A balcony door can be of impeccable quality, but over time, active operation will lead to small errors in operation. If the door is still under warranty, great. And if not, then you can do without calling professional installers. Adjustment balcony door It won’t take long and it will turn out “excellent” if everything is done correctly. So how to adjust the PVC balcony double-glazed window with your own hands? For you - detailed instructions, visual photos and useful video.

Prevention of malfunction of the front door

The better the plastic door, the better it is installed and the more reliable the fittings, the longer the product will last. However, the quality of the door can be taken care of in advance, which is much easier than looking for a defect or fixing a breakdown.

If during installation the wizard offers additional options, then it makes sense to understand their meaning:

  • microlift - useful device, irreplaceable in case of installation of heavy plastic door with double glazing. It is an additional support for a heavy canvas in the closed state. It looks like a movable lever at the end of the door or a metal roller at the bottom;
  • The limiter operates when the balcony door is opened. Serves to prevent sagging of the door leaf and to prevent the door from hitting the slopes. Firstly, the limiter takes on part of the load falling on the hinges. Secondly, it reduces the risk of loosening the door mechanism from constant impacts.

Attention! Due to shrinkage of new buildings, any interior doors can move and even deform.

The most common malfunction is sagging of the door leaf under its own weight. To prevent trouble, you must carefully study the fittings that the installers offer you. An inexpensive flimsy mechanism is unlikely to withstand a heavy door. Only fittings designed for a weight of 100-130 kg are suitable.

If you failed to apply prevention, then you can learn several ways to adjust, because such knowledge will always come in handy.

How to recognize a malfunction

You need to adjust the door as soon as you notice a malfunction in its operation, otherwise the problem will worsen.

Advice. You can test the clamping force with a simple sheet of paper. Open the door, attach the sheet to the frame and close the sash. Pull the sheet outward, remembering the applied force. Repeat the experiment every 50 cm. If the paper pulls out easily in one or more places, then the clamp is broken.

Symptoms of "door diseases" usually come in several forms:

  • door handle wobbles when pressed. Such a breakdown is the most insignificant and is instantly eliminated;
  • the seal is deformed;
  • the lower part of the door touches the threshold. This means that the sash has shifted under its own weight. Most often, such a “disease” occurs in the presence of a two-chamber double-glazed window with glass 6 mm thick (standard - 4 mm);
  • the door handle turns with effort, or not completely.
  • glass pane cracked. This may be a sign of displacement or deformation of the sash;
  • the middle part of the door touches the frame. This means that a lateral displacement has occurred, which can be easily eliminated;
  • the canvas does not protect against drafts, because. poorly attached to the frame. This means that you need to do the clamping of the door and frame.

To check if the door is installed correctly, a simple pencil will help. After closing the sash, circle it with a pencil around the entire perimeter. When you open the door, you will see if there is a deviation of the parallels. Even if the balcony door works flawlessly, such a shift is a sign of a future malfunction.

Sagging plastic door adjustment

Troubleshooting any given type of difficulty is possible with the following tools:

  • flat and Phillips screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • a set of hex keys;
  • plastic gaskets;
  • roulette.

To eliminate sagging, it is necessary, acting on the sash, to pull it up to the upper loop.

Attention! Some types of fittings are designed not for a hexagon, but for an asterisk key.

Action steps:

  1. Open the door to the pivot position.
  2. Turn the screw near the top hinge using a hexagon wrench (4 mm).
  3. Close the door.
  4. Get to the bottom hinge adjusting screw by removing the plastic caps.
  5. Turn the screw clockwise to lift the sash.

Let's check the effect. The sash should move freely, without effort. If the adjustment is insufficient, then you need to repeat the same steps.

Handle Troubleshooting

For adjustment door handle you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. Find the plastic cap located at the base of the door handle.
  2. Rotate the cap half a turn (90°).
  3. Tighten the screws in the opened recess with a screwdriver.

If the problem persists, the cause of the problem is elsewhere. Perhaps the handle itself is cracked.

