Every person who has a dacha sooner or later thinks about decorating it. To do this, you can buy various elements by installing them at your summer cottage. But for people who want to do everything with their own hands, it will be much more interesting to create various crafts on their own, inventing something interesting and original or copying from finished products. Having decorated the cottage homemade crafts, you can create a very comfortable and cozy atmosphere that brings a lot of pleasure and attracts the attention of others. And the warmth of hand-made products cannot be compared with anything!

In addition, independent design of the cottage allows you to develop and realize your creative potential. And it’s also useful to use a number of old things that are a pity to throw away and are no longer in demand on the farm.

We have collected latest ideas to give your own hands in one place. And for your convenience, we have issued them in the form of a catalog with a detailed description and vivid images.

We choose ideas for giving with our own hands - a photo.

Each summer resident, if desired, can find a wide variety of ideas for giving do-it-yourself photos that are on the Internet. For the manufacture of small architectural forms, you can use improvised items that are in almost every household. In any cottage you can find some unnecessary furniture, Construction Materials and many other items that may be useful in the design of the site.

The choice of an idea ultimately depends on personal preferences, skills, availability necessary tool and materials. As well as readiness for additional financial investments.

Try to find yourself an inspirer and a reliable assistant, then the work will go much faster and more fun. Yes, and a “side view” is certainly useful, especially for enthusiastic natures who find it difficult to stop in time. And remember that your dacha is primarily a natural landscape, and nature loves harmony.

Crafts for giving with your own hands from improvised materials with a photo.

Various kinds of crafts (figurines, houses for birds and pets) are the most popular and affordable objects for self-construction. As a rule, they are made from what is "at hand" and require minimal cost time. Thus, it is the most accessible and fast way transform the garden area. Next, we will take a closer look at specific ideas for giving.

We create funny figurines.

Even simple bottles from under various drinks can be used to make figurines that will look beautiful at their summer cottage. For the manufacture of figures, you can use a wide variety of bottles and containers, pre-collecting it in the required quantity. From plastic bottles and other various containers you can make animals decorating the site. It can be horses, piglets, cows and much more. By making various figures from bottles, you can reveal your talents and create more and more perfect crafts each time.

We make a birdhouse.

From a simple log house you can make a beautiful bird feeder. To do this, you need to pick up a saw cut of a tree of suitable thickness and cut a recess in it in the inner part, and then fix it on a tree or any other place convenient on the site. Putting food in the feeder, the birds will be able to peck it during flights and thus decorate your cottage. Make your own feeder simple type it is possible from a variety of items, the same plastic bottles, similar ideas for giving your own hands, photos can always be found on the Internet and try to repeat.

We make a scarecrow.

Decorate the vegetable beds of your garden with an unusual scarecrow to scare away birds. As a result, you will get a double effect - you will save the harvest and bring zest to your garden. A garden scarecrow is a benefit and a great mood for a summer resident.

Design options suburban area a lot with your own hands, the main thing is to have desire and imagination. On the Internet you can always find a variety of photo examples.

Including imagination for the design of a summer cottage, you can use the most miscellaneous items. Old tires are suitable for creating flower beds that can be painted and distributed throughout the site.

To make crafts with your own hands at your summer cottage, you can use the most common corks from plastic bottles. You will need a lot of traffic jams, but if you wish, you can find them. From bottle caps, you can make very beautiful patterns that decorate walls, fences and many other elements in a summer cottage or animal drawings. Bottle cap figurines and patterns can be painted in different colors, making the display even more interesting. With their help, you can create whole works of art.

Dacha outside the city often bought in the expectation that there would be a good rest from the bustle of the city for adults and children. When buying a cottage, everyone plans to create a unique design on their site, decorating it with products that will be made by themselves. Often there are summer cottages with well-groomed beds on which stands small house. Even a child will get bored in such a country house. Any even the smallest plot with a nondescript house will be transformed if you are not too lazy and embody the most unusual ideas to give their own hands. Photos presented in this article. Use your imagination, put in a little effort, and passers-by will admire your garden.

Consider the land you bought as a space for the creativity of the whole family. creative ideas for giving with your own hands, you can make it from improvised material. The entrance will go to everything you were going to throw away. Baskets, old earthenware jugs, barrels, car tires, even an uprooted old tree, with good processing, turn into beautiful table and chairs. Find out even more items for creativity by reading the article about .

Ideas for giving with your own hands - landscaping.

We lay a pond.

From a natural stone on the territory of a summer cottage, you can lay out a beautiful pond of the most diverse forms. To do this, you need to determine its size, dig a recess, seal it, fill it with water and overlay it with a stone at your discretion.

Thinking over the play area.

Having thrown all their efforts into the improvement of a site or house, adults often forget about the arrangement of a children's corner. The design of a summer cottage should begin with the construction of a playground, this will help create play area for children, and they will not interfere during work.

For construction you will need:

  • large saw cut of a log (swing base);
  • wooden beams and boards.

