How to decorate a fireplace in an apartment

metal fireplace

A metal fireplace is not only a high-tech interior. Metal has many advantages, including a variety of designs and decor options for fireplaces.

Five questions about choosing a fireplace

Fireplace in the apartment and a fireplace in country house- This different devices. Which fireplace is right for you? How to “fit” it into the interior and ensure its safe operation?

For quick warm-up summer cottage in cold wet weather, a masonry stove is an overly large and expensive solution. But the compact potbelly stove will cope with the task "with a bang." We are looking for suitable options.

How to decorate a masonry stove or a country fireplace?

Antique tile is also good in a modern home. Tiles turn an ordinary stove or fireplace into an elegant structure that will become the main decoration of the room.

How to fold a Russian oven?

A simple Russian stove is simple in design and maintenance. It can be folded independently, the main thing is to follow certain rules and the order of laying.

Classification of furnaces by design

Which firebox is suitable for a corner fireplace, and which one is built-in? Let's try to figure it out.

Fireplaces and stoves: what to choose

In addition to external differences, how else does a fireplace differ from a stove? And what kind of hybrid "stove-fireplace" do manufacturers offer us?

Potbelly stove design

Historically, the potbelly stove has been characterized by low efficiency and high fuel consumption. Modern potbelly stoves have little in common with their "ancestors". How has the design of the device changed?

How to choose a fireplace?

The fireplace is one of the most ancient types of hearth. Over the past centuries, the fireplace has not only not lost its popularity, but, on the contrary, every year it becomes more and more in demand and technically perfect. Ka

Stove heating: pros and cons

We study the advantages and disadvantages of stove heating, because for many, an ordinary masonry stove or potbelly stove is the only affordable way heating.

Furnace firebox: finished or brick

The furnace determines the characteristics of the furnace, and therefore it is important to understand what determines the choice of furnace furnace.

Furnace: construction

What are the main elements that make up the design of furnaces of various types.

How to make a fireplace with your own hands

Is it possible to do do-it-yourself fireplace. Of course, and many already have it in their apartment or house.

Do-it-yourself fireplace in the apartment

Most likely, you will not be able to obtain permission from the relevant authorities to install a conventional wood-burning fireplace in an apartment. This is way too complicated. But don't despair! Today on sale there is a huge range of false fireplaces.

Instead of a conventional firebox, they use an electric hearth. Such a fireplace warms well, and thanks to special technologies also creates the effect of a burning flame.

Sometimes the flames are so realistic that in order to determine whether the real fire is burning in it, you need to get closer.


It will cost you less drywall fireplace. If you know how to handle this material, then making such a fake fireplace will not take you much effort.

Just take a sheet of paper and try to draw a sketch of the future creation on it. Look at pictures of fireplaces online or in construction and interior magazines.

Before you make an accurate drawing of the fireplace (with dimensions), find out the dimensions of the electric hearth or buy one.

If your fireplace will perform a decorative function, then it is not necessary to buy a hearth. Some simply put a few burning candles in it. It's beautiful and romantic.

The frame for a plasterboard fireplace can be either wooden (bars 50 by 50 mm) or made of metal profiles. I will not tell you how to make a frame and sheathe it in this article, since this is already a separate topic. In order not to miss it, subscribe to the newsletter of new articles. The quick subscription form is located in the site menu at the very top.

How to make a wood burning fireplace

Such a fireplace can be made in the house or in the country.

First, decide on the location of the future fireplace. Make a drawing of it, specifying everything dimensions. Please note that it should be near a stone or brick wall.

If the walls are made of other materials, brickwork should be made along these walls up to the ceiling.

Structure thickness #8212; the floor is brick, the width is half a meter more than the width of the future fireplace.

For a brick fireplace, it is necessary to fill the foundation. To do this, we tear off the floor, go a little deeper into the ground and pour concrete. It will also be necessary to make a hole in the ceiling and roof for the construction of a chimney. You're not going to use the fireplace in a black way, are you?

How to revet the fireplace and how? | Heatmonster

The fireplace in the house is no longer a luxury item. In order for the design to be truly attractive, it is necessary to perform facing work after masonry. This will not only add attractiveness, but also ensure proper protection of the entire structure.

Drawing of a wood burning fireplace.

Today you can make a lining from various materials, but natural marble remains popular. This option is not only the most reliable and beautiful, but also the most expensive. After cladding, marble requires careful and constant care, otherwise its surface will quickly become dirty, lose its luster and noble appearance.

In addition to marble, brick, ceramic tiles and beautiful tiles can be used for cladding, which give the stove an old, but so attractive appearance. Wood is not used for cladding, it can be taken for the construction of mantelpieces, individual elements that will not be heated.

What products are suitable for facing the fireplace?

Facing of stoves and fireplaces using aluminum elements: 1 - aluminum strips with holes; 2 - aluminum tee profile (or two corners); 3 - bolts; 4 - ceramic tiles; 5 - clay solution.

A variety of materials can be used to decorate the outer surface of the fireplace, although natural stone is best suited. In some cases, the fireplace is finished with drywall, or rather its special refractory type.

Plasterboard usually forms the main structure around the firebox. GKL sheets are used mostly for false fireplaces; such models do not have a firebox with an open fire.

