Many developers in the process of building a house are faced with the problem of choice optimal material- and this is not at all surprising. The market is rich in assortment, and every year it only increases.

There are all new products that are similar in quality. And for acceptance right decision, you should understand in detail the characteristics, taking into account the entire list of advantages and disadvantages.

In this article we will understand which of the products is preferable for the construction of walls. So, foam block or gas block, which is better?

What is a gas block: main characteristics

It should be noted right away that both materials are extremely similar to each other, so a detailed analysis is simply necessary. Let's start with aerated concrete products.

Properties and features of the material

Aerated concrete is one of the varieties of cellular concrete. It differs by the presence of a porous structure. It can be achieved by a chemical reaction of quicklime and a blowing agent, which, as a rule, is aluminum powder.

There is swelling of the solution and the formation of pores. The more such pores, the less durable the finished block, but at the same time lighter and with an increased ability to maintain temperature.

In addition to lime and aluminum powder, the composition includes cement, sand, most often quartz, purified water and various modified additives that improve the characteristics of the material. Consider the main indicators of the technical, physical and operational qualities of aerated concrete and products from it.

Table 1. Characteristics of aerated concrete:

The thermal conductivity coefficient of aerated concrete is in the range from 0.09 to 0.34. It is typical for products that are in a dry state. Natural humidity, of course, affects this indicator, increasing it.

With this ability to maintain temperature, the minimum thickness of the wall should be at least 40 cm.

GOST dictates the requirement for the frost resistance index for products intended for the construction of external walls, the minimum value should not be less than 25 cycles.

Frost resistance of partition blocks technical documentation not standardized.

Manufacturers, on the other hand, assure potential consumers that their products can withstand up to 150 cycles of temporary freezing and thawing.

The numerical value varies from 300 to 1200. According to the density, there is a product classification.

Aerated concrete can be structural, structural and heat-insulating and heat-insulating.

  • The first type is characterized by a density of 1000-1200 kg / m3, can withstand significant loads. It is mainly used in the construction of load-bearing structures.
  • The second type is the most common. It has a density of 500-900 kg/m3. It is used in the construction of walls and partitions.
  • The third type - heat-insulating has a low density - 300-400 kg / m3. It is used as a heat-insulating material, has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity.
Strength grades - from B1.5 to B15. They stand depending on the density of the material and increase with it.

The indicator is 0.3. Often, when shrinking, aerated concrete walls can crack. However, this problem is solvable. You can restore the wall with gypsum mortar.

Aerated concrete is very hygroscopic. The ability to absorb moisture is high and equal to about 25%.

In this regard, the material needs a finish that can prevent wetting of aerated concrete walls.

2. The composition of the aerated concrete mixture does not include harmful or toxic substances.

Does not burn. May be under the influence high temperature up to 120 minutes.

It has good sound insulation performance. Able to protect those in the room from extraneous noise.

Aerated concrete is vapor permeable. Thanks to this, a favorable microclimate is established in the room.

The fact is that products are able to absorb excess moisture and give it away when the air is dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aerated concrete, like any other building material, has a number of strengths and weaknesses. And, in order to figure out which is better: a gas block or a foam block, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of products.

The positive qualities are as follows:

  1. Aerated concrete block - lightweight, which will help to significantly reduce the load on the foundation;
  2. The material is large enough., which will significantly increase the speed of wall construction;
  3. Environmental friendliness and fire resistance of products– also significant advantages;
  4. Low thermal conductivity will help save on insulation, and, in the future, on heating the building;
  5. High numerical values ​​​​of frost resistance indicate the stability and durability of the material;
  6. Strength and density of products allow them to be used in the construction of buildings up to 12 meters high;
  7. Variety of interior and exterior finishes;
  8. Affordable price for the consumer;
  9. Possibility of making products with your own hands will help the developer to reduce costs and try his hand at self-manufacturing material. Large costs are not required, you will need instructions and a minimum set of raw materials and tools;
  10. Variety in manufacturer selection, variability of sizes, types and types of products, wide scope of application;
  11. Ease of handling and laying. Aerated concrete is well sawn, cut, polished. This does not require the presence of specialized equipment and tools. A simple saw or hacksaw will suffice;
  12. Good product geometry will allow laying blocks on glue while minimizing cold bridges.

The main negative aspects are the following:

  1. High percentage of water absorption, equal to 25%. As already mentioned, aerated concrete intensively absorbs moisture, which can adversely affect the structure of the block.

In the event that it crystallizes during the period of negative temperature predominance, the structure of the block will be destroyed from the inside. As a result, indicators of durability, frost resistance and strength will decrease significantly.

  1. Fragility of products. Care must be taken during transport and work.
  2. The presence of handicraft industries increases the chance of buying defective or low-quality products.
  3. Problems may arise when fixing elements to an aerated concrete wall. Hardware must be used specialized, designed for products made of cellular concrete.

Moreover, if you want to fix heavy objects, the knots must be planned and reinforced in advance.

  1. Low adhesion with finishing materials will lead to additional costs in order to increase it. This is the purchase of primers, reinforcing mesh, special formulations and mixtures.
  2. Shrinkage. Aerated concrete is prone to it.

Note! Partially, with technically correct work and compliance with the requirements, the shortcomings can be leveled. For example, by protecting products from moisture with the right finish, it is possible not only to preserve, but also to increase the life of the material.

The concept of foam block

And now it's time to consider the features and main characteristics of foam concrete.

Material characteristic

The foam block, like the gas block, belongs to one of the types of cellular concrete. It is also characterized by the presence of pores, but their structure is closed, which somewhat reduces the hygroscopicity of products.

Swelling of the solution occurs as a result of the addition of a blowing agent, and otherwise, the composition is almost the same as aerated concrete, these are: cement, sand, lime, water and, mainly, fiber (see).

Consider using the table, what are the technical and physical characteristics of the foam block.

Table 2. Properties of the foam block:

As you can see, the foam block has quite competitive characteristics. Its strongest points are the ratio of density and thermal conductivity. It is also worth noting that the foam block, like the gas block, has a similar classification depending on the density index of the products, their scope is the same.

Advantages and disadvantages

And now, based on the foregoing, let's analyze the positive and negative sides of the products.

The advantages are the following:

  • The low weight and large dimensions of the products simplify the process of building walls and significantly speed it up;
  • Ease of use, no need for highly specialized equipment;
  • Low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • High density and strength indicators allow the use of the material in the construction of load-bearing structures;
  • Durability, excellent geometry of autoclaved products;
  • Possibility of home production;
  • Low cost of production;
  • Environmental friendliness and fire resistance;
  • The ability to vapor permeability and sound insulation;
  • Wide scope and prevalence of the material among manufacturers;
  • Since we are trying to figure out which is better: a foam block or a gas block, you should pay attention to the ability to absorb water. And, in this case, the hygroscopicity of foam concrete can be attributed to the pluses, since its indicator is much lower, due to the closed pore structure.

