The 1164 Rifle Regiment (1164 SP) was called up to the front and was part of the 346 Debaltseve Red Banner Rifle Division (346 SD) -51 Army, 4 Ukrainian Front.
The division was formed in August 1941 in the Saratov region. She took part in the battles near Moscow, fought on the Kulikovsky field, near Stalingrad, Donbass, crossing the Sivash, in the Crimea.
For military merits, she was awarded the honorary title "Debaltsevskaya", was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
The 346th Rifle Division also participated in the Battle of Stalingrad ...
The 159th Rifle Division was in the second echelon of the 5th Tank Army, the 1st and 26th Tank Corps, the 8th Cavalry Corps and the 8th Motorcycle Regiment were in the 0 succession echelon, and the 14th Guards Division was in the holding group. rifle division and the 1166th rifle regiment of the 346th rifle division. Reserve - 346th Rifle Division.
Debaltseve, city in Ukraine, Donetsk region.
Abandoned by the Red Army on December 7, 1941. Released on September 3, 1943 by the troops of the Southern Front during the Donbass strategic offensive operation.
Freed connections:
Southern Front: 51st Army - 54th Rifle Corps (Major General Kolomiets Trofim Kalinovich) - 346th Rifle Division (Major General Stankevsky Dmitry Ivanovich);
By order of the Supreme High Command, the name Debaltsevskaya was assigned to the following formations and units - the 346th Rifle Division.
The troops that participated in the liberation of Donbass, during which they captured Debaltseve and other cities, were thanked by order of the All-Russian Supreme Command on September 8, 1943 and saluted in Moscow with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns. Nikitovka (now part of the city of Gorlovka), a city in Ukraine, Donetsk region. Abandoned by the Red Army on November 2, 1941. Released on September 5, 1943 by the troops of the Southern and Southwestern fronts during the Donbass strategic offensive operation.
On the left flank, the 54th Rifle Corps advanced, reinforced by the 125th mortar regiment. The 116th fortified area bypassed Debaltsevo from the south with the task of capturing the city of Uglegorsk and reaching the rear of the enemy's Debaltsevo grouping. The 346th division under the command of General D. I. Stankevsky approached Debaltseve from the east.
Having defeated the Nazis in Chernukhin, the 1168th Infantry Regiment under the command of Major I.P. Pavlyucheikov broke into Debaltseve at 12:30. Having beaten off two counterattacks and destroyed seven tanks, he began to storm the station and railway station area. The 1164th Rifle Regiment came to his aid. The company of senior lieutenant V. Solovyov showed exceptional courage and stamina. She went around the city from the south, on its western outskirts she took possession of the height dominating the surrounding area, and cut off the path of the retreating fascists. Squeezed from three sides in a task, the fascist troops left Debaltseve.
For the courage shown by the personnel and successful actions to defeat the Nazis in the Debaltsevo resistance center of the 346th Infantry Division, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief awarded the honorary name of Debaltsevo.

__.08.1941 - 09.05.1945

The division was formed in August 1941 in the city of Volsk, Saratov region Volga Military District.

Took part in battles near Moscow, near Stalingrad, Donbass, crossing the Sivash, in the Crimea. For military merits in the liberation of Donbass and the city of Debaltsevo, the 346th Rifle Division was awarded the honorary title "Debaltsevo".

From August 1944 as part of the 54th Rifle Corps of the 2nd Guards Army of the 1st Baltic Front, in September of the 60th Rifle Corps of the 51st Army, from October as part of the 1st Guards Rifle Corps. Took part in the Baltic strategic operation, the division fought in the Siauliai-Memel directions.

Since November 1944, the division has been on the defensive in the Libau direction, on the Skuodas - Rucava line, took part in expanding the bridgeheads on the right bank of the Barta River.

Since March 1945, as part of the 14th Rifle Corps of front-line subordination of the 2nd Baltic Front, since April as part of the Belarusian-Lithuanian Military District and the 2nd Belorussian Front.


  • Major General Davidovsky Ivan Elizarovich from August 20, 1941 to June 6, 1942
  • Colonel Sushchenko Maxim Andreevich from June 7, 1942 to September 25, 1942
  • Colonel Tolstov Arkhip Ivanovich September 26, 1942 to November 28, 1942
  • from November 29, 1942 to August 11, 1943
  • Lieutenant Colonel Artamonov Vladimir Vasilievich from 12 to 17 August 1943
  • Colonel Ugryumov Nikolay Stepanovich from 18 to 19 August 1943
  • Major General Stankevsky Dmitry Ivanovich from August 20, 1943 to December 30, 1944
  • Major General Mishchenko Nikolai Mikhailovich from December 31, 1944 to February 13, 1945
  • Colonel Shein Konstantin Fedorovich February 14, 1945 to March 19, 1945
  • Major General Gorbachev Vladimir Konstantinovich from March 20, 1945 to May 9, 1945

Compound :

  • 1164th Rifle Order of Suvorov III degree regiment
  • 1166th Rifle Regiment of the Order of Kutuzov III degree
  • 1168th Rifle Red Banner Order of Suvorov III degree regiment
  • 915th Red Banner Artillery Regiment
  • 266th separate anti-tank fighter battalion
  • 414th separate reconnaissance company
  • 473rd separate sapper battalion
  • 803rd separate communications battalion (252nd separate communications company)
  • 437th separate medical and sanitary battalion
  • 430th separate company of chemical protection
  • 467th motor transport company
  • 206th field bakery
  • 774th Divisional Veterinary Infirmary
  • 782nd field cash desk of the State Bank.


  • X. Buki 12-14.10.1944
  • X. Garkay 01.11-22.12.1944
  • Art. Yechi 10-15.10.1944
  • X. Dytinieki 22.12.1944
  • X. Lancuti 12/22/1944
  • X. Liepieni 12-13.19.1944
  • X. Ratynieki 02.11.1944
  • X. Slezhas 01.11-27.12.1944
  • X. Sudargas 10/11/1944
  • X. Sungali 10/18/1944
  • X. Tylyugi 10/11/1944-01/28/1945


Total: 395


commander of the 1st infantry battalion

1168th joint venture


  • Art. Lieutenant Geurkov Artysh Grigorievich, deputy commander for the political part of the 2nd rifle battalion of the 1168th joint venture 1905 - 08/23/1944
  • lieutenant Guryanov Sergey Efimovich, platoon commander of the 3rd line company of the 1168th joint venture 1922 - 02/01/1945
  • ml. Lieutenant Dadashev Dadash Alievich, commander of the 2nd platoon of the 9th rifle company of the 1168th joint venture 1922 - 08/23/1944
  • Lieutenant Dazhura Leonid Trofimovich, commander of a fire platoon of the 2nd battery of the 915th AP, born in 1923
  • Lieutenant Doroshenko Ivan Makarovich, platoon commander of the 4th line company of the 1166th joint venture 1916 - 01/30/1945
  • Lieutenant Dunin Konstantin Stepanovich, Art. adjutant of the Security Service of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1923
  • ml. Lieutenant Elin Nikolay Ivanovich, Komsomol organizer of the 2nd Security Council of the 1166th joint venture 1925 - 01/24/1945
  • ml. Lieutenant Eretin Georgy Yakovlevich, commander of the 1st platoon of the 3rd machine gun company of the 1168th joint venture 1925 - was taken prisoner (08/23/1944, released)
  • lieutenant Ermolaev Anatoly Grigorievich, platoon commander of the 1st machine gun company of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - 01/26/1945
  • Captain Zavgorodny Fedor Petrovich, Art. adjutant of the Security Service of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1912
  • Captain Zangiev Georgy Soslonovich, commander of the Security Council of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1910
  • Captain Zetserov Boris Mikhailovich, pom. head of the ORPO 1907 - was taken prisoner (08/23/1944 LSSR, released)
  • Captain Ivanov Ivan Fedoseevich, deputy commander of the Security Council for the combat unit of the 1164th joint venture, born in 1915
  • Lieutenant Kapkaev Shavkat, platoon commander of the 5th rifle company of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - was taken prisoner (08/23/1944, released)
  • military doctor 3rd rank Karpunin Vasily Petrovich, commander of the sanitary company of the 1166th joint venture 1917 - was taken prisoner (08/23/1944, released)
  • Lieutenant Kovalev Viktor Pavlovich, platoon commander of the 1st mortar company of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - was captured (07/30/1944 Kuzevka station, released 04/14/1945)
  • Lieutenant Koloda Vasily Kharitonovich, commander of a sapper platoon of the 473rd OSB, born in 1916
  • lieutenant m / s Komarov Pavel Ivanovich, paramedic of the sanitary company of the 1166th joint venture 1923 - 08/23/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Konovalov Ivan Ivanovich, platoon commander of the 7th rifle company of the 1166th joint venture 1911 - 07/30/1944
  • guards Art. Lieutenant Kotelnikov Nikolai Sergeevich, battery commander of 120 mm mortars of the 1166th joint venture 1922 - 12/23/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Krasilnikov Grigory Fedorovich, pom. chief of staff of the 6th department of the 1166th joint venture 1903 - was taken prisoner (08/30/1944 Sloka, released)
  • battalion commissar Krityuk Fedot Vanifatievich, deputy commander of the combat unit of the 1st rifle battalion of the 1166th joint venture 1900 - 12/23/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Kuzemka Nikolai Dmitrievich, commander of the 7th rifle company of the 1166th joint venture 1914 - 08/23/1944
  • Lieutenant Kulgutin Petr Grigorievich, commander of a platoon of 45 mm guns of the 1166th joint venture 1923 - 12/23/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Lebedev Ivan Denisovich, commander of the 8th rifle company of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1921
  • lieutenant Lenev Sergey Ivanovich, commander of a foot reconnaissance platoon of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1922
  • ml. Lieutenant Lobachev Mikhail Petrovich, commander of the 2nd platoon of the 4th rifle company of the 1168th joint venture 1909 - was taken prisoner (09/04/1944 Timiri, Stalag I B, liberated)
  • ml. Lieutenant Lysyuk Fedosy Grigorievich, platoon commander of the 8th rifle company of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1909
  • Art. Lieutenant Malyshev Viktor Ivanovich, intelligence officer of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1923
  • lieutenant Mankovsky Leonid Vasilyevich, commander of the 1st rifle platoon of the 5th rifle company, born in 1925
  • lieutenant m / s Maslyaev Mikhail Filippovich, vrid. commander of the sanitary company of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1923
  • Captain Melnikov Alexander Ivanovich, pom. chief of staff of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1917
  • Major Nabatov Yakov Abramovich, head of artillery supply 1907 - 09/12/1944
  • Art. lieutenant Nadbitov Kharkta Mushaevich, commander of the 1st line company of the 1168th joint venture 1922 - 02/02/1945
  • lieutenant Nazarov Petr Alekseevich, commander of a platoon for controlling a battery of 45 mm guns of the 1166th joint venture 1921 - 08/23/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Nesterenko Roman Speridonovich, Komsomol organizer of the 1168th joint venture 1923 - 08/23/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Obukhov Nikolay Ivanovich, commander of the 3rd machine gun company of the 1166th joint venture 1923 - 07/30/1944
  • Lieutenant Ovchinnikov Andrey Grigorievich, commander of the 7th battery of the 915th AP __.10.1908 - 01.31.1945
  • ml. Lieutenant Poryadin Nikolai Mikhailovich, commander of a control platoon of the division of the 266th OIPTD 1919 - 08/20/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Pronin Dmitry Alekseevich, commander of the 1st platoon of the 2nd machine gun company of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1923
  • Art. Lieutenant Rechitsky Alexander Grigorievich, commander of a rifle company of the 1164th joint venture, born in 1922
  • Technician Lieutenant Reshetov Evlampy Mikhailovich, pom. head of military-technical supply, born in 1901
  • Lieutenant Ryabushkin Ivan Egorovich, pom. chief of staff of the 1st department of the 1166th joint venture 1904 - 08/23/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Saletsky Gavriil Davydovich, commander of a control platoon of 76 mm guns of the 1168th joint venture 1912 - 08/23/1944
  • Lieutenant Saltanov Grigory Grigorievich, commander of the 1st line company of the 1168th joint venture 1912 - 02/02/1945
  • lieutenant Sapozhnikov Arsenty Ivanovich, Art. adjutant of the Security Service of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1924
  • Art. lieutenant a / s Safonov Vasily Maksimovich, pom. head of the ACHCh 1909 - was taken prisoner (09/11/1944 Kemeri, released)
  • Art. lieutenant Semonyan Isaak Sarkisovich, commander of a mortar platoon of the 1166th joint venture 1904 - 01/30/1945
  • lieutenant colonel Serin Leonid Ivanovich, commander of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1906
  • ml. Lieutenant Slabunov Ivan Stepanovich, platoon commander of the 3rd machine gun company of the 1166th joint venture 08/19/1924 - was taken prisoner (07/30/1944 Lithuanian SSR, released)
  • Captain Snizhko Andrey Mikhailovich, commander of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1916
  • Lieutenant Sobolev Alexander Vasilievich, commander of an anti-tank rifle platoon of the 2nd rifle company of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1915
  • Major Sorokin Andrey Egorovich, commander of the Security Council of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1915
  • Captain Sorochenko Ivan Safonovich, commander of the 1st page company of the 1164th joint venture 1920 - 01/31/1945
  • Lieutenant Stashevsky Leonid Semenovich, commander of a sapper platoon of the 473rd OSB 1910 - was captured (released)
  • ml. Lieutenant Strokov Anatoly Grigorievich, commander of the 2nd platoon of the 5th rifle company of the 1168th joint venture 1919 - was taken prisoner (08/23/1944, released)
  • ml. Lieutenant Sulie Nikolay Vasilievich, platoon commander of a battery of 45 mm guns of the 1168th joint venture 1916 - was taken prisoner (08/23/1944, released)
  • guards Art. Lieutenant Teregulov Naim Abdulkhakovich, commander of the 2nd battery of the 915th AP 1923 - 08/21/1944
  • Art. Lieutenant Tetenev Ivan Sergeevich, commander of the 3rd rifle company of the 1166th joint venture 1906 - 12/23/1944
  • Art. lieutenant Timofeev Sergey Andreevich, Kapellmeister 1903 - was taken prisoner (released)
  • ml. Lieutenant Tkachenko Nikolay Fedorovich, commander of the 2nd platoon of the 2nd rifle company of the 1168th joint venture 1920 - 08/23/1944
  • ml. Lieutenant Udalov Mikhail Grigorievich, commander of the 5th rifle company of the 1166th joint venture 1923 - 08/23/1944
  • Lieutenant Usanov Fedor Vasilievich, platoon commander of the 1st machine gun company of the 1168th joint venture 1910 - 02/01/1945
  • Captain Farafonov Nikolai Nazarovich, deputy commander of the 1st Security Council of the 1166th joint venture 1894 - 01/24/1945
  • Major Faustov Ivan Kuzmich, deputy commander of the combat unit of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1901
  • Captain Fedorenko Andrey Kharitonovich, intelligence officer of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1914
  • Lieutenant Fedorenko Petr Ivanovich, platoon commander of the 3rd mortar company of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - was captured (07/30/1944, released)
  • Art. lieutenant Fedoseev Ivan Nikitovich, deputy commander of the Security Council for the combat unit of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1912
  • Lieutenant Frolov Timofey Fedorovich, commander of a machine gun platoon of the 3rd machine gun company of the 1166th joint venture 1906 - 01/30/1945
  • Lieutenant Kholmanov Pavel Petrovich, commander of a control platoon of the 2nd battery of the 915th AP 1919 - 08/21/1944
  • Lieutenant Chizhikov Anatoly Fedorovich, commander of a machine-gun company of the 1164th joint venture, born in 1923
  • Captain Chumakov Vasily Korneevich, Art. adjutant of the Security Service of the 1164th joint venture, born in 1910
  • Art. Lieutenant Shepchunov Semyon Ivanovich, platoon commander of the 5th line company of the 1164th joint venture 1900 - 02/03/1945
  • Art. Lieutenant Shumyatsky Mark Borisovich, battery commander of 76 mm guns of the 1164th joint venture 1923 - 01/31/1945
  • Lieutenant Yablunovsky Grigory Mifodievich, commander of the 5th line company of the 1166th joint venture 1919 - 01/28/1945
  • Captain Yaroshevsky Grigory Abramovich, commander of the 3rd rifle battalion of the 1168th joint venture 1907 - 01/06/1945
  • military doctor Yatskovsky Vasily Polikarpovich, doctor of the sanitary company of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1920

