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Today we will talk about the right workouts for women. You will learn what a competent training program for girls consists of.

The popularization of strength training is gaining momentum among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. There are more and more girls and women in the gyms. But really useful information there is practically no way to train them.

Before we start delving into the topic, a few words about motivation. That magic pill that allows you to achieve results, step over pain and go even further.

In women, it is more developed. They often have to limit themselves in food, rest, and the like, just to become more beautiful (appearance helps her win in natural selection). They naturally tend to always look perfect, and this requires constant self-control. This motivation develops and becomes stronger over the years. This skill is useful in other areas of life.

By adding knowledge and a competent approach, the girl will be able to achieve the result she needs in gym.

female physiology

The main feature of the female body is the tendency to accumulate nutrients about stock. This is a key difference from the male body.

This is due primarily to the amount of hormones norepinephrine and testosterone. They not only influence the formation muscle mass and proportions, but also affect the central nervous system (central nervous system), in particular they are responsible for aggression and stubbornness. Men, due to their physiology and the amount of hormones, are able to train to failure (when the next repetition in the correct technique and amplitude is impossible on their own), i.e. almost to the limit.

A woman, unless she has gone crazy or takes testosterone from the outside, will not be able to train like that. It is more likely to stop 2-3 repetitions before failure, due to the lack of the above hormones. It is difficult for her to go through the pain, to finalize the last failure repetition.

Another feature of the female body is due to the fact that the number of muscle fibers in the muscles in women is less than in men. In this regard, the ability to power work in a low number of repetitions in girls is poorly developed. So any strength work up to 6 repetitions will not make sense.

The next feature is the distribution of muscles throughout the body of a woman. Weak top and strong bottom. Narrow shoulders, weak arms, poorly developed pectoral muscles. Most of the muscles are concentrated in the lower part - these are the buttocks and legs. It is easier for women to progress in training for the lower body, because. there are more muscles. It will be very difficult for them to progress in the upper body.

In order for a woman to develop the upper body, she should strain more than men.

Another feature will affect the female press. Any healthy woman experiences "menstruation" once a month. Due to the fact that at this time there are pains in the lower abdomen, nature made sure that they were less. How? The number of nerve endings in the lower abdomen. Accordingly, the neuromuscular connection is worse than in men. It is much more difficult for a woman to develop a press than for a man.

The metabolic rate in women is lower than in men. This means that women consume much less energy per kilogram of their body weight than men. Thus, men can eat more and not get fat. This is due to the fact that men have more muscles. And muscles are a very energy-consuming material, even at rest.

excess the intake of carbohydrates in the body of a woman is much more easily transferred to reserves (into fat) than in men.

On the other hand, the fat that is formed in women is much easier to use as an energy source than in men. This is due to the reproductive function of women, due to the need to give energy to offspring.

The most important feature that leaves its mark on the construction of a training program for girls is the menstrual cycle. It creates periods of ups and downs in physical performance. During the first two weeks after the end of menstruation, women feel a physical lift and are capable of high performance. At this time, her training can be quite difficult.

On average, two weeks later, ovulation occurs (28-day cycle). And here there is a strong decline in energy and physical capabilities. The female body tries to save energy to the maximum, including accumulating it. At this time, he is able to accumulate nutrients even more efficiently, regardless of whether the egg has been fertilized or not.

As a rule, physical activity in the gym should be limited at this time. Make workouts easier. Remove or reduce the intensity of heavy exercises for the lower body and abs. In addition, you should reduce your calorie intake, because. 3-4 weeks are the most dangerous for the girl's appearance, because the body will change.

The female body after menstruation is strong for the first two weeks, the next two are weak and try to save more energy (gain weight).

Therefore, microperiodization works very well in women's training. When the load is not constant, but changes cyclically. The peak of loads should be combined with the first two weeks, and the decline in the third and fourth.

Sports physiologists say that sports periodization is the key to long-term and powerful results. And this is good from the point of view of women, because. nature itself has laid down such a mechanism.

Brief conclusions:

  • In women's training, microperiodization should be used.
  • The training should be high volume (many reps, sets and little rest).
  • No excess carbohydrates. Monitor your diet carefully.
  • Don't focus on the buttocks and legs - pay attention to the upper body even a little more.

Given the female physiology (the information discussed above), we will immediately dispel the myth that training in the weight room will make you a man in a skirt. In order to get at least a little closer to male forms, you will have to resort to special pharmacological preparations. Even men have struggled to achieve the desired forms for years, and a mutant will definitely not come out of a girl!

Strength training will help to form beautiful forms of the upper and lower body, tighten the overall muscle tone, strengthen the health of all body systems without exception, improve your condition and self-esteem. And a few more advantages of exercising in the gym with weights:

  • The more muscle you have, the more calories you spend on maintaining them, which means less prerequisites for the accumulation of fat.
  • After strength training in the gym, the metabolic rate increases for a day or more. At the same time, after aerobics and other cardio joys, only for a couple of hours.
  • The gym will allow you to engage in the formation of your figure in those places where you want (what we train, we develop). No aerobics will give such an effect.

How to make a training program for girls

The body will change and adapt only when external conditions unaccustomed and stressful for him.

What is it for? The main problem that women face is working with too little workload, underworking. You will stagnate for years, and the butt () and press () will not appear.

In order for the body to begin to form beautiful forms (to increase muscles in size), training must be heavy (even if the weights are less than for men). You really must have a hard time doing the last reps. Remember your training is high volume, you rest little and work a lot (you don't lift heavy weights and records like men, you take the volume of your work - lots of exercises, lots of sets, lots of reps, little rest).

Treat working on yourself in the gym not as a tea party, but as turning ideal shapes from granite with a hammer and chisel, hard and hard work.

The training program for men (not beginners) is based on a split. When the whole body is split into muscle groups and these separate groups are trained on different days in a strength manner close to failure. So more time to exhaust each muscle group as much as possible and, in turn, more rest for it, because. training of each group is rare.

Women should not train in this manner. The force character does not suit them. Women should train the whole body at a time - in one workout. Women recover faster after a workout, because. do not approach failure and do not destroy deep muscle tissue.

Training should be built from the following calculation. Large muscle groups are determined and one or two basic exercises for them are selected. A large amount of work is performed with a large number of repetitions and approaches.

You should choose such exercises so that the maximum number of muscles is involved, because. women do not have the opportunity to allocate a whole training day to work out one muscle group. You should train 2-3 times a week, depending on your state of health, and it should be excellent before training.

Training program for girls (whole body at a time or full body)

Extremely important. There is a warming up of all joints, ligaments and muscles - protection from injuries.

