How to make a floor that is reliable, beautiful, easy to install and at the same time inexpensive? These seemingly incompatible qualities are combined in a laminate. Therefore, this flooring is used more and more often. However, in order for the floor to serve for a long time, it is simply necessary to know the intricacies of the technology. For example, before laying a laminate, you need to check how even the base is. The maximum allowable deviation is no more than 1-2 mm per meter of surface. Only under this condition will it lie tightly, will not bend and creak. If the differences are greater, the lock may even break or the board may crack.

If the base has irregularities, the dimensions of which exceed the allowable ones, it must be leveled. For cement floors, everything is simple - a leveling screed is poured. The laying of the laminate begins after the solution gains at least 50% strength.

If an old wooden floor serves as a base, it must be removed according to the technology, then a full-fledged cement floor should be made, with all the necessary layers (filling, hydro and thermal insulation, reinforcing belt and screed). It is possible to mount a heating system in this floor, and lay a floor covering on the warm floor. Only in this case it is necessary to use special grades of laminate that tolerate heat well. The cost of such a floor is high, and it takes a lot of time to install it. That's why they don't always do it. If the logs and boards are not damaged, you can level the wooden floor with plywood, and lay the laminate on it.

When leveling a wooden floor, all strongly protruding fragments are scraped off with a planer or with the help of scraping, the cracks are sealed with putty. Sheets of plywood are laid on the prepared old wooden floor (it is used more often, although you can put any sheet material with a smooth surface). They are fixed with screws to the floor: along the perimeter after 15 cm, in the middle in a checkerboard pattern.

The joints of the sheets are displaced - they should not match (see the photo below). So the load is transferred more evenly. One more thing - leave some gaps between the sheets - they should not be fitted close to each other. Wood changes dimensions depending on humidity and temperature. And these gaps will give the necessary freedom so that there are no "humps" and distortions.

Laying plywood on a wooden floor under a laminate is a common way to prepare the subfloor during renovations. If the wood has not been damaged, and the plywood is laid evenly, does not “play” and does not sag, such a base will last for years.

Substrate for laminate

On a flat and clean base, the substrate is first laid. It hides those irregularities of 1-2 mm that are acceptable and makes the floor less “noisy”. It also serves for depreciation and better redistribution of the load.

The substrate is made of several types:

  • Cork. Made from cork chips. It has good thermal insulation properties, absorbs sounds. Disadvantages: afraid of moisture and does not like heat. Therefore, its scope is premises without floor heating, with normal importance and minimal risk of a “flood”. That is, living rooms. Cork underlay for laminate flooring is used infrequently: expensive. If they put it, then more under the parquet board - for safety floor covering.

    Cork is the best, but also the most expensive type of substrate. Foil - a little cheaper, and its plus - it is suitable for underfloor heating

  • Bitumen-cork on a cellulose basis. On a layer of cellulose impregnated with bitumen, small cork fragments are poured. This underlay is slightly cheaper than cork underlayment, but its main advantage is that it can be used to lay over an underfloor heating system.
  • Made from polyethylene foam. It tolerates high humidity well, conducts heat poorly, is chemically neutral, resistant to bacteria, easy to use (available in the form of rolls), has a low price. Disadvantages: sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, quickly loses its shape, has a short service life, poorly “extinguishes” sounds. Therefore, this substrate is used under a cheap laminate: their service life is comparable.

  • From polystyrene foam. It has a rather high density, due to which it smooths out irregularities, keeps its shape well, has good heat-insulating properties, and muffles sounds. Disadvantage: cannot be used for laying laminate flooring on underfloor heating. The price is between cork and polyethylene, it is the most acceptable and is used most often. It is produced more often in the form of plates, sometimes in rolls.
  • Polyurethane foil. This type of substrate can also be used for laying under a laminate on a warm floor. Has the most best performance of all the above, as well as the best prices. But if you are going to lay an expensive laminate, then these are justified expenses: the life of this type of flooring largely depends on the quality of the substrate.

    Expanded polystyrene - average quality and price

How to lay the underlay

The substrate for the laminate is rolled out (lay out) along the wall from which the laying will begin. In length, it should cover the entire floor from wall to wall. The lines of the joints are combined tightly, for convenience they are glued with adhesive tape. Sometimes the panels are fixed with staples from a construction stapler. This is faster, but staples are not very good to use - they can rub against the boards and make an unpleasant sound. The next layer is spread as needed - you don’t need to immediately cover the entire floor: it’s better not to walk on the substrate.

Laying schemes

In which direction to lay the laminate with your own hands? There are no strict rules, but there are recommendations. To make the joints along the boards less visible, the direction of the light should go along the board. It turns out beautifully if you lay the coating at an angle. But this method is more complicated and more waste is obtained. You can also lay it across the world - this is also practiced, and it does not threaten anything but more visual seams.

Laying laminate relative to the window: layout of elements

The main rule that must be observed when laying a laminate is the offset of the seams. The minimum transverse seam should be at a distance of 40 cm from the other. So the strength of the flooring will be greater: the boards will not disperse under load.

The minimum distance between seams in adjacent rows is 40 cm

The layout of the laminate flooring should be designed with this rule in mind. The simplest for independent execution is a shift by half the board. Then every odd row starts with a whole, and every even row starts with a half (or vice versa).

If the length of one element exceeds 1.2 m, then you can shift the second row by 1/3, the third by 2/3 of the length (as in the photo above). It turns out a kind of "ladder". In some types of laminate (expensive), the minimum row offset is much less - maybe 15 cm. This is indicated on the packaging or in the accompanying instructions.

You can lay the laminate with a "ladder", only you need to observe the minimum allowable displacement of the seam. Right - laying pattern with a long board length and a small offset

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How to lay laminate with your own hands: step by step instructions

The laying technology is the same: there are only some features when connecting elements, depending on the locks. The procedure will be like this:

If the geometry of the room is correct, no difficulties. If there are distortions - you will have to cut. Questions may arise when finishing the threshold: the board near the jambs is not cut evenly, but in an arc, while maintaining a gap of 10-15 mm. Why in an arc? So under door casing any shape will not have holes.

Laminate laying methods: two locks - two methods (video instructions)

Laminate laying technology depends on which of the locks on your flooring. They are made in two types - "click" (Click) and "Lock" (Lock). You will not get confused, because the system is written on the packaging of each pack, and pictograms are drawn on many of them explaining the principle of laying.

Hammerless Method - Click Lock

When using click locks, it is more convenient to collect the planks one by one. The system is named so because of the characteristic click that is heard when the spike enters the groove. With such a system, the side locks are first connected, then the longitudinal ones. It happens like this:

How to lay a laminate with a click lock, see the video.