Enlisted personnel

  • red Army soldier Abdraitov Ivrai Abdrakhmanovich , shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Adamenko Foma Fedorovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1896 - 10/12/1944
  • foreman Alekseev Dmitry Pavlovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1918 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Akimkin Grigory Yakovlevich, telephone operator of the 915th AP 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Ananiev Vladimir Alexandrovich
  • corporal Andimirov Emelyan Boyazitovich, gunner of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Andreev Mikhail Fedorovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1909 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Andrusenko Petr Ivanovich
  • red Army soldier Anisenko Joseph Ivanovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1918 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Aslanov Aga Karim, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1921 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Astafeev Viktor Mikhailovich, mortar operator of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Babkin Ignat Nikiforovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1905 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Babkov Nikolay Anisimovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1923 - 11/05/1944
  • Sergeant Baikov Petr Savelievich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1907 - 11/02/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Balykin Ivan Petrovich, driver of the 915th AP 1906 - 12/16/1944
  • red Army soldier Basov Petr Artemovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1923 - 12/23/1944
  • Corporal Aleksey Grigorievich Batalen, radio operator of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/31/1944
  • red Army soldier Bakhtin Leonid Ivanovich
  • Sergeant Berezutsky Ivan Petrovich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Beskrovny Petr Danilovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1907 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Biryukov Alexei Mikhailovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1906 - 10/15/1944
  • red Army soldier Bogatyrenko Petr Kirillovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/18/1944
  • red Army soldier Bogdanov Alexander Andreevich
  • red Army soldier Fighting Joseph Ivanovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1909 - 11/06/1944
  • red Army soldier Bochkarev Ivan Alekseevich
  • ml. Sergeant Bugaev Mikhail Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 11/03/1944
  • Sergeant Bulatov Semyon Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1915 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Burmak Nikolai Loginovich, orderly of the 1166th joint venture 1925 - 12/11/1944
  • foreman Butuzov Afanasy Andreevich, foreman of the 1164th joint venture 1906 - 11/01/1944
  • Sergeant Buyanov Pavel Ivanovich
  • red Army soldier Vikhrov Anasha Egorovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Vlasova Antonina Matveevna, medical instructor of the 1166th joint venture 1925 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Vozniy Petr Stepanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1921 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Volkov Nikolai Aleksandrovich
  • ml. Sergeant Volkov Nikolai Vladimirovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Vorobyov Ivan Isaevich, gun carrier of the 1164th joint venture 1924 - 11/02/1944
  • Sergeant Vorobyov Pavel Petrovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1922 - 10/12/1944
  • Sergeant Vyboyshchikov Mark Solomonovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 11/02/1944
  • Sergeant Gavrilov Mikhail Gerasimovich, clerk of the 1168th joint venture 1918 - 08/23/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Gavrish Fedor Feodosievich, pom. platoon commander of the 1164th joint venture 1914 - 10/14/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Gaidai Grigory Ivanovich, commander of a machine gun crew of the 1164th joint venture 1913 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Gakalenko Efim Sidorovich
  • red Army soldier Gasanov Navruz Muradovich, reconnaissance observer of the 915th AP 1923 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Gelmanov Izgar Fashkulovich
  • ml. Sergeant Gerashchenko Kuzma Nikiforovich, gun commander of the 915th AP 1905 - 12/22/1944
  • Sergeant Gismatulin Temerzan Sayakhovich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1917 - 10/12/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Golubev Alexander Mikhailovich, medical instructor of the 915th AP 1901 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Goncharov Emelyan Terentyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1904 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Gordienko Ivan Demyanovich
  • red Army soldier Gornakov Vasily Yakovlevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1903 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Goryachkin Vasily Ilyich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/01/1944
  • Sergeant Grachev Nikolai Mikhailovich, pom. gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 10/15/1944
  • Corporal Grechishnikov Mitrofan Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1910 - 10/10/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gribkov Yuri Denisovich
  • Red Army soldier Grigoriev Alexander Vasilyevich
  • red Army soldier Grishin Alexander Petrovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1919 - 12/13/1944
  • Red Army soldier Gryaznov Ivan Yakovlevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1908 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Husseinov Hussein Dzhafarovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture of the 1st SB 1919 - 12/22/1944
  • Sergeant Danilchenko Ivan Nikolaevich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Demin Ivan Petrovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture of the 1st SB 1905 - 12/22/1944
  • Sergeant Demchenko Grigory Kirsanovich, gunner of the 915th AP 1915 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Denisenko Pavel Ivanovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1893 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Dmitriev Ivan Illarionovich
  • red Army soldier Dmitrienko Ignat Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1906 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Duryagin Vasily Fedorovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1918 - 11/05/1944
  • red Army soldier Georgy Alekseevich Egorov, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Eliseev Nikolai Kuzmich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/05/1944
  • red Army soldier Elsukov Nikolai Egorovich
  • red Army soldier Epifanov Stepan Nikolaevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1905 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Eremenko Vasily Fedorovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture of the 1st SB 1909 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zhenikhov Konstantin Egorovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Zhivrin Valentin Yakovlevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Zhuk Anton Palahovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1912 - 11/02/1944
  • Red Army soldier Zabaev Ivan Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 12/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Zaitsev Konstantin Mikhailovich, sniper of the 1164th joint venture 03/03/1926 - 12/03/2015
  • red Army soldier Zaitsev Ustim Dmitrievich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1924 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Zakharov Nikolai Pavlovich
  • Corporal Zinov Alexander Vidineevich
  • ml. Sergeant Zlochevsky Isaak Naumovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 11/03/1944
  • red Army soldier Znabaev Ismail, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1909 - 10/12/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Zolotarev Nikolai Egorovich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/14/1944
  • foreman Zuban Ivan Nikiforovich, foreman of the 1168th joint venture 1907 - 12/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ikonnikov Alexander Vasilyevich, gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • foreman Ilgachev Ivan Mikhailovich, foreman of the 1168th joint venture 1908 - 12/23/1944
  • red Army soldier Ilyushkin Pavel Dmitrievich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/11/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kazantsev Nikolai Ignatievich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1922 - 11/04/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kazarin Ivan Ivanovich
  • red Army soldier Kamaev Nikolai Ivanovich, gunner st. machine gun of the 1164th joint venture 1922 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Kamalov Martaza, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1914 - 11/03/1944
  • red Army soldier Karasev Alexander Stepanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture? - 04.11.1944
  • red Army soldier Fedor Mikhailovich Karogodov
  • ml. Sergeant Karpov Pavel Dmitrievich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1906 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Katashov Grigory Stepanovich
  • red Army soldier Kiselev Iosif Semenovich
  • red Army soldier Klimko Mikhail Prokhorovich
  • red Army soldier Kovalenko Alexander Ivanovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture of the 1st SB 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier of the Ark Grigory Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1907 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Kolesbaev Dzhumash, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1909 - 12/27/1944
  • red Army soldier Kolesov Dmitry Dmitrievich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kolesnikov Gennady Stepanovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 12/26/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kolin Nikolai Andreevich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • Corporal Kolobov Nikolai Sergeevich
  • Red Army soldier Kolomiets Ivan Mikhailovich
  • red Army soldier Kononenko Petr Fedorovich, orderly of the sanitary company of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1923
  • red Army soldier Konoplyanko Ivan Ivanovich, sapper of the 473rd OSB 1911 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Konchibaev Sadybay Sadyrovich, gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1918 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Koroban Alexander Petrovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1899 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Korolenko Semyon Afanasyevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1904 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Korotchenko Ivan Semenovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1904 - 11/01/1944
  • foreman Kortashov Yuri Mikhailovich, commander of the mortar crew of the 1164th joint venture, born in 1923
  • red Army soldier Korshun Mikhail Kirilovich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 11/03/1944
  • Sergeant Kostogryz Petr Arestovich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1910 - 10/31/1944
  • red Army soldier Kostylev Gerasim Eremeevich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1906 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Koshelev Fedor Safronovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1905 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Koshigin Mikhail Feoktistovich, orderly of the 1166th joint venture 1911 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Krivoklubov Vasily Efimovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1900 - 10/12/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kruglov Nikolai Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/14/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Krutikov Egor Petrovich, battery commander of 45 mm guns of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Kudrevsky Sergey Konstantinovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1906 - 11/03/1944
  • Red Army soldier Kuzikhin Nikolai Ivanovich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Kuzmenkov Viktor Tikhonovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/13/1944
  • corporal Kuparisov Ivan Fedorovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1924 - 10/10/1944
  • red Army soldier Kuprin Alexander Gerasimovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1923 - 12/17/1944
  • red Army soldier Kurbanov Shakhmet, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1910 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Kuryukin Vasily Ivanovich, gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Kutsarev Grigory Kirillovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1918 - 11/01/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Lagutin Ivan Kirillovich, commander of a 45 mm gun of the 1168th joint venture, born in 1912
  • red Army soldier Lapushkin Andrey Vladimirovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1905 - 12/15/1944
  • red Army soldier Lardibaladze Glia Millasovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1924 - 11/01/1944
  • Sergeant Legkikh Ivan Vasilyevich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1919 - 10/11/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Lemesh Yakov Samsonovich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 12/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Stepan Grigorievich Leonov, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1904 - 11/05/1944
  • red Army soldier Lepeshkin Tikhon Afanasyevich, carriage 915th AP 1904 - 10/11/1944
  • Red Army soldier Lisovoi Ivan Afanasyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1912 - 11/02/1944
  • Red Army soldier Luchnikov Ivan Georgievich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Lysov Alexei Ilyich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • Sergeant Lyubavin Vasily Vasilyevich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1911 - 11/04/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Lyubimtsev Vasily Efimovich, machine gunner of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Lyagotin Pavel Fedorovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 11/01/1944

