If the curls began to electrify after changing the shampoo or balm, then they do not suit you. You can consult with a hairdresser about the choice of hair cosmetics or try to do it yourself. Pay attention to balms that contain antistatic additives.

Get a hairspray that removes static electricity. Use it as needed, but do not get carried away too much, otherwise the hair will look untidy and the curls will be dirty, which is due to the presence of nutritional supplements and silicones in the composition.

You can make a spray at home. To do this, add 2-4 drops of rose or lavender essential oil to 30 ml of boiled water. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Be sure to shake the bottle before spraying your hair.

Try not to use a hair dryer to dry, because the flow of hot air can cause the curls to dry out. If this is not possible, set the minimum heating temperature - the hair will dry out more slowly, but they will be much less electrified.

Flat irons also negatively affect the condition of the hair, causing problems - dryness, electrification, section, etc. Try to use them as little as possible. The quality of the device matters, so if you are forced to pull your hair daily, opt for expensive models.

If all else fails, buy a light cream that does not need to be washed off. Carry it with you. When the hair begins to electrify, squeeze a little of the product into the palm of your hand, rub it lightly and apply it to the curls. Static electricity will be removed instantly.

In extreme cases, when nothing is at hand, it will do. mineral water, which you need to slightly moisten the hair, and then comb it. In addition to the antistatic effect, mineral water has a positive effect on the condition of the curls.

Use combs made from natural materials. They will not only help to avoid electrification of hair, but also have a positive effect on their health. Massage brushes made of natural wood work best on curls and scalp.

What to do if the hair is still electrified

Sometimes the problem persists even with the use of static electricity removers. If you encounter this in winter period It may be worth installing a humidifier.

Change your hat, as the content of synthetic fibers can cause static electricity. Ideally, you should wear hats made from natural wool. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to change the hat, lightly spray the inside of the product with antistatic.

If the condition of your hair leaves much to be desired, for example, it is too dry due to dyeing, styling, etc., you will not be hurt by a course of vitamins and minerals. Consult your doctor first.

Many women face the problem of electrified hair. Most of all, hair is electrified in the cold season, during the period of wearing warm hats. But do not assume that the problem lies precisely in the clothes. Of course, it creates additional static in our hair, but it is not the main cause of electrification. Leading trichologists say that our hair needs protection from the cold, and in order to avoid hair loss, in winter it is simply necessary to protect your hair from frost with a hat.

Often the hair becomes naughty, begins to stick to the comb and scatter in different directions. In most cases, this is due to a lack of vitamins in the body. It is very important to properly monitor their condition, because hair is the main decoration of a woman, they speak of her health and lifestyle. Hair care - no simple task. Electrifying hair is a fairly common problem that worries the beautiful half of humanity. Our article contains best advice to combat electrified hair.

Causes of hair electrification

When the hair is electrified, it cannot be smoothed, styled, or gathered. Sometimes, even after touching the hair, you can hear a slight crackle, and beat yourself and others with a small discharge of current. This is due to static electricity that appears from friction or contact of hair with hats, clothes, and as a result, static begins to increase even from hair touching each other.

The main causes of hair electrification are:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • dry air;
  • an excess of sun and salty sea water, as well as low temperatures, snow and rain;
  • hats;
  • incorrectly selected comb;
  • hair coloring and perms;
  • using a hair dryer.

Due to these factors, the hair becomes thinner, weaker, dryer and loses its shine. Some women struggle with the problem of electrified hair, with the help of sprays and antistatic agents. This gives a temporary effect. But it is better to deal with the very cause of electrification. Therefore it is very important proper care behind your hair.

How to choose a comb

The main tool for the care of our hair, which we use every day, is a comb. Her choice is great importance in our hair. To avoid the appearance of static, you need to choose combs with a pile of natural materials. It is advisable to avoid the use of plastic combs. Despite their hygiene and ease of care, plastic combs create static in the hair. In extreme cases, they can be replaced with combs made of carbon or silicone.

