Anyone who sets out to assemble sliding doors with their own hands will need to study the technology of their manufacture. This design will make the interior more diverse and consider options for economical use of space.

Pros and cons of sliding systems

Ergonomically equipping the interior of the room with the help of sliding doors is not as difficult as it might seem. In the process of performing work, appropriate knowledge about the features of this design is needed. It should not only divide the space, but also visually preserve the integrity of the room.

Before installing the structure, it is necessary to determine its strengths and weaknesses. This will help you make the final choice whether to install or not. If you pay attention to the advantages of the door, then it should perform the following functions:

  • save room space;
  • open with drafts, which distinguishes it from hinged products;
  • maintain simplicity and ease of opening the valves;
  • ensure the cleanliness of the roller profile;
  • make it possible to automate the action of the valves;
  • instead of thresholds, use lower guides built into the floor.

Among the disadvantages of the sliding design can be identified:

  • low level of sound and heat insulation;
  • high price of door fittings;
  • the inability to install large furniture or household appliances next to the product.

Seals are glued to the end of the canvas. Sliding installation glass construction can be carried out on the loggia, balcony, in country house, the walls of which are of sufficient length. Once you decide to install, there are some budgetary constraints to keep in mind.

Varieties of sliding devices

In general, the system includes the following elements:

  • roller mechanism;
  • top and bottom guides;
  • sash canvas.

After attaching the mechanism to the canvas, check that the rollers can move along the guides. The mechanism is set in motion with the help of decorative panels, fittings. The set includes platbands with extensions.

Products of the following types are produced:

  • "harmonic";
  • compartment doors;
  • cascading doors;
  • radius products.

Sliding systems require the use of special fittings. Before you make a sliding door with your own hands, you will need to purchase suitable locks and handles. They must differ from the standard elements mounted on hinged sashes.

If the handles of the structure are recessed into the canvas, this allows you to freely move the canvas moving to the side. Then it should return to the niche allotted for it. The design locks also differ from the constipation of conventional canvases, since the action of the mechanism is based on vertical snapping.

When purchasing a product with a roller mechanism, you should check the availability of accessories in the kit for the canvas. If you need to install a handle with a lock with your own hands, you should select them very carefully. You may need to consult with a specialist, as well as search for the desired items in the catalog.

Roller mechanism system

The name "sliding doors" is determined by the way they open, provided by the movement of the rollers along the guides. These elements should be selected based on the following parameters:

  • type of sliding product;
  • number of valves;
  • web material type.

Because the weight different systems different, it creates a certain degree of load. Therefore, the choice of a roller system for a single leaf type of sliding door should be limited to a light mechanism.

When installing the desired type of sliding door (cascade, accordion, coupe), it is important to consider how much the roller mechanism is used. When installing a cascade-type product, it is required to install 2 roller mechanisms for each individual blade. In this case, the installation of guides with 2 gutters is carried out. It is important to consider that the creation of sliding doors, including cascading ones, requires the presence of 1 chute in the guides for all canvases separately.

The strength of the leaves is determined by the roller mechanism for sliding doors and the guide. If we are talking about a glass structure, then it may be necessary to install 2 guides on the opening: at the top and at the bottom. Only this will ensure the reliability and stability of the door, which has a large mass of the leaf.

Ways to install sliding systems

Sliding systems are suitable for both small rooms, as well as for rooms with a large area. They allow you to zone the space, while maintaining its integrity. When the doors are closed, it turns into 2 rooms, and when open, it remains intact.

Another way to use the systems is the installation of sliding doors between the loggia and the living room, the terrace and the balcony of the cottage or country house. In this case, you can use sliding glass doors that let in a lot of light.

Complex structures are the most expensive radius doors. Often they are installed in showers or rooms that have rounded shapes. These designs on curvilinear guides have an original look.

Different types of sliding doors differ slightly from each other, but the rules for their installation remain common. Before installation, you will need to consider the following nuances:

  1. The evenness of the doorway, so that you do not have to take the canvas with a margin.
  2. High load bearing capacity sides of the opening and the wall above it.

