The main requirement for any home is that it must be warm. To achieve this, it is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the attic. Professional craftsmen will insulate the attic efficiently and quickly, but their work is expensive. So if you want to save money, get ready to do it right yourself.


Most often, attic insulation is carried out using polyurethane foam, mineral wool or expanded clay.
Each of these materials has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

This material is a type of plastic. With its help, the attic floor, roof, gables are insulated. PPU has many advantages:

  • strengthening the strength of the roof (after application, the PPU layer turns into a single structure without cracks and cracks);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability (service life of at least 30 years);
  • excellent adhesion with any building materials (no need to use additional fasteners when applying);
  • lightness, small layer thickness (which saves attic space and reduces the load on supporting structures);
  • moisture resistance (PPU, due to its properties, protects itself from moisture, so there is no need to create moisture and vapor barrier layers);
  • resistance to mold, penetration of rodents and insects;
  • possibility of operation at any temperature (not afraid of drops from -200° to +200° С).

Such a heater is made right on the spot from a minimum number of components. Polyurethane foam is an excellent protection for the attic of a private house from cold, moisture and heat loss.

PPU is afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, so it must be protected with a layer of plaster or paint, covered with various panels. Polyurethane foam is a slow-burning material, but under the influence high temperature he will start to smolder. Do not use it in places where there is strong heating.

Mineral wool

With it, you can completely insulate the attic in a private house. Since the structure of the material is such that it perfectly passes steam, it must be protected from the inside with a vapor and waterproofing layer.

Mineral wool is a non-combustible material, at a temperature of +1000 ° C it does not even melt. It is resistant to biological effects (microorganisms do not multiply in it). It has low thermal conductivity.
Mineral wool is produced in the form of mats or rolls. It is laid between the rafters and lags.

The weight of the material is considerable, which increases the load on the supporting structures. Before proceeding with the insulation of the attic, you need to make sure that the roof is reliable and all load-bearing structures. Or, provide for the use of this type of insulation at the design stage of the house and strengthen the supporting structures.

The ingress of moisture adversely affects the thermal properties of mineral wool.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay can be used to insulate the attic of a private house. This, moreover, it is lightweight, fireproof, environmentally friendly. Expanded clay is strong and durable, moisture resistant, not afraid of temperature changes. Most often they insulate the floor of the attic. Applying the material indoors, you need to create a vapor barrier coating.

When insulating a cold attic with expanded clay, a frame is created (a special “box” on the floor, into which insulation granules are poured, a wooden floor is laid on top of it). This "eats" a certain amount of space.

When insulating the attic of a house, it is better to choose several types of heat insulator. used for horizontal surfaces, mineral wool or polyurethane foam - for vertical ones. Such an arrangement will be cheaper, and installation is more convenient.

Warming technology

Before insulating the attic, for example, with mineral wool, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. mounting stapler (with staples 5-7 mm);
  2. special tape;
  3. mounting foam;
  4. construction knife;
  5. waterproofing film;
  6. vapor barrier material;
  7. glue for mineral wool (nails and screws);
  8. eye and hand protection.

Before starting work, it is necessary to measure the area to be insulated: for this, the width of the surfaces is multiplied by their length. Then you need to decide how many layers of insulation will be used. For middle lane In Russia, a layer of mineral wool for warming the attic of a private house should be at least 20 cm.

Room preparation

It is necessary to completely free the room from foreign objects. Remove all seals from the slots, construction debris, cobwebs. All surfaces must be properly cleaned. It is necessary to provide good lighting in the attic. Then put in essential tool and material.

For convenience, you can put several sheets of plywood on the logs of the attic floor. Seal all cracks in the roof ventilation ducts mounting foam.

In the event that an attic is not planned in the attic, it is made ventilated. To do this, special ventilation troughs are attached with brackets under the roof.

If a cold attic is insulated in order to create an additional room, then it is not necessary to install such gutters.

Installation of a waterproofing layer

A waterproofing film is needed to protect the mineral wool and the entire room from moisture. This layer is especially important if the attic of a house with an old roof is insulated.

The film must be tightly stretched on roof structure the entire roof with small laps. So the waterproofing layer will become airtight. Fix it with a mounting stapler.

On the one hand, mineral wool slabs are treated with glue (it is applied with a spatula) and pressed tightly into fragments between the rafters. You can fix the insulation on nails or screws. Laying is carried out along the slope from the bottom up in two layers. The joints of the plates should be staggered: this will reduce heat loss. Often, mineral wool slabs are simply inserted into sections of the truss structure.

If mineral wool is used in rolls, then its installation is carried out directly from the roll in order to avoid taking the necessary dimensions and cutting the material. If necessary, you can cut off the mineral wool with clerical or construction knife, after placing a plank under it.

Be sure to insulate communications in the attic, ventilation shafts.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer

So that moisture does not affect the life of mineral wool, it is necessary to fix the vapor barrier layer. The film is fixed with a stapler on the plates. For tightness, the joints are glued with special adhesive tape.

Making a crate for decorative trim

You can sheathe the attic space with OSB boards or drywall. To do this, you need to correctly make the frame. To save money, you can install the crate flush with the truss system.

The rafters are the basis of the frame, between them you need to lay the crossbars. If this option is not suitable, you can create a full-fledged frame from a metal profile.

Floor insulation

When insulating a cold attic with mineral wool, logs are laid on the floor that will hold all the material. Then they perform work similar to the one described above: first waterproofing, then insulation and vapor barrier. After that, strictly according to the level, for example, an OSB plate of 10-12 mm is laid and varnished.