The best option in choosing a comb would be a comb made of wood. It is absolutely not electrified, but it must be carefully looked after. Wood absorbs water well and our comb must be kept dry. Do not forget that the comb is a personal hygiene item, and only you should use it.

Hairdressers do not recommend using for daily care combs with metal bristles. These combs are suitable only for styling. Choose good quality combs, you can consult with specialists in specialized hair stores. They will select for you the tool that is best suited for your hair type.

Choosing a hair dryer

We do not always have enough time to dry our hair naturally. In this regard, you have to resort to the help of a hair dryer. Frequent use of a hair dryer when drying is one of the main causes of hair electrification. Therefore, it is necessary to approach his choice wisely, and purchase the device that will not harm your hair.

If you cannot completely refuse to use a hair dryer, then a hair dryer equipped with ionization will help you. It is suitable for all types of hair, and will protect them from brittleness, dryness and electrification. From the use of such hair dryers, the hair becomes softer and more obedient.

There are also hair dryers with tourmaline treatment, which, when heated, emit even more negatively charged ions than hair dryers with ionization. They are much more expensive and are used mainly in beauty salons. Such hair dryers give the hair a healthy natural shine, and negate the problems with electrified hair.

To maintain the beauty and health of your hair, it is important to choose the right cosmetics for hair care. Wash your hair with warm water up to 40 degrees.
Your shampoo should suit your hair type. Give preference to shampoos with natural substances in the composition. After washing your hair with shampoo, be sure to use a conditioner. It will smooth the hair scales and make your hair smooth, silky and more manageable.

You can also use foams and styling sprays with an antistatic effect. They are applied before combing to clean, dry hair. To avoid electrification, you can rinse your hair with cool mineral water or strong black tea. If your hair is in bad condition and you urgently need to take care of it, spray antistatic on your comb - this will help to correct the situation.

In beauty salons, you may be advised to do a lamination procedure. This procedure smoothes the protruding bristles of the hair and fills all the cracks on the surface of the hair. Hair becomes thicker and heavier, shiny and looks healthy. The effect of the procedure lasts one to two weeks.

Masks and essential oils

If you combine the above tips with the use of vitaminized masks, then the effect will not be long in coming, and you will forget about what unruly electrified hair is.

  • Recipe 1. Mix two egg yolks with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of warmed burdock oil. Distribute the mixture through the hair and wash off after 25-30 minutes.
  • Recipe 2. Warm up olive oil in a water bath. Squeeze 3-4 capsules of Vitamin E intended for oral administration into the oil and add a tablespoon of honey. Keep the mask for 25-30 minutes.
  • Recipe 3. Rosemary oil in equal proportions with burdock oil gives a good effect when electrifying hair. You can add a teaspoon of cinnamon to the mixture. Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes.

Masks must be evenly distributed along the length of the hair, and put on a bathing cap, or a bag that can then be wrapped with a towel to create the optimal temperature of the mask.

Lavender, rose, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus oils will help get rid of electrification. But we must not forget that oils cannot be applied in their pure form directly to the scalp. You can add a few drops to your shampoo or hair conditioner, or you can add oil to the water to rinse your hair.

Static electricity can ruin even the most beautiful hairstyle. Faced with the fact that the hair is electrified, you need to know what to do in order not to walk like a “dandelion”.


Most often, this problem occurs in young ladies in winter time, but at other times of the year, hair can suddenly stand on end at the most inopportune moment.

Main reasons:

  • daily shampooing;
  • dry hair;
  • recent staining;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer, curling irons, irons;
  • low air humidity, especially during the heating season;
  • snow or rain;
  • prolonged exposure sun rays;
  • hats or clothes made of synthetics;
  • combs made of artificial materials.

In winter, the air in the premises becomes dry due to heating devices and rare ventilation - this contributes to the occurrence of static electricity.
Synthetic clothing, as well as hats, will quickly lift your hair up at any time of the year.

Important! Thin and weakened hair after dyeing is more prone to static, after cheap paint or aggressive lightening, they become dry and need additional care.

If the hair sticks out in all directions only after combing, then it's time to replace the artificial comb.

