Of course, each of us has such things in everyday life that are already scary to look at, but the hand does not rise to throw them away. You can’t say goodbye to your grandmother’s shabby sideboard?

Or, perhaps, you just don’t want to part with the nursery, and therefore such a sweet heart stool?

Then this article is for you. All over the world, it is gaining momentum do-it-yourself furniture decoupage It is very easy to make and most importantly, fun!

What is decoupage?

First things first, getting down to business, you should figure out what decoupage is. This is a decorative design based on cutting out from a variety of materials - paper, leather, napkins, and then sticking them on the selected item.

It comes from China, but it reached its greatest prosperity in Europe, from where it came to us. The method is also called “art for the poor”, but do not take this as an insult, we are talking about more than materials available to each of us.

After all, a variety of napkins, clippings from magazines, and just three-dimensional pictures from the Internet - this is the basis for creative incarnations. This art does not set rigid limits, so do not limit your flight of fancy, do not hesitate to implement even the most daring idea!

Do-it-yourself basic furniture decoupage techniques

To date, there are several implementation technologies. Let's talk and analyze each of them.

Classic do-it-yourself furniture decoupage

This method involves covering the prepared plane with a picture you like. This can be done dry, wet or hot. This method does not require special skills, which means that anyone can do the decoupage of furniture with their own hands.

The dry method of gluing clippings is the easiest for beginners and the most popular among professionals. The pre-prepared motif should be applied with a flat, wide brush. It is important to note that it is required to apply from the center to the edges, removing all bubbles.

Wet, or as it is also called, a wet way of decorating. The prepared cut is first moistened with water using a cotton pad (do not overdo it, the ornament can easily “float”), then filled with glue.

Glue can be distributed in the same way as in the dry method - with a brush, or you can use a cotton swab, or even a finger.

The hot method involves the use of a conventional household iron. The plane is treated with glue, and after it dries, a prepared motive is applied. Carefully, through waxed paper, ironed at medium temperature.

Experiment, and choose the method you need, remember that this is purely individual!

Furniture decoupage technologies

  1. Reverse decoupage technology
    Used for glass or tinted objects. It differs from the previous one only in that it is applied to the reverse side of the object;
  2. Artistic "napkin technology"
    One of the most interesting. It implies the combination of "application" and the canvas into one whole, the complete picture is recreated by means of artistic painting or other methods of decoration;
  3. Decorating "decopatch"
    It implies not just a combination of a carved ornament and a canvas, it implies the merging of many pictures into one whole, filling the voids of the canvas. In other words, individual pieces are glued end-to-end, and form a single solid background;
  4. With the help of volumetric decoupage
    A stereo image effect is achieved. Let me explain that with this technology, the application is glued to a pre-prepared part from a stucco element (it can be made from polymer clay, cold porcelain, etc.)

Decoupage old furniture with your own hands is not only a useful thing, because you give new life things, bring new colors to them, but also exciting!

Let's take a closer look at this topic, because it's one thing to apply a picture, and quite another to effectively decorate the selected item.

The main effects of decoupage

Tired of the color of the facades? Or maybe they got worn out? So, it's time to give gloss and shine, which can be achieved by applying various effects. Let's look at the main ones:

Giving volume to shadows

Well, of course, what could be simpler and more effective than a correctly placed shadow? You need to apply the shadow with a dry artificial brush, carefully driving in and shading the pastel according to the drawing. Remember, the blurrier the borders, the more “alive” the shadow.


Fancy a chic inlay? This can be easily achieved by resorting, for example, to analogues of gold leaf sheets.

And you can do it even easier - stick sheets of gold or silver paint, and the worn thing will literally shine!

Toning, or creating a gradient

In nature, nowhere you will find a flower, leaf, or blade of grass of a single color. Nature has endowed each of its components with unique colors.

Try and you give naturalness to the picture. Gently use a flat brush to create a beautiful uneven color, let it “glare” somewhere, and somewhere, on the contrary, darken.

Creating artificial wear

It is achieved by creating abrasions on the field of the applied pattern. Artificial aging gives a flight of fancy and allows you to fantasize about the history that this thing carries in itself.

Craquelure effect

Similar to the wear effect in that it also creates artificial aging. Only craquelure - the formation of cracks by applying a special varnish, which, when dried, gives cracks of any shape and size.


Also from the category of "old" tricks. In other words, this is the creation of dark spots that mimic wear. Typically, patination is applied to the corners of furniture.

