Every hostess and owner wants to make their home beautiful and comfortable. This article contains a variety of ideas for the home, which allow you to achieve this result with a small investment of time, money and effort.

We decorate the walls

Recently, walls painted or pasted over with plain wallpaper have become very popular. Yes, they serve as a great backdrop for accessories, furniture, etc. But large empty spaces require some additions. How to decorate an empty wall? There are many ways, you just need to choose the right one.

Maps on the walls

An extremely simple and very effective home idea that helps solve the problem of empty walls is to stick a geographical map. It is not suitable for every room and not for every interior, but for a children's room, study, balcony or loggia, and in some cases even for a bedroom or living room, you can find options. It is important to choose the right map for the interior, and there are not only “ordinary” ones - geographical ones. There are vintage, navigational, stylized, etc.

Where can you find such cards? Geographic Maps can be found in bookstores or stationery stores. You will not find stylized or vintage ones there. Some options can be found in wallpaper stores. There they are in the form of photo wallpapers. There are many different ones on Aliexpress, beloved by many, you can search in other online stores. But there is another option: find the card you like on the Internet, save it to a medium and print it out in a company that deals with outdoor advertising. The only requirement is a large card format. They, of course, will be able to increase it, but not to infinity. So the original image should be of high quality and large.

Making modular paintings

The idea for a home - paintings and photos on the walls - is not new and many are fed up. Yes, this is a classic, but I want something new and unusual. One of the options is modular paintings. This is one image, divided into a different number of fragments. Fragments can be different in size or the same. Often these "pieces of images" are called "modules", hence the name "modular picture".

As an object, you can take any poster, poster, photo wallpaper. You can, again, print the image you like at an advertising agency. In this case, you can even take your photo or close friends, your favorite landscape, etc. Based on the composition of the picture, it is divided into several parts, cut. Frames are made for fragments. The dimensions of the frames should be 3-5 cm smaller than the fragments so that the module can be wrapped and fixed on the back side.

Nature is one of the most popular motifs The setting sun on the sea — what could be more romantic Beach, sun, summer…
And again flowers ... Symmetrical splitting is also possible Fantasy - an option for teenagers

Frames can be made from wooden planks, covered with thin plywood or fiberboard. But the easiest way is to take a foam of sufficient density (300-350 g / m³) with a thickness of 4-5 mm or more. It costs a little, you can cut it with any hacksaw, it will not damage the paper, it weighs a mere trifle, so you can even fix the modules on double sided tape. You can attach images to the tablets with glue (find the right one), or with a construction stapler and staples.

Decorative mirrors

Ideas for a home using mirrors are not new. The first samples of this magical glass appeared before our era and were extremely expensive and rare. And no wonder. The mirror itself is an excellent accessory, and if it has an unusual shape or an amazing frame, it will definitely become an interior decoration.

It's so simple - circles from mirrors, and the interior is transformed by Butterflies from the mirror - an interesting idea
If you finish a shelf, chest of drawers, bedside table in the same style ...

Such compositions can be made not only from an ordinary mirror - coated glass. There is an acrylic mirror on the market. It is flexible and absolutely safe material. It does not give such a perfect reflection as a "normal" mirror, but for these conditions it is not required. You need a plastic material that is easy to work with. Selling kits from fragments different shapes and size, on the reverse side of which double-sided tape is pasted. Attaching such a mirror is simple: remove the protective film from the adhesive tape, apply and press. All.

We make accessories for home decoration

Many ideas for the home relate to the creation of unique handicrafts that make our home memorable, cozy. It is these things that create the atmosphere of the house. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend an incredible amount of time and money on their creation. There are very simple ideas using the most ordinary, and sometimes junk things.

Home ideas are a sea of ​​possibilities to improve the interior or make your life more comfortable...and sometimes both

Decoration of vases and bottles with lace

Amazing transformations can take very little time. For example, you can make a vase of unique beauty from an ordinary vase, bottle or jar. And the process itself will take 10-15 minutes. This is if you have everything at hand. And, in addition to decoration objects, only lace, PVA glue, scissors and a brush are needed.