And here is another selection of unique ideas for giving with your own hands, photos of which will help you decide on the architecture on the playground for children. Create a simple swing for a child, all kinds of slides with houses and rope ropes, a sandbox with seats on the sides and a heating element overhead from the sun. If your lot is too small to allocate space for a play area, create one off the lot. Connect the neighbors who have children and build a children's town using the material from the dismantled barns.

We make a fence.

An unusual fence will give your summer cottage originality and distinguish it favorably from the rest. Even the most ordinary at first glance fences can be transformed with the help of our ideas for giving with your own hands (photos prove this).

  • A regular chain-link mesh or garden trellis can be decorated with a stencil and paint. Looks very original.

  • Paint round timber with a sharp end in different colors, and your fence will turn into a huge set of pencils. Fun and pleasing to the eye.

  • Even an ordinary tyn will look harmonious in the overall ensemble of your garden.

Do-it-yourself fence to the dacha - a photo to the envy of the neighbors.

Laying garden paths.

Garden paths can transform any area. Even if you do not pay enough attention to the arrangement of flower beds and the construction of small architectural forms. The path in the country, paved with stone, wood or ceramics, will give you not only practicality and ease of movement around the site, but also lay the foundation for its further design. Wooden path.

The path, paved with tree rings, looks environmentally friendly and fits well into the natural landscape. Give it a more tortuous trajectory, land along it coniferous trees and enjoy a leisurely walk through the woods. - A great idea for a summer cottage with your own hands.

You can choose the diameter of the tree rings at your discretion, just like the order in which they are laid. The photos below perfectly illustrate the possibilities of using this material. And once again prove the boundlessness of the imagination of the creators.

Despite all the obvious advantages, wood in more susceptible to moisture and various pests. Therefore, be sure to take care of its primary processing. For processing saw cuts, mining or drying oil is suitable.

Substrate preparation is equally important. Work begins with marking and deepening the soil. The use of geotextiles extends the life of such a track. Wooden rings are laid on a sandy substrate, the gaps between them are covered with the same sand.

Stone path.

The material can be gravel, river pebbles, brick, paving slabs, ceramics.

There are also a lot of variations on the theme of patterns. In order for the track to last as long as possible, take the time and effort proper preparation grounds.

The main stages include:

  • trench excavation;
  • Formation of gravel substrate;
  • Sand layer;
  • Laying the border and reducing the pattern;
  • Filling vertical voids with sand.

We break the flower garden.

There are many ideas for giving to create flower beds and flower beds with your own hands. This is a favorite place of work and rest for all women. Each hostess can create an original flower bed on her site.

  • Pyramidal flower beds with ampelous plants from old tires of different diameters or unnecessary containers will delight your guests and save space on the site.
  • You can organize an original flower garden using any item that is not needed in the household, such as a cart, an old chair, a basket or a clay tub.

We fantasize about a place to relax.

Connect the resting place and the play area with a wooden bridge towering over an artificial reservoir. Creating a small reservoir in a summer cottage is not a difficult task and everyone can do it. A beautifully designed small lake will become the central focus of the entire design of your dacha.

Create your own paradise! After reading the article "", you will learn how to create beautiful decor elements for home and garden from improvised materials.

Country sofa.

A well-maintained dacha with your own hands gives a lot more positive emotions from being on it. We invite you to discuss another object that has a beneficial effect on the dacha environment. This patio is a recreation area, usually paved with stone or wood. It can be adjacent to the house or be at a distance from it, but preferably in the open. Although the choice of the final version of the performance of the patio will be based on the prevailing climatic conditions.

Summer residents have already appreciated the patio as a place for friendly and family gatherings for barbecue or aromatic tea. And the main criterion for gathering a large company is the convenience of each of those present.

The central element of the patio, in addition to the table, can be a spacious sofa made from pallets. “That doesn’t sound good,” you might think. However, take a look at the magnificent versions of his performance! And you will not notice how you are already mentally scrolling through the construction and design of the country sofa in your head.

And so, let's get down to business! To begin with, we thoroughly clean the surface of the pallets and eliminate all traumatic elements (chips, nails, etc.) using woodworking tools (jigsaw, hammer, saw, planer, hacksaw, etc.). The specific list depends on the quality source material.

Since the sofa will mainly be outdoors, consider impregnating the pallets with protective agents. This will increase the service life, protect against mold and decay. And to assemble the structure together, you will need nails, corners, foam rubber and upholstery fabric.

The main stages of the implementation of this idea for a summer house with your own hands are as follows:

  • drawing creation;
  • assembly of a structure from pallets;
  • sheathing of the facade and sides with plywood for the aesthetics of the structure;
  • production of soft covers and pillows.

By the way, a similar sofa can also be placed in a gazebo or on the veranda of a country house.

Do-it-yourself dacha photo - exterior decoration of the house.

And so, if you ennobled the territory, and the soul and hands require continuation - take a look at yourself garden house. Perhaps its facade should be updated or made more attractive and cheerful.

