The most important room in a house or apartment is the living room. This is the central room, the main task of which is to organize a comfortable location for a pleasant pastime both alone and in the company of friends and loved ones.

The decoration of the room should be approached as responsibly as possible, carefully choosing the color scheme and other decorative elements. When decorating the premises are used various materials for floors, walls and ceilings. Further in the article we will talk about wallpaper with floral patterns and their role in the interior of the living room.

What should be the wallpaper for the living room or hall?

To create a stylish and comfortable atmosphere in the room, you need to consider important points when choosing wallpaper:

  • Environmental friendliness. Appearance products play an important role, but you should not forget about safety either. Choose environmentally friendly products. Make a choice in favor of products made from natural raw materials.
  • Reliability. Opt for practical options with a long service life.
  • Burnout. An increased rate of resistance to fading is a mandatory criterion for finishing materials in the living room. This parameter is especially important if the room is located on the sunny side.
  • Color. Color has importance in design and furnishings. Remember that each color has a certain effect on the psychological state. The temperature and saturation of the palette also matters.
  • Practicality. Non-staining wallpaper is ideal for a home where many people live. The finish will look colorful year after year.

The modern market of finishing materials offers customers a huge selection of wallpapers that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers.

Stylistic features

Wall decoration material, decorated with floral patterns, is a separate segment among a variety of wallpaper options. They are actively used for the design of residential premises. Floral wallpaper harmoniously fit into the design of any part of the apartment: kitchen, bedroom, living room, nursery, hallway.

For certain stylistic trends, wall covering with flowers is a must. In the field of design, a variety of print options are used, from large and bright buds to small and neat patterns. The drawing can be placed randomly on the canvas or systematically, creating a rhythm.

Wallpaper of the above type personifies tenderness and femininity. In a room with such a finish, coziness and comfort will always reign. This decor looks easy, pleasant and unobtrusive.

Elegance and simplicity

If the designer has the task of transforming the interior, making it more expressive and elegant, then wallpaper - decorated with bright flowers or pastel-colored buds - is the perfect choice. Flowers are a versatile decor element. Despite the prevalence of this pattern, it adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the interior.

Tip from designers: for wallpapers with colorful and bright patterns, choose furniture and other decorative elements in neutral and light colors. If the pattern is neat, in gentle color scheme, you can opt for more expressive and colorful pieces of furniture.

It is very important to choose competent ratio of the pattern and other elements of the interior. In this matter, individual characteristics of interior styles will help, which dictate the rules for the selection of finishing material.

When combining floral patterns with companions, only monophonic options are chosen. This technique looks stylish and fashionable, due to which it has become widespread.

Combination of colors and patterns

The golden rule of decorating: when choosing wallpaper for companions, their color should not be combined with the background of the wallpaper, but with the color of the flowers depicted on it. You can also choose wallpaper for combination in the same color palette, but with different saturation. For example, blue wallpaper undercoated companions with blue flowers.

Harmoniously combined with buds striped wallpaper. This option creates dynamics and expressiveness in the interior. It is great for decorating corridors and hallways and living rooms. Together with a cage, colorful wallpapers also look stylish. A contrast technique is used here: soft smooth lines of a floral ornament and strict, concise geometric shapes.

Colorful decoration will transform the monotonous interior. As a rule, neutral colors are used on the basis of modern styles, and wallpaper with bright patterns will become a colorful accent of the design.

Pattern dimensions

There is a huge variety of models decorated with flowers on sale: from large buds, the dimensions of which can be comparable to some pieces of furniture, to small patterns in the original size.

It should be noted that the size of the print must be selected, taking into account the dimensions of the premises. The larger the room, the larger the flowers on the canvas can be. It is also necessary to take into account the color of the product.

Also, the choice of a particular option is influenced by the style of the interior. In classic decors, wallpaper with a rhythmic and neat pattern covering the entire canvas is most often used. In modern interiors, large buds look better, they are freely located on the surface of the wallpaper.

Small flowers will help visually expand the room. Thus, the finish plays an important decorative and aesthetic function.


Each color has a certain effect on a person. When choosing colorful wallpaper for the living room, you must first decide what kind of atmosphere you want to create in the room. Consider the most popular options.