Brick for decoration is used a special refractory type. It is used for brick if the building material used is not attractive.

Facing brick is applicable for metal fireboxes. Traditionally, red and brown bricks are used, but today you can find black, yellow, white bricks.

Such material will give the cladding a special appeal.

You can also tile a fireplace, 3 of its varieties are used:

  • Ceramic tiles are a common type of finish, which consists in gluing tiles to the surface of the fireplace that are resistant to high temperatures. This process is not very complicated, but temperature indicators must be taken into account so that the lining does not crack over time.
  • Tiles are a more expensive finishing option. Usually used special, very beautiful tiles small size. The fastening is completely different, it is carried out with the help of metal pins, laid even during the construction of the furnace. The tile itself can be handmade or factory-made, but in any case, its cost is quite high. Most often, a Russian-style stove or fireplace is decorated with tiles. The design is beautiful and unusual, it fits perfectly into any interior.
  • Most often, the fireplace is tiled with natural stone tiles; marble is ideal for this purpose. In this case, not the usual rectangular smooth tiles are used, but various carved elements, which in themselves can have artistic value. You can fix the marble different methods, it is necessary to observe the utmost precision and accuracy. Special attention is required to care for such a marble surface, as over time it may lose its attractiveness.
  • Fireplace cladding with marble

    Fireplace cladding.

    First you need to choose the material of the required quality and color. Such design should be in harmony with the overall interior. This applies not only color solution but also the use of decorative elements.

    It is necessary to take into account the complexity of the work, usually professional masons are invited for this.

    The process of facing with marble is somewhat reminiscent of mosaic laying, since the decoration is simply made up of individual elements, each of which takes its own specific place.

    Before starting work, the surface must be prepared. The masonry seams are deepened by 1 cm, the surface is covered with reinforcing mesh. Its cells should be 5 * 5 cm in size. After that, you can start fitting stone elements.

    First you need to attach the element and see how it fits. If the discrepancies are not very significant, i.e.

    after installation, curvature will not be visible, then you should not carry out any preparatory work, you can start the lining process.

    Fastening individual cladding elements

    Scheme of the fireplace portal.

    Facing the fireplace includes the fastening of individual elements, the methods may vary slightly. The first method is that individual marble plates are simply glued to the surface. The second method is to use a special solution, individual elements will be attached to each other, but they do not directly touch the fireplace structure.

    Most often, it is the second method that is used, since it is of higher quality and more reliable, does not require taking into account temperature changes, as is necessary in the first case. But there is also one downside.

    If the fireplace lining needs to be removed, then you will have to use a hammer and a sledgehammer for this.

    It is with the latter circumstance that the peculiarity of the execution of the facing made of natural marble is connected: the lower one is often fastened according to the first method, and the upper one - according to the second.

    If the portal has a height of 50 cm, and the thickness of individual tiles is up to 10 mm, then it is recommended to additionally use S-shaped wire fasteners, which will give proper reliability and rigidity. First, a reinforcing mesh is laid on the surface of the fireplace, and these hooks are attached to it.

    The thicker the stone tiles, the more often you need to put hooks. After the lining is done, you must wait about 2 days, then you can start grouting all the seams.

    Beforehand, the grout must be checked so that after drying it does not leave any traces, does not spoil the appearance of the fireplace.

    How to care for a marble portal?

    Dimensions of the marble portal.

    It is not enough just to make a marble fireplace lining, you will have to take care of the stone. Otherwise, its appearance will soon become unattractive. The portal must be regularly cleaned with a soft damp cloth from dust. Wet it in soapy water warm water or use special products designed specifically for the care of natural stone.

    It is impossible to use acids when cleaning the portal, as they corrode the surface of the marble, spoil its appearance. Do not use abrasives or chemical cleaners. From this, traces will remain on the marble, which will be problematic to get rid of.

    It should be remembered that soot, coal dust can damage the stone, so it will have to be protected from this negative influence.


    To prevent damage to the fireplace lining, it is necessary to arrange a non-combustible floor during the construction of the structure itself. After the facing of the portal is completed, a special wax-based coating must be applied to it.

    It is carefully distributed over the stone, after which it is carefully polished with a soft cloth, or with a piece of suede.

    Cladding tools: falcons, plaster spatulas and cut-offs, etc.

    It must be remembered that over time from wax and other detergents a thin film forms on the surface of the marble, which gives the polish a dull finish. Appearance becomes not very attractive, but this is easy to fix. It is enough to take ordinary turpentine, apply to a soft cloth. Next, you need to gently rub the surface.

    To restore the shine, any furniture polish is taken, but only in a light color or transparent. Caring for a marble fireplace portal is quite troublesome, although it cannot be called difficult. But even if it is difficult to take these measures, it is better to choose artificial stone or ceramic tiles for cladding, which are more unpretentious.

    If the facing marble is heavily soiled, and the above measures do not help, then you can use a special powder. It is sold in specialized stores, designed for heavily soiled surfaces specifically made of marble.

    This powder must be diluted with water in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. You should get a mass that resembles batter. With this gruel, carefully using a piece of cloth, you need to start polishing the surface of the stone. After work, the marble is thoroughly washed and dried. But it is not recommended to use this tool often.

