A great exercise for working out the muscles of the press, which is suitable for girls and guys - twisting on an incline bench. For its implementation, not so much strength and energy is expended, but at the same time, the rectus abdominis muscle works well.

Check out this article and you will learn all the intricacies of twisting, common mistakes and helpful tips trainers.

About the execution technique

Twisting is often done in gym on an incline bench.

Eat different variants this exercise, but first let's introduce you to the classic technically correct option:

  1. The incline bench is at an angle of 20-30 degrees or higher. You can increase the angle of inclination as your physical fitness increases.
  2. The athlete is located on the edge of the bench, fixing the shins under a special roller.
  3. If you are just starting to train, then you can cross your arms in front of you or grab onto a bench, but it’s better not to help yourself with your hands. For more experienced athletes, the option with hands behind the head is suitable (grabbing the back of the head or holding a pancake from the bar).
  4. Starting position - lying on a bench, the lumbar region is firmly pressed against its surface.
  5. On exhalation, tensing the abdominal muscles, we begin to raise the upper body towards the knees, while rounding the back. We fix ourselves in the greatest tension for several seconds and slowly lower ourselves to the starting position while inhaling.

Tips from trainers:

  • in order to load the press as much as possible, do not go down to the end on the bench, the shoulder blades should not touch it;
  • to complicate the exercise in the future, you can perform it with an additional load or increase the slope of the bench;
  • imagine that you need to touch your knees with your forehead - it will be easier for you to control the correctness of your movements;
  • if you rise with a straight back, then the lumbar region will be involved.

When performing twists on an inclined gymnastic bench, mainly the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles work. But we have already mentioned that with a straight back, its lumbar region will be strongly strained.

To start training, you can perform both men and women for 10-15 repetitions in 2-3 sets. Crunches on the lower press are suitable for the beginning of a workout and can also be done at the end.

Possible variations

Possible options for replacing conventional twists:

  • reverse twisting lying on the floor or on an incline bench;
  • twisting in a Roman chair;
  • twisting on the simulator.

Reverse crunches on an incline bench are a very effective exercise, especially for the lower abdomen. This type of training is included in the most effective exercises for the lower press.

The technique is as follows: lying on a bench or the floor, we raise the legs so that a right angle forms between the thigh and the floor, and the shins are horizontal. We strain the press and in a tense state we pull our knees to the chest and raise the pelvis. For a few seconds we are in the most stressful state and on inspiration we return to the starting position.

Another option for this exercise is oblique twisting for the press. During such training, the serratus abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles are strained.

Starting position: lying on a bench, one hand is located on the back of the head, the second on the thigh. On the exhale, we begin to twist until the elbow of one hand touches the knee of the opposite leg. And we return on inspiration to the starting position.

The video of the exercise is shown below.

About mistakes

What typical mistakes beginners do when twisting on the bench:

  1. Hooking your hands behind your head can lead to some health problems: pinched nerve, cervical vertebrae injuries, curvature in the upper spine. So when you do a grip behind your head, try not to push yourself up with your hands. Get up with the press.
  2. Do not make sudden jerks, do not slouch or tear your lower back off the floor or bench.
  3. Improper breathing or its delay. A sufficient amount of oxygen additionally helps to burn fat cells, saturates the cells with oxygen, and normalizes blood pressure. On the exhale we do a power load, on the inhale - relaxation.
  4. We hope that we have fully answered your questions and provided valuable information about performing crunches on the press on an incline bench.

No! Maybe it's a bench press? Also no! In fact, the most important exercise for any athlete is the incline crunch! Why? Everything is very simple. During almost all exercises, the abdominal muscles and core are the only stabilizers that keep the spine in a normal position.

There are, of course, also psoas muscles, but they are quite strong on their own. But the press for many athletes remains a lagging muscle group. That is why it is important to pay enough attention to its development. Here again is a dilemma. Everyone knows that the most effective is the study of the lower part of the press. And this is again a mistake. Because the abs is the only muscle that is simply divided by three tendons. And of all the exercises, the incline bench crunch remains the most effective.

Possible harm and contraindications

Let's start with the doubtful. Many people in the hall refuse to download the press under various pretexts. But do they have any real reason to skip crunches on the incline bench?

Yes, in fact, there are a number of contraindications in which twisting can cause significant harm to the body:

  • The presence of a hernia of the spine. Many professional lifters have herniated discs. Even Ronnie Coleman, because of his love for a specific squat, earned it, which did not stop him from performing. But to download the press by classical methods - it interfered. This was reflected in his figure, not without reason, in last years- Mr. Olympia, was an ardent representative of the "pot-bellied bodybuilders."
  • Lagging back muscles. This is a rather rare case, but some athletes are very addicted to the manifestation of cubes. Due to this fact, there is an imbalance between the muscles that support the body in upright position. This contraindication is eliminated by a course of intensive hyperextension (about a month of training).
  • Possibility of postoperative trauma. Again, we are talking about the muscles of the spine and the muscles of the abdominal cavity. For some time, you can not pump the press after cutting out a hernia, or appendicitis.
  • Presence of acute peptic ulcer. Yes, of course, many will immediately say that with an ulcer it is impossible to play sports categorically. But despite this, it seems that such an activity as twisting on an incline bench will not be able to harm the athlete. But it is precisely this that is the most dangerous during the treatment period.
  • The presence of benign neoplasms in the abdomen. When performing twisting, a strong pumping of the abdominal cavity occurs, due to which, neoplasms can turn from benign to malignant.

