As people have noticed, an apartment is equal to one fire or ten moves. Seemed to be bought Decoration Materials, there are working hands and a style is chosen, but the end result is not pleasing. As a rule, this is due to incorrect and irrational use free space. The editors of the site offer an overview from which you will learn how to redesign in Khrushchev, and photo examples will be a good aid.

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Design features of a small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev with photo examples

"Khrushchev" is a typical house with a height of 5 floors, which was built from reinforced concrete blocks or panels. The peak of construction fell on the 50-60s of the last century. block or panel construction helped alleviate the severe housing shortage. Such a house could be built in almost 12 days. In the "Khrushchev" there was no elevator, garbage chute. Apartments in such houses were small, and the minimum kitchen area was 4.5 m². Although the construction of "Khrushchev" buildings has long ceased, nevertheless, there are still many such buildings in the housing stock of every city in Russia and the CIS countries.

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"Since the kitchens in Khrushchev do not differ large sizes, then it is advisable to choose wallpaper with a vertical pattern. So you visually raise the ceilings.


Color scheme for arranging the kitchen

Creating the interior of a small kitchen in Khrushchev, you need to correctly choose color palette, since the final result largely depends on this. In our case, it is necessary to avoid using dark colors. For a small kitchen, the following tones are optimal:

  • white. It perfectly reflects the light, makes the room more spacious and goes well with any colors. Used for wall, ceiling and fabrication. However, white, milky, etc. not recommended for backsplash and countertops;
  • natural wood color. Allows you to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the kitchen. The best option for rooms with a lack of natural light;
  • green. A good option for small spaces, where it can be used as a base color or accent. It goes well with orange, gray or pink tones;
  • red. Promotes appetite, but in a small kitchen it is better to use this color only to create an accent;
  • pastel. They allow you to achieve lightness, airiness and are ideal for small spaces. Bright accents will help dilute the monotony.

Creating a lighting system

Traditionally, one massive lamp with a lampshade or with 2-3 small shades was used to illuminate the kitchen. However, when arranging a small room, it is worth moving away from this practice. Even in a small kitchen, you can make 3-level lighting:

Furniture and household appliances in a small kitchen

In order not to overload the already rather limited space of the kitchen in the “Khrushchev”, a minimum set of furniture is required, and only the most necessary. It is advisable to choose a compact and functional one, especially since manufacturers offer a huge selection of such models.

Of course, the best option would be or lined with plastic. For a spacious or combined kitchen with a living room, you can choose a set of dark colors with matte surfaces, and for a small room - light with gloss. In the kitchen, you can install, which will serve as a dining table and a kind of separator of different zones. In a small dining room, it is recommended to install a small reclining table, which will significantly save space. You can use a wide one as a table. It will also help to rationally organize storage systems using high wall cabinets.

For small kitchens, the ideal option would be to use the built-in and, presented in the minimum, only the most required quantity. you can make it built-in or buy a model that does not require connection to the system. A two-burner mortise can be a good option - this is enough for a small kitchen. can be placed under . The pencil case in which the microwave oven, etc. is placed will look original.

The use of textiles and decor

Due to the fact that the kitchens in "Khrushchev" are modest in size, it is not recommended to overload the room with various decorative elements. However, they are still necessary to give the room a lived-in look and create maximum coziness and comfort in it. You can hang an original clock on one wall, and an appetizing still life on the other. It is also recommended to allocate for arranging decorative bottles, dry spikelets, various souvenirs and amulets.

- not the best solution for a small kitchen, as they hide the height of the ceilings in the room. Best Choice will use , or . It's beautiful, practical and modern. Traditionalists may opt for short, lightweight tulle curtains without a pronounced pattern or texture. The textile line can be continued with napkins and towels, but you can refuse the tablecloth: instead, it is advisable to use original decorative coasters for dishes.

Kitchen renovation in Khrushchev: photo of interior options

We have already mentioned so many times in this review the main drawback of the kitchen in Khrushchev - very modest dimensions. And it's very difficult on this small space do something decent, but we will try and show how it is possible to provide functionality, comfort and coziness in a small area.

Kitchen design in "Khrushchev" with a geyser

Almost all kitchens in "Khrushchev" are equipped with a water heater -. Older models were bulky and unaesthetic, unlike modern units - compact and more efficient. Some hide geyser in the wall cabinet headset. However, before using this method of disguise, you need to consult with experts.

Advice! It is best to order a kitchen set only after purchasing a “gas” column. So designers can better adapt the furniture to the water heater.