Everything is exactly as you thought. We just wrap the vessel with lace, cut it to size, glue it, wait until it dries. This is all. But the result will please you.

Who said lace has to be white...

Lace can be bought or knitted. The second option allows you to decorate vases of complex shapes, which can be decorated with ordinary lace with great difficulty. If you don’t know how to knit, but want to decorate a vase with an unusual shape, look for a stretch one. There is also such, and in a fairly wide range. With the help of a stretching openwork, most of the problems are removed.

Zen garden

If you are looking for original ideas for the home, consider a miniature zen garden. It is easy to make, looks great, and can also help you relax and calm down after a hard day's work. Only this accessory is not for families with small children…. You will understand why.

The Zen garden in the original is quite a complex system, but stylizations can be made from a transparent rounded container or even from a glass candy bowl, a vase, a small aquarium. Need more sand landscape design, terrariums or aquariums and a fat plant or a cactus.

First, let's figure out how to deal with a plant. it can be planted in a small pot, and buried in sand. Instead of a pot, you can use a sock with soil (tie a sock). Some plants (cacti) can be planted directly in the sand. In general, choose any method, but when landing directly in the sand, you need to take care of normal drainage - put pebbles on the bottom.

Sand is poured into the container, a pot with a plant or its roots is installed, all this is covered with sand to a certain level. All is ready. Now the surface of the sand is leveled and drawings are applied to it. There is a special metal stick for drawing, but a wooden one is also suitable for a start.

If you want to get closer to the original, you can make a desktop version Japanese garden from a small box. The frame of the box is assembled from wooden blocks or bamboo trunks, the bottom is usually made from plywood or well-fitted and finished wooden planks. You can also make legs.

The resulting container is also filled with fine sand, but what else to add there is up to you. You can plant several plants, lay stones, pebbles, put candles, a statue of the Buddha. In general, here everyone creates their own Zen))

Mini garden in the house

There are two types of miniature gardens that can be made to decorate the interior of a house or apartment: open and semi-closed. An open mini-garden is made in large flat pots, pallets. You can use miniature bonsai plants, succulents and small cacti.

When choosing plants, pay attention not only to size, but also to the soil in which the plants grow. With a sufficiently large area of ​​​​the mini-garden, it can be divided into zones with different soil acidity, but this will require physical separation, as well as differentiation using physical plastic partitions - so that the soils do not mix.

In such an interior decoration, a real garden is recreated. With paths, benches, rockeries, etc. You can put a toy house, make a pond. Anything your imagination tells you.

Semi-closed mini-gardens are made in glass containers. Round ones look very interesting: aquariums, vases. Soil or stones are poured into them, plants are planted. But in such a limited volume, it is necessary to select plants not only according to the type of soil, but also the degree of illumination, irrigation regime, etc. It will not work in different ways to care for plants in a jar.

The smallest gardens ... And then - a moss garden ... a piece of a fairy tale

In such containers, you can grow different varieties of moss. In fact, they are very beautiful and only in such miniature gardens can one examine them to the smallest detail. Some of them resemble trees or shrubs, others are more like herbaceous plants. A wide variety of compositions are created from pebbles and moss, reproducing real landscapes or taking us to a fairy-tale land.

DIY sofa cushions

If you look at photos of interiors, you can see that in most of them pillows give a highlight to the interior. With their help, a boring interior turns into a lively and memorable one. In addition, a large number of pillows allows you to relax comfortably. Such ideas for a home allow you to quickly change the “mood of the interior”, adding home comfort.

In the case of using fabrics, everything is clear - we select the color and texture for the interior. But there are homemade pillows, from which it breathes comfort. A striking example of this is knitted pillows. A variety of patterns, colors, shapes. But the result is the same - they really want to hug, squeeze. They look very unconventional.