Such creativity, otherwise this activity cannot be called, is also attractive because it allows you to escape from the routine realities of gardening (digging, weeding and watering). In addition, it does not require relentless work, because it can be performed in free time and with breaks. There are no time frames at all. Will you decorate the dacha facade for a week, a month, or finish only the next year - it depends on the level of complexity of the plan, the availability of improvised material and your irrepressible desire to create.

Of course, it will not be possible to tell about all the techniques for transforming the facade, but we will consider the most popular right now.

Mosaic facade.

A mosaic is a picture made of small elements of various shapes and colors. The material can be glass, ceramics, small pebbles, as well as corks from plastic bottles. On the last option, we will dwell in more detail. The advantages of a cork facade are its cheapness. And the difficulties lie in the collection required amount traffic jams.

“Which surface of the house to expose this species decor? - you ask. Absolutely any: from the ornament around the window or doorway to the integral design of the walls. Photos of the works of real craftsmen testify to the boundlessness of their imagination and inexhaustible patience.

When decorating a large area, focus on the symmetry of the ornament. Preliminary markup will help you with this. And in the process of mounting the covers, periodically move away and evaluate the harmony of your work.

Evening garland.

Glowing garlands are a unique way to create a romantic atmosphere in the country. Yes, it is romantic! It would seem, what kind of romance can be among the beds and greenhouses? If everything is organized correctly, then it is quite possible to allocate a corner for a pleasant pastime.

Such an idea for giving can be easily implemented with your own hands and used as part of a friendly outdoor party, as well as a festive attribute for lovers or newlyweds.

The color scheme of the garland is chosen according to the occasion. It can be an extravaganza of colorful lights or a monochromatic range. In the dark, large light bulbs look spectacular and somewhat mysterious. white color. And to prefer a warm or cold shade of white - decide for yourself!

Floral motifs.

facade decoration ornamental plants and flowers have been used for a long time. Everyone met the walls of houses filled with greenery of liana-like plants (loach, wild grapes, etc.). But how many of you have heard of a vertical garden or useful gardening at home?

The most practical gardeners live in a constant need to make the most of the available fertile resources, especially in a situation with a small plot of land. And this, believe me, is not uncommon. Therefore, they decided that a number of fruit and vegetable crops could be grown in a somewhat non-standard way.

An example of this is a vertical bed - an interesting and useful way house facade decorations. There is, however, some limitation - a southern or southeast / western wall is suitable for such a bed.

The basis of the whole structure is a frame made of picket fence, nails and wire. It is on it that our fruitful shoots will crawl up. The stems are fixed (as they grow) with textile ropes or cellophane tapes.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini can now grow very close and delight the eye with natural colors.

changing frame structure, You can create various patterns on the wall by controlling the direction and density of plant growth. And such landscaping keeps cool inside the house on a hot day.

There are more available options landscaping. These are flowerpots at the entrance and on the windowsill. Flowers in the morning will wake you up with their fragrance and cheer you up. And during the day they will bloom to the delight of guests and neighbors.

Original ideas garden decorations with their own hands they will help to emphasize the natural charm and bring to life the hidden talents of the designer (and everyone has them). Before embarking on a responsible mission, inspect your supplies ... and go!

Advice! Remember the sacred rule of the real owner of the cottage: you can’t throw anything away!

To create extraordinary things, you will need things that are completely unnecessary at first glance: dilapidated furniture, old crockery, car tires, plastic bottles, firewood and scraps of building materials, tubs, barrels, holey shoes, etc. Use of stones, wood and plastic for decoration garden and cottages are the most effective ways.

Do-it-yourself garden decorations: dedication to design country art

The most important condition in the creation of decorative jewelry is a sense of style. First, outline a style direction for yourself (taking into account the size of the territory, the style of the garden and your own preferences). All ideas for decorating a garden plot can be divided into two groups:

  • functional;
  • non-functional.

DIY garden figures: functional ideas

This includes elements that harmoniously combine aesthetics and useful functionality.

Magic Ponds. If you have old metal/plastic bathtubs or other containers, use them to create peaceful pools. Plant aquatic plants in your ponds. You can even get unpretentious fish. Flowerbed decoration and reservoirs in a summer cottage can be trusted with boulders, pebbles or tiles.

Crafts for a garden from bottles and garden decoration with flowers (photo)

Flower world. Original flower beds from plastic bottles, old tires, unnecessary shoes, iron buckets. Here you can beat even an old bed, chairs, a bicycle or a chest of drawers. If large stumps remain on your site, do not rush to uproot them. From them you can make magnificent ones with your own hands. flowerpots for the garden and plant flowers there.

Advice! For flowerpots from stumps, additionally use clay pots (to plant flowers). Directly planting flowers in a tree is not worth it - it will rot from the water.

Romantic buildings. Plastic bottles can go into action (you can build a whole gazebo from them). And how do you like cozy benches with a canopy in the spirit of French villages? For this, they are used raw logs of various sizes. From old armchairs or chairs you can build cozy swing or unusual crafts to decorate the garden with your own hands.

