The fumigator is an effective remedy against mosquitoes and midges, as well as other insects that greatly annoy a person during the summer and spring months. When mosquito nets can not cope with the penetration of pests into the house, fumitox from mosquitoes in the outlet will be the best choice. If you want to forget about all the possible inconveniences associated with insects, give preference to the fumigator - it is not only very effective, but will not cause you any inconvenience.

What is a fumigator and how does it work?

How does a fumigator work? First of all, it is important to understand that it can be electric - that is, the device will need to be plugged into a power outlet to start the heating element, or pyrotechnic - that is, a fumitox fumigator that will need to be set on fire. How the fumigator works on mosquitoes is a question that interests many before buying. After the heating element is activated, the insect poisonous substance begins to evaporate from the mosquito fumigator plate. The poisonous substance released by the electric plate mosquito fumigator or other type of mechanism spreads through the air and destroys insects.

In order for the children's electric mosquito fumigator to start functioning, it is enough to insert it into the socket - the evaporation procedure will begin immediately. It comes with plates or a specialized liquid. Pyrotechnic devices are less convenient to use - if you study the rating of mosquito fumigators, you will see that they do not occupy the first positions. Such mosquito repellents resemble a spiral that needs to be set on fire - it begins to smolder and release toxic substances into the air. Such a mosquito fumigator for children also has a number of advantages, and its main advantage is that it can be used outdoors or in rooms where there are no outlets.

How to choose the best mosquito repellent that is right for you?

To do optimal choice mosquito repellent - a fumigator, it is necessary to build on where the device will be used. When choosing, be sure to study what area the plates for the fumigator and the device itself are designed for. So you will understand whether it is suitable for your house or apartment or not.

In most cases, when choosing a fumigator that works from an outlet, preference is given to those models that operate on liquid. The reason lies in the fact that they demonstrate the greatest effectiveness in combination with safety. The children's fumigator can work on liquid. Another advantageous advantage is that the shelf life of mosquito liquid is very long.

So, here are a few more tips to help you choose and properly use a mosquito repellent with liquid for children or any other device you need for your purposes:

  • When buying, be sure to read the instructions and accompanying papers. Please note that the device must have a specialized fire certificate, which demonstrates that it is possible to use the product without worrying about fire;
  • before you use the device for the first time, be sure to read the accompanying instructions and carefully follow all the rules from it;
  • liquid fumigator, as well as other types of devices, are not recommended for use throughout the day. As a rule, a quality device and good plates or liquid are enough for a couple of hours to rid the room of insects. In the event that there are too many of them, you can leave the fumigator running overnight, but do not forget to open the window at the same time;
  • remember that you or your children may have allergies or individual intolerance to substances that are part of fumitox. It is recommended to study all components in advance. Also, during the first use, monitor your own well-being, as well as the sensations of everyone who is in the room. If you notice that itching, nausea, headache has appeared, then the device must be removed immediately;
  • if the fumitox mosquito repellent is designed for a much smaller room than the one you plan to use, you can purchase several devices and turn them on in different areas. The same applies to pyrotechnic products.

One question remains: where are mosquito fumigators sold? Give preference to reliable stores that offer only quality products. If you still have any questions about such a device as a fumitox in a socket, you can ask them to the specialists of our company. Get detailed advice to help you make the right choice.

The easiest way to get rid of mosquitoes is with a fumigator. This device is capable of destroying a horde of flying insects without harming the health of humans and domestic animals. The range of such products is so large that it is sometimes difficult to give preference to one or another option. Familiarity with the principle of operation of these simple devices and an overview of the most popular models will help you decide on the choice of a high-quality mosquito fumigator.

Types of fumigators and how they work

The process of killing flying and crawling insects by fumigating with poisonous vapor or gas is called fumigation. It is this term that formed the basis for the name of modern fumigators - devices with the help of which toxic fumes are released. In stores, you can see two types of devices - pyrotechnic and electric.

It should be noted right away thatall used fumigants, or more simply toxic substances, are absolutely safe for warm-blooded animals, however, subject to the rules of use. But for insects, insecticides pose a mortal threat: getting into the body of a mosquito, the active substance acts on nervous system, paralyzes and causes the death of the pest.


