The volumetric weight of concrete is a concept used in determining the mass of the finished concrete structure, which will largely form the load on the foundation. It determines the mass of solidified material in a given volume. This figure can vary significantly depending on the filler used and the porosity.

How to find out the weight of 1 m 3 of concrete?

There is a parameter indicating a certain type of concrete. It may depend on the following factors:

  • types of filler;
  • use of gas during solidification;
  • compaction of the mixture during pouring;
  • cement grades

The mass also depends on the type, which varies per cubic meter from 0.5 to 3 or more tons. There is no direct relationship between strength and weight of concrete. It is determined by the properties of the main components of the material and their percentage.

The higher the specific gravity of the cube, the better the main indicators of finished products. Concrete high density differs in the good durability, moisture resistance and frost resistance. It is widely used for preparation of the bases in any climatic conditions. It is an excellent base for creating reliable road slabs that operate under heavy loads.

In cases where, during construction works reinforcement strapping is used, to calculate the mass, the density of the material is increased by 3-10%. On average, this value can reach 2.5 t/m 3 .

Weight of 1 cube of concrete
Concrete brand Liquid (kg) Dry (kg)
M100 2366 2180
M150 2360 2181
M200 2362 2182
M300 2358 2183
M400 2350 2170
M500 2355 2180

A lot of information is devoted not only to how to create the right and high-quality concrete, how to buy the right dry mix in the store or how to prepare it. Reverent attention is also paid to indicators of the quality of concrete. These indicators are determined on the basis of various parameters, where its main characteristics are taken into account. One of these dominant characteristics is weight.

Is it possible to do without it during construction? No! And we need weight tables to calculate the forces during the installation of structures, the availability of special equipment. And in general, I want to know what to expect in the process of working with building materials.

How much does one cube of concrete weigh? How is this weight calculated and what is meant by it? To answer all these questions, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our material, where we will analyze how much concrete weighs, and also write everything down for convenience in the form of a table.

What does weight depend on?

As in any other case, we need to start with the theoretical foundations. To begin with, let's find out what, in fact, is this very weight of concrete coatings for every 1m3.

What are the main indicators of the quality of concrete we know. Of course these are:

  • strength and durability;
  • frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • degree of setting (hardening rate);
  • weight of concrete per 1m3.

This, of course, is not all, but the main indicators (all indicators are in guests, tables, if desired). It is important to understand here that the concept of weight per 1m3 is based on the intersection of the concepts of strength and weight. The fact is that the strength and ability to hold various kinds of loads in concrete will be based on the density of the product. We already know that concrete blocks are different.

Note that the more cement in the solution, the denser the concrete, which means that 1m3 of material will weigh much higher. The unit of density measurement is known to us as kg/m3.

The weight also depends on the type of filler you choose, which are gravel, sand, gravel. On the Internet you can find hundreds of tables with different proportions of these materials, including on our website.

How are concrete solutions classified by weight?

What is the classification of concrete separation by specific gravity? The weight spectrum of 1m3 is as follows:

  1. Extremely light - up to 500 kg.
  2. Lightweight - 500 kg -1.8t.
  3. Heavy mortar - approximately 1.8-2.5 tons.
  4. Particularly heavy - over 2.5 tons up to 3 tons.

Let's take a closer look at each type to get our bearings. We will consider in descending order of gravity of weight per 1m3.

Particularly heavy

Let's start with the very first one. This type we will analyze it extremely quickly, since you will not even find it in the table - it does not provide for use in private construction of a house, where use is not advisable. Can you imagine what kind of strength concrete it should be if its weight for every 1m3 is as much as 3000 kg! Unless, if you have not decided to build a nuclear reactor or a bank vault at home. Like the familiar brands M500 and M450.


It consists of a mixture with large or heavy fillers. The total weight will reach no more than 2500 kg, which means the introduction of a little more than a ton of crushed stone and 700 kg of sand element per 200 liters. water. Traditional concrete that produces high-strength structures, excellent screeds and durable, high-strength fencing. They include brands from M300 to M400. And also often M250.


These include varieties of concrete with porous fillers. Instead of crushed stone or gravel, there is vermiculite, expanded clay or foam type perlite. As you know by foam and aerated concrete blocks and according to their weight tables, the porous structure reduces it significantly. But sand is used in any case. All 1 m3 - up to 1800 kg. Concrete M200 and M150. Excellent screed, fencing, blocks, etc.