Before installation, it is necessary to fully prepare the opening: paint, wallpaper or decorate decorative panels. Since the sliding system has its drawbacks, it is better not to mount hinged doors between the bathroom, toilet, kitchen or living room. The development of technology is associated with the emergence of new opportunities, so the horizons of use in the future should expand.

Hardware set

Since sliding systems have a unique structure, then the fittings for them must be appropriate. Sliding door locks resemble a bolt made in the form of a hook. When the key is turned in the lock, the bolt should move forward. The set includes handles made in the form of "shells". They should make a recess in the door leaf.

The main difference between the handles is that they are hidden in the canvas. This is provided so that the doors move to the side without problems. If we compare the locks of sliding structures with standard elements, then their main difference lies in the vertical latching.

You have to choose special fittings in cases where it is not included in a single set. The choice must be made carefully as door hardware is unique to each type of construction. For high-quality installation of locks and handles, it is best to contact a specialist.

If you pay attention to additional fittings, then here you can include fasteners different type complete with door leaf. Step-by-step instructions for installing doors will help you install all the elements. The presence of a brush seal in the kit allows you to provide protection and shielding.

Glass sliding doors

By choosing the type of sliding mechanism, you can purchase a kit, and then start installing the system. To install a door on rollers with your own hands, you can first familiarize yourself with the features of the device of the most common sliding single-leaf system. The description of the work execution technique should also include other main points characteristic of other types of such structures.

Installation of glass sliding system is an original solution for interior design or zoning. Aluminum is used as the edging. Glasses can be opaque, transparent, color. This option is quite expensive, but the money spent is worth it.

You should not purchase expensive structures if the apartment small size. Installing a massive glass door for such a room will not right decision. When buying, it is important to take into account the quality of the design, its components in the set, including mechanisms and accessories.

Before you make glass sliding doors yourself, you will need to take into account the differences in the method of fixing this design. The set of fasteners consists of 2 metal paws needed to clamp the glass. As a result, it is pulled together by paws with screws. Since door glasses have a large mass, they are best installed with 2 guides:

  1. In the floor
  2. Above the doorway.

After mounting the rollers, the canvas can be put in place. To complete this stage of work, it is better to invite a partner. It will help to hold the product while tightening the bolts. The roller mechanism should be hidden behind a decorative strip, reinforced from above. In the process of performing work, it is important to ensure that the canvas is located strictly horizontally.

A more time-consuming task is the installation of sliding doors with glass sheets. In this case, it is necessary to make a partition from the GKL, where the door should enter. If you install canvases with a guide in the floor, you can hollow out a special groove with a perforator.

Fittings for glass sliding doors

Installation of sliding doors is completed with the installation of door fittings. There are 2 ways to strengthen it:

  1. The guides are fixed from below - on the floor, and also from above - on the ceiling or a wooden frame.
  2. The door glass leaf is suspended from above on guides.

The latter method is inexpensive, but it is less reliable. The presence of upper rollers on door fittings reduces the quality of the entire structure. If you purchase accessories of special quality, then it costs more than usual.

The glass of the structure is not only transparent, but also multi-colored. Transparent glasses that transmit rays are an additional light source. Glass thickness can be 8 mm or more. This increases strength and reliability.

Since glass is not fragile, it cannot be broken. This indicates the safety of the product, it cannot be injured. When opening, the glass sashes should move apart along each of the guides, and not turn like swing doors.

Interior decoration with glass doors can be done in different styles. Elegant design is original design idea and is suitable for open-plan apartments.

Glass structures allow you to effectively divide the room into separate zones. At the same time, the entire living area is preserved, which distinguishes such products from hinged doors. Glass sheets are ideal for bathrooms or kitchens, as they allow for airtight closing. This is achieved if the fittings for sliding doors are of high quality.