Pyrotechnic fumigators are usually produced in the form of spirals made of a porous combustible mass and impregnated with a fumigant. The principle of operation of such a device is simple: you need to set fire to the end of the spiral and, as soon as it lights up, put it out. The porous mass will continue to smolder and evaporate the poison. The advantages of such a device include low cost, availability and ease of use - it can be used in the absence of electricity, it is enough to have matches or a lighter with you.

With the help of a pyrotechnic fumigator, it is easy to protect yourself from annoying midges during a country picnic, vacation in the country or on the sea coast. But in enclosed spaces such devices are not recommended for use:

  • during the smoldering of the spiral, smoke is released into the air, a large concentration of which can cause deterioration in well-being in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as those suffering from asthma, allergies and cardiovascular diseases;
  • careless handling of fire increases the risk of fire.

Even being outdoors, you should not be located next to a smoldering spiral - the minimum allowable distance is 1 m. Use a pyrotechnic fumigator at home should be as rare as possible, while it is imperative to open windows and doors for ventilation, remove food and cover aquariums with lids.


This type of fumigator has a higher price compared to the spiral, but it is an absolutely safe way to exterminate mosquitoes, fruit flies and other midges that live in houses and apartments. Electric mosquito control devices are plugged into a socket and can work with two types of fumigants:

  • The liquid product is poured into a special glass flask, which is inserted into the fumigator. Under the action of heat, the insecticide gradually evaporates and infects insects.
  • Plates (tablets) made of porous material and impregnated with a fumigant are inserted inside the device. In the process of heating, poisonous vapors are released from the surface of the plate and kill insects.

Manufacturers of such products claim that one plate is enough for 8-10 hours of work, a bottle of liquid - for 30 nights. There are also universal devices that can work with both liquid and plates. All of them are suitable only for indoor use, and their effectiveness is significantly reduced outdoors.

When choosing an electric fumigator, you need to pay attention to what area it is designed for. Almost all of the proposed options are suitable for small apartments.

Overview of popular fumigators

Modern market household chemicals flooded with all sorts of models of fumigators, plates and liquid insecticides. Experts advise to opt for popular devices produced by branded manufacturers. These fumigators have proven their effectiveness over many years of use and have been repeatedly certified in our country.

Name Active substance Type of fumigant used Working time Notes
Agrus Ethok Liquid


6-8 hours within 45 days The swivel plug allows you to use the device in rooms with inconveniently located outlets. Suitable for rooms with an area of ​​at least 16 square meters. m. The fumigant has no pronounced odor
Raid Pralletrin Liquid


6-8 hours within 30 days In the Reid line, in addition to traditional ones, there are models with the function of adjusting the rate of evaporation of the fumigant, with an automatic shutdown timer. The consumption of the fumigant is designed for an area of ​​use up to 20 sq. m.
raptor Ethok Liquid


6-8 hours within 30 days

up to 8 hours

The company produces fumigants with various aromas, as well as odorless fumigants for people who are sensitive to chemicals and foreign aromas.
picnic family Pyrethrins (extracts of Dalmatian chamomile, tea tree and citronella) Liquid The fumigant contains only natural ingredients. The device has a built-in convenient operation indicator and a swivel fork
Mosquitall (Mosquitall) Pralletrin + transfluthrin Liquid


8 hours for 45 days On sale you can find Mosquitoll devices with an automatic shutdown timer or with a built-in fan that ensures the efficient distribution of toxic fumes indoors
Fumitox Pralletrin + fipronil Liquid


30 nights for 8 hours The device can change the position of the plug for easy connection
Komaroff Transfluthrin + pralletrin Liquid


8 hours daily for 45 days A fumigator with a swivel fork can be used in a room up to 16 square meters. m. Insecticide "Family" has no smell
Combat Transfluthrin + pralletrin plates up to 8 hours The action of the fumigant begins after 5-10 minutes of operation of the device, and after 1 hour all mosquitoes die

A high-quality device should not heat up, have extraneous odors or smoke. If a working fumigator has become hot, this indicates a malfunction.

