In almost every country house there is such a necessary attribute as a stove. You can cook on it, it also heats the home, thereby contributing to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in winter time. But sometimes boilers are used for heating. different form fuel. At the same time, a logical question often arises: what kind of firewood is better for the stove?

Each owner of private real estate tries to find fuel at the best cost. Gas in this regard is a good alternative, but it is not carried out in all areas. Electricity is available everywhere, but it is not suitable for the heating system due to the low power of the equipment and the high final cost.

That's why wood stoves were and still are profitable solution with a lot of merit. High degree of heat transfer, easy operation and firewood, the cost of which is relatively low. When the hot water heating system is not in use, it is necessary to carry out conservation, and this process is not so simple. There are simply no such problems with the stove.

Types of firewood

Even if the heating system includes gas or coal-fired equipment, it is impossible to completely do without firewood. Some connoisseurs of comfort and coziness have a fireplace at home. And to maintain health, there is one good and proven remedy - a bath!

But, returning to the question of what kind of firewood is best for a stove, bath or fireplace, you should know about their varieties. The amount of heat that is released during combustion depends on how dense and hard the logs are. Knowing which firewood is different more efficient for heating the house, you can significantly save on fuel.

People have been using wood for a long time to make fire, which has served various purposes since ancient times: it gave warmth, helped to cook food, and scared away uninvited guests. Some are better, giving a lot of heat, while others are poorly suited for heating and emit soot during combustion. For this reason, there are types of firewood that are ideal for heating a house or kindling a bath. Others are better to put in the fireplace.

The most popular tree species are:

  • spruce, larch);
  • birch;
  • alder;
  • fruit;
  • Linden;
  • aspen;

All firewoods are different, and it's not that some types are better than others. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Let us consider them in more detail, but first a few words about the calorific value of firewood from different breeds wood.

A couple of phrases about calorific value

In my own way chemical composition wood is a rather complex material. It contains the main components - lignin and cellulose. But besides them, the tree contains:

  • resins;
  • proteins;
  • tannins and other ingredients.

When logs are burned in the stove (or simply when in the forest), these components interact with air at the chemical level. The calorific value of wood (as well as any fuel), or thermal conductivity, is the amount of thermal energy that a unit weight of the fuel material (in our case, 1 kg of wood) gives out during combustion. Kilocalories are used to measure the quantity.

The chemical composition among the majority has minimal fluctuations, which causes differences in the number of calories emitted. That is, the calorific value of some types of firewood can be as follows:

  • in hardwoods, the indicator is 4460 kcal / kg;
  • in conifers - 4560 kcal / kg;
  • in mixed breeds - 4510 kcal / kg.

As you can see, the differences are minimal. At the same time, it is easy to understand that it is better to use conifers for the stove due to their greater thermal conductivity. Only firewood is supplied to the market depending on the volume, not the weight. That is, the main criterion for choosing firewood is cubic meters. Density plays an important role here, because the higher it is, the heavier the wood.

For example, let's take the reference point 1 cubic meter birch logs. Then the ratio of the volume of different breeds will look like this:

  • oak logs - 0.75 cu. m;
  • alder logs - 1.1 cu. m;
  • pine logs - 1.2 cubic meters. m;
  • spruce logs - 1.3 cu. m;
  • aspen logs - 1.5 cu. m.

That is, 1 cubic meter of birch and 0.75 cubic meters. m of oak logs, 1.1 cubic meters. m of alder wood (and so on) will give out the same amount of heat. Knowing this, now, depending on how much firewood costs, you can get profitable savings for yourself.

Softwood firewood: pine, spruce, larch

By the characteristic crackling of logs, which literally caresses the ear, and the bright flying sparks, one can determine the burning of coniferous logs. They give a lot of heat, but burn out pretty quickly. But many shortcomings are quickly forgotten thanks to the unique resinous aroma that comes from burning pine or spruce firewood. Only in this case, extreme vigilance should be observed, since sparks firing from time to time can do a lot of trouble. Therefore, safety precautions must be observed.

It is worth noting that pine logs give more heat than spruce logs. Largely due to the high content of resinous substances, due to which the aroma mentioned above stands out. Pine and spruce, it equally produces an invigorating effect. In addition, it can have a tonic effect on the organs of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, just spruce logs have a “shooting” effect, and pine firewood has a smoke effect. But the wood of both species is easily pricked and melted, although it smokes heavily.

As for larch, rarely anyone kindles a firebox with such firewood due to its low prevalence. It should be borne in mind that when logs are burned, carbon monoxide is released in large quantities. For this reason, do not immediately close the damper, but in country house or a country cottage should have high-quality ventilation.

Birch - traditions should not be broken

Most people are inclined to believe that such firewood is the best fuel for starting a fire in a fireplace, stove or bath. And all because of the invaluable advantages:

  • easily kindled;
  • burn for a long time;
  • the flame is beautiful and even;
  • no sparks;
  • abundant heat release.

