Choosing a finish for a stove in a bath is not as easy as it seems. A mistake can be costly. Incorrectly selected material near the furnace will crack and collapse from high temperature. It is not safe. The task of facing, in addition to the decorative function, is to minimize the likelihood of accidental injury.


How can you finish the stove in the bath?

First of all, these are:

  • ceramic tiles,
  • brick,
  • various types of stone
  • plastering with a special solution,
  • steel,
  • tiles.

As you can see, the choice of materials is quite wide. Each of these materials must have certain properties and undergo special processing in order to withstand the high temperature near the furnace. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Tile use

The tile on the stove in the bath is afraid of thermal expansion, therefore, when performing work, it is important to carefully observe the technological process. Facing the stove in the bath does not tolerate negligence.


Usually use 7 types of tiles for cladding:

  • Terracotta is a tile that has not been glazed. It consists of terracotta clay and fireclay, which is mixed in a certain ratio. This tile has been known for several centuries. Properly set technological process greatly affects the final quality of the material. This tile can be easily recognized by its characteristic red tint.
  • Clinker tiles - clay is the main raw material. The material is obtained by pressing, then it is fired at a temperature of +1200 0 C. The crystal lattice of clay changes and the tile acquires the properties of ceramics.
  • Majolica is very difficult to manufacture. Previously, for drawing, it was used only manual labor. Now there are industrial samples. The glaze on the tile is obtained by firing. Properties resembles terracotta tiles.
  • Tiles are the preferred option, thanks to air gap between the tiles and the oven wall. This layer works as an additional heat insulator, allowing the stove to keep heat near itself even longer.
  • Porcelain stoneware - can also be used when facing the furnace. Marble chips, added during the production of porcelain stoneware, give the material unique decorative properties and high strength. Due to this, porcelain stoneware is rapidly gaining popularity.
  • Fireclay - able to withstand direct exposure to fire. Fireclay is pressed into blanks and fired at a temperature of +1300 0 C.
  • Tile - only a material with a high coefficient of heat resistance can withstand temperature loads.

Expert opinion

Nikolai Davydov

Baker with 15 years of experience

According to their properties, the most preferred option for facing the furnace is tiles. It is also the most labor intensive. Most a budget option- special tile with a high coefficient of heat resistance, but with its help it will not be possible to finish the hottest areas.


Do-it-yourself tiling of a bath stove with tiles is done as follows:

Finishing the oven with bricks

Traditionally, the lining of the stove is made of brick. This material is suitable for wooden walls near the oven. It is an additional heat accumulator.

At the same time, the brick acts as a protective screen that prevents burns and has a presentable appearance. You can also brick a metal furnace.


For lining the stove, the following types of bricks are used:

Silicate and hollow bricks are not recommended. It will not hold heat well and will collapse. Chamotte brick is preferable, but it is more expensive.


  1. Masonry is carried out on a solution specially designed for furnaces. It will provide optimal structural strength.
  2. The design of the foundation must be designed for such a load. Otherwise, you will have to make a separate foundation.
  3. Laying is done in half a brick. The brick is laid on the bed. We start laying from the corner, with 1/3 dressing.
  4. Ventilation holes must be provided for heat exchange in the masonry.
  5. Between the rows we reinforce the masonry with a mesh.
  6. After the masonry is completed, we perform the jointing of the seams.

Examples of brick lining the oven in the bath in the photo:

The use of plaster

Plaster is the most budgetary option for finishing the oven with your own hands. The product takes on a finished look and looks good in the interior. After plastering, you can whitewash with a special heat-resistant composition.

This type of finish is quite often used for a brick oven. The technology is as follows:


The stove with tiles is a rather laborious process. Technology has made things a little easier. But until now, the construction of such a furnace takes 4-5 months, if you use the classic version. The laying and lining of the furnace takes place simultaneously. Although, in a simplified version, it is possible to impose a ready-made furnace.

Expert opinion

Nikolai Davydov

Baker with 15 years of experience

The drawing can be anything. Usually Russian folk motifs are used. The dimensions of the tiles are regulated by GOST 3742-47. Permissible deviations should not exceed 1 mm in all directions. Thanks to standardization, the cladding process has been greatly simplified. The most important thing is to choose the right material.


It is worth following the following rules:

  1. Manufacturing material. Impurities in colored clay will not allow you to make a quality tile, so it is not used. Unlike it, white clay is an ideal raw material.
  2. The quality of a product is determined by its ability to absorb water. The more pores in the tile and the larger they are, the less quality the product will be.
  3. Choose tiles made by pressing.
  4. The surface of the product should not have a dull appearance and there should be no cracks on it. This happens when the product passes only one firing.

For facing, tiles must be sorted by shades. It will be necessary to lay them in such a way that the transition is not noticeable. The size is adjusted using a rasp and an angle grinder from all sides. Defective tiles should not be thrown away immediately. They can be used later.

The next step is to markup. The thickness of the horizontal seam should not exceed 3 mm, vertical - 1 mm. Now let's move on to installation.

Lay out the first row.

The process is very laborious, but the result is worth it. The first thing to do is properly prepare the tiles for installation. This will provide the best result.

The installation order is:

  • immerse the tiles in water, waiting until the clay draws water into itself;
  • clay in the tiller will increase the heat capacity, so you need to fill it halfway;
  • steel brackets allow you to correctly connect the tiles to each other;
  • a row of tiles will be connected to a row of stoves with a wire.