There are also cons:

  1. Like the gas block, foam concrete is characterized by low adhesion with finishing materials. Reinforcement and priming is mandatory during the work;
  2. With hardware, things are similar. If you want to fix something, you will have to purchase special products;
  3. Fragility and vulnerability under mechanical stress;
  4. The presence of handicraft industries;
  5. Shrinkage of products;

Preliminarily, we can conclude that the similarity of materials is obvious. At least the list of shortcomings is almost the same.

Comparison of technical, physical and operational characteristics of both products

Now it's time for a direct comparison. Let's finally find out which is better: foam blocks or gas blocks?

Table 3. Gas block or foam block, which is better:

Characteristic Comparison and comments
Thermal conductivity index If we re-examine the tables containing the indicators of the coefficient of thermal conductivity, it is worth noting that they are almost the same. The foam block is only 1/100 ahead of its competitor.

However, if we compare the density ratios with the above characteristic, then aerated concrete will go ahead a little. That is, with the same density, the thermal conductivity index will be less for the gas block.

Frost resistance of products In this respect, again, aerated concrete is the winner. As already mentioned, its frost resistance can reach 150 cycles, while foam concrete has a maximum numerical value of 100 cycles.

On a note! Since both materials are a variety of the same group, the GOST requirements for them are the same. The higher performance of the gas block is largely due to product manufacturers.

Which is better: gas blocks or foam blocks: comparing strength and density indicators The density of both materials can reach 1200, which is typical for structural products. In general, we can say that their indicators are similar.
Durability of buildings built from both materials With technically correct finishing and properly executed masonry, the durability of products will be very high. Both the foam block and the gas block can stand for many years.
Eco-friendly and fire resistant Both materials are environmentally friendly and fire resistant.
Which is better, foam block or gas block: which of the materials is more vulnerable to moisture? In this case, it is worth paying tribute to the foam block. This is one of the few indicators in which he bypassed aerated concrete.

However, despite this, moisture absorption is characteristic of it and protection from moisture is simply necessary. Otherwise, the result will be equally negative for both products.

Product shrinkage The numerical value of shrinkage for the foam block is slightly higher. However, the appearance of cracks is characteristic of walls erected from both materials.
Construction speed and processing complexity There is no winner in this respect. Materials have large dimensions, which is extremely convenient when laying. Both are easy to saw, cut and sand.
Foam blocks or gas blocks, which is better: variability of internal and exterior finish And in this case, both materials are on the same level. The variety of finishes is equally great. Below, in the photo, there are several options for finishing.
Cost of materials The foam block is somewhat cheaper, by about 10%.
Scope of application The scope of both materials is extremely wide. This is largely due to a similar classification of products.
Prevalence among manufacturers In general, both foam and gas blocks are common among both manufacturers and developers. But, due to higher rates, it is still worth highlighting the gas block, it is a little more popular in the construction market.

It is worth noting that the foam block must be distinguished by the presence of products with cladding in its assortment. They do not require subsequent external finishing. The gas block cannot boast of this.

The video in this article: “Gas block and foam block, which is better” contains useful information for developers who decide to give preference to one of these materials.


The answer to the question: "Aerated blocks or foam blocks - which is better for construction?" it is extremely difficult to give. After all, both materials are similar to each other in terms of performance. And to do right choice, experts advise first of all to figure out which of the characteristics are priorities for you.

If it is the price and hygroscopicity, choose a foam block, and if, for example, frost resistance and shrinkage, then, obviously, it is better for you to give preference to aerated concrete products.

For the construction of residential buildings, garages and outbuildings, concrete blocks with a cellular structure are widely used. They are distinguished by high thermal insulation characteristics, low weight, increased dimensions and allow you to complete the work in a short time. When planning construction activities, the owners analyze the properties of materials, trying to choose best option. One of the frequently asked questions is what better foam concrete or aerated concrete. We will try to understand and give a detailed answer to it.

Foam block or gas block - which material to prefer

Both foam concrete and aerated concrete are common varieties of porous concrete, hallmark which is the cellular structure of the concrete mass. At a superficial examination, blocks made of foamed concrete and gas-saturated composite are identical.

The choice of material for building a house

They have a lot in common:

  • light weight;
  • increased volume;
  • fire safety;
  • frost resistance;
  • thermal insulation properties.

Despite many general characteristics, there are fundamental differences related to the following points:

  • the ingredients used;
  • the specifics of the manufacturing process;
  • strength properties;
  • features of the cellular structure;
  • degree of moisture absorption.

In addition, there are differences associated with the appearance, features of the laying of materials, their shrinkage, as well as a number of other distinctive points.

Private developers and professional builders are constantly debating on the topic: "A foam block and a gas block - which is better." Trying to answer this question, they cannot come to a consensus. In order to give an objective answer to the question of the fundamental differences between building materials, we compare their characteristics, production process, performance properties, and cost.

Foam block and gas block - which is better

The difference between a foam block and a gas block within the framework of the technical process

Having set out to compare the foam block and the gas block, we will consider in detail the technological moments that affect the method of forming cavities in the concrete mass. Gas-filled blocks are produced by the autoclave method at industrial enterprises, and foam concrete products are manufactured using a simplified technology and harden naturally. Fundamental differences in the properties and structure of composites are caused by the components used for manufacturing, as well as by the features of the technology.

How does a gas block differ from a foam block in composition

Aerated concrete block includes the following ingredients:

  • portland cement marked M400, the concentration of which reaches 50% of the total volume of the mixture;
  • sand fraction based on quartz, which is a filler and is introduced in the amount of 30-40%;
  • lime in an amount of 10–25%, which is involved in the chemical reaction of gas formation;
  • aluminum powder, which promotes vaporization and is introduced in an amount of not more than a tenth of a percent;
  • calcium chloride and calcium silicate introduced into the working mixture as special additives.

To ensure the required consistency, water is added, heated to 50 ºC. The technology allows the introduction of special modifiers that affect the strength characteristics of the composition.

The amount of ingredients introduced into foam concrete products is determined depending on the required specific gravity of the blocks. The simplified technology makes it possible to obtain products with a density of 0.35–1.25 t/m³.

Cement brand M500

The composition of the mixture includes the following components:

  • cement brand M500. Added as a binder;
  • sand of medium size. It is possible to replace sand with expanded clay;
  • foam additives. Their number determines the porosity of the product.

