Reinforced concrete power transmission towers are made of concrete, which is additionally reinforced with metal, as the name implies. They are labeled CB, which means "vibrated racks". They are used for laying power lines 0.4-10 kV.

Significant advantages of reinforced concrete supports are:

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Immunity to low temperatures and humidity
  • Seismic resistance - the degree of resistance to earthquakes
  • Resistance to the adverse effects of nature and the elements
  • Increased strength and strength - not subject to deformation and destruction
  • No need for maintenance (what, for example, pine wooden poles need - impregnation)
  • Service life - at least 50 years

There are disadvantages too

We are talking here, first of all, about the high weight of such a support, respectively, the installation of supports of this type should be carried out by professionals of the highest class. There is also a possibility of various defects during transportation (we are talking about cracks, chips). In addition, due to exposure to moisture and temperature fluctuations, chipping of concrete is possible, which reduces the strength of the entire structure.

Characteristics of reinforced concrete racks of power lines

⇒Reinforced concrete poles are made of different brands and are designated in this way, for example, a concrete pole SV 95-2, where 95 is the length of the pole in decimeters, and 2 is the conditional bearing capacity.

According to GOST 23009-78 racks are manufactured in the following sizes:

  • L - 9.5 meters (CB 95)
  • L - 10.5 meters (CB 105)
  • L - 11 meters (CB 110)
  • L - 16.4 meters (CB 164)

They also differ in the method of reinforcement, on which the bearing capacity depends.

Racks of supports of power transmission lines SV 95

Reinforced concrete supports SV 95 are widely used for laying and installation of networks with a voltage of 0.4 kV and for laying communication lines. They are mainly used for, when installing an additional electric pole. For their manufacture, heavy concrete (class B30) is used, which complies with the standards of GOST 26633-91. As a filler for this concrete, manufacturers use crushed granite with a strength index of at least M 1200 - M 1400, frost resistance F 300.

Racks CB 95 can be operated at temperatures reaching -55 degrees Celsius. They have been successfully used in areas I-V categories and can be installed where seismicity does not exceed 7 points on the Richter scale. Reinforced concrete poles of power transmission lines SV 95.2 and SV 95.3 are equipped with embedded products necessary in order to fasten structures and connect the necessary grounding elements. These racks taper upward and are 9.5 meters long. The cross section of the supports is rectangular and equals: at the base, the height is 240 mm, at the top - 165 mm, the width at the base and at the top is the same - 150 mm. The rack weight is 750 kg.

The reinforced concrete pole SV-95 at the manufacturer is supplied with embedded iron products intended for attaching structures and grounding parts.

Racks CB 110

Reinforced concrete racks SV 110 are designed for power lines with voltage up to 10 kV. They can also be installed for communication lines. Reinforced concrete poles SV 110 are resistant to aggressive environments, low and high temperatures and can be successfully installed in areas with a high degree of fire danger.

Reinforced concrete pillars SV 110 also find their application in quality. Their production is carried out using heavy concrete by vibrocompression. These concrete mixtures have a compressive strength class of B30.

The length of the racks CB 110-3.5 and CB 110-5 is 11 meters. At the base of the support, the height is 280 mm, and at the top, the height is 165 mm. The width of the base is 170 mm, the upper part is 175 mm. The weight of the concrete support is 1150 kg. Racks CB 110-3.5 have a calculated bending moment of 35 kNm, and CB 110-5, respectively, 50 kNm.

Reinforced concrete supports SV 110 are made of heavy concrete with the following characteristics:

  • Strength grade - M 400
  • Frost resistance - F 200
  • Water resistance - W 6

Each of them is equipped with embedded metal products intended for fixing structures and connecting parts of the grounding structure and is manufactured in strict accordance with GOST and TU standards.

All supports must have a certificate of conformity and a quality passport.

Concrete outdoor lighting poles are used in urban, suburban conditions. They are designed to illuminate highways, streets, sidewalks, industrial areas, and other objects. Such a system street lighting it is also applied as illumination of the power lines which are under voltage of 10 kV. For power lines under voltage over 35 kV, such lighting poles are made from centrifuged concrete.

Reinforced concrete poles for lighting are made various sizes, forms on technologies of vibrocompression, centrifugation. As consumable high-quality concrete, metal reinforced wire is used.

In this article:

Characteristics of w / w illuminators

Reinforced concrete poles are used to illuminate urban, suburban roads, adjacent areas of industrial enterprises, warehouses, sports grounds, city parks, as well as private houses and suburban areas.

Advantages of lighting reinforced concrete poles

  • Perfectly resist corrosion, rotting, chemical and mechanical influences.
  • They have a fairly long service life. Subject to the requirements for production and installation, as well as proper transportation of structural elements, such illuminators can last more than 50 years.
  • Minimum operating costs.
  • Reinforced concrete structures are characterized by increased fire resistance.
  • Products are not difficult to manufacture, perfectly amenable to repair.
  • Maintenance of concrete reinforced lighting structures does not require significant financial costs.