Wooden crafts for the garden and a decorative birdhouse for the garden with your own hands

Favorite birds. Our magical garden simply cannot do without bird overflows. To make the birds feel comfortable, you can come up with original wooden birdhouses for them. Decorate them decoupage, painted, decorative details. For the birdhouses themselves, you can use the remains of boards and wooden furniture. Birdhouses from old large boots look great. You can awaken your imagination and create a real miracle of starling thought from corks or large porcelain teapots.

Advice! It is best to hang birdhouses on deciduous trees, with a slight slope. And make the roof removable to make it easier to clean them.

DIY garden sculptures: decor

A world of pure aesthetics reigns here, which pleases the eye and gives a special charm to the whole appearance of the garden. Various souvenirs, funny animal figurines, garden crafts- such a decoration of the garden with your own hands from improvised materials will become a real "highlight" courtyard design.

Crafts from stones for the garden

  • Fantasy made of stone or wood. Wonderful little things can be made from stones or the remains of boards. Acrylic paints, beads, fragments of multi-colored glass will help you. You can create funny gnomes, little men, or just wonderful little animals or insects. And if you paint the surfaces of stumps or boulders with fluorescent paint, you will get magical night lanterns.

Advice! Involve your kids in the exciting work with paints and applications. You will have a wonderful time with them!

  • The revival of plastic. Using plastic bottles of different sizes in design is the most economical way to decorate a garden. What decoration for a summer residence from plastic bottles do you want?

Many cottage owners want to make their site unique. To give it individuality, it is not necessary to contact a designer, because you can create do-it-yourself decor for a summer residence. To do this, you can use various building materials, as well as broken furniture and other old things, giving them a new life.

fence decor

Fences and railings are a kind of "face" of any site, because it is by him that the landscape design of the dacha is judged.

Most often, as fences, you can see blank walls, chain-link fences and other unsightly structures. There are many ways to decorate them.

  • Vertical gardening. Along the fence, you can place a trellis and put clematis on it, climbing roses and other climbing perennials. TO wooden fence you can attach flower pots to metal holders, and plant an ampelous petunia in them.
  • Wire decor. The chain-link fence can be painted in an original way. An unusual decision also becomes a mesh, viewed as a large base for embroidery. Aluminum wire can serve as a thread. The pattern can be placed throughout the fence or only in some of its sections. The fence is decorated with various ornaments - geometric shapes, images of flowers or animals.
  • Painting, forging and carving on the fence. The fence can be decorated with small carved flowers, drops and other figures. Forged elements are on sale in finished form. It is enough to attach them to the fence. It is also easy to paint the fence with polka dots, stripes, flowers or depict whole pictures on it.

Mosaic table

Another option for country decor is old table, decorated mosaic tiles and colored glass. The pattern and design of the table is chosen depending on personal wishes.

  1. To begin with, a piece of plywood is cut off according to the dimensions of the table and treated with an acrylic primer. When the plywood dries, it is screwed to the table, then the center of the table and other places are marked with a pencil, depending on the pattern.
  2. Tiles are glued to the tile adhesive around the perimeter of the table surface and to the places marked in accordance with the pattern.
  3. Fill with tiles areas that serve as a background for the ornament. This is done from the center of the table.
  4. After the glue dries, carefully level the surface by filling the seams with tile grout. Excess grout is removed with a damp cloth.
  5. After decorating the table, it is advisable to paint other parts of it with a color suitable for the mosaic.

Tire decor

For a long time, old tires have been considered a universal material for decorating a garden plot, from which you can make decor for a summer house with your own hands. Such crafts will be appropriate in a flower bed, a makeshift pond and paths.

  • Tire flowers. Old tires are painted in different colors and stacked on top of each. In such a simple way, a multi-level flower bed is obtained. You can also make a vertical flower garden, for which tires are chosen various sizes and put on top of each other in the form of a pyramid. After filling the flower bed with soil, ampelous plants are planted in it.
  • Tire furniture. On garden plot furniture made of tires made in any style and with different upholstery (leather, fabric, wire) will look great. To make seating for rest, tires are wrapped with a belt or textile tapes, interlacing them with each other. Tires are also turned into spectacular tables, chairs, fountains, planters.
  • Tire paths. It will take less time to create such a unique option if tires from trucks are used. For this, only a protector will be needed. Tires are prepared for installation by separating their sides from the tread with a knife, getting a ring. Then it is divided across - a strip is formed for the path. Also make the right number of tapes. They are laid out in length and nailed to the board. The area under the track is pre-moistened so that the tires tightly and quickly adhere to the ground. Then they are pressed into the soil, then there will be no bumps on the path.

Flower beds from old furniture

Flower beds play a significant role in arranging the landscape design of the garden. It is difficult to surprise someone with ordinary flower beds, so it is worth making original flower beds. For such a country decor with your own hands, expensive materials are not needed.

Many can find old furniture in an apartment or in a country house, which can be easily turned into a flower bed. A dilapidated chest of drawers can become a multi-level flower garden. To do this, it is enough to open all its drawers and fix them at different levels with self-tapping screws or nails.

