Situations with the purchase and sale of an apartment, cottage or land usually make us pretty worried. Will the deal go through, will it be possible to find a suitable option, what problems will you face, will the seller or buyer be honest? All these questions can bring a person to real stress. But it turns out that all these nuances can be learned in advance with the help of a magic deck of cards. And today we will look at the Tarot real estate layout, which will help you figure out such cases.

In what situations can real estate spreads be used?

Such fortune-telling can be carried out on absolutely any situation, if you sell, buy or exchange Vacation home, apartment, townhouse, plot of land, in a word, you are going to carry out a real estate transaction. With the help of the Tarot layout for the sale of real estate, for example, you can find out in advance whether the apartment will quickly find its buyer, whether it will be possible to sell it for the desired price, whether potential applicants will refuse the transaction at the last moment.

Fortune-telling for the purchase of real estate will help you evaluate the prospects of the chosen option, find out if there will be any problems in the new place, if the seller is hiding something from you. Also, some layouts can be used if you want to rent a house.

Tarot layout "Real Estate" from Anna Kotelnikova

This Tarot layout for real estate, presented in the book of Anna Kotelnikova, can be used both in case of purchase and in case of sale. It will allow you to evaluate the pros and cons of buying or selling a home, and also tell you what effect the transaction will have on your life.

The layout is performed with a full deck, from which, after formulating the question and mixing, 11 arbitrary cards are selected. We lay out the cards in accordance with the picture.

The meaning of the positions

  • Cards 1, 2, 3 will tell you about the physical condition of the property you are buying or selling.
  • Positions 4, 5 and 6 will describe the energy state of the premises being sold or bought
  • 7, 8 - will give an answer to the question of what will leave your life along with the sale or purchase
  • 9, 10 - they will say what this deal will bring into your life if it is concluded
  • 11 - Advice from the cards on what you should do

Tarot layout "Purchase" for the purchase of real estate

This alignment for the purchase of real estate Tarot was proposed by Andrey Kostenko in the book “Tarot Waite as a system. History, theory and practice”. It can be used to evaluate possible risks, learn about the pitfalls of housing for sale, and also understand whether you will be satisfied in the end if the transaction goes through.

Divination is carried out in the standard way on a full deck. The diagram is shown above. Card positions are interpreted as follows:

  • S - Significator describing what you are going to buy
  1. Will this deal go through?
  2. What is the condition of the property for sale?
  3. Is now the right time to buy?
  4. Compliance of the declared price with the real value of this property
  5. Will the questioner be satisfied with the purchase if the deal goes through?

Tarot layout "Sale" for the sale of real estate

We present you another fortune-telling from the book of Andrei Kostenko - this time we will talk about selling an apartment, house or cottage. The alignment is best done when you already have a potential buyer, and you want to know if this deal will take place, if you have underestimated the price, if your home will fall into good hands.

Position values

  • S - Significator describing what you are selling.
  1. The answer to the question "Is it necessary to carry out this transaction?"
  2. Will the property for sale fall into good hands?
  3. Is now the right time to sell?
  4. Correspondence of the real value of the given housing, assigned by the asking price
  5. Result, will this deal go through

The layout of the "Key to the apartment" on the Tarot cards

If you are going to buy or rent an apartment and are considering several options, try to make a Key to the Apartment Tarot spread for each potential home to see which one will turn out to be better in terms of condition, energy, living conditions, neighbors. Fortune-telling is carried out with a full deck, laying out cards according to the scheme given above.

The meaning of the positions

  1. Describes the physical condition of the apartment (whether repairs are required, the presence of hidden flaws that the seller is silent about)
  2. Describes the energy state of the dwelling (what kind of people lived in the apartment, did any accidents or deaths occur in it)
  3. Tells all about future neighbors
  4. It will show how comfortable the environmental conditions and infrastructure in the chosen place will be for you
  5. What will this apartment bring to your life if you buy or rent it?
  6. Advice from cards on what to do

Tarot layout "Housing rental"

This fortune-telling, found on the Internet, is suitable for those who want to rent out housing for a long time and are afraid that some problems will arise with tenants. Guessing on a full deck.