Disadvantages of reinforced concrete structures for street lighting

  • The complexity of loading / unloading, transportation and installation of reinforced concrete elements due to the rather large mass. For loading and unloading installation work special equipment must be used.
  • The complexity of dismantling the structure, special equipment is also needed.
  • Significant costs for the disposal or recycling of reinforced concrete supports.
  • Concrete products are quite sensitive to changing weather conditions, sudden temperature changes.
  • Lighting devices on reinforced concrete poles are prone to cracking, chipping, which cast doubt on the reliability of the product.

Varieties of concrete reinforced pillars for lighting

Reinforced concrete poles are divided into the following types:

  • corner;
  • intermediate;
  • terminal;
  • anchor.

For industrial use, concrete racks are reinforced in two ways:

  • frame;
  • tension.

Products differ from each other in reinforcement technology, weight, overall dimensions, respectively, have different markings.

Different designs of reinforced concrete lighting racks differ from each other in the following operational properties:

  • resistance to wind, ice loads;
  • frost resistance level;
  • temperature mode of operation;
  • concrete density;
  • the level of moisture absorption;
  • electrical voltage drop.

Production technology

The process of manufacturing outdoor lighting fixtures on reinforced concrete racks is divided into several stages:

  • reinforcement preparation;
  • preparation of concrete mortar;
  • preparation of forms;
  • pouring concrete mixture into molds;
  • drying the finished support.

Armature preparation

At this stage, a selection of fittings of the required type and size is made. It is cut, for which special equipment is used, and contour spirals are screwed in.

Preparing a mortar from concrete

For the production of a concrete mixture, cement of a certain brand, mineral and chemical additives are taken. All components are placed in a concrete mixer, water is poured in the prescribed proportion, the mixture is mixed until a homogeneous mass.

Preparing molds and cores

For the manufacture of directly reinforced concrete racks for lighting equipment, special forms are used, which are thoroughly cleaned and lubricated before pouring the concrete mixture. First, metal spirals are placed in molds, then a rod is made. The steel rod is preheated, then pulled through the spiral, fixed in the container.

Pouring concrete mixture into molds

When the fittings are placed in the container, the prepared solution is poured. A special vibrator is used to compact it in the form. The surface is leveled with an ordinary construction trowel.

Drying the finished support

After completing all the main stages of production, the product is dried. The concrete product in the form is covered with a PVC film (to prevent moisture from entering the structure), heating is turned on. After a set time period, the plastic film is removed.

Mounting racks

Installation work begins with the preparation of a project, previously agreed with the authorities.

Installation procedure:

  • on the ground where reinforced concrete supports for illuminators will be installed, markings are applied;
  • pits are prepared with the following parameters: depth - 1.2 m, width - 1x1 m;
  • a hole is made in the center of the pit 1 m deep;
  • the concrete reinforced support is fixed in the pit with crushed stone, which is carefully compacted as it is backfilled.

For your information! In certain situations, the bottom of the pit is additionally filled concrete mortar. Such a basis is more reliable. After the installation is completed, lighting equipment is mounted on the racks, the lamps are screwed in.

Grounding of reinforced concrete racks

Grounding devices are installed on reinforced concrete racks intended for power lines with voltage up to 1 kV. They are necessary for diverting lightning surges to the ground. The lighting equipment itself is similarly grounded. Housings of lighting devices are connected to the ground loop.

The ground loop is made of steel pins (diameter from 6 mm), corners. They are installed in a triangle, interconnected by a strip of metal. The grounding device must have a resistance of up to 30 ohms.


Reinforced concrete structures must be subjected to periodic maintenance:

  • corrosion is removed on the metal parts of the structure - once every 3 years;
  • cracks in concrete are smeared - once every 6 years;
  • the reliability of bolted connections is checked once every 2 years, if necessary, they are tightened.


Concrete lighting poles are complex structures that require compliance with building standards during their installation and certain periodic maintenance. Thanks to such lighting structures, the safe movement of vehicles on highways, pedestrians, as well as the performance of various works at night is ensured.

The choice of a reinforced concrete structure is almost always justified. It is only worth considering that reinforced concrete lighting poles are influenced by external factors:

  • temperature fluctuations;
  • atmospheric phenomena.

The choice of structural type of reinforced concrete supports

The design feature of the supporting devices must take into account the operational conditions of the area. It should also be understood that lighting installations must ensure the safety of movement along the streets. Reinforced concrete lighting fixtures can be used in both urban and suburban environments. The installation of lighting poles is considered suitable for main roads, pedestrian streets, industrial areas. Warehouse complexes are illuminated with the help of the system, etc.