What to do if the canvas touches the middle of the frame

If the sash is shifted to the side opposite to the hinges, then you need to pull it back. For this work, you will need an adjusting key.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Open the door.
  2. Locate the side adjustment screw located in the bottom corner, under the hinge.
  3. Insert the key into the screw and, turning it, pull the door closer to the hinge.
  4. If the problem is not completely fixed, you can do the same with the top screw.

This process usually takes no more than 15 minutes, after which the door will work properly.

Pressure adjustment to eliminate drafts

If cold air enters the rooms, and winter is coming, then you need to quickly deal with this issue. Moreover, this repair will not require significant effort.

Attention! In order to lower the door tightly down, the screw on the hinge should be turned to the right. If you need to raise the sash, then - to the left.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Close the sash and find three special eccentrics on the end. These are small devices that regulate the level of pressing the web. They are located below, in the middle and above.
  2. Rotate each eccentric the same angle in turn. By turning, check how tightly the sash is pressed.
  3. For a 100% seal, tighten the screws on both door hinges.

In extreme cases, when the above actions do not help, you can "pull" tightly. To do this, the glazing beads are removed and the upper part of the door and the entire double-glazed window are laid with plastic gaskets.

If you installed high-quality plastic doors on the balcony and did it right, they will serve reliably for many years. The only problem that can be encountered during their operation is a possible imbalance in the operation of the mechanisms. Everything is fixed by adjusting the fittings, such work can be done by hand.

Is it possible to independently adjust the plastic balcony door

Over time, any plastic door begins to sag, due to which its snug fit is not ensured, heat and sound insulation characteristics deteriorate. This is due to the fact that the canvas is heavy and often used. Usually, adjusting the position of the door horizontally, vertically and pressing it can be done independently.

Even the highest quality balcony door eventually requires adjustment of fittings.

In order for the service life without adjustment of the structure to be as long as possible, it is recommended to control the installation process, while paying attention to such indicators:

  • the tightness of the canvas to the door frame around its entire perimeter;
  • no displacement of the structure vertically and horizontally;
  • independent opening and closing of the door - it should be absent;
  • the need for effort during operation - the canvas should move easily.

Do not wait until the balcony door stops closing or opening. If the first malfunctions are detected, the necessary adjustment must be immediately made in order to prevent more serious damage to the web, box or locking mechanisms.

To determine the place where the displacement occurred, you can use a sheet of paper: it is placed on the frame and the canvas is closed, after which it is started to move. It will be difficult to do this in a place of skew. The tightness of the door is determined using a regular pencil or marker. A line is drawn along the sash, after which the doors are closed. If after opening the line is displaced, then there is insufficient clearance in this place and adjustment must be made.

Required Tool

To adjust the plastic door, you will need the following set of tools:

What issues can you fix yourself?

Any House master can fix the following malfunctions of a metal-plastic door with his own hands:

  • sagging of the canvas - this will be indicated by touching it over the threshold, such a malfunction is associated with a large weight of the door, which makes it shift in the vertical direction;
  • gap between door frame and canvas, which indicates a violation of the quality of the door leaf clamp;
  • grazing over side part door frame, this is due to the displacement of the leaf in the horizontal direction, which is caused by the peculiarities of operation or weather conditions;
  • violation of the handle, there is a weakening of its fastening, which is why the mechanism stops working correctly;
  • tight closing of the door - this is caused by a diagonal displacement, a malfunction of the locking mechanism or a strong pressing of the sash to the frame.

Balcony plastic door does not close well

If the plastic balcony door began to close poorly, then the handle may not work properly. During the operation of the door, this part constantly rotates, which leads to a weakening of its fastening and a deterioration in performance. In order to restore functionality, you must perform the following steps:

If such an adjustment did not bring the expected result, then most likely the body is damaged, so the handle needs to be replaced.

Sagging plastic balcony door

If you find that while closing the balcony door, it touches the threshold, then this means that the canvas has sagged and needs to be adjusted. This is easy to do, just follow these steps:

How to adjust the pressing density of the balcony door

You can detect a violation of the pressure of the door leaf to the frame when examining the seal, the problem is indicated by the deformation of the material.

