A sandwich panel is a design that consists of a heater and a few words roofing material and is used as the main building material for the construction of buildings of varying design complexity. For the manufacture of sandwich panels, only proven and suitable materials are used. The main material for the cover layer is usually "corrugated board" (galvanized steel coated with a polymer).


When choosing sip panels, it is still better to seek help from specialists. But if this is not possible, it is worth studying their characteristics.

There are three main types of heaters:

  • polystyrene (polystyrene foam);
  • mineral wool ( basalt insulation);
  • polyurethane foam.

And each of these heaters has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Styrofoam filling in panel

Polyfoam is positioned as a heater, distinguished by its durability. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly material. Possesses properties of water resistance and is not afraid of the sun. But at the same time, such material is very flammable and burns quickly.

Mineral wool practically does not burn and is also harmless to health.

This insulation also tolerates biological and chemical effects well. But with a set of such important advantages, basalt insulation has a very low resistance to moisture.

Polyurethane foam is a poor conductor of heat and is easily flammable, but it has a high insulating threshold.

Polyurethane foam how to start for sandwich panel

The thickness of the building material, and, accordingly, the price directly depends on the thickness of the insulation itself.

The issue price of SIP panels is 1,300 rubles per square meter. Its thickness is 174 mm, width - 1250 mm, height - 2500 mm.

In our country and the CIS countries, sandwich panels of the following sizes are used:

12+100+12=124 mm;

12+150+12=174 mm;

12+200+12=224 mm.


OSB for SIP board

Acquaintance with the concept of OSB boards should begin with a general classification. There are four main types of OSB. Each of them differs from others only in its indicators of moisture resistance and strength.

  • OSB 1 is a board with the lowest moisture resistance strength. This type of plate is often used in the assembly of light weight parts. The advantage of these plates is their low price.
  • OSB 2 - has a low moisture resistance threshold and at the same time high strength. Such plates are used mainly for the production of furniture, sometimes for load-bearing elements. Less commonly, OSB 2 is used in construction industry, and then only for internal structures.
  • OSB 3 is one of the most popular board types. These boards combine strength and moisture resistance at a nice price. They are used more often in construction for the construction of both facade and interior finishes. Sometimes OSB 3 acts as a roofing material or floor.
  • OSB 4 - these OSB boards have the highest threshold of strength and moisture resistance. They are used for the construction of structures with a high level of load and in areas with high humidity.

Construction of houses from sandwich panels: advantages and disadvantages

Like any material, the use of sandwich panels has both its own and disadvantages.

First about pleasant. The main advantage of this building material is the conformity of its quality, which is evidenced by the high strength of the material, relative to the price. This factor plays a very important role in calculating the construction estimate. After all, the use of this material significantly reduces costs. Due to the lightness of the panels, the weight of the overall structure is lightened, which means that there is no need for a reinforced foundation.

See more projects of houses in the section “Projects of houses” on our website.

Do-it-yourself sandwich-panel house

Building a house from SIP panels - how to assemble a constructor

The first thing that will be needed in this matter is the project of the future building. Special attention should be paid to its construction, not forgetting about the requirements and wishes. If it is not possible to build it yourself based on the complexity of the calculations, then there are a lot of companies ready to help in this matter. We will try to show you all the stages of construction in a photo report, with step by step instructions. But, all houses are individual, our photo can only be considered as an information guide.

By the way, SIP panels can be used to build not only houses, but also residential buildings. They can accommodate verandas or kitchens.

The next step is to order SIP panels or them. You can order them directly at the enterprise that is engaged in production. Here you can also view catalogs and choose everything you need for subsequent installation. When choosing panels, do not forget about the foundation - the foundation. For a structure made of such material, usually, the foundation is installed on screw piles.

Water supply, heating and electricity for the future house must be diluted even before the foundation is poured.

To avoid curvature of corners or mismatch in height, all panels must be checked for integrity and dimensional conformity before installation. If inaccuracies are noticed, contact the supplier for a replacement material.

After, you need to make it strapping using wooden beam. Then the corners are set and holes are made using a percussion tool. Using these holes, the beam is fastened to concrete with 12 mm anchors. Recommended distance 2.5 m. Further, the building itself is assembled on the established foundation. The assembly is started with a zero overlap, while the first SIP panels are laid on the timber.

Wall frames are assembled from timber. A mortgage board is fixed along its perimeter with special nails. The main thing here is to maintain vertical calibration and frame angles. After all, if you miss at least 1 mm somewhere, the wall will turn out to be a curve and there will be no possibility to correct it. After installing the frame, panels are applied to it.

After the construction of the general structure, the sealing of the holes begins. The joints and corners of the panels are filled with edged boards measuring 25 * 100 mm. All cracks are sealed with foam.

Ceilings between floors and all bearing structures it is better to make wooden. You can use both timber and boards. Photos of the stages of construction are just below.

Foundation for a house from SIP panels

The foundation is, first of all, the foundation of the building. It transfers the entire load of the building to the underlying soil layers. In addition to the strength of the foundation itself, you need to consider:

  • the total area of ​​​​support on the soil;
  • the support capability of the soil itself;
  • groundwater levels.

Experts consider the excessive abundance of concrete and metal in it to be the most common mistake when pouring the foundation.

The most popular types of foundation are:

  • pile (pile-tape);
  • columnar (column-tape);
  • monolithic shallow slabs;
  • tape deepening;
  • tape deepening with a plinth.

But, it is worth noting that among this variety, for frame panel houses, shallow penetration would be the best option.

Laying a strapping (crown) timber

For laying, a timber with a size of 2.5 * 1.5 cm is taken. Laying should begin from the middle of the foundation, while measuring its horizontal calibration. Next, the beam must be connected at the corners with a notch. After that, the details are fixed. For proper fixing, holes are drilled in the timber in a length of 1–1.5 cm with a diameter of 2 cm and the dowel is driven.

The fastening of the beam to the foundation is done with the help of anchor bolts with drowning. The fastening distance is about 1.5–2 m. The size of the bolts should be 35 cm long with a diameter of 1–1.2 cm.

Arrangement of the floor in the house from SIP panels

Another proof of the distinctive properties of Canadian construction technology is the flooring technology.

Floors and ceilings are also built from SIP panels.

Although many contractors recommend laying a regular wooden floor with insulation between the joists and beams in such houses. These floors are reliable and more durable. In addition, this floor will be easier to disassemble or repair.

Building walls from SIP panels

When building walls, you need to carefully choose source material, because the quality of the future home largely depends on its quality. The best option for outdoor work there will be a beam with a diameter of 15 cm. As for the height, here is a minimum of 1.5 m. For the inside, 10 * 15 cm is suitable. These are acceptable sizes that will help save on consumable, will minimize the number of seams and joints and achieve perfect smoothness of future walls. Assembling the walls is not easy, you need experience.

Before laying the timber in the crowns, all materials must be adjusted in accordance with the height and give them the desired shape. For corner joints, it is better to use the “half-tree” or “tied with root tenon” method. Connections of the outer parts are best done with a cut or on veneers. And it is better to connect the internal sections of both joints and corners with a half frame.

To begin, direct installation is necessary with the laying of a crown beam treated with an antiseptic agent into the foundation.

Arrangement of the roof in the house from SIP panels

The roof for a house built using this technique can be the most common truss. This type of roof is characterized by support in the form of grooves or mauerlat, which are cut into the beams on the attic floor. The rafters are installed on the supports, the crate is stuffed on them and the roofing material is laid.

As for insulation, it is not necessary for a cold attic. But if the plans are to install an attic, then it is worth putting a heater between the rafters and covering it with a vapor barrier film.

In addition to the truss, a roof made of SIP panels is no less popular. For this type, the first step is to install the starting rafters, which are bolted to the Mauerlat. And only after that comes the laying of the panels. The panels are mounted on one side of the roof, gradually increasing the height in length with the ridge. As soon as work with the first skate is completed, you can proceed to the next one.

This installation method is more painstaking than traditional, but no less reliable.

Facade decoration

Facade finishing is the final stage of construction. Each owner makes it according to his taste and financial capabilities. Among the finishing options are now very popular: facing bricks, siding, decorative plaster.


Watch an interesting video about building a house from SIP panels.

Large-panel called buildings assembled from prefabricated large-sized planar elements of walls, ceilings, coatings and other structures. Prefabricated structures have increased factory readiness - finished external and internal surfaces, built-in windows and doors.

According to the constructive scheme of the building, there are: frameless, with longitudinal and transverse load-bearing walls and frame.

The construction of buildings from large panels can significantly increase the degree of industrial construction and labor productivity, reduce the cost of construction and reduce the construction time of buildings.

Large-panel residential buildings, in which the outer and inner walls, ceilings and partitions are made of prefabricated enlarged elements, have different design schemes: frameless and with inner frame.

In large panel houses currently, sanitary units are mounted in the form of ready-made cabins equipped with all appliances. Sanitary cabins are manufactured at prefabricated housing construction plants and delivered to construction sites in a form prepared for installation.

