1453 10/09/2019 7 min.

Building materials produced and put on the market must necessarily comply with certain technical and quality parameters that are created and regulated at the state level.

To fulfill the goals, GOSTs are created, each of which describes the main characteristics of the selected building material and the standards for compliance. Building lime is regulated by GOST 9179 77. The act of a technical nature establishes features for this material.

As you know, it is a product of roasting a rock composed mainly of natural elements or its mixture with special components of mineral origin.

Classification and characteristics of building technical lime

White matter, obtained by burning limestone, is divided depending on the conditions of solidification. This is how it happens:

  • with the elements of air. Provides hardening of solutions for construction and concrete, while maintaining their original characteristics. proportions of cement-lime mortar for plaster;
  • with hydrate with components. They provide hardening of building concrete solutions, while maintaining their original strength, regardless of the environment. proportions cement mortar. It can be air or water.

In turn, there is a classification of quicklime with air gaps, depending on the percentage of calcium and magnesium oxide that is contained in it.

It enters the market:

  • with calcium components;

  • with magnesium components;
  • with dolomite components.

Lime with air layers can be conditionally divided into the one that is not slaked and hydrated (slaked).

The latter is obtained by quenching the components discussed above. hydraulic white matter, which is obtained by burning limestone can be divided into:

  • slightly hydraulic;
  • highly hydraulic.

According to the structure of fractions, lime, which corresponds to GOST 9179 77, is divided into:

  • lump;

  • crushed;
  • powdery.

Powdered material is obtained by crushing and grinding, and then quenching lumpy potassium oxide. Ultimately, a chemical mineral component may be added to the mass.

Quicklime white matter, obtained by burning limestone, is classified according to the degree of quenching.

Lime is divided into the one that is extinguished very quickly - no longer than 8 minutes, at an average pace - from half an hour, very slowly - more than half an hour.

Quality control

Potassium oxide is controlled by the department that is responsible for technical control. It is created in every company. going on receiving and shipping material in batches, while their size depends on the productivity of the enterprise for 12 months.

Quantity measured:

  • two hundred tons - with a capacity of up to one hundred thousand;
  • four hundred tons with a capacity of one hundred thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand;
  • eight hundred tons - from two hundred and fifty thousand;

Reception and unloading of batches and smaller masses can be carried out. The mass of the material that is supplied must be determined by weighing the lime in transport on a special device to determine it. Such devices can be of railway or automobile type.

mass material that is shipped in the courts, easily determined by shrinkage. It is mandatory to carry out acceptance and certification of goods. The type and type of potassium oxide is indicated based on information provided by the company's process control department.

Magazines with information on flow control that are used when receiving goods must be numbered and sealed accordingly by the enterprise.

Technological control of all production stages, which is carried out at the plant, is carried out in accordance with special regulations.

The current quality control of the goods that are shipped is carried out according to the information from the testing of general samples, which is made up during the work of several shifts. Sample materials are taken.

Lump lime is a technique that regulates the supply of goods to warehouses. The total sample is taken no more than two tens of kilograms. For material in the form of a powder - from each place of production, with a total sample of tens of kilograms.

Single materials for tests are taken evenly and in the same quantities. General tests of lumpy material should be crushed to the point where centimetric particles are formed. Samples that are taken for flow control of the batch that is shipped are thoroughly mixed.

Then they are divided into equal parts. Some of them are necessarily tested to determine the normative indicators, others are placed in a vessel where air does not enter. It is immediately closed and stored in a room with a low concentration of moisture in case of control tests.

The control test for determining the quality of the material is carried out by special inspections. They can be both state and departmental. It can be carried out by the consumer himself, if he has the appropriate skills and strictly follows the sampling procedure.

An element is selected from each batch for testing, which is obtained by combining and thoroughly mixing all the collected materials.

For lump lime for tests, it is worth collecting three dozen kilograms, for powdered form - half as much.

When there is a simultaneous shipment of all lime, the material for research is selected at the stage of loading or unloading. In the latter case, it is taken from the bags, or already at the stage of unloading, when the buyer begins to use it.

If the material in question is delivered in bulk in special trains, a sample is taken in equal parts from each car. If potassium oxide is delivered by car, the test is collected in equal parts from all containers that exceed thirty tons.

If potassium oxide is supplied in bags - in equal parts out of ten bags, which are selected randomly. If potassium oxide is supplied by ships, from a conveyor belt or other mechanism for loading and unloading.

When the material for the general test is selected, it researched to determine the indicators foreseen GOST 9179 77. At the stage of test quality control, potassium oxide must comply with all the norms of the described standard.


Chemical studies and determination of physical and mechanical indicators of potassium oxide are carried out according to the prescribed standards in GOST 9179 77. Shipment of lumpy material occurs in bulk.

Lime in the form of a powder is shipped in bulk or sorted into special containers. If the client agrees, paper bags with four layers of paper are allowed.

To determine the average gross tare weight, twenty bags are weighed at the same time, which are selected randomly. The resulting number is divided by 20.

The average net tare weight is determined by subtracting the average net weight of a bag from the gross.

It is allowed to deviate the average values ​​of net lime bags from those indicated on the container. This number cannot exceed a thousand grams.

The manufacturer at the same time with the details and information for shipment, must convey to each buyer quality control certificate, where it is necessary to indicate:

  • in which company the product was manufactured;
  • when was the shipment of potassium oxide;
  • party and passport number;
  • the mass of goods sold;
  • when was the quenching carried out and at what temperature;
  • how many minerals and other elements were added;

For each transported unit, a label is inserted where it is written: what is the name of the company, what is the name of the product, its guaranteed type and grade, a description of the standard according to which the delivery is carried out.

If the material is shipped to paper container, it must indicate:

  • what is the name of the company;
  • what is the name of product, type and grade;
  • description of the norms according to which the delivery is carried out.

The manufacturer must deliver the goods in transport, while preventing moisture from entering. Moisture ingress is undesirable during storage of materials.

Potassium oxide can be transported regardless of the type of covered transport in accordance with the standards for the transport of similar substances that apply to it.

GOST 9179 77

Today, the material in question, which can be obtained by firing, is actively used as the basis of cement. This became available due to the ability of the material to perfectly absorb moisture.

This material is in demand at the stage of production of cinder-concrete components, products with coloring pigments, white bricks. its size. Quicklime is also used for decorative plaster. you can see its drawing.

Quicklime is actively used to neutralize wastewater, to treat buildings.

It can be found in most of the products on the market. food products. It is hidden in the form of substances that provide the creation of emulsions from immiscible liquids, binding components that, by their chemical and physical characteristics, resist dissolution in each other: for example, liquid and oil.

Quicklime has the following specifications. her formula. potassium oxide manufactured in accordance with GOST standards in accordance with technological regulations, which is approved in the manner prescribed by regulatory legal acts.

Materials used at the production stage potassium oxide: sedimentary rocks consisting of carbonic salts, inorganic natural and artificial materials with hydraulic and (or) pozzolanic properties. All these components must comply with GOST 9179 77.

Building lime and its specifications also discussed in this document. Quicklime with air gaps without the addition of other foreign elements is divided into three types. about the application.

Quicklime in the form of a powder with different mineral components - for two grades; hydrated (slaked) without and with special additions - into two grades. her formula. Hydrated potassium oxide cannot be wet, this figure is 5 percent. The type of potassium oxide is determined by indicative components, which correspond to low grades.

The percentage of water of hydration in the quick-acting material cannot be more than two percent, and the maximum particles of the crushed material cannot be more than 2 cm.

