Could people imagine rejoicing at the appearance gas heating that in decades the city dwellers will voluntarily return to wood stoves? Today, every second owner of a private house dreams of a home with a real flame, and there are more and more of those who have fulfilled their dream. To ensure the operation of stove equipment, our contemporaries do not go into the forest with an ax, but buy ready-made firewood for a fireplace or stove. What is the difference between the proposed fuel and how to make the right choice?

Firewood is different: an educational program on choosing the right fuel

The most popular fuel for home stoves is hardwood and softwood. However, not every wood suitable for furnaces and closed fireplaces is suitable for use in traditional open fireplace inserts. In addition, each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages that affect the overall comfort and heating efficiency.

Firewood can be bought in any quantity

Choosing firewood for open fireplaces

The fuel for traditional open hearth fireplaces must burn slowly, without sparks and bad smell. Available pine and other conifers are not the best choice, as the logs of these trees burn very quickly, spark strongly, and burning chips scatter from the fire.

Oak logs are deservedly called "fireplace logs": they burn for a long time, while releasing maximum heat energy. Essential oils released during combustion, fill the room with pleasant healing aromas. To reduce sparking, it is recommended to use logs without bark. The main disadvantage of oak is its high cost.

Oak produces 30% more heat than aspen and burns 25% longer than other woods

Alder logs have long been used for heating the royal chambers - this fuel does not smoke much and effectively copes with heating tasks. Alder logs attract with a beautiful bright orange tint - they look great not only in the firebox, but also in the firewood, decorating the interior.

Popular birch firewood is attractive in that it emits little carbon monoxide, and the smoke from their flame disinfects the air and smells good. An important advantage is that birch can be used without prior drying. The main disadvantage of birch fuel is the increased formation of soot in the chimney. You need to remember this and regularly clean the pipe from plaque that prevents smoke from escaping.

Birch logs burn even when raw

Professionals, talking about which firewood is better to choose, always recommend paying attention to aspen logs. Aspen has an amazing property - its smoke cleans the chimney of soot, which has long been used by people who want to ease the hard work of a chimney sweep. To keep the equipment in excellent condition, it is enough to heat the fireplace with aspen twice a month. Aspen is not suitable for regular use - there is too little heat from it.

The ideal raw materials for open fireboxes are cherry, apple and juniper firewood - they sparkle less and fill the room with a pleasant aroma. It is not necessary to cut all the apple trees in the garden - you can use the dried twigs left after pruning and put them in the flame, combining with other logs.

How to heat a closed fireplace

It is much easier for owners of fireplaces with closed fireboxes, and most of them are now, to choose “food” for their home. All types of wood recommended for open fireplaces are also ideal for laying in a closed firebox. And due to the fact that you can not be afraid of flying sparks, nothing prevents you from choosing any other raw material. It is only important to take into account that solid wood burns longer, which means that it will be possible to throw firewood into the firebox less often, while the efficiency of furnace equipment will be higher.

Poplar tempts with the price, but its logs burn literally instantly, forming very little heat. It is recommended to buy poplar for closed fireplaces for decorative purposes, when only short-term spectacles are important, and central heating solves the problem of heat.

Coniferous trees for closed fireplaces can be used, they burn slowly and are characterized by high heat transfer. Most often, pine is used for heating - it leads in terms of thermal efficiency and is affordable. Larch produces a lot of carbon monoxide, so it makes no sense to overpay for this rare raw material. The disadvantages of needles include the formation of soot deposited on fireplace glass and chimney. Manufacturers of furnace equipment know this and equip their products with special glass cleaning systems.

Ash is convenient for kindling because, like birch, it can be used without prior drying. Willow burns well and without strong smoking. Linden logs are not available in all regions, but this raw material can be classified as ideal firewood - linden burns for a long time and releases a lot of heat.

The length of the log should be 2/3 of the width of the firebox

For the right flame, it is important to take care not only of the type of wood, but also of the size of the logs. They should not be too thin, the ideal width of the log is 6-8 cm. The length of the firewood should be equal to two-thirds of the width combustion chamber.

