Today's ideas for summer residents are dedicated to small country houses - the photos will be beautiful, inspiring and memorable. Many of you, dear readers, dream that in addition to the main country house to have a small, so-called guest house. My husband built my house - a workshop, and I am very grateful to him for this.

In such a house I paint my paintings, draw inspiration from solitude and contemplation, take a break from country cares and troubles. This, believe me, is extremely important, otherwise you can start to take it out on your family, but why should they? That's why small house- a godsend for such unloading moments of life.

By the way, materials for the construction of such a house can be taken at bargain prices, or even obtained almost free of charge, as in the case of my husband's brother. He lives in the Novgorod region and at the sawmill they sold him a slab machine for 500 rubles.

But the slab is also a very good building material. The main thing is to process and trim it at home - with a circular saw, grinder, etc. Therefore, such small country houses are quite affordable for any family with a small budget.

However, a small house can also be the primary building in the country, if you are just starting to ennoble your own territory. No, but you will have comfort and a roof over your head.

The best option for the original buildings it can just become small country house ik. In the future, it can be used either as a guest room or as an additional room for living and recreation. And you can give it to children for games - all the kids love it when they have their own corner.

I have talked to many developers and they all unanimously say that such small buildings will cost very little in terms of money. As I said, you can generally make such a house from recycled materials, process it and it will look like a million!

Now you can watch various training videos that show in detail how to build such a small country house with your own hands. In my memory, there are even examples when a simple pensioner alone made herself a nice house for summer living.

To build any summer cottage, you must adhere to some basics of construction. They are not difficult, and quite understandable.

Pay attention to the foundation - in any case, your house should stand on a raised platform so that the wooden logs of the lower trim do not rot. By avoiding dampness, you will save your building for a long time. The ideal option for the foundation of a small house would be concrete blocks or brick posts.

I do not consider a strip foundation, I do not consider piles, as it is expensive and does not make sense. Concrete blocks are ideal. Between the block and the bottom strapping of the timber, lay a layer of roofing felt waterproofing, then moisture will not reach into the wood from the ground through the block.

In the photo example above, these concrete blocks are very clearly visible - they are simply mounted on a gravel pad. Since the house is light, this is quite enough.

Wood is ideal for small country houses. Moreover, it is best to take frame construction for the basic version. If the house is summer, then nothing can be laid inside the frame at all. And if the house is planned for the off-season, then you can lay a layer of insulation between the walls of 100 or 50 mm.

Separately, I would like to show the ideas of container houses. They are good in their own way - after all, they can be closed with shutters and thereby completely secure their contents from thieves. The only disadvantage of such structures is that they get very hot in the summer sun.

A container house may be suitable if you have access to cheap used containers. In all other cases, it is more optimal and more expedient to build from wood. It's my opinion.

Very beautiful and cozy little country houses in the style of a hut. The building itself is triangular in shape, the role of the walls is taken over by the roof to the ground. The space in the corners of the house can be used for cabinets and shelves for storing things and household equipment.

By the way, this design of the house is very energy efficient. In winter, a hut-style house keeps heat much better than a classic square. Of course, provided that the roof and end walls are well insulated.

If you are only interested in the summer option, then you can plan large windows to contemplate your own summer cottage. In summer, all windows can be opened, turning the house into a terrace with the possibility of living on hot nights.

Any, even a small country house, will look more attractive if it is equipped with a veranda or porch. This is both convenient - you can take off your dirty shoes, and practical - you can sit in front of the entrance, admiring the garden and flower beds.

Small country houses are easy to build with your own hands, with a minimum of financial investment. Such a building is quite suitable for the summer residence of a family of 4, because in the summer at the dacha during the day we mostly spend all the time outdoors.

I hope you enjoyed these small country house ideas. I have already had several publications of a similar plan and I will be happy to share links to them with you.

In the material about I tell what they can be built from and bring beautiful photos examples.

And in the material about I talk about all the stages of its construction. I hope that the information is enough for you, I wish you pleasant viewing and inspiration!

Dreaming of your own land, where you can turn your own into reality and be content with the good fruits of your activities on earth, you can’t help but think about building a house on your site.

Is it possible to build a house in the country not only fast, but also for very little money? Yes, you can. There are many interesting inexpensive projects country houses. The complexity of the construction work depends on the material chosen.

On your own site, you can build both elite and inexpensive, but at the same time quite comfortable housing. It all depends on individual tastes and preferences, budget possibilities, selected raw materials. When deciding how to build a house in the country, you need to take care of maximum comfort. You can do everything the old fashioned way (up to adobe), but it's better to turn to new technologies, interesting solutions that have not been used before - isn't it interesting to experiment? Still, the projects are not drawn up by competent specialists, but as for opinions: how many builders, so many opinions.

Concerning environmental friendliness of the house, then in our time it is difficult to build a house that is 100% environmentally friendly, taking into account the finishes. You can, of course, build a house, for example, from straw blocks and with an earthen floor, but let's remember fairy tale about three little pigs and a wolf, yet the house must be a fortress to some extent. And yet, of course, materials should be chosen as environmentally friendly, natural as possible in the modern world.

Many people believe that building a house is not a feasible task. But modern materials and technology allows in a short time to build a small and inexpensive housing.

Features of a house for a summer residence

The basic requirements for the construction are set depending on personal preferences. Interesting solution- a house of your own design, in which you the smallest details You will be able to embody exactly your preferences, and not the fantasies of the architect. Before proceeding with its creation, you need to decide what it should be. And most importantly - do not rush. Let you draw up your project for a year or two, but during this time you will be able to carefully work out and take into account all sorts of nuances, and there are more than enough of them in such an important peasant business as building a house.

Objects are subject to certain requirements:

    The speed of construction work.

    Buildings must be made in compliance with technology.

    Structural durability. Even from inexpensive raw materials, it should not quickly collapse.

    Should not require large investments.