Roof coverings in large-panel residential and public buildings are arranged, as a rule, in the form of combined non-attic roofs.

Buildings in which spatially unchanging cells (rooms) are formed by wall and ceiling panels are called frameless.

Frameless buildings consist of a smaller number of prefabricated elements, are easy to install and are primarily used in mass housing construction. In these buildings, external and internal steppes perceive all the existing loads.

Frameless large-panel houses build with three longitudinal load-bearing walls; with transverse load-bearing partitions installed with a small step from each other; with transverse load-bearing partition walls installed with a large step.

Frameless building with longitudinal (a) and transverse (b) support of floor slabs

Frameless buildings consist of a smaller number of prefabricated elements and are easy to install and are primarily used in mass housing construction. In these buildings, the outer and inner walls perceive all the loads acting on the building. Spatial rigidity and stability is ensured by the interconnection between the wall and floor panels.

Structural schemes of frameless large-panel buildings: a - with three longitudinal bearing walls; b - with longitudinal and transverse bearing walls; c - with transverse load-bearing partitions

At the same time, there are four design options support of floor slabs: on longitudinal load-bearing walls; along the contour (on longitudinal and transverse walls); on internal transverse walls; on internal transverse walls; on three sides (on the longitudinal carrier and internal transverse).

Such buildings are characterized by the following design schemes.

With a narrow pitch of load-bearing transverse walls. The walls of the building are transverse and end - bearing. Exterior walls made of single-layer or three-layer panels. Internal walls from reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 120 ... 160 mm. Ceilings - solid reinforced concrete slabs 120 mm thick.

With a large pitch of load-bearing transverse walls Internal transverse walls, bearing from single-row or belt cut panels. Partitions - gypsum concrete 80 mm thick. Ceilings - solid reinforced concrete slabs 160 mm thick or multi-hollow slabs 220 mm thick.

With a mixed pitch of load-bearing transverse walls. External walls - self-supporting from single-row cut panels. Ceilings - solid reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 120 ... 160 mm, which in narrow cells are supported along the contour, in wide cells - on two sides.

Structural schemes of frameless large-panel buildings: with a narrow (a), with a large (b) and with a mixed pitch of load-bearing transverse walls (c); 1 - load-bearing outer panels; 2 - the same, panels of transverse walls; 3 - floor slabs; 4 self-supporting outer panels; 5 - bearing partition; 6 - floor slabs

Large-panel houses with three longitudinal load-bearing walls- two external, one internal. The outer wall panels of such houses are made of three-layer heavy concrete with insulation or single-layer of relatively durable lightweight or cellular concrete. With a multilayer structure, reinforced concrete with a thickness of 30-50 mm is laid on the outside - a layer of thermal insulation made of mineral wool slabs, foam concrete or other lightweight materials; from the inside - a finishing layer. The total thickness of such a panel is 200-250 mm. The thickness of lightweight concrete panels depends on their strength, bulk density and thermal conductivity.

For the inner longitudinal wall of this type of house, solid reinforced concrete panels are used one floor high and 120 to 180 mm thick.

Interfloor ceilings in this case are based on external and internal load-bearing walls. Partitions are installed on the floors; partition panels in such houses are self-supporting and are made of gypsum-slag concrete or other materials.

Structural schemes of large-panel houses with load-bearing walls: a - longitudinal, b - transverse; 1 - external load-bearing wall panels, 2 - internal load-bearing wall panels, floor panels, 4 - external self-supporting panels, 5 - internal load-bearing transverse walls (partitions)

Large-panel houses with transverse load-bearing partitions have, in essence, bearing all the main elements: transverse partitions, internal longitudinal and external walls. Floor panels in these houses have supports on all four sides. External wall panels are considered self-supporting. They are not much different from the outer panels in houses with longitudinal load-bearing walls, are made from the same materials and have the same dimensions. However, since they are less loaded, it is possible to reduce their weight by using less strong and lighter materials, and thereby increase the dimensions.

Partition panels in such houses are made of heavy concrete. Panel thickness from 120 to 180 mm. Instead of concrete, vibro-brick panels are also used. The inner longitudinal wall is built from the same panels.

Floor panels in houses with transverse load-bearing partitions are made the size of a room with a thickness of 100-130 mm. They are made of solid heavy concrete.

Frame-panel buildings unlike large-panel, in addition to panels of walls and partitions, flights of stairs, balconies and floor slabs, they also have frame elements that perceive the forces acting on the building. The frame is formed by columns and crossbars resting on them at the level of the ceilings, along which floorings or ceiling panels are laid.

Structural diagram of a building with an incomplete frame: 1 - load-bearing wall panel, 2 - column, 3 - crossbar, 4 - sanitary cabin, 5 - floor panel, 6 - roof combined with attic floor, 7 - balcony slab, 8 - stairs

The building may have an incomplete frame, when the columns are located only along the internal axes, and the crossbars are laid not only between the columns, but also between the columns and the outer walls. With a full frame, the panels of the outer walls serve only as a fence, since the frame elements do not rely on them. It is also possible to arrange a frame without crossbars. Then the floor panels rest directly on the columns.

Structural schemes of frame-panel buildings: a - with a transverse arrangement of crossbars; b - with a longitudinal arrangement of crossbars; 1 - 1 - columns; 2 - crossbars laid across the building; 3 - curtain wall panels; 4 - crossbars laid along the building

In frame-panel buildings, functions are clearly delineated between load-bearing and enclosing elements. This allows for buildings of any number of storeys to use light hinged panels. For such buildings, the most common and characteristic is the structural scheme with a transverse arrangement of crossbars.

The walls of frame buildings are panels made of lightweight or cellular concrete with a thickness of 250 - 300 mm. Walls made of such panels are statically hinged and have a two-row cut. By location in the wall, panels are distinguished:

  • Belt(basement, interfloor, parapet) 3 - 6 m long and 0.9 - 2.1 m high;
  • Peristaltic 0.3 - 1.8 m wide and 1.2 - 2.7 m high;
  • corner

The frame of such buildings is a multi-tiered frame capable of absorbing vertical and horizontal loads. Modern frame-panel buildings are referred to as tie buildings according to static work. Columns and crossbars in them perceive only vertical loads, and connections - horizontal (wind) loads.

Structural scheme of a frame-panel house: 1 - reinforced concrete crossbar of the frame; 2 - interwindow panels-inserts; 3 - intermediate belt; 4 - cutout for ventilation units; 5 - internal two-story reinforced concrete column; 6 - reinforced concrete floor slab; 7 - wall panel; 8 - wall slab; 9 - reinforced concrete pit ring; 10 - concrete wall block; 11 - reinforced concrete basement; 12 - reinforced concrete bottom slab of the pit; 13 - outer two-story reinforced concrete column; 14 - cinder blocks

Spatial rigidity is provided by:

  • Rigid conjugation of frame elements in nodes;
  • Installation (at the level of each floor) of stiffening walls associated with columns and ceilings;
  • Laying bonded and wall slabs between the columns of the building;
  • Sealing of seams between floor slabs;
  • Arrangement of connections between the walls of staircases and elevator shafts with the frame of the building.

Elements that provide spatial rigidity of a frame-panel building: 1 - rigid interface of nodes; 2 - stiffening walls; 3 - wall plates; 4 - bonded plates; 5 - monolithic seams; 6 - the walls of the staircase; 7 - walls of the elevator shaft

The durability of steel parts (ties) connecting the elements of prefabricated buildings depends on their corrosion resistance, which is provided by:

By placing fasteners in the inner part of the wall, which is less prone to freezing and moisture;

The use of protective coatings (polymer, paint, sprayed) on welds;

Sealing, insulation and embedding of joints, excluding leaks, condensation and other influences that cause corrosion;

Frame-panel buildings are widely used in the construction of public buildings. They are characterized by two design schemes - with transverse and longitudinal arrangement of crossbars.

IN frame
panel buildings
the loads acting on them are perceived by the crossbars and racks of the frame, and the panels most often perform only enclosing functions. There are the following design schemes: with a full transverse frame; with a full longitudinal frame; with a spatial frame; with an incomplete transverse frame and load-bearing outer walls; with support of floor slabs at four corners directly on columns; with slabs resting on the outer panels and on two racks along the inner row. These schemes are especially effective for public buildings.

In frame panel buildings, the loads acting on them are perceived by the crossbars and racks of the frame, and the panels most often perform only enclosing functions.

