“To wash in the bath is to be born again,” they said in the old days. However, a good stove, smelly wood shelves and the opportunity to dip in cold water- That's not all. Interior design the steam room is essential for comfort. With a little effort and letting your imagination run wild, you will create a bright and cozy interior baths!

How to decorate a steam room with wood and pebbles

Linden lining is perhaps the most popular material for interior decoration rooms with high temperatures. Pleasant for the body, fragrant, with a healing effect - it might be better, perhaps, a lining with embossing, which imitates different kinds decorative coatings: snakeskin pattern, bamboo, etc.

Eco-style steam room design - walls and ceiling lined with boards, and benches - in a "kit" for them. Interesting idea for this style of bath - wall-mounted firewood inside the room. Firewood for the stove is stacked in the form of a panel.

Decorate the room and the wall, lined with pebbles. She can also finish the floor in the sink. And if you don’t skimp, then the design for a bath or hammam can be decorated with a floor made of coins.

If you want to save space, a raised decorated floor will help: if you want to take a shower, you lower it, if you decide to swim, you raise it.

Bath design

A feeling of freshness will be created by the design of the sink in a beautiful natural style. Wildlife has a powerful calming effect. Therefore, in one case, the designers used large logs with raw granite, in the other, they lined the wall with stone and tiles from the inside.

In the premises of the bath, design elements such as waterfalls from the walls will be appropriate. You can decorate them with large shells instead of traditional mixers.

Fans of minimalism and the new life of old things in the design of the bath will love the shower from a large garden watering can.

If there is no place for a pool, then you can cool off after the steam room in the font. Fortunately, it is easy to make it with your own hands - from an ordinary barrel.

A washstand from a simple barrel will help to “hold the style”

And comfortable furniture from them - in the dressing room.

The floor may be original. A cork cover with a straw pattern is more suitable for a country-style bath interior. In addition to such a floor, a bale of straw should be taken as coffee table(the idea of ​​the program "Fazenda"). Another interesting solution for the floor - a pattern of boards and refractory bricks.

For unusual bath- the same doors made of natural materials - wooden, in the style country house. But such porthole windows will tell you how to use spare parts from an old washing machine.

Lighting and accessories

The best lamp for the interior inside the bath - handmade. A chandelier in the form of a stork's nest, redundant in the house, looks unusual and original. Materials: a frame for a bouquet braided with decorative raffia straw using wire. Natural horns, decorated under the lamp - too suitable option for natural style.

If you prefer something more modern, you need to choose such lamps hidden under the “torn off” planks of interior decoration. An old basin as a chandelier in the shower is another innovative solution.

We create a romantic mood by using candles. But baths require a special design. A basin or trough and ladles will do again.

In general, a basin in the bath is a universal item. It is worth making such “shelves” for storing bath brooms, towels and other bath accessories. There is also a use for wooden pallets in the steam room - this is a good solution for the main house.

Wicker baskets are also great for decorating a bath: large ones usually go on the floor as tables, small ones - on the wall.

From "warm" natural materials, you can make a variety of decor that will be appropriate in the bath and sauna: boxes woven from grass, reeds, rattan, ferns, corn, bast shoes and other items that are hung on the walls and placed on benches.

The best hanger for bathrobes will be products from branches or small stones as hooks.

Bath: interior in Russian style

The interior of a Russian-style steam room will look complete if you complement it with decorative accessories. The room can be decorated with bath brooms, embroidered curtains, wood products - figurines, spoons, mirrors, clocks made of wood saw cuts, which are not afraid of moisture and will help allocate enough time for important procedures.

Tapestries from medicinal herbs, moss and roots. They can be woven using a hand weaving device - a reed.

In addition to their aesthetic value, herbal rugs and tapestries also have an important healing function. A willow bark bath rug not only decorates, but also helps against skin diseases and sweating of the feet, relieves inflammation. Tansy towel as a compress in the bath is the main folk remedy for pain in the joints. Applied to the head, it relieves pain and helps get rid of dandruff. Nettle cloths increase vitality. Tapestries from several types of herbs (wormwood, peppermint, yarrow, St.