There are several ways to adjust, everything will depend on the design of the fittings used:

Balcony door hinge adjustment

With the help of the hinges on which the plastic balcony door is attached, it is possible to adjust the canvas both in the horizontal and vertical directions.

Horizontal adjustment is performed in the following sequence:

Vertical adjustment of the hinges allows you to move door leaf down or up.

One way to troubleshoot is to adjust the double-glazed window. This option is used when other methods failed to achieve the expected result. It is more complicated, but even in this case you can handle it without the help of specialists:

Video: adjusting a plastic balcony door

Repair of a plastic balcony door

Before proceeding with the repair of the balcony door, it is necessary to determine the type of malfunction. There are a number of problems that are quite difficult to solve on your own, so you have to call the master. Serious damage to a plastic door includes:

  • cracks in the double-glazed window, frame;
  • violation of welds;
  • destruction of accessories;
  • tearing out the loop.

Other repair work you can do it yourself.

How to properly dismantle

If it became necessary to dismantle the plastic door, it is necessary to prepare a screwdriver and pliers. The sequence of work is as follows:

Removing a double-glazed window

If you need to remove the double-glazed window, then it is more convenient to do this after you have dismantled the canvas. But another option is also possible, when the door will remain in place. To do this, you will need a special spatula, but if it is not available, then you can use a spatula or knife, rubber suction cups. Work is recommended to be done with gloves.

Sequence of work:

Balcony door replacement

If it is necessary to replace the balcony door, then all work after dismantling will be carried out in the reverse order:

Balcony door insulation

If you purchased a high-quality plastic balcony door and installed it correctly, then it does not need additional insulation. When choosing a design, it is recommended to give preference to triple glazing. In addition, pay attention to the profile from which the door is made. The five-chamber option is optimal.

Such a question as the insulation of plastic doors is associated with the elimination of secondary causes of cold entering the apartment:

  • poor seal between doorway and box;
  • lack of insulation of slopes and threshold;
  • violation of the position of the door leaf.

First you need to determine the cause of the penetration of cold air. To check the condition of the slopes, you can use a candle that will indicate the problem area. In the same way, the threshold and the door leaf are checked along its entire perimeter.

Before insulating the slopes, it is necessary to check the quality of the sealing of the seam between the door frame and the opening. If it is bad, then part of the foam is cut out, after which the gap is blown again with the same material.

To insulate slopes, you can use plastic, drywall or foam. If the first two materials are used, then the crate is first made. It can be made from metal profile or wooden bars. After that, a layer is laid mineral wool and sew everything up with plastic or drywall. Additional finishing may be required.

Plastic, drywall or polystyrene can be used to finish the slopes, but the last two options will still have to be puttied and painted

You can also insulate with foam. To do this, cut out pieces of the required size and use special glue to mount them on the slopes. Styrofoam will also have to be puttied and painted.

A well-installed and properly insulated balcony door will help raise the temperature in the room by several degrees.

You can insulate the threshold with polystyrene foam, which is mounted with dowels, and then finished ceramic tiles. You can also use special plastic products, which are sold together with the door, but often home craftsmen lay an ordinary window sill.

To insulate the threshold, sheets of expanded polystyrene are used, which are then covered with tiles or plastic overlays.

Video: disassembly and assembly of a plastic balcony door

Adjusting a plastic balcony door is not a difficult task, so you can handle it on your own. To do everything right, you first need to determine the cause of the violation of the normal performance of the structure, and then study the sequence and technology for its elimination. It is enough to spend a little time once to figure out how to do everything right, and then you can make the adjustment yourself.

If it blows from the side of the balcony, or the door opens and closes poorly, the problem is not necessarily the quality of the door or unscrupulous installation. Often the situation can be corrected by adjustment. How is a plastic balcony door adjusted?

If the warranty period has not yet expired, you can call the wizard from your installer company. Moreover, the installers were obliged to adjust the door after installation. But someday the warranty will run out, and you still have to adjust the door yourself if you don't want to spend extra money on it. Doors deregulate much faster than windows: they have more weight, they are opened and closed more often.