Tiles fastening scheme: 1 - ramp, 2 - pin, 3 - wire, 4 - brackets.

subsequent rows.

  • drill holes in the masonry;
  • we use self-tapping screws and wire as a connecting element;
  • with the help of wire we fasten steel pins;
  • we put the tile on the pin and bend the latter;
  • dry mortar will fill all the voids between the tiles.

Sauna stove in tiles


The choice of one or another material for facing the furnace in the bath is determined by the result that needs to be obtained in the end. The most interesting, from the side of heat preservation, option is tiling, but it is also the most time-consuming and expensive. If you want to cheaply veneer the stove, there is such an opportunity.

The most budgetary option is oven plastering. It is best to overlay a metal furnace with bricks. This will significantly increase the heat capacity of the furnace and it will cool down longer.

Another great option is porcelain stoneware. When deciding how to line the stove in the bath, pay attention to the quality of the materials used.

To isolate the space around the furnace, it is advisable to use minerite. This is a great sauna cover. They are lining the sauna - they close the wooden walls, although these plates can also sheathe the house.

Using the step-by-step instructions in this article, you can not only choose the right material in the best possible way, but also do the cladding with your own hands of the furnace itself and its surfaces. This was the main purpose of this material.

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In our time, they try to immediately fold brick ovens so that in the future it is not necessary to use tiling for its decoration: with jointing, with arched masonry, rounding the edges of the brick, cutting out figured products from the brick, and so on.

A master who folds stoves like this is very much appreciated. His furnaces have not only excellent traction, but also an individual, unique, recognizable design.

If you are interested, you can learn more about how to learn how to skillfully fold brick ovens yourself by reading the book by Alexander Zalutsky.

Previously, they mostly rubbed the stove in the house with greasy clay. They diluted the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream and smeared it with their hands on the brick surface of the oven. After drying, the clay surface was painted with lime.

Clay is a natural material from which the brick itself is made, the mortar for laying the furnace is prepared on clay and it is clear that the grout of the furnace is also clay. Tiles are clay tiles of a special box shape. As you can see, there are clay products everywhere.

The best option for lining stoves and fireplaces is tiling. But, this is an expensive pleasure.

Nowadays, terracotta tiles are gaining more and more popularity when facing stoves, fireplaces, bath rooms. This tile is also a clay product, which has excellent properties and adequate cost.

If you have a metal stove in the bath in the corner of the steam room, then the wooden walls must be isolated from high temperature and fire. The best option is cladding the wall with Terracotta tiles.

If you have a fireplace in your lounge, you can create original design its finishing with terracotta tiles.

Facing with Terracotta tiles of the furnace in the bath will improve heat transfer and eliminate heat loss.

Terracotta tiles are made from kaolin clay, without the addition of dyes and any impurities, by firing (terra - earth, clay and cotta - burnt) at high temperature. Natural clay does not emit any harmful substances during firing, therefore it is an environmentally friendly raw material. This has been known since the time of our wild ancestors. You can talk for hours about making, for example, clay products for food and water. But, this is another topic.

A variety of colors of tiles "Terracotta" is obtained by mixing different types of clay, subjected to subsequent firing. Natural colors range from light cream to dark ocher. This natural color is perfect wooden structures. Therefore, terracotta tiles are used to create rustic comfort and traditional Russian style in interiors. country houses and baths.

Over time, the tile looks only better: it does not fade, but only acquires an increasing charm of antiquity.

Any use of clay products indoors helps to improve the microclimate. Terracotta tiles absorb excess moisture well and give it back when there is a lack of moisture. Therefore, terracotta tiling has become so often used in the decoration of saunas and baths.

Terracotta tile is not afraid of either heat or low temperatures, nothing is done to it when the temperature drops. It reliably protects the surface of wooden walls from fire. The coefficients of thermal expansion are the same for bricks and for Terracotta tiles.

If you tile a brick oven, then it will retain and give off heat much longer. Tiles "Terracotta" has a high heat resistance (it is fired at temperatures above 1000 o C.). Therefore, Terracotta tiles are an excellent material for facing the stove in the bath.


Facing the stove in the bath is not so much a decor as an important safety measure. Properly selected material will create comfort in the steam room and provide long-term warmth.

And the lining process depends not only on its version, but also on the type of stove that is installed in the bath. All these nuances will be discussed in this article.

You will also be presented with a video on the topic: "Facing stove stoves for a bath."

Metal stoves for a bath are quite popular among the people, although this option cannot be called the best. Their popularity is due to two criteria: an affordable price, as well as the ability to purchase a finished oven and quickly install it with your own hands.

  • In addition, the metal stove heats up quickly enough, it is more compact, which is important for a small steam room. It also cannot do without flaws: the metal does not just heat up, but heats up. Too high heat transfer leads to the same rapid cooling - the furnace has to be heated again and again.

Strong radiation from a metal surface is both uncomfortable and not useful for a person. In addition, such high temperatures significantly increase the likelihood of fire - after all, the bath is most often wooden. So, wherever you throw, everywhere is a wedge. We have to solve the issue with the lining of the furnace, and better than brick it's hard to come up with anything.

Refractory bricks for construction and lining of furnaces

Naturally, ordinary building bricks are not used for lining furnaces; for this, refractory bricks are needed. There are several varieties of this material, since different raw materials are used in its production.