The meaning of the positions of the cards in the Tarot real estate layout:

  1. General description of the situation
  2. How will the process go, will there be any unforeseen difficulties before the tenants move in and the contract is concluded
  3. How will your relationship with the new tenants develop?
  4. What feelings will you experience during the period while strangers live in your housing
  5. In what condition will the tenants maintain the apartment?
  6. Will you be able to agree with them on the amount of rent you want to receive?
  7. What is the real cost of renting this property?
  8. What are the hidden disadvantages of your home, what is better to keep silent about
  9. What are the advantages of renting an apartment, which should be mentioned
  10. Advice from cards on how to act

As you can see, real estate tarot spreads can be great helpers in such a troublesome business as buying, selling and renting a home.

From time immemorial, people have been striving to possess the desired home, in which they will feel comfortable and cozy. Of course, buying an apartment becomes the most important event in the life of any family. And today is the most emotional investment. In search of what they want, people take various activities, renting, moving, buying and selling such objects. Such large purchases (sales) are made by a person quite rarely throughout life, which leave their mark on a serious approach to the decision.

The time for making such decisions, according to market experts, is about two months. Weighing all the pros and cons, a person will not always be able to take into account the nuances that he may not even be aware of. And here advice from Tarot cards can come to his aid, showing the pros and cons, timeliness and hidden factors of the present and future.

In what situations can you use Real Estate Tarot spreads?

The Tarot real estate layout is recommended to be used when a person doubts the correctness of his choice and cannot stop at the proposed options in the event of a purchase, exchange, sale or lease. What are the possibilities for the implementation of plans, where are the points of tension.

He may also be concerned about the condition of his home. It is extremely important to know where we live. The energy background of the apartment (house) itself, the environment, the environmental friendliness of the area, the friendliness of the neighbors, or, on the contrary, tense relationships have a very strong effect on our emotional plane. And, as a result, throughout our lives as a whole.

Spreads are useful for people who find themselves in a difficult situation at one of the crossroads of their lives. The Tarot gives a clear and direct answer in which direction it is preferable to move on, when it is time to start and how long this path will be.

The positions of the alignment will show whether the transaction will be successful, and indicate errors in behavior: is there any cunning and deceit in such transactions. This may indicate hidden defects (eliminating them, you can lose a lot of money), problems with documents and the legal cleanliness of the object.

The layout on the Tarot cards can indicate what kind of income you should count on (your own or others), whether it will be borrowed funds, and in what amounts. What difficulties may arise in the future with a mortgage or payment. Sometimes people run after luxury housing, investing to the last penny, and then unexpected events come up that knock the ground out from under their feet, driving him into financial dependence- and the person has to assign the rights, or urgently sell it. It is much easier to pass through an obstacle knowing about it.

Real estate tarot spread

This layout is convenient to use to determine the potential of real estate. Her condition, inventory condition. Whether it requires repair or cardinal structural changes.

The alignment is done on a full deck. 8 positions are laid out on one card. Pay attention when the Major Arcana cards fall out. They will point out the most significant points in the layout, which you need to pay special attention to.

The meaning of card positions

  1. The attitude of the questioner to the apartment, house, housing
  2. The condition of the house (housing) in material terms
  3. The need for repair, modernization
  4. The condition of the inventory (furniture, plumbing, wiring) in the house
  5. Structural changes in the home (material, or changes in family composition)
  6. Possibility or need to move
  7. Unexpected changes
  8. Implementation of planned changes

Layout scheme

From the book "Layouts and the experience of interpreting the Tarot." Alicia Shkhanovskaya, Klyuev's interpretation.

Tarot layout "Purchase" for the purchase of real estate

The Tarot layout "Purchase" is used in cases where they plan to purchase real estate and want to know what condition it is in, whether the price is adequate, whether this transaction will take place at all.

The alignment is done on a full deck. Card positions consist of 9 blocks. Lay out one card at a time. You can slightly modify this moment by laying out only the Major Arcana, and then report 2 cards for clarification Minor Arcana. Thus, you will get a more detailed picture.

Each block contains a specific set of questions. They can be set in the variant in which they suit the querent.