How to arrange a bath

Herbal products woven on the reed are strong and durable. The only condition is that they should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The natural fragrance of tapestries can be enhanced by sprinkling them with water. For the same purpose, they are hung in a steam room.

Useful decoration for baths and saunas - decorative designer jars with sea ​​salt and colored sand. If you look closely, you can see the pattern of mountains, sky and deserted beaches in them. And when you admire such decor, it can be used as a scrub.

The more shades of salt and sand you have, the more interesting the "landscapes" will look. From coarse salt and sand, pictures in jars turn out worse.

Bath ideas

They will make the interior of a bath or sauna more soulful and gizmos: a portrait doll on a wire frame, brownies that protect the owners, funny hats in which it is so pleasant to bathe.

Toys made of bast or straw are suitable for decorating a bathhouse. We offer to make a symbol of the coming year - a goat. And let it give you a new portion of good luck, health and a lot of happiness with each visit to the steam room! Easy steam for you!

At FORUMHOUSE you will find ideas from our portal members to help you create . You can also find out what a real bath looks like: get acquainted with a virtual tour of one of the outstanding Russian-style baths in Moscow and its environs and invaluable material on theory A in our video you will find more ideas

Popular styles in finishing the dressing room and the steam room itself are country, rustic and chalet, Provence and modern, minimalism and oriental (for the Turkish hammam), as well as asian style, which also gravitates towards minimalism. Let's break down each style point by point and find out what color and finish they need.

Style Color spectrum Finishing material: floor / walls Furniture Budget
Country red, brown tree/tree wooden $
rustic light or dark brown stone or tile/wood wooden $$
Chalet chocolate, coffee, stone gray stone/stone or massif wooden, slabs $$$
Provence light, white-blue, gray-white tree/tree wooden $$$
Modern any, even bright or neon tree/tree any, including plastic $
Minimalism black and white, white, white and gray porcelain tile or marble/marble or stone concise and fashionable $$$
Eastern (hammam) white-blue, orange-red or golden-orange marble/marble or mosaic in oriental style $$$
Asian minimalism black, white, brown wood/wood + porcelain stoneware stylized $$$

The dressing room usually has a small area - about 10-20 square meters, therefore, they do not create here different variants plans, but different methods decorations (including ethnic ones) that do not affect the specific arrangement of furniture.

What can be placed in the dressing room

Atmospheric, as a rule, you can create with your own hands: here the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinishing from natural wood was originally laid down - a material that is simple, affordable and quite flexible in terms of finishing. There are three rooms in the bath that need to be arranged - a relaxation room (it is also a dressing room), a steam room (actually a bath or sauna) and a shower room. Consider the dressing room for functionality.

  • Restroom. Usually composed of a dining group or upholstered furniture, sometimes it includes a mini-kitchen, a brick fireplace, a beautiful bay window or. It is important to understand that the humidity of the steam will also penetrate into this room, so it is best to design it as practical as possible. Many people prefer to use lining with moisture resistant impregnation.
  • Furniture. It should be practical, moisture resistant, which is not afraid of high humidity for a long time. For example, natural rattan or techno-rattan are great, but MDF or chipboard furniture is absolutely not suitable, it is not only impossible to use it here, but also dangerous to health (humidity can cause poisonous glue to evaporate into the air).
  • Kitchen. Not all dressing rooms have a kitchen, but placing it here is a fairly popular idea. By the way, with access to the terrace with barbecue, it will be as functional as possible. She usually has small size, as well as an area with a bar counter and a decorative sideboard.
  • Storage space. In the dressing room there may also be a warehouse necessary for have a nice rest details. Brooms, aromatic oils, scented candles, water with a certain aroma - all this can be found here.
  • TV area and fireplace. In addition, in the lounge part there is a fireplace and a TV. Usually the layout of the waiting room is such that cushioned furniture is oriented precisely towards these objects, so that you can admire the fire with pleasure or watch your favorite TV show.