But the benefits don't end there. The healing properties of birch have been known since ancient times. Pleasant aroma has a beneficial effect on human body, protecting it from colds and chronic diseases. In other words, birch firewood has a disinfecting effect, which is approved by those who like to take a steam bath.

When burning, logs emit a small amount of carbon dioxide, and this is certainly a plus. But there is also a minus - a high concentration of tar. This one is no longer good for health. In addition, soot and soot form on the walls of the furnace and in the chimney. As a result, over time, not only traction is lost, but the risk of fire or poisoning increases. carbon monoxide. Therefore, when choosing these firewood, it is also worth mastering the profession of a chimney sweep, as well as observing safety.

But, despite the existing shortcomings, birch is the most popular, cheap and practical fuel.

Alder - royal gift

If you want to feel a little like a member of the royal family, you should get hold of alder logs, because it is not for nothing that they are popularly called royal. They flare up quickly, emit just a huge amount of heat, practically no smoke is formed, which also eliminates the appearance of soot and soot. In addition, logs burn for a very long time. That is, the question of what kind of wood is better to heat the stove in the house, as it were, has already been resolved!

But the main highlight lies in the unique aroma, which has a healing effect. It has long been accepted that it is worth heating a bathhouse on alder wood, as you can forget about colds once and for all. In addition, even in the old days, it was alder logs that were laid in the royal ovens, as well as the fireboxes of other estates of rich peasants or nobles.

Fresh cut alder of a red-orange hue, due to which the woodpile has an unusual and bright look. At the same time, there is one interesting feature that everyone should know about. All the advantages described apply to trees that have grown in dry areas. If the plants bloomed in a swamp, then there will be soot and unbearable heat.

Alder is especially popular among those who like to smoke meat or fish. IN normal conditions wood dries quickly, and it retains its healing natural properties for 3 years.

Oak - a fortress of the spirit

Which wood burns longer? Definitely oak! They are distinguished by high strength and density. It is no coincidence that experts jokingly classify this breed as an elite variety, and only then it is valued as a type of fuel. Due to these features, oak logs maintain heat at the right level, give strong heat, and the negative impact of various external factors does not affect them in any way.

The aroma emanating from firewood is so pleasant, tart and soft that you can feel the breath of the forest expanses. Like birch, oak is able to have a beneficial effect on the human body, in particular on nervous system. It also helps to relax and strengthen the immune system.

The tree is a long-liver, and finding suitable wood for kindling is not so easy. Not all logs are suitable for this. Firewood from young plants will not give much heat, and when the old ones are burned, a large amount of ash is formed, the air becomes too heavy - not every visitor to the bath will be able to withstand it.

Heating the house with firewood from middle-aged trees turns out to be good - they give the heat exactly as much as needed, or even more. Only they are not so easy to find, therefore oak is used infrequently as a fuel, and it also grows very slowly.

For reference: once good and strong ships were built from oak. Now it is believed that you can cook a truly tasty and juicy pizza only on oak wood. They are also ideal for kindling a fireplace, the only difficulty is that such wood is not easy to chop.

Fruit trees for flavor

Of course, no one will specifically grow fruit trees for the sole purpose of using them later for firewood. However, there is still an apple tree, pear, plum or cherry on the site. Over time, you can collect a lot of branches and twigs, which you can put into the furnace. Some make fires right away, but it would be much more correct to carefully saw them up and put them in a woodpile. They are ideal for kindling a sauna, because, along with a good and even heat, the combustion of firewood produces light steam accompanied by a pleasant, delicate aroma.

Sawing and chopping firewood costs nothing, the apple tree is the leader in terms of heat release, and there is practically no smoke. But this choice is more of an aesthetic nature.

Linden - for heat and soul

In many cities, trees are not uncommon, but this cannot be said about middle lane. Such firewood is good for kindling a bath. Strong persistent heat, honey aroma and healing power - all this is about linden logs! Each trip to the bath will be healing: the skin condition improves, and colds and various respiratory diseases recede. Although firewood takes a long time to ignite, it retains heat for a long time.

Aspen - cleansing firewood

Aspen is also kindled for a long time and burns out quickly. Therefore, such firewood should not be used to heat the stove, as they say, “from scratch”. At the same time, the flames are long and bright. There are also some other valuable features. In addition to the fact that firewood itself does not form soot, they are able to remove carbon deposits formed from other logs. At the same time, when compared with birch firewood, aspen logs produce much less heat when burned.

But they can be used to "clean" the chimney. For this purpose, it is recommended to throw a few aspen firewood at the final stage of the furnace. And the chimney will be cleaned. Although they themselves do not give heat, they are able to maintain heat for a long time.