It is possible to insulate the attic with your own hands correctly and quickly if you correctly approach the choice of heat-insulating material and carefully study the technology of its installation.

Roof insulation from the inside is a must, even if the attic space is not used as an additional room. Attic insulation reduces heat loss - heating does not work to heat the environment.

Insulation options are quite simple, not requiring special qualifications from the performer. Therefore, thermal insulation work can be done independently. The main thing is to choose the optimal type of insulation and follow the technological process.

The need for attic insulation

Comfort and coziness in any living space largely depend on the feeling of warmth. Maintaining the optimum temperature with minimal heating costs - important point maintenance of a private house. In order to minimize the heat loss of a dwelling, at the stage of building a house, it is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the ceiling between the attic and the upper floor. However, insulation of a cold attic can also be performed in an already operated house.

Attic insulation prevents condensation on the ceiling in living rooms. As you know, the humidity content in a warm room is greater than in a cold one. With insufficient insulation of the attic space, warm air in contact with the ceiling forms condensate. Over time, accumulations of moisture will appear on the ceiling and the joints of the floors, mold may form.

Basic requirements for roof insulation

Used as a heater various materials. Choosing the right one is not difficult - the construction market is filled with similar heat insulators. It is important that the insulation meets the following specifications:

Attic insulation: mandatory preparatory measures

The order of arrangement of the heat-insulating layer depends on the selected material. However, in any case, before insulating the attic, a number of mandatory measures should be performed:

Technical and operational features of thermal insulation materials for the attic

Earlier rural houses insulated with natural materials. Hay, straw, shavings, sawdust or dry leaves were laid out on the floor of the attic. Mice settled in such heat insulators. In addition, the materials could catch fire when the chimney was overheated. Subsequently, natural heaters were replaced with roofing material, expanded clay and glass wool.

Modern heat insulators are selected taking into account the functional use of the attic, technical parameters material and climatic conditions region.

Consider specifications and features of laying the most common insulation materials for the attic.

Attic insulation with mineral wool

Glass wool and mineral wool mats absorb water well, but the material is highly permeable to steam. Given the structure of the heat insulator, it is necessary to protect it with a hydro- and pao-insulating layer.

Characteristics of mineral wool:

  • non-combustible material - do not melt even at a temperature of +1000°C;
  • resistance to biological influences - microorganisms do not develop in mineral wool;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the material is produced in the form of rolls and mats;
  • mineral wool is characterized by high weight and increases the load on the load-bearing structural elements - before insulating, you need to make sure that the roof is reliable or provide for the use of insulation at the design stage of the house.

The recommended layer of mineral wool for attic insulation is 20-25 cm. The insulation is placed between the rafters. This material requires a ventilation gap (at least 3 cm) and a vapor barrier from the attic space.

Important! Wetting of mineral wool adversely affects the thermal properties of the material

Attic insulation with expanded clay

Expanded clay is the easiest way to insulate the attic floor. This option is usually used for concrete foundations, because wooden structures may not support the heavy weight of the heat insulator. Expanded clay is environmentally friendly, fireproof, moisture resistant and durable. The material is resistant to temperature fluctuations. The disadvantage of insulation is the difficulty of application on an inclined surface.

Insulation of a cold attic with expanded clay is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • the first layer is a vapor barrier;
  • the second layer is an expanded clay mound (15-60 cm); insulation granules are poured into the created "frame";
  • the third layer is windproofing;
  • fourth layer - chipboard flooring, wooden floor.

To insulate the attic, a layer of expanded clay from above can be poured with a cement screed of dense consistency.

Insulation of the attic with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene are economical types of insulation produced in the form of pressed boards from foam granules. The thermoplastic is 98% air and 2% polystyrene. The strength of expanded polystyrene is higher than that of polystyrene.

Advantages of foam:

  • resistance to fungi, decay;
  • light weight of the material;
  • ease of processing and installation.

The disadvantages of polystyrene include:

  • the presence of cold bridges - the foam is a rigid material and it is difficult to lay hermetically end-to-end with the rafters;
  • when leaking and getting wet, the insulation may fail;
  • combustibility of the material - harmful toxic substances are released during combustion.

Styrofoam is used to insulate the attic ceiling. The heat insulator is placed between the rafters, adjusting the dimensions of the plates according to the width of the openings. From the inside, the use of a vapor barrier is mandatory. The protective film is attached to the rafters with a stapler. Separate pieces of the vapor barrier are overlapped and fixed with adhesive tape.

It is advisable to use external waterproofing between the rafters. At the same time, be sure to leave a ventilation gap.

Attic insulation with polyurethane foam

Spraying polyurethane foam provides sufficient vapor barrier. The resulting layer is not afraid of water, heat-insulating foam seals all joints and cavities.

Polyurethane foam has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, so the thickness of the insulation can be no more than 12 cm. As a rule, spraying is performed between the rafters on the crate.

The use of polyurethane foam has several advantages:

  • simplicity, ease of application of a heat insulator;
  • the formation of a monolithic insulating layer without joints and seams;
  • suitable for different materials floors: brick, metal, wood, concrete;
  • reliable protection of the house and the attic from the formation of condensate;
  • low thermal conductivity allows the use of a small layer of insulation, which saves usable attic space.

Lack of material - high cost. However, most experts agree that subsequently the price of polyurethane foam pays off with a long service life and savings on vapor barrier materials.