  • Swimming pool or tub. They can also be located in the dressing room. In this case, it all depends on the specific layout and the chosen style for decorating your bath. The pool is not an obligatory element of the dressing room, because it takes up a lot of space and requires almost the same amount of money for implementation as the rest of the bath.

TOP-5 design techniques in the design of the dressing room

The dressing room, like any other room, requires careful design and high-quality walls and ceilings. Also here you need themed furniture, suitable both in functionality and style. Design tricks from professionals will help you make your break room as interesting as possible.

  1. Proper lighting. It is fundamentally important for the dressing room. Firstly, there should not be bright and white light here, only warm yellow shades, otherwise you will not be able to fully relax. Bright light should be replaced with diffused, it is best to abandon the chandelier in small room, replacing with stretch ceiling with clapboard trim with many built-in lights. Suspended ceiling Illuminated is ideal for a small dressing room, where a chandelier usually looks too big and makes the room feel less cozy.
  2. Textiles and decor. These are things that you should not forget about when decorating the dressing room. It is thanks to them that you can stylize the interior as Provence or country, chalet or Asian minimalism. For decor, you need to prudently put shelves, hammer in nails for paintings or posters, leave a place in the sideboard.
  3. Mosaic decoration. It is very popular in the design of the dressing room in different styles - classic, oriental, Greek and others. It can be implemented even without a font or pool, where it is usually most appropriate.
  4. Wall decoration with clapboard or blockhouse. A popular idea that not only looks very authentic, but is also inexpensive.
  5. Bright decorative accents in natural tones. Marsala, emerald, canary yellow and other bright shades will add depth to the interior.

More more ideas for decorating a dressing room and a steam room - in this video.

If there are specific conditions in the room, the repair of the walls in it must be carried out taking into account this fact. For example, baths are characterized by an increased level of humidity, sudden changes in temperature. Let's talk further about what a bathhouse can be like inside a photo of finished interiors from the inside and just tips from experienced designers further in the selection.

To create a unique interior inside a bath made of brick, aerated concrete, polystyrene foam blocks or other material, finishing materials with different operational parameters, external aesthetics and installation specifics can be used. However, it must be remembered that the decoration of the bath inside must certainly be durable, practical, resistant to the aggressive environment of this room. Therefore, it is not worth performing it with low-quality materials, especially in a steam room where high temperatures are present.

Preliminary study the features of the most popular options today in order to avoid mistakes. Let's take a photo and brief description modern finishing materials that should be used for these purposes.


Often, lining is used to decorate the interior of a Russian bath made of blocks and aerated concrete, as well as the steam room and washing rooms adjacent to it. The wood used for the production of such cladding may have different characteristics, which determines the subsequent operational parameters of the bars.

For interior cladding bath walls made of foam blocks, aerated concrete, board timber, many options are suitable, however, you should not choose softwood lining, since such wood is capable of releasing resin under the influence of hot steam.

Finishing a bath with clapboard has a number of advantages, which is appreciated by experienced builders and ordinary buyers:

  • environmental cleanliness and safety, the absence of toxic components, radioactive particles in the composition of the material;
  • lining allows the base of aerated concrete to "breathe", adjusting the level of humidity inside the dressing room, steam room, washing room. This helps to prevent the risk of condensation, mold, fungus;
  • installation of the material is carried out on wooden crate quickly, without complications. The planks are inserted one into the other by means of a comb groove mechanism, so repairs with such material are carried out quickly and without problems;
  • affordable cost highlights lining on the background alternatives. Almost every one of our compatriots will be able to afford such repairs at a cost, because its implementation does not require huge financial investments.

Finishing the bath with clapboard is shown in the following photo: this is a practical, inexpensive and attractive version of the interior that you can implement with your own hands.

The main advice that experienced builders give to beginners in such matters is to abandon the “groove” and “quarter” options. It is worth giving preference exclusively to lining with comb-groove profiles, because it does not move during operation, violating the tightness and tightness of the joints.