    There should be the possibility of modernization, that is, the expansion of the building in the future (or upward growth, the so-called "overlap houses" - practice shows that this is better than an extension).

If you plan to stay only in the summer, then you do not need to use expensive elements or special heaters.

Most often, buildings are made of wood, brick, stone. Often country houses are built according to frame technology, the cheapest (saving also on the foundation).

Stages of building a country house

Construction may not be as difficult as it might seem. The construction of summer cottages is carried out according to the standard scheme, which includes these important steps:

    Foundation is carried out according to a simplified methodology, if a capital object is not planned. For the tape base, markings are made on the ground. Shallow trenches are dug under the base. Formwork is mounted around, reinforcing elements are laid. Then the concrete is poured. In some cases, it applies pile foundation. However, for a light frame house, the best option would be a screw foundation, or a columnar foundation (with a grillage), which can be done by hand, it does not require bulk earthworks.

    Process wall mounting depends on the selected raw material. TO simple options applies frame structure, as well as a house made of foam blocks.

    Differs in complexity roof installation process. First, rafters are made. TO simple solutions installation should be attributed pitched roof or flat roof, the latter, in terms of their performance, are not inferior, and in some ways better than ordinary "birdhouses" (there is a lot of controversy on this issue among professional builders, regarding the snow load, for example, leakage, but here a lot depends on the technology, the roof pie, the region) . Then the crate is mounted, the roof is covered with roofing elements.

    After roof installation windows and doors installed and all necessary communications are carried out. Outside, the building is finished various materials. It can be lining, siding, as well as facing types of stone and brick. Often plaster or stone chips are used.

    Arrangement of all communications (see also about). Everything related to communications must be foreseen at the stage of drafting the project (for example, where the water tank or well will be located, and taking into account this, the place where the pipe exits from the house, etc.).

Now a slab monolithic foundation (the so-called insulated Swedish slab - UShP) is becoming fashionable. On the websites of construction companies, you can read that it is cheaper than a strip foundation, the main arguments are given - formwork is not needed (in this case it is very simple) and large-scale excavation, and expanded polystyrene is allegedly cheaper than concrete. However, in reality, things may not be quite so. For example, you need not ordinary polystyrene, but extruded polystyrene foam, which comes out even more expensive than concrete; a lot of fittings are used for the UWB, it is necessary to rent a concrete pump (+ to the cost). Yes, such a foundation is at the same time a subfloor for the house, but the assertion that it comes out cheaper than the tape one (together with the floor that is being built during the construction of the house) is doubtful.

What material to build a cottage. Inexpensive Options

When thinking about what to build a country house from, it should be borne in mind that raw materials should be selected taking into account financial capabilities and quality characteristics. If you study the market offers well, you can choose the best option for your needs.

When choosing materials, consider the following options:

    Timber house is popular due to its environmental friendliness. Wood is excellent at retaining heat. The disadvantages include a shorter service life compared to stone. In addition, the tree is an expensive option. TO modern ways construction includes a structure made of rounded timber. Such a structure can be erected in a few months.

    A porous and lightweight option are foam blocks / gas blocks. For such material, a reinforced foundation is not required. But for foam blocks, an ideally even surface and reinforcement is important, because. they are quite brittle and may crack. It is recommended to use denser foam blocks in the bottom row, for example, D500, not lower, and then D400, but not lower. It should be borne in mind that the foam block elements strongly absorb moisture. But their main advantage, according to many, is the ability to refuse insulation from the outside (especially in southern latitudes, and with a sufficient thickness of the foam block), which will significantly reduce costs for the construction of a country house.

    Frame house It is used not only in the warm season, but also in colder periods. To do this, it must be properly insulated. In addition, this building will not take a lot of money, since it is cheap to make supports (columnar, screw foundation). But for frame structures, additional finishing will be required. And yet, many agree that such a house is the cheapest option.

    But the most complex and expensive is the structure brick or stone which, however, are classics. Such objects are built more slowly than others. During construction, it is important to comply with all technologies, as well as the norms of SNiP. At the moment installation work such structures do not have to be subjected to external finishing, especially if the brick is facing. You can save money on this.

There is also an interesting and very inexpensive option(perhaps the most inexpensive) construction of a country house, and as quickly as possible, from shipping containers. Such houses can look very stylish, and it is quite possible to live in them, despite the skepticism of many. There are many articles on the Internet about how you can build it yourself.

How much does it cost to build a country house?

In fact, a banal question to which no one will give an exact answer. The same small country house in terms of area can be built for 50 tr and 500 tr. - materials, you will build yourself or hire workers, what will be the foundation, terrain conditions (if there is a slope or very heaving soil, loam, the foundation will be more expensive), type of roof, windows (their number and size), finishes and much, much more another, which is difficult to take into account at once.
Some builders say this: take the cost of the foundation and multiply by 3, and that will be the final cost (it is clear that it is very approximate) of a turnkey country house.

On the Internet, on the websites of construction companies there are special calculators which will help to calculate the cost of building a house. True, they usually take into account the cost of the company's work. But what if you are going to build a house with your own hands? The answer here is simple - you decide on the project of the house, the materials used, the foundation and the roof. Take the calculator in your hands and start counting in order - digging under the foundation, pouring concrete (concrete cost), how many foam blocks (or timber cubes) will go, and so on. From how you calculate everything, to the smallest detail, it will depend on whether you meet your budget or not, in the end. Be sure to keep in mind that there may be different Unexpected expenses, they are usually always there (expenses for the delivery of materials, etc.).

To properly build a house on suburban area many different factors must be taken into account. The season of operation is important, as well as the complexity of the foundation. The quality of the material and method of construction affects the durability and aesthetic properties of the structure.


If you have your own precious experience in building a country house on your site, do not be self-centered and share in the comments below, many will also be interested to know! Or maybe you want to correct something that has already been said, to express your opinion.