The principle of using an electric fumigator

Instructions for use

Regardless of the type and brand of the electric fumigator, before using it for the first time, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. Detailed recommendations are usually indicated on the package or on a separate leaflet and are the same for all models: you need to insert the vial or plate into the body of the device and plug it into the outlet.

When using the fumigator for the first time, it is advisable to monitor the well-being of all family members in the room. If someone develops a skin rash, headache, runny nose, sneezing, or shortness of breath, the device should be turned off immediately.

A mosquito fumigator is a simple device in the form of a small box. A plate impregnated with an active substance, a cartridge, or a container with liquid is inserted into it. IN modern devices there is a fan inside to ensure a better distribution of the active ingredient into the air. Mosquito fumigators work from electric current, batteries, accumulator.

Operating principle

How the fumigator works, everyone can figure it out. The principle is simple. The device under the influence of electric current heats the plates, liquid from mosquitoes. The active ingredient is released into the air. If there is a fan inside, the process is accelerated.

Most fumigators are powered by electric current. You just need to plug it in. If the room is less than 15 sq. m., you can not use the device if more than 60 sq. m., it is recommended to use several devices at different ends of the room.

The liquid mosquito fumigator is designed to work up to 30 nights. Turn on in the evening, turn off after 8 hours of continuous operation. new ones are used every time. Their actions last only one night.


The high effectiveness of mosquito repellents has allowed manufacturers to expand the scope of their activities. They began to produce plates for. However, the product does not have such a big effect.


The electric mosquito fumigator works due to the presence of DETA insecticide liquid in the composition of the plates. The substance is used for production all over the world. Causes paralysis of insects, quick death.

When using the device, you must strictly follow the instructions, do not violate the rules. An increased concentration of insecticide in the air causes breathing problems, weakness, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

In addition to the electric fumigator, there is a battery-powered device or a lamp that heats the plates with a candle. Such devices can be carried with you, put on your belt, bag, backpack, put on the table, at any time. comfortable spot Outdoors.

Ultrasonic device

In a separate group is an ultrasonic fumigator. A small device with a simple internal structure emits a sound of a certain frequency. The human ear does not feel it. The effect on the well-being of household members is not reflected.

  • An ultrasound-based mosquito repellent emits vibrations similar to the flight of a dragonfly, a bat. After fertilization, females avoid meeting with males, in every possible way they try to hide from them. For humans, it is the females that are dangerous for the opportunity to give birth to new offspring.
  • Another version of the effective operation of the device - ultrasound interferes with "communicating" with each other, unbalances, makes it impossible to find a victim. In such conditions, the insect cannot stay for a long time, it flies away.

It works immediately after connecting to the electricity network. Reduce the effectiveness of walls, carpets. In a large room, it is recommended to use 2 devices at once.

There are also devices that do not repel insects with ultrasound, but attract. An example of such fumigators is. Mosquitoes fly to the sound, bright light, fall on the grids with current, instantly die.

Terms of use

Instructions for use are somewhat different depending on the type of fumigator, the principles of its operation.

  • The electrical appliance must be connected to the socket, if necessary, press the start button. Some models start working right away. Leave for 8 hours. Turn off in the morning. If the room is small, you can turn on the device only for half an hour, then ventilate the room. Placed at least 1 m away from bed.
  • The ultrasonic fumigator creates waves of different frequencies. It is recommended to periodically change the frequency so that mosquitoes do not get used to the ultrasound. The distance from the bed to the device must be at least 3 m. Be sure to turn it off after 12 hours of continuous operation.

Children's fumigator is used according to general rules. Only plates differ from adult devices, liquid in its composition.

Rating of the most popular devices

The best mosquito repellents are easy to use, effective, and safe.


A pioneer in this field. Everyone is familiar with the Raptor plates with the image of a cartoon dinosaur. Thanks to the effectiveness of this tool, other fumigators got the opportunity to "be". A simple device starts working immediately after connecting to the network. Readiness is signaled by a lit lamp. Plates are inserted into the device or a container with liquid is screwed in.