Light willow logs

If willow firewood comes into view, do not refuse them. The heat from them is standing, the flame is even, and in addition there is no soot. The only drawback is that they burn out too quickly. However, this is easily compensated if there are a sufficient number of willow trees in the area of ​​​​residence. Many landscaping companies don't give them much time to develop. Old trunks are cut down, and branches are removed from still young trees. So do not miss any opportunity to profit from such fuel for your home, bath or fireplace.


As you know, there are a lot of tree species, and to list all their species, you can write a thick book, or even more than one.

Therefore, in addition to the listed varieties, it is worth touching at least a few more:

  • Elm. It produces a lot of smoke, is difficult to crack and takes a long time to ignite.
  • Poplar. Like firewood for the stove - very much even nothing. They are easily pricked, they only scatter sparks and quickly burn out.
  • Beech. It is also difficult to kindle and split, but it can be used raw.
  • Fir. Like poplar, it is easily pricked and ignited, but you can not do without a lot of smoke and sparks.
  • Sycamore. The tree is easy to kindle, but difficult to split.

Can they be used in a furnace? Everyone can find the answer to this question. But, on the other hand, why not?!

It's important to know!

Regardless of the type of trees that will be used for firewood, you need to know about some features:

  1. Timing. Of course, those logs that have already laid out their “due” period will also burn (provided that they are dry and there is no mold on them). However, most trees retain their fragrance for only two years. Alder and aspen are a pleasant exception in this regard - 3 years.
  2. Everything has its time. In winter, it is at its lowest level. In this regard, it is necessary to deal with it during this period. Drying usually takes about 12 months. However, the terms depend on the type of forest, time of harvesting, storage conditions and a number of other factors. In this case, the duration can be significantly increased or, conversely, reduced.
  3. Dimensions. Which firewood is the best? Of course, those who optimal dimensions. And this is 40-50 cm in length and 8-10 cm in thickness. So it is convenient to store them and are suitable for any firebox.
  4. Rot. Under no circumstances should rotten wood be used. The long stay of logs on the ground ends with the accumulation of toxic substances released during combustion, which is not beneficial to humans. For this reason, when cutting branches, you should immediately take the right measures for their storage. When choosing raw materials for a firebox among deadwood, long-fallen branches should not be taken into account.
  5. storage issues. Logs should be laid with the bark facing up. This will protect the firewood from accidentally getting moisture, which evaporates faster from the surface of the bark. And if you show imagination, you can build an original woodpile to the delight and surprise of the guests.

As can be seen from this material, it is not enough to know which firewood is better for the stove. It is equally important to observe the correct storage of them.

Regarding the arrangement of the woodpile, you can always come up with a lot of different ideas: from the most creative and crazy to the easiest to implement.

folk tales

Superstitions and beliefs circulate among the people. For example, it is believed that it is better to harvest firewood for a bath on a waning moon. At the same time, the thinner the sickle is, the stronger the logs are endowed healing power. Once upon a time, the Slavs believed that people who had left the world turned into maple in their lives. The appearance of its leaves is akin to open palms, and the branches represent arms raised to heaven. For this reason, they never fired stoves with maple.

In the old days, residents of the Tambov province stoked stoves exclusively with apple trees in order to keep the house warm throughout the winter, including especially frosty days. Whether to believe all this or not is everyone's business, but what was, was. And what do you, dear readers, think: what kind of firewood is better for a stove, bath or fireplace?

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When purchasing firewood for a fireplace, the owner tries to heat the house in the cold season or use the hearth as a decorative decoration. The design of the heating structure is distinguished by the presence of a door with glass separating the firebox from the room. At the same time, 90% of the heat transfer from the combustion of wood material is preserved. If the fireplace is designed "for beauty and comfort", its firebox is open. But almost all the heat escapes to the street through the pipe.

Despite the difference in designs, firewood for the fireplace must be dry, containing no more than 20% moisture. Otherwise, there are areas of moisture between the fibers of the wooden chocks, and it will be problematic to quickly melt the fireplace.

The best qualities for a furnace are hardwoods: oak, birch, alder, beech, apple and pear. They are heavy and the cut circle is smooth. When burned, essential oils with a pleasant aroma are released.

The electric fireplace also looks beautiful, but there is no smell of burning firewood, the charm of a living flame disappears.

Dry wood is better suited for burning in a fireplace. One fifth of the moisture remains in the raw material after 2 years of wood drying outdoors. It is recommended to dry in woodpiles folded under cover, in which the pricked chocks are well blown by the wind:

  • the length of the logs should not exceed 40 cm. The best option- 3/4 of the width of the furnace;
  • the diameter of firewood, which ensures good combustion, is 6-8 cm;
  • in the woodpile, it is desirable to alternate the longitudinal and transverse arrangement of chocks through 1 row.

Free blowing of wood with air masses contributes to the drying of raw materials. Oak firewood is dried for 2 years before use.

