Egyptian is another primordial interior style gifted to modern culture by the Black Continent. The splendor of Egyptian palaces in an era when Europe was still living in the Stone Age could not help but amaze contemporaries. Therefore, the culture of the states neighboring the banks of the Nile has pronounced features. Egyptian style can rightfully be considered the founder of Greek culture - the ancestor of such different styles, like the Renaissance, and, in fact, Greek.
The Egyptian style should not be confused with. The warm white - beige - ocher gamma of the scorching sun and desert sands, characteristic of Africa as a whole, in the Egyptian version harmoniously combines with images of lush lotuses and papyri, fringing the banks of the Nile in abundance, graceful birds and animals, bright blue skies, dark wood furniture and household utensils. Mighty gods keep order strictly, and mortals are busy with everyday work.
The ancient Egyptians covered with hieroglyphs and characteristic figures, where the head and lower body are in profile, and the torso and arms of a person are in full face, almost the entire surface of the walls and columns. However, their arrangement is not chaotic, subject to strict laws, the fundamental among which are symmetry, proportionality, canonization, rigor and conciseness of lines. Other interior details are subject to the same principles: columns, furniture, vases, bowls and lamps.
Another one characteristic– commitment to natural materials: wood, stone, gold. In numerous mosaic panels, decorating the walls and floors of the palaces, you can find both scenes from life and complex multi-color ornaments in yellow-orange-brown-earthy colors.
Modern Egyptian style is one of the most expensive and luxurious. Huge rooms with columns going up to the ceiling, decorated with rich vegetable capitals, natural stone and gilding, abundant stucco, murals and mosaics - all this is more suitable for a fashionable hotel than an apartment. Therefore, in this article we will consider more budgetary imitations that are relevant for the average Russian.

Egyptian style in the interior of a modern apartment

The modern Egyptian interior retains symmetry, African scale, abundance of light and warmth. However, the materials used are mostly modern imitation of wooden and stone surfaces:, and so on.


The walls are white or light shades of beige and ivory. Pure white contrasts with the burning - scorching African scale and brings a feeling of freshness and coolness to the interior. Traditional Egyptian walls - bleached rough plaster. You can imitate such a texture with textured ones. However, a better solution - or. The surface will be more chaotic and natural.
A typical feature is the presence of many wall.
The modern style is more restrained in its use of bas-reliefs than its ancient predecessor. In order not to overload the interior, bas-reliefs are used in the form of a border at the top of the walls. Often, instead of convex figures, an imitation is pasted: flat printed images. Suitable ornaments: lotus or papyrus leaves and flowers, arrows sun rays, alternating stylized figures of people and gods. The accent of the interior can be a panel depicting scenes from mythology, life or everyday life of the Egyptians. And even a non-professional artist can do such a painting.


Mandatory attribute of the Egyptian style - columns. Unfortunately, most often our apartments are deprived of both the necessary space and the height of the premises. Therefore, the columns are replaced with an imitation of polyurethane, or simply painted on the walls.


The traditional solution for the articulation of the wall and ceilings is smooth, without a pronounced angle.
Another feature - the color of the ceilings is often bright blue. The Egyptians loved to see the starry sky, even when they were indoors.

The modern interior often deviates from these typical features in favor of the usual light ceilings, which visually increase the height of the room.


In poor Egyptian houses, the floors were earthen, while the rich ones laid them out with natural marble. A modern option is a variety of ceramic tiles in natural shades, combined with "" to make your feet feel comfortable, like in Africa.


The traditional form for both windows and doorways– . However, it is difficult to find one in modern apartments. For imitation, drywall constructions, furniture inserts or textiles are used.


