Obviously, for a modern owner of an apartment or a private house, an interior door is not only an interior element that allows you to create a certain isolation of one room from another, it is also a decorative component of the image of the entire dwelling. And the question of choosing this important and functional piece of furniture ceases to be simple when the consumer is faced with a huge range of modern stores, where doors are presented in a wide price range, design variations, made of various materials with all sorts of colors. Well, the possibility of manufacturing doors according to custom order and completely erases the boundaries of the choice of this piece of furniture. So, which door to choose by color? What design to give preference, so as not to violate the overall design style? How to find practical and at the same time inexpensive option? Let's sort it out in order.

The choice of shape, size and type of design of interior doors

To begin with, the choice of doors for your home should be addressed at the initial stage of renovation planning. Even if all the doorways of your premises have standard sizes, you need to make sure of this in advance so that you don’t have to look for door leaf Not standard sizes or order individual production (which will entail not only additional costs, but also stretch the repair over time).

Speaking of width doorways for single-leaf doors, their sizes are usually presented in standard 60, 70, 80 and 90 centimeters. But the height of the door panels has recently fluctuated with various manufacturers. Not so long ago it was difficult to find doors with a height of more than 2 m, but now there are a lot of such options - 2 m and 10 cm, 2 m and 20 cm. Designers recommend using interior doors non-standard height for visual "raising" of ceilings. If your needs are not within the standard sizes, then you need to prepare the doorway in advance for the canvas you like, or look for doors for existing designs.

Certainly on modern market there are enough companies for interior doors that will make the product according to your size and individual design. Such a canvas will not only fit perfectly into the existing picture of the interior, but can also become its highlight, thanks to its exclusive execution. But you will have to pay for an individual approach. Nevertheless, most buyers prefer to purchase interior doors from the assortment of the store.

From the point of view of dividing doors by type of construction, the most popular for our compatriots are single-leaf and double-leaf swing doors. The usual design and mode of operation take up the trendy offers - turning or semi-turning door leafs.

Agree that the swing door in the open state takes up a lot of useful space in the room, and the opening itself requires a certain amount of space. In small spaces, designers suggest using variations of sliding doors. The first way to create such a design is to place the door leaf between two rails that are attached to the ceiling and floor. As a result, we get sliding canvas operating on the principle of compartment doors. Recently, this method of creating room isolation has been simplified to a single hanging rail or tripod that is attached to the walls above the doorway. Thus, it is possible to save space in small rooms, but it is important to understand that furniture or other interior items cannot be installed close to the wall at the place where the door leaf moves.

Not less popular lately sliding doors. The main task of such a design, in addition to its main function of isolating rooms, is to save space. The door slides into a specially designed drywall box or directly into the walls. As a result, the canvas does not interfere with anyone and does not take up space in a small room.

Two and three-leaf doors, which fold like an accordion, can become the best option for rooms in which there is no possibility of installing sliding structures, but there is a need to save space.

Another design of interior doors, which cannot be ignored, is the shelving door. Differing not so much in the type of opening, but in the very appearance, such doors can be found at the entrance to the living room, which also serves as a library or office. A door with open shelves is most often used to store books and therefore has a fairly large weight, which complicates not only the entire structure, but also requires certain properties from fittings.

Execution material - choice with financial reference

The choice of material for the execution of interior doors directly depends on your financial capabilities. Of course, the style of interior design, the specifics of their functionality (kitchen, bathroom or toilet) are also criteria for choosing the material for the manufacture of doors, but do not play a decisive role.

Currently, the following types of materials for the manufacture of interior door panels can be distinguished:

  • fiberboard doors - the most popular option, affordable and with a wide range of choices. The advantage of such doors is their low weight and ease of use. But if we talk about the durability of use, then such models are in last place;
  • MDF canvases are more expensive than fiberboard products, but this is due to their high strength and reliability. Such interior doors can be used in rooms with humidity above average. Cloths create excellent sound insulation;
  • solid wood products are an unfading classic of any interior items. Such doors are not cheap, but they can serve for decades (doors made of wood can be inherited by your younger generation with proper operation). Often, manufacturers use wood of light and inexpensive species (for example, pine) as the basis for doors, and sheathe it with veneer from more noble species. Thus, it is possible to reduce both the cost and the weight of the product.

