The concrete house is right choice because it is much more durable and stronger than brick. However, it is necessary to distinguish between technologies for building houses from monolithic concrete and concrete blocks, as they are, as they say, two big differences. This article will focus on the first case, in which the structure is a single non-prefabricated frame, which can then be trimmed to improve the appearance.

Why is it worth building a monolithic concrete house

One-piece structures have a lot of advantages over prefabricated ones: this and more high reliability, and long service life, low heat dissipation performance and so on. Consider the advantages of monolithic houses in more detail:

  • Reliability . Since a seam always has a lower strength than the material it connects, it can be concluded that the fewer seams, the better, and perfect option- when there are no seams at all. Such houses are very common in seismically active areas, for example, in Japan, where earthquakes occur almost every month, almost all houses, including multi-storey ones, are built using monolithic technology, so they can easily withstand even the strongest shocks. Also in places where they go fighting, monoliths are also quite popular, and a vivid example of this is Israel. Good whole- concrete house there it can withstand a direct hit from a rocket, and although the windows will still be knocked out, at least it will not have to rebuild.
  • High service life . If you build a house out of bricks, it will undoubtedly last a long time. Your children, and even a few grandchildren, can live in it before it has to be overhauled. But a monolithic concrete house will give a roof over your head to your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and even great-great-grandchildren, which, of course, is very nice. The thing is that any structure wears out over time, but it is not the material from which it is built that deteriorates most quickly, but the seams connecting the blocks. For example, in a brick house, the layer between the bricks deteriorates very quickly, and after it, they themselves begin to collapse. But since there are no seams in a monolithic house, the only thing that can deteriorate is the concrete itself, and as you know, it lasts a very long time.
  • These houses are warmer. . The absence of seams allows you to avoid the presence of microcracks through which air passes, taking heat with it. In addition, these microcracks tend to diverge over time, as air flows blur their edges. This is not the case in monolithic houses, so they can be built even in areas where wind blows. strong winds- there will be no draft.
  • perspective . With the development of 3-D printing technologies, it became possible to literally stamp houses using a 3-D printer. For this, neither workers nor complex building structures are needed, and the procedure itself will take only a couple of days. Imagine how a huge self-propelled printer with a dozen tanks of liquid concrete arrives at the place of your future home and starts printing your house - fantastic! Of course, this is not yet technically feasible, but in the future, in 30-40 years, they will build just like that.


The main disadvantage of monolithic houses is high price. While the technology of 3-D printing of residential buildings is very poorly developed and is able to serve, perhaps, the low-budget sector, monoliths have to be built manually. But the procedure for erecting a monolithic house is quite difficult and therefore requires highly qualified builders.

The most difficult thing here is the construction of the formwork into which liquid concrete. The fact is that if you install it incorrectly, then during filling it will simply break, and all the concrete will spill. This problem is especially acute in areas with soft soil, as it also contributes to its loosening.

At experienced craftsmen construction works there are secrets of how to strengthen the formwork, and that is why such workers are very expensive. Building a monolithic house on your own is far from the best idea, which is why there are relatively few such structures in our country.

The need to create high formwork. As already mentioned, the construction of solid concrete houses requires reliable scaffolding that will not fall apart at the most crucial moment. Only an experienced team, which has repeatedly dealt with such buildings, can design and build such ceilings. And of course, the development of forests takes time.

The difficulty of installing concrete floors. The fact that concrete can break through the formwork is only part of the problem. In fact, quite often, when it is built by unskilled workers, it breaks under its own weight.

Requires high quality concrete. Finding good concrete is no longer an easy task, but this is the main thing when building an all-concrete house. After all, the service life of good and bad material can vary significantly (3-4 times). The case is widely known when the Moscow Voentorg concrete store, built of concrete in 1912, became emergency after only 80 years, although it was supposed to stand for at least 250.

These 4 problems are the main obstacles to the popularization of concrete houses in our country, and it is because of them that only people with high incomes can afford the construction of monoliths. Therefore, if the budget does not allow, it is better to build from brick, as it will last longer than a low-quality concrete house built by cheap workers.