  • 5-6 sets for max. repetitions

Acceleration of blood through the body and training of the press.

  • 5 sets of 10-15 reps

Formative exercise for the buttocks and legs.

  • 5-6 sets of 10-15 reps

Back work.

Working out the triceps, front delta and the inner part of the chest, which pushes the chest forward.

  • 5-6 sets for 10-15 reps

The development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Incredibly difficult but effective exercise.

Pause between sets of 30 seconds - 1.5 minutes. Pick up such a working weight that it would be difficult for you by the last repetitions, but the technique should be perfect. The pace of all exercises is deliberately slow!

You can change the set of exercises for specific muscles, as long as they remain basic, and you perform them flawlessly. This workout will take you about 60 minutes.

Absolutely novice builders of a beautiful body should not shorten the workout by removing exercises. It is better to rest more before the next approach. Over time, try to shorten this pause. In order for a girl to create the prerequisites for anabolism, a high volume and oxygen debt are needed, i.e. small pauses between sets of 30-60 seconds.

There are many reasons for exercising at the gym. But most often among the fair sex initial goal Going to the gym is weight loss. Girls who come to practice for the first time often do not know where to start. Work in the gym has many nuances, in which it is quite difficult for a person who first came to the gym to figure it out. To overcome fears and prevent many of the mistakes inherent in a beginner, it is necessary to disassemble the workouts into components, and below is a program in the gym for girls for beginners.

Varieties of training

Training is strength and general strengthening.

  • - performing exercises with weighting and a gradual increase in repetitions and the weight of shells. Such workouts burn a lot of energy, but at the same time quickly deplete the body, so if a girl is on a diet, you should not abuse large weights and the number of repetitions. Exercises should be performed in doses, with rest. No more than 2-3 times a week.
  • General strengthening training - work is carried out more on endurance and strengthening the muscle corset. These workouts include intense cardio and light weight training. For classes, exercises with light weights, but a large number of repetitions are used. For example, or can be attributed to such training.

For beginner girls, it is necessary to alternate strength and general strengthening exercises.

Motivation for newbies

According to statistics, only 30% of newcomers who come to the gym continue their classes, while the remaining 70% give up trying to get the body of their dreams in the first month. A large percentage of girls who left the gym without achieving the desired result are due to simple reasons:

  • low motivation;
  • there is no clear program of action;
  • no results after a month of classes;
  • high expectations;
  • diffidence.

So that the girl who first came to the gym does not lose the desire to train regularly, it is necessary to draw up a clear action plan. A convenient class schedule and training program in the gym, the right approach and preliminary preparation will lead to regular visits to the gym and maximum results.

The program in the gym for girls is compiled separately for groups: for beginners and for those who regularly play sports.

And women are very different. Women have a different physiology and, accordingly, for girls in the gym, a different approach and a different training program.
IN critical days it is better for girls to exclude exercises on the press and legs with resistance and replace these exercises with cardio workouts.

How to properly distribute the load on all muscle groups?

The body of a woman is designed so that when playing sports, the lower part of the body (stomach, buttocks and legs) builds muscle mass faster than the upper part. Therefore, in order for all muscle groups to receive a load, we distribute the load evenly.

Figure beautiful girl looks like an hourglass. A narrow waist and wide hips can be formed through physical activity. It will not work to increase the chest, only to tighten the muscular frame, so the main load is placed on the lower body.

We distribute all exercises into groups:

  • The first group is legs and buttocks, the share of all tasks for these muscle groups is at least 40%.
  • The second group is the back, 20% of all exercises included in the program.
  • The third group is the chest, only 10%. To form a beautiful and toned chest, the program must include at least one exercise.
  • The fourth group is arms and shoulders. 10% will be enough to form a beautiful muscle relief. Agree, a woman should look feminine, so there is no need to pump shoulders and arms. But if you want this particular part to lose weight, then you need to focus on.

Basic training schemes

Sports are considered regular if a person trains at least three times a week, performing the entire set of exercises included in his program. The duration of the training is 1 hour for beginners and 1.5-2 hours for those who have been practicing for more than a month.

Exercises are divided into:

  • Basic. They work on several muscles at the same time when performing one exercise.
  • Insulating. Only one muscle is being worked out.

The training program for beginners includes only. Let's leave isolation exercises for professional athletes.

In the first month of training, the program will be monotonous. It is necessary to perform the same lesson 3 times a week. From the second month, the specifics will change. For classes aimed at the qualitative study of the desired muscle groups, training will be divided into Day A and Day B.

First month training program

This sample program for beginner girls, exercises can be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics and wishes.

After a month of classes, the program for girls in the gym changes, the number of repetitions increases by 1-2. And the weight of the dumbbells also increases slightly. Exercises on the legs and arms alternate daily. For example, if on Monday the emphasis is on the hands, then on Wednesday the hands rest and the legs work, on Friday the hands again. Thus, different muscle groups are given maximum load, and then rest.

Every two months, the program must be completely changed, as the muscles get used to the loads, and efficiency is lost.

Implementation specifics

Before you start doing the exercises for the first time, it is better to take a lesson from a professional trainer who works in the gym. Ask to show how each task from the program is performed correctly. Work through each movement under supervision in order to eliminate errors. Improper mastering of the technique is fraught with injuries for a beginner, severe pain in muscles and reduced efficiency. If after the first workouts, muscle pain does not go away for several days, then most likely you have chosen the wrong load. After training, the muscles should be felt, but not much.

  • Do not move on to the next task while the previous one is difficult.
  • Tips for girls who came to the hall for the first time:
  • On your first day in the gym, focus on technique over quantity.
  • Start with the smallest weights and a small number of sets every day, increasing the intensity.
  • Keep a workout diary.
  • After you can complete the entire program, try to complete each task to failure (as long as you have the strength).
  • Breaks between sets are no more than 1-1.5 minutes.
  • Do not work for wear, especially at first, you should increase the load gradually, otherwise the desire to do it will quickly disappear.
  • Enjoy training, if you like music, take the player to training.
  • Don't skip classes. If for some reason you couldn’t come to training, be sure to work the next day or in the near future. Muscles quickly forget about the load, and it will be very difficult to return to sports after a long break. There is no way to come to the gym - of course, unless the pass was due to illness.

After working out the program for a month, you need to take a break of 6-7 days and only then move on to the next phase.

What mistakes do girls make in the gym most often?