Now we have learned even more about this wonderful technique. But how can you make the decoupled items organically fit into the interior of the house? Think in advance in what style you will do the work.

Some motifs are reminiscent of summer lightness, while others - the seriousness of forms and patterns. For example, the Provencal style is characterized by motifs such as wild flowers, rustic ornaments, wreaths and bees, but to create a Victorian style, use gold sheets, artificial aging, ornaments from lush bouquets and angels.

But this absolutely does not mean that the decoupage technique is only a prerogative. country options absolutely not! Many things can be "modernized" with decoupage, while they will look fashionable, bright and catchy.

Furniture decoupage master class

The correct furniture decoupage technique implies the presence of certain stages that will allow you to do the work efficiently and with pleasure. Let's talk about the main ones.

Preparation of interior items

Before starting work, familiarize yourself with the selected surface, carefully inspect it. It should not have any chips and deep scratches, it should be solid and uniform. If wooden surface dried out, or large chips formed in it, treat them with epoxy glue, remove the remnants with a special spatula and wait for it to harden. If you decide to paint the surface, then first sand it with sandpaper, apply paint. Only after complete drying can you start working;

Material preparation

In all seriousness, think about what kind of thing you want to see? How should it fit into the interior? What does she need to add that will emphasize the style of the entire room.

Find suitable options for decoration, it can be napkins, lace, pieces of paper, magazine clippings, and even pieces of leather. How exactly to prepare applications - tear or cut - you decide.

If it consists of an ornament that is difficult to cut out, and its background matches the tone of the surface on which you will apply it, I recommend that you just carefully cut it off.

If you need to cut out a specific pattern, for example, a flower, I do not recommend cutting off the napkin, spend a few minutes of your time, but do everything as carefully as possible.


The application techniques were described above, it is worth adding only that the beauty of the future product also depends on accuracy. In no case do not rush, do everything to the maximum accurately and efficiently, remember that it is better to spend time and eventually be proud of your work than to rush and then regret what you have done.

The final stage of application should be opening the surface with varnish

Do the necessary manipulations - toned the clipping, or give it a gradient. Take another look at the final result, inspect for bubbles under the application or pieces of debris.

Everything suits me? Then feel free to grab the brush and cover the creation with varnish.

By the way, decorating something in a horizontal plane is much more convenient than in any other, so think about this factor in advance.

How to get rid of furniture defects

So, you have chosen the object of decoration. It could be old chest of drawers, a chair or a whole closet. Sometimes objects, especially wooden ones, dry out or acquire defects on their surface over time. Do not rush to get upset, all this is fixable.

  • A chip has formed on the tree. It's simple: with a cotton swab dipped in iodine, carefully treat the chipped area;
  • The crack is too deep. There are several options here:
    - Furniture wax, which can be replaced with mastic. Heat the material and carefully rub into the crack;
    - Epoxy adhesive. As stated above, apply epoxy to the crack, remove the residue with a spatula and let dry;
    - Furniture putty. It can be selected in various tonalities, according to the tone of your product.
  • If the lacquer is damaged, remove the lacquer and re-treat it;
  • If the surface is swollen from moisture, draw PVA glue into the syringe, gently pierce the swelling in several places, inject the glue. Cover with a cloth and place under load for several days;
  • If peeled off PVC film- glue it on the glue "Moment";
  • Has a white spot appeared on the tree from the heat? The problem will be solved by automotive mastic for polishing. Wrap it in a towel and rub vigorously. Abrasive components will remove the stain, and polishing components will polish the surface;
  • Small scratches can be carefully painted over with a marker.

In this article, we got acquainted with a wonderful lesson - do-it-yourself decoupage of old furniture. As a rule, a creative approach is characteristic of women, because it is they who create comfort and warmth in the house! A old table, wardrobe or chest of drawers will be most welcome for your creative impulses.

Feel free to create and experiment, bring even the most daring ideas to life. Do not grab onto a grandiose object, just start small, and you will see how all the mystery, comfort and originality of decoupage will be revealed before you.


Decoupage technique for product design and decoupage of furniture is again at the peak of popularity. This is the simplest and affordable way renovate the interior, give the old furniture individuality and sophistication. Using various images on paper or cloth, a little imagination and creative inspiration, you can turn furniture fronts, doors, countertops and backs into works of art.

