Any human dwelling has anthropometric parameters. Even if it's a hut. The dimensions of the premises and the interior furnishings correspond to human growth. No one would want to find himself, like Gulliver, in the country of the Lilliputians. However, in the country of giants, the hero of the book was also not very comfortable. In addition to functionality, proportionality to the height of a person, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and furnishings create psychological comfort.

Medieval architects, who erected majestic Gothic cathedrals, evoked in a person who went inside the cathedral a feeling of their own insignificance and the greatness of God by their grandiose dimensions. Excessively cramped and narrow space creates a different feeling. Remember Dostoevsky's description of the room in which Raskolnikov lived: "his closet was located under the very roof of a five-story building and looked more like a closet than a room ...". It is good when the rooms are spacious and the ceilings are high. Even those who love small and cozy rooms will not argue with this.

But, in most cases, the size of the living space balances between necessity and sufficiency: you can’t do less according to the norms, but more can’t be done for economic reasons. It should not be assumed that only Soviet time built cramped and small apartments. Now mass housing in new buildings also does not differ in spaciousness and ceiling height. But there is no need to treat the ceiling height of 2.65 meters as a sentence: physiologically this is quite enough for life. And you can create psychological comfort with the help of competent interior design. There are many professional practices. For example, to visually increase the low ceiling, you can use high doors.

Why does it work?

What is the basis of optical illusions? On the features of human vision. And more precisely, on the ligament of the organ of vision - the eye, and the brain. The human brain interprets the received visual information in accordance with its life experience and abilities for associative thinking. Therefore, a person can say that the mountain is like a bear, and the cloud is like a camel.

Also, the human brain accurately determines the size of objects by comparing what it sees with known things. When photographing, to demonstrate the size of something, they often put a box of matches next to it - because the scale of the box is known to everyone, and you can evaluate it by comparing the demonstrated object with the "standard". If there is a high large door in the interior of the room, then the brain automatically “finishes” everything else - a spacious room with high ceilings.

How to use it

Knowing the features of visual perception, it is possible to create conditions that are quite comfortable for psychological sensation even in very small areas.

  1. We use vertical drawings. For decorating walls in a room with low ceilings best choice- striped wallpaper. Or with a pattern oriented vertically. In addition to the verticality of the pattern, it is important to choose the right stripe width and color scheme. Light shades visually expand the space, but light, indistinct walls, without details on which to focus attention, may not improve the situation, but only spoil it. Avoid large and bright patterns: it is better to choose a wallpaper with forget-me-nots than with bouquets of peonies.
  2. High doors. To maintain the vertical rhythm of the wall trim pattern, replace standard doors to higher ones. True, most likely, it will be necessary to install all interior high doors in the apartment - to create a harmonious composition.

It would be nice to do high entrance doors- this will give the entrance to the house impressiveness. But unfortunately, you can choose the entrance doors to your liking only in a private house. Apartment in apartment building is your property only inside, and the entrance area is considered common, and must meet certain standards. But if you live in own house, high metal doors will become a worthy decoration of the facade, turning an ordinary entrance to a house into a majestic portal.

When choosing high interior doors for small spaces, give preference to models with small detailed details. Deaf massive structures can be too heavy. An excellent option would be doors with deglazing. Transparent inserts will give lightness to the design and allow additional natural light into the corridor. Using a design with an upper window at the entrance, you can not order non-standard doors, which will cost more, but put ordinary ones.

Avoid dark door leaves, even if it's natural wood. bleached oak or more ash suitable option.

It is convenient to use sliding doors to create optical interior illusions. You can order shutters for interior doors and for the closet, made in the same style.

  1. Don't forget the plinth. Plinth is not only a flashing between the wall and flooring, but also an important tool in creating visual effects in the interior. Instead of a standard skirting board, use a polyurethane molding with a height of at least 100 mm - you will be amazed at the result. This finish on the bottom of the wall looks especially good, painted in the same color as the doors or door frames. Two-leaf hinged high doors with architraves in the form of pilasters resting on a heel (pilaster thickening, base,) in combination with a high embossed plinth will help create a grand interior.

