This material is a work program for grades 1-4 around the world. Program content: explanatory note, study methodology and course content, learning outcomes, criteria and standards for evaluating results, logistics educational process, glossary.



Private educational institution

"SOSH - European School"

industrial area Perm



2 hours per week (68 hours total)

Ponosova G.I.

Teacher primary school,

Teacher of the highest category

2012 - 2013 academic year

Explanatory note

The program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, provided with textbooks " The world»for grades 1-4, author Pleshakov A.A (Federal list of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2011/2012 academic year) And focused oneducation of a humane, creative, socially active personality, carefully, responsibly relating to the wealth of nature and society.

The work program for the surrounding world has been developed in accordance with the requirements of:

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373);

Exemplary programs for academic subjects. Elementary School. In 2 parts. Part 1. - M .: Education, 2010 - 400s. – (Standards of the second generation);

Concepts of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia;

Planned results of primary general education.

The course of the surrounding world in primary school has a pronounced integrative character, combines equally natural science, social science, historical knowledge and gives students the material of natural and social sciences, necessary for a holistic and systematic vision of the world in its most important relationships.

The study of the course "The World Around Us: The World Around Us" in elementary school is aimed at achieving the following purposes :

Formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional-valuable understanding of personal experience of communication with people and nature;

Spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the context of the cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society.

Main tasks implementation of the course content are:

1) the formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, locality, region in which children live, towards Russia, its nature and culture, history and modern life;

2) the child's awareness of the value, integrity and diversity of the world around him, his place in it;

3) model formation safe behavior in conditions Everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations;

4) formation of psychological culture and competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society.

Course "World around" is children a wide panorama of natural and social phenomenaas components of a unified world. INelementary school this material will be studied differentiallyin the lessons of various subject areas: physics, chemistry, biology, geography, social science, history, literature and other disciplines.

Within the same subjectthanks to the integration of natural-scientific and social-humanitarian knowledge, they can be successfully,in full accordance with the age characteristics of the junior schoolchild, the tasks of environmental education and upbringing, the formation of a system of positive national values, ideals of mutual respect, patriotism, based on the ethnocultural diversity and general cultural unity of Russian society as the most important national asset of Russia, were solved.

Thus, the course creates solid foundationto study a significant part of the subjects of the basic school and for further development personalities

Course "World around" helps student in formation:

personal perception;

Emotional, evaluative attitude to the world of nature and culture in their unity;

It educates morally and spiritually mature, active, competent citizens who are able to assess their place in the world around them and participate in creative activities for the benefit of their native country and planet Earth.

Course "World around" has wide opportunities for the formation of the foundation of environmental and cultural literacy among younger studentsand related competencies- the ability to make observations in nature, to make experiments, to follow the rules of behavior in the world of nature and people, the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Course "World around" plays along with other primary school subjects, a significant rolein the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, shapes the vector of cultural and value orientations of the junior schoolchild in accordance with domestic traditions of spirituality and morality.

essential course featureis that init laid the substantive basis for the broad implementation of interdisciplinary connectionsall disciplines of elementary school. The subject "The World around" uses and thereby reinforces the skills acquired in the lessons of reading, Russian language and mathematics, music and fine arts, technology and physical culture, together with them accustoming children to rational-scientific and emotional-value comprehension of the world around.

Work programs, textbooks and teaching aids are built in such a way that a child from the first years of schooling gradually, step by step, discovers his planet, gaining ideas about nature, countries and peoples, the diversity of their cultures, about the connections that unite all people, about achievements and problems of humanity. All this knowledge and the activities associated with its development are emotionally colored andaimed at affirming in the mind of the child the values ​​of consent, cooperation, mutual understanding, at the formation of tolerance as the most important personal quality.

One of the important outcomes of learning about the world around is comprehension and internalization (assignment) by students of the system of values:

Nature as one of the most important foundations for a healthy and harmonious life of man and society.

Culture as a process and result of human life in all its diversity of forms.

Science as a part of culture, reflecting the human desire for truth, for the knowledge of the laws of the surrounding world of nature and society.

Humanity as a diversity of peoples, cultures, religions.

International cooperation as the basis of peace on Earth.

Patriotism as one of the manifestations of a person's spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, a small homeland, in a conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The family as the basis of the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, the guarantee of the continuity of the cultural and value traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and the viability of Russian society.

Labor and creativity as distinctive features of a spiritually and morally developed personality.

healthy image life in the unity of the components: physical, mental, spiritual and socio-moral health.

The moral choice and responsibility of a person in relation to nature, historical and cultural heritage, to himself and the people around him.

Place of the course in the curriculum:

The program is designed for 270 hours. 2 hours a week are allotted for studying the course "The World Around" in each grade of elementary school: Grade 1 - 66h (33 academic weeks), 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades - by 68 h (34 training weeks).

Course Study Methodology

At the heart of teaching methodologyCourse "World around"lies the problem-search approach, which ensures the "discovery" of new knowledge by children and the active development of various ways of knowing the environment. At the same time, various methods and forms of training are used with the use of a system of tools that make up a single information and educational environment.

Forms of organization of workwhen studying the course of natural history:

A variety of lessons in the classroom and in nature;


Field workshops;


Diverse alsomethods, techniques and teaching aids. A significant role is played by:

Observations in nature;

practical work;

Demonstrations of experiments, visual aids.

In the implementation of the program, an important place is occupied bypractical activities of students,which include:

Recognition of natural objects with the help of a key atlas specially designed for elementary school;

Modeling of ecological relations with the help of graphic and dynamic schemes (models);

Ecological and ethical activities, including the analysis of one's own attitude to the natural world and behavior in it, the assessment of the actions of other people, the development of appropriate norms and rules, which is carried out with the help of a specially designed book for reading on environmental ethics.

Widely used modeling: creation of graphic and dynamic schemes reflecting certain phenomena. In particular, children use models to depict the simplest nutritional relationships between organisms.

Models are of particular importance.reflecting the interaction between man and nature. They help students predict the consequences of human actions or certain ways of economic activity and formulate rules and norms for environmentally sound behavior and management.

For a better understanding of the rules of conductin nature, it is advisable to use signs containing prohibitions and instructions expressed in graphic form regarding certain human actions. One should not underestimate the importance of the bright, emotional story of the teacher. The content and form of such a story contribute to the awakening of interest and love for nature in children.

An important place in the educational process should be occupied by:

Role-playing games;

Educational discussions;

Independent reading of additional literature;

Practical work on nature protection.

Very great importance to achieve the planned results, the organization of project activities of students,which is provided in each section of the program.

Selection content of the course "World around"implemented on the basis of the following ideas:

1) the idea of ​​the diversity of the world;

2) the idea of ​​the integrity of the world;

3) the idea of ​​respect for the world.

Main sections and topics (grades 1-4) - 270h

Human and nature

☼ Nature is what surrounds us, but is not created by man. Natural objects and objects created by man. Inanimate and living nature. Signs of objects (color, shape, comparative sizes, etc.). Examples of natural phenomena: change of seasons, snowfall, leaf fall, bird flights, change, time of day, dawn, sunset, wind, rain, thunderstorm.