Kindling the hearth

Before starting the kindling of the fireplace, it is necessary to check the draft by bringing a lit match to the opening of the pipe in the place of the valve for the direct flow of smoke. If the room is colder than outside, there may be no draft, and then the smoke from burning firewood will go straight into the house. To avoid smoke, you can heat the air in the pipe with burning paper rolled into a roll.

Ways to kindle a fireplace depend on the stacking of firewood (hut, well, taiga). But general rule: there should be a gap between the dry chocks so that the resulting draft blows up the fire. In this case, paper is used, thin splinters that flare up faster.

To avoid heat loss, you should make an approximate assessment of how to heat the fireplace correctly by the brightness of the flame:

  • the normal color of the flames is bright yellow;
  • the white flame says the pull is too strong. It is necessary to cover the blower and slightly reduce the gap in the pipe with a fireplace valve;
  • dark color indicates a lack of oxygen for combustion. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the air flow;
  • it is recommended to fill the firebox with firewood with a volume of slightly less than half. Otherwise, created in the furnace heat will lead to cracks in the fireplace body, which are almost impossible to repair.

Firewood for open construction

Choosing how to heat a fireplace open design, you need to consider that the smell of burning material enters the room. Therefore, tree species with a high content of resins in the composition are not suitable. But you can add a little pine needles for a pleasant aroma.

Alder firewood is considered to be of good quality. Ownership is easy to identify orange color wood. In tsarist times, alder was used for quick warm-up bath rooms. High heat transfer, pleasant smell and almost no smoke characterize alder firewood.

Birch wood is more common and less expensive. If you peel off the bark, then the emission of smoke during combustion will be negligible. And birch bark is great for lighting a fireplace. If the house is constantly heated with birch, then it is advisable to clean the chimney every month. The event provides good traction when kindling.

A pleasant aroma appears in the room when using wood fruit trees. Branches are used to fill the room with a healing scent. garden trees remaining after cropping. The raw material must be thoroughly dried.

Aspen firewood provides beautiful combustion with low heat release. It is recommended to heat the fireplace several times a season with aspen raw materials in order to clean the chimney from excess soot.

Fireplace with coal

For more warmth, it is good to heat the fireplace with coal. Only the material should be purchased special, adapted for kindling a fireplace. First you need to create heat with the help of firewood, on which coal is placed on top in small pieces, gradually increasing its size.

Kindling a hearth with charcoal is more difficult than with wood. Often special tablets or liquid for kindling are used. Modern heating systems are equipped with gas or electric igniters, which greatly speed up the process.

The better to heat a closed fireplace

A fireplace with a closed firebox is distinguished by a special door made of heat resistant glass, therefore, when choosing which wood to heat the fireplace is better, the formation of fumes and soot should be taken into account. For example, softwood contains a lot of resins, which, when burned, release an increased amount of soot deposited on the glass. Constant cleaning contributes to the formation of scratches on the surface, and soot accumulated in the chimney can ignite.

When choosing which firewood is best suited for the firebox, it is recommended to take into account the purpose of the fireplace. If high heat output is not required, firewood is used from poplar, willow, which burn brightly, but practically do not emit heat.

The best firewood are oak and beech, previously dried in the open air. Drying period - not less than a year. The optimum wood moisture content is up to 20%.

An alternative to using wood is eurofirewood, made by pressing from the remnants of raw materials in the manufacture of furniture. Wood shavings, sawdust, dust are pressed into logs or briquettes. They are characterized by slow burning with increased heat dissipation, ideal for closed-type fireplaces.

To light the briquettes, you must first heat the fireplace with firewood, and it is recommended to throw pressed logs in the heat. Which better firewood use, decide based on the cost of the product and the possibility of its delivery.

By fulfilling the simple requirements of how to properly heat a fireplace, a person gets aesthetic pleasure, watching the play of the flame, inhaling the pleasant aroma of burning wood.

A wood-burning fireplace is perhaps the most comfortable element of a country cottage or home. However, in order for its warming and eye-pleasing fire to bring joy, it is necessary to choose the right firewood for the fireplace. We will talk today about what kind of firewood is better for a fireplace, what kind of wood to give preference to and how to heat a fireplace correctly.

Fireplaces are different: liquid fuel, gas fuel, on. And yet, firewood for a fireplace is the most environmentally friendly, most common and most affordable method. Ideally, when choosing firewood for a fireplace, you should pay attention to the following factors:

- wood moisture

- wood dimensions

- types of wood.

Let's dwell on each point in more detail.

Firewood for the fireplace: humidity

It is undesirable to heat a fireplace with raw firewood. Firstly, the energy of combustion, which would go to heat, will go to the evaporation of excess moisture in the wood. Secondly, a lot of polluting condensate will accumulate in the chimney, on the glass of the fireplace and in the firebox itself.

