Remember your childhood. Remember how you played adulthood in which you always had your own house? Let it really be just small space under the table, curtained from the whole world with an old veil. It seems like it all happened so recently. And how many years have passed since then! Now you already have your children, who also dream of their own tiny corner. Do something nice for them: build them a wooden Orphanage ik with your own hands. Try to make this work collaborative. After all, common causes and interests bring together and help in communication.

The house that you and I are going to build should be extremely simple. It is important. You can make it beautiful inside and out, if you show imagination, work not only with your hands, but also with your head. In short, your child and you have a front of joint work. For a baby, this will really be a wonderful rehearsal for adulthood.

Children love to play as adults. For this purpose, they simply need to have their own space, which they can equip to their liking in order to put their toys there.

Determine the need for materials

If the child is between 2 and 6 years of age, then big house he doesn't need. We have to build a building with a modest size, having a square of 1.7x1.7 meters at the base and about 2.5 meters in height.

The need for materials is as follows:

  • Chipboard 2x1.7 m - 4 sheets;
  • For walls and roofs, 13 bars 2.5 meters long and 2.5 x 2.5 cm are needed. Of the 13, only 8 bars need to be sharpened at one end;
  • For floor supports, take 8 bars 35 cm long and 2.5 x 2.5 cm in section;
  • To fasten the floor horizontally, you will need 4 boards 2 meters long, with a section of 15x5 cm;
  • We will lay the floor with boards (13 pieces) 2 meters long and 15x5 cm in section;
  • We will cover the roof with plywood and any roofing material;
  • From consumable you need self-tapping screws, metal corners, paint and brushes.

All this must be prepared before starting work so that it is at hand. Let the child learn to work in an organized and harmonious manner from childhood.

Building materials for small children's house must be prepared before construction begins. There is no need to make a drawing for it: it is a very simple and easy construction

We select and mark a place, we make flooring

Yes, the child wants to have his own corner for games, but it is simply dangerous to lose sight of him at this age. Is there anything that can happen to a baby? Therefore, it is necessary to build a playhouse for children in the country in such a place that this building can be clearly seen from the kitchen window, for example. So mom, while preparing dinner, will be able to look after the youngest member of the family.

This little house is enough to make a child happy. Approximately such a structure we suggest you build for a baby aged 2 to 6 years

We have to do the markup. We take pegs and twine, mark out a plot, the size of which is 2x2 meters. The selected area should be well compacted, and its surface should be made even. In the corners of the resulting site we dig holes 20 cm deep. We place the bars in them so that they are 15 cm above the ground.

Exactly the same recesses must be made in the middle of each of the four sides of the site. We also place bars in them and strengthen them. The structure is small and it is not necessary to use a solution in this case. We got eight supports: one at the four corners of the site and one on each of the four sides.

Once again, measure the height of the supports using a gauge. The quality of the entire building depends on how even the base of the floor of the house turns out. Distortions are of no use to us. We nail four boards to the supports so that a box opens at the top. On it, the boards will be laid tightly one to the other. We attach the boards with screws and get a finished flooring for the floor.

Particular attention should be paid to initial stage work, because distortions at first can negate all the efforts of the builder

We build the walls of the building

To build walls, we need all four sheets of chipboard (chipboard) and 8 beams with pointed ends. To each sheet of chipboard, it is necessary to attach a beam with screws on both sides. In this case, the blunt ends of the bars should be flush with the upper edge of the chipboard, and the pointed ends will protrude by half a meter. Each sheet of chipboard with two bars on the sides forms one wall of the house. Let the end wall be deaf, and in the one opposite it, you can cut out the door. Side walls can be made with windows. Two or one window will be in your house, you decide.

Choose the shape of the openings for windows and doors yourself. But it’s better to look into children’s books and make a choice based on pictures. Kids love fairy tales, let the child's house look as fabulous as possible. There should be a lot of sun in the house, but you should not forget about the shade on a hot day either. Already finished walls with a sledgehammer are installed so that the surface of the chipboard is in close contact with the flooring. Don't forget to check the vertical orientation of the walls. Between themselves, the walls must be fastened with corners and screws. There should be no gaps in the building!

We build a reliable roof

The roof of the house can be made high or flat. It all depends on how you imagine this building. We will do this: take 4 beams, the edges of which are not pointed, and cut their ends at 45 degrees. Fasten two beams together with screws so that inner corner between them was 90 degrees. Both corner structures are constituent parts roof bases. From the inside, each of the corners should be fastened with metal corners on the screws.

It does not matter if there was no plywood on the farm. For the crate, you can use thin slats, the remains of a laminate and other similar materials.

One of the corner structures must be attached to the front wall of the house. To close free space between the roof of the house and the wall, it is necessary to outline a triangle. It is cut with a hacksaw. We do the same with the opposite wall of the building. Now the roof supports can be fastened together with a transverse beam. The finished frame remains to be attached to the walls with metal corners.

