The plinth is the outer part of the foundation and the base of the facade. It takes on the same loads as the foundation and experiences the same aggressive weather conditions as the facade. It also interacts with ground and melt water, borders on frozen ground.

Regardless of all this, the plinth, being part of the facade, must not only perform its main functions, but also look good.

basement brick- it is both strong, durable, wear-resistant and aesthetic material. How to choose a brick for the basement?

What kind of brick to use for the plinth?

Basic requirements for a brick for a plinth:

  • high strength and rigidity: the material should not deform under high loads;
  • weather resistance, moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance, low water absorption;
  • the standard size of the basement brick, which simplifies laying;
  • good adhesion to mortar;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • affordable price;
  • attractive appearance.

Testing of the main performance characteristics of bricks (strength, moisture level, frost resistance) is carried out in the factory. Based on these tests, the manufacturer receives a certificate. The certificate must be presented to the buyer upon request.

Which brick is better to use for the base depends on the conditions in the area. The main types of bricks that are widely used in construction work:

silicate brick

Water absorption - 8-16 percent. It is made using pressing technology from a mixture of quartz sand and lime.

It turns out a strong and durable material, but it has a serious disadvantage: low water resistance.


Silicate brick absorbs water, swells and loses strength. For the plinth, it can only be used in areas with a very dry climate and in compliance with enhanced waterproofing measures.

For middle lane this is not a suitable option: even if the walls are built from silicate brick, the plinth is made from varieties with greater water resistance.

It is made using heat treatment technology (“baked”).

Water resistance is higher than that of silicate, but ordinary solid brick also absorbs moisture.

This property affects the frost resistance of brick structures: when freezing in the pores, water expands and gradually destroys the material.

When choosing this brick for the base, you should focus on the brand: different brands of brick for the base have different frost resistance. For example, the M150 can withstand up to 60 freeze and defrost cycles. With an increase in the brand number, frost resistance increases.

Red clay plinth brick, best suited for use in areas with high rainfall - M250.

Ceramic Acid Resistant Brick

Resistance to moisture and temperature extremes, frost resistance, low water absorption. Good thermal and sound insulation properties.

High density allows you to build structures on this basis for more than one floor.

An important property is the ability to resist aggressive environments: this is relevant, since chemically active substances are present both in the soil layer and in the composition of precipitation.

The composition of the raw materials for the manufacture of bricks of this brand includes special grades of clay and dunite.

Clinker brick

Water absorption 3-5 percent. Like clinker, this brick is made from special grades of clay using the technology of single high-temperature firing.

The bearing capacity is higher than that of a simple red brick. Good decorative qualities, color fastness. Some firms give a guarantee of up to 100 years for clinker bricks. But the price is much higher than other varieties.

For the construction of plinths, most often they take a solid red brick, made using plastic molding technology. It can be burned, this is not an obstacle to use.

How to choose a basement brick

When buying, you need to follow:

  • so that the bricks are of the same size and shape;
  • the surface is smooth, without chips, cracks;
  • color - uniform, saturated.

basement brick cost

The price of a basement brick today (2016) is something like this:

  • silicate - from 10 rubles apiece;
  • red full-bodied - 10-15 rubles;
  • - from 25 rubles.

Features of the construction of a brick basement

  1. The thickness of the plinth part depends on the facade materials. If the facade is made of bricks, the width of the plinth should be at least 51 centimeters, 25 cm is enough. The masonry is usually one and a half or two bricks wide, the total is not less than 30 centimeters.
  2. For masonry, it is recommended to use a cement mortar of at least M200 with lime and sifted sand in the ratio of one part of cement to 6.7 sand and 0.7 lime or clay. The consistency should be quite thick, pasty: about 0.8 parts of water are taken for one part of cement. To thicken a too liquid solution, lime or clay is added to it. It is also advisable to add a little plasticizer (you can use washing powder in this capacity).
  3. For use roofing material or only. They are placed on hot in two layers with a layer of the same mastic.
  4. How to calculate the material (approximately): the size of the basement brick is 25 by 12 by 6.5 centimeters. For one cubic meter you need 390 bricks and 25 centimeters of cubic mixture. We round up (taking into account broken bricks and other losses). The number of bricks is 400 per cube, the mixture is 30.

foundation plinth country house is the basis and support for bearing walls. Its main purpose is to protect the interior of the building from the flow of water and the penetration of cold air. Carefully selected brick for the basement of the foundation eliminates problems in subsequent operation.