Important: new houses shrink during the first year. During this period, the door must be monitored. In the running version, the structure may be deformed.

High-quality installed and adjusted door:

Tightly and evenly pressed around the entire perimeter;

There are no visible distortions and deviations from the vertical;

Resistant to open position(in the absence of wind).

Video "Adjustment of plastic balcony doors":

The presser condition is checked with a piece of paper. The sheet is placed between the sash and the frame, the door is locked, and the paper is pulled out. It should come out with some effort.

You can identify uneven installation (the canvas is poorly aligned with the frame) using simple pencil. You need to circle the locked door around the perimeter, open it and see how parallel the drawn line is to the edge of the frame.

Adjustment of a plastic balcony door is also necessary if: the handle does not turn well, the seal is unevenly deformed. If it is deformed at the bottom, the door must be raised by adjusting the lower hinge, if at the top, lower it slightly by adjusting the upper one.


Required set of tools:

Hex keys of different sizes;


Screwdrivers, slotted and cross;


There are three hinges on the door, in which there are adjusting screws. Adjusting the plastic balcony door is done as follows:

1. Open the door, unscrew the screws fixing the decorative trims with a hexagon 3.

2. Close the door, remove the lining.

3. There is a horizontal screw under the cover plate. With it, the door is adjusted horizontally. To raise the lower corner of the sash, it is necessary to tighten the screws in two hinges, upper and middle.

4. If there is a need to move the canvas to the right / left completely, you need to adjust the horizontal screws of all three loops.

5. To adjust the plastic balcony door vertically (raise / lower), screws are used in the lower parts of the hinges and a 5.2 hex key. The door is lowered by turning the screw clockwise. In the opposite direction, it rises.

6. You can move the bottom corner to the right/left by tightening the same screw on the bottom hinge.

7. Use a 2.5 hexagon to adjust the top or bottom striker.

8. The striker plate can be tightened with a Phillips screwdriver.

9. To adjust the pressure, use a special pin on the fittings. It is turned with pliers. To reduce the pressure, the trunnion is turned in parallel with the profile (this is the extreme position), to increase it - across.

10. In other models of fittings, there is no trunnion, the adjustment of the plastic balcony door is carried out on the striker plate. In this case, you need to insert a hex key into the groove on the bar and make about half a turn.

After installing double-glazed windows on the balcony, various difficulties often arise in the operation of the door. They can be fixed with the help of a service center (especially if a guarantee was given for the work). However, in most cases, it is quite possible to adjust the plastic balcony door on your own.

It is important to learn how to determine the cause of a malfunction and use the appropriate tools for repair. To do this, there are several simple test and step-by-step instructions that will be discussed in detail in the article.

Types and advantages of plastic balcony doors

Today, plastic doors are widely used, which have almost completely replaced outdated wooden counterparts.

At the same time, they can be equipped with different mechanisms, depending on which doors are distinguished:

In most cases, balcony doors are combined with windows that can be located on opposite sides of it (to the right, to the left, and less often on both sides).

There are also free-standing doors, and they also have their own classification:

  • consisting of one half (single-field)
  • consisting of two halves (two-pole).

Schematically, these options are shown in the figure.

All of them have their own characteristics in the door lock mechanism, however, they differ little in terms of performance. Accordingly, the problems associated with wear are approximately similar.

Along with plastic, metal, glass and even classic wooden doors, but the last two groups are much rarer. Reason for popularity pvc doors in their simplicity and reliability:

  • doors are easy to use - they are comfortable to close, open and use in any mode;
  • they are quite durable and correct installation and operating conditions can work trouble-free for many years;
  • they are easy to maintain in case of breakdowns;
  • doors are aesthetic and fit easily into different types design.

Balcony door device

Before you understand how to adjust the plastic balcony door, you need to briefly understand its device.

In most cases, the classic version is used with two windows and one door, located to the right or left of them, as shown in the diagram below.

The door consists of the leaf itself and fittings, which perform two important functions:

  • fastening the door to the jamb;
  • ensuring the closing and opening of the door in different positions.