To cover the roof, plywood is needed. If it is not there, you can use everything that remains from the construction and repair in the house. Suitable, for example, slats, laminate, etc. As a roofing material, you can also use the remains of ondulin, colored slate, profiled sheet or tiles. It is even better if there are multi-colored pieces of the same type of roofing material. Get a real "gingerbread house". Remained Finishing work and painting. So childish playhouse with your own hands you can build in one day. And this does not require special skills of the builder.

The construction of a children's house should be taken seriously. If you manage to accurately complete all the stages of work, then you and large objects will be on the shoulder.

Option # 2 - a house for older children

Older children need not only a place to play, they also need all kinds of devices and structures with which to play. This video will tell you how to build a more complex children's house for children over 6 years old.

Option # 3 - a two-story house made of willow and reeds

A house for children can be built from various improvised materials. In this case, the builders had the opportunity to use willow trees for these purposes, from the thickets of which the local reservoir was freed, as well as reeds harvested in advance. Trunks of cut trees can be used to build the first floor of the house. To do this, they are cut into logs 15 cm long.

The first floor of the willow house

For the frame, old 10x10cm beams were used, which made it possible to make the first floor geometrically accurate. Since it forms the basis of the structure, this option can be considered optimal. We fix the frame of the future window and begin to lay the chocks on cement mortar. The solution requires sand (1 part), clay (2 parts), cement (1 part). We add water so that the mass is not liquid, but elastic.

Laying must be done carefully. To do this, it is necessary that the solution has not a liquid, but an elastic consistency. All gaps between chocks must be carefully filled

In order for the frame and masonry of logs to get a strong hitch, we will use nails (20 cm). They must be driven in pairs into the frame of the building, alternating them every 2-3 rows. For doorway put another bar. We make sure that all the gaps between the chocks on both sides of the wall are completely filled with mortar. The walls are ready.

In order for the frame and masonry to be securely fastened to each other, you can use not only nails, but also long metal pins

Now we will build the floor. To do this, you need churbachki 10 cm long. Inside the structure, we take out the soil 15 cm deep. Pour five centimeters of sand into the bottom of the formed pit. On it very tightly, carefully selecting, we lay the chocks. Using a wide board and a hammer, we ram them.

The construction of such a floor from wooden blocks is not an easy task, but the result is worth the effort. After all, your children will play in the house

We fill the existing cracks with sand, after which we should pour water on the floor under pressure so that the sand fills the cracks and securely fixes the logs. The gaps are filled with a solution of sand and cement. We leave the floor to dry, after which it is necessary to rinse it well so that the color of the wood returns.

The second floor of the willow house

If the wood for the first floor was cut down before the start of sap flow, then for the second floor, willows are needed when the sap is already running in them. It is this kind of wood that can be very easily freed from the bark. It is necessary to attach logs to the frame with the help of two-hundredth nails. Between themselves, they should also be knocked down in the most dense places. Do not forget about the door and window openings. To make a hipped roof, you need four even logs from which you can build rafters. They are nailed along the edges of the house, and fixed with self-tapping screws at the intersection.

Willow trunks during the sokogon period are very easily cleaned of bark. It is from such peeled branches and trunks that the second floor will be built

We take young reeds for the roof. It should grow in the spring, and it should be harvested in the winter. It is better to mow reeds during a period when there is little snow, and the shore and surface of the reservoir are covered with ice. The spit glides over the ice, so the reeds will be cut evenly and look neat.

When laying a roof made of reed, it is fixed by tightening two rails with self-tapping screws. First, we place a crate on the rafters, we lay reeds of such thickness as planned on it. Then we lay the rail on top of the reeds and tighten it with the crate with long self-tapping screws. We do the same with all sides of the roof. The top of the structure is crowned with a cap, which is pressed against the rafters with the help of a wire.

This is what it looks like hipped roof covered with reeds. If everything is done slowly, then the result of the work will please everyone.

frame can be covered water-based paint. Hammocks are attached to a specially dug large log. However, you can also use an old tree, the trunk of which is still quite reliable.

From the point of view of psychologists, every person and especially children need their own territory. It is not for nothing that they have a craving for the construction of huts, halabuds, bases and other buildings from any suitable and not very materials. If you have your own yard or a child spends a lot of time in the country, build him a children's house. The easiest way is by frame technology. Examples of building wooden playhouses for summer cottages in photo reports.

Playhouse for a summer residence with a sandbox below

We bring the brought timber 100 * 100 mm to smoothness. You can use a planer, you can use a drill with a fixed skin. First with large grains, then with small grains. After processing from decay protective composition, paint. While the pillars are drying, we drill holes (we have a diameter of 23 cm, a depth of 60 cm). In them we fall asleep to the bottom near a shovel of rubble. We put the pillars, set them vertically, fill them with rubble, compact, concrete.