Attic insulation in a private house: step by step instructions

To insulate the attic with mineral wool, the following materials and tools should be prepared:

  • mineral wool;
  • mounting stapler and staples;
  • mounting foam;
  • construction knife and tape;
  • waterproofing film;
  • personal protective equipment for hands and eyes;
  • glue for mineral wool.

Preliminary activities:

  • measure the area to be insulated - multiply the width of the surface by the length;
  • determine the number of layers of mineral wool - for the middle zone of the Russian Federation, the insulation layer in the attic should be at least 20 cm;
  • free the attic from unnecessary items, remove debris and cobwebs;
  • provide good lighting and raise the necessary tools / materials to the attic;
  • lay the floor logs with sheets of plywood - for the convenience of performing work.

The procedure for warming with mineral wool:

  1. Installation of ventilation ducts is carried out in a cold attic. Under the roof, special ventilation troughs are fixed with brackets. If the attic space will be equipped as a living room, then it is not necessary to install such gutters.
  2. Arrangement of waterproofing, which will protect the mineral wool from moisture. Stretch the film on the truss structure, leaving small overlaps. Fix the film waterproofing with a mounting stapler.
  3. Placement of mineral wool. Laying is carried out in the direction from the bottom up:
    • apply glue on the mineral wool slab on one side;
    • press the canvas between the rafters;
    • fix the insulation with screws or nails;
    • according to the described technology, place the second layer in a checkerboard pattern relative to the first - this will reduce heat loss;
    • insulate ventilation shafts and communications in the attic.
  4. Installation of vapor barrier. Using a stapler, fix the film on the mineral wool slabs. Glue the joints with adhesive tape, ensuring complete tightness.
  5. Arrangement of the crate under finishing. A frame is mounted flush with the rafter system. Subsequently, drywall sheets or OSB boards will be attached to the crate.
  6. Insulation of the attic floor is carried out by analogy with the described technology for insulating roof slopes. Logs are preliminarily installed on the floor, holding the entire heat-insulating structure.

How to perform insulation without access to the attic

If there is no access to a cold attic, then the insulation is carried out from the inside of the dwelling. In this case, you will have to reduce the height of the ceiling.

Warming sequence:

  1. Using adhesive-sealant, the vapor barrier membrane is fixed to the ceiling.
  2. A wooden crate is arranged under the ceiling - the slats are fastened in increments of 50 cm.
  3. A heater (mineral wool, polystyrene) is installed between the rails.
  4. The second layer of the vapor-tight membrane is fixed.

After arranging the draft insulated ceiling, it is mounted decorative ceiling from drywall, PVC panels or stretch fabric.

Attic floor insulation refers to more cold rooms that are not used as residential, that is, with an uninsulated roofing system and natural ventilation. In such cases, the attic floor becomes a kind of boundary between heat and cold, where the likelihood of condensate moisture is especially high. Interestingly, with such a responsible job, you can quite simply handle it yourself.

Why you need to insulate the attic

To install a roof slope, you need to adhere to a certain angle of inclination. It is formed between the rafters and the floor beams located on the upper part of the walls of the house. They form the floor of the attic. For technical work, a boardwalk is installed under them.

Timely insulation of the attic floor of the house is necessary for the following:

  • Reducing heat loss through the top floor. Warm air rises, so the ceiling of the last floor of the house should be as isolated as possible from the effects of air from an unheated attic space. Good thermal insulation allows you to maintain in residential premises the temperature of the order of the dew point. The result of any violations will be condensation formed on the ceiling, and in just a few weeks there will be a need to repair it.
  • Waterproofing. The correct configuration of the heat-insulating layer implies the mandatory installation of waterproofing materials. If a roof leak occurs, moisture should not penetrate into the living room.
  • The temperature difference in the areas where floors and walls adjoin becomes a decisive factor for the occurrence of mold and microscopic fungi - the causative agents of various allergic diseases.

In fact, this is the arrangement of a durable and durable coating of a material for thermal insulation with low thermal conductivity.


TO sad consequences may result in material of dubious quality or non-compliance with technology.

Attic insulation requirements

Insulation of the attic floor of the house, its quality, significantly affects not only heat loss, but also durability truss system and roof coverings. Water vapor from internal warm rooms diffuse intensively into the attic, but, as you know, in order for the insulation to provide the calculated efficiency of thermal insulation, it must be dry. Therefore, it is protected from moistening by warm air vapors by laying a vapor-tight material on the “warm” side.

Good vapor and thermal insulation in addition to thermal protection contribute to increased durability roof structure. Indeed, in the absence of vapor barrier, water vapor penetrates through the ceiling into the attic, condenses from the side of the attic on the surface of the roof covering and drains onto the rafters. As a result, metal coatings and parts corrode, wooden rafters and roofing cake are destroyed.

The thermal insulation properties of the structure are also reduced due to a violation of the tightness of the vapor barrier layer.

Drying the layer and removing moisture from the attic space helps its ventilation through the vents: ridge, cornice, as well as slotted and dormer windows. To ensure optimal ventilation intensity, the total area of ​​the ventilation openings should be about 0.2–0.5% of the attic floor.

Competently carried out work prevents the intensive formation of icicles on the roof. After all, how do icicles appear? If it is poorly insulated, the heat, having passed through it, begins to heat the roof, melting the snow lying on it. The resulting water, flowing down the roof, freezes and turns into icicles.