How to lay with a lock "Lock" (Lock)

Here the lock should be inserted from the side and the assembly method is different. You will need a piece of laminate with a spike and a light hammer (rubber mallet). The boards are laid out on the floor, corrected so that they lie exactly one relative to the other. They move it so that the spike is close to the groove, insert a piece of laminate on the other side and tap it with a hammer, achieving a connection.

How to lay down a laminate with the "lock" system

The method is also simple, but requires caution: the hammer can hit too hard and break the lock. Then you have to use another element.

With this method, it is more convenient to lay a laminate, first collecting individual rows, and then connecting them. Schematically, this is shown in the photo below.

So it is more convenient to lay the laminate with your own hands with the "lok" system

See the video for more details on this method. There is no sound row, but everything is clear.

The methods of laying the laminate described above can be made almost airtight, in any case, the amount of water that can get into the interstitial space is greatly reduced. To do this, use a special glue. They coat the spikes of the stacked boards. The composition retains its elasticity for 10 minutes, therefore glue is applied immediately before installation.

The disadvantage of this technology is that the coating becomes almost monolithic. If you need to replace one or more boards, this will not work.

How to cut laminate straight

You can cut laminate boards:

  • electric jigsaw (most convenient);
  • hacksaw;
  • manual circular saw.

To prevent burrs from forming on the front surface when sawing, it should lie with its “face” up. In order for the cut to be even, guides are used - rulers (slats) made of metal or wood. When using a hacksaw, the ruler should not make it possible to “climb” into the desired half.

When cutting across, it is more convenient to use squares. It is pressed against the long side, the second serves as a guide.

I am rarely asked “what kind of laminate lock is better, more convenient or stronger” and it is clear why such a question is not relevant. The buyer considers the product as a whole, focusing on the final result - appearance, comfort, service life of the coating. And how the process of performance of work by hired workers will take place is not important to many. However, lately, people have become more picky, which is right. Therefore, this article will be of interest to many readers who are going to lay the laminate on their own. Or those who have read a lot of information, but have not figured out which laminate to buy, with Lock or Click 3G, 5G locks, and what is the difference between them?

Dear readers! Below in the text will be published links to the largest stores where you can see products with specific key connections.

The type of key connection, it would seem, does not directly affect the operation process. This is partly true, but much depends on the conditions in which the installation is carried out.

The evenness of the floor and walls, the presence of door blocks, the method of flooring, the experience of the master - all this contributes or hinders the assembly of laminate with various types of locks. And the difficulty in execution can lead to damage to the coating and disappointment from the results of apartment renovation.

List of articles you need to read before buying laminate flooring.

The brief background written below is important for understanding the whole process of creating and improving key connections. And you can read the conclusions below or draw them yourself.

Joining Valinge and Unilin laminate locks – from Lock to Click a bit of history

In 1977-1979 the Swedish company Perstorp AB (later Pergo) puts on sale laminated parquet with a glue locking system. The development of the laminate was made with the participation of Darko Pervan, who later founded the company Valinge in 1993. In 1994-1996, the Valinge bureau designs and licenses the world's first 2G lock for the mechanical connection of laminate locks. Offering to use the invention on Pergo laminate, but the company refuses a former employee's generous offer.

The lock joint with the name Lock is the prototype of the further development of the lock with the name Click - which can be attributed to the name of the joint of the laminate or parquet board 3g.

Many Chinese laminate manufacturers on the Russian market use light modificationLock-lock without brand name fromValinge. Which no longer needs to deduct bonuses, due to the expired invention.

Lock - the lock is driven. He gathers one board at a time with a hammer and finishing bar with significant effort. At the moment, the Lock system is outdated morally and physically, but most importantly, it is really inconvenient to assemble. IT IS NOT VERY USED NOW.

Lock for laminate 3G-Click

In 1994, the company enters into a licensing agreement for the use of its lock with the parquet board manufacturer Kahrs (Chers) - a 2G locking system and the Norwegian licensee Alloc AS - a 1G lock connection. But the launch of production will take place in 1996. From 1996 to 2001, under the leadership of Darko Pervan, a number of modifications of the key connection were made to 3G Click and put into operation.

In narrow circles there are disputes about who is the ancestor of the laminate:Pergo orAlloc.

In the 1990s, Unilin and Quick-Step join forces and launch their own branded laminate flooring for the first time in Belgium.

In 1997, the concern presents a new development - the Uniclic lock, which subsequently collected many awards. The key connection belongs to the 3G class. Unilin credits them with being the first to put the 3G floor locking system into operation. Looking ahead, I’ll say - in my opinion and not only, the Uniclic key connection is the best, at least from those known to me.

From then until 2007, there were disputes between Valinge and Unilin over the legality of activities related to the issuance of a patent to licensees. For example, a similar dispute was waged by Apple and Samsung over the invention of an idea and its implementation for controlling the smartphone screen with the touch of your fingers.

In 2007, Unilin (patent BE 9600527, BE 9700344) and Valinge (patent WO 94/26999) reached a preliminary agreement on a legal framework in which a third party undertakes to obtain a license from one of the right holders to use floor panel assembly systems without glue.

In other words, they divided the market. In the context of the foregoing, we take into account that inventions various systems locks are used not only for the convenience of consumers, but to fight competitors and extract financial benefits. Then marketing work is carried out, as a result of which the buyer, with the help of advertising, gets the idea that the new key connection is more effective than the previous one. Although it may not be.

Laminate locks 5G Click

All over the world, there is fierce competition in areas ranging from international politics to the provision of small household services. They try to leave opponents in the train in various ways, using various methods for these purposes. Of course, the surest way is to improve your products and service quality.

For example, at one time I also thought about equipment modifications that can be brought in to get ahead of competitors in my field. With a creak, despite the protests of his wife, he acquired a large size industrial vacuum cleaner. Even earlier, an idea was peeped with the use of an MFP for trimming door frames. This useful gadgets, facilitating the process of work and making the result more neat.

In 2003-2004, the guys from the marketing company Valinge, led by Darko Pervan, sat down, thought about what could be done to bypass the European neighbors and capture the flooring market. Deciding that it was necessary to work in the field of improving the convenience of locking locks, they implemented the idea of ​​introducing a plastic tongue as a latch. It became possible to assemble laminated panels not in order, but piece by piece, focusing attention on one board, and not on the whole row.

Thus, the 5G Click laminate lock was born. A powerful advertising campaign and explanatory work was carried out. The financial parties were agreed with the licensees, an appropriate allowance was made to the final cost of the product, and everyone was satisfied.

Why this preface? It shows the commercial component of the projects. First of all, everyone wants to derive financial benefits, while showing concern for customers. Even if the real result of an innovative idea turned out to be not as successful in practice as advertised. But launched into a large project and serious money spent, this is not an indicator of its quality. Is it possible to keep silent about the negative aspects of the product?

Personally, my opinion ... When technically simple products are complicated to more complex ones, the latter have a higher chance of failing. What happens periodically under certain conditions of laying flooring. Examples will be given below.