From old flannelette pajamas and a sweater And these old jeans turn into an original pillowcase ... all you need is a fabric with an adhesive base Knitted miracle - very comfortable Lace for finishing pillows - you need to choose the style Fleecy fabrics - simple and effective

What if you don't know how to knit? It's not a problem. There are old sweaters. Yours or children's. They make very interesting and neat pillows. You cut off the old knitted products along the sleeves, put a pillow into a half-finished pillowcase, sew it on both sides. Everything, the designer pillow is ready.

You can also use lace, fleecy fabrics, old jeans, even pajamas. Everything is in motion. And the weirder the coloring is, the more interesting the result is.

Home ideas: do-it-yourself little things

The atmosphere and comfort in the house are created not only by global things. Many small things that can be made from improvised materials bring no less and, sometimes, more pleasure and benefit. You use them often. And you don’t even look at the same paintings or mirrors in a month. A number of ideas for making your home cozy and comfortable spot collected in this section.

Opportunities - the sea

Shoe tray with pebbles

Owners of private houses have to go out into the yard regardless of the weather. Therefore, shoes are not always shining clean. Many get out of the situation by placing a rubber mat near the door or by placing a rubber pallet. Yes, the dirt does not spread, but the view is not the most attractive. You can significantly improve the situation simply by pouring pebbles into the pan. Water will flow over the stones, no drips are visible on them, dirt too. Periodically, it will be necessary to soak the pebbles in water and rinse to remove the accumulated dirt, but pebbles are reusable material and simply cannot be “erased”.

If there is no rubber pallet, you can knock down a wooden box with a side height of about 10 cm. Pebbles can be found on the banks of a river, sea, etc. In extreme cases, you can find it in designer stores or where they sell products for aquariums. But buying this "charm" is expensive.

Scarf storage

There are usually a lot of scarves, neckerchiefs and other similar products in every family. How to store them so that they do not take up a lot of meta, are always at hand, and at the same time do not wrinkle? There are several life hacks that you can easily do yourself.

First. We attach metal rings to a regular hanger. Rings can be plastic or metal. Both can be found in the departments that sell . There are just no, in shape, size and material. Rings can be nailed to wooden hangers / hangers / trempels, attached with staples from a stapler, glued or tied with threads to plastic ones. And that's it, you have a device for storing scarves.

The situation is a little more complicated with the second device. You will need a processed board and a dozen or two clothespins. We fasten the clothespins to the bar on one side. They can be nailed, fastened with screws, glued. You will also need hinges to secure the structure itself to the wall.

Both ideas for a home are practical, require a minimum of funds and a little time. And evaluate the benefits yourself. Especially in the spring-autumn period, when there are a lot of scarves, shawls, planters on the shelf.

Instead of a bookshelf

- a good thing, but they are not appropriate everywhere, and good copies cost a lot of money. But books have to be stored somewhere. Exit - metal brackets. When they are installed, the bottom book serves as a support for milking 4-5 pieces, which simply fit on it.

Book holder - everything ingenious is simple

The disadvantage is obvious - the lower book is not available. The way out is to put the most unpopular or unnecessary one down.

Key holders and other small items

One of the biggest problems is where to hang the keys so that they can be quickly found, and also instantly hung or removed. One of the good options is a magnetic board, but where to look for it is a question. But you can make funny holders of tennis balls. They are cut about a third of the diameter. That's all. The holder is ready. It just needs to be anchored somewhere. You can - on the wall with nails, you can attach several pieces on a separate board, and attach the board itself to the wall, closet, etc.

Instead of a housekeeper - pretty faces

You can make such a holder for small things in a matter of seconds. Longer to look for tennis balls. And to make it even more interesting, eyes are glued to the ball. It turns out such a funny smiley.

Basket made of plastic bins and clothespins

In the forehead economy is full plastic containers from under food products, but ideas for a home with their participation are rare. We found one such option, in which the hero is a liter mayonnaise container. In principle, any jar of large diameter and low height can be used. Otherwise, the "basket" will be inconvenient to use.