Eurowood - an alternative to traditional logs

Progress does not stand still, and even firewood is now produced, and not just harvested. Instead of traditional logs for fireplaces, you can use fuel briquettes - eurofirewood made from wood residues (sawdust and dust) formed during the production of building materials and furniture.

Wood waste is used as a raw material for eurofirewood

The shape of wood briquettes can be rectangular, cylindrical or multifaceted. Eurowood burns almost to the ground, does not have an unpleasant odor, smokes moderately and does not smoke. Wood briquettes burn out very quickly, so they are of little use for open fireplaces and are more suitable for closed fireboxes. long burning.

Each region has its own recommendations for choosing the most practical and affordable fuel. To buy the perfect firewood for a fireplace, you should consult with a specialist, describing to him the parameters of your stove equipment and the living area.

Video: firewood for the fireplace

Wood different breeds and its waste is increasingly conquering the market of energy resources spent on heating residential buildings during the cold season. This is due to the fact that heating a private house with wood has many advantages over traditional combustion of fossil hydrocarbons. We will try to realistically evaluate these pluses, compare them with the minuses and figure out how to heat stoves and solid fuel boilers with wood.

Pros and cons of wood heating

The most important advantage, due to which heating a house with wood is becoming increasingly popular, is, of course, the price of the issue. If we do not take into account the cost of natural gas for users in Russian Federation, then wood and wood waste is guaranteed to take first place in this criterion. Do not forget that not all settlements and houses in the Russian Federation are gasified.

Another real advantage, which gives an oven or water heating solid fuel houses are environmental friendliness and a feeling of comfort that comes from the smell of fresh and burned wood. Visually enjoy the burning of a fireplace or stove with a transparent panoramic screen built into the loading door. Unfortunately, that's where the positives end.

For the low cost of firewood as an energy carrier, we will have to pay with our own time and physical labor.

You will have to work when harvesting solid fuel, kindling a furnace or a solid fuel boiler, as well as to maintain their work, periodically adding new logs. If we take it purely stove heating, then with its help it is difficult to warm up remote rooms, you still need to use radiators. Installing a wood-burning boiler is not a cheap undertaking, since it must be properly tied up and additional equipment installed.

What firewood is the hottest?

The specific heat transfer of wood is significantly lower compared to hydrocarbon fuels. For example, for gas used in everyday life, its value is 31.8 MJ/kg, while for wood it is no more than 17.4 MJ/kg (birch and pine firewood). That is, heating the same area of ​​a biomass house will require at least twice as much. This is the reason for frequent visits to the furnace room, especially during the operation of the boiler in the maximum combustion mode.

  • select a heat generator or stove with a large volume of the combustion chamber;
  • use the hottest firewood that produces the most heat.

Note. Most brick ovens cannot boast such a firebox capacity as wood-burning boilers and require frequent additions of wood during heating. But then the stove consumes a relatively small amount of firewood, and gives off heat intensively and for a long time.

It is well known that heat transfer directly depends on the combustion temperature; it differs significantly for different types of wood. Fuel that burns hot releases more heat energy, it remains only to use it efficiently. For example, hornbeam, oak and ash give a strong heat, the theoretical combustion temperature reaches 1000 ° C. But poplar firewood is the thinnest, even in ideal conditions they will not give a temperature higher than 500 ° C. To figure out how much heat different types of wood give, we suggest studying the following table:

Note. The table shows the theoretical combustion temperature achieved under ideal conditions. IN real life it is much lower, but the ratio remains the same.

It is a luxury to heat the stove with oak or ash logs, since these rocks are considered valuable and are used to make furniture, doors and many other useful things. Of the available species that give good heat, I would like to note birch - for the northern regions and middle lane, and white acacia - for the south. The “weakest” in this regard, along with poplar, are alder firewood, and even the ever-damp willow, which is not presented in the table.

