Psoriasis is a common skin disease believed to be autoimmune. The disease is manifested by the appearance of red scaly spots on different parts of the body. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to permanently cure psoriasis. However, persistent and complex treatment can achieve a stable remission.

Most often, psoriatic plaques appear on the skin of the buttocks, the folds of the limbs, the scalp in the area of ​​​​hair growth. In severe cases, the entire skin may be affected. Rashes look unaesthetic. In addition, patients experience constant itching. Combing the affected skin contributes to the appearance of microtraumas of the skin and its infection.

Methods of treatment are selected depending on the degree of damage. Usually, the best result can be achieved by combining medical methods approved by official medicine and non-traditional therapeutic approaches.

Soda spoon

Non-traditional methods of treatment

Sodium bicarbonate is an affordable and harmless remedy. An advantageous difference from other drugs with which psoriasis is treated is that soda does not contain hormones.

There are many recipes using baking soda that can be used in the fight against psoriasis. This product is suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.

Action of sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is a common ingredient in formulations used against various skin ailments. Can be treated with sodium bicarbonate and psoriasis.

However, you need to understand that soda is only an addition to the main complex. Using folk recipes, you can not arbitrarily cancel the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The beneficial qualities of sodium bicarbonate lie in the ability of this substance to remove toxins from the body. In addition, soda has the following effect, helping to overcome psoriasis:

  • reduces the overall acidity of the body;
  • improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation;
  • cleanses and softens the skin;
  • relieves irritation, soothes and has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

External treatments

Sodium bicarbonate can be used in the fight against skin diseases in different ways. Psoriasis can be treated with soda solution for cleansing the skin, as well as using soda lotions. Medicinal baths with the addition of sodium bicarbonate help to overcome psoriasis.

Medical baths

Therapeutic baths with baking soda, of course, will not be able to influence the causes that cause the development of psoriasis, but this procedure will improve the condition of the skin and reduce the discomfort caused by the disease.

Preparing a bath with baking soda is very simple. It is enough to dissolve in warm (37-38 degrees) water 250 grams of sodium bicarbonate. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After taking a bath, it is advisable not to wipe the skin, but to let it dry naturally. It is recommended to take soda baths for psoriasis once every two days.

You can use baths with the addition of soda and other active substances that help in the fight against psoriasis. Here are some recipes:

  • Salt-iodine baths. 500 grams of salt, 250 grams of soda, 5 ml of iodine alcohol tincture. Salt for such a bath is better to use the sea, but you can take the usual one. If there is no allergy, then instead of iodine, you can take 10 ml of propolis tincture.
  • magnesium baths. Magnesium combined with baking soda helps treat psoriasis. You need to take 300 grams of baking soda, 20 grams of magnesium carbonate and 15 grams of magnesium perborate.
  • Comprehensive treatment of psoriasis may include soda baths with the addition of medicinal herbs. You can use a string, sage, celandine, chamomile. To prepare a bath, prepare a liter of broth and add 250 grams of soda.
  • Another option for a therapeutic bath is sodium bicarbonate in combination with essential oils. It is especially recommended to use oils of rosemary, fir, tea tree, juniper. To prepare a bath, you need to use 10 drops of one of the oils and 300 grams of soda.

In the fight against psoriasis, you can alternate the listed baths, but you should not get carried away, the procedures are recommended to be carried out no more than 3 times a week.

Healing ointments

Baking soda isn't just for bathing. Based on this substance, you can prepare an ointment that will help treat psoriasis.

The composition of the ointment:

  • baking soda - a teaspoon;
  • chicken or pork melted fat - a glass;
  • fir oil - a tablespoon;
  • birch tar - two tablespoons;
  • chicken egg yolk - 3 pieces;
  • bile pharmacy - two tablespoons;
  • dark laundry soap, grated into crumbs - two tablespoons;
  • chaga mushroom powder - half a glass.

Melt the fat and mix all the listed ingredients. Treat psoriasis by applying the ointment daily to the affected skin three hours before bedtime.