Furniture decoupage: preparing materials

Select the image you want to transfer to the furniture surface. It can be a drawing on paper, a napkin, a fragment of wallpaper, a print on textiles or leather, lace. It is advisable to purchase a special decoupage glue, but in the absence of such, PVA is also suitable. You will also need a sponge, a soft brush and acrylic varnish.

Important! Depending on the decoupage technique and the style of the future product, you may need additional materials and tools.

We prepare the surface. If the furniture is wooden without processing, then it can not be washed. Lacquered or painted furniture must be degreased (dishwashing detergent is suitable), rubbed with sandpaper and remove dust.

If the furniture is really old and has cracks and chips, mask them with wood putty and furniture wax.
The surface is primed with clear acrylic varnish. Dark furniture is best painted in light colors.

We apply an adhesive composition to the base and place the images cut out along the contour in the order provided for by the sketch drawn up earlier.

After the glue dries, the composition is covered with acrylic varnish. If desired, additional decorative techniques are used.

Application of napkins

Quite often, table napkins are used as an image, which are usually multi-layered. You only need the top layer with a pattern. The surface of the base must be light. When applying varnish, the napkin becomes more transparent, and on a dark background, the pattern will lose its contrast.

Advice! Having no experience in decoupage, use pencil glue. Mistakes made when fixing the pattern can be easily corrected - remove the crumpled napkin and wash the surface.

Decoupage technique has recently become very popular, since with its help you can decorate absolutely any interior items, and make them simply unique. Before you decoupage furniture, you need to think through everything correctly so that the selected drawings harmonize well with the overall interior design.

When choosing a material for decoupage, you need to pay attention to the features of the furniture and the material from which it is made.

To make beautiful decoupage on chipboard furniture, you need to prepare materials such as:

  • Napkins with drawings;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • tassel;
  • Acrylic lacquer.

As drawings for decoupage, you can use ordinary multilayer paper napkins or special paper with patterns applied to it. Depending on the main idea, you can use newspapers or magazine clippings.

To decoupage furniture with high quality and to make it look beautiful, you need to do everything carefully and slowly so that all the selected drawings lie flat on the surface.

Decoupage technology involves the application of selected drawings and patterns on different surfaces. With the help of this technique, you can beautifully decorate your furniture, most importantly, choose the right decor, and do everything consistently.

There are the most various options and methods of decoupage on furniture, namely:

  • Simple decoration;
  • Reverse decoupage;
  • Artistic decoupage;
  • decopatch technique;
  • Volumetric decoupage.

A simple decoration is that a pattern is cut out of a napkin, and then glued to the prepared surface with glue, and everything is carefully covered with acrylic varnish. Reverse decoupage is mainly used for glass objects, as the picture is glued with the front side on the back of the glass furniture.

Artistic decoupage implies the creation of a complete picture, so some elements of the picture can be completed manually. The decopatch technique is performed in the same way as decoupage, only instead of napkins various materials. Basically, ready-made pictures or various objects are used, in particular, such as pebbles, fabric and others.

Volumetric decoupage is a technique for applying an image to a volumetric surface. In this case, a picture from a paper napkin is initially glued, and then each of its details is drawn manually. All work must be carried out carefully and efficiently so that the surface of the furniture, after applying the pattern, looks perfect.

Beautiful decoupage patina

Updating old furniture with decoupage technique can be very interesting, as you can achieve a unique effect.

There are the most different kinds decoupage, as well as original effects, in particular such as:

  • Gilding or gilding;
  • Overlay shadows with paint;
  • craquelure technique;
  • Artificial aging;
  • Patination.

If the interior of the house is made in antique style, then furniture with patina would be quite appropriate, the design of which does not take much time, and the effect is simply excellent.

Patination refers to the artificial aging of wood to give it the effect of antiquity. The patination technique is quite actively used in rural and classic interiors kitchens. It is quite simple to reproduce the patina effect on your own, since the master class is understandable to everyone and does not take much time.

The easiest way to give wood a darker and more noble shade is with the help of wood stain. The bituminous patina looks very beautiful and unusual, since the bituminous composition is quickly absorbed, thereby revealing the structure of the wood, contributing to its aging.

Acrylic patina is considered a universal tool, as it is great for processing absolutely any surface, regardless of whether it is wood, plaster or metal. With the help of this simple technique, you can easily translate into reality absolutely all your ideas. creative ideas and make interior items truly unique.