The basement brick should not only be beautiful: strength and moisture resistance are no less important characteristics. Source

Choosing the right brick for the basement

First of all, when figuring out which brick is best for the base, it is worth remembering that it must combine high strength, durability and decorative values.

These three main parameters are not the only ones. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the indicators of frost resistance of bricks, its minimum water-absorbing capacity and resistance to deformation. And, of course, it is desirable to fit all this into a small budget.

Do not forget that the selected brick must match the design decision of the house and look beautiful.

Basement arrangement

When arranging the basement, it is very important to choose high-quality material, so the risk of shortening the life of the building is reduced. If the physical properties and technical characteristics of the brick are appropriate, more than one generation will live in the built house.

The layout of the basement is shown in the following figure:

Classic plinth on a strip foundation Source

For its reliable subsequent operation, the following recommendations must be observed during the arrangement:

    The thickness of the plinth is determined based on the materials of the walls. For brickwork you need a base with a base of at least 51 cm. If the walls of the house are made of timber, then a width of 25 cm is quite sufficient.

    When laying a brick base, it is very important to choose the right cement mortar. A mixture with the following composition optimally meets all requirements: cement M200, sand and lime. You should adhere to the proportions 1:6.7:6.7. The mixture is brought to a pasty consistency.

    The existing system for calculating materials allows you to prepare the right amount for arranging a brick base. For 1 m? the basement needs 400 bricks (250 × 120 × 65 mm in size) and 30 cm? cement-sand mixture

Properties that a brick for a basement should have

Considering all of the above, it is clear that a brick for building a basement must have the following properties:

    increased compressive strength (from 200 MPa);

    standard dimensions - 250x120x65 mm;

    high environmental friendliness;

    moisture resistance;

    embossed surface.

The strength of the brick ensures the reliability and durability of the basement and the entire structure as a whole. Standard sizes provide an even and attractive appearance of the basement and the entire building in particular.


In addition, the construction of the basement will be less labor-intensive. The absence of harmful impurities in the brick will exclude harm to the residents of the house. The embossed surface of the brick perfectly adheres to the mortar and prevents the formation of cracks and cracks, and, accordingly, cold bridges.

Types of brick plinth

Brick plinth can be equipped in three different ways:



    on the same level as the walls.

When arranging a sunken basement, its walls are somewhat thinner than the main walls of the building. A plinth of this type is carried out in case of need to protect the building from sedimentary water coming from above. Most often used in regions with high rainfall.

This is how a sinking base looks like - rainwater flowing down the walls immediately falls on the blind area. Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer foundation repair services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The protruding plinth is built with a greater wall thickness than the walls of the building. In most cases, such a base is equipped with additional protection against precipitation, for example, metal visors covering the ledge.

The protruding plinth is additionally protected by an ebb, which can simultaneously perform decorative functions. Source

Which brick is suitable for the basement

If you follow the standards prescribed in clause 6.65 of the SNiP, then the usual solid red brick is universal for many regions, it is also called well-fired plastic-pressed ceramic brick. It is manufactured in accordance with GOST 7484-78 and TU and GOST 530-2007.

A solid brick with a high density has a mass of 3-4 kg. Its volumetric weight is 1500 - 1900 kg / m3. It is used when it is necessary to organize high rates of structural strength, sound insulation, thermal conductivity and heat capacity.


Despite the obvious positive characteristics of such a brick, there are better options, however, they cost much more. We are talking about clinker, fireclay and subspecies of clay bricks.