For an Egyptian-style interior, a little rough black furniture is suitable. IN modern version- covered with black veneer. Its main feature is convenience. Characteristic "Egyptian" elements - inlay with light veins of "ivory", legs made in the form of paws of animals or papyrus shoots, typical ornaments. Exactly original table or a sofa can become the cornerstone of the interior. The presence of specific ethnic features in modern furniture representatives is quite rare. Therefore, if you are a happy owner of something like this, feel free to choose the Egyptian style: the entire interior will easily line up around a central accent.


Egyptian style is rich in textiles. These are curtains and curtains that protect the room from the scorching sun, and thin rugs and mats spread on the floor. IN modern interior there are decorative pillows, bedspreads. Egyptian textiles - a canvas made from natural materials: cotton, wool, linen - a light canvas of natural color, decorated with geometric and floral ornaments, characteristic images of people, animals. Canvas painting can decorate the interior as a painting. Ornaments were made with natural dyes, which the Egyptians never mixed. The traditional colors are red, black, brown, blue and green.
The silhouette of textile elements is devoid of frills in the form of pompous assemblies and folds. Curtains - smooth static rectangles of fabric, weighted at the bottom with special strips. In the interior in the photo above, similar elements originally hide the wardrobe.

Interior items

originality Egyptian interior bowls are emphasized, huge floor vases, figurines. The cat is the sacred animal of Egypt. It is not surprising that her image is given a special role. Numerous figurines of cats and piggies (a creature with the head of a woman - a pharaoh and the body of a lion or cat) are a characteristic feature of Egyptian interiors. They can be installed in wall niches or decorate, for example, coffee table. All this is made of stone, gold metal or their imitations.
Egyptian style is original and original. It brings to the interior both the warmth of the African desert and the coolness. river water Nile, birdsong and lotus bloom, luxury and regularity. This style is for you if:
You love luxury and monumentalism, you want to feel like a majestic pharaoh
You know how to combine luxury and comfort with the realities of modernity
Do you appreciate the combination of simplicity and solemnity
You want to hide the defects of the walls and ceiling: the Egyptian style is undemanding to the original surfaces

Story. Egyptian art. We don't know much about folk art in Egypt. The subjects of the king were slaves who served him a tax, that is served various kinds of duties in money and in kind. That is why he could erect huge buildings, make all the arts serve them, but, with the exception of the buildings of a small nobility, the buildings of the king were the only works of art in the country. These buildings, in keeping with the worldview of the Egyptians, served almost exclusively religious purposes: the cult of the gods and the cult of the dead. Even from the palaces of the king, little has survived to us. The temple and the tomb were the main creations of architecture. For a long time, the numbness of these buildings excluded any possibility of a personal relationship with them; they were spoken of with utter amazement, as of mysterious creatures, but without an inner understanding of their alien forms. And only our time manages to gradually develop a historical idea of ​​​​Egyptian art.

In cult temples, mainly in tombs, all the arts of the country are united. Statues, reliefs, every decoration are conditioned by religion and are subordinate in content and form entirely to architecture. Thus, a unity of style arose, intolerant of any deviation and enclosed in the most perfect form.

Story. Egyptian art

The basis of the artistic impression in this case was the simplicity of lines and forms, which reaches monumentality due to the fact that these lines and forms grow to enormous sizes. But it was precisely this simplicity that served as a hindrance to the historical understanding of the art of Egypt, since the simplest forms were considered at the same time the earliest. Primitive man, the savage, has such a freshness of eye, such a direct relation to nature, that his cave drawings of the Stone Age are purely impressionistic; they are directly perceived and directly transmitted impressions of nature.

The concept of "primitiveness" as the helplessness of any principle in art is certainly wrong. Similarly, in the East, in Mesopotamia, of whose style of art we have no clear idea, early art is less limited in comparison with the heyday. Likewise, buildings ancient kingdom Egypt (3rd millennium BC) is already at a high stage of development not only technically, but also artistically; their roots go beyond historical times. Initially, the burial chamber and the place intended for the cult were placed under the same roof. According to Egyptian views, after the death of a person, his spiritual part remains, which leads a free existence on earth, while the remains remain intact; they took care of her comfort and nutrition, prepared for her or simply painted various food and utensils.

