The heating system is divided into two types: one-pipe and two-pipe. Obviously, it is most advantageous to install a more efficient one that will not only cope with its functions, but will also serve you for more than one year. In order not to remain "out of the blue" and not make a mistake with the choice of the heating system.

You need to properly understand which of the heating systems is best for you and why.

Thus, you will know which system is better from a technical point of view and how to choose it, taking into account your budget.

High water pressure ensures a natural cycle, and antifreeze makes the system more economical.

Disadvantages of a single pipe system - a very complex thermal and hydraulic calculation of the network, since, having made a mistake in the calculations of devices, it is very difficult to eliminate it.

Also, this is a very high hydrodynamic resistance and an involuntary number of heating devices on one line.

The flow of the coolant goes immediately to everything and is not subject to separate adjustment.

In addition, very high heat losses.

In order to be able to regulate the operation of individual devices connected to one riser, bypasses (closing sections) are connected to the network - this is a jumper in the form of a piece of pipe connected by direct and return pipes of the radiator, with taps and valves.

To be able to control the temperature of each individually, the bypass allows you to connect automatic thermostats to the radiator.

In addition, it also makes it possible, in the event of a breakdown, to replace or repair individual devices without turning off the entire heating system.

Single-pipe heating is divided into vertical and horizontal:

  • vertical - this is the connection of all batteries in series from top to bottom.
  • horizontal - this is a serial connection of all heating devices on all floors.

Due to the accumulation of air in batteries and pipes, so-called traffic jams occur, which is a disadvantage of both systems.

Installation of a one-pipe system

Connection is made according to the scheme, using valves for airing radiators, which block the valves and plugs.

Crimping system - after which the coolant is poured into the battery and the system adjustment is directly adjusted.

Two-pipe heating system

The advantage of a two-pipe heating system - this is the installation of automatic thermostats, which gives you the full ability to adjust the temperature in individual rooms.

This also includes the independence of the operation of the circuit devices, which is provided by a special collector system.

The difference between a two-pipe and a single-pipe system is that in the first one you can connect additional batteries after connecting the main ones, as well as the possibility of extending in vertical and horizontal directions.

Unlike a single-pipe, here you can also easily correct permissible errors.

The disadvantages of this system are minimal if you have enough material resources and have the opportunity to call the master.

Installation of a heating system with lower horizontal piping

This system allows you to locate the open tank in a convenient warm place. Also, it is possible to combine expansion and supply tanks allow you to use hot water directly from the heating system itself.

In systems with forced circulation, to reduce pipe consumption, the discharge and supply risers are located at the level of the first.

Installation of a heating system with an upper horizontal wiring

The disadvantages of such a system are that the extensive tank is installed outside the warm room on the ceiling.

Construction is always accompanied by a choice of how to equip the heating of a new house. A single-pipe or two-pipe heating system is used depending on the tasks and structural features. The decision requires a detailed understanding of which heating system is best suited.

In such a system, one pipe is used for the circulation of the coolant. A few advantages of this type:

  • Lower costs for the material used;
  • Simplified and fast installation;
  • Hydraulic stability;
  • Simple wiring diagram;
  • Less amount of coolant used, making it easier to drain the system.

The single-circuit design of heat supply provides primary cost savings. The number of pipes, wiring, risers and jumpers is much less than with the arrangement of two-pipe heating.

Disadvantages of a single-pipe heating system:

  • Large heat loss on the way to distant radiators. The latter, as a result, require a volume increase to achieve a comfortable room temperature. The reason for the decrease in their heating lies in the exchange of hot water with cold water in every heater that stands in the way;
  • The inability to regulate the temperature of individual batteries. Reducing the feed in one leads to cooling of all subsequent ones;
  • The need for high water pressure. The load on the pumps and the entire system as a whole increases. The appearance of leaks is becoming more frequent, the circuit requires constant replenishment of the coolant.

Important! The single-circuit circuit is extremely sensitive to low temperatures. When the smallest area on the path of the coolant freezes, the entire heat supply is blocked. At the same time, the detection of a frozen element is extremely difficult, and a delay in fixing the problem leads to freezing of the entire circuit.