The amount of sand exceeds the volume of cement three times for foamed composites with increased bulk density.

What is the difference between a gas block and a foam block according to manufacturing technology

To decide which material to use for construction - aerated concrete or foam block, consider the manufacturing methods:

  • aerated concrete composites are made only in production conditions on special equipment. The manufacturing technology of products provides for high-temperature treatment of the concrete composition in closed tanks, in which performance properties are achieved under the influence of high pressure. The formed aerated concrete array after hardening is cut into products of various sizes and shapes, which allows expanding the range of products;
  • the manufacture of foamed composites does not require the use of special equipment and can be carried out in small enterprises, as well as by private traders. The filling of the working mixture is carried out in special forms that determine the dimensions of the products. When mixing the foaming agent with the working mixture, a cellular structure of an array with closed pores is formed. The process of hardening of the foam concrete composition occurs in cast molds at a temperature corresponding to the ambient temperature.

The laboratory quality control system operating at industrial enterprises guarantees the conformity of the characteristics of the manufactured aerated concrete products. Privately produced foam concrete composites may differ significantly from the requirements of the standards. When purchasing aerated concrete, foam concrete and other types of block materials, pay attention to the availability of certificates of conformity.

Aerated concrete composites are made only in production conditions

Foam block and gas block - the difference in cells

Despite the fact that both building materials have a cellular structure, the shape of the air pores is different:

  • in the aerated concrete mass, the pores formed as a result of the chemical reaction of aluminum powder are evenly distributed throughout the volume and have an open shape. Gas-filled building material, like a sponge, intensively absorbs moisture. Aerated concrete blocks absorb up to 50% of liquid with a corresponding increase in mass. Increased hygroscopicity significantly reduces thermal insulation properties, causes cracking of unprotected blocks when they freeze;
  • foam concrete products are distinguished by a closed form of air inclusions, which occupy up to 80% of the total volume. Air cavities with a diameter of 4–5 mm are unevenly located in the foam concrete mass, which is caused by the peculiarities of the distribution of the foam concentrate. This reduces the strength of the material. However, the closed cell configuration contributes to the resistance of the foam concrete mass to moisture absorption. It is not difficult to verify the hydrophobic properties of foam concrete blocks - the material immersed in water does not sink.

The porous structure is easy to see during visual inspection. In addition, the products have different colour. The gas-filled composite containing lime has White color, A foam concrete blocks- grey.

What is the difference between a foam block and a gas block - we compare the characteristics

Comparison of the characteristics of materials will help answer the question of what is better foam block or gas block. Reviews of private developers and professional builders allow us to analyze the main properties and main characteristics of building materials:

  • the size and location of the air cavities. Foam concrete products are characterized by an irregular shape, as well as an uneven distribution of cells with significant size deviations in the range from 1 to 5 mm. The aerated concrete mass is characterized by the correct shape of air inclusions, the diameter of which is about 1 mm;

Foam blocks are not ideal
  • density. Answering the question which is lighter than aerated concrete or foam concrete, it should be noted that the density and, accordingly, the mass of each material are the same. Single weight cubic meter foamed concrete corresponds to the mass of one cube of aerated concrete composite and is 350–1250 kg. The mass is determined by the grade of the material;
  • strength. Reviews of gas blocks and foam blocks confirm that both materials do not have enough strength when exposed to bending moments, although they normally perceive compressive loads. The strength characteristics of composites are determined by the quality of the ingredients used and the features of the production technology;
  • duration of curing. Aerated concrete blocks immediately after production have a maximum margin of safety, which slightly decreases during long-term storage. For foam block products, the increase in strength properties occurs gradually, reaching a maximum value by the end of the fourth week after manufacture;
  • dimensional accuracy. Aerated blocks, obtained by cutting a solid mass, are distinguished by precise geometry and minimal tolerances. This makes it possible to apply the binder composition in a thin layer, while reducing heat losses through cold bridges. The deviation of the dimensions of foam concrete products reaches 3-4 mm, which is reflected in the thickness of the seam;
  • ability to conduct heat. The thermal insulation characteristics of composites are related to density. With equal specific gravity materials have different coefficients of thermal conductivity. Gas-filled composites retain heat indoors better than foam concrete building materials.

It should also be noted the fire safety of materials, as well as the absence negative influence on people's health.

Foam blocks and gas blocks - what is better to lay

When planning the construction of walls, you need to know that an important characteristic of porous blocks is shrinkage, the value of which per meter of masonry is:

  • for foam concrete - 3 mm;
  • for aerated concrete no more than 0.5 mm.

Gas blocks with exact dimensions are laid on glue with a layer thickness of up to 2 mm

Factors such as block size deviation and masonry composition affect the speed of wall construction. If the dimensions of the foam blocks deviate, it is necessary to compensate for the height differences with a binder cement mixture, with a thickness increased to 10–15 mm. Gas blocks with exact dimensions are laid on glue with a layer thickness of up to 2 mm. In addition, products with geometry deviations need additional refinement, which increases the duration of the walls. Comparing the consumption of the binder composition and the cost of its acquisition, we can conclude that the construction of a gas-block box can be carried out faster and at lower cost.

Foam concrete or aerated concrete - finishing features

For external cladding of aerated concrete or foam concrete boxes, various options finishes: panels, plaster, tiles, lining. The thermal insulation characteristics of composites do not require additional thermal insulation of the walls, provided that the masonry is sufficiently thick. There are minor differences associated with the application of plaster:

  • good adhesion to concrete surfaces different kinds plaster compositions;
  • foam blocks are additionally reinforced with mesh for better contact with plaster.

Machining the surface of foam concrete walls with emery or a grater also improves adhesion.

Foam block or gas block - which is cheaper

The cost of purchasing foam concrete blocks is a quarter lower compared to the cost of purchasing aerated concrete. A significant difference in price is due to the use of cheaper components, the absence of special equipment, as well as manufacturing using a simplified technology. For a refined cost analysis, the volume of expenses for the purchase of a binder and reinforcement should also be taken into account.

Which is better - gas blocks or foam blocks? – Expert opinion

The results of the comparison make it possible to evaluate the performance characteristics of block composites. But even having dealt with the advantages and disadvantages of composite concrete products, it is problematic to give an unambiguous answer which building material is preferable to use. Professional builders, who own the technology of building walls and perfectly know the features of building materials, equally use foam block and aerated concrete products. It is important to purchase quality materials from trusted manufacturers and comply with construction technology.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete belong to the class of cellular blocks with low weight, but they differ in composition, manufacturing method and characteristics.

What is better to choose - foam block or gas block?

To make a choice between similar materials, you need to learn more about their main features and characteristics.

