Even a novice developer can master the technology of installing skylights, it is only important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturers for each model and some tips experienced craftsmen.

What requirements should the windows of the attic room meet?

At correct styling a complex roofing pie inside the attic will retain heat, and high-quality ventilation will prevent condensation and ensure long-term operation of the structure. The windows of such a room should also have similar properties, without causing difficulties with opening and closing. When installing, remember about the constant negative impact on the system from atmospheric factors. To ensure stability, windows are equipped with the following elements:

  • structures with tempered glass;
  • a surface that guarantees the maximum distribution of the incoming light flux;
  • sealed seals;
  • a frame made of high-strength material that is not susceptible to moisture and ultraviolet radiation;
  • canvases that allow you to shade the room, guaranteeing all-season ventilation and protection from the ingress of small particles of dust and insects.
A house with an attic can have a different arrangement of windows

The possibility of easy maintenance and operation of window blocks, the absence of misted and damp structures is considered important. To achieve an impeccable result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the stages of the technological process.

The original designed window greatly decorates the attic room

Proper installation of a roof window involves the installation of several structures (listed as they are fixed in the opening):

  1. Internal slopes - the upper one will be located in the same parallel with the floor, and the lower one will be perpendicular to the surface.
  2. Curtains or blinds adjustable indoors.
  3. waterproofing layer.
  4. Window - a frame and a double-glazed window with high-strength glass and an inert gas layer.
  5. Salary - a design that prevents the impact of climatic factors on the window system. The height of the system depends on how high the roofing material is laid.
  6. External shading device in the form of roller shutters or awnings.

The use of traditional curtains for shading the room is not always possible in the attic due to the installation of windows at an angle. A more practical option is the installation of special devices: blinds, roller shutters, roller blinds.

Design features of skylights

The choice in favor of inclined window openings is determined by a number of positive characteristics:

  1. High light transmission. When comparing the level of penetration sun rays in a room with traditional vertical structures and with attic window openings, in the second case, an increase in throughput of up to 40% is revealed. Installation of skylights is possible in any part of the roof.
  2. Expansion of usable area. Installation attic systems carried out without the participation of the surface of the walls, near which in the future it will be possible to put furniture or other interior items.
  3. Ease of installation. It is much easier to work with an attic structure than with a traditional window frame, since in the first case, the manufacture and assembly of parts is carried out at specialized factories, the master will only have to choose the location of the window, its dimensions, and install the finished product.
  4. Profitability of arrangement of roofing space. The consumption of materials when creating dormer windows is much higher than the installation of a dormer window opening, which is caused by the need to lay additional roofing material, a layer of heat and waterproofing in the first case.

In a word, the above points prove the significant advantage of attic systems among the traditional models available on the market.

The roof window can be equipped with a balcony

The size of windows and their number for installation in the room

Before deciding on the number of window blocks, you should have an idea about the room where they are planned to be installed. It is important that at least 10% of the entire area is lit, but living rooms, studios, children's rooms and other rooms need 15-20% natural light. For example, in an attic with a total area of ​​​​20 m 2, to create a comfortable atmosphere, it is recommended to put 3 windows 80 × 140 cm or 2 window blocks 115 × 120 cm. An increase in the number of windows is also allowed for greater interior effectiveness.

Skylights have a special design

As for the size of double-glazed windows, attic structures are offered in standard parameters, and this is also important during construction. The following criteria will help determine the desired window sizes:

  1. On roofs with a gentle slope, the windows should be high (elongated).
  2. If there is already a finished roof, the width of the window opening is determined based on the gap between rafter legs, while the window should be already 5–6 cm. If the roofing is in progress, then the rafters can be installed taking into account the desired window width.
  3. The choice of the size of the roof window should be carried out taking into account the recommended height of the structure - its lower edge should be located at least 1 m from the floor surface.
There are different designs of skylights

Varieties of attic window blocks

For the manufacture of windows in the attic, in the same way as in the production of traditional models, they use various materials, so there is an opportunity to choose wooden, metal and plastic products to your taste. Each of them has its own positive and negative characteristics.

Characteristics of aluminum roof windows

The structures are assembled on the basis of aluminum profiles, which endow the products with long-term operation, ease of repair, as well as resistance to corrosive changes and deformations.

Such a window will last for more than half a century, without requiring special care, while perfectly protecting it from negative atmospheric effects. The peculiarity of the material lies in the fact that only from it you can make the largest possible window frames.

Aluminum skylights can be warm and cold

Aluminum skylights are:

  1. Cold - used for glazing balcony blocks, non-residential premises.
  2. Warm - suitable for installation in the attic of houses, in summer cottages.

As part of the profiles of warm structures, there are three parts with a thermally insulating polyamide insert between the profiles. The main function of such a thermal bridge or thermal break is to prevent warm air from escaping outside and cold air from entering. To achieve high quality, filling between thermostats of extruded polystyrene or polyurethane foam helps; the space from the double-glazed window to the frame or sash is foamed with a sealant.

An aluminum window system is assembled from several parts, which includes:

  • profile frame;
  • sash set;
  • impost;
  • shtulpa;
  • glazing bead

The method of opening such a window can be chosen by the master and is implemented without additional spare parts.

The roof window can open in different ways

Get an answer to the question of why the demand for aluminum windows much higher, it is possible, relying on their specifications:

  • during operation there are no problems;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • are made at the request of the customer of any size and with a suitable opening mechanism;
  • are offered in a wide range of colors according to the RAL scale;
  • are not affected by different temperatures, cope with their tasks for many years;
  • They are protected from acid rain and UV rays.

The versatility of wooden roof windows

During the construction of the roof, the frame is laid from wooden beams, and a crate of boards, so it is advisable to make skylights from a similar material. Due to the similar reaction of wooden products when exposed to climatic conditions or loads, the expansion of the material structure occurs evenly over all roof structures, including windows.

At high density glued wood there is sufficient flexibility of products in case of any movement, which significantly reduces the number of necessary fasteners. The advantage of wood is the ability to manufacture any decorative elements - arched transoms, window-balconies.

Wooden blocks may have different shape

Inside the room, skylights are protected from moisture, and outside they are sheathed with special overlays, which allows them to extend their service life. For prevention, it will be enough to paint the frames with water-based varnish every 2-3 years.

Impeccable moisture resistance of plastic products

In damp areas, such as bathrooms or kitchens, the best option plastic windows will be installed. Such products, unlike ordinary wooden frames, do not need special care (just wipe with a damp cloth) and do not corrode as a result of exposure to water, dirt, wind.

Currently, moisture-resistant roof windows are very popular due to their resistance to aggressive environments; without them, it is impossible to imagine the functioning of swimming pools, saunas, greenhouses, greenhouses. The only factor that should be taken into account when choosing a plastic frame is the angle of inclination of the roof slope - within 15–90 degrees.

The plastic window can also be used in the bathroom

Any window, regardless of the material used in the base and design features, provides for the possibility of airing the room. So, all models of skylights are equipped with special valves that will help to take care of ventilation in a timely manner.

Which manufacturers supply roof window systems

Among the existing variety in the construction market, the leading positions are occupied by models of reputable manufacturers.

Wooden windows of the Danish company Velux

Glued laminated timber from northern pine wood, processed according to a special technology, followed by impregnation with an antiseptic and multi-layered lacquered ensures high environmental friendliness of Velux skylights. These products will last for many years, not succumbing to negative climatic and other loads.

The design of the double-glazed window with rounded corners of the glass along the perimeter of the frame prevents the accumulation of condensate, and perfect heat saving is ensured by the chamber layer of inert gas.