Waste to income - a basket from a plastic jar

With the help of universal glue, glue the container with clothespins. When the glue dries, cover the surface with varnish or wood oil. We cover the inside with a cover made of cotton or linen. We make it a little longer than necessary so that you can hide the unsightly edge behind the lapel.

The handle is made of steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. We bend an arc out of it. At one end we make a loop, in the sidewall with the help of a nail heated on fire, we make two diagonally located holes (one opposite the other). We pass the formed loop on the handle into one hole. On the second side, we bend the wire, thread it through the second hole, and then form a loop. We decorate the handle with a hemp rope. You can also make basket decorations from it. If you know how to weave macrame - great, no - an ordinary pigtail woven from several threads will do.

Sofa or armchair stand for cups/glasses/newspapers

Drinking tea in your favorite chair is a great idea. But there is nowhere to put a cup, the phone always falls between the seat and the “bylets”. The armrests of modern models are soft, you can’t put anything on them. So smart people came up with the idea of ​​making a stand for cups / glasses (pictured). Extremely simple and very handy thing. Few home ideas will bring you more pleasant moments.

You will need three boards with a width of at least 25 cm. They are knocked down in the form of the letter “P” (the connection can be strengthened with carpentry corners). The height of the jumper is a little more than the height of the armrest, the table should protrude no more than 1/3 of the width of the seat, otherwise you simply won’t sit in the chair. The structure is placed sideways, the lower part is pushed under the chair. It serves as an emphasis and does not allow the structure to roll over. To be sure, make the lower part much longer than the “table”. Also, for mobility, you can install wheels, but do not forget that the legs have modern furniture low and small wheels are needed, and they will have to be fixed from the side. Otherwise, the stand simply will not go under the chair.

Where to hide dog bowls

Dog owners know how difficult it is to find a place for dog bowls. Dogs living in an apartment or house are usually fed in the kitchen. There they put bowls. But they are needed for half an hour a day, and then they get underfoot on the floor all day. You can solve the problem, and elegantly. We set the bowls in one of drawers. Needed - opened the box, poured food. Feeding is over - the bowls have been washed, put in place, the box has been pushed back. Everything is perfect and does not interfere with anyone.

This idea will require a slight modernization of the box. A plank of a small section or a corner is stuffed around the perimeter. plywood or other sheet material cut out a rectangle of the desired size. We cut holes in it under the bowls, then paint (if necessary). That's all, the idea is implemented. It remains to train pets.

Slipper storage idea

In any house or apartment with two or more inhabitants, slippers get lost all the time, get confused and disappear somewhere. One of the interesting ideas for solving the problem is such pipes / holders for slippers. Each pair has its own pipe. Order guaranteed.

Pipes can be made of stainless steel, you can cut them from plastic pipes large diameter. It will only be necessary to process the cut well - so that it is comfortable and beautiful.

A suburban area is not only land with a garden and plantings. Many city dwellers come there for a good rest, so you need to have a house on the site. Not all summer residents have the opportunity to build a comfortable house on six acres. Many people get out of this situation by choosing the option of building an economy class house.

Inexperienced and novice summer residents are faced with the question of choosing cheap materials for construction. Below are examples of inexpensive and cozy country houses with visual photos.

Where to start building

Any construction begins with a plan on paper. A house outside the city is not intended for year-round use, but for the sake of comfort it requires familiarization with a typical project.

Among the projects of country houses in the lead with an attic or attic. This option allows you to abandon the construction on the site of the outbuildings. All inventory and working tools are stored in the attic. In addition to such a house, you can attach a veranda or terrace that acts as a dining room.

Strip foundation requires more time and cost. The positive side of it is that it allows you to use the room under the floor as a basement.

The next stage of preparation is the material of the "box" of the future building. There are several types of inexpensive and reliable building materials:

Frame-panel structures

The frame is mounted with a beam and sheathed wooden planks Fiberboard or chipboard. Expanded polystyrene, glass wool or polystyrene are used as insulation. The result is a house with minimal cost which can be used all year round.