How to cope

If the hair is already upright and the hairstyle needs to be urgently saved, then special tools and folk tricks will come to the rescue.

Cosmetical tools

Special antistatic agents that neutralize positively charged ions - they make the hair fly up to the ceiling.

  1. Paul Mitchell's Heat Seal spray will get rid of the effects of static for 24 hours. It has a moisture-repellent and heat-protective effect, fixes styling and protects curls from temperature changes in the cold season.
  2. Shampoo "Dercos" from "Vichy". A special treatment designed for dry and dehydrated hair prone to static, which helps to get rid of this problem, as well as nourishes, moisturizes and protects the hair for 48 hours after application. Panthenol, glycerin and apricot oil soothe itching, strengthen and provide the hair with the necessary moisture.
  3. Emulsion "TRIE Emulsion Cocobelle". Removes frizz, neutralizes static electricity, moisturizes and smoothes hair. Penetrates porous and damaged hair, providing freshness, nutrition and softness for a long time.
  4. Serum "Anti-Frizz". Removes the electrification of hair due to the action of polymers, while nourishing oils moisturize dry hair, restore shine and strength. Despite the composition, it does not destroy the volume and does not make the hair greasy after use.
  5. Napkins "Carré Lissant". One movement is enough to completely cope with electrified hair. Napkins have an instant effect, make hair smooth and shiny.
  6. Spray "Rescue". Hydrolyzed keratin penetrates deep into the hair, nourishes it from the roots to the tips of the ears, without weighing it down. Hair remains clean and shiny, combing is easier, and the static effect quickly disappears.

See the video below for more helpful tips.

Folk recipes

Small tricks that are passed down by women from generation to generation will help not only eliminate the problem, but also strengthen and improve curls.

  1. Kefir and yolk
    1 tbsp fat kefir, half a mango, grated on a fine grater, 1 yolk chicken egg. Mix everything with a blender, let stand for 3 minutes, apply to hair, wrap your head with a plastic bag and a warm towel. Keep 30 minutes.
  2. Honey and yolk
    1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp. liquid honey, 1 chicken yolk. Melt the honey, add the butter, cool the mixture slightly, then add the yolk. Mix and apply to hair. Keep 40 minutes.
  3. Lemon
    Combine the juice of half a lemon with 3 tbsp. olive oil, mix and heat in a water bath to 35 ° C, apply to hair. Keep 30 minutes.

You can cope with the electrification of hair right before leaving the house, if there is no antistatic agent on hand, and there is no time left for masks.

  1. Sprinkle your hair with beer or mineral water. With their help, you can also rinse your head at the end of washing.
  2. Put a napkin on the massage comb and comb your hair.
    Apply a little hand cream on the palms, without rubbing, and smooth the hair - the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of cream.
  3. Dissolve a few drops of lavender or rose oil in water and sprinkle your hair, you can use a spray bottle.
  4. Inhale deeply, and then exhale into palms folded in front of your face and quickly run them through your hair, thereby moisturizing them.
  5. These are emergency therapy methods, but you also need to know what to do in order to avoid such a problem in the future.
  6. It is best to choose a comb made of wood, boar hair or with a ceramic coating.
  7. Use a hair dryer with an air ionization function and special means for thermal protection.
  8. Dry hair needs properly selected shampoos and conditioners, regular masks and extra nutrition.
  9. In winter, you should not walk without a hat, this will not only lead to colds, but also expose the curls and scalp to hypothermia. Rain and snow in contact with hair also provoke static electricity.
  10. In summer, you should not expose your hair to prolonged exposure to sunlight - ultraviolet adversely affects them, thins them, leads to burnout, which causes a problem with electrification in winter.
  11. The head can be washed under hot water, but the last rinse should be cold.
  12. In winter, a room humidifier will save you from dry air.

Watch the video below for more useful life hacks.

With the onset of cold weather and the heating season, many of us are faced with the problem of electrifying hair, which pretty much spoils appearance. The hair is fluffy, sticking out in different directions, as a result of which a dandelion effect appears on the head. We tell you why hair is frizzy and how to take care of it during this period.