For more information about quicklime, see the video:

Hydrated (also called hydrated) lime is obtained by contacting it with water. about its application.

It, in turn, completely changes the chemical and physical characteristics of the material, while excessive heat is released in the form of steam. If you pay attention to the type of quenching, you can get: lime water, milk or fluff.


Lime GOST 9179 77 is used:

  • in fertilizers. They have been used for many years to increase the fertility of the soil and for liming, in other words, to reduce the degree of acid content. Lime fertilizers of hard rocks are crushed before being applied to the soil;

  • for tillage and plants. Water with potassium oxide is mixed with copper sulfate and after a few hours they begin to treat plants and soil from pests;
    • when whitewashing the wall and floor covering. Here, completely different proportions are already used, kilogram of lime is diluted with two liters of water. If necessary, you can add a little more water until the desired consistency is obtained.


    Lime at the production stage must comply with all technical features that are spelled out in GOST. Otherwise, it will not pass the stage of testing, quality control and will not enter the market.

    The material is actively used in or for the manufacture of elements with a connecting texture and building parts. In GOST 9179 77, hydrated lime is classified and considered depending on its typology and properties.

    The chemical composition of lime may vary slightly. According to the percentage of calcium silicates and aluminoferrites contained in lime, two main types are distinguished:

    • air lime. This type of lime allows mortars to harden under normal humidity conditions;
    • hydraulic lime. Such lime ensures the hardening of solutions used both in air and in water.

    For air lime, the typical amount of calcium silicates and aluminoferrites is usually 4-12%, in rare cases up to 20%. Lime with a percentage of 25-40% clinker minerals is called weakly hydraulic, as it exhibits weak hydraulic properties. Highly hydraulic lime contains from 40% to 90% calcium silicates and aluminoferrites.
    Lime is also classified according to the type of basic oxide contained in air lime. There are three types of lime:

    • calcium lime;
    • magnesian lime;
    • dolomitic lime.

    Calcium lime contains 70-96% CaO and up to 2% MgO.
    The composition of low magnesian lime consists of 70-90% CaO and 2-5% MgO. In magnesian lime, MgO is contained in the range - 5-20%, in dolomite - 20-40%.
    Further, depending on the methods of further processing of the burnt product, several types of air lime are distinguished:

    • quicklime- boiling water, consisting mainly of Ca (OH);
    • quicklime- powdered product of grinding lump lime;
    • hydrated lime (slaked)- fluff - a fine powder obtained by quenching lump lime with a certain amount of water and consisting mainly of Ca (OH);
    • lime dough- pasty product of slaking lump lime, consisting mainly of Ca(OH) and mechanically mixed water;
    • milk of lime- a white suspension in which calcium hydroxide is partly dissolved and partly suspended.

    According to the extinguishing time, all varieties of air quicklime are divided into three groups:

    • fast-extinguishing- extinguishing time no more than 8 minutes;
    • medium extinguishing- extinguishing time no more than 25 minutes;
    • slow-extinguishing- extinguishing time not less than 25 min.

    Powdered lime obtained by grinding or slaking (hydrating) lump lime is divided into: lime without additives and with additives.

    Properties and specifications
    Lime for construction industry, are made in accordance with the requirements of the state standard according to a certain technological regulation.
    The following components are required for the production of building lime: carbonate rocks, mineral additives (granulated blast-furnace or electrothermophosphorus slags, active mineral additives, quartz sand). All additives must comply with the relevant regulations in force.
    The subdivision of lime into grades is carried out as follows: air quicklime without additives is divided into three grades (1, 2, 3); quicklime powdered with additives - for two grades (1, 2); hydrated (slaked) without additives and with additives for two grades (1, 2).

    Requirements for air lime.

    Norm for lime,%, by weight



    Name of indicator


    magnesia and dolomite

    Active CaO + MgO, not less than:

    without additives

    with additives

    Active MgO, no more

    CO2, no more than:

    without additives

    with additives

    Unquenched grains, no more

    1. The content of MgO for dolomitic lime is indicated in brackets.
    2. CO2 in lime with additives is determined by the gas volume method.
    3. For calcium lime of the 3rd grade used for technological purposes, the content of unextinguished grains is allowed, in agreement with consumers, not more than 20%.
    The moisture content of hydrated lime should not be more than 5%. The grade of lime is determined by the value of the indicator corresponding to the lowest grade, if according to individual indicators it corresponds to different varieties.

    Requirements for the chemical composition of hydraulic lime.

    Ultimate strength of specimens, MPa (kgf/cm2), after 28 days. hardening must be at least:
    a) when bending:
    0.4 (4.0) - for weakly hydraulic lime;
    1.0 (10) - for highly hydraulic lime;
    b) when compressed:
    1.7 (17) - for weakly hydraulic lime;
    5.0 (50) - for highly hydraulic lime.

    It is permissible to determine the type of hydraulic lime according to the compressive strength, if, according to individual indicators, it belongs to different types.
    The content of hydrated water in quicklime should not exceed 2%.

    The degree of dispersion of powdered air and hydraulic lime should be such that when sifting a lime sample through a sieve with meshes No. Maximum size pieces of crushed lime should be no more than 20mm.

    Air and hydraulic lime must pass the test for uniformity of volume change.

    The scope of lime is extremely wide - lime is involved in many technological processes for several millennia. Technologies are developing, involving lime and its derivatives in an ever wider production horizon. The consumers of lime are ferrous metallurgy, the construction industry, the pulp and paper industry, the chemical industry, the sugar industry and Agriculture. Lime is also used in significant volumes for environmental protection (neutralization of waste water and flue gases).

    Samara plant "Strommashina" manufactures equipment and assembles with its equipment complexes for firing and. We can offer both rotary kilns and shaft kilns. In order to determine in which type of kilns it is more correct and more profitable to roast limestone to obtain lime in your particular case (whether it be construction or metallurgical), we advise you to read the article "", or (even more correctly) contact our contact managers data from the section of the site "". We will definitely help you.

    Lime is a versatile substance that, due to its extensive and varied properties, can be used in almost any field of activity. She happens various kinds, depending on the selection criteria, and is divided into several varieties. The options for preparing solutions with its content do not differ much from each other and do not cause difficulties, so this raw material can be used independently without the involvement of specialists.


    Quicklime is calcium oxide obtained by roasting calcium carbonate, it has a finely porous structure. Sometimes quicklime is called boiled lime.

    Advantages over slaked lime

    It has many advantages over the slaked variety:

    • high strength;
    • absorbs less moisture;
    • work with this material can be carried out in winter;
    • no waste;
    • very broad scope.

    Quicklime is dangerous to human health, therefore it is advisable to carry out work in open space, using protective equipment.

    A good advantage of quicklime can be considered a low cost in comparison with other mixtures. Lime material is resistant to temperature extremes, it does not crack, it has antimicrobial properties.


    Lime is a substance that is often found in nature (mainly in rocks), and the product is manufactured in full compliance with established standards, because mixtures based on this basis must perform protective functions at a high level.

    Ready lime should consist only of carbonate rocks (limestone) with a small clay content. Various additives and impurities are allowed in the composition of the material based on GOSTs, depending on the application.

    Limestone is very similar in appearance to chalk or coke, but they have different properties and are not interchangeable. To distinguish limestone from chalk, you can drop water on them. The chalk will not give any reaction, but the limestone will begin to foam and give off heat. If you use chalk to whitewash walls, it will leave marks on clothes and surfaces in contact with the wall. Lime does not leave any traces, so it is most often used for whitewashing walls.