That's why the best firewood for a fireplace, these are those that have a humidity of 15-25%. talking plain language, cuttings of the last or the year before last. If possible, fresh wood for at least six months (ideally - one and a half to two and a half) in the open air, but under a canopy. Logs with a moisture content of 15% have the most optimal specific heat of combustion - what is needed for a fireplace.

Pay special attention to wood storage. Don't store wood in large logs - it will take too long to dry. Firewood should not lie on the ground, otherwise it will rot, but you should not put “non-breathing” materials under them - polyethylene or concrete slabs, because this will block the road for normal air exchange, and the condensate will not be able to fully evaporate. It is better to give preference to the grate or pallet. And just before you use firewood for the fireplace, bring it in and dry it in the room.

Firewood: size

In order to get a good persistent heat, you should take firewood for a fireplace insert of at least approximately the same size, optimally - 7-10 cm and in diameter and 2/3-3/4 in length from the size of the front of the firebox (usually up to 35 cm) . If you first remove the bark from the logs, there will be less soot.

It is important not only how to heat the fireplace, but also how to heat the fireplace. So, when loading, do not stack the logs tightly. Load the firebox with a maximum of a third of the volume - this is in the region of 4 kg of firewood. Remember: the most efficient mode of burning wood is with good draft and air supply. Therefore, lay firewood with the damper open, 2-3 logs each.

It is difficult to talk about the burning time of one bookmark: it largely depends on the fireplace itself, its parameters and quality, as well as on the humidity and type of firewood, the combustion mode and many other factors.

Firewood for the fireplace: tree species

What kind of wood is best for stoking a fireplace? Birch, coniferous, fruity, aspen? ... It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. Moreover, not all people buy firewood, choosing a breed. Often, obsolete trees from the garden, overgrowth of young trees from and other "accidental" guests become food for the fireplace. All this can and should be put into action!

The main thing is not to take debris for the fireplace insert old furniture, fences and other rotten wood. Not only do such raw materials have low combustion energy, they are also, as a rule, impregnated with,. Do you want to breathe toxic combustion products? If not, refrain from using such a rarity as firewood for a fireplace.

Firewood: Hardwood

The best firewood for a fireplace: contain little resin, smoke little and burn evenly. deciduous trees can be divided into soft and hard. Since softwood is lighter than hardwood, an order of magnitude more softwood will need to be burned to produce the same amount of heat than hardwood. But, of course, solid wood - and an order of magnitude more expensive.

What is the best wood for a fireplace? , oak, birch, white locust, ; wood of aspen, linden, and is valued slightly lower.

- ideal, but too luxurious option. Such logs burn for a long time, releasing a lot of heat and a pleasant tart smell. When a young oak burns, the house will be filled with the smell of embers, and it will give a little heat; old oak will give a heavy smell to the house and form a lot of ash. Therefore, give preference to a middle-aged tree. Oak firewood has no drawbacks - apart from the cost and doubts about the appropriateness of using such valuable wood.

Firewood for the fireplace: softwood

Many people like the notorious "crackling of firewood in the fireplace" - this is combustion or . "shoot" and smoke, releasing a specific, invigorating aroma of essential oils. In any case, you should not abuse such firewood - they will quickly pollute the fireplace. It's better to use thesewood for the fireplacein combination with other breeds.

In conclusion, I would like to add that not only trunks and branches, but also stumps and tree roots are suitable for burning a fireplace. Such material will burn hot, leaving a minimum of ash and pleasing to the eye. unusual game and the color of the flame.

A fire burning in a stove is always associated with special coziness and comfort, but its main purpose is to warm the house. In order for the stove to function efficiently, warm up quickly and retain heat for as long as possible, you need to know what kind of wood is better to heat the stove.

In addition, it is necessary to foresee the conditions under which firewood will be located, because only with proper storage will they be able to maintain their natural heat transfer qualities.

Heating from gas or steam heating in no way can be compared with the heat emanating from a stove heated with high-quality firewood. It envelops the house not only with comfort, but also with comfortable silence, among which you can hear the crackling of dry logs. Such a feeling remains the most pleasant for a person even in our time, despite the emergence of new ways of heating rooms.

Characteristics of quality firewood

Not everyone knows that each wood has its own characteristics. Some breeds are good for construction, while others are ideal for home heating. But that's all. It is important to consider for which heating device firewood is selected. For example, a fireplace needs wood that gives a pleasant aroma when burned, but does not have a large amount of resins in its structural composition. These substances are capable of creating strong smoke, and, in addition, during the combustion process, the wood “shoots”, scattering burning coals, which can lead to a fire. That is why conifers for an open fireplace are not recommended.

A tree is selected according to the duration and intensity of burning and its heat transfer, as well as its ability to smoke generation and the amount of ash left after the firebox.