Clinker immediately stands out with obvious advantages:

    water absorption (not more than 5%);

    strength (from M250);

    frost resistance (from F100);

    increased wear resistance.


In some cases, a combined option is practiced, in which the laying of the basement is made of red brick, and its lining is carried out with clinker.

Clinker bricks are ideal in terms of wear resistance. Its front surface retains its original appearance for many years. In terms of characteristics, it is much superior to red brick, which, accordingly, directly affects the cost of clinker bricks. The high price is its disadvantage.

Fireclay bricks are also called refractory bricks. Accordingly, it has the following characteristics:

    water absorption does not exceed 3%;

    starting strength - M25;

    increased acid resistance protects against aggressive environmental influences.

Well, fire resistance, which allows the product to withstand drops high temperatures. Summing up, we can safely say that the red solid brick of the M150-200 brand with frost resistance F35-50– best option for a plinth capable of reliably serving hundreds of years.


Clinker and fireclay bricks also meet all the requirements of a basement brick well, but are much more expensive.

Ordinary clay brick brand 150-250 is durable, frost-resistant and low price. Its significant drawback is a completely unpresentable appearance. The plinth laid out of it definitely needs to be finished.

The appearance of an ordinary clay brick can hardly be called presentable Source

But the brick base can be additionally tiled Source

Which brick can not be used for the base

Due to the high hygroscopicity, silicate brick is categorically not suitable for arranging the basement. The plinth erected from it will gradually collapse, since the silicate perfectly absorbs moisture from the ground and collapses from temperature changes.

In just a couple of years, the plinth will need major renovation. The collapsing basement, in turn, will lead to the destruction of the foundation and, accordingly, the building as a whole.

Silicate brick: beautiful, but not suitable for the plinth Source

Plinth laying in stages

The process of arranging the basement is quite complex and responsible, requiring the participation of professionals. The plan of the brick basement is as follows:

    from the 1st to the 4th row - masonry;

    5 row - transverse wall;

    6 row - brick layout;

    7 row - filling the space with insulation.

Before proceeding with laying, it is necessary to correctly set the corners for the subsequent laying of the base. At the preliminary stage, the solution is not used. This row is set purely by level, since subsequent rows can no longer be shifted. After the first row is set, measure all sides, two diagonals and make sure that the structure is even. The evenness of the masonry must be perfect.

The largest allowable discrepancy should not exceed 2 cm. In this case, the discrepancy can still be corrected during further laying.

After the end of the measurements, they begin to equip the basement. It is laid out with bricks with a cement-sand mortar having the following proportions 3: 1: 1 (cleaned sand, cement, water).


The minimum width of the plinth is 380 mm. If the basement wall involves only bricklaying without insulation, the thickness is at least 500 mm. If the insulation is assumed to be foam, the thickness of the base is 380 mm.

When arranging the basement, the foundation should be 30-40 cm. This width provides a beautiful basement, of sufficient height, which allows you to equip a large room that can be equipped as a boiler room or utility room.

Video description

Clearly about the choice of brick for the construction of the base in the following video:


Summing up, we can say that before arranging the base, you need to make careful measurements, since the choice of materials largely depends on the expected maximum loads.

The best option is brick. It is warmer than concrete, which greatly improves the comfort of stay and reduces the cost of maintaining an optimal microclimate. Making a basement out of concrete is unprofitable from an economic point of view.

A basement is a part of a building that is an extension of the foundation above ground level but below the floor level of the first floor.