In fact, every homeowner burns in his stove the type of fuel that is most available to him. Most often they burn coniferous wood, aspen and birch, and in the southern latitudes - poplar and acacia. But even the hottest firewood can disappoint you with its heat output if it is saturated with moisture. This parameter significantly affects the calorific value of wood, this can be seen by examining the table, which shows the properties of firewood at different humidity:

You cannot get a lot of heat from raw wood of any species, because the lion's share of the heat released is immediately spent on the evaporation of this moisture. That is why it is recommended to dry freshly cut wood for a long time to a state of 20-25% moisture, then it will be possible to get maximum heat from it and ensure a reasonable consumption of firewood.

What wood is best for a fireplace?

The main difference between fireplaces and stoves or wood-burning boilers is the presence of an open firebox. An exception is fireplaces closed with a door with built-in heat-resistant glass, but you must also be able to handle them correctly.

  • do not use resinous rocks for open fireplaces, including conifers. Such firewood often shoots out particles of heat that can fly far enough to start a fire;
  • raw wood for the fireplace should not be used in any case. You will not get heat from them, but soot - as much as you like. It will settle with a layer of soot on the panoramic glass of a closed firebox and deprive you of the pleasure of contemplating the flame. Yes, and the flame from damp wood will be dull and weak;
  • soot from wet firewood also settles on the walls of the chimney. After some time, when you put high-quality fuel into the fireplace, it can catch fire and raise the temperature in the pipe to 800 ° C, which is fraught with fire.

In general, any type of wood (except resinous) can be burned in the fireplace, but it makes no sense to use too hot ones, since the fireplace is an inefficient heater. Alder, maple and aspen firewood will do, and when you still need to “turn up the heat”, you can throw birch or acacia logs.

How to heat the stove with wood?

Proper handling of the oven is a whole science. First of all, you need to monitor the condition of the body of the furnace, so that in brickwork there were no cracks, and in the metal case there were no burnouts through which smoke escapes. It is also necessary to constantly check the presence of traction before kindling, and in solid fuel boilers- Fitting the loading door. Kindling is done in this way:

  • put crumpled paper, thin chips and small firewood for the stove on the grate;
  • open the ash pan door a quarter, and the chimney damper - about half;
  • paper is ignited by matches without any liquid fuel. When the fire flared up a little, increase the air supply by opening the blower halfway;
  • after the flame has engulfed the entire bookmark, throw up more logs and adjust the air supply for intense burning;
  • further, you can heat the stove with wood at the minimum setting so that the house does not get too hot.

Brick ovens last much longer, if you do not get carried away and do not bring the firebox to too high temperature. It is better to choose the medium or minimum mode when the stove has already warmed up.

If we talk about metal heaters that heat country house, then at first they can be “fired up” to the maximum. This will make it possible to quickly warm up the building, after which the need for intense heat disappears and you just need to maintain the temperature in the rooms. True, you will often have to throw up small portions of firewood, a large bookmark should only be done at night. Do not forget to clean the ash pan in time, this should be done if necessary. It's one thing when dry pine wood is burned in the oven and there is very little ash left. Another - if fuel of dubious quality with a high ash content is placed in the chamber or coal is added.

Solid fuel boilers operate with the best efficiency at maximum modes. Their advantage over furnaces is high efficiency, but you need to be able to use it. And for this there is a strong recommendation - to install the boiler together with a buffer tank - a heat accumulator. This option is considered optimal and allows you to take the greatest amount of heat from the tree and use it to heat a private house.


As you can see, heating country house on wood has a number of nuances and warnings that must be taken into account. On the one hand, the matter is simple, but on the other hand, you need to remember a lot of important little things. It should be noted that for many people the heating process is a pleasure and they switch to wood heating without any problems.

A competent approach to the question of which firewood for the fireplace in the house will be the most suitable and effective will not only create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the room, but also significantly extend the life of the entire structure.

The fireplace in the house performs not only a decorative, but also a practical function. It is a unit for heating a room, the utility factor of which will depend on what kind of wood to melt it.