You can treat psoriasis with a simpler ointment, consisting of just two ingredients - baking soda and peach oil. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Treatment is carried out daily, you need to apply the prepared composition on psoriatic plaques, cover cling film and leave overnight.

Solutions and lotions

If a person is diagnosed with psoriasis, then it is not recommended to use soap to cleanse the skin. It is better to prepare a solution with baking soda. Per glass warm water take two teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate. The prepared composition is used to cleanse the affected areas of the skin.

The same solution can be used to prepare lotions. Such treatment of psoriasis can be carried out daily. A swab is wetted in the solution, which is then applied to the affected areas.

Means for oral administration

Psoriasis can be treated with baking soda not only by external means. There are prescriptions for this skin ailment for internal use.

However, it is worth using such treatment with great caution; in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, taking soda inside without consulting a doctor is prohibited.


You can treat psoriasis with a mixture prepared from the following components:

  • liquid honey - 300 grams;
  • wiki seeds - 150 grams;
  • baking soda - 50 grams.

Seeds should be dried in a pan and ground into powder. Melt honey until liquid and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Carry out the treatment of psoriasis, taking a teaspoon of the medicine in the morning (on an empty stomach) and at night.

Solution for oral administration

With intolerance to honey, treatment for psoriasis with the intake of baking soda inside is carried out differently. In the morning, you need to pour a glass of boiling water, add half a teaspoon of baking soda and stir. Allow the solution to cool slightly, then drink. Such treatment contributes to the alkalization of the body and the removal of toxins, which, in turn, helps to defeat psoriasis.

Important warning

Like any other disease, psoriasis should be diagnosed by specialists after examinations. You should not self-diagnose yourself by noticing suspicious spots on the skin.

But even after the diagnosis is established, it will be necessary to check with a specialist whether it is possible to treat psoriasis using baking soda.

Be especially careful when using baking soda recipes for oral use, as the excessive use of sodium bicarbonate by mouth can lead to stomach problems.

Soda should be used wisely in the fight against psoriasis. Then the treatment will be beneficial and, perhaps, the patient will be able to defeat his illness.

Psoriasis is a well-known chronic skin condition that causes raised red patches with silvery white scales. According to statistics, about 3 percent of people from the entire population of the planet suffer from the disease.

The main symptoms of psoriasis are characterized by the appearance of a monomorphic rash on the skin: bright pink nodules covered with silvery scales. The elements of the rash can merge into various configurations, resembling geographical map. Accompanied by mild itching.

As a rule, the disease affects areas of the skin on the head, elbow and knee joints, in the lower back. Psoriasis of the nails, vulva and joints is also known, however, these forms are much less common compared to skin lesions.

The disease can develop at any age, but most often psoriasis affects young people. In this article we will tell you everything about psoriasis - symptoms, treatment, diet and folk remedies which will help to treat the disease at home.

Causes of psoriasis

The cause of psoriasis is unknown, but immunological changes in the body (autoimmune aggression), neurological disorders, and metabolic disorders can provoke the disease. Contribute to the occurrence of psoriasis heredity, reduced immunity after illness, stress.

One of the main theories of the occurrence of psoriasis is the hypothesis of the so-called genetic factor. As a rule, psoriasis in children under 10 years old is precisely a hereditary form of the disease - in the family of crumbs, you can almost always find a relative suffering from a similar disease. But if psoriasis manifests itself at a more mature age, doctors suggest that the disease has a different nature of origin - bacterial or viral.

Factors that contribute to the development psoriasis:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • thin dry skin;
  • external irritating factors;
  • excessive hygiene;
  • bad habits;
  • taking certain drugs can provoke the disease (beta-blockers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants and antimalarials);
  • infections (fungi and staphylococcus aureus);
  • stress.

International Psoriasis Day (World Psoriasis Day) is celebrated annually on October 29 under the patronage of the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA). This day was first celebrated in 2004.

Is psoriasis contagious?