☼ Substance is what all natural objects and objects consist of. variety of substances in the environment. Examples of substances: salt, sugar, water, natural gas. Solids, liquids, gases. The simplest practical work with substances, liquids, gases.

☼ Stars and planets. The sun is the closest star to us, a source of light and heat for all life on Earth. Earth - a planet, a general idea of ​​the shape and size of the Earth. Globe as a model of the Earth.

☼ Geographic map and plan. Continents and oceans, their names, location on the globe and map. The most important natural objects of their country, region. Location orientation. Compass.

☼ Change of day and night on Earth. The rotation of the Earth as the cause of the change of day and night. Seasons, their features (based on observations). The revolution of the Earth around the Sun as the cause of the change of seasons. Change of seasons in the native land based on observations.

☼ Weather, its components (air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind). Monitoring the weather in your area. Weather forecasting and its importance in people's lives.

☼ Forms of the earth's surface: plains, mountains, hills, ravines (general idea, symbols of plains and mountains on the map). Features of the surface of the native land ( a brief description of based on observations).

☼ Water riches, their diversity (ocean, sea, river, lake, pond); human use. Water wealth of the native land (names, brief description based on observations).

☼ Air is a mixture of gases. Air properties. The value of air for plants, animals, humans.

☼ Water. Water properties. The state of water, its distribution in nature, the importance for living organisms and human economic life. The water cycle in nature.

☼ Rocks and minerals. Minerals, their importance in the human economy, people's careful attitude to minerals. Minerals of the native land (2-3 examples).

☼ Soil, its composition, significance for wildlife and for human economic life.

☼ Plants, their variety. Plant parts (root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, seed). The conditions necessary for the life of a plant (light, heat, air, water). Observation of plant growth, fixing changes. Trees, shrubs, herbs. wild and cultivated plants. The role of plants in nature and human life, the careful attitude of man towards plants. Plants of the native land, names and a brief description based on observations.

☼ Mushrooms, their diversity, importance in nature and human life; edible and poisonous mushrooms. Mushroom rules.

☼ Animals, their diversity. Conditions necessary for the life of animals (air, water, heat, food). Insects, fish, birds, animals, their differences. Features of nutrition of different animals (carnivores, herbivores, omnivores). Reproduction of animals (for example, insects, fish, birds, animals). Wild and domestic animals. The role of animals in nature and human life, the careful attitude of man towards animals. Animals of the native land, names, a brief description based on observations.

☼ Forest, meadow, reservoir - the unity of living and inanimate nature (sunlight, air, water, soil, plants, animals). Circulation of matter. Relationships in the natural community: plants - food and shelter for animals; animals - distributors of fruits and seeds of plants. Human impact on natural communities. Natural communities of the native land (2-3 examples based on observations).

☼ Natural zones of Russia: general idea, main natural zones (natural conditions, flora and fauna, peculiarities of work and life of people, human influence on the nature of the studied zones, nature protection).

☼ Man is a part of nature. Dependence of human life on nature. Ethical and aesthetic significance of nature in human life. positive and bad influence human activities on nature (including the example of the surrounding area). Ecological problems and ways to solve them. Rules of conduct in nature. Protection of natural resources: water, air, minerals of flora and fauna. reserves, National parks and their role in nature conservation. The Red Book of Russia, its meaning, individual representatives of plants and animals of the Red Book. Active participation in nature conservation. The personal responsibility of each person for the preservation of nature.

☼ World heritage. International Red Book. International environmental organizations (2-3 examples). International Ecological Days, their significance, participation of children in their implementation.

☼ General idea about the structure of the human body. Organ systems (musculoskeletal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, sensory organs), their role in the life of the body. Hygiene of organ systems. Measurement of human body temperature, pulse rate. The personal responsibility of each person for the state of his health and the health of the people around him. Attention, care, respect for people with disabilities.

Human and society

☼ Society - a collection of people who are united common culture and are connected with each other by joint activities in the name of a common goal. Spiritual, moral and cultural values ​​are the basis of the viability of society.

☼ A person is a member of society, a bearer and creator of culture. Understanding how the culture of society and each of its members develops and develops. General idea of ​​the contribution to the culture of mankind of traditions and religious beliefs different peoples. The relationship of a person with other people. The culture of communication with representatives of different nationalities, social groups: showing respect, mutual assistance, the ability to listen to other people's opinions. The inner world of man: a general idea of ​​human properties and qualities.

☼ The family is the closest environment of a person. Family traditions. Relationships in the family and mutual assistance of family members. Providing assistance to adults. Caring for children, the elderly, the sick is the duty of every person. Family household. Pedigree. Names and surnames of family members. Genealogical tree charting, family history. Spiritual and moral values ​​in the family culture of the peoples of Russia and the world.

☼ Junior student. Rules of conduct at school, in the classroom. Appeal to the teacher. Cool, school team, joint study, games, recreation. Drawing up the daily routine of the student.

☼ Friends, relationships between them; the value of friendship, harmony, mutual assistance. Rules for relationships with adults, peers, culture of behavior at school and other public places. Attention to peers, classmates who do not speak Russian well, help them in orienting themselves in the learning environment and the environment.

☼ Economy, its components: industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade. Goods and services. The role of money in the economy. State and family budget. Ecological consequences of economic activity of people. The simplest ecological forecasts. Building a secure economy is one of the most important tasks of society.

☼ Natural wealth and human labor are the basis of the economy. The value of labor in human life and society. Diligence as a socially significant value in the culture of the peoples of Russia and the world. Professions of people. Personal responsibility of a person for the results of his work and professional skills.

☼ Public transport. Transportation of the city or village. Land, air and water transport. Rules for the use of transport.

☼ Means of communication: mail, telegraph, telephone, Email. Mass media: radio, television, press, Internet. Selectivity in the use of the media in order to maintain spiritual and moral health.

☼ Our Motherland is Russia, Russian Federation. Value-semantic content of the concepts: Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland. State symbols of Russia: State emblem of Russia, State flag of Russia, State anthem of Russia; rules of conduct when listening to the anthem. Constitution - Basic Law Russian Federation. The rights of the child.

☼ The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state. Responsibility of the head of state for the social and spiritual and moral well-being of citizens.

☼ A holiday in the life of society as a means of strengthening social solidarity and strengthening spiritual and moral ties between compatriots. New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, Spring and Labor Day, Victory Day, Russia Day, Children's Day, National Unity Day, Constitution Day. Making a poster or wall newspaper for a public holiday.

☼ Russia on the map, the state border of Russia.

☼ Moscow is the capital of Russia. Shrines of Moscow - shrines of Russia. Sights of Moscow: the Kremlin, Red Square, the Bolshoi Theater, etc. Characteristics of individual historical events associated with Moscow (foundation of Moscow, construction of the Kremlin, etc.). Coat of arms of Moscow. Location of Moscow on the map.