shooter of the 1164th joint venture

1898 - 22.12.1944

  • Sergeant Makagonyuk Marya Prokofievich , commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1905 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Maksimov Boris Mikhailovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 12/24/1944
  • red Army soldier Makudzinov Mukhamed, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1907 - 11/03/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Malkulyan Kochar Sarkisovich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1910 - 11/03/1944
  • red Army soldier Mamaev Nikolai Dmitrovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Mareev Leonid Nikolaevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Markin Alexander Ivanovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 11/07/1944
  • Sergeant Markin Vladimir Yakovlevich, pom. platoon commander of the 1164th joint venture 1923 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Marchuk Vasily Fedorovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1908 - 11/07/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivan Alekseevich Maryashin, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Makhmudov Nasyrkhan, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1904 - 12/24/1944
  • Corporal Makhmutov Rahid Akhmetovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Matsebura Pavel Filimonovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture of the 1st SB 1912 - 12/22/1944
  • foreman Melkoozerov Alexander Alexandrovich, foreman of the 1168th joint venture 1913 - 10/14/1944
  • Red Army soldier Grigory Ivanovich Melnik, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Melnikov Evgeny Platonovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Menishkov Georgy Petrovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Merkushkin Grigory Andreevich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1903 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Mironov Afanasy Ananievich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1899 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Moskalev Petr Nikolaevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • Red Army soldier Moskalenko Alexey Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1924 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Muzamerdinov Umareli, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1909 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Mukumov Latyp, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1908 - 10/13/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ivan Munin, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1909 - 10/11/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Muravsky Viktor Iosifovich, Komsomol organizer of the Security Council of the 1166th joint venture, born in 1919
  • red Army soldier Nazimutdinov Ravgat Sayakhovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/13/1944
  • foreman Naydenov Ivan Timofeevich, foreman of the 1164th joint venture 1918 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Naumenko Vasily Makarovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1918 - 10/12/1944
  • Red Army soldier Neznamov Nikolai Ivanovich, machine gunner of the 1166th joint venture 1925 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Nekryach Vladimir Fedorovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1900 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Nerodik Mark Petrovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1922 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Neupokoev Semyon Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1923 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Nikolaenko Nikolai Frolovich
  • Corporal Niyazov Rashit Lakipovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture of the 2nd SB 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • foreman med. sl. Novikov Pavel Matveevich, medical instructor of the 414th ORR 1923 - 12/25/1944
  • red Army soldier Ozhiganov Anatoly Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/03/1944
  • Red Army soldier Oleinikov Ivan Emelyanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1918 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Andrey Trofimovich Onenko, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1925 - 10/12/1944
  • Sergeant Onishchenko Timofey Nikolaevich, cook of the 1168th joint venture 1907 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pavlov Nikolai Dmitrievich , shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/14/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Panov Gennady Pavlovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/16/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Pashnikov Fedor Amosovich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1913 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Perkhurov Vasily Semenovich , shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Petinov Alexander Andreevich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1910 - 11/05/1944
  • red Army soldier Petrov Alexander Egorovich
  • red Army soldier Petrov Alexander Nikolaevich, carriage 915th AP 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Pechery Yakov Fedorovich, gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1903 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Pechersky Vasily Mikhailovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1902 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Pivovarov Alexey Petrovich, telephone operator of the 915th AP 1919 - 10/11/1944
  • Sergeant Pinchuk Prokofy Antonovich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1899 - 12/27/1944
  • foreman Platitsin Viktor Nikolaevich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1918 - 12/24/1944
  • Red Army soldier Bad Konstantin Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • Red Army soldier Pogiba Ivan Kharitonovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1907 - 11/04/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Podlegarin Andrey Stepanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 11/01/1944
  • Red Army soldier Podluzhny Ivan Afonasevich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1898 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Poimanov Vasily Ignatievich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 10/15/1944
  • Sergeant Poleshchuk Andrey Efimovich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1901 - 10/12/1944
  • Sergeant Potchepaev Fedor Ivanovich, commander of the rifle squad of the 1164th joint venture 1917 - 12/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Prekozhaev Vasily Pavlovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1915 - 10/31/1944
  • red Army soldier Proskurin Kiril Andreevich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1920 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Prokhorov Alexander Akimovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Pryadko Ivan Iosifovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1924 - 10/11/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Pustovar Ivan Maksimovich, reconnaissance platoon of foot reconnaissance of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - 10/11/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Pyaterov Alexander Andreevich, platoon commander of the 1166th joint venture 1912 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Rozhkov Ivan Yakovlevich, armor-piercer of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Romanenko Pavel Andreevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1916 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Egor Alekseevich Rostov, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 12/10/1944
  • red Army soldier Rudakov Mikhail Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1897 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Georgy Kharitonovich Rudenko, driving 1164th joint venture 1897 - 11/04/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Rudkovsky Ivan Filipovich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture 1918 - 10/31/1944
  • red Army soldier Rymarev Viktor Mikhailovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 11/02/1944
  • Red Army soldier Ryabkov Viktor Vasilievich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1925 - 10/15/1944
  • red Army soldier Ryabov Fedor Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Ryaboshapka Ivan Dorofeevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/03/1944
  • red Army soldier Fedor Yakovlevich Sablin, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Sadykov Kayum, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1918 - 11/03/1944
  • red Army soldier Saidop Kakobit, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1919 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Sampalov Ivan Andreevich, telephone operator of the 915th AP 1899 - 12/15/1944
  • red Army soldier Sanin Pavel Grigorievich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1903 - 10/11/1944
  • Sergeant Svetailo Grigory Fedorovich, gun commander of the 1164th joint venture 1902 - 10/11/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Semenov Andrey Andreevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Andrey Dmitrievich Semenov, armor-piercer of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Sergeev Sergey Alekseevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Serozidinov Abzal, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1918 - 12/22/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Sersimbaev Koyshigiyan, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1919 - 10/11/1944
  • Sergeant Sidorkin Ivan Nikolaevich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1903 - 11/06/1944
  • red Army soldier Sitov Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Sithalimov Sedomid, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1922 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Skoldin Semyon Alekseevich
  • red Army soldier Smirnov Alexei Vasilyevich, signalman of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/06/1944
  • red Army soldier Smirnov Gennady Vladimirovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/16/1944
  • red Army soldier Smirnov Dmitry Alekseevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture of the 1st SB 1908 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Sokolov Nikolai Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • Red Army soldier Solonsky Grigory Ivanovich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1908 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Sorokin Egor Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/04/1944
  • foreman Sorokin Fedor Ivanovich, foreman of the 1164th joint venture 1904 - 10/10/1944
  • red Army soldier Sorochenko Ivan Kupriyanovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 11/06/1944
  • red Army soldier Spihtarenko Nikolai Artemovich, gunner of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Starinov Yuri Fedorovich, scout of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Strizhanov Mikhail Yakovlevich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1923 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Subotin Alexander Markelovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1909 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Suprun Vladimir Zakharovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Nikolai Suslov, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Syrovatkin Alexey Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Tagaev Mamat Tagaev, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1914 - 12/17/1944
  • red Army soldier Fedor Ivanovich Tarasenko, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1924 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Tachaev Karshi, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1925 - 11/07/1944
  • red Army soldier Tevryukov Nikolai Pavlovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/17/1944
  • red Army soldier Ternovoy Nikolai Tarasovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1909 - 10/14/1944
  • Red Army soldier Teryaev Ivan Timofeevich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • Sergeant Timofeev Ivan Dmitrievich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1922 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Timshin Nikolai Markovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tikhonov Alexander Georgievich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1923 - 12/22/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tikhonov Leonid Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Timofeev Alexander Timofeevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1915 - 11/03/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Tishkov Georgy Mikhailovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Tozhdenov Mukhamed, armor-piercer of the 1164th joint venture 1912 - 10/13/1944
  • Corporal Tokarev Petr Nikolaevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/05/1944
  • red Army soldier Tregubenko Alexander Timofeevich, sapper of the 473rd OSB 1925 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Trenogin Konstantin Maksimovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1911 - 11/03/1944
  • red Army soldier Tronev Petr Grigorievich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1900 - 11/01/1944
  • Sergeant Tumko Boris Stepanovich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1923 - 12/23/1944
  • red Army soldier Tyulenev Fedor Ivanovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 12/23/1944
  • Red Army soldier Tyutin Nikolai Aleksandrovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Urmagaliev Osman-Ali, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1914 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Faysulin Gafur Isakovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1913 - 10/13/1944
  • Red Army soldier Fedorov Ivan Dmitrievich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1909 - 12/24/1944
  • red Army soldier Filienko Moisei Nikitovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1916 - 12/22/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Filimonov Semyon Alekseevich, commander of the department of the 1166th joint venture of the 2nd SB 1902 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Fomichev Grigory Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - 11/05/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Fofanov Nikolai Averyanovich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1916 - 12/24/1944
  • red Army soldier Khalimuli Sharin, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1917 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Khamatov Kamil Barilovich, gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Khismatulin Zarif Megranovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • Red Army soldier Khokhlov Boris Mikhailovich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/11/1944
  • Red Army soldier Khokhlov Ivan Pavlovich, gun number 915 AP 1904 10/11/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Khrustalev Ivan Nikolaevich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1924 - 12/24/1944
  • red Army soldier Khudaiberdin Iskhak Ayfulovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 10/17/1944
  • red Army soldier Tsarunov Nikolai Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1917 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Tserbunova Irina Mikhailovna, radio telegraph operator of the 915th AP 1923 - 12/22/1944
  • red Army soldier Tsypliakov Maxim Ignatovich, box gun 76 mm of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/01/1944
  • Sergeant Charugin Georgy Andreevich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1924 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Chvyrev Mikhail Antonovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1912 - 12/24/1944
  • Art. Sergeant Chekushkin Nikolai Dmitrievich, medical instructor of the 1166th joint venture 1918 - 10/13/1944
  • Sergeant Chernobin Alexey Fedorovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 10/15/1944
  • Sergeant Chernykh Mikhail Gavrilovich, machine gunner of the 1166th joint venture of the 1st SB 1924 - 12/22/1944
  • foreman Chernyshev Mikhail Ivanovich, medical instructor of the 1164th joint venture 1907 - 10/12/1944
  • Sergeant Chernyshov Stepan Yakovlevich, pom. platoon commander of the 1166th joint venture 1925 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Chuguev Nikolai Egorovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1919 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Shadrin Nikolai Aleksandrovich, shooter of the 1168th joint venture 1926 - 12/24/1944
  • red Army soldier Shamanaev Alexey Feoktistovich, machine gunner of the 1166th joint venture 1926 - 10/14/1944
  • foreman Shamgunov Nuri Ivashunovich, foreman of the 1164th joint venture 1912 - 11/01/1944
  • red Army soldier Sharov Konstantin Vasilyevich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1910 - 10/13/1944
  • red Army soldier Shakhtarev Grigory Mikhailovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Shevchenko Petr Avtonomovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1909 - 10/13/1944
  • Corporal Shepelyuk Nikolai Osipovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1925 - 10/13/1944
  • Red Army soldier Shepel Grigory Ermolaevich, driving 1166th joint venture 1899 - 11/04/1944
  • red Army soldier Sheptenko Anton Petrovich, commander of the department of the 1164th joint venture 1913 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Shilov Mikhail Grigorievich, armor-piercer of the 1164th joint venture 1910 - 10/12/1944
  • red Army soldier Shipin Leonid Aleksandrovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/12/1944
  • ml. Sergeant Shirokov Viktor Afanasyevich, commander of the department of the 1168th joint venture 1925 - 10/14/1944
  • red Army soldier Shikhov Leonid Ivanovich, machine gunner of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 10/11/1944
  • red Army soldier Shushuev Vladimir Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/03/1944
  • foreman Yakovlev Benedikt Aleksandrovich, platoon commander of the 1166th joint venture 1917 - 11/02/1944
  • red Army soldier Yakushenko Ilya Mikhailovich, shooter of the 1166th joint venture 1924 - 11/05/1944
  • corporal Yapanov Ermolai Ivanovich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/03/1944
  • red Army soldier Yachkin Vasily Nikolaevich, shooter of the 1164th joint venture 1926 - 11/01/1944

