For the manufacture of furniture, wood of almost any kind is used. What are its differences? Consider the properties of the most popular furniture trees.


Pine wood is soft and pliable in processing. Pine furniture is often veneered with hardwood veneer to increase durability. Color - from whitish to brown, sometimes with yellow or pinkish rings and stains.

The main advantage of pine is the healing smell, which it continues to emit even after processing. Its phytoncides increase immunity and have healing properties.


Oak has high strength and at the same time lends itself well to processing. Wood is resistant to decay, and therefore oak furniture can last for many years even in conditions of high humidity. Oak wood has a beautiful texture. Initially colored yellow or light brown, but may darken over time.

A distinctive feature of oak furniture is a lot of weight.


Ash has a hard wood. Color range from milky white to light brown. With artificial discoloration, it acquires a "gray" shade. The drawing is large, well visible. Wood does not tolerate moisture well, and therefore must be subjected to antiseptic treatment.

As a result of shrinkage, ash does not crack and tolerates deformation well, which puts it on a par with oak. With standard care, ash furniture will last for many years.


Maple wood is not resistant to moisture, but it is easily processed and rarely cracks. Maple perfectly imitates expensive tree species (as a result of staining), and therefore is used in the manufacture of furniture. Maple wood is light, but over time it begins to give off yellowness.

Canadian maple has a high strength comparable to oak.


Beech wood is also characterized by durability. The main disadvantage is its high hygroscopicity, and therefore beech is not suitable for furniture that is planned to be used in conditions of high humidity. Beech wood lends itself well to processing and does not crack when dried.

Beech is also valued for its luxurious texture, which does not change even when varnished. The natural color of wood is warm yellow, sometimes with a reddish tinge.


Walnut wood is strong and hard. Its value is especially evident with age - the older the tree, the more valuable its wood. Walnut furniture is considered reliable and durable.

Walnut has a rich range of shades - from chocolate to dark crimson. Well tinted under ebony.

Recognized as one of the best options for a healthy holiday. This natural material is environmentally friendly, pleases the eye with natural warm shades, and it is a pleasure to touch it. If a high-quality tree is chosen, then the product from it will be comfortable and will last for many years, avoiding unnecessary costs. Below we propose to consider what wood is most often chosen in the manufacture of the main piece of furniture in the bedroom, what are the cardinal differences, and which options are preferable to choose in order to ensure maximum comfort.

What wood are the beds made from?

Wooden massifs for the production of furniture and beds are divided into two main types:

  • soft rocks;
  • hard rocks.

The soft ones include coniferous trees (pine, spruce, cedar, thuja), aspen, alder, linden are also included here. Oak, birch, maple, ash, beech, walnut are considered solid. Let's take a closer look at their main characteristics.

A feature of conifers is their tendency to crack due to significant loads. But their undeniable advantage is democratic price, therefore such furniture is invariably popular. In addition, this material, due to the resins included in it, has antiseptic properties, not susceptible to damage by wood pests. A pleasant addition is a light forest aroma and the ability to disinfect the air.

Alder beds

The alder differs in good durability and at the same time affordable price. It does not crack, provided that it is not subjected to too much stress from weight or from jumping. A separate nuance is the use of elements for fastening. So, screws and bolts will hold securely, but when driving in nails, the wood may split. One of the main advantages is moisture resistance, so this is the most suitable choice for a baby bed.

Linden beds

Most often found in the production of internal parts bed because it is highly influenced external factors. From excessive dryness of the air it can crack, from moisture it can become covered with a fungus, from the direct rays of the sun it can change color. Advantages include resistance to mechanical stress and an attractive shade.

oak beds

This wood is endowed with strength, hardness and a large margin of protection from adverse external influences. An oak bed is considered a classic option that can serve for many years. The only drawback here is the high price of elite products.

Birch beds

Wood of medium hardness, which has a large margin of safety against splits under physical impact. It certainly needs to be treated with special means to avoid fungal infections. Birch securely holds mounting hardware. In mid-latitudes, this is a fairly popular material for the production of beds at an affordable price range for many.

Ash beds

Hard and durable material, resistant to mechanical stress. The disadvantage is the impossibility of impregnation protective compounds, because of which it is necessary to check the furniture for the presence of wood pests from time to time. The price of ash products is very high, but it is justified by their long service life.

Beech beds

Quite a hard and durable look, which is still inferior to oak in terms of the same properties. It can be deformed under the influence of significant weight and from changes in humidity. If the room has a stable climate, and the wood is treated with special means, it will serve for a long time. This furniture belongs to the middle price segment.