The “correct” firewood should have good heat dissipation and combustibility, not smoke the room and burn almost completely, leaving no large amount of waste. All these qualities will depend not only on the chosen type of wood, but also on how well the tree is dried. Fresh, freshly sawn wood is not immediately used for the firebox - it will smoke heavily and burn sluggishly, as it retains a large percentage of moisture. Therefore, it must necessarily go through the drying process. Firewood will be ready for use when a sonorous sound is heard when one pole hits another.

The highest quality firewood is obtained from trees cut in winter period when sap flow is slow. It is not worth stocking firewood during the spring and summer months, as the wood is very wet at this time and will take a long time to dry.

The best types of wood for firewood

For the firebox are considered hardwoods having a dense fiber structure. They have properties long burning, excellent heat dissipation. These include oak, linden, alder, birch, ash and other wood. Fruit trees are also considered quite suitable for heating. Such firewood is perfect for a fireplace or smokehouse, as it gives a special pleasant aroma.

It should be noted that coniferous wood also burns well, but tends to smoke and give a lot of soot due to its high resin content. In addition, it quickly burns out, giving off an insufficient amount of heat.


To know more precisely which kind of firewood will be optimal, it’s a good idea to first consider the types of hardwood separately, and get information about their characteristics, which are important from the point of view of the heating process.

1. Oak firewood

Oak wood has T hard structure, therefore, it burns for a long time, while possessing excellent heat transfer, which surpasses almost all other breeds in this property. It is quite expensive, but economical to use - its consumption for heating a house is much lower than when burning with other firewood.

Oak firewood - excellent thermal performance, but a very high price

Middle-aged oak is well suited for space heating - its wood has all the above qualities to the maximum extent.

Oak wood emits a tart, pleasant forest aroma and excellent heat when burned. When burning oak firewood in a fireplace, a special healing atmosphere is created in the room, since the steam emanating from oak logs has proven healing properties.

It should be noted that real Italian pizza is cooked only on oak wood, but in Italy it is quite difficult to find such firewood, so they are especially appreciated there. Similar qualities are inherent in several more types of wood from fruit trees - these are apple and pear trees grown to a strictly defined age.

2. Birch firewood

Birch wood has special qualities and has been valued since ancient times. Connoisseurs of traditions prefer to heat the bathhouse with it, as the birch heat disinfects the premises and gives a wonderful aroma. In addition, birch has healing properties - a bath heated by it helps to get rid of colds and chronic respiratory diseases.

Birch firewood close to the ideal in terms of characteristics. Disadvantage - they get old pretty quickly

However, it must be borne in mind that birch logs lose their excellent qualities already two years after the tree has been cut down. They quickly begin to deteriorate and become rotten inside, which means they will not give the heat that they get from fresh and dried wood.

Both birch bark and wood itself contain a large amount of tar, and it is a kind of carbon compound. It allows the wood to quickly ignite, burn intensely, leaving almost no waste in the form of ash.

Sometimes splinters are made from birch logs, which are used to ignite other firewood that has a more “heavy” fiber structure.

Birch gives excellent heat transfer, which exceeds the amount of energy given off by aspen or pine by 25-28%.

3. Firewood from alder

Alder firewood can be recognized immediately by the picturesque coloring of the wood. It can have a rich ocher, orange, bluish and even deep red color - the shades depend on the specific type of wood, of which there are about 25.

Alder wood does not need special conditions for drying - it comes to the right state on its own. This is largely due to the fact that alder trees growing in places with low humidity, that is, away from water bodies, are chosen for firewood.

This breed also has its own aromatic properties, but it retains them only for three years after cutting the tree. But she does not lose her other qualities for a long time. Alder, burning, gives a great heat transfer, almost does not smoke, so it was previously used to heat the bath "in black". In addition, alder wood is capable of emitting special fumes that clean the chimney of soot.

Alder is great for a smokehouse or for giving a special flavor to meat cooked on coals, therefore, when sawing trunks into logs, do not neglect the remaining sawdust, it is better to collect them for the future.

4. Linden firewood

Linden wood has its own peculiarity - it takes a long time and is difficult to kindle, but then it burns very intensively, quickly heating the stove. Everyone knows that linden has healing properties, and it, like birch, is used to heat Russian baths. Previously, flooding with lime wood, a few tablespoons of honey were added to it - this fragrant steam was used to treat old non-healing wounds and diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs.

Linden firewood - have pronounced healing qualities

The only drawback of linden firewood is their short shelf life, which is about two years. In the third year, wood is rapidly losing its properties.

5. Aspen firewood

Aspen firewood, in general, has the same properties as alder - they are able to destroy soot in the chimney. By itself, this tree almost does not produce smoke and soot, and with its emitted fumes it is able to loosen soot deposits, which, separated from the surface of the chimney, crumble into a blower and a firebox, from where they can be easily removed.