The basement is the second most important building structure after the foundation. Like the foundation, the plinth must be made as strong and durable as possible, since, like the foundation, it bears the load from the entire building, but at the same time it must work in the most adverse conditions:

  • when it rains, even if there is a cornice on the roof, a good blind area and a drainage system, the plinth, anyway, becomes wet, because the rain can be slanting or because, under any weather conditions, water splashes invariably fall on the surface of the plinth
  • V winter period snowdrifts are in contact with the surface of the base. Their height depends on the territorial area. In the Urals, for example, at least 1m. Last winter it was 2m. In conditions when not only in spring, but even in winter, periodic temperature changes cause alternation of thaws and frosts. As a result, the surface of the base gets wet and immediately freezes ...
  • a large load on the base from the higher structures of the building: walls, ceilings, roofs, snow on the roof, furniture and people in the house, etc.
  • a huge risk of wetting the basement through the capillary rise of aggressive groundwater from the foundation ...
  • freezing of the basement wall in winter, because, often, a brick basement is made where there is no basement, but there is only an unheated technical underground: the space under the house between the ground level and the ceiling of the 1st floor.

What kind of brick to make a plinth

What kind of brick to make a plinth? What do building codes and regulations say about this?

Clause 1.3 of SNiP II-22-81 * "Stone and reinforced masonry structures" says about which brick cannot be used for the base:

"1.3*. Application silicate bricks , stones and blocks; stones and blocks from cellular concrete; hollow ceramic bricks and stones, concrete blocks with voids; ceramic bricks of semi-dry pressing is allowed for the outer walls of premises with a wet regime, provided that they are applied internal surfaces vapor barrier coating. The use of these materials for the walls of rooms with a wet regime, as well as for external walls of basements and plinths is not allowed . «

The types of bricks highlighted in blue: silicate and hollow ceramic are just those bricks that many, for some reason, still use for laying the basement.

Most likely, this happens when the production of only silicate bricks or hollow bricks is established in the region and, therefore, the developer buys a brick that can be purchased closer and without problems.

Sand-lime brick is not recommended for plinth because it absorbs moisture very well. And, as we discussed earlier, the basement design is most susceptible to atmospheric influences both in summer and in winter, not to mention the off-season.

An exception can only be the southern regions of the country, where there is a catastrophic lack of rain, and snow in winter falls in a thin layer, like a gift, for a change.

Hollow bricks, although they meet the standards in terms of strength, but when the basement freezes in winter, frost forms on the walls of the voids, which turns into water when thawed. Water inside a brick is “not very good,” as overseas builder gurus would say in the old days. It is good if the water was absorbed by the body of the brick and later, at a positive temperature, evaporated. And if the water froze again and turned into ice, which began to burst the brick voids from the inside. This threatens the brick with cracking and destruction.

“6.65. Foundations, basement walls and plinths should preferably be designed as prefabricated from large concrete blocks. It is also allowed to use small concrete blocks and stones, natural stones of regular and irregular shape, monolithic concrete and rubble, well fired plastic molding ceramic brick

If you follow the letter of the law, then according to building codes, it turns out that in many regions only well-fired plastic-pressed ceramic bricks are universally suitable for the basement - this is, in other words, an ordinary solid red brick.

Other materials according to clause 6.65 of SNiP are justified where they are more common than ceramic bricks, for example natural stones in the mountainous regions of the country it is cheaper (almost free, if you take it yourself from a quarry).

What brand of brick is needed for the base

To determine what brand of brick is needed for the basement, we again turn to building codes and regulations.

Although earlier in the article on the brickwork of the basement, the brand of brick for the basement was already indicated, and, nevertheless, let's clarify the frost resistance of the brick according to clause 2.3 and table 1 according to SNiP II-22-81 *:

For exterior walls in buildings with dry and normal humidity conditions, the frost resistance of bricks is F25.

Of course, during construction, any developer "dreams" that his basement or technical underground would be dry! But it's impossible to predict various conditions and contingencies that are revealed only after the building is put into operation….

Therefore, it would be good to insure on frost resistance by 1-2 steps: suddenly the earth in the technical underground for some reason will be saturated with moisture or groundwater will break through into the basement all the time and it will turn into a room with a very humid regime. .. Then the margin in strength and frost resistance of the basement brick will allow you to gain time to find and eliminate the cause of moisture.