The house from a bar differs in the durability. Construction work will cost more. When using cheap timber, there is a chance of encountering the problem of shrinkage of the building. As a result, cracks and gaps appear. The log house will also have to be insulated.

A clay house is the cheapest and easiest construction option. Building materials are right under your feet. The construction technique is similar to clay modeling.

The downside is the building process that is too long in time. It will take several seasons to build a clay dwelling.

The trailer is common among newcomers to summer residents. The best option for living in the summer or during the construction of a comfortable home.

Construction of a frame structure

Frame construction belongs to the category of low-budget. It is not difficult to build a country house with your own hands without the help of specialists. If all necessary materials are ready, the term of work will last several weeks.

To build a house you will need:

  • bars for the frame;
  • self-tapping screws and corners;
  • wooden chipboard or fiberboard;
  • insulation;
  • piles for the foundation.

Stages of building a frame house

At the marked places, piles are driven in the corners. Mount concrete or brick supports under the joints of the walls. Then they lay down on them waterproofing material and tied with a channel.

A lattice of bars is laid around the entire perimeter. Wooden logs are placed on top of it at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. All parts are fixed with corners and self-tapping screws.

Next, vertical racks are mounted, firmly resting on the bar grate. The finished frame is tied and attic logs are placed on top of it. Next comes the work on sheathing the frame with wooden slabs. At this stage, holes are left for windows and doors.

Now you need to decide on the choice of roof for country house. Most summer residents choose gable and shed roofs. As an economy, the second option deserves more attention. When building a roof, do not forget about the vapor barrier. The roof will be inexpensive sheets of corrugated board or ondulin.

Facing the outside is done using siding. Before this, the outer walls are insulated with special materials. Instead of plastic windows install ordinary wooden without double-glazed windows. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

With the help of simple and simple tips the country house will be ready for operation in less than a month. Those who do not have enough time for construction can contact a construction company, where they will offer to build a house for a turnkey summer house at an affordable price.

A few words about the interior

No matter how the house looks from the outside, inside the country house must meet all the requirements of our time. Gone are the days when a cottage in the country was used for cooking and lodging for the night.

Rest in the country - first of all, comfort and organization inside the house. There are many budget ways to satisfy the most desirable interior solutions.

Country - country style in the interior. Here you can not do without cabinets and shelves, curtained with curtains with embroidery. Crocheted napkins, tablecloths and rugs from old clothes will look good.

Someone will certainly take a look at this collection of ideas and say that it is easier to buy new furniture or decor. But this article is not for them, but only for true connoisseurs of the unique style and handicrafts. Here you will find the 10 most beautiful interior items that you can do for your home without spending extra money.

The best crafts for the home with your own hands from improvised materials for 2018!

1. Decoupage and other do-it-yourself furniture repair ideas

Restoration of old chests of drawers and sideboards is perhaps one of the main trends of our time. Many pieces of furniture fail over time: tables and chairs loosen their bodies, cushioned furniture is pressed through and requires a new "stuffing". But chests of drawers and sideboards can stand for themselves for many years and annoy you with their outdated appearance.

Home needleworkers and decoupage masters have not only found a way to update the design old furniture, but also raised the fashion for the use of vintage "grandmother's" chests of drawers in the interior. Detailed instructions on painting and decoupage you will find in our article .

Below are some photos of amazing home projects to inspire you.

Restoration of an old chest of drawers with replacement handles and hand painting:
Painting and finishing an old cabinet with metal buttons:
As a result, the furniture acquired the original decor effect in Moroccan style. Simple, like all ingenious:

By the way, in this way you can create more sophisticated things for the home:

Decoupage and painting amazingly transform old furniture facades, but not every person has enough time and patience for this painstaking task. Therefore, the best DIY home ideas also include refurbishing furniture with duct tape in marble, gold, and other unusual finishes. A minimum of effort - and the most ordinary piece of furniture will turn into the main decoration of your interior.