Color palette and atmosphere:

  • "Cold" colors and shades (blue, blue, turquoise, purple) will add a touch of freshness and lightness to the decor. Such a pattern will expressively harmonize with furniture in white color. In a living room with such decor it will be especially pleasant to be in the hot season.
  • A “warm” palette will create an atmosphere of homeliness and comfort in the room. In the living room, wallpaper with a peach flower ornament will look great. This category also includes yellow, red, Orange color. "Warm" gamma will cheer you up and get rid of negativity. Wood furniture in natural brown or beige colors harmonizes with the palette.
  • To fill the room with color, it is recommended to pay attention to the colorful wallpaper in pastel and soft colors. This finish is ideal for compact living rooms. A soft palette will create a calm and peaceful atmosphere in the room.

Wallpaper with flowers in English style

Based on English decor, wall decoration with floral prints is a common design technique. To finish one room, several models of wallpaper are often used at once. This combination gives the style a special expressiveness. The walls of the room, decorated with floral wallpaper, are a nod to the sophisticated decor of the Victorian era.

For the English style, when choosing a finish, soft and delicate colors are used. Ideal wallpaper with a small pattern. Roses fit perfectly into the decor. Very rarely used material depicting wild flowers.

Classic living room decor

Classic interior tends to use floral ornaments. Most often, this theme is used in doses to highlight part of the room or to focus on some piece of furniture.

On the basis of classical decorative trends, golden and silver elements are actively used. They can decorate colorful wallpapers, giving the overall atmosphere sophistication and sophistication.

As for the color scheme, pastel colors - the best choice. It is better to refuse catchy colors completely. The pattern applied to the wallpaper must be ordered.

Modern styles and floral pattern

Wallpaper with flowers can be a great decoration for a modern style. They are used even on the basis of minimalism or hi-tech, not to mention more democratic directions. In these styles, wallpapers with flowers play the role of a bright accent, diluting the neutral and uniform range of laconic decors.

Most often, this type of finish is used on one of the walls, while the rest are decorated in plain finishes.

Designers choose models of decoration, where flowers in rich colors flaunt against a light background. Wallpaper with scarlet poppies is very popular. Bright red buds look especially expressive on a snow-white canvas. Such wallpapers can be used on the basis of innovative high-tech and even strict minimalism.

In the living room, wallpapers depicting large and bright buds adorn the wall, next to which there is a table with chairs, a sofa or other furniture that creates a comfortable island for communicating with guests.

French Provence style

Wallpaper with floral patterns is a visiting card of the popular decor called "Provence". In this style, the use of images of flowers is mandatory conditions. When decorating, a color scheme is used, consisting of soft pastel colors: lilac, pink, blue, beige. In the living room, decorated in Provence style, there will be a gentle and peaceful atmosphere.

In combination with wallpaper, other elements of style are selected that are decorated with a floral print: tablecloths, bed linen, curtains and more. All items must be in harmony in color, texture, pattern and other characteristics.

As for the size of the pattern - a small ornament that completely decorates the canvas is ideal. Neat flowers on a light background are the basis of Provence decor. When choosing finishing materials, it is recommended to opt for products made from natural raw materials.

Decorating a room in a woman's house

Finishing in this direction is often chosen to decorate the room of a young woman or girl. If only the fair sex lives in the house, then it is not surprising that the floral ornament will be used in all rooms of the residential building.

When using this technique in all locations of the room, it is necessary to ensure that the wallpaper is in harmony with each other, creating a general decorative design.

Repair is not only troublesome, but also quite informative. In order for the whole interior design to turn out beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary to correctly combine all the details.

You can ask for help from professional designers but you will have to pay extra. And you can independently study all the nuances and recreate a unique design. Consider the main modern trends and types of wallpaper for the living room.

To date, the range of wallpapers is very diverse and large. Seems to choose suitable option won't be difficult. But do not be so easy to treat the upcoming purchase. It's so easy to get confused by the options offered.

The main types of wallpaper for the living room can be formed into the following types:

  • With flowers;
  • Striped;
  • Combined;
  • Modern wallpaper;
  • Wallpaper.