☼ Cities of Russia. St. Petersburg: sights (Winter Palace, a monument to Peter I - the Bronze Horseman, drawbridges across the Neva, etc.), cities of the Golden Ring of Russia (optional). Shrines of the cities of Russia.

☼ Russia is a multinational country. The peoples inhabiting Russia, their customs, characteristics household (optional). The main religions of the peoples of Russia: Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism. Respect for one's own and other peoples, their religion, culture, history. Conducting a sports festival based on traditional children's games of the peoples of their region.

☼ Native land is a part of Russia. Hometown (village), region (region, territory, republic): name, main sights; museums, theaters, sport complexes and so on. Features of the work of people of their native land, their professions. Names of different peoples living in a given area, their customs, characteristic features of life. Important information from the history of the native land. Shrines of the native land. Celebration of the day of memory of an outstanding fellow countryman.

☼ History of the Fatherland. Counting years in history. The most important and striking events in the social and cultural life of the country in different historical periods: Ancient Rus', Moscow state, Russian Empire, USSR, Russian Federation. Pictures of life, work, spiritual, moral and cultural traditions of people in different historical times. Outstanding people of different eras as carriers of basic national values. Protection of historical and cultural monuments. Feasible participation in the protection of historical and cultural monuments of their region. The personal responsibility of each person for the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of his region.

☼ Countries and peoples of the world. General idea of ​​the diversity of countries, peoples, religions on Earth. Acquaintance with several countries: name, location on the political map, capital, main attractions. Careful attitude to the cultural heritage of mankind is the duty of the whole society and every person.

Rules for a safe life

☼ The value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

☼ The daily routine of a student, the alternation of work and rest in the daily routine; personal hygiene.

☼ Physical culture, hardening, outdoor games as a condition for maintaining and strengthening health.

☼ The personal responsibility of each person for the preservation and strengthening of their physical and moral health. Emergency telephone numbers. First aid for minor injuries (bruise, cut, burn), frostbite, overheating.

The road from home to school, the rules of safe behavior on the roads, in the forest, on the pond at different times of the year. Fire safety rules, basic rules for handling gas, electricity, water. Dangerous places in the apartment, house and its surroundings (balcony, window sill, elevator, construction site, wasteland, etc.). Safety rules when dealing with strangers. Rules for safe behavior in nature. Safety rules for handling cats and dogs.

☼ Environmental safety. Household water filter, its design and use. Concern for the health and safety of the people around is the moral duty of every person.

Introduction (1 hour)

The world around us, its diversity. Learn to ask questions about the world around you. Our school. Road from home to school. Rules and security traffic(particularly concerning pedestrians and occupants of vehicles).

Excursions: Introduction to the school. Acquaintance with the road from home to school and safety rules on the way.

What and who? (20 h)

What can be seen in the sky day and night. The sun, its form. Clouds, their composition. The beauty and quirkiness of clouds. Moon and stars. Constellation Ursa Major.

What can you see under your feet. Stones, their diversity (shape, size, color) and beauty. Granite, flint, limestone.

What grows on the windowsill and flower bed. Acquaintance with individual representatives of indoor plants and flower garden plants (at the choice of the teacher).

What is this tree. Recognition of trees in their area by their leaves.

Summer and autumn leaf color. Pine and spruce, their distinction in general appearance, needles, cones.

Plant parts: root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit with seeds. Familiarity with a variety of fruits and seeds.

Who are insects, fish, birds, animals. Acquaintance with a variety of animals, their external structure.

What surrounds us at home. Variety and purpose of household items. Computer, its parts and purpose.

Training in the safe handling of things, a computer, pets. The most important road signs, traffic signals, street crossing rules.

Our Motherland is Russia. Nature, cities, peoples of Russia (on examples at the teacher's choice). Acquaintance with the state symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms, anthem. Our city (village) is part of a large country.

Planet Earth, its shape. Globe is a model of the Earth. Land and water on Earth. Image of our country on the globe.

Excursions: What is above our heads? What is under our feet? Introduction to flower gardens. What is a zoo?

Practical work:Introduction to indoor plants. Acquaintance with deciduous trees the nearest natural environment. Recognition of the leaves of various trees. Comparative study of pine and spruce. What do different plants have in common? Introduction to the globe.

How, where and where? (12 h)

River and sea. Where do the rivers flow? fresh and salty water. The path of water to our home.

Sewerage and treatment facilities.

The role of electricity in everyday life. Where does electricity come from in our house? Rules for the safe handling of electrical appliances. Assembly of the simplest electrical circuit (at the discretion of the teacher).

Study of the properties of snow and ice. Where do snow and ice come from?

How do plants and animals live? Acquaintance with the signs of living things and the conditions necessary for the life of organisms. The simplest rules for caring for indoor plants, cats, dogs. Birds flying to the feeder. Taking care of birds in winter.

How does a letter travel? Where do children well-known foods come from, such as chocolate, raisins, honey, etc. (at the discretion of the teacher).

Where do household waste and environmental pollutants come from? How to make the Earth cleaner.

Practical work:Study of the properties of snow and ice. Practicing the simplest techniques for caring for indoor plants. Making a simple bird feeder.

Where and when? (11 h)

The concept of time. Present, past, future. Days of the week and seasons.

Cold and hot regions of the Earth.

Migratory birds. Where do they hibernate and how scientists learned about it.

Representation of the distant past of the Earth. Dinosaurs are amazing animals of the past. How scientists study dinosaurs.

Clothes of people in the past and now.

The history of the bicycle, its device. Bicycle in your life. Bicycle safety rules.

adult professions. Who do you want to become. What might the world be like in the future? Whether it's up to you.

Why and why? (21 h)

The Sun is the closest star to the Earth. The shape and size of the stars. Constellation Leo. The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. Why don't people live on the moon?

Why is it raining and wind blowing. The role of rain and wind in the life of plants, animals, humans.

Sounds of the environment. Why is there an echo? How to take care of your ears.

Colors of rainbow. Why are rainbows multicolored?

Explanation of the names of plants and animals, such as lungwort, touchy, rhinoceros beetle, etc. (at the discretion of the teacher). What do these names say about their owners?

Why is it important to be quiet in the forest? Why you shouldn't pick flowers and catch butterflies.

Variety of vegetables and fruits. Vitamins. Why do you need to wash fruits and vegetables before eating? Why brush your teeth and wash your hands.

Why do we sleep at night. Sleep preparation rules.

Why do we need cars. Vehicle device. Cars in the past and now. What could be the cars of the future.

train and Railway. Subway trains, suburban trains, long distance trains.

Designation of aircraft. Aircraft device. Aircraft in the past and now.

Appointment of courts. Vessel device. Rescue equipment on the ship.

Why fly into space. Artificial satellites of the Earth, their purpose.

space stations.

Ecology is a science that teaches us to take care of the world around us, our planet.

Practical work:The simplest rules of hygiene.

Conclusion (1 hour)

How do we find answers to our questions? The role of observations, experiments, books and other sources of information in the knowledge of the surrounding world.

Where do we live (2 hours)

Where we live. Our “address” in the world: the planet is the Earth, the country is Russia, the name of our city (village), what we call our native land (district, region, etc.). Flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia.