Layout scheme

The meaning of card positions

  1. Block (terms of search and purchase). Will I be able to find the right property within the given timeframe (whether the moment for buying is well chosen)
  2. Block (property condition). What condition is the property in (physical and energy state of the property). Real estate through the eyes of the buyer and seller. Does the property require an investment of money in terms of repairs now or in the future
  3. Block (cost). Does the value of real estate correspond to its price (area, condition, location and other factors). Is there a good bargain. Will I be able to cope with the payment on my own, or do I need a loan and outside help? Will additional investment be required?
  4. Block (help from third parties). How the buyer and the seller will be able to reach each other (through an ad, an intermediary, a realtor). And will he need help?
  5. Block (unforeseen problems, deceit). Is there any fraud on the part of the realtor or the seller. Financial cleanliness of real estate. What can be the problem during the purchase process
  6. Block (the impact of the purchase on the buyer in the future). Will I be satisfied with the purchase (will you be happy there, will its energy suit you, neighbors, etc.). How it can affect life (what will it bring new, what will you have to part with)
  7. Block (terms of the deal). Whether the transaction will take place at the agreed time. How long will it take to conclude
  8. Block. Outcome
  9. Block: Council

Author's layout of the Tarot "Sale" for the sale of real estate

The tarot real estate sale spread can show if the moment is right for the sale. Identify possible pitfalls and obstacles, give advice on whether the proposed price is worth the cost, help assess your real ability to cope with it alone - or perhaps you should seek help.

Fortune-telling involves the cards of the Major Arcana. First you need to guess the desired time for the sale of real estate. The significator in this case will be the property itself.

Layout scheme

The meaning of card positions

  1. Relevance of the sale (whether the time is good for this)
  2. What hinders the sale and what you should pay attention to
  3. Is the price set correctly? Is it worth it to make concessions with buyers
  4. Participation of third parties in the sale. How will the sale proceed without outside interference?
  5. What steps need to be taken to expedite the sale
  6. Outcome for the specified period
  7. tarot card board
  • S - Significator (real estate)

The layout of the "Key to the apartment" on the Tarot cards

The following scenario is suitable for a situation where, when making a decision to buy an apartment (house), everything suitable options studied, and you should make a choice (which option is most preferable). Usually, at this stage, men prefer the logic “promptly, profitably, costly”, and women are guided by the emotions “cozy, comfortable, good atmosphere”. And as a result of the intersection of all the nuances, a solution is born

With the help of this layout, you will learn about the physical, energetic state of the property, neighbors, environmental conditions, as well as how this purchase will affect your life.

The alignment is done on a full deck. For each proposed option separately. Then you need to compare the options and choose the most profitable.

The meaning of card positions

  • 1, 2, 3 and 4 - The physical condition of the apartment
  • 5, 6, 7 and 8 - Energy state of the apartment
  • 9, 10, 11, 12 - Neighbors
  • 13, 14, 15 and 16 - Ambient conditions
  • 17, 18, 19 and 20 - What will life in this apartment bring
  • 21 - Council

Layout scheme

The layout is taken from the book “Layouts and the experience of interpreting the Tarot” by A. Klyuev, E. Kolesov, A. Kotelnikova.

Combinations of cards of each position are interpreted as follows:

  • bottom map - soil
  • left vertical card - hidden strengths, reserves or weaknesses
  • right vertical card - openly acting forces or strong side
  • top card - prospects or opportunities

Author's layout of the Tarot "Housing rental"

This alignment is useful when it is necessary to assess the benefits of renting an apartment (office) or renting it out. With it, you can determine how the relationship with the landlord (tenant) will develop, whether any unforeseen surprises await you and how this will affect your financial condition, whether your decision is correct.

The alignment is done on a full deck. As a Council card (pos. 12), you can use another deck. Pay attention to those points in the alignment that the Major Arcana will fall into. They will show the significance of this position. The top row describes the advantages and benefits of the offer (pos. 2,4,6,8,10), the bottom row - difficulties, troubles, losses, disappointment (pos. 3,5,7,9,11).