  • One of the most popular options is fireclay bricks. It is also made of clay, only of a special grade. It is called fireclay, hence the name of the products. As part of the raw material for the manufacture of fireclay bricks, there are also additives in the form of graphite or coke powder, or coarse-grained quartz sand.
  • With the help of these additives, certain properties are imparted to products, and the degree of their fire resistance is regulated. After all, the temperatures domestic ovens incomparable with industrial furnaces. Therefore, fireclay bricks are divided into three classes - its maximum fire resistance is +1750 degrees. Celsius.

  • If fireclay bricks belong to the category of alumina products, then dinas bricks are silica. It is made from a silicon-containing powder, on milk of lime. Dinas brick has a higher mechanical strength, and also has a higher fire resistance.
  • But he does not like sudden temperature fluctuations, which are not a problem for fireclay bricks at all. Therefore, it is more often used for the construction of industrial furnaces, in which uniform long-term heating is maintained.
  • It is impossible not to say about the talc brick, which is not only an excellent refractory material, but also has an excellent appearance. It is made from a natural mineral called talcum shale. In fact, it is a natural stone, sawn into even bricks.

  • Talcum brick also undergoes a firing procedure, while acquiring certain properties. The level of its fire resistance is lower than that of fireclay bricks, therefore, it is not used for the construction of furnaces. But for facing heated surfaces, this material fits perfectly, as you can see by looking at the photo above.
  • In principle, clinker bricks are also suitable for finishing a metal furnace, because the lining does not adjoin closely to the hot metal. Clinker has sufficient strength, and according to the current standard, it can be used for the outer lining of furnaces and chimneys.

Some customers, in order to save money, purchase ordinary clay bricks for this purpose. But we must say right away that such a lining will be less durable.

As a result of repeated heating and cooling cycles, a simple brick cracks and crumbles.

Cladding process

A brick "shirt" will create the very comfort and safety that a metal stove lacks. The brick heats up slowly and cools down just as slowly, so the room will be warm even when the stove goes out.

As a heat insulator for the structure, asbestos or basalt cardboard is used:

  • We told about which brick to use, it remains to be added that the mortar for masonry chemical composition should be close to the brick. When buying a brick, you will probably be offered a dry masonry mix. You will only have to dilute it with water before use, as the manufacturer's instructions prescribe.
  • It is very important to sort the bricks before starting laying, there should not be any defects in the form of cracks and broken edges and corners on their surface. It is advisable to lay them out on the floor beforehand, and fit them to each other so that the pokes touch almost without a gap. When laying bricks on mortar, the same procedure must be followed.

  • The smaller the thickness of the joints in the masonry, the better the thermal conductivity will be provided by the cladding. By the way, refractory bricks can be not only smooth, but also shaped. So, you can not only line the oven, but also decorate it beautifully, as is done in the example above.
  • As with brick finishing at home, here the masonry must also rest on a rigid base - which means that the stove must be installed on the foundation. Its dimensions should take into account the gap between the walls of the furnace and the masonry of 3-5 cm, and, of course, the width of the brick. The gap may be slightly larger, but this will increase the heating time of the cladding.
  • The foundation must be calculated so that the number of bricks in the lining is integer. It can be laid out of brick, or expanded clay concrete blocks, or, having installed formwork, pour a monolithic base. After the concrete has gained strength, a furnace is installed and strengthened on it, and then they begin marking for masonry.

  • The technology of bricklaying, as such, is no different from that used in the construction of walls - every fourth row of masonry is also reinforced with a steel strip or wire. The only thing is that in the second and penultimate row you need to leave vents 12 cm wide (half a brick). The opening for the firebox must be strengthened with a metal corner.

Apart from the time spent on arranging the foundation and installing the furnace, all work will take no more than three days, and experienced master can do it in a day. There are no special difficulties here, the main thing is to use high-quality materials.

How to line a brick oven

For those who are building or already have a spacious sauna with a good ceiling height, the best stove option is a heater.

It, of course, is more expensive, and it takes up more space, but it can be used to heat not only the steam room, but also other departments: a washing room, a rest room, a dressing room (see How the dressing room is finished). And the quality of the steam will also be completely different.

  • The stove-heater is built of brick. Such walls are an excellent basis for many types of cladding. In this case, it does not make much sense to use a brick, except that the stove is old and requires a major upgrade. But the tile for facing the sauna stove of this type is what you need.

  • There are many types of tiles with high refractory properties that can be used for cladding. This is majolica, and terracotta, and clinker tiles - even porcelain stoneware is suitable (see Furnace lining with porcelain stoneware: finishing steps). Their cost decreases as we list the types of tiles, and depends not only on the country of origin, but also on the complexity of the decor of the front surface.
  • In addition, natural stone can also be used for cladding. Volcanic rocks: talcomagnesite and talcochlorite, are not afraid of any temperature, and keep warm for the whole day. These rocks have a great appearance - there are options in the form of tiles, there are in the form of bricks.

Such a lining will look worthy not only in the bath, but also in the house. Its cost, of course, is much higher.

If the most expensive majolica tile costs about 2600 rubles/m2, then soapstone tiles will cost no less than 3500 rubles/m2. But here, everyone decides for himself, according to the size of his budget. Next, we will briefly describe how tiling of bath stoves is made.

Finishing the walls of the stove

The tile laying mortar can, and even should, be mixed from a factory-prepared dry refractory mix - at least if the furnace has only one circuit. The requirements for lining a double-circuit furnace are not so strict, since its surface warms up more evenly and does not heat up so much.