Since, nevertheless, we are talking about which brick is better for the basement, then for the sake of justice it is worth noting that there are other bricks that are superior in their characteristics to the red solid brick.

We are talking about clinker and fireclay bricks.

Clinker brick for plinth

The main advantages of clinker bricks for the plinth:

  • water absorption no more than 5%
  • strength from M250
  • frost resistance value from F100
  • increased wear resistance

Clinker bricks are used:

  • for plinth cladding. It is possible to make the basement masonry from red brick with clinker brick lining on the outside
  • for paving sidewalks, footpaths and even on the roadway.

An ideal material with high wear resistance, which allows you to keep the front surface of the brick in its original form for a long time.

According to its characteristics, it is much superior to ordinary red brick. But… its price matches its quality.

Chamotte brick for plinth

Chamotte or refractory brick. Its name speaks for itself:

  • water absorption no more than 3%
  • strength from M250
  • frost resistance F15-50
  • increased acid resistance - excellent protection against any aggressive influences
  • fireproof - able to withstand very high temperatures and its differences. Fire protection guaranteed!

But, do you need its acid resistance and increased fire resistance, for example, for the basement of a bath???? Not to mention the price of a brick...

So, in summary: there is nothing better for a basement than an ordinary red solid brick. If you take the brand M150-200 and frost resistance F35-50, then it will fully withstand all the loads and will serve with dignity for 100 years.

If you do not like its appearance, then there are options for lining the basement:

  1. clinker brick
  2. facing brick
  3. natural stone cladding
  4. artificial stone lining
  5. cladding with plinth siding panels under the stone

And these types of work on the lining of the basement already depend on design solution your facade and site as a whole.

Once again, let's summarize which brick is better for the basement:

  • unequivocally: red ordinary full-bodied
  • by brand for strength - M150
  • by brand for frost resistance F50

Clinker and fireclay bricks are also suitable for use in plinth masonry due to their strength and frost resistance grades, but they are much more expensive. You choose based on your capabilities.


Often people mistakenly believe that the plinth is just the lower part of the outer walls of the building. In fact, the basement is an elevated continuation of the foundation and can rise 50-70 cm above ground level. And in buildings equipped with a basement, its height can reach 150-200 cm.

Thus, the basement is a kind of transitional wall from the foundation to the load-bearing walls of the house. It is a barrier against the penetration of moisture into the structure of the building. Moreover, moisture can be both soil - rising along the foundation, and atmospheric - rain, snow.

At the same time, the plinth not only protects the house from moisture and cold, but is also part of the architectural design of the appearance of the house.

The design of the plinth has a significant impact on the overall impression of the appearance of the building. Houses with a high base look better than those with a low one. And if it is not there at all, then the building will resemble a squat hut.

Thus, the choice of material for the base device must take into account all its functional loads.

Since the basement is not only exposed to atmospheric influences, but also perceives the weight of the walls, as well as all the loads to which they are subjected, the requirements for the material for its implementation must be quite stringent.

The requirements are:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to weathering and moisture;
  • high frost resistance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • attractive appearance.

Most often in private construction you can find plinths made of concrete or brick. At the same time, the use of concrete for making the basement is not recommended because of its inability to withstand the effect of the “capillary pump” - moisture easily rises from the soil to the walls of the house, due to the presence of interconnected pores in the concrete body.

Thus, the best choice for the device of the base becomes a brick, which must meet not only all of the above requirements, but also additional ones.

In particular:

  • it must have standard dimensions;
  • have good adhesion to the masonry mortar;
  • have an affordable price.

Most often, the following types of bricks are used for the plinth device:

  • silicate;
  • red building;
  • acid-resistant ceramic;
  • clinker.

What kind of brick will make a reliable and beautiful base

In order to find out, we briefly consider all the listed types of materials.

- it is usually used as facing material, as well as for masonry internal walls and partitions. Silicate brick belongs to non-fired types of bricks. It has a sufficiently high strength and good indicators of sound insulation and resistance to heat transfer. Therefore, structures made of it may well carry a fairly high load, including the weight of the walls of a low-rise building.