These factors give roof windows good thermal insulation properties. During experimental tests, Velux windows were exposed to low temperatures (down to -55 degrees), with which they did an excellent job.

Velux manufactures high quality wooden roof windows

A special ventilation valve of the window frame allows you to ventilate the room with the window closed, regardless of weather conditions. You can open the sash using the handle included in the kit, as well as by activating the slot ventilation mechanism. Uniqueness ventilation devices of all models of Velux windows is the presence of a special filter that reliably protects the room from dust particles and annoying insects, and in case of contamination it can be easily washed.

This manufacturer pays great attention to ventilation systems, so all its products are equipped with modern devices to perform this function. Velux skylights differ from similar products in their powerful insulation due to a two- or three-level seal (the thickness is determined by the specifics of the model range), as well as the possibility of additional arrangement of a layer of insulation.

The manufacturer, in addition to high-quality technical indicators, endows the products with a unique design. Modern products can be freely combined with attic rooms of any interior. For example, there are windows with a streamlined shape, with smoothed corners and an ergonomic appearance.

Video: installing a Velux window block on a crate

Window blocks of the German company Fakro

Fakro roof windows are produced in standard sizes, so when choosing a product, you should take into account the architecture of an existing structure. Sloping roofs are fitted with taller windows to provide adequate visibility than those with lower pitched roofs. The width of the window block is determined based on the distance between the rafters of the structure.

Fakro - German quality affordable price

You can choose Farko windows of any price category, but then the main material of the product also varies - windows can be wooden, aluminum or plastic. by the most budget option is a window with a PVC profile. Despite the minimum acquisition cost, such double-glazed windows will last about 40–50 years without losing their performance, without being subjected to corrosive changes or decay. The next in price category is the aluminum construction, which, thanks to modern technologies has undergone significant changes. At present, the impeccable thermal insulation of the blocks allows them to be used in housing construction.

Roto waterproof plastic windows

A long production period and high product quality are the main success criteria for the German company Roto, which supplies durable plastic windows for the attic. In addition to the main tasks (maximum transmission of sunlight and visibility of the external environment), profiles are perfect for any interior design. The unique fittings of the models allow you to adjust the sashes inside the box even after the installation of all window components is completed. So, rubber seals will be fully pressed, which is the key to reliable sealing of the window.

When it comes to choosing window units for installation in wet areas, Roto products stand out from the competition, since plastic profiles are able to fully function even with constant exposure to moisture. It is a pleasure to take care of the windows, spending periodically wet cleaning regular rag. Frames retain their original color after many years of use, so there is no need for constant touch-up and finishing special formulations.

Roto roof windows have a special closing mechanism

No need for constant maintenance makes plastic windows very convenient for installation in the office, clinic, hospital and other institutions with a limited staff involved in cleaning. There is a great demand for double-glazed windows with three or four chambers, which make it possible to achieve high-quality heat retention.

Roto windows guarantee the safety of use in everyday life: since they are mounted at a certain distance from the floor, you can look out of them without any special manipulations, for example, diving under the transom. Additional measure precaution is the high location of the axis of rotation of the window mechanism, which protects the household from the danger of hitting the profile. It is very convenient that furniture and other interior elements can be placed near the window unit itself, so an increase in the volume of usable area is achieved.

The advantage of windows from a German manufacturer is reliable system security, which is important when installing blocks in offices, cabinets for various purposes. Protection is created by a locking mechanism based on a four-point touch device, equipped with an additional anti-burglary double-glazed window. The manufacturer succeeded in preventing the formation of cold bridges thanks to a special aluminum construction and compacted rubber gaskets - this is how warm air is stored in the intra-chamber space.

If necessary, replacing the double-glazed windows of Roto skylights is quite simple due to rubber pads, the main function of which is to prevent the formation of condensate, which is a problem for many analogues of this product.

Video: installation of roof windows Roto

The choice of technology for installing skylights depending on the roof structure

The task of window blocks in the attic system is to ensure the maximum permeability of natural light inside the room, its timely ventilation and the creation of a comfortable environment for people to stay. Errors during the arrangement of double-glazed windows are fraught with a violation of technology and then the formation of leaks, the gradual depressurization of the heat-insulating block, as well as the entire roof structure. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should strictly follow the instructions when installing windows, depending on the characteristics of the roof.

The roof window can be installed in the finished roof of any material

How to put a dormer window block with a finished roof

If the installation of the roof is at the final stage or the system has been ready for a long time, then you can install skylights based on the advice of experienced craftsmen.

  1. Accounting for the features of the roofing. If the roof is covered with metal tiles, then choose a place for the window frame so that the block is located above the whole sheet of roofing material, and not above the cut one. In the presence of profiled materials, the installation of windows is carried out with an indentation of the distance recommended by the manufacturer from the upper edge of the roof structure. In the case of working with a coating with a profile height of 45 mm or more, riveting of the material is required, a row of which is located above the window. The distance from the roofing to the window block is considered important. So, the upper gap varies within 6–15 cm, the side ones - 3–6 cm. If a flat coating is laid on the roof, then the indentation is set aside no more than 4 cm. for a high profile, the required gap is 12 cm.
  2. truss system roofs. The rafter system, like the roofing cake, must meet high requirements. The ideal inter-rafter distance is when it fits freely window block and still in width remains for allowances of 3–5 cm. If the indicated requirements do not meet, it is necessary to install additional support systems.

Roof windows are installed according to the instructions below:

  1. First, an opening is prepared. To do this, measurements are made of the distance between the rafters, where it is planned to install the window. If there is an acceptable width, a special opening is made, and for fastening, appropriate fasteners and other elements are selected for the material of the window being mounted.

    First you need to prepare an opening for the window

  2. Next, the installation of the window is carried out, for this the cavity between the truss system and window profile filled with a layer of insulation. Initially, the entire block is installed in the assembly, after which the double-glazed window is removed to securely fasten the frame.

    After carefully preparing the opening, you can proceed to the installation of double-glazed windows

  3. At the next stage, a waterproofing circuit is carried out. It is placed on the window frame and fixed to the crate using a construction stapler. To prevent moisture from entering the window surface, it is necessary to make a drainage gutter, which is installed no higher than 50 cm above the window.
  4. Then they put a salary consisting of several elements. In order to correctly lay out the entire structure, it is important to follow the sequence of fastening each of its parts. You can perform the work based on the manufacturer's instructions. For ease of assembly, many manufacturers number all the parts, which greatly simplifies the task even for beginners.

    Installation of a roof window can occur on a crate or rafters

  5. The connecting element of the vapor barrier layer of the attic and the window frame is the vapor barrier circuit. Installation is carried out by laying special tape, which glues the vapor barrier of the window to the vapor barrier layer of the house. You can provide similar actions with the help of a clamping bar, but then the insulation is laid with an overlap.
  6. The final step is the installation of slopes. The roof windows are completely ready, it remains only to adjust the internal structure in size. In order to properly fix the horizontal slope from above and the vertical one from below, holes are drilled according to the previously applied markings.

    Finishing the work with roofing material

Video: installing a roof window in a finished roof

Installation of skylights facing the roof surface

Any roof during operation needs maintenance and repair, therefore, when drawing up a project, one should take into account the possibility of people getting out onto the roof and performing work. In the case of a one-story building with a gable roof structure, it will be enough to substitute the ladder against the wall of the house and climb it. More complex roofing systems such as broken roof or attic floor, equipped with additional windows and large glazed areas. Here you have to pay attention to the creation of drawings and the features of the installation of blocks.