Modern decoupage of old furniture with your own hands

Furniture can become a real decoration of your home, most importantly, competently approach the process of restoring and decorating furniture. With the help of decoupage technique, you can give Soviet furniture a completely different look. modern look. For decoupage on furniture, you can use a variety of materials.

In particular, such as:

  • Images;
  • Napkins;
  • Decoupage cards;
  • Textured paper;
  • stickers;
  • Stencil.

Decorating interior items does not take much time, the most important thing is to make a little effort and do everything step by step, since the paper is very thin and can easily crumple or tear.

For decoration, the simplest office paper may well be suitable, on which you need to pre-print interesting and beautiful pictures.

To date, multilayer paper napkins are widely represented, so you can choose absolutely any pattern to your taste, which will best meet all requests.

The decoupage of old furniture by Polish craftswomen looks very beautiful, made with the help of special thematic cards for decoupage, presented in the widest range.

Important! All drawings must be applied very carefully and smoothed well with a sponge so that there is no accumulation of air, especially if fabric or thick paper is used for decoupage.

Features of decoupage on furniture with a do-it-yourself fabric

Decoupage - the best option creating unique interior items with your own hands. Wooden furniture decorated with beautiful pictures using decoupage technique looks quite stylish and unique. Decoupage of furniture made with fabric looks very beautiful and unique, as this is a completely new direction of decor.

To perform such a decor, you must first prepare the materials, namely such as:

  • Scraps of fabric;
  • Glue;
  • Tassels;
  • Acrylic lacquer;
  • Sponge.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare a solvent, since the paint is first removed from the furniture, and then the entire surface is well sanded. The entire surface of the furniture must be covered with acrylic paint or a primer.

PVA glue should be applied to the surface of the furniture, and special glue to the fabric. You can use a fabric of the same color or several multi-colored shreds at once, it all depends on what end result you want to get.

It is necessary to leave the fabric for a while so that it adheres well to the surface of the furniture. Periodically, you need to spray the fabric from the spray gun with glue so that it sticks much better.

Then you need to cover the finished product with a transparent varnish in several layers, giving each layer time to dry well.

Stylish decoupage on furniture: creative ideas for a polished variation

Many people think that it is impossible to decoupage polished, lacquered or laminated furniture, since the pattern will not adhere to a smooth surface.

For decoupage, you need to prepare materials:

  • Sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • Primer;
  • Napkins;
  • tassel;
  • Glue;
  • Acrylic lacquer;
  • Wax.

Restoring old furniture with a glossy surface is considered a rather laborious process, so you need to be patient and make a little effort.

First you need to process the entire surface of the furniture to be decorated with sandpaper to remove the glossy sheen. If defects remain on the surface of the furniture, then you can use putty or special grout to eliminate them.

Polished furniture will not have such a beautiful pattern as veneered furniture, so you can use acrylic paint to give it a unique pattern. As patterns, you can use special decoupage cards, napkins or drawings printed on white paper. You can use monotonous pictures as decoration or combined option, the most important thing is that the selected patterns blend well with each other and fit into the overall style of the house.

Initially, you need to prepare blanks, and then glue the surface of the furniture with them. To make the outline more distinct, you need to draw it with acrylic paint. Some areas can be treated with darker paint, as this will give the product a certain effect of antiquity. Treat the finished surface with several layers of varnish, and for a better effect, additionally after drying, cover with wax.

Important! The main thing is right - to carry out all the required preparatory work, since the final result will largely depend on this.

DIY decoupage furniture technique for beginners

For beginners, there are special lessons on decoupage. Remodeling furniture for beginners will not be difficult, especially if you use the simple technique of decorating with paper napkins.

Thus, you can decoupage:

  • baby cot;
  • sideboard;
  • Chiffonier;
  • garden bench;
  • buffet;
  • Trumeau.

To decoupage furniture, you must first prepare it by filling all the cracks and recesses with a special grout, and after it has completely dried, treat the surface with sandpaper to make it even and smooth.

You can additionally apply a layer of primer to make the surface of the furniture more beautiful. Glue the prepared drawings on the furniture and, after drying, cover with a layer of acrylic varnish.

Looks very nice and garden furniture decorated with decoupage technique. After looking at examples of finished works, you can see how to do decoupage correctly.

Original decoupage of doll furniture

Furniture for dolls is often only one color without additional decorations, so it does not always look beautiful. To perform decoupage of doll furniture, you need to prepare certain materials.