There are basic requirements for firewood that is designed specifically for the fireplace. Important - when burned, they must give off enough heat and create heat so that the heat is retained for a long period of time. It is also necessary to take into account the specific features of specific types of wood.

What to choose?

Most fireplace owners are wondering what better breeds wood to enjoy. You can heat different types of wood - beech, oak, birch, aspen, maple. However, you should be aware that not all known firewood for a fireplace burns out the same way - the rate of combustion of a tree for the most part depends on its density.

Firewood from an apple tree for a fireplace

Chopped hardwood firewood - hornbeam, beech, maple, oak - having small pores, will burn through more slowly, and at the same time retain heat for a longer period of time.

The most common and affordable chopped firewood from birch. However, it is important to remember that pine and birch burn out quickly enough. Given the high fuel consumption of the fireplace, be prepared for the constant need to add firewood to the firebox.

It is better to give preference to oak firewood without bark. Ideal Solution- chopped logs harvested from fruit woods. When burned, they will spread a favorable aroma in the room, thereby creating a cozy atmosphere. A good choice- apple, pear and cherry.

It is also important to know which logs are undesirable for use. It is worth being careful with the plum, as a slightly bitter smell will be emitted during combustion.

Firewood for the fireplace

Too soft wood - willow, poplar - it is better not to use it as a kindling agent. Coniferous trees are also not recommended, since the increased content of resin in them during combustion will form a lot of soot, which contributes to the rapid clogging of chimney channels. Moreover, such chopped logs during combustion can “splash” sparks of fire. As a result, this can provoke a fire of objects that were accidentally left in the immediate vicinity of the fireplace.

Basic principles

When it is already decided what is better to heat the fireplace, you need to remember a few important points.
Wet wood for the fireplace is undesirable. They will not burn well. Moreover, often after using raw firewood on inner surface condensate accumulates in the chimney, impairing the operation of the entire structure.

The best firewood for kindling is those whose humidity level does not exceed 20%.

In order for a freshly cut tree to reach this state, it is necessary:

  • for two years, store it in closed rooms with good ventilation or subject it to forced drying in specialized conditions.

What should be the logs themselves? They shouldn't be too thin. The best option- chopped firewood, the diameter of which varies from 6 to 8 centimeters. Wood intended for fireboxes should be stored outdoors under a canopy. This method of storage guarantees the required level of humidity.

An important point - the logs should not be too dry. If the firewood is dry, then it is likely that instead of even burning, you will get a “jumping” fire.

Important - you should not heat the fireplace with a variety of chemistry-based compositions.

Exclusive approach

Greenex is a popular brand on Russian market specializing in the manufacture of firewood for fireplaces. Its products are used not only for their intended purpose. Distinctive feature Greenex is a decorative purpose, certain types of goods are additionally flavored with various essential oils.

Round flavored logs of the same length from the Greenex brand will help make your stay by the fireplace not only pleasant, but also unforgettable. The aroma released during the burning of wood will contribute to relaxation and restful sleep. High-quality firewood from Greenex guarantees proper combustion, which favorably affects the elegance of the flame itself and the release of the necessary heat.

The choice of Greenex products - logs of the same length, which have undergone aromatization, as well as firewood, cleaned of contaminants, required level humidity.

The quality of the flame and the level of heat in the fireplace will directly depend on which wood was chosen as fuel. A competent and reasonable approach will not only increase the efficiency of using the fireplace itself, but also extend its life.

Video: Firewood for the fireplace

The success of winter holidays in the country depends on the choice of firewood

Not all owners of suburban real estate put their houses in winter conservation. Staying in the country in autumn and winter largely depends on the quality of firewood, so their choice should be given special attention.

The harder the better
For centuries, people have stoked stoves with wood, and many owners of suburban real estate have remained true to this habit to this day. So what kind of firewood is best to choose for heating country house?