It can definitely be argued that a more modern castleClick aka 3G and 5G, more durable in locking, more convenient in the installation of a completely obsolete lock connectionlock.

Types of laminate locks - 3G and 5G pros and cons

Modern types of laminate brands can be divided, by and large, into two types of locking performance, which have their own pluses and minuses. Let me remind you that both refer to the Click connection and the laying method between them is different.

  1. Classic lock - 3G. Floor covering with this type of docking is assembled in rows.
  2. New castle - 5G. This type of laminate is assembled one by one. Now I will explain in more detail.

3G Click lock - description and features with examples

The 3G Click lock has in its design - a thorn on one long and one short side. When assembling, the comb is inserted into the groove of the previous board. The last piece is cut to size, completing the assembly of the first row of laminate.

Next, spacer wedges are installed between the wall and the lamellas, and in the same way as the first, the second row is assembled along the short part. And then the connected line is evenly inserted into the first row with a spike into the groove with tapping with a special tool along the entire length.

Different manufacturers have their own peculiarities in the design of locks. Between themselves, they differ in the angle at which the bar enters, the long ridge, the thickness of the base of the lock connection. These features complicate or simplify the installation process.

Below are a few examples of a similar type of lock used by leading laminate flooring manufacturers.

Laminate lock T-Lock (Tarkett)

An average lock from a well-known manufacturer in terms of laying complexity. The connection is richly waxed to protect it from moisture, but because of the excess, the paraffin composition periodically rolls off and the strips go tight into the grooves.

The comb is short, with a large length of the room and floor differences, it can be difficult to evenly insert into the groove of the previous row. The design feature of the interlock connection is in the presence of a microstep. Most often, due to its presence, you have to tap a row in two stages for a complete fit.

Tarkett is very difficult to assemble without thresholds between rooms if you want to assemble the rows in the opposite direction. The angle of insertion of the slats is average (about 30 degrees) - because of which it is not possible, without cutting off the lock, to get a laminate under the door frame. Despite this, I like Tarkett himself, but more on that in another article. I recommend for self-laying in a room of a simple form.

Lock laminate Twin Clic (Kronospan)

Pretty good locking. For the first self-assembly I would recommend the Twin Clic lock out of all possible ones. Laminated boards are inserted very easily and effortlessly. The angle at which they start is low, about 15 degrees, which is convenient in the presence of low-cost heating radiators. The relatively thick lip at the base of the lock suggests greater tear resistance.

As with all 3G lock covers, reassembly requires considerable effort. This type of locking model appeals to me. Although there are questions about the geometry of the slats.

Laminate Lock Uniclic (Quick Step)

Uniclic is the best lock connection in my opinion. I will try to express my conclusions in simple words.

The Uniclic lock from the side looks like an arrowhead - long, about 4 mm, and sharp. The recess where the comb is inserted completely repeats its contour. In such a connection there is no backlash, like most other types of joints.

Due to tight lockUniclic, large contact area and lack of backlash, the connection firmly holds the breaking load. For the same reason, sealing Uniklik is not recommended. The sealant has nowhere to go.

I should note that the Quick-Step 12mm has a more recessed groove profile. But the panels can also sit at a zero angle, although more tightly.

Due to the low partition in the counterpart, the Quick-Step lock can be connected to each other at a zero angle, although its natural operating mode is about 10-15 degrees. This possibility is necessary for non-threshold laying of a laminate with already installed door blocks when it is necessary to bring the panels under the door frame to avoid gaps.

When installing Quick Step laminate planks, parallel to the floor, the lock does not break, including due to the lower part of the arrow-shaped comb lubricated with wax. Roughly speaking, it's like sticking your hand into a jar - it goes deep into it easily, but you can't pull it out.

Another advantage of the Uniclic locking connection is the almost complete absence of the need to tamp the laminate boards with a finishing beam. The design of the arrow-shaped comb has a peculiar relief. The recess completely repeats it, and until the contours match, the planks will not sit in their place.

With an even connection of the dies at the ends and evenly inserting a row of laminate into the previous one, it is enough to press on the edge of the board and sit in its place. However, we still use the finishing tool. This feature is described more as an amazing mechanical development and serves as an example.

LockUniclic from the floor manufacturerUnilin has the ability to pull locks together. And even on uneven ground it can be assembled with virtually no gaps.

In the opposite direction, the Uniclick lock connection is worse than 5G locks, but better than most 3G connections due to the long and sharp comb.

Of the minuses of the Uniclic key connection, it is very difficult to insert the last row of laminate if it is narrow. This feature is especially evident in the strips with a thickness of 12 mm.

I recommend the Uniclic locking connection when laying a laminate with your own hands. However, it may be difficult to arrange the second row if the collection has a small board width.

Laminate Lock Just Clic (Egger)

Egger is a leading manufacturer of laminate flooring. Previously and currently equipped with a Just Clic lock. But now there is a transitional period? on the UniFit locking connection. Apparently, UniClic integration is happening everywhere. Interestingly, the weak economic performance of the Egger company is to blame, forcing the company to look for new impulses for the drive? Or a European calculation for the future?

Dear readers! At the moment, the Just Clic lock connection occurs irregularly. In Egger there is a substitution for another compound. Periodically, this lock is used in the Artens laminate.

Just Clic - This type of 3G lock is similar to Tarkett's T-Lock. The same short front spike with one advantage over UniClic - it does not need to be cut down when laying. Whereas with Quick-Step it is desirable to cut it off, otherwise, with a significant size of the premises, it may rest against the wall. It happens that the extra 2.5 mm can play a role when setting the gap from the wall.

Just Click from the bottom has a rounded shape and goes into the recess at a high angle, about 40 degrees, which makes it not very convenient for flooring with low-standing heating radiators, especially with door frames installed. If you want to culturally bring the panel under the jamb, you need to cut off the lock with a knife and put the winding and adjacent panel between them on the glue.

Just Clic is a fairly strong fixative. On the reciprocal part of the lock, the base has a rounded shape with a thickening. It turns out the move is such a "semi-bearing". Thanks to this design solution, the breaking connection is quite strong.

During installation, be careful with the edge of the counter part of the lock. Although it is thick, it is pointed at the top and it is easy to break it. This will not particularly affect the strength of the lock, but if the broken piece remains in the groove recess, a step may form at the junction of the panels, which you may not immediately notice.

In reverse, laminate with this type of 3G lock is very difficult to assemble. Therefore, for technically difficult non-threshold laying, I do not recommend using Egger laminate with Just Clic lock.

5G laminate plastic lock. Advantages and disadvantages

In 2004, the laboratory office Valinge released a relatively new 5G floor locking principle. Structurally, the difference from its predecessor consisted in the end joint. The connection and snapping of the lock along the short part was carried out using a plastic tongue.