We cut the exposed pillars all in one level. From above we fix the same bar 100 * 100 mm. It is also carefully processed: so that there are no splinters. We connect in half a tree: at the ends we cut out notches in half the thickness of the timber. For a 100 * 100 mm beam, cutouts 50 mm deep and 100-100 mm in area: so that the sawn edge of the other beam lies exactly in the same way.

We fix the top beam. Three collected, while the fourth lies.

We fasten securely: on top of 2 long nails (200 mm), on the sides of the corners on self-tapping screws.

We attach an additional beam along the long side. Under it in the middle - above the rack - we cut a notch also for half the thickness of the beam - 50 mm. No more need for wood to burst. We cut the stacked timber at the ends in the same way as those that go around the perimeter: in half a tree. It fits into the prepared gash.

The children's house should have a solid margin of safety. Therefore, we reinsure ourselves in each connection. To give the structure stability under lateral loads, we put jibs. We cut them from a bar 50 * 50 mm, cut the ends at 45 °.

We set by surprise, pressing well.

After installing the jibs, we lay the board. This will be the floor of the house.

Without an assistant - no way

We cut the flooring from the boards. It is more convenient to work with a jigsaw, but you can also use a hacksaw.

On the finished flooring, we assemble the frame of the children's playhouse. We use a bar 50 * 50 mm. We set the bars strictly vertically, first we fasten them with nails - two on both sides, then we strengthen them with corners on self-tapping screws (also on both sides).

We increase the rigidity of the structure by installing jibs. Then we nail the strapping of the second floor. These bars are simply nailed between the posts. They must be sawn off with great precision so that the building does not warp. We strengthen the joints with corners, after we put the jibs.

In the place where the entrance of the jib will be, we do not nail it.

Sheathed with a board left over from the packaging of equipment. You can use it from pallets, buy an inch board (12-13 mm thick), sheathe it with clapboard or imitation timber, logs, siding.

When the sheathing is almost finished, we begin to assemble the truss system. It's easier, of course, to do shed roof- make one wall higher and no problem. But the gable looks better, although it is more difficult to perform.

For truss system put two boards on the edge, connect at the top, sawing off the corners. The ascent depends on the desire and amount of snow. If there is a lot of snow, raise the skate higher. If not, maybe about a meter or less. We knock down with nails, then we strengthen the connection with overhead plates.

During the construction of houses, either a metal plate or a piece of board is placed here. We decided to use the board.

According to the finished sample, we mark other rafters. Cut out, knock down under two rafter legs at an angle (everyone should be the same as a carbon copy). Having installed on top of the house, we check the verticality. Then we nail with two nails on both sides and put the corners.

Now the battens are laid on the rafters. The roofing material will be ondulin. We put the board 11 * 100 mm in increments of 30 cm.

Based on the thickness of the board (11 mm), we take self-tapping screws 25 mm long for fastening the ondulin (so that they fit well into the board. We put rubber gaskets under the caps so that they don’t leak.

Handrail from the processed, sanded board. Screwed on powerful self-tapping screws 90 mm. Two in the lower beam - one in the sheathing board.

Railings are installed on the "veranda" of the house

At the top, the railings are connected with a beam of 30 * 30 mm. Then a board will be nailed to it - a handrail.

Railing ready for painting

At the bottom it was decided to put a sandbox. It is not difficult to assemble: eight boards on the walls, connected at the corners with the help of bars, A side board is nailed on top. Then the sandbox is painted.

Even a "non-builder" can build such a children's house with their own hands. There are no particularly difficult jobs, you can get by with an elementary tool.

Several options from the same series in the photo below. Two - houses with a slide, and one one-story option, more suitable for girls.

One-story "open" option

How to make a children's house from OSB and plywood (frame technology)

It was decided to make a house using frame technology - the base is made of boards, sheathing is made of OSB. Dimensions in plan - 3 * 2 m, wall height 1.5 m, in the ridge 2.2 m. Boards 50 * 100 mm were purchased for the frame, an inch board (100 * 12 mm) for the subfloor, OSB 9 mm for the floor and outer skin , for the inside - sanded FSF plywood 6 mm, foam for insulation 100 mm thick.

Preparatory work - the assembly of shields for the children's house - was carried out in the garage: it was still cold. Later, as it gets warmer, the house will move to the dacha, to the place of permanent registration.

The first stage is the manufacture of the floor frame. We knock down a rectangle with sides of 3 * 2 m, nail the transverse boards (floor logs) in increments of 50 cm.

The floor will be insulated with foam. Children love to sit on the floor, so we insulate well - with 100 mm foam. Under it, from the bottom side, we fill thin strips - so as not to fall through. Insert foam. Slots can be filled with mounting foam.

It's good that the building is small. We put it on its side and hem the bottom with an inch board. This will be the subfloor. After turning over, we sew up the OSB.