If you do not have a traditional stove installed in your country house, and not an open fireplace, then you can heat with any firewood, just the use of certain types of wood requires increased attention to the chimney. Today, there are 4 main types of firewood on the market of our region: oak, birch, pine and mixed.

Democratic bourgeoisie. Choosing heating for a country house
Which fireplaces suit modern interiors?
Oak firewood is the most high-calorie. Oak burns slowly, but it gives off a lot of heat. Oak wood contains almost no resin, so the soot inside the chimney hardly settles. But oak firewood emits a lot of carbon monoxide, so special attention should be paid to the chimney damper. When burning the stove with oak wood, the pipe must always be open.

Birch firewood is a bestseller. This is due to the prevalence of this tree in our latitudes, besides, birch grows much faster than oak, so such firewood costs less than oak. Birch wood is excellent for furnace fireboxes. Such firewood burns faster than oak and gives off heat very quickly. But birch, especially its bark, contains a lot of resin, so soot is deposited in the chimney, and it needs to be cleaned much more often than when using oak firewood. True, if you rarely visit the country house in winter, then you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the chimney. Soot will not clog it for several years.

Pine wood can only be used out of desperation. Pine wood contains a lot of resin, which adversely affects the condition of the chimney. The market mainly sells waste to sawmills, which consist mainly of bark, which means that the resin content in this firewood is even higher, and the chimney will clog even faster. So you should refrain from using such firewood.

Mixed firewood is made up of different types of wood and is obtained from the pruning of urban green spaces. When buying such firewood, you should pay attention to which species predominate in total mass. If it is aspen, then you can buy, but it is better to refrain from buying poplar. Poplar burns poorly, and it emits a bitter smell that can ruin a weekend. In addition, such firewood does not burn well and emit little heat.

Aspen is more suitable as firewood. Although it does not produce as much heat as birch, it contains almost no tar, and its use does not cause soot to settle on the walls of the chimney.

food for the fireplace
If you are a happy owner of a fireplace, then you should approach the choice of firewood more carefully. Pine and birch will not work, this wood “shoots” with sparks and throws burning chips out of the flame. In addition, such firewood burns out very quickly - given the voracity of the fireplace, your vacation can turn into a work shift for a stoker.

It is best to use oak firewood without bark. Wood would be ideal. fruit trees. Such firewood exudes a pleasant aroma when burned and creates a particularly pleasant atmosphere in the room. As firewood for a fireplace, you can use an apple tree, pear, cherry. Plum should be discarded, its wood emits a slightly bitter smell when burned, which not everyone likes.

Firewood for the fireplace should not be thin, logs with a diameter of 6-8 centimeters are best suited. Firewood should not be too dry, otherwise you will get a blazing fire instead of a calm, even flame. Firewood for such a heat source should be stored outdoors under a canopy, this storage method will provide them with optimal humidity.

Painting the flame
The flames in the fireplace can be given different shades, for this the firewood must be impregnated with special solutions. There are many recipes for such solutions, but most of the components for their manufacture are almost impossible to obtain. Only three recipes for such compounds are readily available. A strong aqueous solution of table salt gives the flame a beautiful yellow. To achieve this effect, firewood must be soaked in a salt solution for 2-3 days, and then dried. The strength of the salt solution is determined chicken egg, salt must be dissolved in water until the egg floats on the surface.

An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate will color the flame blue or green color. The color of the flame is determined by the concentration of the solution: the higher it is, the more the flame goes into blue. The procedure for preparing this solution is the same as with salt. That's just to determine the concentration to be experimentally.

Solution blue vitriol gives the tips of the flames a bluish glow. The concentration of the solution must also be selected empirically. Much depends on the density of wood, its porosity, humidity.

To achieve a color effect, it is not necessary to clog the entire firebox with impregnated firewood. 2-3 logs in one tab are enough.