If your family archive contains photographs of your relative and you send his biography, this will give us the opportunity to perpetuate the memory of a soldier, a participant in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, on the territory of the Republic of Latvia.

The feat that the soldiers performed during the defense and liberation of the Republic of Latvia led to Our Victory, and the memory of the people who gave their lives for this will not be forgotten.

Regiment Command:
Sidorov Petr Maksimovich, regiment commander (1944), lieutenant colonel
Kiselev Andrei Vasilyevich, regiment commander (1945), lieutenant colonel
Kiselev Alexander Dmitrievich, chief of staff, lieutenant colonel
Kozlinsky Stepan Dmitrievich, deputy for combatant, lieutenant colonel
Andreev Vladimir Alexandrovich. political officer (1944-1945), senior lieutenant
Muratov Stefan Andreevich, political officer (1945), major
The newspaper "Pacific Star" published an article by A. Chernyavsky "The Defeat: from Königsberg to Mudanjiang". It tells about the combat path of the veteran of the 346th Infantry Regiment Khantsevich Vladimir Iosifovich. Here are excerpts from the article:
On May 2, 1945, our 346 Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky Rifle Regiment (commander - Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Vasilyevich Kiselev), which is part of the 63rd Vitebsk Rifle Division of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov, plunged into an echelon at Norkiten station and moved in an unknown direction.
On June 6, the echelon arrived at the Manzovka station (Primorsky Territory) and, after unloading, moved to the area of ​​deployment - in the field, where the arrangement of the summer tent camp began. Replenishment soon arrived. These were soldiers of the spring draft, born in 1927, who had completed a 2-month course for a young soldier in training units. All of them were from the North Kazakhstan region. The daily, painstaking study began. On July 15, the regiment left the camp and advanced to the Grodekovo area. The movement took place at night, during the day they rested, observing all camouflage measures. A few nights later, they arrived in the area of ​​the upcoming battles, taking up positions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Grusha height, located on the opposite side of the border, which ran along the gorge of the stream. After the rains, it turned into a stormy river. Equipped trenches, dug dugouts.
Our 63rd division was to break through the defenses on one of the 17 fortified areas that the Japanese had built near our borders. Each fortified area is 50-100 km along the front and up to 50 km deep into the territory, saturated with various defense structures.
The Grusha height was the center of one of the most powerful fortified areas; pillboxes (long-term firing points) were built on it, capable of withstanding shelling with large-caliber guns. The pillboxes were connected to neighboring heights by underground passages. At the top of the height, an observation post was equipped, which made it possible to survey far inland our territory. A road was laid to the height, connecting with the central regions of Manchuria.
In early August, a large group of officers from the division headquarters, led by the division commander, Major General B.B., arrived in the area where the regiment was located. Gorodovikov. He was in a field uniform with the epaulettes of a foreman. After inspecting the border, the regiment commander was ordered, together with the sapper battalion of the division, to connect our dirt road with the Japanese one, which runs near the Grusha height.
The next day, sappers arrived, two T-34 tanks came, with their help they broke through the track that connected the two sections into one road. The tanks caused a stir on the Japanese side. The head of the Japanese frontier outpost appeared and demanded a meeting with the senior commander. After the "negotiations" work continued. Our company was instructed to ensure the safety of the work of sappers. The order was brief: "Do not use weapons." By the end of the day, the sappers had done their job, made part of the timber harvested on the Japanese side, and our dirt road was connected to the Japanese one. In the future, this road played a big role in the offensive operation of the 5th Army.
The beginning of the war was drawing near. On the basis of our battalion, a forward detachment was created, reinforced by a platoon of sappers by a group of signalmen with a radio station. The detachment was faced with the task of moving forward at the maximum pace without getting involved in protracted battles. The company commander received a card.
On August 8, dinner was held two hours earlier than usual. After dinner, the formation of the battalion took place, at which it was reported that the Soviet government had declared war on Japan. Everyone was given cartridges, grenades, dressing bags, dry rations. Clouds appeared in the sky, drizzling rain. At this time, the border guards came. These were our guides. After some time, a group of soldiers with border guards left in the direction of the Japanese frontier post. Soon a messenger from this group appeared and informed the battalion commander that it was possible to move - the personnel of the Japanese outpost had been destroyed. Under pouring rain, with continuous flashes of lightning discharges, our forward detachment crossed the border.
The offensive was launched without artillery preparation, using night and rainfall for a surprise attack. After crossing the border, it was necessary to quickly go to the area where object No. 1 was located (as it was indicated on the map). It was a large garrison with a large communication center, a combat supply point and the headquarters of an army group.
Our first battle was so swift that the enemy did not have time to put up organized resistance. By violating the defense and communications system, our detachment created favorable conditions for the main forces to operate during the breakthrough of the fortified area. Soon, from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Grusha height, a cannonade of strong battle began to be heard. It was the main forces of the division that entered the battle.
The detachment moved further, deeper. By evening, groups of Japanese began to catch up with us - these were border guards and soldiers from the defeated garrisons. They were aggressive, we had to use force, which caused losses on our side as well.
The night was approaching. We turned onto a country road, posted guards, and settled down to rest. Judging by the map, we left the border for 20-25 km. We went to object number 32 - it was a railway station. The main forces of the garrison before our arrival withdrew towards the city of Mudanjiang, leaving a small detachment that entered into battle with our scouts and was completely destroyed. We received an order to guard the railway bridge and wait for the regiment to approach. The next day, units of the regiment approached. Our detachment for "rest" was given a place at the end of the column, and the regiment moved forward, towards Mudanjiang. On the main line of advance of the 5th Army, the Japanese retreated farther and farther. On August 13, fighting began on the outskirts of the city of Mudanjiang. Here fierce battles broke out.
The neighbors of our army, units of the 1st Red Banner, advancing on the cities from the north, broke into the outskirts of the city, heavy street fighting ensued. Parts of the Fifth Army, advancing on the city from the east, lingered on the heights in front of the Mudanjiang River. The Japanese, firmly entrenched on the heights, blocked the advance of our artillery and tank units along the road. There were no other ways to get around. By this time, a critical situation had developed with our neighbors who had entered the city. Under the onslaught of superior enemy forces, they were forced to leave the city. The situation demanded to increase the onslaught in order to help the neighbor. In the morning, our advanced detachment was brought into battle with the task of dislodging the enemy from the dominant height and ensuring the passage of the pontoon part to the Mudanjiang River and establishing a crossing.
They went on the attack, but when they reached the wire obstacles that were not destroyed by artillery, there was confusion. At this time, a flurry of fire fell from the surviving bunker. The detachment lay down on an open slope among the numerous corpses of participants in yesterday's battle. There was a heavy cadaverous smell, which had a depressing effect on the soldiers. It was necessary to urgently take action. The squad leader decides to blow up the bunker with grenades. We sent two soldiers from our platoon. Enough time passed, there was no explosion. Then the company commander orders me: take two soldiers and go. Creeping up to the bunker, they soon stumbled upon the fighters sent earlier - they both died not far from it. They took grenades from them, crawled on. We managed to get relatively close, it was clear how a jet of deadly fire was spewing out of the embrasure. They threw grenades. The explosion covered the bunker, the machine gun stopped firing.
The squad got up and rushed forward. We quickly jumped into a trench that ran from the bunker deep into the defenses. At that moment, I was hurt. The soldiers rendered first aid, took off their tunic - the wound turned out to be large, covering the shoulder and forearm. Bandaged. They left me in the trench. Soon the shooting stopped. The height was taken and a column with pontoons and other equipment moved along the road to the river. The path to the city of Mudanjiang was opened. The next day, August 16, the city was taken. Later in the hospital, when bandaging, the doctor said that such a wound comes from an explosive dum-dum bullet.
For us who fought, the memory of the war is still alive. We will remember her until the end of our days. All 25 young guys from the platoon with whom I had to fight in Manchuria with Japan will never be forgotten. Five of them died in the fields of Manchuria, thirteen were wounded, seven remained in the ranks. All of them are still in my army memory today.
From the memoirs of a veteran of the regiment, foreman Aleksey Alexandrovich Khenov, provided by his granddaughter, Elena Koretko, Perm:
The formation of the 63rd Rifle Division began in the village of Navoloki. The 45th and 86th Rifle Brigades arrived here from the North-Western Front for formation. From two brigades and reserve regiments, the 63rd Rifle Division was formed, which became part of the 3rd Reserve Army. The 346th Rifle Regiment was formed in the village of Selivanovo under the command of the regiment commander, Major Nikolai Alexandrovich Ivanov, and the chief of staff, Senior Lieutenant Petr Ivanovich Voskresensky. Khenov was assigned to the communications company, commanded by Captain Gultyaev, his deputy for the combat unit was Senior Lieutenant Mocharny Nikolay Demyanovich. After the work on knocking together units was completed, on May 4, 1943, the regiment went to the Baldasovsky forest, where combat training of personnel began. On May 20-23, the regiment made a 100-km march and concentrated in the vicinity of the village of Trebushinki, Yukhnovsky district. The Germans burned the village back in 1941, only one house remained from it, which housed the headquarters of the regiment, all units were located in the forest. The regiment was again engaged in combat training, regimental, divisional exercises were conducted, everything went to the fact that soon into battle.
07/10/1943 the third reserve army received the name 21 active army and 07/12/1943 marched to the Western Front. The division received its baptism of fire in the Spas-Demensky direction.
In the area of ​​​​the village of Semenovka (height 237.3), the Germans tried to push our troops back and take control of the highway. On August 20, 1943, under the onslaught of numerically superior enemy forces, our unit, which defended it, began to retreat. The division directly from the march entered the battle.
For three days there were fierce battles, the Germans brought fresh reserves into battle, let the "tigers" into battle, their aircraft dominated the air. Our artillery and infantry fought off 12 attacks a day, the village of Semyonovka changed hands several times. Convinced of the failure of their offensive, on 08/24/1943 the attacks stopped. The regiment suffered heavy losses, but the highway remained in our hands. We were replaced by newly arrived units, the regiment went to rest. After a short rest and putting the units in order, on 08/29/1943 the regiment launched an offensive in the Smolensk direction.
On the very first day of the offensive, the regiment occupied the villages of Bushnya, Khotnizhets, Mikhailovka and the Korobets station. 08/30/1943 at 19.00, together with other units, the regiment broke into the city of Yelnya and occupied it. German aviation bombed the city with massed air raids for two days, but it remained in our hands. In the battles for the city of Yelnya, the regiment's chief of staff, Captain Voskresensky Petr Ivanovich, was killed, the regiment commander, Major Ivanov Nikolai Alexandrovich, and the regiment's deputy commander for combat, Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Nikolayevich Zolotov, were seriously wounded. The regiment was temporarily commanded by the head of the intelligence department of the division, Major Aleksey Ivanovich Pirogov, the chief of staff arrived from the personnel department of the division of the guard, Major Litvin. For the capture of Yelnya, the division was thanked by the Supreme Command by Stalin.