    Of the features of caring for marble, it should be noted that the flame can cause damage to the coating, so when using it, you must ensure that open fire does not affect the surface of the portal. It is best to use a closed firebox, it is safer, but this is not always possible. From the recommendations of caregivers, one more point should be noted.

    Marble fireplace cladding should not be in constant contact with tongs, spatulas and other equipment, as it quickly becomes stained. To prevent this from happening, fireplace tools must be coated with special anti-corrosion compounds.

    Today, various materials are used for facing fireplaces, but the honorable first place among them is occupied by natural marble. This cladding gives the design style, nobility, it fits perfectly into any interior, but its cost is quite high.

    However, such a minus is more than offset by the fact that the coating is durable and strong, beautiful, resistant to many types of influences. With proper and constant care, the marble surface of the portal will delight its owner for decades.

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    What to put on a fireplace

    Picking up your own individual interior of the heating stove in the room and deciding what to put on the fireplace from the outside so that it pleases the eye is a very important task. When designing fireplaces, you can overlay them in a variety of ways. different materials.

    Depending on the material of the fireplace itself, it can be lined with either brick or tile.

    In addition, a high-tech fireplace with chrome-plated metal elements, silver-plated or even gold-plated looks very elegant in the house today.

    Fireplace style Hi-Tech (Hi-Tech) in the interior of the house

    The most practical, durable and attractive facing of the fireplace is considered to be lining it with stone (natural or artificial) in combination with tiles.

    Of course, facing the fireplace with marble or granite will undoubtedly win over brick or tile.

    However, this top quality material, which is considered an excellent option for finishing a functional stove in the house, due to its high cost, not every family can afford.

    What to pay attention to

    The main difference between a fireplace and a traditional brick stove is the relatively low heating of the surfaces. The heat from the fire passes directly into the room, and the outer lining of the fireplace is needed for containment, and not as a conductor of heat. The requirements for the material that can be used to line a cast-iron or metal fireplace are much lower.

    Tiles, clinker bricks, natural and artificial stone, tiles and wood. These materials, although they change under the influence of heat in volume, but in normal conditions this feature is insignificant. The main attention in the question of how to overlay a fireplace stove should be given to the conformity of the interior of the room, and not to practicality.

    Tiles bring their own unique flavor to the living room or office. When facing this decorative material walls of the fireplace, it is necessary to provide, even when laying the stove, a wire for fastening tiles in the seams between the rows.

    Plastic panels with imitation of any finishing material, wooden slabs or plaster bas-relief, as well as a false fireplace.

    Requirements for the material of a functioning fireplace

    For high-quality and reliable lining of a fireplace stove in a residential building, it is advisable to use only special samples that must meet the following requirements:

  • Increased strength characteristics, resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Heat resistance and low water absorption.
  • Heat dissipation with simultaneous accumulation and retention of heat.
  • Have a low porosity structure.
  • The most common materials for finishing a fireplace stove are:

    • Heat resistant ceramic tiles.
    • Unglazed tiles or terracotta with a characteristic red-brown color.
    • Porcelain stoneware is a resistant product to sudden changes in temperature, it is not afraid of bumps and other kinds of scratches.
    • Clinker tiles - heavy-duty, heat-resistant and antistatic.
    • Tiles provide fast and uniform heating of the room, thanks to the air cushion, they reliably retain heat for quite a long time.

    Cast iron fireplace surround

    In addition to traditional fireplaces made of brick and having an open combustion chamber, equally in the current modern houses a cast-iron product with a closed hearth is popular.

    A cast iron fireplace similarly releases a large amount of heat during the combustion of fuel, however, after the furnace product is completely burned, such a stove cools down very quickly.

    This problem can be solved with high-quality and reliable cladding.

    You can overlay a cast-iron fireplace with your own hands as follows:

    • You will need to make to order or design yourself a project of the desired design of the fireplace stove, taking into account all the existing nuances of the room.
    • Buy required amount building material and tools.
    • Provide a distance (small gap) from the firebox to brickwork during cladding between brick and metal. On the sides, this distance should be at least 5-10 cm, and behind the fireplace, laying should be started no closer than 10-15 cm. Such a layer will save heat and reduce heat loss.

    impose cast iron fireplace brick- a successful solution to the problem of preserving heat in the room, however, if there are no objections regarding the appearance of the brick hearth of restrictions regarding the severity of the structure used, then everything is fine.

    Otherwise, when using additional finishing materials (marble, granite slabs or natural stone), the heat transfer coefficient will be minimized, which will make the fireplace stove only a decorative element in the house.

    Watch the video how do-it-yourself experts use everything necessary materials for installing an English fireplace with a cast-iron firebox in classical style with prefabricated chimney. Most likely the portal is made of artificial material of false fireplace.

    How to decorate a fireplace

    There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a fireplace mantel material. First of all, it is its resistance to high temperature.

    In addition, it is necessary to take into account the frost resistance of the material, if decorative fireplace will be located on the summer veranda.

    An important factor is also the moisture resistance of the finish, which should be very high in an unheated room. Otherwise, it will crack.

    The fireplace is a popular element for decorating the home, and it can be created from different materials.