The list of precautions and contraindications for pumping the abdominal muscles is, of course, very large. But on the other hand, it's worth considering. What is the probability of having one of these factors? And there is even less chance that a person with such problems will go to the gym at all until he is fully recovered.

Execution technique

The technique for performing twists on an inclined bench is extremely simple. But first you need to decide on some nuances.

In particular, this is the choice of the same bench. Many halls have two main projectiles. This:

  • Actually a bench.
  • Roman chair.

The Roman chair will give you more abdominal work, but it requires more precise execution. At the same time, the incline bench can be either with or without an adjustable inclination angle. Before approaching the projectile, you need to install correct angle. Usually it is 30 degrees (the 2nd pin on the bench itself), but many “pseudo-professionals” set it to 60-70 degrees. This does not increase the load on the abdominal muscles, but increases the injury risk of the exercise.

After setting up the bench, you can begin to perform the exercise.

  1. Sit on a bench, fix your legs tightly in the rollers. The position of the legs should not interfere with comfortable twisting.
  2. Deviate as much as possible on the bench back, relaxing the neck muscles.
  3. Cross your arms over your chest.
  4. Slowly twist, trying not to raise the torso.
  5. Fix at the top point of the amplitude.
  6. Straighten up.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the exercise has a number of tricks that can be mastered after the basic technique.

Hand position. If you need to greatly increase the load, it is not necessary to change the angle of the bench itself, it is enough to change the center of gravity of the body. This is done by changing the position of the hands. The easiest option is to put your hands on your head. If this is already becoming simple, then you can fully stretch your arms behind your head. This will complicate the correct execution technique, but at the same time the load will increase proportionally.

Proper breathing. Many hold air during execution, which is fundamentally wrong, this creates additional pressure in the abdominal cavity, which negatively affects pumping. In the lower amplitude inhale. When lifting - exhale.

Weighting. Professional athletes (bodybuilders, powerlifters, crossfitters) practice using a pancake for a strong load. The choice must be approached carefully. In particular, it should not interfere with the correct technique for performing the exercise. It is better to take 2.5 kg for the head than 25 kg for the chest.

And the most important thing. You can not train the muscles of the abdominal cavity at the beginning of the workout. Although many people talk about pre-fatigue and warm-up. After all, they are responsible for maintaining the body in an even state. And this means that when working with a deadlift, or in a squat, after even the slightest overload of the press on a Roman chair, the indicators will drop significantly, which will slow down the growth of the back and legs, which means that you can perform it only at the end of the training complex. This can be done before hyperextension, as at first, many are tempted to completely raise the body instead of twisting, and a weak lower back (pre-tired by hyperextension) can adversely affect the condition of the spine if the technique is violated.

What everyone knows, but is silent

The most popular mistake, planted for decades in sports circles, in physical education, and even in modern gyms. This is the range of motion! The incline crunch technique does not involve a full torso lift! You don't have to keep your back straight! As the name suggests, these exercises are crunches, not sit-ups. The amplitude must be very small! But why? After all, for decades the press was pumped much more difficult, with a full rise of the body, which seemed much harder. Everything is very simple, if you keep your back straight, most of the load is not eaten by the abdominal muscles. In most cases, they are disabled altogether. Instead, the burden falls on:

  • Lumbar muscles. Huge static overload, which can quickly lead to a breakdown of the psoas.
  • Neck muscles. Although the load on them is less, but in view of the insufficient strength of these muscles, it is more catastrophic.

Therefore, it is important to remember that you need to twist, not rise. This is related to the second error. Choosing too steep an angle for an incline bench. You can use 60 degrees, but only if the athlete has perfectly mastered the technique.

How to do twisting on an inclined bench is clearly visible in the photo. If you look closely, you can see the mistakes, and how to do it right. Despite the fact that the “wrong version” seems to be heavier, simple crunches are much more effective than any bike.


There are several subspecies of twisting on the press on an incline bench. Let's take a closer look:

All this happens with a very slight change in technology. It is enough to make a slope of 5-10 degrees to the side, and most of the load will fly off the rectus muscle and go to another target

Muscle load

Incomplete twisting on an incline bench is an isolating load on the following muscles:

  • Rectus abdominis. The main focus is on her.
  • Lateral abdominal muscles - work as body stabilizers;
  • Oblique abdominal muscles - a small static load. To increase it, you need to pull the body to a separate leg. (in addition, there is a variation of our exercise -).
  • Core muscles. Train only with proper breathing.
  • Quadriceps.