What surrounds us. The sun, air, water, plants, animals - all this is the nature around us. A variety of things, cars, houses - this is what is made and built by people. Our relationship to the environment.

Excursion : What surrounds us?

Nature (7 pm)

Inanimate and living nature, the relationship between them. The sun is the source of heat and light for all living things. Natural phenomena. Temperature and thermometer. What is the weather.

Starry sky. Constellations: Cassiopeia, Orion, Cygnus. The idea of ​​the zodiac constellations.

Rocks and minerals. Granite and its composition. How do people use the wealth of the earth's pantries.

Air and water, their importance for plants, animals, humans. Air and water pollution. Protection of air and water from pollution.

What are the plants: trees, shrubs, herbs; their essential features. Wild and cultivated plants. Indoor plants and their care.

What are the animals: insects, fish, birds, animals; their essential features. Wild and domestic animals. Animals of the living area.

Cats and dogs of various breeds. Pet care.

Seasonal changes in nature: autumn phenomena. Ecological links between plants and animals: plants are food and shelter for animals; animals - distributors of fruits and seeds of plants (studied at the discretion of the teacher).

The negative influence of people on plants and animals (picking bouquets, breaking off branches, deforestation, catching beautiful insects, excessive hunting and fishing, ruining bird nests and anthills, etc.).

Protection of plants and animals of the region. Rules of conduct in nature.

The Red Book of Russia: acquaintance with individual plants and animals and measures for their protection.

Excursions: Living and non-living nature. Autumn changes in nature.

Practical work:

Acquaintance with the device of the thermometer, measuring the temperature of air, water, the human body. Introduction to rocks and minerals. Water properties. Recognition of trees, shrubs and grasses.

Acquaintance with representatives of wild and cultivated plants. Houseplant care tips.

City and village life (11 hours)

City (village) where we live: main features, available information from history.

Our home (urban, rural). Maintaining cleanliness and order on the landing, in the entrance, in the yard. Home address.

What is the economy. Industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade are the components of the economy, their relationship.

Money. Initial ideas about individual production processes e.g. from clay quarry to pottery, from sheep shearing to woolen knitwear, etc. (at the discretion of the teacher).

Industrial enterprises of your city (studied at the discretion of the teacher). Construction in the city (village).

What kind of transport is: land, water, air, underground; passenger, cargo, special. Passenger transport of the city.

Shops of the city, village (studied at the discretion of the teacher).

Culture and education in our region: museums, theaters, schools, universities, etc. (at the choice of the teacher).

Professions of people employed in production. The work of a writer, scientist, artist, teacher, other cultural and educational figures (at the discretion of the teacher).

Seasonal changes in nature: winter phenomena. Ecological connections in the winter forest.

Excursions : Winter changes in nature. Acquaintance with the sights of the native city.

Health and safety (11 h)

The structure of the human body. Human health is its most important wealth.

Daily regime. Personal hygiene rules. The most common diseases, their prevention and treatment; polyclinic, hospital and other healthcare institutions; specialties of doctors: therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, etc. (studied at the discretion of the teacher).

Rules for safe behavior on the streets and roads. Rules and traffic safety (in particular, concerning pedestrians and passengers of vehicles).

Safety precautions at home (when handling household appliances, sharp objects, etc.). Fire safety.

Rules for safe behavior on the water. Environmental safety rule: do not swim in polluted waters.

Edible and inedible berries and mushrooms. Stinging insects. Orientation in dangerous situations in contact with people: a stranger offers to go for a ride with him in a car, open the door to an apartment in the absence of adults, etc.

Practical work: Working out the rules for crossing the street.

Communication (6 h)

Work and rest in the family. Attentive and caring relationships between family members. Names and patronymics of parents.

Schoolmates, friends, joint studies, games, recreation. The relationship between boys and girls.

Politeness rules (at home, at school, on the street). Telephone etiquette. Receiving guests and behavior at a party. How to behave at the table.

Culture of behavior in public places (cinema, transport, etc.).

Practical work: Working out the basic rules of etiquette.

Travel (18h)

Horizon. Skyline. The main sides of the horizon, their definition by compass.

Forms of the earth's surface: plains and mountains, hills, ravines. Variety of reservoirs: river, lake, sea, etc. Parts of the river (source, mouth, channel); tributaries.

Seasonal changes in nature: spring and summer phenomena. Respect for nature in spring and summer.

Image of our country on the map. How to read a map. Moscow is capital of Russia. Moscow Kremlin and other sights of the capital.

Acquaintance with other cities of our country (studied at the discretion of the teacher).

World map. Continents and oceans. Countries of the world.

Excursions : Spring changes in nature. Forms of the earth's surface of the native land. Reservoirs of the native land.

Practical work: Determining the sides of the horizon with a compass. Basic card reading techniques.

Conclusion (1h)

What have we learned and what have we learned in a year.

Course results

Mastering the course "World around" makes a significant contribution to the achievementpersonal resultsprimary education, namely:

formation of the foundations of Russian civil identity, a sense of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity; formation of values ​​of the multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

formation of a respectful attitude to a different opinion, history and culture of other peoples;

mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world;

development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, including in informational activities, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations;

formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results, respect for material and spiritual values.

The study of the course "The World Around" plays a significant role in achievingmetasubject resultsprimary education such as:

mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search

means of its implementation;

mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

the use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the objects and processes under study, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;

active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (ICT) for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

the use of various methods of searching (in reference sources and the open educational information space of the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies subject"The world";

mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.), in accordance with the content of the subject "World around";

mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes;

the ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including with educational models) in accordance with the content of the subject "World around".

When studying the course "The world around us" the following are achieved:subject results:

the formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, the native land, one's family, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life;

development of skills to establish and identify cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world.

The results of mastering the course for each year of study

personal results studying the course "World around" in first class is the formation of the following skills:

know the home address, names and patronymics of the parents;

show respect for one's family, relatives, love for parents;

to master the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world (present, past, future);

independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct common to all people (the foundations of universal human moral values); explain and evaluate more specifically actions as good or bad;

use the basic forms of greetings, requests, etc. in relationships with other people; comply with the rules of conduct in public places;

follow the rules of personal hygiene and safe behavior on the street and at home.

master the role of the student; formation of interest in learning;

in the proposed situations, based on common for all simple rules behavior, to make a choice, what act to perform;

develop ecological- ethical activity (analysis of one's own attitude to the natural world and behavior in it; assessment of the actions of other people in nature).

metasubject results in first grade is the formation of the following universal learning activities (UUD).

Regulatory UUD:

determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher;

pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson.

learn to express your assumption (version) on the basis of working with a textbook illustration.

learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Learn to build a problematic dialogue (situations), collectively solve problematic issues;

learn to distinguish the right task from the wrong one.

study together with the teacher and other students give an emotional assessment

Class activities in the classroom.

learn the technology of evaluating educational achievements (educational success).