Such a system worked as follows: the board to be laid was inserted along the long part into the groove of the previous row, closely adjoining the end of the previous plank and smoothly lowered. The plastic tongue has a bracket-like shape and, when pressed, goes into the groove. And when the panel is completely laid down, it clicks into the recess of the laid laminated panel, closing it.

Thus, it became possible to install by inserting and assembling the laminate one by one board. This method generally speeds up the installation process, but not always. It all depends on the design of the lock, each manufacturer has its own, other features, for example, thickness.

There are two types 5G locks laminate with plastic

Few people paid attention in the articles, because it is not mentioned, and copywriters do not know this. But there is a laminate with 5G plastic locks on different sides of the laminated panel.

When I receive a phone call from a customer, the first thing I ask is which company's laminate is to be laid. If "Classen" sounds, I'm generally calm. Although it is not the most convenient to install, and here's why.

The end lock has a long platform with a thick partition, so it is nominally tear-resistant. But the partition is designed at a right angle and if you have to disassemble the laminate to trim the first row, this part is easy to break even for me, with my experience.

The groove has a rounded shape along the long part with a high side. Therefore, the lamellas are inserted at a high angle, which in some cases is inconvenient, but strong.

It is easy to wind up laminated panels in the opposite direction, this is the advantage of 5G lock types over 3G.

In general, the lock is not bad, but difficulties may arise when assembling / disassembling the first row of laminate.

Pros of 5G Click Lock

  • Laminate with a 5G plastic lock is more convenient to assemble in long rooms due to the absence of the need to lift and insert the entire row, as with a floor with a classic connection. Laminate 3G with a small lock, if the base is uneven, with a large room size, it can be difficult to insert into the groove of the previous row. And by the time you get to the end, the beginning may just fall out of the groove. Let me remind you that a row of laminate is achieved with a tool when it is fully inserted at an angle into the previous one.

  • When laying laminate flooring without gaps between rooms, you regularly have to mount the panels with the back of the lock. Laminate flooring with a plastic tongue is much easier to insert in this way, with only one board running. Whereas the classics must be linked with a whole row.
  • The 5G lock connection is faster to assemble if you work together. Since you can lay 2 or 3 rows at the same time.

Cons of 5G Click Lock

  • Slightly more expensive price. Rubles for 50-100 per / m2.
  • Sometimes, after installation, plastic locks can click, falling into place. When connecting a laminate with a classic grip, the comb is immediately inserted into the groove and is in the recess, even if it diverges a little. And the plastic tongue, due to the curvature of the base or the violation of the geometry of the bar, simply does not reach the groove and may creak or click.

By the way, I guess for this reason, most laminate with 5G locks are chamfered. The gaps are not so noticeable on it. read

  • When the laminated panels are skewed to the other side during installation, the locks overlap. And on a laying board it can form a crease in the edge. This usually happens on an 8 mm thick laminate, for example,
  • The difficulty in assembling the first row is with most types of 5G lock, but not all. So I didn’t fully figure out why for some brands the installation process takes place in a normal way - the plastic insert springs and then snaps into place. And for some, serious difficulties are created when assembling the first row. You have to pump in the bar or lay it flat on the lock and hit it with your hand at an angle of 45 degrees in the right direction.
  • It is difficult to describe the technical details that are repeated again ... Another minus is the difficulty of disassembly. Often there is a need to remove the first row to trim the panels along the contour of the wall irregularities. This is done to close the gap with the plinth between the laminate and the wall. With significant curvature, a plastic or MDF plinth will not be able to close the gap. If the panels are dismantled by in a simple way, lifting the panel 45 degrees and pulling it out of the groove, as is done in classic 3G, most 5G connections will simply fly off part of the lock. If the protrusion on the end lock is located at a right angle.

Laminate Lock UniFit (Egger)

I will describe the last lock in this article from Egger. The UniFit connection appeared recently, according to the sensations from the beginning of the installations, about a year ago, but I could be wrong. The clutch design along the long part is derived from Unilin with all the ensuing pluses. And the end part is equipped with a plastic insert. Thus, Egger Pro and Egger Home are 5G lock carriers. But Egger's new collections also remained with a 3G latch.

The comb along the long part of the board resembles an arrow-shaped shape. For this reason, it starts easily into the groove of the previous bar and, importantly, at a slight angle. In principle, it can be hammered, like the Quick Step, parallel to the floor. However, the spike is flat on the underside. It seems to me that with uneven bases, this design is easier to jump out of the groove.

The end lock consists of a groove and a plastic insert located in it. When the panel snaps in, the insert, resting against the edge of the previous board, enters and then clicks out. Thus, standing in its place and locking the connected panels. This design does not look very impressive, but it does its job.

In principle, such a connection is convenient, although I like the location of the plastic insert in the form of an “S” in place of the spike less.

Unfortunately, in my collected collection of scraps there was no 5G Kronotex lock - I liked it. There are also no cuts from the leading manufacturers Berry-Alloc and Pergo. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Pergo has a connection like Quick Step and a 5G plastic lock.

Alloc laminate lock - review of the master

While writing the article, I almost forgot about the laminated coating of the Norwegian manufacturer, about which the story would be incomplete and shamed by critics. Alloc is the most expensive laminate I know in Russia.

The high cost of this brand is explained by a specialized aluminum lock that can withstand heavy loads and the place of origin: Norway is an expensive country.

The locking device of the Alloc lock is based on the connection of the strips by means of a metal plate embedded in each panel from the bottom side along the long and short parts. Accordingly, the entire tensile load is carried by the aluminum flange of the part - stronger than any HDF.

The width of the plate allows you to mount the panels at almost zero angle.

Alloc's advantages are obvious. Why not include it in the best locking lock?

  • The cost of the product. Whose value exceeds the price of the nearest premium competitors by an average of 1000 rubles.
  • Low feasibility of use in the apartment. Despite the impressive density and, accordingly, the strength of the coating, as well as the impregnation with moisture-resistant compositions of the panels, the laminate is afraid of moisture, like other brands. This is evidenced by a trip to one order, where the old laminated floor, which was Allok, was dismantled. It seems that it was watered from a basin, although the service life of the laminate at that time was about 7 years. What the customers kindly reported, after my question about the service life.

  • Pretty complicated installation of Alloc. This concerns not so much inserting one board into another, but the complexity of sawing. If the laminate board is not positioned correctly during cutting, it is easy to break the metal lock integrated into the HDF panel. As a result, the laid laminate clicks.

The best laminate lock - summary, review

As you may have guessed from the text, the best laminate lock for me is the Uniclic 3G-Click connection. It is easy to insert, which minimizes the possibility of edge crease. With Uniclic it is fast to work, strong connection on a gap. Possibility without cutting off part of the lock to start a laminate under door frames. What is important when deciding to replace the flooring when there is no desire to update the doors.