Structural schemes of frame-panel buildings: a - with a full transverse frame; b - with a full longitudinal frame; c - with a spatial framework; g - with an incomplete transverse frame and load-bearing outer walls; e - with support of the floor slabs at four corners directly on the columns (beamless version); e - with panels resting on the outer panels and on two racks along the inner row, a transomless system with an incomplete frame

Structural scheme of a frame-panel building: a - general scheme; 1 - rack; 2 - crossbar; 3 - floor panel; 4 - wall panel; 5 - window panel; 6 - gypsum panels of partitions; b- detail of fastening the outer wall panels to the ceiling

Precast concrete frame elements include columns rectangular section with a height of one or two floors with one console for the outer row and two consoles for the middle row; crossbars tee section with one or two shelves for supporting floor slabs and flights of stairs; floor slabs(multi-hollow or solid), consisting of inter-column (coupled), near-wall with grooves for columns and ordinary slabs 1200, 1500 mm wide.

Types of column joints: a - spherical; flat metalless; 1 - spherical concrete surface; 2 - releases of reinforcing bars; 3 - docking niches; 4 - groove for mounting the clamp; 5 - mortar or fine-grained concrete; 6 - centering concrete ledge; 7 - welding of reinforcement outlets

Crossbar-to-column connection node: 1 - column; 2 - embedded part; 3 connecting strip; 4 - crossbar; 5 - cement mortar

The pairing of frame elements, carried out on a support, is called a node. The node includes:

column joint: the column is supported through the concrete protrusions of the heads, welding the reinforcement outlets and monolithic the joint;

support of the crossbar on the console of the column: on the surface of the console they are fixed by welding embedded parts, at the top - with a steel plate welded to the embedded parts of the column and crossbar, then the seams are sealed with mortar;

support of the floor slab on the crossbar: the laid plates on the shelves of the crossbars are interconnected by steel ties, the gaps between them are sealed with mortar.

There are the following framework systems: frame, frame-bonded, bonded.

frame system consists of columns, rigidly connected to them crossbars of floors, located in mutually perpendicular directions and forming a rigid structural system.

In frame-braced systems the joint work of the frame elements is achieved by redistributing the share of participation in it of frames and vertical walls-links (diaphragms). The diaphragm walls are located along the entire height of the building, rigidly fixed in the foundation and with adjacent columns.

They are placed in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the frames, and in their plane. The distance between the tie walls is usually taken as 24-30 m. These systems are used in the design of public buildings up to 12 floors high with unified structural and planning grids of 6 x 6 and 6 x 3 m.

For high rise public buildings communication systems frameworks with spatial connecting elements in the form of walls or spatial elements rigidly connected to each other at an angle, passing along the entire height of the building, forming the so-called core of rigidity. These spatial bonded stiffeners are fixed in the foundations and connected to the ceilings, forming floor-by-floor horizontal diaphragm connections (disks), which perceive the horizontal (wind) loads transferred to the walls. Spatial connection elements are usually placed in the central part of high-rise buildings.

Spatial rigidity of frame-panel buildings is ensured by: rigid conjugation of frame elements in nodes; installation of stiffening walls; laying bonded and wall slabs between the columns of the building; sealing joints between floor slabs; arrangement of connections between the walls of staircases and elevator shafts with the frame of the building.

The elements of the precast concrete frame include one- or two-story columns rectangular section with consoles for supporting crossbars, crossbars tee section with shelves for supporting floor slabs and flights of stairs, floor slabs.

Reinforced concrete frame units include:

- column joints, which are carried out through concrete protrusions on the heads, followed by welding of the reinforcement outlets and embedding the joint with concrete;

support of the crossbar on the console of the column with fixing the crossbar in the lower part by welding embedded parts, and in the upper zone - with a steel plate connecting the embedded crossbars and the console of the column, followed by embedding the joint;

support of floor slabs on the crossbar by welding embedded parts and embedding the seams between the plates.

Knots of prefabricated reinforced concrete frame: a - joint before installation of columns; b - the same, after installing the columns; in - pairing of the crossbar with the column; g - support of floor slabs on the crossbar; 1 - column; 2 - releases of fittings; 3 - concrete ledge; 4 - steel clamp; 5 - caulking the joint with mortar; 6 - hidden column console; 7, 8 - embedded parts; 9 - steel plate; 10 - crossbar; 11 - floor slabs; 12 - intercolumn (bonded) plate; 13 - steel connection for anchoring plates

Walls of frame buildings — hinged panels of belt cutting are distinguished by location as belt (basement, interfloor, parapet), wall, corner.

Spatial rigidity of frame-panel buildings is ensured by:

- rigid conjugation of frame elements (in nodes);

- installation of stiffness diaphragms associated with columns and ceilings;

— laying bonded and wall slabs between the frame columns;

- sealing joints between floor slabs.

The walls of frame buildings are panels of lightweight or cellular concrete 250-300 mm thick, 3-6 m long and 0.9-2.1 m high; parietal 0.3-1.8 m wide and 1.2-2.7 m high; corner for external and internal corners.

Wall panels can be self-supporting and hinged. The panels are supported on the ceiling or on the outer longitudinal crossbar. Wall panels are attached to the column using steel elements welded to embedded parts.

Exterior wall panels in frameless buildings can be:- single layer from lightweight concrete with a thickness of 300 ... 350 mm;

three-layer 350 ... 400 mm thick with inner and outer layers of concrete and insulation inside;

layered 160 mm thick with an internal frame made of wooden bars, sheathed on both sides with asbestos-cement sheets and insulated inside with pouring foam

External wall panels: a - single-layer; b - three-layer; c - layered; 1 - carrier layer (inner); 2 - flexible connections; 3 - mounting loop; 4 - insulation; 5 - decorative finishing layer; 6 - frame bars; 7 - asbestos-cement sheathing sheets; 8 - aluminum profiles fixed with screws

Single-layer wall panel: 1 - outer decorative (protective) layer; 2 - reinforcing cage; 3 - effective insulation; 4 - heating panel; 5 - inner finishing layer; 6 - mounting loop

Two-layer wall panel made of lightweight concrete: 1 - embedded parts for fixing radiators; 2 - embedded parts; 3- mounting loops; 4 - frame; 5 - carrier layer; 6 - finishing layer; 7 - drain; 8 - window sill; 9 - coarse-grained (heat-insulating) concrete

An important stage in the design of large-panel buildings is the choice of a wall cutting system, which depends on the structural scheme, installation conditions, type of building and its dimensions.

Schemes for cutting the outer walls on the panel: a - horizontal for one room; b - the same, for two rooms; c - the same, strip; g - vertical; d - the same, strip

The horizontal division scheme (Fig. a, b, c) is formed by one-story panels the size of one room (with one window), two rooms and a strip (from strip waist and wall panels). Vertical layout It is formed from panels on two floors (Fig. d, e): with one window per floor and a strip of two-story wall panels and interfloor belt panels. In civil engineering, the horizontal scheme of cutting walls has become more widespread.

The adoption of a particular design scheme depends on the type of building being designed, its number of storeys and other factors. So, large-panel residential buildings are designed, as a rule, frameless. Compared to frame houses, these houses make it possible to reduce the number of standard sizes of prefabricated elements, reduce metal consumption, simplify the installation process, reduce labor costs, avoid the appearance of protruding elements (columns and crossbars) in the interior of premises, etc. However, frame buildings have a lower consumption of materials compared to frameless ones. per 1 m2 of living space, greater rigidity and stability of the building, which is especially important for high-rise buildings. These schemes are especially effective for public buildings.

In order to ensure the rigidity and stability of the building structures, the outer wall panels are connected to each other, as well as to the panels of the inner walls. Connections are made in various ways. The most widely used connections are reinforcing ties-brackets, which are inserted into the holes of the looped outlets of the reinforcement at the adjacent panels. To ensure rigidity, such joints are monolithic with concrete. Such connections are installed in the upper and lower parts of the vertical joint.

Another connection option is steel plates welded to the embedded parts of adjacent panels. Such connections are also monolithic with concrete.

Pairing outdoor panels, i.e. pairing panels between themselves and with ceilings, perform:
staples, inserted into the holes of the loop outlets of the reinforcement of the adjoining panels, at the junction they are installed at the top and bottom;

welded overlays connecting embedded parts of adjacent panels;

shaped locks, ending with a "cam" or "socket", which allows you to install panels without temporary fixing with struts.

Connections of external panels with ties-brackets (a), b - with steel overlays for welding; 1 - internal wall panel, 2 - hinged reinforcement outlets, 3 - ties-brackets, 4 - external wall panels, 5 - embedded parts, 6 - pads welded to the embedded parts; 7- "nest-lock"; 8 - lock "with a nest and a cam"; 9 - "cam-lock"

Exterior wall joints divided into horizontal and vertical.

Vertical joints by type of seals are: closed; open. They have the shape of a "well" formed by the edges of adjacent panels and filled with monolithic concrete.

Vertical joints according to the type of termination are as follows:

closed sealed from the outside with cement mortar, sealing mastic, elastic gasket, and from the inside - with a layer of roofing material, an insulating package and a layer monolithic concrete;

open with a waterproofing tape that removes moisture from the joint cavity, and such sealing from the inside, as in closed joints.

Vertical joints according to the way the panels are connected to each other and design scheme divided into resilient and rigid (monolithic).