More and more residents of large cities today seek to leave the city apartment and get away from the frantic pace away. Someone just spends the weekend in nature and organizes picnics. But most people dream of a place where they can constantly come - their own dacha. But people do not live with dreams alone, and some of their dreams are trying to translate into reality. Those who have thoroughly approached the issue of their country residence will be divided, in turn, into two conditional groups. Representatives of the first of them simply raise money to buy a house. Others build a country house with their own hands.

Start of construction

Even the simplest construction is a whole complex of works. And many developers, given all the troublesomeness of such events, are subconsciously afraid to start it. The first thing to do is push yourself forward. As soon as a place for the foundation is determined, the first bricks are laid, or a rubble dump truck is simply brought in, the construction of the country house has begun, and now there is nowhere to go.

The second important step that needs to be worked out properly is the determination of the time that you will allocate to construction. After all, many people are well aware of the situations when once started construction waits for decades to be completed. Experienced summer residents advise starting the construction of a small country house with a fence.

It is not necessary to assume that since there is no house on the site, then there is nothing to steal. Every building requires building materials. Just imagine how disappointing it is to come to the dacha and find that the building material has disappeared. Agree, not a pleasant situation. Therefore, before starting the construction of a country house, it is worth enclosing your site.

building requirements

To build a country house yourself, you need to know a few rules. When choosing a site, you should pay attention to environmental safety, topography, configuration, accessibility of transport routes, orientation of the land plot to the cardinal points, development in neighboring areas and provision of infrastructure.

If all of the above factors are present, then it is recommended to draw up a development plan, according to which it is planned to build a country house with your own hands at your discretion. In doing so, the following requirements must be met:

  1. From the red line of travel you need to retreat 3 meters, from the street - 5 meters, from neighboring sections - 3 meters each.
  2. The wooden house should be located at a distance of 15 meters from the neighboring wooden one. A stone country house should be located from a neighboring stone building at a distance of 6 meters, from wooden house- 10 meters.
  3. If the country house is located on the south, east or west side of the world, then the distance from the neighboring residential or country house should be equal to the height of your building.

If you recall briefly, the main methods of building a country house are as follows: construction from logs, frame-panel construction, construction from brick or other block materials, monolithic construction.

Work materials

So, when you decide to build a country house with your own hands, think about how it will look like in the future. The appearance of any building depends largely on the material that is planned to be used in the construction of walls. It is up to you to decide whether to choose artificial or natural materials. But remember that, in addition to design, the comfort, safety and durability of the building, as well as the cost-effectiveness during repair work, depend on the building material.

Wood has a huge advantage over modern varieties finishes, or rather - environmental friendliness. However, instead of feeling “natural” and fragrant smell, this material requires a lot of attention and care from the owners. A do-it-yourself wooden country house made of logs or paving stones is called a classic of the genre.

Another common option is a stone country house, which is lined with traditional bricks. Such buildings look more solid, more reliable and original, and also have a good fire safety. The advantage of bricks over a wooden frame is the possibility of building walls of any configuration with niches and ledges, while a frame has a standard rectangular or square shape.

Progress does not stand still, therefore, modern, economical and practical are often used in the construction of houses. Construction Materials. These include aerated concrete, foam concrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete and polystyrene concrete. All of the listed materials are blocks and differ from each other in size, density, weight, frost resistance, vapor permeability, strength, cost of material and construction work, as well as service life.

Construction Options

Making a choice of layout and method of building a small country house is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Having decided on the number of storeys and dimensions, you can think about the method of construction and layout. For the desired result great importance has an exact workflow.

First, the supports are assembled into a single structure, then they are installed in pits and concreted. Our future country house is a construction of racks, which is sheathed on both sides with boards and has a layer of thermal insulation in the middle. For the house you will need beams, thin and thick boards, timber, planks and slats. To make the house suitable for summer holidays and winter residence, it should be well insulated.

Due to its practicality, simplicity and accessibility, projects of country houses with verandas, including design documentation for two-story buildings, are the most popular today. Such a small extension will be inexpensive, but it is quite comfortable: here you can relax on a warm summer evening, drink coffee. Yes, and the veranda is useful in terms of storage, because there are things that are undesirable to store in a residential building.

To attach or not to attach a veranda? Often this is decided by looking at the neighbors' garden houses. In general, the veranda is a classic attribute of any country house, the owners of which love comfort, convenience and pleasant pastime.


Even for such a small building as a country house, you need a foundation that you can do yourself. To build a country house with your own hands, you need a flat area measuring 4 by 4 meters, from which all garbage must be removed, after which the bushes should be uprooted. After that, you can do the foundation. For the foundation, it is customary to dig holes 70 centimeters deep. They should be wide - more than 30 by 30 centimeters.

In this case, it is good to use concrete blocks that are installed on a sand and gravel cushion, which has a height of 20 centimeters. To build such a foundation, you need to install foundation blocks at the corners of the country house, and additionally place more blocks between the corner blocks - every 1-1.5 meters. Blocks must be leveled. The depth to which it is customary to deepen into the ground should reach 10-15 centimeters.

Contrary to popular belief that the foundation of a wooden structure cannot be made of wood, you can be calm - this is not at all the case. The only thing before laying a wooden foundation is to make sure that the wooden parts that are buried in the ground are well treated with an antiseptic and covered with a layer of bitumen. This will be quite enough for a wooden country house to serve for many years.

If the house is planned to be built on an uneven surface, then it will be necessary to create a high foundation in some places. In this situation, it is recommended to use another block, having previously strengthened it with cement or cement-based adhesive.

Floor insulation

Insulate the floor of the country house in the following order. Plates of extruded polystyrene foam must be sawn and laid between the floor joists. A vapor barrier should be laid out on top of the plates, attaching it with a stapler to the beams, and gluing the joints with adhesive tape.

Then it is necessary to lay the grooved boards, connecting the ridges and grooves in series and fixing them with self-tapping screws. Saw the last board to the required width. Remove the comb from the first board.