Yes, no matter how strange it may seem to someone. At a large angle, the extensor muscles of the leg work at full capacity. This is due to the fact that the body, when twisting, wants to unbend (natural resistance), which means that it connects the legs to this, which are trying to unbend the metal roller. The load is very noticeable, albeit isolated.


When is the best time to train the abdominal muscles? Are there any special training programs? No! The abdominal muscles are worked out at every workout, regardless of its purpose. During the circuit, crunches are combined with hanging leg raises. This is done to create a deep load on abdominal cavity. During splits, the press is simply physically impossible to stick anywhere, so it trains after each complex. But this applies to exercises without weight. In the case of working with weights, it is better to allocate a separate training day for the press, hammering it completely. This is called a four-day split.

On the last day, exercises such as:

  • Twisting on an inclined bench (as one of the variations);
  • Hanging leg raises;
  • Side crunches on the floor;
  • Twisting crosswise;
  • Bike;
  • Plank;
  • Hyperextension;
  • Burpee.

Together, this creates a 40-minute workout, in superset mode, in this case, the abs are trained as opposed to the muscles of the back, and hyperextension and plank train the lumbar region, as compensation for the main loads.


Abs training is the most important aspect in the preparation of any athlete. Firstly, a well-developed rectus muscle delays the drying process by 5-7 kilograms, which allows you not to torture yourself with diets and weight loss complexes. And most importantly - a beautiful press, worked out with the help of twisting on an incline bench - is always a good figure. Men and women first of all pay attention not to the quality of deltas or triceps, but to the abdominal muscles.

Today we will analyze two very similar and very effective exercises for the press - lifting and twisting on an incline bench or a Roman chair. There are many variations of these simulators, but our task will be to analyze the features and technique of the movement itself, so that being in any gym with any equipment, you can train the abdominal muscles one hundred percent!

Twisting or lifting the body?

First of all, it’s worth understanding how twisting on a bench differs from torso lifts. When twisting, only your shoulder blades come off the bench, there is no movement in the hip joint. The lower back remains motionless.

When lifting the torso, not only flexion of the spine occurs, but also movement in the hip joint.

Twisting is recommended for beginners, since the load on the lower back during their implementation is minimal. However, the load on the abdominal muscles during twisting is also less than in the case of body lifts. Lifts require better control of the lower back and are recommended for people with developed abdominal muscles.

What exactly you should do, twisting or lifting the body - depends on your physical fitness. There is only one condition - you should feel the press, not the back.

The benefits of abdominal exercises

Abs exercises, performed on a Roman chair or on an incline bench, involve the entire complex of abdominal muscles. These are, first of all, the rectus muscles (they form the desired cubes), the external and internal oblique muscles (form the line of the sides, turn the body from side to side), the transverse abdominal muscles (support internal organs making the stomach flat).

Incline crunches work the upper rectus muscles the most, while sit-ups distribute the load more evenly. If you perform an exercise with body turns left and right, you add work to the oblique abdominal muscles, thereby working them even more efficiently. However, it is better to be careful with turns for people who have problems with the spine.

By the way, developed abdominal muscles, in accordance with the muscles of the lower back, stabilize the lower spine, which helps to improve posture and prevent injuries.

Execution technique

Before we look at sit-ups and crunches on a Roman chair or bench, let's take a look at a few of the machines that are found in gyms. This will allow you not to get lost when you see a “dissimilar” unit in your fitness club.

So, what is called a bench for the press or a Roman chair can be the following:

  • An inclined bench with rollers for resting the shins and for the knees. The athlete lies on the bench with his back, bending his hips and knees. This position resembles the position when the press is swinging on the floor (back is straight, legs are bent at the knees), only you are not lying horizontally, but upside down. This version of the simulator is considered optimal, since with this position of the hips (they are bent), the lower back is turned on minimally.
  • An incline bench with rollers only to support the shins below. On such a bench, the athlete lies with his back, bends his knees and puts his ankle joints behind the rollers. At the same time, the hips and back form one line. In this case, the load on the lower back is greater than in the previous one.
  • A regular hyperextension machine, only the athlete turns 180 degrees in it, sitting on the pillows with his hips. With this exercise, the back movement of the body is not limited by anything, and, say, a beginner is not always able to control the work of the muscles and strictly observe the technique. Not recommended option due to its increased risk of injury.