The block house has excellent characteristics, which is very important for aerated concrete baths. This is a decent thickness that contributes to additional insulation of the walls of the building, environmental friendliness, naturalness, high resistance to fungus, mold when treated with an antiseptic.

Do-it-yourself block house decoration has an incredible attractive aesthetics, as evidenced by the following photo. But the repair of such a room should be carried out only by certain classes of such material, since not all of the existing options are suitable. And especially for the steam room, which is characterized heat air.

The material is attached over a wooden crate, treated with an antiseptic, and at the junction with the heating equipment, a simple mineral wool.

timber imitation

Do-it-yourself external and internal decoration of the bath can be done by imitation of a bar, as is done in the interior in the next photo. It looks like the walls are lined regular board, but imitation of a bar is much more practical in operation.

This easy-to-use material is characterized by low cost, environmental friendliness, and high aesthetic qualities. It very accurately repeats the look of natural timber, ensures the maintenance of an optimal microclimate in the room, acts as additional sound and heat insulation for the walls of the bath.

Before installation in the interior of the dressing room, it must be taken out of the package and left for several days in the room where it will be installed. Then the walls for cladding are cleaned of dust, primed, covered with a crate and the very imitation of a beam. We also note that repairs with such material make it possible to perform insulation and waterproofing of walls inside the room. To increase the resistance of the bath to an aggressive environment, its finish should be varnished.


Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the bath with the help of tiles is presented to the reader in the following photo. This is a highly practical option, characterized by a long service life, absolute resistance to high humidity, and easy maintenance.

The main thing is to choose the right type of tile that is most relevant for the conditions of a pair of tiles from a large number of alternatives. Experts recommend preferring the glazed version, which demonstrates high resistance to sudden temperature changes. But non-enamelled tiles do not tolerate such conditions and quickly lose their original appearance. It is worth taking care that the tiles for the floor and walls of the washing room have a rough surface so that the room is as safe as possible.

It is worth refusing in a steam room made of foam blocks from a tile with a porous structure that is able to absorb moisture. But the shape of such a material can be classic (square, rectangle) or non-standard (hexagon, rhombus).

Weaving from bamboo or wicker

Often weaving from bamboo or vines is used for the dressing room. Such an original lining for the walls of the bath from the inside is presented in the interior in the following photo. In addition to the unusual aesthetics of this design, experts note its durability and wear resistance. Although such a design will not be cheap, it is able to surprise and cheer up. But in a steam room made of aerated concrete, it is better not to use it.

Bath finishes inside

The bath is a complex structure, consisting of several rooms with different conditions and specifics:

  • the dressing room is intended for undressing, therefore it should be warm and comfortable;
  • the steam room is used for rest, relaxation, enjoying the steam. All materials used here must be environmentally friendly and safe;
  • washing should be practical, resistant to water and moisture.

Let's determine which materials are most relevant in the described bath rooms.

dressing room

It is not so easy to choose material for the design of the dressing room, because it is exposed to a high level of humidity for a long time, but at the same time it must be warm. For example, tiles are completely unsuitable for a dressing room because of the feeling of coolness. But wood heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time, which is important for a dressing room. In addition, it is attractive in appearance, environmentally friendly, has a natural smell that has a calming effect on a person. You can also repair the dressing room with clapboard, imitation of timber or weaving from bamboo. These options have a natural aesthetics and are practical to use. Look at the photo below, which shows the interior with such a finish.

Also, the walls of the dressing room must be insulated with special materials so that it is as warm as possible.

steam room

Successful decoration of the rest room in the bathhouse as it is done in the interior in the photo. Experts note that the interior of the dressing room can be decorated in any design style. And the steam room is difficult, as it often has a small size. The steam room should be decorated stylishly, inexpensively, simply, and allocate enough space for the free circulation of hot steam.