Layout scheme

The meaning of card positions

  1. Characteristics of the variant (state of the property)
  2. Is this a good option for me (my business). Is it good for me?
  3. What events are expected as a result of renting (leasing) a house (apartment, office)
  4. How suitable is this option for me? (comfort, energy, neighbors)
  5. Unexpected events that may occur (termination of the contract ahead of time, rent increase, theft, flooding, fire)
  6. Implicit benefits of this option
  7. Hidden disadvantages of this option
  8. What will I get as a result and will I be satisfied?
  9. Does the proposed price correspond to the quality (condition) of the premises?
  10. Will there be any changes in income during the rental period?
  11. Will I be able to pay the rent on time (whether the tenant will regularly comply with the contract)
  12. Advice of cards (does it make sense to accept this offer, or is it worth looking for another option)

Fear of the future prevents you from enjoying many things in life. Compare the best scenarios with the worst, trust the cards and use common sense. Clarify the situation and consider those issues that really bother you and need to be addressed. Set priorities and gradually plunge into your investment projects, passing obstacles and feeling confident in yourself.

Fortune telling on three runes is one of the most common ways of divination. He will not give you predictions for the long term. However, this method is useful if you want to get into the essence of what is happening at the moment and know what to do. A very simple but effective method.

There are two ways to apply this divination method.

First and most fast way used for questions that require a yes or no answer. Many questions fall under this category. For example: "Should I quit my job?" or “Should I get married?” and so on.

If you choose this method, then turn over all three runes at once. If they favor you, then the answer is obviously yes. If all three runes are upside down or they are runes indicating delay, then the answer is: "No, not now."

Many people want to know more, so let's move on to the second method of fortune telling.

With this method, one rune is first turned over, its interpretation is given, and only then the remaining runes are considered. The first rune in the left corner indicates what your problem is. If you are guessing for another person, then the first rune will clarify the essence of the questioner and will help you in interpreting the remaining two RUNES.

The middle rune will tell you what steps you need to take to deal with your difficulties.

The last rune will tell you what is most likely to happen if you follow the advice given by the second rune.

Comments. Pages:

23. Sergey, 2013-01-30 19:19:28
Administration guys. when divining on three runes, in the description, it is indicated twice on the middle RUNE.
26. tatyana, 2013-02-14 12:53:06

Pages with comments.

Anyone who has ever dealt with the sale of real estate knows perfectly well how much nerves and effort this process takes. People literally lose their peace and sleep, they can neither drink nor eat. After all, it is decided extremely important question and it concerns money, sometimes considerable. Well, if you are lucky with a realtor, but what if the one who sells his corner does not have a real estate specialist at all? What to do then? Where to run for help?

Well, first of all, you need to calm down. Yes, this is the first, and perhaps the most important thing to do. You need to calm down and just let go. After all, you yourself understand that your property is for sale. People don't sell stuff like that! So why are you worse? Sell, don't hesitate. Everything has its time! And we will definitely help you!

Our collection of Conspiracies has absolutely everything. Only on Mogor you will find a consistent algorithm for cleaning your own home, as well as conspiracies for any requirement.

These are traditional Conspiracies for the sale of a house, and Conspiracies for the sale of an apartment, these are Rituals for the sale of a house, and rituals for the sale of an apartment. Moreover, here you can find conspiracies with which you can quickly exchange your apartment. And also conspiracies for the sale of a vehicle (conspiracies for the sale of a car or motorcycle). But that's not all! Conspiracies from car theft and conspiracies that should be read when you leave your home for a long time - they are also on Mogur.

Before resorting to the help of conspiracies

Sooner or later, but almost every person is faced with one very trivial need - the need to sell their house (or apartment). For some, this event turns out very quickly and profitably, while for others everything gets a stake, despite the attractiveness of the object. It seems to be an apartment in the center, and a quiet center, and three steps to the metro, and the repair is excellent, and the second floor, and the price tag is more than democratic, but still the apartment (or house) is not for sale, even if you kill yourself. What to do? How to be? how to solve this sore point?

There is a solution! Moreover, there are several solutions! And the first of them is the cleaning of the room. You can find out how to clean it by clicking on the link.

As soon as the cleaning of the premises is over, as soon as all the negativity is removed, now you can safely proceed to perform the ritual that will help you resolve the issue of selling your house or apartment. Which ritual to choose, decide for yourself.