It is also not the most difficult of the 3G latch types when laying the floor in the opposite direction.

Laminate locks 5G are modern, which is positioned by advertising brochures as an easier option. The principles of this type of docking are assembly speed, simplicity, accessibility.

But this is not entirely true. A technically more complex product is more susceptible to the risk of marriage due to uneven floors, violations of the geometry of the planks, especially for 8mm thick laminate. Installation speed drops, since most brands of laminate still need to be knocked out with a finishing beam.

However, the 5G Click connection is more convenient when installing the laminate in the opposite direction. This type of laying is required for a non-breaking flooring method.

This article expresses my personal opinion based on the installation of many thousands of meters of laminate flooring. As a craftsman, I don't care what type of 3G or 5G lock to lay laminate flooring with, except in cases of seamless laying.

I focus buyers not only on the type of key connection, but also on the manufacturer, which has a more reliable geometry and quality in general (film strength, wear resistance class).

  • The weakest lock is laminateKronostar,kronopol,Oktoberfest (SwissKrono) and many Chinese
  • The most difficult lock to assemble is many Chinese,Ritter, Lamineli
  • The most durable - laminateAlloc with metal lock
  • The most convenient lock -?
  • The best laminate lock -uniclic,Quick-Step (author's choice)

In the article I express my personal opinion based on re-read articles and personal observations.

Successful choice! You can ask - as I read it, I will definitely answer.

The suitability of the floor covering for use in the target room depends on the correct choice of laminate locks. Panel joints are both a strong and weak side of this type of floor, and therefore you need to take this nuance responsibly. When choosing a floor covering, you will inevitably have to find out what kind of locks a laminate has. After studying them, many inexperienced people are perplexed: why such a large number is needed, if one can be used, but the most convenient one. From this comes the question “Which laminate lock is better than the rest?” Let's figure it out.

Some types of laminate locks have been patented by individual manufacturing companies. Among the variety, one can single out the most popular castle connections, as well as several outdated ones. There are also modern connection systems, before the use of which a special molding of the panels is performed. If you plan to use a laminate with a lock for a long time, it would be wise to provide for the possibility of dismantling.

The lock determines the quality of the flooring. It is from this component that the degree of evenness of the surface, the gap between the lamellae, the absence of creaking and minimizing the likelihood of divergence of seams over time depends. In addition, the durability of the entire structure depends on the quality of the manufacture of the interlocks and the laminate itself and compliance with the assembly technology. In order to properly lay the coating and avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to have an idea about the types of lamella coupling.

Types of laminate locks

The classification of castles begins with their division into main subspecies. Many people who are just planning to install this flooring do not know what kind of lock systems are on the laminate, and therefore manufacturers like to invent their own lock schemes, and then present them as the most reliable on the market. All used laminate locks can be divided into two large groups: lock and click.

The most popular laminate locks

These two types of locks differ from each other in the way the panels are joined.


Laminate lock systems are reputed to be the most economical option and have been used for a long time. The production of these joints is done by milling: the connecting element looks like a tongue equipped with a tongue that fits into a groove on the other side of the panel.

Today, lock is an outdated laminate lock, used only by companies that have old production lines at their disposal. It is difficult to disassemble it without damaging the protruding edges of the lock components, which, among other things, are erased over time from constant stress and friction. If you do not close the gaps with a sealing compound (glue or mastic) during installation, then even a small amount of water can ruin the floor.

Before latching a laminate with a lock, you need to make sure that the surface underneath is of good quality. Laying on an uneven floor may increase the gaps between the panels. Assembly is carried out by hammering the spike into the groove with a wooden hammer until the gap between the panels disappears. It is allowed to use an ordinary metal hammer, but then you need a wooden block or a piece of hard rubber.

Experienced specialists who have already laminated many apartments speak of the need for constant monitoring of joints during installation and the overall laboriousness of assembling these locking systems. With external simplicity and reliability, lock-locks have one main drawback: they are non-separable and wear out at the location of the fixing ridge, which causes gaps between the panels. This indicates the unsuitability of these interlocks for long-term operation.

Castle Click

Most modern laminate collections have click-locks, which are considered more modern and do not have the disadvantages of lock-locks. They are made in the same way, however, the closing spike has the shape of a flat hook, and in the grooves there are platforms for its entry. This design allows you to disassemble the floor up to 3-4 times and securely holds the panels, preventing the appearance of cracks even with heavy loads on the locking mechanism.

Click-click laminate is practical and versatile, as it implies the possibility of repeated disassembly. It is also called "just click". At its core, it is a modernized version of the lock-lock. Since the grooves follow the shape of the fixing hooks, the click-lock laminate can be assembled even by a non-professional - it is enough to follow the assembly technology to avoid damage and divergence of the panels.

Before assembling a laminate with a click lock, you need to understand the mechanics of the action. During installation, the panel is inserted into the groove at an angle of 45 degrees, after which the panel should be moved to a horizontal position with swinging movements. When the closing elements are coupled, a click is heard, thanks to which this locking mechanism got its name.

In addition to those described above, there are other types of laminate locks on the market:

  • uniclic;
  • aluminum locks;
  • megaloc;
  • t-lock.

UniClic lock

The uniclic laminate lock differs from others in its special profiles of tongues and grooves. You can assemble it both by knocking it down, and by simply snapping it at an angle. Thanks to the lower wedge-shaped edge of the groove, the load is distributed evenly throughout the structure. All lock components are made from the same material as the panels. This approach to manufacturing avoids deformation of the panels during installation.

Opinions differ on how to properly latch uniclic locks. Practice shows that installation at an angle is optimal. By docking the panels in this way, you can do without a special tool, and also make installation faster. It is necessary to fix the short sides of the lamella first, and only then the long ones. To lay the last row and also to assemble in hard to reach place, you need to have a hammer and a wooden pad.

This lock was invented and patented by the manufacturer Quick Step. Other manufacturers of a similar type of lock may be called differently. For example TwinClick, ProLock or SmartLock. However general principle installation and fixing panels remained the same.

Laminate, equipped with metal locks, is rightfully the most reliable. The coupling mechanism can withstand loads up to 1200 kilograms per square meter. Laminate with aluminum locks can be laid without thresholds and disassembled up to 5 times without any damage or abrasion of the protrusions in the grooves and on the studs. Also, laminate with aluminum locks does not deform over time and is distinguished by the smallest gaps between the panels. An additional aluminum plate increases the strength of the connection and increases protection against moisture ingress under the coating. Such a lock is used in its products by the Norwegian manufacturer Alloc, giving a lifetime warranty with correct styling laminate.

lock 5g

The design of this coupling mechanism includes an iron or plastic insert - tongue. This element ensures the tightness of the joints in the 5g laminate and the reliability of fixing the panels to each other. Like many other lock systems, the 5G lock snaps into place by inserting a panel vertically. When fixing, the insert is removed, after which a click is heard, notifying that the tongue has taken the right place and the panel is fixed. This lock allows you to simultaneously connect panels on the long and short sides with a simple push from above.