Reinforced concrete poles suitable for lines air type with voltage up to 10 kV. The form of reinforced concrete structures can be very different. Reinforced concrete lighting poles are complex constructive type. Device brands suggest that the design of the OGK can be:

  • octagonal;
  • annular;
  • round conical;
  • faceted conical;
  • trapezoidal.

Installation of OGK requires a certain sequence of work.

If the project, agreed with the local authorities, includes the installation of reinforced concrete options, it is not allowed to change the characteristics of the equipment in any case. In addition, the installation rules are initially provided for in the documentation.

The main installation methods involve the use of a reinforced concrete foundation. The devices are fastened with flange mounts or special studs to a metal mortgage located directly in the foundation. Devices of upright type are fixed in an earthen pit, into which a reinforced concrete mixture is also poured.

Sometimes the sequence of work involves drilling wells. Their depth should be 1.2 m, with a margin in width. The concrete mixture is poured into this free space. This composition is carefully compacted using special building tools. It is planned to prepare a trench for the well, grounding the supports. The power cable is placed in it.

The choice of mounting method for reinforced concrete supports

The choice of mounting method for lighting poles is purely individual. Projects usually take into account factors such as:

  • relief of the territory;
  • the desired degree of illumination;
  • power capacity;
  • the number of devices involved;
  • method of installation of load-bearing components;
  • possibilities of local electrical networks.

Installation of lighting racks made of reinforced concrete OGK implies an obligatory stage of project preparation. Approval of the project requires compliance with certain rules. The established order includes:

  • drawing markings in the conditions of the area where the work is implied;
  • subsequent digging of holes, the standard dimensions of which are 1x1 m wide, 1.2 m deep;
  • deepening the pit - implies the creation of a meter hole;
  • fixing the support post, followed by adding crushed stone, as well as its tamping.

For greater reliability of the base, it is customary to strengthen the bottom of the pit with a cement mortar. In this case, the lamps should be installed only after the completion of the work on the arrangement of the pillars. Then the lamps are screwed into the lamps.

The established standardization rules make it possible to use both reinforced concrete and metal supports. The reinforced concrete structure includes reinforcement, which takes on tensile loads. At the same time, concrete has the ability to compress. Introductory shields are also part of the equipment. They provide electricity. Many parameters of this type of supports meet high quality standards. Particularly high strength for pillars of the main type. The cost of reinforced concrete products is lower than the price of metal supports.

In order for the lighting system to turn out to be really effective as a result of the work, it is necessary to correctly determine the distance between the lighting poles. This calculation necessarily includes the power value of the lighting devices themselves, their number, as well as the height of the supports. From the support to the curb, certain parameters must also be observed. Folding type cobras are sometimes used to achieve some effects. This information is largely interconnected with the type of illuminated object.

Reinforced concrete supports require periodic inspection of the condition. For example, metal structural elements should not contain corrosion. The condition of the support itself excludes the appearance of cracks. Bolted connections and anchor bolts mean trouble-free operation for several years. Introductory electrical panels are serviced by the services of local RES.

Reinforced concrete light poles help support various lighting. When preparing construction work, it is first necessary to secure the construction site. These works include the selection of a type of device for lighting and a method of installation. Several types are used building materials as a support, including reinforced concrete. The latter is the most stable, but has certain disadvantages. Reinforced concrete structures for external lighting very dependent on weather conditions and temperature extremes, but have a long service life.

Reinforced concrete light poles have several important advantages that distinguish them from all other types of supporting structures:

  • protection against rust, decomposition and exposure to chemicals;
  • long service life. If you carry out high-quality installation and transportation, the costs will be small;
  • high level fire protection;
  • ease of manufacture, convenient repair;
  • no high costs for any work.

In addition, reinforced concrete lighting racks have certain disadvantages, due to which they may not be suitable for the construction of certain types of objects:

  • significant bearing weight makes the loading, installation and transportation of elements more difficult and, accordingly, more expensive;
  • it is impossible to remove the reinforced concrete pole without special transport;
  • processing and removal of the post is very complex and costly;
  • lighting poles react very poorly to temperature and any weather changes;
  • RC lighting poles are vulnerable to chipping and cracking.

Reinforced concrete supports SV are used for external illumination of streets, sidewalks, industrial areas and highways. They can also be used to illuminate parks and areas near residential buildings.

There are several types of reinforced concrete light racks:

  • end,
  • corner,
  • intermediate,
  • anchor.

When developing light racks for industrial use, tension or frame reinforcement is used.

Light RC-stands and are marked depending on the structural mass, reinforcement method and dimensions. In addition, they differ in temperature conditions, the level of resistance to cold, the possibility of moisture absorption, load and voltage drops.

All information on reinforced concrete street lighting poles is kindly provided by Samara Plant of Reinforced Concrete Products LLC. Here you can buy reinforced concrete products at competitive prices.