Important conditions

Before you get started, there are a few important things to know:

  • 1. Do not do several (different) conspiracies or rituals in a row. It takes time for the ritual to work. Give the Universe the opportunity to fulfill your desire in those terms that are optimal for everyone. At the same time, the plot you have chosen can be repeated every day, if the plot itself does not say that it will be performed once.
  • 2. Any ritual, any appeal to Higher powers demands gratitude. Don't forget to thank those you contact. Gratitude can be symbolic. It doesn't matter how you thank, it is important that there be gratitude! It can be a coin, candy, or just a grain left to the birds with the message that it is for the Higher Forces.
  • 3. When performing rituals or conspiracies, you must be alone. All kinds of witnesses will only interfere and bring confusion. Nothing will come of it if someone even involuntarily interferes with you.
  • 4. When performing a ritual or reading a conspiracy, it is important not to doubt for a moment that you will succeed. This is perhaps the most important component of the whole work.
  • 5. Conspiracies for sale are best performed either on the full moon or on the new moon.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

In order to sell a house or any other property, you will need to perform a ritual. It needs spring water. If you have nowhere to take it, then river, lake, sea or even water taken from a well will do.

It is important that the water is not from the tap. Once you have been able to find such water, you need to go for it early in the morning. Pick up a bucket (or at least half a bucket) and bringing her home, slander her, and then wash the floor with this water. After that, the water must be taken out into the street and poured out there, but this must be done so that no one sees it. This conspiracy is considered very strong, there is not a single person whom he would not help.

The text of the spell is:

Mother, Key Voditsa! In all cases, my assistant!
As I wash the corners with you, I invite buyers to my house.
Let them come, let them bring me gold!
My goodness is worth it, they will forget to bargain,
They will be happy with what they see, they will want to buy in order to live in this house for a long time!
My corners will become their corners, their gold will become mine.
So be it! Now and until the end of the century!

Conspiracy at home (when you leave the house for a long time)

This plot, even if you are selling your house, is still very relevant. After all, it helps to keep it safe and sound. And this, you see, is important. So, in order to perform this ritual, you will need to buy a new padlock. It is on this castle that the slander itself will be done. To start the ritual, you need to open the lock. In the open well (not where the key is inserted, but where the spout of the lock is inserted), the plot itself is read.

Here is his text:

As soon as the plot is read, you need to leave the castle to spend the night either under the porch (if you live in your own house, then this is very easy to implement) or on the threshold (on the inside of the apartment. The castle should spend the night in this way. In the morning, leaving the house, You need to repeat this plot again, after which the lock should be closed with a key.You can either hang this lock on front door(door handle) on the inside, or just leave the lock at the threshold, and be sure to take the key with you.

When you return, the lock must be opened and hidden somewhere far away so that it waits in the wings. The next time you leave home, you will need to go through this ritual again exactly as described above. This conspiracy will help you keep all your things in their places, take thieves and all kinds of villains away from your house at the moment when you are not at home.

Very strong conspiracy to sell an apartment

It is hardly possible to find a unique conspiracy that would suit everyone without exception, many people think. And this is a mistake! Such a conspiracy exists! And we are happy to offer it to you. This plot must be read on the water! Next, with this water you need to sprinkle all the corners in the house. Pour the rest of the water over the threshold. You can find the text of the conspiracy in our video.

Sometimes it happens that the property that a person is selling is located in one place, and he himself is in another. In the literal sense of the word, for example, in another locality. The situation is complex, to say the least. And if it’s perhaps a little simpler with an apartment, what’s with a house that can’t be left unattended in any way (so that it isn’t rolled over a log or dismantled on a pebble) it’s generally hard. The risks are great, and you need to sell, as they say, yesterday!

It is for such a case that this conspiracy is well suited. You need to do it as follows: you need to take a candle (any) and read the plot on it at least seven times a day, looking at the flame.

Conspiracy to sell a house

In order to sell a house or apartment, you need to do the following: take a bucket of clean water and slander him, here are his words:

“There are four corners in my house,
Each room has four corners.
There are locks in my house, but they are a hindrance to enemies and thieves.
I wait for buyers and they are always glad!
My brownie, come with me
We will have new mansions about four corners,
About four corners, yes in every room!
Whoever brings us money will take these corners for himself!
And with you, my Brownie, life will be different!
Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so"!