Cognitive UUD:

to navigate in their system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.

make a preliminary selection of sources of information: navigate in the textbook (on

Opening, in the table of contents).

acquire new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, your life experience and information obtained in the lesson, complete individual tasks;

process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole class.

process the information received: compare and group objects and their images.

to model ecological connections with the help of graphical and dynamic schemes.

be able to convey a thought not in a word, but in an image, a model, a drawing - a diagram.

convert information from one form to another: retell in detail

Small texts, name their subject.

Communicative UUD:

to convey one's position to others: to formulate one's thought in oral and written speech (at the level of a sentence or a short text).

listen to and understand the speech of others.

participate in the dialogue in the classroom and in life situations.

jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them (the main forms of greeting, request, gratitude, apology, farewell; culture of behavior in public places).

learn to perform various roles in a group (leader, performer, critic; master role-playing games).

develop the ability to work in groups and pairs.

write a short story on the topic “Who do you want to become”;

Substantive results studying the course "The world around" in first grade is the formation of the following skills:

the name of our planet, native country and its capital; the region where the students live;

hometown (village);

state symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms, anthem; public holidays;

basic (easily determined) properties of air, water;

general conditions necessary for the life of living organisms;

be able to determine the signs of various objects of nature (color, shape, comparison);

make observations in nature.

to distinguish objects of nature and products; objects of inanimate and living nature; name their role in human life;

name the surrounding objects and their relationships;

name the main features of each season, be able to determine their attitude to the world; know the names of the days of the week;

develop appropriate norms and rules on environmental ethics;

to carry out feasible activities for the protection of the environment;

explain the importance of the surrounding nature for people;

groups of plants and animals; trees, shrubs, herbs; insects, fish, birds, animals;

distinguish the main parts of a plant: root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit with seeds; display them in a figure (diagram);

distinguish between vegetables and fruits;

follow the simplest rules for caring for indoor plants, pets (cat, dog) ;

features of the work of people in the most common professions;

assess the correctness of behavior in everyday life (rules of communication);

know the most important road signs, traffic signals,

street crossing rules;

know the rules of traffic safety (in particular, concerning pedestrians and passengers of vehicles) and observe them;

purpose of the main means of transportation: car, train, plane, steamboat;

rules for the preservation and promotion of health.

personal resultsstudying the course studying the course "World around" in second grade :

continue acquaintance with state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem), with the peoples of Russia;

be able to carry out educational projects "Hometown", "Cities of Russia";

know basic information about your city; the most common professions; home address;

mastering the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

the formation of ideas about moral standards, the development of a culture of behavior in the family, school, in public places (based on text analysis and their own observations, they learn to formulate rules of behavior for themselves) .

to form ethical feelings, benevolence and emotionally - moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people.

know the names and patronymics of the parents; basic ways of greeting, request, gratitude, apology, farewell; about the culture of behavior in public places;

to master the skills of cooperation with adults and peers in various social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations.

evaluate life situations (people's actions) in terms of generally accepted norms and values: in the proposed situations, mark specific actions that can be assessed as good or bad;

in the proposed situations, based on simple rules of behavior common to all, make a choice, what action to take;

installation on a safe, healthy lifestyle, motivation for creative work, work for results, respect for material and spiritual values.

metasubject results studying the course "The world around"in second gradeis the formation of the following universal educational activities.

Regulatory UUD:

determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher and independently;

learn to discover and formulate a learning problem together with the teacher;

learn to plan learning activities in the classroom;

☺ The development of the ability to plan educational activities and work for the result is the implementation of project activities provided for in the heading "Our projects" of textbooks of grades 1-4.

express your version, try to offer a way to check. (the textbook of each class has "Pages for self-examination", which help to exercise self-control)

working according to the proposed plan, use the necessary tools (textbook, simple instruments and tools);

the means of forming these actions is the technology of problematic dialogue at the stage of studying new material(for each topic, a problematic question is formulated or a problematic situation is created);

determine the success of their assignment in a dialogue with the teacher.

☺ The technology for evaluating educational achievements (learning success) serves as a means of forming these actions. At the end of each section, tasks are placed under the heading "Check ourselves and evaluate our achievements".

Cognitive UUD:

navigate your knowledge system: understand what you need Additional Information(knowledge) to solve a learning problem in one step;

make a preliminary selection of information sources for solving a learning problem;

acquire new knowledge necessary information, both in the textbook and in the dictionaries and encyclopedias proposed by the teacher;

acquire new knowledge: extract the information presented in different forms(text, table, diagram, illustration, ICT, etc.);

process the information received: observe and draw independent conclusions.

mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and causal- investigative connections, building reasoning, referring to known concepts;

building reasoning about environmental relationships by analogy with a read story, establishing causal- investigative connections when getting acquainted with seasonal changes in nature.

Communicative UUD:

to convey one's position to others: to formulate one's thought in oral and written speech (at the level of one sentence or a short text).

listen and understand the speech of others;

engage in conversation in the classroom and in life.

☺ The technology of problematic dialogue (inciting and leading dialogue) and the technology of productive reading serve as a means of forming these actions.

jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them;

widespread use of organizational forms like working in pairs and groups, performing tasks in cooperation with adults, implementing educational projects, etc. the issue of active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (ICT) is being solved.

Substantive resultsstudying the course "The world around"in second gradeis the formation of the following knowledge and skills:

know inanimate and living nature;

be able to distinguish between natural objects created by man, objects of inanimate and living nature;

distinguish between wild and cultivated plants, trees, shrubs, herbs; wild and domestic animals; insects, birds, fish, animals;

name the main signs of the seasons;

know and follow the rules of behavior in nature;

to master the basics of environmental literacy;

know the main sides of the horizon and determine them using a compass;

know the variety of reservoirs; parts of the river

learns to measure the temperature of air, water, the human body using a thermometer;

observe the weather and describe it;

master the available ways of studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experience, comparison, classification, etc. with obtaining information from family archives, from people around, in an open information space);

establish causality- investigative links between changes in inanimate and living nature, and in the topics "Red Book", "Be nature a friend!" - between human activities and the state of the environment;

master modern way fixing observations - photographing. (So, in the 2nd grade textbook, tasks are given: to prepare a photo story on the topic “Beauty of Autumn”, “Beauty of Winter”, “Beauty of Spring”);

learn to work with family archives (project "Pedigree");

be able to distinguish between the studied modes of transport; to observe the life of people under the guidance of a teacher;

use the basic forms of greetings, requests, etc. with people;

comply with the rules of conduct in public places; distinguish between the studied modes of transport;

describe manifestations of the inner world of a person. (For what spiritual qualities do you appreciate this person?);

know the names of our country and its capital, symbols and names of several other countries of the world;

to respect Russia, our native land, our family, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life;

give examples of sights of the native land, Moscow, St. Petersburg;

treat other peoples living on Earth with respect;

follow the rules of personal hygiene and safe behavior on the street and at home;

to master the norms of health-saving behavior;

life safety rules, traffic rules:

- know the safe way from home to school;

Know the most important road signs, traffic signals,

- street crossing rules;

- know the rules of traffic safety (in particular, concerning pedestrians and passengers of vehicles) and observe them.

personal resultsin third gradeis the formation of the following skills:

to explain from the standpoint of universal human moral values ​​why specific simple actions can be assessed as good or bad;

independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct common to all people (the foundations of universal human moral values);

in the proposed situations, based on the rules of behavior common to all, make a choice what act to perform.