Regardless of which simulator you are doing the exercise on, the movement technique should be as follows:

  1. Take a starting position on the bench. Your legs should be fixed and your abdominal muscles tense. Relaxation of the press does not occur throughout the entire exercise. The lower back should be as straight as possible, that is, actually pressed against the bench in its original position. Further, if you do twisting, the lower back remains as pressed as possible. If you perform lifts, the lower back comes off the bench, but the deflection in lumbar does not appear. When performing an exercise on a simulator with two rollers (for shins and knees), it is quite easy to follow this rule, since the hips are bent. In the case of a bench with an emphasis only for the shins, the buttocks will interfere with keeping the lower back close to the bench. Therefore, when performing the exercise, you do not completely lower your back onto the bench. That is, the spine is always slightly rounded. If you are working on a press machine for hyperextension, there is no support at the lower back at all, the position of the body is controlled solely by the strength of your muscles.
  2. You can cross your arms over your chest or put them behind your head (it’s harder to do this).
  3. As you exhale, lift your body. When performing twists, only the shoulder blades come off the bench. When doing lifts, raise the entire body 30-60 degrees above parallel with the floor. Simply put, about half as low as before the vertical position of the body.
  4. Slowly and under control, without relaxing the press and without arching your back, return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise 20-30 times in 3-4 sets. The last repetitions should be given to you as hard as possible. However, don't allow your muscles to become so fatigued that they cause you to break your technique.

When doing sit-ups, avoid jerking. A slow pace, on the one hand, will make the abs workout more effective, and on the other hand, it will help to better control the movements, making the exercise safe for the back. For twists, this is not so relevant.

A few months of regular ab workouts will help you make your stomach firm and your sides taut. It is also worth saying that in order to see the traced relief ( cherished cubes and lines on the sides of the abdomen), the thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen should be minimal.


Twisting on an incline bench | Lifting the body on the "Roman chair"

Twisting is a rise towards the knees of the torso and shoulders, without lifting the lower back from the bench. Very quickly, twisting on a regular, horizontal bench becomes too easy for athletes, then a simple trick comes to the rescue - setting the bench at an angle, which forces you to work against gravity and increases the load on the abdominal muscles. The upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle works dynamically here, but some load also falls on its lower lobe.

Working muscles

Rectus abdominis, oblique muscles. Secondary: muscles that flex the leg at the hip joint.

You will need an ordinary bench, which you can put at one end on some kind of elevation, a disk from a barbell, etc., or fix it in a Swedish wall. And if you work out in a well-equipped gym, then there probably is a special simulator for the press with the ability to change the angle of the bench.


You can do the exercise sitting on one edge of the bench with your legs hanging down, or lying down, but only at a slight angle so as not to move off it.

Execution technique

  • set the bench at an angle of 20 - 30 degrees, or more - it all depends on the degree of your fitness.
  • Sit on the edge of the bench, firmly fixing the shins below, under a special roller.
  • Put your hands behind your head, clasping the back of your head with them, or cross them in front of you.
  • From this position, begin to slowly lower yourself back, and be careful not to straighten your back - it should be rounded. If you do not comply with this condition, you will immediately feel a very strong tension in the lower back, which is absolutely unnecessary here.

Do not lie down completely on the bench at the lowest point, try not to touch it with your shoulder blades at all, go down a very short distance, as long as there is still some tension in the abdominal muscles. As soon as you feel a growing tension in your lower back, stop lowering your torso and start lifting, and be sure to pay attention to the fact that your back is rounded during this phase.

Performing this kind of twisting in every workout, in combination with at least one other exercise (for example, hanging leg raises), you will perfectly strengthen the abdominal muscles, increase their tone and improve appearance.

Video "Twisting on an incline bench"


Incline bench raises

What muscles work

  • rectus abdominis
  • quadriceps femoris, rectus femoris
  • external oblique abdominal muscle
  • tensor fascia lata

Exercise features

The incline sit-up is a great exercise for the muscles located in the upper and middle parts of the abs.

Execution technique

  1. Adjust the position of the incline bench, setting it at an angle of 20 ° relative to the floor (for performing the exercise in a head-down position). Place your shins under the foot pads and lean back rear surface the lower part of the legs on the pillow for the knee joints. First, sit on a bench, keeping the body strictly vertical, so that the stomach almost touches the hips. Hands can be held together behind the back at waist level or behind the head.
  2. Begin to perform the exercise, slowly lower the torso back while contracting the abdominal muscles. Lean back until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Lock the position at the lowest point of the range of motion by tensing the abdominal muscles for a second. Rise, bending the torso at the waist and returning to the starting position. At the top of your range of motion, your torso should be perpendicular to the floor, but not in contact with your hips. Fix the position at the moment highest voltage abdominal muscles, and then repeat the exercise.
  • Do not lock your fingers behind your head in the lock to avoid injury to the cervical spine!
  • As you get stronger, you can increase the number of repetitions, set the bench at a steeper angle, or hold a weight on your chest - a disk from a light barbell.
  • Don't lower your body back too low. When the tension of the abdominal muscles stops, the muscles in the lumbar region are exposed to the load.
  • By alternately turning the torso to the left and then to the right during lifts, you can transfer part of the load to the oblique abdominal muscles.