At the same time, aspen has a rather small heat transfer, so it is mainly used only for cleaning the chimney or as kindling for “heavy” wood.

6. Willow and poplar firewood

Poplar and willow firewood are also used for fireboxes, but their common drawback is that they burn out very quickly. Even the low price for them does not give any savings, since a very large amount of firewood from these species is needed to heat the room.

This wood is considered low-grade, and is purchased only in cases where it is absolutely impossible to buy a more suitable type of firewood for heating a house.

7. Fruit species

Sawn fruit trees are very good for heating and quickly heat up the house, but they are mainly used only for fireplaces or smokehouses, since such firewood can be called a rarity.

Firewood from fruit trees is unwise to just burn in the stove - they are perfect for smoking or cooking on charcoal

This wood is stored when cutting down old gardens and stored for cooking on an open fire.


The wood of coniferous tree species is enriched with resinous substances, which contribute to the rapid combustion of such firewood. Combustion is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of smoke, which leads to the deposition of numerous soot layers inside the chimney. Therefore, coniferous firewood is almost never purchased for heating a house - they are more often used for baths.

Coniferous firewood gives a lot of smoke and soot, burns quickly. For the oven - not the best option

Essential oils of coniferous wood fill the steam room with the healing aroma of the forest and help heal the respiratory system, as well as calm the nervous system.

firewood storage

It is not enough just to purchase high-quality firewood - you need to learn how to properly store them so that they do not lose their original qualities for a long time. Arranging a place to store firewood does not take much time, but some creative people manage to turn a woodpile into an element landscape design site.

Before stacking firewood in a woodpile, you must first prepare it and choose the most suitable place for laying, taking into account the convenience for the owners and the maximum safety of the wood.

For the convenience of the residents of the house, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • First of all, the place where the firewood will be located should be located near the exit from the house so that they can be conveniently and quickly taken in any weather.
  • Firewood must be sawn and chopped in advance, before the start of winter, so that in the cold season it does not have to be done.
  • For quick ignition of firewood, they need to be dried well and constantly maintained in this state, so a special building is made for them or they are folded in a special way.

For a good maintenance of firewood, the following points are taken into account:

  • The first thing to consider for the preservation of the quality of wood is that the woodpile is not installed in a lowland where moisture can collect. Otherwise, the firewood will become damp again and begin to rot, and then you should not expect a pleasant aroma or strong heat from them.
  • In addition, the woodpile must be protected from various kinds of precipitation, so it must be covered with a roof from above or the logs must be folded in such a way that water cannot get inside the laid out rows.
  • The poles, folded in rows, should be well ventilated, so they are laid at a short distance from each other.

For better stability of the woodpile, it can be folded “in a dressing”
  • In order for the firewood to be well ventilated, dry, and ready for the heating season, the wood cut in the winter does not stack in the woodpile for four to six months.
  • If the trunks were cut down in the spring or in summer period, then it will take much longer to dry them, and this time will be from eight months to one year. The drying time will depend on weather conditions, ambient humidity, the number of fine warm days, and the location of the firewood during this process.

Log storage

When laying firewood, you need to follow some rules that will ensure their reliable safety, and hence the heat in the house.

  • The firewood shed is covered with a roof, thereby protecting the firewood from exposure to ultraviolet rays and precipitation.
  • Sawed and chopped poles should not be immediately put into a woodpile, they should lie in bulk in a well-ventilated place, under the sun.
  • Wood harvested in winter should be sawn and chopped in the spring so that it has time to ventilate well during the summer months. Poleshki are put into a woodshed only at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn.
  • If a special structure has not been built for firewood and it is supposed to be stacked in an open space, it is necessary to lay the so-called trellises under the woodpile. They are made from long pipes or even trunks of medium diameter.
  • The first row of logs is laid in such a way that their ends are on parallel pipes, and are raised above the soil by 20 ÷ 40 mm.
  • If it is planned to install a woodpile consisting of several rows, then each of them is installed with a slope to the previously laid row.
  • Lateral vertical supports made of pipes or trunks will strengthen the woodpile if it is not installed in a woodshed.
  • Lateral vertical rows in the woodpile are laid according to the system one row across, the other along.

  • On top of the firewood, it is necessary to cover it with hard sheet material - it can be metal, slate. Last resort, you can use a thick polyethylene film .
  • In some areas of the Russian regions, stacks are installed in stacks - this is extremely convenient if the firewood will be stored for a long time.

Types of woodpile

I would like to present several forms of stacking firewood so that you can choose the one you like and arrange it on your site.

You rarely see such "sheaves" of poles in Russian farmsteads, although the method for storing firewood is quite convenient and does not require the construction of a special room.

If you properly stack firewood in such a structure and choose wood that can be stored for a long time without compromising its qualities, then the stack can stand for several years.