It is desirable to paint such a chest of drawers in bright or restrained shades. It should be treated with a varnish that is resistant to moisture and the sun. The boxes are then filled with earth and drainage. It is better to plant small flowers, low bushes and grass in such a flower bed. Such a chest of drawers can also become a mini-garden if you grow greens in it.

As a flower pot, you can use the seat of an old chair, cutting out a place for a pot in it. After that, a mount is tied to it and a pot with a plant is placed there.

Country decor from old transport

At the summer cottage, you can use a broken bicycle and other means of transport as decoration. An old bicycle will make a great base for a flower garden, but enamel is first applied to it so that it is resistant to moisture.

Plants are placed on the steering wheel, trunk, and miniature pots are attached to the pedals. Often, bicycles are decorated with wicker baskets, hanging them on the handlebars. Bindweed or ivy are planted in this basket, and after a few years the bicycle will be entwined with green thickets.

Do not scrap a car that is unsuitable for driving. After all, it can make a large-scale and original flower garden. The trunk with the hood of the car will effectively decorate plants with large leaves. On the roof you can place light-loving flowers and shrubs. At the same time, the surface of the car can be covered with multi-colored patterns.

Also beautiful flower beds made from old boats. The boat can turn into a flower garden. To do this, it is filled with soil and bright ornamental plants are planted.

Flowerbeds from various old items

Almost any unnecessary items can become part of the landscape design of the site, if you approach their decoration with imagination. Flowerbeds are even made from broken electrical equipment. TV can be released from internal devices and plant your favorite flowers there. In an old gas or electric stove broad-leaved specimens may grow.

Flower beds are also created from basins and troughs. For example, a trough is turned into a flower bed in the form of a sailboat, for which a mast is placed in its center, creating the effect of sails and planting flowers of white and blue flowers imitating sea foam.

Gardeners create real masterpieces even from simple umbrellas. The umbrella is inserted into the ground in a half-open state and flowers are planted inside, after filling it with earth. Ornamental flowers are also planted around the umbrella.

Also, old teapots, rubber boots and shoes are used as flower beds. beautiful solution will be an imitation of a fire of flowers. For this purpose, a circle of small diameter is marked on the ground, on the sides of which bricks are dug into the ground. The resulting space is filled with soil, and firewood is placed in the center of the circle, next to which marigolds are planted - they will create the illusion of a fire. You can hang an old saucepan over such a flame and plant any flowers in it.

How to decorate a country house

Over time, country houses grow old and dilapidated, and even with the help of spectacular landscaping of the site, it is difficult to hide the shortcomings of the building. Therefore, it is worth trying to decorate the house in the country in simple and affordable ways.

The decor of a country house with their own hands is often made from multi-colored bottle caps. With the help of them, they decorate the facades and windows of the house, fixing them on wooden surface screws or nails. It is worth remembering that the use of glue on the street is not practical. These caps not only border the elements of the house, but also create beautiful images, for example, flowers, snowflakes, animals and other ornaments.

Those who know how to handle a brush and paints should try to paint the facade of the house. Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the facade. To do this, its surface is leveled. If there is a mud hut in the garden, then its surface is plastered, puttied, and grout and primer are also carried out. brick walls plastered and carefully leveled.

Also country house will look updated if they are decorated with plant pots, fixed on the surface of the walls. An unsightly building is also decorated with a low hedge planted along its walls. Even containers with flowers located near the house will enliven its appearance.

Do-it-yourself interior decor of a country house

Beautiful decor should be not only in the summer cottage, but also inside the house itself. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out expensive repairs, if not necessary, and buy expensive decor items. Decorating your home is easy.

surplus ceramic tiles can be laid out in mosaic on a kitchen apron. To do this, the tile is broken into small pieces and a multi-colored pattern or a monochromatic decoration is created from them. In this case, the grout can be chosen to match the color of the mosaic or contrast.

Interior doors in a country house can be decorated with pieces of carpet. To do this, the jamb is first trimmed, and the door itself can be lined with curtain fabric. These materials are attached to the door on carnations with original hats or glued. Also, the doors are painted in a bright color, and the glass elements are decorated with decoupage, sticking cut-out pieces of napkins on them.

Usually in the country old furniture is used that does not match with each other. It is advisable to paint different styles of furniture in one color in order to visually unite them.

Before painting, dirt, dust are removed from the surface of the furniture and it is dehydrated. White glossy enamel and color are suitable for coloring. They are bred in two jars and applied to furniture in traces, rubbing with a sponge. This processing method will make the furniture visually aged.

Many country houses equipped with a fireplace, which are an indispensable source of heat. You can make a fireplace with your own hands or decorate an old one. It is painted with paint, lined with mosaics, remnants of ceramic tiles, artificial or natural stone, decorative forging.

To decorate the site and the house in the country, you should not resort to expensive and difficult methods. Decorate the cottage can be easily improvised, without asking for help from designers.

The landscaping of a summer cottage implies not only competent planning and cleanliness, but also a certain decor. Most often, various borders, original flower beds and garden sculptures are used for this. To avoid unnecessary costs, we decorate the cottage with our own hands, using only improvised materials.