09/5-6/1943 in the Smolensk direction, the regiment occupied the villages of Novo-Tishevo and Vys-Leonovo. In the area of ​​​​the villages of Maloye Tishevo, Buda and Lyakhovo, the Germans tried to stop our offensive. There, the Germans had a pre-prepared defense: three lines of trenches and a natural obstacle - a deep log. Having pulled up reserves and artillery, on the afternoon of September 15, 1943, our offensive began again. In artillery preparation, the Katyushas gave a particularly high density of fire, our aviation was active. The German defense was broken through, the Germans suffered colossal losses, their trenches and log were littered with corpses.
Retreating, the Germans burned Smolensk villages. When we entered the settlements, ash and burning coals remained where the houses were. As a rule, the Germans retreated at night and their retreat was accompanied by conflagrations. Flames blazed ahead of us everywhere, and every soldier knew when the Germans were retreating. Passing through the Smolensk region, instead of villages and villages, we saw boards or, as they were called then, “pointers” with an inscription that there was such and such a settlement. Often we saw such "settlements" overgrown with weeds - a sure sign that the Germans burned them in 1941. A new command arrived in the regiment: the regiment commander, Major Lysenko Anton Karpovich, the chief of staff, Major Grigory Vasilyevich Belov, and the regiment's deputy commander for combat, Major Andrey Vasilyevich Kiselev. The regiment settled down to rest in a log 200 meters south of the village of Zverovichi and prepared for new battles.
We were in the second echelon, 09/23/1943 went on the march. Darkness, rain, knee-deep mud, at dawn reached the crossing of a small stream, but there were so many units, and the crossing was weak, that we stayed in the pouring rain until evening. In the evening we reached the village of Ptahovo, march again, stopping at the village of Laptevo. 09/26/1943 crossed the river Sozh and march again. On 10/10/1943, the Germans took up defensive positions near the village of Novoye Selo. The regiment occupied the starting line in the area of ​​the former village of Baevo. On the approaches to the position occupied by the enemy lay a marshy swamp. It was the border separating the Smolensk region from Belarus. The Smolensk region had already been almost completely liberated.
10/12/1943 the regiment launched an offensive. On a narrow section of the front, the Germans concentrated a large number of artillery, pulled up human reserves. There was a marshy swamp on the approaches to their positions, which did not favor our success. To the right of us, the offensive was led by the Polish division. The Germans fiercely resisted, their aircraft dominated the air and bombed our battle formations from sunrise to sunset. For six days we fought in this area. Finally, on 10/19/1943 we were taken out of the battle. Having made a short march, we took up the defensive in the area of ​​the village of Nikitino.
Being on the defensive, we exhausted the enemy, day or night did not give him rest. Our snipers did well. Scouts with their daring night searches kept dragging German "tongues".
01/27/1944 the regiment was withdrawn to rest in the miraculously survived village of Suimishche. After a month's rest, on February 28, 1944, the regiment made a march near Orsha, where they again had to conduct an offensive against New Village. Early in the morning, 03/07/1944, artillery preparation began. For nine days, heavy, stubborn battles were fought. The swamp turned into a huge puddle, water and mud during the day, frost at night. It is impossible to dig in properly, water. Big loss, no success. On March 10, 1944, the commander of the regiment, Major Lysenko Anton Karpovich, and his adjutant, Lieutenant Levchenko Andrei Tikhonovich, were killed. The command of the regiment was taken by Major Semyon Vasilyevich Baserov (later, November 1944-September 1945, commander of the 297th rifle regiment of the 184th rifle division, lieutenant colonel) from the 291st rifle regiment of the 63rd rifle division.
Finally, we were replaced by newly arrived units and we marched towards Vitebsk. Exhausted by such long bloody battles, we could hardly stand on our feet, the appearance of each was terrible. Near Vitebsk, in the area of ​​​​the village of Sverchki, the regiment took up defense, command of the regiment was taken by Lieutenant Colonel Vodovozov Roman Naumovich (later, July-September 1944, commander of the 297th rifle regiment of the 184th SD), who arrived from the personnel department of the division.
Our defenses were exceptionally unfavorable. We defended the Vitebsk-Orsha highway in a rather narrow section. This area was clearly visible to the enemy and, noticing the slightest movement, the enemy opened furious artillery fire. Their reconnaissance aircraft "Rama" now and then appeared over our defenses, and every time artillery raids followed it one after another. The Germans did not spare the shells and, as we saw later, their stocks were huge. We were all the time in a state of tension, the enemy is still strong and he is here, nearby, you can expect anything. A new regiment commander arrived - Lieutenant Colonel Pyotr Maksimovich Sidorov, preparations began for new battles.
The Western Front was divided into three Belarusian. Our 63rd Rifle Division, commanded by Major General Laskin, was part of the 5th Army, commanded by Lieutenant General Krylov, and the army was part of the 3rd Belorussian Front under the command of Army General Chernyakhovsky.
On June 22, 1944, a mass offensive of our troops began along the entire front. With us it was like this: on the night of June 22, reconnaissance in force was carried out, the operation was a success. In the morning, artillery preparation began, which lasted two hours. The Germans offered weak resistance, their long-term defense was broken through, the offensive began. The Germans hastily retreated, abandoning equipment, ammunition and various military equipment. On June 23, the city of Vitebsk was taken, the division moved in the direction of Minsk.
For the breakthrough of the German defense in depth and the capture of Vitebsk, the division was thanked by the Supreme Command, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it was given the name "Vitebsk".
For four days of offensive battles from June 22 to 25, 1944, the regiment liberated 37 settlements from the German invaders, among them: Zavoroty, Antoville, Starobobylye, Gorovatka, Aleksandrovo, Obol, Khodorovka, Teplyaki, Zhartsy, Ostrovshchina, Ryabtsy, Pistons, Kaplany, Perebrody and others. They recaptured 23 guns of various calibers, 7 machine guns, 3 ammunition depots, 2 engineering depots and many other property and weapons from the enemy. More than 10,000 people were freed from fascist slavery.
The offensive of our troops was so swift that the retreating Germans did not have time to blow up the bridges. Pursuing the retreating enemy, we made marches of 60-70 km per day. Encouraged by success, we walked day and night without knowing rest, sleeping on the go and in short halts, sweating in the sultry July days.
The division took part in the encirclement and destruction of the German garrison in Minsk, as well as scattered enemy groups caught in the rear of our troops.
On July 1, 1944 at 14:00 they crossed the Berezina River, at noon on July 2 they crossed the former border with Poland, entered western Belarus. July 3 at 4-00 entered the city of Butslav. Belarus is almost completely liberated from the German invaders, we are moving through Lithuania. The Germans are trying to stop our advance, but in vain. Where our units were resisted, artillery and aircraft fell on the heads of the enemies.
In the town of Meyshagola, the Germans held out for three days, but it was completely swept away, miraculously only the church survived. Everything else has been reduced to piles of bricks and rubble.
The division participated in the encirclement and destruction of the German garrison in the capital of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of Vilna. July 13 for the capture of Vilna division was declared gratitude to the Supreme High Command.
On the night of July 13, 1944, the regiment forded the fast river Viliya. The successful forcing of the river was also facilitated by the fact that it was raining lightly, the sky was covered with clouds and there was no enemy aircraft. The Germans, in all likelihood, directed their efforts to the preservation of the Vilnius garrison, and the regiment did not encounter major obstacles at the crossing. But when crossing the Neman on the night of July 16, a lot of effort and ingenuity were required, since the German coast was heavily fortified, preparation was required to occupy the bridgehead. The crossing was facilitated by the fact that our shore was covered with forest, and the enemy's shore had absolutely no vegetation, not even bushes. Artillery was brought up and installed on the edge of the forest, for direct fire. When darkness fell, only one platoon of volunteers on improvised means began crossing the Neman. The Germans opened fire on them, finding their firing points in the darkness. For our artillery, which was on direct fire, this was and was necessary. To suppress the enemy's firing points, our artillery brought down all its might on the positions of the Germans, the platoon safely crossed to the opposite bank, seized all the enemy's crossing facilities and returned to their bank on them. The enemy's firing points were suppressed, a massive crossing over the Neman began. The Germans conducted only weak rifle fire and our units had no losses.
Two battalions had already crossed the Neman and occupied a bridgehead on the enemy’s bank when the regiment received a new task: to destroy a group of Germans who were trying to break through to help the garrison in Vilna, but found themselves surrounded by our units. Leaving the outposts of the recaptured bridgehead behind the Neman, the regiment began to carry out new task. With the help of the tank unit that came to the rescue, the encircled grouping was liquidated, after which the regiment moved to Kaunas.
Kaunas was a German fortress, its approaches were protected by reinforced concrete pillboxes and forts left over from the last world war and improved by the Nazis. But the Red Army already had enough experience and means to destroy such fortifications, and this time it did it successfully. At about four o'clock in the morning on 08/01/1944, the regiment, along with other units, entered the city. Residents met us with flowers, treated us with fruits, wine, invited us to visit.
Retreating, the Germans blew up all the bridges across the Neman River, but this did not stop the advance of our troops. A pontoon crossing was quickly built and units with military equipment crossed the Neman, starting the pursuit of the retreating enemy.
Immediately after the liberation of Kaunas from the Nazi invaders, the inhabitants began to build a temporary bridge across the Neman. A few days later he was ready, the promotion of military supplies and equipment had no delay.
On August 1, 1944, for the capture of the fortress and the city of Kaunas, the division was thanked by the Supreme Command, by the Decree of the USSR PVS, it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
August 17, 1944 Lithuania was liberated. Our regiment was the first to reach the border with East Prussia at 3-00 on August 17th. The company of senior lieutenant Ivan Evgenyevich Korotitsky, in the area east of the border tower No. 50 and north of tower No. 52, crossed the Sheshup River and occupied the Prussian villages of Glabele, Berzheningnen and Groskeninsbruch on its eastern bank. But having received an order to withdraw to its territory, the company retreated back and the regiment took up defense. On this day, Korotitsky died in battle. For being the first to reach the border with East Prussia, the Military Council of the front declared gratitude to the division.
On August 20, the regiment transferred its defense sector to the 558th Infantry Regiment and was transferred to a sector near the town of Syntovty. Here, being on the defensive, during the shelling of our positions by the enemy, the commander of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Sidorov Pyotr Maksimovich, and his political officer, Major Ankudovich Vadim Ivanovich, were wounded. Major Andrei Vasilievich Kiselev, who had previously held the position of deputy regiment commander for drill training, was appointed commander of the regiment. Captain Korzhan Petr Makarovich arrived at the post of political officer.
Our division has already accumulated considerable experience in breaking through the German defenses. Having had a good rest after summer battles and campaigns, on October 16, 1944, the division again began to break through the German defenses on the border with East Prussia. But, taking advantage of our respite, the Germans improved their defense even more and considered it impregnable.
We were faced with the task of breaking into the lair of the fascist beast. The first two days of fighting had little success. On October 19, the resistance of the Germans was finally broken and in the area of ​​​​the small town of Naumistes (now Vladislavov), we, having broken through the enemy’s defenses, crossed the border and deepened into the territory of East Prussia for 30 km.