    In addition to the direct creation of the structure, its lining should be carried out, designed to decorate the fireplace. It can be done using different materials. Such work can be done by hand.

    What is cladding

    What to cover the fireplace with? There are many different materials for this. which can be attributed:

    • , which can be created from different components, and it is suitable for both fireplaces and stoves.
    • Brick, by using whose fireplace mantel will be strong, reliable and beautiful. This facing material has an acceptable price, but it is important to choose.
    • Tiling is considered an excellent choice, and this material is a tile with a pattern applied to its surface in a unique and specific way.
    • Decorating a fireplace with porcelain stoneware is interesting choice, which will allow you to design characterized by beauty and attractiveness.
    • Finishing is also common, and it is considered a good option for decorating a fireplace with your own hands.
    • Facing the fireplace with marble is considered the most the best choice, because you get an unsurpassed design. In the same way, corner structures, a standard stove and other types of fireplaces can be decorated.

    Cladding with marble

    Fireplace cladding with marble is considered traditional solution for decorating stoves. The handmade work will provide an unrivaled structure design, so it will fit perfectly into any interior.

    Even corner and hanging fireplaces can be decorated with this material. Facing marble is a natural rock that easily withstands constant exposure to high temperatures. Since marble can have different colors, the stove can also be decorated in different colors and textures.

    For laying marble a suitable mixture must be used, and all the work is easily done by hand. However, it can be difficult to cut marble.

    Read also: Small brick ovens

    Using tiles for cladding

    Modern facing tiles are represented by a large number of varieties. All materials have their pros and cons. Tiles can be porcelain stoneware or ceramic, as well as any other.

    Decorating a fireplace with granite or tiles is a simple job, but only with the right choice of material can you get a unique design. You can tile the oven with your own hands. It is important to choose the right adhesive mixture, choose the optimal tile design, and also choose other materials for work in order to get a bright and unique stove. Finishing with porcelain stoneware or other tiles with your own hands should be done in such a way that perfect and beautiful seams are obtained.

    The whole does not take much time, but it may be difficult to cut it.

    Gypsum decor for facing the fireplace

    Finishing with gypsum mixture is an original choice for fireplaces and stoves. This is due to many positive properties:

    • opportunity to create unique design;
    • economy;
    • opportunity make your own mixture;
    • fury and originality of the result of the work performed using gypsum mixture;
    • availability and simplicity of materials used for work;
    • safety, because as part of a mixture no harmful ingredients;
    • durability, since the elements are resistant to high temperatures and other negative factors.

    Facing stoves and fireplaces with gypsum mixture is an excellent choice for any interior. The use of a gypsum mixture does not always imply a white veneer, since it can be painted in different shades.

    Application for cladding tiles

    Tiling is very popular. These elements are formed from fired clay, so they can have different forms and sizes that fit perfectly for specific stoves or fireplaces. Decorations with tiles are distinguished by originality and brightness, originality and uniqueness, and this facing material can have a design that is exactly meets the wishes of the owners ovens.

    Read also: Fireplace with air heating

    Even unusual corner fireplaces can be tiled in a beautiful and original way, without unnecessary gaps and any problems. For laying the material is used adhesive mixture ideal for high temperature operation. Tiling allows you to choose a tile that will blend perfectly with the interior of the room.

    Cutting materials is not easy, so it's best to choose for this suitable tools, which primarily includes a tile cutter. Corner fireplaces and stoves are easily tiled with amazing results. However, the work with tiles must be done correctly and according to oven sizes.

    Brick is a good choice for stoves and fireplaces for beautiful cladding. The use of bricks allows you to get traditional designs that be strong and durable.

    Brick is a reliable and attractive material. Because the oven when using heats up, it is necessary to choose only heat-resistant bricks.

    Corner fireplaces are not desirable to decorate with this material. The fact is that from one brick to get several separate elements the right size is not so easy. Therefore, brick is usually used as a cladding for standard structures.

    Fireplace lining process

    It is important not only to choose the right material, but also to know how to clad the fireplace. An example is porcelain stoneware cladding. She implemented in several stages:

    • Preparation of the surface of the fireplace or stove, on which the finishing material will be applied (consists of cleaning from dirt and applying a special degreasing solution).
    • A mixture is created that is necessary for facing the structure with granite, and it must be of high quality and other suitable parameters for use near hot surfaces and open fire.
    • Carrying out calculations, on the basis of which it will be clear how much material will be needed, where the individual elements will be located, as well as answers to other questions regarding the cladding process.
    • Direct cladding with granite, which should go according to plan, while the mixture for work should be applied in the optimal amount.
    • Cleaning the mortar from the surface of the cladding and checking correct execution of the whole process.

    This question is of interest to home craftsmen who decide to lay a stove or fireplace. It is also very relevant for everyone who has stove heating. Finishing the hearth with simple plaster does not have a high aesthetics and after a dozen years of operation it needs to be replaced.

    Of course, cracks and peeling of the finishing layer can be repaired. However, after such a procedure, the stove does not look the best and after a short time it starts to crack again.

    We will tell you how to line a stove or fireplace so that they look great, give off heat well and do not require repairs for a long time.