Surely everyone at least once thought about installing something unusual in their apartment. In this article, we will find out how to make a door between rooms on rollers with our own hands.

T Those who live in cramped apartments often come to the idea of ​​installing sliding doors (or compartments) that can at least slightly free up space that can be useful for various purposes, for example, for free passage or furniture placement. In spacious rooms, such structures are also appropriate, since they can advantageously divide the territory. For example, dividing a large kitchen into a dining room and a cooking area. If you know how to hold a screwdriver and other tools in your hands, then installing a door for a room on rollers will not be difficult for you.

So, first you need to get the right materials for work:

  1. Doors. Suitable for both single and double doors.
  2. Roller construction.
  3. Metallic profile.
  4. Grooves made of plastic.
  5. Screwdriver (medium size) and drill.
  6. Self-tapping screws and brackets.
  7. Door furniture.
  8. Level and epoxy.

Next, you need to mark the doorway. To do this, add 20 mm to the height of the canvas for gaps from below and above. After you need to put a point, which will serve as a place for attaching the profile. Further from it, two other points should be set aside parallel to the ceiling at the same distances. Then you need to do the following:

  • install the grooves using self-tapping screws, and so that the caps are completely sealed;
  • after that, using a chisel, you need to remove a part of the tree, in place of which there will be rollers;
  • then, using self-tapping screws, the structure of the wheels must be attached to the door. If the version of the canvas is not an "accordion", then the wheels can simply be screwed to the door leaf;
  • then you need to start working with the lock and handles, but here it’s better not to act on your own, as you can ruin the door. It is advisable to move this stage of work to the end, and then hire specialists;
  • then the installed structure is hung on the profile. It is worthwhile to make a supply of limiters in advance, which will prevent the canvas from falling out. It is better to fill them with epoxy glue for secure fastening;
  • after the hinged doors are inserted directly into the grooves.

At the end, the installed door must be checked several times, opening and closing, in order to make sure that it is fit for use. If all is well, you can start refining metal profile. To do this, you need to put a wooden plank on it and fix it using brackets. On this installation work are running out. On average, this procedure takes no more than 3 hours, and experienced craftsmen able to cope in 1.5-2 hours.

Interior doors that have guide rollers in their design must be installed correctly, otherwise it will be very inconvenient to use them. To do this, you must follow the rules and follow the instructions. Often, novice craftsmen make mistakes when they install an interior door on rollers with their own hands, which in the future affects its performance. Consider what you can not do when installing this design:

When installing doors on rollers, do not forget about safety rules. Also, you can not neglect the rules for using sliding structures. It is not allowed to open or close them sharply, clap and pull. Otherwise, they will fail. In addition, it is very important that the compartment doors can open freely all the way, therefore, if there is furniture nearby that interferes with this, it must be removed to the side.

Summing up, we can say that interior sliding doors are a very profitable and convenient option for partitioning rooms. They are able to visually enlarge the space, it is impossible to get hurt about them, they are durable and practical. If you install such structures correctly, they will serve for a long time and regularly, delighting with their stylish look.

cozy and beautiful house Who doesn't dream of such happiness? Each person wants to have his own personal space where he can retire, take a break from all worries, and meditate alone. Naturally, for this, the house has separate room where you can hide. Of course, in such a room there must be a door. What it will be - you decide. It all depends on the features of the interior, the size and design of the room. However, now they are becoming very popular on rails and rollers.

Product Benefits

Among the advantages of the presented design are the following:

1. Opportunity self-manufacturing and installation.

2. Savings free space.

3. The ability to install a structure without a threshold. This makes your home safer for small children and more comfortable for people with any mobility restrictions.

4. Huge selection of canvas designs, sizes and colors.

5. Excellent appearance(it is more modern and neat).

6. Convenience and ease of use. Even small children can open and close such doors. Very convenient design for the disabled.

You can mount on rollers yourself. With your own hands, you can do it in one day. However, there are some subtleties that may change your decision on the manufacture of such a design.