For the manufacture of garden paths, a wide variety of materials are used: brick, stone, gravel, round cuts of wood, and others. To make the site look harmonious, all tracks must be of the same material and, preferably, the same width. The most important thing is that the surface does not slip and does not collapse under the influence of moisture.

Prices for paving slabs

paving slabs

For work you will need:

It is more convenient to lay out a path from a whole brick, but a more beautiful surface is obtained from a broken one. So, first mark the boundaries, and then remove a layer of turf 15-20 cm thick. The bottom of the trench is well tamped, covered with a layer of coarse sand. The sand is poured with water for greater compaction and the laying of bricks is started. Very often, the brick is laid out without cement mortar, filling all the gaps with sand, but the use of the mortar will make the masonry much more reliable and durable.

The brick can be laid in any way: in parallel rows along the length or width of the track, in a checkerboard pattern, randomly, intersperse a whole brick with a broken one, form geometric figures. Each element must be tightly laid next to the others and knocked out with a rubber mallet so that it does not protrude above the surface. The denser the laying, the more reliable it is. In a similar way, paths are made of stone or gravel.

Learn from step-by-step instructions, how, in our new article.

wooden walkways

If there are a lot of old unnecessary trees in the country house, you can create very beautiful garden paths from chocks and saw cuts of trunks. The saw cuts must be of the same thickness, not less than 15 cm; It is not necessary to select according to the diameter of the workpiece. You can not use too cracked or rotten parts of the tree - they will not last even a season.

For work you will need:

  • saw cuts of thick branches and trunk;
  • bituminous mastic or used oil
  • geotextile;
  • coarse sand;
  • hammer;
  • shovel;
  • building level.

All saw cuts must be cleaned of bark and soaked with mining or hot drying oil from all sides. If bituminous mastic is used, the blanks are thickly coated on the side that will be in the ground. While the wood is drying, you can make markings on the ground and remove the top layer of the earth.

Laying saw cuts

The depth of the trench should be such that the saw cuts, after being installed on a sand cushion, are flush with the surface or slightly rise above the ground.

The bottom must be well tamped and covered with geotextile, releasing the edges of the material up on both sides of the trench. A layer of sand is poured, leveled, saw cuts are tightly installed and the gaps formed between them are filled with the same sand or screenings. With the help, they control the location of the saw cuts horizontally so that the track has a flat surface.

Beautiful homemade borders can be placed along the paths, around the flower beds, at the gate, or delimit the site into zones. For the manufacture of curbs, wooden chocks, rods, vines, bricks and stones, glass bottles, cinder blocks, and concrete are used. Broken glass, multi-colored pebbles and ceramic chips are used as decoration for concrete products.

Borders made of brick, stone and cinder block

To lay out a brick border, you will need:

According to the markup, a layer of earth is selected to a depth of 15 cm and a width of 20 cm. The bottom is compacted and covered with crushed stone to half the depth of the groove, and poured with mortar from above. When the mortar sets well, lay out the brick in rows in a checkerboard pattern. The border can be solid or have gaps - it depends on the amount of source material and the imagination of the master. In the same way, lay out a curb made of stone or cinder block.

To make the cinder block more decorative, you can use outdoor plaster and dye. After laying the cinder block and drying the solution, a plaster mixture is prepared: dry plaster is diluted with water and a coloring pigment is added. Now the surface of the border is covered with a decorative mixture and patterns are created using a spatula. This edging looks very attractive both along the paths and around the flower beds.

For wooden borders, small-diameter saw cuts, chumps made of branches, strong rods and antiseptic-impregnated hardwood timber are suitable. The blanks must be of the same size and without bark, otherwise the border will look very sloppy. First, all wooden elements must be soaked with used oil, drying oil or dried well in air.

While the workpieces are drying, you can make markings and select the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm. The bottom and walls of the groove should be covered with geotextiles, and then a layer of sand should be poured onto the bottom. Dried logs are alternately inserted into the groove, knocking with a mallet and checking their height by level. The gaps are filled with sand or screenings, soil is poured on the sides and compacted.

You can make neat and attractive concrete curbs. For this you will need:

Mark the borders of the curb and take out a layer of soil 15 cm thick. On both sides of the groove, formwork is installed from the boards and fixed with jumpers. The inner side of the formwork is upholstered with polyethylene to make the curb surface smooth. For the same reason, the boards should be as even as possible. As a reinforcing frame, 2-3 steel bars with a cross section of 10 mm can be laid, interconnected by wire at a short distance.

The solution is poured into the formwork, the surface is leveled with a trowel. After 2-3 hours, colored fragments of ceramics, pebbles, glass are pressed into raw concrete - everything that fantasy suggests. After a day, rub the irregularities and leave to dry completely. If desired, finished borders can be painted.

Border decorated with pebbles and lids

Making garden sculptures

Home-made garden sculptures can not only decorate the cottage, but also give it a special atmosphere and originality. Sculptures can be made using plywood, stumps, clay, plaster or cement mortar, old car tires, scrap metal, plastic bottles and even mounting foam! The most important thing is that all the figures are combined with each other and in harmony with the surrounding landscape, otherwise the summer cottage will look like a warehouse.

