely on self-repair. If there is even the slightest doubt about your own qualifications in this matter, it is better to trust the experts.
  • Determine the disadvantages of the electronic and gas filling of the room in order to exclude the possibility of an explosion or short circuit. Replace worn out wires, old pipes, antediluvian geyser ensure room ventilation and reliable protection from humidity.
  • Fix minor issues. Hang the sideboard, the door of which does not open completely and constantly beats against the refrigerator. Round the sharp corners of tables and stools, lay rough linoleum instead of glossy, buy new furniture handles.

How to fit everything

For a tiny kitchenette you need multifunctional furniture and built-in appliances. Modern miracles of progress guarantee the combination of a sink with a dishwasher, a sideboard with a microwave oven, a stove with a worktop. A folding table similar in outline to a bar counter will become a feature of the room and save a lot of space. For a large family, seats that recline from walls or cabinets are suitable, without cluttering up valuable space. Have you compactly placed a set, and kitchen utensils have lost their positions? Go through the sets, throw away everything that has not been used over the past couple of years, and the problem is solved. You can push the seasonings by gluing lids from the vessels from the bottom of the hanging cabinets.

Jars with spices are screwed into the lid, stored on weight and are always at hand. A lot of hooks, fasteners and shelves on the walls will provide additional space for household items. If you are purchasing new equipment, the compact size of the refrigerator, corner cupboard or a stove with two burners instead of four will make the task of arranging much easier for you.

Kitchen set

The choice of material for the headset depends on the purpose of using its parts. Built-in appliances require equipment constructed from durable wood. For a pleasant appearance and lightweight items, cabinets made of fiberboard are suitable. Glossy plastic sideboards will create harmony with stainless steel-colored electronics.

The bottom line of furniture is best created drawers. Then you do not have to bend down to get an item from the depths of the closet. With an active lifestyle and constant rush, headsets with a seal will be good. By abruptly closing the door, you will not harm the object, the sideboard and the dishes in it. Two women in the family will not manage one table. They will constantly interfere with each other, feel awkward, move chaotically. A cunning cat, overwhelmed by the desire to steal a few teaspoons, will force you to install boxes with locks. So the characteristics of the kitchen set completely depend on the specifics of your pastime and the needs of relatives and friends.

How to install equipment correctly

In the installation of technology, the main thing is to think in advance all the possible consequences.

  • Make devices that are dangerous to children inaccessible by placing devices or their control panels higher.
  • Determine the technique away from flammable objects.
  • Put a loud sound signal on the stove, microwave, electric kettle, calling to a forgotten electrical appliance.
  • Provide the right number and placement of outlets so as not to abuse extension cords and not clutter up the space with wires.
  • If you are powerless in front of the presence of a huge number of pipes and cords in the room, the podium will cope with their disguise with a bang. A room located on a hill will look like an art studio.
  • It is important to localize objects similar in the way of operation nearby. A dishwasher at one end of the kitchen and a dryer at the other is inconvenient and impractical.
  • Appliances that are not obligatory for the room - a coffee machine that you don’t even use every day, a washing machine - can be placed in another room so as not to take up space for something more necessary.

Dining group

Solid wood dining furniture looks noble, helps to maintain a good posture when eating. Metal groups are quite elegant and highly durable, but residents of cold regions should refrain from preferring an iron set. Chairs adapted to the human posture will give rest to the shoulders and back after constant daily stress. Tables offer an endless variety of shapes: round, oval, rectangular, square, even with wavy edges. lovers upholstered furniture you can advise seats with upholstery or ottomans. A soft corner or a small table with bean bags will be more compact. They will come out to hide in a closet at any time, and such devices look quite creative. Glass furniture is perfection itself. Only its fragility keeps people from buying a dining group made of glass. Transparent plastic options have the same appearance, but with a higher quality factor, compared to their glass prototypes.

Small kitchens are a frequent occurrence that haunts residents of old houses. Often quite hard to find correct solution, which will allow you to turn a small space into a full-fledged functional room, where it is convenient to cook and enjoy eating. In our article, we will consider various options kitchen design 4 sq.m., we will acquaint the reader with the methods of visually expanding the area and introducing one or another style into the interior.

How to start a kitchen renovation?