Insulation of the attic floor is almost always carried out not from the side of the living quarters, but from the floor of the attic. Performed in several ways. The choice of technology depends on the constructive solution of the structure and the used insulation.

Insulation of beam ceilings

An option for preserving heat in a similar design is between the beams. Usually, their height is enough for this, in case of shortage, you can stuff a bar on top. The ceiling from below is sewn up with molded material, say, clapboard or sheets of drywall, and the subfloor of the attic is laid on top of the beams: sheets of plywood, OSB, MDF, etc.

The insulation must be laid on a layer of special vapor barrier or polyethylene film.

On a note

If the material is foiled, then lay it down with the shiny side.

The gap between the beams is then filled with insulation of the required thickness. It is recommended to lay an additional layer of insulation on top of the beams, so it will be possible to avoid “cold bridges” and reduce possible heat losses.

If high-quality, well-crafted timber is used for the beams, then the finish, say, a massive board, is laid directly on the beams. Insulation is placed between them, and the attic floor is laid on top. This technology is quite common in houses made of logs or timber.

Lightweight fibrous materials are blown through by air currents, drafts, that is, heat is removed from them. These troubles, of course, can be avoided if protection is provided with windproof vapor-permeable materials. Thus, the thermal protection of the attic is improved. Moreover, the insulation is protected from moisture droplets. let's say the roof has minor damage and minor leaks.

The insulation must be protected from the wind and from the side of the eaves. For this, high-density mineral wool slabs or a wooden board left by the rib are usually used.

It will ensure the full preservation of heat at home by a partial entry of thermal insulation on the outer wall.

What heaters are most often used

The installation technology is practically no different from the traditional floor for residential premises. It is important to choose the right material for the manufacture of a heat insulator. Recently, most often they make the insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool.

Why mineral wool?

This is a heat-insulating material made from basalt rocks of volcanic origin. They undergo heat treatment in a special drum-type furnace. During this process, the molten mass swells and is pulled into fibers. To form a dense material, they are processed with special binders.

As a result, a material unique in its properties is formed, which is successfully used for warming the attic floor. For an objective analysis, it can be compared with other types of heat insulators - and.

  • Thermal insulation. The heat transfer coefficient for mineral wool is 0.035 W/m*K. In polystyrene, it is slightly higher - 0.04 W / m * K. Expanded clay has the worst performance - 0.4 W / m * k.
  • Hygroscopicity. The foam does not allow moisture to pass through, so if the joints are insulated during installation, you can not use an additional waterproofing layer. Mineral wool is hygroscopic - it absorbs moisture. But this does not lead to its swelling. Expanded clay also slightly absorbs moisture.
  • Flammability. In this plan basalt insulationperfect option. It does not burn, and the melting of its structure occurs when exposed to a temperature of 700°C. This quality is very important - a chimney passes through the attic, the surface temperature of which can reach high values. Styrofoam, when burned, releases substances harmful to humans.

Mineral wool can be used to insulate almost any surface, even uneven ones. It is produced in soft slabs or rolls. It is desirable to use a material having a metallized heat-reflecting surface. Mineral wool is cut with an ordinary knife. It is laid tightly between the beams, without jamming, without cracks. This is an inexpensive, but durable and effective option.

Work requires some precautions: goggles, gloves, and allergy sufferers are advised to use respirators.

Layers are laid in the same sequence:

  • vapor barrier;
  • mineral wool;
  • vapor-permeable waterproof membrane.

The floor film is overlapped, and the joints must be either glued or fixed through wooden slats staples using a construction stapler. The thickness of the layer is selected based on the heat engineering standards for each specific region.

On a note

Warming and soundproofing the floor with cotton materials is considered the simplest and most effective solution.

stone wool

Mineral wool slabs today are often replaced with stone wool. Unlike mineral wool, which is often made from low-grade slag-basalt using bituminous binders, stone wool is an environmentally friendly material.

This insulation is distinguished by excellent characteristics - both technical and operational. The unique structure of the internal structure stone wool: random arrangement of fibers, provides an effective thermal conductivity of 0.036-0.045 W / m * K. It significantly surpasses insulators of its class in these indicators, perfectly protects against temperature changes and guarantees microclimatic comfort.

Thermal insulation of tiles

The principle of insulation of precast concrete slabs or monolithic floors similar to the same process in the case of beam type. True, since the vapor permeability of reinforced concrete slabs is quite low, it is not necessary to perform vapor barrier on the "warm" side. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is calculated taking into account the type of carrier board. Tiled, having a flat surface, is able to carry a large load.

How best to insulate

Let's start with the fact that the plates can be installed wooden beams and place a heater between them. It can be backfill materials or mats of various types.

Mounting technology

To install mineral wool, you will need to first prepare the attic. To do this, remove everything superfluous from there. The surface of the subfloor is cleaned from dust and dirt. If this wood flooring- it is recommended to install a layer of waterproofing.

It is best to use rolled polyethylene foam for this. This film for floor insulation, in addition to thermal insulation properties, has almost zero moisture absorption. A slight thickness (2-4mm) will not affect the increase in the insulation layer.

It is important to choose the right thickness of basalt wool - it should not exceed the height of the log, taking into account the waterproofing layer. Often, models with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of up to 30 kg / m³ are used.

The installation technology consists in the implementation of the following stages of work.

  • Preparatory work. Before installation, the chimney pipe must be insulated. This is necessary to prevent direct contact of its surface with the heat insulator. The best option- make a small circular masonry of refractory bricks around the pipe.