  • In this case, you can use ordinary tile adhesive, or use oven clay and sand. Clay is sold in hardware stores, packing from three to five kilograms. The method of making the solution is on the package.
  • If you take ordinary clay from a quarry, you will have to determine its fat content, soak it to soften it, knead it with sand for a long time and probe the solution with your hands in search of lumps, strain through a sieve. All this is quite labor intensive. Therefore, buying clay in its original packaging is much easier.
  • Facing bath stoves with tiles is carried out on a reinforcing layer - this is a thin plaster mesh made of fiberglass. It is pulled along the contour of the furnace, secured with nails hammered into the seams of the brickwork. To ensure a temperature gap, the mesh should not be stretched too tightly, and the seams between the tiles should be made larger than usual.

  • In order for the thickness of the seam to be within 5 mm, it is necessary to use not crosses, but wedges of the appropriate thickness. No wedges - make them yourself: from pieces of plastic, plywood, cardboard, thin asbestos-cement sheet. Otherwise, the tile laying technology is no different from that used in wall decoration.
  • The solution is applied to the back of the tile with a notched trowel. Then it is pressed against the surface of the brick wall, tapping with a rubber mallet to expel excess mortar. They are collected with a smooth spatula, the surface is immediately wiped, and left for a day until the adhesive layer is completely set.

In conclusion, it remains only to clean the seams and seal them with decorative grout, which, by the way, must also be fire resistant.

If you don’t skimp on buying good tiles and installing them correctly, the appearance of your stove can be no worse than in the picture above.

This question is of interest to many homeowners who have this wonderful design or are just planning to do it. After all, finishing plays an important role not only in protecting the stove or fireplace, but also as a decorative component. Often the lining of a brick oven comes down to a simple application of plaster, which cannot boast of a long service life and beauty. It is clear that cracks or delamination of the material are easy to eliminate, but still the final result cannot please.

From this article, you will learn how to line a fireplace or stove, so that it is both functional and beautiful. These materials will give off heat well and do not require quick repairs.

metal oven

Before we find out how a bath or ordinary brick stove is lined, we will consider the option of using metal stoves, which also require finishing. A metal stove for a bath has become commonplace and standard. Without it, you can not imagine a single bath. What is the advantage of using a metal product?

  1. Easy installation. In addition, you can make it yourself.
  2. Ease of operation.
  3. The metal heats up pretty quickly.
  4. The stove will have pretty good draft.
  5. High level of efficiency.
  6. Affordable cost and economical fuel consumption.

But in order for the oven to fully perform all its functions, it should be prepared. This will help improve the basic characteristics. What is it about? About lining the stove in the bath with brick or stone. Everyone knows how good stone is for heating. But, not everyone can afford such an oven. But simply overlaying a metal structure will be just right, without heavy expenses.

Below are a few reasons why brick lining the furnace is so necessary:

  • a metal furnace will heat up quickly, but the body will not be able to keep up with the high temperature;
  • while the oven heats up quickly, it also cools down fairly quickly. It is necessary to carry out constant temperature control, toss firewood, which is not always economical;
  • this will help create a comfortable atmosphere in the steam room or room, since the air will not dry out like that;
  • you will protect yourself and others from burns against a metal wall.

In the lining of a metal furnace, you can use both brick and stone. Such a lining for a sauna stove will have a beneficial effect on the process of your pastime.

Choosing a material for lining a brick oven

The number of materials for work in this area may be different. It all depends on your capabilities, means and desires. But, you must understand that there are some requirements for finishing. It's all about the environment. After all, the oven is capable of producing high temperature indicators. So, what for a fireplace, what for a stove, the criteria are as follows:

  1. Increased resistance to heat.
  2. High level of thermal conductivity (heat transfer).
  3. Excellent ability to withstand loads and mechanical damage.
  4. Durability.
  5. Decent appearance.
  6. Since the stove will be used in a bath, the property of the material to resist moisture is also important.

What facing materials are used in the work? You can finish the stove:

Let's take a closer look at each of the materials to find out their features and benefits.

Facing brick

By itself, the brick looks pretty good and is often used in the construction of stoves and fireplaces. And if the structure is made of metal, then, as mentioned above, you can overlay the furnace with this material. At the same time, the problem with cracks on the heated surface is solved, it simply does not exist. Brick does not require the use of reinforcing mesh. The only thing is that the brick is quite heavy. It is important to take into account the load on the foundation so that it can withstand this impressive weight.

If you use a facing brick, then you will make the fireplace or stove even more beautiful and attractive. This is a good option for an already standing stove. And to transform the stove, you can use curly details and a variety of colors. With them, your stove can not be recognized.

Note! In appearance, the stone stove finish is no worse than expensive marble or granite.

As for finishing metal structure, then a ballast backfill of fine dry sand is used between the steel walls and the brick. It will protect the masonry from deformation and expansion of the metal, transferring heat well into the room.

Ceramic tile

Perhaps this is one of the universal materials that are often used for any purpose. Such tiles gained their popularity due to their relative cheapness and good characteristics. The only limitation of this material is its maximum heating temperature. The tile has no lock connection or hook, which would help the material resist deformation at high temperature. That is why it is not recommended to use it for furnaces that become very hot during operation. But for a fireplace, this is a suitable option.