There are no trifles in interior design. Each of its parts bears a functional and decorative load, creating convenience for use and joy for the eyes. Moreover, it can not be a trifle, unworthy of attention, the door - interior or entrance. Too much great importance have these elements, and the door area is not small. Before buying new doors in the store, consider how the interior will look like as a whole.

Quite recently, by chance, I got to a master class widely known in our country, and even outside of it, decorator Irina Dymova. She cited a case that happened on one of her projects as an example. She got a large spacious hall, aka a living room, in country house. The problem was that at the end of this hall there was a small door leading to the kitchen. Not only did the size of the door not correspond to the size of the hall, but it was also somewhat to the side, not on the main center line. Irina found some interesting solutions how to level the space. Among other things, she made a false door, in which only one part of it was a passage (highlighted in red in the photo), and the rest is decor.

I liked this idea and decided to explore other ways to change the doorway to make it appear bigger, wider, taller, depending on the decorator's goals.

Add windows

A fairly common technique is to add small windows on the sides or top. If the door were the size of the entire door+window opening, it would be too heavy, bulky and expensive. And in this case, you can put a standard door.


The most simple and budget solution. Most importantly, this method, unlike the previous one, can be applied when the repair is already completed. With the first method, such a number will not work, for it you need to expand the doorway, which means a lot of dirt and dust.

Make an overlay

Just as a headdress makes a person taller, so skirting boards, platbands, capitals, portals and other decorative elements, depending on which side they are attached to, make the opening either visually higher or wider.

This decor can also be attached after the main repair.

Add glass or mirror

Unlike the first paragraph, here we are talking about inserting glass or mirror into the door leaf itself. If the design of the door allows, this can be done even on already installed door. The glazing beads that hold the panel are carefully pulled out, and glass or a mirror is installed in its place.

The effect, I think, is clear: glass / mirror adds depth to the doorway, and it psychologically seems larger.

Make a sliding door

Of course, the effect of an enlarged doorway will occur if the door moves from the outside, and not retracts into the wall. Then the opening seems to be double. We see the passage itself and the shifted door. There is an effect of a big double door.

Our perception is limited and easily deceived. If you don't have the ability to physically enlarge the space, you can visually resize it.

When decorating an apartment or a private house, every detail is important, to say nothing of such a functional and necessary piece of furniture as an interior door. In an apartment or house, the doors have long ceased to satisfy the need of the owners to isolate a particular room, becoming active participants in the formation of the image of the dwelling, its color palette and stylistic direction in design. A variety of models, manufacturing methods, materials and colors allow you to find a suitable option for any type of home, for owners with any budget. But before you go shopping, you still have to solve a few difficult dilemmas - what material should the interior doors be made of, what shape and size should the canvases be, deaf or with inserts, dark or light, laconic or with decor? We hope that our selection of hundreds of interesting design projects of modern premises will help you in this difficult decision.

The shape and dimensions of interior doors

Even if you are planning to repair or replace door panels in an apartment where all openings have standard sizes, you must first make sure of this and make accurate measurements. After all, the manufacture door leaf by individual standards, it will not only increase the estimate for repairs, but also “stretch” the whole process in time. standard width the doorway is considered to be 60, 70, 80 and 90 centimeters - it all depends on the room in which the doors will be installed. But with the height of the canvases from modern manufacturers, everything is so clear. Until recently, it was rare to find finished products with a height of more than 2 meters in wide sale. Nowadays, a door leaf with a height of 2.1 or 2.2 meters is a private phenomenon.

Designers recommend using door leafs with a non-standard height, more than 2 meters, in order to visually raise the ceilings of the premises. But not every owner is pleased with the need for preliminary preparation of a standard doorway, its expansion. It is up to you to decide whether to look for a door leaf for an existing building or “customize” the doorway to your favorite door model.

Most buyers prefer to choose standard models that can be found in the assortment of stores, get them quickly and inexpensively. After all, making a canvas according to your size and design will cost significantly more and take more time. But it is impossible not to recognize the fact that the individual project the canvas will not only fit perfectly into the parameters of the room, but can also become an interior decoration, its highlight.

Type of construction and method of fastening interior canvases

The most popular, despite the emerging alternatives, our compatriots use single and double swing interior doors. The simplicity and traditional design and method of opening, the versatility of the canvases and ease of installation, coupled with a wide range of price solutions, bribe Russians to purchase just such doors for their homes, whether it is a standard-built apartment or a private house built according to the project.