Product Disadvantages

Such structures also have certain disadvantages:

Limiting the possibility of installing furniture next to the doorway.

Reduced noise absorption. Although this disadvantage can be easily eliminated with the help of special strips.

The need for additional free space along the wall where the door leaf will hide.

However, all these disadvantages can be easily corrected. They are not so significant. Therefore, many manufacturers recommend installing sliding doors on rollers. With your own hands, you can completely carry out the installation and screw all the fittings.

Varieties of construction mechanisms

You can install the presented doors in different ways. The point here is which design you have chosen. You can fix the doors in this way:

1. Door tightly will walk along the wall.

2. It will hide in a special niche that was made specifically for this purpose.

3. The canvas will go straight into the wall.

Each design has the right to life. However, when choosing, one should take into account design preferences, the amount of free space and the complexity of the mechanism.

What tools and materials are needed for work

If you want to install sliding doors on rollers, do it yourself only if you have everything necessary tools and materials. To work, you may need:

MDF or plastic, from which you will make canvases of the future design. It should be 5 cm larger than the doorway.

accessories part). Please note that all the strips on which the door will ride must be metal.

Screwdriver and screws.


Pencil for marking.

Building or laser level.


Cashiers, as well as nails for their fastening.

Glue or epoxy.

Sliding plastic doors weigh a little, so you can choose less serious fasteners for them. Wooden doors much heavier, but better sound isolating. In this case, the fittings for sliding doors should be more durable and reliable.

Web preparation

For work, you can apply not new material, A old door. But it will need to be well processed. Keep in mind that you may need to use some old canvases to make sliding doors on rollers. You can design them with your own hands only after careful planning. They should have a small weight, so additionally insulate or upholster internal doors do not do it.

The old canvas should be pre-treated: cleaned of old paint and sand well. If you are using new material, then it must be accurately marked. Before that, it is better to draw a diagram on paper. After the canvas has been prepared, it should be marked on it where all the fittings will be placed. Dimensions must be taken in advance.

Before installation, the canvas must be decorated. To do this, you can use a special adhesive decorative film or veneer. If the door is glass, then the material must be marked out and the part of the required size cut out, preferably in the workshop.

How to choose accessories?

Sliding plastic doors or other structures cannot operate without fittings. However, it must be chosen correctly. Rollers and guides are the main parts of the structure. They must be of high quality and strong. Here, when choosing, the weight of the door leaf should be taken into account. About six rollers are most often installed on one door.

It is necessary to take into account not only the weight, but also the size of the door, as well as the mechanism of its opening. For example, one roller mechanism or two may be needed. If the door is cascading, then it is important to choose the right guides. They must have two grooves. In case it is very heavy, the guides should be on the top and bottom sides.

How to choose the right pen?

You already know that sliding door fittings must be of high quality. This also applies to pens. This element is different for swing and sliding doors. The handle can also be a door lock. It can be classic or special (bolt). In the first case, there must be a mechanism that will snap vertically.

It is also necessary to take into account the features of the installation of the handle. It should be embedded deep into the canvas. Otherwise, it will interfere with the tight closing of the doors. However, keep in mind that this element can also interfere if the canvas is hidden in the wall.

What type of rollers to choose?

Sliding doors on rollers (their price ranges from 1400-14500 rubles) fit perfectly into any interior and are very functional. However, you need to decide on their design. That is, you need to choose which videos you will mount:

Upper. They include wheels (two elements) with bearings. Due to their special design, they ensure a silent running of the web along the guide elements.

Lower. They are mainly responsible for how long they can last. installed doors. And thanks to this component, you can adjust the design.

As you can see, the bottom roller for sliding doors should be as durable, high-quality and reliable as possible. Therefore, give preference to popular manufacturers with a good reputation and positive user reviews.

Design installation features

Installation of the product can be done independently. All work consists of several stages:

1. Marking the doorway. Here you need to correctly and accurately draw where the guides will be screwed. To do this, you can measure the door or attach it to the opening. When doing this, consider the height of the wheels.