    The choice of materials for lining the stove or fireplace

    The fundamental difference in the finish of these heating structures No. Everything that is lined with a stove is suitable for a fireplace. But the requirements for finishing materials in both cases are quite specific:

    • High thermal resistance;
    • Good thermal conductivity (thermal output);
    • Mechanical strength;
    • Strong adhesion to the solution;
    • Aesthetic look.

    Invent the new kind you don't need cladding. The practice of furnace business offers many options for performing this work and materials for its implementation.

    Professional craftsmen use the following materials for finishing stoves and fireplaces:

    • Brick;
    • Ceramic tiles (terracotta or majolica);
    • tiles;
    • Natural stone (marble, basalt, sandstone, slate, granite).

    IN last years they were joined by artificial stone and soapstone.

    brick cladding

    If you are satisfied with the aesthetics of ceramic bricks, then use this material for cladding. The most difficult question is that the protection of the heated surface from cracks does not arise in this case. Brick cladding stands on a common furnace foundation and does not require the use of a reinforcing mesh.

    Finishing the stove in the house with the help of facing bricks can be carried out simultaneously with masonry. This material is also well suited to improve the appearance of an existing structure. Contrasting colors and curly details nicely transform the look of an ordinary stove.

    The beauty of the brick lining of the fireplace is not inferior to expensive marble or granite.

    Brick finish is well suited for metal stoves. Here, between the steel hull and the brick lining, a ballast bed of dry fine sand is used. It protects the masonry from the deforming expansion of hot metal and transfers thermal energy well.

    Ceramic tiles - option for soft heating

    Glazed ceramic tiles are a very popular and inexpensive way of lining stoves and fireplaces. The only limitation for this material is the surface heating temperature. The tile does not have powerful hooks and interlock connections to resist thermal deformation. Therefore, do not place it on stoves that get very hot during operation. For fireplaces (weak heating of the facade), it fits optimally.

    Ceramic clinker tiles are an excellent "imitator". With it, you can "create" any kind of finish: brick, tile, wood, granite or marble.

    For those who are looking for an original and inexpensive solution for facing a fireplace or stove, we advise you to try a combination decorative brick and ceramic tiles.

    The combination of smooth and rough texture, dark and light tones will give the hearth a pleasant charm and charm.

    Tiles - the experience of centuries

    Furnace craftsmen have been looking for a way to protect the finish from temperature deformations for a long time, until they came up with tiles. In fact, this is an ordinary clay tile, but of a special “volumetric configuration”. On the back side of the tiles there are special protrusions - rumps. They serve to connect the tiles to each other and to connect with the array of masonry.

    The laying of tiles is carried out simultaneously with the construction of a stove or fireplace, row by row. This results in a strong self-supporting wall. It is connected with the main masonry by wire "antennae" laid in the seams between the bricks.

    Tiled tiles are connected to each other with steel clips-hooks. They are connected with the brick wall of the furnace not only by wire, but also by the mortar laid in the ramps and in the space between the tiles.

    The technology of tiling is different from the usual stove finish. First, they put a row of tiles, fix them together and clog the rumps with clay mortar. Only after that, a brick wall of the furnace is laid close to them.

    richness of decor and colors stove tiles are amazing. Therefore, finishing with this material is often equated with high art.

    Natural and artificial stone

    Natural stone meets all the requirements for the decoration of stoves and fireplaces. It withstands high temperatures, has a dense fine-grained structure and therefore transfers heat well. This material is exceptionally durable and environmentally friendly.

    Beautiful texture and natural colors are the undoubted advantages of stone tiles. The only disadvantage of natural material is the high price. Home craftsmen today have an economical alternative in the form of artificial stone. It is technological in finishing and is not inferior to natural in terms of heat resistance, strength, beauty and environmental friendliness.

    The manufacture of artificial stone is not associated with laborious cutting, grinding and polishing. Modern technologies pressing and firing clay makes it possible to obtain complex figured elements that are not inferior in appearance to expensive products made of natural stone.

    Thanks to the creation of heat-resistant mastics, finishing a fireplace with stone has become easier and does not require the use of embedded parts. Therefore, it is actively mastered by home craftsmen who want to compete on equal terms with eminent masters.

    Soapstone - sounds beautiful, but is it profitable?

    A well-organized marketing company works wonders. Therefore, today rave reviews about soapstone are heard everywhere. It is a common volcanic rock, heavy, strong and heat resistant. Why is it better than basalt, granite or sandstone, no one will clearly answer you. But in terms of cost, it is not inferior to elite marble delivered from Italy (from 7,000 rubles per 1 m2).

    So far, soapstone has "taken root" only in baths and saunas, where heaters are lined with it. You can use it to finish the fireplace and stove, but there are more economical options.

    The color range of this stone is quite poor. It is dominated by pale gray and greenish shades.

    Wood is not only heating oil, but also a beautiful finish

    Wood has never been excluded from the category finishing materials for fireplaces. This material does not conduct heat well, so you need to use it in a limited and competent way, using it as an accent of facade decor.

    IN heating furnace there is also a corner for wood. Here it can be used to decorate shelves, decorate corners, benches and benches.

    Facing the stove and fireplace with your own hands

    We will consider a simple option - lining an existing furnace ceramic tiles.