Twisting lying on the floor


Incline Bench Crunches - SportWiki Encyclopedia

Incline bench crunch[edit]

The main characteristics of the exercise:

  • Auxiliary exercise
  • Engages multiple joints when doing incline crunches
  • twisting motion
  • Open kinetic chain
  • Overcoming the weight of your own body
  • For intermediate and advanced level

The incline bench crunch is a modified version of the exercise that is safer for the spine and allows for better control of movement. In addition, it allows you to concentrate efforts on the lower bundle of the rectus abdominis.

Twisting with lifting the body on an incline bench

Twisting with body lift

As you exhale, slowly bend your upper body. To complete this movement, bend your torso at the waist, tilting it towards your knees. Hold for a while, and then slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

Initial position

  • Lie on a bench inclined at an angle of 15-30 degrees, bend your legs at the knee joints and place them with your entire foot on the bench.
  • Put your hands behind your head, keeping your fingers in the lock.
  • Place the cervical spine in a neutral position.
  • Activate your abdominal muscles.
  • When doing a crunch on an incline bench, do not use momentum. Movements should be slow and controlled.
  • The tailbone should be firmly pressed against the bench.
  • Do not bend your neck too much and do not try to reach your chest with your chin. The head should maintain a neutral position in relation to the cervical spine.
  • Do not help yourself with your arms by bending your torso. The movement should be done by activating and isolating the abdominal muscles.
  • Don't roll your shoulders in front. The chest should be straightened, and the shoulder blades lowered.
  • Exhale as you lift your torso, and inhale as you return to the starting position.

The main muscles involved in the twisting with the rise of the body on an incline bench

Motion analysis[edit]


Lifting the body from a prone position - partial, full

Raising the torso is a basic exercise for the abdominal muscles. An alternative name for the exercise is flexion of the torso.

Like any other abdominal exercises, lifts work out the entire complex of abdominal muscles at once. The upper and middle sections of the rectus muscle receive the greatest load. This exercise is very similar in mechanics to crunches, only unlike them, it involves lifting the middle part of the body from the floor.

Press training: why, when and how many times

Let's look at the main points related to the peculiarities of training the press and analyze several options for the exercise.

Why download the press

For example:

  • Keep your belly flat, not round.
  • To reduce the load on the spine, to prevent back pain.
  • For greater strength of the abdominal muscles, which is sure to come in handy in life.


It is best to do sit-ups at the end of your workout along with other abdominal exercises. At the beginning of classes, it makes no sense to train the press. There are many more important exercises ahead, in which you need to follow the technique. Let's leave power for them.

Do not confuse abdominal exercises with a hitch. These are independent exercises aimed at a specific muscle group. After them, you also need to do stretching.

How many times do you need to train the press

Opinions are different. Someone trains the press every day. Some once a week. The best option- purposefully twice a week. In general, sit-ups are a very versatile exercise, so they can be done daily at home in an easy mode, or hard twice a week.

Trunk lift options

Lifting the house on the floor

Option 1 (easier)

Prepare a fitness mat. Put it in warm room, exclude drafts:

  1. We lie down on our back, press the lower back to the floor, bend our legs slightly at the knees. We fix our hands behind the head or on the chest. We spread our elbows to the sides.
  2. We start bending the body from the head. Pull the chin towards the chest. For some, this performance is enough. For some, you need to stretch further so that the back comes off the floor after the head and neck.
  3. Get to the maximum possible point for you and go back. Do 10-15 repetitions, depending on your fitness level.

Option 2 (harder)

Lie down on the mat:

  1. The legs are slightly bent at the knees and raised above the floor to an angle of 45-60 degrees. You can cross them. We recommend that you do not raise your legs to a right angle with the floor, otherwise the whole point of raising them disappears.

Option 3 (as safe as possible for the lower back)

Stele rug:

  1. We lay down with our feet to the sofa or chair so as to throw our legs on it, bent at the knees by 90 °. This is a very comfortable position for pumping the press, as your legs will be fixed.
  2. We repeat points 2 and 3 from the previous option.

The training plan for each is very individual. Usually the exercise is performed in 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Since there is no burden here, you can do more times.

Lifting the torso from a prone position can be done daily, gradually increasing the number of times. We work through burning and pain in the muscles. Your back shouldn't hurt.

Performing in the gym

On a Roman chair

The Roman chair is more of an exercise than a machine. The bottom line is this: the legs are placed in special stops, the pelvis is on the seat, and the body can be tilted back and down without the risk of falling.

Today you can find a lot of modifications of Roman chairs, on which the body is lifted. Some of them look like an inclined bench for the press (usually the slope is 30 degrees), the rest are hyperextension simulators.

