Flower lovers admire the uniqueness of this plant, but treat it with caution. The Decembrist is an unusual indoor flower. Its name comes from the month in which it blooms. The plant produces multi-colored buds that fit perfectly into any interior. There are good and bad superstitions and signs about the Decembrist flower. Can you keep it at home?

Decembrist flower - ornamental plant

Plant origin

Decembrist grows in the tropical forests of southern Brazil. As a home, he chooses dry plants, lying trees and does not like to attach to the soil. Although the plant lives in the crevices of trees, it is not a pest. With the help of foliage and segments, the flower absorbs nutrients, receives light and moisture from the environment. By its name, you can determine that it blooms in December.

good omens

This flower is quickly saturated with the spirit of the house. The plant is sensitive and strongly responsive to changes in the life of the owners. Each person, by the appearance of his flower, can understand what will happen in his house in the near future. A sign with a positive meaning is the flowering of the Decembrist. His appearance he says that it is comfortable and cozy for him to live in this family. He gives the house harmony, residents - mutual understanding. Children live in excellent conditions.

Another sign predicts that if the flowering of the Decembrist fell at the beginning of December, then the next year will be very successful, filled with happy moments. If the flower released the buds a little earlier, then this indicates an early acquaintance, which promises changes in life. Also, early flowering predicts an increase in the financial income of the family: receiving an inheritance, bonus or promotion.

bad omens

The late flowering of the Decembrist is attributed to bad omens. The trouble can overtake one of the family members or all the residents of the house. This is due to problems at work or in school in children.

  1. The Decembrist, who released the buds later than expected, speaks of difficulties in the family, frequent quarrels, conflicts between husband and wife. Since the plant is impressionable, it is better to take a closer look at the nature of the behavior of relatives and friends.
  2. Late flowering promises soon illness and financial difficulties. If a person saw that the flower began to lose its attractiveness, but the care was carried out in accordance with all the rules, then great grief is close.
  3. A dead plant speaks of the imminent death of one of the family members. The cause may be an accident, accident, fire, etc.

Late flowering of the Decembrist - to quarrels in the family

plant benefits

Keeping a plant indoors is easy. The Decembrist is unpretentious in care, but loves attention very much. This flower creates an energy field that affects all family members. He is able to respond to both positive and negative qualities of a person.

When harmony reigns in the house, the flower gives only positive moments to the household. It blooms shortly before the New Year and thus creates a festive atmosphere.

The Decembrist can take away the negative energy of the room and transform it into a positive one. Perfectly adapts in offices, gives a charge of good mood, increases efficiency. The Decembrist is able to reveal the following qualities in a person:

  • care;
  • kindness;
  • attention;
  • a pity;
  • Love;
  • reliability.

Many psychologists prefer to put the plant in their offices, since the Decembrist is a flower that helps to overcome difficulties, fills a person with new strength and directs him on the right path. The plant loves attention and communication. You can tell him about your problems and consult with him on any issue.

Other superstitions

Recently, the Decembrist flower has become for many people a sensor of changes in the biofield in the room. It is necessary to carefully care for the plant at times when a person is sick in the house. In the old days, it was believed that if the plant did not die, then the patient would recover. Our ancestors noticed interesting feature Decembrist.

When a bad person with negative energy entered the house, he immediately weakened and took on a lifeless appearance. After that, such guests were no longer invited into the house and tried to communicate with them less.

According to superstition, if frequent quarrels and scandals are heard in the house, the family lives in constant lies, distrust and misunderstanding, then the flower may not bloom at all. Near the Decembrist it is forbidden to swear, lie and speak rudely. Bad thoughts and deeds will negatively affect the plant.

Culture at home

Many signs and superstitions about the Decembrist make a person think about the usefulness of keeping him in an apartment. It is important to remember that any sign wants to help, tell people the solution to a particular issue. A person must understand why these trials fell to his lot. Probably worth changing something in your life. If the flower dries, this not only speaks of the death of a loved one, but also of hidden ailments. Thanks to the plant, it is possible to detect the disease in time, begin to treat it and prevent further development.