For the walls of a country house, it is recommended to choose a beam that has a section of 6 by 12 centimeters. This material is able to withstand the heavy weight of the future roof. In addition, with a similar thickness of the timber, there is enough space for internal insulation (6 centimeters). Such a beam is able to provide reliable support to the double-sided sheathing, which has a thickness of 12 centimeters.

The walls of the house consist of layers such as a frame, a vapor barrier film and an inner lining. The vapor barrier film must be placed on the inside of the thermal insulation to avoid the greenhouse effect. To speed up construction, you need to watch a video about a country house with your own hands. Wall panels with layers need to be assembled in advance - they are easier to install and align in finished form.

When connecting different layers of a wall, it is necessary to do all the work with an accuracy of one millimeter, because in any case the walls must be strictly rectangular. Thanks to the right-angled, large-format slabs, leveling can be done without much difficulty. The thickness of the wall reaches 9 centimeters. Subsequently, a crate and sheathing will be added to it.

It is more convenient to start the installation of a country house from the rear longitudinal wall. Braces screwed to the wall and floor will hold it upright. It is customary to insert windows into the transverse walls before installing the front longitudinal wall, which is butted against the side walls. It is best to assemble the walls in a horizontal position. This allows frames and OSB boards to be moved with an accuracy of one millimeter and do without additional fixation and support.

Roof installation

In the do-it-yourself photo of a country house, a simple shed roof is represented by seven rafters that rest directly on the back and front longitudinal walls. Since the roof can later be planted with greenery, the structure should be made durable.

In order to do without a large deflection of the rafters, it is recommended to increase their thickness to 16 centimeters, or reduce the interval between them. If you chose the second path, then you should install ordinary rafters 6 by 12 centimeters with an interval of 57 centimeters.

First, calculate the distance between the rafters. To do this, you need to measure the upper edge of the longitudinal walls. Then you can lay the rafters. To prevent the outer rafters from tipping over, fix them with steel corners. Sheathing will fix the middle rafters. Attach the vapor barrier film from below by pulling it across the rafters and fixing it with a stapler every 15 centimeters.

Around the perimeter, leave generous overlaps on the walls. After finishing the lining, cut the film exactly along the perimeter. Cut the OSB board to size from the underside. After that, the prepared parts need to sheathe the ceiling and walls. Lay the insulation between the rafters and lay the tongue-and-groove boards, which must be screwed with two screws to each rafter.

Pay attention to the following point: so that the country house can be used all year round, insulate the roof. The insulation that will fit between the rafters must be cut to size, which equals the distance between the rafters and another centimeter. This allowance allows you to "squeeze" a strip of mineral wool between the rafters.

Facade decoration

Although OSB boards are technically hard to beat, without finishing they will look unattractive. In this case, you can sheathe the walls with a tongue-and-groove board. country house will look prettier, and the presence air gap behind the sheathing will ensure the dryness of the walls.

Why are tongue-and-groove boards considered a good solution for exterior cladding? The fact is that the “groove-comb” connection is able to reliably protect the house from moisture and wind, which is beyond the power of OSB boards connected end-to-end. Such a surface will be easier to paint. In addition, the elegant structure of the grooved board will visually give the country house more harmony.

Outside, the grooved board must be placed strictly vertically, because vertical seams are considered less accessible for falling into them and accumulating rainwater. If you prefer horizontal planking, then it is worth making sure that the grooves of the boards are directed downwards.

There is another option for finishing a country house - paint it. Buy better for coverage. facade paint- its elastic structure perfectly withstands the summer heat. To avoid wood resin showing through the paint, the boards must first be primed, and then the top coat can be applied.

Internal work

A country house is usually divided into 2 parts: 75% is occupied by living space, and the remaining square meters- Storage area and bathroom. Building a country house with your own hands involves the presence of two windows: a small one in the pantry and a full-fledged one in the room. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate the country house. Inside, the room must be insulated with mineral wool, and a vapor barrier can be laid on top so that the insulation does not get wet.

It is not necessary to vapor barrier the floor of the room, you can simply cover it with linoleum. You can use drywall or lining for interior wall decoration. If you plan to work with drywall, then it is recommended to build a stronger foundation, because the building will be heavier.

Ceiling insulation is similar to walls. It is best to lay insulation from above, because laying from below is a very complex process. Outside the house, you can lay a vapor-permeable waterproofing and stuff a crate under the outer skin, for which it is customary to use a board 25 by 150 millimeters, and the installation itself is overlapped.

House heating

To use the country house all year round, you need to take care of heating. In principle, for a suburban area where you rarely have to live, heating on electricity or solid fuel is the best option. However, developers who plan to live there permanently can do water heating. If in winter you leave the house for a long time, you will have to fill the heating system not with ordinary water, but with a coolant with antifreeze properties.

The simplest option for heating is still a traditional Russian stove or fireplace: they are able to quickly heat up the room and are undemanding to fuel. Not all dacha cooperatives can boast of the presence of natural gas, therefore optimal solution will install a gas convector.

change house

During construction work, you can live in a change house. Although not always, but often there is a need to spend the night somewhere! And in general, it is convenient for storing construction and garden tools and equipment. A mobile car change house, which can be sold after construction is completed, perfectly copes with such tasks.

Another option is to find half a railroad car or an old container. These makeshift change houses were actively used immediately after the collapse of the USSR, many models are still in use today. The ideal solution for storage of inventory and things will be a garage! By the way, if necessary, you can spend the night in it.

And finally, I would like to remind you that you can build a country house with your own hands inexpensively! During construction garden house in any case, do not rush. Although such a construction process does not require a serious project, it is still worth enlisting such documentation - as they say, not for show, but to build a comfortable and durable house.

Having decided to build a country house, you should choose a land plot, determine the location, select a project plan, and select building materials. It is best to involve specialists to draw up a project and build a building, but you can do it on your own.