Design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator

No kitchen is complete without. In the "Khrushchev" it is difficult to place this type of household appliances without compromising free space. However, some still try to squeeze the refrigerator into a small kitchen, others install it in the hallway, and someone prefers to purchase a compact built-in model. It is equally important that the unit appearance fit into the interior.

Kitchen design 5-6 m² in Khrushchev with a photo of examples of the location of headsets

During the entire period of construction of "Khrushchev" several types of planning were developed, which differed from each other by a slight difference in area and minor elements. What they have in common is square shape and in the corner. The comfort of staying in such a kitchen largely depends on the location and functionality of the headset. It is also necessary that the rule of the "golden" or working triangle is observed. Let's look at a few basic options.

U-shaped and straight kitchen sets

When choosing a U-shaped placement, the refrigerator is installed directly at the entrance, and a full-fledged one is set up on the windowsill. This arrangement of furniture is considered the most functional and optimal. Despite the fact that such a layout is more complex, designers recommend using it.

Linear or direct placement of kitchen furniture is the easiest solution for small to medium sized kitchens. As the name implies, the headset is placed along one of the walls. With a similar arrangement of furniture, free space is freed up for the installation of other furniture. A dining table can be made from a window sill by installing a wide tabletop on it or using a folding option.

Design of a kitchen combined with a living room in Khrushchev

Many owners of "Khrushchev" to expand the kitchen resort to redevelopment and combine it with the living room. In this case, you can resort to almost any option for arranging a kitchen set, and even an island one. By the way, if it is decided, then you should worry about installing a powerful one so that odors do not spread throughout the room.

Kitchen-studio in Khrushchev: design photo

Some are not limited to combining the kitchen with the living room and demolish almost all partitions, except for the toilet. Thus, they get a studio apartment. The separation of the kitchen from the main room is carried out by various kinds zoning: flooring, ceilings, cabinets, aquariums, etc. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for repairing a small kitchen in Khrushchev with real photo.

Typical mistakes made when creating a kitchen interior in Khrushchev

Many people, making repairs on their own, make the same mistakes when creating the interior of a small kitchen. Let's consider the most basic ones so that you avoid them when equipping this room in your home.

Error What is lost or what will be
Fear of tall wall cabinetsThe ability to get more free space by hiding the least used utensils on the topmost shelves. Space is being misused. Ability to hide communications
Headsets that are too darkVisually reduced space. Impractical, as well as too bright and saturated and a kitchen apron
Conventional hood with connection to the ventilation systemFree space is lost, so necessary in a small kitchen
The ill-conceived power supplyOver time, it becomes necessary to connect more and more household appliances and additional lighting, and you will have to remove boxes, hollow out walls, and so on.
Installing a refrigerator next to the stoveHigh probability of unit failure
Large patterns on, curtains or tilesVisually reduces the space of an already small kitchen

If you are not confident in your abilities and do not want to waste your money, then entrust a reliable construction company with a turnkey kitchen renovation in Khrushchev, the price will depend only on your wishes and the materials used.

We invite you to watch the video common mistakes performed during the repair of a small kitchen in the "Khrushchev".

A few words at the end

"Khrushchev", of course, is not an ideal type of housing, and it is difficult to realize something large-scale in a small area, but still possible. We told and showed how a small kitchenette can be turned into a cozy and comfortable room where you can cook or drink tea with your family. We hope our article will help you, and if you have any comments or suggestions, please contact our experts in the comments.

Sooner or later, every owner Khrushchev time comes engage in modernization small kitchen 5-6 sq.m. This quadrature, as in the past, is never enough. This is especially felt with the acquisition of a new kitchen appliances and furniture. Before starting repairs, it is advisable to think about the functionality of each square meter, using the advice of experienced designers involved in the reorganization of Khrushchev's apartments.

The design of a small-sized kitchen in old-plan apartments (from 5 sq. Meters and more) is a challenge for any designer.

The advice that before acquiring something new, you need to get rid of the old, in small Khrushchev kitchen remains the most relevant. Not only is there no extra space here, even a few centimeters in width are not enough for free passage if there is cabinet furniture. Although built-in furniture costs a little more than a finished kitchen when calling a craftsman, this is the most rational decision to fit all the kitchen utensils.

Small Khrushchev kitchen in 5-6 "squares" many got it as a Soviet "legacy". But when there is no alternative, one has to adapt to these conditions. It is difficult to make more footage without redevelopment with the demolition of walls, but this is not always possible. Therefore, most residents of such urban "khrushchev" have to deal with the reorganization of space.

Despite the lack of space, there is always the opportunity to make even a small corner for cooking hospitable and cozy.