Standing on the verge of renovating a small kitchen of 4 sq.m., the first thing to think about is whether it is possible to re-plan the space to make the room more spacious. If the number of rooms allows, you can consider combining the kitchen with an adjacent room by dismantling the wall separating them. At the same time, dismantling may not be complete, but only partial, when only the upper fragment is demolished and a passage is equipped, and the lower part of the wall is re-arranged for a dining table or bar counter. Since the kitchens are 4 sq.m. for the most part, they are a legacy of Khrushchev's buildings, the interior walls here are not load-bearing and redevelopment is quite acceptable.

If the kitchen has a balcony or loggia, you can consider the option of insulating and attaching them - this will make it possible to equip a comfortable dining area. Also, the kitchen can be combined with the hallway - remove the door, arrange an arched opening. Such a redevelopment will not add tangible meters of usable area, but it will make the room visually more open and spacious.

At the initial stage of kitchen renovation, you need to get rid of old finish, tidy up or replace the water supply system, drain, and electrical wiring. Make a preliminary sketch with the exact marking of the location of furniture and appliances. At this stage, you need to carefully consider the need for every detail of the situation and discard everything unnecessary.

Color solutions for the kitchen 4 sq.m.

Small kitchen 4 sq.m. It will look much more spacious if you decorate it in light, soothing colors. The best option- a white palette that always looks fresh, emphasizes the cleanliness and spaciousness of the room. Moreover, in white can be not only the decoration of walls, ceiling, but also the floor, as well as a furniture set.

Such a merger will erase the boundaries between surfaces, and the typeface will dissolve into space. If such “sterility” confuses you, you can dilute it with some accents, for example, decorating one of the walls with photo wallpapers, introducing bright decorative elements.

Another lucky color- beige. The variety of its shades can make up a harmonious design, where intersecting light and dark tones will make up a successful composition.

Depending on personal preferences, as well as following the chosen style, the kitchen is 4 sq.m. it is quite possible to arrange in any color palette, where the priority will be for light shades, and brighter ones will serve as accents. If you're into bright colors, combine them with whites, creams, glossy surfaces, and good lighting so you don't turn an already small kitchen into a dark closet.

Finishes and materials

An important issue in the arrangement of the kitchen is 4 sq.m. is the choice of materials for cladding, because they play a major role in the design and serve as a kind of canvas on which the future design will be outlined. Here, special attention should be paid to the quality of materials, their ability to withstand moisture, frequent cleaning and conditions of elevated temperatures.


The ideal option for finishing the floor in the kitchen remains ceramic tile- it is reliable, not afraid of moisture, serves for quite a long time and at the same time has many color options, including models that imitate natural materials.

Another modern finishing material is self-leveling floor, which also has high quality characteristics, but its price is quite “biting”. More economical options are moisture resistant laminate or linoleum, but, accordingly, the service life of the coatings is inferior to the previous ones.


Used for wall decoration various materials, which can be combined, defining one or another functional area. For example, the wall near the dining table can be decorated with washable wallpaper, decorative plaster, and for the cooking area it is better to choose more reliable materials, such as tiles or PVC panels. The decoration of the apron with mosaics looks great, the elegant patterns of which will create an excellent decoration in the interior of a kitchen of 4 sq.m. Does not lose relevance and painting the walls with persistent water-based compositions.

By using finishing materials you can adjust the space of a small kitchen. So, vertical stripes and patterns will give the room a visual height, and horizontal ones will expand the room. It is better to avoid large ornaments and patterns that will create a noticeable pressure, and give preference to small prints if you do not like a monochromatic design.


The ceiling surface is painted, whitewashed, decorated with plasterboard structures and stretch fabrics. In conditions small kitchen 4 sq.m., it is worth giving preference to light design options - if drywall constructions, then no more than two levels, it is better to install stretch fabrics glossy, which are reflective, due to which they give a kind of spaciousness.

Kitchen furniture 4 sq.m.

The main problem that owners of small kitchens face is the choice of furniture. Kitchen area 4 sq.m. has, respectively, square shape, so here you can install either a small linear or corner set - the choice will depend on the needs of the family in certain bedside tables. To make the kitchen space seem more spacious, you need to make sure that the set has glossy facades, and the appliances are built-in. good option there are open shelves and glass doors.

For the dining area, it is worth choosing a compact or transforming table, which can be folded as unnecessary. The window sill can also be easily turned into a bar counter or a full-fledged table if its platform is enlarged. If the kitchen set is made to order, it is worth considering the option with a retractable worktop for eating, thanks to which a lot of space will be freed up in the kitchen.