  • Installation of insulation on the floor should be carried out only after the installation of thermal insulation on inner surface roof slope. This additional measure will significantly improve the rate of conservation of thermal energy not only in the attic, but also in the whole house as a whole.
  • Installation of waterproofing protection. As mentioned above, it is best to use polyethylene foam for attic waterproofing. It should be located on the entire surface of the subfloor, including on the floor beams. The joints are isolated with a special adhesive tape.

For fastening, you can use double-sided adhesive tape, but you can not use a construction stapler or nails. This may lead to leakage.

  • Installation of a heat insulator. Proper insulation the floor of a cold attic begins with a miscalculation of the amount of material. The main indicators are the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the distance between the beams. The latter is necessary to select the optimal model of insulation. The width of standard plates is 600 mm.

If the distance between the floor elements is greater, you need to use a roll type of mineral wool. Depending on the manufacturer, its width can reach 1 m.

Having calculated the required amount of insulation, you can proceed with its installation.

Roll material is installed from the roof. The edge of the heat insulator should slightly go to the surface of the slope - this will help to avoid the appearance of gaps between the various layers of the heat-insulating layer.

The material is firmly pressed against the floor surface. Additional fastening is not required for it. When the entire surface between the beams is insulated, the roll is cut with a knife.

The rest of the attic floor is installed in the same way. After that, a technological wooden flooring can be installed on top of the beams. It can be ordinary boards thick enough to support the weight of an adult.

Backfilling of thermal insulation material

Backfilling of insulation can be performed without a lag device. Expanded clay or slag is poured in a layer of 25–30 cm, leveled and poured with a thin layer of screed. It is recommended to stick roofing material on the slabs.

It is also possible to insulate without an overlap lag using a rigid insulation. The most effective, but also expensive, is foam glass. Sometimes foam concrete is used, however, it is somewhat heavy and the estimated height of its layer should be approximately 40 cm. In this case, a screed is not made.

Proper insulation of the attic floor is the main factor in keeping the heat in the house. It is important to observe the sequence of installation of all materials of the heat-insulating layer. You should also worry about the safety of operation - a protective structure around the chimney must be equipped.

With the rise in energy prices, the need to improve the thermal insulation of suburban households increases. Without high-quality performance of work, arrangement and living outside the city in winter period won't be comfortable. Comprehensive attic insulation in a private house with your own hands involves the study of all roof surfaces. This is a simple, but multi-stage process, where all operations must be carried out in compliance with the laying technology in order to avoid mistakes that are difficult to correct during the operation of the building. The attic is used in different ways, the degree of insulation from the inside and outside depends on it.

Determining the functionality of the attic

Complete attic insulation wooden house or a small cottage is very important, and it is better not to delay it so that the formation of condensate does not cause dampness. It leads to a decrease in the life of the building, the emergence of a favorable environment for fungi and mold. This happens over time in a new house, and in an old one.

An uninsulated attic is the whole house with a lot of heat loss, even if the boiler or stove is working to its fullest. Due to the temperature difference, cold penetrates into the house through all the cracks and openings, and an uninsulated attic gives off most of the heat from the ceiling of residential premises. Therefore, after insulating windows and floors, they move on to thermal insulation of the attic.

When using the attic as a living area, a finish is needed on top of thermal insulation materials. If it's pure Utility room, then it is not worth spending money on finishing materials. Perhaps, over time, there will be a desire to use the attic as an attic, then lay the floor and decorate the internal slopes of the roof as walls. Before that, it will be possible to strengthen the thermal insulation.

Tip: Experts recommend immediately making a full-fledged multi-layer insulation with vapor and waterproofing attic floors. If the filler is laid in layers in a checkerboard pattern, closing the joints, then there will be no "cold bridges".

When the attic is used for technical needs and general maintenance of the roof, it is worth separately insulating:

  • floors;
  • chimney;
  • communications.

Choosing the right materials and insulation

In the recent past, in rural houses, in order to reduce heat loss, a layer was laid out in attics:

  • straw or hay;
  • sawdust and shavings;
  • dry leaves or seaweed.

Mice often settled in natural materials, and the materials themselves could ignite when the chimney overheated. Later, attics began to be insulated:

  • glass wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • ruberoid.

Today, specialized materials are used to insulate the attic of the latest generation, in convenient packaging, which can be purchased at any hardware store. They can cover all surfaces under the roof. The thickness of the insulating filler is selected in accordance with:

  • from the functionality of the attic;
  • technical characteristics of the material;
  • climatic factors.

Main advantages modern materials for complete thermal insulation:

  • low specific gravity;
  • low cost;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • fire safety;
  • they are not toxic;
  • excellent protection against moisture and temperature extremes.

Among the most common materials for attic insulation in a private house do-it-yourself use:

  • mineral or basalt wool (ecowool);
  • expanded polystyrene (polystyrene);
  • expanded clay;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • fiberglass, etc.

Before laying the main thermal insulation material, it is important to ensure:

  • condensate drain;
  • vapor barrier of floors;
  • roof waterproofing.

Tip: Windproof film, rolled waterproofing materials and a vapor barrier membrane will cope with this, which will provide layers of the main insulation with protection from condensation and wetting.

For high-quality attic insulation in a private house, you can use any latest-generation insulation that is offered in a building supermarket.

Attention: Before buying, you should consult with the specialists of the trading floor and read the instructions in order to have an idea about the method of its installation. Some materials are sprayed, like snow, on inclined surfaces, others are laid with the help of a crate, and expanded clay is covered with a layer on the lower surface.