1. You should choose only high-quality wallpapers. They are environmentally friendly and will not accumulate dust and quickly fade.
2. Living room - a room for meeting guests. The whole interior should be stylish, and all the details should be in harmony with each other. Therefore, you should buy wallpaper for the general style of the room.
3. Don't choose too much dark wallpaper or vice versa, white. Golden shades or green are better suited.
4. Wallpaper must be resistant to fading, as well as prevent the accumulation of dust.

Wallpaper for the living room with flowers

Wallpapers with flowers have always been in fashion. The most relevant now are voluminous flowers with a 3D effect. It is enough to stick such wallpaper only on one wall, and decorate the other walls with plain wallpaper. Get a very powerful effect. Most often, this is how they decorate the wall along which the TV stands.

You can choose a more relaxed option, with small size flowers. Then you can paste over all the walls in the living room. But all other interior items should be in a calm style, thereby not distracting attention.


Drawing plays a big role in shaping the visual effect. Since not everyone can boast of large areas of rooms, it is simply necessary to resort to some design tricks to create a cozy atmosphere.

For example, to visually enlarge a small living room, it is recommended to stick wallpaper in light colors with vertical stripes.

If the room has high ceilings, but I would like to expand the width of the room, then horizontal thin stripes would be an excellent option.

It is enough to decorate only one wall with such wallpaper, and visually the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire room will become larger. Striped wallpaper has always been and remains great option for the living room.

Combined wallpaper

To make the living room look stylish and not tired, designers advise combining wallpapers. good option there will be two or three shades from the main color. This technique also allows you to select different zones in the same room.

The area intended for relaxation is best marked with warm shades, and all other walls can be pasted over with a colder color wallpaper.

It should also be remembered that embossed wallpaper or with a pattern must be combined with smooth ones. This perfect combination. It is best to choose wallpapers from one collection or catalog. So there is an opportunity to combine wallpapers as accurately and harmoniously as possible.

Most often, when combining wallpaper, gluing is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Wallpaper inserts;
  • Focus on one wall;
  • Several types of wallpaper are alternately combined.

Modern wallpaper

If we consider the latest trends among wallpaper for the living room, then the most common options are:

Liquid wallpaper. They are cellulose fibers. They tolerate temperature extremes well, do not fade under sunbeams, easy to apply on the wall and to remove, do not collect dust on themselves.

Glass fiber. Deserved high recognition due to their durability, practicality, the ability to repaint several times. A distinctive feature of such wallpapers will be their high ability to withstand fire. During a fire, they will not burn.

Non-woven. They gained their popularity due to the density of the material, which prevents them from fading. They also tolerate moisture well. Wallpaper material allows them to be repainted several times, thereby changing the style of the interior.

Wall mural

The range of photo wallpapers is currently simply striking in its diversity: glossy, matte, washable, vinyl-based, satin-based, smooth, rough.

If we consider the areas that are most often decorated with photo wallpapers, then a place to relax should be noted here. It is so nice to plunge into the atmosphere of calmness and harmony after a working day.

Drawing can be very different: from animals and plants to landscape sketches. You can also choose oriental motifs, if the whole interior contributes to this.

What wallpaper color to choose

The living room can be decorated in various color shades. Much depends on the chosen style of decoration of the entire room, as well as on the individual wishes of the customer. Consider the most popular color solutions wallpaper for the living room.

White wallpaper. The white living room will certainly remain in the memory of guests for a long time. However, you should be careful when choosing this color. White wallpaper will not hide, but, on the contrary, will emphasize all the flaws of the walls. Light wallpapers are perfect for small rooms, the interior design of which is made in a minimalist style.

Black wallpaper. Great option to combine with other colors. Black color goes well with everything. The most successful will be combinations with green, golden, white and red colors, as well as their shades.

Black and white wallpaper. Incredible luxury can be obtained by combining white, gold and black colors. Such a living room will create an incredible royal atmosphere. Black and white color is perfect for modern styles: hi-tech, modern.

Brown wallpaper. Some people think that this wallpaper color will be boring, but it is not. The main condition will be correctly combined with other colors. The ideal option designers note the combination of brown and white flowers. Such an interior can be diluted with bright accessories in the form of a lamp or a picture. In general, all brown shades are able to create a soft, relaxing environment.