After the construction site is selected, you need to draw a sketch of the future house. The ideal option would be to order a project plan from a specialized company, since only specialists will be able to correctly calculate the size of the house, make the right and convenient layout premises, calculate the summing up of all communications, select building materials and make an approximate estimate.

Most people associate a country house with a small building located in the bosom of nature. It can be either a spacious mansion or a small structure made of wood or other materials.

As a rule, country houses are small in size. They can have several bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The rooms in such houses are small in size, since the building is designed for temporary residence in the warm season. The main thing is that the layout of the building is convenient for the owners.

Types of country houses

Modern projects of country houses are significantly different from their predecessors. They are assembled like constructors innovative technologies. Buildings of a modular type are easily and simply assembled and disassembled if necessary.

By type, collapsible cottages are divided into:

  1. Modular cottages for a wide range of applications. Such a building can be both small and two-story.
  2. Garden houses or change houses are quite practical structures in which you can store inventory or live in the warm season.
  3. Hunting lodges used for temporary residence.

Prefabricated houses can have one or two floors. They are designed for a comfortable stay with friends or family members. They have a kitchen, often combined with a dining room, several bedrooms, a children's room and a living room. The installation of such a structure is quite simple. The building is mounted on prepared flat ground and does not require additional costs and earthworks.

As a rule, prefabricated structures are installed without a foundation. The model house consists of metal frame, and its external cladding can be made of sandwich panels, wall corrugated board. From above, it is equipped with a roof made of metal or corrugated board. Inside, it is easiest to sheathe the walls with clapboard, wall panels. Warming is carried out with mineral wool or foam.

Also, country houses may not be prefabricated, but stationary. They are much more common. You can build a stationary structure on your own. For this, different technologies and materials are used:

  • A house made of wooden panels is distinguished by reliability, comfort, environmental friendliness, and quick construction time.
  • Buildings made of logs or wood do not require a capital foundation. They are built within one season and are distinguished by comfort and beauty.
  • Frame houses are considered the most affordable in terms of price. They require a simple and pre-fabricated foundation (tape, slab or columnar). Such structures may have one or two floors.
  • Brick houses are the most popular. They are considered capital, reliable and durable.

Construction stages

The stages of construction always begin with the selection of a land plot. When choosing, consider:

  • the presence of beautiful landscapes;
  • soil fertility;
  • infrastructure development;
  • the possibility of summing up all communications.

After choosing the land, you should take care of fencing the site with a fence. Next, the location of the country house on the site is thought out, construction materials are selected, the entrance to the house and the entrance to the site are thought out. Only after that you can proceed directly to the construction process.

Attention: even if you are going to build a house on your own, one person cannot cope with such a difficult task. Call a friend or family member for help.


Any construction of a house begins with a foundation, which is divided into:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • slab;
  • columnar.

It is selected depending on the materials of construction, the type of soil, the size of the house.

Column Foundation is the most common and popular. This is an economical option when building a small building. Such a foundation consists of pillars, the lower part of which goes deep into the ground, and the upper part protrudes outward.

The advantages of building a columnar foundation include:

  1. high speed of creation of a basis;
  2. the ability to make a foundation on your own, without involving heavy equipment;
  3. lack of additional preparatory work;
  4. long service life, which is more than a century.

If necessary, such a base can be easily dismantled and assembled again in a new place. The column base can be made of: wood, brick, metal or screw base.
Such a foundation is perfect for frame cottages, log cabins, wooden buildings.

Attention: with a columnar foundation, it will not work to make a basement or a basement.

Such a base is suitable for dense soil, which does not lend itself to shifts and does not freeze much during the cold season.

Tape foundation also in demand. It is durable and reliable, completely repeats the outlines of the entire building.

The strip foundation can be:

  • Monolithic. It is constructed on site and poured with concrete mortar.
  • Teams. It consists of ready-made reinforced concrete blocks, which are fastened together by welding and poured with concrete.
  • Finely serrated, used for construction on solid ground. This option is suitable for light-weight buildings.
  • Buried. Withstands high loads and is suitable for large structures.

The main advantages of the strip foundation include:

  1. Low cost;
  2. Operational terms of installation;
  3. Simplicity of design;
  4. The ability to withstand significant loads.

This is an ideal option for building a country house of brick, concrete, wood.

Pile foundation installation- the process is quite difficult. Here you will need to pay a considerable amount for materials, you will have to involve heavy equipment. It is not always advisable to build a foundation from piles. If it was decided to make a pile foundation, it will be necessary to prepare materials.

Piles can either be ordered ready-made at the factory, or made on their own directly at the construction site. The finished product is a metal rod with a sharp end. It is hammered or screwed into the soil. If you make piles on your own, you will first need to drill wells, and then install pipes in them and concrete the internal cavities.

Piles for the foundation are:

  • Driven, are metal, reinforced concrete or wooden rods.
  • Stuffed, made at the construction site in the ground.
  • Drilling, installed in a pre-drilled well.
  • Screw, which are metal rods with blades. They can be screwed into the ground on their own or hammered using special mechanisms.

For the construction of small cottages, screw piles are most often used.

The advantages of this type of foundation include:

  1. Operational terms of installation;
  2. Lack of complex earthworks, for example, no need to dig trenches;
  3. High strength and reliability of the structure;
  4. Long service life.

Such a foundation can be built on any type of soil.

slab the foundation consists of a monolithic reinforced slab, which is laid on a sand cushion. This is ideal for floating ground. The slab base is able to withstand high loads. Its main advantages include:

  1. strength and reliability;
  2. good bearing capacity;
  3. a wide range of applications;
  4. durability.

When choosing the foundation of a house, it is worth considering the materials for its construction.

Materials for the construction of cottages

It is possible to build a country house in our time from any materials. Most often people choose: brick, gas silicate blocks, foam block, tree. Frame structures are also relevant.

Let's look at each option in more detail.

The advantages of country houses made of brick and stone

Since ancient times, people have built brick cottages, because this material has positive characteristics:

  • high resistance to negative factors;
  • strength and durability;
  • resistance to decay and corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high heat and sound insulation qualities.