Structures of vertical monolithic reinforced joints of external wall panels: a - three-layer; b - single-layer expanded clay concrete; 1- sealing mastic (sealant); 2 - gasket made of gernite or poroizol; 3 - liner made of mineral wool boards wrapped in polyethylene film, or liner made of foam; 4 - staples with a diameter of 12 mm; 5 - reinforcing loops; 6 - anchor with a diameter of 12 mm; 7 - heavy concrete MI50

On device elastic joint the panels are connected using steel ties welded to the embedded parts of the joined elements. The wall panel of the inner transverse wall enters the groove formed by the quarters to a depth of 50 mm. The panels are connected with the help of an overlay made of strip steel, welded to the embedded parts of the panels. To seal the joint, a sealing cord of gernite on glue or poroizol on mastic is inserted into its narrow gap. From the outside, the joint is coated with a special mastic - thiokol sealant. To isolate from the penetration of moisture from the inside of the joint, they are glued to bituminous mastic a vertical strip of one layer of hydroisol or roofing material. The vertical joint well is filled with heavy concrete.

The design of the vertical elastic-yielding joint of the panels: 1 - steel plate; 2 - embedded parts; 3 - heavy concrete; 4 - thermal insert; 5 - a strip of hydroisol or roofing material; 6 - gernite or poroizol; 7 - mortar or sealant

disadvantage resilient joints is the possibility of corrosion of steel bonds and embedded parts. Such fasteners are malleable and do not always ensure long-term joint operation of the mating panels and, therefore, cannot prevent the joint from cracking. This is because, from heating during welding, the embedded part, as it were, breaks away from the concrete into which it was embedded during manufacture. Atmospheric or condensation moisture penetrating into the gap destroys the lower surface of the embedded part.

More reliable in operation are rigid monolithic joints. The strength of the connection between the joined elements is ensured by embedding the connecting steel reinforcement with concrete. A monolithic joint of single-layer wall panels is carried out with looped reinforcement outlets connected by brackets made of round steel with a diameter of 12 mm. Between the monolithic joint zone and the sealing, a vertical air cavity is formed, which serves as a drainage channel that drains the water that enters the seam and releases it outside at the level of the base.

Vertical joints of panels of internal walls and partitions: a-e - joints of load-bearing panels between themselves and with outer wall; g - junction of non-bearing partitions with a wall panel; 1 and 2 - panels of transverse and longitudinal internal walls; 3- partition panel; 4-concrete embedding; 5 - keyway corrugations of butt faces; 6-elastic pads; 7 - solution; c - panel outer wall

Thus, the main disadvantage elastically pliable joints is: unreliable long-term joint work of joined panels. This does not guarantee the joint from cracks; the possibility of corrosion of embedded parts, which can develop not only as a result of moisture penetration through joint cracks or through concrete pores, but also when the steel is in the dew point zone; under influence high temperature during welding, the lower plane of the embedded factory part can come off the concrete of the panel and, remaining uncontrolled during installation, rust over time.

More reliable in this regard are rigid monolithic joints of single-layer and three-layer panels, which protect the joint from cracks and exclude the development of corrosion. With such a docking in the upper zone of the panel, the reinforcing loops are connected by welding with brackets (or straight overlays) and the joint is monolithic.

It is recommended to embed the joint after installing the top floor panel on mounting clips or concrete ledges from the body of the wall panels. The lower part of the wall panel must be led below the embedding level by at least 20 mm.

Monolithic (a - c) and platform-monolithic (d - f) joints of prefabricated walls: a, d - external three-layer walls with flexible connections; b, e - internal walls with two-sided support of floor slabs; c, e ¾ the same, with one-sided support

Prefabricated floor slabs with monolithic joints are recommended to be connected with welded or looped reinforcing ties, which ensure continuity.

The penetration of rain moisture into the horizontal seam occurs through the capillaries of the solution in the seam. Unlike the old seam designs, a rain barrier is currently being installed in the horizontal seam. In the inclined part of the seam, the solution is interrupted by an air gap that prevents capillary penetration of moisture. The sealing of the seam in the upper part of the barrier is ensured by a layer of poroisol tape glued with isol.

All embedded parts and additional connecting elements (slats, brackets, etc.) must have factory anti-corrosion protection (protection directly on the site).

Monolithic vertical joint: a - vertical joint; b - the same, with a warming package; 1 - external expanded clay concrete panel; 2 - anchor with a diameter of 12 mm; 3 - drainage channel; 4 - poroizol tourniquet; 5 - sealant; 6 - gasket; 7 - staples; 8 - concrete; 9 - internal bearing panel made of reinforced concrete; 10 - loop; 11 - mineral wool package

Horizontal joints have an anti-rain comb. The water-air tightness of such joints is ensured by sealing mastic, gaskets made of gernite or poroizol and an insulating insert made of mineral wool boards.

Horizontal (a), vertical closed (b) and open (c) joints of the outer walls: 1 - outer wall panel; 2 - protective coating (cement mortar or polymer composition); 3 - sealing mastic; 4 - top floor panel; 5 - gasket made of gernit or vapor barrier; 6 - solution layer; 7 - interfloor overlap; 8 - a warming package made of mineral wool or polystyrene foam; 9 - a layer of roofing material; 10 - monolithic concrete; 11 - panel of the inner wall; 12 - water breaker tape; 13 - decompression cavity; 14 - water-cutting tape, clamped by an apron; 15 - galvanized apron with a waterproof comb at least 80 mm high

Interfacing interior wall panels are performed by welding steel plates to embedded parts.

Internal walls use horizontal joints platform type, with wall panels resting on the ceiling along the mortar layer, and contact type with panels resting on the protrusions of the ventilation unit.

Types of horizontal joints between load-bearing panels: a - platform; b - serrated; c - contact on remote consoles; g - contact-socket

Platform joint, a feature of which is the support of the ceilings on half the thickness of the transverse wall panels, i.e., stepwise transmission of forces, in which forces are transmitted from panel to panel through the supporting parts of the floor slabs;

jagged joint, representing a modification of the platform-type joint, provides a deeper support for the floor slabs, which, like a dovetail, rest on the entire width of the wall panel, and forces from panel to panel are transmitted through the supporting parts of the floor slabs;

contact joint (console) with support of floors on remote consoles and direct transfer of forces from panel to panel;

contact-socket joint with support of panels also on the principle of direct transfer of forces from panel to panel and support of ceilings through consoles or ribs (fingers) protruding from the slabs themselves and stacked in nests specially left in the transverse panels.

The platform joint is the easiest to perform and quite reliable when the height of panel houses is within 25 floors.

Platform joint recommended as a basic solution for panel walls with double-sided support of floor slabs, as well as with single-sided support of slabs to a depth of at least 0.75 of the wall thickness. The thickness of horizontal mortar joints is recommended to be assigned based on the calculation of the accuracy of manufacturing and installation of prefabricated structures. If the accuracy calculation is not performed, then the thickness of the mortar joints is recommended to be set equal to 20 mm; the size of the gap between the ends of the floor slabs is taken at least 20 mm.

The upper mortar joint is recommended to be arranged at the level of the upper surface of the floor slabs. When the upper joint is located below the upper surface of the plates, it is necessary to ensure the quality control of laying the mortar in the joint.

It is recommended to use a contact joint when supporting floor slabs on cantilever wall extensions or using cantilever protrusions (“fingers”) of slabs. At contact joints, floor slabs can be supported on walls without mortar (dry). In this case, in order to provide sound insulation, the cavity between the ends of the plates and the walls must be filled with a solution and reinforcing ties should be provided that turn prefabricated ceiling into the horizontal stiffness diaphragm.

Contact joints of interior wall panels: I-with support of floors on wall consoles: a-horizontal joint on the mortar is located above the level of floors; b - joint through a monolithic core; in - a joint on a solution at the level of the bottom of the floors; в' - the same, in the zone of connections between the ceilings through the holes of the wall panel;

II - contact-socket joint; III - contact joints on the fingers (concrete or steel): a - through a monolithic concrete core; b - through the mortar joint at the level of the bottom of the floors; c - through a monolithic concrete core with the support of the floor panels with fingers made of steel shorts; 1-cement mortar; 2 - monolithic concrete; 3 - reinforcing outlets; 4 - soundproof pads: 5-steel pad; 6-hole in the wall panel; 7-reinforced concrete "finger"; 8-steel "finger"

Joints in the walls of frame-panel buildings: A - horizontal joint; B - fastening of the wall panel to the waist panel; B - the same, waist to the frame column; G - vertical joint. 1 - plinth panel; 2 - the same, belt; 3 - the same, parietal; 4 - the same, angular; 5 - fastener; 6 - embedded parts; 7 - protective coating, 8 - sealant; 9 - sealing gasket; 10 - cement mortar; 11 - steel lining; 12 - fastening hook

The accuracy of the design position of the wall panels (alignment, vertical, etc.) at platform joints is ensured by vertical fixing bolts. They are located along the upper supporting faces of the panels and enter the corresponding holes in the lower faces of the overlying panels. When bolted and straightened, the wall panel is brought to the design position, after which the upper horizontal seam of the platform joint is tightly filled with mortar. Bolts-retainers are often used instead of lifting loops and for interfloor connections of wall panels.

contact joint it is recommended to use when supporting floor slabs on cantilever wall extensions or with the help of cantilever protrusions (“fingers”) of slabs. At contact joints, floor slabs can be supported on walls without mortar (dry). In this case, to ensure sound insulation, the cavity between the ends of the slabs and the walls must be filled with mortar and reinforcing ties should be provided that turn the prefabricated floor into a horizontal stiffening diaphragm.