In the process of manufacturing foam blocks, the following elements are used:

  • Portland cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • foam former.

This material is produced in two ways:

  • mixing of all elements in the pressure mixer;
  • mixing sand, water and cement mixture with the gradual addition of foam, which is produced in a special generator.

It is best to use the second method, however, the costs Money in this case will be large. Foam blocks, which are produced in this way, have a uniform structure, they do not have large pores, because the material has greater strength.

In the process of manufacturing gas blocks, the following elements are used:

  • Portland cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

A porous structure can be obtained through the use of lime and aluminum powder. In the process of mixing such elements, a chemical reaction will occur and hydrogen will be released. This gas will give a light structure to gas blocks. After that, the mixture will need to be poured into containers and placed in an autoclave so that it hardens under conditions of high pressure and air that is saturated with steam. You can also dry the mixture naturally at high humidity.

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What to look for when choosing blocks

The main indicator that you should pay attention to in the process of acquiring foam blocks or gas blocks is density. It is expressed in kg / m³ and is indicated by the letter D. The greater the density, the stronger the material. It should be understood that the thermal conductivity also increases. Therefore, blocks with a high density are recommended for the manufacture of frames and load-bearing walls. Blocks of low density are best used in the manufacture of low-rise residential buildings. Low density blocks are used for thermal insulation of bases.

Some are interested in the question of which is stronger - a gas block or a foam block. You should know that it is the gas block that has the greatest strength.

The next indicator to pay attention to is strength. It depends on the block density. Using this indicator, you can determine the maximum load on the structure. Strength is expressed in kgf / cm², it is indicated by the letter M. If with the same strength, then the former will have lower density and thermal conductivity.

It is worth noting that each of these blocks has a low thermal conductivity. To date, you can find a fairly large number of positive reviews regarding foam concrete. However, in terms of strength, this material is inferior to aerated concrete.

Due to thermal processing high pressure gas blocks acquire a number of operational advantages over foam blocks. Gas blocks have an open-cell structure that allows the walls to breathe. Accurate linear characteristics of gas blocks can be achieved by cutting them.

When choosing between a gas block and a foam block, one should take into account the fact that in Russia there is no foam concrete manufacturer with good geometric characteristics that allow foam blocks to be laid on an adhesive solution. Aerated concrete blocks of large manufacturers have excellent geometric characteristics.

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Which block production technology is better?

Foam blocks and gas blocks are related materials. They differ only in the formation of cells within the blocks. In foam concrete blocks, air bubbles are formed due to the foam, which is mixed with the concrete solution. When the concrete hardens, a block of given dimensions will be obtained, in which there will be a frozen foam in the form of bubbles.

Such blocks are light in weight and have a good level of strength. In the foam block there are cells of a closed type. This means that during the curing process, the air bubble will envelop the concrete. As a result, all the bubbles will be inside the concrete.

In order to get bubbles in gas blocks, aluminum chips should be used, which will react with oxygen, as a result of which gas will be released. Gas blocks have open type cells. This means that the air bubbles will communicate with each other. It is also worth knowing that the gas block in most cases is manufactured industrially and dried. In order to form a block, string cutting is used, which is able to provide the correct geometry. Thanks to this, you can make high-quality layout of blocks and spend less time on its implementation.

If there is any doubt about which material is better to choose, then you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The foam concrete block has a closed cell structure, so it does not absorb moisture. A block of aerated concrete absorbs moisture, due to which it collapses in winter period.
  2. Foam blocks and gas blocks are porous materials and are able to absorb moisture. However, they can absorb moisture only if such materials are immersed in water. If the blocks are outdoors, they will not absorb too much moisture, and therefore any of these materials can be used.
  3. A foam concrete block has a density of 650-700 kg / m³, and an aerated concrete block has a density of 450-500 kg / m³. From this we can conclude that the foam block is stronger.

It is important to take into account the fact that great importance in the strength of the blocks has the quality of the cement mixture used. The use of cement containing slag or a low grade (M400 instead of M500) may lead to a decrease in the quality of the material. Private manufacturers of foam concrete blocks cannot check the quality of the concrete solution, while at large enterprises for the production of gas blocks, the quality of the cement mixture is always checked.

Today, some organizations have begun to produce innovative gas blocks, whose density is 350-400 kg / m³, and the strength is higher than the strength of foam blocks.

Gas blocks contain aluminum, which is harmful to health. There is no aluminum in foam concrete.

The composition of gas blocks also contains aluminum oxide weighing 20 kg / m³, which enters the material along with cement mortar and other elements. The foam blocks contain approximately 50 kg / m³ of aluminum oxide.

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Which blocks are the cheapest to build?

There is an opinion that laying gas blocks will be cheaper than laying foam blocks. This is due to the fact that foam concrete blocks are laid on a cement solution, and aerated concrete blocks on an adhesive mixture. In most cases, the layer of cement mortar for laying foam blocks is approximately 1 cm. In this case, the laying of gas blocks has a thickness of 2 mm. The difference in the volume of materials is 4-5 times. Therefore, the adhesive mixture for gas blocks will need about 5 times less than the cement mortar. At the same time, the adhesive mixture costs approximately 2-2.5 times more than the cement mortar. It is worth noting that the adhesive mixture is prepared much faster than the cement mixture. Even if we take into account the fact that the cost of foam blocks is slightly less than the cost of gas blocks, laying on an adhesive mixture will cost less than laying on a cement mortar.

An additional advantage of laying blocks on an adhesive mixture is that in this case, cold bridges are almost completely eliminated.

If you need to purchase foam blocks or gas blocks, then you should know that gas blocks that are produced at factories are definitely better than foam blocks that are made at private enterprises. Foam blocks of this type do not have the parameters that they should have.

The gas block and foam block are produced according to the same GOST and DSTU and have almost the same performance characteristics. The gas block has a more complex production process, because it is made exclusively by large enterprises.

The foam block is made much easier, because today the market has a fairly large number of various portable equipment that is used for the production of foam concrete. The equipment is inexpensive, so people who have absolutely no idea about such indicators as strength, density and thermal conductivity have taken up the production of foam blocks.

That is why foam blocks have a bad reputation. However, one should not draw conclusions from this. Foam blocks are great for walls, they are not too inferior in their characteristics and have some advantages. In the process of acquiring foam blocks, it is important to contact large organizations that have a good reputation and have been producing the material for more than a year. It is important to pay attention to the availability of quality certificates.

Foam blocks are of high quality, which are made from cement above the M500 grade.

Foam concrete is a cellular material. The forming components are Portland cement and sand. The porosity of the material is formed due to the addition of technical foam. Foam concrete blocks are produced by autoclave and non-autoclave method.