From plywood it is easy to make any decorative figure. In the process of work you will need:

  • sample;
  • jigsaw;
  • waterproof plywood;
  • primer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • multicolored paint.

The figurine can be three-dimensional or flat, depending on the chosen template. Flat ones are easier to make and the process itself takes less time. To do this, a template is applied to the plywood sheet, circled with a pencil and cut off all the excess with a jigsaw. Then the sections are ground and the workpiece is treated with a protective primer. When the plywood dries, all that remains is to paint the figurine and install it in the garden.

Volumetric figures look more original and can perform additional functions, such as this cow.

To make it, you will need 4 identical sheets of plywood and several small fragments from which the head of the animal will be made. Additionally, a metal or wooden frame and plant containers. Plywood sheets are cut according to the template and fastened in the form of a box. The head of a cow is assembled from scraps, ears are attached to it and all together are screwed to the base. Then you need to properly paint the structure, dry it, and then install and fix it on the frame. A container is placed inside, filled with earth and ornamental plants are planted.

Learn how to do with step by step instructions, from our new article.

Plaster sculptures

Gypsum or cement mortar makes it possible to pour a sculpture of any shape and size. For small figurines, the shape is made from plastic containers, and to create a sculpture large sizes need to assemble a solid metal carcass. In the absence of experience, it is recommended to start with small products of a simple form; Compositions of fresh flowers look very nice surrounded by gypsum mushrooms with bright hats, figures of gnomes or, for example, a turtle by a makeshift pond.

The best way to attach unnecessary containers and remnants of building materials to the business is to decorate the suburban area with your own hands. Some crafts border on masterpieces; they will decorate not only a quiet courtyard in the shade of a garden, but also make any living space inimitable. Some masters work no worse than artists and designers, performing work in the same style. But even without special skills it is easy to implement interesting ideas, borrowed from the site, if you have the desire and skills to work with the simplest tools.

Country decor do it yourself

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Country vacation involves family feasts in the open air, and organizations dining area should be given special attention. It is best to equip a large "refectory" under a canopy or in a shaded part of the yard. The main decoration of the place for joint lunches and dinners will be a do-it-yourself country tabletop decor.

You can decorate the surface of the dining table in many ways:

  • take a cut of a large tree of the original form;
  • tighten the filler with a colored cloth and cover with a polymer or varnish;
  • fill the base with herbarium elements and close with glass, hermetically processing the edges;
  • lay out a mosaic pattern, as in the photo.

Any method is good if there are improvised materials and tools. To make a mosaic countertop, you will need a large sheet of plywood and boards for the frame. You can make the table folding or stationary, but it's easier to transform the finished old furniture. When choosing a mosaic pattern, it is better to rely on your taste and preference. It can be a geometric pattern or a decorative panel on the theme of nature - an aquarium, fruits, sunflowers, firebirds, etc.

Any material of the same thickness is suitable for the pattern - small mosaics, broken glass and pieces mirror tiles, remnants of tiles and ceramic tiles. If there is an abundance of such material, after the table top in mosaic technique, you can make flower vases or supports for a garden bench.

The plywood sheet is coated with a primer, after drying, the center and areas of drawing are marked. If there is no artistic experience, it is better to use the decor ideas you like for a summer cottage with your own hands or work with simple geometric compositions. Abstraction will help to get away from the need to lay out a recognizable plot.

Unusual design of the cottage

First, the central fragments are performed, then the blank background is laid out. It is advisable to work slowly and carefully, since decorating a garden or a summer house with your own hands is a matter of family pride, these things will last for more than one year.

When the mosaic is completed, it is allowed to dry, after which it remains to fill with grout for tile materials and clean all fragments of the composition with a damp cloth. It is recommended to paint over all parts of the table or dining area in the color that prevails in the pattern of the tabletop.

White garden furniture always out of competition, regardless of the decor of the summer cottage. Complement your outdoor dining area with a wrought-iron brazier or barbecue, folded by hand.

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Fences, hedges and fences with their own hands

The first thing that neighbors in the country see is how the fences are decorated. The gray lopsided boards made of boards are becoming a thing of the past, they are being replaced by original partitions between the plots and zoning elements.

Ordinary chain-link fences between concrete pillars and Eurofences. But this is a big expense, and do-it-yourself decor for a summer house is easy to make in the form of original fences.

If there are children in the family, they will certainly appreciate the picket fence in the form of colored pencils at the dacha. Teenagers can decorate the decorative hedge, this is a great way to spend time together for a common activity.

Another way is to use plastic bottles: fences from waste containers strung on metal rods, thick wire or clothesline. The fence can be one-color, for example, from dark beer plastic bottles or from kvass. By alternating material of different colors, you can get an original pattern in the form decorative panel or just a striped fence that complements the decor of the garden plot.