And it is also best if the furniture is made of:

  • Tree;
  • Plywood;
  • Cardboard.

On the doll bed, table, chest of drawers and other items, there can be beautiful patterns cut out of paper napkins. In addition, you can decorate furniture for dolls and other items in the dollhouse with a beautiful photo with scenic landscapes, cartoon characters or animals.

When decorating doll furniture, you need to be especially careful, since all surfaces are small, and you need to apply the drawing more carefully. In addition, to make doll furniture look more interesting, you can use various items to decorate it.

What furniture looks like after decoupage

Many people prefer not to throw away their furniture, but to update it, use the decoupage technique, which will look just great. For decoupage, perfect, like the old one soviet furniture, as well as modern interior items manufactured by IKEA, which, if handled carelessly, may have various damages.

Decoupage technique allows you to:

  • Make furniture more stylish;
  • Update old furniture;
  • Cover up damage.

Furniture after decoupage looks just fine, which can be seen on the example of IKEA furniture, the most important thing is to carry out all work consistently and clearly follow the instructions.

Furniture decoupage (video)

The decoupage technique attracts many craftswomen, since with its help you can not only create beautiful and original pictures, but also decorate furniture and other interior items with unusual patterns and patterns.

Old furniture is not a reason to send it to a landfill. Moreover, having at hand a little paint, glue, varnish, beautiful illustrations and, of course, imagination, you can do a simple decoupage of old furniture with your own hands, turning it into an original unique exclusive. Moreover, you can decorate with the help of decoupage almost any surface (this is and, and, and even), you can decorate a room, or even the whole apartment, in your own special style.

The word "decoupage" has French roots and means in translation - "cut". And speaking completely plain language, this procedure can be called a varnished application, although acrylic paints are also used. With the help of decoupage, old furniture literally acquires a second life. This technique turns old thing into a true masterpiece. See an example in the video:

Master class on furniture decoupage with napkins using a simple technique

We select materials for work

  • an object for decoration - a bedside table, and in general everything you want;
  • finishing material - three-layer napkins;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper may come in handy (when processing a wooden surface);
  • brush 1-2 cm wide for applying glue. The brush is slightly wider for applying varnish;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • acrylic varnish (and if you take colorless acrylic paint, then varnish is not required). If the surface will be in contact with water, it is better to use wood varnish or yacht varnish;
  • acrylic paints.
Let's take a step-by-step lesson:
  • In order to decoupage old furniture with napkins, you need to carefully cut out the pattern, which will serve as an applique. Some, for the effect of aging, cut off the drawing along the contour.
  • Apply adhesive to the prepared surface at the location of the application. Glue and gently smooth the pattern so that there are no bubbles. Be sure to let it dry. You can decorate additionally with acrylic paint to give expressiveness to the drawing or more individuality. Also, with the help of paint, it is important to achieve the effect of merging the pattern with the surface.
  • Polish the surface. You will need to apply 2-3 coats of varnish. Be sure to dry the decor item between layers.

We try to decorate with unnecessary wallpaper with our own hands

Old wallpaper cuts, combined with glue and fantasy, can turn ordinary, old, ugly furniture into an original, unique piece of furniture.

You will need:
  • wallpaper glue;
  • brushes, roller;
  • scissors are large, sharp and another small;
  • ruler;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • wallpaper;
  • decoration object.

Wallpaper step by step tutorial

The surface of the furniture must be free of dirt. Sand it down with sandpaper. Especially if there are scratches or cracks.

If there are dark spots on the surface that will be visible through the wallpaper, then it should be painted over with acrylic paints.

To decoupage old unnecessary furniture with wallpaper, you can use the entire surface, sticking a single piece of wallpaper or several, making up the intended pattern. Even individual clippings from the drawing, pasted on the surface, look original. This technique is almost no different from the traditional technique of working with napkins.

Attention to the video:

Trying our hand at creating a vintage style

By definition, vintage is a winemaking term, which literally means "aging of wine." From winemaking, the term has passed into fashion, and is understood as an original thing of the previous generation. Things that are over 30 years old are already vintage. Age is not yet the basis for classifying things as vintage. Vintage items must be original pieces of art, as in the photo above, and fully express fashion trends of his time. To decoupage furniture in vintage style and give the effect of aging, you can use craquelure varnish. As it dries, such a varnish forms cracks of various textures - this depends on the thickness of the applied layer. Then it is rubbed into the cracks Oil paint, it remains only in the recesses. Thanks to the decoupage of furniture in vintage style, it acquires a noble old look.