The most relevant materials for the walls, floor, ceiling of the steam room are natural wood, lining. Such materials are environmentally friendly, attractive in appearance, allow thermal insulation of the base. Opt for linden, which does not overheat and retains its original aesthetics for a long time. Stylish, but at the same time, it just looks like a combination of wood and brick in a single steam room space.

In no case should you use coniferous wood due to the presence of resin in their composition, which, under the influence of high temperatures in the steam room, releases gluten. Also, do not repair the steam room. wood boards, linoleum, fiberboard, chipboard. These materials are capable of releasing toxic components into the air, are susceptible to rotting and swelling under the influence of moisture, and are fire hazardous. The interior of the steam room should be supplemented with strong furniture: shelves, sun loungers, rounded benches. ceiling surface decorated with spot light.

Finishing the stove in the bath must certainly be carried out with materials resistant to high temperatures. The best option counts a natural stone or its equivalent on an artificial basis. The use of bricks is no less relevant and simple, but it has a less attractive appearance. To give the material a high aesthetics, it can be lined with decorative bricks.


Washing room decor can be done different ways. For example, it can be combined with a steam room and completely decorated with wood, because mold dies under the influence of high temperatures. This option is shown in the photo below.

Also, the repair of a washing room may involve the separation of a washing room, but then it needs to ensure optimal air circulation. Then coniferous wood species that can withstand a significant level of humidity will be relevant for the washing room. But synthetic options in the wash should be abandoned due to their toxicity.

In order to provide washing with simple care, it is better to decorate the walls with durable, practical, wear-resistant tiles. It is no less relevant for finishing washing floors, but you need to prefer rough, non-slip options. The tile looks very beautiful, expensive, but at the same time simple. Note that the tile is successfully combined with many other types of finishes. The photo below shows the interior of the washing room, where tiles and tiles are successfully combined. wooden slats. The main thing is to ensure that the slats in the washing room have a snug fit. From the furniture in the washing room made of aerated concrete, you need to have benches, sunbeds.

Warming and waterproofing

If you start building and decorating the interior of the bath with the selection quality materials, the finish of the bath outside and inside will be as attractive, durable, wear-resistant and practical as possible. But in addition, experts recommend insulating and waterproofing the walls of such buildings from the inside. This will make the bath warmer, because high-quality thermal insulation and waterproofing can prevent the rapid penetration of hot air and steam through the walls to the outside.

The specifics of the work is determined by the type building material from which the building was erected. Brick walls do not have gaps, but not insulated heats up brick bath long time. Therefore, a brick structure is insulated, waterproofed and covered finishing. Optimal insulation for brick is mineral wool with high strength, thermal insulation characteristics, resistance to high temperatures. And as a waterproofing, isospan is used for bricks, which provides mineral wool reliable protection from moisture. When insulating a brick bath, experts recommend drilling metal brackets into the walls in increments equal to the width of the insulation. Mineral wool is laid between them, and the joints are insulated with construction tape. Isospan is stretched over the mineral wool, and brick wall trim is mounted on top of it.

The scheme of wall insulation in the bath

Expanded polystyrene blocks have a porous surface, the material can absorb moisture, so the structure of such blocks must be insulated and protected from moisture. The warming of the bath from such blocks is carried out with mineral wool, and both the walls of the blocks and the insulation are subject to waterproofing. Isospan or membrane film or isospan is used as waterproofing. We also note that for a bath of blocks, it is necessary to organize a ventilation gap between the insulation and the finishing cladding to prevent rotting of the material and the formation of condensate. On the walls of the blocks, a wooden crate is mounted, on it a layer of membrane film, mineral wool, a layer of isospan, and on top the decorative sheathing of the bath from the blocks.

Warming the walls of the bath from the inside

Insulation and waterproofing of aerated concrete buildings are similar in their specifics to foam block baths, because aerated concrete walls are porous, which means they are able to absorb moisture. Therefore, aerated concrete masonry is treated with an antiseptic, covered with a crate, insulation (mineral wool) and waterproofing material(isospan), and only then - with decorative trim.