The first option is much stronger, but its cost is higher, and it can only be produced in the factory.

A non-autoclaved foam block is made at small enterprises, sometimes in artisanal conditions, and its cost due to the simplicity of the equipment will be one third lower.

Let's talk separately about the use of a foaming agent to obtain a porous block structure.

Protein blowing agents are usually produced by imported companies, so they are expensive. Their use guarantees high-quality and environmentally friendly products.

Synthetic foam concentrates can be produced independently. They are prepared on the basis of glues, soda, soap. When using synthetic foam, the working mixture hardens longer, which affects the heterogeneity and reduces the strength of the blocks. Sometimes there are questions about the environmental friendliness of such products.

The density of the foam block can be varied - from 200 kg / m3 and above. Its weight depends on the previous indicator and ranges from 12 to 47.5 kilograms.

The advantages of foam blocks are:

  • Ease of installation, compared with brickwork. This is due to the size of the blocks.
  • Low price, compared with brick and gas silicate block.
  • Moisture resistance. The block has a closed pore structure, so it does not absorb moisture well.
  • Vapor permeability.
  • Durability and resistance to aggressive environmental factors.
  • The possibility of production in artisanal conditions, as a result of which it increases the likelihood of buying homemade products made without technology. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of the manufacturer, to check the certification of products.
  • block geometry. Foam blocks do not always have a perfectly flat surface. This increases installation time and. Thick seams are cold bridges.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gas block

Aerated concrete is a more modern block material. In the manufacture of gas blocks, technology is used autoclave. Due to special processing in autoclaves, the material becomes stronger and harder. Such blocks are characterized by durability and lack of shrinkage. It is possible to produce such blocks only in the conditions of high-tech factories and combines.

Portland cement, quartz sand, lime are used as components in the manufacture of blocks. Hence the other name of the blocks - gas silicate. Aluminum powder is added to give porosity, which enters into a chemical reaction with lime. As a result, hydrogen gas is formed and pores appear in the material (a cellular structure is obtained).

Elements of gas silicate differ:

  • good heat saving and at the same time the ability to pass air (vapor permeability);
  • resistance to atmospheric precipitation and temperature changes;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • durability due to low drying shrinkage;
  • resistance to decay, fungus and mold.

Such material is easy to process, while it does not crumble.

This makes it possible to build absolutely any structures from aerated concrete, including multi-storey ones, in the shortest possible time. When calculating the amount of materials, it should be borne in mind that gas blocks are not only standard sizes(200x300x600 mm), but also various other forms.

Compared to foam concrete, gas silicate factory blocks have perfect geometric shapes. This speeds up the laying process, reduces glue consumption. Thin seams from 1 to 3 mm can significantly reduce the heat loss of the building.

The disadvantages of aerated concrete include its rather high cost and the need for delivery from a large plant, which may be located far from the construction site.

He also loses to foam concrete in terms of moisture permeability. This fact must be taken into account when designing a house. For example, plan a high basement of a building (60 cm for the Moscow region) in order to avoid a set of moisture in the first row of blocks. Plan the façade facing materials(panels, bricks, siding, etc.) or plaster to protect against slanting rain.

Comparison of foam concrete and aerated concrete

For greater clarity, we compare the characteristics of these cellular materials in pairs and find out if there is a significant difference between them.

Most of the differences are due to differences in production technology. For the formation of pores in foam blocks, foaming agents must be introduced into the concrete mixture. To obtain a cellular structure in aerated concrete, aluminum powder is required, which releases harmless hydrogen during a chemical reaction. There are much fewer visual differences in .

Pores are the main advantage of both materials. The air contained in them provides low thermal conductivity.

These production features form part of the differences between aerated concrete and foam concrete. These include:

  1. Structure. Aerated concrete (gas silicate) is similar in structure to a sponge with open cells, which allows the material to quickly absorb moisture and give it away just as quickly. In foam concrete, the cells are closed and non-uniformly distributed. Due to this, the foam blocks practically do not absorb moisture. The walls of the house from such material can not be processed even in wet conditions. For a gas block, a waterproofing layer in wet rooms is desirable. Otherwise, water will seep into the pores and, when frozen, can lead to cracks. Also, in damp walls, thermal conductivity increases.
  2. Compound. For the manufacture of gas blocks, only natural components are used. As for the foam block, the foaming agent can be different. Protein refers to environmentally friendly options, synthetic - no.
  3. Size. The geometry of aerated concrete elements is almost perfect, the dimensions do not deviate from the specified ones by more than two millimeters. Thanks to this, the construction of building objects is carried out at a high speed, and the masonry is high-strength and monolithic. Deviations in foam blocks are much higher (up to 20 mm), which sometimes requires the use of cement mortar to fill voids. This affects the increase in thermal conductivity due to the increased width of the seam. In the case of aerated concrete technology, the remaining rows are glued.

As for the cost, foam concrete blocks, even autoclaved ones, are slightly lower in price than aerated concrete ones.

In more detail, how aerated concrete differs from foam concrete during construction can be considered in the table:

Qualities and features aerated concrete foam concrete
Strength and density High. At a density of 500 kg/m3 gas blocks can withstand a load of 34 kg/cm2. Load carrying capacity below. So, a non-autoclave foam block holds a maximum of 9 kg / cm2.
Laying For glue. On glue or with disgusting geometry on a cement-sand mortar.
Finishing fit well Decoration Materials. Finishing materials do not fit well, but in some cases you can do without them.
Thermal conductivity The same around the entire perimeter, on average it is 0.12. Changes due to different sizes then, on average, it is 0.18–0.22.
Price Above, an average of 4.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter. Below, on average, 3 thousand rubles per cube.

The fire properties of these two materials are the same - they are not combustible. But the sound insulation of the gas block is slightly higher than that of foam concrete. However, foam block walls also protect against noise quite well.

The use of gas block and foam block

Foam concrete structures are in most cases less durable. For the construction of load-bearing walls, it is worth choosing only an autoclaved version with a high density. More often, foam concrete is used to create internal partitions or an insulating layer.


It is good to equip with a foam block those rooms that are often exposed to moisture.

Although foam concrete is resistant to external influences, including moisture, walls made of it are usually treated with plaster and decorative finishes. This is necessary because of the not very beautiful surface of the blocks and uneven joints filled with mortar.

If you use foam concrete and aerated concrete of equal density, then the latter material will show higher qualities of heat resistance and strength. Therefore, you can save on, which directly depends on the thermal conductivity. load-bearing walls from gas blocks will stand many times longer, and in dry rooms to carry out finishing with plaster due to the beautiful appearance and thin seams are not required.

