Many people dream of their own home, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy a dream home. But everything or almost everything, if you wish, you can do it yourself.

How to make a house from improvised materials on your own?

Here we will consider the example of an American couple, of course, this is not Russia, not the same climate, not the same standard of living, but, nevertheless, a lot can be learned from the experience of our American neighbors.

Young couple from Portland (Oregon, America) were able to prove by their own example that this is possible.

They remodeled the old barn and assembled their home literally bit by bit. What did they end up with? We decided to take a look at the results of their labors!

Young enthusiasts

Small house interior

Newlyweds Michael and Jenny have long dreamed of their own house, but there was a catastrophic lack of funds to buy it. The only thing that was bought for a small amount of money was an old dilapidated barn and a small piece of land. The young people still had some money left. It was decided to spend them on restoring the house and decorating the interior.

All that is at hand

Small kitchen interior

The barn went to the couple not empty, but filled with old boxes and boards. They were used to restore and strengthen the facade of the house, as well as partial interior decoration. Interestingly, Michael and Jenny were lucky with wood, they got teak and cedar boards. This wood was also useful for creating furniture that the owners of the house made with their own hands, which made it possible to significantly save money. The other part of the interior items was purchased at flea markets and family sales.

Michael and Jenny made a lot of things in the house with their own hands

Furniture made from old boards and boxes

View of the living room from above

Adjoining territory

The equipment was bought in a junk shop

Proper storage in a small interior

Cozy zoning

Despite the fact that the area of ​​the house is only 35 square meters, zoning was well organized in it. The kitchen was separated by a bar counter. The living room was not cluttered with furniture, there is only a sofa that moved with the owners from the old interior, as well as a homemade table and stool. The second floor was completely taken under the bedroom. It turned out to be relatively spacious and well organized.

Living area

Interior of a small bedroom

tiny bathroom

A tiny shared bathroom deserves special attention, in which they did not abandon the standard bath. The entire space of the room was done in white. To save space, plumbing picked up non-standard sizes. This also affected the visual perception of a small interior.

Those who live in the south of our country may well do the same. By the way, the temperature in Portland can drop to -20.

Well, for us, residents of snowy regions and frosts of -40, of course, we need a barn at least on a foundation and with a stove, and old boards will not be enough for insulation, but that's not even the point, but that everything here is made by hand from waste material and only 35kv, people have created a spacious and most comfortable space, this can be done with us.

How to make a house from improvised materials on your own? Young couple from Portland (Oregon, America) were able to prove by their own example that this is possible. They remodeled the old barn and assembled their home literally bit by bit. What did they end up with? We decided to take a look at the results of their labors!

Young enthusiasts

Newlyweds Michael and Jenny have long dreamed of their own house, but there was a catastrophic lack of funds to buy it. The only thing that was bought for a small amount of money was an old dilapidated barn and a small piece of land. The young people still had some money left. It was decided to spend them on restoring the house and decorating the interior.

All that is at hand

The barn went to the couple not empty, but filled with old boxes and boards. They were used to restore and strengthen the facade of the house, as well as partial interior decoration. Interestingly, Michael and Jenny were lucky with wood, they got teak and cedar boards. This wood was also useful for creating furniture that the owners of the house made with their own hands, which made it possible to significantly save money. The other part of the interior items was purchased at flea markets and family sales.

Despite the fact that the area of ​​the house is only 35 square meters, zoning was well organized in it. The kitchen was separated by a bar counter. The living room was not cluttered with furniture, there is only a sofa that moved with the owners from the old interior, as well as a homemade table and stool. The second floor was completely taken under the bedroom. It turned out to be relatively spacious and well organized.

IN country design even utility blocks can be not just a barn, but a real work of art. I bring to your attention interesting ideas utility sheds, houses for inventory and workshops. All these structures can be made to give with your own hands, decorate to your liking.

Hozbloki can be without windows to prevent easy theft of the tool if your site is located in a not very quiet place.

The wall of the shed can be decorated with painted plastic plates screwed on with self-tapping screws. At my dacha, the northern wall is decorated in this way, I painted them myself.

Your workshop may also have a small porch where you can sit and take a break from country affairs and worries.

The classic design of a cute hozblok, decorated with ampelous flowers, as well as tub and tray compositions.

The octagonal guest house can be used both as a workshop and as a utility block.

Hozblok combined with a garage. Even a shed can have a beautiful front garden with flower beds.

A stylish guest house made of foam blocks can also serve as your workshop.

Here's another one nice idea hozbloka enthusiastic summer residents. Doors, as I like, with floor-to-ceiling glazing.

A wonderful idea for a utility block combined with a guest house.

The idea of ​​imitating windows with trays of flowers will revive the plain walls of the barn.

A nice composition of a shed and a pergola with a seating area.

Classic barn in the country or private courtyard.

Still, it's nice that there are people who create from ordinary, familiar buildings, also beautiful solutions landscape design.

It would seem like a barn, but here is the porch, here are the flowers - and already a completely different feeling! Some joy...

If the shed is painted in light shades, then the site will immediately become more fun.

Old tools can be hung on the walls, decorating them in a rural country style.

Neat guest house, lined with shingles.

A beautiful idea for a shed in the country is a flower bed and flower trays, a stone slab path leading to the building.

high barn with pitched roof and windows for light from the ceiling.

The original hozblok for storing inventory in the country.

Workshop idea for suburban area- I can assume that the artist creates his masterpieces here!

natural roof in scandinavian style- in Norway, on old houses you can find turf. Well, here the designer's idea was to plant a flowering lawn.

Some ideas are so good that they can even form the basis of a small country house, not the hozblok.

In the photo - quite a working option for summer house on a 6 acre lot.

Wenge-colored shed - stylish solution in color!

A stone hozblok in an English estate is a construction for more than one century, and more than one century is ahead!

A simple idea for a shed for storing inventory in a summer cottage.

Beautiful frame shed, sheathed with plywood.

A squat hozblok is a design idea for your dacha.

The original solution is an imitation of shutters on the window.

You can make such hozbloks with your own hands in a week, thus you will find a place where you can store the tool. But do not turn the room into a pantry!

The idea of ​​​​designing an approach to outbuildings in the country.

It would also be good to provide a canopy over the door so that in the rain you can open the door without standing under falling drops of water.

An unusual solution for the entrance group made it possible to create an additional door.

A solid barn built in Western style.

The idea of ​​the hozblok is a square-shaped workshop.

The idea of ​​a hozblok with an asymmetric roof.

Hozblok with a beautiful front door on massive loops.

Unusual hozblok with walls made of wood cuts. I have already met a similar solution many times, I wonder how labor-intensive and reliable it is?

On this, let me say goodbye to you today, see you tomorrow! Stay tuned for updates, share ideas with your friends, get inspired and create unique beauty on your site!