Numerous studies have confirmed that psoriasis is not contagious. The presence of several family members with psoriasis is explained by the possible hereditary (genetic) transmission of the disease.

Stages of development

There are three stages in the development of psoriasis:

  1. progressive- new rashes appear, the patient is worried about intense itching.
  2. Stationary - the appearance of new rashes stops, existing ones begin to heal.
  3. Regressive - pseudo-atrophic rims form around the foci, areas of healthy skin are visible in the center of large plaques; however, hyperpigmentation reminds of the disease - in place of the affected areas, the skin has a darker color than healthy.

Also, psoriasis is usually classified by severity into mild (involving less than 3% of the skin surface), moderate (involving 3 to 10 percent of the skin surface), and severe (involving more than 10 percent of the skin surface). Joint damage is regarded as a severe form of psoriasis, regardless of the area of ​​skin damage.

First signs

  1. Red raised spots (plaques) covered with dry white or silvery scales. Spots most often appear on the elbows and knees, but rashes can be on any part of the body: the scalp, hands, nails and face. In some cases, the spots are itchy;
  2. Deformed, exfoliating nails;
  3. Strong exfoliation of dead skin cells (reminiscent of dandruff);
  4. Blisters on the palms and feet, painful cracks in the skin.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a systemic disease that affects more than just the skin and nails. It affects the joints, tendons and spine, immune, nervous and endocrine systems. The kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland are often affected. The patient feels severe weakness, suffers from chronic fatigue and depression. In connection with such a complex effect on the body, the disease in last years called psoriatic disease.

Psoriasis and its symptoms are characterized by the presence of a homogeneous rash in the form of plaques with a diameter of 1-3 mm to 2-3 cm, pink-red in color, covered with loosely sitting silver-white scales. As a result of marginal growth, elements can merge into plaques. various sizes and outlines, sometimes occupying extensive areas of the skin. Plaques are usually located on the skin of the extensor surface of the limbs, especially in the elbow and knee joints, trunk and scalp.