My choice is simple. For residential buildings apply aerated concrete blocks, as a more even material (minimum joint thickness), manufactured in the factory (strength meets the stated requirements). It is only necessary to solve the issue of protecting the walls from moisture with the help of cladding and a high plinth. For commercial non-residential buildings (sheds, garages, etc.), foam concrete is quite suitable. Here, the characteristics of strength and thermal conductivity are not so critical, but it is possible and necessary to save on the price of the material.

Useful video

In this short story, the author concludes that if we take materials with identical characteristics for comparison, then the score will be a draw:

A fairly common question on the net is aerated concrete or foam concrete, which is better? Why does he care so much land owners who develop a project for a future home and decide on the choice of materials for its construction? How fundamental is the difference between these very similar materials?

It should be noted right away that both aerated concrete and foam concrete belong to the group of cellular concrete, that is, building materials that have many tiny air cavities in their structural structure, reducing the density and increasing the thermal insulation qualities of the blocks. They are united general concept"gas silicates". However, these materials still differ significantly from each other in their characteristics, which should be studied before choosing one.

Production of building materials from cellular concrete

To understand the differences between aerated concrete and foam concrete, for a start it is worth considering the technology of their production. The fact is that it is during the manufacture of the material that its specific qualities are formed.

Production of aerated concrete

Aerated concrete is an artificially created mineral with a uniform cellular structure.

Due to their structure, aerated concrete blocks are light in weight, so the construction of the walls of a house or other structures may well be carried out without the involvement of lifting equipment. The blocks lend themselves well to processing, and if necessary, reduce their size - the material is easily sawn with a hand saw. In some cases, to speed up this process, a "grinder" or an electric jigsaw can be used.

The process of manufacturing aerated concrete blocks is as follows:

  • Materials prepared in certain proportions (sand, cement, lime) are poured and mixed in a dry state in a special mixer for 4-5 minutes. Then a suspension of aluminum powder, made on a water basis, is added there.
  • In the process of mixing, lime enters into an active reaction with aluminum, as a result of which hydrogen is formed in a free state. Due to the abundant gas formation throughout the volume of the mixture, bubbles appear in the raw mass, having a size of 0.5 to 2 mm, which are evenly distributed in the solution.
  • The finished solution is poured into special forms preheated to 40 degrees. Filling is carried out approximately ½ of the volume of the mold capacity.
  • After the solution is poured into the mold, it is sent to the ripening chamber, where the final pore formation occurs, as a result of which the mass in volume almost doubles and gains transport strength. In order to activate the reaction in the solution and to better distribute the composition, the molds are subjected to vibration loads.
  • After the solution has reached preliminary hardening, with the help of stretched wire strings, the resulting irregularities are cut off from the surface of the solidified mass.
  • After pouring, the finished array is sent from the maturation chamber to the cutting line.
  • The next stage of work, the hardened products are sent to the autoclave.

Aerated concrete is often abbreviated AGB, that is, autoclaved aerated concrete, since its production is carried out using this equipment. And the autoclave itself, figuratively speaking, is a kind of "pressure cooker" large sizes, in which a pressure of 12 atmospheres and a temperature of 185 ÷ 190 degrees are injected and then maintained. In such an atmosphere, aerated concrete blanks are within 12 hours.

Aerated concrete prices

aerated concrete

  • After ripening in an autoclave, the blocks are additionally separated, since during their processing they can connect in some places.
  • Further, the finished products are packed in a heat-shrinkable material or polyethylene - this is necessary to maintain a certain moisture content in the aerated concrete structure before construction begins.

  • The finished material can be stored until it arrives at construction sites for two - three years.

Here it is necessary to clarify that aerated concrete is also produced in a non-autoclave way. In this manufacturing option, the mortar is cured in natural conditions, so high-tech modern equipment is not required for the manufacture of blocks.

However, such material will not have the characteristics that manufacturers claim. autoclaved aerated concrete. The shrinkage of the material during the operation of the built house will be 3 ÷ 5 mm / m, while the blocks that have been processed with the desired temperature and pressure have indicators of only 0.3 ÷ 0.5 mm / m. If we compare the strength, then this parameter for autoclave blocks is 28÷40 kgf / m² against products made in a non-autoclave way, which have a value of 10÷12 kgf / m².

So when choosing aerated concrete blocks, it will never be superfluous to clarify what technology it is produced by.

Production of foam concrete

The production of foam concrete blocks occurs according to a simpler technology. However, to obtain a product with high performance, it is necessary to use quality materials.

Foam concrete, as well as aerated concrete, has a uniform porous structural structure, which is formed by artificial creation in a mixture of air bubbles. This effect is achieved through the use of special substances that make up the foam concentrate.

There are two ways to manufacture foam blocks - this is cassette and sawing. The cassette method involves pouring ready solution into separate forms. And the sawing technology, therefore, consists in the processes of filling one large container with a mixture, and after it hardens, cutting this resulting array into separate blocks of the required sizes.

So, for the manufacture of foam concrete, cement grades M 400 ÷ M500, sand purified from clay impurities, certified foaming agent, calcium chloride and water are used. The foaming agent mainly determines the quality of the foam, therefore, a carefully dosed, proven composition is used for the manufacture of blocks. Poor foaming can not only slow down, but even completely stop the process of hardening the finished solution. In addition, the composition of the foaming agent must comply with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards, that is, it cannot contain toxic components.

The production process for manufacturing blocks by the cassette method includes the following steps.

  • The first step is to mix the cement-sand mortar. Its preparation is not particularly different from mixing ordinary concrete.
  • Next, in concrete mortar a foaming agent is added, after which the whole composition is well mixed until homogeneous. It is important to achieve the required air entrainment for good foam formation.

  • At the next stage, the foamed concrete solution is poured into molds under pressure.
  • Hardening of foam concrete occurs in natural conditions, but the duration of this process, unlike ordinary concrete, is twice as long. It will take even several months for foam concrete to gain final strength. If curing takes place at a temperature below +10 degrees, then the process will take much longer. On the production line, the blocks can only be pulled out of the molds after two to three days. To speed up the hardening process, calcium chloride is added to the solution in the amount of 1 ÷ 2% of the amount of cement involved in the mixture.

The second version of foam concrete blocks, as well as aerated concrete ones, is produced by cutting or sawing. Cutting the finished foam concrete according to linear dimensions is carried out using special equipment.

Prices for foam blocks

foam block

This version of foam block manufacturing technology has a number of advantages, which include the following:

  • The edges and corners of the blocks have a clear geometry, without chips or flaws, which reduces labor costs for their "commodity" processing.
  • Ideal geometry simplifies masonry work when building walls.
  • There is no lubricant on the surfaces of the blocks, which is used to lubricate each of the forms when concrete is poured into them. This approach significantly improves the adhesion of the material with the masonry mortar, as well as with the finishing material.
  • It is possible to cut blocks of different parameters, as the equipment can be adjusted to the required step.