Chimney cleaning
There are many ways to clean your chimney. The safest and most correct is the classic one. To do this, you need to climb onto the roof, remove the umbrella from the pipe and clean it with a brush. The soot will crumble inside the fireplace or stove, and it can be removed with a shovel. A brush for cleaning the chimney can be made independently from a steel cable with a diameter of at least 6 millimeters, to which a disk with a metal brush must be tied. Such discs are installed on a grinder and are sold in a tool store. The cost of the brush will be many times lower special device for cleaning the pipe, and its efficiency is just as high.

There is a mass folk recipes for cleaning the chimney without mechanical cleaning. For example, you can heat the oven aspen firewood or add potato peelings to the coals. Also now on sale there are special means for cleaning chimneys.

All these products clean the chimney by burning soot in it. And this is their main drawback and danger. Soot is coal dust, which, when burned, releases a huge amount of heat, and not every chimney can cope with such heat. When you burn the soot out chimney It's not smoke, it's flames. Moreover, the intensity of combustion is so high that the pipe is similar to the nozzles of a space rocket. Chimneys can not withstand such a heat load and burn out. Through the burnout, the flame spreads to the roof and a fire starts. So it’s better not to be lazy, but once a year to climb onto the roof and clean the chimney in the traditional mechanical way.

Many owners of private houses as additional source warmth and decorative element choose for themselves fireplaces. Whatever type you choose, a fireplace stove must be heated with the type of fuel to which it is adapted.

There are a huge number of fireplaces that use wood, coal, peat, gas and even electricity as fuel.

In our country, wood-burning fireplaces are most widely used. This is due to the availability of this type of fuel and the traditions of our people.

What do our compatriots heat their fireplaces with? Dry wood should be preferred hardwood. Firewood with a high moisture content during combustion emits a lot of smoke and tar, and contributes to the appearance of condensate. It is quite easy to distinguish dry firewood from damp firewood. Well-dried logs tend to have a clear sound, they are darker in color and have cracks on the ends. Recently cut firewood cannot be called dry, its moisture content exceeds 50%. They will become dry only after they lie for a whole year outdoors or indoors. In the first case, there is a decrease in humidity up to 25%, and in the second - up to 15%. Firewood is recommended to be stored in a woodpile. To increase the speed of their drying, each next row should be laid perpendicular to the previous one.

Alternatively, a special firewood can be made in the fireplace body. Firewood will be stored in this special niche. This option requires solving the problem of the safe location of the firewood. As a rule, it is made under the firebox, below, isolating from the firebox. In this case, the main thing is to avoid a fire. If you are not sure that the technique fire safety fully observed, it is better to abandon this method and make a storage for firewood away from the fire.

What kind of wood is better to heat the fireplace

Firewood is recommended to be stored in a split form. It is desirable that all logs are almost the same length. The thickness of the logs is considered optimal if it is 6-10 centimeters, and their length should be 3/4 of the width of the firebox. It is not advisable to use firewood whose length is more than 30-40 centimeters.

The greatest heat transfer has wood of hard hardwood: yew, hawthorn, pear, apple, birch, beech, oak. Beech, oak, and yew are difficult to split and quite difficult to melt, but the rest of the wood splits easily and burns well. Hardwood wood burns more slowly.

The average calorific value is typical for wood of medium hardness of fir, cedar, elm, cherry. Firewood from elm, fir and cherry strongly smokes. Soft hardwood contains a lot of resin. The heat transfer of these tree varieties is minimal. In addition, in the process of burning such logs, a lot of soot is formed, it tends to settle on the inner walls of the fireplace stove. Pine and spruce wood is easily pricked, burns well, but often sparks. A pleasant aroma emanates from the burning wood.

Birch firewood is very popular. They are easy to split, they have a minimum amount of resin and they burn perfectly. This fuel is available to most of the inhabitants of our country.

Dry branches of a cherry tree, pear, juniper, apple tree are often used to fire a fireplace stove. When burned, they exude a pleasant aroma.

Here we have given the most preferred types of wood, but each owner for himself and his loved ones can decide which firewood is better to use for a fireplace, choosing the best option.