  1. Plaque psoriasis, or psoriasis vulgaris, psoriasis vulgaris, psoriasis vulgaris (L40.0) is the most common form of psoriasis. It is observed in 80% - 90% of all patients with psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis vulgaris most commonly presents as typical raised, inflamed, red, hot skin patches covered with gray or silvery-white, easily flaky, scaly, dry, and thickened skin. Red skin under an easily removable gray or silvery layer is easily injured and bleeds, as it contains a large number of small vessels. These areas of a typical psoriatic lesion are called psoriatic plaques. Psoriatic plaques tend to grow in size, merge with neighboring plaques, forming whole plates of plaques (“paraffin lakes”).
  2. Psoriasis of the flexion surfaces(flexural psoriasis), or "inverse psoriasis" (inverse psoriasis) (L40.83-4) usually appears as smooth, non-scaly or with minimal scaling, red, inflamed patches that do not particularly protrude above the skin surface, located exclusively in the folds of the skin, with absence or minimal damage to other areas of the skin. Most often, this form of psoriasis affects the folds in the vulva, in the groin, on inner surface thighs, armpits, folds under an enlarged belly with obesity (psoriatic pannus), and in the folds of the skin under the mammary glands in women. This form of psoriasis is particularly susceptible to aggravation by friction, skin trauma, and sweating, and is often accompanied or complicated by a secondary fungal infection or streptococcal pyoderma.
  3. Guttate psoriasis(guttate psoriasis) (L40.4) is characterized by the presence of a large number of small, raised above the surface of healthy skin, dry, red or purple (up to purple), similar in shape to drops, tears or small dots, circles of lesions. These psoriatic elements usually cover large areas of the skin, most commonly the thighs, but can also be seen on the shins, forearms, shoulders, scalp, back, and neck. Guttate psoriasis often first develops or worsens after a streptococcal infection, typically after strep throat or streptococcal pharyngitis.
  4. Pustular psoriasis(L40.1-3, L40.82) or exudative psoriasis is the most severe of the skin forms of psoriasis and looks like vesicles or blisters raised above the surface of healthy skin, filled with uninfected, transparent inflammatory exudate (pustules). The skin under and above the surface of the pustules and around them is red, hot, edematous, inflamed and thickened, easily peels off. Secondary infection of the pustules may occur, in which case the exudate becomes purulent. Pustular psoriasis can be limited, localized, with its most common localization being the distal ends of the limbs (arms and legs), that is, the lower leg and forearm, this is called palmoplantar pustulosis (palmoplantar pustulosis). In other, more severe cases, pustular psoriasis may be generalized, with widespread pustules over the entire surface of the body and a tendency for them to coalesce into larger pustules.
  5. Psoriasis of the nails, or psoriatic onychodystrophy (L40.86) results in a variety of changes in the appearance of fingernails or toenails. These changes may include any combination of discoloration of the nails and nail bed (yellowing, whitening, or graying), dots, spots, striations on the nails and under the nails, thickening of the skin under and around the nail bed, splitting and thickening of the nail , complete loss of nails (onycholysis) or the development of increased fragility of the nails.
  6. Psoriatic arthritis(L40.5), or psoriatic arthropathy, arthropathic psoriasis is accompanied by inflammation of the joints and connective tissue. Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joint, but most commonly the small joints of the distal phalanges of the fingers and/or toes. This typically causes a sausage-like swelling of the fingers and toes, known as psoriatic dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the hip, knee, shoulder, and spinal joints (psoriatic spondylitis). Sometimes psoriatic arthritis of the knee or hip joints, and especially psoriatic spondylitis, is so pronounced that it leads to severe disability of the patient, inability to move without special devices and even bedridden. Mortality in these most severe forms of psoriatic arthritis increases, as immobilization of the patient in bed contributes to the occurrence of bedsores and pneumonia. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of psoriasis patients also have psoriatic arthritis.
  7. Psoriatic erythroderma(L40.85), or erythrodermic psoriasis, is manifested by widespread, often generalized inflammation and flaking, skin detachment over all or a large part of the skin surface. Psoriatic erythroderma may be accompanied by intense skin itching, swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, skin soreness. Psoriatic erythroderma is often the result of exacerbation of psoriasis vulgaris in its unstable course, especially with the sudden abrupt withdrawal of systemic treatment or topical glucocorticoids. It can also be observed as a result of a provocation by alcohol, neuropsychic stress, intercurrent infections (in particular, colds). This form of psoriasis can be fatal because the extreme inflammation and flaking or sloughing of the skin disrupts the body's ability to regulate body temperature and the barrier function of the skin, which can be complicated by generalized pyoderma or sepsis. However, limited, localized psoriatic erythroderma may even be the first symptom of psoriasis, subsequently transforming into plaque psoriasis vulgaris.

The symptoms of psoriasis vary depending on the specific season and stage. Many patients have a “winter” type of the disease, in which periods of exacerbation occur in late autumn or winter.

Psoriasis photo

What does psoriasis look like in the initial and other stages in the photo:

Click to view


Course of the disease

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, usually characterized by an undulating course, with periods of spontaneous or caused by certain therapeutic effects of remissions or improvements and periods of spontaneous or provoked by adverse external influences (alcohol consumption, intercurrent infections, stress) relapses or exacerbations.

  • The severity of the disease can vary in different patients and even in the same patient during periods of remission and exacerbation within a very wide range, from small local lesions to complete coverage of the entire body with psoriatic plaques.

Often there is a tendency to progression of the disease over time (especially in the absence of treatment), to worsening and more frequent exacerbations, an increase in the area of ​​​​the lesion and the involvement of new skin areas. In some patients, there is a continuous course of the disease without spontaneous remissions, or even continuous progression. The nails on the hands and/or toes are often also affected (psoriatic onychodystrophy). Nail lesions may be isolated and occur in the absence of skin lesions.

Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints, the so-called psoriatic arthropathy or psoriatic arthritis. From 10 to 15% of patients with psoriasis also suffer from psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of psoriasis

For successful treatment, it is necessary to take into account what stage the disease is currently in - depending on this, the intensity of therapy changes. In addition, the treatment of psoriasis always consists of a whole range of remedies: external ointments, physiotherapy procedures, general regimen. It is also necessary to take into account other existing diseases, age, gender, the influence of professional factors and the general state of human health.

In the case of psoriasis, emollients, keratoplastic preparations, local preparations (ointments, lotions, creams) containing glucocorticoids ( , ), preparations containing zinc pyrithionate, ointments containing analogues of vitamin D3, tar, naftalan, hydroxyanthrones are used for treatment.

In severe forms of psoriasis, ineffective external therapy or damage to more than 20% of the skin surface, systemic drug therapy is prescribed, which includes cytostatics (methotrexate), synthetic retinoids (retinol acetate, retinol palmitate, tretinoin), glucocorticoids.

How to treat psoriasis without the use of medications - the essence is the use of cryotherapy, plasmapheresis, as well as the appointment of systemic photochemotherapy:

  1. Photochemotherapy- this is the combined use of ultraviolet radiation (wavelength from 320 to 420 nm) with the ingestion of drugs that increase sensitivity to light. The use of photosensitizers is based on their ability to increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and stimulate the formation of skin pigment - melanin. The dose of drugs is selected individually, taking into account the weight of the patient. The procedures are carried out 3-4 times a week, 20-25 sessions are prescribed for the course. PUVA therapy is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, cardiovascular decompensation, oncology, severe diabetes mellitus, severe liver and kidney damage.

To the question of how to treat psoriasis, modern medicine is not able to give a clear answer, therefore, in addition to traditional treatment, patients with psoriasis are advised to follow a special diet, as well as try folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis.

Ointment for psoriasis

In mild forms of the course of psoriasis, sometimes external treatment of psoriasis with the help of masks is sufficient. There are many drugs used in the external treatment of psoriasis, here are some of them:

  1. helps to soften the horny scales of the skin and their speedy removal, which helps to better absorb other drugs. 0.5 -5% salicylic ointment is applied in a thin layer in the affected areas of the skin (the stronger the inflammation of the skin, the less the ointment is applied) 1-2 times a day. Salicylic acid is also found in psoriasis ointments Diprosalik, Akriderm SK, etc.
  2. Naftalan ointment used in the stationary and regressing stages of psoriasis (never with exacerbation, progression of psoriasis). Naftalan ointment reduces skin inflammation and itching. In the treatment of psoriasis, 5-10% naftalan ointment is used.
  3. Sulfur-tar ointment 5-10% helps to reduce inflammation of the skin, but is contraindicated in the exudative form of psoriasis (with weeping scales and crusts). Sulfur-tar ointment should not be applied to the skin of the face. For psoriasis of the scalp, shampoos containing tar are used (Friderm tar, etc.)
  4. Anthralin is an ointment that inhibits cell division of the surface layers of the skin and reduces peeling. Anthralin is applied to the skin for 1 hour and then washed off.
  5. Ointments for psoriasis with vitamin D (Calcipotriol) have an anti-inflammatory effect, help improve the course of psoriasis. Calcipotriol is applied to the inflamed areas of the skin 2 times a day.
  6. - These are creams, aerosols and shampoos that are used in the treatment of scalp psoriasis. Shampoos are used for psoriasis of the scalp three times a week, aerosols and creams are applied to the skin surface 2 times a day.

In the event that the treatment did not give the expected effect, then hormonal-based ointments are prescribed. Treatment begins with lighter drugs that have minimal side effects. If improvement could not be achieved, then stronger ointments with glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.

  1. Ointment flumethasone. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-edematous, antipruritic effect. Suitable for patients with exudative forms of psoriasis, reduces bleeding. Apply a thin layer to limited areas 2-3 times a day. Treatment lasts 10-14 days.
  2. Ointment triamcinolone acetonide. Local anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-allergic agent. Reduces wetting of the skin. Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day for up to two weeks. Used during an exacerbation.
  3. Hydrocortisone. Suppresses the increased activity of leukocytes, prevents their movement into the skin, eliminates the feeling of tightness and itching.