Climbing to the roof will be much easier with an equipped hatch window. Thanks to this device, you can freely move along the roof, for example, to inspect or replace the coating, while a source of natural light will appear inside the room.

The roof window can look like a hatch

In order for the design to turn out not only functional, but also reliable, stable, it is important to adhere to the following requirements during its construction:

The fulfillment of all the above criteria increases the likelihood of obtaining a convenient device for accessing the roof and its full maintenance throughout the entire period of operation. In addition, opening the hatch window is easy to ventilate the room without much effort.

Detailed instructions for creating a frame for a do-it-yourself skylight:

Having an idea about the features of the roof window installation technology described above, even a novice master will be able to do the job. Despite the variety of possible designs, information about general rules it will be enough to do everything on your own, without making gross mistakes. Even if the installation is entrusted to a construction company, the customer will be able to competently control all ongoing work.


Windows on attic floor can be very varied. If earlier the attic was perceived as a kind of addition to the common space, and if there were windows on it, then they were not the most difficult, at present the status of the attic floor has changed significantly. Housing with such a floor has become considered elite, and the windows for it are quite complex, functional and beautiful.

What is an attic floor?

The attic, in fact, is not a full-fledged floor: it is an attic space that is used as a residential or technical room. Thus, from the empty space you can get a usable area if you ennoble it, properly insulate and.

Most often, these floors are used as bedrooms, lounges, guest rooms. Less often they are adapted for workshops, pantries. The attic floor can take the form of an ordinary room, and several walls can also be at an angle. It is possible to stand at full height on such a floor, however, not in all parts of the room. From the attic floor, you can make one large or several small rooms suitable for habitation. The disadvantages of such a structure include the lack of natural light. Most often, windows in such structures are not planned, so you have to look for a solution after the construction of the house is completed.

Installing a window in a hole cut in the roof

What are attic windows for?

Without natural light, the attic cannot be considered an attic floor. To use the premises as a living space, you need windows in the attic, the options for which can be quite diverse, ranging from inclined structures that are installed directly into the roofing material, and ending with display windows that occupy spaces from ceiling to floor. The main task of window structures is:

  • Creation of the necessary illumination of the room.
  • Blocking warm air inside and isolating cold air from outside.
  • Giving the right appearance room, because the design is significantly affected by what kind of window the window will have.

Where is the best place to install a window, and which one?

The design of rooms with can be the most diverse, from a simple room upholstered with clapboard to a complex structure that strikes with comfort and splendor. Much depends on what type of windows will be chosen: they should not only isolate heat and create the necessary illumination, but also fit into the interior in the same style.

It must correspond to the dimensions of the room, the calculation of the dimensions takes place taking into account the illumination that the structure will provide. If the windows are installed between the rafters, their size is usually standard, but if the attic is large, several designs are selected so that the lighting is uniform. Windows must be wide enough to fit between the rafters, otherwise the roof will have to be redone, which is expensive and unjustified.

Vertical windows in the attic

In addition, you will need to take into account the slope and height of the roof slopes: if you plan to equip a rest room, study or nursery, it is better to give preference to large windows. The bedroom requires less light, so the size of the window can be smaller. There are three standard sizes:

  • 78x140;
  • 78x118;
  • 78x160.

If larger windows are required, standard designs of 94x140, 114x118 or 114x140 cm can also be ordered. Less common are very small windows, the size of which is 55 or 66 cm; Please note that buying a standard window is much more profitable, as it will cost several times cheaper than one made to your size.

Auxiliary diagram for selecting windows from the angle of the roof slope

Which windows do you prefer?

Choosing in the attic floor , it is important to take into account not only their appearance, shape and size, but also pay attention to such factors:

  • Protection from moisture and precipitation.
  • What are the frames made from?
  • How the window opens.
  • What type of glass is used.

Windows can seriously differ structurally, the most important role is played by a double-glazed window: the thicker it is, the heavier the window will be, which is not very good for the attic floor, therefore it is quite often used, equipped with a heat-saving system and filled with argon. This allows you to reduce the weight to a minimum, reducing the load on the structure and fittings, while reliably protecting the room from freezing.

It would not be superfluous to use triplex technology: thanks to which the glass is glued, if such a window is broken, there will be no fragments in the room, and it is quite easy to replace the double-glazed window. In addition, you need to pay attention to where it will be located window handle. If it is too high and it is inconvenient to get it, you can equip the window with a variety of drives that will help you either lower the handle lower or control the structure using the remote control.

Remote window control

What other windows are there?

There are not only inclined structures that need to be mounted directly into the roof. Some projects have a perfectly suitable design in order to build on the attic floor. Most often, such a decision is laid even during the construction of the house, otherwise then the entire floor will have to be redone. Such windows are an excellent design solution, they give a lot of light, and if the house has a good view, you can admire it while relaxing or before going to bed. It is worth noting that such windows have a number of features:

  • The complexity of the design and big sizes, therefore, the price of such a solution will be much higher than for windows mounted in the roof.
  • Heaters cannot be placed on the wall directly below the window. You will have to remove them to another wall or install them in front of the window using special fasteners that are screwed to the floor.
  • The use of curtains also causes difficulties; a special frame is required that is attached to the ceiling.
  • Such windows have a large area, so it is quite difficult to keep the heat in the room.
  • A warm design will have a large mass.
  • It is necessary to calculate that such windows will be even when planning a house. As a rule, it is impossible to install them after construction is completed, or the entire floor has to be dismantled.
  • Lighting with the help of such windows will be the most correct and natural, however, they give a lot of light, therefore, if you want to equip a bedroom on the attic floor, it is better to think in advance that the windows do not face east. If the design faces south, get ready for the fact that it will be quite hot in the summer, although the problem can be solved with a tinting film.
  • More than one cannot be used. In addition, the wall in which there will be a floor-to-ceiling window should not be load-bearing.
  • The large weight of beams and partitions should not press on the structure.
  • Washing such a window is quite problematic.

Is self-installation possible?

Most often, when buying a skylight, the owner wonders how to spend less money. You should not save on quality, buy cheap fittings or low-quality double-glazed windows. These savings will cost you in the end. more expensive than buying originally good window. The easiest way to save money is to install the structure yourself.

To do this, you need to clearly know. In fact, it is not difficult, you only need to strictly follow the instructions; it is recommended to get an assistant, since any installation is much more convenient to carry out together. The easiest way is to use the eurowindow: it is inexpensive, relatively easy to install, meets all the requirements for illumination, safety and convenience. Such a window can be installed at any stage of the readiness of the house, it is not necessary to lay down their layout right away.

Attic window installation sequence

If it is planned that it will protrude on the roof, then it must be laid during the installation of the roof, since a special box is required for it. This usually requires a flat gable roof: it is easiest to make the necessary preparatory work. To do this, mount the side walls, nail boards to them, cover the structure with roofing material. Such a ledge is sometimes called a cuckoo.

When using a standard internal window, it is installed between the roof beams. They are fixed by the truss system, a support board is installed for the window, which is attached between the rafters, after which the window frame is attached to it. In order for the frame not to fall out, a fixing beam is placed in its upper part. The sides of the window and the drain must be insulated with roofing material similar to the roof covering.

The sequence of actions during work should be as follows:

  • An opening for a window is cut out in the roof, corresponding in size. The rafter system should not be affected.
  • For the window frame, a frame is mounted, special support logs are installed.
  • Lay waterproofing and insulation.
  • Cover the sides with roofing material.
  • A window is inserted.