Contact joints of prefabricated walls with support for floor slabs: a - c - "fingers"; d - e - wall consoles

Horizontal joints in which compressive loads are transmitted through sections of two or more types are called combined.

In the combined platform-monolithic at the junction, the vertical load is transmitted through the supporting sections of the floor slabs and concrete embedding the joint cavity between the ends of the floor slabs. With a platform-monolithic joint, prefabricated floor slabs can be designed as continuous. To ensure the continuity of the floor slabs, it is necessary to connect them to each other on supports with welded or loop ties, the cross section of which is determined by calculation.

To ensure high-quality concrete filling of the cavity between the ends of the floor slabs at a platform-monolithic joint, it is recommended that the gap thickness along the top of the slab be at least 40 mm, and at the bottom of the slabs - 20 mm. With a gap thickness of less than 40 mm, the joint is recommended to be calculated as a platform joint.

The cavity of the monolithic joint along the length of the wall can be continuous or discontinuous. The intermittent scheme is used for point support on the walls of floor slabs (using support "fingers"). In case of a platform-monolithic joint above and below the floor slab, it is necessary to arrange horizontal mortar joints.

The constructive solution of a monolithic joint should ensure its reliable filling with a concrete mixture, including at negative air temperatures. The strength of the concrete of the monolithic joint is assigned according to the calculation.

In the combined contact platform at the junction, the vertical load is transmitted through two support platforms: contact (in the place of direct support of the wall panel through the mortar joint) and platform (through the support sections of floor slabs). The contact-platform joint is recommended to be used mainly for one-sided support of floor slabs on walls (Fig. 10). The thickness of the mortar joints is recommended to be assigned in the same way as the joints in the platform joint.

It is recommended that the design grades of the solution of horizontal joints be assigned according to the calculation for force effects, but not lower: grade 50 - for installation conditions at positive temperatures, grade 100 - for installation conditions at negative temperatures. It is recommended to assign a concrete class for compressive strength of monolithic horizontal joint not lower than the corresponding concrete class of wall panels.

Shear forces in the horizontal joints of panel walls during construction in non-seismic areas are recommended to be taken due to the resistance of friction forces.

Shear forces in the vertical joints of panel walls are recommended to be taken in one of the following ways:

  • concrete or reinforced concrete dowels, formed by embedding the joint cavity with concrete;
  • keyless connections in the form of concrete-embedded reinforcing outlets from panels;
  • embedded parts welded together, anchored in the body of the panels.

Schemes for the perception of shear forces in the vertical joint of panel walls: a, b - dowels; in - monolithic reinforcing ties; g - welding of embedded parts; 1 - welded reinforcing connection; 2 - the same, loop; 3 - pad welded to embedded parts

A combined way of perceiving shear forces is possible, for example, with concrete dowels and floor slabs.

Keys are recommended to be designed in a trapezoidal shape. The depth of the key is recommended to be at least 20 mm, and the angle of inclination of the crushing platform to the direction perpendicular to the shear plane is not more than 30 °. The minimum size in terms of the joint plane through which the joint is embedded is recommended to be at least 80 mm. Concrete compaction at the joint should be provided for with a deep vibrator.

Types of vertical joints of panel walls: a - flat; b - profiled keyless; in - profiled keyway; 1 - soundproof gasket; 2 - solution; 3 - concrete embedding the joint

In keyless joints, shear forces are perceived by welded or looped bonds embedded in concrete in the vertical joint cavity. Keyless connections require an increased (compared to keyed connections) consumption of reinforcing steel.

Welded joints of panels on embedded parts may be used in wall joints for areas with harsh and cold climates in order to reduce or eliminate monolithic work at the construction site. At the joints of external walls with internal, welded joints of panels on embedded parts should be located outside the zone where moisture condensate is possible due to temperature differences across the wall thickness.

Connections. In large-panel buildings, in order to absorb the forces acting in the plane of the horizontal stiffening diaphragms, prefabricated reinforced concrete floor slabs and coatings are recommended to be interconnected by at least two ties along each side. The distance between the bonds is recommended to take no more than 3.0 m. The required section of the bonds is assigned by calculation. It is recommended to take the cross section of the bonds in such a way that they ensure the perception of tensile forces of at least the following values:

for connections located in ceilings along the length of a building extended in plan, - 15 kN (1.5 tf) per 1 m of the width of the building;

for connections located in floors perpendicular to the length of a building extended in terms of plan, as well as connections of buildings of a compact form, - 10 kN (1 tf) per 1 m of the length of the building.

The layout of connections in a large-panel building: 1 - between panels of external and internal walls; 2 - the same, longitudinal outer bearing walls; 3 - longitudinal internal walls; 4 - the same, transverse and longitudinal internal walls; 5 - the same, external walls and floor slabs; 6 - between floor slabs along the length of the building; 7 - the same, across the length of the building

On the vertical edges of prefabricated slabs, it is recommended to provide keyed connections that resist the mutual shift of the slabs across and along the joint. Shear forces at the joints of floor slabs resting on load-bearing walls can be perceived without the installation of dowels and ties, if the design solution of the junction of floor slabs with walls ensures their joint work due to friction forces.

In the vertical joints of load-bearing wall panels, it is recommended to provide key connections and metal horizontal ties. Concrete and reinforced concrete panels of external walls are recommended to be connected at least at two levels (at the top and bottom of the floor) with internal structures designed to withstand the forces of separation within the height of one floor of at least 10 kN (1 tf) per 1 m of the length of the outer wall along facade.

With self-locking joints of external and internal walls, for example, type " dovetail”, connections can be provided only in one level of overlaps and the value of the minimum force on the connection can be halved.

Wall panels located in the same plane can only be connected with ties at the top. It is recommended to assign a bond cross section for the perception of a tensile force of at least 50 kN (5 tf). If there are connections between wall panels located one above the other, as well as shear connections between wall panels and floor slabs, horizontal connections in vertical joints may not be provided if they are not required by calculation.

in walls for which, according to the calculation, through vertical reinforcement is required to absorb tensile forces that occur when the wall is bent in its own plane;

to ensure the stability of the building to progressive destruction, if other measures fail to localize the destruction from emergency special loads (see clause 2.1). In this case, it is recommended to assign vertical connections of wall panels in horizontal joints (interfloor connections) based on the condition of their perception of tensile forces from the weight of the wall panel and floor slabs supported on it, including the load from the floor and partitions. As such connections, it is recommended, as a rule, to use parts for lifting panels;

in load-bearing panel walls that are not directly adjacent concrete walls perpendicular direction.

Connections of prefabricated elements are recommended to be designed in the form of: welded reinforcing outlets or embedded parts; reinforcing loop outlets embedded in concrete, connected without welding; bolted connections. Connections should be located so that they do not interfere with the quality monolithic joints.

Steel connections and embedded parts must be protected from fire and corrosion. Fire protection must ensure the strength of the joints for a time equal to the required fire resistance of the structure, which are connected by designed connections.

Horizontal joints of panel walls must ensure the transfer of forces from eccentric compression from the plane of the wall, as well as from bending and shear in the plane of the wall. Depending on the nature of the support of the floors, the following types of horizontal joints are distinguished: platform, monolithic, contact and combined. In the platform joint, the compressive vertical load is transmitted through the supporting sections of the floor slabs and two horizontal mortar joints. In a monolithic joint, the compressive load is transmitted through a layer of monolithic concrete (mortar) laid in the cavity between the ends of the floor slabs. In the contact joint, the compressive load is transmitted directly through the mortar joint or elastic gasket between the butt surfaces of the prefabricated wall elements.

Construction based on flat reinforced concrete panels was born at the very beginning of the 20th century. There are many applicants for the world's first project of a large-panel house - after the First World War, almost all of Europe was busy looking for a quick and cheap solution to the housing problem.

Abroad will not help

In 1927, a large delegation of Soviet specialists was sent to Germany to study the German experience of mass housing construction in suburban workers' settlements. Of great interest to our architects and engineers is the system of industrial prefabricated houses based on pumice concrete panels, developed and actively advertised by the German architect Ernst May.