In which sanatoriums is shown rest?

For the rehabilitation of patients with psoriasis in the resorts use: mud therapy, mineral water, treatment with fish, light fractions of oil and physiotherapy. Sea water, warm climate also have a powerful influence.

Russian resorts that specialize in the treatment of patients with psoriasis: Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik. The mild subtropical climate, the abundance of sun and long sea bathing have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and joints. The Elton sanatorium near Volgograd (mud therapy), the Assy sanatorium near Ufa offer a range of physiotherapy procedures and clean air.

What can be done at home?

It is important to understand that the success of therapy largely depends on the actions of the patient himself. That is why people suffering from psoriasis are advised to completely change their lifestyle and make every effort to create conditions conducive to recovery.

  • observe the regime of rest and work;
  • avoid emotional and physical stress;
  • resort to the use of folk remedies (in consultation with a dermatologist);
  • follow a hypoallergenic diet.

How to treat psoriasis folk remedies

There are many recipes you can use at home. traditional medicine to help treat psoriasis. Let's consider some of them.

  1. In a clay dish, it is necessary to grind fresh St. John's wort flowers (20 g), celandine root, propolis, calendula flowers (10 g). Vegetable oil is added to the resulting mixture. Store in a cool place away from sun rays. Method of application - 3 times a day, carefully lubricate psoriatic rashes.
  2. Tar is applied to the affected areas with a cotton swab. In the early days, start with 10 minutes, then wash off the tar with tar soap. And gradually increase the time to 30-40 minutes (this can be done in 10-12 days). The procedure is done once a day, preferably in the evening, because the smell of tar remains even after prolonged rinsing. And overnight the smell, as a rule, completely disappears.
  3. The celandine is uprooted, ground, the juice is squeezed out and each speck is generously smeared with it. Do it all season. Repeat next summer if necessary.
  4. In the early stages of the disease, you can use an ointment that can be obtained from a mixture of two eggs and one tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. All this must be beaten, and then add half st. spoons of acetic acid. The container with this agent should be kept tightly closed and in a place where light does not reach. Apply, spreading on the spots, should be at night.
  5. Alternative treatment of psoriasis includes the use of certain herbs. The infusion of agrimony copes well with the disease. In particular, this folk method should be tried by those who suffer not only from psoriasis, but also from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or gallbladder. The infusion helps to normalize the work of the affected areas and improve metabolism. One tablespoon of dry apricots should be poured into an enamel bowl with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for an hour, then strain, squeeze, bring the amount of liquid with boiling water to the original volume and drink a quarter cup four times a day before meals.

Psoriasis cannot be cured. Modern medicine offers none medicinal product that can cure psoriasis once and for all. However, if it is treated with medications and other methods, then a rather unstable remission can be achieved.

Diet for psoriasis

It is difficult to say unequivocally which diet for psoriasis will be the most effective. The fact is that in addition to products that are undesirable for consumption or useful, individual tolerance of the same food products is correlated in different patients.

In this regard, specific recommendations are given for each person suffering from psoriasis. The generally recommended form of nutrition provides for the rejection of certain foods, but provides a balanced diet that supplies the human body with all the necessary substances.

What not to eat with psoriasis patients:

  • spices;
  • nuts;
  • spicy, smoked and salty foods;
  • citrus peel;
  • fat meat;
  • alcohol;
  • blue cheese;

Nutrition for psoriasis should be rich in fatty acids, which are found in abundance in fish. The essence of the disease is this: a failure in the activity of the immune system provokes the body to produce more and more new skin cells, not having time to get rid of the old ones. As a result, skin cells layer and stick together, itching, irritation, and peeling occur.

Why the immune system behaves this way is unknown. Doctors say one thing - psoriasis is incurable, so you have to fight not with the disease itself, but with its manifestations.