For a modern person, a bath is a place of rest, communication with friends, relaxation, and only then, although this is no less important, a place for hygiene procedures. Bath is a great way of psychological relief, it improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure, removes toxins. Neither shower combinations nor jacuzzi and other plumbing delights with all the technical progress are unable to shake the wide popularity of the bath.

Bath interior design options

The classic version of the bath is only three rooms: a dressing room (dressing room), a shower room (washing room) and a steam room, although in a traditional Russian bath, a washing room and a steam room can be combined. Everything else - a swimming pool (font), a relaxation room, toilet, game rooms (billiards), a smoking room, a kitchen - this is a matter of personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owners. Interior modern bath- this is a flight of the designer's imagination, adjusted for the specifics and features of the bath.

But still, the decoration in the traditional Russian style remains the most in demand - laconic, restrained, without pomposity, even a little puritanical, antique utensils, a massive table, couches and benches. Add a little modernity TV or billiards.

Making out the bath "antique", in the dressing room (rest room) you can make accents on embroidery, forged elements, decorate wooden household items and utensils with carvings, decorate the walls with various brooms - birch, oak, bunches of fragrant herbs.

When finishing the bath with your own hands, you can consider such an option as bath-house. More precisely, the use of a bathhouse as a guest house, when the rest room (dressing room) turns into a bedroom. At the same time, guests receive their own, albeit temporary, living space, without embarrassing the hosts and feeling at the same time more relaxed and comfortable. And the owners do not have to sacrifice their own habits and comfortable accommodation. To do this, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a sofa, which can be transformed into a full-fledged sleeping place.

Finishing the bath inside: we select materials

For interior decoration, materials must meet the following conditions:

  • resistance to temperature changes, immunity to high temperatures, high humidity and water ingress
  • safety - do not cause allergies and burns when in contact with human skin, no toxins released from materials during heat
  • hygiene - the material should be easy to wash without reacting with household chemicals
  • durability and strength
  • aesthetics and decorativeness, the finish should be non-irritating, pleasing to the eye.

In this regard, almost ideal (especially for a Russian bath) is a tree that meets all the specified requirements, is absolutely environmentally friendly, plus it has the properties of aromatherapy. The main thing is to choose the right type of wood for each room.

steam room

Only wood is suitable for finishing the steam room hardwood tree. Such wood does not heat up (you cannot get burned), does not emit resins, and also, which is very important, even with a little ventilation it dries quickly, preventing the fungus from developing:

  • linden is attractive in appearance, does not darken over time, it is characterized by low heat capacity and density: it warms up quickly, but you can’t burn yourself when touched. When heated, it gives off an unobtrusive, gentle, pleasant aroma. It is quite common, therefore it has affordable price especially in the southern regions
  • aspen is a traditional material for a steam room in the northern regions. Durable wood, difficult to split or split, has bactericidal properties
  • alder - aesthetically attractive, pleasant to the touch, resistant to hot and cold water, steam and condensate, washing solutions (acidic, alkaline), easy to process
  • abash - is just starting to gain popularity, the tree comes from the African tropics. Such wood is especially good for the manufacture of shelves - even with very high heat, it practically does not heat up, keeping the temperature close to the temperature human body. Does not darken under the influence of steam, water and temperatures

The tree cannot be painted or varnished, no matter how high-quality they are - when heated, they will give an unpleasant chemical smell. During installation, self-tapping screws (nails) must be deeply recessed and closed from above - otherwise, when heated, they can cause burns. The lining should be filled vertically - the drops of water formed during condensation will drain faster. To protect the joint gender and walls install high plinths made of waterproof material.

Wood, as a material, is beautiful in itself, which makes it number one on the list for finishing the steam room.

Soft sofas for a rest room in this style, to put it mildly, are not very appropriate. And here is the “antique” furniture for the bath in the form , with backs on which you can put colored, painted pillows, rollers - very good.