Many people know that "Khrushchev" is called small-sized city apartments, predominantly, in panel houses where most of the walls are load-bearing. It is very difficult to get permission to redevelop them. If everything works out, you can only combine two adjacent rooms and attach a balcony. But the apartment won't get bigger. Thoughtful design kitchen project 5 meters in Khrushchev should include this option.

Attention! brick houses city ​​authorities often give it away for demolition, since the deadline for their implementation has expired. There is no point in investing in expensive repairs to dilapidated property, even if you can get permission!

When making repairs in Khrushchev, it is necessary to calculate the size of each item and its location with an accuracy of a millimeter.

The main problem of these apartments is the "robbed" footage of the kitchen and bathroom, hallway and corridors. In this limited area, it is necessary to place all kitchen attributes:

  1. Fridge;
  2. gas stove;
  3. washing;
  4. Other household appliances (dishwasher or washing machine);
  5. Kitchen units for food processing and cooking;
  6. Cabinets and shelves (for storing food, dishes and other kitchen utensils);
  7. work surface.

For 5-6 sq. meters, it is necessary to fit storage containers, kitchen furniture, and household appliances.

It is difficult to condense in stuffed to the limit kitchen 5 sq.m., but thoughtful design and functionality of a Khrushchev apartment able to work miracles. It all depends on the lifestyle of the owners of small-sized housing. Do not need a dishwasher in a small family. A large stove with an oven is also not needed if you cook little.

Rules for organizing space

Organization of limited space and design of a small kitchen 5-6 meters in Khrushchev often becomes a "headache" of the owners. But if you approach this process creatively, you can benefit from every square meter.


1. Work surface location As close as possible to the sink and stove, preferably between them
2. Refrigerator installation Close to the worktop and sink, but away from the stove so it doesn't get hot
3. Wall cabinets and shelves Fill corners and vertical surfaces as much as possible - up to the ceiling
4. Location of the gas stove It is impossible directly at the window, so that the curtains do not burn, the draft does not blow out the flame
5. Table and chairs (stools), dining table Better stackable seats to clean up as unnecessary, the tabletop is small, it can be replaced by any folding and retractable planes
6. Boxes and lockers Fill all niches of built-in furniture
7. Windowsill Better to combine with a countertop
8. Kitchen furniture Shallow, functional, compact.

Advice . It is important to think over the ergonomics of kitchen furniture so that your hands do not get tired when processing food, you do not have to reach for every little thing on the cabinet shelves. Use closers to keep doors and rails from slamming to accommodate dishes and kitchen utensils.

The main "enemy" of the small-sized Khrushchev kitchen is clutter. It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail and get rid of all the items that are needed literally once a year, or even less often. They need to be attached to the mezzanine in the corridor, on the balcony or other place that acts as a pantry.

This will help free up a few cabinets, shelves, and drawers.

In small rooms, furniture of the type of transformers and folding planes is welcome, as in the aisle of a compartment car. These seats return to their original position (fold) when not in use. They are very convenient if made according to the rules - another way to save space in kitchen design for 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev . But it is better to make impromptu "seats" on the leg (telescopic rod) - do not hesitate, they will not let you down because of the weight.

IN small kitchenoften have to give up the table. It is not uncommon for a family to have lunch or dinner in the living room or hall while watching television.

In this case, the only table is a cabinet with a work surface, but it is inconvenient to eat there.

Advice . To have a place to put your feet, it is important to have a niche under the table top. For this, a window sill, enlarged to the size of a countertop, or a retractable plane hidden under the cutting surface of kitchen furniture, is suitable.

If there is nowhere to put a washing machine and a refrigerator, they are taken out into the corridor or hallway adjacent to the kitchen. This is not very convenient, but you can get additional space for a modern kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq.m.

In a small kitchen, it is possible to place a large number of cabinets without compromising the area of ​​​​work surfaces, making some of them from floor to ceiling.

Important ! Cozy kitchen will make no refrigerator or washing machine, but beautiful kitchen accessories, window decor and other tastefully selected attributes. These are paintings and decorative plates, knitted tablecloths and lace napkins, original shades and mystical lighting.

Methods of visual expansion of the limited space of the Khrushchev kitchen

Convert area small kitchen can be different.

  1. The method of rationality is to remove old bulky cabinets and wall cabinets by installing lightweight compact built-in furniture.
  2. Functionality method - leave in Khrushchev's kitchen only the necessary items, trying to arrange them as compactly as possible.
  3. The method of visual illusion is to choose light colors in the design of the room, use horizontal and vertical lines, wall-paper “pushing apart” the walls, a light veil on the windows (maximum light and space).
  4. Zoning method - if redevelopment is planned, make a reasonable allocation of space so that everything is at hand.
  5. Design concept method - with the help of well-chosen style and decor, make small kitchen in Khrushchev a stylish modern room.