☺ The means of achieving these results is the educational material and tasks of the textbook, aimed at the ability to determine one's attitude to the world.

familiarity with history and cultural heritage country (ongoing educational project“Who Protects Us”, acquaintance with the Russian Armed Forces, the State Fire Service, the Russian Emergencies Ministry);

formation of a holistic, socially-oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning (in the section “What the economy teaches”, the topics “What is money”, “Family budget”, “Economy and ecology” are provided)) ;

the formation of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions on the basis of ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom.

☺ The development of independence and responsibility for one’s actions is served by the section “What Economics Teaches” in the 3rd grade textbook, where the concepts of “needs”, “goods”, “services”, “income”, “expenses”, “taxes”, “budget” are introduced ; all these concepts are linked to the personal experience of the child and his family.

formation emotionally- moral responsiveness to nature;

the formation of value orientations of a younger student;

the ability to respect other opinions, history and culture of other peoples;

to master the skills of cooperation with adults and peers in various social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations.

metasubject results studying the course "The world around" in third grade

Regulatory UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

- scientific text;

convert information from one form to another: present information in the form of text, tables, diagrams;

transform information, analyze, generalize, characterize objects of the surrounding world, reason, solve creative problems;

observe the objects of the surrounding world, make their oral description, correlate the results obtained with the aim of observation (experiment); identification by comparing individual features of objects;

make simple measurements different ways using appropriate instruments and tools;

work with the simplest models to describe the properties and qualities of the objects under study;

work with educational and scientific- popular texts, etc.

Communicative UUD:

to convey one's position to others: to formulate one's thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account one's educational and life speech situations;

communicate your position to others: express your point of view and try to eѐ substantiate by giving arguments;

read aloud and silently the texts of textbooks and at the same time: conduct a “dialogue with the author” (predict future reading; put questions to the text and look for answers; check yourself); separate the new from the known; highlight the main to make plan.

learn to respect the position of another, to try to negotiate.

Substantive results studying the course "The world around" in third grade

Students should know:

man is a part of nature and society;

what are bodies and substances, solids, liquids and gases (give examples);

basic properties of air and water, water cycle in nature;

the main groups of living things (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria); groups of plants (algae, mosses, ferns, conifers, flowering plants); groups of animals (insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, animals); edible and non-edible mushrooms;

list the features of coniferous and flowering plants;

animals (insects, spiders, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, animals), mushrooms.

to prove the need for careful attitude of people to living organisms.

the relationship between inanimate and living nature, within living nature (between plants and animals, between different animals);

give examples of the relationship between nature (living and inanimate) and man (the significance of nature for man, the negative and positive impact of people on nature, measures for the protection of nature, the rules of personal behavior in nature);

explain the importance of the circulation of substances in nature and human life;

the structure of the human body, the main organ systems and their role in the body;

hygiene rules; basics of a healthy lifestyle;

traffic safety rules (in particular, concerning pedestrians and passengers of vehicles);

rules of safe behavior at home and on the street, basic road signs; fire safety rules, fundamentals of environmental safety;

people's needs; goods and services;

give examples of living organisms of different "professions";

the role of natural resources in the economy; main industries Agriculture and industry; the role of money in the economy, the basics of the family budget;

some cities of Russia, their main attractions; countries bordering Russia (based on the map); countries of foreign Europe, their capitals (based on the map).

Students should be able to:

recognize natural objects using an atlas- determinant; distinguish between the most common plants, animals, edible and inedible mushrooms in the area;

distinguish objects and orders created by people (culture) from what is created by nature;

to conduct observations of natural bodies and phenomena, the simplest experiments and practical work, to record their results;

to explain within the requirements of the program the relationship in nature and between nature and man;

comply with traffic safety rules (in particular regarding pedestrians and vehicle passengers);

follow the rules of personal behavior in nature, justify their necessity; to carry out feasible work for the protection of nature;

follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety, provide first aid for minor skin injuries; deal with household filter for water purification;

master the basic techniques of reading a map;

give examples of cities in Russia, countries - neighbors of Russia, countries of foreign Europe and their capitals.

distinguish times Ancient Rus', Moscow State, Russian Empire, Soviet Russia and the USSR, modern Russia. Recognize the modern coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia, show borders and the capital on the map.

learn about the life of people from the historical text and draw conclusions;

explain what society, state, history, democracy are;

by year determine the century, the place of the event in the past;

be able to explain their attitude to relatives and friends, to the past and present of their native country.

personal resultsstudying the course studying the course "The world around"in fourth gradeis the formation of the following skills:

appreciate and accept the following basic values: "kindness", "patience", "homeland", "nature", "family";

respect for one's family, relatives, parents;

evaluate life situations (people's actions) in terms of generally accepted norms and values: learn to separate actions from the person himself;

to explain from the standpoint of universal human moral values ​​why specific simple actions can be assessed as good or bad;

in the proposed situations, based on the rules of behavior common to all, make a choice of what act to commit;

formation of value orientations of a junior schoolchild (introduction of the concept of "World Heritage" in the topic "Treasures of the Earth under the protection of mankind") ;

acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

to form the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world (the ability to work with information, with tasks attached to the textbook);

to form independence and personal responsibility for one's actions on the basis of ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom (acquaintance with the Basic Law of the country, human rights, the rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia, the rights of the child);

develop ethical feelings, benevolence and emotionally, moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

be able to evaluate a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

respect for one's own and other peoples, their religion, culture, history. The main religions of the peoples of Russia: Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism;

acquaintance with the historical and cultural heritage of the country;

respect for other opinions, history and culture of other peoples;

skills of cooperation with adults and peers in various social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations;

develop aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

installation on a safe, healthy lifestyle, motivation for creative work, work for results, respect for material and spiritual values;

independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct common to all people (the foundations of universal human moral values);

formation emotionally- moral responsiveness to nature.

metasubject results studying the course "The world around"in fourth gradeis the formation of the following universal educational activities:

Regulatory UUD:

independently formulate the objectives of the lesson after a preliminary discussion;

together with the teacher to discover and formulate a learning problem;

draw up a plan for solving the problem (task) together with the teacher;

working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes with the help of a teacher;

in dialogue with the teacher, develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success in the performance of their work and the work of everyone, based on the existing criteria.

☺ The technology for evaluating educational achievements (learning success) serves as a means of forming these actions.

Cognitive UUD:

navigate in your knowledge system: independently assume what information is needed to solve a learning problem;

select the sources of information necessary for solving the educational task among the dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books proposed by the teacher;

obtain new knowledge: extract information presented in various forms (text, table, diagram, illustration, etc.);

process the received information: compare and group facts and phenomena; determine the causes of phenomena, events;

process the information received: draw conclusions based on the generalization of knowledge;

convert information from one form to another: draw up a simple curriculum- scientific text;

convert information from one form to another: present information in the form of text, tables, diagrams.