This determined everything necessary for an Egyptian grave: it had to have a proper burial chamber in which the mummy is placed, and pantries with prepared sacrificial supplies. Later, for the needs of the cult, a special small sacrificial place was required in the form of a niche in front of a false door, which in the East symbolizes the transition to the afterlife. Such niches were found in the same grave, and this grave was arranged like a residential building. Gradually, the niches grew into a prayer rampart, a rampart into a temple; the room intended for the cult was separated from the tomb building, and such a tomb building, which until late retained the shape of a barrow on the graves of the nobles, becomes a monument on the grave of the king and turns, in the end, into a pyramid.

Story. Egyptian art

From the gate, which lies in the valley near the Nile, there is, rising, a covered passage to the temple; it consists of a courtyard surrounded by columns, a shaft with columns and a sanctuary, located one after another, a pyramid adjoins the temple. The whole is an architectural plan of complete unity: each individual entry has artistic value both in itself and as a harmonious part of the architectural whole. Borchard's reconstructions of the Ne-user-re (5th Dynasty) tomb monument clearly tell us that there was a certain artistic intent in this case. For us, who perceived Egyptian architecture as mass, such finely divided plans were a complete surprise.

In the aesthetic impression that we get from the gate at the Nile, the main thing is not the wall, as happened later in similar cases, but the entrance shaft itself, the portico with its finely and logically divided columns, which fully corresponds to the purpose of the building. The temple of the dead and the pyramid are also perfectly coordinated with each other. This is the aesthetic law: the elegant becomes even more refined along with the heavy, and the massive appears even more energetic in contrast to the elegant, because one becomes the measure of the other for the eye. All parts of the structure are consistent with the whole. The entire building is exclusively tectonic, and as a whole is subordinated to cult purposes, so each individual part in its place is determined by its functional purpose.

The Egyptian pyramid is undoubtedly the most monumental creation of architecture in general. The essence of the monumental lies in the fact that its forms are simple and do not require subtle susceptibility for their understanding, that they capture at first sight and speak with their simplicity the more convincingly, the larger the size. The peculiarity is that in Egypt this monumentality became an artistic principle at such an early time. The pyramid was built to protect the remains of the king. A hidden room kept them in this mass of stone; a narrow passage led to it, the turn of which they carried the coffin, which was then laid with stones and covered with lining so that it could not be found. But these buildings speak, at the same time, of the monumental feeling of an already artistically developed time.

Characteristic evidence is the fact that the kings, who, like other mortals, took care of their tombs during their lifetime, built at first a small building; it grew in its plan and arrangement while they lived, and the more so the longer they lived. Consequently, the small monument served religious purposes, and the fact that after the completion of the construction they immediately continued to build further is already proof of the desire for higher artistic expressiveness.

Story. Egyptian art

Further development continues beyond the boundaries of the era of the Old Kingdom. Until now, we have followed his progress along the tomb buildings, from now on his further path is shown to us by temple buildings. The technique of building pyramids deteriorated already in the Middle Kingdom, which should be attributed to the year 200; Pharaoh reigns not so absolutely, not so unrestrictedly commands his people. The new kingdom, filling the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BC, does not know the pyramids at all. The temple becomes the central point of architectonic interest. The three main parts of the temple - the courtyard surrounded by columns, the great hall and the sanctuary behind it - were already in the temple of the dead of the Old Kingdom, but their artistic processing is now completely different.

The difference between the epochs becomes immediately clear if we compare, for example, the exquisite dissection of the gates of the Old Kingdom with the facade of the temple in Luxor, which was probably built shortly before the beginning of the New Kingdom. Instead of art, which operates by expedient dissection, energetic expressiveness appears. The extraordinary power of these buildings lies in the fact that their character contradicts the character of the soil on which they grew. A typical example is Luxor, where the façade is taken as a whole, as a mass; a wall woven with flat, carpet-like rows of images from the life of kings and myths about the gods, speaks only as a plane; it must be limited as sharply as possible, must be energetically closed, because the whole building is determined by the contour.