Before starting work, it is necessary to strengthen the roof structure well, mount a reliable frame into which the window frame will be inserted, and you can strengthen the structure using adjacent rafters. Jumpers are attached to them, to which beams are attached to fix the window. The unit is mounted without glass, it is inserted later. The frame must be above the level of the roof, otherwise water will not leave it.

The choice and installation of a window is not the most difficult thing, there are a large number design solutions that can be brought to life by developing a house plan. If it is already built, you can use convenient standard solutions.

The presence of an attic floor provides an opportunity to maximum benefit use the entire area available in the residential building. To provide the necessary degree of illumination in the under-roof space, windows are installed in the slopes, which at the same time contribute to ventilation.

An attic with window openings looks much more attractive and aesthetic than without them. You can mount the window in mansard roof with your own hands, but the process is not easy, having many nuances. The tightness of the entire roof structure depends on the correct installation.

Therefore, in the absence of relevant experience, it is advisable to contact specialists, then it will be possible to avoid troubles in the form of leaks or cold penetration. If you don’t want to involve professionals, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations that are written in the instructions of the manufacturers of such windows.

Types of windows for attics

On the attic floor, homeowners install various types of window products. For example, windows can be vertical, differing little from standard products used in frontal glazing.

They are placed either in the gables of the building, or in the slope of the roof in a structure called the "house" or "birdhouse". They look attractive and decorate the appearance of the building, but little light penetrates through them.

Inclined windows for attics are placed flush with the roof slope, they let in more sunlight by about 30-40% and differ in the structural device, material of manufacture and method of opening. For the production of window products for attic spaces, aluminum, high-quality wood, or a PVC profile are used.

The classification based on differences in the design of the roof window is as follows:

  1. Products with a square or rectangular shape. They are installed more often than all other windows. They consist of a frame and a sash, they can also be a blank double-glazed window.
  2. balcony items. This design incorporates an inclined frame in the roof slope and a vertical window under it, less often on the side. Both parts open, and the inclined upwards, and the vertical - to the side or down. Such a device allows you to equip an exit to the balcony.
  3. The lower element located under the slanted window. This is a blind window located under a swinging sash. This type of construction is used in cases where the height of the slope is not enough to accommodate two windows.
  4. top element. This is a decorative window product located above an inclined window. It is made either triangular or rounded.
  5. Cornice window structures. They are preferred to be installed when there is a high wall in the attic that does not allow you to look out into the street. Then a window is mounted under it, opening vertically.
  6. Light tunnel. It is equipped in the place of the slope, which does not have direct contact with the room. A reflective tunnel is directed from the window, usually in the form of a pipe, which leads to a place that requires lighting - a ceiling is mounted there that can scatter light.

All attic windows, regardless of their type, are manufactured at enterprises equipped with special equipment and subjected to strength tests. They cost a lot, but experts do not advise thinking about how to make a roof window with your own hands, since it cannot guarantee tightness and a comfortable stay in the house.

According to the method of opening, such products are of several types:

  1. With a central axis of rotation of the valves. They can be rotated 180 degrees and this circumstance allows you to wash the glass from the side of the street without any problems.
  2. With raised pivot. It is located at a distance of about 2/3 from the bottom edge of the window opening.
  3. With combined axle. The window has an upper and a central axis. One of them provides the ability to open it to an angle of 45 degrees, and the second - to fully scroll.
  4. With side pivot. Such windows open as standard. They are called "mansard hatches", as they are used to exit to the roof surface.
  5. With bottom pivot. With it, only sashes are produced for balcony windows. They can only be opened forward.
  6. With remote control. In attic rooms with high ceilings, when it is not possible to open the window manually, they use a remote control that operates from the mains. In this case, a power line is specially brought to the place of its installation.

When choosing such a window, you need to consider:

  • structural features of the roof;
  • how convenient it will be to use;
  • area and parameters of the room.

The location of the window, as well as the view from it, may depend on the height of the attic floor and the slope of the slope.

Roof window design

Window products for attic living quarters have a complex structural arrangement. For the reliability of the windows, heavy-duty glass is installed in them, which are able to withstand increased pressure.

They consist of a frame, sashes, swivel fittings. A double-glazed window filled with an inert gas is inserted into the sash.

Also included in the kit is:

  • 2 aprons - hydro and vapor barrier;
  • drainage chute;
  • insulation;
  • protective salary;
  • internal slopes.

The cost of installing a roof window depends on the planned scope of work and on the list of various elements included in the kit.

Self-installation of the attic window

Once again, it should be noted that you need to order such a service from certified craftsmen who know how to make a skylight on the roof in full accordance with the technology.

Arrangement cost window construction depends on whether the styling is done finishing roofs or construction not yet completed. The price will be lower if the roof is covered, and interior work not done.

Selecting window type and installation location

The opening parameters are selected taking into account the quadrature of the attic room and the gap between the rafters. It is desirable that the window is located between the rafters.

According to the accepted rules, the size of such a window should be at least 10% of the area of ​​​​the room. Its width must be made 4-6 centimeters less than the gap between the rafters. When it is too small, for example, 60 centimeters, you can mount two windows side by side, placing them in adjacent sections.

The height of the installation is affected by the angle of inclination of the slope and the location of the handle on the window. On steep roofs, it is desirable to place the window opening at the bottom, and on flat ones - at the top. For a window in this case, the optimal distance from the floor is approximately 80–130 centimeters. When the handle is at the top, the window structure is mounted at a height of 100 - 110, and if at the bottom - 120 -130 centimeters.

In addition, the type of roofing affects the height of the window. For example, when it is planned to install ceramic tiles, you need to remember that you can not cut it. The window in this case should be located above the tiles. If the products are sheet, you can cut holes in them in the right place. By the way, so that the window does not fog up, is not subjected to icing, condensate does not collect on it, a heater is placed under it.

When the number of windows, their parameters and the place of installation are selected, you need to correctly purchase a salary for them. Window products from different manufacturers have their own characteristics and differences in configuration. Window accessories should be selected from a specific manufacturer from the same product line, as can be seen from the markings on the products.

Preparing a place for a window

There is a certain order on how to make a skylight at home correctly. In the case when the roof is ready, and interior decoration missing, from inside the room on waterproofing material mark the location of the opening. The distance from it to the elements of the truss system should not exceed 2-3 centimeters.

The window in this situation is mounted on the rafters and the lower beam. Next, its lower location is outlined, for profiled materials, 9 centimeters recede, and for flat ones - 4-6 centimeters. Then mark the top point of the window structure and lay up 9-15 centimeters.

When cutting out the waterproofing film, a 20-centimeter margin is left around the perimeter. The remains of the canvas are wrapped inside the attic, the roofing is removed or a hole is cut out in it. The elements of the crate are cut off, stepping back from the rafters 2 centimeters.

At the bottom of the window there is a mounting bar, having a thickness of at least 50 millimeters, at a distance of 8–10 centimeters from the crate. It is mounted horizontally according to the level. The lower end of the waterproofing is fixed with a stapler to the timber, and the upper end to the crate. In this case, the side edges are taken out.

Mounting the frame in the roof with your own hands

Complete with window products there is always an instruction from the manufacturer on how to make a skylight. It is necessary to follow it, since the design of window products for attics and the methods of its installation are different.

For example, in some cases, the brackets are rectangular and need to be fixed only to the rafters, while in others they are coal and are attached to the crate or to the rafters. But the main thing is that these products are fixed on the frame in different positions.

To make the sash easy to mount, it should be removed as described in the instructions. It is necessary to leave a bare frame, therefore, if there is a salary on the window, it is removed.