As soon as the slander on the water is well-read, you need to wash the floor with this water, and pour the water out into the street, but this must be done carefully, without any witnesses. After returning to the house, you need to present to your Brownie the demand, i.e. a treat and once again ask him separately to help you. Under no circumstances should a brownie be left in old apartment or home. When you move out, then turn to him and offer him to go with you to new house, if he himself so desires, if he wants to stay, then it will be exclusively his desire. You need to ask him three times! You can do it in your own words, the main thing is that the words come from the heart!

Anyone who has ever tried to sell a house or apartment knows how difficult it is! Potential buyers come (and it's good if they come), look, comment, saying that the house is somehow uncomfortable, unfriendly, and then they leave neither hearing nor spirit from them.

What to do? How to be? How to resolve your issue with the sale? After all, a house or apartment needs to be sold. If a similar story is about your house, then this ritual is best for you. To complete it, you need to go around three times on Friday evening own house. And not just bypass, but bypass counterclockwise. It is important! Look, do not confuse anything! When walking around the house, do not rush, move slowly, inhaling and exhaling deeply, as if trying to breathe through your ritual (it is very good and effective, believe me!).

When the house has been walked around three times, you need to stand at the front door (inside the house or apartment) and, looking up, to the far right corner, read this plot:

Conspiracy to sell a house

This plot is done on the key to the front door of the house or apartment that you need to sell. The people who made it speak of its extreme effectiveness. In order to sell a property, you need to take the key to the front door and, holding it in cash with a candle flame, make the following slander:

“Every person needs a home.
Every house has a door.
Each door has a lock.
Each lock has its own key.
And I am a buyer.
Come bring me money
And I'll give you the key!"

After the plot has been read, you need to close the front door with this key and put the key under the pillow. This ritual is repeated three times in a row. Thus, you will sleep on the key to the front door for three nights in a row, and before you close the door and hide the key under the pillow, you will read this plot, which will certainly help you.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

This conspiracy is carried out by applying a runic stave (several runes that will need to be applied to the wall in a house or apartment in a certain sequence). So, it is best to use a red pen or marker to apply the stave.

The runic becoming begins to "work" from the moment it is applied either on the wall, or on the photo of your house, or on the front door, or maybe even on the text of the ad that appeared in the newspaper. The duration of the work of the stav ends immediately after the positive resolution of your request. If you applied standing on paper, you, having thanked the Runes, will need to burn this paper. If you applied standing on the door, you will also need to dispose of it, not forgetting to thank the Runes for their help.

You need to remember one rule: the runic position must be hidden from prying eyes. It is important! You can “turn on” the work of the stav either with the help of your own breathing (you need to breathe on the applied image), or with the help of own blood(touch the stave).

Becoming a house for sale costs them four Runes, the first of which:

  1. Rune OTAL- first in runic stave. She is your gratitude for everything that was good for you when you lived in this house or apartment.
  2. Rune DAGAZ- this is the so-called Rune-driver, it is she who will start the process of the work of the entire stav. It is thanks to her that the sales process will start.
  3. Rune FEHU- is responsible for the financial component, thanks to Fech, you can count on the amount that is important to you.
  4. Rune VUNJO- Provides good luck in the upcoming transaction. She is responsible for ensuring that both parties benefit and are satisfied.

The clause is this:

"The runes are almighty! Runes are omnipotent! Runes are true!
I turn to you and ask you to help me sell (name what you need to sell),
within the shortest possible time, with the benefit of me and my buyer.
Let the wish come true in the most comfortable way for all participants in this case.

A conspiracy to profitably exchange an apartment

If selling an apartment or house is sometimes not easy, then exchanging it is even harder. What you just will not meet: and monetary fraud, and unequal exchange, and attempts to "scam". Any "good" enough. To protect yourself from this, read the plot. He has already helped a single person and continues to help!