It is precisely this impression that is obtained in this case, because the lines limiting the wall, rising upwards, come closer and closer, squeezing it more and more in their vice; the horizontal line of the far-protruding cornice vigorously delimits the building from the airspace above. The cornice is the most important part of Egyptian architecture because it has the most essential function in this limitation of the building. Epochs with a developed sense of decorativeness invariably tried with the help of vases, statues and other decorative elements of architecture, which they placed on the upper cornice, to make the transition to airspace gradual in the building and emphasized the main portal by raising the roof above it as high as possible.

The Egyptian does just the opposite: he closes the building strictly horizontal line and highlights the portal by lowering the wall in this place. Thanks to this notch, the entrance can only be seen up close. The calm plane of the wall should remain dominant, and the portal should not interfere with it. The portal, insofar as it is possible, is deprived of the significance that, for example, the portico with columns at the gate of the Old Kingdom era had: it should not serve as a break dissecting the wall plane.

To be continued…

Story. Egyptian art

Egyptian style in a modern apartment complemented by an imitation of a stone wall

Egyptian style in the interior originates from the time ancient egypt from the fourth millennium BC. It is believed that this direction became the basis for further development different types European design. Features inherent only to him are laconic forms and luxurious finishes.

Splendor, gold and elegance are always associated with the words "Egyptian style in the interior". All this was an invariable attribute of the life of the pharaohs, therefore it is still used in design, which can be seen in the photo. The color scheme of such an interior is performed in shades of golden color, sand or beige tones. Often used Blue colour, symbolizing the river Nile. It is recommended to combine it with green shades in order to give harmony to the style.

Golden furniture and interior items of similar design are attributes of the Egyptian style.

Sand walls, blue ceiling and columns, all this is directly related to Egypt

The design of the walls and ceiling in the same color, as well as the borders under the ceiling - this is also an element of the Egyptian style.

Egyptian style in the interior allows you to give the whole room a majestic look. Let's take a closer look at this design:

  1. The walls in the apartment: they are plastered under light shades, slabs made of marble and granite are used for finishing. An important attribute is the curbs located under the ceiling. They are decorated with stripes, elegant frescoes and bas-reliefs of amazing beauty. An excellent option is to use photo wallpapers.
  2. Ceilings in the apartment: they can be painted in the same shade as the walls, or in saturated color. It is forbidden to use in their design tones lighter than those used for painting the walls.
  3. Floor in the apartment: as floor covering ceramics are used. One material is not enough, therefore, to give more luxury, canopies, reed mats, bedspreads with an Egyptian motif or animal skins are added.

Even if the furniture is decorated in the wrong design, its color design clearly speaks of Egypt

This bathroom with its design completely transfers to Egypt during the reign of the pharaohs

Even minor interior elements, such as blue pillows and a border under the ceiling, bring your room a little closer to the Egyptian style.

Each motive has a golden rule, which must always be observed. The Egyptian style in the interior is no exception, and such a rule is natural furniture covered with a dark tint. It is desirable that the surrounding surfaces in the apartment be glossy - this will add more luxury to the design.

Advice! Finishing of furniture items should be made of ivory and gilding. It is recommended to use the original thread depicting animal world. An alternative can be high-quality photo wallpapers.

An association modern design with the Egyptian direction lies for the most part in the correct color scheme

Egyptian drawings on the walls, striped carpet on the floor and arched vaults are also standard attributes of the Egyptian direction.

Feel like Cleopatra in this styled bed

Luxurious lounge

In the collections presented by modern manufacturers, there are many components for the interior in the Egyptian style. When choosing, you can focus on soft furnishings, but it is recommended that they be present in a minimal amount. If cushioned furniture available, then stripes, zigzags and other patterns in a single motif should be depicted on it.