Handle and lock

The main elements of the fittings are a handle and a lock, which ensures reliable closing of the door and comfortable opening. Depending on the features of the locking mechanism, locks can be with a latch (roller or latch) or without it, as shown in Figure 1.

The handle is usually mounted only from inside the room. This is inconvenient in cases where it is necessary to close the door while on the balcony (for example, in winter). In these cases, an additional handle is installed from the outside, allowing this function to be implemented.

NOTE. In the case of installing a second (external) handle, it is important to make the lock from the inside so that the outside strangers unable to enter the apartment.

You can visually evaluate the convenience of such a device here.

Also, balcony doors can be made in a different design, color, glazing area - for example, as shown in the photo.

Possible problems with the operation of the lock can be associated with the following reasons:

  • Misuse - excessive mechanical pressure, blows to the mechanism.
  • Natural wear and tear of components.
  • Pressure from the side of the door due to its skew towards the lock.
  • Incorrect installation work.
  • Poor quality materials.

Visual video instructions for repairing the lock mechanism


Along with the lock, the locking element is often equipped with a special latch, with which you can adjust the desired width of the open door. This is necessary in cases where the door is not equipped with a hinged mechanism, but it is required to open it for ventilation. The latch also prevents children or pets from accessing the balcony.

Schematically, the latch consists of the door fixing mechanism itself, which is attached to the surface with self-tapping screws, and a regulator that determines the opening width, as shown in the diagram.

Video latch mounting features

Determining the quality of the door on the balcony

All the problems that arise with the operation of the balcony door can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • associated with improper installation;
  • appearing with natural wear and tear.

Video - installation features of a balcony door and windows

Immediately after installation new door You need to check the quality of your work. There are some simple tests for this:

  1. When closing the door, it is important to make sure that it is firmly pressed against the plastic surface along the entire perimeter.
  2. The door must not move vertically - i.e. Normally, it runs perfectly parallel to the box.
  3. When open, the door must remain stationary in the absence of influence (wind).
  4. The door closes softly, without any extra effort;
  5. The door lock is fully functional and functions in all modes (if the door is equipped with a folding mechanism).

Of course, along with this, the product should not contain any external defects, scratches, damage, etc.

Diagnosing problems: step by step instructions

To properly adjust the plastic door on the balcony, you first need to accurately determine the cause of the malfunction.

Door adjustment is needed in cases that are easy to determine on your own:

  • The door closes tightly, with extra effort.
  • When opening the doors, you also need to apply force.
  • Air can be felt from under the door.
  • In a calm position opened door cannot lock in place, “creeps” to one side.

Replacing the rubber seal

Often problem area such a door (as well as many others) turns out to be the density of closing. In winter and in windy weather, this is easy to check by the air entering inside.

ADVICE. Checking the tightness of the door closing is very simple. Walk along its perimeter with a lit lighter and pay attention to the flames. If it even sways a little from air currents, it means that there is a small gap in this place.

Basically, the problems are related to the condition of the special seal (usually rubber). It may show mechanical defects:

  • uneven occurrence;
  • lagging behind the surface in certain places;
  • relief, swelling of the layer;
  • scratches, cracks.

Accordingly, the rubber is replaced with a new one. This is the most correct option, since the seal is quite affordable, and repairing a damaged product will not allow it to serve as long as we would like.

The seal usually lasts a long time and only needs to be replaced when it is clearly worn. The sequence of actions for replacement will be as follows:

  1. First you need to remove the old filler, carefully dismantling it around the entire perimeter.
  2. Then a new rubber mount is inserted into the groove.
  3. The seal is evenly lined around the perimeter, while it cannot be pulled - in this case, when cooled, it will stretch even more, which may cause cracks.
  4. In the knots, it is glued with special glue.

NOTE. The seal will last much longer if it is impregnated 1-2 times a year with a special silicone solution. You can buy it in the relevant companies involved in the installation of plastic doors and windows.

Visually, the replacement of the rubber filler is shown in the video

Here is an option with plastic windows, but replacing the seal on the balcony door is no different.

Door Hardware Repair

The problem with the rubber seal is the easiest option for problems. However, that is what needs to be checked first. The situation is more complicated with deviations in the lock or other door fittings, because of which it cannot lean against the surface perfectly tightly around the entire perimeter.