Extra light

These are the cellular blocks mentioned above, which are also made of concrete, only with a special preparation technology. A mortar of cement and sand using a foaming agent. The air pores formed as a result increase the porosity and create an interesting combination: blocks with excellent thermal insulation and light weight, which is simply amazing when installed. Such concrete is used for slabs and block products from which buildings are built in the process. The weight of 1m3 is about 500 kg.

Separation of concrete by brand

It's not so much about dividing concrete into classes and brands, but about dividing its weight criteria based on the brand. As we remember, they are from M50 to M1000, but in fact, in practice, a range from M75 to M500 is needed - the rest are not considered at all.

As you understand, the brand depends on the strength of the material, and hence on the selected proportions. Let's take a detailed look at the table example, how the requirements for cement change and how the amount changes necessary materials for different brand:

As you can see, in this case, we understand that the strength of concrete is not related to weight, but depends solely on the brand of cement chosen. You can achieve the same strength by reducing the weight of 1m3, taking a higher quality cement. So, if we need M300 cement for M100 concrete, then we can take M400-M500 cement and use it much less in quantity. As a result, the strength will not suffer and the load during installation will decrease. Please note that the quantity and fillers will then change.

And yet, it is possible to distinguish the classic weight of 1m3 of concrete, depending on the brand. This is clearly seen in this table:

And here is another similar useful table that gives you data on the weight characteristics of the dry mix:

It is important to take into account that it is extremely difficult to accurately calculate the weight of concrete and all components from the tables, because these indicators depend on many factors. You were convinced of the influence of the brand, the influence of the strength and composition of the selected components, their density. Do not forget that the size of the filler fractions, the presence of a porous structure, as well as the volume of water poured into the composition, which is extremely difficult to calculate, are also taken into account. So you need to focus not only on the tables, but also on yourself and your mind.

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Concrete is considered the basis of modern construction. This material has universal indicators of strength and reliability, and is also capable of taking all kinds of shaping. IN construction industry you need to know how much a cube of concrete weighs, because such information is required during the construction of buildings and structures, to calculate the loads on the foundation, soil layers.

What determines the weight of concrete?

The mass of the solution directly depends on the density. And the larger it is, the greater the mass. Knowing the information about one cube of mortar, the weight of the entire monolithic structure is also determined, thereby calculating the cost of installing the foundation.

The weight of a cubic meter of concrete depends on several indicators:

  • Brand of cement mixture;
  • Type of fillers;
  • The amount of water used.

The filler material is an important component of the mixture, it has a significant impact on its bulk density. The most common among them:

  • Expanded clay materials significantly reduce the density (1 -1.5 t/m³);
  • Light solutions are made from slag (1.5 -1.7 t / m³);
  • Brick base (from 1.8 to 2 t/m³);
  • The heaviest materials are crushed stone and gravel (more than 2 t/m³).

The filler is chosen depending on the qualities of the future building. If it is not large, then light materials can be used. Brand discrepancies in weight are associated only with proportions constituent parts mixtures, the composition remains the same everywhere.

Classification of concrete by specific gravity

At the beginning of any construction, the weight of concrete in 1 m³ is first calculated, these data give an accurate understanding of the specifics and characteristics of the future structure. This parameter depends on the composition and amount of water in the solution. There is a classification, the main criterion of which is concrete specific gravity. In accordance with this division, four classes are distinguished:

  1. Particularly lightweight, heat-insulating;
  2. Easy;
  3. Heavy;
  4. Particularly heavy.

Extra light

There is no large aggregate in the composition of such a product. During the formation of the structure, a significant amount of voids, pores, up to 85 percent, is formed. Therefore, the specific gravity of the product is quite small (up to 500 kilograms). This type is not used in the construction of large facilities, because it is not intended for operation under heavy loads. Used to create insulation boards. A particularly light type has poor frost resistance, so it should be isolated from the influence of an aggressive environment.


In the creation of this type, industrial waste, expanded clay, sand and porous materials are used. The presence of pores significantly reduces the specific gravity of the mixture. The weight of a cube of concrete is from 500 to 1800 kg. This type has been used in the manufacture of block structures.