Gray wallpaper. This color causes ambiguous attitudes from many people. For someone grey colour associated only with a dull perception, for others it is the color of sophistication. By default, gray is referred to as luxury and refined rigor. Perfect combination of gray with white and black colors. But for more daring people, designers suggest combining this color with yellow or even purple. As a result, the room will acquire a completely unexpected design option.

Lilac wallpaper. The sensations that this color causes can be compared with awakening nature with the advent of spring. Lilac color evokes calmness and tranquility. But at the same time, they do not cause fatigue, but, on the contrary, they are able to dilute the boring design of the living room. This color can be well combined with white and gray colors.

Beige wallpaper. Classic living room design. It is believed that this is the color of the aristocracy. Beige wallpapers will look great at any time of the day, as they have a very beautiful shade. So that the interior does not look very boring and pale, it is recommended to make bright accents. Most often, a living room in a beige version is preferred by cheerful people. Pairs well with white. Thus, you can highlight upholstered furniture.

Green wallpaper. Difficult color for the living room. Especially it should be carefully combined with other interior items. It is best to choose bright and saturated shades of green. Otherwise, you can create a very relaxed atmosphere that is more suitable for the bedroom. You should also choose the right lighting. Green wallpapers require additional lighting fixtures except for the main chandelier.

Yellow wallpaper. They evoke joy and optimism. Therefore, yellow wallpapers are perfect for purposeful people who know how to get what they want from life. Yellow has many shades: from mustard to bright yellow. A living room with yellow wallpaper will stimulate creative thinking.

Red wallpaper. A color that evokes ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, red is the color vital energy and passion. On the other hand, aggression. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it with red shades in the living room.

Ideal combinations with white or golden flowers. A good option would be to glue one wall with red wallpaper, and all the rest with white. If you do not want to glue light wallpapers, then you can combine red wallpapers with others, but always with a large white ornament. If you stick red wallpaper on all the walls, then it is better to diversify this bright monotony with light moldings.

purple wallpaper. Belong to the category of cold colors. Preference should be given to soft shades of purple. So the room will not be soft and comfortable. But be sure that the purple wallpaper in the living room will remain in the memory of any guest for a long time. However, designers still advise making small bright purple accents rather than pasting all the walls with this color.

The combination of wallpaper with other interior items

Of course, when choosing wallpaper, you must respect the whole style of the room. The main task that is pursued when buying wallpaper is to correctly highlight the remaining furniture against their background. Everything is important here: the color of curtains, furniture, small accessories and attributes. Most often, they try to choose the color of the wallpaper in the same shade with upholstered and cabinet furniture.

Some designers combine wallpaper with curtains. In doing so, one must be very careful. You should either choose a wallpaper one or two tones lighter or darker than the curtains, or make a bright contrast.

Can do bright accent on the wallpaper itself. Then all other items in the living room should be of calm colors so as not to attract attention.

What color of wallpaper for the living room you would not choose, the main thing is that it harmonizes well with the rest of the room's design. It is best to turn to experienced designers who will offer the most suitable design option for your living room.

If the financial situation does not allow spending on specialists, then it is best to familiarize yourself with fashion trends from catalogs in the wallpaper salon or view articles on the Internet on a given topic. The result is a stylish and comfortable living room design.

The modern wallpaper design for the living room is diverse, for any interior style you can find interesting options emphasizing the taste and individuality of the owner of the apartment.

When choosing wallpaper for the living room, you must first consider what kind of room you plan to decorate. Lighting conditions, the size and shape of the room play a decisive role, because the color, saturation of tone and the pattern of the wall covering can significantly change the perception of the interior.

Living room: types of wallpaper

The history of this type of decoration began in China, around the third millennium BC - they began to stick rice paper on the walls. Modern wallpaper for the living room can be either traditional, based on paper, or washable, based on other materials. According to the base material, they are divided into:

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Acrylic;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Metallized;
  • liquid;
  • Natural (textile, bamboo, leather and others).