Ceramic clinker tiles are much better at this task. In addition, it can imitate any kind of finish. There are products with imitation of brick, tile, wood, granite or marble. In addition, clinker tiles are more wear-resistant, stronger and more durable. And the finish can be matte or glossy.

If you want to have an original and inexpensive finish for your fireplace or stove, you can combine the option with decorative bricks and ceramic tiles. This neighborhood also looks beautiful.

An important point: when finishing the stove with tiles, you need to choose a high-quality glue or composition that is not afraid of high temperatures. Otherwise, no matter how high-quality the tile is, it may fall off due to the cracked adhesive composition. Don't skimp on this.

But you can learn how to properly tile the stove with your own hands from this video. This will help to cope with the task quickly and efficiently, while saving some money on hiring workers.

Tiles - tested over the years

Furnace craftsmen had to look for protection of the cladding from deformation under the influence of temperature for a long time. Everything changed when tiles were invented. Are you the first to hear about them? Simply put, this is a simple clay tile, only having a volumetric configuration. The back side of the material has protrusions called rumps. They connect the tiles to each other and bind the masonry array. The sample is visible in the photo.

Laying tiles is carried out at the same time as the construction of a fireplace or stove, one row after another. Thanks to this, you can create a solid self-supporting wall. To connect the products with the main masonry, wire antennae are used, which are laid in the seam between the bricks. As you can see in the photo below, the tiles are connected to each other with steel hooks. In addition, everything is fixed with a solution.

You will be surprised, but the range of goods is quite large. On sale there are various products with different colors, patterns, decor, etc. Your stove can be called a full-fledged work of art.

Finishing the stove with stone

Stone has always been considered a guarantee of reliability and durability. But, the price of natural stone is not affordable for everyone. In this case, there is an artificial stone, which is not too inferior to natural in characteristics. Both one and the other material meet all the necessary requirements and tolerate elevated temperature indicators and transfer heat with high quality.

The texture, natural color and nobility are a huge plus of the stone. Such furnaces inspire confidence, seem reliable and durable. And indeed it is. Well, the heat emanating from the stone is quite pleasant and beneficial. For a sauna stove, this is a great option.

As in the case of tiles, the mastic or adhesive for fixing the material must be heat resistant. The good news is that you can find a lot of such compositions on the market, so finishing is simplified.

If we talk about natural stone, then the lining is made with the following products:

  • from marble;
  • from slate;
  • from basalt;
  • from sandstone;
  • from granite.

Alternative stones (artificial) are also good in this regard and are able to meet high standards. They can also be safely used to save on finishing. You don’t want to be left without the last money because of a beautifully and noblely lined stove. Therefore, you need to be prudent in this regard.

Advice! The weight of the stone is also quite impressive. Therefore, if your foundation is not strengthened, it is better to use another option or to strengthen the structure.

Wood as a type of cladding

You may be surprised, but the tree serves not only as heating oil, but also as beautiful finishes. In addition, the material is quite light and will not exert additional load on the foundation. But, it is important to remember that wood is able to conduct heat poorly, so the idea should be implemented competently and limitedly. Most likely, it will be an accent in your decor. Wood is used to create or decorate shelves, decorate benches, benches or corners.

But, do not forget that wood is a flammable material. So use it near open source fire is not recommended. They can decorate parts that are far from it and do not heat up so much. In addition, wood should be protected with a special impregnation from fire, which will help fight high temperatures. But even after that, it is better to use the material wisely and rationally. If everything is done correctly, then your fireplace or stove will look quite presentable and beautiful.

A Russian bath built according to all the rules is always a source of pride for its owner. After visiting the steam room, health improves, and problems fade into the background - this is a place where you can have a wonderful rest. The “heart” of the bath building is considered to be a stove, the lining of which is of no small importance.

The stove in the bath

The main room in the bath building is the steam room, where, during the adoption of procedures, there should be heat. Equally important is the couple. In order for the steam room to function in the desired mode, the oven, the main element of the entire bath, will help to achieve the necessary parameters.

When building or purchasing a heating unit, it is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of its functionality with a number of requirements:

  • rapid warming up of the room;
  • stability of the furnace structure to high temperatures;
  • the ability to work for a long period;
  • beautiful appearance.

Of no small importance for the full functioning of the furnace in the future is the quality of the materials used for its manufacture.

Sauna oven lining

The heating unit installed in the bath building must not only provide the necessary temperature regime, but also have beautiful view. One of the best solutions in this case is deservedly considered to be lining the stove in the bath.

When finishing the furnace structure, they most often use:

Each of the above materials has its own quality characteristics.

Using tiles for finishing stoves

The tile belongs to the popular type of materials used to finish the stove in the bath, due to its affordable price and ease of installation.

When lining the furnace structure, the following varieties can be used:

  1. Clinker tiles. For its production, clay is used, adding energy melters, fireclay and various dyes to it.
  2. Tile "Majolica". These ceramic products are made from fired clay and glazed. The finished product has a bright and rich color which is clearly visible in the photo. On such a tile, if desired, ornaments and drawings are applied.
  3. Terracotta tiles. In terms of the components used in the production process, it has much in common with Majolica. But such a lining for a sauna stove is not covered with glaze. The main advantage of "Terracotta" is its high strength. The product is produced in a round shape.
  4. Marble tiles. A stove with such a finish looks presentable, creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room. These marble products are characterized by strength and durability. This type of tile has no drawbacks.

Finishing the oven with bricks

This design option for the heating unit is not only economical, but also easy to implement.