In this case, the diagnostic sequence will be as follows:

  1. First you need to slightly open the door and attach a sheet of paper to the surface.
  2. Next, close the door so that it firmly presses the sheet.
  3. Now you need to try to pull out the paper - normally it is pulled out very hard.

If at the same time the paper is removed from the clamping space quite easily, then there is a small malfunction. They can be eliminated by setting the constipation to the maximum.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

If the clamp is not tight enough, then you need to move on to a more complete study of the problem:

NOTE. If the width of the strip on the side of the jamb is about 3 mm, and on the side of the door handle it is 2 times larger, this clearly indicates a marriage during installation. In this case, you cannot fix the problem yourself. and the whole door will need to be reinstalled. To check this, you need to measure the width of the doorway at the top, middle and bottom. The values ​​must fluctuate within 1 mm.

If it is found that the door is already somewhat of the required size, while it is narrowed evenly, then the problem can be solved in another way - the sealing rubber must be replaced with the one that is supplied entrance doors from plastic.

This rubber is wider and can easily compensate for the difference found.

Balcony door: step by step repair instructions

To adjust the plastic balcony door, it is important to collect all necessary tools so that during work it was possible to perform all necessary actions At the same time:

  • a set of different screwdrivers of all kinds;
  • pliers;
  • asterisk keys;
  • hexagons of different sizes.

Further, the sequence of actions depends on the type of problem and the mechanism of the door itself. If it is normal, i.e. works only in the "open-close" mode and does not have a folding function, repairs will be much easier.

  1. First you need to remove the white lining from the canopies, if any.
  2. On the reverse side is a screw - it must be unscrewed with a hexagon.
  3. Carefully turn the horizontal screw to achieve the optimal position of the door. For example, if the door clings from above, the top 2 screws are lowered.
  4. Next, you need to check the position of the door, how it closes, and, if necessary, make additional adjustments.

NOTE. If the door diverges strongly, it can be adjusted by simultaneously turning all three connecting screws.

To adjust the clamp, due to the weakening of which drafts occur, a striker is used.

It has a hole where the hexagon is inserted and rotated halfway.

Video features of repairing a balcony door

the video shows the adjustment of the pressure plastic window, but its mechanism is similar to a balcony door

Ensuring correct operation of the handle

It often happens that it is not necessary to adjust the plastic door itself on the balcony, but a loose handle interferes with the correct operation of the locking device. In this case, the problem is determined by extraneous sounds, turning the mechanism.

The situation is solved very simply - first, a decorative overlay is removed from the handle, and then the screws that fix it to the surface are pulled up to the stop.

Video instruction on how to adjust the plastic door on the balcony

Hinged balcony door: step-by-step repair instructions

The repair of the door, which, along with the usual mode, functions in the tilt mode, is not fundamentally different. But since the fittings in this case are more complicated, that is, their own characteristics.

door sagging

When the door clings to the threshold and noticeably sags, then the sequence of troubleshooting steps will be as follows:

If the door is located above the norm

In the opposite case, when the door clings to the top, the work takes a little longer. In this case, you need to adjust the position of the door using the screw in the scissors, as shown in the photo.

To do this, the door is opened, the screw is rotated with a hexagon until it takes the correct position. Then you need to check the correct operation - open and close several times.

Ensuring correct clamping

To properly adjust the pressure, you need to perform the following steps:

The door is opened and closed several times to check the quality of the work.

NOTE. In order for the door to work correctly and the fittings to last as long as possible, it can be lubricated a little with machine oil every year.

Problems that cannot be fixed on your own

All considered small-term repair work on the maintenance of a balcony door can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Work related to leveling a sagging or pulled up door.
  2. Work on regulating the force of pressing the door to the plastic surface.

However, there are some types of malfunctions that are associated with factory defects or mechanical impact on the door that cannot be fixed at home:

  1. Door hinges torn from the surface.
  2. Complete or partial destruction of fittings (lock mechanism or door hinges).
  3. Violation of the integrity of the seams of the frame or door, made during welding.
  4. Crack or broken glass in package.