In a small kitchen, every centimeter of free space is important, so it is very important to correctly design a kitchen set.

During repairs in a small room, it is advisable to choose light shades, “reflecting” or glossy surfaces so that there is more light. It is better to abandon the stretch fabric and suspended structures when repairing the ceiling, they will also take 10-20 cm of space.

Put the cabinet furniture only against one wall, while taking the corners, so the kitchen will seem wider.

It's better to do it on a free wall interesting decor. IN kitchen design project 5 meters in Khrushchev can be envisaged interesting decoration of the free wall to create the illusion of a "dismantled" wall. Photo wallpapers with a panorama of a big city or an exit to nature will help with this. Some like spatial illusions, photo collages and mosaic panels.

Secrets of redevelopment of the kitchen 5.5 sq. m in Khrushchev

The redevelopment of small apartments with the demolition of secondary partitions in the design environment is considered one of the best practices modernization.

Do not be afraid to place shelves or the closed part of the furniture set too high.

  • Combine with adjoining living room;
  • "Cut off" a couple of meters from the adjacent corridor or hallway;
  • "Increase" the footage by adding the area of ​​​​the insulated balcony or loggia;
  • Convert Khrushchev into a studio-type apartment, leaving part of the walls in the form of arches, retractable partitions and sides with racks, which will help keep the main "frame" of the apartment.

Advice . If the owner of the apartment is not a specialist in construction and repair, you should not remodel the apartment. On initial stage Reconstruction works are best entrusted to specialized construction companies.

Engaged in the transformation of the apartment without a "big" redevelopment, you can expand the doorways or move the aisles so that the rooms are not walkable. Some apartments in the old housing stock do not have balconies, especially on the lower floors.

Advice . If desired, you can remove the wall under the kitchen window and insert a balcony door.

Do not forget to install unbreakable glass and metal bars on the impromptu balcony - protection from intruders.

But there will be a place where you can go out to smoke or breathe fresh air without leaving the apartment. It will not be possible to make a large balcony in this way, but the spherical shape of the lattice will give enough space for drying clothes and planting balcony plants.

How to disguise a column, sink and kitchen appliances?

In a small Khrushchev kitchen there is very little space, but it has to be allocated for gas equipment:

  • Counter;
  • Geyser;
  • Stove with oven or grill;
  • Hood cap with corrugation.

White color will visually enlarge a small narrow kitchen.

There are 2 ways to veil them in the design of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq.m. with refrigerator and other equipment:

  1. Hide behind the doors of the facades of kitchen furniture;
  2. Leave in open form, originally decorated.

Important ! To make the hood take up less space in the kitchen, it is recommended to purchase not a traditional bell, but an inclined shape. This is handy when leaning over the stove while cooking, and it's more compact.

Gas equipment is very convenient to hide behind the doors of kitchen cabinets. But any specialist will say that it is better to make slots in them in order to monitor the performance. The geyser and furniture wood are incompatible.

You need to think in advance about the choice of material or leave the column open, but think about what it will coexist with.

Advice . During repairs, do not forget to make high-quality insulation at the stove. The sink needs waterproofing. Bulky tiles can be replaced with a compact 2-burner module - saving space.

How to improve the lighting of a small kitchen?

Properly chosen colors and illumination of local areas always work in a "plus" if you need to work with the expansion of space.

Attention ! During repairs, it is worth replacing old emergency wiring and equipment that cannot cope with the load of modern household appliances.

The design of surfaces (especially walls, window textiles) should be made in light shades.

When choosing lighting fixtures focuses on the style of design and functionality of the kitchen.

  1. It is very convenient when the work surface is illuminated by diodes mounted on the bottom of wall cabinets, as on the picture.
  2. In a modern kitchen, a diode tape looks good along the perimeter of the ceiling or framed by cabinet furniture.
  3. Buying ceiling lamp, give up a bulky chandelier that takes up a lot of space. The exception is a large ceiling, descending to the center of the table.
  4. If in the interior small kitchen there is a corner and a dining table, the eating area should be illuminated by a compact sconce with a practical shade that is convenient to wash.
  5. Try to supply all the fixtures with economical lamps.

Light reflections playing on the surface will give the room a bright, light and sunny mood, as in the photo.