Finishing the stove in a brick bath has advantages, including:

  • quick heating to the desired temperature and maintaining it for a long time;
  • the furnace design is not destroyed by steam and moisture.

Stone in the design of sauna stoves

When finishing the furnace in the bath decorative stone(artificial or natural), the interior of the room acquires a noble and aesthetic appearance. If the heating unit in the bath building is lined with such material, it belongs to the extra-class buildings.

Application of steel case

When using this type of finish, a metal frame is placed on the surface of the furnace and covered with steel shields. Thanks to the steel case, the preservation of heat and at the same time the optimal level of heating of the room is ensured. But this type of cladding has a significant drawback - when the furnace is heated, the material also begins to heat up and a person’s touch with it is fraught with serious burns.

Plastering the walls of the furnace structure

If you choose the most inexpensive and simple option than to finish the stove in the bath, then the use of plaster will be the best solution.

The work is carried out in two stages:

  1. The walls of the stove are plastered to remove dust and dirt.
  2. The second time plaster is used to level surfaces, level chips and dents.

After completion of work, it is desirable to whitewash the furnace structure with lime.

Tiles for cladding

The old way of facing is the laying of tiles. Such a finish of the portal of the sauna stove and its surfaces gives the structure an unusual and rather original appearance. As a result of tiling, the stove in the room becomes separate element interior.

Only the master can perform this reliable and durable finish. As a result, the furnace design has a higher degree of heat transfer compared to the use of other finishing materials.

Finishing the stove in the bath: facing with bricks, decorative stone, tiles of the portal of the bath stove, how to finish it better, photo and video

Finishing the stove in the bath: facing with bricks, decorative stone, tiles of the portal of the bath stove, how to finish it better, photo and video

Finishing the stove in the bath: practical and reliable lining materials

The stove in the bath is not only a device for heating rooms, but also a stylish element of the interior. Therefore, special attention is paid to its external lining. The construction market presents reliable and practical materials, from which the furnace is finished in the bath.

Right choice suitable material depends on the design idea, interior style and financial capabilities of the customer.

Features of the decorative lining of the furnace

The high-quality finish of the sauna stove must meet the basic operational requirements: withstand high humidity, temperature extremes, ensure durability and surface safety. A lined stove should quickly heat up the bath rooms and create a comfortable microclimate inside.

Facing the furnace in the bath has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • fast and uniform heating of the premises;
  • heat accumulation for a long time;
  • minimal risk of burns from a heated oven;
  • air drying does not occur;
  • simplicity and accessibility of maintenance of the finished cladding;
  • attractive appearance of heating equipment;
  • resistance to mechanical damage and deformation.

Varieties of oven lining

In addition to the fact that the stove is the main heating equipment, it also performs an aesthetic function.

Facing the sauna stove is carried out using practical and durable decorative materials:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • refractory bricks;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • decorative plaster;
  • tiles;
  • frame made of metal plates.

All materials are distinguished by high performance and installation features.

Ceramic tiles - elegance and durability

The best material for lining a sauna stove is ceramic tile. It is easy to install, affordable and durable.

For facing works, the following types of tiles are used:

  • Clinker. It is made of red clay with the addition of fireclay component, melter and dye.
  • Majolica. Material with a pressed base, covered with a protective glaze layer. This type of tile is distinguished by rich colors, decorative patterns and ornaments.
  • Terracotta. Facing material, which in terms of performance is similar to majolica. Important differences are the porous structure and the absence of a protective glaze. Terracotta is distinguished by its durability, increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage. This type of tile is made in a round shape.
  • Marble. Such material is distinguished by increased wear resistance, practicality and accessibility of installation, devoid of almost all the shortcomings.

Choosing a similar type of finish, the owners of furnaces are asked important issue what kind of tiles is better to lay heating equipment. Experts believe that the best option is a material with a minimum coefficient of thermal expansion and a dense structure - clinker tiles.

Refractory brick: reliability and safety

Decorating a sauna stove with bricks is the easiest and most budgetary option for owners who decide to do the cladding on their own.

The material has several advantages:

  • fast and safe heating;
  • accumulation and maintenance of heat for a long time;
  • resistance to high moisture;
  • low cost and easy installation.

Work on facing the furnace in the bath with bricks consists in arranging a reliable decorative screen around the entire perimeter of the equipment. To increase aesthetics and attractiveness, a combination of material of different colors is allowed.

Artificial and natural stone: exquisite nobility

The main advantage of facing with decorative stone is the creation of a noble and attractive look. High strength, durability, environmental friendliness, high temperature resistance, variety color palettes and textures allows you to use the material for finishing bath rooms.

For facing works, the following types of stones are used:

Decorative stones are able to withstand an unlimited number of heatings, they accumulate thermal energy well and maintain set temperature long time. In addition, such material is resistant to acids and alkalis.

In terms of their performance, they are not inferior natural stones artificial elements. With their help, you can qualitatively overlay a stove in a steam room or a fireplace in a house.

The technology of laying stones is simple, therefore, it does not require additional preparation. Non-standard shapes of elements can cause some difficulties in the fitting process, therefore, before installation, it is recommended to lay out the material on a flat base. The stones are numbered and fixed on the surface of the furnace with the help of an adhesive composition.

Decorative plaster: simplicity and accessibility

A simple option for facing a Russian stove is plastering surfaces. Over time, the decorative and protective properties of the plaster composition are reduced, which will require frequent renewal of the cladding.