Later, when the house was taken to the dacha, an OSB installation error was revealed. He was nailed close. In humid air, the material swelled and the sheets bulged in some places. Therefore, when installing sheet material leave a gap of 8-10 mm.

Next, we assemble the frame of the walls. We put racks in increments of 1 meter, under windows and doors - doubled. Since the top will be stuffed with OSB on one side, and plywood on the other, the structure will be rigid. We don't put jibs. They are needed if there is a children's house upholstered with clapboard or other slatted material.

Wall frame assembly

The work has been moved to the country. Three old logs were used as a foundation. They are hewn, the tops are aligned. The logs are set to the level, a board is nailed to them, on which the platform will be installed. The width of the house is 2 meters, and the logs are 3 meters long. We will decorate the rest as a terrace or porch.

The platform has been set up. It is attached to the logs with large studs that connect the log and the platform. Began to expose the frame of the walls. They must be placed exactly vertically. To fix, they used temporary cuts - they nailed them with boards on the side.

Attached to the outside (connection brackets visible in this photo)

Along the way, having exposed and checked whether the wall is level, we nail it to the platform with long nails. The length of the nail is such that it reaches at least the middle of the frame board.

Then the fittings begin: you need to correctly cut the corners under the rafter legs so that they lie flat on the boards. First, cut out approximately, gradually ensuring that there are no gaps.

Trying to "create" a rafter leg

When the shape of the cuts is clear, we transfer it to other boards with a sharpened pencil. We cut everything evenly (with a jigsaw, if any, or hand saw). Then we nail all the boards to the frame. Between the rafters we fill the transverse boards - ondulin will rest on them. It turns out such a house.

After the construction of the truss system, only the sheathing remains - inside and out. Outside we stuff OSB. We cut it so that the joints fall on the racks. We nail, you can use wood screws. Who is more comfortable.

Insulation of the house inside - mineral (basalt wool)

From above everything is nailed with plywood. And that's it. The job is done - paint and can be put into operation)))

Using the same technology, you can build a tree house. It will be necessary to fix the site, and everything else is very similar.

Drawings and diagrams

Each homemade children's house is different in size. Proceed from how many "inhabitants" are planned in it. If the child will play alone, then 1.5 * 1.5 m is more than enough. If there are two children, you already need big sizes. At least 2 * 2 m. Decide for the height yourself. But less than 1.5 m is better not to do.

House made of boards and plywood with a slide roof

Many summer residents, when planning and, are going to build at least a small children's house with their own hands, so that the little owners have something to do and where to play in the summer. That is why we decided to write an article where we describe in detail the process of creating this small building on the site.

In our case, the height of the ridge of the building will be 90 centimeters, and the overall dimensions will be limited to the following indicators - 160x160x140 centimeters. To build a children's house, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Screws with nails;
  • 4 foundation blocks;
  • Dye;
  • 4 floorboards;
  • Edged board;
  • Lining;
  • 6 beam holders;
  • Mounting corners;
  • 11 bars for creating a floor and 5 for a blood;
  • Carved platbands;
  • Furniture shield.

Work order

  • Floor frame assembly. The first step is the foundation of the future structure, followed by reinforcement with metal corners and diagonal alignment.

  • Plot Definition. You should choose level ground. If there is none, then you will first have to level the area for construction. On the site, using the frame, it is necessary to designate four corner points, which will become markings for placing foundation blocks.
  • Give stability to the base. Before laying out the frame of the house, four foundation blocks should be placed on the surface of the sand cushion to a depth of no more than one shovel bayonet. After that, a waterproofing material is laid between the frame and the base.

  • Floor execution. In the next step, the frame is completely sheathed with boards, thus obtaining a flat surface.

  • Underside processing. After the floor is assembled, it is necessary to process the outer surface of the boards, that is, the one that will subsequently be adjacent to the ground. Then you can begin to build walls, insert doors and windows.

Important point! For the construction of a children's house with your own hands, you should select only jointed materials. Thus, children will not be injured and get splinters while playing in a small building. For the same purpose, it makes sense to chamfer the corners.

  • rafters. First of all, preliminary markings are drawn on the working surface. After that, with the help of temporary nails, bait is performed. The next step is to fix the rafter, and also seal all the joints with corners. At the end, the nails are removed.
  • Rafter fastening. To install exactly on a plumb line, 3 rafters should be placed on the frame, resting them with an inclined support. The walls of the future children's house will be attached to the frame with metal holders.

  • wall cladding. A self-assembled frame can be sheathed different materials, however, lining is most often used for this.

  • Roof assembly. Starting from the ridge, the roof of the house is sheathed with carved boards on both sides. On top of it, you can lay ondulin, which is quite simply cut to size with a grinder.

  • External decoration. Having finished with the construction of a children's house, you should not stop there - decorate appearance a new building for the child, making the building more elegant and beautiful. To do this, you can embellish the corners of the building with figured corners, and doors, windows and ends with carved platbands.