Advantages and disadvantages of a two-pipe system


Comparison of heating systems is impossible without an overview of the two-pipe system. Design feature consists in using two different pipes for supplying hot water and draining cold water from the radiators.

Heat losses along the path of the coolant are insignificant, which saves fuel. The two-circuit scheme allows you to freely adjust the heating of each individual battery or turn them off.

The disadvantages of a two-pipe heating system are insignificant. The circuit diagram is more complicated, requires more installation costs and more time. However, it pays off thanks to good practical qualities.

Fact! The double-circuit design is not afraid of freezing of individual sections, and they do not block other heating devices involved in heat exchange. Affected areas are easy to detect with a tactile method.

Other types of heating circuits

The three-pipe system consists of two supply pipes and one common for collecting return water. Its advantages are that there is no need to use check valves, only one pump provides circulation. As a result, the three-pipe design is easy to operate, since the coolant is automatically consumed between the devices. The types of such circuits are more flexible compared to two-pipe ones, their advantages lie in convenient regulation and automated heating of individual parts of the building. When choosing double-circuit heating and having a sufficient budget, it makes sense to pay attention to the functionality of a three-pipe system.

A bifilar heating system is a cross between one- and two-pipe schemes. The entire circuit is divided into two identical parts with their own radiators, risers and branches. Both ends are connected in order by one pipe, first all the devices of the first, and then the second end. The water in the radiator compartments moves in opposite directions with different heating, thereby maintaining the same temperature throughout the system. On this basis, the bifilar scheme refers to double-circuit heating, and according to the serial connection with one pipe - to single-circuit heating, which is also convenient to use.

Operation of an open heating system

The choice of heating system also depends on other qualities of the circuit. When the question is raised which heating system to choose, it is necessary to take into account the differences between open and closed heat supply schemes.

Open system design:

  1. Boiler. Solid fuel and gas boilers are used;
  2. pipelines;
  3. Batteries;
  4. Expansion tank.

The heat carrier receives thermal energy when the boiler is heated. The circulation process begins under the action of the zonal pressure difference. The final and starting point is the fuel boiler. Due to the thermal expansion of water, the circuit requires the inclusion of an expansion tank into which excess water will enter.

Significant disadvantages of the open design include the loss of energy and the ingress of oxygen into the circuit. These factors reduce the heat transfer of the system. There is a risk of air pockets and corrosion on metal parts.

Advice! In an open plumbing system, you should not use any type of antifreeze as a coolant. Their tendency to evaporate will result in rapid quantitative loss through the expansion tank. In addition, their fumes adversely affect the health of residents.

Operation of a closed heating system

The closed structure does not have direct access to the open air during operation. The role of the expansion tank is performed by a membrane tank. Excess hot water enters it, pushing through the rubber membrane. At the same time, the nitrogen in the air chamber is compressed. The coolant is removed from the tank by a special pump.

The absence of oxygen contact with the circuit elements prolongs their service life. The coolant does not evaporate and does not require frequent replenishment. The closed circuit allows the connection of additional heat supply sources with their integration into the overall system. The temperature is controlled by reducing or adding a coolant.

A closed system requires constant access to electricity to keep the pumps running smoothly. Despite this difference, her work is more efficient in small houses. Multi-storey buildings require a large number of membrane tanks and complex calculations.

Important! The closed design of the heat supply allows unauthorized penetration of air through the deformation of the joints. Their tightness and presence of air must be checked regularly.

Choosing a heating system

If we compare heating systems for a particular object, then their advantages are determined by the scale of the building. open circuit leads to a significant loss of heat and the risk of saturation of the coolant with oxygen, therefore it is inconvenient for small private houses. The closed structure is optimal in such dwellings and has found wide application. However, in the event of prolonged power outages, its installation will lead to freezing of the premises.

In high-rise buildings, the advantages of closed heat supply are offset by the need to accommodate very large membrane tanks. In order for the closed circuit to be functional, they are replaced by special non-pressure installations operating in tandem with pumps - pressure regulators. open design features an easier installation process in multi-storey buildings. The problem of airing is solved by using air vents.