According to experts, hair is fluffy for various reasons:

  • lack of moisture and dry air in the room;
  • the action of static electricity;
  • frequent exposure to a hair dryer, styling tongs;
  • low-quality hair care products;
  • hairdressing procedures - dyeing, perm, which makes the hair weak and too dry;
  • synthetic clothing;
  • hard tap water.

Let's take a closer look at why hair is electrified and what to do about this problem.

Humidify the air and remove static electricity

First of all, to keep your hair frizz-free and smooth, you need to increase the humidity level in your home. How to do it? The most reliable way is to buy a humidifier that keeps the air humid enough. Hair will look more beautiful, and it will become easier to breathe.

You can also try hanging wet towels on batteries, hanging a damp sheet in the room, but this method is more laborious. The third option: put in the room where you are most often, water containers (preferably closer to the hot battery) or an aquarium with fish.

The electrification of hair will help to calm down the air ionizer, which will saturate the air in the room with negatively charged ions and remove static electricity. Thanks to this, the hair will stop electrifying and become obedient.

Wear only natural fabrics. Use antistatic

In many ways, hair during the winter period is electrified by those who like to wear clothes, including hats, made of artificial fabrics. Synthetics make hair frizzy. Therefore, preference should be given to hats and clothing made from natural materials.

To minimize electrification, spray more often on the hair and under the cap (hood) antistatic. Also, choose a comb with an antistatic coating, rather than a plastic one, which will only exacerbate the problem. By the way, do not comb your hair immediately after washing, let it dry first.

Hair antistatic agents

If you don't have an antistatic agent on hand, spray your comb with hairspray and comb through.

Means against electrification of hair

If the hair is often electrified, this indicates that they lack moisture and nutrition. When faced with this problem, use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner for dry and damaged hair. Just make sure that they do not contain sulfates, which dry the curls and damage their structure. To do this, carefully study the product label before buying: if sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate are indicated in the composition, discard it in favor of another brand.

Make nourishing masks more often, use oils and moisturizing leave-in serums, special sprays.

Volumizing shampoos dry out your hair and scalp, so don't use them if you're experiencing electrical issues.

Means for moisturizing and nourishing hair

You can use methods traditional medicine. Yes, pink or lavender. essential oil perfectly cope with electrification and give hair shine and obedience. Place 1-2 drops in the palm of your hand, rub thoroughly and run through your hair. Or apply a little to your comb and brush your hair.

Glycerin mask to reduce frizz

Mix 1 egg yolk, 10 drops of glycerin and 1 ampoule (pulverized tablet) of vitamin C (available at a pharmacy). To the resulting mixture, add 3-4 tablespoons of warm herbal decoction: you can take a decoction of chamomile, nettle or oak bark. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the strands, retreating from the roots a few centimeters.

Then put on a shower cap or bag, wrap your head in a towel, leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, wash your hair thoroughly. Repeat this mask once a week.

Hair Mask Ingredients

Also, during the heating season, drink enough fluids so that the body and hair do not become dehydrated. Use lightly when washing warm water and not hot.

Give up hair styling tools for a while

Hair on the head is electrified if they are used too often with a hairdryer and curling iron. During styling, put the hair dryer on the cold air mode, lubricate the strands with a protective agent. After shampooing, dry your hair naturally, so try to wash your hair at night or well before going outside.

To cope with fluffy hair, try salon procedures: keratin hair straightening, lamination, glazing. Thanks to them, the curls for some time (the effect usually lasts about three months) will become obedient and silky. Then you can repeat the procedure.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


Static charge in hair is one of the most common problems. In summer, the sun dries the hair and salty water. In winter - frost and dry air. Hair accumulates static electricity, stands on end, loses its shine, becomes brittle. And they should be smooth and silky! Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to them, and not spare any money or time for this.

Today we will talk about most effective ways remove static electricity from hair .

To keep hair from becoming electrified, it needs to be moisturized.