2. Beautiful things for the home with your own hands: carpets

Perhaps the most pleasant thing about creating things for the house with your own hands is when one of the guests asks: where did you get such beauty? A stylish rug with a zebra print (or other motif of your choice) will certainly deserve such a compliment. And not once.

The fabric can be any. The main thing is that it should not be too demanding in care: it is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. In this case, the master chose the vinyl fabric. It is heavy and strong enough to look like a true carpet. What's more, the quality of vinyl these days is very impressive, and it's available in a wide variety of colors and interesting textures.

All necessary materials and tools:

  • Thick paper;
  • Vinyl upholstery;
  • Scissors;
  • 2 Krylon pens or regular fabric paint.


  1. Create a paper stencil. Draw and cut out the outline of the zebra skin, then the drawing itself on it. Do not worry about your artistic talent - the skin of a zebra and should not look uniform or symmetrical. In extreme cases, the pattern can be copied from a picture on the Internet or even printed out to cut out.
  2. Attach the stencil to the vinyl fabric and outline the stripes with Krylon pens (spray or brush). After that, the stencil can be removed and continue to paint the areas inside the contours.
  3. Let the paint dry and you're done! To be sure the pattern will hold, you can "seal" the carpet by spraying a clear coat of acrylic spray paint over it.

Krylon handles create a stunning gold leaf effect on the surface of the fabric. In addition, the paint in them dries quickly and is very securely held. If you cannot buy them in your city, then use ordinary paint for fabrics or walls. As the next hero of our article.

He took a cheap white rug as a basis and decided to give it interesting view with your own hands using a chevron pattern. All he needed was thin duct tape, scissors, a thick brush, and two different shades of latex paint.

Finally, another inspiring example where a makeshift stamp is used instead of a stencil. The craftsman had a rubber bath mat, leftover wall paint (which had been slightly thinned with water for a vintage effect), a roller, and an old IKEA wool rug. We look at the photo that he managed to cook from these ingredients.

3. Unusual "marble" DIY crafts (photo)

7. Turn photos into wall decor

This is much cooler than just hanging photos in frames! Your personal photos or any images you like from the internet can turn into beautiful wall art for any room. To make such a decor with your own hands, you can use any of the following methods.

  1. Find or buy a substrate. A thick sheet of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam (as in this case), a board and other improvised materials can act as it.
  2. Print a photo, after editing its dimensions so that they are about 5 cm more sizes substrates. These "extra" centimeters will go to the folds.
  3. Cut the photo and backing into pieces if you want a modular set rather than the whole picture. Otherwise, skip this item.
  4. Overlay the photo on the substrate and wrap the ends. The author of this product used double-sided adhesive tape to secure the photos. You can mount with ordinary glue or other available means. The very surface of the photographs can also be treated with glue or gloss paste.

  1. Print the image and prepare the canvas to which it will be transferred.
  2. Pull the canvas over the frame and apply a thick layer of medium gel on it. These gels are widely available and today you can buy them in any store of finishing materials.
  3. Place the photo on the oiled canvas and press down. Leave it like this for several hours, but periodically sprinkle with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Be careful, use your fingertips to start erasing rear surface images from canvas. Remove all paper in this way.

As a result, you will get a beautiful one with scuffs that will only give it a touch of vintage style. It remains only to apply the last layer of medium gel on it as a protective coating.

For inspiration, here are a couple more ways to decorate your interior with a photo.

We apply the old window frame as a photo frame. How do you like the idea?

8. Creative homemade lampshades for lamps

Homemade lampshades made of fabric, paper, thread and other improvised means will not only decorate your home, but also bring an unusual atmosphere into it every dark time of the day.

Look for the best ideas for your taste in our article . The next photo shows a popular creative thread lampshade.

9. Succulents - do-it-yourself living home decor

A succulent living wall is perhaps the most amazing DIY craft you can make for your home. Agree: if you saw it in someone's design of a living room or another room, you would not be able to remain indifferent!