Exquisite decor in Provence style

Provence is one of the most popular techniques, because it is associated not only with the village, but also with the sea, sun, smell flowering plants, that is, with a magnificent rest in the bosom of nature. All this affected the aesthetics: sun-bleached colors, as in a photograph, many living and dried plants, naturalness, simplicity, uncomplicated lines. Decoupage of furniture elements in the Provence style should include one or more required colors: white, cream, beige, pale lemon, terracotta, burnt orange, sunflower petals, blue, pale green, color sea ​​wave and lavender.

Restoration of furniture using decoupage technique

The technique of restoring furniture with decoupage is a little different from working on other surfaces. Let's look at the main tips.

If you want to restore a cupboard with decoupage, as in the photo, a cabinet or, then you will need acrylic paints, decoupage glue or pva, napkins, acrylic varnish. If you will be doing decoupage on surfaces that may often come into contact with water, then it is better to use ordinary wood varnish. Better yet, use a yacht varnish - it most reliably protects the surface from water.

We restore polished furniture in a couple of evenings

In order to decoupage on polished furniture, the first step is to wash it with a dishwashing detergent that breaks down fat. Washing with a degreasing agent is worth all smooth (laminate type) surfaces. Acrylic paint is not very good for polishing, but, in principle, polished furniture can also be painted with acrylic paint. Subsequently, simply cover it with several layers of acrylic varnish, and preferably wood varnish.

You will need:
  • PVA glue
  • brush for applying
  • emery,
  • scissors,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • decorative napkins with the image of vegetables, fruits or dishes. Also, you can print any image you like on the printer.

Simple and detailed MK for beginners

  1. We will need to sandpaper everything that you decide to decorate.
  2. After that, it is recommended to cover the surface with a primer. If you are going to decoupage kitchen furniture and glass, it must be degreased. Suitable for these purposes detergent for dishes.
  3. Cut out the details of the pattern with miniature scissors. Most small parts it is better not to cut, but to finish after gluing with acrylic.
  4. In order not to accidentally break the napkin, after it is applied to the surface to be glued, it should be impregnated with glue. For these purposes, you can use a brush of medium hardness. It will also help to cope with the leveling of the folds along the edges and in the center of the cut out image.
  5. When the glue is completely dry, some details can be finished with acrylic paints.
  6. When the paint dries, the entire drawing must be opened with a layer of varnish. Varnish is necessary in order to protect the image from advanced level humidity, which is almost always observed in the kitchen. Lacquer, whether matte or glossy, is applied in several layers.

Decoration of furniture elements with fabric

In order to make furniture decoupage with a cloth, we prepare the materials the same as with the standard technique for working with napkins.

  1. We cover the decoration object with two layers of PVA glue using a thick brush or roller.
  2. Then we cut the fabric into pieces of the desired size and grease it with PVA glue.
  3. Let dry for 40 minutes. After, spraying with a spray, we glue the fabric to the bedside table using the patchwork technique or as fantasy tells.
  4. When the fabric is well glued to the cabinet, it can be varnished.

That's how easy and simple everything works. More on video:

We create stylish children's furniture for the baby

Decoupage of children's furniture will never go unnoticed. An ordinary children's locker can be turned into a work of art. And if you also make it with your favorite cartoon characters that the child really likes, then you can be proud of such a thing, as it will be a favorite children's thing. For an example, take a look at .

Read our article on how you can not only decorate furniture, but also.

What a joy it is to create something with your own hands! And it is doubly pleasant when, with the help of creativity, you can bring old things back to life, use them again to the fullest, without being embarrassed by their outdated appearance. Needlewomen all over the world know a lot of techniques that allow you to beautifully decorate different types products that we use at home. Decoupage of furniture with do-it-yourself napkins is far from new way updating cabinets, chairs and much more, but now it is at the peak of popularity. How to turn old furniture into an exquisite product?

Furniture is now just an element of home decor. However, just a few decades ago, furniture was treated much better - it was cherished and appreciated, since it was difficult to get something interesting and beautiful. And what were the chests of drawers made by the hands of great-grandfather! They were passed on as a real family heirloom, cherished for children and grandchildren. Now such products in most cases are sent to a landfill, with rare exceptions they move to live in the country.