A delegation of Soviet specialists is getting acquainted with the construction of a workers' settlement designed by Ernst Main in the suburbs of Frankfurt am Main

Panels measuring 3 x 1.10 x 0.20 m and weighing 726 kg are installed using a small crane. Installation of a 2-storey house with a cellar takes from 1.5 to 17 days, depending on the number of workers employed in the construction. Moreover, May put on the conveyor not only the production of houses, but also the entire design system of the workers' camp as a whole.

Praunheim working settlement, built according to the project of E. May in 1927-28.

Working village, modern view.

Ernst May, together with a large group of foreign architects, was invited to Soviet Union and worked with us for several years, but he had to design the Soviet cities of the future, located beyond the Urals, not from concrete, which is scarce in our country, but mainly from more affordable wood. In 1933 May left the USSR.

From Berezovsk to Falcon Mountain

Active scientific development of the problems of industrialization of housing construction began in 1940, at the Research Institute of Construction Technology of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR by a team led by G. Kuznetsov. However, the war interrupted these works. As a result, the era of large-panel housing construction in our country came only in 1945 and not in Moscow, but in the distant Ural city of Berezovsk. It was there that at the end of 1945, on the basis of the Berezovsky plant of building structures built the year before, the first large-panel panel in the USSR was assembled. cottage with an incomplete frame designed by architects G. Potapov and G. Rostovskaya.

A 2-storey large-panel house in the city of Berezovsk was built in 1946.

The "Berezovskaya" series of low-rise prefabricated large-panel houses was replicated in the workers' settlements of the Sverdlovsk region until 1951. For the outer walls, panels 3×3 m insulated with mineral felt were used. The panels were connected to each other with mounting loops, the joints were caulked with mineral felt. The facades were decorated with concrete cornices, horizontal rods, flashings, fastened with steel bolts.

In Moscow, experimental series of frame and frame-panel houses were developed in parallel by several teams. Since 1947, almost every year has been marked by the implementation of some new experimental project. In 1947-48, according to a project developed at the Research Institute of Construction Technology of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (architect B. Bogomolov, engineer G. Kuznetsova), the first experimental frame-panel house with a full steel frame was erected on Sokolina Gora.

The house with a corridor-type layout had a three-span transverse steel frame with span dimensions of 5.24 + 1.78 + 5.24 m. In the course of further experiments, the steel frame in housing construction was abandoned in favor of reinforced concrete. It also became clear from the experience of this first house that more reliable and airtight, windproof solutions for joining and fixing panels were needed. During the construction of a house on Sokolina Gora, a significant part of the work fell on the construction site: the installation of heat and vapor barrier wall panels, interior decoration gypsum small slabs - everything was done in construction conditions, which reduced the speed of construction.

Experimental quarter on Khoroshevka

The very next year, 1949, in the area of ​​Khoroshevsky Highway, the construction of a series of experimental frame-panel sectional houses developed by Mosgorproekt (architects M. Posokhin and A. Mdoyants, engineer V. Lagutenko) begins. In 6 houses of the first stage, they have not yet had time to abandon the steel frame, but later they switched to a reinforced concrete structure.

Block of frame-panel residential buildings 1948-1952 Arch. M. Posokhin, A. Mdoyants, V. Lagutenko

The reinforced concrete frame of the houses in this series consists of two-story columns with consoles and crossbars resting on the consoles. The height of the houses from 4 floors in the first stage by the end of construction in 1952 increased to 10 floors. This trend - to start with a low number of storeys, and then gradually increase it by the end of the experimental period - was also preserved in the following experimental Moscow series of houses. True, even in this experimental construction project it was not yet possible to fully embody the idea of ​​​​industrial production of all elements of the house: the panels were not cast at the factory, but directly on the construction site in metal formwork, the joints were sealed from scaffolding. Nevertheless, the house was built in record time: at first for 90-100, and by 1951 in just 60 working days. The construction of a similar brick house would take at least a year.

The design of the house on Khoroshevsky highway: a - general scheme; 1 - rack; 2 - crossbar; 3 - floor panel; 4 - wall panel; 5 - window panel; 6 - gypsum board partitions; b - detail of fastening the outer wall panels to the ceiling. The fastening of the outer wall panels to the frame and ceilings was carried out with strip compensatory strips and bolts, followed by concreting of the joints. The panels of the outer walls were installed one on top of the other in mortar, vertical joints were filled with warm mortar in order to eliminate airflow and freezing. (Source: Drozdov P.F., Sebekin I.M. Design of large-panel buildings (frame and frameless). M., Stroyizdat, 1967)

In total, from 1949 to 1958, in the area of ​​Khoroshovsky Highway (Kuusinen, Zorge, Dobrolyubova streets and 1st Khoroshevsky pr-d), 21 houses of an experimental frame-panel series with a height of 4 to 10 floors with cozy courtyards were built. Today, this building is spoiled only by the concrete architectural decoration that is collapsing in many places.

Experimental frame-panel houses. 1949-50s arch. M. Posokhin and A. Mdoyants, eng. V. Lagutenko

Experiments on Sandy

In 1948, the metropolitan press wrote: “These houses are the beginning of a new Moscow street, which is being born in a wasteland near the village of Sokol. It will connect the Leningradskoe and Khorokhovskoe highways. 14 residential buildings have been laid and are under construction. Each has 44 apartments. Various prefabricated parts for construction are manufactured at many plants at once.” We are talking about the beginning of mass development of the Sandy Streets area, where a large-scale experiment on the high-speed construction of prefabricated frame-panel houses of an experimental series was launched on an area of ​​about 300 hectares.

Structural scheme of frame-panel houses on the street. New Peschanaya in Moscow. Plates 40 mm thick with ribs along the contour with filling foam concrete blocks bulk weight 600 kg/m 3

The construction was carried out by a team of architects consisting of N. Shvets, A. Bolonov, M. Zilbergleit, G. Andreev, engineer L. F. Brenkevich under the leadership of Z. Rosenfeld. The general plan of the territory was developed by architects Z. Rosenfeld and P. Pomazanov. Thanks to the complex development, the district received a comfortable, finished layout with cozy courtyards, its own central square and a wide central boulevard.

Novopeschanaya street in the 1960s.

The first stage of construction (1948-1949) included four-story houses. The corner buildings that made up the square ended with attics unusual for Moscow, and their central sections had an increased number of storeys. The facades of the houses of the first stage are lined with light-colored silicate bricks. The decorative elements on the facade were minimal at that time: the corners of the houses were decorated with concrete blocks imitating rust, the window openings of the ground floor were framed with concrete architraves. All architectural elements were manufactured at the factory. In addition to the complete factory readiness of the elements, construction was also accelerated thanks to the in-line method, in which all the houses of the quarter were assembled at once. A four-story house was erected in 96, and a 5-story house in 120 working days.

On the second stage (1949-51), the number of floors was raised to 6-8 floors, on the third (1950-1955) - up to 6-9 floors. For the corner houses, the architects also proposed a more diverse architecture - on one of the facades, cladding with seven-slotted ceramic blocks was used. Multi-storey sections, mezzanine, arches and balustrades add variety to the building structure. True, part of the concrete decor did not stand the test of time and was dismantled for pedestrian safety reasons. In addition to residential buildings, schools were built in this microdistrict - according to the same frame-panel technology, according to standard projects. In houses of the 3rd stage, many of the first floors are reserved for non-residential functions - shops, consumer services, kindergartens, etc. received the status of a territory of historical and cultural significance.

To be continued

Images: M. Meerovich, archidays.ru, pastvu.com, moya-moskva.livejournal.com, synthart.livejournal.com, frankfurter-bilderbogen.de

  • Themes:

Panel houses are familiar to every Russian from the numerous high-rise buildings in the residential areas of the city. Due to the low quality of construction, a rather skeptical attitude of consumers has developed towards this technology. According to the established opinion, panel technology is applicable only in multi-storey construction of budget housing and does not make it possible to build a warm and beautiful house. We hasten to dissuade you. A panel house is a modern, warm and in many cases prefabricated do-it-yourself structure.

Competitive technologies for rapid construction of buildings

We will talk about three technologies: "sip panels", three-layer concrete panels, KA-panels. The cost of building a box of a one-story house of 150 sq. meters with the choice of the project will cost:

  • from sip panels - $ 8.5 thousand, the construction time of the frame - 1-3 weeks;
  • from three-layer concrete panels - $ 6 thousand, the construction period of the box - 10 days;
  • from KA-panels (caliary load-bearing panels) - $ 7.5 thousand, a guarantee of 120 years, a construction period - 10-15 days.

The listed construction technologies are offered at comparable prices for the construction of a box house. Each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that deserve special attention.

Three-layer concrete panels for building a house

Concrete three-layer panels are considered by many to be more robust design compared to other prefabricated technologies. Thanks to the insulation, the house also becomes very warm. Due to the hollow core filled with mineral filler, the construction of the box does not create an increased load on the foundation, while the structure of concrete structures is definitely stronger and more stable than the house of sip panels.