    Quicklime is divided into three grades (1, 2 and 3), and slaked lime is subdivided into 1st and 2nd grade. The exception is powdered quicklime, it is divided into two grades and has additives. Other types are made without impurities.

    By external physical indicators, for example, by color, it is possible to determine the grade of the material. After heat treatment of limestone, quicklime is obtained, and if it has a white color, this means that the material does not contain additives and belongs to a high grade. In other cases, the material has a grayish color, most often it is dolomitic and hydraulic lime.

    The production of lime material consists of the extraction of the rocks themselves, their crushing to the required size and subsequent firing in special kilns. Currently, shaft and rotary tube furnaces are most commonly used because they provide a uniform temperature effect on the material and a continuous firing process.

    The strength of raw materials is affected by the temperature during firing and the production process itself. There are three strength options for the finished product: hard burnt, medium burnt and soft burnt lime.

    Soft lime is very popular in construction, due to the following properties:

    • the extinguishing process is fast, about 3 minutes;
    • this material has small size and low density.

    Lime belongs to a low hazard class, but safety precautions must be observed during transportation and storage. Since quicklime reacts violently with water, it is necessary to make sure that moisture cannot get on the material.

    The composition of lime most often includes various mineral additives that improve the properties of the material: granulated blast-furnace slag, quartz sand and other substances.


    There are two types of lime, which are distinguished by the amount of calcium silicate and aluminoferrite content in them: air and hydraulic. They perform various functions, for example, air speeds up the process of concrete hardening, and hydraulic speeds up reactions in water.

    It is important that all fragments of the substance are of the same size. This moment indicates that the raw material was completely calcined in the furnace. If too large or too small pieces are encountered, they may not be completely heat treated, and this will reduce the quality of the finished material.

    According to the type of processing, several types of material are distinguished:

    • quick-cooked lump (boiler);
    • quicklime ground (powdered);
    • slaked hydrate - Ca (OH) 2;
    • lime dough;
    • lime milk.

    lump lime

    Lump lime is a mixture of lumps that differ in size. It consists of calcium oxide and magnesium, as well as materials such as calcium carbonate, aluminates, silicates. Magnesium or calcium ferrites, which are formed during the firing of raw materials, can be added.

    The good strength of concrete is ensured by the fact that lump lime requires very little water (due to the fine grinding of the material) and generates practically no waste.

    ground lime

    Ground lime has the same composition as lump lime, but the difference lies in the fact that lumps of raw materials are ground much stronger and more thoroughly.

    The main advantages of ground lime:

    • strength;
    • water resistance;
    • fast hardening.

    To increase or decrease the rate of hardening, calcium chloride or sulfuric acid is often used (gypsum material is also suitable).

    Hydrated lime

    Hydrated lime (also called fluff) is a slaked type of material with a highly dispersive composition. Quenching occurs by adding water to the lime raw material. To prepare such a solution, 70 to 100% water is added to the powder.

    In order for the lime to completely go through the slaking process, it must be placed in a special pit for 2-3 weeks. So it will gain optimal strength and ductility. The minimum redemption period is 36 hours. In order to prevent the raw material from burning out, it is advisable to add water gradually until the moment when steam ceases to be released.

    Lime dough is formed when sufficient water is added to form a plastic material. You can also find a solution such as milk of lime (mainly used for whitewashing tree trunks). Milk of lime is obtained by adding excess water to lime paste.

    Formulation types

    Depending on the scope of application, the following types of compositions are distinguished:

    • building lime- it is added for the preparation of concrete and cement mixtures in order to increase the strength of the composition;
    • hydraulic- also used for the production of concrete, but low grades. Ideal for structures that are located in areas with high humidity;
    • Komovaya- mainly used to prepare a solution for whitewashing;
    • Sadovaya- used in agriculture as a soil fertilizer, treatment of plants from insect pests, protection from decay and improvement of growth, it is highly undesirable to use it simultaneously with other types of additives and fertilizers;
    • soda– used in the chemical industry and in medicine;
    • Chloric- used as a disinfectant and for water purification.

    Lime classification by slaking time

    • quick-extinguishing (up to 8 minutes);
    • medium extinguishing (up to 25 minutes);
    • slow-extinguishing (from 25 minutes).

    Types of air lime

    Depending on the percentage of presence in the composition of magnesium oxide, there are such types of air lime:

    • calcium;
    • magnesian;
    • dolomite.

    Scope of application

    Lime is used in many areas.

    • In agriculture, lime is used to control pests, reduce soil acidity, prevent the appearance of fungus, supplement animal nutrition, improve land cultivation, replenish calcium and phosphorus. It is best to treat heavy soil with quicklime. Lime is widely used as a material for whitewashing trees and processing plants.
    • Construction. It is used to accelerate the hardening of cement and impart plasticity to the composition, participates in the production of thermal insulation materials and dry building mixtures, serves link in building structures.
    • Ferrous metallurgy - enriches ferruginous and polymetallic ores.
    • Chemical industry - used in the paint and varnish, perfumery and pharmaceutical industries. It is used as a reagent and as a neutralizer of acid tars.
    • Pulp and paper industry.
    • Textile industry.

    Chlorine lime is used for disinfection and washing of public places. because it has disinfectant properties. Quicklime is used even in the food industry for mixing substances, and milk of lime is used to make sugar. Soda lime is used in medicine (artificial ventilation of the lungs or for anesthesia) and for respiratory systems (scuba gear, respirators and other devices).

    Lime mortar coating wooden surfaces protects them from the processes of decay and the occurrence of fires.

    How to use?

    When preparing a lime mortar, it is important to ensure the safe interaction of raw materials with water for humans. It is advisable to carry out work in a well-ventilated area, and preferably in an open space. Since the substances used are chemicals, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules when working with such materials.

    The powder substance can be used both in dry form and in liquid form. To prepare a liquid solution, the powder is poured into a container and filled with water. The solution must be mixed and diluted to the desired consistency.

    For whitewashing trees, the raw material is diluted with water and applied to the tree trunk with a wide brush. But due to the liquid consistency of the solution, it will be necessary to process the barrel several times. In order to reduce the time of work, you can add clay, milk, PVA glue to the solution. These ingredients will make the mixture thick and viscous, it will evenly fall on the surface. Before processing the tree, all dead layers of bark must be removed, while not damaging the trunk.

    To protect plants from fungus, you can use soda ash instead of lime, because soda dissolves faster and completely in water.

    Do not treat the soil with too much lime, as it will become alkaline, which will also not contribute good growth and development of plants. It is impossible to use manure and lime at the same time, because such a combination will prevent the formation of useful substances.

    Before using bleach, check the reaction of the surface. To do this, you can treat a small area, and if it remains intact after about 10 minutes, then you can use bleach for the entire surface. First, water is added to the raw material in a small amount and mixed until sour cream, and then more water is gradually added, also stirring, until a liquid solution is formed. In dry form, bleach is used only on wet surfaces.

    In construction, it is recommended to use quicklime for the manufacture of plasters, slag concrete, and coloring elements. In other cases, slaked lime is used, which, due to its moisture resistance, prevents the formation of mold.

    The fluff has a wide scope: from household needs before construction. To prepare fluff, it is necessary to pour raw materials into a metal container without rust (or into a plastic one) and gradually add water, stirring the solution. Once the mixture is ready, it is necessary to leave it to brew for several hours or days. The longer it will stand, the higher its quality and strength will be.