  • Classes on the same program for several months in a row. The program must be changed every 1.5–2 months.
  • There are no breaks. Some beginners think that the more the better, and they work out 6-7 days a week - this is fundamentally wrong, the muscles need rest. The best option- go to the gym every other day.
  • They are afraid to pump up a large volume of muscles and therefore neglect strength training and focus exclusively on cardio training. In order to pump up a large amount of muscle mass, athletes work with large weights and take special drugs. Due to physiological characteristics, a woman cannot gain large muscle mass without these conditions.
  • Work aimed at only one muscle group. A well-designed program should include work on all muscles.
  • Immediately take a lot of weight - big mistake. It is necessary to start weight training with the smallest weight, gradually increasing the load.

Training diary

In order to see the dynamics and have a clear idea of ​​why you came to the gym, you need to keep a notebook in which there will be a detailed program and completed tasks - a training journal (diary).

Proper exercise journaling includes:

  • date, week number, time spent on training;
  • program execution: how many approaches, number of times and with what weighting exercises were performed for each item;
  • write down your mood at the end of the workout, whether you have any strength left after completing the entire complex;
  • Get on the scale before each class and write down your weight.
  • write everything that you consider important: mood, well-being and other indicators that you consider important for yourself.

Most importantly, do not hesitate to walk around the hall with a notebook and a pen, this will only emphasize that you did not just come to the hall for a few days, but set clear goals for yourself and are aimed at long-term classes and a specific result.

In order for the training program in the gym to give a good result, you should approach the first trip to the gym thoroughly. Get advice from an experienced trainer. Compose your individual program workouts. Keep a diary and do not skip classes, and then the path to the body of your dreams will become an interesting adventure, and not hard, hateful work.

And remember, if the goal of exercising in the gym is to lose weight, then it makes no sense to start training without choosing a balanced diet. For weight loss, not only fitness is important, but also a calorie deficit of at least 10%, but not more than 20%. The body needs energy to exercise.

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Nowadays, the saying “They meet by their clothes, but see them off by their minds” is more relevant than ever, because the first thing we do when meeting a new person is to form our opinion about him, based on appearance, and then we look at what he has inside. If you want to be successful, both on the personal front and at work, you need to constantly keep yourself in shape.

It is especially important for a woman to be attractive and pleasant. The main component of this image of the beautiful half of the population is Therefore, the topic of this article will be "The program for training in the gym for women."

Familiarization with all stages of weight loss

To begin with, let's discuss the fact that the program for training in the gym for women in order to lose weight and in order to pump and build certain muscle groups are fundamentally different.

If building and strengthening the muscle frame is important to you, then strength exercises are most effective. If your goal is to lose excess weight, then cardio is something that should be given special attention. However, for best results, pay attention to both types of exercises.

In this article, the main task that our gym training program for women will solve is to remove the stomach and sides, as well as tighten the lower body or reduce the volume of the legs.

In addition to what you have compiled, you will need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles proper nutrition.

For simple muscle strengthening, muscle building and cutting diets will be significantly different. This point will also be considered in general detail by us.

It is important to understand that the program for training in the gym for women and for men is different due to the difference in body structure. It is worth considering the characteristics of the girl's body before and after menstrual cycle.

To visit the gym with simulators, you need to wear specially adapted clothes for this and be sure to take the amount of water you need with you.

Features of female physiology

Due to the amount of hormones such as testosterone and norepinephrine in the female body (they are much less in a woman than in men), the body is prone to accumulating body fat. Also, these hormones are responsible for aggressiveness and the ability to consciously repeat certain exercises for wear and tear (in this regard, ladies are less hardy).

Despite the rate of accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, girls have the ability to say goodbye to extra pounds much faster than guys.

Women have very well developed lower body muscles, which makes them very amenable to training. Things are worse with the upper body. It is quite difficult to pump the muscles of the press, chest, arms and shoulders, but in combination with proper nutrition - it is quite possible.

By the way, due to the smaller number of nerve endings in the lower abdomen, women have a less developed neuromuscular connection than men. On the one hand, this is good, because in this part of the body, ladies are more tolerant of pain (in particular, pain during menstruation), but because of this, the lower press is the most problematic part for most of them.

For women, it is very important to choose a training schedule according to the menstrual cycle.

In the first half of the time after menstruation, the body is more resilient and strong, and also less prone to deposition of "reserve" carbohydrates, so training at this time is most productive.

Ovulation usually occurs two weeks after your period. These days the body is the weakest, it is engaged in the accumulation and conservation of energy, so you can be sure that every piece of cake you eat at this time will undoubtedly lead to rounding of your forms. Training during this period is the least effective, experts even recommend reducing the load.

Let's summarize what a woman should know when choosing exercises for herself.

The weight loss training program for women is very different from the workouts for men due to the difference in muscle structure.

The number of calories that a man should consume per day is many times higher than the norm, which is shown to girls.

The program for training in the gym for women should be built according to her menstrual cycle: the heaviest loads in the first two weeks, then the intensity of training should decline.

In women's training, there should be many approaches and repetitions, between which there is a minimum of rest. A gym workout program for women 3 times a week is the best option.

Let's talk about nutrition

In order for the efforts made in the gym not to be in vain, you just need to control your diet, because no matter how hard you work out in training, with excess consumption of fats and carbohydrates, your muscles will simply grow under a layer of fat.

So, the basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • You need to eat several times a day (5-7) in small portions.
  • Be sure to consume at least two liters of clean water (tea, coffee, juices, etc. have nothing to do with clean water).
  • Minimize the consumption of so-called junk products (these are products that do not benefit the body). These include: sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup (and other store-bought non-natural sauces), sweet soda, etc.
  • Try to avoid eating too fatty meat and give preference to boiled, stewed, baked and steamed foods rather than fried in oil.

  • Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Reception of the main amount of carbohydrates should be in the first half of the day.

As you can see, the rules are simple and clear to everyone. We do not advise you to completely exclude sweet, starchy and fried foods from your diet. Just try not to use too much. healthy foods as little as possible. Make, for example, once a week a day when you can eat something tasty. But most importantly, don't overeat.

An approximate meal schedule looks like this: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. As a snack, fruits are best.

The main thing - remember that no program for training in the gym for women (beginners in particular) will not help you if you do not eat right.

What is the difference between a circuit training program and a split program

So, we talked about the basic principles of women's training, understood why the training program for men is not suitable for women, and learned about the basic principles of proper nutrition. Now let's talk about the workouts themselves.

The training program in the gym for weight loss for women for two days (and preferably three) is divided into two types:

A circuit program is a workout that involves each session in the gym as a study of all muscle groups at once. This type of training is considered by many to be the most preferred for women. It is, without a doubt, ideal for those whose goal is to lose weight and slightly strengthen the muscular frame.