Recently, developers are increasingly preferring concrete as a material for building a house. This is not surprising, since concrete buildings are highly durable and durable, and the construction process itself is quite simple. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to build a house of concrete with your own hands.

General information

Before deciding on the construction of a concrete house, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of such construction:


Among the advantages of concrete buildings are the following points.

  • The concrete house is monolithic construction , due to which it has good mechanical strength, and also perfectly tolerates seismic activity.
  • Construction can be done on any soil.
  • Concrete houses are built quickly.
  • Construction cost is relatively low.
  • It is possible to build a house of any configuration.
  • Concrete walls can be finished with any materials.
  • Possibility of a slab as a floor.
  • Concrete new building gives uniform shrinkage.


Of course, there are also disadvantages of such construction, however, there are not very many of them:

  • Requires certain equipment such as concrete mixer and internal vibrator. If the house is being built on several floors, then a concrete pump will also be required.
  • When erecting monolithic floor labor costs increase, as it is necessary to perform formwork and reinforcement.
  • Concrete has a fairly high level of thermal conductivity, so the walls must be insulated before finishing.

Construction of a concrete house


You need to start construction with the preparation of the project. Easiest to find finished project on the Internet, however, you can order it from specialized companies.

In this case, the project will be individual, in compliance with all your wishes. At the same time, companies perform a complete calculation of the structure, including wall thicknesses, concrete grade, etc.

The main advantage individual project is that it can be unusual, capable of making your house stand out against the background of neighboring buildings. For example, projects of houses made of concrete and glass have recently become popular. Such buildings have not only interesting appearance, but also provide good illumination of the premises with sunlight.


The construction of a concrete house, in fact, like any other construction, begins with the construction of a foundation. Since the concrete structure is heavy, it needs a solid and reliable foundation. Most often, a strip or pile-tape foundation is performed.

The depth of the foundation must be greater than the freezing level of the soil.

Work begins with the preparation of trenches:

  • The first step is to prepare the construction site and markup. To do this, stakes are driven into the corners of the future structure and ropes are pulled.
  • Then trenches of the required size are dug. Their width depends on the thickness of the walls.
  • Next, formwork is carried out from chipboard panels or wooden planks. The formwork must be securely fastened, so when installing it, spacers and lintels should be used. The formwork must be carried out taking into account the fact that the foundation should rise half a meter from the soil surface.
  • The next step is laying the sand cushion. To do this, the bottom of the trenches is covered with a layer of sand at least 15 cm thick and well compacted.
  • After laying the pillow, reinforcement is performed - this is a very important procedure, since the strength and durability of the structure depends on it. As a rule, the reinforcement of the foundation is metal carcass, consisting of four bars of reinforcement fastened together with steel wire.

This completes the preparation of trenches for the foundation. Now we need to make concrete, for one cubic meter solution will need the following number of components:

To improve the quality of concrete, plasticizers are added to the composition.
In addition, to give the material certain properties, special ones are used, for example, anti-frost, which allow construction work to be carried out at sub-zero temperatures.

Instructions for the preparation of concrete is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to mix cement and sand.
  • Then water is added to the dry mixture.
  • The final step is the addition of coarse filler. The resulting mixture should be well mixed so that the solution is homogeneous with a uniform distribution of crushed stone.

After the concrete is ready, you can start pouring the foundation. The procedure is performed evenly around the entire perimeter. Filling is desirable to perform in one go.

After 28 days, it is necessary to perform horizontal waterproofing of the foundation by laying two layers of roofing material on it. After that, the installation of floor slabs is carried out using a crane.


The principle of building walls is about the same as building a foundation. First of all, formwork is erected.

I must say that the formwork can be of two types:

  • Removable;
  • Fixed, made of polystyrene or foam.

In the photo - fixed formwork

  • Ease and speed of installation, which saves time and effort. Mounting the formwork resembles the assembly of the Lego constructor.
  • Allows you to create any layout and configuration of premises in accordance with the requirements of the project.
  • Provides thermal insulation of the building, so you do not have to additionally perform thermal insulation work.
  • The cost of formwork is not high.
  • Allows you to make the walls thinner, without compromising the structure.