A brick house will fit perfectly into any landscape interior. He may have different sizes, shapes and color solution. This material is relevant at all times. He is not afraid of any sudden changes in temperature, or high humidity, or sunlight or ultraviolet rays. A brick structure will last more than 100 years and at the same time will not lose either its aesthetic qualities or technical characteristics.

Attention: for the construction of a brick building, you will need to make a costly and powerful foundation. In addition, its construction will take more than one season. But as a result, you will have a family estate that will please you with high comfort and a long service life.

Wooden summer houses

A house for a summer residence made of wood will have powerful energy. In such a house it will always be easy and free to breathe. Any building from natural wood allows fresh air to pass through and contributes to a favorable microclimate indoors.

Its main advantages include:

  1. Attractive appearance. You can build a house out of wood in any design, size and shape.
  2. Environmental friendliness and naturalness. This material does not emit toxic substances, is hypoallergenic and safe.
  3. Operational terms of construction. You can build a house of any size from wood within one season, without making much effort.
  4. Excellent thermal insulation properties. Wood is a warm material.

Listing the positives wooden buildings, you can add that such a house is in perfect harmony with nature.

As building materials, it is better to choose glued beams. Having ordered the exact dimensions of the timber at the factory, the house will be assembled like a children's designer within one to two weeks. You can also opt for a cottage from a log house. The main thing here is to choose the right material.

The wood must be well dried and without any flaws or defects. So that the structure does not succumb to decay and no pests start in it, the material is treated with special means and antiseptics.

Construction from different blocks

Build a country house small size possible from blocks. It can be: gas silicate blocks, cinder block, foam block. Each individual material has its pros and cons.

And the general advantages of blocks include:

  1. fast assembly times thanks to large sizes material;
  2. resistance to aggressive environment;
  3. long service life;
  4. affordable cost;
  5. ease of installation.

The construction of the blocks will not be afraid of sudden changes in temperature, high humidity, rotting and corrosion. This material is porous and perfectly passes clean air into the room.

The low weight of the material speeds up the construction time and makes the workflow simple. It should be noted the fire resistance of the material and a small load on the foundation.

When choosing blocks, the following factors should be considered:

  • gas silicate is characterized by hygroscopicity, high strength and stability. This is ideal for the construction of load-bearing walls;
  • the foam block is afraid of high moisture. With its help, it is better to build internal partitions;
  • the foam block is warmer, unlike gas silicate;
  • foam block blocks shrink more than gas silicate blocks, so cracks can form on the walls.

frame construction

Special attention should be paid to frame construction. This method of building cottages is considered the most modern. Such a house can be assembled within one to two days, depending on the overall size and number of people on the construction site. As a result, the building has an attractive appearance.

The walls of such structures are manufactured at the factory and delivered to the place of assembly ready-made and in customized dimensions. OSB boards are used in their manufacture. Insulation has already been laid between the plates. All that is required when assembling a frame structure is to prepare a site and build a foundation.

are going frame houses on different technologies: Canadian, German, Finnish. by the most ideal option considered to be a frame-frame method. For assembly in this way, you do not need to involve heavy equipment. The building is assembled directly on the site, the house can have any architectural design.

The main advantages of frame houses include:

  1. Efficiency. All parts are manufactured at the factory and delivered at the construction site.
  2. Ability to work in a limited area.
  3. The light weight of the structure, which allows you to make a strip or column foundation.
  4. Excellent thermal insulation properties.


The shape and type of roof for a summer residence is chosen according to the wishes of the owners. Whichever option you choose, the order of its arrangement will be the same:

  1. The rafters are installed first.
  2. The grate is being pushed.
  3. Thermal insulation materials are laid.
  4. The final decorative coating is mounted.

When choosing roofing materials, it is worth considering the region of construction. The most popular and widespread are:
  • corrugated board;
  • metal tile;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • soft tiles;
  • slate;
  • copper roof.

As a rule, for country houses is done cold roof. If the attic space will not be used as additional living space, then it is not necessary to insulate this space.

In addition, it is customary to live in the country during the warm season. Therefore, you can save a little on the arrangement of the roof.

A cold roof consists of the following elements:

  1. load-bearing structure;
  2. Waterproofing;
  3. Control gratings;
  4. battens;
  5. roofing material.

Attention: The roof is a complex element of the house, consisting of different layers that fit in a certain order.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the roof, carefully think over everything, calculate and make drawings.

Each layer of a cold roof performs its own functions:

  • the outer coating protects the building from precipitation;
  • crate is necessary for laying the outer covering;
  • a counter-lattice is needed to provide a ventilation gap;
  • waterproofing protects the house from high humidity;
  • a ventilation gap prevents the collection of moisture in the layers of materials;
  • the rafter system is the basis of the roofing pie. It creates space for laying layers of insulation if necessary and helps to organize the attic space;
  • vapor barrier removes wet vapors from the room;
  • the inner lining is intended for fixing the metal tile.

All these layers protect the house from negative environmental factors. Such a roof is suitable for any non-residential premises: a garage, an outbuilding. It is also often made for residential buildings, where a warm roof is simply not needed.

Important: the slopes of the cold roof are mounted without insulation, but the attic from below must be insulated.

The process of installing a cold roof with soft tiles:

  1. Creation truss system.
  2. We lay a continuous crate of plywood or OSB on the rafters.
  3. We install cornice strips - droppers and fix them after 10 cm.
  4. In the same way, we mount the end strips.
  5. On top of the lining, lay a trendy carpet.
  6. We proceed to laying the tiles, starting from the eaves and moving to the ridge.
  7. On top of the plank, we lay a cornice row with deviations from the edge of 3-5 cm. We close the joints of the eaves planks with petals.
  8. All subsequent rows are laid similarly to the first. Make sure that the petals overlap the fastening joints of the previous layers each time.
  9. At the ends and in the valleys, we cut the tiles and put them on glue, followed by fixing with nails.
  10. In places of junction with walls and pipes, we install bars of triangular section. We put tiles and carpet on bars and put them on glue.
  11. We mount an aerator on the ridge. It comes with tiles.
  12. We lay ridge tiles on top of the aerator.