Split training is based on the fact that the person working on it works out a certain group (or several groups) of muscles every day. For example, day 1 - back, arms, day 2 - legs, buttocks and day 3 - chest and abs.

Such training is usually chosen by men. However, girls who want to build muscle mass in any area or pay special attention to the most problematic part of the body are also better fit such a program.

Below is a training program in the gym for women (initial) of the circular type.

Circuit training

It is important to remember that no matter what training program in the gym for weight loss for women (and drying is also required in conjunction with workouts for weight loss) you have, you need to spend 20 minutes at the beginning of the warm-up and cardio exercises and 20 minutes at the end - stretching the muscles and cardio. . We will discuss this point in more detail later.

So, you've warmed up. Now let's see what a women's (initial) gym circuit training program for a week should look like.

The first day

Press. The first exercise you will do will be twisting the body on the bench. Complete 4 sets of the maximum number of repetitions (professional trainers advise doing as many as you think you can, plus 5 more times. These 5 repetitions will be most effective).

Gluteal muscles. Lunges forward on both legs 15 times, while holding dumbbells with a minimum weight of 3 kg in your hands. 3 approaches.

Back. Vertical block pull. This exercise should be done 4 sets of 8-15 repetitions, concentrating on the muscles of the back.

Dumbbell bench press lying on a bench. This exercise tightens the chest and forms its beautiful shape, which, you see, is important for a woman (it is especially important that the training program in the gym for women over 45 includes chest exercises). Run 15 times in 2 sets.

The layout of the hands with dumbbells lying on the bench. This exercise will enlarge and strengthen your chest. Run 15 times 2 sets.

to the sides. Do 25 swings with each leg for 2 sets.

Do 2-4 rounds of this program. Remember that in between sets and exercises you can’t sit and it’s undesirable to stand in one place, it’s better to go drink some water or knead and stretch your muscles.

Day two - rest.

Day Three

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders, perfectly pump your buttocks and legs. The weight of the bar should be such that you can squat with it at least 15 times without hurting yourself (we recommend starting with 8-10 kilograms). The first time you need to be insured. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

Press from the floor. Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps. This exercise is good for the chest muscles.

Twisting with a fitball. The meaning of the exercise is that you need to raise your body and legs at the same time, while holding the fitball in outstretched arms, pass the ball from hand to foot and lower yourself, squeezing it with your feet. This compound exercise engages the muscles of the upper and lower abs, as well as the muscles of the arms and legs. The minimum number of repetitions is 10 times, 2 sets.

Leg press on the simulator. This exercise is responsible for the thigh muscles. Do it 15 times, 2 sets.

Bending the arm with a dumbbell. Do 2 sets of 15 reps for each arm. With this item, you can pump up the biceps, which will save you from problem areas in your arms.

Stand in the bar 1-1.5 minutes. The plank tightens the muscles of the whole body.
Do 2-4 rounds of this program.

Day four - rest.

Day five

Hyperextension. This exercise trains the gluteal muscle and the extensor muscles of the back. Perform 15-20 times for 0.5 kg. 2 approaches.

Raising the legs on the horizontal bar (in the hang). So you will perfectly pump the muscles of the lower and upper press, the oblique muscles of the abdomen and arms. If you are a beginner, then pull up your legs bent at the knees. If the level of training allows you, then raise straight legs to parallel with the floor. Such twisting must be done in the following order: forward, left, right. Do 10-20 reps for 2 sets.

Raising the arms in an incline with dumbbells alternately. Perform 15-25 reps for each arm, 2 sets. This exercise will strengthen your shoulders.

Calf raise with dumbbells will work the calf muscles. Do 3 sets of 40 reps.

Deadlift is the best suited for working out the back, buttocks, thighs and forearms. This pull should be done with dumbbells or a barbell. 15-20 times for 2 sets.

Mahi dumbbells to the sides pump up the middle delta of the hand. 2 sets of 10-15 reps.

Warm-up, stretching and cardio

Before exercising, be sure to spend 10 minutes warming up and 10 minutes exercising on a treadmill or on an exercise bike.

You ask: "Why do you need a warm-up if it does not build muscle mass and does not contribute to weight loss?". The answer is simple: just by warming up beforehand, you will prepare your body for hard exercises, which will significantly increase the quality and safety of the subsequent workout.

So, what is the warm-up for?

  • Warms up and tones all the muscles of the body.
  • Accelerates the heartbeat up to 100 bpm.
  • Increases the activity of the cardiovascular system, due to which blood rushes to the muscles faster.
  • Reduces the risk of tearing or pulling muscles during strength training.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Helps to prepare for the workout.

Now you know how important the warm-up is. It may include: jumping rope, rotational exercises to warm up the joints, tilts and turns of the body, abduction and stretching of the arms in different directions.

After you've finished warming up, run for 10 minutes on the treadmill.

After completing the main training program, spend 10 minutes stretching. It will make your muscles look leaner and more feminine, as well as reduce pain the day after your workout. And, of course, a plastic body will never hurt a girl.

Women over 40

Many people think that the training program in the gym for a woman 40 years old and older is very different from the training for the younger generation or is not available at all. This is an erroneous opinion. Sports are shown at any age, but in this case, several rules must be observed:

  1. Before you start going to the gym, you should consult with your doctor.
  2. Rest between exercises and approaches should be longer - 1-1.5 minutes.
  3. Perform all exercises carefully and not at a very fast pace.
  4. Spend more time stretching and warming up.

By following all the rules described in this article, you will achieve incredible results at any age.


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To draw up a training program for a girl, it is paramount to determine the purpose of the classes: losing weight, keeping the body in good shape, or gaining muscle mass. In addition to regular exercise themselves, it is important to pay attention to proper nutrition and drinking regimen.

healthy image life and maintaining the body in a sporty form is not only fashion trend recent years but also the right approach to lifestyle in general. A beautiful and toned body is an accessible reality for all girls and men, and desire and constant work on oneself will help achieve the goal.

When compiling a training program for girls, you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of the body. On building muscle tissue hormones - testosterone and norepinephrine. Unlike men, the female body does not have a high content of these hormones, because of this, girls do not exercise to muscle failure.

Therefore, performing a strength exercise, you need to gradually increase the number of approaches. Nature gave a woman the ability to bear children, because of which the female body makes reserves in the form of body fat. To create beautiful forms, you need to combine sports with proper nutrition, which will include daily calorie counting.