But what if now you don’t make hasty decisions, don’t spend money, but, having spent a little of your time, restore some old wardrobe? Especially in modern conditions getting materials that can be used for this is not difficult - shops for creativity can be found on every corner, and at home there are often some suitable means and tools. It is recommended to restore old furniture for the following purposes:

  • receive an exclusive product;
  • update the interior by designing furniture for a certain style;
  • realize creative abilities;
  • there is no opportunity to buy new products.

One of the most popular techniques for bringing old furniture back to life is decoupage.. This is a fairly simple way, having studied and mastered it, you can turn any element of the decor into something original, unique, striking in its beauty.

What you need to know about decoupage?

Decoupage is one of the options decorative design surfaces, which is based on the use of paper clippings from newspapers, wallpapers, postcards, etc. Elements made from other materials, such as fabric, leather, can also be used. The technique is very simple - if you describe it briefly, then all the work consists in gluing beautifully arranged patterns onto the surface and varnishing them in compliance with certain rules.

The history of decoupage goes back to China, despite the fact that the technique has a purely French name, which can be translated into Russian as “cutting”. The first mention of such a design method dates back to the 12th century, but it reached particular popularity only in the 17th century in Europe - furniture was brought here from China with very beautiful ornaments, but it was expensive and not everyone could afford it. That is why the Venetian woodworkers came up with the idea of ​​gluing patterns cut out of paper onto their products. Covering them with a huge amount of varnish, the craftsmen ensured that the furniture resembled that very expensive Chinese one. And such products cost much less and therefore scattered like hot cakes.

On a note! At the dawn of decoupage in China, only the poor used to decorate their homes with carved patterns and fragments, but now decoupage products can also be found in richly furnished houses.

Over time, decoupage began to be used to decorate walls and ceilings - as a rule, people with low incomes did this, but who wanted to keep up with fashion. Then the rich ladies also got carried away with the technique, who decorated caskets and fans with cutouts.

Table. decoupage techniques.

Technique, photoShort description
In this case, the selected pattern is simply glued to the outside of the surface to be decorated. Next, the picture is varnished, sanded and again covered with a varnish layer. Can be decorated with additional paint.
With this kind of technique, some elements are glued so as to be higher than the rest relative to the horizontal. Typically, multi-layer drawings are used or special formulations for modeling.
The technique is applicable when making transparent coatings (for example, glass) - the pattern is glued from the back side with the front surface towards the glass.
The surface to be decorated is completely pasted over with various materials of various textures. Thus, a solid background is formed.
The technique imitates artistic painting, when the line between the surface itself and the pattern is almost invisible due to an artificially created smoky halo.

On a note! When choosing a decoupage technique, you should focus on the general style of the room.

Before you start decorating old furniture, you should also familiarize yourself with the effects that can be used for decoupage:

  • gilding(use of gold, silver paint, the use of a sheet analogue of gold leaf);
  • craquelure(imitation of cracks with the help of a varnish of a special composition and a certain technique of strokes);
  • toning(intensification of the color effect, pastel and dry brush are usually used);
  • aging(creating scuffs that will make the furniture look expensive, elegant - an illusion of a rich history of the product is created. The surface is waxed, painted, then rubbed with sandpaper);
  • patination(Creation dark spots natural color, appearing supposedly from the touch of hands).

perpetual calendar. Workpiece - prefabricated plywood, techniques - decoupage, aging, patination

You can decorate with decoupage any surface. It can be wood, cardboard, glass, ceramics, metal, plastic, etc. But most often the method is used to decorate wooden products.

What tools and materials will be required?

Decoupage of furniture with napkins involves the use of a number of tools, as well as the purchase the right materials. The latest list includes:

  • paper napkins. In this case, the choice can be made in favor of ordinary dining rooms or buy specially designed for decoupage. Paper handkerchiefs are also suitable;
  • pore filling agent- necessary for sealing cracks and crevices on old furniture, helps to make the surface perfectly flat;
  • sandpaper- for grinding;
  • decoupage glue or PVA(it is better to use a special one, PVA leaves traces);
  • acrylic varnish for wood, matte or glossy - optional;
  • applications- images used for this technique.

The list of tools is small and includes large and small scissors, a medium hard glue brush. You may need a wooden block for sandpaper. If there is a grinder, then you should not refuse it.

Secrets of technology

Before starting work, it is worth familiarizing yourself with a few secrets of decoupage. They will help make the work interesting and unique.