All these options for doors made of various materials can be presented both in a deaf form (panel) and with glass inserts. Speaking of glass as a material for the execution of door panels. In modern design projects, more and more often you can find doors made exclusively of glass, without frames and profiles. Such designs look light and fresh, bring to the interior not only the motives of industrialism, manufacturability, but also the possibility of visual expansion of space. Doors made of tempered, human-safe glass (even if such a canvas breaks, which is not easy to achieve, a person will not be able to injure himself with fragments due to a very strong protective film) practically do not interfere with the penetration of light, which allows you to maintain the illusion of spaciousness even when the rooms are isolated.

Color palette - decide on shades

Choosing the color of door panels is not an easy dilemma. On the one hand, there are no strict rules in this regard, on the other hand, I would like to see a harmonious combination of all interior elements in my own home. We install doors not for a year, but often for decades, which is why it is important to approach the choice of this piece of furniture with all responsibility. The first thing to decide is whether you want the door panels to merge with the general colors rooms or become an accent in your interior?

You can follow the path of elimination. Depending on the area of ​​​​your premises and the degree of illumination, you can exclude dark versions of the door panels, which will visually emphasize the modest scale of the dwelling. Experts recommend bright doors not only for small and poorly lit rooms, but also as a versatile design that can be easily combined with a simple and concise finish, minimalist design and does not attract attention, leaving the opportunity for other interior items to take the lead.

But designers will be able to tell you about a dozen reasons for using dark door panels in the interior. And one of the first will be the feature stylistic design. For many stylists, it is necessary to create contrasting, accent elements that not only attract attention, but also bring clarity to the interior, give rigor and constructiveness.

Many people prefer to choose door leafs in color floor covering. This method of creating a harmonious image of the room works if the flooring in all rooms of the apartment or house is the same, at least in color (in the kitchen and hallway it can be tiles, in other rooms, laminate, parquet or linoleum).

Another way to create a combinatorics that is pleasing to the eye is to combine the color of the door panels with the main furniture - large wardrobes or entire suites. This method is not always a good solution, at least in the long run. After all, you can replace the facades of cabinets or other furniture ensembles much earlier than you decide to change interior doors.

The design technique, in which the doors in the room look exactly the same as the facades of the cabinets or the dressing area, allows you to achieve a harmonious image of the room. The doors of the room and cabinet may differ in size, but the stylistic design and color choice must match.

If light walls and no less neutral door panels are not your style, if you need a bright, colorful accent in the interior, then the door to the room is quite capable of coping with this task. A bright door can be the only accent element or maintain the tone of a key piece of furniture, but in this case it is necessary to hit the tone exactly.

Residential door design - a kaleidoscope of ideas

There are a lot of options for the execution of door panels - much more than it might seem at first glance. By and large, there are no clear rules and taboos when choosing a door design, except for one. If all interior doors lead to one common room - a hall or an entrance hall, a common corridor, then the execution of all door panels should be in the general concept. They can be made from different materials(for example, the door to the bathroom should be highly resistant to moisture), but at the same time look in the same style. The same applies to sizes - doorways can be of different widths (usually the door to the bathroom and kitchen is narrower than the openings leading to other rooms), but they must have the same height so as not to disturb the harmony of the common room.

There are many universal options execution of doorways that can organically fit into any style of interior design (except for very unusual, avant-garde ones). Light doors without decor can look harmonious in almost any interior, diverse color palette. But dark doors make any design stricter, more constructive. dark doors they will give respectability, but they will also “indicate” the size of the room - if your rooms are modest in size and the ceilings are low, then there is no point in emphasizing this fact. The natural pattern of wood with reddish hues harmoniously fits into many options for the stylistic design of rooms. It is easy to combine it with furniture from the same color group, differing in shades and diluted with light surfaces.