The German defense in this area was really strong: several lines of trenches, barbed wire, gouges, anti-tank ditches and a minefield. In the depths of the defense, powerful reinforced concrete pillboxes were built. In addition, in the border strip, seemingly harmless buildings, in fact, were strongholds. There were no villages along the border, only farms predominantly of brick construction, with walls of unusual thickness, the cellars were concreted and in them special windows- loopholes. Attic spaces, as a rule, are brick, they contain living quarters. The Germans used them as observation posts, often there were machine-gun emplacements that fired at our infantry.
On October 28, our offensive ended, the regiment was taken to rest in the town of Abshruten in East Prussia. For breaking through the powerful, in-depth defense of the Germans in East Prussia, the division was thanked by the Supreme Command.
Having gone to rest, we again engaged in combat training.
On January 13, 1945, an offensive began along the entire 3rd Belorussian Front. Later we learned that the offensive began everywhere, on all fronts at the same time.
During the two and a half months of our respite, the Germans had greatly strengthened themselves and were not only preparing to repel our offensive. They were preparing to attack themselves with the intention of driving our troops out of East Prussia. Good intentions, but they were not destined to come true.
The two-hour artillery preparation did not bring us success, for two days we could not move forward. I had to work extra artillery to break the resistance of the enemy. Finally, he began to retreat, but retreating, every now and then he tried to gain a foothold on pre-prepared defensive lines. In the first five days of fighting, we advanced only 40-45 km, and then the pace of the offensive began to increase every day. For participation in breaking through the defense of the Germans, the division was again thanked by the Supreme High Command.
We occupied the settlements of Pimkallen, Stalludenen, Gumbinnen, and on January 21, 1945, captured the city of Insterburg, an important communications hub and a powerful fortified area of ​​the Germans on the way to Konigsberg.
In Insterburg, our units captured large trophies, a lot of different foodstuffs and various military equipment. There were no inhabitants in the city, the haste of their flight was felt everywhere. In many apartments one could see a set table and an unfinished dinner. Merchants left their shops and fled with the retreating Nazis. From long-range guns, the Germans subjected the city to heavy shelling, day and night the city burned and collapsed, blocking the streets with bricks and debris from buildings.
For the capture of the city of Insterburg, the division was thanked by the Supreme High Command. For breaking through the defenses in East Prussia, the division was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree, and the 346th Infantry Regiment was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky (Decree of 02/19/1945).
The population of East Prussia left with the retreating Nazi armies, leaving their livestock and property. Finally, they experienced the fate of our people in 1941.
Soon civilians began to come across. The Poles came to meet us, returning to their homeland. There were Russians who fled from German slavery.
By the forces of two fronts - ours and the 2nd Belorussian, the Germans were squeezed into pincers and pressed to the Baltic Sea. We occupied one settlement after another. Finally, they occupied the city of Kreuzburg, the town of Tiefental. Despite the presence of spring mud and rains, the pace of the offensive did not slow down, we moved to Koenigsberg.
In the area of ​​​​the town of Tiefental, the commander of the front, General of the Army, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Chernyakhovsky, died. The front was commanded by Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasilevsky.
The Germans were pressed against Frisches Gaf Bay. Their further withdrawal was possible only along the spit, the width of which in some places was no more than 400 meters. This the only way retreat from the coast was under fire from our artillery all the time. Ships of the Baltic Fleet fired on the spit from the sea, and the aircraft of both fronts were not indifferent. The extermination of the fascist conquerors here was in the full sense of the word.
On April 10, 1945, the last German fortress in East Prussia, the city of Koenigsberg, collapsed. For several days the division fought for the city in a southwestern direction. Finally, on April 9, units of the 11th Army broke into the city and, with the help of units of the 5th Army, captured the city on April 10. The Red Banner was flying over Koenigsberg.
On April 17, the German grouping in East Prussia was completely defeated, the remnants of the German army surrendered. We came close to the Baltic Sea.
For participation in the battles in East Prussia, Khenov was awarded the second Order of the Red Star.
So, from Kaluga to the shores of the Baltic Sea, in campaigns with fierce battles with the Nazi invaders, our glorious 63rd Rifle Division Vitebsk Red Banner Order of the Suvorov passed.
On the way back from the Frisches Gaf Bay via Rinau, Mettkoim, Nautsken Station, Kailin, Wangen, Bendizen Manor, Legitten Manor, Labiau City, Tatenberg, Lukisken, Powangen, Krakau, Dedawe, Kleinflis, Strinland. Having stopped on April 20 in the master's yard, they put themselves in order, really washed themselves in the bathhouse, and changed into summer uniforms. Having celebrated May 1, on May 3 they marched to Narkitten station. Here wagons were brought to us, their equipment began, then loading. Soon we set off and, having passed Insterburg, which we had recently taken, we left East Prussia.
On May 9, 1945, at the station Molodechnoye - Western Belarus, the echelon was stopped and a rally was announced on the occasion of the victory over Nazi Germany. The head of the political department of the division, Colonel Kuzmin, spoke at the rally. Joy knew no bounds. A party began in the echelon, the inhabitants of the Molodechnoye station dragged moonshine. On this day, everything was forgiven to all of us, the day of the desired victory over fascism came, they drank for victory, the end of the war!
We passed Minsk, in Moscow the train was taken to the Kazan road, the path is clear - we are following to the Far East.
We pass the cities of Kazan, Sverdlovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk. Finally, on June 9, we arrived at the Manzovka station, where we unloaded. They were deployed 7 km from the Manzovka station, at the foot of large hills, in houses built from tents.
Replenishment arrived, combat training began. We were getting ready to settle scores with Japanese samurai. The division was commanded by Major General Gorodovikov, Hero of the Soviet Union, and again in the 5th Army under Colonel General Krylov.
In July, they marched in the direction of the border with Manchuria and concentrated in the area of ​​Medvezhya Mountain, 30 kilometers from the border and 12 km from Grodekovo station.
Our 5th Army was part of the 1st Far Eastern Front, commanded by Marshal Meretskov of the Soviet Union.
Preparations for the offensive began last stage, some of our units were already on the border and were monitoring the enemy. On August 6, after a short march, we reached the border and concentrated in the area of ​​the Potato hill.
Between the hill "Potato" and the hill occupied by the enemy, there was a swamp. The enemy's hill was covered with forest, and we have only sparse bushes. A day before the offensive, one of the companies, having received the order of the regiment commander, moved to the enemy’s hill, cut down the forest and paved the swamp indicated above. At the same time, not a single shot was fired from the Japanese.
Early in the morning of August 8, without any artillery preparation, as was always the case in the war with the Germans, our units, together with the border guards, quietly crossed the border, destroyed the Japanese border posts and began to deepen into the territory of Manchuria. We had gone several kilometers when the Japanese tried to detain our units. From the hills where the pillboxes were built, they opened fire on us, but our self-propelled guns quickly cleared the way for the infantry, destroying them.
Climbing the hill and looking back, it was clear what an avalanche of troops and equipment was moving deep into Manchuria, and it was clear that no force was able to stop it.
Praised throughout the world, the Japanese Kwantung Army, on the very first day of our offensive, began to retreat without offering resistance. But the roads from the border inland were bad. The Japanese, apparently, thought only to advance and did not build roads. The first days we advanced slowly, then the pace of the offensive began to increase every day, but the campaign was not easy: hills, swamps, mountain rivers - such was the path of our troops.
On August 10 we occupied Hobei Station, on August 11 Gold Mine, on August 13 the city of Mulin, on August 15 Madaoshi Station. Already here, individual units of the Kwantung Army began to surrender. We see entire columns of samurai following the collection points of prisoners. There are many Japanese women among the prisoners, apparently the wives of officers, walking in columns with children behind their backs.
On the outskirts of the station and the city of Mudanjiang on August 18, the Japanese tried to resist. With the interaction of artillery and aviation, resistance was broken and our units took possession of it. On August 20, they occupied the Dunhua station, and on August 21 they entered the city of Jilin, where they disarmed the Japanese garrison and settled in their military camp on the outskirts of Jilin.
The Kwantung Army capitulated. Our regiment ended military operations on this, and soon they were completed everywhere. In 13 days, through the hills and swamps, in unbearable heat, we covered almost 500 km.
On August 23, 1945, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Comrade Stalin, for participating in the breakthrough of the Border Fortified Region, overcoming the hard-to-reach, mountainous taiga area for 500 km and capturing the city of Jilin in Manchuria, the division was thanked.
On September 19, 1945, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the division was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 2nd class, and our 346th Infantry Regiment, the second Order of the Red Banner.
So, the 63rd Rifle Vitebsk Order of "Suvorov" 2nd degree, the Order of "Kutuzov" 2nd degree, and, consequently, the 346th Rifle Regiment twice Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky, for their combat path have 8 thanks from the Supreme Commander Comrade Stalin and 1 gratitude from the Military Council of the front.
On October 23, we leave Manchuria and, having loaded into wagons, we follow to Soviet Union. On October 29, they arrived at the Hun-Chun station, 20 km from the state border, and on October 31 in the Soviet Union they settled in a village with a Chinese name - Hun-Chun. On November 10, we arrived in the town of Barabash, and on November 11, at the designated point of Pogran-Petrovka, settling in the Soviet military town, with our Soviet name.
But we did not stay long on Soviet soil. Less than two weeks later, we were taken back to Manchuria, this time to the city of Yangtze and back to our military town of Pogran-Petrovka on April 21, 1946. We returned here through Vantsin, Tumyn. Soon we heard good news: on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, demobilization of older soldiers from the army was announced. I also belonged to this category.
In the first half of May 1946, the dispatch of demobilized soldiers began from Pogran-Petrovka. We were presented with certificates in which military feats and warm words of parting words were noted, signed by the division commander, Colonel Samarin, and the head of the political department, Colonel Deinega.
But not everyone waited for the Victory Day and these joyful days of returning to their homeland. Many, many remained on the battlefields and I will never forget my comrades-in-arms, among them:
Senior sergeant, head of the radio station Lekomtsev Nikolai Semenovich, 1917, merry fellow, good harmonica player, originally from Kirov, killed on 08/05/1944 by a sniper bullet in Lithuania.
Battalion commander captain Ivan Vasilyevich Garnaev, born 1922, killed on 04/18/1944 during an artillery raid on the regiment's command post in the Sverchkov area.
Chief of Staff of the Regiment Captain Voskresensky Petr Ivanovich, born 1902, who died on 08/30/1943 during a German air raid in Yelnya
Battalion adjutant Captain Zolotov Viktor Nikolaevich, born 1910, who died on 06/23/1944
Regiment commander Major Lysenko Anton Karpovich, born 1903, killed 03/10/1944
Chief of the chemical service, Senior Lieutenant Salnikov Petr Ivanovich, 1921, who died on September 19, 1945 in a car accident
Sergeant Klyauzov Alexey Vasilyevich, born in 1904, escaped from Nazi captivity, fought in the West and died on 08/13/1945 in Manchuria in a battle at the Pelinskhe junction.
On the fields of Lithuania, on 10/17/1944, the agitator of the regiment, captain Bayadilov Abulkhair, 1913, and many, many others, died.