When laying layers for attic insulation with mineral wool and similar rolled materials, it is important to exclude the divergence of the insulation seams. Thermal insulation should be tightly adjacent to all surfaces, enter the openings between the beams, forming a continuous cover. Joints between tile materials such as insulating foam can be filled with mounting foam.

When choosing materials, the determining factors remain:

  • roof shape;
  • general condition of the attic and its functionality;
  • type of roofing materials;
  • gable thickness;
  • pre-laid roll waterproofing or its absence.

Today, fiberglass, foam glass and mineral wool are the most popular and reliable materials. But high-quality insulation of the attic at home with your own hands should begin with full-fledged moisture protection and vapor barrier. And although this is an additional cost, it is worth taking care of it, even if it is simple fiberglass or special foil.

Heaters used for processing the attic space have a different degree of thermal conductivity. Heat saving and the recommended number of layers for application, spraying or styling depend on this factor.

When choosing a material for roof and attic insulation, it is important to consider the climate zone. If the house is located in a region with a warm climate, it is not recommended to buy rolls and sheets of maximum thickness. For latitudes with severe and long winters, bulk materials are used. It makes sense to lay insulation in 2-3 layers, use different types thermal insulation on one surface. But remember that the volume of thermal insulation material does not always indicate the quality of the insulation and its maximum performance. They can be checked against the table.

1. High-density mineral wool is a universal thermal insulation that has a sufficient degree of protection against moisture accumulation. Under it, it is enough to lay a dense vapor barrier membrane. Basalt wool has several forms of release - slabs, rolls, loose mixture, to be used for any type of surface. It is also used as insulation and fire protection for chimneys and chimneys.

Attention: A small amount of formaldehyde is present in the mineral wool composition of some packaging forms. Therefore, when working with it, use a protective respirator and gloves, observing safety precautions.

2. Fiberglass is an excellent eco-material with a high degree of fire safety, although some of its indicators are slightly lower than analogues. It is available in packaging that is convenient for installation, it is easy to transport and store directly in the attic. Even a novice in this business can easily handle the installation of fiberglass according to the instructions included with the purchase. Suitable for warming the ceiling of a cold attic. However, it is more often used for external roof insulation.

3. Expanded clay is an excellent bulk insulation that is poured onto the floor (lower horizontal surface) of an attic or attic. Since its weight is low and thermal conductivity is low, the use of this bulk material makes it preferred. There is nothing easier - to pour expanded clay on the floor or between the joists, leveling with the required height layer over the vapor-tight membrane. The only drawback is that it is difficult to use on an inclined surface. Also suitable for main filling cement mixture. On expanded clay, fastened with a cement-sand mixture, a laminate or linoleum is laid in a residential area.

4. Expanded polystyrene resembles polystyrene, it is not susceptible to mold and fungus. It is quite fireproof, durable and environmentally friendly. Does not cause a reaction even in allergy sufferers. It is laid with the help of lathing in layers, but it is important to provide waterproofing with rolled material before its installation.

5. Spraying with polyurethane foam resembles a layer of snow, and it is used where other heaters are difficult to lay, for example, with a complex roof shape with many kinks. It is sprayed onto the laid vapor barrier membrane.

Tip: When insulating the attic of a wooden house or cottage, you can combine several types of material, depending on the shape of the ceiling and the features of the roof.

Attention: Sometimes use an additional wooden crate to eliminate seams and cold bridges. But they should not add significant weight to the structure of the house, especially on problematic soils!

The crate for sheathing with insulation is made after the installation of waterproofing. The frame for sheathing is made from planks that were used for sheathing under roll and sheet insulation.

If it is planned to use the attic as a living space, then after insulation they move on to sheathing finishing materials attic space. Suitable for this purpose:

  • drywall;
  • OSB boards;
  • plywood boards;
  • sheet composite materials.

Internal and external insulation

The building materials market offers a wide range of full-fledged attic insulation used as additional living space. Today it is customary to combine the external method and waterproofing and insulation and interior decoration.

When choosing a method of external insulation of gable or hip roof it takes into account how its slopes will be insulated and roofing materials. Insulation is mounted between rafters, beams and battens. For example, they combine rolled materials and solid insulation packed in layers, for example, basalt wool, a special membrane or foil. The difference between external and internal insulation is in the method of laying on floors or on beams.

For internal works start with laying a layer of vapor barrier and waterproofing, and then mount 1-2 layers of insulation, for example, mineral wool. It is not closed with anything so that excess moisture from condensate can easily evaporate.

Polyurethane foam does not require additional sheathing at all, it is light, sprayed from a two-component mixture with special equipment. Upon completion of the application, a durable material in the form of dense flakes forms on the inner surface of the roof slopes. It does not form condensate and "cold bridges", even if we spray directly on the frame and roofing iron. It can also be used as insulation for attic pipes and chimneys.

A little about safety

Loose insulation tends to crumble, dust or evaporate volatile substances. Therefore, experts recommend working in a mask and clothing that protects the skin and respiratory organs from irritants and allergens. It is equally important to protect your eyes with goggles.

All work is carried out in work gloves, regardless of air temperature and installation conditions. For outdoor work on roof insulation, you can use insurance and equipment for climbers. It is important to check the reliability of the stairs in advance, including the roof that moves along the ridge. All work is done with an assistant or a person in charge of insurance.