To increase affordability without compromising product quality and comfort, modern manufacturers often combine hard and soft woods when assembling beds.

What wood is best for a bed

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, which is better, a solid array or a combination of different breeds. Both of them have their own advantages and can last for many years. When choosing, you should focus, first of all, on the available budget. It is certain that solid wood furniture will be more expensive. However, you can reduce the cost of solid wood beds with the help of textile or metal parts at the head, when choosing models without a footboard and other additional details.

Beech, pine or birch - which is better for a bed

For example, in a modest-sized bedroom, a dark oak bed will look out of place, creating a feeling of gloom and heaviness. IN small rooms light birch furniture looks more advantageous. Beech beds should not be placed in rooms with a high level of humidity, as they can warp or even begin to rot. In such cases, alder furniture is optimal. If sunlight constantly falls into the room, then this will not be reflected in the best way on a bed made of linden, for such bedrooms it is better to choose a product made of pine. From the influence of the rays of the sun, the wood will exude a coniferous aroma, creating a decontaminated climate in the room.

When choosing a wooden one, one must be based on the characteristics of the material from which it is made, and take into account their financial capabilities.

Furniture from natural wood valued for environmental friendliness , durability and exclusivity. From solid wood of various species, you can make any interior items - from a hanger for a hallway to a double bed.

The main thing when working with wood is accuracy and patience. About what tools to use, how to choose material for work, as well as the order of work will be discussed in this article.

natural wood for furniture

When choosing wood for the manufacture of a particular piece of furniture, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • surface texture, shade;
  • material strength, hardness, moisture resistance.

The last criterion is important if the furniture will be on the balcony, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, or. Moisture resistant species include:

  • Siberian larch;
  • oak;
  • teak;
  • mahogany (mahogany);
  • puindo.


The hardness of the material affects the service life of the finished product. But at the same time, the hardest types of wood are the most difficult to process. Inexpensive softwood is quickly and easily processed, but will not be sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress.

What wood is best for making furniture? The answer to this question will depend on the purpose of the manufactured item, operating conditions, personal preferences of the owner (concerns appearance and wood tone).

BreedDescription and application
A budget option. Ideal for beginners learning the basics of carpentry. Easy to process and paint, does not rot, smells good. The shade of wood is light, yellowish-brown with darker veins and a pronounced pattern of annual rings. Pine is often used to make cabinet furniture, frames of soft sets and beds. The main disadvantage of pine is softness, susceptibility to deformation, low mechanical strength. It is not difficult to leave a scratch or dent on the surface. However, shallow defects are easily eliminated by grinding.
A bar and a board made of larch is an order of magnitude more expensive than pine. The higher cost is due to high moisture resistance and low flammability. The material is very strong and durable. Larch is similar in hardness to oak. Larch furniture has a delicate aroma, very pleasant. Breathe essential oils larch is good for health. Not only furniture is made from this breed, but also stairs, parquet board, plank floors, and veneer. The wood is not uniform in color. In the core, the shade is reddish-brown, closer to the bark it is lighter. The texture is very beautiful, it is emphasized with transparent varnishes, less often painted with colored stain.
The oak array is used for the manufacture of luxury furniture. This is an expensive material, hard and durable, not susceptible to decay, very hard. In order to reduce the cost of finished furniture, oak veneer is used. Wood can be both almost white and quite dark (wenge, cognac, black). There are no reddish tones in the oak palette, the shades are golden, grayish, brown. It is customary to decorate oak furniture with carvings, cover it with matte and glossy varnishes.
The beautiful white wood is used to make home and bath furniture, as well as decorative items and utensils. Linden is easy to process: sawing, touching, grinding, decorating with carvings. Wood is not hygroscopic, practically not subject to shrinkage during shrinkage. When the material is heated, a delicate honey aroma is felt. Linden is valued for its antibacterial properties. The surface is uniform, with a noticeable sheen. Linden is painted with various stains.

Tools for making wooden furniture

In the workshops, wood is processed on special machines. Milling, edging, drilling and other woodworking machines are not cheap, they are purchased for the manufacture of a large number of furniture parts. Universal machine, for example, can be placed in a garage, and then if you plan to often make furniture for the home or for sale.

At home, you can also make a table, chair, stool, bed, hanger and much more using improvised tools.