There were many good friends and comrades-in-arms who remained alive over the years. Some are still in the ranks of the Soviet army, and the majority are working for the glory of our Fatherland.
Good memories remain of Sergeant Major Vasily Chebotarev, we have known him since 1943, he comes from the Rostov region. In 1965, 19 years after our parting in Pogran-Petrovka in 1946, I tracked him down through the Rostov address desk. He lives in Taganrog, worked as the head of the city's communications. Being at a resort in Kislovodsk, we agreed to meet on the way back, and on May 15, 1965, the meeting took place in Taganrog. How much joy, memories brought this unforgettable meeting.

Alexey Khenov, 1966, Perm

"..North-west and west of the city of IELGAVA (MITAVA), our troops repelled the attacks of large enemy infantry and tanks. By order of the command, our troops left the city of TUKUMS and retreated to more advantageous positions ..."
From the report of the Soviet Information Bureau for August 21, 1944

German soldiers pass by an immobilized Soviet IS-2 tank, during the fighting in Jelgava (Mitau) central Latvia. In 1944.

Probably, just as connoisseurs of Russian poetry sometimes like to "randomly" open one of the volumes of the complete works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in order to read a few lines, simply, to choose from, so I "wander" from time to time archival documents site OBD - Memorial.

All that is needed is to randomly drive some words, for example. Hungary, 1945, a different cause of death and you read the fate of soldiers and officers. Who committed suicide, who was crushed by a car, who poisoned himself with methyl alcohol.

The day before, I thought. But it’s interesting - which of our Penza fellow countrymen was unlucky at the end of the war? Let's say, being already in the rank of officer, he fell into the clutches of the Nazis.

I am typing the text 1944 in the OBD request, captain, Penza, was taken prisoner.

The site gave out several surnames. My choice fell on the captain of the medical service Malkin Isaak Naumovich, born in 1919. captain of the medical service of the 346th infantry division. August 20, 1944 was taken prisoner. And then the addition - released.

That's right!!??!

Judging by the full name, the officer is a Jew! And he survived in captivity. Maybe appearance did not speak of nationality ?? And the fellow soldiers taken prisoner with him did not extradite him ??

Lucky to say the least. According to the documents, the captain served in the 437th medical battalion of the 346th division.

I then thought - how could a medical battalion doctor, being not at the forefront, be captured ?? I started looking for information. And I immediately realized - well, here's another white spot in the Great Patriotic war less for me. In August 1944, the entire division in which Malkin was located was surrounded.

Anatoly Fedorovich Novikov, commander of the sanitary platoon 437 medical-san. baht. 346 SD

Pavel Petrovich Maryukhin Deputy for political affairs 437 medical-san. baht. 346 SD

Isaac Naumovich Malkin captain resident doctor 437 medical-san. baht. 346 SD.

But only Malkin survived and returned. And apparently he behaved in captivity with dignity. After his release and verification, he continued to serve in the Red Army.

" />

By the way, according to the information provided on the website "Feat of the People", before the 346th division was transferred from the Crimea to the Baltic states, the captain of the medical service was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" and the Order of the Red Star.

As stated in the presentation for the last award, Isaac Naumovich Malkin, having crossed the Sivash and carrying surgical instruments, having reached the shore, he immediately began to operate on the wounded, which saved many lives. Normal guy, what can I say!

And then, having replenished the division with local conscripts, they were transferred from the Soviet Crimea to the Soviet Baltic states. Everything went well at first, but then...

" />

"..On August 19, the enemy concentrated the 168th and 314th infantry divisions in the Kauguri, Sloka, Kalnciems sector and went on the offensive against units of the 346th Infantry Division Along the coast at the line of Kauguri, Lapmezhciems, Ragaciems, Klapkalnciems, Apshuciems, Plienciems landed Numerous enemy amphibious assault forces Enemy warships supported the amphibious landing with naval gunfire Enemy aircraft bombed coastal defenders More than a regiment of Nazi infantry with tanks broke through at Milzkalne and Smarda They destroyed the HOSPITAL (highlighted by me) of the 346th Infantry Division located there with wounded soldiers, doctors and nurses ..."

"On August 20, after strong artillery preparation and with the support of a large number of tanks, self-propelled and assault guns, the enemy, with the forces of the 93rd Infantry Division and separate consolidated battalions attached to it, went on the offensive throughout the division's defense sector. Having crossed the Lielupe River up to 14 infantry companies, the Germans began an offensive along the road in the direction of the Sarmas farm. Simultaneously, from the west, the Germans advanced up to 20 tanks and a motorized infantry battalion to join the crossing troops. The battle went on in difficult wooded and swampy conditions with a clear superiority of the Germans. By 12 noon, the Germans, with fire support from the cruiser Prince Eugene, managed to land infantry and military equipment from 36 ships and barges in the area of ​​Asari and Lielciems.

The Jelgava-Tukums road by this time had been cut by enemy tanks and armored personnel carriers. The Germans created the so-called "Courland Corridor" 30 kilometers wide from the Gulf of Riga to the Berze River, north of Jelgava, and restored communication between Army Group North and East Prussia.

The 346th division found itself in complete encirclement on a large stretched front. ..."

To further - you can read on the links I mentioned above. Part of the servicemen broke through with a fight, several hundred retreated into the marshy swamps. And then a group of scouts was sent who brought out up to 90% of the fighters from this group. But of course not all. Hundreds were left lying on the ground, hundreds were captured. By the way, there are many Penza residents among the missing on August 20. Checked on OBD-Memorial - the mark is released, alive - units.

Judging by the memoirs I read, these events did not "leave the 'supervisory authorities' without attention."

"September 1944. Difficult battles in the encirclement nevertheless affected the mood of the fighters and even the commanders. I noticed this as soon as I visited the regiments of the 346th rifle.

Naturally, the sad and even, one might say, depressed mood of people alerted me. After all, this was not observed in the division before. Of course, I began to look for reasons for this. ...

It turned out that as soon as the division left the encirclement, several army representatives immediately arrived at its units. Unfortunately, they saw their task not in cheering people up, but in ... conducting something like an investigation. So they began to ask the fighters who, in their opinion, was the culprit for the fact that the company, battalion were surrounded, how certain soldiers behaved in that situation. In a word, people seemed to be divided in advance into courageous and cowards, which, quite understandably, led some to great embarrassment, while others offended to the depths of their souls.

The tactless attitude of senior comrades towards the fighters and commanders of the division that had been in trouble caused at least bewilderment. Therefore, I considered it necessary to invite zealous "investigators" to my place. ..."

Well, for now, that's all about the 346th Infantry Division.

By the way, judging by the same site "Feat of the People" in 1985, Isaac Naumovich Malkin was still alive. He was awarded the "jubilee" Order of the Patriotic War.

And further. There is such a "Book of memory of Jewish soldiers who fell in battles with Nazism 1941-1945, Volume 2"

If they read me in Israel - make corrections. Isaac Malkin is not missing. The captain was captured and continued to continue to practice medicine.
By the way, and that Yelgava. ours were released. BUT it already happened on October 10, 1944. According to the Internet, during the fighting, the city was destroyed by 90%, for which it received the name "Baltic Stalingrad".

Machine gunners of the First Baltic Front clear Jelgava of the Germans. 1944

Connection history:

It was formed according to the order of NPO No. 15 from August 15, 1941 in the city of Volsk, Saratov Region, Volga Military District. In the period from August 15 to December 1, combat training of the division and its combat equipment took place. On August 27, the division commander, commander Davydovsky I.E., arrived. He had extensive combat experience, was awarded two orders of the Red Banner. In the Soviet-Finnish war he commanded 10SK, then he was a teacher of tactics at the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze. By September 1, the division numbered 12,000. Each rifle regiment had 3,200 people in its composition. There was intense combat training. However, there was not enough mat. parts, teaching aids. Commanders and fighters aspired to one goal - to defeat the enemy. In November, the commission of Gen. The headquarters and a member of the Armed Forces of the PrivVO accepted the readiness of the division for battle. The connection was considered sufficiently prepared to be sent to the front. On November 25, an order was received to send in echelons to the area of ​​Ryazhsk. On November 26, the echelons of the division began to go to the front. They were ordered to take two refills of fuel and the entire available supply of ammunition with them. On December 1, 41 346sd units numbered 12035 people, 8 122mm, 28 76mm, 6 37mm guns, 18 45mm, 18 1200, 72 50mm mortars, 8757 rifles, 108 easel, 163 light machine guns, 464ppsh, 2657 horses.

By December 1, 1/1164sp was the first to arrive in Ryazhsk. The last echelons unloaded on December 7 and 8, 1941. The motorized units of 2TA Guderian broke into this area, occupying the Pavelets station. From mid-November 41g. the direction to Ryazhsk was practically open to the enemy, because. a large gap in the front formed between parts 50A and 3A. The advanced motorized detachments of the enemy advanced to the railway sowing. Ryazhsk, but at the end of November they were defeated in the area of ​​​​st. Zheltukhino parts of the fresh 84msbr moving towards Moscow along the railway. On November 28, the marines of Colonel Moleev from the 84th MSR drove out the advanced units of the enemy from the town of Skopin as well. 10 and 29md of Guderian's army, which carried out the flank of his army, retreated to st. Pavelets and did not carry out further advance to the east. Severe frosts hit in early December 41g. shackled the activities of enemy units that did not have winter uniforms. In addition, the German command did not at all expect a strike on the hitherto calm flank of its troops. On the flank of Guderian, the command of the Red Army concentrated two fresh armies at once (10A and 61A).

346sd became part of 61A, Colonel-General Kuznetsov F.I. However, only 346, 350 and 356sd were the most well-combat-ready and armed. The remaining divisions had few mortars and machine guns. In some parts there were no artillery and mortars at all. Two divisions also lacked rifles. So in 83kd for 3404 people. there were only 570 rifles and 5 machine guns. 342sd acted on the right, 350sd on the left. By December 4, the concentrated units of the division took up defensive positions in the Skopin area, preparing to repel tank attacks. Defensive structures were built. Reconnaissance was sent forward. Having concentrated in the Shelemishevskoye-Zezyulino area, the division went on the offensive in a westerly direction. The German 2TA in this area operated on a wide front 10md, which occupied defenses in the area of ​​​​st. Pavelets.