Dekorin will tell you how to get such an impressive and sustainable decor:

  1. You will need a shallow wooden container for planting and a metal mesh.
  2. To fix the grid on the container, use an impromptu wooden frame, which can be made from small boards or chips. Attach to staples or nails.
  3. Prepare any for composition. They easily take root in the most difficult conditions and look most advantageous when you combine different shades and leaf shapes. Common examples of succulents: aloe, various cacti, young or stone rose (Sempervivum), stonecrop (Sedum), mountain grate (Orostachys), etc.
  4. Fill the container with soil and plant your chosen plants in it. Use any cactus mix for drainage.

Here are examples of crafts for the home that you can do with your own hands using the above method.

10. Crafts for the house with your own hands from glass containers

Glass bottles and jars often accumulate on balconies and in pantries. What they are not turned into today: lamps, candlesticks, vases, table decor ... It's amazing how easily they become part of stylish interior, one has only to apply a little ingenuity, as well as paints, fabrics, threads, paper and other improvised means. Last batch of photos for today. Also read:

10 best ideas what you can do at home with your own hands updated: March 21, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko

Houses are different. And if one of us is looking for more expensive, more luxurious, then some decide to build a house themselves ... moreover, from improvised materials. Unfortunately, many do it not just out of a whim, but because they cannot afford full-fledged housing for some reason. In any case, all these houses are quite unusual and all, without exception, are built from unusual building materials.

(Total 13 photos)

1. Replica of the oldest coffee shop in Nivelles, Belgium. This store alone is made from 14,000 cases of Carlsberg beer. Construction began in August 2007 in an attempt to set a new world record for the largest beer crate building. (Rex Features)

2. In 2009, Top Gear host James May and about 1,000 volunteers built the world's first complete Lego house in Surrey. The construction took 3.3 million plastic bricks. The house has a toilet and shower. (Rex Features)

3. A Chinese worker built this unusual egg house because he couldn't afford to rent an apartment in Beijing. This booth is made from bamboo sticks, bags of seeds and sawdust. The house stands in the courtyard of a residential complex. (Rex Features)

4. Artist Tito Ingenieri from Argentina built a house out of over 30,000 bottles. (Rex Features)

5. A Palestinian in southern Gaza built a house out of sandbags. He used sand instead of cement, steel and gravel because building materials were in short supply. (Rex Features)

6. And here is a grass house on the Hardangervidda plateau in Norway. (Rex Features)

7. This Nissen hut, originally built as a barracks for soldiers of the Second World War, turned into modern house thanks to the skill and imagination of Ann Lewis and her husband. In October 2006, the house was put up for sale for nearly £500,000. (Rex Features)

8. This house was built almost entirely from garbage, including used car tires. (Rex Features)

9. China House Porcelain Museum in the coastal town of Tianjin is covered with millions of pieces of antique porcelain and 20 tons of crystal. The construction took five years. (AFP/Getty Images)

10. The corridor in the ice hotel in Sweden - the world's first ice hotel. The temperature in the rooms is -5ºС. (AFP/Getty)

11. Container City in East London is an old cargo containers which have been converted into living quarters, including studios for artists. With the help of this technique, the construction company "Urban Space Management" has created more than 15 such houses. (Eleanor Bentall)

12. 76-year-old Maria Pons in front of her house, made of plastic bottles, in the village of El Borbollon, in 2007. She built a house out of bottles because she couldn't afford to buy a more comfortable home. (AFP/Getty)

13. Caroline Barry built a house out of bales of straw, lumber and plastic bottles. The house is not electrified, all power comes from solar panels, hydro turbine and wind turbine. (Christopher Jones)

Of course, it is most practical to build a house out of brick or foam, but if you want to dream up a little, then here are 10 materials for building a house. In most of them it will not be possible to live, but they can surprise any person with their originality. The most interesting thing is that most of the materials are right at your fingertips right now. Read and create!

House of champagne bottles.