This type of solution is the most widely used in the construction industry. It is used in the manufacture load-bearing structures and large structures. The mass of one cube of the mixture will be about two tons. It can vary from the proportions of sand and coarse filler, which is a brick base or crushed stone.

Particularly heavy

Used less frequently. They are not used in the construction of private buildings. They have high anti-radiation protection; shelters, bunkers, laboratories, nuclear power plants are made on its basis. Specific gravity 1 m³ of concrete - from 2500 to 3000 kilograms. Consists of high quality cement and heavy coarse aggregates.

Separation by brand

How much 1 cube of concrete can weigh depends on the brand. Each type has its own proportions of its constituent parts (cement, water, aggregates). The table shows the characteristics of popular markings.

For example, the specific gravity of m300 concrete is 2.5 tons. But mass is not an indicator of strength. Strength depends on the proportions and composition of internal components and materials. Knowing the exact proportions and having the necessary components, a mixture with any characteristics is formed.

Adding water lowers the brand, and thus the density of the solution.

But in practice, experts often use the concept of "volumetric weight". This characteristic is variable and depends on the state of the concrete.

The range of application of cement mortar is very large: from finishing the walls of a residential building to building massive dams. Knowing the weight of concrete structures and reinforced concrete products is of no small importance in the design of various objects. To do this, you need to know how much one cube of concrete weighs, and what affects this value.

When the question arises about the weight of a cubic meter of concrete mix, it should be understood that we are talking about density. She is one of the main technical parameters cement mortar. The unit of measurement is kg/cm3. The higher the density, the greater the weight of the concrete. Both of these values ​​directly depend on the type of filler. It is according to him that the classification of solutions is made. We recommend that you study what characteristics it affects.

How much does different concrete weigh?

Technical characteristics are usually displayed by dividing into classes and brands. When solving specific problems, this helps to correctly and accurately select the concrete mixture.

1. Classes of concrete.

  • Heavy.

This is the most common (classic) type of mortar. It is best suited for the construction of the main elements of load-bearing structures, pouring screeds, erecting fences, etc. The composition of heavy concrete includes large-sized and massive fillers: coarse sand, gravel, crushed stone. It is they who occupy the bulk of the mixture. A cubic meter of such material weighs 1800-2500 kg.

  • Lungs.

The name of the concrete group is determined by the structural features of the fillers. In the manufacture of expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite, various industrial waste. The porous structure of these materials reduces the weight of the cube ready solution up to 500-1800 kg.

Sand is not found in all lightweight concrete. Where it is provided for by the recipe, its mass in 1 m3 is 600 kg. Lightweight concretes are used in the construction of building blocks, enclosing structures or pouring screeds.

  • Particularly heavy (super heavy).

In production, metal fillers are used, which give the finished product a massiveness. The weight of a cube of concrete is 2500-3000 kg. In the composition of super-heavy mixtures, cement of increased strength is necessarily present. In private housing construction they do not apply. Usually, protective structures for special purposes are made from them, for example, for nuclear reactors.

  • Extra light (heat-insulating)

This group includes cellular concrete, in which there are no large fillers. In their composition, in addition to cement and sand, foaming agents are present. During the production process, voids are formed inside, occupying up to 85% of the total volume. Therefore, the mass of the cube is very low - less than 500 kg. To enhance strength, special plasticizers are added to cellular solutions.

Particularly light types of concrete are used in the production of blocks and slabs with high heat-insulating properties. Their disadvantage is weak frost resistance. Therefore, building elements with a porous structure require mandatory waterproofing.

2. Grades of concrete.

In the group of heavy solutions, there is an internal classification. It is determined by the different ratio of components in the recipes. Depending on this, the mass of a cubic meter of each brand is somewhat different.

Ratio table:

Concrete brand Weight of components, kg
Cement M300 Sand rubble Water
M100 214 870 1440 100
M200 350 795 1080 175

Reducing the volume of the filler leads to a decrease in the mass of the cube and an increase in the strength of concrete. Replacing cement of one brand with another affects the strength. To prevent this, you need to make changes to the layout of the components. At the plant, such tasks are solved in laboratories. At home, you have to adjust the ratio "by eye", which can adversely affect the quality of concrete. Therefore, in the manufacture cement mortars do-it-yourself construction experts recommend taking classic recipes of components as a basis.