Any decorative inserts help not only diversify the design of the door leaf, but also stylistically connect it with other interior elements. Inserts made of transparent or frosted glass visually make the design lighter and more interesting. In doing so, you get a certain amount of light coming through the glass decor. If you want to preserve the privacy of the room, then choose frosted or corrugated glass, it is also possible to use glass decor with photo printing (if the print does not contradict the overall style of the interior).

It happens that the door leaf itself is an art object, a work of applied art. In this case, the rest of the interior is built around this element of the interior, subordinating the decoration, furniture and decor. As a rule, such doors are made to order, most often made by hand.

Interior doors - current ideas for modern interior

Interior doors are one of the central elements of the interior of any room. They should not only keep warm and not let in extraneous noise, but also optimally fit into the space. The market offers many varieties of interior doors, different in design and material, as well as the method of opening.

open form can make movement difficult.

A few decades ago, swing doors were the only and uncontested option. Today they have interesting alternatives - sliding and pivoting doors. Interior sliding doors on a rail are not only significant savings square meters, but also good option space zoning.

Sliding structures visually lighten the room and successfully fit into the interior in any style - from classicism to hi-tech. canvas sliding door moves along the wall along a solid guide, which is simply attached to the wall and hidden under the panel. The sash of the product is securely fixed in any position, without slamming under the influence of a draft. Sliding structures can be completed standard doors any design and style.

You can also give an apartment or house an unusual look and save space with the help of rotary products. Rotary interior doors or the so-called roto-doors will become a bright and functional highlight of the interior, the unique tilt-and-slide mechanism makes it possible to open them in any direction - out, in, to the left or to the right of oneself.

When opening the door leaf rotates around the axis, while moving in the right direction. In the open state, one half of the canvas is inside the room, and the second is outside. Such door products are characterized by smooth running and combine the advantages of swing and sliding models.

pivot doors interior or roto interior doors can be installed even in narrow spaces where it is difficult to install traditional interior structures. Such options are ideal for cramped corridors and small hallways, which open several openings to the bathroom, pantry and rooms at once.

They are also comfortable in wide openings, as they give the interior originality and airiness. Any model of TM Porta prima can be installed on the roto-mechanism, except for the Porta Diamanta collection and Marsala and Tivoli glassed-in versions.

The main distinguishing characteristic and advantage of designer doors is their individuality. Creative specialists work on each such sample, creating a unique product that matches fashion trends and consumer demand. Of course, it is almost impossible to radically change the design of the door, but by adding various decor to its design, modern materials and technology, craftsmen surprise customers every time.

Features and benefits of doors

Mandatory attributes of designer canvases:

  • a combination of different textures, for example, wood and glass, matte and glossy finishes;
  • introduction of innovative decorative materials– CPL veneer, structured 3D films, enamels in original shades;
  • the use of decorative elements - inserts, milling, engraving, sandblasting, photo printing on glass, etc.

Depending on the chosen style, the door is complemented by a certain decor. So, the classics are characterized by deep milling, patina, cornices, for modern trends - an abundance of glossy surfaces, an asymmetric arrangement of glass inserts, etc.

In the online store "Interior-Comfort" you will find paintings by leading manufacturers in Russia, Belarus, Europe. The presented products amaze with their beauty and are able to transform even the most modest room.

We offer convenient ways calculation, prompt delivery and professional installation. There is also a large exhibition hall at your disposal.

All sorts of doors are needed, the designers are sure. They change even such a utilitarian thing beyond recognition. This overview contains examples unusual design doors.

wardrobe door
Door designed by a Gallic fashion designer Arnaud Lapierre (Arnaud Lapierre), does not lead to a room or a corridor. Behind the door is hidden something like a built-in wardrobe. But instead of wall shelves - hooks.