Important: a cold roof does not provide for the laying of a heat-insulating layer, the presence of ventilation outlets on the slopes and under the ridge to remove moisture.

truss system

Design roof structure starts with a good calculation. In this case, it is worth considering all the little things: the weight of the roof, atmospheric loads, the angle of the roof, and the like.

Attention: the design of the truss system should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

According to the configurations of the roof are divided into:

  • lean-to;
  • gable;
  • attic;
  • tent;
  • multi-forceps.

by the most good option when building a small cottage, there will be a choice shed roof. This design is distinguished by acceptable cost and ease of self-assembly.

If the choice was stopped on a gable roof, its advantages include:

  1. Simplicity and efficiency of installation;
  2. Practicality and rationality of operation;
  3. Elegant and noble appearance.

Such a roof is distinguished by a modest and beautiful exterior. It is easy to repair, ergonomic and economical.

If you live in the country for a long time, you can build a house with an attic. To the benefits mansard roof relate:

  1. Rational use of free space;
  2. Extra space for any room;
  3. Nice looking building.

Installation of windows and doors

Once the walls interior partitions, the roofing system is built, you can proceed to the installation of windows and doors. Lately, people have preferred plastic windows which are stylish appearance, high heat-insulating and sound-proofing qualities, long service life and quick installation.

Plastic windows, as a rule, are installed by the company in which they were ordered.
As for the installation of doors, they can be ordered with or without installation. If you want to save your own savings, you can install the door yourself. You won't run into any special problems. The main thing is to install the box evenly and purchase required amount construction foam.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for building a cottage from foam blocks

The construction of a cottage from a foam block begins with:

  1. Design, purchase of materials, site marking.
  2. Next, the foundation is laid. A good choice would be a tape base.
  3. After the base has completely dried, you can proceed to the forcing of the walls. Foam blocks are laid strictly in a horizontal order, along the transverse and longitudinal edges. Check work laser level. It is very important to lay out the first row evenly. It is from him that the entire accuracy of the future construction directly depends.
  4. After laying the first row of the foam block, reinforced work is carried out. Then they are made every 4 rows. Don't forget to leave openings for windows and doors.
  5. After forcing the walls, you can proceed to the interior partitions.
  6. Next, the floor of the house is made of wooden beams.
  7. The final stage of construction construction is the erection of the roof.

Installation and floor insulation

After the box of the house is built, the interior partitions are made, and even windows and doors are installed, you can proceed to internal work. Before starting repair and finishing work, it is necessary to make floors and additionally insulate the building.

It is possible to insulate floors different ways. Someone prefers economical options using expanded clay, sand and clay, while someone uses modern materials.

First you have to take care of the insulation of the subfloor. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • level;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette.

The workflow for warming the subfloor is reduced to the following works:

  1. All dust and dirt is removed from the surface of the subfloor.
  2. Next, a layer of waterproofing is laid. For this, ruberoid is most often used.
  3. After that, wooden logs are laid.
  4. A polyethylene waterproofing layer is again laid on top.
  5. The heater is falling.
  6. From above, a finishing floor is made of boards.

Can be used as floor insulation mineral wool, Styrofoam, sawdust.
Now you can start leveling all surfaces and interior decorative and finishing work.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that building a small cottage on your own is quite simple. To do this, you need to stock up on free time, purchase building materials, draw up a project plan, and you can start work.

It is quite difficult to say for sure how much the construction of a small summer cottage will cost. It depends on the chosen materials, on its dimensions and on other factors. In any case, building a building with your own hands will cost several times cheaper than building a building by qualified specialists.

If you follow all the requirements and be familiar with the intricacies and sequence of work, the country house will turn out to be attractive, durable and reliable, will last for many years, delighting its owners with hospitality in the warm season.

Buying a summer cottage is a joyful event in the life of every person. And it’s good if a solid house is already present on the site. However, even in the absence of a residential building, you can easily solve this problem by doing the work of building a house with your own hands. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Exist interesting projects country houses, allowing you to build full-fledged residential buildings with your own hands from available materials.

The simplest country house can be built from logs, cement and sawdust. Even these elementary materials make it possible to build a beautiful, reliable and warm structure. At the same time, such a house will be completely environmentally friendly and safe for human health. Instead of cement, you can use a mixture of clay, straw and sand.

First step

Make a foundation. The design will weigh quite a bit, so the simplest strip or columnar foundation, which is more preferable in such situations, will do.

Second step

Prepare the base for the house. For the lower strapping, it is recommended to use the highest quality timber as possible. Before laying the timber, it is necessary to lay reliable waterproofing on the foundation. Also, the beam of the lower trim must be waterproofed from above.

For additional rigidity, the strapping beam should be braided with wire. load-bearing walls houses are made up of wooden poles. At the end, you should get a stable frame structure.

Third step

On top of the waterproofing of the lower trim, lay out the rollers of cement or clay-sand mortar. Fill the gaps between such rollers with sawdust and proceed to laying out the firewood. Before laying firewood, it is recommended to impregnate it with an antiseptic composition.

Fourth step

Take a rounded knife and use it to spread the mortar between the stacked firewood. Over time, the wood will dry out, and you will need to fill the gaps with mortar as they appear.

Fifth step

Lay out the walls of firewood in layers. They laid a layer - they filled up all the gaps with sawdust - they laid a new layer and so on until the end. As a result, you will get already insulated walls.

sixth step

Sand the edges of the wood with sandpaper. Any kind of burrs will additionally retain moisture, so you need to get rid of them especially carefully.

In the end, you just have to fold the simplest truss system and install the selected roofing material. Give preference to lightweight materials. For example, bitumen is well suited for the roof of such a house.