From textiles for a bath, chintz, linen, other natural fabrics made of cotton or linen, plain or with a floral pattern are suitable. Use them for curtains, tablecloths, napkins, kettle warmers, towels. Don't forget bright rugs or woven rugs.

ethnic design a steam room in a Russian bath means exclusively wooden walls, or clapboard, with shelves not in the form of ladders sewn along the bottom, but in the form of wide ones, usually two-level, so that it would be convenient for the bather to soar while lying, standing at the lower level. Very simple steam room, nothing more. taken away by wooden lampshades, nothing reminds of modernity 🙂

More modern will be something like a hybrid of the Russian bath with alpine house. This makes it possible to modernize the interior, in which the skins on the floor, and the soft sofas in the rest room, and the beams not sewn into the ceiling will already fit normally. It will be easier to imagine if instead of "alpine" imagine a "hunting lodge".

The interior of the Russian steam bath in this case can also be modernized by using either interesting ones from Himalayan salt. The stove may not be brick, but in a stone lining. (Others, unfortunately, will not give the conditions of the Russian bath.)


The main material in the Russian bath is, whatever one may say, but still tree. But at your disposal are many ways to “feed” it - which can either completely hide or reveal beautiful wood patterns, and color schemes can make the interior either more mysterious due to darker shades, or add light and optimism due to light tones.

Metal in the Russian bathhouse, if he participates in the design, then only in the form of some elements that imitate antiquity - the same door canopies, rims on dishes, copper ladles, by the way, etc.

Glass… Of course, some glass objects can complement the interior of a Russian bath, but these are just accents, nothing more. And, of course, they should not stand out from the general style.

Stone- it will fit perfectly into the interior of the bath. It can be used as a fireplace trim, for example, or a cutting wall that is behind the stove. The walls of embedded rounded stones look nice.


Sauna- another type of bath that is widespread in Russia, and its popularity is facilitated by the fact that creating the conditions of a Finnish bath is much easier and cheaper than a Russian bath. Any metal oven is suitable for this. And if you have it properly arranged, then you can enjoy the heat of the sauna much faster than the warmth of the Russian bath, which, as you know, is heated for several hours.

So, Finnish bath - high temperature, low humidity. People come not to bathe, but to sweat. The Finns prefer to do it while sitting, but their shelves are arranged in such a way that you can lie down if you wish. However, a lot of space is not wasted, the shelves are usually made three-tier anyway, so they are relatively narrow - 60 centimeters wide.

INTERESTING! The Finns do not soar each other with brooms, so the space between the tiers is usually sewn up with clapboard - there is no need to leave space for the legs of the soaring.


So, the design of a steam bath-sauna is usually quite simple and ascetic - the Finns prefer natural materials, modern processing and the same modern design.

Tree in the sauna is as familiar as in the Russian bath. However, it is not stylized, on the contrary, it will be more likely to be a timber, lining, a neat block house than a log house. And the probability of painting with covering (hiding the texture) paint is as great as for varnish.

Metal- metal stoves have a modern design, sparkle with stainless steel mirror surfaces and have long been preferred in. In addition to stoves, metal in the sauna is not used systematically; in the steam room, it has nothing special to do. But parts made of stainless metal may well be used as fasteners, for example.

Glass. But they love it in saunas. Transparent and matte are made from heat-resistant, which can be decorated with a variety of patterns. Nobody forbids doing the same with windows. In addition, the very focus on modernity suggests the possibility of using glass in the form of shelves, for example.

Stone- its use in a sauna can be limited to a hill of stones in an open heater, or it can become a stylish element of wall decoration.


We would say that the current sauna is in itself a fusion of tradition with new technologies, so there is no gap, no going into the archaic and there is no desire (among the Finns) to abandon traditional wood. Therefore, a rather nice uniform style arises in which Finns set the tone. And those who buy Finnish items for their sauna equipment automatically borrow and reproduce it.

To understand the basic parameters, so to speak, of style, you just need to look through oven catalogs- there, by the way, you can also find ready-made saunas for sale.