You can make a training program for a girl yourself. First, for this you need to determine with the main points.

The difference between the bodies of a man and a woman in terms of pumping muscles

The male body initially has more muscle mass and less body fat in the form of subcutaneous fat. The process of burning fat in men is faster. In a man, the body produces more of the male hormone testosterone, and in a woman less, but more estrogen (the female sex hormone).

Muscle growth requires the male hormone testosterone. Without taking special sports nutrition (anabolic steroids) it is not realistic for a girl to pump up to a muscle of the same size as a man's. Therefore, if a girl does not take supplements, she may not worry about pumping her body and becoming ugly.

When a woman takes steroids in pursuit of muscle mass, she has more side effects than in men, because the female body resists the introduction of unnatural amounts of these substances. There is a load on the kidneys, liver, acne begins, but of course, enhanced processes of muscularization begin.

More visible changes include: deepening of the voice, increased growth of hair on the body, hyperatrophy of the clitoris begins (it increases in size). Speaking about the effectiveness of muscle pumping, it should be noted that in the female body, the same amount of protein goes to muscle growth after training and protein nutrition as in men.

But depending on whether a woman takes special nutritional supplements, the results of training vary greatly.

If sports nutrition is not accepted, the volume of muscles in a woman compared to a man is acquired much harder and less mass. But it is strength and endurance that a woman develops more.

And if a woman takes supplements, the increase in muscle volume occurs on a par with a man. The difference is only in the starting point. Men initially have more muscle mass and are stronger.

Defining a workout goal

Starting preparation for training, first of all, you need to decide on the main goal: losing weight, gaining muscle mass, or just maintaining a good shape. Different goals mean different methods.

A set of muscle mass. Principles

When building muscle mass, the body must receive a balanced amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein.

The number of calories consumed for a girl at the beginning of the muscle pumping journey should be from 1600 - 1700 and above. When calculating daily calories, one should not forget about individual characteristics: height, weight, age and level of physical fitness.

Carbohydrates are best consumed for breakfast or 2 hours before a workout, it can be oatmeal, buckwheat or rice. In 20 minutes.

After a workout, restore blood sugar levels will help:

  • apple;
  • pear;
  • banana;
  • a glass of natural juice.

When building a relief body, you cannot do without the right proteins. You can get them from these products: chicken fillet, eggs, cottage cheese. Of the cooking methods, steam processing, boiling in water or baking are suitable.

The female body needs fats, their absence can lead to disruption of hormonal processes. Many healthy fats are found in nuts, seeds, fatty varieties fish and soybeans.

It is better to eat at the same time 5-6 times a day and do not forget about the drinking regimen. The number of strength training should be at least 2-3 times a week, lasting about 60 minutes.

To avoid mistakes on initial stage you should seek the advice of a professional trainer.

Slimming. Principles

Weight loss exercises combined with aerobic exercise will help you lose weight. The power complex should include: bench press, deadlift, squats, lunges.

Plus a few more exercises with weights to choose from, the total number is 6 - 8. From aerobic activities, swimming, running or cycling are suitable. Strength training should alternate with aerobic, for example, 2 times strength and 2 times cardio.

The total number of calories consumed when losing weight is about 1500 per day. This number will vary depending on the individual. There are special formulas for calculating the caloric content of the daily diet.

Food should be correct and contain many useful substances and trace elements. For the duration of the diet, you need to completely abandon fast food, carbonated drinks and sweets.

Keeping the body in good shape

Good physical shape includes: mobile joints, elastic muscles, a healthy cardiovascular and respiratory system.

To keep the body in good shape, it is necessary to refuse bad habits, proper nutrition and regular exercise. For girls and women of any age, yoga, Pilates, running, swimming, walking and cycling will be useful.

Workout at home or in the gym: which is better?

The results of the training process depend on motivation and self-discipline. Without these two components, a positive result is impossible, regardless of where the training takes place at home or in the gym.

Benefits of home workout:

  1. Saving money. You do not have to spend money on a subscription to a fitness club, sportswear and shoes.
  2. Convenience. Training can be carried out at a convenient time for yourself.
  3. Absence of embarrassment. In the gym there are people who have succeeded in playing sports, this makes many beginners uncomfortable.


  1. Technical errors. If the exercises are performed incorrectly, it is possible to get injured and not achieve the desired result.
  2. Lack of equipment. Training will not be effective without the right equipment.
  3. Financial costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment, but this must be done only once.
  4. There is no way to get advice from the coach.
  5. Poor focus on the process. There are more distractions at home than at the gym.

Necessary equipment for home workouts:

    1. Collapsible dumbbells (weight 1,2,3 and 5 kg);
    2. Folding board for the press;
    3. Rope;
    4. Fitball;
    5. Rug.

Benefits of training in the gym:

  1. The presence of like-minded people. The lesson will be more productive due to the presence of people motivated by one goal.
  2. Various equipment.
  3. No distractions. The atmosphere sets you up for a quality process.
  4. Opportunity to consult with a professional trainer.


  1. Wasting time on the road to the fitness club and back.
  2. Monthly subscription fees. For individual lessons, you will have to pay for the services of a fitness instructor.
  3. Queuing for the gym. If the gym is small or lacks equipment, you will have to wait in line.

An unequivocal answer to the question “what training to choose?” - No. It all depends on preferences, the main thing is to correctly draw up a training program and go towards your goal. And then girls, the result will not be long in coming!

Correct load distribution

A competent approach to sports will provide quick and long-term results. To do this, you need to know exactly how to distribute the load on your body.

The distribution of the load, whether it is strength training or cardio, includes the main components:

  1. Warm-up before starting a workout;
  2. Correctly selected program;
  3. Rest between classes.

Any workout should start with a warm-up, and end with a hitch.

The duration of the warm-up is 5 - 7 minutes. The session should last approximately 60 minutes, 2-3 times a week. Important point- the regularity of training. Girls with low physical fitness should start with half an hour of classes. Before starting training, you should consult with your doctor.

Exercises with weights at the initial stage are done in three sets, 12-15 times. If the goal is to lose weight, then gradually the weight of the dumbbells needs to be increased, otherwise the body will get used to the same loads and stop progressing. You also need to work on the number of repetitions and reach 17 - 20 times per set.

If we are talking about a set of muscle mass, then 3 repetitions of 8-10 times are enough. The weight of the dumbbells is selected individually (holding the dumbbells in your hands, you need to try to do 8 repetitions, if, it turns out, you need to take dumbbells weighing a little more).

Rest between sets for about 1 minute, you also need to monitor your heart rate. If the SS frequency is below 140, then the load is insufficient, and if it is above 170, then it is too strong.