Obviously, the most common version of the door leaf in apartments and private houses is a single-leaf swing door. But double-leaf canvases are used quite actively. A wide doorway provides certain advantages - a feeling of spaciousness, greater illumination of corridors and other auxiliary premises, the ability to transfer large-sized furniture. But double-leaf models also have disadvantages - it takes a lot to open two canvases at once free space, furniture cannot be installed near the doorway, which is important for rooms with a small area.

The biggest disadvantage of swing doors in the interior is the need to free up a sufficiently large amount of usable room space. Sliding doors are used for small-sized rooms or just spaces where it is not possible to open the doors near the doorway. Created on the principle of doors in a compartment, such mechanisms, on the one hand, help to create a complete isolation of one space from another, and on the other hand, create a saving of useful square meters premises.

Initially, the movement of compartment doors took place along two guides - one was attached to the floor, the second - to the wall above the doorway. Currently, sliding doors with only one upper guide are becoming increasingly popular (nothing prevents a person from moving into doorway). In addition, the design of the guide itself often becomes part of the stylistic involvement of the interior - a bright or dark accent, a detail that emphasizes the mood of the room.

One of the variations of doors that help save space and do not require free meters to open is sliding canvases. From sliding doors, such models differ in that the canvas "leaves" not away from the opening, but inside the wall or partition. Hence the first drawback of such mechanisms is the need to equip a niche. It is best to plan such structures in advance, at the stage of preparation for repair.

The least popular, but used in some cases, version of the door leaf is two and three-leaf doors that move like an accordion. If the space of the room needs to be saved, and there is no possibility for installing sliding doors, then the “accordion” canvas is your option.

Choosing the material for the manufacture of doors

The choice of material for the manufacture of interior doors is influenced by two factors:

  • renovation budget;
  • the specifics and microclimate of the room, its functionality (for the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom and laundry room, it is important to take into account the level of high humidity and temperature changes).

I must say that the main criterion for choosing a material for the manufacture of door panels is still your financial capabilities - the range in prices is incredibly wide. To date, the most popular options for raw materials for the manufacture of interior doors are:

fiberboard- one of the most common options, which secured its leading position due to a decent price-quality ratio. Doors made of fiberboard are lightweight, easy to install and operate. A wide range of models also affects the popularity of this type of material among Russian buyers. But it is impossible to call doors made of fiberboard durable, even with proper operation of the canvas, it will not be possible to pass it on to the next generation.

MDF- canvases made of this material are much more expensive, but also stronger, more durable. MDF doors create excellent sound and heat insulation. Cloths are suitable for spaces with humidity above average.

solid wood- environmentally friendly, strong, reliable and durable material for the manufacture of doors. But, unfortunately, you will have to pay a lot for high technological and aesthetic qualities. It is also important to take into account the absolute environmental friendliness of the material.

Combined canvases. Very often, manufacturers create door leafs in the following way - the basis is an inexpensive and light wood species (for example, pine), and on top it is sheathed with veneer from more expensive and noble species. Due to such a combination, it is possible not only to reduce the weight of the canvas, while maintaining high aesthetic qualities, but also to reduce the cost of the final product.

Color scheme and design for interior fabric

So, you have decided on the exact dimensions of the door panels, having previously made the necessary dimensions, correlated your financial capabilities with the range of stores, opting for a specific material of execution - it remains only to choose the design of interior doors. And at this moment you face a real dilemma, because the range of modern stores is incredibly wide, not to mention the possibilities of creating individual design door cloths.

The choice of color for the execution of interior doors is not an idle question, because we install canvases not for 1-2 years, but for decades (if everything goes well and the doors are operated correctly). Obviously, everyone would like to have a harmonious environment in their own home, which will not get bored for many years, will be relevant, modern, but not intrusive. You can deviate from one simple solution- will your interior doors be accent elements (stand out against the general background) or merge with color palette interior?

White color is universal

If the rooms in your apartment or private house are medium or even small in size, if the walls have a simple, unobtrusive finish, and the entire interior is designed in modern style, then white doors - best option. Designers often recommend the choice of door panels as universal variant. White color will not “point” to the small dimensions of the space, will act as an ideal background for other interior items, and will allow you not to focus on possible architectural flaws.