  • Interior. Do not overlook and, placing inside, for example, a small bench or table.

Thus, you will get an almost ready-made children's house. As you can see, doing all the work with your own hands is not difficult at all. In the end, it remains just to paint the walls of the new building.

Children's house on poles

You can easily build a playhouse for a child on your own on suburban area, right in front of the house. One of the most common options is a do-it-yourself building on poles.

Instructions for work

Of course, the new construction on the site will not be very heavy, and therefore there is no need to make a foundation for it. However, some foundation is still required even for a children's structure. In our case, it is best to use a wooden bar 100 by 100 millimeters. You can fasten the beam together with steel corners.

The next step is to place the supports that will hold the top floor of the children's house. For this purpose, it is worth using boards with a thickness and width of 30 and 80 millimeters, respectively. Jumpers are useful for fastening, which will simultaneously hold the boards of the 2nd floor.

Along with this, wooden supports are installed, they will serve as support structures for the stairs. Wooden roof is installed.

Expert advice! In order for the ceiling of the future structure to be able to hold a heavy load, it is recommended to place the boards with the ribs down.

It is best if the supports of the building will be placed not just anywhere, but on paving slabs.

To prevent children from getting hurt during the game, it is worth installing balusters with railings on the stairs.

In the upper part of the support must be fixed to each other. Jumpers should be used to fasten the wall frame.

Walls can be sheathed with ordinary boards, for the roof it is recommended to use plywood.

For greater safety and to avoid injuries to children, before building a children's house, it is worth sanding all the timber with your own hands. In addition, it is better if you inspect all the boards in advance for chips, cracks and breaks in order to minimize the risk of splinters during the operation of the building.

For the roof, you can use almost any modern soft.

In addition to the main entrance, it would not be superfluous to provide in the design of the house for children a "black" and simply an emergency exit. For this purpose, a small hole can be made in the floor of the structure, where the rope will be stretched. Undoubtedly, the guys will appreciate this solution!

Toward the end, finishing work is carried out, for which various decorative elements and multi-colored coloring materials are used.

Finally, between the pillars, under the first floor, you can create a sandbox.

Master class on creating a house with your own hands

First option

To work, you will need the following materials:

  1. Wood corners.
  2. Cutting board.
  3. Sheet piling to create a floor.
  4. Nails.
  5. Mounting brackets made of metal.
  6. Bar for the frame with a section of 45 by 45 centimeters.
  7. Biotex.
  8. "Block house".

Before you start creating a children's house with your own hands, you need to draw up a drawing of the future design. In our case, the building will contain a single room with a doorway and a window and a small veranda.

As you know, any construction work begins with grounds, which will simultaneously play the role of sex. Three logs are connected together with tongue-and-groove boards by fastening a tenon-groove and nails.

After that, a frame of a new building is made from a bar. Do not forget that for fastening the bars it is worth using metal corners.

So that during the process of fixing the "Block House" the material is not damaged and does not spoil its appearance, it is necessary to use scraps and a hammer.

Wall cladding should be based on the location of the doorway and windows.

Corners from the side of the street are covered with wooden corners.

Edged boards are used for the roof, which are fixed on each side with nails. The flooring is recommended to be made of bituminous tiles.

After you completely build a children's house with your own hands, it is necessary to treat the walls, floor and roof of the structure with "biotex". This composition will not only give surfaces desired color, but will continue to protect the structure of the building from the negative effects of rain and sun.

Like last time, shelves, a table and benches are made inside the room.

Thus, with our own hands, without the help of specialists and additional costs, we will get a beautiful and reliable children's house, which your children will certainly appreciate.

Second option

In the second case, the following components and materials will be required to build a house:

  1. Thin boards.
  2. Ruberoid.
  3. Six wooden planks 2.4 by 1.8 meters.
  4. Screw set.
  5. Bars of various sections.
  6. Stain.

It is recommended to lay the foundation, if possible, using crushed stone. Alternatively, you can simply level the ground under the new structure. Next, the bars with a section size of 10 by 10 centimeters must be cut into equal parts, and then placed in increments of 1.4-1.5 meters between the racks.

Support bars should be placed under the posts in the soil, so we will exclude the process of floor decay in the future. We place bars 5 by 10 cm in cross section between the rack and the panel, which will become the floor in the future. Fixation of the beams is achieved by screws. The existing voids between the lags should be covered with earth.

The next step is to cut the wooden panels into equal parts, and then lay them out in a strictly horizontal position. Fastening is achieved by a beam.

In order for the flooring to be as smooth as possible in the end, panels should be laid with little margin, then saw off the excess parts.

The next step is to create the sidebars. In this case, you should initially mark up, leaving at least a 6-centimeter margin on each side in width. As for the height of the wall for the children's house, 1.5-meter panels can be made as an example.

In the process of assembling walls with your own hands, one should not forget about door and window openings, which are also created based on pre-made markings. In our case, the dimensions of the door will be 0.6 by 1.2 meters.