You will not surprise anyone with buildings made of bottles. Very often you can see on TV how another craftsman used bottles to build a house. It was these ideas that inspired the Zaporozhye worker to build a house from champagne bottles. The unusual building now stands proudly in his dacha, still surprising neighbors and guests.

Money house.

Such a house was built by an ordinary artist from Ireland, who lives off unemployment benefits. This would not be so surprising, if not a curious fact. The total amount of banknotes amounted to 1.4 billion euros.

An interesting fact is that the artist did not spend a single cent on the construction. He took as a basis the money that was written off from the bank for unsuitability. The artist simply turned unnecessary banknotes into shavings, and then compressed everything. The result obtained served as the material.
However, the structure cannot be called a full-fledged house. Still, the building was erected inside an abandoned office. Thus, it is more like an apartment than a whole house.

Garden of Cosmic Reflections

Maggie Cheswick inherited the Portrack House estate back in 1989, and she and her husband Charles Jenks decided to create a unique and one of a kind garden on the estate. The estate is located in Scotland and is open to the public one day a year. But in order to achieve such a landscape, Charles used only the highest quality tools to improve the soil and the landscape as a whole: walk-behind tractors from the best manufacturers, lawn mowers and other tools for building houses and estates, and it is the sea-tools store (http://sea-tools.com.ua/catalog/dom_sad_i_ogorod/motokultivatori_i_motobloki/filter/9358-k-kentavr) that has such a variety in its assortment tools that can be ordered online without leaving home.

Straw house.

You can use straw to build a dwelling. An obvious plus is immediately visible here - the material is quite cheap. It is used mainly in agriculture. It is worth adding one more advantage - in such a structure heat is retained for a very long time.
There is no need to be afraid of the wolf that he will blow away your thatched house. In fact, it is able to withstand many external influences. If you treat the straw with special solutions, it will help resist rot and pests. A straw house can last for many years.

House made of bags with earth.

Why not take advantage of the ground we walk on? Free building material. If you fill the bags with earth, you can build yourself small house. It is very important that the soil is not too dry. It needs to be slightly moisturized. The bags are simply placed in rows and well packed. The bags are secured with barbed wire. It plays the role of a kind of cement. Just look under your feet and you will see great building material.

House made of clay and firewood.

It is very important that all firewood be the same length. This is a rather difficult process, because a lot of firewood will be required. It is best to use split firewood for construction - they will better retain heat indoors.
The building can be of very different heights, lengths and widths. It all depends on the imagination of the builders. You can really live in the house without fear of freezing on a particularly cold night.

House from cargo containers.

Very cheap option for home. Inside the container, you can arrange everything in your own way - it will turn out very cozy and comfortable home in which the truth will live well. By connecting several containers together, you can get several rooms.

A house made of tires and garbage.

Michael Reynolds is actively fighting the garbage that is constantly thrown right on the streets, under your feet. Having acquired several assistants, the architect was able to build a completely habitable house out of garbage.

Michael filled tires with dirt and used them as blocks. In addition, other garbage was used: cans, boxes and other rubbish. Whether he managed to appeal to the voice of reason of people who litter is not known. However, the house turned out to be complete and original.

Wine cork house.

A pensioner from the Czech Republic built a house out of corks. According to his calculations, it took about 180 thousand traffic jams. Of course, it was hard to collect such a large number of corks by myself, so a local winemaker came to the aid of the enthusiast, who consistently supplied him with corks.

Lego house.

Who said that only children can play with the designer? James May proved the opposite by deciding to build a real house from a children's designer. The approximate number of parts that will be required for the house is, according to the builder's calculations, about 816 million. It is worth noting that for such a number of parts you will have to spend a lot of money. However, it is unlikely that the house can be used for living. Most likely, the house is being built just for fun.

Cardboard house.

Although such houses are rarely seen, however, cardboard is a very durable material that can withstand about 12 tons. If you carefully prepare the material for building a house, then cardboard will be an excellent material.