Lighting and decor

Kitchen with an area of ​​4 sq.m. one powerful one will be enough ceiling lamp and spot lighting of the working area. Sometimes additional lighting devices are installed near the dining table. Modern fixtures can become a full-fledged decor in a small kitchen, if you pick up bright design or models made for a certain style of interior.

Finishing features help to decorate and diversify the situation - photo wallpapers, frescoes, design of plots decorative stone or PVC panels. Bright accents will be created by textiles, green flowerpots, beautiful dishes.

Interior styles

Design of the kitchen space 4 sq.m. in compliance with a certain style, it will help to streamline the situation, make it aesthetically attractive and functional. It is always a pleasure to spend time in such a kitchen, regardless of whether you are cooking or drinking a cup of tea after a hard day's work.

Kitchen 4 sq.m. in the style of minimalism

A good option for a tiny kitchen is a minimalist approach to interior design. It implies light colors of finishes (mainly white, light beige), clear lines of a furniture set with glossy facades and built-in modern appliances, maximum functionality, lighting. At the same time, the decor is present in a minimal amount in the form of green flowerpots, bright dishes, original lighting fixtures.

Kitchen 4 sq.m. in scandinavian style

The Nordic interior also supports the idea of ​​minimalism, but the decor no longer looks so concise. Against the background of a white-gray monochromatic wall decoration, the presence of wood creates a special coziness. Here, wooden floors or their imitation look great, solid furniture, often with massive wood countertops. Ceramic tiles with patchwork patterns or ethnic ornaments, as well as textiles, give the kitchen a special flavor.

Kitchen 4 sq.m. Japanese style

To date Japanese style gaining popularity in interior design. It is one of the true manifestations of minimalism, but with the presence of the age-old traditions of the Land of the Rising Sun. In the design, preference is given to natural colors, natural materials, regular, but slightly squat, forms of furniture.

Although modest, but quite expressive decor plays an important role - here you can find paintings on Japanese themes, wise sayings represented by hieroglyphs, lamps "flashlights", imitation of shoji partitions in facades. Even a small bonsai tree will fully emphasize the ascetic design, combined with the invariable admiration of the Japanese for nature.

Kitchen 4 sq.m. in eco style

For a city dweller, choosing an eco-style can be the best solution that will allow you to create a favorable environment in your small home. The interweaving of eye-pleasing beige, milky, green tones has a positive effect on the mental state, calms, gives a feeling of being in the bosom of nature.

Photo wallpapers with images of representatives of flora and fauna, landscape panoramas, accessories made from natural materials, live green phytowalls will help to emphasize the style direction.

Kitchen 4 sq.m. country style

The interior of the kitchen with notes of a provincial American village looks quite warm and cozy in a noisy city. Solid, “worn-out” wood furniture, partial imitation on the walls brickwork or peeling plaster, ceiling beams, patterned textiles - all these details are involuntarily transferred to the old way of life simple house ranch.

In order to best convey the originality of style, the kitchen is 4 sq.m. it is worth expanding, if possible, by combining it with the living room, where there is a place for massive chandeliers, warm floor carpets, various decorative figurines and vases.

Kitchen interior design 4 sq.m. - photo

To get a better idea of ​​​​what a 4 sq.m. kitchen design can be, we suggest visiting our gallery. Here we have tried to collect best photos examples that will make you believe that even a tiny space can be stylish and functional. Enjoy watching!

Such beautiful kitchen spaces are much more common than one might imagine, mostly in small towns and hostels. And although it seems that in such a kitchen you can only put a stove and a refrigerator, this is not at all the case, even such a kitchen can be turned into a full-fledged catering unit and place everything you need in it.

Arrangement of furniture in the kitchen 4 m.

The obvious advantage of such a kitchen is that there can be no dining area or any table, so you will have to focus on the working area of ​​​​the kitchen. Actually it's more simple task, how kitchen layout 6 meters into which they are trying to squeeze a table with chairs. Here, literally, you can use all the walls of the room, including the wall with a window.

Therefore, most likely, you will have to buy a kitchen to order, if you purchase individual pieces of furniture, you will significantly reduce the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200byour kitchen. Use all the walls for the work surface, then its length will be about five running meters, and this is a lot even for a twelve-meter kitchen.

In addition, you can increase working area with oversized tables. It looks like this: desired area, For example. where the work area is located, the depth of the countertop increases, from the standard 60 cm to 70 or more. The increase is made round or oval, evenly. This countertop design looks very attractive, it is done according to custom order.