Each type of wallpaper has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Paper. classic wallpaper for the living room are made on a paper basis.
    They are not moisture resistant - but in the living room this is usually not required. Caring for such a coating is simple - from time to time they need to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. A variety of colors and patterns allows you to choose the right design for any interior, whether classic or modern style. Paper can have a different texture, color, be smooth, structural or embossed.

  • Vinyl. With the help of polymer fibers, interesting designs are created.
    Non-woven vinyl coatings have a leveling effect and work as an additional heat and sound insulating layer. The wallpaper design for the living room with silk screen printing is suitable for classic styles. The silk-threaded vinyl used for the top layer allows for impressive modern wallpaper designs for living rooms.

  • Acrylic wallpapers have a paper base, on which a polymer is applied by a dot method. This gives them a certain advantage over vinyl, as it facilitates air exchange. However, they are less resistant to water and their service life is much shorter. The paper base is not able to mask the defects of the wall, and the design possibilities are very limited, so this type of coating is not widely used.

  • Fiberglass. Wallpaper for walls in the living room made of fiberglass has its advantages: they are very durable and strong, they “breathe” well, they can be washed. However, the disadvantages are also obvious: there is only one finishing option - painting, and it can be repainted a limited number of times, since the paint gradually hides the relief, worsening the decorative properties. The high cost and complexity of dismantling also do not contribute to the popularity of this coating.

  • Metallized wallpapers are able to favorably emphasize the design in the style of hi-tech or techno. Some options are suitable classic styles. The basis is interlining, on which aluminum foil is applied in a thin layer on top. An embossing or drawing is applied to the foil, usually under the metal: gold, silver, platinum, bronze. The foil has heat-insulating properties, is resistant to moisture, does not fade, does not wear out for a long time.

  • Liquid wallpaper. The composition of this finishing material includes cellulose as a base, silk fibers, dyes, decorative components (mica, mother-of-pearl, various minerals in crumbs, sparkles, gold and silver threads), as well as substances that protect against mold, decay and binders. In appearance, they resemble plaster, are supplied dry and are diluted with water before use.

  • natural wallpaper can be made of fabric, bamboo or jute fibers, leather plates. Natural fiber coatings applied to interlining are also called natural. Real dry plants can be woven into these coverings. original design interior is not the only advantage of this coating. Natural wallpapers have heat-insulating properties, do not fade, and are environmentally friendly.

Wallpaper color for the living room

Using the color of wall coverings and its saturation, you can create various interior effects - for example, highlight functional areas, “raise” low ceilings, “push apart” walls, “lighten up” a room, or, on the contrary, create an intimate atmosphere. In interior design, this technique is widely used.

light wallpaper in the living room they will give it splendor, add light, especially in cases where the windows face the north side. Gradual, gradient darkening from top to bottom will create the illusion of high ceilings. The traditional design of living rooms is the decoration of the lower part of the walls, which gets dirty faster, in dark, and the upper part in light tones.

dark wallpaper in the living room they are more often used to highlight one or another part of the wall - for example, in the fireplace area. The color scheme is selected in accordance with the chosen style of the room and the personal tastes of the customer, while there are several general rules, which must be followed to create a comfortable interior:

  • Too bright and “acidic” tones should be avoided, especially in large areas;
  • In rooms with a lack of natural light, you should not paste over the walls with wallpaper in dark, saturated colors;
  • In small living rooms, it is better to use one tone for the walls, and it should be light.
    • Modern wallpaper combination in the living room

      The room reserved for the living room may have an irregular shape, or ceilings that are too low. A very large room is also not always good: a person will not feel very comfortable in it. These and some other shortcomings can be corrected with a combination of wall coverings. different colors, patterns and textures.

      Geometry. By highlighting one of the walls with photo wallpaper, or wallpaper in a contrasting tone, you can partially correct the geometry of space. Using combined wallpaper in the living room in the vertical direction, they visually “raise” the ceilings, in the horizontal direction they “expand” the walls.

      Zoning. Various combinations of wallpaper colors in the living room are used to divide the space into functional areas - a fireplace area, a reading area, a TV viewing area and others. The same technique helps to highlight the living room in open layouts.