When planning the construction of their own housing, the future owner chooses a heating system. Vacation home heated in several ways. If you choose one of them correctly, heating will be efficient and inexpensive.

However, several factors must be taken into account. These include cost and availability of energy, as well as features installation and operation.

The permanence of residence is important: if the house is used only several months of the year there is no point in installing expensive heating equipment.


People heat their homes with ovens for many centuries.

During this time, many effective designs have been created that allow not only to keep warm, but also to cook a wide variety of food or heat water for domestic needs.

The home heating stove is a device for burning solid fuel(firewood, coal, peat, wood waste pellets). It is built from stone, brick or welded from metal.

Any furnace has a fuel chamber, a blower, flue gas ducts and a chimney. Fuel for heating is placed in the firebox on the grate. Air enters through the blower from below. Hot flue gases are removed through the channel to the chimney. The heating furnace is supplemented hob and oven for cooking and heating water.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros furnace heating:

  • low cost construction and operation.
  • For furnace heating no electricity, water or gas supply required. Firewood, coal and peat are inexpensive and are harvested almost everywhere.
  • Because the oven does not have a liquid coolant, it does not need to be constantly heated. This option is suitable for a summer residence, which residents visit infrequently.
  • A bunch of combined options designs allow heat the room, cook food, dry herbs, clothes, mushrooms and berries, heat water.
  • The homeowner can choose typical or individual project . Many firms and craftsmen-individuals are ready to build a furnace to order.

Cons of heating with stoves:

  • The oven takes up a lot of space. (2 and more sq. m). For uniform heating, it is usually placed in the center of the house.
  • Quickly warm up the room with such heating impossible. Brick or masonry warms up few hours, but after heating, it gives off heat for a long time.
  • Heat transfer efficiency small. Increased by elongation of the channels.
  • Unable to install automation. All maintenance of the heating system is done manually.
  • Furnace design plan when designing a house. They only do it qualified specialists.
  • Firewood for the stove is harvested and dried in advance. For their storage, a special room or shed is being built.


Usually fireplaces are built in living room. It's vintage heating device has become quite widespread in private dwellings, but with its help they heat only one room. Few homeowners realize that a fireplace is quite capable of heating an entire room.

Correct installation

The design is a hearth with an expanded firebox and without a front wall. Flue gases come out of it directly into the chimney. This device does not have a coolant.

Heat is transferred into the room by radiation from the flame, as well as through heated side walls and a mantelpiece. After a slight improvement, the fireplace is used to heat the entire house.

Heat is transferred to other rooms in two ways:

  • hot air flow.
  • Water through pipes.

In the first method, the air passes through the heated metal pipes in the fireplace, and then enters the rooms on the second floor through air ducts. In this way, heat is efficiently transferred by gravity to the second floor and 3-4 m to the sides. Enough for heating small house. At a distance over 4 m air is supplied by a blower installed next to the fireplace.

In the second, the fireplace is combined with a conventional water heating system. In this case, the heat source is pipes mounted in the furnace. The pump pumps water through them and pumps it into the batteries installed in the rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of fireplace heating:

  • Does not require a coolant. Its role is played by the air itself.
  • Heat generation does not depend from filing electricity.
  • Room heating starts immediately after melting fireplace. Warming up the premises takes only a few minutes.
  • Operating costs small and depend mainly on the cost of firewood or coal.

Disadvantages of fireplace heating:

  • Only two-story houses with an area of up to 150 m². For more, it is required fan, which makes noise during operation and depends on the availability of electricity.
  • When the fireplace goes out, the building quickly loses heat.
  • The air flow brings into the rooms dust.

Water heating differs from the fireplace in such positive aspects:

  • Automatically adjusted with heating fittings.
  • Heat transfer is also possible rooms away from the fireplace.

Disadvantages of water heating:

  • The water heating system requires qualified installation and is more expensive than air.
  • Heating depends on power supply, because the coolant is pumped by an electric pump.
  • If the room is used as temporary housing, the pipes have to be filled non-freezing liquid.