2. Fixing guides. For fixing, you can use self-tapping screws. They are screwed on. In this case, brackets can be used. It should be noted that the guide can be screwed either to a wooden block or directly to the wall.

3. Installation of the roller mechanism. This should be done only after the guide is fixed. Please note that you must first insert a bolt into the carriage, with which it will be attached. Please note that the rollers for glass sliding doors, as the heaviest, must be more massive and strong. The carriages must be fixed with brackets.

4. Mounting the canvas. After all the moving fittings are installed, the matter remains small. The canvas must be lifted, the brackets in its upper part unscrewed and installed on the rollers.

5. and checking the mechanism. At this stage, you will need to adjust the course of the canvas. This is done at the bottom. If the door moves easily and without interference, then the installation can be considered complete and correct.

With this guide, you can make sure that self-assembly does not present much difficulty. However, you need to do it with an assistant.

Features of sliding doors without threshold

Such designs have certain advantages. You do not have any partitions (thresholds) under the canvas. This provides additional safety of movement. In addition, during the repair you do not have to spoil flooring. It will remain safe and sound. A feature of this design is the top fastening of the canvas. Only one set of rollers for the sliding door is needed.

Installation of such a product is not difficult, but has certain features. For example, metal strips are screwed to the canvas in a strictly vertical position. From above, with the help of anchors, the same rail is attached. If you install the door yourself, it will be difficult for you to keep it on the weight. Therefore, it is better to put something under the product. Before installing the canvas, the rollers must already be screwed to it.

So that the installation work does not become a difficult test for you, you need to take into account some of the nuances of this jewelry work. The following tips will help you do everything quickly and correctly:

During the installation process, try to use the building level all the time. You can't do everything by eye.

If your floor is crooked, then during installation you need to focus on the ceiling.

Do not purchase structures that are too heavy, as they will wear out and break faster.

Do not use plastic rollers for sliding compartment doors. They are less durable than metal ones, and will last a relatively short time.

During work, try to follow the safety rules. Otherwise, you may be injured.

When operating sliding roller doors, it is necessary to treat the structure carefully and carefully. Do not overload the system, for example, do not allow children to ride on them. Also, keep the guides clean. The rollers will need to be lubricated periodically. Do not move or close the sash abruptly.

That's all the features of roller doors. Good luck!

Hello, dear readers and DIYers!
In this article, Steve, the author of the YouTube channel "Steve Carmichael", will tell you how he made sliding doors for his workshop.

Many of us now prefer to work from home. They equip their workshop in a barn, garage or study in an apartment. Often it becomes a living room, for example, part of the living room or a hall, less often a separate room (a kind of luxury!). As you know, there is always little space in the house, and in most cases there is a constant war between households for every extra square meter free space. Under such circumstances, sliding doors are just what you need! They will save space and create a quiet nook, protected from the inquisitive eye of an outsider.

- Pine boards
- Steel strip
- Wood screws.

Tools used by the author.
- A circular saw
- Orbital sander
- Clamps
- Belt sander
- Reciprocating saw
- Drilling machine.

Manufacturing process.
And he begins by measuring the opening in which the doors should fit. The author intends to install two doors on the outside of the wall so that they can slide freely along the top guide rail along the wall. In addition, the rail will need to be bypassed with a plinth or decorative baguette.

In order to prevent gaps in the sides of the opening when the doors are closed, the master throws a few more centimeters to the width of each of the doors, so that in the end they completely overlap doorway.

If you try to order sliding doors of this size, the author warns, it will be quite expensive. If you make them yourself, you can save a decent amount.

There are many guides and videos on the net illustrating the process of making such doors. The author offers several links to help: and second.

Steve uses an 18mm Dado disk to cut deep grooves into the sides of the boards.
Then he cuts the boards to their connection with the rail and steps.