      Wallpaper is a decorative element. The wallpaper of two colors in the living room can be used to create an original wall decor from wallpaper with a pattern or pattern. For example, all walls are light, and several sections are dark with a pattern, they can be framed using a wooden, metal or plastic plank.

      Wallpaper in the living room: modern design

      The photos below show examples of use modern wallpaper in the interior of the living room.

      Gray wallpaper in the interior of the living room highlights the fireplace and TV area

      The wallpaper in the living room in two colors gives a graphic look to the interior and divides it into functional areas: a fireplace and a sofa

      White wallpaper in the living room combined with dark elements - furniture and flooring- give the interior graphic

      Traditional design with light floral wallpaper

      The design of the living room with brick-like wallpaper highlights the sofa area in modern design interior

      The combination of light-colored wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern and dark furniture in the living room gives expressiveness to the interior.

      An interesting wallpaper idea for a living room in eco style design

      Beautiful wallpaper for the living room in pink tones creates a romantic interior

    As a basis for the implementation of your design ideas, you can use a photo catalog with examples of wallpaper for decorating the living room.

    note that a room can be perceived differently even with the use of materials of the same type and design, so maintaining comfort in a room will depend not only on the aesthetic parameters of finishing materials, but also on how they are placed in space.

    Choice of colors

    The first characteristic of the wallpaper, which will affect the perception of size, lighting, the degree of comfort of being in the living room, is their color spectrum. The choice of shade can be approached in different ways. For example, focusing solely on your own feelings, you can create cozy design living room, but not always this will emphasize the dignity of your room.

    Orientation to the size of the space will allow you to choose a shade that will visually expand the interior, but from the point of view of psychology, some colors will not be considered successful.

    That is why it is extremely important to observe all the factors that determine the choice of the shade of the walls in the living room.

    Let's deal with them in more detail:

    Advice: if you can not decide on the optimal color of the walls in the living room - different colors. This approach not only optimizes the space, but also emphasizes the dynamism of the design.

    Do not forget that many wallpapers will include several colors at once. Usually, patterns and stand out against the general background: they will be either bright or lighter than the main shade. In any case, patterned compositions will attract maximum attention, so be careful when choosing such wallpaper for walls.

    Wallpaper with ornament

    When looking for patterned finishing materials, one should not forget that all patterns are perceived differently. It is important to consider the size, color and dynamics of the patterns on the walls..

    Wallpaper with large patterns can form powerful accents in the interior, but are not suitable for decorating rooms that are limited in size. In spaces with a small area, it is better to use small prints in light shades.

    Some patterned wall materials allow you to transform the interior beyond recognition. For example, a good design decision is the use of a straight line. Vertical patterns of this type will raise the ceiling, while horizontal patterns will visually expand the walls.

    Recently, wallpaper with alternating patterns has become popular. The high frequency of pattern repetition may seem attractive to the owners of both, and vintage living rooms, but it is not recommended to use such wallpaper as a background, especially if their design is dominated by bright or dark colors.

    Advice: so that wallpaper with patterns does not violate the harmony of the design, choose shades that match the details present in the room. Use wallpaper with bright patterns as an accent, and prints with neutral colors as a background.

    If you decide to follow fashion trends and plan to purchase, consider which pattern will not violate the integrity and harmony of the interior. images, macro photography, or 3-D drawings are good for creating .

    Wall styling

    In some cases, it is better to choose wallpaper, focusing on the style of the interior.

    Each style has its own characteristics of patterns and shades:

    Having dealt with the peculiarities of the style of wallpaper for the walls, you can begin to plan the intricacies of the finish.

    How to place wallpaper in the interior so as not to disturb its features? We're ready to share a few ideas with you.

    Combination of materials

    One of the most common ways to create unusual design walls is combination different materials: by texture and color.

    Wallpaper can be made with stone and brick and many other materials: they are usually combined to create horizontal borders.

    Horizontal combination can also be applied when using two wallpapers with different designs. This finish is suitable for classic and provincial living room interiors. The top and bottom of the walls can be plain or patterned, but more often than not, wallpaper with patterns is used only at the top of the walls to create a cozy background in the room. It has a lighter shade.

    The lower zone of such a combination should be darker, since it performs not only aesthetic, but also protective functions.