You need to look at your friends and acquaintances. Some of them may wish harm to the family, but hide it. Finding out the truth is very easy. If such people enter the room, and the plant suddenly fades, you need to limit communication. Keeping a Decembrist at home is very useful. If it blooms and feels fine, you can not worry about the lives of your loved ones.

The flower will help to respond in time to adverse events.

Significance in astrology

Astrologers are inclined to believe that the plant is able to absorb conflicts that arise between people, so you should definitely get a Decembrist:

  • young couple;
  • young parents: you need to install it in the nursery, as it sets the child in a creative way;
  • any family: it will take away uninvited guests, create a joyful, festive atmosphere.

The Decembrist is an amulet that will help solve problems.

When buying a plant for your home, you do not need to immediately think about the bad things that can happen. It is important to remember that the flower may die due to improper care, and this will not harm any of the residents.

magical properties

The plant also has magical properties, so it can be bought as a talisman, it will protect the house and its residents. It is better to put it on the window that is closest to the entrance.

He will not let those who want to cause harm into the dwelling.

Flowering in spring

If the plant began to bloom in spring, and not in winter, trouble awaits the owner of the house. A person's life will change for the worse. There may be financial difficulties or health problems.

Not always signs can deceive. It is worth thinking about what might be wrong, look at your life from the outside, undergo an examination. The plant blooms ahead of time for a reason. The problem may lie in close people who are silent about their difficulties.


The Decembrist flower is not only a beautiful plant, but also a predictor. With it, you can create comfort in the house, fill it with joy, happiness and love. You can determine your future by a plant, and whether it will be good or bad depends on the household. The Decembrist plays the role of a talisman, he absorbs negative energy and protects his masters from bad people. You need to buy a flower for the house. The best decoration, protector and helper not to be found.

Various signs and superstitions are associated with this flower. It is believed that he can not only talk about the energy of the guests at home, but also about the approach of death in it. The Decembrist is a flower, various signs can be associated with it. Many are afraid to keep him in the house, as he begins to wither and wither if he feels the breath of death. Here is what is known today in magic about this creation of nature.

Can this flower destroy the energy in the house

Modern magicians believe that there is nothing to fear, since the Decembrist only warns of death. It does not affect the energy in the house in any way, but it is very sensitive if there is a negative. It is believed among the people that if there is this flower in the house, then in front of the deceased in the house it begins to shed its leaves and wither. For this reason, they tried not to keep the Decembrist in the house - no one wanted to know in advance about death, especially about their own. Even in the old days there was a sign that a dead flower - a Decembrist - takes a living person with it to another world. Although at the same time, many refuted such a superstition, believing that if there are no sick people in the house, the sign will not come true.

In fact, modern magicians are inclined to believe that the Decembrist can warn of sudden death in the house and funeral, but he himself has nothing to do with this. But there are several other signs that can talk about what the Decembrist points to in the house.

It was believed that the Decembrist begins to wither and deteriorate if an ill-wisher has recently visited the house. The condition of the flower can worsen significantly if your enemy came, a person who planned evil, brought with him a lining or negative magical influence. For example, I read, the evil eye, bad and evil energy. Sometimes it can be ordinary envy and an unfriendly attitude, aggressiveness, an evil wish. If a person has such an attitude, then the Decembrist reacts to it and may even wither for a while. But as soon as a guest with negative energy leaves your house, the flower will immediately come to life and become beautiful and healthy, as before.

Usually the Decembrist begins to bloom in December, hence its name. But what does the sign mean if flowering begins in April or in any other month? If there is a boy or girl in the house, then this is a sure sign that there will be a wedding soon. The Decembrist is very beautiful during its flowering, and the sign associated with this phenomenon is always positive. It means that soon there will be a holiday in the house, a joyful and solemn event. For creative individuals, he predicts a generous reward for work, a lot of interesting and bright things, as well as happiness in life, inspiration and interesting project. For newlyweds, a blooming Decembrist is a sign of happiness or a long-awaited pregnancy. It indicates the favorable energy in the house and the health of all living in it. However, the flowering of the Decembrist in the summer does not always mean well-being. Often he predicts trouble for you or that money will soon stop adding to the house.