As for the use of scenery, the design in this style provides for the presence of columns, arched openings with original decoration, recesses in the walls (they can be decorated with photo wallpapers) and small podiums. If possible, then large and, conversely, miniature figurines can be in the room. The main thing is that they should trace the features of the culture of the Egyptian civilization. How harmonious it looks, you can see in the photo.

It is better to replace cabinets and cabinets with chests for a complete immersion in Egypt

The addition of several columns with Egyptian symbols is an interesting element.

Table and figurine decorated in Egyptian style

In Egypt, during the time of the pharaohs, there was a special attitude towards cats, so such figurines in the design of such a design are not uncommon.

The remaining items must be completed in one motive. This applies to lamps, tablecloths, curtains, photo wallpapers, etc.

The Egyptian style is rooted far back in millennia. This is the reason for the huge number of its variations. The most reliable and relevant to the era of the time when it was used in Egypt by the pharaohs are two directions. Both of them are widely used at the present time and are actively used not only by lovers of the “land of the Nile and the sun” theme, but also by the population, who does not know much about it.

Photo wallpaper with an Egyptian pattern is also a good solution for interior design in the Egyptian direction.

Egyptian style elements add sophisticated sophistication to the interior

The luxurious bed resembles the ancient royal chambers

The first option is a complete revival of the pharaoh's room, and the second is to create the feeling that someone lived here, and now only the spirit of antiquity remains. How to draw this fine line of difference? These options differ in colors, therefore, to translate the first model into reality, it will be necessary to use saturated shades, for the second color with the effect of antiquity. In both cases, photo wallpapers can be used.

It is impossible to single out one option and argue that it is more beautiful. No, each of them is attractive in its own way, and each allows you to recreate the Egyptian style. Therefore, when choosing one of them, it is recommended to listen to your own taste and choose what you want more after viewing the photo.

Your guests will go to such a bathroom rather like on an excursion.

Even taking into account the fact that there are no obvious attributes of Egypt, this hall looks in the Egyptian style

Real royal apartments in a modern way

Experts in the field of creating an Egyptian interior recommend:

  1. Do not forget that according to historical data, such a motif belongs to the pharaohs. Therefore, when creating a cozy design in this style, it is necessary to demonstrate their richness and luxury even in minor details. Otherwise, it will be possible to embody the design in the likeness of poor slave huts, which is not desired by any person.
  2. You have to fully convey the mood of this style, and for this it is not enough to use papyrus paper or a figurine in the form of a sphinx. Every detail of the room, including accessories and wall murals, should create a unique harmony. This will allow you and all the guests to be transported during the reign of the pharaohs.
  3. When buying souvenirs - figurines, papyrus and other accessories, find out their secret meaning. It is no secret that each little thing has its own purpose, which must be taken into account. The Egyptians thought a lot about the afterlife, so this theme should be reflected in the style. Of course, for them, a funeral is a luxury, a celebration and wealth.
  4. Cabinets and cabinets are pieces of furniture that cannot support the recreated style. It is better to refuse their use in design, preferring in favor of a table or chest made of natural materials.
  5. A special feature of the room, made in the style of the pharaohs, are hidden corners. They will do well in their role. original arches, recesses designed for niches, as well as columns. Do not forget that they must be appropriately decorated, as in professional photos.

Chic and restraint - Egyptian style in a modern interior

Majesty and luxury in the design of the corridor

Thus, when implementing the Egyptian style, it is necessary to pay attention even to trifles - accessories and the hidden meaning of gizmos (this is especially true for superstitious people). When implementing it, consider the following rules - luxury, wealth and sophistication. In this case, you will be able to recreate the style of the pharaohs.

In such a bathroom, you can clearly feel like an Egyptian queen or pharaoh.

Figurine and flower stand in Egyptian style