In order for the fence to look aesthetically pleasing, it is important to thoroughly make a frame - to stretch the trellis between the columns. On the finished basis, it is easy to make vertical garlands from plastic bottles of the same format. They can even be treated with spray paints to give the decor in the country more originality.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

Original flower beds and sandboxes from stumps

Uprooting old stumps is a very laborious task, it is much easier to turn them into wooden decor for a summer residence. The overgrown tree has taken its place in the landscape, and its roots still penetrate deep into the soil. It's a good idea to hollow out its rotten core to fill it with earth or sand.

Flowerbeds in old stumps are an original and simple site decor. You can sow fragrant low-growing perennials or climbing plant by setting up a support for it next to the stump. If the snag has a good appearance, it is not necessary to paint it or somehow process it, let it be a natural background for plants.

A wide stump with a large internal volume will replace the sand tank. If there is only one child in the family, then such a sandbox will be quite enough for the baby to play. The only wish is to cover the bottom with a tarpaulin so that bark beetles, worms and other invertebrates do not get into the clean sifted sand from the decayed roots.

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Another original solution for an old hemp - do-it-yourself decor for a summer residence as an element of landscape design. Build a house for the gnome with illumination in the evenings, and this element will be the logical end of the garden alley deep into the garden. A house for a gnome will not require much time and improvised means, and you can buy a fairy-tale character ready-made or make it yourself. The plot can be supplemented by fireflies, frogs, snails, turtles and other characters.

Old stumps can be used for DIY decor in a different way - as coasters for flower pots. This is convenient for hanging petunias, ornamental strawberries and other hanging plants. Between two stumps of the same height, it is convenient to equip a bench or a base for a Hawaiian hammock if the supports are high enough.

Flower beds from old furniture

Used bookcases, beds, armchairs, chairs and stools - original decor to give their own hands. They are used not only as a stand, but also as the basis for a small flower garden, raised above ground level.

It is a pity to throw away old Viennese rattan chairs with an ornate frame, they will still serve as an original flower bed on a green lawn.

The stepladder will serve as a whatnot if old boards are fixed instead of the crossbars. It is convenient to place flower pots with indoor plants and country decor on them.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

Many owners take with them to the country houseplants They also need to find a decent place. Unpretentious cacti and succulents feel best. Entire collection compositions will be placed on old furniture. If you want to make the composition more attractive, repaint all the objects in one color.

No less organically fit into landscape design old baskets and leaky tubs. For decorating a site with your own hands, everything that is without a bottom, but with good walls or sides, is suitable.

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Original country decor from old vehicles and tires

Trolleys, wheelbarrows, bicycles, parts of retro cars and “bald” tires are the constant decor for giving, which is used by designers and home craftsmen.

A cart without a team, as if lost by its horse, will best transform an unoccupied plot of the estate. Such decor for a country house with your own hands does not require much effort and time. Enough to find the best place for a cart, on which flowering plants will flaunt all summer. It can be a collection flower garden, where representatives of one species flaunt. different shades or made a selection according to the principle of contrast.

It is advisable to treat old bicycles as a decor from rust with sandpaper, cover with a primer for metal and paint. When the base is ready, the frame is securely fixed so that the bike does not collapse under the weight of the soil in the pots attached to it.

Advice. Old jeans and boots are suitable as containers for planting flower seedlings, but it is better to first fill the soil in garbage bags put in pants.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

"Bald" tires are traditionally used as the sides of small flower beds. Whole compositions painted with paint look more attractive. A favorite design technique is cascading flower beds, where the widest rubber is located below, and the smallest base is on top.

Do-it-yourself tire decor for home and garden is another way to attach “bald” tires. There are many ways to carve animals and fairy tale characters from an inverted tire.

Ways to use unnecessary tires in the decor of the site

Do-it-yourself country decor

Flowers in the design of a summer cottage

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Original site lighting

Lamps made from improvised materials are another way to make the useful out of the unnecessary. Small posts along the garden alley can be decorated with lamps made of printed tin cans, where candles or small lamps are inserted. Such decor in the country with your own hands will enliven a party or a romantic dinner in nature.

Pendant lamps with electric bulbs are made from glass bottles. A special technology will help cut off the bottom, which uses the contrast of hot and cold water where the bottom of the bottle sinks. With such an amplitude of temperatures, the bottom will be cut off as if under a ruler. It remains to sand the edge and make a garland by inserting small light bulbs into such original shades. It is important that the basis of the electrical wiring is made by a person who understands this. All parts of the garden lighting should be hidden from the rain.

Unusual design of the cottage

Making a summer cottage with your own hands

The best way to do the decor of a country house with your own hands with the help of assistants. Each task is distributed according to its strength. Some can be engaged in sawing wood, others - painting. One article does not describe all the ways to decorate the cottage with improvised means. Perhaps, when you get acquainted with the illustrations of our gallery, you yourself will understand how to make garden butterflies and bees, decorate pebbles like a family ladybugs, make fantastic creatures or quite recognizable characters. Use your creativity and good ideas for inspiration.

Video: Country tricks or useful ideas for giving your own hands