There is a separate line of products for children called. Liquid with chamomile extract provides protection for the smallest up to 30 nights. The cost of the kit is about 200 rubles. Liquid device for adults - about 150 rubles.

I rented an apartment on the first floor, mosquitoes just pestered me. They bit during the day, and at night they did not give rest. Felt like in a forest. I put it with the plates, the same night I slept peacefully. My suffering is over. Since then, only the Raptor.

Inna, Moscow

Off Clip it

A new version of the mobile fumigator with a fan inside. A liquid cartridge is being used. Enough for 12 hours of continuous work. Operates on batteries or accumulator. On the reverse side there is a clip for easy placement on a belt, bag belt, backpack, in a tent

The mobile device provides within a radius of 1 m. The cost of a kit with a replaceable cartridge is about 500 rubles. There is also a fumigator for children under one year old with an active ingredient - pyrethrum. The price of the device with liquid is about 300 rubles.

I like it for a long time. But since I tried the fumigator, I use only it. He is very comfortable. Now I take it with me to the forest, in the evening for a walk. Replaces spray, cream, aerosol. No time is wasted processing clothes, you are not afraid for your own health. Grandfather gave fishing with him, he was also delighted. The only negative is the high price.

Olya, Saratov


A fumigator for children from a year old produces the Kiko or Chico brand based on ultrasound. small device white color runs on 2 batteries. You can put it in any convenient place, take it with you to the street. The cost of Italian products is about 650 rubles.


The products are known all over the world. The tool is available in several varieties - for children, adults. It differs in design and active components in the composition of the liquid. works equally effectively in a residential apartment, house, on a veranda with open windows, on a terrace. The cost of the fumigator is about 500 rubles. One bottle lasts up to 30 nights with daily use.

Like this product very much. High quality at an affordable price. I tried it for the first time in the village, when a whole flock of mosquitoes flooded the veranda. There was no rest day or night. Everyone suffered from. The fumigator worked non-stop for the first days. Helped quickly, returned us to normal life. A device of this company is also bought for the child in the room. Didn't disappoint.

Annoying mosquitoes and midges bother us not only on the street, but also in the apartment, and even mosquito nets are not always able to protect us from them. Intrusiveness is not the only harm to humans, they can serve as carriers of various diseases, up to infection with helminths.

Therefore, to protect yourself from mosquito and midge bites is your main task. Today, flying insects can be dealt with very easily, it is enough to use a fumigator.

What is a fumigator

The fumigator is an electrical device that is designed to kill mosquitoes and midges in the apartment, and not only. The plates or liquid installed in it, under the influence of heat, begin to emit an insecticide that infects flying insects.

How to use the fumigator

Based on the principle of action, they can be divided into two categories:

  • Pyrotechnic. These can be spirals or plates impregnated with chemicals. If you set fire to such a spiral, clouds of smoke with a slightly specific smell will begin to stand out from it.
  • Electrical. These devices are based on a microresistor, which heats up to a certain temperature when connected to a power source.

Operating principle

The fumigator is able to protect you from annoying mosquitoes and midges in the apartment or in the country, but how does it work? The principle of operation of the fumigator is quite simple. Inside the device is a heating plate, which can be made of metal or ceramic. The second option can be found in more expensive models.

This is due to the durability of the material, in addition, the heating of such an element occurs more evenly than that of metal plates. The ceramic heater gives a full guarantee that the plastic body will not melt.

When the fumigator is connected to the power supply, it starts heating. Plates or vials of liquid, under the influence of temperature, begin to evaporate, thereby killing insects.

Electric fumigators

In order not to confuse the used plate with a new one, a special solution is applied to them - an expiration indicator. Usually one plate is designed for 10-12 hours, so it should be changed every day. It will not be difficult to replace such tablets: each device has a connector where new plates are laid.

With a liquid, things are easier. Usually one vial is enough for 30 nights, so daily replacement is not required.