This type of connection has another name - 2-Lock, which is found in the manufacturer Tarkett.

Megaloc lock

This system is developed by Classen based on the 5g lock. Reliability of fixation is achieved through the use of a special insert at the end of the laminate. When connected, the insert bends and then snaps into place with a characteristic click, fixing the panel. The megaloc laminated lock implies assembly from the front side. Upon completion of the assembly, the second strip is attached to the first strip with an offset. If we compare the assembly time with other types of locks, then megaloc is mounted as quickly as possible. It is possible to dismantle and reinstall the cover with these locks up to 4 times.

A distinctive feature is the best tightness of the finished coating. Another advantage of this type of locks is that there is no need to use any tool when laying.


Created by Tarkett based on the positive aspects of the lock and click locking systems. Today, this type of connection can be found in the assortment of dozens of companies. The T-lock can be disassembled four times without damaging the components. The panels are connected at a very small angle and guarantee the strength of contact without distortion of the lamellas and excessively large gaps. The disadvantage of the lock is the visibility of the joints, especially in dark colors. Subsequently, the design of the castle was improved: the lower part of the castle became more concave, and at the junction, the side with the decorative layer became more massive. This is how the TC-Lock was born.

Which castle is better?

A good locking system is the key to a long service life of a laminate floor. When choosing, you should know in advance the conditions in which it will be operated. There are many opinions, but which locks are better - only practice always shows, because each type of connection has its own advantages that others do not have. Recently there is a laminate with wax-impregnated lock systems, developed by Witex.

The presence of wax in the locking mechanism several times increases the protection against moisture getting under the coating. In addition, wax-impregnated laminate locks make the coating more aesthetic due to the visual solidity of the floor. Also, the wax coating simplifies the assembly process and increases the resistance of the locking mechanism to external loads, increasing its durability.

Comparing lock and click locks, one can argue about the technological superiority of the latter. The duration of their service depends on many factors, so the best laminate is the one that has the minimum thickness of the seams and high-strength connecting systems. Which manufacturer is better to choose is everyone's business, but experts are confident in the undisputed leadership of German firms.

Sometimes it happens that the lock on the laminate floor does not latch or spontaneously opens. In this case, it is necessary first of all to determine which of the factors does not correspond to the recommendations for the installation and operation of floors. This will allow you to quickly determine what caused the divergence of the panels and understand what should be done if the lock has opened on the laminate.


The choice of locks for a laminate floor is a responsible matter that needs to be given due attention. In case of incorrect selection of locking systems, you can only get disappointed in your decision to change the appearance of the home. To make the right choice, you need to clearly understand whether the laminate will lie for a long time or whether it will need to be dismantled, what loads it will experience and in what conditions it will be used.

We should pay tribute to modern manufacturers, they do not leave buyers to their fate, indicating on a pack of laminate what locks are used and how the panels should be fastened together.

Laminate is one of the most popular and sought-after floor coverings of our time. And this is not surprising, because its use allows you to give the room a completely different look in a short period of time. Today, there are a large number of manufacturers who make it in different colors, styles, textures, and more. Laminate is famous for being very easy to assemble. Gone are the days when everything was glued together. Now there is glueless technology. Special locks are used in the laminate. It is noteworthy that there is a wide variety of them. In this article, we will introduce you to all existing species laminate locks. We will compare them with each other and discuss which one is better.

Why do we need different types of locks

Someone may object, but why, in fact, complicate everything and come up with a large number of castle connections? On the one hand, it may seem that it is best to rivet everything according to the standard, and then the installers will not have to bother at all. However, as practice shows, just the same, it is during installation that it often becomes necessary to have different systems laminate lock.

Already now we can safely say that some types of laminate locks are clearly outdated. They are used by the manufacturer only for the reason that he has old equipment. Some laminate locks are considered the most popular and in demand. Others belong exclusively to one of the many companies, that is, they have patented their development on the laminate lock, and no one can copy them.

So, if you look at the modern market, then you can find the following types of laminate locks:

  1. Lock is the simplest of all.
  2. Click - this type of laminate lock is the most common.
  3. Tarkett T-Lock this species lock for laminate and is just the same patented.
  4. 5G - this system uses metal or plastic part fixation.
  5. Megalock - this type of laminate lock is distinguished by the presence of an end joint zone on the tongues.
  6. Click Express - in terms of prevalence, it can be compared with another Click system.
  7. Unicklick - this laminate lock is different in that the coating can be assembled and disassembled at least four times.

Among other things, there are locking systems with aluminum, plastic and other elements. More about all this, we will present to you in this article. However, now we will give an answer to the question, why so many varieties of castle systems. For example, locking systems with an aluminum system are designed for loads up to 1.2 tons per square meter. Plus, after installation, a seamless effect is created.

But what if you need to dismantle the floors, for example, you live in a house where flooding often occurs. And if you disassemble the laminate in time, it will not be damaged. There may be other cases. So, you can choose a system that allows you to disassemble the laminate.

Moreover, the presence of one or another lock for laminate also indicates the cost of the product. For example, the Lock system is predominantly characteristic of a budget laminate. Plus, some locks can create an original picture on the floor during installation, whether it's a beautiful seam or a complete lack of a seam. So, now we propose to directly start comparing and studying different locks for laminate.

Lock system locks

This type of laminate lock is created by milling the lock part. The thickness of the locking element is equal to the thickness of the MDF board. So, on one side of the laminate panel there is a special groove, and on the opposite side there is a spike. A latch is built into them, which holds the laminate together in the process of walking on it. This laminate lock system has the following advantages:

  • Although difficult, it is possible to disassemble the laminate in order to re-lay it or replace individual strips. But without damage to the castle can not do.
  • Relatively simple design, which is located directly on the panel itself.
  • Laminate with this type of castle has a relatively low cost, which significantly affects the family budget.

For the sake of objectivity, we note the cons. If excessive load is applied to the floors, then friction will form at the joints. For this reason, the latches in the groove will begin to wear out, as a result, the connection will become fragile. This is one of the reasons why gaps often appear between the planks.

Click system locks

Unlike the laminate lock system described above, Click has more advantages. The assembly process of the laminate is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees. And at the same time, you should not make a titanic effort. If the previous lock can be damaged during installation, then these are not. Moreover, the docking is very tight and reliable. As a result, such a connection will cope with high loads.

Important! A number of well-known and expensive manufacturers produce such a laminate, where after installation by the Click system, the joints of the lamella joints are absolutely not visible. Of course, such laminate locks create a beautiful effect.