Let's start with the classic version, when the back has no support under it:

  1. Set the desired distance from the chair to the footrest. The correct distance is when the rollers are located on the ankle, and not on the lower leg.
  2. Lie down face up. Hands can be left behind the head, or crossed over the chest.
  3. We go back. Someone says that the back cannot be arched, someone, on the contrary, advises doing it. If you can do the exercise with a straight back and it doesn't cause you pain, do it. If it hurts, try rounding your back.
  4. Lower yourself until your torso and hips are in a straight line. There is no point in going even lower.
On an incline bench

The same technique is also suitable for the option with a Roman chair with an inclined back. Attach the bench to a wall bar if it is a standalone unit, or adjust the backrest angle to 30° in a Roman chair:

  1. We fix the legs in special stops, the rollers should hold on to your ankles. There should also be cushions under the heels.
  2. We lie down on the bench. The head should be below the pelvis.
  3. Hands behind the head or on the chest. We begin to rise to the knees. You can reach your knees, you can stop earlier - be guided by how you feel.

Your task is to do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps without weight or more. If you are going to use weights, reduce the number of repetitions to 8-10, depending on the severity of the weight. Exercise can be done 1-2 times a week.

Different angles and load severity

The greater the angle of the bench, the harder it is to lift the body. And the less danger for the lower back. 15° - initial slope. It is already hard to work on it, this is the norm.

Angle of 45 and 60 degrees provides a heavier load. You can work even without weights.

Remember that the “upside down” position is dangerous with high pressure surges, which is accompanied by blackouts in the eyes, dizziness, and tinnitus. The older you are, the stronger these feelings will be. Be careful with the choice of the angle of inclination, for most it is better to perform the torso at an angle of 30 °.

What to look out for

The nuances are as follows:

  • We hold the weight between the back of the head and neck, if we use weights.
  • Exhale up, inhale down.
  • You can put weight on your chest - it will be easier and safer.
  • If the leg rollers leave bruises (for girls) - place a piece of foam rubber.
  • You can do full slopes or partial.

Body lifts on a Roman chair can be done in any yard where there are 2 parallel pipes of different levels standing side by side (sit on one, fasten legs under the second).


Exercises on the abs bench will help you quickly pump up the abs cubes, if done correctly. Revealing the secret of training

Why buy an exercise bench?

Of course, you can pump the press on the floor, but there will be no such effect as using a sports equipment. Indeed, in this case, only the rectus muscles are worked out on the abdomen. But if you practice on a bench, both straight and oblique muscles are loaded. Therefore, we advise you to save your time, nerves and buy this sports equipment. By the way, it is curved and straight.

Basic rules for doing exercises on the bench

  1. Decide how you will do it? With or without weights. At first, you can just pump the press so that the body gets used to training. Then gradually add the load.
  2. During classes, try to constantly strain your abdominal muscles - this will give a greater effect.
  3. When exercising, try to keep your neck straight so that it follows the line of your spine.
  4. When you are exercising, don't rush. The pace should be moderate, slow.
  5. If you need to increase the load, change the angle of the bench, and add weights.
  6. Try not to press your chin to your chest.

Correct starting position

So, lie on your back, pressing your lower back tightly against the bench. Bend your legs at the knees, put your feet on the stop. Keep your hands behind your head, elbows out to the side. If, after reading this instruction, you still doubt the correctness of your starting position, we recommend downloading the video. This will help you visually see what the position of the athlete should be.

Prohibited practices:
  1. Do not perform the exercise quickly, jerkily. So you tear your pelvis off the bench, so the effectiveness is reduced.
  2. Don't drag your head with your hands.
  3. Do not bend with a straight back.

We perform effective exercises for the press

In order to train the upper part of the abdominal press, do the following exercises:

  • Raises the entire body to the stop. We take the starting position, tear off the shoulders and back from the bench until the moment when your legs and body are at a right angle. We fix in this position for a couple of seconds, exhale and return to the starting position, taking a breath.
  • Body lifts with low amplitude. We lie down in the starting position. We do a torso lift, but do not return to the original position (we do not completely lie down on the bench). This exercise is suitable for those who have just started exercising, it does not overload the lumbar region.
  • Raises of the body and rotation (we train both the upper part of the press and the oblique muscles). Being in the starting position, you need to tear off your shoulders from the bench, and also raise your torso in the direction of the legs. At the same time, we turn the body slightly to the left, then to the right.

Rectus abdominis training

To pump up the rectus muscles of the press, we perform twisting. It can be both simple and twisted. We do not use the lower back and pelvis. Simple twist. We take the starting position. First we raise the body, then we lower. Twist with turn. In the starting position, we raise the body and at the same time we turn the body to the side. We advise you to train according to this scheme: to the left - straight - to the right.

Lower press workout

The most effective exercises for training the lower muscles are cycling and leg raises. Let's start with the bike. So, we lie down on the bench, we grab the footrest. Next, raise the lower limbs to a perpendicular position and begin to pedal. We raise our legs. We take the initial position - lying down, tightly press the pelvis, lower back to the bench, put our hands behind our heads and gently raise, lower our legs (straight or bent). Such simple exercises on the abs bench will help any man get into the right physical shape, as well as quickly pump up attractive abs. Before you start exercising on your own, we recommend downloading specialized videos of abs workouts on the bench.