The technique of performing the exercises must be correct, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Therefore, it is better to perform exercises in front of a mirror. Usually it takes a month to work out the execution technique. Training should not be daily, the muscles need time to recover and rest.

A fitness trainer will help you choose a training complex, he will select an individual workout and develop a nutrition program.

Warm up

Warm-up is an integral part of the workout, which includes a set of exercises that prepare the muscles for the main load.

Workout Benefits:

The warm-up begins at a slow pace with a gradual acceleration.

An approximate set of exercises for warming up:

  1. Rotations of the neck, arms, ankles;
  2. Turns and tilts of the body to the left - to the right;
  3. Mahi legs;
  4. Squats;
  5. Running in place;
  6. Rope jumping.

Training complex for beginners

For girls starting to play sports, it is necessary to draw up a training program on their own. The key is to gradually increase the load. The training program should consist of exercises for all muscle groups. Much attention must be paid to the correct execution of exercises. From this, the result will come faster.

Each workout begins with a warm-up (6-10 minutes is enough) with a transition to the basic power complex. The duration of the lesson at the first stages is 30-40 minutes, with each workout the time should increase.

For one exercise with weights, 3-4 sets and 12-15 repetitions are done. Rest between sets 40 - 60 seconds. During this time, the muscles will have time to relax and restore breathing. The total number of workouts per week is 3-4.

For effective fat burning, cardio workouts are added, which alternate with strength training.

Advanced training program

The advanced level training program is suitable for girls who have already achieved a certain sports level and regularly visit the gym.

A set of exercises (3 sets = 17 reps):

Fullbody for girls

Fullbody - training for all muscle groups, i.e. The entire body is worked out in one workout. Fullbody training is ideal for those who have just started exercising or have not been exercising for a long time. When performed correctly, it prepares the body for advanced levels of training. The complex is suitable for home and gym.

Approximate set of exercises:

  1. Squats with a barbell (dumbbells) with a wide stance or body bar;
  2. Bench press or pull of a vertical block to the chest;
  3. Deadlift with a barbell;
  4. Lunges with own weight;
  5. Barbell pull with a wide grip;
  6. Breeding dumbbells to the sides with two hands;
  7. Push-ups from the knees or from the floor.

For one approach, 15 repetitions are done, the number of approaches is 3 per exercise. Training time - 50 min.

Circuit training

Circuit training involves performing exercises one after another at a certain pace. This is a highly effective type of training, which accelerates metabolism and burns subcutaneous fat. And also, the muscle relief is being worked out and endurance is increased due to the training of the cardiovascular system.

The training contains 5 - 6 exercises for different muscle groups, which are performed without interruption. Number of circles 4 - 6, rest between transitions from one circle to another - 2 - 3 minutes.

Before starting the circuit training, an articular warm-up is performed, then cardio (running, jumping rope, cycling) for 15-20 minutes.


  1. Burpee (10-15 times);
  2. Twisting on the press (20 times);
  3. Standing dumbbell press (10 - 15 times);
  4. Lunges with own weight (10 - 15 times);
  5. "Hammer" with dumbbells (10 - 15 times);
  6. Push-ups (10 times).

At the end of the workout, cardio is performed at a slow pace.

Fat burning program

The fat burning program for girls should include: strength and aerobic training, proper nutrition. When compiling a training program, you should be aware that the consumption of subcutaneous fat occurs after 30 minutes of intense exercise. Below is a training system designed for 4 workouts per week.

1 day - aerobic training:

Day 2 - aerobic training:

Day 3 - strength training:

Day 4 - strength training.

Each workout is 60 minutes long. The training program can be carried out at home, excluding exercises with simulators.

Fitness program

A fitness program is a system of exercises aimed at correcting the figure and improving health.

Below is a list of the most popular programs:

  • LESS MILLES . The exercises of this program are performed to rhythmic music, most often using dumbbells. Suitable for everyone who loves active fitness.
  • MIND & BODY . The program is aimed at developing flexibility, all exercises are performed to relaxing music. Suitable for all those who do not like intense workouts.
  • BODY BALANCE . Classes combine exercises from yoga and Pilates. Develop plasticity, endurance and improve health.
  • B ODYCOMBAT . The program combines different kinds martial arts: kickboxing, teikwondo, karate. The duration of the lesson is 50 min. Girls with joint problems should consult a doctor before training.
  • STRECH . A set of exercises is aimed at improving the condition of the joints and increasing the flexibility of the body. Performing exercises is combined with the correct breathing technique. The lesson lasts 1.5 hours. There are no contraindications to this program.
  • PILATES MAT . The program will teach you to feel your body, strengthen your spine and tone your muscles. A month of regular exercise will help you get a beautiful silhouette and a good stretch. The duration of the classes is 55 minutes, there are no contraindications for performing.

Power training

Weight training is indispensable for girls striving for a beautiful body. They are also important when losing weight, because strength training consumes body fat. Strength training: develops muscle relief, corrects the figure in the right places, improves coordination and increases endurance.

Principles of strength training:

The strength training program for girls should include exercises for: chest, biceps, quadriceps, triceps, back, shoulders, buttocks and abs. Before each workout, a warm-up workout is done. The number of repetitions and approaches and how to choose the right weight for dumbbells was described at the beginning of the article.

cardio training

Cardio is a great option for those who want to lose weight and increase stamina. It can be: cycling, skipping rope, running, swimming, sports or Nordic walking. For training in the gym, a rowing or elliptical trainer is suitable.

Cardio training comes in different intensities:

  • Low and medium intensity - suitable for beginners, because. there is no strong load on the heart and joints.
  • High intensity - suitable for people with an average level of physical fitness, increases the metabolic rate during and after training.

When compiling a cardio training program, you need to take into account some of the nuances. To exercise at home, you will need an exercise bike or treadmill. Suitable option- these are outdoor activities, where the body is provided with an influx of a large amount of oxygen.

Availability required comfortable clothes and the right shoes to avoid heavy stress on the foot. You need to start the lesson with a warm-up. For those who are overweight and have health problems, walking or swimming is suitable.

For weight loss, it is recommended to combine cardio with strength training. Beginners should start with low and low intensity workouts and gradually increase the load. You need to drink about 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water per day and follow a diet with a calorie deficit. Class time - 40 - 50 minutes, spend at least 3 times a week.

Split program

The essence of all split programs is that only 1 or 2 muscle zones are worked out in one workout. This type of training is suitable for girls involved in power loads for more than six months.