There are a number of positive aspects of this system:

  • Double mount at 45 degree angle.
  • After the installation is completed, the flooring has sufficient strength.
  • During operation, the risk of deformation is practically reduced to zero.
  • If you have certain skills, you can disassemble up to six times.
  • Even a non-professional in this field can handle the installation process.
  • No special building material is required for installation.
  • According to the information provided by the manufacturers, a floor difference along the plane of up to 3 mm per square meter is allowed.
  • During installation, it is impossible to damage the laminate.

What is better Click or Lock?

So, having considered the main features of these two systems, let's compare them with each other and immediately determine which laminate locks are better. If we talk about Lock, then this lock connection has proven itself positively for many years. This castle is considered the most affordable and inexpensive. After all, the lock is formed by milling directly on the lamella itself. For installation, you need to make a lot of physical effort, as a mallet / hammer and a wooden stand are used. Otherwise, the connection will not be committed.

Important! This installation method requires special skills of the master, since if you make a little more effort, the laminate lock can be damaged. Often there were cases when the master missed the hammer and fell right into the thorn. The consequences are not the most encouraging.

Click, in turn, more modern system laminate lock. It completely lacks the shortcomings described above. The process of making a groove occurs in the same way, by milling. But as for the shape of the spike, it looks like a flat hook. The groove, in turn, has a kind of platform where this spike enters. As practice shows, the assembly process is very fast. It is necessary to bring the bar to the groove at an angle of 45 degrees. Insert the groove into the spike. And with a smooth movement, simultaneously pressing and lowering, a strong connection is formed. As a result, you can hear a characteristic click.

So, from this description and comparison, it becomes obvious which of these two laminate lock systems is better. Although you will have to overpay for the latter, the end result will be much more effective.

Lock systems

Lock with plastic plate

After a while, the manufacturers decided to improve the lamella docking system and added plastic to the laminate locks. This technology has characteristic differences and is divided into two features:

  1. Springy. The main difference is that you can literally snap it in one motion. This plate has an important advantage - the speed of installation work. However, there are often clear barriers to quick installation. This is explained by the fact that the floors are always even. As a result, the lamella begins to succumb to deformation, which leads to difficulties.
  2. Rigid. The snap-in design is the same, but the panels must be inserted in a longitudinal motion to connect. All this greatly complicates and delays the installation process. Apparently, this lock system is able to withstand a large load, there is no exact information.

But it is important to understand that plastic is used as a connection. And this material tends to break at the most inopportune moment and in the most inopportune place. Therefore, this type of lock for lamianat is not very popular.

Click with aluminum plate

This method of joining the laminate has its own distinctive features and now we present them to you:

  • Easy installation of the cover.
  • Due to the presence of aluminum in the grooves, a very strong connection is formed that can cope with high loads.
  • This type of docking is able to survive 6 cycles of installation and dismantling of the coating for various reasons.
  • Possibility to create an airtight coating. So moisture will definitely not get under the laminate.
  • Can be mounted on absolutely different coverage, For example, concrete screed, wooden floor and more.

Important! According to the manufacturer, this coating is able to cope with a load of 850 to 1200 kg per square meter.

Tarkett T-Lock

As already mentioned, this is a lock patented by the manufacturer, developed using a special technology. This docking method can be safely attributed to the most progressive. Locks have relatively wide special elements, which, when approached, are joined without distortions and deformations. In this case, a large angle of inclination should not be given.

When docking, a characteristic click is heard, indicating reliability and complete fixation. Without deforming the lock, the laminate can be disassembled and reassembled up to four times. An important advantage is that this coating is convenient when laying in rooms with cramped dimensions.


When using this technology, the docking process occurs not only from the longitudinal side of the lamella, but also from short end sections. There are no difficulties in installation work. The slats snap on very easily. But there is one significant drawback here. In such systems, there is always a plastic or aluminum fixing tongue. If during installation it is accidentally damaged, then it can no longer be repaired, as a result, the laminate board will automatically become unusable.


In this case, docking is carried out not only on the long side, but also on the short side. The principle of connection is reduced to the use of tongue and groove technology. Due to this, the coating became possible to repair if necessary. Moreover, it can be disassembled and reassembled several times without the risk of damage to the coating.

Important! The Megalock lock system allows you to achieve complete insulation against moisture penetration. That is why these locks are used in combination with moisture resistant products.

Systems from other manufacturers

So, we have discussed with you the most common technologies that are most often found on the domestic market. Now let's pay attention to the lock systems that are patented by different manufacturers.

  1. Uniclic. Laminate with uni click locks has an original latching system. Docking takes place according to the tenon-groove method, but without any additional tool. The result of joining the laminate with uni click locks is the complete absence of cracks, the divergence of the panels after a while, the absence of a visible seam.
  2. ProLock and SmartLock. As for ProLoc, this locking system has found its application in rooms where laminate is being installed over a large area. Also in those places where there will be a serious load on the coating. The laying method has no problems, everything is simple. If there is high humidity in the room, then preference is given to the SafeSeal system. If we talk about SmartLock, then its joints are treated with a special moisture-proof impregnation. During installation, it is important to observe correct angle in this case, no special problems should arise.
  3. Pro click. The installation process of the laminate is carried out according to one geometry. Additionally, it is recommended to use special sealants to improve the docking properties. Even under surface tension conditions, Pro Click will not produce cracks or other defects.
  4. ClickXpress, DropXpress and PressXpress. All these locks are inherent in one manufacturer - Balterio. Each of them has its own characteristics. Click Xpress allows you to achieve the effect of a seamless coating. Disassembly is allowed. DropXpress is U-shaped and resembles a 5G system. As for PressXpress, docking is done by pressing. No visible seams.
  5. classen. This type of laminate lock is a representative of a German manufacturer. We can safely say that this is one of the most reliable and strong locks. The connection process is accompanied by a tongue and groove.
  6. Witex. According to the manufacturer, this lock has a tensile strength of up to 1100 Nm / p.m. As a result, it is characterized as reliable and durable. However, there is an important difference and it boils down to the fact that the joint is treated with paraffin.


So here we are, we've covered everything. important features and varieties of locks for laminate. As you can see, they all have the most different types And specifications. We hope that this material has given you a lot. wholesome food for reflection. After reading this article and watching the video at the end of the article, you can arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and boldly go to the store. This will ensure that you make a quality purchase.

Views: 82711

Laminate locks, varieties and their types and features of laying (dismantling). Click, Lock, 5G systems. Locks Uniclic, T-Lock, LocTec


The first laminate was installed only with glue and screws. But as they say, the world is full of ideas. And at the end of the XX century. appeared to the world the new kind laying laminate flooring - in a floating way, all thanks to the locking connection. The use of HDF board instead of conventional MDF has resulted in milling machines received a lock of the most complex shape and incredible accuracy. All laminate locks divided into 3 groups: Click, Lock and 5G. Of course, there are many more patented names. Each manufacturer has developed its own unique lock for laminate. Let's consider each of them separately.