The lower brackets must be fixed completely, and the upper ones not completely, since the frame will still have to be adjusted. The sash is returned to its place, covered and checked for distortions. Adjustment is made using the top mount. As a result, the window should be absolutely level, and the sash should fit evenly on all sides. In the future, it will be impossible to eliminate the shortcomings.

After completing the adjustment, all fasteners must be securely tightened. Next to window frame fix the lateral waterproofing, cut off the excess. A heater is placed in the side openings.

Window waterproofing device

An insulating apron is a must. Above the installed window on both sides, cut off a piece of the crate, which is equal to the width of the drainage gutter, and cut the material for waterproofing in the middle of this place. A gutter is brought under it and placed in the gap between the crate. As a result, water will begin to drain from the film into it, and not fall on the window.

Next, the apron is unfolded and placed around the window so that it prevents leaks. It is attached to the frame, upper crate, rafters and timber with a stapler, after which the edges are placed under the crate, while the upper part is laid under the gutter. Now the roofing material under the window can be returned to its original place.

How to make salary installation

It begins to mount from the bottom up. First of all, install the lower apron, then the side parts and the upper edge, and finally, the lining.

The installation of salaries from each of the manufacturers has its own features, so you need to use the instructions. So Roto products have a rubber seal on the frame, the salary is wound under it. Fakro window products do not have a sealing element, and the salary is attached directly to the frame, and covered with additional details on top.

All elements of the salary are joined, after which they are attached to the frame and crate. The lower apron is fixed to the roof covering from above. To install the roofing material on the salary, you need to attach a special element. At the end of the work, the sash is hung and the protective coating is removed.

In order to seal the joints between the frame and the opening, mounting foam should not be used, only special sealants should be used.

In a private house, every meter of usable area counts. The owners are thinking about how to rationally use free and utility rooms. A striking example of turning a useless empty attic into a cozy living space is the arrangement of the attic. In the second half of the 17th century, the famous French architect Francois Mansart, after whom the attic was named, drew attention to abandoned attic spaces and suggested using them as living rooms for the poor.

Since then, the concept of using these areas has evolved so that today the attic is a cozy, bright, warm and comfortable place to relax and live, equipped with all necessary communications and beautifully decorated. If you spend necessary work in terms of insulation, insulation and decoration, the attic can act as a full-fledged residential floor, in which there will be bedrooms for residents, and bathrooms with bathrooms, dressing rooms. In high-rise buildings, the most expensive real estate is luxuriously finished attic rooms - penthouses.

This solution gives the house a lot of advantages:

  • increase in living and usable area;
  • excellent overview of the site and surrounding landscapes;
  • improving the design and appearance of the building;
  • reduction of heat loss, heating costs.

When designing, one of the important tasks is the correct placement of skylights to ensure maximum daylight.


During the construction of the attic, it is necessary to strictly observe the current building codes and regulations. According to SNiPs, the glazing area should be at least 10% of the total footage of the illuminated room. It should also be taken into account that the sun rotates during daylight hours and will shine through the windows for only a few hours. Every room must have at least one window.

Dormer windows are mounted directly into the roof slope, so they differ significantly from the front windows both in terms of technical characteristics and design.

Attic frames have the following advantages:

  • A tilted window increases daylight penetration by 30-40% compared to vertical glazing, saving energy and lighting costs.
  • A specially designed system allows you to ventilate the rooms and provide sufficient ventilation and fresh air in any weather.
  • Together with the light in the rooms, comfort is added, a comfortable and warm atmosphere of a lived-in home is created.
  • Frames have increased heat and sound insulation, in closed they are sealed.
  • Frames do not rot, do not fade, do not require re-painting.

  • Glass made of special triplex withstands high mechanical loads; when broken, it does not spill out, but is covered with a network of cracks, remaining in the frame.
  • Triplex has the ability to scatter light rays, which prevents furniture and things from fading and creates comfortable lighting for the eyes.
  • If you have building skills and knowledge of technology, you can install windows on your own.

If there are no such skills, it is better to entrust the installation to experienced professionals in order to avoid errors and problems during use.

During the installation and operation of such double-glazed windows, disadvantages and difficulties may appear, which have the following solutions:

  • In the warm season, in summer, the temperature rises above the norm, it becomes very hot. This problem can be solved by installing a window on the north slope of the roof or by hanging special reflective curtains or film, blinds. You can also increase the layer of thermal insulation and make a visor or overhang that shade the window.
  • Violation of tightness, leakage, formation of condensate, ice. Buying non-certified or fake cheap double-glazed windows, installation errors, can lead to such problems. Frozen water creates an increased load on the frame seals, over time, deformation occurs in the seals and it becomes possible for moisture to seep into the room. The solution is strict adherence to technology and proper window care. It is recommended to clean the seals and treat them with liquid silicone grease.
  • High cost, which is twice the price of conventional metal-plastic windows. A more complex device, materials and accessories of increased strength increase the price of the product. Proper quality and reliability in use are guaranteed only by large well-known brands for their products.

Windows purchased with a guarantee will last a long time and will not cause trouble for the owners.

Types of structures

Roof windows differ in the material of manufacture and in design. There are blind closed double-glazed windows that can be made to order, or standard version with opening doors. The double-glazed window consists of a double layer of triplex with an interval of a special film that prevents fragments from flying around the room. The top layer of the double-glazed window is made of tempered glass, which has a large margin of safety.

Double-glazed windows for various weather and temperature conditions regions are produced with different technical characteristics. For cold northern regions, it is preferable to choose a multi-layer double-glazed window, in each chamber of which an inert gas is pumped to retain heat. For hot and sunny countries, it is recommended to buy double-glazed windows with reflective films, mirror and tinted coatings.

The frames are wooden - they are made of glued laminated timber, impregnated with antiseptic compounds and varnished for outdoor use.

Wooden beams are covered with polyurethane for strength. Natural material fits perfectly into the interior of the country and country house.

Frames with PVC plastic profile are produced. This plastic is light and has fire-fighting characteristics, frost-resistant.

Aluminum metal profiles are widely used in public and office buildings.

Armored frames are also available to build attic structures - they are heavier and stronger than standard ones and withstand extreme mechanical and weather loads.

Opening mechanisms are available with manual or automated remote control. There are windows with an upper axis of rotation, with a central one, with a raised axis. There are also two axes of rotation on the frame, controlled by one handle. Opening occurs in two positions - folding and turning.

"Smart" windows are controlled using a remote control or a wall keyboard, which are also connected to blinds or shutters, roller shutters, curtains. It is possible to program it to close when it begins to rain, then the window closes to the "ventilation" position. Window automation can be integrated into the " smart home", climate control system. With a critical increase in temperature in the room, the doors will open electrically, and at the first drops of rain, a special sensor will give the command to close. The program controls the processes during the absence of the residents of the house, maintaining the set humidity and temperature indicators.

Facade or cornice double-glazed windows are placed at the junction of the facade and the roof, they combine the characteristics of ordinary windows and attic windows. They look very original and increase the flow of light entering the room.

You can buy a structure in the form of a dormer window, only with transparent walls for more illumination.

The transforming window, when opened, turns into a small comfortable balcony; when closed, it has a standard look.

Anti-aircraft windows are designed for installation on flat roofs and constructed with a special slanted frame to prevent the sun from hitting it directly.

Light tunnels are placed in the presence of an attic space above the attic. The window itself is mounted in the roof, a corrugated pipe is attached, which transmits the rays to the ceiling, which scatters the flow of light.

Sizes and shapes

The shape of a standard slanted window is rectangular, it can also be square. The design consists of a frame and a sash, a sealant, fittings, a salary. Standard frames are mounted on inclined flat roof slopes.