    The finishing process here consists of the following operations:

    1. Surface preparation;
    2. Steel mesh installation;
    3. mesh plastering;
    4. Tiling.

    High-quality tiling of the furnace with tiles will not work if the surface is not freed from old plaster and dust. The seams between the bricks must be cleaned of the mortar to a depth of 5 to 10 mm (for better adhesion to the mortar or glue).

    Now the entire surface of the furnace, where the tile will stand, must be tightened with a fine steel mesh (cells 15x15 mm). For its fastening, dowels with washers are used. They are not hammered into the seams of the masonry, but into holes drilled in the brick. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe firebox, dowels are placed more often, since the largest temperature deformations occur there. After installing the dowels, the mesh is pulled over them.

    Facing the oven with your own hands begins with the first bottom row. Here, the tiles are fixed on heat-resistant mastic or heat-resistant glue strictly according to the level. Use a standard notched trowel to apply the adhesive.

    Having pressed the tile to the masonry, it is leveled horizontally and vertically, achieving a uniform distribution of the solution. If the tile is thick enough, then a hammer with a rubber head is used to upset it. For thin cladding, the best assembly tool is hands. To obtain an even seam, plastic crosses are used. The correct installation of each row is controlled by the level and plumb.

    After finishing the lining, they take a break for 2-3 days so that the glue gains brand strength. After that, they begin to grout the seams using a dry cement-polymer mixture and a rubber spatula.

    In country houses, fireplaces have always been very popular designs. In any case, any owner thought about building a fireplace in his room. Someone built a real one, someone is limited to a false version - this is already a matter of taste. Still, the days have already passed when, among other things, fireplaces performed an important function of heating the living space.

    Each of the options looks great, very original, creates comfort in the room - and in general, a very soulful atmosphere - everyone will agree with this. That is why the decorative finish of the fireplace is an important aspect of housing cladding, you can not even argue with this.

    What is the best way to decorate a fireplace today, what options are there? There are many materials, all of them are diverse. Let's talk about this topic in more detail - and you will definitely find something interesting for yourself.

    Materials for the construction of fireplaces

    Today you can build a fireplace in a country house using different materials - there are plenty of options. But even in simple city fireplaces there are such designs - this is quite normal.

    So, in a private house for construction use:

    • gas blocks;
    • foam blocks;
    • Brick.

    Such Construction Materials good for their fire resistance. They respond well even to very high temperatures - because of this they are chosen.

    In a situation where the fireplace is built of brick, red material is recommended for use. It perfectly retains heat, outwardly looks more beautiful, aesthetically pleasing.

    Also, in construction actively apply such solutions:

    • If there are no options, you can always use white brick. The decorative finish of the fireplace in this case can also be made of brick. Master can use brick different shades- there is nothing complicated in this. Just in concrete mortar add certain coloring special substances - the result is impressive;
    • When the structure is built from aerated concrete or foam blocks, it's time to think about how to finish the fireplace, because without a special lining it will not look the best. The materials are fine, they keep the heat perfectly, but aesthetically there is something to work on.

    Please note: such materials are quite large - so if you make a mistake in the calculations, the fireplace can turn out to be very large. If this moment is critical, calculate everything in advance.
    • The master must also remember that fireplaces usually have a chimney. In case you are making a false design, this element is decorative, so anyone can do it. But if the fireplace is real, you won’t be able to do without a high-quality and working chimney. Removing combustion products is vital;
    • For the construction of the chimney, the same brick is used - this is the easiest. The design assumes the presence of a damper - so that enough air enters the fireplace - then the combustion process will be more productive, of high quality
    • Building fireplaces from natural stone is a costly task, but if you have the funds, this is a great option.

    Especially, if you create a real office in a country house, hunter's room or hall.

    Features of fireplace inserts (interior decoration)

    If you are interested in what you can finish the fireplace with, you should also learn about something else: what is a firebox. A fireplace is a place where solid substances are burned - it can be wood, coal or some other fuel. Decorative finishing of the fireplace also includes work with the firebox, but more on that below.

    To finish this part of the design, apply today:

    1. Brick;
    2. Drywall sheets;
    3. The stone is natural.

    Plasterboard cladding

    • You can indeed use sheets of drywall to sheathe a fireplace insert (after all, such material can even be - it is durable). But, only if the work is carried out with a false fireplace. However, exceptions to the rules are also allowed. Drywall may be necessary if it is necessary to level the surface in the firebox;
    • Only a special material can be used in works of this level - moisture-resistant drywall. Some other one is not recommended to be used here;
    • In the process of work, it is also worth paying attention - if such material is used, the volume of the furnace can be significantly reduced. This happens because the fastening of the sheets is performed on the frame (of course, metal). It is made from a special profile on the surface.

    What is used for to fulfill installation work :

    • Need directly material;
    • Metal profile;
    • Screwdriver and screws.

    Now for the installation details.:

    • In the course of work, some difficulties may arise - their probability is especially high when there are places in the fireplace that are difficult to access. That is why it is recommended to work with a screwdriver (a tool that functions with batteries);
    • The fireplace insert is usually sheathed with plasterboard when the size of the insert needs to be reduced - to a large extent. This happens when the fireplace is large - and the owner wants to fix the situation;
    • If you decide to use sheets of such material, it is important to think over the interior decoration in advance - so that the material can be protected from the damaging effects of fire and high temperatures.