It is worth being wary if the Decembrist does not bloom at all. This means that something threatens your happiness and well-being. The Decembrist (flower) does not bloom at all - this sign means the imminent departure of the husband from the family. Especially when various quarrels constantly occur. If the plant withers, but does not completely die, this is a sign that the children in the family may be in danger. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the state of such a flower, which is sensitive to the energy in the house, and try to clear it of any negativity, if any.

The Decembrist, or Schlumbergera cactus, is a succulent flowering shrub entangled in a whole heap of various secrets and mysteries. Therefore, many are afraid to start this plant in their home.

Decembrist flower: what is dangerous and can it be kept in the house

The Decembrist releases fragile and tender buds in the first winter month, on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, for which he received his common nickname.

Decembrist blooms at the end of December, on New Year's Eve and Christmas

The main myths and prejudices are connected precisely with the flowering of this succulent.

Video: how useful is the Decembrist

Signs and superstitions

There are many fears and superstitions associated with the Decembrist, among them there are negative and positive ones. Negative omens are associated with such events:

  • if suddenly a plant withers and dies for no apparent reason, then in the near future one should expect the death of a loved one;

    If the Decembrist withers and dries, then there will soon be a funeral in the house

  • late flowering, later than usual, portends financial difficulties and serious health problems, and also speaks of impending family discord, conflicts and quarrels;

    If the Decembrist bloomed in spring or summer, then financial difficulties are coming.

  • abruptly dropped foliage indicates damage to the dwelling and its inhabitants.

    Suddenly dropped foliage speaks of induced damage in the house

The Decembrist grew up with my grandmother. She always said that if a flower looks sickly, sluggish and does not tie buds, then there is negative energy in the house coming from the people living there (they often quarrel and conflict).

The Decembrist, who does not bloom, looks sick and stunted, reacts in this way to the negative energy in the house

Positive signs are interpreted as follows:

The buds that appeared in November promise an addition to the family or a wedding.

Video: superstitions and signs that are associated with the Decembrist

Objective reasons

No objective reasons limiting or excluding the maintenance of the Decembrist in residential premises have been found. Although it belongs to epiphytic cacti, it does not even have thorns and is not capable of harming curious babies or nosy pets.

The leaves of the Decembrist are not poisonous and do not have thorns.

Feel free to take the Decembrist to your house. With proper care, it will bloom regularly and in a timely manner, despite all signs and superstitions.

Magic and mysticism have long become elements of the life of a modern person, someone believes in horoscopes, and someone in signs. It is a generally accepted fact that there are forces that science is not able to explain and analyze, but they harmoniously flow into the life of everyone. There are plants around which mystical rumors circulate and they are classified as talismans, amulets, or, conversely, unwanted guests at home and in the flowerbed.

One of these is the Decembrist, or the Schlumberger cactus, among the people this flower is associated with various signs and superstitions that help to recognize the atmosphere in the house, friendly people and even the approach of death. To believe or not in such signs is an individual matter for everyone, but the fact that a Decembrist is very beautiful plant, no one will argue.

Decembrist - the popular name of the plant, you can also find options for Christmas, zygocactus. The flower owes its common name to its ability to bloom its flowers on Christmas Eve. The plant belongs to the Cactus family, the Schlumberg genus and has several varieties:

  • Schlumbergera truncated;
  • Gertner;
  • Buckley.

This plant comes from the forests of South America, where it wraps around the trunks of large trees and is abundantly strewn with flowers in summer period. The indoor Christmas tree was bred by breeders and got its place on the windowsills of the houses of our country thanks to the original flattened leaves and unusual colors.

Zygocactus has several shades: white, pink, purple, lilac, purple, peach, and its flowers resemble bells with wrapped bright edges. Stem tissues become stiff in adult Decembrists, and it is also characterized by the constant appearance of new leaves.