It is very important to make a reliable base for it from flat stones, metal pipes or bricks, which will raise the poles, and will not allow them to absorb moisture from the soil. The base is laid out in a circle - there may be one or two, but inside the sheaf the poles should lie randomly. This is necessary so that the firewood is well ventilated, which is one of the main conditions. long storage fuel.

Laying woodpile - "stacks"

A pole is installed in the middle of the structure, which will maintain the overall shape along the entire height of the "sheaf".

A woodpile in the form of a “sheaf” or “fungus” looks very original, especially if it contains wood of different varieties with different color shades. It will perfectly fit into any design project of the site and will become its exclusive element.

Another option is "turrets" or "mushrooms"

Similarly to the first option, woodpile “fungi” are also laid out, but for them, firewood must be split in a special way. Rather, they do not resemble poles, but boards sawn into short pieces. It is their flat shape that facilitates the laying of such a “fungus”. If there is a desire to bring out a symmetrical shape of a “fungus” or an even tower, good skill and accuracy are needed, but after the work is completed, the territory will be decoratively and originally decorated.

Many people prefer woodsheds of traditional designs, but they can also be made in such a way that they decorate the site or even divide into zones. If firewood is needed only occasionally, or a fireplace is heated in addition to the main heating, then the woodshed can be made compact.

If the house is arranged stove heating, then for the maintenance of logs it is necessary to provide for a large-scale storage. By appearance such a building resembles a gazebo, it has slots in the walls for ventilation of wood, only the roof must be reliable and cover all rows of woodpile.

A well-located woodshed - not far from the entrance to the house

Another option for woodpile, located in a comfortable place for residents, next to the house. Its roof almost completely covers the path between the house and the woodshed, which means that in winter it will not be covered with snow, and it will be possible to get to the firewood without difficulty. The woodpile is well ventilated and is under cover. In such a place, firewood is not threatened by stagnation of moisture and decay. It is not difficult to build such a building - it will require wooden blocks or metal corners, a chain-link mesh with large cells and roofing material. The floor can be laid out with ordinary paving slabs.

Video: a variety of simple woodsheds

So that the stove can be heated quickly, without a hitch, some of the firewood that is stored outside must be brought into the room in advance and given time to dry in room conditions. For this, special decorative racks are usually installed near stoves and fireplaces, into which firewood is placed, intended for one or two fireboxes. Racks are filled with firewood as they are used.

Both the speed of heating the premises and the preservation of heat for a long time will depend on how correctly the firewood for the stove is selected and stored, so it is very important to do right choice and well prepare a place for woodpile.

What firewood choose for fireplace

In the old days, since not a single house could do without a hearth, no one thought about what kind of wood to choose for a fireplace or stove. With the advent of centralized heat supply, these gradually became obsolete. Today fireplaces are considered a luxury, and not everyone can afford them, just as not everyone knows what wood is better use for hearth. Like everything else in this world, firewood for the fireplace has its advantages and disadvantages. Special attention should be paid to this when choice of firewood for your home.

Before considering the list of woods, it is important to clarify some details. Logs must be properly prepared and dried. And here a special role is played by the correct chopping firewood, which is quite easy to implement with . With a firewood cleaver, getting beautiful and even logs is the easiest way. Let's start with the fact that trees are coniferous and deciduous. For heat, choose the second option, for the smell and cozy crackling, give preference to logs of the first type.

Coniferous firewood

The needles are rich essential oils and resins. It is thanks to them that the very notorious crackle is created. If your fireplace has just such firewood, then the house will quickly be filled with the festive New Year's smell of spruce. In addition, such logs provide a good heat. One load can provide four hours of heat. But it is worth considering that tarry substances pollute the chimney very much. It is for this reason that they are recommended to be used as an additive, and not as a main material.

Logs of deciduous trees

Such firewood considered the most suitable for oven and fireplace. They burn evenly and contain practically no smoke-forming resins.
Advantages Flaws
Oak - burns for a long time; -has a pleasant smell; - Gives a lot of heat. When purchasing such logs, choose a middle-aged tree. A young plant gives little heat, and an old one has a specific smell and greatly pollutes the fireplace. Very expensive
Birch -long and evenly burns; - gives off heat The bark releases a lot of soot
Aspen - holds heat well; -Cleans the chimney from soot. Usually used as an additive to the main raw material - difficult to ignite - burns out quickly
Alder - burns without smoke; - the flame is even; - keeps warm; - cleans the chimney -Expensive; -rare
Linden - retain heat well - difficult to ignite
Fruit trees - pleasantly smell thanks to pitches; - hold heat - they smoke a lot
Poplar -cheap; -common - quickly burns out; - little heat - few coals
Based on the above characteristics, you know what kind of wood to choose for the fireplace and stove. Do not stop at one type of wood, experiment, create mixtures. You can buy logs in a supermarket, in special markets, or simply order on the Internet.


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