The ideal option would be a large window, where a lot of daylight penetrates. If it is possible to expand the window opening or replace the frames with lighter and lighter ones, be sure to use it. Curtains or window decor - light, translucent fabrics that are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

The design of curtains and curtains should highlight and unobtrusively decorate this part of the kitchen, but in no case should it prevent the penetration of sunlight.

Design of washable surfaces: apron and work area

When renovating a kitchen, the issue of practicality comes first. Every hostess knows how much time cleaning takes. The more practical facing materials, the easier it is to clean the kitchen.

A small kitchen in Khrushchev will require a non-standard approach when choosing furniture.

Do not be afraid white color or light shades of beige, gray and blue. If it is smooth plastic on the ceiling or tiled materials in wall and floor decoration, then cleaning takes no more time than in others. color solutions. In addition, the light facing initially looks “clean”.

Attention! Gloss (any color) reflects more light, but it shows more scratches after cleaning with household products with abrasive particles.

A modern kitchen does not require a huge number of cabinets, just a couple of shelves on the wall and open shelves for large dishes.

When choosing tile materials for kitchen design 5m2 in Khrushchev do not use large blocks and a large drawing. With them, a small room will seem even smaller. Perfect option for facing a kitchen apron - small mosaic tiles.

For wall cabinets, it is better to use doors that open up, and not to the sides, as they do not take up any usable space at all.

The walls do not have to be monochromatic, but light shades are preferred. Quality facing materials depends on financial capabilities, but all surfaces must be practical to clean. Tiled floors should not be slippery, for safety reasons - choose with a rough texture.

A good option for the kitchen is a light moisture-resistant laminate.

The place where you have to butcher meat, peel vegetables and cut juicy products is often dirty. Here you have to abandon the wallpaper, textured plaster And decorative panels from materials that are difficult to clean.

Advice . An interesting relief decor is recommended to be opened with a colorless varnish in several layers.

Most often you have to clean in the work area, so the choice of finish here is most important.

Remember that a small Khrushchev kitchen has its own "plus" - a small surface area. You can save on finishing materials by choosing a more luxurious tile, countertop and facade. This will help transform Khrushchev beyond recognition, as on our photo.

The tips given in the article will help you successfully cope with the transformation of the smallest kitchen.

VIDEO: Projects and design of a small kitchen.

50 design ideas for a 5-6 sq. meters:

The kitchen of 5 m2 is quite compact. However, it can become extremely convenient if you approach the issue creatively. Many see the main problem in being able to place a refrigerator, hob, sink, storage cabinets and a dining table in addition to such a small space.

So let's take a pencil

To begin with, let's face it honestly and write it down on a piece of paper so as not to forget anything.

  1. How often do you go shopping?
  2. How often do you cook?
  3. How many people are in your family? How often do you use all 4 burners? Maybe two is usually enough for you?
  4. How many people should be seated at one table in the kitchen?
  5. How many dishes are constantly in use?
  6. Can some of the kitchen utensils be moved to the balcony, pantry, or any other storage location?

Now you can start designing the kitchen.

Working triangle

Now we take a tape measure and measure our walls. If the length of the street wall is 2.5 m, then the remaining wall is 2 m. So, one wall with a window and the opposite wall with a door. In total, we have 8 m of linear walls along which our set with a refrigerator can be placed. Usually one wall goes under the dining area. There is not much left.

What you need to distribute in the kitchen without fail:

  • Refrigerator - 60 cm.
  • Washing machine - 60 cm.
  • Gas stove - 60 cm.
  • Sink - 60 cm.

Total, 2.4 m for household appliances with a sink. Let's try to fit this into our space. The upper cabinets can be placed as you like, the main thing to remember is that it is better to place a dish dryer above the sink, and an extractor hood above the stove.

If possible, it is better to take the washing machine to the bathroom. However, for her, you can contrive to find a place.

Costly option

The refrigerator can be taken out into a mini-corridor in a niche, which we cut off from the bath by installing a shower cabin. You will have to go through the dismantling of the wall, repairing the bathroom and abandoning the bath. But we win a place in the kitchen for a full table.

Cunning with arrangement

We put the refrigerator by the window, the sink in the corner, and the stove near the entrance. It is convenient that there is a fairly spacious countertop. It is possible to put a washing machine near the refrigerator.

But in terms of security, this option has a drawback, because. at the entrance, you can accidentally shove boiling water from the stove onto your feet. This is easily solved by adding a small side, about 15-20 centimeters, which will protect against accidents.

The second version of the refrigerator by the window also causes rather controversial judgments. So, the refrigerator is standing near the window, after 10 cm from it there is a stove, behind it a sink lurks through a cabinet with drawers in the corner, and near the door a narrow tabletop of 40 cm rests on the lower cabinet. For safety reasons, the corner is rounded and equipped with open shelves.