Important! Decorative plaster is used only for brick ovens and is not suitable for metal devices.

Plastering the stove in the bath is simple, all work is performed in the following order:

  • the surface is cleaned of dust, debris and residues of the connecting solution;
  • the seams are cleared to a depth of 10 mm;
  • the stove is warmed up before the cladding begins;
  • a mesh of metal rods is installed on the surface with fixation to the wire;
  • the surface is moistened and the primary layer of the plaster mixture is applied;
  • after the plaster has hardened, a second layer is applied.

The thickness of each subsequent layer does not exceed 6 mm. The plaster mortar is applied with a trowel, leveled over the surface with a spatula. When plastering the surface, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of defects - air bubbles and sagging.

After hardening, the top layer is carefully cleaned until a smooth surface is obtained.

Tiles: originality and practicality

The use of tiles is an old way of facing stove equipment for a bath. Tiles are tiles made of plastic pottery clay by firing in a kiln at a temperature of more than 1000 degrees. On the reverse side of the tile there are ramps designed to fix the material on any surface. Tiles are presented in several categories:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • majolica;
  • with glazed surface;
  • with embossed surface.

Tiles are distinguished by high performance characteristics - durability, practicality, strength and high heat transfer.

Tiling works should be entrusted to professionals who will perform well the installation of the material on the surface of the stoves.

Metal frame: accessibility and safety

The sauna stove can be lined with a metal frame, which is installed on top of the device and covered with protective shields. The steel frame provides reliable protection furnace portal and the optimal level of air heating in the room.

Such a cladding has the following advantages:

  • accumulates the released thermal energy;
  • quickly heats the air and walls in the room;
  • is different affordable price and ease of installation.

A serious disadvantage of such a cladding is the likelihood of burns in direct contact with the surface. Therefore, experts do not recommend installing metal frames for stoves in baths in order to avoid possible injuries.

Competent choice decorative material for cladding and compliance technological process will ensure the correct operation of the sauna stove and the creation of a comfortable microclimate in the premises.

Facing the stove in the bath: we analyze how to make the finish with ceramic tiles, decorative stone and plaster

The stove in the bath is not only a device for heating rooms, but also a stylish element of the interior. Therefore, special attention is paid to its external lining.

Facing a metal furnace in a brick bath

Metal stoves, which are so popular among lovers of the Russian bath, are improved with brick lining. What is it for? The fact is that a metal furnace, despite all its advantages, has a number of disadvantages. The following disadvantages of iron can be noted:

  • thermal radiation negatively affects human health, brings certain inconveniences;
  • to maintain the required temperature, the furnace must be heated all the time, because the iron cools quickly;
  • the metal surface must be insulated due to the possibility of overheating.

Due to these shortcomings of the metal, additional lining of the sauna stove is required. Why is brick used for this purpose? Firstly, hot brick is not as dangerous to humans as metal. It does not threaten such serious burns. Secondly, if you cover the stove, it does not cool down so quickly, this significantly reduces heating costs. In addition, the following advantages can be noted:

  • a covered metal furnace does not dry the air, the steam will be more humid;
  • heat in the steam room is distributed more evenly - the air is softer and smoother;
  • with the help of facing bricks, you can give a beautiful, designer appearance to the steam room itself.

How to overlay an iron stove with bricks?

Finishing the stove in the bath is a very simple matter. Let's divide the process into four steps:

  1. Select materials.
  2. Pour the foundation.
  3. Coat a metal oven.
  4. Perform decorative work.

Let's consider each item in more detail.

The choice of materials for work

What kind of brick is better to line the oven? It must be taken into account that the facing brick will be constantly exposed to high temperatures and must withstand all loads. Therefore, it is better to line the furnace with a refractory full-bodied material that copes with the tasks set and retains its properties for many years. In addition, you can overlay the bath with both smooth and textured bricks.

Refractory material must be used for brick lining of the furnace

In addition, for lining the furnace you will need:

Foundation pouring

Filling the foundation is an extremely important stage of lining the bath, because it directly affects the reliability of the bath, its service life.

First of all, you will need to mix the solution. For this purpose, a traditional mixture of clay and sand is perfect. In addition to it, cement-based solutions with various impurities are used. It may seem that they are more reliable (because they are more expensive), but, in fact, their durability differs little.

Scheme of pouring the foundation for the furnace

When you decide on the facing solution, you can start pouring the foundation. If the plane used does not inspire confidence, then you will have to fill the foundation under it. Additionally, you can strengthen the floor with boards or metal rails. In other cases, the process is simpler.

The foundation is poured in the following way:

  1. Determine the size of the base.
  2. Set up the formwork.
  3. Prepare the solution.
  4. Fill it up.
  5. Wait until it dries.

brick laying

When the foundation is completely set, you can start laying. Before starting this stage, in order to properly line the oven, mark the location of the brick.

First of all, calculate the required space from the oven to the walls. Too much space will interfere with high-quality heating and heat transfer, too little space will significantly reduce the life of the brick. The optimal space is 3-5 centimeters.

Install an iron sheet along the edges of the markup. Such a sheet will protect the material from overheating. Put asbestos cardboard on it. This refractory material will additionally protect the brick from wear.