Communicative UUD:

to convey one's position to others: to formulate one's thoughts in oral written speech, taking into account one's educational and life speech situations;

to convey one's position to others: to express one's point of view and try to substantiate it by giving arguments;

listen to others, try to take a different point of view, be ready to change your point of view;

read aloud and silently the texts of textbooks and at the same time: conduct a “dialogue with the author” (predict future reading; put questions to the text and look for answers; check yourself); separate the new from the known; highlight the main to make plan;

to negotiate with people: performing various roles in the group, to cooperate in the joint solution of the problem (task);

learn respectfully, treat the position of another, try to negotiate.

☺ Working in pairs and small groups serves as a means of forming these actions.

Substantive results studying the course "The world around"in fourth gradeis the formation of the following skills.

know the state symbols and public holidays of modern Russia; what is the Constitution; fundamental rights of the child;

notice and explain what people's actions are contrary to human conscience, rules of conduct (morality and law), human rights and the rights of the child. Suggest what you yourself can do to correct visible violations;

understanding the special role of Russia in world history, fostering a sense of pride in national achievements, discoveries, victories;

formation of an initial idea of ​​the uniqueness of Russia as a single indivisible multinational and multi-confessional state. The historical role of the multinational people of Russia as a people- creator, custodian of Russian statehood

give examples of the peoples of Russia;

know the historical periods: primitive society, the ancient world, the middle ages, modern times, Newest time;

know what history studies, how historians learn about the past, how years are counted in history; features of the historical map;

be able to correlate the year with the century, determine the sequence of historical events;

give examples of patriotism, valor, nobility on the basis of national history;

the most important events and great people of national history;

understand the essence of the historical victories of Russia, which played a decisive role in world history: the fight against the Mongol invasion and the salvation of Europe, the fight against the invasion of Napoleon, the foreign campaign of the Russian army and the impact of this event on the fate of Europe, the Great

Patriotic War and the decisive contribution of our country to the defeat of fascism. Russia's contribution to the development of world culture and science;

identify causally- investigative links between various historical events, phenomena of social reality (for example, the adoption of Christianity by Russia and the flourishing of culture, Mongol invasion and losses in culture and economy, the Second World War and the creation of the UN);

respectful attitude to Russia, native land, family, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life;

explain what interests unite you with your relatives, friends, countrymen, citizens of your country, what unites all people on Earth into one humanity;

awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basics of environmental literacy, the elementary rules of moral behavior in the world of nature and people, the norms of health-saving behavior in the natural and social environment;

mastering the basics of environmental literacy. Identification of environmental ties in the surrounding world, modeling of these ties, application of knowledge about them in explaining the need for careful attitude to nature - to know some modern environmental problems;

be able to assess people's activities in an accessible form in educational and real situations in terms of its environmental acceptability; define possible reasons negative changes in nature; offer the simplest predictions possible consequences human impact on nature; determine the necessary measures for nature protection, options for personal participation in the conservation of the natural environment;

give examples of animals of the Red Book of Russia and the international Red Book;

development available ways studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experience, comparison, classification, etc. with obtaining information from family archives, from people around, in an open information space);

Earth - a planet in the solar system, the reasons for the change of day and night and seasons;

know how to depict the Earth, its surface: a globe, geographic map; natural zones of Russia - to be able to establish the reasons for the change of natural zones in our country;

features of the nature of their region: forms of the earth's surface, minerals, reservoirs, natural communities;

recognize natural objects with the help of an atlas - determinant; to distinguish between the most important minerals of their region, plants and animals characteristic of the forest, meadows of fresh water, the main agricultural plants, as well as farm animals of their region;

conduct observations of natural bodies and phenomena;

independently find in the textbook and additional sources of information on a specific topic of natural history and social science nature, present them in the form of a message, story;

apply the textbook illustration as a source of knowledge, reveal the content of the illustration;

own elementary techniques for reading a geographical and historical map.

know and follow road safety regulations (in particular those relating to pedestrians, vehicle passengers and cyclists).

be able to adequately assess the situation on the carriageway sidewalk from the point of view of a pedestrian and (or) a cyclist; predict the consequences of one's behavior as a pedestrian, vehicle passenger and/or cyclist in various road

Situations for life and health (their own and those around them);

explain the role of the main organs and organ systems in the human body;

apply knowledge about your body in life (to draw up a daily routine, rules of conduct;

evaluate what is healthy and what is harmful.

4. Control over the assimilation of UUD

The specificity of the content of subjects that make up the educational area "The World Around" affects the content and forms of control. The main purpose of the control is to check the knowledge of the facts of the educational material, the ability of children to draw the simplest conclusions, express generalized judgments, give examples from additional sources apply comprehensive knowledge.

To control and evaluate knowledge and skills in the subjects of this area, individual and frontal oral tests, various written works that do not require a detailed answer with a lot of time, as well as independent practical work with maps, instruments, models, laboratory research are used.

Frontal survey

It is conducted as a conversation - a polylogue, in which students of the whole class participate. The teacher prepares a series of questions on a specific topic of the course, to which the students give short, reasoned answers. Since the main purpose of such control conversations is to check the awareness of mastering the curriculum, this determines the need to select such questions that test not only knowledge of the factual material (repeat the textbook article, list, recall, etc.), but also the ability to compare facts, choose an alternative , compare, analyze, find the cause of the phenomenon, etc.

Individual oral surveyalso has its own specific features in the lessons on the subjects of this educational area. The following forms of individual survey can be distinguished: story - description and story - reasoning.

The story is a description. The student gives a consistent, logical description of an object or phenomenon

of the surrounding world, revealing their essential features and properties. When evaluating this type of story, the completeness of the disclosure of the issue is taken into account, the selection of the most essential features object, the consistency of presentation, the transfer of one's attitude to the described subject. A positive assessment deserves the desire of the student to deviate from the text of the textbook, not to repeat it verbatim, but to express an idea in his own words, to give his own examples from life experience. The use of additional literature and illustrated material, self-made drawings and diagrams is especially noted.

Story - reasoning tests the student's ability to independently generalize the knowledge gained, correctly establish causal, spatial and temporal relationships, use the acquired knowledge in a non-standard situation using diagrams, tables, diagrams, etc. This type of survey is very important for checking the level of development of the student, the formation of logical thinking, imagination, coherent speech - reasoning.

In a written test of knowledge in subjects of the natural sciences and social sciences, the following are also usedtest papers,which do not require a complete, detailed answer, which is associated with insufficient writing skills of younger students. therefore expedienttest tasks by several options for finding an error, choosing an answer, continuing or correcting a statement, and others.

Work with individual cards - tasks is also of great importance: children fill out tables, draw or complete diagrams, diagrams, choose the correct date, etc. It is advisable to build these tasks as differentiated ones, which will allow checking and taking into account in further work the individual pace of progress of children.

An interesting written form of control over the formation of ideas about the world isgraphic works.Here the teacher checks the meaningfulness of the student's knowledge, the ability to convey a thought not in a word, but in an image, a model, a drawing - a diagram.