The refrigerator needs high-quality cooling of the rear grille. She is always hot. If there is a stove with an oven nearby, then a problem arises. For a long service life of cooling devices, it is necessary to install them away from heating devices. Also, do not put them near radiators and heating pipes.

The void between the stove and the refrigerator can be filled with cargo.

What if you think about it?

The minimized version provides a comfortable dining area and an ultra-compact set.

Refrigerator, sink and stove line up along the side wall. Opposite the entrance in the corner near the window is a dining area. In this case, you can put a kitchen corner in which you can put a lot of all kinds of utensils, organize the storage of dry products there, for example, groceries.

The dining table will act as a cutting surface during cooking.

And if you need spacious storage boxes?

The stove and sink can be placed along the street wall with a window. The refrigerator in this case will stand in a free corner.

Thus, spacious cabinets and a spacious work surface are added. Especially if you use a built-in oven and a domino cut-in hob instead of a stove.

Cramped and want space?

Let's try to build a working triangle along the window. Cold zone opposite the door. Next is a sink, a small cabinet and a stove. In the free corner is a chic table with a soft corner.

If you put a table along the wall from the door, and behind it a wide cabinet, in front of them there is a refrigerator, a spacious wardrobe, a sink in the corner and another part of the headset along a short wall. At the same time, wall cabinets will occupy three walls, absorbing all the accumulated goodness of the hostess.

If you prefer to dine in the living room, then the task is simplified, and the suite grows. You get a full-fledged kitchen with cabinets, a chic countertop and a refrigerator looking at the door from the window.

If you upgrade this option, you can build a place for lunch near the window, where you can have a bite to eat together.

And what about the washing machine?

It can be placed between the sink and the stove.

Or between the mini fridge and sink under hob. And the oven will move to a convection microwave.

Take a closer look at mini refrigerators that can be installed under the countertop. They take up little space. But you can win the desired cutting plane.

If you build a solid frame, then this option is also possible:

In this case, the main thing is that the frame on which the refrigerator rests can withstand the weight of the unit and products. If this pencil case is continued upwards, then several shelves can be added.

Do you still think that 5 sq. meters is a hopeless sentence? Then look for a competent designer who will help you create comfort in this space. Better yet, take a closer look at how these tasks are solved on a more modest area in European mini-apartments and teen houses. This is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for compact kitchens.

Kitchen interiors 5 sq m with a refrigerator in the photo in real apartments

See examples of renovations in small kitchens and get ideas.

Corner kitchen 5 sq m

White corner kitchen 5 sq m

Stylish kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator

An example of a kitchen 5 to m with a refrigerator and a geyser. The column is closed with a white box.

Use the additional features of corner cabinets

Kitchen 5 sq m with refrigerator and washing machine

Jul 28, 2017 Werri

Design of a small kitchen with an area of ​​​​5 square meters. m in Khrushchev is not so simple, however, judging by the photos in the interior catalogs, there are no tasks that are impossible for designers. By properly planning your workspace, you can avoid most of the difficulties that can arise in such cramped circumstances. Modern tendencies in the interior design and organization of the working area will create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

Functional placement of furniture in a compact kitchen of 5 square meters

Rational use of space

Thinking over the design of the kitchen 5 sq. m in Khrushchev, you need to use some tips that will help you properly organize small space:

Important! The higher the furniture, the interior looks lighter and more spacious. Too low a headset will create the effect of a cluttered space.

Optimal planning options

How less room, the more difficult it is to maintain a balance between the beauty of the interior and practicality. Few people want to sacrifice their own comfort for the sake of an extra meter or limit themselves in opportunities due to lack of space. How to think over the layout in a tiny kitchen of 5 square meters. meters in Khrushchev, without any problems placing on it not only a stove with a sink, but also a refrigerator and other household appliances?

Bright U-shaped kitchen design with tempered glass shelves

L-shaped layout

In the photo of design projects, you can often find a corner kitchen set, such an L-shaped layout is used in both large and small kitchens no more than 5 square meters. m. In small rooms, both corner walls are fully occupied. Often one of the ends of the headset is adjacent to the door. It is better to round the corners of the headset, especially near the doorway.

A classic example of a corner kitchen in a small area

Smooth outlines look much more harmonious and beautiful in the interior, unlike sharp corners. If the kitchen is not square, but elongated, then it is better to place a refrigerator and a stove along a long wall, while the sink can be moved close to short wall. In the opposite corner, it is good to place a small corner sofa with a compact table and hinged open shelves and cabinets.