Such types of violations are eliminated only by professional workers. Often the question arises of completely replacing the balcony door with a new one or replacing the fittings.

NOTE. If a situation has arisen that you need to get into the apartment through a closed balcony, then you can do this by simply breaking the glass. The fact is that replacing a double-glazed window is much cheaper than repairing the door itself, or even installing a new one. In addition, it is faster and easier to implement without calling additional services.

Repair of the door on the balcony is carried out only in case of obvious malfunctions. It is quite possible for a person without professional skills to adjust a plastic balcony door.

The list of functional adjustments of a plastic balcony door, their features and ways of setting. The main problems of an incorrectly configured door and options for their elimination are described.

Adjustment of the balcony sash of the entrance overlap

Adjustment of accessories of plastic cloths

Every owner of a typical design should be able to properly adjust the plastic sheet. The need to intervene in the structural component of the door may arise from the first day of installation, as well as in subsequent years of its operation.

Indeed, often in summer season the doors to the balcony are constantly left open, which leads to a slight but noticeable sagging of the canvas, which can ruin the door frame, and, in the end, make it impossible to close the structure. It is quite possible that the manifestation of slotted gaps and drafts, with a tight sealed position of the door, which has a bad effect on the insulating ability in general. So, a brief digression into the essence of the setting is needed, which allows you to establish the correct operation of the door mechanisms.

L-shaped key "hexagon"

Adjusting the canvas without the required necessary list of tools will be quite problematic and will take a long time. So what you need to have on hand:

  1. L-shaped key "hexagon" 4 mm, and preferably the entire set (since the sizes of the screws may be different);
  2. Pliers (for turning the eccentric);
  3. Cross screwdriver.

Setting the position of the plastic structure panel

Balcony sash adjustment

The beveled door leaf can be adjusted by twisting the hinges. The number of loops on a typical design, as a rule, is no more than two pieces. The bottom hinge adjusts the sash in four directions: left, right, down, up.

In order to adjust the lower sash, namely raise or lower, you must:

  1. From the outside of the door, find and remove the protective cover of the hinge;
  2. Determine the desired screw at the top of the hinge;
  3. By turning the key, raise the sash (turn clockwise), or lower (turn counterclockwise), to your preference.

Related article: Do-it-yourself water floor: choice of materials and installation

This type of setting is used to eliminate shuffling in the lower and upper parts of the canvas, due to its raising or lowering.

Bottom hinge adjustment

You can adjust the bottom hinge by moving the sash to the left or right as follows:

  1. To begin with, find the required mechanism from the inside (or rather side) side of the door frame. It is very clearly visible when opening the door;
  2. Next, use the same hex wrench to adjust the departure of the sash to the left (turning counterclockwise) or to the right (clockwise).

In this way, it can be possible to adjust the position of the web relative to the vertical, and avoid lateral rubbing. This mechanism should run parallel to the top hinge, which also contains side adjustment.

Door hinge adjustment

Setting the upper hinge is similar to adjusting the lower one, but the fundamental difference is the placement of the twisting mechanism directly on the side of the leaf, this is due to the “ventilation” function, in which the door leans forward, holding only on the lower hinges and a fixed device. The design feature of the double-glazed window was also influenced by the “slit ventilation” function, activated by turning the handle by 45 degrees. Its essence lies in the safe ventilation of the room, with the locks closed.

You can get acquainted with the adjustment on the officially filmed videos of the manufacturer.

Setting the door leaf pressure


The pressure adjustment determines how tightly the door leaf closes. To check the pressure, it is necessary to carry out a small but important test:

  1. Take a regular sheet of paper;
  2. It is placed between the sash and the door frame, so that it would be possible to interact with it;
  3. After closing the door, make an effort to extract it;
  4. Repeat the procedure for all areas of collapse.

The test result is considered successful if the control paper is pulled out with some effort (excessive pressure is not desirable, as the seal wears out quickly). In another case, if the sheet is pulled out freely, or does not hold at all, it will be necessary to adjust the door closing.