But weak point silicate brick is its weak water resistance, especially with the regular presence of moisture.

Therefore, it is not recommended for the basement parts of buildings that are constantly exposed to moisture, both soil and atmospheric. This material can only be used in regions that are characterized by a dry climate.

- a widely known and also widely used material everywhere. It is produced from special clays by plastic molding followed by firing at a temperature of 1050 degrees. The end result is a durable and fairly waterproof product.

Since the plinth experiences rather high loads from weight load-bearing structures buildings, it is better for him to choose a solid brick of a brand of at least M150. And if the building is located in an area with a humid climate, then the M250. The frost resistance index should be at least 50-100 cycles. Such a brick will serve as an excellent foundation for the load-bearing walls of the house.

However, this material does not always have the necessary external qualities, therefore, for laying the base, you need to choose a slightly more expensive material, but with the declared geometric characteristics and without surface defects.

This type of building brick has an affordable cost, therefore it is used most widely.

- is a more expensive material than ordinary building bricks. But its properties fully justify the additional cost of acquisition.

For its production, special grades of clay are used.

This clay contains:

  • silica - about 60%;
  • alumina - slightly less than 40%;
  • oxides of iron and calcium.

When fired, such a brick acquires a yellowish tint.

The composition of the clay mixture provides the following characteristics of the final product:

  • High chemical resistance - this material is used for laying stoves, fireplaces and chimneys. floors are also made from it production shops chemical industries.
  • The material also has increased resistance to high temperatures, so it is often used as a lining for structures that need to be protected from aggressive environments.
  • The geometric dimensions of the bricks are highly accurate, which guarantees high quality masonry.

True, for laying acid-resistant bricks, not an ordinary mortar is used, but a special putty.

Clinker brick- produced using special clays and fired at temperatures up to 1200 degrees. Due to this, the output is a very durable product with a dense structure, almost devoid of pores. Therefore, this brick has high strength, frost resistance and extremely low moisture absorption.

This is the most expensive of the listed materials, but at the same time the most durable and beautiful. But, nevertheless, due to the high cost, it is rarely used for laying plinths.

More often it is used as a cladding, which can protect the material of the walls and plinth from adverse effects.

Thus, for the construction of the basement of the house, you can use both ordinary building bricks and clinker or acid-resistant bricks. Using conventional bricks will save significant money. But in order for it to serve longer, it is still better to protect it by plastering, cladding facade tiles or cladding facade panels.

The basement brick is intended for facing the upper part of the foundation, which rises above the ground. Due to its special shape, it is possible to carry out laying to a height of up to 2 m. The appearance of the part of the building made of basement bricks has a massive and impressive appearance, visually separating the ground part of the foundation of the building from the main walls. Select and determine which brick better fit for the basement, the classification of types of bricks will help.

Requirements for basement bricks

Since the basement structure is in direct contact with the ground, which is periodically exposed to moisture, increased requirements for strength and aesthetics are imposed on the brick for this part of the building. The main requirements include:

  • High strength and ability to withstand heavy loads.
  • Moisture resistance and resistance to various atmospheric precipitation.
  • Frost resistance and low water absorption.
  • Environmental friendliness and safety.
  • aesthetic appeal of the material.
  • Affordable price.

The technical performance characteristics of the base brick are indicated in the certificate of conformity, which must be issued to the buyer upon purchase.

Regardless specifications the plinth of a brick building should have an attractive decorative appearance.

Types and brands of bricks for the basement

Since the basement of the building must be made of the most durable and quality material, many developers are interested in what material it is better to make it from. In construction, the following types of brick materials are used for lining the basement.

Clinker brick

The material for the manufacture of clinker bricks is a special type of clay, which is fired in special kilns at a temperature of about 1200 degrees Celsius. Clinker consists of refractory clay (chamotte), feldspars and clay materials.