You will also be interested in:

Water heating

In this case, the heat source is gas, solid fuel or electric boilers, and the heat is transferred by the heat transfer fluid.

Water or antifreeze is heated in the boiler heat exchanger and flows through pipes to the rooms, where it gives off heat to radiators heating the air in the room.

The coolant is supplied in this heating system in a natural way: expansion when heated and rise into the storage tank or by force (by a pump).

Is it worth choosing

Positive aspects of water heating:

  • System with gas or electric boiler adjusted automatically. It is enough to set the desired temperature on the thermostat, and it will be maintained.
  • High efficiency. Modern gas and electric boilers are economical, almost completely consuming fuel energy for heating.

Negative aspects of the water heating system:

  • Water heating depends on the supply of gas and electricity. In the event of a shutdown, the boiler is blocked. You have to start it manually again. Only a system with a solid fuel boiler and natural circulation works autonomously without electricity and gas.
  • Is different complexity, therefore, it requires the calculations of specialists and correct installation. This is due to its high cost.
  • During long shutdowns, water freezes in pipes, so it has to be replaced with expensive antifreeze.

Gas convectors

The heating device has a high economy and convenience. Gas convectors are installed under the window sill on the wall in each room.

Photo 1. Gas convector model Breeze 4C, power 4 kW, manufacturer "Danko", Ukraine.

The gas entering the convector through the pipes burns in it, and the combustion products are removed through the chimney in the wall. Heat is transferred to heat exchanger directly to air without additional coolant. Modern gas convectors are equipped with a control system that regulates the combustion of gas depending on the air temperature in the room. Natural or liquefied gas is used for heating.

There are two types of gas convectors:

  • fan;
  • without fan.

Attention! Fans are used for heating non-residential rooms, as the fan creates noise. But they differ in a more uniform distribution of warm air.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of heating with gas convectors:

Negative sides of gas convectors:

  • Addiction from gas and electricity supplies. When they are turned off, the convector is blocked.
  • Required qualified gas distribution in rooms in compliance with fire safety regulations.

Electric convectors

These heaters most accessible. No special placement conditions are required. It is enough to install an electric convector yourself and connect it to the mains. There are three types of such devices:

  • floor(installed on casters on which they are moved to comfortable spot).
  • wall;
  • installed under the floor.

The heat source of the electric convector is tubular electric heater (TEN). This is a metal tube, inside of which is stretched nichrome wire, isolated from the walls with quartz backfill or ceramics. Electricity heats the heater, and the heater gives off heat to the air. Modern appliances are also equipped thermostat, air filter and air ionizer. floor version contains a sensor that turns off the heating device when it falls.

Photo 2. Electric convector of the Standart model, power - 2.5 kW, manufacturer "Roda", Germany.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of electric convectors:

  • Ease of installation and no specific requirements.
  • compactness. Floor convectors are invisible after installation.
  • Uniform heating air, especially in combination with underfloor heating.
  • The operation of these devices is controlled by a thermostat. automatically.
  • high efficiency, fast warm-up premises.

Cons of electric convectors:

  • Dependence electricity.
  • High price heating.

Heat pump

This term refers to a heating system based on heat transfer from external environment into the room. Such units in private homes are still installed infrequently, but their prevalence is increasing.

Any heat pump is designed in the same way as a refrigeration unit. The difference between these devices is why the heat is taken away and where it is transferred. A refrigerator absorbs heat in a closed space and releases it to the outside, while a heat pump transfers heat energy into a room.

A well-known example of a heat pump is − air conditioning with heating. In summer it indoor unit works in the evaporator mode, and the external one serves as a condenser.

In winter, the heat pump mode is switched, as a result of which the outdoor unit becomes the evaporator, and the indoor unit turns into a condenser. Thus, the heating air conditioner is a universal heat pump.

There are also heat pumps working for heating only. The evaporator of such a unit is placed in the ground or in the nearest body of water, and the condensers are placed in the rooms of the house. The heating system is full refrigerant which is pumped by the compressor. The heat pump is controlled by an electronic unit that maintains a constant temperature in the rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages

Heat pump advantages:

  • High efficiency. The unit does not generate heat, but only transfers it. So, with the power of the pump motor 1 kW, thermal power unit reaches 4-5 kW.
  • No need for fuel.
  • Ecological purity.
  • Switchable for cooling in summer time.