Arc or arched frames have a curved shape. They are designed for slopes of the appropriate shape, vaulted roofs.

Round windows are produced that look original and romantic in the interior.

Combined frames consist of two parts. The lower part is usually rectangular in shape. The upper window is called an extension and can be both rectangular and triangular, semicircular.

The sizes of windows and their dimensions depend on various individual parameters, angles and dimensions of the room and roof:

  • the width of the frame is determined by the distance between the roof rafters;
  • the height is calculated by placing the lower and upper levels of the window so that it is convenient to open and look into it;
  • the angle of inclination of the roof is also taken into account.

The factories produce a wide range of products of standard dimensions.

If no option suits the client or he wants an exclusive, then there is the possibility of ordering. A measurer will come from the office and take measurements for free, calculate the parameters, draw up drawings. Large and curly shapes are made to order and various sizes frames.

In addition to the drawing, the attic arrangement project requires a window layout, a working estimate.

Necessary tools and accessories

In addition to the frames and double-glazed windows themselves, manufacturing companies produce various additional accessories and components for installation, protection during operation, opening control, maintenance. These accessories are indoor, outdoor, they change the characteristics, add functionality, decorate and complete the composition. Installation is possible after installation of windows or during it.

External accessories:

  • The flashing is mounted on top of the frame and protects the joint between the window and the roof from rainwater and other precipitation. For different types roofs, salaries of various prices are selected, therefore salaries are not included in the cost of windows. To ensure maximum waterproofing of the window, the salary is recessed into the roof covering by 6 cm. They are made various forms, including for cornices and skates. For different types of roofs, corresponding salaries are issued. The higher the wave of roofing, the higher the salary is bought.
  • Awnings shade the window opening and reduce light transmission, create coolness on hot summer days, protect from ultraviolet radiation, taking up to 65% of the light. Other advantages of awnings are noise reduction, rain effect. At the same time, the view when looking at the street through the awning mesh is not distorted.
  • Roller shutters completely close the opening and are an effective barrier to intruders, as well as significantly reduce the level of noise coming from the street. Models of roller shutters are sold, manually operated by a rod or using a solar-powered remote control.
  • Drives for automatic opening and closing are mains operated or solar panels. They allow you to automate the process of controlling the movement of the valves.
  • The mortise lock is an additional means of home security.

Internal accessories:

  • The mosquito net is made of fiberglass and an aluminum frame and is installed along special guides that prevent the product from being torn off during strong gusts of wind. The mesh allows sunlight to pass through completely, but keeps dust, insects, lint and debris out.
  • Blinds are available in a wide range color scheme and allow you to change the angle and degree of illumination or completely darken the room. Equipped with remote control systems.
  • Roller blinds shade the room and are a decorative element of the interior of rooms, hide the room from prying eyes. Pleated curtains look very attractive, giving the interior airiness and modern look. Coating applied on top roller blinds, reduces the temperature in the room in the summer heat. To control and move curtains, telescopic retractable rods are used.

Curtains can be installed and fixed in any position thanks to special guides. Curtains are easy to care for, they are easy to clean with detergents.

Additional accessories and fittings:

  • Bottom handles for convenience manual opening high-positioned frames, while the upper handles block. The handle is usually equipped with a lock.
  • The telescoping rod and stick are manual controls for doors, blinds, mosquito nets and curtains. Intermediate elements for rods are sold, the prefabricated structure reaches a length of 2.8 m.
  • Vapor and waterproofing kits are produced ready for installation, making installation faster and easier.
  • Ready-made slopes made of PVC are easily mounted from the inside of the room and do not require painting.
  • The factory equipment often includes corners for installation, fastening materials - galvanized nails. Also on the list is a vapor barrier apron, special sealant and adhesive tape.
  • A drainage gutter, which must be mounted above the window opening, serves to drain rainwater and condensate.

Films for gluing on glass with a mirror or tinted effect reduce the temperature in the attic in summer and shade the room.

For installation work you will need the following tools:

  • linear or circular saw or hacksaw;
  • construction stapler;
  • roulette and level;
  • screwdriver and fasteners;
  • electroscissors nibbling, perforated for metal cutting;
  • pincers "corrugation";
  • drill.

How to install with your own hands?

Installation of roof windows is recommended to be carried out at the stage of construction of the truss system. This is a complex and time-consuming process that is best left to professionals, but if necessary, installation can be done on your own, having essential tool, skills and experience in the field of construction, knowledge of technology. The designs of various manufacturing companies are installed in different ways, they have separate features of the installation technology.

Location is a very important aspect that affects the overall composition of the building, technical characteristics, proper functioning and service life of not only windows, but the entire roof. It is necessary to take a house project with detailed dimensions, it will be possible to make accurate calculations from them.

There are certain rules for choosing the optimal and safe place.

  • at the junction of horizontal surfaces;
  • close to chimneys and ventilation outlets;
  • on the slopes of the so-called valley, which forms internal corners.

In these areas, the maximum accumulation of precipitation and condensate occurs, which greatly complicates the operating conditions and increases the risk of fogging and leakage.

Height window openings from the floor level is determined by the height of the handle. If it is located at the top of the sash, then the optimal window height is 110 cm from the floor. At this height, it is convenient to open the sash manually. If the handle is located at the bottom of the glass, the height cannot be less than 130 cm, especially if children are in the attic, and the maximum height is 170 cm. points - radiators under the windows. They are placed there to prevent condensation. The steepness of the slopes also affects the location of the structure - the smaller the angle of inclination, the higher the window is placed.

The type and properties of the roofing material also determine the location. Soft or rolled material can be cut in the right place, but the tiles must be solid. In this case, the opening is placed above the row of tiles.

The window landing depth has three standard values ​​provided by the manufacturer. Outside the window structure, special grooves are cut, marked with the letters N, V ​​and J, indicating different planting depths. Flashings for each depth are made separately, supplied with the appropriate marking, where the depth is indicated by the last letter, for example, EZV06.

Installation of frames is carried out in the intervals between the rafters at a distance of 7-10 cm from them in order to lay the heat-insulating material. The truss system provides the strength of the roof, so it is undesirable to violate its integrity.

If the frame does not fit into the rafter pitch, it is better to install two smaller ones instead of one large window. When the removal of a part of the rafter is still necessary, it is imperative to install a special horizontal bar for strength.

To calculate the dimensions of the opening, you need to add to the size of the window a gap of 2-3.5 cm for laying insulation on four sides. Mineral wool often acts as a heat-insulating material. A mounting gap is left between the opening and the cutout of the roof, the width of which is determined by the type of roofing material. For tiles, for example, it should be 9 cm. To avoid skewing the window when the house shrinks, the gap between the upper beam and the roof is 4-10 cm.

Installation is desirable on the rafters, but it is also possible on a special crate. The lathing bars are installed between the rafters strictly horizontally in level. Outside, a drainage gutter is attached above the planned opening. It is mounted at an angle so that condensate flows freely onto the roof, bypassing the window. You can make such a gutter with your own hands by folding a piece of waterproofing sheet in half.

When all dimensions are calculated, you can draw and cut a drywall opening layout. On the finished waterproofing of the inside of the roof or on the finish, it is also necessary to draw an outline of the opening, drill several holes to relieve stress and prevent deformation. Then saw through with tape or circular saw crosswise two strips and cut the resulting triangles, adjust the edges strictly according to the outline. The waterproofing is cut with the same envelope and wrapped outward, attaching to the crate.