    • If necessary, store the finished lime mortar for a long time, you can periodically add water to it. Initially, water is added until the material stops absorbing it. This rule does not apply to the preparation of milk of lime.
    • The optimal depth of lime digging into the soil is 20 cm, but if the dose of fertilizer is small, then the depth should be less. From above, lime is covered with a layer of sand. For storage in winter, it is recommended to pour another layer of soil 70 cm high on top of the sand layer.
    • Before applying to any surface (wooden, concrete, cement, metal), it is necessary to completely remove dirt, grease, defects, rust from them.
    • It may happen that lime has got into an unnecessary area and should be washed off. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to moisten this area abundantly, wait for the lime to dissolve well, and then remove the material with a hard metal sponge. If necessary, repeat these steps. Already on sale ready solutions for such needs, for example, Guard Industrie or "Space". Can also be used homemade solutions based on hydrochloric acid.

    • It is not recommended to carry out a primer before whitewashing, since lime will not be fixed on such a base. It is also desirable to whitewash with brushes, and not with a spray gun. The brush will better distribute the lime mortar, and the finish will be better.
    • The longer the aging time of the finished mixture, the better it will perform its functions.
    • For the preparation of mortars, it is best to add sand as well.
    • This material is not suitable for the manufacture of cement for a fireplace or stove, as carbon dioxide is released when heated.
    • To get insulation, you can add sawdust and gypsum to the fluff. In other cases, the lime mortar should be free of sawdust, lumps and other inclusions in order to uniformly and completely cover the surface.





    BUILDING LIME Specifications

    (EN 459-1:2010, NEQ)

    Official edition



    GOST 9179-2018


    The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2015 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, updating and cancellation

    About the standard

    1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budget educational institution higher education"National Research Moscow State Civil Engineering University" (NRU MGSU) with the participation of the Management Company "ROSIZVEST" (UK "ROSIZVEST"), Limited Liability Company "Specialized Industrial Technologies - Manufacturing of Pipeline Parts" (LLC "Spetspromteh-IDT"), Companies with limited liability company "Pridonhimstroy Izvest" (LLC "Pridonhimstroy Izvest"). Eldako Limited Liability Company (Eldako LLC), Building Materials Joint Stock Company. Closed joint-stock company "Izvestnyak" Dzhegonassky quarry (CJSC "Izvestnyak" Dzhegonassky quarry).

    2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

    3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of June 27, 2018 N? 53)

    4 This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulatory provisions of the European standard EN 459-1:2010 “Building lime. Part 1. Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria" ("Building lime - Pan 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria". NEQ)

    5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 2, 2018 No. 691-st, the interstate standard GOST 9179-2018 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from May 1, 2019

    6 INSTEAD OF GOST 9179-77

    Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)

    © Standartinform, design. 2018

    In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

    1 area of ​​use............................................... ...................1

    3 Terms and definitions ........................ 1

    4 Classification................................................... ...................2

    5 Specifications .................................................................. ...............2

    6 Rules for acceptance ............................................... .....................4

    7 Test methods............................................................... ....................6

    8 Packaging, labelling, transport and storage ..........................................................6

    9 Manufacturer's warranties .................................................................. ...............6

    GOST 9179-2018




    lime for building purposes. Specifications

    Introduction date - 2019-05-01

    1 area of ​​use

    This standard applies to building lime intended for:

    For the preparation of dry building mixtures, concretes and mortars:

    Manufacture of building products and products ( silicate brick, autoclaved cellular concrete, etc.);

    Other applications in construction (consolidation of soils and fixing of soil bases *, preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures, etc.).

    In agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use this standard in other industries *.

    8 of this standard, normative references to the following interstate standards are used:

    GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

    GOST 2226-2013 Bags made of paper and combined materials. General specifications

    GOST 6613-86 Woven wire mesh with square mesh. Specifications

    GOST 22688-2018 Building lime. Test Methods

    GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

    GOST 32522-2013 Woven polypropylene bags. General specifications

    Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

    3 Terms and definitions

    8 of this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

    3.1 lime

    during thermal decomposition (decarbonization) of natural calcium carbonate (limestone, chalk, shell rock) or natural calcium-magnesium carbonate (dolomite, dolomite limestone).

    Official edition

    GOST 9179-2018

    3.2 quicklime

    3.3 hydrated lime

    3.4 building lime building materials and products.

    3.5 air lime: Lime hardened under air-dry conditions by the action of carbon dioxide Air lime does not have hydraulic properties and is divided into two subgroups: calcium lime and dolomite lime.

    3.6 hydraulic lime

    4 Classification

    4.1 Building lime, depending on the hardening conditions, is divided into air, which ensures the hardening of mortars and concretes and maintains their strength in air-dry conditions, and hydraulic, which ensures the hardening of mortars and concretes and maintains their strength both in air and in water.

    Note - The use of the synonymous term "slaked lime" is allowed.

    4.2 Air quicklime, depending on the content of calcium and magnesium oxides in it, is divided into the following types:

    Calcium - air lime, consisting mainly of calcium oxide or hydroxide without impurities of hydraulic or pozzolanic materials:

    Magnesian - air lime, consisting mainly of magnesium oxide or hydroxide without impurities of hydraulic or pozzolanic materials:

    Dolomitic - lime, consisting mainly of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide or calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide without impurities of hydraulic or pozzolanic materials.

    4.3 Air lime is divided into quicklime and hydrated (slaked), obtained by slaking calcium, magnesia and dolomitic lime.

    4.4 Hydraulic lime is divided into weakly and strongly hydraulic.

    4.5 According to the fractional composition, lime is divided into lump, including crushed, and powdered.

    4.6 Powdered lime obtained by grinding or slaking (hydrating) lump lime. subdivided into lime without additives and with additives.

    4.7 Quicklime according to the slaking time is divided into quick-extinguishing - no more than 8 minutes. medium extinguishing - no more than 25 min. slow extinguishing ~ more than 25 min.

    5 Technical requirements

    5.1 Lime should be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

    5.2 Materials used in the production of lime: carbonate rocks, mineral additives (granulated blast-furnace or electrothermophosphorus slag, active mineral additives, quartz sand), must meet the requirements of current regulatory documents.

    5.2.1 Mineral additives are introduced into powdered lime in amounts allowed by the requirements for the content of active CaO + MgO in it (see 5.4).

    5.3 Airy quicklime without additives is divided into three grades: 1st. 2nd and 3rd: quick powdered with additives - into two grades: 1 and 2: hydrated (slaked) without additives and with additives - into two grades: 1st and 2nd.

    5.4 Air lime should meet the requirements specified in table 1.

    Table 1

    Name of indicator

    Norm for lime. %. by weight



    magnesia and dolomite


    1 In parentheses is the MgO content for dolomite lime.

    2 More than a high content of CO 2 is allowed, provided that all requirements for the chemical composition are met.

    3 In lime with additives, the content of CO 2 is determined by the volumetric method.

    4 For calcium lime of the 3rd grade used for technological needs, in agreement with the consumer, the content of unburned grains is allowed no more than 20%.


    Active CaO + MdO. at least:

    Without additives - with additives

    Active MDO. no more

    CO2. no more:

    Without additives

    Adding Hami

    Kelogowed grains, no more

    5.4.1 Moisture content of hydrated lime should not exceed 5%.

    5.4.2 The grade of lime is determined by the value of the indicator corresponding to the lowest grade, if for individual indicators it corresponds to different grades.

    5.5 Hydraulic lime chemical composition must comply with the requirements specified in table 2.

    table 2

    5.6 The compressive strength of the samples should be. MPa. at least:

    * after 7 days of curing:

    not standardized - for weakly hydraulic lime.