How to do the body lift exercise correctly - important features |

Execution technique

The correct technique for performing body lifts in the prone position is as follows:

  1. Starting position - the athlete lies on his back: the lower back is pressed to the floor, the heels also touch the floor and do not come off the floor throughout the exercise. The toes may be raised.
  2. Hands are behind the head, fingers are fastened in the castle.
  3. We directly lift the body: on the exhale we rise with a straight back. It will be a mistake if the knees exceed the angle of 90 degrees, and the buttocks come off the floor. In this exercise, it is the press that should work as much as possible, due to the contraction of the rectus abdominis muscle.
  4. After that, we lower the body until your shoulder blades touch the floor. In the starting position, we do not linger for a long time and again perform the rise as many times as necessary. As a rule, do 3-4 approaches.

A photo of body lifts from a supine position is shown below.

What are the errors?

The worst mistakes are considered if you:

  • bent back;
  • did not reach the vertical line with the body;
  • your hands are not held behind your head;
  • lift your buttocks off the floor.

How can you make the exercise more difficult?

To notice a specific result, you need to train the abdominal muscles 3 times a week for 4 sets lasting 6 weeks. As you practice, you can complicate this exercise.

We have already described the simplest option, but the more difficult ones are body lifts with raised legs up to an angle of 45-60 degrees. You can also put your feet on the sofa, bed, stool and perform lifts in the same way. In this position, the load on the lower back is reduced.

Below is a video with an example of the correct execution of body lifts.

Important! When you hold your hands behind your head, do not pull yourself with your hands. They are simply located behind the head, the elbows look to the sides. Rise only due to the work of the abdominal muscles.

What do we do at the end of the exercise?

After a good workout, you need to stretch. The muscles are warmed up, so it's good to stretch.

For the press, there are also stretching exercises: lifting the body from a prone position. With its help, the extensor muscles of the back are well trained.

How to do this exercise? First you need to lie on your stomach. The face looks at the floor, the arms are located along the body, the legs are spread apart shoulder-width apart. On the exhale, we raise the shoulder girdle, linger for a few seconds and slowly lower. To increase the difficulty, you need to simultaneously raise your arms and legs with the body, as high as you can do it. All movements should be smooth and controlled.

For such workouts, no additional devices are needed, you can do these exercises anywhere: on vacation, at home or on the street in the warm season. Even if you do not have the opportunity to attend a workout in a fitness club, this is not a reason to skip classes. You can train in any conditions for the benefit of health and your figure, adhering to the correct technique.

We really believe that our tips and workouts, which are on our website, will help you transform and achieve the body of your dreams. Incorporate floor sit-ups into your workout routine and your abs will definitely flatter.

I wish you success!


A popular simulator for pumping the press is an inclined bench. It is inexpensive and does not take up too much space. At the same time, the exercises performed on such a simulator are very effective for working out the abdominal muscles. Therefore, it is often purchased for training at home. In addition, you can find a press bench in most gyms. Engage in this simulator is for people with an average or high level of physical fitness. Beginners will find it difficult to follow the correct technique.


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What is a press bench?

A board for the press or a Roman chair is a simple simulator that consists of an incline bench and leg rollers.

There are several types of such simulators:

1. Angle adjustable. In this case, the bench can be raised or lowered, due to which the degree of load on the abdominal muscles changes. The higher the back is raised and, therefore, the greater the angle of inclination, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises. It is much easier to do them when the bench is located almost parallel to the floor.

2. The simplest exercise machines may not have a backrest adjustment function. They are cast construction. The inconvenience lies in the fact that it is impossible to change the degree of load, so the simulator is suitable for people with an average level of physical fitness. In addition, such a bench is not intended for people of high stature.

3. The most convenient option for small apartments- folding bench for the press. It is easy to remove if necessary, so it practically does not take up space in the house.

4. To protect the spine during exercise, you should choose a bench with a curved back. In this case, the load on the lower back will be much less. Such a simulator is especially necessary for people with back problems.

In addition, you can use a barbell press bench upside down to work out the abdominal muscles.

But don't confuse the ab bench with the Scott board. The second simulator is designed to work out the biceps, not the abdominal muscles.

Barbell Curls on the Scott Bench


Not everyone can pump the press on an inclined bench. Contraindications to classes are:

  • back problems (injuries, postoperative period, diseases);
  • the presence of a hernia of the spine caused by hard work or training with large weights;
  • weak lower back muscles that need to be strengthened by performing hyperextensions, pull-ups with a narrow grip and other exercises;
  • diseases of the digestive system in acute form.

It is possible to understand that the muscles of the lower back are not strong enough if, when performing twists, a deflection occurs in the back. In this case, most of the load will leave the press.