The process of erecting concrete walls using fixed formwork is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to correctly calculate and purchase formwork elements.
  • Then the formwork is installed on the prepared base and assembled from separate segments.
  • After the installation of the formwork, work is carried out on the installation of pipes and other communications.
  • Further, a metal frame or reinforcement bars is installed in the formwork.
  • After that, the solution is prepared according to the scheme described above.
  • After all preparatory work filling is carried out. Daily rate pouring is no more than 70 cm. Thus, this operation must be repeated until the formwork is completely filled.

After the walls are ready, the floor slabs are laid and the roof is erected, in accordance with the project. As already mentioned above, concrete houses, made using fixed formwork, do not need insulation, so after their erection, you can immediately start finishing.

If the construction is carried out using removable formwork, then for these purposes you will need boards about 50 mm thick, which are knocked into shields. Otherwise, the process is the same as when using fixed formwork. The only thing, after the construction of the building box, it is necessary to perform insulation.

To prevent the formwork from spreading during the pouring process, metal ties should be placed in its lower part, fixed with a bolted connection.


Building a house of reinforced concrete is quite simple, however, it is necessary to strictly observe the design calculations and construction technology. The result of such work will be a reliable and durable home. From the video in this article you can get Additional information on this topic.

Starting the construction of your own house, the question invariably arises of what material to make the walls from. Usually, the materials for building houses were either wood or stone (brick, concrete and ceramic blocks). And the choice was guided by the following - wooden houses warmer, lighter, they breathe, but they burn too well. stone houses more durable, reliable, but too heavy and cold.

Meanwhile, construction technologies do not stand still, and now there are many new building materials, new ways of building buildings. One of these innovations is the technology of monolithic construction of houses. It has become the standard of construction in recent times, and is used in the construction of modern houses, since the speed of work is several times higher than the speed of work by conventional methods.

The construction itself is fundamentally different from the construction of houses from timber, reinforced concrete products and bricks. Simplified, the construction of a building using this technology is as follows: directly on the foundation of the future house, formwork is mounted along the contour of a wall or, for example, a column where reinforcement is installed and concrete is poured. When the concrete hardens, the formwork is dismantled, and the finished part of the wall or column is obtained.

It is not so easy to build monolithic concrete walls compared to laying out piece material. But in some cases they will cost less, for example, when it is possible to "get" cheaper slag, shell rock, expanded clay, crushed stone, sand, sawdust - the main concrete fillers. It remains to add cement, water, possibly clay and lime, mix it all mechanized way, and then feed in buckets to the place of pouring into the formwork.

The construction of concrete walls should be carried out only in accordance with the project (calculation). The documentation lays down the main decisions on the construction of the wall, for example:

  • The composition of concrete, its strength and thermal insulation properties.
  • The width of the walls (one layer of the wall).
  • Fittings (if necessary), its type, placement, ...
  • Foundation, its design and bearing capacity under concrete walls.
  • The method of waterproofing walls from groundwater (from the foundation).
  • Linking the reinforcing belt of the foundation and walls.
  • The dimensions of the formwork, the height of one zone of pouring walls, methods of linking the reinforcement of different zones ... etc.
  • Concrete for building walls can have very different composition, strength and thermal insulation parameters. The required strength can be achieved at very different thickness walls. And all this is determined by the calculation.

    Concrete conditionally, depending on the composition, can be conditionally divided into several types:

    Construction organizations use pumping units to supply ready-made concrete to the place of laying, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the construction of concrete walls. But for a private developer, as a rule, it is cheaper to do the laying of one floor by hand than to rent such equipment. Complex mechanization makes sense when it comes to building a multi-storey building or an entire cottage village.

    In private construction, a concrete mixer, buckets, wheelbarrows, shovels, crowbars, vibrators for compaction are more often used to build concrete walls.

    Usually, specialized teams are involved in the construction of a whole house of concrete. They have equipment, tools, formwork, and most importantly, experience in performing such construction work.

    If there is a desire to build everything with your own hands, attracting relatives and friends, then equipment and formwork can be rented. It will be cheaper than buying everything yourself.