Cons of a heat pump:

  • Dependence supply of electricity.
  • To install the evaporator, you need a large area of ​​​​a site or reservoir.
  • Individual design requires the services of specialists.
  • High price.

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Let's try to decide. The systematization of proposals by energy source will help us. Let's conditionally distinguish three classical types: wood, gas, electric heating. We will also consider new technical solutions: , heat pumps. Below we will talk about each of the options, talk about the advantages and consider problem areas.

What the market offers

solid fuel

The main advantage is autonomy. Furnaces have proven their reliability for centuries. In addition, you will like the pleasant price, always affordable. Of the minuses - long heating, low efficiency, the need to constantly throw up fuel. Unfortunately, there are areas where connection to the gas pipeline is unprofitable due to the high cost of tie-in, in some places it is impossible due to remoteness. Owners of small buildings of 3-4 rooms will be satisfied. In addition, modern designers complement their solutions with a cozy fireplace.

Solid fuel boilers- a great alternative to the oven. The principle of operation is clear to everyone - during the combustion of combustible materials, heat is released and the coolant is heated. Hot water distributed through pipes and heats rooms. It is pleasant to note a wide range of advantages, which in many respects have something in common with the oven.

  • Profitability. Inexpensive, especially if the forest is nearby.
  • Ecological purity. The contents of the firebox burn completely, leaving only ash.
  • Loading with firewood, sawdust, briquettes, coal, peat.
  • Autonomy.
  • Low equipment cost.
  • Automation provides ease of control.
  • The boiler room will be installed without additional approvals.

But there are also disadvantages.

  • Low heat transfer, it is problematic to heat a large area housing.
  • Heating occurs by inertia, like a furnace.
  • Storage of fuel in a separate room.
  • Cleaning soot, soot.
  • Regular care.
  • Additional devices are needed, for example, a heat accumulator, a forced draft device,.
  • Chimney installation.

To summarize, this option has many advantages, the main thing is independence from external energy sources, cost savings. A significant drawback - requires regular supervision, which causes discomfort.


A great solution if the highway is located nearby. The principle of operation is the same as that of solid fuel. The energy carrier is ignited using piezoelectric elements or electronic ignition.

Main advantages.

  • Simple operation.
  • Safety thanks to modern devices protection.
  • Relatively high efficiency, and the cost of fuel is low.
  • High efficiency: heats large areas.
  • Comfort: the heat supply is regulated by the owner, and each radiator is complemented by a thermostat. This approach allows you to create your own thermal regime.

Among the disadvantages:

  • Need permission from .
  • The installation is located in a special room.
  • Installation is carried out only by specialists.
  • It is possible to change the pressure in the lines, which will disable the equipment.
  • Only the presence of an automatic system implies the safety of the unit.
  • Need a chimney.

In also use gas convectors. Cold air enters through a slot at the bottom of the appliance, is heated through a heat exchanger, and then hot air is supplied into the room.

We note the advantages:

  • heat enters faster, due to the exclusion of the intermediate link - water;
  • expenses are reduced;
  • simplifies the installation process because there is no .

Let's look at the disadvantages:

  • the device is mounted in each room and an energy carrier is supplied;
  • a special permit from the gas service is required;
  • installed by experts;
  • need .

So the costs are reasonable. Getting all kinds of permits will take time.


Electric heating has many advantages and is considered as an alternative when the gas line is not available. Feed-in tariffs in place can even reduce costs.

Let's take a look at the three most common ways.

  1. Convective. Thanks to electric boilers, oil coolers, convectors.
  2. Ray. Installation of infrared heating panels, electroceramic panels, batteries, films, carbon heaters.
  3. Air or thermal fans.


  • Installation is easier.
  • The package of permits is much smaller.
  • Easy management.
  • The chimney is missing.
  • Reduced rates are possible.