Fillers for fumigators

Most effective means in the fight against midges and mosquitoes are bottles of liquid. A few minutes after turning on the device, the liquid begins to evaporate and affect the insects in the apartment.

Among the popular brands of liquids for the destruction of midges and mosquitoes are:

  • "Raid". Its contents are enough for 45 days, while the affected area is 50 square meters. m.
  • Combat. The affected area is 20 square meters. m.
  • Fumitoks. It has been successfully used to control mosquitoes and other flying insects. Its contents are enough for 30 nights.
  • Mosquitall "Professional Protection". This tool is successfully used both in the country and in the apartment. It effectively acts on all types of mosquitoes and midges.
  • Mosquitall "Gentle Protection for Children". This tool is enough for 30 nights, while it can be used even in children's rooms.

Types of fumigators

A large selection of fumigators on the market forces manufacturers to produce more advanced models that could meet all customer requirements.

They are equipped with:

  • a light indicator that allows you to control the operating time,
  • swivel plugs that allow you to plug the fumigator into any outlet, vertical or horizontal.

The leading positions among such devices are occupied by several models:

Autonomous fumigator Thermacell. This perfect solution for the street. Whether you are in nature or in camping trip You won't find a better device. To verify this, just look at its characteristics:

  • Works on plates.
  • Batteries are not required for operation, it is enough to have a can of butane.
  • Allethrin, of natural origin, is used as an insecticide, so it will not harm people with a tendency to allergies.
  • The area affected by insects is 20 square meters. m., which is enough for a comfortable pastime of four people.
  • Leaves no odor on hands, which is especially important for fishermen.

The cost of such a device is quite high, but the result is worth it. The price is 2250 rubles.


The device of this brand has the following technical characteristics:

  • Works only with liquid fumigators.
  • The design includes a fan, which helps to provide an immediate effect of protection against midges and mosquitoes.
  • The available timer allows you to set the operating time of the device.
  • The composition of the liquid for such a device includes two components that adversely affect all types of blood-sucking insects.

The cost of such a device is 572 rubles.

Unlike other models, this device can be used even in a children's room. In addition, "MOSQUITALL for children" has the following characteristics:

  • Does not harm children and adults,
  • As a substance in the vial, transfluthrin in low concentration and chamomile extract are used.
  • The aroma emitted during operation is not dangerous for children with allergies.
  • Within 20-30 minutes, you can completely get rid of midges or mosquitoes.
  • There is enough liquid in the bottle for a month.

The cost of such a tool is 319 rubles.


Such a device has a timer for setting the operating time, and an intensity regulator. In addition, the device is characterized by:

  • The effectiveness of the defeat, even with open windows in the room.
  • As a damaging substance, pralletrin is used, in a small concentration, with a eucalyptus smell.

With all this, the cost of the device is 580 rubles.

This tool can be used both in nature and in the country. Such a device has the following characteristics:

  • Spirals - 15 pieces are included in the package.
  • When burning, they emit little smoke and are practically odorless.
  • Complete combustion occurs in 8 hours.
  • The package includes a tin box with a special handle for installing the spiral.

The cost of the device is 209 rubles.

Video: All about the fumigator

Unfortunately, even mosquito nets are not able to completely protect the house from mosquitoes. Therefore, every day you have to experience discomfort and think about how to get rid of hated insects. Solving this problem indoors is quite simple with the help of a fumigator - it works efficiently and at the same time does not cause inconvenience.

Mechanism of action

To choose this tool, you need to understand exactly how the fumigator works and what it is. To begin with, we note that this thing is a tool based on chemical substances. Fumigators can act by the following means:

  • Insecticide. Harmful to insects, but harmless to humans and pets.
  • Pyrethrins. They are natural substances. Obtained by extracting from plants such as chamomile, tansy, etc. Does not contain toxins, so it is safe even for small children.
  • pyrethroids. Artificially created substances that have the same properties as the representatives of the previous group.

There are electric and pyrotechnic types of the fumigator. The mechanism of action is quite simple: the heating element comes into action, and due to this, the poisonous substance evaporates. Vapors that are deadly to mosquitoes spread very quickly through the air, this is how the fumigation process occurs.