Weight table of different grades of concrete:

Based on the above data, you can easily determine the average weight of one cubic meter. Experimental studies confirm theoretical calculations and show that 1 m3 of concrete solution weighs 2400 kg.

The average cost of a cube of concrete

When the process of pouring large structures is continuous, it is advisable to order and bring ready-made concrete from the factory. Of course, it will cost more than manual kneading. After all, the customer has to pay for all production work, delivery, loading and unloading of the machine.

The final price of a cube of ready-mixed concrete is a variable value and depends on many factors:

  • Brand - is determined by the technical requirements for each type of construction.
  • Filler - a cubic meter of gravel-based solution costs 100-150 rubles cheaper than granite concrete.
  • Job site remoteness - delivery in a big city or off-road conditions is more expensive.
  • Boom Length - A concrete pump truck is not required in all cases.
  • Days of the week - on weekends and holidays, the cost of a cubic meter of concrete mix is ​​usually higher.
  • Volume of the order – more favorable terms of sale are offered for wholesale customers.

Price table for ready-mixed concrete:

Brand Price per cube, rubles
M100 3000-3550
M150 3200-3700
M200 3350-3900
M250 3750-4000
M300 3800-4150
M350 3950-4200
M400 4300-4750
M450 4550-5000
M550 4750-5200
M600 5000-5400

When only a few cubes of mortar are required, it can be prepared on site. It is advantageous to use manual mixing when pouring small elements: stairs, garden paths, architectural details of small forms. The price of such concrete is quite affordable for any developer.

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If you decide to create a durable structure, you should adhere to the recommended proportions in the preparation of solutions and mixtures. For most people, this is not an easy process. How much in a ton cubic meters sand? How to correctly determine the weight without heavy measuring equipment?

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One cubic meter (cube, m 3 ) sand - how many tons?


Weight 1 m 3, (kg)

Capacity in a bucket with a capacity of 12 l, (kg)

Construction sand of normal humidity, corresponding to GOST 8736-93
River sand compacted
River humid (over 6–7% humidity)
Quarry dusty sand
Quarry fine-grained
Sand and gravel

If, on the contrary, you translate from tons to cubic meters, then the table will also come in handy. For example, 5 tons is how much? Answer: 5 t ː 1.7 t / m 3 \u003d 3 m 3.

The table shows the average bulk density. The same river sand varies from 1.45 tons to 1.6 tons - this is quite a big difference. Any material has its own specifics, which is expressed in the degree of moisture, fractionation and grain shape.

Characteristics of sand, which you should know when purchasing building materials:

  • 1. The wetter the sand, the denser and heavier the bulk density will be. Material stored outdoors in winter increases in mass by up to 15% due to snow and ice.
  • 2. The grain size depends on the geological and climatic features of the deposit. The larger the grain of sand, the larger the bulk area and the lighter the weight. Accepted modules of fineness of sand material: fine - 1.5–2 mm; medium - 2–2.5 mm; large - from 2.5 mm.
  • 3. Raw materials from the reservoir are characterized by roundness due to the action of water and friction. The material from the quarries is more angular, which gives a better result in the adhesion of mortars. If the substance was subjected to mechanical action, then the flakiness index (the presence of flat needle-like sand grains) increases. High flakiness slightly reduces the strength of the finished product. For a private building that does not involve multi-storey and heavy structures, this is not a fundamental factor.
  • 4. Bulk density varies from the degree of compaction, which increases during shaking, and decreases during pouring or unloading. Having decided on the amount of bulk building material required for construction, it is recommended that the weight be multiplied by the compaction factor of 1.1–1.3.

in building technologies great importance contains impurities in the composition of natural components. The quarry material contains dust, clay, foreign substances (small stones, plant remains). When creating a durable foundation, impurities play a negative role, so professionals use washed building sand. Cement or concrete mortar made from a dirty dry mix cracks. For leveling and landscaping, the presence of additional elements is not essential. To create plaster mixtures, clay is used as a separate component.

There is artificial sand, which is made from quartz, slag and expanded clay. Such material is rarely used for private construction, especially since natural sand is the most common rock on the planet.

If you need to know the weight for construction, then it is quite possible to do without weighing. To obtain accurate values, it is advisable to purchase sand in warm and dry weather.