The blow of the fresh 10th and 61st armies on the right flank of the German 2TA was completely unexpected for the enemy. Parts of 61A launched an offensive on several. days later 10A - December 9th. The enemy, under the blows of 10A, has already begun to withdraw beyond the Don River. Having mastered Pavelets, he quickly moves to the west. direction. She occupied Gorokhovka and Novo Aleksandrovka. Having cleared the Chernavsky district, she pursued the departing units of 10md. Under the pressure of our fresh formations, the German troops withdrew beyond the Don. By December 14, she reached the Don River. The enemy retreated leaving hundreds of vehicles, ammunition depots and weapons. Having crossed the Don, divisions 61 (346 and 350sd) turned to the south-west. In the second echelon, 342sd advanced beyond 346sd. On December 18, she liberated the stations of Volovo and Teploe. At the turn of Palchikovo, Fursovo, Bolvanovo, she met fierce resistance from the enemy, but the enemy's defense was crushed. In Palchikovo, 7 guns and an ammunition depot were taken. From the captured guns, captured shells opened fire on the enemy. By December 20, 346sd approached Plavsk. Kick w-w The Plavska defense of the enemy was broken through. On December 21, more than 100 vehicles, trains with military equipment, fuel and ammunition depots were seized at Gorbachevo station. The division intercepted the highway south of Plavsk, then spent several days at the station. Gorbachev, putting his units in order. IN last days December 41. parts of the German 2TA withdrew their troops beyond the Oka and Zusha rivers, where they intended to move on to a tough defense. Left by December 27 to the river Oka between Belev and Mtsensk.

After reaching the Oka River on January 1, she received an order to change the 350th division and the defense line of Ukolitsa, Ivanovka, Ozerna was occupied. Overcoming the border of the river. The Oka division entered the Ukolitsa area. Here, having already suffered serious losses during a long offensive, the division went on the defensive. While conducting attacks, she mastered np Top. and Nizh. Radomka. From the end of March to August 42. occupied and fortified a defense section 34 km wide. On June 14, reconnaissance of the battles was carried out, during which parts of the division captured the village. Zhelezinsky and captured large trophies.

Until August 42. the division took up defense in the area south of Kozelsk in a section 34 km wide. On June 14, reconnaissance in force was carried out during which the village was recaptured from the enemy. Zhelezninsky. On August 11, German troops launched Operation Smerch at the junction of the 61st and 16th armies. On the 346sd section, the enemy introduced 11 and 20td and 56pd. The defense of the 346th division was broken through and the division, together with the 350th and 387th divisions, was surrounded. However, the soldiers of the 346sd did not flinch, but even in the conditions of encirclement they continued to offer fierce resistance to the enemy. By August 27, the remnants of the division brought together in 1166sp left the encirclement in the Volosovo settlement area.

After leaving the encirclement, she was sent to reform. From September 6 to October 24, the division was in the Tesninsky camps near Tula, where it received reinforcements, mat. part and prepared for new battles. Here the division became part of the 5TA Lieutenant General Romanenko. On October 24, she was loaded into echelons and sent along with units of the 5TA to the Don in the Serafimovichi region.

Arrived at the South-Western Front in early November 42. Participated in the offensive near Stalingrad as part of the 5TA SWF. In the first days of the offensive on November 19-20, she was in reserve (only the artillery regiment of the division participated in the artillery preparation). 1166sp covered the flank of the strike group advancing from the Serafimovsky bridgehead, occupying a 12km section. She advanced in the second echelon and fought in the Bol area. Donschinki with surrounded parts of the German 22td. Up to 600 were destroyed and 718 enemy soldiers and large trophies were taken prisoner.

On November 27, she made a march to the Russian Sloboda area. Took in early December 42g. defense along the Chir River on the extreme right flank of 5TA. On December 16, the right-flank 3GvA went on the offensive during Operation Saturn. 346 advanced its right flank on the opposite bank of the Chir. By December 20, the defense of the Romanian-Italian grouping on the Don finally collapsed, and from December 23, having entered the subordination of the 3GvA, the division began pursuing the retreating enemy units along the entire front. The enemy left Chernyshevskaya and began to retreat south along the Chir. By the end of the day, the division advanced to Klinovoe. By the end of December 28, the division reached the Peschanka, Sivolobov line with the task of advancing, together with the 8KK, on ​​Chernyshkovskaya.

After several days of fighting, Chernyshkovskaya was liberated by cavalrymen of the 8KK. 346 advancing on the right flank of the army continued to pursue the retreating units of the enemy in the direction of Morozovsk. On January 5, Morozovsky was released. Huge trophies were captured at the station. By January 6, having advanced to st. Valkovo division continued the offensive on Tatsinskaya. During January 8-14, the division fought in the Sennaya area. On January 15, 5TA launched a general offensive against Tatsinskaya. 346sd mastered once. Bezheny and in the evening, bursting into Tatsinskaya with the cavalrymen of the 8KK, cleared the station from the enemy. Chasing the enemy, the cavalry reached the Bystraya River. Without stopping here, the Germans withdrew beyond the river. Sev. Donets, where the division went to ref. January 18th.

From January 20, 43 346sd began crossing the North. Donets. After capturing a small bridgehead in the Kamenev area, the Germans launched furious counterattacks using tanks against our bridgehead. All enemy attacks were repulsed and the bridgehead was held. From January 22, the 54th Guards Rifle Division was also transferred to the bridgehead, which made it possible to condense the battle formations. The division went on the offensive to Hill 148.5, for which fierce fighting broke out. On January 24, it was withdrawn from the bridgehead and took up defensive positions along the eastern bank of the river.

Since February 8, having handed over its sector to the 47th Guards Rifle Division, having made a 50 km march, it concentrated in the Orekhovy, Rosa Luxembourg area. On February 14, it went on the offensive against Chernov. On February 21, the division occupied Art. Kolpakovo. Having handed over its section of the 61gvsd on February 28, by March 2, it concentrated on the line of Kamyshevakha, Elizavetovka. Here the division occupied the defense until July 11, 43.

On July 13, it was withdrawn to the reserve and became part of 54SK 51A. On July 18, the Southern Front launched an offensive on the river. Mius. Having broken through the enemy defenses, the division reached the heights. 232.2., but by July 22, as a result of an enemy counterattack, she was forced to retreat to her original position.

She again went on the offensive on September 1, 43. in the direction of Shterovka-Krasnoselye. The enemy's defense was broken through and, starting to pursue the enemy on September 3, the division captured a large railway. station Debaltseve, capturing a large number of trophies. September 9, 1943 for the capture of Debaltsevo, the division was given the honorary name "Debaltsevo".

From September 10, she pursued the retreating enemy in the Donbass. Having reached the line, Novo-Aleksandrovka took up defense, after which on September 22 it was withdrawn to the reserve. By September 29, having made a march, it concentrated in the Efimovka area in the rear of 2GvA. Participated in breaking through the enemy defenses on the river. Dairy. It was put into battle on October 10, replacing units of the 24th Guards Rifle Division. After a powerful artillery preparation, she broke through the enemy defenses and crossed the river. Dairy in the Weinau region. On October 11, it was withdrawn from this sector and transferred south of Melitopol. On October 13, she crossed the river. Dairy. Having overcome the enemy's defenses on October 22, she cut the railway from Melitopol to the south-west. From October 24, going on a decisive offensive, she pursued the retreating enemy on the way to Sivash.

Having overcome 85 km on October 30, it concentrated by the morning of November 1 to force the Sivash. The division was the first to cross the Sivash and provided a crossing for other 10SK formations. After crossing the Sivash, it occupies a bridgehead in the area of ​​​​Tarkhany, Novo-Aleksandrovka, Voinka.

At the end of January 1944 the division was relieved at the bridgehead on the Sivash and withdrawn to the rear for training. Transferred again to the bridgehead on February 28. On April 8, the Crimean operation began. 51A, which included 10SK, went on the offensive from its bridgehead. April 9 346sd crossed the lake. Aigulskoye (forcing by infantrymen took place waist-deep in water, only artillery was transferred by pontoons). The successful forcing of the lake and the division's breakthrough to Tomashevka provided a breakthrough for the 19th Panzer Corps. On April 11, the division entered the operational space in the northern Crimea and continuously passing 60-80 km per day pursued the retreating Germans to the river. Belbek near Sevastopol, which came out on April 15. Unfortunately, immediately break into Sevastopol from the north through st. Mackenzie failed. The losses of the division during the breakthrough of the defense at Sivash amounted to 254 killed and 1182 wounded. During the assault on Sevastopol, from May 7 to 10, she captured the Dergachi and Lyubimovka settlements, then fought in the south of Sevastopol.

On May 13, the division marched to the north and, after passing 350 km, by May 25 arrived in Kherson. Here, having become part of the 2GvA, the division was loaded into echelons and by June 9 was transferred to the city of Yelnya. From 9 to 28 June, the division was engaged in enhanced combat training for 12 hours a day. The main theme of the classes was offensive operations: coverage, bypass and destruction of enemy strongholds.

On June 28, the division, as part of the 2GvA, stood up for the advancing fronts in Belarus and the Baltic along the route Yelnya, Smolensk, Sventsyany, Patsumeli. Here, on July 28, the division entered into battle with the attacking tank units of the enemy. The German command sought to close the gap between Army Groups North and Center. Fierce defensive in the Gudzyuny area during July 29-30, 44. the division withstood with honor. On August 1, the enemy withdrew beyond the river. Shushla, unable to break through the division's defenses.

By August 5, the division was transferred to the north. Shauliaya and by August 6 approached Mitava, where she became part of 1GvSK 51A. At the end of July, the 3rd GvMK reached the Gulf of Riga and thereby cut off the main forces of the GRA "North" from the main forces of the German army. Transferred to the 51A on August 9, the division drove the enemy out of the city of Temer and Sloka on the coast of the Gulf of Riga. On August 13, she was transferred to occupy a defensive line along the river. Lielupe sowing. Mitavy front to the east. The division, like everything else in the 1GvSK, was tasked with preventing the enemy from breaking through from Latvia to the west. Until August 20, the division defended the line along the river. Lielupe. On the morning of August 20, the enemy, under the cover of fog, began crossing the Lielupe River. Also, a landing force was landed on the coast in the Asari region. The defense of the division was broken. In the rear of the division from Tukums, motorized units also broke through the defenses of the left-flank 63SK on August 19. Under these conditions, the division was forced to leave its defensive line and leave the encirclement to the south. By August 21, the division withdrew to the west. Mitav. Thus, the German troops managed to restore a narrow corridor along the Gulf of Riga with the GRA "Sever", but the enemy could not return Mitava and expand the resulting corridor. If on August 20 the division numbered 5327 people, then by August 24 the number of the division was reduced to 2967 people. Losses in artillery amounted to: 11 122 mm guns, 33 76 mm guns, 24 45 mm guns and almost all mortars (that is, almost all artillery of the division was lost). More than 800 people from the encircled units of the 346sd and other formations in early September 44. were withdrawn by a specially directed reconnaissance group from the Tyrelyu-Purvz swamp area behind enemy lines to the location of the 347th division.

After leaving the encirclement, the division was assigned to the second echelon to put itself in order, and then, as part of 60SK and 1GvSK, occupied the defense of the north. Mitav. On October 3, having handed over her plot, she marched to the Mickishkiai region. On October 5, 1PribF launched the Memel offensive operation. 346sd concentrated in the second echelon and on October 7 was introduced into the created breakthrough. By October 11, the division reached the area of ​​​​st. Yeechi (southern Libava), where it was stopped by the increased resistance of the enemy. She again went on the offensive in late October - early November 44, but failed to break through the enemy's defenses.

December 22, 44 was subjected to a powerful attack by motorized German units, which managed to break through the division's defenses. Part of the rifle battalions were surrounded and fought their way to the south. During December 23-24, several more enemy attacks were repelled, after which the division was withdrawn to the second echelon. Again attacked the Courland enemy grouping at the end of January 45. in the Kalnishti area. A bridgehead was captured on the river. Bart, but the offensive had no further success. In early February, it was again withdrawn to the corps reserve, and then to the Pozhera area as part of the 14th rifle corps of front-line subordination of the 2nd Baltic Front, since April as part of the Belarusian-Lithuanian military district.

At the end of April, she was transferred by echelons to Eastern Pomerania, where she became part of the 2nd Belorussian Front, but she no longer participated in hostilities being in the front reserve. I met the victory in the area of ​​​​the city of Heirinhsru.

01.06 01.07 01.08 01.09 01.10 01.11 01.12