It is these factors that contribute to the fact that many manufacturers are switching to this technology for the production of foam blocks.

So let's highlight fundamental difference in manufacturing aerated concrete and foam concrete:

- aerated concrete - the porous structure is provided by the active release of gas caused by a running chemical reaction. The resulting gas tends to get to the surface, "punching its way", which leads to the open, non-isolated nature of the cells. An increase to a predetermined volume occurs after filling out the forms.

- foam concrete - the porous structure is provided by the light of foam formation with air entrainment (something similar happens when using soap or detergents). The bubble is isolated from the "neighbors", that is, it is created closed cell air-filled structure. The solution immediately reaches the desired volume, and after pouring into molds, it may rather sag rather than rise.

Characteristic features of materials

In this section, we will try to compare the features of materials due to the specifics of their production, and talking about some of their advantages and disadvantages.

  • First, let's talk about the quality of the products themselves. Of course, it is impossible to sign for all manufacturers, and for all batches of material, but nevertheless ...

The production of aerated concrete blocks in most cases is carried out in the factory, since this process requires special equipment. Therefore, production technology is under control.

Foam concrete products can be produced both on high-tech equipment and in practically artisanal conditions. Naturally, very often, there is no proper control over how the solution is made, what material is used to mix the mixture, and the foam concrete maturation periods established by the technology are not maintained.

  • Density of materials. The structural density of foam concrete and aerated concrete is classified by the grade of the material. For both materials, this parameter varies from 300 to 1200 kg/m³.

It must be remembered that the higher the density of the material, the lower its thermal insulation qualities, respectively, the higher the thermal conductivity. The density of gas silicates, related to thermal insulation, does not exceed grade 600. Next come thermal insulation-structural and structural block products. Structural blocks high density are made for special purpose objects.

  • Strength for compression. The strength of foam blocks can vary and be 0.75 ÷ 12.5 kg / cm², while for aerated concrete this figure is in the range of 1.5-3.5 kg / cm². the specific value depends on the brand of density.

Aerated concrete has the same strength throughout the block. And the foam blocks may also have a heterogeneous internal structure - due to the uneven distribution of the foam concentrate when the solution is mixed. Both materials have low bending strength. Therefore, if they are chosen to build a house, special requirements are placed on the reliability and stability of the foundation - it is necessary to prevent uneven shrinkage of the structure.

Prices for gas silicate blocks

gas silicate blocks

  • Maturation (hardening). Aerated concrete. due to features chemical composition and autoclaving, reaches maximum strength already in the first stages of manufacture. But as the storage, as well as the operation of the erected walls, it becomes lower.

Foam concrete gains the necessary strength after 28 days from the date of manufacture - this factor is very important to start construction works. To be sure that the material has good strength, it is recommended to purchase blocks in advance, a month before the start of construction and store them on site. Walls built from fresh foam concrete, not gaining strength, after construction will give significant shrinkage and may crack. If, having already gained the necessary strength, then it will increase during its operation - the older the walls of this material, the stronger.

  • Block sizes

It is impossible to say unambiguously about the sizes of both one and the other blocks, since each manufacturer can produce them in different linear parameters. Although there are certain standards. For laying external walls, blocks of 200 × 300 × 600 mm are most often used, and for internal partitions - products measuring 100 × 300 × 600 mm.

By the way, the assortment is not limited to thicknesses of 200 and 100 mm. The table below shows other sizes of standard blocks.

Linear parameters of blocks, mmNumber of blocks in 1 m³, pcsNumber of items on a pallet, pcs
100×300×60055 80
120×300×60046 64
150×300×60037 48
200×300×60027 40
250×300×60022 32

The mass of products made of foam concrete and aerated concrete is almost the same, and the weight differences of the blocks depend on the brand of material. The table below shows the mass of standard wall and partition blocks for reference:

Block sizes, mmD300D400D500D600D700D800D900D1000D1100D1200
200×300×60011.7 15.6 19.4 23.3 27.2 31.7 35.6 39.6 43.6 47.5
100×300×6005.8 7.8 9.7 11.7 13.6 15.8 17.8 19.8 21.8 23.8

To know the exact dimensions of the material, they must be requested from the manufacturer who planning to purchase building materials. In addition to the sizes indicated in the table, other options can be produced. Accordingly, from linear dimensions the weight of block products will also depend.

  • Quality and accuracy of linear forms. Materials made by cutting or sawing have more accurate dimensions - this applies to both foam blocks and gas blocks. This quality allows you to reduce the thickness of the masonry joint to a minimum, literally up to 2-3 mm. Very useful quality, since masonry joints become cold bridges, since the mortar has a significantly higher thermal conductivity.

  • moisture absorption . Due to the fact that aerated concrete has a structural structure with open pores, it is a hygroscopic material, that is, it absorbs moisture well. Unlike aerated concrete, foam concrete absorbs moisture 8-9 times less.

So if you lower two materials into water for a while, then aerated concrete will absorb moisture by 45 ÷ 47% of the total volume of the block, while foam concrete will be moistened by no more than 5%. This method can be used to determine exactly what material the seller is offering, since at first sight sometimes it is impossible to determine that it is aerated concrete or foam concrete.

Aerated concrete will become much heavier, foam concrete will practically not change its mass. Naturally, it will be difficult to check the material in the conditions of a retail outlet, therefore, in order to check the honesty of the seller, it is worth buying one block, placing it in water at home, leaving it for a day, and then splitting it. If it is aerated concrete, then it will be saturated with water halfway into the depth of the block. Foam concrete will get wet no more than 15 ÷ 20 mm.

With a sharp change in the weather, for example, if after long autumn rains that saturate the aerated concrete with moisture, the temperature drops sharply, the moisture in the structure of the material will turn into ice. As a result, an unprotected structure may become covered with small cracks. And such damage is quite capable of becoming the “beginning of the end”, that is, erosion and destruction of the wall.

Therefore, it is necessary to cover with a plaster layer immediately after the masonry mortar has hardened. Such a finish should protect the surface of the walls from moisture penetration.

  • Porosity of materials. Active moisture absorption aerated concrete is explained by the fact that the pores of the material remain open. Often its surface on the cut resembles a sponge. Closed pores form in foam concrete, which makes the material hydrophobic, and if it is immersed in a container of water, it will stay on the surface like a float for a long time.