And if we talk about trends, then, as usual in Europe, they are aimed at maximum environmental friendliness, maximum comfort for a modern person who has no time for anything, well, maximum minimalism, if we talk about detailing - everything is simple, aesthetic, devoid of decor and does not even need bright color accents.


Although the reproduction of the Turkish hammam much more expensive for the average Russian than the same sauna, this kind of national baths is still gaining popularity.

BY THE WAY! To call this type of baths "Turkish" is not entirely legitimate, because it is distributed throughout the East - from Arabia to Central Asia, and the source for them was ... Roman baths. But we are already used to it.

The problem is that for a Turkish bath you need a very specific room with ceiling, which has either the shape of a dome or vault.

And if everything is done according to the rules, then one room is not limited. The classic hammam in the scheme looks like a palm, where there is a central room with access to several smaller ones. In the smaller ones they take procedures, in the central one they communicate. In other words, a classic hammam is a public bath, not a private one.

But today this moment is easily solved - an individual hammam requires all the same premises with domed or vaulted ceiling so that the condensate flows down it onto the walls, and does not drip onto people - such a room can be one with sunbed and traditional washbasin.

And second required condition- This room for steam generation where the bath equipment is located.


Due to the fact that the humidity in the Turkish bath reaches a record 100%, the main requirement for the materials used in it will be waterproof.

And this requirement is met stone And glass. Metals- only stainless, but they have no special use there. Tree categorically should not be used as the main or finishing material this type of bath.

But most often for finishing the Turkish bath is used tile. Of course, there are very expensive baths, where massive pieces of stone are used as sun loungers, where the walls are literally finished with stone panels. But more common a budget option conventional finishes ceramic tiles. It may be small mosaic tiles, and larger - at the request of the owner.


The choice of tiles is not accidental. After all, it not only meets the requirements of water resistance, but also is the basis of ornaments, which is famous East style. Actually, both baths and mosques of the Muslim world were decorated with tiles.

So the owner of the hammam will only have to decide on the choice of that eastern country, ornamentation style which he likes the most. It was not for nothing that we mentioned above that this bath is widespread throughout the Muslim East - this significantly expands the possibilities of decorating it. Each country has its own unique style, its own peculiarity that can be emphasized.

Hamam, tiled. Photo

On the other hand, if there is no desire to somehow emphasize oriental origin, you can take as a basis abstractions And chaotic patterns, fortunately, tiles are produced in a variety of colors and patterns.

So, if you completely exaggerate, you can either choose ethno, or abstraction.

It is probably worth a little to abandon the specifics of styles and give some advice that applies to any styles in the bath, because they affect general color solutions.

Light And dark. Most already know that light creates the illusion of a larger room than it really is, and dark creates a smaller one. But visually increasing the volume, we must fill it so that it doesn't look empty. For this, various color accents distributed in space.

If you choose dark, then even a reduction in volume can be played correctly - as creating intimacy, comfort in your bath . For this, the number of objects in the room should be small, and they themselves should be proportional to the size of the room.

ADVICE! If we are talking about a small steam room in the bath, hanging loungers will visually take up less space than a stepped “pyramid” sewn on all sides.

In a dark room bright colors acquire even greater brightness, saturation.

The monotony of space dyed in some one, neutral color, you can not be afraid if you interest the eye with furniture details and color spots. Look online for examples scandinavian style - plain walls simple furniture, but bright objects make it not boring and very attractive.

It is also worth remembering that the human eye is constantly looking for correspondences, patterns, and we catch harmony where there is visual "rhyme"- the color of the ceiling and the color of textiles, for example. Or a play on some form - round or linear - in the decoration of the walls and the forms of the bath furniture.

However, there are no unshakable rules of composition - everything is always decided by the sense of proportion and the taste of a particular person.

Photo inside: gallery

In order for your inspiration to have food, we decided to compile a small gallery of examples with a photo of the design of the steam room inside (clicking on the photos will open in full size):