Professional calculation is the basis for a competent choice of equipment. This option will be beneficial if the experts take into account all the nuances of your home.

solar systems

A solar collector is a panel with built-in heat exchange elements: plates or vacuum tubes. The sun shines for free, so this method is economical, but the price of equipment, on the contrary, is high. In Europe it pays off in 5 years, and for middle lane Russia will double this period. In winter, when more heat is needed and the day length is shorter, solar panels do not produce required amount energy.

Heat pumps

A unit that transfers dissipated heat energy through a heating circuit. A heat generator, air conditioner and water heater coexist here at the same time. Three models are used for cottages: geothermal, water, air.


  • Profitability is much higher than other offers. It produces 3-5 kW of thermal energy, and receives only 1 kW of electricity.
  • Ecological purity. Works without .
  • Safety. No open flames, no hazardous waste.
  • Versatility. Provides heating in winter, air cooling in summer, water heating all year round.
  • Very reliable. Operates in a closed, sealed circuit.
  • Comfort thanks to automatic mode.
  • Documentary support requires less effort compared to others.


  • The price is considered high.
  • Drilling works, place for installation, documentation.
  • Compressor noise. Additional soundproofing of the boiler room will be required.
  • The presence of a three-phase power supply.

This is advanced equipment with which we are still little familiar. It is reasonable to add to the indirect disadvantages the cautious attitude of the consumer towards all new products. It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without. How many people know that this is an air source heat pump?

The choice is wide. Each option has its own pros, cons, we also listed. When installing, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of your own housing, the acquired land, and the area. You can supplement the standard offer, which is very comfortable, especially if there are children.

How to heat a house

There are several schemes tested by life experience. They differ in the type of water circulation, in the way of distributing highways: one-pipe, two-pipe, radial and "Leningrad". Components:

  • Heating boiler.
  • Pipeline.
  • Fittings.
  • Expansion tank.
  • Circulation pump.

The coolant moves through the pipes in a natural or forced way. Through the batteries, it gives off heat to the room, then returns. To speed up, a pump is installed.

natural circulation

When heated or cooled, the density of water changes. Hot rises through the riser, flows to the radiators along the highways. It is important to make a small slope of 3-5 degrees when laying horizontal pipes to the batteries.

The proposed option will save the cost of heating a small one-story, two-story house. Restriction - the length of the circuit should not exceed 30 m.

forced circulation

The pump accelerates the movement of the coolant. This solution makes it possible to heat large areas. There is no need to withstand the slope when laying the pipeline horizontally. In this case, there is a dependence on the source of electricity. Many private home owners buy a generator.

Single pipe wiring

Water with such wiring sequentially enters all radiators.

  • Easy installation.
  • Low labor costs.
  • Low cost.
  • Heat loss.
  • The heating of each room is not regulated.
  • A pump is required to maintain pressure.

You can install thermostatic valves, radiator regulators, balancing valves, air ducts to get rid of unpleasant imperfections. Costs will increase, but you will set the temperature of the rooms.

Leningradskaya is distinguished by the ability to adjust the heating level of each battery. The installation of a bypass pipe and stopcocks allows the equipment to function when the device is cut off.

Vertical two-pipe schemes

This solution allows you to bring a direct and return line to each radiator. The cost of installing the pipeline will increase, but the control of the heat level of the rooms will remain with the owner. The wiring from the boiler can be top or bottom.

Horizontal two-pipe system

The scheme, which is most often used for heating cottages. She has three options:

  • Dead end. Easy to calculate and mount, low cost. The occurrence of a stagnation zone in places with a low speed of water movement is a disadvantage.
  • Associated movement of the coolant. Heating is easier to adjust due to the equal length of the circulation circuits. Optimum operation of the boiler with a pump. The purchase of pipes will cost more.
  • Collector. The coolant will always be warm. Separate connection of radiators contributes to uniform heating of the room. The high cost, which does not prevent to win the hearts of lovers of country life.