    2.0 - for highly hydraulic:

    * after 28 days of curing:

    2.0 - for slightly hydraulic lime.

    5.0 - for highly hydraulic.

    5.6.1 The type of hydraulic lime is determined by the compressive strength, if, according to individual indicators, it belongs to different types.

    5.8 The size of the fraction of powdered air and hydraulic lime should be as follows. so that when sifting a sample of lime, the residue on a sieve with mesh number 02 according to GOST 6613 is no more than 2%. the residue on the sieve with mesh number 009 according to GOST 6613 is not more than 15% of the weight of the sieved sample.

    The maximum size of pieces of crushed lime should be no more than 20 mm.

    GOST 9179-2018

    5.8.1 By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to supply lump hydraulic lime used for technological purposes.

    5.9 Air and hydraulic lime shall pass the test for uniformity of change in volume.

    6 Acceptance rules

    6.1 Lime must be accepted by the technical control of the enterprise and the manufacturer.

    6.2 Lime is accepted and shipped in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of lime of the same type and grade, manufactured using the same technology and accompanied by one document (quality document). The batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the enterprise, i.e. no more than:

    200 - with an annual capacity of up to 100 thousand tons inclusive:

    400 - with an annual capacity of over 100 to 250 thousand tons;

    800 - with an annual capacity of over 250 thousand tons.

    6.3 The mass of lime supplied is determined by weighing in vehicles on railway, truck scales and other verified measuring instruments that have been verified in the prescribed manner.

    The mass of lime shipped by water transport is determined by the draft of the vessel.

    6.4 The manufacturer carries out the acceptance and certification of products and assigns the type and grade of lime based on the data of factory production control and current control of the shipped batch.

    The current control data of the shipped batch, used for product acceptance, is entered in the current control log, the pages of which must be numbered and sealed.

    6.4.1 Factory production control is carried out in accordance with the technological regulation.

    6.4.2 Acceptance quality control of the shipped batch is carried out by submitted tests of the general sample. The total sample is made up of at least eight single samples. Samples are taken for lump lime - from vehicles supplying products to the warehouse, for powdered lime - from each mill or hydrator operating in a given silo. The mass of the total sample for lump lime must be at least 20 kg. powdered - not less than 10 kg. One-time sampling is carried out evenly and in equal quantities. The general sample of lump lime is crushed to the size of pieces no more than 10 mm.

    6.4.3 Samples taken for the current control of the shipped batch are thoroughly mixed, quartered and divided into two equal parts. One of these parts is subjected to the tests to determine the performance specified in this standard, the other is placed in a hermetically sealed vessel and stored in a dry room during the warranty period in case a proof test is necessary.

    6.5 Lime quality control is carried out by laboratories certified in accordance with the established procedure, using the specified sampling procedure.

    6.5.1 A total sample is taken from each lot, obtained by pooling and thoroughly mixing single samples. The mass of the total sample for lump lime must be at least 30 kg. powdered - not less than 15 kg.

    6.5.2 When lime is shipped in bulk, a sample is taken at the time of loading or unloading, when lime is shipped in containers - from the warehouse of finished products and when unloaded at the consumer.

    6.5.3 When lime is supplied, a sample should be taken:

    In bulk in wagons - in equal shares from each wagon;

    By road - in equal shares of every 30 tons of lime.

    In bags - in equal shares from 10 bags selected randomly from each batch;

    By water transport - from conveyor belts or other types of loading and unloading means.

    6.5.4 The selected general sample of lime is subjected to tests to determine the indicators provided for in this standard. The quality of lime is checked for all indicators by conducting acceptance and periodic tests in accordance with the requirements specified in table 3. Lime that has passed acceptance tests is subjected to periodic tests in accordance with GOST 22688.

    Table 3

    Show name*

    Type of construction lime

    Type of test

    Frequency of control

    When putting products into production, but at least once a year or at the request of the consumer

    Effective total activity of natural radionuclides



    Active CaO + MdO


    Each batch



    Active MdO


    As required or at the request of the consumer






    Unquenched grains


    Each batch

    Time and temperature of lime slaking


    Each batch



    Each batch

    Fraction size

    Quicklime lump

    At the request of the consumer

    Quicklime crushed and powdered

    Each batch


    Each batch


    At the request of the consumer

    Uniformity of volume change


    Periodically or at the request of the consumer



    Compressive strength


    Each batch


    When putting products into production, but at least once a year



    6.5.5 Each batch of lime or part of it delivered to one address must be accompanied by a quality document, which must indicate:

    Manufacturer's name and/or trade mark and address:

    Product name and designation of this standard;

    Type and grade of lime;

    Indicators of compliance of lime with the requirements of this standard;

    ♦batch number:

    ♦ date of shipment;

    ♦net weight of shipped goods, kg (t);

    Warranty period of storage.

    GOST 9179-2018

    The list of indicators contained in the quality document can be supplemented in accordance with the requirements of the consumer.

    6.5.6 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of the quality of lime by sampling and testing according to GOST 22668.

    6.5.7 At the quality control check, the lime shall comply with all the requirements of this standard for a given species and grade.

    7 Test methods

    7.1 Chemical analysis and the determination of the physical and mechanical properties of lime is carried out according to GOST 22668. At the same time, for calcium lime, the content of active MgO is determined according to the input control of raw materials.

    7.2 The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is measured according to GOST 30108 in an accredited laboratory.

    8 Packaging, marking, transport and storage

    8.1 Lime is shipped in bulk, in bags of paper and combined materials according to GOST 2226 or woven polypropylene bags according to GOST 32522.

    With the consent of the consumer, it is allowed to ship in flexible containers with a polyethylene liner (FIBC) intended for transportation and storage of hygroscopic materials.

    6.2 To determine the average gross weight of the sacks, weigh 20 randomly selected sacks of lime simultaneously and divide the result by 20. The average net weight of the sack is determined by subtracting the average net weight of the sack from the gross weight. Permissible mass deviation in one packing unit is regulated by GOST 8.579.

    8.3 The manufacturer is obliged to send each consumer a quality document issued in accordance with 6.5.5.

    8.4 When shipping lime in bags and MKR, they must be marked with: the name of the enterprise and / or its trademark; full name of the lime; its guaranteed type and grade; designation of the standard according to which lime is supplied.

    8.5 The manufacturer is obliged to deliver the lime in a cleaned vehicle.

    8.6 During transportation and storage, lime must be protected from moisture and contamination with foreign impurities.

    8.6.1 Lime is transported by transport of all types in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. With the consent of the consumer, the supply of lump lime in all-metal wagons, gondola cars and open cars is allowed, provided that its quality is maintained and the necessary measures are taken to prevent spraying and exposure to atmospheric precipitation.

    8.6.2 Lime should be stored and transported separately according to types and grades.

    9 Manufacturer's warranties

    9.1 The manufacturer guarantees compliance of lime with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of its transportation and storage.

    9.2 Guaranteed shelf life of lime - 30 days from the date of its shipment to the consumer.

    UDC 691.51:006.354 MKS91.100

    Key words: building lime, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods. marking, packaging, transportation, storage

    Editor L.S. Zimipova Technical editor I.E. Cherepkova Proofreader I.A. Koroleva Computer layout I.A. Napeikina

    Handed over to the set04.10.2018. Signed for publication on 10/15/2018. Format 60"84'/ e. Headset Arial. Conv. oven l. 1.40. Uch.-ed. l. 1.26.

    Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

    Created in a single version. 117418 Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 31, building 2. wwbv.gostinfo.ru

    Lime is a versatile substance that, due to its extensive and varied properties, can be used in almost any field of activity. It can be of various types, depending on the selection criteria, and is divided into several varieties. The options for preparing solutions with its content do not differ much from each other and do not cause difficulties, so this raw material can be used independently without the involvement of specialists.

    Quicklime is calcium oxide obtained by roasting calcium carbonate, it has a finely porous structure. Sometimes quicklime is called boiled lime.

    It has many advantages over the slaked variety:

    • high strength;
    • absorbs less moisture;
    • work with this material can be carried out in winter;
    • no waste;
    • very broad scope.

    Quicklime is dangerous to human health, so it is advisable to carry out work in open space, using protective equipment.

    A good advantage of quicklime can be considered a low cost in comparison with other mixtures. Lime material is resistant to temperature extremes, it does not crack, it has antimicrobial properties.

    Lime is a substance that is often found in nature (mainly in rocks), and the product is manufactured in full compliance with established standards, because mixtures based on this basis must perform protective functions at a high level.

    Ready lime should consist only of carbonate rocks (limestone) with a small clay content. Various additives and impurities are allowed in the composition of the material based on GOSTs, depending on the application.

    Limestone is very similar in appearance to chalk or coke, but they have different properties and are not interchangeable. To distinguish limestone from chalk, you can drop water on them. The chalk will not give any reaction, but the limestone will begin to foam and give off heat. If you use chalk to whitewash walls, it will leave marks on clothes and surfaces in contact with the wall. Lime does not leave any traces, so it is most often used for whitewashing walls.

    Quicklime is divided into three grades (1, 2 and 3), and slaked lime is subdivided into 1st and 2nd grade. The exception is powdered quicklime, it is divided into two grades and has additives. Other types are made without impurities.

    By external physical indicators, for example, by color, it is possible to determine the grade of the material. After heat treatment of limestone, quicklime is obtained, and if it has a white color, this means that the material does not contain additives and belongs to a high grade. In other cases, the material has a grayish color, most often it is dolomitic and hydraulic lime.

    The production of lime material consists of the extraction of the rocks themselves, their crushing to the required size and subsequent firing in special kilns. Currently, shaft and rotary tube furnaces are most commonly used because they provide a uniform temperature effect on the material and a continuous firing process.

    The strength of raw materials is affected by the temperature during firing and the production process itself. There are three strength options for the finished product: hard burnt, medium burnt and soft burnt lime.

    Soft lime is very popular in construction, due to the following properties:

    • the extinguishing process is fast, about 3 minutes;
    • such material has a small size and low density.

    Lime belongs to a low hazard class, but safety precautions must be observed during transportation and storage. Since quicklime reacts violently with water, it is necessary to make sure that moisture cannot get on the material.

    The composition of lime most often includes various mineral additives that improve the properties of the material: granulated blast-furnace slag, quartz sand and other substances.

    There are two types of lime, which are distinguished by the amount of calcium silicate and aluminoferrite content in them: air and hydraulic. They perform various functions, for example, air speeds up the concrete hardening process, and hydraulic speeds up reactions in water.

    It is important that all fragments of the substance are of the same size. This moment indicates that the raw material was completely calcined in the furnace. If too large or too small pieces are encountered, they may not be completely heat treated, and this will reduce the quality of the finished material.

    According to the type of processing, several types of material are distinguished:

    • quick-cooked lump (boiler);
    • quicklime ground (powdered);
    • slaked hydrate - Ca (OH) 2;
    • lime dough;
    • lime milk.

    Lump lime is a mixture of lumps that differ in size. It consists of calcium oxide and magnesium, as well as materials such as calcium carbonate, aluminates, silicates. Magnesium or calcium ferrites, which are formed during the firing of raw materials, can be added.

    The good strength of concrete is ensured by the fact that lump lime requires very little water (due to the fine grinding of the material) and generates practically no waste.

    Ground lime has the same composition as lump lime, but the difference lies in the fact that lumps of raw materials are ground much stronger and more thoroughly.

    The main advantages of ground lime:

    • strength;
    • water resistance;
    • fast hardening.

    To increase or decrease the rate of hardening, calcium chloride or sulfuric acid is often used (gypsum material is also suitable).

    Hydrated lime (also called fluff) is a slaked type of material with a highly dispersive composition. Quenching occurs by adding water to the lime raw material. To prepare such a solution, 70 to 100% water is added to the powder.

    In order for the lime to completely go through the slaking process, it must be placed in a special pit for 2-3 weeks. So it will gain optimal strength and ductility. The minimum redemption period is 36 hours. In order to prevent the raw material from burning out, it is advisable to add water gradually until the moment when steam ceases to be released.

    Lime dough is formed when sufficient water is added to form a plastic material. You can also find a solution such as milk of lime (mainly used for whitewashing tree trunks). Milk of lime is obtained by adding excess water to lime paste.

    Depending on the scope of application, the following types of compositions are distinguished:

    • Building lime - it is added for the preparation of concrete and cement mixtures in order to increase the strength of the composition;
    • Hydraulic - also used for the production of concrete, but low grades. Ideal for structures that are located in areas with high humidity;
    • Lumpy - mainly used to prepare a solution for whitewashing;
    • Garden - used in agriculture as a soil fertilizer, treating plants from pests, protecting against decay and improving growth, it is highly undesirable to use it simultaneously with other types of additives and fertilizers;
    • Sodium - used in the chemical industry and in medicine;
    • Chlorine - used as a disinfectant and for water purification.

    • quick-extinguishing (up to 8 minutes);
    • medium extinguishing (up to 25 minutes);
    • slow-extinguishing (from 25 minutes).

    Depending on the percentage of presence in the composition of magnesium oxide, there are such types of air lime:

    • calcium;
    • magnesian;
    • dolomite.

    Lime is used in many areas.

    • In agriculture, lime is used to control pests, reduce soil acidity, prevent the appearance of fungus, supplement animal nutrition, improve land cultivation, replenish calcium and phosphorus. It is best to treat heavy soil with quicklime. Lime is widely used as a material for whitewashing trees and processing plants.
    • Construction. It is used to accelerate the hardening of cement and impart plasticity to the composition, is involved in the production of thermal insulation materials and dry building mixtures, and serves as a link in building structures.
    • Ferrous metallurgy - enriches ferruginous and polymetallic ores.
    • Chemical industry - used in the paint and varnish, perfumery and pharmaceutical industries. It is used as a reagent and as a neutralizer of acid tars.
    • Pulp and paper industry.
    • Textile industry.

    The chlorine variety of lime is used for disinfection and washing of public places, as it has disinfecting properties. Quicklime is used even in the food industry for mixing substances, and milk of lime is used to make sugar. Soda lime is used in medicine (artificial ventilation of the lungs or for anesthesia) and for respiratory systems (scuba gear, respirators and other devices).

    Coating wooden surfaces with lime mortar protects them from rotting processes and fires.

    When preparing a lime mortar, it is important to ensure the safe interaction of raw materials with water for humans. It is advisable to carry out work in a well-ventilated area, and preferably in an open space. Since the substances used are chemicals, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules when working with such materials.

    The powder substance can be used both in dry form and in liquid form. To prepare a liquid solution, the powder is poured into a container and filled with water. The solution must be mixed and diluted to the desired consistency.