Internal and external panels are varnished. After the flooring is well fixed, walls are attached to it with screws. A board with a section size of 10 by 5 centimeters is placed with a small protrusion over the edge on the side.

As soon as new wall will be placed in place, its installation must be checked with a level. Only after making sure that the location is correct, you can move on to the next wall!

The next step is to build a roof, which at the end is covered with a layer of roofing material. To cover the gaps that may accidentally form between the panels, a wide ridge should be used.

For greater beauty, you can create shutters on the windows or assemble a small porch in front of the house with your own hands.

On this, the children's building will be ready.

Aboveground building with stairs and slide

An interesting option can serve as a children's house, built on a summer cottage on a hill. In this case, the following materials and products may be required:

  1. Dye.
  2. Ladder.
  3. chipboard.
  4. Sand with cement for the base.
  5. Slide.
  6. Wooden blocks for piles.
  7. Screws and nails.

This version of the structure will be erected for the most part thanks to the tenon-groove connection, which will allow, if necessary, to disassemble the building, for example, for the winter.

The frame of the house is assembled in the same way as shown in the photo below.

If you are going to perform shutters on window opening, then you should buy hinged loops in the store in advance.

The railing under the porch is assembled. For this purpose, small holes are made in the bars with a certain step, with a depth of no more than half the bar.

Reiki should be tried on together with drilled notches. After making sure that the slats fit well, they should be removed for a while and secured with nails for greater ease of painting work.

Most important point during the construction of any structure, the foundation is laid. The children's house is no exception! In our case, under the piles of the building, it is necessary to dig 4 holes, the depth of which will be approximately one meter. Next, the supports are poured cement mixture, after which it remains to wait for the final drying.

It is important to emphasize that the deeper the piles are placed in the soil, the more reliable the finished structure of the house will be, reducing to nothing the risk of collapse and mobility of the children's building.

Remember your childhood: almost every child dreamed of his own separate home - a toy house. Many of us tried to make a similar corner for ourselves and, naturally, even though simple designs were obtained, they made our childhood much happier.

The one who possessed own house from a box, cardboard, lots of branches or pillows, could rightfully be considered the “coolest” kid on the street.

Now that we have grown up and have our own children, we want to build a better structure with our own hands, which will bring joy to our children.

Children's house made of wood

You can build a house for a child with your own hands from any material suitable for this. However, the most common idea for a do-it-yourself children's house is precisely wooden version, which we will talk about.

This choice is due to the fact that wood is the most environmentally friendly and long-term material. Also, of course, wood has a more effective look, which adds atmosphere to children's games. Such a house will not make your child happy, but will also positively affect his health.

Naturally, it is very important to build a children's house with your own hands in such a way that so that it is the most secure and cannot bring any harm your heir.

When the time comes that your child has grown up and no longer needs his own game Zone in the form of a wooden house, you do not have to wonder why you need it now. Such a structure can be very effectively used as country barn that blends in perfectly with the exterior of your home.

The procedure for building a wooden house with your own hands

First of all, you need to decide how your house will look like. To do this, you can already draw up the first schematic drawing, which will determine the type of building that you need.

So, first of all, before construction, it is necessary to determine the following characteristics of the future structure:

  1. Open or closed house.
  2. Occupied area and height of the structure.
  3. Building locations. That is, where will the house be located: on the ground or on a tree? This is very important, since the options differ significantly in the construction process.
  4. The material from which the construction will be made. In our case, this is a tree.
  5. The presence of windows, doors, as well as their number and the material from which they will be made during construction.
  6. The presence of additional outbuildings, namely: fences, terraces, swings, stairs, slide, sandbox, any extension, and so on. It all depends on your imagination, you can build anything.
  7. Interior decoration.

Children's house ideas

Below is a list of ideas for building a wooden children's house. If you don't want to spend time creating your own house, creating drawings, ideas, and so on, you can use one of these options.


This idea involves the construction of a children's house in the style of primitive people. That is, the style of Indians, Robinsons or nomads will be used here.

If you choose to build a house according to this idea, in addition to wood, you will need a lot of fabric, branches, and shrubs.

Hobbit house

Many of us are familiar with the story of the same name by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. It was after the appearance of the film adaptation of these books that many people got acquainted with the forest dwellers, who are also commonly called Hobbits.

It is the house of one of these forest dwellers that this idea proposes to build. Moreover, after the construction of such a building, you can really completely plunge into the fairy-tale world of Tolkien.


This option is best suited for young rogue pirates and distant sailors. This the idea involves the construction of any kind of ship with my own hands. To better understand what such a wooden children's house will look like, you can see a lot of photos.