    For casting walls, a special smooth formwork is needed. The movable formwork is made of plywood panels and boards fastened with screeds and studs.

    Another option is the use of fixed formwork, i.e. after the concrete is poured, the formwork remains and forms another layer of the wall. Here are the possible options:

    • The use of factory fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene. But it's expensive, in addition, many experts wonder why we need environmentally-friendly polystyrene foam indoors? Much better fit gypsum fiber formwork from the inside of the building, for subsequent simplified finishing, and dense foam is used from the outside.
    • Fixed formwork can be made by hand. But its components must comply with design solutions for thermal insulation. It is not allowed to use insulation with greater resistance to steam movement than a durable wall layer. Or you need to use a full vapor barrier insulation - extruded polystyrene foam.

    Fixed formwork can also serve as pre-laid Brick wall facade with foam attached to it and a vapor barrier (separator). And from the inside of the building, simply removable plywood panels can be used. This technology is being mastered by many teams, resulting in cheaper and faster construction of expensive three-layer walls.

    To waterproof the wall from the foundation, water-repellent impregnations are now used in the lower layer of the wall, which are introduced into dense concrete using a special technology.

    In the process of laying concrete, care must be taken that the formwork panels, removable or fixed, do not disperse. Usually the sidewalls of the formwork are fastened from below with metal ties, and from above with wooden slips.

    If the design solutions provide for wall reinforcement, then all reinforcement is pre-knitted inside the formwork. The vertical ties of the armored belt are made above the formwork (above the fill), for connection with the next wall belt.

    Concrete is laid in layers of 20 cm around the entire perimeter of the wall, while the concrete is carefully tamped, preferably with the help of vibrators. Laying and ramming starts at the corners of the building, then laying is carried out in the middle parts of the walls. The layers are laid until the installed formwork is filled. It is necessary to calculate the amount of concrete and labor costs so that the formwork is filled without interruptions in work for more than 2 hours and there are no beveled curved boundaries between pouring zones.

    At the same time, it must be remembered that the concrete must be laid within 2 hours after its manufacture. And if there is a 2-hour break in laying, then work stops and laying can be resumed only after 48 hours. Time limits are always difficult to meet, so working with concrete placement is also inconvenient. Also for this reason, the construction of houses in the private sector from concrete is not as popular as from piece materials.

    The total curing time for concrete is 28 days. During this time, the walls must be covered with polyethylene, preventing moisture from weathering, watered every day so that premature drying and cracking of the monolith does not occur.

    After this period, you can proceed to the construction of the roof, plaster and wall decoration.

We would like to warn you that do-it-yourself flood house- This is a very bold project that needs to be approached very responsibly. If you do not have the necessary cement work skills, it is better to entrust the construction of the building to professionals.

Since we first talked about the difficulties, we will mention one more. hardening process cement mixture- long, it takes at least 28 days. In addition, it is desirable to build flooded concrete houses at positive temperatures.

Now about pluses. In terms of costs, such a house will cost less than a brick one. It will also be quite durable. And most importantly: you can fill with cement any, the most bizarre shapes and volumes, “playing” with curvilinear figures and creating a unique building, which no other material will allow you to do.


The flood foundation for a house using this technology should be deeper and wider than for a brick building - by about one third. When the foundation has hardened, we knit reinforcement to the protruding bars of its frame with wire, which will “hold” the concrete wall. We put up the formwork. In a completely flooded structure, the formwork must be assembled around the entire perimeter, not forgetting the empty openings for doors and windows.

The construction of bay houses may not be monolithic. In this case, cement columns and lintels will become the support of the entire structure, and the wall space between them can be closed with other materials: slabs, bricks, etc. The optimal width of cement supports in this case is 400 mm. The jumpers have the same width. The height of the latter according to the norm is 400 mm (and 200 mm for openings on the second floor).

When building a flooded house with your own hands, it is permissible to use floor slabs - if you are confident in the strength calculations made. Cement lintels are able to support this weight. We finish the work by installing the roof.

Characteristics of a concrete building

Unfortunately, it is impossible to talk about the construction of the whole building in one article. But we tried to answer the basic questions so that you get an idea of ​​​​how to make a flooded house correctly.