Brick lining scheme for a metal stove

Upon completion of all these preparatory work, you can impose a bath. To get the desired result, follow these instructions:

  1. Soak the brick in water. Don't forget to soak it before styling.
  2. Shake it, the first row should be laid solid.
  3. You can use reinforcement to strengthen the masonry.
  4. Tie the wire around the corners of the mesh.
  5. Start laying the second row in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Apply mortar to the space between the bricks.
  7. Reinforce the top edge of the hole with a metal corner. This is done for the furnace opening device. Please note that the opening should be convenient, the firebox should open without hitting the walls.
  8. To ensure air circulation, special holes are made in the penultimate row. To do this, one row is laid across the previous one and four holes are made on each side.
  9. Laying the finish row does not require anything specific - you can do it however you want. You can make it decorative, tile or just pour stones.

Covering the bath with a brick, you can level it by gently tapping with a trowel or hammer handle.

As for the laying technology, keep the seams within 3-5 centimeters, do not forget to tie up the brick.

Decorative works

Before starting decorative work, clean up any remaining traces of grout. If you do not want to additionally finish the brick, then you can make the so-called "fur coat". To do this, sand it with a brush dipped in soapy water.

Most often, a bath stove is decorated with:

  • smooth multi-colored brick;
  • textured brick.

You can also tile or paint, arrange in the form of some kind of decoration.

In conclusion, we want to say that the first firebox must be done very carefully. Do not overheat the oven, allow the mortar to harden completely. After overlaying the oven, wait three days. Do it right - your bath will serve you for many years.

Facing the stove in a bath with a brick: we do the lining correctly, instructions for finishing a metal bath stove

Facing the stove in the bath with a brick - how to veneer and how to make the lining with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction for finishing a metal sauna stove.

Finishing the furnace in the bath

What is the meaning of a bath for a Russian person? It's not just a place to wash. This is a place where a person rests, can afford to relax. We can say that the bath is one of the favorite places to relax. Finishing the stove in the bath is not the last place.

Bath heart

What is the heart, the basis of any bath? In the bath, steam and high temperature are important. To reach them, you need to build a furnace. It is she who is the key element of the entire bath complex.

It is very important to pay special attention to the compliance of the sauna stove with the following requirements:

  • resistance to high temperature;
  • the possibility of continuous continuous operation;
  • rapid heating of the room.

When building a furnace, special attention should be paid to the materials for its manufacture. All further work of the bath will depend on their quality.

What can be the lining

The stove in the bath should not only provide the maximum level of heat, but also have an aesthetic appearance. Perhaps the best solution would be lining the furnace.

Furnace finishing can be carried out using the following materials:

  1. Tile.
  2. Brick.
  3. A natural stone.
  4. Fake diamond.
  5. Steel case.
  6. Plaster.
  7. Tiles.

Each of the presented materials has its own characteristics and characteristics.

This type material is one of the most popular, due to its affordable cost and ease of installation.

Facing the stove in the bath can be made with the following types of tiles:

  • Clinker tiles. It is made from clay with the addition of energy melters, dye and fireclay.
  • Majolica tiles. It is a pressed material coated special composition(glaze). This type of tile has a bright and rich color. Also often a pattern and ornament is applied to the tile.
  • Terracotta tiles. Its composition is similar to "Majolica". However, this type of tile does not have a special glaze coating. Differs in the high level of durability. By its composition, this type of tile is more porous than others. The shape of the tile is rounded. That creates an atmosphere of comfort in the room.
  • Marble tiles. Differs in durability, durability. Appearance is quite noble. Creates the effect of comfort in the room. This type of tile has no drawbacks.

The most economical and easy-to-execute option for finishing a sauna stove. A brick-lined oven has the following advantages:

  • heating speed;
  • keeping warm for a long time;
  • the furnace does not collapse under the influence of moisture.

Also, using a brick as facing material can save you a lot of money.

The main advantage when facing a sauna stove with stone (natural or artificial) is a noble and aesthetic appearance. The bath, the stove of which is lined with stone, can rightfully be considered an extra-class building.

The following types of natural and artificial stones can be used as facing material:

Using the steel case

This type of cladding is an installation metal frame on the surface of the furnace and closing it with steel shields.

The steel case retains heat well and provides an optimal level of heating. However, this type of lining is unsafe for human health. During the operation of the furnace, the steel case is also heated, touching which is fraught with burns.

Plastering the walls of the sauna stove

The original Russian version of the cladding is the plastering of the walls of the sauna stove. The easiest and cheapest way.

The plastering of the furnace takes place in two stages:

  1. Plastering walls to remove dirt and dust.
  2. Re-plastering to level the walls and remove dents and chips.

After the process of plastering the oven is completed, it can be whitewashed with lime.

Use of tiles

The use of tiles is the old fashioned way oven linings. This type of finish gives the stove an original and unusual appearance. The sauna stove becomes not a part of the room, but a separate element of the interior with its own individuality.

Note! This method of cladding is quite complicated. Only a specialist can perform it, however, such a lining is reliable and durable.

Bath stove lined with tiles, except for unusual appearance has a higher level of heat transfer compared to furnaces lined with other materials.

There are many options for lining sauna stoves. Work with each of the presented materials should be carried out with the utmost care. Materials should be selected high-quality and durable. In this case, the sauna stove will delight its owners for decades.

Finishing the stove in the bath - how and with what material to finish the stove in the bath

After reading the article, you will learn about the decoration of the stove in the bath. The choice of material for lining the stove depends not only on the preferences of the owner of the bath, but also on some other factors.