Development of a plan for a children's house made of wood

Before drawing up a detailed construction plan, as well as a drawing, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory features of such a structure:

  • the house must be mobile and stationary;
  • have at least two windows. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure that the house has good lighting during the day. Also, do not forget that such a structure is being made specifically for a child who needs an eye and an eye. In this case, the windows will perform the tracking function;
  • height from floor to ceiling should be at least half a meter. But do not make rooms too high;
  • doors are recommended to be made directly to the ceiling, that is, to the height of the entire house. Not only that the child must safely enter his home, but do not forget that sooner or later you yourself will be invited to visit him;
  • in order to completely get rid of the possibility of unnecessary injury to the child, the walls of the house must be smooth;
  • not worth building flat roof, because it may attract a child, sooner or later he will decide to climb on it, which will increase the risk of injury.

Drawing of a children's house

With regards to the drawing of a children's house in the country, you there is a choice of two options: either sketch a diagram yourself, or use a ready-made option.

If you are well versed in drawing up drawings, and you are not too lazy to engage in this craft, then feel free to choose the first option. If you want to use a ready-made drawing that a specialist worked on, then it is very simple, since you can find a lot of similar options on the Internet.

It is worth remembering that the drawing for the construction of a children's house in the country is being done in order to correctly calculate all materials to be used during construction. This will help not only save materials, but also correctly calculate their dimensions and produce a blank.

Do-it-yourself tools and materials for building

Here is a list of all the tools you may need when building a small wooden house for your child:

Also, of course, you will need materials, without which it is impossible to create a cozy house for a child in the country. Materials you may need:

  1. Beam for the frame. We recommend choosing a beam with a cross section of about 50 x 50.
  2. Lumber for house cladding.
  3. Plywood with a thickness of more than 8 mm. OSB can be used. The second option is cheaper, but, as a result, less durable. It all depends on your capabilities and desires.
  4. Roofing material for the roof.
  5. Brick.
  6. Glass for windows. It is worth remembering here that this material is quite unsafe, so it is best to completely eliminate the presence of glass in the cottage in the country. However, if you are confident in your child, glass can also be used.

Construction process

Now that you have completely figured out all the details, created the drawings, found the material, made all the necessary calculations, you can go to the country.

The entire construction process can be divided into several stages, each of which is very important:

  1. Foundation erection.
  2. House floor construction.
  3. Walls and frame.
  4. Roof.


Of course, it is worth remembering that you are building an ordinary children's house in the country, and not a serious house for permanent residence. Therefore, the construction of the foundation for the children's house can be approached a little easier without flooding it.

In order for the cottage in the country for your child to last as long as possible, it is best to dig the soil of the order of 10 cm and lay it with bricks. You can, of course, also take advantage of the special terrace board However, this option would be extremely costly.

If you are looking for an idea that will be the most budget and simple, use bricks.

Floor, walls and frame

It is better to approach the construction of the floor with all seriousness. There are 2 options here:

  1. The use of lags and floorboards.
  2. Using plywood or OSB.

At the corners of the foundation, it is necessary to dig holes in which the beams will be installed. This will be the support for the wall. Do not forget that before you place a beam in the ground, you need to competently approach the process of processing it.

For a stronger construction you can use a metal corner. After placing all the corners of the beam into the ground, you can sew up the frame with boards or plywood, of your choice.

There are also options for houses that cannot be built without supports.


The beginning of the roof construction process must be carried out separately from the children's house in the country. The first step is to make the fronts. Here it is recommended to use the same beam, which was used during the construction of the frame.

It is necessary to install two triangles along the edges of the house, after which boards, OSB or plywood are sewn. If necessary, more than two triangles can be installed. It depends on the size of the house.

Don't forget about roofing material, which is superimposed on top of everything. Some professionals use thatched roofs.

In general, you can choose any option, but remember that the roof should never be used as a playground for your child. If the safety of the heir is important to you, approach this issue with all seriousness.

So, as you may have noticed, building a wooden house for children in the country with your own hands is a very simple craft that any self-respecting father can afford.

Using the universal construction principle given in this article, you can build any simple building for a child. The main thing is your imagination.

Every child needs their own space where they can play, dream or just have fun with their friends. You can build a playhouse from improvised materials, fulfilling the cherished desire of your child.

First of all, consult with your child and listen to his wishes: someone will like the house complex with bunk bed, someone wants to play in a hut, and someone can even build a tree house or in the yard - there are a lot of options, but they need to be measured with their own capabilities.

Playhouse for children from a cardboard box

The easiest and cheapest option to make a playhouse for children. The main thing is to pick up a dense and large cardboard box, for example, from under the refrigerator or washing machine. In it, with the help of a clerical knife, windows and doors are cut through, a roof is made from glued pieces of thick cardboard. It is better to draw the design of the future home on paper: if the child is already old enough, you can ask him to help decorate his own house.

The joints in the box must be properly glued with adhesive tape so that the structure does not fall apart during use. The junction of doors and windows with walls must also be secured with tape or woven tape, otherwise the cardboard will tear very quickly. As for the decor, you can use paints and pencils, creating fantasy drawings with the whole family, paste over the walls with old wallpaper, colored stickers, colored paper applications, and so on. Inside the house, you can even hang mini-curtains and lay a rug to keep the baby warm.