Quality of life of patients

It has been shown that psoriasis can worsen the quality of life of patients to the same extent as other severe chronic diseases: depression, previous myocardial infarction, hypertension, heart failure or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Depending on the severity and localization of psoriatic lesions, patients with psoriasis may experience significant physical and/or psychological discomfort, difficulties with social and professional adaptation, and even require disability.

In a 2008 American National Psoriasis Foundation survey of 426 psoriasis patients, 71% of patients reported that the disease was a serious problem for them. Everyday life. More than half of the patients noted a significant fixation on their appearance(63%), fear of looking bad or being rejected by others due to the presence of psoriasis, a feeling of embarrassment, shame or embarrassment when communicating (58%). More than one-third of patients reported that with the onset or progression of the disease, they began to avoid social activity and communication with people or limited the search for partners and intimate relationships due to the disease.

Severe skin itching or pain can interfere with basic life functions: self-care, walking, sleeping. Psoriatic plaques on the exposed parts of the arms or legs may prevent the sufferer from working certain jobs, playing certain sports, caring for family members, pets, or the home. Psoriatic plaques on the scalp often represent a special problem for patients. psychological problem and generate considerable stress and even social phobia, as pale plaques on the scalp can be mistaken for dandruff or the result of lice.

An even greater psychological problem is caused by the presence of psoriatic rashes on the skin of the face, earlobes. Treatment of psoriasis can be expensive and take a lot of time and effort from the patient, interfering with work, study, socialization of the patient, and the arrangement of his personal life.


The prognosis for life in psoriasis is conditionally unfavorable, the disease is chronic, slowly progressive, timely and adequate treatment only improves the quality of life, but does not eliminate the disease itself.

During periods of exacerbation, there is a loss of ability to work. In the absence of adequate medical care, it can lead to disability.

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Today, psoriasis is becoming more and more of a concern to mankind. Each of us would like to use less chemical medicines.

Folk methods treatment:

1. We pull out the celandine with the root, break (cut) it and thickly grease each spot with the secreted juice. This procedure is done daily while the celandine grows. The first effect will be noticeable after three months.

2. In winter period Good results in the fight against the disease are shown by the sufficient consumption of raw pumpkin seeds.

Another good recipe, which is often recommended by grandmothers. Pour warm water into the bath (the bath should be almost full) and dissolve a packet of salt. A patient with psoriasis falls into such a bath for 15 minutes. Then it does not wipe off, but dries itself. You must first prepare the onion gruel (the onion is passed through a meat grinder or blender). When the patient dries, it is necessary to rub the whole body with this mixture and leave it for 20 minutes, then wipe it with gauze or a bandage. Just don't rinse!!! The next step, after about an hour, the body must be washed with a decoction of celandine. Repeat the procedure seven times. But, starting from the second time, after applying the onion, an hour later, the body is washed with tincture of potassium permanganate.

Effective treatment and some medicinal herbs. For example, an infusion of agrimony, which helps to normalize the affected areas, or an ointment from the roots of the meadowsweet.

Pumpkin is a great helper in the fight against psoriasis. Refrain from eating animal products, hot spices and alcoholic beverages. As for the remedy for psoriasis - use a pumpkin tail. The treatment is long, which means you should stock up on pumpkin tails for the future. Bake them in the oven to turn them into ash. Before going to bed, spread psoriasis spots with garlic juice and sprinkle with pumpkin ponytail powder.
Another remedy is to beat a tablespoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) with two eggs. Add half a tablespoon of acetic acid. Store the product in a tightly closed jar. Smear the affected areas at night. Helps only at the initial stage.

4. Fish scale ointment shows a good effect. To do this, take the scales of fish (different types), washed, dried and ground with a solution of fish oil in a ratio of 1:1. Plaques are lubricated with this ointment daily. After application, the ointment is washed off after two hours, and after forty minutes the affected areas are rinsed with a solution - baby soap and warm water, lubricated with a solution of vinegar: 250 ml of water and 15 cm of vinegar.

More about folk treatment psoriasis, read the blog.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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