The flower is easily propagated by cuttings and proper care blooms several times a year, although today new hybrid varieties have been bred, the flowering period of which is much longer and does not depend on the season.

Rozhdestvennik does not require special care rules, but prefers shady places for growth, moderate watering warm water, the presence of drainage and needs to be fed during the period of active growth. You can transplant it at any time, except for the flowering period. If you follow the basic rules for growing a cactus, you can get an excellent perennial decorating the room with its exotic look.

Signs and superstitions about the Decembrist flower

There are several rooted signs about Christmas that appeared a long time ago, but have taken root and people still believe in them. For example, unmarried girls are categorically not recommended to grow such a flower, otherwise they will remain old maids.

About flowering time

It has long been believed that from the flowering period of the Christmas tree, you can learn a lot about the family that grows it. So, timely flowering in the month of December promises a good year for everyone living under the roof of the house. It's okay if the zygocactus blooms on New Year's Eve or at its beginning, everything will be fine and no troubles are expected.

If the plant begins to throw out flowers in autumn or spring, then you should prepare for problems that will haunt the whole year; it can be both financial difficulties and illnesses of family members. At the same time, there is a sign that the flowering of the Decembrist in the fall promises replenishment in the family soon.

A separate signal is the absence of flowers on the plant throughout the year, so the plant signals tension and omissions between husband and wife, they must be resolved and reconciled, then the Christmas tree will certainly please with abundant flowering.

According to the state of the flower

The following superstitions are associated with the appearance and condition of the plant:

  • a lush and actively growing Decembrist shows an atmosphere of love and care in the family;
  • a large number of young leaves informs about the disease of one of the family members;
  • a flower that grows well for a long time promises peace and tranquility in the house.


For creative people, a large number of flowers on the Decembrist promises new horizons and achievements in the coming year.

How to recognize guests' intentions

The Christmas tree will also help you recognize the true intentions of people who come to your house, whether they are relatives or acquaintances. If among the guests there is a person who wants evil, envious of the family, then the plant will certainly wilt and may even begin to shed its leaves.

Having noticed such changes in the state of the Decembrist, one should remember who was the guest at home during the period when such metamorphoses occurred with the plant and limit further communication with people with such negative energy.

About death

Perhaps the most terrible and unpleasant sign associated with the beautiful cactus in question is its role as a harbinger of death. Folk wisdom says that a Christmas tree withered for no apparent reason is a symbol of the imminent departure from the life of one of the inhabitants of the house where the flower grows.

This sign allowed people to prepare for a future tragedy, but at the same time it is alarming, frightening, and many avoid growing zygocactus at home.

Is it possible to keep a Decembrist flower at home?

Majority indoor plants can bring benefit and harm, living in our homes. According to signs, the flower in question can bring undeniable benefits to the house where it grows:

  • help to create a positive atmosphere;
  • drive away bad thoughts and desires;
  • reveal secret enemies;
  • contribute to the establishment of relationships and life of young couples;
  • will fill even egoists with kindness;
  • activates creativity;
  • help in spiritual development;
  • heal joint diseases.

On the other hand, some superstitions say that it is not worth keeping such a cactus at home because of its strong energy, which can drive a husband, father out of the family, and negatively affect any man in the family. Some also believe that when the flower wilts, it can invite death and lead to losses in the family.

Depending on what a person believes in, he should decide whether he wants to have such a plant in the house. But when buying it, you should remember that the key to beautiful foliage and unusual flowering is proper care.

The influence of the Decembrist on fate

People and objects around us can positively or negatively affect our mood, condition and, accordingly, our whole life and destiny. And zygocactus grown on the windowsill of an apartment can bring some changes during life situations.

According to Feng Shui

For those who are fond of the practice of Feng Shui, it will also be useful to have a Decembrist, because it will help improve the atmosphere in the house and relationships. The plant does not require a special location, any place that is suitable for caring for it is acceptable, since the zygocactus will be able to generate its energy and influence people constantly only when it is healthy and growing.