  • Thermal conductivity. With the same brand of block products, they have different thermal conductivity. Thus, aerated concrete is a more effective thermal insulation than foam concrete. For example, for a house that is planned to be built in middle lane In Russia, it will be enough wall thickness (if you do not use other thermal insulation layers) built from D 500 brand blocks from aerated concrete - 450 mm, but from foam concrete it should have a thickness of at least 600 mm.
  • Vapor permeability. A high level is characteristic of both types of gas silicate, but still it is not the same. Vapor permeability contributes to good air exchange in the premises of the house, resulting in internal surfaces walls do not create a favorable environment for the appearance of fungal or mold colonies.

Aerated concrete has a higher permeability. When building a house from foam concrete blocks, it is necessary to provide effective system ventilation, since the vapor permeability of this material is slightly lower.

This comparative table presents the absolute various parameters of aerated concrete and foam concrete. Based on them, you can determine which of these materials is more suitable for building a house:

Name of parametersaerated concretefoam concrete
Foaming componentsFine aluminum and lime.Wood-saponified resin, classified as a moderately hazardous substance.
Manufacturing methodsblock cuttingCassette and rifled
Place of manufactureFactory production onlyFactory or handicraft production
Structural structureUniformly porous with open pores of equal size.Heterogeneously porous with closed pores, with a spread in their sizes.
Material density, kg/m³200÷1200200÷1200
Compressive strength, for grade D400, MPa2 1.2
Curing time from the moment of manufactureImmediately upon freezingNot less than 28 days after manufacture, followed by permanent curing.
Frost resistance, cycles25 35
Thermal conductivity W/(m K)0.1÷0.190.2÷0.36
Moisture absorption, % per day of constant contact with water.Up to 47%0.05
Linear dimensional accuracyMinimum errorsWhen sawing a whole solid filled block - minimal errors, when manufacturing in a cassette way - significant flaws in the "geometry" are possible.
Masonry shrinkage, mm/m²0.5 2÷3
Vapor permeability, mg/m×h×Pa0.16÷0.230.9÷0.11

Requirements for laying materials and surface finishes

In addition to the characteristics of each of the materials, it is necessary to have information about the features of the construction of walls and partitions from foam blocks and aerated concrete.

  • Building foundation requirements, erected Howfrom foam concrete, and aerated concrete, are the same, since both materials have a small weight. However, the base for the walls must be strong enough, especially What hygroscopic aerated concrete, even covered with a plaster layer, becomes almost twice as heavy at high humidity, which increases the load on the foundation. Although foam concrete does not significantly change its weight when wet, it, like aerated concrete, rather fragile material, so a reliable basis for it will also not be superfluous.

The horizontal surface must be covered with a waterproofing layer. So it is possible to protect the masonry material from capillary entry of moisture into it from the side concrete base, which is in direct contact with wet soil. As a waterproofing, the well-known roofing material is most often used, laid on inflicted bituminous mastic on the concrete surface.

  • Cutting, drilling holes, chasing cellular materials are produced in the same way - cutting can be carried out using a conventional hand saw, and drilling holes using a drill and a crown drill of the required diameter. Due to the fact that the material is porous, the cutting process is quite easy.
  • Construction speed. Both materials are light in weight, and the linear parameters are much larger than the dimensions of a brick. In addition, the surfaces of the blocks have a sufficiently high adhesion, so the walls can be raised quickly. Especially in those cases when the work will be carried out with the involvement of assistants.
  • Block mortar. For laying foam concrete, ordinary concrete mortar or special masonry glue can be used. Aerated concrete is placed on an adhesive mixture specially designed for this material - this will help to significantly reduce the consumption of the solution, since a 3 ÷ 4 mm seam will be enough to fasten the blocks.
  • Construction conservation. If it is necessary to stop work on building a house for the winter period, the object is mothballed. Moreover, foam concrete walls will last this period without compromising their strength, while aerated concrete must be covered with a waterproof film so that the material does not even absorb atmospheric moisture from the environment. It is also necessary to clarify here that aerated concrete during conservation of a construction site requires protection against moisture at any time of the year. But the greatest damage can be caused to the material by autumn rains, a sharp drop in temperature, as well as spring snowmelt.

Prices for ceramic blocks

ceramic block

  • Retention of fasteners. Both materials require a special approach in this matter. However, d for porous building materials today in specialized stores you can find a wide range of special self-tapping screws, hardware, "chemical anchors" and other fastening options.
  • Finishing materials for porous surfaces. For finishing facades built of gas and foam blocks, plaster solutions, lining, siding, etc. are used. In this matter, with the correct layout of the "facade pie", there are no restrictions.

  • Warming materials. Due to the porous structure of these materials, they themselves are very good heat insulators. Therefore, in many cases, additional insulation of the walls of the house is not even required. However, if such a need nevertheless arises, for example, a house is being built in a region with cold winters, then a heater is used for thermal insulation. And for external insulation it is best to use basalt mineral wool with excellent vapor permeability.
  • plaster mixes. Not all materials will fit here. To finish porous materials, special plaster mixtures are used, which maintain their high level of air permeability. With aerated concrete surfaces, such mixtures have good adhesion, but before applying them on foam concrete a reinforcing mesh is fixed on the wall surface, which ensures higher adhesion of the mortar with the smooth surface of the blocks.

What and how are walls made of gas silicate blocks plastered with?

This work requires special care. How plan preparation of surfaces, and in the choice of plaster and adherence to the technology of its application. Details can be found by clicking on the link to the article of our portal.

The cost of gas silicate building materials

An important issue is the price of building materials. It is quite understandable - any future owner of a house during its construction is trying to find the most acceptable option, that is, the optimal price-quality ratio.

Therefore, you need to know that aerated concrete will cost on average 20% more than foam concrete. The latter is a more affordable material, since its production is not so complicated and energy-intensive, and does not require high-tech equipment. However, due to the possibility of manufacturing foam concrete even in "garage" conditions, with all the necessary components, a very large number of handicraft materials are found on the construction market. Accordingly, such products do not have all the qualities of blocks manufactured in compliance with the technology in the factory.

When calculating the cost of materials for building a house, it is necessary to immediately take into account not only the price of the blocks themselves, but also the cost of the components of the solution or the finished mixture, the consumption of which will directly depend on the quality of the block products. In addition, when using, you may need a steel mesh to reinforce wall surfaces, and for aerated concrete - waterproofing materials so that you can create protection from the weather at any time. Only by counting everything necessary for the construction, you can accurately determine which of the materials will cost less.

Now, knowing the qualities of both materials and taking into account the peculiarities of the local climate, you can choose the option that is more suitable for specific operating conditions.

And define required amount gas silicate blocks, perhaps the calculator below will help many.