Use vertical space as much as possible. Order the highest size for the top drawers of your kitchen set. And don't be afraid that your kitchen will seem cluttered, this is the case. When functionality is more important than design. If you plan to install a column, try to build some kind of household appliances into it, an oven, for example. Recently, so-called cabinet walls are often used. If you use all three walls in the kitchen, it is quite possible to place such a wall on one of the sides.

Installation of household appliances in a small kitchen.

Try to make sure that the kitchen is not washing machine. Of course, if the kitchen area is four square meters, then the rest of the apartment is not very large, but try to install it in the hallway or bathroom, under the sink, for example.

As for the refrigerator, it is quite possible to place it in the kitchen, both built-in and freestanding. Manufacturers produce a variety of refrigerators for small kitchens, they can be narrow, 50 centimeters wide, and small, these are not very convenient. Use a combination appliance, such as an oven and microwave in one, or an oven combined with dishwasher. If there are few family members, try using a domino hob or special gas or electrical panels, such are produced by some manufacturers, for example, Nardi (Italy).

The sink in the kitchen of 4 meters should also be quite compact, they come in a diameter of 45 cm or less. In general, household appliances for a small-sized kitchen are produced in sufficient quantities, if you try, you will definitely find something of your own.

The design and style of the kitchen interior is 4 square meters.

Basically which one to use color scheme it's up to you, and most interior designers advise using light colors. Still, there is a tendency to use small kitchens in modern interior styles, such as high-tech or minimalism. In addition, these styles are characterized by utility and simplicity of the premises. Also pay attention to White color and light beige and green tones, they will enrich the interior of the 4 meter kitchen and make it lighter.

4 square meters is not the largest area for a kitchen. It is this area that attracts family members with its aromas. There are many household appliances and items for cooking. It would seem that it is impossible to fit kitchen utensils in such a space, but this is not so. We will tell you and help you competently equip a small area, make it functional and comfortable.

Design Basics

We make the floor covering monotonous. Use durable materials such as porcelain stoneware. Laminate - not the best practical material. IN small room the likelihood of its early abrasion increases, the coating soon becomes untidy and looks old.

Wall decoration can be done with wallpaper, but it is more practical to use odorless water-based waterproof paintwork materials. It is permissible to use contrasting shades separating the working area from the main one. Wallpaper should not have a bright and large pattern, such models are recommended for large areas.

How to use the area correctly?

  • Determine for yourself the following points:
  • What dimensions will Appliances?
  • Is it possible to replace the gas or electric stove hob?
  • Do you need an oven?
  • What small appliances do you need?
  • What dimensions will your refrigerator have? (here it is important to take into account the volume, height, intimacy, etc.)

Once you answer the questions above, you can start planning.

What should be the furniture and how to correctly arrange everything?

It all depends on the shape of the kitchen. If it is square and there is a window in the center, then the working part should be located along the left wall, the width of which is 2 m. If the area is rectangular, it is more relevant to place the cooking zone along the long wall, we will also use the existing window opening.

The main household items are:

  • Refrigerator - it is difficult to install it in such a small space, especially a two-chamber one, but we will try to do it.
  • Gas stove - it is more rational to replace it with a hob, of course, it is more expensive, but more practical.
  • Oven.
  • Washing - choose corner models, they are convenient in practice and do not take up much space. Pay attention to the volume of the sink, it may have a small diameter, but be deep.
  • Microwave - modern model with convection will completely replace the oven.
  • Storage system for kitchen utensils and dry food.
  • Dinner Zone.

square kitchen

The refrigerator is the largest appliance, we recommend that you start planning the kitchen with its installation. Comfortable spot for him the corner by the window. A two-chamber unit can be tall, but narrow. The optimal width is 50 cm, with the same depth. Moving from left to right from the wall with a window, after the refrigerator, make a small working area, its length will be 60 cm. Next, a gas stove is installed, its dimensions should be 50x50 cm. This stove size is convenient for preparing several dishes and fits into such a limited area. You can clearly see examples of such design of a small kitchen in our photo gallery.

Having installed the indicated elements of your kitchen, you have about 35 cm of free space left. The sink should be mounted in a free corner, but the countertop should be extended to a free wall, its length can reach front door to the kitchen.

ATTENTION! Order a solid countertop, with it the cooking area looks more neat, and it is convenient for the hostess to work on such a surface.

Place the storage system under the countertop. The optimal width of the countertop is 50 cm. By choosing the right household appliances, you can achieve the integrity and evenness of the working area. Mounted modules are mounted above the surface. High modules allow you to store a large amount of kitchen utensils and visually increase the height of the ceilings.