Buy a plant and use the energy of the Decembrist will be effective:

  • for shy people, the flower will help to relax and improve social skills;
  • psychologists, it will provide an opportunity to arrange clients for conversations;
  • for managers - will create a friendly and trusting atmosphere in the office;
  • emotional and unrestrained men - will give calm and harmony.

On a note!

Thanks to the ability of the Christmas tree to transform the negative into the positive, it would be good to have such a flower for representatives of professions who constantly work with conflicting clients.

The meaning of the flower in astrology

In astrology, Christmas has received considerable attention; it is believed that he is patronized by planets that endow the plant with their energy, namely:

  • Saturn promotes the rhythm of life, planning and high productivity;
  • The moon gives its tenderness and softness, due to which men lose their touch of aggression, and women acquire a special sophisticated charm;
  • Mercury resolves conflicts, develops communication skills and social adaptation.

People who grow Decembrists receive the energy of the plant and, accordingly, the patronage of the planets with their influence on human life.

Astrologers also claim that the flower is a strong talisman and is simply necessary in homes with young children, whom it helps to develop a creative nature and create an atmosphere of celebration and good mood.

Various signs and superstitions are associated with this flower. It is believed that he can not only talk about the energy of the guests at home, but also about the approach of death in it. The Decembrist is a flower, various signs can be associated with it. Many are afraid to keep him in the house, as he begins to wither and wither if he feels the breath of death. Here is what is known today in magic about this creation of nature.

Can this flower destroy the energy in the house

Modern magicians believe that there is nothing to fear, since the Decembrist only warns of death. It does not affect the energy in the house in any way, but it is very sensitive if there is a negative. It is believed among the people that if there is this flower in the house, then in front of the deceased in the house it begins to shed its leaves and wither. For this reason, they tried not to keep the Decembrist in the house - no one wanted to know in advance about death, especially about their own. Even in the old days there was a sign that a dead flower - a Decembrist - takes a living person with it to another world. Although at the same time, many refuted such a superstition, believing that if there are no sick people in the house, the sign will not come true.

In fact, modern magicians are inclined to believe that the Decembrist can warn of sudden death in the house and funeral, but he himself has nothing to do with this. But there are several other signs that can talk about what the Decembrist points to in the house.

It was believed that the Decembrist begins to wither and deteriorate if an ill-wisher has recently visited the house. The condition of the flower can worsen significantly if your enemy came, a person who planned evil, brought with him a lining or negative magical influence. For example, I read, the evil eye, bad and evil energy. Sometimes it can be ordinary envy and an unfriendly attitude, aggressiveness, an evil wish. If a person has such an attitude, then the Decembrist reacts to it and may even wither for a while. But as soon as a guest with negative energy leaves your house, the flower will immediately come to life and become beautiful and healthy, as before.

Usually the Decembrist begins to bloom in December, hence its name. But what does the sign mean if flowering begins in April or in any other month? If there is a boy or girl in the house, then this is a sure sign that there will be a wedding soon. The Decembrist is very beautiful during its flowering, and the sign associated with this phenomenon is always positive. It means that soon there will be a holiday in the house, a joyful and solemn event. For creative individuals, he predicts a generous reward for work, a lot of interesting and bright things, as well as happiness in life, inspiration and an interesting project. For newlyweds, a blooming Decembrist is a sign of happiness or a long-awaited pregnancy. It indicates the favorable energy in the house and the health of all living in it. However, the flowering of the Decembrist in the summer does not always mean well-being. Often he predicts trouble for you or that money will soon stop adding to the house.

It is worth being wary if the Decembrist does not bloom at all. This means that something threatens your happiness and well-being. The Decembrist (flower) does not bloom at all - this sign means the imminent departure of the husband from the family. Especially when various quarrels constantly occur. If the plant withers, but does not completely die, this is a sign that the children in the family may be in danger. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the state of such a flower, which is sensitive to the energy in the house, and try to clear it of any negativity, if any.