From the inside, the walls can be plastered, sheathed with clapboard or trimmed at your discretion. Outside walls are usually left unchanged. In any case, do finishing it is recommended not earlier than in 1-2 years, because during this time the wood will shrink. You will have to fill all the gaps that appear with the materials mentioned earlier.

The simplest house-hut can be built with minimal financial investment.

First stage. Make a standard pile foundation and tie it with prefabricated beams.

Second phase. Install the floor beams of the house. The basis of such a structure is represented by rafters in the form of the letter "A". Rafters are installed on a pre-insulated floor. If the house will have a greater height, the elements of the truss system are spliced ​​in height.

Third stage. Sheathe the outer side of the walls of the house with OSB boards.

Fourth stage. Pull on the sheathed walls a wind-moisture-proof material such as isospan.

Fifth stage. Sheathe roof slopes with the OBS boards you already know. Such sheathing will be a good basis for rolled roofing material. If desired, you can equip a standard crate on the roof and use other finishing materials - profiled sheet, metal tile, etc.

Before laying the finishing roofing material, the roof must be insulated. Usually mineral wool is used for insulation. In the process of performing these works, do not forget about the need to create ventilation gaps. To organize them, a counter-lattice is equipped - it is enough to nail the transverse strips to the elements of the crate to make a small gap.

Install at the bottom of the roof ventilation grates, which will allow air to circulate normally in the under-roof space.

Excellent earthen house with your own hands

A house made of earth is one of the most ancient variants of residential buildings known to mankind. With the observance of technology from ordinary land, you can get a durable, fire-resistant and fairly warm building that does not require practically any financial investments for its construction.

First stage

Prepare the foundation for the future home. In parallel with this, prepare the main building material for the construction of the house in question - bags filled with rammed earth. For the foundation, dig trenches with a depth of about 50-60 cm. Choose the width individually - it should correspond to the width of the bags of earth.

Fill the prepared trenches with gravel. The backfill must be carefully compacted. Cover the entire area under the future earthen house with an approximately 20-centimeter layer of gravel.

Second phase

Lay waterproofing material over the backfill.

Third stage

Draw the circles of the future walls with a building compass. It is desirable that the house has exactly round shape. Of course, you can build an ordinary rectangular building from bags of earth, but it is the round walls that are characterized by the highest strength.

Fourth stage

Lay the first layer of pre-prepared bags on top of the previously laid waterproofing material. The mixture in these bags should include soil, sand, cement powder and gravel.

Fill the bags to about 80-85% of the volume and tamp as carefully as possible. Each bag used should be in the shape of a rectangle, like a brick. For better tamping, the mixture in the bag should be slightly moistened with water. Sew up the valves of the bags with ordinary wire.

Be especially careful when laying the first row of bags. Everything must be done in strict accordance with the previously applied markup. Tamp the bags and lightly dampen them with water.

Fifth stage

Lay 2 rows of barbed wire on the first layer of masonry. In this case, the barbed wire will take over the functions of the reinforcing layer. Seal all punctures and ruptures of the bags immediately with gray adhesive tape. This is waterproof tape.

Sixth stage

Start laying out the walls. door frames And window frames install immediately. Lay each row of bags with earth with a double layer of barbed wire. Additionally, you can secure the wire with staples.

seventh stage

Fill the seams between the individual bags with a mixture of sand, cement, chopped straw and lime.

The bags need to be laid out with some offset seams, approximately the same as with traditional brickwork.

Having reached the height of a person, you can begin to shift each row of laid material to increase the strength of the walls being erected.

The laid walls are plastered. Before applying the plaster, the bags should be treated with cement laitance and allowed to dry. Plastering is carried out on a steel painting grid.

At the junction of the walls, perform additional reinforcement with the same barbed wire.

The interior decoration of an earthen house is usually limited to simple plastering.

In the end, it remains to equip the roof of the earthen house. First install the beam supports - they must be securely clamped between the bags. Sheathe the floors with OSB boards, and lay the finishing material on top. The best coating option for this case is bitumen.

After completing all the basic work, you can cover the walls of your earthen house with finishing plaster or paint.

If desired, even an ordinary change house can be converted into a quite comfortable country house.

First stage. Prepare the tape concrete foundation. It is also allowed to use a columnar foundation, but first you need to make sure that the soil on the ground is not subject to severe frost heaving.

Second phase. Let the concrete of the base gain at least half of the branded strength, and then install the change house on the foundation. A crane will help you with this. Adjust the position of the change house with the boards. Pre-treat the boards with an antiseptic and place them under the skids of the building.

Third stage. Assemble the frame of the extension to the change house. To do this, use a 10x5 cm beam. Install the supports on the veranda and triple the horizontal runs under the rafters.

Fourth stage. Sew on the outer side of the walls of the change house a crate for siding or other selected material. For additional insulation, put mineral wool into the crate and cover it with plastic wrap.

Insulate the floor and walls of the extension. From the inside, the insulation must be covered with vapor barrier material.

Fifth stage. Complete the exterior cladding of the house. It is most convenient and rational to use vinyl siding for this.

Sixth stage. Lay out the roof. Metal tile is best combined with siding. Otherwise, when choosing finish coat focus on your preferences and financial capabilities.

Seventh stage. Attach snow guards to roof slopes. Insulate the attic as desired.

Eighth stage. Complete interior decoration house. For example, walls can be sheathed with drywall, covered with a couple of layers of putty and painted. Level the floors and install your preferred floor covering.

As a result, the old change house after the addition of an additional room and simple finishing works turns into a very comfortable house with a separate bedroom and a large living room-kitchen.

Thus, for the construction of country houses, you can use a wide variety of materials. Craftsmen adapted almost everything that occurs in nature, and even straw, for such work!

Now you know how to build from available and inexpensive materials, and you can build a reliable, safe and comfortable house in your summer cottage.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself country house projects