How to properly heat a fireplace

It will not be difficult to melt the fireplace if you first familiarize yourself with the rules for operating the heater. If the device has not been used for a long time, then the cold air that has stagnated in the chimney can significantly complicate kindling. It will, as it were, create an obstacle to the upward flow of hot gases. Before starting kindling, it is necessary to warm up the air that is inside the pipe. For a proper fireplace insert, you first need to light a newspaper and, putting your hand into the furnace, bring it to the chimney inlet. In this case, after a short period of time, traction should form. Only then can the fireplace be considered ready for use. The firebox can be started.

Very often, improvised means are used to kindle a fireplace: shavings, chips, unnecessary newspapers. If coal or lignite is used as fuel for the fireplace, then special products can be used for kindling. Under no circumstances should flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.) be used to kindle the fireplace. If you learn today how to heat a fireplace stove, then this science will be remembered for a lifetime and can come in handy at any time.

It is quite simple to kindle a fireplace, for which firewood serves as fuel. It is necessary to lay out a uniform layer of chips on the grate, then old newspapers. A row of quarters of firewood is laid out on top. Kindling material is set on fire and, as soon as the fire flares up, halves of firewood are added.

The correct firing of a fireplace stove involves horizontal stacking of firewood, with gaps between them of about 10 millimeters. The layer of firewood should not exceed 30 centimeters. The draft in the fireplace is regulated by means of a blower door and dampers.

Fireplace with coal

Before laying coal in the stove, it is necessary to kindle the fireplace with wood chips or newsprint. A small layer of small firewood is laid, then a 5 cm layer of coal. Kindling is ignited from below. As soon as the fire breaks out, large pieces of coal should be added and the draft in the fireplace stove should be adjusted using the damper.

It is better to heat the fireplace with coal, using special chemical tablets for kindling. They are placed directly in the coal bed. If a gas igniter is used, then it must be added to the coal and not removed until the end of the furnace. To kindle coal with an electric fire starter, it is installed next to the fireplace, pointing at a layer of coal. As soon as the fuel flares up, the device is turned off.

Fireplace insert with old newsprint

The better to heat the fireplace, each user decides for himself. To light the stove, you can use old newspapers. Newspapers 10-15 centimeters thick are placed on smoldering coals. The air draft is artificially increased. The calorific value of newspapers for four to six hours is 1-3 kW. It is necessary that the combustion process be slow and take place in the center of a stack of newspapers.

Gas fireplace insert

How to properly heat a fireplace, a gas stove, we will consider further. Today, fireplaces of both domestic and foreign production, operating on gas fuel, go on sale. This type of fireplace has a built-in burner and a nickel-plated reflector that provides efficient radiation. For efficient operation of the fireplace for 85 hours, one cylinder of liquefied gas is enough. In all models, automatic shutdown occurs when the gas is extinguished. As a decor, some models have "burning" ceramic firewood. Excellent props can create the feeling of a real blazing fire. For more information on the rules for firing a fireplace, a gas stove can be found by reading the instructions that came with the product.

Fireplace stove "Bavaria"

What are the main advantages should have a fireplace to give? Of course, it must be effective, affordable, aesthetic and convenient. The Bavaria fireplace stove is a typical example of such a combination. Despite small size, it has a fairly high power - 9 kW, and is able to heat an area up to 90 square meters. m, if the ceiling height is not more than 2.5 m.

If you heat the Bavaria fireplace stove, observing all operating conditions, then the unit can last up to 10 years.

Up to 80% of the heat generated by firewood is used to heat the room. The high efficiency factor is ensured by the rational design of the furnace. The room warms up in less than two hours.

How to heat a Bavaria fireplace stove? For the firebox, firewood with a moisture content of no more than 10-15% should be used. It is strictly forbidden to heat the stove with chips, cardboard, coal. Only paper can be used to light logs. Thanks to the system of long burning, the stove works up to 5 hours on one tab of firewood.

The fireplace stove will be an excellent source of heat and, at the same time, a decorative element that will decorate any home, create a cozy atmosphere in both damp autumn and frosty winter.