    This will definitely help you.:

    • Decorative stone;
    • A natural stone;
    • Ceramic tiles (not often used, rather an exception).
    When the fireplace insert is lined with drywall, there are usually no difficulties. First, they mount the material, then they start finishing work (here, too, only one's own strength is fully enough).

    We use brick

    Usually a brick is used in a situation where the fireplace itself is built from this material. The firebox in this situation is erected together with the rest of the structure; there is no need for additional decorative finishing.

    In addition, a brick is chosen in the case when the entire fireplace structure was made of another material - which cannot cope with temperature effects in any way (or simply flammable, does not tolerate heat).

    Such materials are:

    • Wood;
    • Drywall that is not fire resistant.

    A chimney is laid out of brick, the firebox itself is inside the structure. And in order to ensure maximum safety, it is important to maintain a certain distance from the fireplace box to the facing brick layer. This interval should be at least 200 (and even better - 250) mm.

    Facing with ceramic tiles

    If the decorative finish of the fireplace is exactly what you are interested in, you cannot pass by such a wonderful material as ceramic tiles.

    Generally, for interior decoration it is rarely used in fireboxes, it is fixed only on the surface that is flat (usually on drywall, we have already figured out above that its installation is not such a difficult task).

    You can easily install ceramic tiles if you have at hand:

    • Concrete mortar;
    • Two spatulas;
    • The finishing material itself;
    • Cross-shaped plastic beacons (needed so that the seam is even).

    Features of the use of ceramic tiles:

    • The material is highly fire resistant. To perform the installation efficiently, it is best to use a special construction adhesive or concrete mortar.
    To be beautiful, the distance between the tiles should be uniform. It is for this that it is worth using cruciform beacons - they are installed between the finishing elements. They are not expensive.
    • When the installation work on installing the tiles is completed, the seam is usually masked - for this there is a special decorative putty (it can be of different colors - you can easily find the one you want). In general, nothing complicated - while the result will be great.

    Decorative exterior finishes for fireplaces

    Since fireplaces can be both real and purely decorative (they work with the help of various electrical appliances), the finish options are drastically different. Of course, when the fireplace is just an imitation, there is a completely different approach to the facing process.

    Which materials for finishing fireplaces and stoves can be used? Here is the list:

    1. Glass;
    2. Wood;
    3. Marble;
    4. Porcelain stoneware;
    5. Drywall;
    6. Decorative stone;
    7. Ceramic tiles;
    8. The bassoon is decorative.

    Marble and exterior cladding

    • Decorative fireplace trim with marble - expensive, but very nice solution, aesthetic. The design will acquire a really solid appearance - a great way for the owner to emphasize his high social position;
    • Today you can buy a fully finished facing for fireplaces - there is a demand, which means you can easily find an offer. Ordering the right size - this is also possible with professionals;
    • The master can use individual parts to assemble the cladding on his own.
    Decorating a fireplace with marble is not the best simple task. This process is time-consuming, in addition, it is worth remembering many subtleties and trifles.


    • Marble weighs quite a lot. Because of this, its installation on the wall is impossible if the surface was previously sheathed with drywall. However, this rule does not apply to those decorative elements that are provided to the buyer already in a completely finished form;
    • It is customary to install such natural stone on a brick or some other surface. For this, a concrete solution with various additives is used, or a specialized adhesive.

    What are the properties of marble? One can note such:

    • fire safety;
    • fire resistance;
    • Durability;
    • Strength.

    It is also appropriate to add “practicality” here - but many masters will argue about this. The fact is that this finishing material has a very “capricious” surface. It reacts very poorly to the effects of certain detergents, which contain abrasive particles.

    In addition, stains may appear on the marble surface over time - but only when the material has been processed poorly.

    Finishing the fireplace with plasterboard outside

    How to decorate a fireplace? Drywall? Quite good option moreover, it occurs quite often. Especially when electric fireplaces are sheathed.

    The process as a whole looks like that:

    1. First, with the help of profiles, a frame is made - drywall sheets are already fastened to it. After these sheets are plastered (this can help), then a fine finish is performed;
    2. But here it is worth considering such a moment: the fireplace insert should also be lined with drywall;
    3. Decorative stone or bassoon - these options look great from the outside. The installation of materials is very simple on the surface of the fireplace, especially if you use a specialized adhesive in your work.

    Timber cladding, glass application

    It's no secret that the tree is famous for its beautiful texture. Decorating a fireplace with such material is quite realistic, lining is perfect for this.

    Installation of the material is possible on any surface - there would be a desire.

    And for installation you need the following:

    • Screwdriver;
    • Self-tapping screws for wood;
    • Wooden bars or planks;
    • The finishing material itself, without it nowhere.
    Of course, wood paneling can be used only in outdoor finishing work because this material burns very easily.
    • To make the lining look aesthetically pleasing and the material serve you as long as possible, it is recommended to apply a special varnish on its surface after the installation is completed.

    In facing works, you can also use glass. IN modern interiors this material is in high demand..