Heating schemes for a private house: which is better

Single-pipe and gravity systems are good for their simplicity, they do not require significant costs. If the house is built near the metropolis, where electricity is supplied without interruption, and the gas main is close, you can create comfortable living conditions. When installing radiator heating, it is better to choose a two-pipe dead-end or beam scheme. Both work equally well. Heated floors will add extra comfort. The main thing is to correctly calculate the heat loss.

Heating in a private house: what is the most economical

What is better to choose in a private house. There are two main factors to consider here. First, the cost of equipment, installation. Second, the monthly fuel fee. Saving money will allow a critical analysis of your structure. Find out the shortcomings. Any offer will be unprofitable if the heat goes outside. Each region of the country dictates the rules for building materials, their thickness, thermal insulation. Heat loss for double-glazed windows is 25%, roofs, attics - 15%, and poor ventilation eats up to 50% of heat. "Cold bridges" are formed through the metal parts that penetrate the wall. They are complemented by the ends of the plates, slopes of doors, windows, basement walls.

Obviously, the price of the issue depends on the possible desire to combine some options. Approximately in Russia, the total cost is built taking into account the following components:

  1. Bake.
  2. Gas heating, if there is a highway nearby.
  3. Solid fuel boiler.
  4. Boiler equipment for liquid fuel.
  5. Electric boiler.

Solar systems and heat pumps are widely used in Western Europe, but have not yet become the most effective for the inhabitants of our country. The cost of equipment and installation will pay off in a few years. Undoubtedly, the high cost of fuel abroad justifies significant capital investments; our fuel is cheap.

All houses are different optimal solution experts can suggest. In this article, we have reviewed possible options, assessed the merits, highlighted the shortcomings. You just have to weigh all the pros and cons and compare them with your wishes in order to make the best choice.

  • Material prepared by: Ludmila Remizova

Energy prices are steadily rising, so an increasing number of suburban residents are thinking about how to heat their homes inexpensively and efficiently. Most often, homeowners are concerned about what options are available for heating a private house and country house, which boiler has the highest efficiency, which boiler to choose for the heating system, how to install the heating system correctly, what types of heating exist without gas and which of them are the most economical.

FORUMHOUSE advises a different approach. First, we determine the type of fuel, and already “under it” we select a heating system.

From our material you will learn:

  • What are the costs of a heating system?
  • What type of fuel can be called the most affordable;
  • What means convenient system heating;
  • Can heating with electricity be cheap;
  • What can become the basis of an economical heating system.

What are the costs of a heating system?

How much a particular heating method will cost depends on many factors. Only by calculating all the costs (it is also necessary to take into account the increase in fuel prices in the long term), you can decide on the most cost-effective heating method. For this it is necessary to take into account:

  • fuel cost;
  • the cost of its delivery;
  • The cost of heating equipment;
  • The cost of its installation;
  • The cost of its operation;
  • The average monthly air temperature in winter period time;
  • Way of living in the house: mode "cottage" or permanent residence;
  • Availability of communications connected to the site (gas, required electrical power);
  • The degree of insulation and energy efficiency of the home.

Thinking about choosing a heating system and considering different variants heating in the house, first of all, you need to answer yourself the question: not “how”, but “what” will you heat your home. Expenses for the heating season depend on the type of fuel, its cost and availability.

Consider the following situation: at the moment there is no main gas, as a more economically profitable type of fuel, or its connection will be too expensive. What to do in this situation, what type of fuel to choose: firewood, liquefied gas, coal, pellets, fuel briquettes, electricity, even - there are a lot of options. Let's see which type of energy carrier will be the most preferable.


  • It will be correct to choose a heating system after a competent calculation. This is the only way to achieve a balance between efficiency, economy and convenience;
  • A country house must be well insulated, all heat losses must be minimized, otherwise the lion's share of energy will go to heat the "street";
  • Approximately, the required power of heating equipment is calculated by the formula: 1 kW of energy is required to heat 10 sq.m of the house area;
  • The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on the availability of a particular type of fuel;
  • To get the maximum effect, you need to combine different types heating systems and energy carriers. It cannot be said that if these conditions are met, we will get heating cheaper than gas, but we will be able to save significantly.
  • combined heating system. And here -