Light shades in the performance of door panels are often used to combine with the facades of built-in wardrobes. This technique is effective for any premises, but is most often used in the bedroom (cloakroom facades) and the hallway.

A white door can also act as a contrasting interior element if it is placed against a dark or bright wall. At the same time, not only the door leaf, but also the so-called platbands, moldings (ceiling and floor) are most often performed in snow-white.

Dark accent in the interior - interior doors

Creating contrasting combinations is a condition of many stylistic trends in interior design. Dark door leafs help bring clarity and constructiveness to the image of the room, create some drama, but at the same time emphasize the shapes and lines of space. Wenge-colored doors look rich, representative, creating a special atmosphere of success for the interior itself, and hence for its owners.

One of the options for creating a harmonious, but at the same time contrasting interior is a combination of a dark shade of door panels with a similar solution for the facades of storage systems and other cabinet furniture against a light finish.

Bright color scheme for the door leaf

Bright color solution An interior door is a great way to bring accent to the interior of a living space. One of the options for the execution of door panels in a bright color is a combination with the dominant element of an interior item (for example, a bed in a bedroom or upholstery of a large sofa in the living room). But this task is not easy - you need to clearly get into the tone. The easiest way is to create the only accent in the image of the room due to the bright color of the door leaf.

Original design or how to make an interior door a highlight of the interior

If standard door panels in neutral colors are not your option, then you can safely bet on original design door leaf. Interior doors take up a lot of space in any interior, so the originality of the performance will not go unnoticed. In fact, there are no restrictions in choosing the design of interior doors - everything is decided by your imagination and financial capabilities. But designers recommend listening to some recommendations for those who have all interior doors facing one common room (corridor or hallway):

  • all doors must have the same height (at the same time, they can be of different widths, usually the canvases for the bathroom and kitchen are smaller than standard products);
  • doors can be made from different materials, but must have one design to maintain harmony in the interior of the common room (at the same time, from the side of the room, the door leaf may have a different design and color scheme).

Any decorative elements allow not only to make the design of the door leaf more interesting, but also to connect it with other interior items. For example, any glass inserts make the structure visually lighter and more transparent. Not to mention the fact that glass inserts allow some of the light to pass into other rooms. For ancillary spaces such as hallways and corridors (these are mostly standard apartments do not have their own sources of natural light), this aspect is important.

Transparent glass inserts allow you to miss the maximum possible amount sun rays between isolated rooms, inserts are often located from the bottom of the canvas, but this design is best avoided in houses and apartments with young children and active pets). If you need to preserve the privacy of the isolated room, but at the same time leave the possibility of penetration of part of the light fluxes, then use frosted or corrugated glass.

The originality of the design of the door leaf can be achieved with the help of an unusual shape. Obviously, most doors are represented by rectangles with a fairly standard set of length and width combinations. But it is enough to replace the upper part of the door leaf with an arched vault and the product becomes original, bringing some mystery and elegance to the interior of the room.

The door leaf, decorated with wood carvings, in itself can become the main decoration of the interior, its highlight. Of course, manual work is not a cheap pleasure. But incredible, luxurious appearance doors, their exclusivity, can give a special charm to even the most ordinary interior. Not to mention the fact that wood carving is an excellent design technique for demonstrating the commitment of the interior to one or another stylistic direction in the design of living spaces.

653 822 Dix https://www.pngDix 2017-08-27 18:52:57 2018-12-21 04:15:28 Interior doors in the interior of a modern home

A well-known problem is small apartments. A good solution - compartment doors - is not always suitable: sometimes there is so little space that all the walls are lined with furniture and there is nowhere to move the canvas. But if the partition is not load-bearing and can be partially dismantled, then there is still an option: sliding doors that slide into the wall.

Structurally, the built-in interior doors do not differ from the coupe, they are based on the same components: a leaf (one or two), guide rails, carriages with rollers and fittings. If desired, an electric drive. The only difference is that when you open the canvas is hidden from the eyes. In the converted section of the wall there is a cassette into which a door slides on rollers.

The canvas itself can be anything: wood, glass, plastic. You can choose an option that will be in perfect harmony with the rest of the doors and the interior as a whole. The roller mechanism also does not differ from the standard one.