    Choose between embossed wallpaper or dark striped wallpaper that emphasizes the rigor of the design and blends harmoniously with the patterned materials used as the main backdrop.

    It is also possible in the form of alternating several strips of wallpaper along the entire height of the walls. Walls are decorated vertically in a similar way: this combination of wallpaper allows you to stretch the ceilings and makes the interior more dynamic.

    The interiors of the classic and similar trends can be decorated by creating spectacular patterned inserts on the wallpaper for the walls. Most often they act as decorative panels and are decorated with moldings or frames.

    Creating an unusual composition on the wall is also possible using the intricacies of the patchwork technique: warm or bright colors are suitable for decorating one of the walls in the Provence interior.

    Most often, the use of different wallpapers immediately catches the eye. This option allows you to highlight the main wall in the interior of the living room: this is where appliances, a fireplace or a sofa will be placed.

    As a rule, accent wallpapers are brighter or include a pattern and are glued against a solid background.

    Combining wallpaper different ways, you can achieve interesting effects in the interior of the living room. For example, the use of materials in contrasting colors can transform the layout: bring some walls closer and move others away.

    Some decoration methods will emphasize the functionality of the room: often niches in the walls are decorated with wallpaper of a darker shade.

    The functional role of wallpaper combinations is also explained by the fact that such an approach to the design of the living room allows you to zone the space. Now it will be easier to single out a zone for receiving guests, relaxing or playing with a child, since each part of the room will have its own finishing features.

    We told you about the basic principles for choosing a color, pattern and general style of wallpaper for walls and suggested good ideas for gluing such materials. Since the living room is considered the main room of any home, take your time with the choice: weigh the pros and cons of the options you like - and choose the one that best reveals all the advantages of such an interior.

    See below for a photo catalog with examples of living room wall decoration with modern wallpaper in a varied palette:

    When choosing a finish for the next renovation, it often happens that a decision was made to design an exclusive interior, but they returned to the wallpaper.

    The reasons are varied, including limited budget and the need to complete repairs yourself.

    Modern trends in interior design dictate fashion, including wallpapers for the living room, which are chosen most meaningfully for the guest room.

    Varieties of wallpaper

    Wallpaper is the most common type of finishing materials. New trends in interior design dictate to manufacturers which wallpapers for the living room in 2017 will be the most relevant. But first it is worth understanding the varieties of materials from which they are produced.

    Eco-wallpaper is relatively new on a natural basis. Their production is well established, but they are not yet as in demand as other types of roll materials for pasting walls.

    Peculiarities. This variety is practiced in the elite design of wallpaper in the living room. Base - paper or interlining (fibrous compressed material), surface layer:

    • cork;
    • bamboo;
    • are waiting;
    • seaweed;
    • cane;
    • hemp (hemp fibers);
    • veneer (thin cut of wood).

    Pros. Produced from environmentally friendly materials, hypoallergenic, without chemical substances. They create a warm hospitable atmosphere, pleasant to the touch. The method of applying to the walls is similar to other varieties, including fitting the pattern and applying glue to the walls. detailed instructions is on every roll.

    Minuses. When impregnated with glue, they become heavy, it is difficult to fit them without a visible joint. In the sun they tend to fade. They are afraid of moisture (cannot be washed) and the claws of pets that are not indifferent to them, but it is difficult to protect them from them. Luxury decoration in the form of modern wallpaper for the living room made of environmentally friendly materials is incompatible with cats.

    Bamboo wallpapers are a kind of eco-materials for decorating a living room, hallway or bedroom. Fashion for them came from the east, where there are no more affordable materials.

    Peculiarities. Natural material without harmful impurities. The wallpaper is hypoallergenic, does not retain dust and completely repels water. They don't grow fungus. It is the best choice for asthmatics and allergy sufferers who are sensitive to microflora. Wallpaper with high sound absorption.

    Pros. An excellent choice for those who appreciate the exotic in the house. Used for high-end design in Japanese and Chinese style. They are also good in eco-style, which is obvious from the photo of the wallpaper in the living room. They are slightly tinted with shades close to nature. The walls feel warm to the touch. Bamboo can be cleaned with a damp sponge.