Conspiracy to sell a garage and other real estate

This conspiracy is truly unique, due to its simplicity. However, this makes it no less effective, because it is suitable for selling not only an apartment, but also a house or even a garage. You need to read it in the morning, afternoon and evening, looking at a lit candle.

The text of the conspiracy in our video material:

Ritual for the sale of an apartment

Selling an apartment is easy when you know a cherished word or a secret ritual. No wonder they say that everything ingenious is simple. This ritual for selling an apartment is also incredibly simple. To complete it, you will need holy water, which you will need to sprinkle your home with. However, before doing this, you need to say the following words to the water:

Waiting for a real estate buyer

This conspiracy to sell an apartment is done immediately before the arrival of a potential buyer. Your task is to go around each of the rooms in the apartment (or house) counterclockwise three times, while saying a slander from our video material:

Whisper to sell an apartment

This conspiracy is short, as if a bullet hits the target clearly and accurately. And the goal is to sell real estate! You need to read it on the growing moon, in the mornings on women's days, which include: Saturday, Wednesday and Friday.

On other days, this plot is not read. As soon as any of women's days, You need to stand in a corner (and so you need to read this conspiracy in each of the corners of your house or apartment):

This conspiracy is read in the church, because you will have to ask the Saints for help in your business. It is very important that the property you are selling and the whole transaction in general are honest, without any hint of fraud. For if you want to deceive someone, then the Saints will not help you. Your prayer should be directed to St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky. It is generally accepted that it is this Saint who helps in matters of property (financial) and matters related to the sale of a house, and sometimes in the fulfillment of a wish.

Do not be too lazy to find information about the life of St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky. Read about it. After all, during his lifetime, he was a very kind person who never refused anyone his request, his need.

The text of the prayer in our video material:

You need to pray to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky as often as possible, and he will definitely help you!

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

As mentioned at the very beginning, in order to sell real estate, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the aura (or energy of the space) is blissful. Sometimes even the help of a priest invited to consecrate an apartment does not help. This video was prepared specifically for particularly difficult cases, when it already seems that help is expected from no one and nowhere. Follow the algorithm given in it and your property will definitely be bought by someone!

Strong conspiracy to sell a house

This plot for the sale of a house must be done with honey. Honey must be fresh (the type of honey does not matter)! In addition to honey, you will need a red wool thread and a knife with a wooden handle.

So, start your ritual by tearing off (do not cut off, namely tear off!) Three long threads (about a meter in length) from the ball, on each of which you will subsequently need to make twelve knots (when making knots, you need to simultaneously tie all three strands together!).

Torn threads, need to be tied to door handle(one end, and the other end of the thread should be in your hands), from the inside of the apartment or house. On honey, which is best kept in a small cup, you need to make the following slander:

“Honey is sticky and strong!
And the sale is pleasant, but it’s profitable for me!
She brings joy to everyone, but to me most of all!
Honey is sweet, and my life is sweet and joyful!
A sale is on the way!

After the honey plot is read, and the knots on the threads are tied (you tie them before the honey plot itself), you need to smear each of the formed knots with honey.

As soon as the knots are missed, cut off the threads with a knife, and, holding them in your hands, go around your possessions, saying:

"So be it!"

Leave a drop of honey in each room. At least an hour this honey should be on the floor. As soon as the hour has passed, you need to remove the remnants of honey from the floor with threads. And then take them out into the street and (ideally) bury them under a tree or bush, but so that no one sees it.

The same threads that remained on the door handle (after all, you cut them off with a knife and you should have left the ends) must be burned immediately upon returning from the street, saying:

“Out of the barrier behind!
My buyer, come!

This conspiracy may seem complicated at first glance. In fact, it is very simple and effective. If something is not clear, then the execution algorithm must be read several times.

Fortune telling on ancient tarot cards helps people in many important life decisions. Buying, selling and renting an apartment is an exciting business that involves financial risk. Fortune telling on real estate using Tarot cards will give answers to questions - will the transaction take place, is it worth it, will tell you about the energy state of the chosen housing.

Plan for buying an apartment

A simple spread of 11 cards is used when they want to make a purchase or rent of real estate.

It shows all the advantages and disadvantages of a new house or apartment. Also, the Tarot real estate spread provides information about the life changes that the deal will bring.