  1. To achieve the expressiveness of the pattern, it is recommended to cover its surface with wax, paint, and only after that - varnish with a glossy effect.
  2. To create scuffs and decorate furniture in the vintage style, you will have to use sandpaper.
  3. Lacquer craquelure will crack only after drying.
  4. Artificial gilding must be covered with a special film.
  5. To get a three-dimensional pattern, you should proceed as follows: the same pattern is cut out of the material several times, then glued together layer by layer with silicone glue. It is this adhesive composition that will give a three-dimensional look to the picture.
  6. Before starting work, lacquered or painted furniture is degreased.
  7. Lacquer can be used to prime the surface.

Decoupage - what finishing varnish to choose?

Master class on decoupage chest of drawers with napkins

Let's take an example of how to update an old chest of drawers that has lost its appearance using decoupage technique.

Step 1. To do this, you need to prepare everything necessary materials- ruler, scissors, varnish, napkins, sandpaper, primer. Everything that can interfere with work is removed from the surface of the chest of drawers. Cracks are sealed with filler. To seal deep flaws, putty can be used. After such treatment, the surface should dry for 3-5 hours.

Step 2 small size a bar (such that it is convenient to hold it in your hand) is upholstered with sandpaper. Next, the surface of the chest of drawers is polished in a circular motion - all tubercles and irregularities are ground off. The resulting dust is swept away.

Step 3 The surface is cleaned with acetone and covered with a primer layer - white paint. Then it is again polished with sandpaper in order to increase adhesion.

Step 4 An iron is used to smooth out wrinkles on napkins. Napkins are ironed to a smooth state. If the material is multilayer, then it will have to be divided into separate layers.

Step 5 Napkins are laid out on the surface of the dresser as they will be glued. If necessary, they can be trimmed, the main thing is to make it so that the pattern matches both the trim and the whole napkin.

Step 6 Napkins one by one are glued to the surface. Then they are varnished in stages - it is important not to leave unsmeared areas. Sometimes, if the paper is very thin (as in this case), you can not use glue - immediately cover the laid out napkins with varnish, due to which they will stick to the surface.

Step 7 The edging is done. To do this, the napkins are cut into small strips, which are also smeared with varnish and fixed on the edge. Due to the small working surface, the varnish is first applied to the edge itself, then a napkin is applied to it, on top it is again smeared with varnish applied with a thin brush.

Step 8 After the varnish dries, the hanging napkin is removed from the edge. For this, a piece of sandpaper is used. It is run perpendicular to the edge along the edge - the napkin easily comes off after such processing. The edge is even.

Step 9 The final stages are the next grinding of the surface, its treatment with acetone and the application of another layer of varnish.

Decoupage chest of drawers with napkins - before and after photos

Decoupage stool

With the help of decoupage, you can update not only a wardrobe or chest of drawers, but also old chair or a stool, as in this master class.

Step 1. For convenience of work sitting of a stool is removed from legs.

Step 2 The process of grinding the surface with sandpaper begins. If there is no grinder at hand, then a piece of large sandpaper is wound onto a bar. Grinding is carried out over the entire surface very carefully. There should not be any unevenness.

Step 3 The surface is well wiped with a cloth moistened with acetone. This will degrease the surface and remove dust resulting from sanding.

Step 4 The surface is primed with acrylic construction paint using a brush. Layers are applied evenly. You can apply up to 3-4 layers of paint. You need to use white.

Step 5 The painted surface is sanded again with sandpaper.

Step 7 The napkin is covered with a layer of varnish. It is required to carefully coat the edges and corners. In the process of applying varnish, all irregularities on the napkin are smoothed out. The varnish is applied with a brush. The napkin is visually divided into 4 parts, each of which is smeared separately. First, the varnish is applied along the inner edges of the visual square, then diagonally to the corner of the stool, then the remaining areas are smeared. Other visual squares of the napkin are also processed.

Removing dangling excess tissue

Step 9 The varnish coat dries well.

Step 10 After the varnish has dried, the surface is sanded again with sandpaper. At this stage, it is important to proceed very carefully.

Step 11 To decorate the sides you will need brown gouache and a little varnish. They mix with each other in small quantities. The resulting composition, as it were, is driven into the sides with a brush. Actions are performed with an almost dry brush.

Video - Decoupage. Attaching a large napkin

This is how you can give new life to old furniture. And it will last more than a dozen years. And most importantly - no one can boast of exactly the same design, decoupage products are truly exclusive!

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