    Details about the use:

    • How can glass be used in the decoration of the fireplace? It doesn't happen very often, that's a fact. The point is that this material high temperature it can easily burst - and in such a situation there is nothing surprising;
    • To prevent such a disaster, the decorative decoration of the fireplace with glass is made only with a special fired thermal material that can withstand even exposure to direct fire or high temperature;
    • Fireplace glass - interesting solution to make an aesthetic element for closing the firebox. Also, with its help, interesting imitations of fireplaces are obtained (we are talking about false structures). Such options look unusual, very original, they will decorate any interior, add zest to your room.

    The use of porcelain stoneware

    Such a finishing material is relatively recently chosen in order to finish the fireplace. Here it is worth noting the following technical properties:

    • Porcelain stoneware does not burn;
    • It tolerates high temperature exposure;
    • Recognized as practical, moisture resistant;
    • Installation work is carried out easily, without unnecessary difficulties.

    Thus, facing fireplaces with porcelain stoneware is popular today.

    There are reasons for that:

    1. Finishing material is attached very easily, simply. The main thing is that the surface to be treated is even. It is best to level with plaster, but drywall sheets can also be used;
    2. Porcelain stoneware is mounted on the surface using a special adhesive composition. Since this material is chosen when a decorative finish is needed for the fireplace, it is made light even at the factory.


    As you have already seen, you can finish the fireplace with different materials, there are plenty of ways. Watch a video about how professionals do this job - they definitely have a lot to learn.

    Today, fireplaces, in general, perform only a decorative function, they equip them to create comfort, an appropriate atmosphere.

    The main purpose of the fireplace can be considered to maintain the temperature of the air for comfortable living. But in some cases, it is an integral part of the interior of the room. It means that general form and the style of the room is determined by the shape and cladding of the portal, and special attention should be paid to its design. Do-it-yourself fireplace decoration is not only possible experienced craftsmen but also for those who have minimal knowledge and skills in construction industry. To make the hearth look attractive on the outside, you can use both natural finishing materials and artificial ones.

    Do-it-yourself fireplace decoration


    Tiles are widely used in the design of fireplaces. This is explained by the fact that the material has a high thermal conductivity. For work, most often they use porcelain stoneware, glazed ceramic tiles or gypsum volumetric tiles that imitate natural materials.


    Facing tiles used as a fireplace decoration have a number of differences:

    • high temperature resistance,
    • ease of use and care,
    • variety of colors,
    • the possibility of creating different styles design.

    Making a fireplace with ceramic tiles takes place in several stages:

    1. Preparing tools. To carry out a quality finish, you must have the appropriate tools: building level, pencil, spatulas, sponges, rubber hammer.
    2. Surface preparation for finishing. It is necessary to clean the surface from various contaminants, to carry out the treatment with a primer. In some cases, it is recommended to install metal mesh. This will prevent coloring of the bricks that make up the fireplace.
    3. Fitting the material. Before laying, the tiles are laid out on the floor, collecting the future composition, and adjusting the size of the tiles.
    4. Preparation of the adhesive solution. Laying is carried out using heat-resistant glue, the preparation of which is carried out according to the instructions.
    5. Laying tiles. Work starts from the bottom of the firebox. Glue is applied to the surface of the hearth, then the tile is applied and pressed against the base. It is sealed with a light tap of a rubber mallet. Finishing of protrusions and corners is carried out with special elements.
    6. Material processing. To protect the finished surface from soot and dirt, a heat-resistant varnish is used, which covers the entire finished surface.

    Related article: Roof rails for the kitchen - their classification and installation rules

    Decorating with ceramic tiles

    stone fireplace trim

    Stone is more often used for wall decoration, but can be used in the design of fireplaces. It not only gives a solid appearance to the hearth, but also retains heat. Stone differs from other finishing materials in its increased strength and in the fact that when laying it is not required to leave even seams. But the severity of the material and the high cost are its main disadvantages. Stone laying is carried out using the same technology as tiles.

    Finishing the hearth with natural and artificial stone

    The design of fireplaces is carried out using the following materials:

    • Shell rock. This is one of the cheap minerals that have a decent appearance. Its disadvantage is the porous structure, which becomes clogged with soot within a short time, which leads to a decrease in attractiveness.
    • Granite. Use raw and processed material. Both types look great on the fireplace. Ease of care is the main advantage of the material. It is not afraid of scratches, so various detergents can be used during operation.
    • Marble. The material that is used most often for decorating fireplaces. Natural beauty, affordable price and a variety of varieties of marble - this is only part of the advantages that are inherent in the material.

    Fireplace plastering

    Facing the hearth by plastering can be considered fast and inexpensive option finishes. After all, the cost of the material is available to everyone, and the work process does not require special knowledge and skills. In addition, plastering does not make the main masonry of the fireplace heavier, therefore, it is not necessary to strengthen the base. It is also easy and in a short time to change the color scheme, a new style of the fireplace is created.
    The main condition for a quality finish is right choice plasters. It must be heat-resistant with the addition of special fibers. These conditions are met by adding clay, lime, hemp or straw to the usual solution. The decorativeness of the plastered portal is achieved by painting with compositions that are resistant to sudden changes in temperature: from strong heating to the final cooling of the fireplace.