The microwave oven is hidden in the cupboard from below. It is permissible to install it on a cooling unit if its height does not exceed 150 cm.

The dining table should be built into the kitchen set. Great solution are retractable tables placed between the countertop and the storage system. In the free corner we put a round table, it will harmoniously fit into small space. Chairs should be chosen folding, so that if necessary they can be hidden.

Several finishing options:

Rectangular area

The refrigerator is located in the left corner. Moving to the right, we install a countertop with a sink hole and a working area, under it is a storage system for kitchen utensils. There are hanging cabinets on the wall, depending on your needs, it is permissible to place mezzanines above them right up to the ceiling. A gas stove is installed in the right corner. The photo shows a rectangular kitchen with a window along which there is another countertop. It can be used both as a work area and as a dining area. It is convenient to place a storage system under it, open or closed.

The microwave oven is installed on the unit, and to the right of the entrance there was a place for a small table with chairs.

This type of design is very convenient and practical.

Here, the smaller right wall from the entrance is involved, the refrigerator is located in the corner, and the countertop is one-piece. The sink is located along the window and half replaces the window sill. Instead of a plate hob.

Note! It does not come into contact with the main unit; there is a small part of the countertop between the devices. This distance is enough so that high temperatures do not harm large household appliances.

Built-in dishwasher under the hob. Under the entire countertop, cabinets for storing kitchen utensils are different in size and functionality. Above the panel there is a built-in hood, and at the edges of it are hinged modules for glassware.

The dining area on the left side, as you can see, in such a limited space it is possible to fit a medium-sized table. The photo does not show a microwave, but we recommend installing it on a refrigerator if its height allows it.

Shown here is a miniature hob with built-in oven. A large two-chamber unit is built into the headset and is located in the left corner. Just like in the upper version, there is a small distance between the refrigerator and the cooking equipment. The sink is built into the corner and despite the fact that its model is not angular, it fits perfectly into the space.

The working area is small, but the tabletop is extended along the right wall. Despite its small width, there are cabinets under it that can store both kitchen items and small household appliances, as well as seaming for the winter. The main modules are hung to the right of the refrigeration unit; an exhaust hood is built into them.

The photo shows hinged mezzanine modules. This interior does not provide for a microwave, but if you need to hide it, you can hide it in hanging modules or instead of an oven if it is a convection model.

Very original interior in bright colors. There is a mini-fridge with an internal freezer. The microwave is installed in a wall cabinet, and the sink is near the window. Instead of the usual dining table, there is a tabletop that resembles a bar counter with high chairs. Part of the dining area is along the window.

Custom Shapes

It happens that the territory has non-standard forms. The image shows that the wall has a ledge, in its corner is the main food storage system, and next to it is a small module with a sliding mechanism on the side.

The recessed part accommodated the sink with a small working area and a large gas stove. Mounted modules with built-in hood and lighting are installed on top.

Save space

Arrange such a small space, make a list of unnecessary things. You may have to get rid of excess utensils and unclaimed appliances. No, it does not need to be thrown away, but putting it in the pantry room, you will save a lot of space.

If you do not have a cooling unit, then carefully consider the dimensions that you need. If you have a small family, small equipment with a built-in freezer, which can be internal, is enough for you.

The hob can also be from the mini collection. They have 2 burners, and arrange them vertically, thereby increasing the working space.

The oven can be selected with a microwave function, then you will not need a microwave. If desired, an oversized dishwasher can be additionally placed on such an area.

Modern headsets are so thought out that they allow you to fit dishes and a large amount of equipment. High hinged modules are not only practical, but also aesthetic. It is convenient to put rarely used items on the upper shelves.

More about tables and chairs

As we said above, it is convenient to purchase chairs of a folding type. They are presented in different variations and can be made in any design and style. The table can be anything, most importantly, small. An excellent solution for 4 sq. meters becomes folding table wall mounted. It can be opened when needed and folded easily when not needed. So that the chairs do not stand idle, they can be folded and hidden in the closet.

An equally original, but more expensive solution is to purchase a designer headset, the modules of which are transformable and can be used for different purposes. Below, in the videos we have selected, you will see such “Smart” furniture.

On 4 squares you can place a mini-corner. It consists of one upholstered bench and 2 stools. The table resembles a bar counter and is a one-piece structure with a countertop. Such pieces of furniture are made to order, but they are convenient and practical to use.