Next Steve cuts spike connections at the ends of the crossbars so that they fit into the grooves. It would be nice to practice a little on test samples, the author notes, to make sure that all the elements fit together.

The grooved boards are cut by Steve with a miter saw.

And here you have all the elements of the future door in front of you: two long panels for the outer skin, three short crossbars and a number of cross bars.

The middle rail has a groove on both sides to connect the top and bottom panels. All elements of the door are glued together.

The author begins by gluing three crossbars into each of the two long supports.

When the glue has dried, the author pushes the sheet pile boards one by one into the grooves formed and thus "gains" the door array.

The craftsman uses a small hand planer to chamfer the corners at the edges - this will make it easier to glue another long longitudinal plank later.

When the door is assembled, Steve tightens the outer planks with large clamps.

He decides to glue two more narrow diagonal strips to give the door more rigidity.

Next, the master carefully polishes both doors and covers each door in two layers of paint.

Now Steve switches to the hardware elements of the door. He saws them out of a flat steel plate 50mm wide and 4.5mm thick.

He drills holes in each of the four parts so that they can be attached to wheels and doors.

On grinding machine it removes all sharp corners.

All metal structural elements are covered with black spray paint.
Next, Steve attaches the rollers to the door and this is what the finished doors look like. It remains only to hang them.

Now the author will mount the suspension plate. Colors in White color and attach the guide.

The craftsman drills the mounting holes 16 inches from the center. The guide rail is mounted to the wall with eight anchors.

And here are the doors!

The author points out that not all doorways sliding doors can be installed. Ideally sideways. doorway there should be some additional space that the doors could "leave" into when they are opened.

It remains only to attach door handles to make it easier to push the doors. You can buy ready-made, industrial pens, or you can make it yourself if you want to give the product some zest.

Don't forget to take into account the exterior finish of the door - plinth, baguettes, etc. - which will tell you at what distance from the wall the doors should be hung.

At the end points of the lower part of the leaves, Steve glued felt pads so that the doors could gently rest against them when opened.
These doors weigh 30 kg each! Therefore, it is important that the guide bar is attached to hard wood. In addition, on both sides of the support beam, he drives in several studs / rods for reliability. You can hardly trust such doors to drywall anchors!

Stoppers should be placed at the ends of the guide rail - these can be L-brackets or something made of wood. In our case, the roller rests on the bolt head.

If you don't want to stick classical style in interior design, you can try to make changes without applying modern facilities. For example, put doors on rollers instead of ordinary ones. With their help, you can divide the room into territorial zones. Consider how to make doors on rollers with your own hands.

Scheme correct installation roller doors.

The job of installing this type of door is simple. If you want to install doors of this type in your house, you should be aware of all the nuances. You will make the final choice only after you have familiarized yourself with them. Design features:

  1. With their help, saving space in the room is achieved.
  2. Easy to operate.
  3. If you love fresh air, don't worry about the door opening or closing in a draft.
  4. With proper care, the mechanism is able to work properly for a long time.
  5. The possibility of automating the mechanism.
  6. Some models do not have thresholds.
  7. Low level of sound insulation.
  8. Low level of thermal insulation.
  9. Limited use.
  10. High cost of components.
  11. Limited space next to the door. Large interior items or household appliances cannot be placed within a certain radius near the door.

Scheme of fastening the upper rollers of the sliding door: 1 - roller, 2 - profile, 3 - door leaf, 4 - metal plates.

Doors equipped with rollers are divided into several types. They can differ from each other both externally and by the working mechanism. But they all have the same design. It consists of:

  • guides;
  • roller mechanism;
  • door leaf.

The principle of operation is as follows: the mechanism is attached to the door leaf, while guides are fixed above the doorway. Then the rollers must be inserted into them and move the web along the guides. Each door can have from 1 to 4 sliding mechanisms. The same goes for doors and rails.

In addition to the main structure, the door contains secondary elements. They touch the decorative part. These are platbands, handles and other accessories.