    Minuses. The natural fiber material reveals the natural structure when they are cut. Such seams are difficult to hide and join so that they are not visible. For application on the walls, a natural adhesive base with an unpleasant odor is used.

    Cork wallpaper is a natural material in the form of sheet cuts. The finish looks great, especially when this wallpaper is used for a living room in an eco-style interior.

    Peculiarities. Cork is the spongy bark of a cork tree that grows only in the tropics. Therefore, they are owl-shaped and quite expensive, like the previous varieties.

    Pros. Walls with this finish retain heat well and have unsurpassed soundproofing properties. They do not absorb odors harmful substances. They almost do not fade in the sun, unlike most eco-materials.

    Minuses. This material is hygroscopic - it absorbs moisture well, is afraid of mechanical damage, and is incompatible with the claws of pets.

    Veneered or wood wallpaper is another interior designer favorite that will be in demand in 2017.

    Peculiarities. Excellent texture of natural wood of elite breeds growing all over the world. The high-quality design of the living room with wood decor does not imply wall cladding only with clapboard, veneer is better. This is the thinnest cut applied to a dense base, and this finish does not take up space in a small room.

    Pros. If you want wallpaper for your living room with a luxurious wood texture, but without the hassle of application, this is the best choice. Wallpaper has all the advantages of natural wood, but in a very thin cut. The room is distinguished by a special aura of wildlife.

    Minuses. Although it is almost a “living” material that absorbs moisture and gives off its excess, therefore it is afraid of its excess. Worst of all, this is reflected in the joints, which, after swelling, begin to bristle. If the apartment is flooded with neighbors from above, you will have to re-paste everything again.

    Metallic wallpaper is the most popular "feature" of designers who want to make exclusive interior. Available with a pattern and three-dimensional printing in shades of copper, silver, gold and bronze.

    Peculiarities. Few people have seen metal wallpaper for the living room with examples of finishes that play nobly in the light. Look good in modern interior. They are made on a paper basis with a foil coating.

    Pros. Good pick up static electricity. Absorb all types of harmful radiation from electrical appliances and equipment. Do not fade in the light. Do not be afraid of excessive humidity.

    Minuses. Like any metal, they do not "breathe", do not absorb fumes. In case of damage, the invoices are not restored, so expensive rolls have to be taken with a margin.

    paper wallpaper- the most simple and affordable, thanks to which they remain at the peak of popularity. Produced with the greatest variety in pattern and shades.

    Peculiarities. This finish has its own varieties:

    • photo wallpaper;
    • vinyl (PVC paper-based);
    • silk-screen printing (the same basis);
    • multilayer (with volumetric printing of the top layer);
    • waxed (washable), etc.

    Pros. Patterned wallpapers hide wall defects well. With them, repairs in the living room can be done with your own hands quite quickly.

    Minuses. Simple and durable material. Produced from paper of different thicknesses. The thinnest ones are easily torn after impregnation with glue, especially when pasting the ceiling. Paper wallpapers are afraid of water, they are easy to scratch or smear.

    Textile wallpapers are directly related to the word "wallpaper", because earlier the walls were "upholstered" with expensive curtain fabric. The same fabric, but the composition is thought out for pasting walls. Many interesting things have been implemented design ideas, thanks to the release of wallpaper for the living room in different materials, like dress fabrics:

    • Silk;
    • Velvet;
    • Jacquard;
    • Tapestry, etc.

    They have all the advantages and disadvantages of conventional fabrics. There are other varieties - wallpaper for painting, which are produced on the basis of non-woven fabric and fiberglass.

    The choice of decoration in the living room

    What to choose for your interior? Someone prefers "liquid wallpaper", although this is a variety decorative plaster. Others like to change the color of the walls often, so they choose wallpaper for painting based on interlining or fiberglass. It is more important to match the style of design and the functionality of the room!

    Experts recommend choosing moisture-resistant or washable wallpapers in the kitchen and hallway, but they should match the design of the adjacent room. If you want novelty, we combine different wallpapers for the living room according to the principle of space zoning.

    The color of the walls should be in harmony with the overall decor. The "golden rule": for dark furniture - light walls, for light - dark.