  • As a rule, overdried hair is electrified. So, for example, washing your hair every day only exacerbates the situation. That's why wash your hair every other day Use a clarifying shampoo only a couple of times a month, and use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner the rest of the time.
  • Once a week, try to do recovery procedures, hair masks store-bought, or you can use home remedies for masks: mayonnaise, olive oil or an egg.
  • Quickly remove electricity from hair will help plain water, mineral or- the liquid must be sprayed onto the hair, or moistened with wet palms. This method is effective, but, unfortunately, has a short-term effect.

A leave-in conditioner can help take the electricity out of your hair.

He applied to wet hair and left until the next wash. Works on the hair like a moisturizer on the skin.

For reference:
Leave-in conditioners are made without the use of an oil base, and the glycerin included in their composition helps to detangle and lightly moisturize the hair. The leave-in conditioner is good during long trips, relaxing on the beaches, swimming in sea water. It protects dyed hair well, protects against the effects of chlorinated and salty sea water. Leave-in conditioner is a favorite for those with unruly curly hair. It protects hair from frizz in hot summer weather by straightening hair a little.

Use an ionic hair dryer to reduce static on your hair when drying.

Naturally, any electrical appliances additionally dry the hair, make it thinner and more brittle. So protect your hair when drying your hair, apply hair serum, dry your hair tourmaline coated heaters and ion hair dryer. This is a novelty in household appliances.

For reference:
An ionic hair dryer is a hair dryer with an antistatic effect. The principle of operation of this household appliance is simple: together with the hot air blown out, the hair dryer generates a stream of negative ions that neutralize the positive charges accumulated in the hair. This hair dryer dries hair quickly and gently, because ions are able to split the water molecule into very small particles. Hair becomes shiny and silky. Moreover, thanks to modern technology, we will also save a little electricity, since less time is spent on drying than with a conventional hair dryer.

Proper combing reduces static electricity in the hair

  • Comb your hair as little as possible.
  • Before combing, apply a little to the comb hair styling products or lacquer. Do not use hair styling products containing alcohol.
  • Choose your brushes carefully: most best tool, which should be preferred - natural bristle brushes on wooden handles. In second place are metal combs-brushes. The third place is occupied by flat wooden combs, or tools made of antistatic plastic.

We humidify the air in the room so that the hair is not electrified

Especially in winter, the air in our apartments is very dry. Install in the home - this can be an electric humidifier or a classic appliance attached to a radiator.

But you can also use free funds : put a wet towel on a hot radiator every day, or place small containers of water throughout the apartment, and especially in the bedroom. Get a device that determines the level of humidity in the room.

Napkins from static electricity on the hair

Exist special wipes for removing static electricity from clothes. Here such a napkin can be run through the hair, and for some time you will remove the charge of static electricity.

To prevent electrified hair, use any cream

Remove static electricity from hair hand cream can help. Rub a little cream between your palms and run through your hair.

Grounding against static electricity on hair

When you take off problem clothes, you can remove electricity by grounding- touch improvised iron objects (radiator, metal door jamb, etc.). When exiting the vehicle, grasp the bodywork first to avoid being hit by static electricity when the door is closed.

Changing shoes will help get rid of static electricity in your hair

Shoes with rubber soles allow electrical discharges to accumulate in the hair, footwear with leather soles promotes better grounding, and therefore - eliminates excess electricity from clothes and hair. Therefore, give preference to shoes with leather soles during those periods when the hair is most electrified.

To prevent hair from becoming electrified, we choose the right headdress

Frequent removal and putting on of a hat contributes to the electrification of hair. But, on the other hand, it is also impossible without a hat - the hair must be protected from cold and wind. Choose a hat that is not too tight and does not interfere with free blood circulation. By itself, headwear is best chosen from natural materials. If you have a synthetic hat, treat it with an antistatic spray before going out.

Anti-static spray to remove electricity from hair

And finally, there is antistatic hair spray. It is enough to sprinkle a little, and the hair will be in perfect order.

Watch your hair, the beauty given to you by nature, take care of them, and then they will obey you in the present and you will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.