Electric models are simply inserted into the socket, they heat up quickly and strongly enough. To use them, you need a special liquid or plates.

Pyrotechnic fumigators are not so convenient to use - they are a spiral that needs to be set on fire. Then the spiral is extinguished, and it begins to smolder, due to which toxic substances spread through the air. The main advantage is the ability to use it on the street, like.

Choice and rules of use

To make it easier to make a choice, you need to decide exactly where the fumigator will be used. On most models it is written what area of ​​the room they can affect. Therefore, when choosing, this should first of all be paid attention to.

Electric ones are considered safer. Manufacturers of pyrotechnics recommend using them exclusively in open spaces, since they contain a very concentrated element.

Among electric fumigators, liquid models are usually chosen because they are more efficient and safe to use. Evaporation in such models is much faster, and the action is longer.

Rules for using a mosquito fumigator:

  1. During the purchase, be sure to pay attention to the presence of instructions and a special fire certificate, it guarantees safe use.
  2. Before the first use, it is recommended to read the enclosed instructions and follow all its rules.
  3. It is best to use the fumigator not throughout the day, but just a couple of hours before bedtime. With a large number of mosquitoes, you can leave the device on all night, but in this case, the window must be open.
  4. In some cases, individual intolerance to certain drugs may be observed. Therefore, during the first use, it is very important to monitor the well-being of everyone who is in the room. If your head hurts, itching and rashes appear, then the device should be turned off immediately.
  5. If the device is designed for a smaller area than you use, then you can turn on several fumigators at once at different ends of the room.
  6. Pyrotechnics in an open area are best placed in several places.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the following precautions, which must be observed in order to avoid negative consequences:

  1. The use of fumigators in small unventilated areas is prohibited.
  2. Before use, be sure to check the serviceability of the outlet.
  3. The mosquito repellent must be used in accordance with the regulations. It must be placed horizontally, while it is recommended to make sure that the plate does not stick out or hang down.
  4. Do not touch the device with wet hands.
  5. The operating device must be at least 1 meter away from people. In no case should it be placed near the bed.
  6. If there are children in the room, then leaving the switched on fumigator unattended for a long time is dangerous.

Most Popular Tools

Let's take a closer look at the most effective and popular devices for getting rid of mosquitoes.


Electrofumigator "Reid" works due to a special liquid. With daily use for 8 hours, it lasts for a month. The volume of the room should be up to 50 m 3. The active substance here is pyrethrin, which means that it is as safe as possible for humans. Manufacturers also took care of a pleasant smell that resembles eucalyptus.

Exist different types devices from this company. Most of them have a timer and a function for regulating the elements thrown into the air. The auto-off function is perfect for those who have a habit of falling asleep with the device turned on, but do not want to sleep with it throughout the night. The Raid device effectively fights mosquitoes and any other insects.


To protect children, you can use a special children's "Mosquitoll", there is also a tool designed for adults. For children, a less concentrated substance is used. It effectively fights pests and at the same time does not harm human health.

One bottle of liquid is enough for a month and a half of use. Manufacturers claim that you can completely get rid of mosquitoes in just 1.5 hours of using the device. With a fully open window, the fumigator is best used throughout the night. The manufacturer does not recommend using the device for longer than 8 hours.

Children's "Mosquitoll" contains chamomile extract, which also acts as a flavoring agent. Vials with liquid are always hermetically sealed, evaporation occurs quickly, and substances are evenly distributed throughout the room.


The composition of "Fumitoks" contains an extract that is extracted from chamomile. The tool is also popular because it contains an organic solvent and antioxidants that remove all harmful substances from the body. This drug will not cause discomfort, since it has no smell at all. The device works from a bottle, it is enough for 30 days. Release it for children and adults, but children's version many are not satisfied due to low efficiency. It is very convenient that in this model you can change the location of the fork.

When choosing a fumigator, you should not save money, because how well you sleep depends on this device. A sound sleep, in turn, is the key to health. Therefore, the choice of this tool should be approached with all responsibility.