Split program example:

1 workout - arms and back.

2 workout - buttocks and legs.

3 workout - chest and abs.

The number of sets is 3, the number of repetitions is 10 - 15.

Training on simulators

Training on simulators is just as effective as training with dumbbells and a barbell. Before starting work, you just need to figure out how this or that simulator works.

Everyone is familiar with the treadmill and exercise bike, we will dwell on the rest in more detail:

A set of training on simulators for all muscle groups:

  1. Twisting on the "Roman chair" (3 - 20);
  2. Thrust of the upper block (3-15);
  3. Platform (3 - 15);
  4. "Butterfly" (3-15);
  5. Elliptical trainer (15 min).

The effect of the menstrual cycle on training

The quality of the training process is affected by the menstrual cycle. In the first two weeks after menstruation, the body is on a power lift, these days you need to train with more efficiency. In the next two weeks, a period of recession and energy savings begins. This is the time for light exercise and low-calorie eating.

Many girls experience various ailments on the first day of the menstrual cycle, so training on this day should be postponed.

In the presence of gynecological diseases, you should not train, but it is better to coordinate the training loads with your doctor. During menstruation, the body is in a state of dehydration, these days it is important to drink plenty of drinking water and eat foods rich in vitamins.

Drinking regimen and nutrition

Compliance with proper nutrition with regular physical activity is 70% of success on the way to a beautiful figure, and only 30% is the right training.

It is very important to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. 1.5, and preferably 2 hours before going to the gym, you need to eat food rich in carbohydrates and some protein. You can get the right carbohydrates from oatmeal, rice, buckwheat and rye bread. And, there is a sufficient amount of protein: in beef, eggs, chicken breast and lean fish.

When losing weight, you can’t eat after exercising in the gym, because. eating will stop the process of burning subcutaneous fat. If, however, there is a set of muscle mass, then after 20 minutes. you can have a snack with a banana, an apple or low-fat cottage cheese. To gain muscle mass, the post-workout meal should consist of carbohydrates and protein, and when losing weight, protein and vegetables.

It is impossible to completely refuse fats, this will cause great harm to the body. Consume fats from the right sources, such as nuts (a handful per day), vegetable oils, hard cheeses and fish.

To avoid malfunction, the body needs to drink the right amount of fluid every day. The indicator is individual for everyone, the approximate amount for a girl of the middle weight category is 1.5-2 liters per day.

Progress Tracking

Tracking progress during training occurs by measuring with a centimeter tape. You need to do this once every two weeks and record the results in a training diary. In the same place, to count the calorie content of the daily diet, thanks to the records it will be easier to adjust the workouts and menus.

It is better to refuse constant weighing on the scales, this will not bring reliable information. As you know, muscles are heavier than fat, so at the beginning of training, weight may increase slightly.

A good indicator of progress will be an increase in the number of repetitions, approaches and weight load. Every two months, girls need to change the composition of the training program to improve progress and stop training every six months for two to three weeks to relax the body.

Change yourself and your body and let sport bring only happiness and pleasure!

Video: how to create a training program

How to make a workout plan for girls:

Compilation of training programs for women:

The gym is a hub of motivated women and girls with three very different goals: to lose weight, gain weight, or keep fit. Whatever the goal of the girl, the most reliable way to achieve it without harm to health is regular classes in special programs in the gym several times a week. Inexperienced girls, at least for the first time, should train under the supervision of a trainer.

To maximize the benefits of classes, girls need train on special program exercises.

Training programs in the gym are compiled depending on the task:

  • for beginners;
  • for experienced athletes;
  • for a set of muscle mass;
  • for burning fat;
  • for all muscle groups;
  • for a specific area
  • on relief;
  • cardio training.

Choosing the right workout plan in the gym is necessary depending on what the woman or girl wants to achieve. It is recommended to draw up a program taking into account many parameters: initial physical fitness, age, weight, the presence of diseases, and so on.

Girls should start training in the gym by doing the most simple exercises, gradually adding more complex ones to the program. Effective fat burning will provide a specially selected diet. If there is no opportunity to exercise regularly in the gym, you can do the exercises at home.

Gym workout program for girls 3 times a week


  • Workouts for gaining muscle mass in the gym and at home
  • Gym weight loss training program for men
  • men's home workout program
  • Back exercises in the gym and at home
  • Circuit training for women and men at home
  • Triceps workout for home and gym

To get started, you need to create training program for girls in the gym for 3 days- this will help to assess your own strengths and capabilities, so that later you can work out in the gym with maximum impact. The program can be divided with an emphasis on the study of different parts of the body, or build workouts based on the same exercises.

A typical basic workout targeting all muscle groups and designed to work out in the gym three times a week (example program):


  • warm-up on a treadmill 10 minutes;
  • 15 squats with a barbell without pancakes;
  • 10 lunges on each leg with dumbbells in hands;
  • 10 times - dumbbell pull to the belt alternately with each hand;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar (as many times as possible) or replace with the pull of the upper block behind the head 15 times;
  • the last exercise - bench press on the bench - 15 times.


  • warm-up on a treadmill;
  • 15 times - rod pull to the belt;
  • thrust with a narrow grip of the block to the chest 15 times;
  • squats with a dumbbell "plie" - 15 times;
  • squats with a barbell, alternately on each leg - 12 times;
  • exercise for the press "book" - 25 times.
  • cool down - 15 minutes on cardio machines.


  • warm-up on a treadmill;
  • 15 times - deadlift;
  • squats 10 times with each leg on the bench (alternately);
  • pull with a narrow grip to the belt of the lower block - 15 times;
  • 15 times dumbbell bench press;
  • 14 times to perform wiring with dumbbells.
  • a hitch after strength training - 15 minutes on cardio equipment.

Each exercise of the training program should be done in 2 sets.

Beginner Workout

Beginners need a special training program for beginners for girls in the gym. You need to train 3-4 times a week, when choosing exercises, you should take into account what exactly the efforts will be made for - for drying or for gaining muscle mass.

Exercises for girls in the gym, aimed at drying and muscle relief, should be accompanied by a special protein diet. If a weight loss program is being drawn up, then cardio training must be included in it.