House sets are offered for sale according to standard projects and with a lined facade. Buying a ready-made kit allows you to assemble a box in 10 days, which from the inside requires only inexpensive repair thanks to perfectly smooth walls. The reinforced concrete structure is highly durable. With its help, you can build tall houses.

The disadvantages of this technology include the need for installation using heavy construction equipment. At the same time, panel houses made of three-layer concrete can be built with your own hands for 20-30% cheaper than a similar structure made of sip materials. This is a very significant plus and a factor contributing to the choice of this particular construction method.

Video review on the construction of villages of their reinforced concrete panels

Do-it-yourself house from sip panels: advantages, disadvantages, design and installation supervision

Another option for building a panel house involves the use of sip panels. These are the well-known special building panels made of expanded polystyrene and OSB boards. On sale there are both typical structural elements that can be used to build your own house, as well as ready-made house kits.

The Canadian sip panel technologically belongs to multilayer sandwich panels, it was developed in Canada, so in advertising you often hear about Canadian houses. This material, despite its lightness and apparent fragility, is able to freely withstand temperatures in the range from -50C to +50C, earthquakes up to 7.5 points. A plate based on expanded polystyrene, in terms of its heat capacity, retains heat 6 times better than brickwork. Despite the porous structure, the sip panel insulation does not burn.

You can freely build a house according to any chosen project from sip panels with your own hands, this will require 1-2 assistants. The construction can take from 3 weeks to build the box up to 3 months on a turnkey basis, installation can be carried out both in winter and in summer. The advantage of this type of building material is the ease of construction, ease of installation and a wide variety of standard projects that you can choose to build a cottage.

There are many opinions regarding the environmental friendliness of sip technology. Buyers need to independently assess the risks and familiarize themselves with the materials on the two components of the sip board: polystyrene foam and OSB. Both materials are time-tested and environmentally friendly.

Buying a ready-made house kit will help you avoid mistakes in design calculations. Building a house according to your own sketch from standard elements will cost less. If there is a need to further reduce the cost, you can make a sip panel yourself. The panel house shown in the video tutorial can be assembled by hand in a few weeks or less. How to design a house, draw up a drawing and make an installation is described by an experienced architect in a video.

Video review on sip panel technology

Video instruction for designing a house from sip panels

Video instruction for the manufacture of sip panels

Video review of the step-by-step assembly of a house from sip panels

House from KA-panels (Vekchel)

KA-panels or calier load-bearing panel is a rare panel material for construction low-rise buildings with a service life of up to 120 years. The technology was created in Russia and has every chance of great success, thanks to the unique qualities of the building material. The panels are produced by Ecoterm and are a metal-reinforced wood structure, which is very convenient for self-assembly and ideal for quick DIY home assembly.

Advantages of KA panels:

  • full resistance to atmospheric and internal moisture;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • panels are not subject to rotting and freezing.

The company's production is located in Yekaterinburg, but the cost of delivery of the house kit will be low. The advantage of KA-panels is the availability and rapid construction of one- and two-storey houses, cottages.

"Ecoterm" produces three types of panels: ordinary, corner, jumpers with a thickness of 100, 150 and 200 m in accordance with TU 5284-001-24522523-2006. The manufacturer offers standard house designs, for each you can purchase a ready-made house kit. On average, turnkey construction with finishing will cost from 1 million rubles (about $17,000) to 3 million rubles.

  • panel house "Harmony" (136 sq. m) - 490 thousand rubles, 1.53 million rubles on a turnkey basis;
  • panel house "Erker" (240 sq. m) - 710.800 thousand rubles, 3 million rubles on a turnkey basis.
  • prepare the foundation;
  • install metal guides;
  • set the corner and corner structural elements;
  • install wall panels;
  • fasten together with plates and self-tapping screws;
  • make a strapping of panels;
  • carry out roofing work.

Based on the list of works on the installation of KA-panels, this version of the panel structure is more suitable for self-assembly. Easy and fast assembly is undoubtedly a key feature of this construction technology. It is a promising building material.


Buyers today have a choice of how to build a house, a cottage, outbuildings from sip panels, KA-panels or reinforced concrete sandwich panels with their own hands. Each of the described technologies is available for independent construction. Panels allow you to build a house similar to a house made of profiled timber, but the building will cost much less.

Remember the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!", where main character Yevgeny Lukashin goes to the bathhouse with friends on the eve of the New Year and ends up in Leningrad? The address, the facade of the house, the layout of the apartment and even the keys - everything coincides with his Moscow apartment. Already in 1975, when the film was released, the irony of such a combination of circumstances did not surprise anyone. And it's all about typical buildings, which, according to the plot of the film by Eldar Ryazanov, played a very important role in Lukashin's life.

What is a panel house?

Among residential buildings of standard construction, panel houses have become very popular. They were identical not only to their reinforced concrete "neighbors", but also to typical buildings in other cities of Russia.

Panel house- this is a building erected according to the principle of the Lego constructor from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs (panels) manufactured at the factory. Block-sections, practically a disassembled house, are delivered to the construction site. It remains only to collect it.

The finished reinforced concrete panel resembles a sandwich in its structure: the outer facing layer, reinforced concrete, insulation and again reinforced concrete. The insulation consists of expanded polystyrene or rigid mineral wool. These layers are connected by a reinforced concrete flexible connection - a reinforcing cage is laid in the insulation, thereby tightly fastening the layers without gaps. The front side of the panel can be smooth, embossed or lined with decorative facing plates.

The panels are manufactured at specialized enterprises, then they are delivered to the place of the future house on panel carriers. The duration of the assembly of a multi-storey panel house depends on the number of floors, but almost always lasts no more than a year.

There are frame-panel buildings and frameless (large-panel houses). The first type includes a frame of columns, interpanel floors and walls. The frame type of construction is suitable primarily for low-rise construction. In frameless houses, longitudinal load-bearing walls rest on transverse load-bearing walls.

A feature of typical development with panel houses is affordable housing in the shortest possible time. The technology of panel housing construction to this day solves the housing problem. The demand for affordable housing is high, and thanks to developers, the choice of budget housing is becoming wider and more colorful in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

Typical buildings of the past

Typical building in Russia began under Peter I in St. Petersburg. Clay houses were built literally from improvised materials, by analogy with village huts. Such housing was very economical and safe, as the clay is resistant to fires.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when the times of coups d'etat began in Russia, in France, the architect Le Corbusier developed a project called "Domino" to build up Paris with prefabricated standard houses. The project was not implemented, but it was he who became the starting point of a new modernist offshoot in architecture - brutalism. The main feature of the style was the finishing of buildings with raw concrete. Vivid examples of brutalism can be considered monuments to communism in Bulgaria and the countries of the former Yugoslavia.

Mount Buzludzha in Bulgaria, a house-monument to communism

In 1920, Corbusier visited Moscow and met the main Soviet constructivists Konstantin Melnikov, Moses Ginzburg and the Vesnin brothers. Inspired by the ideas of the French architect, they built more than two hundred objects in the capital, one of which to this day is the building of the Moscow Tsentrosoyuz. Thus began the era of "dull boxes", which are often called panel houses.

Types of residential buildings

Before we continue talking about "panels", let's look at the existing types of residential buildings. For the entire time of the existence of standard buildings, houses of various series were designed and built. Some of them have official names, the rest have stuck "folk" nicknames. However, each of these types has its own unique characteristics.

  • Block house. The residential building of this series is assembled from concrete blocks. The difference between a block house and a panel one is that the first one is assembled from identical blocks (similar to huge bricks), while the panel one is made of curly panels. This property of the block structure allows you to redevelop, destroy interior floors and combine rooms. Of the minuses - poor quality plaster and uneven ceilings. Official code series ||-18.
  • Elite type of residential buildings. Comfortable spacious apartments, high ceilings, convenient access. As a rule, they are located in the city center. The leading building material is brick or cinder blocks. The construction of "stalinok" was completed in 1956, giving way to the budget "Khrushchev".

  • "Khrushchev". Ordinary five-story residential buildings that were built during the reign of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev from 1956 to 1964. Features of "Khrushchev" - a small kitchen (6 m 2), ceilings 2.5 m and a combined bathroom. There was no elevator or garbage chute in such houses. "Khrushchev" buildings were built very quickly, which affected the quality of materials, and mainly near metro stations. One of the disadvantages of this type of building is poor thermal insulation.
  • The name comes from the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. The construction of such houses lasted from 1965 to 1980. In fact, this is a “Khrushchev” brought to mind and comfort: the ceiling height is 2.65 m, the presence of a garbage chute and an elevator. The number of floors has also gone up. Series of residential buildings 1605AM, I-209, P-42.