Preparing the attic for insulation

The attic is often filled with various household rubbish, which is used quite rarely, for example, equipment for winter fishing and summer picnics. Before starting work on insulation, all this must be removed from the attic, especially when spraying.

Wooden parts such as beams, rafters and battens are important to pre-treat protective composition from decay and fungal growth. Metal surfaces are treated with an anti-corrosion compound or a metal primer. All rust is cleaned with a special metal brush. There is a wash in the use of moisture-repellent compounds.

The old sealant, which has been used for a long time, is removed from the slots. Old felt, hemp, polystyrene foam, sawdust and rags decay and lose their properties over time. After cleaning from old materials used fragmentarily, sometimes small gaps appear that can be treated with mounting foam.

After that:

  • provide access to all treated surfaces;
  • preparing working area and all tools;
  • we prepare materials for insulation and work clothes;
  • we provide ventilation after completion of insulation work.

Before laying mineral wool as an attic insulation, a wooden crate is made of fixing strips, which should hold the layers of material. This can be done from conventional mounting rails, which are inexpensive. Under decorative trim walls of the attic used as an attic room, laying can be done without crates, placed between the ceiling and the panels of finishing materials.

Warming technology

1. After the initial inspection, all defects in the overlap must be detected, and all rotten parts must be replaced or duplicated. Wood is treated with fungicides and antiseptics.

2. We equip or correct the waterproofing layer to get a full-fledged hydro-barrier. In unstable places, membrane materials can be patched with mounting tape.

3. Between the rafters, the gaps are filled with a layer of heat-insulating material. If necessary, we lay it in 2 layers, but the seams of the boards must be blocked. Roll materials overlap.

4. The adjunction of floor structures to the walls should be insulated especially carefully, without gaps. The insulation is installed without jams and failures.

5. It is important to carefully adjust the insulation at the joints, at the ventilation window, near communications and the chimney. In some places, it is advisable to fill up bulk mineral wool, which fills voids, besides, it does not ignite even in hot places near chimneys.

6. A layer of vapor barrier is fixed on top of the thermal insulation layer, while the sheets are laid with a slight overlap, secured with mounting tape.

7. Insulation of communications is the next stage, because without insulation of the ventilation shaft, chimney and pipes, the work will not be comprehensive. This can be desired with special corrugation and insulating linings, perlite and basalt wool are suitable.

8. After checking the tightness of the attic insulation, the floor is processed. It is done after the cleaning of construction debris after the installation of fillers for insulation. Best of all, specially laid logs hold a layer of loose expanded clay. It can be filled with sawdust or clay, and moisture-resistant plywood can be laid on top. More clearly - attic insulation, video:

Over time, every owner of a private house thinks about attic insulation. After all, every year the materials lose their original qualities, which leads to the loss of heat that escapes through the attic.

Thermal insulation of the house is a priority that must be addressed before the onset of cold weather. So, as everyone knows that warm house- this is far from the one that is well heated, but the one that does not let all this heat through.

It should also be noted that the insulation of the attic of a private house with polystyrene foam or any other insulation will make it possible to significantly reduce heating costs.

That is why the question of how and with what to insulate the attic becomes as relevant as possible.

As a standard, this kind of insulation is necessary in underused rooms. It is also important to note that they must necessarily be equipped with properly equipped roof ventilation.

The attic, together with its ceilings, performs a very important function, namely, it acts as a boundary between heat and cold. A large amount of condensate accumulates here and this happens as a result of the intensive effect of moisture on the attic. And this must be taken into account when warming your private house.

Many firms and companies offer similar services, but it often happens that the prices for their services are too high and many people think about insulating the house on their own. You can insulate your house with your own hands. However, for this it is important to take into account all the features of the installation of a particular insulation.

The following describes in more detail all the materials that can be used as insulation for the attic. Here, all the advantages will be considered, as well as their disadvantages, and everything so that in the end you can choose the best option for yourself.

But first you need to determine the main types of heaters:

  • bulk;
  • slab;
  • roll;
  • sprayed.

It should be noted that each of the options has its own characteristics and can be used as a heater for the attic. It is important to understand that only the main materials that have received the most positive feedback are listed here.

Warming with mineral wool, ecowool

Mineral wool, perhaps, is by far the most popular material for warming the mountain. This is a kind of classic construction industry. After all, it is used by both professional teams and people who decide to deal with the issue of insulation on their own.

Such a wide popularity of mineral wool was achieved due to its excellent performance characteristics. Especially if you take into account basalt mineral wool. It is non-flammable and easy to install.

It is also worth considering some of its other advantages, which include:

  • Simplicity in the process of operation, while working with mineral wool, there are absolutely no problems, even for those who insulate the attic on their own.
  • It has a "breathing effect" and it is due to this that a good microclimate is created.
  • Not amenable to combustion.
  • Allows you to create good sound insulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Many note its property not to lose shape even over a long period of use.
  • It has a relatively small weight, which in no way affects the main structure.
  • Rodents and other pests will not be able to spoil it.
  • The minimum level of thermal conductivity.
  • One of the cheapest materials that is suitable for insulating the attic of a private house.

It should also be said that mineral wool is sold both in rolls and in slabs. And this makes it possible to choose the most suitable option which will be easier for you to install.

Important! If you decide to insulate the attic with mineral wool, then you should take care of both waterproofing and vapor barrier. This is due to the fact that this material is afraid of moisture. And if you ignore this moment, then after a while the mineral wool will lose its original appearance and its performance characteristics.