    For whitewashing trees, the raw material is diluted with water and applied to the tree trunk with a wide brush. But due to the liquid consistency of the solution, it will be necessary to process the barrel several times. In order to reduce the time of work, you can add clay, milk, PVA glue to the solution. These ingredients will make the mixture thick and viscous, it will evenly fall on the surface. Before processing the tree, all dead layers of bark must be removed, while not damaging the trunk.

    To protect plants from fungus, you can use soda ash instead of lime, because soda dissolves faster and completely in water.

    You should not treat the soil with too much lime, as it will become alkaline, which will also not contribute to good growth and development of plants. It is impossible to use manure and lime at the same time, because such a combination will prevent the formation of useful substances.

    Before using bleach, check the reaction of the surface. To do this, you can treat a small area, and if it remains intact after about 10 minutes, then you can use bleach for the entire surface. First, water is added to the raw material in a small amount and mixed until sour cream, and then more water is gradually added, also stirring, until a liquid solution is formed. In dry form, bleach is used only on wet surfaces.

    In construction, it is recommended to use quicklime for the manufacture of plasters, slag concrete, and coloring elements. In other cases, slaked lime is used, which, due to its moisture resistance, prevents the formation of mold.

    Pushonka has a wide range of applications: from household needs to construction. To prepare fluff, it is necessary to pour raw materials into a metal container without rust (or into a plastic one) and gradually add water, stirring the solution. Once the mixture is ready, it is necessary to leave it to brew for several hours or days. The longer it will stand, the higher its quality and strength will be.

    • If necessary, store the finished lime mortar for a long time, you can periodically add water to it. Initially, water is added until the material stops absorbing it. This rule does not apply to the preparation of milk of lime.
    • The optimal depth of lime digging into the soil is 20 cm, but if the dose of fertilizer is small, then the depth should be less. From above, lime is covered with a layer of sand. For storage in winter, it is recommended to pour another layer of soil 70 cm high on top of the sand layer.
    • Before applying to any surface (wooden, concrete, cement, metal), it is necessary to completely remove dirt, grease, defects, rust from them.
    • It may happen that lime has got into an unnecessary area and should be washed off. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to moisten this area abundantly, wait for the lime to dissolve well, and then remove the material with a hard metal sponge. If necessary, repeat these steps. On sale there are ready-made solutions for such needs, for example, Guard Industrie or "Probel". You can also use homemade solutions based on hydrochloric acid.

    • It is not recommended to carry out a primer before whitewashing, since lime will not be fixed on such a base. It is also desirable to whitewash with brushes, and not with a spray gun. The brush will better distribute the lime mortar, and the finish will be better.
    • The longer the aging time of the finished mixture, the better it will perform its functions.
    • For the preparation of mortars, it is best to add sand as well.
    • This material is not suitable for the manufacture of cement for a fireplace or stove, as carbon dioxide is released when heated.
    • To get insulation, you can add sawdust and gypsum to the fluff. In other cases, the lime mortar should be free of sawdust, lumps and other inclusions in order to uniformly and completely cover the surface.
    • Chloric lime must be stored in a dark room, because under the influence sun rays part of the active chlorine is lost.

    For information on how to determine the quality of lime, see the following video.


    Lump lime. Properties and subtleties of use. How to use lump lime

    The history of the use of lime has more than one millennium. This product has taken a strong place in many areas of human activity. The material has many valuable properties, its manufacturing technology is quite simple, and the necessary raw materials are very affordable. Lump lime is one of the components of mortars with astringent properties.

    Material Features

    The concept of "lime" is the name of the products of burning carbonate rocks, such as limestone, chalk and others. As a result of calcining these rocks with the help of fire, calcium carbonate turns into calcium oxide. After this procedure, the materials lose 44% of their weight and acquire porosity. The substance formed in this way, when interacting with water, takes the form of a fine powder, and by using an excess amount of water, a product is produced that has the state of a plastic dough. Such dough also plays the role of an astringent component. Under conditions of moisture evaporation, the dough becomes thick, and then takes on a stone-like shape.

    Depending on the chemical composition lime is divided into varieties:

    1. The substance produced by roasting rocks with the main chemical component - calcium oxide, is quicklime. According to its physical properties, this material is fragments with a finely porous structure, the size of which varies from 5 cm to 10 cm.
    2. Slaked lime is produced by hydration. The consequence of this process is an increase in the volume of the substance and its subsequent disintegration into the smallest fragments.

    The order of production work

    Manufacturing process lime production involves several stages:

    • limestone mining;
    • its subsequent crushing;
    • burning.

    To obtain high-quality lime, the fragments of the raw materials used must have as much as possible the same size. Otherwise, firing will be uneven. As a result, small parts are burned out, and the material becomes inactive. Fragments of large size are fired insufficiently, as a result of which part of the raw material does not pass into calcium oxide.

    Lump quicklime is produced by grinding raw materials in ball mills, where during operation the required particle sizes are separated by a separator.

    Advantages of a lump lime product

    Technological lump lime has the following advantages:

    1. Unlike slaked lime, the lump variety is a virtually waste-free product. This is ensured by the finest grinding of the mixture.
    2. Also, this material requires less water consumption. This feature positively affects the strength of the concrete composition during its hardening. Hardening, quicklime releases heat in a significant amount. This contributes to better adhesion of the compositions in conditions low temperature.
    3. Greater strength is achieved by rapid heat dissipation. Due to these properties, lump lime has been widely used in the construction industry.

    hardening process

    The composition of the lime product test is represented by a saturated solution of water and small fragments of lime that could not dissolve. When the water is out given substance evaporates, it acquires the state of a supersaturated solution. The hardening substance undergoes shrinkage, which in some cases forms cracks in the material. Such a result, for example, can be seen when lime adheres to a hard plaster layer. In order to avoid such consequences, the use of lime is carried out with binders that ensure the plasticity of the material.

    If the lime mass is placed in conditions that prevent drying, it will retain its plastic properties for an unlimited amount of time. This is due to the fact that such a lime product lacks the possibility of setting. If the lime mass is moistened after it has hardened, it will again acquire its former plastic qualities, since lime is not resistant to moisture.

    However, under certain conditions, lump building lime can acquire relative moisture resistance. During a rather long hardening process, which can last several decades, a certain chemical process occurs. In the open air, the lime composition and carbon dioxide react, which ultimately causes the formation of calcium carbonate. This element is characterized by good strength and insolubility as a result of exposure to water.

    Areas of use

    Lime has found application in many areas of industry and economy:

    1. In the chemical industry, the substance is used in such industries as: paint and varnish, perfumery, petrochemical, cable, electrical, pharmaceutical, rubber industries.
    2. In metallurgy, this product is used to enrich ferrous and polymetallic ores. Lime is also used in industries such as processing and mining.
    3. In the food industry, the lime product is used to saponify fats. And in the textile industry, with the help of lime, the dyeing procedure is carried out.
    4. Lime is also widely used in construction. It is an indispensable component in mortars and in thermal insulation materials.
    5. In the agricultural sector, the material neutralizes the acidity in the soil, which negatively affects crops. In addition, thanks to lime, the soil is enriched with calcium, and the tillage indicators are improved. The need to enrich the soil with nitrogen fertilizers is also significantly reduced.
    6. In addition to agriculture, lime is also used in the livestock sector. With its help, farms and household premises are disinfected. And the addition of lime to the diet of animals helps to eliminate the lack of calcium.

    It should also be noted the significant role of the lime product in stabilizing the ecological situation. Lime removes sulfur oxide from flue gases. In addition, the material improves the quality characteristics of water. The presence of the lime component in the water contributes to the precipitation of organic elements, which makes the water softer.