Brick after firing can have different color shades. This type of building material belongs to an expensive elite class and is distinguished by high strength characteristics and attractive appearance. Sometimes clinker bricks are used as paving stones for sidewalks.

If we compare with ordinary ceramic bricks, then the clinker material will have a clear advantage:

  1. The strength index (ability to withstand the load without destruction) is more than 300 kg per 1 cm2.
  2. Water absorption (the ability of the material to absorb water until completely saturated) is at least 6%.
  3. Frost resistance (the ability to withstand repeated freezing and thawing without complete destruction of the material) is more than 100 cycles.
  4. Heat resistance.
  5. High soundproof properties.

Possessing all these advantages, the basement clinker brick perfectly protects the ground part of the foundation and gives a beautiful elegant look to the building.

The service life of clinker reaches 100 years, so this type of material is ideal for lining the basement of a building.

Acid-resistant basement brick

This type of brick, without exaggeration, can be attributed to the "eternal" building material. Acid-resistant brick for the base is made from special clay raw materials with high technical indicators of plasticity, refractoriness and fire resistance. The composition of the clay includes silica, alumina and iron oxide. After firing in special kilns, the brick becomes saturated yellow. Chemical composition and increased technical indicators provide resistance to high temperatures and aggressive environments.

The production of such material is standardized and manufacturing plants produce the following grades:

  1. Straight brick with dimensions 230 x 113 x 65 mm.
  2. Brick end double-sided 230 x113 x 55 mm.
  3. Brick rib wedge double-sided 230 x 113 x64 mm.

Acid-resistant brick has a low water absorption rate, such a brick practically does not get wet, which makes it an ideal material for lining the basement.

For laying acid-resistant bricks, a special masonry mortar is used from acid-resistant powder with reagents.

silicate brick

In the case of the use of silicate bricks for the basement of the building, an external protective finish in the form of various plasters will be a mandatory requirement. The main advantage building materials based on silicate - this is a low and affordable price. Silicate brick is produced from a mixture of quartz sand and lime using autoclave steam processing technology, so this building material is not recommended for use in high humidity environments.

Under the action of moisture, the brick will soak, lose its technical strength indicators and eventually completely collapse. It is possible to use silicate brick for plinth installation only in arid areas with low precipitation.

When using silicate for the plinth of a building, it is best to perform high-quality gasket waterproofing from 2 layers of roofing roll material.

The strength index is determined by the brand of brick for the base, which for silicate brick is denoted by the letter "M" followed by numbers indicating the limiting value for compression, after which the brick collapses.

Red ceramic brick for plinth

Red ceramic brick refers to the universal building material known since ancient times. It is made from clay by firing in furnaces and subsequent drying in drying chambers. It gained its popularity among builders due to its excellent performance, durability and reliability.

Red basement brick has good resistance to both capillary and atmospheric moisture. The red brick for the construction of the basement of the building must necessarily be solid with a dense structure, since atmospheric moisture will condense in the hollow, which will lead to the destruction of the array of brickwork. Of all the types of building materials for the basement, red ceramic brick is one of the most popular and common types.

A plinth made of this type of material will serve reliable protection buildings from precipitation and other environmental influences.

  1. The material for the foundation plinth must be of the same size and shape.
  2. The surface of the selected material must be smooth, without cracks and external chips.
  3. The color scheme of the basement brick should be the same.
  4. The presence of a certificate or technical passport indicating the brand of brick, the date of its manufacture and a list of technical characteristics.

At correct selection basement bricks in the house will retain more heat, and the building structure will be better protected from the penetration of cold air from outside.

Video example of the use of clinker bricks for the plinth:

When choosing which brick is needed for the basement, one should take into account the aesthetic component, that is, that the selected material should be well combined with other wall materials of the building. For example, if you make a plinth of ceramic bricks, then walls with a smooth surface will be the best combination. All varieties of basement bricks can be laid out with figured masonry, in which the brick itself will serve as a decoration for the basement.