Basic rules for classes

In order for the bench to become a truly useful acquisition, you need to properly pump the press on it. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • do not tear off the pelvis when lifting the body, as this will shift the load on the back and legs;
  • the neck should be a continuation of the spine, you can not pull it forward, otherwise cervical osteochondrosis may develop;
  • when performing twists on the bench, you should round your back so that the abdominal muscles are included in the work;
  • it is advisable to download the press 2-2.5 hours after eating or after the main workout (strength or cardio);
  • exercises should be performed in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Beginners need to strengthen the abdominal muscles with standard floor exercises, as they are easier to perform. After a while, the press will become stronger. Then it will be possible to move on to more complicated and more effective exercises performed on the bench.

You can pump the press on a Roman chair for both men and women. But it must be taken into account that girls should not get too carried away with such training. Overdeveloped abdominal muscles lead to an expansion of the waist, which makes the figure less feminine.

To achieve a light relief and tightened belly, work out on the bench should be 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time, the muscles will recover. If the goal is noticeable cubes, weights can be used.

How to build oblique abdominal muscles at home and in the gym - top 15 exercises

Best Exercises

In the process of exercising on the bench for the press, such abdominal muscles as the rectus, oblique, serrated and some others swing. The muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh also receive a small load.

Depending on the exercises performed, you can shift the focus to certain areas of the muscles.

Straight twists

The simplest but most effective exercise on the abs bench is torso lifts. With their help, you can pump up the rectus abdominis muscle. It is she who is responsible for the presence of cubes.

This exercise is a variation of the classic crunches. However, its effectiveness is higher, since the amplitude of movement due to the inclination of the bench is greater.

Technique for performing straight twists on the board:

  1. 1. Set a suitable bench angle. It shouldn't be too big. For beginners, 15–20 degrees will be enough, and for more experienced practitioners, 20–40 degrees.
  2. 2. Take a starting position on the simulator. To do this, you need to get your legs under the upper rollers and grab the bottom ones with your feet. Lie with your back completely on the bench.
  3. 3. As you exhale, tear off your head, shoulders and lower back from the back and raise the body. The back must be rounded.
  4. 4. Arms can be kept crossed over the chest. To complicate the exercise, you can get them behind your head. But in this case, you can not pull yourself by the neck.
  5. 5. When the angle between the legs and the body becomes straight, it is necessary to fix on a couple of accounts, and then slowly lower back.
  6. 6. Again, you should not lie down completely on the bench. Partial amplitude will allow you to work out the press more efficiently, since the muscles will not relax.

It is very important to constantly keep the press tense and the back rounded. In no case should you bend in the lower back when lowering.

When it becomes easy to perform 15-20 repetitions of such twists in 3 sets, you can take weights. As it is used a pancake from a barbell or dumbbell. They can be raised above the head or pressed to the chest. The first option is considered the most difficult.

Oblique twists

To work out the oblique muscles on an inclined bench, it is worth including lateral twists in the training program. They differ from ordinary ones in that the body must be rotated when lifting.


  1. 1. Lie down on the bench and put your feet under the stops.
  2. 2. Put your right hand on the back of your head, and your left hand on your thigh.
  3. 3. Perform twisting, trying to reach the left knee with your right hand.
  4. 4. Then lower yourself without lying down on the bench and change hands.

Leg raise

For many people, the difficulty is working out the lower section of the rectus abdominis. There are fewer nerve endings in this area, so it is more difficult to achieve relief.

To shift the load from the upper part of the rectus muscle to the lower allows such an exercise as lifting the legs on an inclined bench. Its second name is reverse twisting.


  1. 1. Lie down on the bench so that the head is in its upper part, next to the rollers.
  2. 2. Grasp the edge of the board firmly with your hands. Some simulators have a special handle.
  3. 3. Tear off the legs from the floor and raise them to parallel with the floor.
  4. 4. Then tighten the press and throw straight legs up so that they become perpendicular to the floor.
  5. 5. At the same time, the back must be rounded, and the pelvis must be twisted, as if pushing yourself up.
  6. 6. Without relaxing the muscles, you should slowly lower your legs to parallel with the floor and raise them again.

Twisting the pelvis with a rounding of the lower back is necessary to include the abdominal muscles. You can't just raise and lower your legs.

Beginners usually find this exercise difficult. To facilitate the task, at the first stage, you can raise your legs bent at the knees.


On an inclined bench, you can also perform an exercise known to many called a bicycle. It is usually done on the floor, but tilting will provide better muscle development.


  1. 1. Take a starting position on the board, as with reverse twists.
  2. 2. Raise straight legs to parallel with the floor. Tear off the pelvis from the bench and round the lower back.
  3. 3. Alternately pull the right and left knees to the chest, straightening the other leg.

Under no circumstances shouldthe appearance of a deflection in the lower back. This can lead to injury or back problems.

To maintain the correct technique, a strong muscular framework is required. Therefore, beginners should proceed to its implementation only after several months of regular practice.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...