Corner kitchen 5 square meters with rounded ends

Note! It is better to equip the area by the window for a workspace, since in the kitchen with an area of ​​​​only 5 square meters. m valuable every extra centimeter.

Corners in a small kitchen should not be empty. To free up some space, you can place a sink in the corner. For convenience, it is better to choose a beveled or radiused corner tabletop with a narrowed short side. So in the kitchen there will be enough space for a hob or stove and a refrigerator.
Instead of washing, sometimes a stove is placed in a corner or hob. If you like this option, try to choose the most compact model. At the same time, it is also worth remembering the predominance of smooth lines in the corner kitchen - rounded outlines will become a small trick that distracts from the modest dimensions of the kitchen.

The interior of the corner kitchen in Khrushchev

U-shaped layout

With this option for arranging furniture and appliances, three walls are occupied at once. Thus, it is possible to organize a comfortable working triangle with the same distance to the refrigerator, stove and sink. To make it more convenient for you and your household to work in the kitchen and move around it, the passage should not be narrower than 120 cm. The layout in the form of the letter P is not only one of the most comfortable in everyday life, it also provides a lot of opportunities for non-trivial design solutions.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a U-shaped arrangement of furniture

Vertical block at the door

In the kitchen of 5 sq. meters, the tallest and most dimensional objects are most often located in the corners; this layout option can be seen in the photo of kitchen interiors. This technique allows you to visually make the bulky elements of the headset less noticeable, giving them a more elegant look. If you need a large number of spacious shelves and appliances, you can put several tall cabinets in the kitchen at once - a pencil case in the middle of the wall, a tall unit with a built-in oven and, for example, a refrigerator in the corner by the window.

The interior of the corner kitchen of 5 square meters with a refrigerator by the window

Due to the high pieces of furniture, you can significantly increase the capacity of the headset, but this arrangement greatly reduces working area. In a five-meter kitchen, you can comfortably place an oven, a dishwasher, a microwave and a refrigerator, however, a vertical cabinet at the door will not only lengthen the corridor, “stealing” valuable space near the kitchen, but will also create an extra sharp corner, which is quite traumatic.

Kitchen cabinet-pencil case by the window in a small kitchen

Kitchen option without refrigerator

The refrigerator is often the largest item in the kitchen. Often, it is they who are sacrificed for the sake of additional space, putting the refrigerator on an insulated balcony or in the hallway. This arrangement is not very convenient, if approached from a practical point of view, but it becomes possible to equip a cozy dining area in the kitchen with a good table and soft corner sofa or expand the working area.

Kitchen with furniture along all walls

If there is enough free space for a refrigerator in the corridor or on the loggia, then in the kitchen of 5 square meters. meters, you can safely do without it.

Kitchen interior without a refrigerator with glossy surfaces and rounded ends

Kitchen in one row

The simplest and most economical option for designing a workspace is the arrangement of furniture and appliances along one wall. Despite the fact that minimalism is in trend in 2017, such an organization of space may not appeal to everyone. By removing the large refrigerator from the kitchen, you can better organize your workspace by conveniently placing the stove and sink.

Single-line kitchen 5 square meters in Khrushchev

If you decide to leave the refrigerator in the kitchen 5 sq. m in Khrushchev, then purchase a stove or oven with a width of no more than 45 cm.

The interior of a small kitchen 5 sq. M in Khrushchev

Kitchen in two rows

Such a layout is otherwise called parallel, when all pieces of furniture and appliances are located along opposite walls. With this arrangement of the kitchen set, there may not be enough space for dining area, but there is where to turn around in terms of organizing the workspace.

Compact kitchen in two rows

Important! To create the most convenient kitchen triangle, place the sink and stove on the opposite wall from the refrigerator.

Kitchen interior with furniture on both sides

For convenience and free movement around the kitchen while cooking, try not to clutter up the space in the center, the minimum distance between the facades of the headset should be wider than 1.2 m. case is completely open, and the furniture does not create obstacles for daylight.

Kitchen window with transparent short curtains

Interior Design

Even in a tiny kitchen of 5 square meters. m, you can bring to life almost any new design that is relevant in 2017 - in the photo you can see the most different variants interior design. Fanciful rococo and baroque, which are characterized by an abundance of decor, bright colors, gilding, complex furniture design, etc., will not fit into a small space. However, there are other styles that can be used.

Modern kitchen interior 5 sq.m in Khrushchev


One of the most popular modern styles, relevant in 2017. This the best option to create comfort and cozy interior without unnecessary accessories and flashy colors.