You can also make more complex architectural forms: use only a frame, and use separate pieces of cardboard to make a porch, a roof, and even some furniture. A whole palace can be made from several large boxes, and if the joints are properly strengthened, the structure will be collapsible. Large boxes are cut along the side joints, and then the corners are glued with a wide masking tape. Furniture in the house can be made "built-in" (glue a table to the walls, and make chairs from small folding boxes).


For the game, you can sew a small tent or hut out of fabric. We will need a frame and an old sheet or bedspread. The hut can be collapsible or stationary, so it is suitable for a children's room of any size. The basis will be long wooden bars or PVC pipes(5 pieces), 1.7-1.8 meters long, they can be purchased at any hardware store. The bars are sanded and painted so that the child does not accidentally get scratched and does not drive a splinter. We make a base in the form of a pentahedron from boards or strong wire, attach a beam to each corner, and then assemble it into a bundle from above and tightly tie it with a rope or wire.

We cut out the sheet in the form of a semicircle with a small hole; it can be fixed on the frame with ties. It is worth putting a soft rug or mattress on the floor, and placing it inside table lamp or lampshade.

We are offering to you step by step master class another hut that you can do with your own hands, without much effort. To do this, you will need 3 round bars, 4 wooden planks for the frame, a pencil, a drill, a tape measure, a fabric for decoration, threads, scissors.

First, it would be nice to make at least an approximate drawing of a wooden house: it's one thing if this is a shelter for one child, another if it's for a group of friends.

From the upper and lower edges of each of the 4 planks (their length is approximately 160-170 cm), we mark 15 or 20 cm each. At the mark, we drill holes for round bars. Planks need to be placed in pairs in a row to check that the holes match.

After that, you can sew the canvas (its length should exceed the height of the house by 10-15 cm). At the bottom edges of the canvas, we leave holes into which round bars will be inserted. It is possible to provide for special fasteners (loops, elastic bands, Velcro), but this is more troublesome. By the way, it is better to choose a fabric that is light, translucent, then it will let in more light.

You can start assembling a children's house. We insert the lower edges of the round bars into the canvas, carefully fasten the top with wire, a large self-tapping screw or rope. We put a mattress, pillows, a rug inside the house so that it is cozy and comfortable in it at any time of the year.

By the way, a gymnastic hoop may well become the basis of a small tent, but such a hut is mainly attached to the ceiling with a metal hook. You can equip a hut simply on a wire frame. To do this, we make a rectangle, and then we fit it with a cloth. You can decorate the "windows" with curtains, decorate the frame with colored applications, make a folding door, shelves for toys. Of course, this design will take up enough space, but your child will really like it.

Here are some more interesting variations of children's houses. The easiest is to make a small dome above the bed, which can be removed at night and installed as needed. The dome can be made on flexible arcs from an unnecessary tourist tent or an old developmental rug.

In the garden, you can make a basis for weaving plants from a grid, as a result, a pretty decent hut for a summer residence is formed.

Some craftsmen manage to make a house even from plastic bottles by gluing them together. Of course, a friendly company will not fit in such a house, but for one child it is quite a suitable solution!

Corner complex for children's games

You can build a whole complex for children by placing it in the corner of the room. For this from wooden slats making a frame.

The walls can be made of plywood or drywall sheets screwed to the frame with screws. Steps are best made of wood or sheets of metal, they can withstand heavy loads.

The floor on the "second floor" is best made of chipboard, the whole structure will be held on self-tapping screws or bolts.

Outside, we sew up the house with drywall. If desired, you can even conduct wiring inside or limit yourself to one stationary lamp (table).

From three bars we make the basis for the railing, on which we fill the boards so that the house becomes not only beautiful, but also safe.

Now we arm ourselves with paints and paint the children's corner. Steps and floors can be carpeted.

Wooden playhouses for children in the country

To build a small but cozy playhouse you will need: 6 boards 1.8x2.4 m with a section of 50x75 mm, 4 processed timber, 1.8 m long, with a section of 10x10 cm, 6 bars, 2.4 m long (section 5x10 cm ), 1 beam, 2.4 m long, section 50x75 mm, 1 beam 2.4 m long, section 25x75 mm, 1 roll of roofing felt, 1 box of screws 75 mm, 2 boxes of screws 30 mm, roofing nails, stain, thin planks . You will also need a tool: a hydraulic level, a rammer, a shovel, a hammer, a screwdriver, a chipper, a circular saw, a clerical knife, a paint brush.

Of course, ideally it would be nice to make a minimal foundation of rubble, but you can simply level the surface of the soil. Bars 100x100 mm need to be cut into identical parts (you choose the length yourself), the distance between the two racks should be 1.4-1.5 meters.