Divination for new real estate is carried out according to the following rules:

  • the tarot deck is shuffled;
  • they think over the question, say it to themselves, mentally imagine a new house;
  • randomly choose 11 cards from a deck and lay them out with a pattern up, from left to right (first row - cards 1, 2, 3; second row - 4, 5, 6, triangular "roof" of the house: left side - cards 8, 7, right side - 10, 9, at the top - 11);
  • symbols are interpreted.

Guessing is desirable in solitude. If fortune-telling is carried out for another person, he must ask the question himself and choose signs from the deck.

Interpretations of each symbol in the Tarot deck, depending on the specific situation, are found in instructions and special books. Cards by numbers in the Real Estate Tarot layout have the following meanings:

  • 1-3 - show the state of the subject of the transaction;
  • 4-6 - show the energy of the room, whether it suits the fortuneteller;
  • 7, 8 - indicate the losses that the purchase of a new home will bring;
  • 9, 10 - show what the conclusion of a deal will bring to life, good or bad;
  • 11 - gives advice on whether it is worth making a deal or is it better to wait, find something else.

If there is a choice between different transactions, it is allowed to guess at new real estate several times. Before each new alignment, they ask a question about a specific house.

Quick deal to buy a home

A 5-card spread will give a quick answer to practical questions about the intended transaction.

Before shuffling the deck, a significator is chosen. The cards are laid out according to a certain scheme: at the top 1, the second row - 2, 3, 4, the third row - the significator and 5.

The meaning of positions in divination:

  • 1 - whether a purchase will be made;
  • 2 - indicates the physical condition of the dwelling;
  • 3 - whether the time is well chosen for the transaction;
  • 4 - shows whether the required cost corresponds to the quality of the house;
  • 5 - whether the completed transaction will bring pleasure to a fortuneteller.

The significator indicates the essence of the question or symbolizes the questioner. For a woman, the most commonly used lasso is the High Priestess (Popes), for a man - Mage. The symbol is chosen intuitively.

Layout for sale

Fortune-telling Tarot for the sale of a house answers the same questions, is performed according to the same rules as for the purchase. A special feature is the scheduling schemes.

The Tarot layout "Sale" for the sale of real estate is done according to the following scheme: the top card is 5, in the second row - 4, 3, 2, at the bottom - 1 and the significator. The value of the position of the arcana:

  • 1 - is it worth selling a house or apartment;
  • 2 - who will get the property (characterizes the personality of the buyer);
  • 3 - whether the time is right for the transaction;
  • 4 - compliance of the price with the quality of the property and the buyer's expectations;
  • 5 - whether the desired result will be achieved during the sale.

Fortune-telling by Tarot for the sale of real estate is desirable to conduct as many times as there are potential buyers. This will help make right choice, not only profitable to make a sale, but also to give the apartment in safe hands.

Rental plan

If there is a need to rent or rent an apartment or room, it is better to make a detailed alignment on the Tarot. He will talk about the potential risks and benefits.

The layout scheme: the top row - 1, 2, the second - 3, 4, 5, the third - 6, 7, the fourth - 8, 9, the bottom - 10. Location of the lasso:

  • 1 - describes the current situation;
  • 2 - characterizes the course of the transaction, indicates the complexity;
  • 3 - shows future relationships with the owners of the apartment or tenants;
  • 4 - predicts the sensations of living in someone else's apartment; from the fact that strangers live in the apartment;
  • 5 - the state of the apartment in which you have to live; how tenants will maintain the house;
  • 6 - whether it will be possible to bargain for the required amount of rent;
  • 7 - whether the requested price corresponds to the quality;
  • 8 - disadvantages of housing;
  • 9 - dignity of housing;
  • 10 - advice.

Fortune telling for renting real estate is well suited for those who are looking for or renting an apartment online. It is difficult to draw conclusions about a person online, but Tarot does it from a distance.


Tarot cards for the sale of an apartment are selected from a full deck. Guessing is allowed at any time of the day. Fortune telling on the Tarot about selling a house does not require knowledge in the field of magic. A beginner can easily handle it. It is better to guess on your own, so that the arcana is based on the energy of the questioner.