If metal tiles, slate, corrugated board or sheet iron are used as the roofing material, then an opening is sawn from the outside using a similar technology. If the roof is covered with tiles, you should first disassemble the coating, and then cut it out. Lay the heat insulator and shoot with a stapler to the mounting bars. After all work is completed, the dismantled elements of the roofing are returned to their place.

Before mounting the frame in the prepared opening, you need to remove the double-glazed window and remove the salary. Mounting brackets are included and vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. They are also fastened in different ways: some on the rafters, others on the rafters and on the crate. Mounting brackets are also included as standard, they are equipped with a measuring ruler for the correct adjustment of the position of the frame in the opening. Screws and galvanized nails are used as fastening material.

The frame without a double-glazed window must be installed in place in the window opening and correct the position of the bottom edge of the box, screw the bottom brackets to the stop. It is better to leave the upper mounts with play and not completely tighten to facilitate subsequent adjustment. Experts advise inserting the sash into the frame to check for a snug fit and correct gaps. At this stage, all levels, angles and distances are checked, inaccuracies are corrected, the frame is adjusted into place using plastic corners. In the future, the correction of distortions will be impossible. After adjustment, the sash is carefully dismantled again so as not to damage the hinges.

After adjusting and fitting, the brackets are twisted tightly and a waterproofing apron is laid around the box, the top of the apron is placed under the drainage gutter, one edge of the apron is shot with a stapler to the frame, and the other is led under the crate. Thermal insulation is attached along the side parts of the frame.

The installation of the salary must be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. For different brands, it varies, and their equipment is also different. In any case, the lower part of the salary is mounted first, then the side elements, and then the upper part, and only at the end are the overlays installed.

From the inside, the finishing of the window and the installation of ready-made factory slopes are carried out. Their correct position is such that the lower slope should look horizontally, and the upper one - strictly vertically, otherwise the convection of warm air around the window structure will be disturbed, and unwanted condensate will appear. The slopes are fixed mainly by snapping onto special locks.


Mansard window structures plastic pvc profiles are offered by all major well-known manufacturing companies. Due to the properties of plastic, a line of such products is used in rooms with high levels of humidity, in regions with a humid climate. A good solution is to install a PVC transformer window. When opening the lower sash, a small balcony is formed. Complex structures are also glazed with plastic frames, for example, balconies and loggias in gables, if desired or available beautiful views you can make glass the entire section of the pediment from floor to ceiling.

These frames have several fixation positions, their opening mechanism is along the central axis. Double-glazed windows with tempered glass withstand significant mechanical loads and even the weight of a person. For comfortable ventilation, ventilation valves with special removable filters are provided; they are designed to purify the air in the room with the windows closed.

The service life of plastic frames with regular inspection and preventive care is at least 30 years. You don't need to constantly paint them.


The most popular material for attic frames is wood. Since the tree absorbs moisture, swells, and dries out under the influence of the sun, such material is not used without special protective measures. Basically, they use northern pine, the reliability and strength of which has been tested for centuries, solid or glued laminated timber. It is impregnated with antiseptics and coated with a double layer of varnish. In this case, the tree does not rot, does not deform, and acquires durability. Some manufacturers cover the wooden pine beam with monolithic polyurethane. This coating increases the service life of the box and gives it extra strength.

The main advantage of wood is environmental friendliness, safety for human health. Thanks to the beautiful natural texture, reinforced with varnish, it looks natural and harmonious in the interior, emphasizing the atmosphere of a country house. These windows are the most affordable and have the widest range of models and varieties, fixtures and opening mechanisms. These frames can be both vertical and installed in a dormer window in the roof, and inclined for installation on roof slopes at an angle. They are perfect for offices, bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms.


Aluminum roof frames are mainly used in offices, hospitals, administrative buildings for various purposes. They have a rigid, durable construction, relatively light weight, withstand strong and sharp temperature fluctuations - from -80 to + 100 degrees.

The metal profile is cold and warm type.

You can choose the most suitable shade from a rich palette of colors that are painted metal profiles. During operation, they do not require any preventive maintenance, except for washing the glass.

Installing roof windows is a time-consuming and responsible business. Experienced professionals share many years of experience and give valuable advice according to them correct installation in order to avoid errors and errors during installation, as well as preventive care for them so that they serve reliably for as long as possible.

  • Failure by the buyer to comply with the manufacturer's instructions when self-assembly may void your warranty rights.
  • Upon acceptance of a window delivered from the factory or from a store, it should be carefully inspected for integrity and conformity with the configuration, dimensions, visual defects and packaging damage. In case of non-compliance with the requirements, the acceptance certificate should not be signed.
  • It is not recommended to use mounting foam for installation. In this case, only special insulating sealants are needed. Mounting foam will not provide waterproofing, and when it hardens and expands, it will create an additional load on the frame and can move structural elements and jam the sash.

Before mounting the box, be sure to remove the sash from the frame so as not to damage the hinges. After the box will stand in the opening in its place, its position will be adjusted, the sash is put back.

  • After installing the box, it should be insulated, carefully tucking mineral wool around the window and be sure to lay under the slopes.
  • Adjustment is made at the stage of baiting the box, and only then are the fasteners tightened to the stop. At the subsequent stages of installation, the correction of the position of the box is not possible.
  • When buying, be sure to check the complete set, the compatibility of all components and components of the structure, compare the dimensions with the project or drawing, draw up an agreement in which you indicate all the nuances of the order.
  • Products must be certified and have all accompanying and warranty documents, as well as detailed instructions installation and correct operation.
  • Mounting the box on the rafters is much stronger, but when mounted on the crate, it is easier to align the frame.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

The most well-known and large companies that are leaders in the construction market of skylights and accessories for them offer customers high-quality certified products, as well as additional accessories and means of preventive treatment of windows during the entire service life.

Danish firm Velux has been working in Russia since 1991. Unique developments and inventions have made this manufacturer one of the leaders of brands represented in Russia. In addition to the main products, the company offers customers a full range of components and accessories that are fully compatible with windows. Innovative material used by the company for production wooden frames- Northern pine, proven for centuries in Europe, impregnated with antiseptic compounds and covered with monolithic polyurethane or a double layer of varnish.

Among the numerous patented inventions, one can note a unique ventilation system equipped with fine filters and a special window-valve built into the opening handle for comfortable ventilation.

On the "warm perimeter" glazing, which uses energy-saving double-glazed windows filled with argon, a steel dividing bar is placed. Thanks to it, condensation does not form along the perimeter of the window.

No drafts and gaps, a three-level sealing system, silicone instead of a sealant, only innovative and proven materials - all this is provided by the company's products. According to the results of examinations, Velux windows adequately withstand frosts down to -55 degrees and are recommended for installation in the northern regions.

The main line of Velux models is produced in large and medium sizes.

german windows Roto first appeared in 1935. The products of this company are manufactured from high-quality plastic multi-chamber PVC profile. The windows of this company are distinguished by small and medium dimensions. Standard sizes- 54x78 and 54x98. All best properties The materials of Roto products are ideal for the climatic conditions of our country, sudden changes in the weather, a large abundance of precipitation.

It is possible to install piston electric drives on Roto sashes that prevent the window from slamming, you can control the sashes using a remote control or a smart home system. Installation is allowed not only to the rafters, but also to the crate, models are available that are mounted without first removing the sash. The products of this company receive excellent reviews from both professional builders and owners of private houses who have been using German windows for many years.

Company fakro For 10 years, it has been producing structures that undergo more than 70 different checks and tests before being sold. Strength and other parameters are also tested for raw materials and components. Outside, the design is protected by overlays.