  • Individual types of residential buildings. Today one of the most popular types. Brick multi-storey buildings, the shape and landscaping of which are not limited by any framework. The cost of an apartment in such a house is high, but it includes, in addition to other amenities, the proximity of ecological areas: park areas, rivers. Series of residential buildings P-44K.
  • monolithic type. A unique feature of a monolithic building is the absence of seams on the walls. Such houses are made of concrete. Formwork is made right at the construction site and poured with concrete, giving the future building various architectural forms. It is often said about monolithic structures that the walls in such houses do not "breathe", but the concept is nothing more than a folk stereotype.
  • Brick-monolithic type. The frame of such houses is built from monolithic reinforced concrete, and the outer walls are laid out with bricks. Such houses are resistant to seismic activity and floods. Good sound and heat insulation.
  • Brick house. High quality and corresponding price. Multi-apartment brick houses belong to premium housing. The construction of one such multi-storey dwelling (up to 18 floors) takes more than two years.
  • "Panels" are divided into three categories:
    1. "137 series" with spacious kitchens (9 m2) and apartments up to 70 m2.
    2. "Panels of the six hundredth series" - middle class quality and convenience. The footage of the apartment is not more than 65 m2, the kitchen is medium in size.
    3. "504 series" - the cheapest option for panel housing construction. The people are called "ships". Small kitchen (up to 6.3 m2), no window sills.

Panel house: pros and cons

We have already mentioned that one of the advantages of prefabricated housing construction is the speed of construction of the building. Well-known stereotypes about "sockets" are cheap housing without comfortable living conditions, low ceilings, poor quality of building materials, lack of individuality. Let's plunge into reality and take a sober look at the qualities of "panels".

  • Speed ​​and more speed. The construction of a panel house takes an average of 3 to 12 months, which is beneficial for both buyers and developers. The speed of carrying out all the work allows you to acquire living space without any special risks even at the stage of excavation, which will significantly reduce the payback period of the project.
  • Manufacturing process. The automated panel production process minimizes the rejection that is inherent in the human factor. The mechanics of creating reinforced concrete block sections ensures high quality and minimum costs labor.
  • Large details. It is much easier to control the assembly of a panel building due to the large size of the panels, which also affects the quality of the future structure.

The construction of a nine-story panel house takes about 450 panels.

  • The time of year doesn't matter. Panel construction technology allows you not to stop construction works V winter period due to technology and high-quality frost-resistant materials.
  • Standard. Most often, door and window openings in panel houses standard sizes- the future owner of the apartment will not have to spend time and money ordering atypical models of doors and windows.
  • Price. Panel houses are considered affordable housing due to the low-cost technology for creating and assembling slabs.
  • Life time. The design service life of the panel is up to half a century, but the actual service life reaches 100 years or more.
  • Repair. Inner surface the panels are smooth, which will save future owners from unnecessary costs for additional finishing work. The internal walls of a panel building do not require major preparation before painting or wallpapering.

Sometimes apartments in panel houses are sold immediately with finishing, which will allow you to move into the apartment immediately after the commissioning of the object and live for some time without a full repair.

Cons of panel houses:

  • Layout. Most of the walls in a panel house apartment are load-bearing. It is impossible to carry out redevelopment in this case.
  • Poor sound and heat insulation. The thickness of the walls in a panel house is not able to protect against poor sound and heat insulation. In winter, the apartment will be cold, in summer it will be hot. The audibility in prefabricated houses is so excellent that the neighbors' conversations of medium tone through the wall are well identified. This is especially true of old panel-type houses.
  • Dampness. Often, due to poor-quality materials or a long service life, cracks appear at the joints of the seams in the corners of the apartment. Moisture can get into the apartment through them, which negatively affects expensive repairs. Often in old "panels" there are wet spots on the wall in the corners, under the ceiling or window sill. If the ventilation in the house is broken, a fungus will appear in place of wet spots.

Which house is better - monolithic or panel?

If you are faced with the question of which house is better to buy an apartment in and what is the difference between a monolithic house and a panel house, let's take a closer look at the leading types of residential buildings.

If the price of the issue does not matter, then you should pay attention to an apartment in monolithic house. The absence of external interpanel joints, a wide footage, an unusual layout and the ability to independently (only after obtaining permission from the developer) to combine rooms. The walls in a monolithic house do not let in sounds from adjacent apartments, which means that on a day off you will be able to get enough sleep and will not have to worry about repairs from neighbors, like your own.

Which house is better - brick or panel?

If we consider separately brick and panel houses, it is worth noting that brick houses are built much less frequently, as they are very laborious and require large financial costs. Also, brick houses do not have external interpanel joints, the walls retain heat and do not conduct noise.

We will consider the advantages of modern panel houses a little later, since many of the shortcomings of the "panels" of the last century become irrelevant. In the meantime, we note in the table important characteristics that should be followed when choosing an apartment.

General indicators Panel Brick Monolith
Thermal insulation level short high high
Soundproofing level short high high
Design life 50 years 150 years 150 years
Deadline 3–12 months 2–2.5 years (“frozen” for the winter if the main part of the work has not been completed) up to 2 years (“frozen” for the winter)
layout typical individual (customer preferences are taken into account)

Environmental friendliness: which house is safer to live in?

We often ignore quality for reasons of economy. building materials, and sometimes we don’t even think about their environmental friendliness and impact on the body.

The 21st century is the century of automation and chemicalization technological processes, including in the construction industry. In the manufacture of building materials, be it concrete, ceramic bricks, reinforced concrete, etc., they use waste from the chemical and metallurgical industries, which saves on the cost of materials.

If the safety and environmental friendliness of a dwelling are important to you, then brick houses will come out in favor of these qualities. Brick walls are durable and frost-resistant and have good thermal conductivity. The porosity of such walls contributes to water absorption and acoustic insulation, creating a favorable environment in the apartment.

Reinforced concrete products (concrete products) are a durable material that resists physical and chemical influences: they are resistant to corrosion and fires and do not allow moisture to pass through.

Low thermal resistance and air permeability in prefabricated houses adversely affect the living space, disrupting natural ventilation. First of all, this concerns the Soviet "panels".

Ventilation in a panel house

The ventilation system of large-panel houses most often has a supply and exhaust operation scheme. From the apartment there are two exits to the prefabricated common ventilation unit - from the kitchen and the bathroom, which do not intersect with each other. The pull comes from ventilation ducts due to the natural influx of fresh air and the temperature difference in the room and on the street. Simply put, in order for the natural ventilation of the room to work, you should open the window and let fresh air into the room.

Since one of the disadvantages of a panel house is poor thermal insulation, open windows in winter are unlikely to help. Ventilate the room, of course. And it will also turn out to let a portion of harmful gases from the street into the house in exchange for warm room air:) Agree, such a prospect will not please anyone.

In this case, the device will come to the rescue -. The breather purifies the air from harmful gas impurities, dust particles and microbes and ventilates the room even with the windows closed. Another unique feature of the breather is the heating of fresh air to room temperature, which means that the temperature in the apartment will not decrease even in winter.

Such a device will be an excellent addition to the forced ventilation of rooms in a panel house. Breezer works around the clock, without disturbing the peace of the household with noise and cold drafts.

Panel houses then and now

Panel-type new buildings differ from their Soviet counterparts in that they are devoid of many of the shortcomings of past years.

  • Diversity and recognition. Characteristic many modern panel houses - numerous variations color solutions for facades of houses. The era of boring gray panels is over.
  • Improved layout. The step of the load-bearing walls has increased. In the old panel houses, the step of the load-bearing walls was 3.3 m, in the new ones - from 4.2 to 6.6 m. The ceilings became higher, the rooms were wider, the configuration was more convenient.
  • Problem solving. The construction company tries to solve the issue of sound and heat insulation at the design stage.
  • Facilities. You can buy an apartment immediately with a glazed balcony or two bathrooms.

In the near future, in terms of commercial development, significant progress is expected. Every year, the environmental friendliness and aesthetics of panel houses are improving. Already today there is no need to renew or repaint the facade of the house every 10 years, since Newest technologies production of reinforced concrete block sections provide for the addition of a coloring element directly into the concrete.

Panels of pleasant shades are obtained: azure, heavenly, apricot, turquoise color etc.

The design of panel buildings allows you to place balconies and loggias in different rooms apartments. Thanks to this, engineers willingly expand the range of architectural compositions of new panel houses. There is also the possibility of free planning and creation duplex apartments. Underground parking, bright decorative solutions on the facades and street retail - all these are the advantages of new panel buildings, which now outwardly do not differ from elite high-rise buildings.

The first floors are often non-residential, there are offices, shops, beauty salons, pharmacies, all the infrastructure necessary for a comfortable life. in old panel houses it is always cheaper, because living in an "aquarium" is very uncomfortable. You will have to buy thick curtains, install bars on the windows and a loggia - in a word, turn your apartment into a cave, hidden from the eyes of citizens wandering past the windows.

Each of the above types of construction has its own advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps in the future an ideal housing construction technology will appear, but for now, when choosing an apartment, it is best to focus on your capabilities and personal preferences.

We hope our article on panel houses was useful for you. Thank you for your attention!