If it is planned to run brushing surfaces, you will need a gas burner, a metal brush or a nozzle on a drill, several types of sandpaper, paints and varnishes or stain, brush.

To assemble furniture, you will need hardware and fasteners: confirmations, furniture finishing nails, self-tapping screws or nails, perforated corners.

Do not forget about fittings, which include: furniture legs or wheels, handles and hooks, hinges and straps for hanging cabinets / hangers, etc.

For decorative finishes useful masking tape, brushes, wood varnishes, stains, enamels. Also, in the process of work, furniture glue “Joiner” may be needed.

How not to make a mistake with the purchase of the right amount of lumber? How much to buy boards or timber in cubic meters or by the piece? Use our calculators to know exactly the right amount when you come to buy.

Most often, lumber is offered with a standard length of 6 meters - this is what is shown in the calculators by default. However, there may be other options, so the length can be changed. The cross section of boards or timber, the diameter of the logs is indicated in millimeters.

For many centuries, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used processed wood material to make furniture. In the age of progress, there are many synthetic substitutes, but even now the consumer prefers natural materials. Furniture made of natural material creates comfort in the house, ennobles the room.

Furniture made of natural solid wood allows you to give any interior individuality and even warmth.

Varieties of wood have extensive properties that differ not only in color and texture. When choosing, you need to take into account the main characteristics of wood: wear resistance, strength, hardness, elasticity, moisture resistance.

Wooden furniture items bring a noble, eco-friendly and cozy touch to the overall interior.

Furniture made from durable wood has a longer service life. It is strong, less susceptible to external technical influences. Such breeds are difficult to process. Making a quality product out of them with your own hands is virtually unthinkable.

Hard varieties: iron birch, maple, merbau, white locust, dogwood, yew, boxwood.

Set garden furniture mahogany merbau

Varieties of raw materials with a moderate density are well suited for making furniture with your own hands.

Have a moderate density - cherry, oak, walnut, beech.

Cherry living room furniture is a symbol of luxury, beauty and chic

Looks great product made of soft woods.

TO soft varieties include: pine, birch, alder.

Luxury children's furniture made of birch

In the kitchen, the hallway is more practical to choose a set of durable varieties. Furniture made of moderately hard wood is perfect for the living room. The bedroom can be equipped with a set of pine wood.

The properties of wood largely depend on its structure and the thickness of the layers.

When choosing a set of wood, density is not an exclusive fundamental element that affects the choice of material. It is necessary to consider the presence of color diversity. To design a space of significant size, a set of dark colors is suitable.

If the room is large, then the furniture can be made of dark wood.

Surfaces painted in dark colors, absorbing light, visually reduce the space of the filled room. Chocolate, dark red colors bring the presence of warmth into the atmosphere. Dark colors go well with the background of light walls, filling the room with calm comfort.

Luxurious mahogany cabinet furniture

Dark, rich color have: walnut, wenge, cherry, merbau, amaranth, campas.

The product of soft colors delightfully harmonizes with the rich decor of the equipped room.

Light, transparent shades differ: ash, beech, birch, maple, pine, alder, oak.

If the bedroom is small, then it is best to use a light-colored set, as it is able to visually expand the spaces.

A light yellow shade is acceptable when decorating rooms with windows facing west.

Space lacks light, sun? Pastel-colored furniture will visually reduce the size of the room, but will bring a feeling of warmth, the presence of sunlight in the room.

They are distinguished by a golden hue: oak, alder, teak, cedar.

In some cases, when choosing an array for modeling a product, you can not focus on the color of the wood. The color changes through stains, tinting varnishes.

Assortment for choosing varnish for tinting and protecting wood products

It must be remembered that the varnish, when applied to the coating, changes the natural shade. The tone becomes more intense, slightly darker.

How to choose a tree for making furniture: texture and image

Types of wood of different density and structure

Each type of array has an individual texture, an image formed on the surface of a tangential cut of wood.

There are the following types of wood:

  • with a weakly inscribed, discreet image;
  • with the image in the form of various rings;
  • with the image in the form of stripes of different lengths and widths.

Texture and pattern are important aspects in the selection of wood for furniture making.

The cutting method significantly affects the external qualities of wood.

Radial, semi-radial and tangential direction of cutting wood

With a radial cut, the image of the pattern on the surface of the wood is actually lost. The pattern is not noticeable, the environment is homogeneous.

With a tangential cut, the stripes and bends that form the original image are clearly visible.

For a classic atmosphere, choose a headset with a uniform texture.