If we talk about specific types of doors on rollers, we can distinguish:

  • accordion;
  • coupe;
  • cascade;
  • radius type doors;
  • multi-leaf and single-leaf doors.

How to choose the right hardware for roller doors

Necessary fittings for doors on rollers.

For doors on rollers, conventional fittings are not suitable. This is due to their design. Handles for them are made in such a way that they are completely contained in the canvas. This principle is needed to ensure the smooth entry of the product into a special niche. The roller door lock has a vertical latch system.

Usually the canvas is sold complete with fittings. But it does not always fit into the interior. And many prefer to pick it up on their own. But here, too, you may encounter a problem. Not every piece of furniture you like will fit perfectly. It is better to pick it up in the catalog by serial number. A retailer can help you with this.

How does a roller door work?

Before dwelling on a particular mechanism, as well as choosing guides, you need to determine what parameters they should have.

For example:

  • the material from which the canvas will be made;
  • what type do you want to have in your home;
  • how many sashes should be.

Scheme of fastening the lower rollers of the sliding door: 1 - roller, 2 - profile, 3 - door leaf.

Each system has its own weight, and this must be taken into account. Every design has its own limit.

Advice! If you are faced with a choice problem, be aware that a structure made of MDF and having one sash will weigh several times less than its counterpart with a glass sash. For easy variation, you can choose an inexpensive and simple mechanism. And for the second option, you should choose a more complex mechanism, designed for a large load.

Equally important is the choice of guides. For example, if the system is of the cascade type, then guides equipped with two chutes are used. This is due to the fact that such an option should have a pair of roller mechanisms. Thus, an individual gutter is required for each blade.

To ensure better stability, a door equipped with rollers requires the installation of guides from below and from above. This option is applicable to systems on rollers made of glass material.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step door installation

After you have decided on the type of door and purchased all the components, you can begin the installation process.

For beginners, it is better to start learning the installation with a door equipped with one leaf.

But for other options, this process is about the same, so it can be taken as a basis.

In order to install the doors with your own hands, you will need:

Scheme of doors on rollers.

  1. Apply markings under the guides. Two options are possible here. First - measure the height that the door leaf occupies, starting from the floor and ending with the opening. Add 2 cm to this value and add the height of the finished roller mechanism along with the guide to the resulting number. Then make a mark on the wall, connecting the markings together into a single line.
  2. The second way is to use the door leaf as a level. It must be attached to the opening and markup is drawn on top. But be sure to add an allowance to it, which includes the height of the roller mechanism and the guide itself. Important! Using the building level, check the evenness of the horizontal markings. This must be done before installing the guide. In this way, you will exclude spontaneous opening of doors.
  3. After the markup is done, you can install the guide. Its fixing is based on personal preferences. Some prefer to use dowels, while others use timber. Do not forget to indent from the wall, otherwise the door will touch the trim. For compartment doors, the guides must be fixed both to the floor and to the ceiling. Important! Remember that the guide should be twice the length of the doorway and it is better to add a few centimeters to this value.
  4. When the guide is installed, you can insert a bolt inside the roller carriage. Thus, the motor mechanism is lowered into the guide. For a door with one leaf, two rollers are installed; for more complex doors, a larger number is used at the rate of one roller for each leaf. Over the door leaf you need to install special brackets. They are used for roller carriages. Their fastening is carried out with a small indent - about 0.5 cm from the edge of the door.
  5. If you use a door leaf made of glass material, then you need to install other fasteners. The glass is clamped between two metal holders. They are called paws. The fastening is done with screws. The glass door is also installed with top and bottom rails. After installing the rollers and fasteners, the canvas is put in place. Bolts are used to secure it. To hide the opening, platbands are used. And the roller mechanism is hidden using special strips. They play a decorative function. At the end of the installation, attach the rest of the fittings.

Thus, the process of installing a door on rollers can be done independently. Upon completion of work, you will receive a beautiful and modern door which will serve for a long time.