Attic insulation with polystyrene foam

Everyone who is wondering how to insulate the attic has the idea to use polystyrene foam. And this is not at all accidental, since this material is even more common than mineral wool. It is also used by professional builders in their work, and for independent work it fits perfectly.

The main feature that polystyrene has is an acceptable price. It's actually the cheapest construction material, which can be used as a heater for the attic.

It is also important to note that expanded polystyrene is much denser than cotton wool, and therefore it is a pleasure to lay it, since it is an “obedient” material. It can be easily processed and laid in the right place.

In addition, there are a number of other advantages:

  • Perfectly keeps its original shape.
  • Not affected by moisture.
  • Low thermal conductivity, an order of magnitude lower than that of mineral wool.
  • The ability to create excellent sound insulation.

But along with a large number of advantages, this material also has significant disadvantages, which include the following indicators:

  • Highly flammable, just one spark is enough for the foam to begin to smolder.
  • It does not let steam through, and therefore it is impossible to achieve the effect of "breathing walls" with this insulation.
  • If you do not additionally protect the polystyrene foam, then the rodents will gnaw it “with pleasure”, and therefore you can end up without attic insulation.

Despite all its shortcomings, polystyrene still remains one of the leaders in the field of attic insulation. After all, fires do not happen so often, additional protection of the material can be used from rodents, but the "breathing effect" is not so important on the mountain.

Therefore, we can conclude that for such a low price, this is just a great option.

Insulation for the attic

A similar method of warming the mountain in a private house is the most fashionable today. It is used by almost all companies that offer such construction services.

The main advantage that this attic insulation has is that it independently fills all the space, voids and at the same time creates a uniform and continuous layer. You no longer need to cut blocks in order to close up all the holes.

In Russia today, two blown heaters are used: blown wool and ecowool.

The latter consists of 80% cellulose fibers. They are also made from the most ordinary waste paper, but the remaining 20% ​​are a wide variety of additives, which can be boric acid, acting as an antiseptic and snowstorm as a fire retardant.

Blown wool is completely composed of standard mineral substances, which are designed for thermal insulation. It is important to note that it is highly crushed.

Insulation with bulk materials: expanded clay

If you are still thinking about how to insulate the attic in a private house, then you should pay attention to expanded clay. This is one of the most simple ways insulate the attic and at the same time without turning to specialists.

Expanded clay is balls that are poured onto the floor, trying to distribute them as evenly as possible. As you already understood, they can only insulate the floor, the ceiling will not work, in no way.

The advantages of the material include the following:

  • Not flammable.
  • Resistant to low temperatures.
  • Has high strength.
  • Creates excellent sound insulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material that does not affect human health in any way.
  • Has a long service life.
  • Provides good thermal insulation.

The material is poured on top of the roofing material, the minimum layer must be at least 15 cm. In order to be able to walk in the attic, you will need to make a concrete screed.

Sawdust as insulation for the attic

The technical characteristics of this material are in no way inferior to modern synthetic insulation.

Important! Sawdust for insulation is used extremely rarely, since there is a large selection of other materials on the market that are much easier to work with.

Sawdust Benefits:

  • Sawdust is an environmentally friendly material.
  • Low cost.
  • Long service life.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • To create such a heater, you do not need any special equipment or a special tool.

polyurethane foam

This material occupies a leading position in the table of environmental safety, and therefore it can be safely bought.

Important! This material shows excellent adhesion, and therefore can be used with absolutely any materials.

Characteristic properties of polyurethane foam:

  • not susceptible to moisture;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • practically incombustible.

Stages of attic insulation

In order for the insulation to serve for a long time and there are no problems with it, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of the insulation.

Attic preparation

The first stage is the preparation of the attic.

And first of all, it is necessary to put things in order in it, by this we mean:

  • cleaning of all unnecessary items;
  • All wooden details should be pre-processed special composition, which protects the material from decay, as well as from the formation of fungus;
  • if there are metal surfaces, then they should be taken care of, or rather, treated with a special primer or anti-corrosion compound;
  • old insulation, rags, and sawdust should be removed from all cracks.
  • if cracks are found in the attic, then they need to be sealed with mounting foam.

The second stage - waterproofing

When insulating the mountain, this stage is one of the most important, since many materials do not tolerate moisture well and may even lose their original characteristics. That is why it is necessary to take care of the good. Also, waterproofing helps to avoid the appearance of corrosion on metal floors.

The third stage - laying insulation

Depending on the chosen insulation, we begin to distribute it evenly over the floor, as well as the walls and ceiling, unless, of course, it is expanded clay or sawdust.

It is important to ensure that all layers are the same, and there is no gap between the heaters. At this stage, you need to be as careful as possible.

Fourth stage - vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is prerequisite, both for and for reinforced concrete. It must be laid directly on the ceiling, only in this way can it protect the insulation from the resulting vapors that can accumulate in the heat insulator, passing through the ceiling.

Fifth stage - counter-lattice

After the previous stages have been completed, you can begin to complete the wall (roof) decoration. To do this, you can use various materials: lining, drywall or plywood.

The sixth stage - insulation of engineering communications

To do this, you can purchase mineral wool and wrap it around the pipes, and then wrap everything with roofing felt and secure it with wire. This is the easiest way to insulate communications.

As you can see, there are no special difficulties in warming the attic. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and do everything consistently, and then you will be able to do this procedure no worse than professionals.

After all, now you can choose the most suitable material as a heater.