    Storage and transportation

    1. During storage or in the case of transportation of lump lime, measures must be taken to prevent moisture from entering the material. Lime substance in powder form can extinguish even the moisture in the air.
    2. The shelf life of the product depends on the container used. If the lime is in paper bags, its performance will be maintained for 25 days. If sealed conditions are provided, it will acquire an unlimited storage period.

    In the premises where the storage process is carried out, the floors must be made of wooden material and raised above ground level by at least 30 cm. It is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of water getting on the lime. Otherwise, a fire will occur, as the water heats up the lime material. In case of fire, water must not be used to extinguish the lime composition.

    Safety measures when interacting with lime

    Lime is a strong alkaline component. Therefore, before you start working with this product, you need to take care of the following precautions:

    • do not allow lime material to get into the eyes, mucous membranes respiratory tract, as well as on open areas skin;
    • extremely dangerous is quicklime. It is mandatory to wear special protective clothing, rubberized shoes, gloves, a special headgear, a respirator and goggles when handling this component.


    Lump lime is a product with universal qualities. The popularity of the use of lime material is facilitated by the low cost of raw materials, tk. lump lime is affordable for a wide range of consumers, as well as the technological simplicity of the process. However, the substance is not a safe material; safety measures should be taken into account when working with it. Also, in order for lime to retain its properties for a longer period, it is necessary to ensure right conditions for its storage.

    Features of the use of lump lime are presented in the video:

    Lump lime. Properties and subtleties of use

    • 0.00 / 5 5
    • 1 / 5
    • 2 / 5
    • 3 / 5
    • 4 / 5
    • 5 / 5


    VolgaIzvest - building lump lime, quicklime, calcium

    Lump quicklime is widely used in various fields of human activity. The largest consumers include: ferrous metallurgy, agriculture, as well as the sphere of ecology.

    In metallurgy, lime is a cleaning component. It is involved in the processes of slag formation and desulfation. Cast iron is smelted from iron ore using lime in blast furnaces. The task of lime in this process is to remove excess impurities from cast iron and raw steel. Lime is also necessary for the further refinement of steel, it binds such harmful impurities as phosphorus and sulfur.

    In industrial gas cleaning processes, lime helps to reduce emissions harmful substances in atmosphere. Lime is used to neutralize wastewater in wastewater treatment plants. Residual products of oil refining processes or sludge washed out of wells are treated with lime. It neutralizes harmful acids, binds heavy metals and accelerates the decomposition of harmful substances.

    Lime is used in the construction of silicate bricks, silicate and foam silicate products, cinder blocks, aerated concrete (gas silicate), dry building mixtures. Lime is the most important element of the construction industry, the use of which does not harm the environment.


    Quicklime: types and applications

    Chemical substance- calcium oxide, better known to us as lime, is very widespread in the construction industry. Its use is justified for obtaining various coatings and mortars, especially in the manufacture of so-called lime cement. Building lime production characteristics and scope - all this is our article.

    • 1 Manufacturing
    • 2 Classification
    • 3 Application in construction and everyday life


    Despite the long history and use of lime in the most various industries of human life, in its pure form, quicklime is quite difficult to meet. The manufacture of this material involves a certain chemical process.

    How to use lime plaster mortar

    Lime can be obtained in two ways:

    1. Thermal decomposition of limestone rock. A traditional and very costly method that requires special equipment. The main disadvantage is the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide.
    2. Thermal treatment of oxygen-containing calcium salts is an alternative method that has become more and more common in recent years. Roasting does not consume a large amount of oxygen, so it is more environmentally friendly.

    How to use crushed limestone GOST 8267 93 can be found in this article.

    For the heat treatment of raw materials, special equipment is used, most of which is already obsolete. Modern technologies allow the use of less costly and harmful methods of obtaining quicklime.

    On the video - the use of quicklime:

    What is lime mortar masonry can be found in this article.

    Furnaces are used different designs:

    • The most popular is the gas-fired shaft-type furnace. A compromise solution will make it possible to obtain a product of normal quality at a very moderate cost.
    • It is less common to find furnaces with a transfer principle of operation, which are used for heating coal. This is a more economical and productive method, the main disadvantage of which will be significant environmental pollution.
    • A special type of oven - a rotating design will allow you to get a product of the highest quality, but this method is quite expensive and therefore is used extremely rarely.
    • The device of the furnace with a remote furnace ensures good purity of the finished substance, the content of impurities in it will be minimal. The furnace operates on solid fuel and is much inferior in power to its counterparts.
    • The type of annular and floor furnaces is practically not used due to low productivity. Old models are still functioning, but new units are gradually pushing them out of production.

    Cement-lime mortar proportions and other data can be read from the article.

    Technical characteristics of quicklime are regulated state standard quality GOST No. 9179–77. The substance belongs to the second class of chemical hazard. Pure lime has three grades of classification, the substance with additives has two grades, and the hydrated solution has two grades.

    On the video - building quicklime lump lime:

    How building lime GOST 9179 77 is used can be found in this article.


    The substance used in construction is of two main types: air, which helps to set concrete mortar V normal conditions and hydraulic, the undoubted advantage of this type will be the acceleration of reactions in the aquatic environment. The second type is most often in demand in the construction of load-bearing supports of bridges and other hydraulic structures.

    You can learn how to use building lime mortar from this article.

    The physical properties of lime are also well studied. It is usually crystalline white color and characteristic "viscous" structure.

    Usually you can find the following types of lime on sale:

    When lime is quenched with water, irreversible processes occur, and the process itself requires maximum caution. The use of personal protective equipment is recommended, and splashes of lime on exposed skin or mucous membranes should not be allowed. Extinguishing the composition can take quite a long time, sometimes up to a day. The addition of water must be controlled. Usually the volume of liquid should be determined by the tasks.

    There are three types of lime mortar:

    • Hydrated lime, the so-called fluff. Used in construction, the consistency of the solution assumes approximately equal proportions.
    • Lime dough is the second type of slaked lime. It is also used in construction or domestic purposes. The proportions are about 4:1, so the mixture is quite thick.
    • Lime milk is the most liquid suspension, the content of dry lime is rather insignificant compared to the mass of water.

    Depending on the ultimate goal and the use of slaked lime, a suitable solution is made. Cooking usually takes from 8 minutes for quick-cooked to several hours for slow-cooked. It is not recommended to use lime before the final slaking, as in this case there is no guarantee of obtaining a high-quality coating.

    About how many bags of cement in one cube of concrete, and by analogy, lime can be found in the article

    Chemical processes in such a solution they stop, but reappear when water enters. This promotes the growth of fungus and mold, which is why lime is commonly used in construction, passed the procedure extinguishing.

    You can find out how long the cement floor screed under the tile dries from this article.

    Application in construction and everyday life

    The use of quicklime is extremely wide. Dry matter is added to cement mortars for rapid hardening and imparting the necessary plasticity. Lime is used for whitewashing walls and ceilings. This method is still very relevant due to the good decorative effect and the most affordable cost. A big advantage is the ease of application and the environmental friendliness of the solution.

    for video application in construction:

    You can find out what the composition of the cement mortar for plaster is from this article.

    Several options for using lime for domestic needs:

    As already described earlier, a special type of this substance - bleach is widely used for disinfection and disinfection of surfaces. This is especially true in crowded places, so bleach is traditionally used to wash latrines, plumbing equipment. For disinfection, bleach is used in hospitals, children's institutions and other similar premises. Due to the high toxicity of the substance, it is increasingly being replaced by analogues that do not have such a pronounced negative impact.