You can decorate the frame from the inside by snapping the factory-ready slope to the branded locks. Control is possible using a wall keyboard, remote controls, from a smartphone via the Internet or manually.

For the convenience of working with their products, this manufacturer has developed mobile applications, conducts regular training seminars for builders, review TV shows. To perform custom-made qualified installation of windows, there are certified teams, as well as official service centers for repair and preventive maintenance of products. There is a lifetime warranty on the glass unit and spare parts. Replacement of these components is absolutely free, regardless of the service life and the cause of damage. The creation of such an infrastructure for the convenience of purchase and maintenance allowed the company to gain well-deserved popularity and become one of the leaders in the Russian market.

Successful examples and options

​​​​​​Designers and architects create impressive buildings - real works of architectural art, which combine imposing and modern openness and lightness of interiors. The variety of complex fantasy shapes and the boldness of skylight solutions are amazing. The rapid development of building technologies and innovations makes it possible to design unusual attics that reflect the individuality and taste of the owners.

Making repairs in the attic, the owners think through and decoration window openings. Hanging heavy and curtains in such interiors is undesirable. It's better to prioritize light curtains, blinds, roller shutters. A harmonious combination of shades will create a modern, light and cozy interior.

Or even a bathroom or sauna. In many ways, the convenience of living in such a room will depend on right choice windows, their type, quantity and location.

Installation of skylights is a responsible business. Indeed, with improper installation, such troubles as roof leaks and cooling of the room in winter are possible. About what are the roof windows and what is the technology of their tie-in and we'll talk in this article.

Types of skylights

You can install skylights, if desired, on the gables. Sometimes they are located obliquely in the plane of the roof itself. Dormer windows in the attic are also used. In this case, the structure is mounted vertically in a special "birdhouse". The choice of one or another option depends both on the characteristics and on the personal preferences of the owners of the house themselves. You can see how roof windows of various designs look in the photo gallery below.

Design features

Attic windows can vary greatly in their design features. To date, there are such types:

  1. Cornice. This design is used in attics with a high wall. At the same time, a vertical additional element is installed under the main sash;
  2. Inclined with bottom element. The top of this option opens. The lower one is deaf;

Skylights. Photo of structures with a lower element and eaves

  1. Balcony. In this case, a vertical one is connected to the inclined structure, which is part of the balcony parapet;

Balcony skylights look very unusual

  1. Extensions. Both triangular and semicircular options are used. Such an addition harmoniously fits into the exterior of the building and looks good in the interior of the attic room;

Skylights. Photo of decorative extensions

  1. Light tunnel. In the event that a small attic is also located above, a window can be arranged on it. The room is illuminated through a reflective tunnel-pipe.
  2. At the output, a diffuser light flux is installed.
On a note: A light tunnel can be a great option for attic, hi-tech or minimalism. A taco ceiling will fit in well in a loft style.

Attic living space can be illuminated through the attic

  1. Standard. Such designs may have a rectangular or square shape. They consist of a frame and one sash. Sometimes deaf variants are also used. At desire it is possible to establish also such dormer-windows. Deaf designs, however, are practically not found on sale. They are usually made to order. Standard designs are used in attic living quarters most often;

Types by way of opening

Among other things, roof windows can differ in the way they open. If desired, you can install the following types of structures:

  1. Variant with the axis of rotation located in the center. These are the most popular skylights. Reviews about them are extremely positive. They are very easy to care for and can be mounted on slopes with any slope;
  2. Mansard hatch. Opens along the side axis;

Windows in the attic. Photo of a roof hatch and a window with a central axis of rotation

  1. Raised axle option;
  2. Bottom axle option. The sashes of such structures open forward;
On a note: Fans of special comfort should buy electric windows. You can open and close the doors of such structures using the remote control.

The material used to make the profile

Front windows can be made of PVC, aluminum or wood. In ordinary rooms, these can be installed all of these varieties. If the attic is equipped with a bathroom or sauna, wooden structures better not to use. In this case, it is worth installing plastic or aluminum roof windows. Metal-plastic structures can also be a good option.

Thus, the windows on the attic floor can be opened with the most different ways and have different design. Perhaps these photos will help someone make a choice:

Roof windows installation technology

Installation of skylights is carried out in compliance with certain rules. The frame should be mounted so that its lower edge is approximately 120 cm from the floor. The color of the flashings should be in harmony with the color of the roofing material. It is best to mount frames up to. The sashes are inserted later. Of course, roof windows can also be installed on an already finished roof. In this case, it is first necessary to draw the corresponding drawing.

Window opening preparation

Installation of a window structure is usually carried out between the rafters. Skylights, the dimensions of which are most often standard (550mm), fit into this opening almost perfectly. Of course, only if the step between the rafters is approximately 600mm (which happens most often). The following are instructions for preparing a window opening:

  1. At the first stage, a place under the frame is marked. In this case, 45 mm should be added to the height of the frame, and 60 mm to the width;
  2. Further on the markup, the skin is removed. To cut the lining, you can use an electric saw;
  3. After that, you need to remove the heater. Trimming of the crate and insulation in the roof is carried out parallel to the floor at the top and strictly vertically at the bottom. As a result, the resulting opening will be larger inside than outside. This will allow light to enter the room unhindered;

The opening from the inside of the attic should be wider than the outside

  1. In order to insert the frame, you also need to cut the crate and cut a hole in the metal tile or profiled sheet (or remove the tile);
Important: When inserting a structure into a roof covered with tiles on the sides, the opening must be released by removing two rows of tiles.
  1. Further, an additional structure made of timber is installed in the opening, on which the frame will subsequently be attached. From the outside, on the roof, the size of the bars should correspond to the size of the bars of the crate.

The frame is mounted on a special construction of timber

Window preparation

After preparing the opening, the actual installation of the roof windows is carried out. The video presents this process step by step:

The first step is to pull the sash out of the frame. All components fixed for its safe transportation are removed from the purchased window. The sash from different manufacturers can be removed in different ways. Most often, you just need to press the lock of the rotary mechanism and disengage the sash.

Next, the frame of the skylights is being prepared. Do-it-yourself installation of a profile in the opening is carried out using special plates that come with the kit. These elements must be attached to the frame on both sides and in the corners. This is done with screws.

The frame is attached to the box on special metal plates.

How to install a skylight

You need to mount the roof window from the side of the street. The frame is installed in a block box in such a way that there is a gap of 20 - 30 mm between them for insulation. Preliminary fastening is carried out only on the two upper plates. Frame insertion is also performed using screws.

Before you mount the roof windows with your own hands further, you need to insert the previously removed sash into the frame. After installation, it is closed and checked how correctly it “stood” in the frame. Then you need to wrap all the screws in the fixing metal plates, securing the frame completely.

Important: Before the frame is finally fixed, its position in the box should be corrected. The profile must be located in a plane strictly parallel to the plane of the roof.

The roof window is inserted into the opening and fixed on the plates

Window sealing

In order for the windows not to leak, they should be waterproofed. Under the box, you need to mount a protective apron, usually included in the kit. This element is attached to the bottom of the frame. The next step is to install side aprons. Next, an apron is inserted in the upper part of the window and a metal tide is attached here.

In order to prevent leaks, a waterproofing apron is mounted.

To insulate the structure, you can use any modern material. Basalt wool is best suited for this purpose. It is inserted between the roofing material and the paving construction.

Important: Mounting foam for sealing and insulation it is better not to use. Expanding, it often shifts structural elements from their place. As a result, the sashes may jam.

Compliance with all technologies is a guarantee that you will get good roof windows. Installing (the video confirms this) them is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