Door-eco-energy source
New York creatives Fluxxlab carried out an "upgrade" of the standard revolving door. From now on, the efforts spent on its “discovery” do not disappear anywhere. Thanks to the turbine-like mechanism in the door, they are converted to electricity.

secret door
Italian company doors L "INVISIBILE fit perfectly into the interior. So perfect that you can't always see them against the background of the wall. After all, the exit from the room is hidden behind a panel that imitates a picture or just part of the wall.

Secret door from the company L "INVISIBILE

It would seem that you will not surprise anyone with automatic doors. But the Japanese designer Riki Fukuda (Ricky Fukuda) succeeded. Sensors are built into its doors that “feel” the dimensions of the incoming one. This design allows you to "jump into the future." And saves energy.

Most people rarely approach the choice of doors with fantasy and creativity, preferring classic standardized models, the main properties of which are reliability and durability. It is considered sufficient if the door simply fits into the overall interior of the apartment. But after all, the entrance or interior door is the first thing we see when entering the room. This means that with the help of the door you can form the first impression, create the right mood, surprise and cheer the guest.

Industrial designers around the world are constantly in search of creative ideas that are then realized in creative interior items, and such an ordinary thing as a door is no exception. We offer you an overview of the most non-standard options doors. Of course, the expediency of some models is difficult to understand, but many have all the characteristics necessary for a reliable door, and also have pleasant and surprising additional features.

The ThreeStyle interior door is reminiscent of the episode from Alice in Wonderland, when Alice tried to get into the magical garden through a small door, biting the cake from different sides. The main idea of ​​the door design is that the entrance to another room can be special for everyone. That is why the designers made a three-in-one door for each family member - for a baby, a teenager and their parents.

With care for children, the American company KidTropolis also produces children's interior doors, consisting of two halves. The open top allows parents to keep an eye on the child, and at the bottom there is a children's door so that the baby can safely get to mom in another room. It is possible to close the children's gate so that the child remains in his room. Bright, fabulous design of doors in the form of castle gates and magic doors will not leave indifferent neither children nor parents.

The Seven Doors collection by Japanese industrial designer Oki Sato (Nendo Studio) embodies bold design and unexpected solutions. As the name implies, the series includes seven doors, each of which is unique in its own way. Despite the amazing design, the doors are fully functional and can be used as interior doors.

The Corner door allows you to enter from the corner of the room. The corner door has an enlarged opening, making this model suitable for people with handicapped who are in wheelchairs.

In the Wall model, the designer rethought the door as an independent architectural element of the interior and organically fit it into the general theme of the wall, which is traditionally decorated bookshelves and paintings.

The Kumiko door is named after the ancient Japanese art of assembling wooden planks into a single panel without the use of nails. This technique is often used sliding partitions in tatami rooms.

The secret of the Hang door ("Hang") is that under wooden paneling there is an iron sheet and this feature allows you to hang any containers and devices on the door using magnets, from a vase to a trash can. In addition, the entire door can be turned into an exhibition area for magnets brought back from travels.

The design of the Slide interior door (“Slide”) is designed so that three horizontal sections can be pushed aside, thus letting fresh air or light into the room. It also allows parents to keep an eye on small children in the room.

Of course, the designer did not bypass the attention of the kids. The Baby door consists of two independent doors - for adults and a child, and the children's door is located on the side of the main one.

And the last door from the collection, Lamp ("Lamp"), is equipped with a built-in LED lamp.

For those who love to play table tennis, the creative door from designer Tobias Franze will be a real find. In the usual vertical position, the door practically does not differ from its standard counterparts, well, except that the green side with a mesh suggests some suspicion. One has only to lower the door to a horizontal position - and it turns into a ping-pong table! Owners of small apartments could not even dream of such a thing!

An interesting solution in the field of air and light-permeable doors, this model has also become. Openings in the door surface can be either completely closed or partially or completely open, making it possible to see what is on the other side, as well as to ventilate the room without opening the door.