Lines, bends, rings on a plain canvas can be drawn independently using gouache, pencil, thick brush. Pronounced wood patterns look great against the background of neutral walls.

How to choose a tree for hardness, density, moisture resistance

Determination of hardness a - according to Brinell; b - according to Rockwell

Furniture made of durable material is practical during use. It rarely gets scratches. The production of products from durable species requires large labor costs, significant material costs, and certain skills in working with wood.

Wood hardness by species (table - list)

Interestingly, not all durable varieties are resistant to moisture. There are soft rocks that have good resistance to moisture.

Furniture made from dense wood, unstable to moisture, in a couple of years will lose its presentable appearance, turn into a ruin unsuitable for subsequent restoration.

Properties of wood of different species

The most popular among consumers are the following varieties of the array.

  • Walnut - differs in durability. It has an abundant variety of colors. Especially common are clear yellow, greenish-gray, red-chestnut colors. Easily processed material.

    Walnut wood is a durable and sustainable material

    Large walnut table in the living room

  • Oak is hard. Yellowish chestnut colors predominate, resistant to decay. Oak furniture lasts for centuries.

    Solid oak is a durable but expensive material

    Oak furniture for the bedroom is made in a characteristic design

  • Pine - refers to soft varieties. Has a clear color. Age-old trees have a dark shade. Furniture made of pine does not depend on temperature fluctuations and is resistant to decay. The most common material for the production of desks for educational institutions.

    Pine is an affordable soft material for making furniture with your own hands.

    Charming cozy kitchen from solid pine

  • Beech - differ in strength, plasticity. The material is easy to process. Has a fascinating woody pattern. Lacquering does not change the tone of the material. Absorbs moisture, is characterized by a predisposition to rapid decay.

    Beech wood has high strength, beautiful texture

    A set of stylish beech bedroom furniture

  • Eastern larch - characterized by density and increased moisture resistance. Has a homogeneous color scheme. It has a lower viscosity and ability to stick together compared to other conifers.

    Larch wood is a healing material, suitable for interior decoration premises

    Aged chest of drawers made of larch - a combination of elegance and solidity in one item

Video: What wood and materials to choose for your furniture?

The main parameters by which commercial wood is selected for the production of furniture are: strength, resistance to deformation, wear resistance. All these three qualities are combined into one indicator - the density of wood, that is, the ratio of the mass of a tree to its volume.

Types of wood depending on density:

A) Soft (up to 540 kg / m 3) - spruce, pine, aspen, linden, fir, poplar, chestnut, alder, cedar;

B) Solid (550-740kg / m 3) - larch, birch, oak, elm, beech, plane tree, Walnut, maple, apple tree, ash;

C) Very hard (from 750 kg / m 3) - iron birch, mountain ash, white acacia, hornbeam, dogwood, boxwood, pistachio tree.

Consider the breeds most in demand in furniture production:

1. Pine

wood color- brown, beige-yellow, white with light pink stains. The best material for making furniture are pine trees growing on a hill with sandy soils or dry hills. In such wood, the annual layers will be pronounced and narrow, close to each other. Pine grown in areas with high humidity will have a loose structure, and the blanks from it will have to dry for a long time before being put into production. Pine wood is soft, easily scratched and damaged.


  • flexibility in processing. Pine is easily planed along the fibers, but with difficulty - in the transverse direction. When sawing, the opposite is true - the log is cut easily across, but badly along.
  • easy to glue;
  • depending on the color and structure of the wood, pine is used both for the manufacture of furniture with subsequent varnishing, and for frames, and various structures with hardwood veneer veneer;
  • like all conifers, it has a pleasant smell, it releases phytocides, which are considered medicinal.

2. Spruce

Spruce wood is softer than pine. In addition, there are a large number of knots in the trunk, which make it difficult to process wood for the manufacture furniture panels. Compared to pine, spruce absorbs moisture better and rots faster. Due to its inexpressive texture and low strength, spruce is most often used for mosaic decoration or in structures that do not experience significant loads during operation.

  • spruce wood is practically not subject to warping;
  • sticks perfectly.

Along with spruce, Siberian fir is also used - these two trees have similar indicators.

3. Larch

The wood of this coniferous tree valued for its unusual reddish-brown hue and high performance. From shortcomings of larch- a large amount of resins, which quickly disables tools and causes difficulties in processing. In case of improper drying, internal cracks form on larch wood.


  • high moisture resistance;
  • excellent strength indicators (the best among conifers);
  • little subject to warping;
  • used to make carved pieces.