The difference is in fittings: locks and handles should not interfere with the displacement of the canvas into the wall. With handles and locks you need to decide in advance. If the sliding door into the wall will go completely, a lock with a button will be required to close.

The second difference is that sliding doors that slide into the wall require a greater energy intensity of installation than a compartment. It is necessary to dismantle part of the wall, fix the cassette, sheathe the structure with plasterboard and complete the repair with a finishing touch. There will be a lot of construction debris, you need to prepare for this in advance.

It is better to buy built-in doors in the wall immediately complete with a cassette. Buying a cassette later and installing it separately will turn out to be too expensive and energy-intensive. The pencil case door kit already has everything you need - a canvas, mechanism, fittings and a cassette.

Attention: for partitions made of brick and drywall, pencil cases are different. This must be specified at the time of purchase.

Installation sequence

1. Check the verticality of the walls and carefully calculate the opening (two widths of the canvas).

2. Dismantle the required area, if possible without unnecessary damage.

3. Process the opening, repair cracks.

4. Install the pencil case and secure with the help of mortgages. The upper mortgages will serve as a reliable fixation of the canvas, preventing displacement of the structure.

5. Sew up the cassette with drywall: the upper edge is placed along the enclosing box.

6. Install built-in doors and fittings.

7. Produce finishing walls.

8. Install platbands.

Sliding doors sliding into the wall - a good option save the space occupied by an ordinary door, but they take away 10 centimeters of the thickness of the room due to the cassette. That's why perfect option for their installation - to mount built-in doors instead of self-supporting walls.

- this is a diagnosis, it sounds like a sentence. And they also say that there are no doors above 2-2.20. Used to live low, without the flight of the soul :). Baths without windows, ceilings 2.50, toilets 60 cm wide…etc. These habits are ingrained and difficult to break.

I try to deal with this to the best of my modest ability ... It takes a long time to convince every new customer to abandon stereotypes and take a fresh look at their home. For example, make doorways at least 2.40 (cloths in this case 2.30), or even better, cut the wall completely to the ceiling, leaving a wall for mounting decorative moldings ... I explain that such doors will noticeably change the appearance of the apartment: they will increase the height of the ceilings, add volume to the room, will make the space more mobile…

And now, a small digest of materials about our projects in which this interesting technique was used.

High doors in the projects of the Design Studio of Olga Kondratova

1. Women's story - a small cozy apartment for mother and daughter

In the photo: Tall white doors from the design project

Such verticals in the interior will create a feeling of splendor of the room ... and it does not matter what the existing ceiling is - 2.50 or 3 meters. Such doors effectively fit into any interior. When they are open, different spaces come together, creating a feeling of enfilade, the depth of the room…

2. The lessons of history. Apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment

By filling the interior with the details of the Stalinist Empire style, we have restored historical justice: the apartment is located in one of the Moscow skyscrapers that have become a symbol of this style.

In the photo: High white doors and in harmony with them kitchen set made to order according to our sketches

3. Graphic beauty salon interior

In the picture: Black and white monochrome and high screen doors in the interior of a beauty salon

4. Interior design project of an apartment in the English style

Pictured: High dark doors made of wood, matching skirting and panels

In the picture: A tall dark wood door is in harmony with cabinets and ceiling coffers

6. Sliding partitions and enfilade effect in the interior of the apartment

In the illustrations: Custom-made high partitions with glass inserts unite the space of the apartment

7. High Design Kitchen vs. serial fast food

In the photo: Tall white doors, custom-made, or standard version sliding doors, what do you choose?

How to order such a miracle?

Doors are always made to order, they cost significantly more than standard ones, but the effect of them will be the most noticeable. If, at the same time, we place curtain rods at the same maximum height above the windows, add a ceiling molding that will “go to the ceiling”, no one will ever determine the true heights of the room without a tape measure ...

The doors, as well as the matching decorative wall panels, are made by our joiners according to the sketches of the interior designers. You can place an order by contacting our studio.

On the illustration: Drawing of a decorative wall panel, created by a designer

In the photo: Finished wall panel, made according to the drawings

Photo gallery of high doors, panels and furniture

To photo gallery