Laminate with locklock, or as it is also called a driven lock, which works on the principle of a thorn-groove. The groove is a kind of comb that can hold the spike after it has been driven. The laminate is joined by hammering the boards at a right angle (90 0 C) with a rubberized hammer or wooden mallet. Cons: after laying laminate with a locklock it cannot be disassembled and, at the same time, it cannot be damaged; moreover, it has been noticed that with such a connection of the laminate, cracks always form over time. Today, this system of locks is almost never used.

For the convenience and speed of laying laminate flooring with Lock was developed plastic lock laminate. Plastic can be springy or rigid. Laminate with a hard plastic lock is tricky to install, but a springy plastic plate on the laminate lock can make the job a lot easier. But the geometry of the plate is not so ideal, for a good connection, it may be necessary to additionally tamp the laminate. Sawing the laminate in the area of ​​​​the plastic lock can lead to its breakage.

SystemClick- this is a way of connecting laminate lamellas at an angle of 45 degrees. It is the most common one. Laying laminate with system locksClick happens in rows, very quickly and without much difficulty. The main advantage of the Click lock is the ability to disassemble and reassemble the flooring. At the same time, this does not affect the quality of the connection in any way, the boards do not diverge even under the heaviest loads. This system reads dozens of individual types of laminate locks.

In addition, there are Click systems with aluminum plates that provide a secure fixation of the boards from below. Discomfort laminate with metal lock start during installation. The fact is that the plate must be brought under the board, while trying not to touch the substrate. The plate itself can cut you, so you need to work very carefully.

In order to simplify the assembly of the laminate, while not reducing the quality and strength of the connection, the layman was offered lock laminate system 5G. His distinguishing feature- 1-click laminate installation. Namely: the short side of the lamella snaps into place simultaneously with the connection of the lock along the long side automatically. This became possible due to the presence of a "movable tongue" at the end of the lock of the laminate board. The slats seem to be fastened to each other with a simple hand pressure. There are many options laminate locks 5G. Each manufacturer has improved and patented its own type of laminate lock. Below you can find out more about them.

Types of laminate locks from different manufacturers

There are various types of laminate locks, which differ from each other in the design of the connecting elements. Leading laminate manufacturers have not only developed laminate locks themselves, but also patented them. Consider laminate locks leading world leaders.

1. Quick-Step Company, lockable laminateUniclic: the original design of the tongue and groove snap lock system without the use of any tools. Quick-Step gives a lifetime warranty on its interlocking system: no gaps and no panel gaps. Laminate Quick Step with a lock Uniclic provides a seamless floor, since the gap is almost invisible. Lock laying laminate Uniclic can be made in any direction, in two ways, since the lock is located on all four sides of the lamella. The first one provides for the connection of boards at an angle of only 30 0 C. The second one is the horizontal connection of the lamellas. It is used when laying the coating in doorway. For this case, use a special overlay. It should be noted that it is forbidden to connect the laminate with a single blow. Make small blows along the entire length of the edge in stages until a characteristic click. Dismantling and re-laying can be done up to 4 times.

2. Pergo laminate uses the following laminate locks: ProLoc and SmartLock. ProLoc System used for laying laminate in large rooms and in places with intense loads. Its distinguishing feature is a triple fastening system. Installation is fairly quick and easy. This type of lock fastening of the laminate is particularly moisture resistant, since all joints are additionally impregnated. For wet areas, Pergo recommends using the advanced SafeSeal sealant. When dismantling laminate lock almost impossible to damage, which is why the floor can be disassembled and reassembled several times.

Smart lock system- it's more simple laminate lock, the joints of which are also impregnated with moisture-resistant impregnation. The coating is able to withstand heavy loads, the installation itself is very fast and easy at any angle. The plug-in comb itself is fixed in the groove by simply pressing on the end of the laminate board. The floor is not deformed, since the laminate boards are firmly fixed to each other.

3. Next on our list - laminate lockEgger - Pro Click system. Thanks to the special geometry of the slats, laying the laminate on one side (see the photo below) is very easy, fast and very reliable. It is also possible to use STRIP EX and CLIC SEALER sealants. laminate lock Pro Click provides a high level of coating stability, its strength at any surface tension. Egger laminate can be dismantled several times without losing the quality of the lock.

4. Balterio laminate flooring offers the following revolutionary click systems: Click Xpress, DropXpress and PressXpress. By the way, Balterio laminate can be dismantled as many times as you like. Virtually no loss of interlock quality.

- ClickXpress system- installation of the floor without gaps, forming a seamless coating. At the same time, the laminate, if necessary, is easy to disassemble and re-lay.

- DropXpress laminate lock is a U-shaped lock of the 5G system. Laying the laminate occurs by joining the board along the short side from top to bottom, and along the long side they lay joint to joint on their own.

- Lock PressXpress from the 5G system. The connection of the laminate occurs by simply pressing. At the same time, the groove located inside the panel ensures secure fixation and assembly without visible seams.

5. Megaloc Castle from the German brand Classen. Perhaps one of the strongest laminate locks on the end of the lamella. An interesting technological solution made it possible to create a lock that is easy to install and extremely reliable. The connection takes place using a specially designed tongue (see the figure below).

Installation begins with connecting the boards along the length. But there is one difference. The installation of the next row takes place a little differently: along the first row, a spike of the board of the new row is applied at an angle, with its long side. To completely connect the ends, the board is lowered and slightly pressed until a characteristic click, since Megalock laminate lock located on the end of the panel. Additional laminate lock processing ISOWAXX impregnation, which penetrates into the lock joint, fills it and reliably protects it from moisture. If necessary, the laminate is easily dismantled and assembled again.

6. Loctec lock from the manufacturer Witex: connection strength, tensile strength up to 1100 Nm / m, reliability and durability - these are the main advantages of the LocTec lock. Highlight from Witex - lock impregnated laminate paraffin for better moisture protection. Laminate boards are simply inserted into each other at an angle and clicked into place with a simple downward push. The floor can be used immediately after laying. If necessary, the floor can be disassembled and reassembled several times.

7. LockT-lock- an exclusive development of the Tarkett company, is one of the best, adopted by many laminate manufacturers. Laminate with lock T-lock is laid by simply snapping the laminate boards along the long side using a small angle. The floor is obtained without cracks and distortions. If necessary, Tarkett laminate can be dismantled and laid again ( Tarkett laminate lock works 3-4 times).

Laminate with lock is a real blessing. Judge for yourself - no dirt, no dust, no need to wait for the glue to dry. Lay the laminate and use the floor to your health. Another question, which laminate lock is better. Each manufacturer did their best, offering us not only a quick and convenient assembly, but a reliable, durable and very beautiful floor. Choose a laminate depending on your requirements for it. If you have questions regarding the choice of laminate - please contact laminate price