Minimalism in the kitchen 5 sq.m in Khrushchev

The main techniques used in interior design are a minimum of furniture, simplicity of forms, neutral colors, glossy surface, high-quality lighting, modern light finishing materials. Together, this creates a spacious and bright space.

Corner kitchen 5 sq.m in Khrushchev with a pink countertop

High tech

A distinctive feature of high-tech style is the craving for the use of cutting-edge materials and technical innovations. Appliances and household appliances are hidden behind the facades of cabinets, and the set is a modular design, which allows you to use the available space with maximum benefit.

Small-sized high-tech kitchen


Classics, with the exception of its most extravagant varieties, are always in fashion. This a win-win for those who are afraid to make a mistake with the selection of textures, colors and furniture design.

Classic interior of a small kitchen with a sink by the window

The interior uses natural materials, natural colors. For decoration, light shades are often used, which allows you to refresh the interior and visually enlarge the kitchen.

Corner bright kitchen in the style of "classic"

Despite the very modest size of the standard Khrushchev kitchen (only 5 square meters), and on such an area can be conveniently placed necessary furniture and technology, creating a cozy and practical space.

The average area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen space in Khrushchev is a maximum of 6 square meters. In the same room, a gas column is placed, which immediately catches the eye.

Is it possible to make the room comfortable and functional? Of course you can.

The geyser can be hidden in a hanging cabinet. As a result, the kitchen in Khrushchev will be transformed, in accordance with the general style of the interior of the room. At first glance, everything is quite simple, but you need to take into account some features.

We integrate the column into the cabinet correctly:

  • We turn to the fire department and consult;
  • In accordance with the advice of a specialist, we order a hanging cabinet, which should be equipped with numerous ventilation holes;
  • We perform high-quality wall insulation;
  • We control the presence of special holes for the gas pipe and corrugations.

Setting up a work area

The area of ​​​​the room makes it necessary to place a minimum amount of furniture in the interior. Beautiful and original interior options for such premises are shown in the photo. modern kitchen in Khrushchev, which are attached to this article. We will focus on the functionality and quality of the placed furniture.

We mount maximum number kitchen appliances:

  • The plate is compensated by a folding surface for cooking or on a transformer.
  • A miniature oven or microwave oven is the best addition to the hob.
  • In the space under the sink, you can place a small washing machine or dishwasher;
  • We replace an ordinary refrigerator with a built-in horizontal model, which has advantages in the form of: space saving, relevance and originality. You can place a refrigerator on the territory of the corridor.
  • We mount the table folding.
  • The window sill area will become an additional workspace.

Creating a corner kitchen

You can install furniture in an ordinary Khrushchev kitchen, but there is not enough space. However, all kitchen utensils will be placed in their places. The optimal solution will be making changes to the design of the kitchen in Khrushchev.

As a result, we free up space for storing various items.

Furniture placement options:

  • L-shaped kitchen involves the use of the surface of two walls;
  • In a U-shaped kitchen, the surface of three walls is involved;
  • The circular kitchen is a functional and unusual solution.

We create the design of the kitchen room on our own.

Experts focus on maximizing the space in the room. Can be used modern ideas for the kitchen in Khrushchev. The effect of visual expansion of the space of the room can be created using:

  • White colors;
  • Matte plastic ceiling structure;
  • smooth wallpaper;
  • Mirrors;
  • Folding type structures;
  • Products that have a shine and are decorated with a glossy sample surface;
  • Built-in technology;
  • Transparent furniture solutions.

The square of the room can be increased in another way, in which it is necessary to make changes to the layout. The intermediate space can be freed with an accordion door or the door can be removed.

In the attached images there are photos of the kitchen in modern style in Khrushchev, where all the advantages of such a solution are demonstrated. You can combine the space of the kitchen and living room. This solution makes the apartment beautiful and multifunctional.

Current offers for creating fashion design

There are several ways in which you can create modern interior kitchens in Khrushchev.

Maximum light. Small spaces require soft and warm lighting. Lighting for cabinets and floors, as well as halogen lamps, will help with this. The use of mirrors is also recommended.

These items are evenly placed in dotted order. The room should be bright. Do not use heavy textiles in the interior, creating a gloomy and negative atmosphere.

Expressive highlights. Create luxurious interior, which does not require significant material investments simply. It is necessary to integrate into the room: tiles or laminate, kitchen backsplash, transparent curtains, large cornices, flowers and citrus plants, as well as glass and transparent accessories.

The color scheme should be combined with light colors that create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. You will have to make little effort and the design of the kitchen will change.

Photo of the kitchen in Khrushchev