Rules for effective training in the gym for beginners for all muscle groups:

  • During classes in the gym, girls should include exercises in the program that involve the maximum number of muscles in the work. At the same time, it should choose the right weight, in accordance with personal parameters and training;
  • If we are talking about a program for losing weight, and not for gaining muscle mass, a girl should definitely perform standard exercises in the gym: barbell press, push-ups, squats with a barbell and dumbbells, all types of crunches for the press. You need to exercise without overtraining, with the optimal number of repetitions - 10-15 times;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the muscles and joints are not overloaded, you also need to properly build breathing, relaxing on the inhale and making an effort on the exhale- the quality of classes both in the gym and at home depends on it;
  • During training, you must drink water, in order to promptly replenish the inevitable loss of body fluid, which is bad for the muscles;
  • Girls should not forget to include in the program of classes in the gym cardio exercises that provide the maximum effect for weight loss is running on a treadmill (15 minutes before and after a workout), classes on an orbi track or a bicycle;
  • Exercises should be done in two sets with a break of 60 seconds.

What exercises to include in the program for beginner girls in the gym:

  • Warm-up - 15 minutes;
  • Twisting "hyperextension" - 12 times;
  • Squats with a neck - 15 times;
  • Twisting on incline bench- 12 times;
  • Push-ups on the knees - 10 times;
  • Dumbbell bench press with a supporting knee on a bench - 12 times for each arm;
  • Breeding dumbbells over the chest in the prone position - 10 times;
  • Bending the legs in the simulator - 15 times;
  • Swing your legs back in the simulator - 15 times;
  • Cardio - 10 minutes.

Program for gaining muscle mass

In a special way, a training program for girls should be developed to gain muscle mass in the gym. It should include the study of all muscle groups.

The training program for gaining muscle mass for girls should be designed in such a way that the days in the gym alternate - that is, on one day you should “swing” the upper body, and on the other - the lower one.

The program for gaining muscle mass in the gym is based on the principle:

  • Monday - upper body muscle mass training;
  • Tuesday is a day of rest;
  • Wednesday - training of the muscle mass of the lower part;
  • Thursday is a day of rest;
  • Friday - training of the muscle mass of the middle part;
  • Saturday and Sunday are rest days.

Rules for training in the gym for gaining muscle mass for girls:

  • Necessarily include basic exercises in the program in the gym- bench press, barbell squat, deadlift, crunches;
  • In order for muscles to grow, girls need to constantly provide progression, that is, complicate the workout and increase the weight on the bar;
  • Number of repetitions exercises in programs for gaining muscle mass in the gym for girls should be at least 12-15 times for 2-3 sets;
  • Between sets, the girl needs to rest for about 60 seconds;
  • The workout itself in the gym should not last longer than 60 minutes.

The program for gaining muscle mass in the gym for girls:

Monday - arms, shoulders, chest

  • Hyperextension exercise;
  • French press forhead;
  • Alternately pulling the dumbbell to the shoulder;
  • Breeding dumbbells lying down;
  • Breeding dumbbells sitting;
  • Wide grip chest pull.

Wednesday - legs, buttocks

  • Leg abduction in crossover;
  • Leg press on the simulator;
  • Squats with a bar behind your back;
  • Pulling up the legs in the hang with an emphasis on the elbows;
  • Lunges in the Smith machine;
  • Smith machine squats.

Friday - back, press

  • Twisting on an inclined bench;
  • Reverse tilt hyperextension;
  • Thrust of the upper block to the belt;
  • Leg raises on the bench;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Twisting "Prayer".

Fat Burning Workout

The training program for girls for burning fat in the gym consists of a complex for the load of the heart muscle and strength exercises. Cardio training is an integral part of exercising in the gym during weight loss.

A competent training program for girls in the gym for weight loss should be developed as follows:

  • You need to start training with warm-ups and cardio exercises on a treadmill;
  • The best exercise for burning weight in the gym, as well as slimming the buttocks and thighs, is the barbell squat.Squats with weights, you need to do it carefully and according to the rules, because this exercise, if performed incorrectly, can be dangerous for the back and joints: the legs should be placed wider than the shoulders, the barbell should be placed on the shoulders, grabbing it with your hands, you should squat slowly, lowering the buttocks as low as possible. At the same time, do not arch your back and keep it straight, your head looks straight;
  • Girls should do exercises at least 12 times 3-4 sets;
  • Don't be afraid big weights when going to the gym, from them the process of weight loss will go even faster. It is important not to overdo it, and choose sports equipment according to your strength;
  • Visually reduce the waist girls will be helped by the inclusion in the training program of exercises for the development of spinal muscles - pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • Weight loss will provide crossfit– fast performance of strength and cardio exercises, with minimal intervals between them.

Workout for girls to burn fat in the gym:


  • Jumping rope - 3 minutes;
  • Running at an average pace - 7 minutes;
  • Exercise bike - 5 minutes;


  • Squats with lowering the dumbbell between the legs;
  • Swing your legs in a crossover;
  • Forward lunges with dumbbells in front of you;
  • Squats with lifting dumbbells up;
  • Breeding legs in the simulator;
  • Dumbbell bench press with a supporting knee on a bench;
  • Leg abduction in the Smith simulator;
  • Lunges back with a neck behind the back;
  • Oblique twists on the floor;
  • Plank on straight arms with legs abducted to the side.


  • Walking on a treadmill - 7 minutes;
  • Exercise bike - 3 minutes;
  • Walking on the orbit track at an average pace - 7 minutes.

The program for training in the gym can be divided into days with an emphasis on individual muscle groups, then you will need to increase the number of repetitions and approaches. Or girls can perform a full complex in every workout.

The most effective fat burning occurs in girls during training for all muscle groups, but you need to choose the way to work on the program in the gym, taking into account the level of training.

Simple fitness program

The fitness training program for girls in the gym is a set of measures to change your lifestyle. The fitness training program for relief for girls should combine classes in the gym with a proper diet. Minimize carbohydrate intake and increase protein intake.

Girls need to start eating fractionally and in small portions, drink plenty of water, and also perform the following exercises:

  • Push-ups from the floor - 12 times in 2 sets (it is allowed to include push-ups from the knees in the program);
  • Twisting on an inclined bench 12 repetitions 2 times (sitting on a bench, put your hands behind your head and raise your upper body);
  • For biceps, perform dumbbell rows - 15 times in 2 sets (dumbbells in the hands in front of you, elbows pressed to the body, lower and raise the dumbbells to the shoulders);
  • Bending the arms - 12 repetitions of 2 sets (take one dumbbell with both hands, lift, take it down behind the head, bending the arms at the elbows);
  • Lowering the legs - 15 lifts in 2 sets (lying on the floor, put your hands along the body, slowly raise and lower your legs).

Regular workouts for girls according to the program with the right set of exercises will help not only to drive fat from problem areas - they will build a beautiful and toned body with excellent muscle relief. The main thing is to work out in the gym according to the plan, and not give up halfway.