4. Cedar

The yellowish-white cedar wood is not distinguished by high strength and density, therefore it cannot withstand heavy loads.


  • resistance to decay and wormhole;
  • suitable for carving;
  • has a specific woody aroma.

5. Tees

Red-brown with light and dark veins, yew wood has high strength, but also a large number of knots.

  • not subject to a wormhole,
  • easily planed and polished,
  • insensitive to atmospheric changes.

6. Oak

On the radial section of the oak trunk, large core rays and light sapwood are clearly visible. Oak is the most widely used hardwood in solid wood furniture due to its excellent combination of strength and beautiful texture. If the oak lies in water for a long time (several decades), its wood acquires a rare dark purple color with a green tint. Oak wood is difficult to polish, requiring equipment with high-hardened cutters.


  • despite the high viscosity of wood, it is processed quite well;
  • bends easily;
  • decay resistant;
  • lends itself well to artificial aging techniques.

7. Ash

Wood in many qualities looks like oak, but lighter and does not have pronounced core rays. Ash-trees are necessarily subjected to antiseptic treatment, since in conditions of humidity the wood is quickly damaged by a wormhole. Poorly polished.


  • bends well after steaming;
  • cracks a little when drying;
  • when discolored, it acquires an unusual shade of gray hair.

8. Beech

beech wood not inferior to oak in strength, but it is highly hygroscopic, therefore it is not recommended for the manufacture of furniture that will be used in conditions of high humidity (bath, kitchen). Poorly polished.


  • high decorative qualities: beautiful texture in both radial and tangential cut,
  • fast drying, does not crack;
  • easy to process: it is pricked, sawn, cut, bent;
  • it is perfectly bleached and dyed with the help of special solutions, it practically does not change the beautiful natural shade during varnishing.

9. Hornbeam

It has a hard dense wood of a grayish-white color. It is often referred to as white beech, but the texture of the hornbeam is not so pronounced and often has a slanting structure, due to which the tree is not prickly.


  • after high-quality drying, the hornbeam becomes harder than oak;
  • not subject to warping;
  • lends itself well to etching and finishing.

10. Common birch

birch wood, despite high density, unstable against decay, therefore it is mainly used for the manufacture of plywood, peeled veneer, chipboard. It dries for a long time and badly, is prone to wormholes, cracks badly, warps.


  • uniform structure and beautiful colour wood;
  • bends well;
  • in the production of solid wood furniture, it is used as an imitation of valuable species (it is well painted when etched).

Separately, Karelian birch is distinguished, which has higher performance indicators, is known for its unusual texture and pink wood. It is expensive, so it is mainly used for veneering solid wood furniture.

11. Maple

Despite being dense maple wood rarely cracks, He resistant to moisture. Bird's eye and sugar maple are most valued because of their characteristic beautiful structure.


  • easily pricked, well processed: cut, polished;
  • has a homogeneous structure without pronounced fibers;
  • when stained, it successfully imitates valuable breeds;
  • maple wood does not have a pronounced core, therefore it is easily painted, varnished, stained.

12. Alder

Soft rock, without a pronounced structure. Alder wood quickly darkens in the air, therefore it is used mainly in a painted form (under ebony or mahogany). Alder Feature: Wormhole in dry places, but rot resistant in wet conditions.


  • dries quickly
  • easy to carpentry,
  • well polished,
  • warps slightly.

13. White acacia

The hardest hardwood, therefore, it has a high friction resistance and is elastic. In dry form, it is difficult to process, therefore it is used mainly for facing soft rocks.


  • perfectly polished;
  • when exposed to air, the wood darkens, which results in a bright yellow-brown color and expressive texture.

14. Walnut

The older the tree, the more valuable and darker its wood. The most expensive variety is American black walnut.


  • a wide variety of shades;
  • dense, but malleable wood;
  • easily dyed, due to the high content of tannins (from tinted ebony to even white).

15. Linden

It is used in production for the manufacture of figured turned elements. It contains few tannins, so it practically does not stain, but it lends itself well to staining (with the right concentration of the solution, linden wood can be given the appearance of more valuable tree species). Needs antiseptic impregnation, as it is highly susceptible to wormholes.


  • resists moisture well
  • wood is strong and plastic,
  • It has a beautiful white and creamy hue.

As you can see, each wood has its own advantages and disadvantages, based on which you can choose a certain grade for the manufacture of solid wood furniture.