A specific form of control that combines elements of both oral and written

Poll, iswork with devices, laboratory equipment, models. This form of control is mainly used in lessons that form the natural science ideas of children. The main purpose of these tests is to determine the level of development of schoolchildren's skills to work with equipment, plan observations or experiments, and conduct independent practical work.

current control- the most efficient, dynamic and flexible verification of learning outcomes. It usually accompanies the process of developing skills and habits, therefore, it is carried out at the first stages of training, when it is still difficult to talk about the formation of students' skills and abilities. Its main goal is to analyze the course of formation of knowledge and skills of students. This gives the teacher and student the opportunity to respond to shortcomings in a timely manner, identify their causes and take the necessary measures to eliminate them; return to not yet learned rules, operations and actions.

Thematic controlconsists in checking the assimilation of the program material on each major topic of the course, and the assessment fixes the result.

The specifics of this type of control:

1) the student is given additional time for preparation and is provided with the opportunity to retake the material, correct the previously received mark;

2) when setting the final mark, the teacher does not focus on the average score, but takes into account only the final marks on the subject being handed over, which “cancel” the previous, lower ones, which makes the control more objective;

3) the possibility of obtaining a higher assessment of their knowledge. Clarification and deepening of knowledge becomes a motivated action of the student, reflects his desire and interest in learning.

Final controlis carried out as an assessment of learning outcomes for a certain, sufficiently large period of study time - a quarter, half a year, a year. Thus, final control works are carried out 4 times a year. When placing transfer marks (in the next quarter, in the next class), preference is given to higher ones.

5. Criteria and norms for assessing the results of education

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the school has developed an assessment system focused on identifying and evaluating the educational achievements of students with the aim of final assessment of the preparation of graduates at the level of primary general education.

The features of the assessment system are:

an integrated approach to assessing the results of education (assessment of subject, meta-subject and personal results of general education);

use of the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs as a substantive and criteria-based assessment base;

assessment of the success of mastering the content of individual academic subjects on the basis of a system-activity approach, manifested in the ability to perform educational, practical and educational and cognitive tasks;

assessment of the dynamics of educational achievements of students;

combination of external and internal evaluation as a mechanism for ensuring the quality of education;

the use of personalized procedures for the final assessment and certification of students and non-personalized procedures for assessing the state and trends in the development of the education system;

a tiered approach to the development of planned results, tools and their presentation;

the use of a cumulative assessment system (portfolio), which characterizes the dynamics of individual educational achievements;

the use, along with standardized written or oral work, of such forms and methods of assessment as projects, practical work, creative work, introspection, self-assessment, observation, etc.;

the use of contextual information about the conditions and features of the implementation of educational programs when interpreting the results of pedagogical measurements.

Achievement of subject results is provided at the expense of the main subjects. Therefore, the object of evaluation of subject results is the ability of students to solve educational and cognitive and educational and practical tasks.Evaluation of the achievement of subject results is carried out both during the current and intermediate assessment, and during the implementation of the final verification work.

Classification of errors and shortcomings that affect the reduction of the assessment


incorrect definition of a concept, replacement of an essential characteristic of a concept with an inessential one;

violation of the sequence in the description of the object (phenomenon) in cases where it is significant;

incorrect disclosure (in a story-reasoning) of the causes, patterns, conditions for the flow of one or another phenomenon studied;

errors in comparing objects, their classification into groups according to essential features;

ignorance of the factual material, inability to give independent examples confirming the stated judgment;

lack of ability to complete a drawing, diagram, incorrect filling in the table; inability to support your answer with a diagram, drawing, illustrative material

errors in setting up the experiment, leading to an incorrect result;

inability to navigate on a map and plan, difficulties in correctly displaying the studied objects (natural history and historical)


predominance in the description of the object of its insignificant features;

inaccuracies in the execution of drawings, diagrams, tables that do not adversely affect the result of the work; lack of designations and signatures;

individual violations of the sequence of operations during the experiment, which do not lead to an incorrect result;

inaccuracies in determining the purpose of the device, its use is carried out after leading questions;

inaccuracies when finding an object on the map.

The knowledge and skills of students in the world around them are evaluated based on the results of an oral survey, observations and practical work.

Mark "5" is put to the student if he consciously and logically presents the educational material, using his observations in nature, establishes connections between objects and natural phenomena (within the program), correctly performs practical work and gives complete answers to all the questions posed.

Mark "4" is given to the student if his answer basically meets the requirements set for a grade of "5", but the student admits some inaccuracies in the presentation of the factual material, in the use of certain terms, single shortcomings in the performance of practical work. All these shortcomings are easily corrected by the student himself when pointed out by the teacher.

Mark "3"is given to the student if he has mastered the main content of the educational material. But he makes factual errors, does not know how to use the results of his observations in the world around him, finds it difficult to establish the connections provided by the program between objects and phenomena of the world around him, in the performance of practical work, but he can correct the listed shortcomings with the help of a teacher.

Mark "2"it is put to the student if he reveals ignorance of most of the program material, does not cope with the implementation of practical work, even with the help of a teacher.

Verbal evaluation is a characteristic of the results of schoolchildren's educational work. This form of value judgment makes it possible to reveal to the student the dynamics of the results of his educational activity, to analyze his capabilities and diligence. A feature of verbal assessment is its content, analysis of the student's work, clear fixation of successful results and disclosure of the reasons for failures. Moreover, these reasons should not concern the personal characteristics of students. A value judgment accompanies any mark as a conclusion on the essence of the work, revealing both its positive and negative sides, as well as ways to eliminate shortcomings and errors.

6. Logistics of the educational process

Elementary education differs significantly from all subsequent stages of education, during which systematic courses are studied.

In this regard, the equipment of the educational process at this educational level has its own characteristics, determined both by the specifics of teaching and educating younger students in general, and by the specifics of the course "The World Around" in particular.

In elementary school, the foundations are laid for the subsequent study of systematic courses in physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history and social science.

The course "The world around us" contains elementary, accessible to the perception of younger students school age information about animate and inanimate nature; man, his biological nature and social essence; society, its history and culture.

The main objective of the course"The world around" in elementary school is the formation of a holistic picture of the natural and social world with all the diversity of its phenomena, the formation of an idea of ​​​​the place and role of a person in it, the development of emotional- value attitude towards him.

That's whyvisibility principleisone of the leading principleseducation in primary school, since it is visibility that underlies the formation of ideas about the objects of nature and culture of human society.

In this regard, the main role is played by teaching aids, includingvisual aids:

natural living aids - houseplants; animals kept in an aquarium or wildlife corner;

herbariums; collections of insects;

collections of rocks, minerals, minerals;

pictorial visual aids - tables; dummies of individual organs, etc.;

geographical and historical maps;

items representing the life of a traditional and modern family, its economy, everyday, festive life and much more from the life of society.

Another visual aid is equipment for multimedia demonstrations. (computer, media projector, DVD projector, video recorderetc.) and means of fixing the surrounding world (photo and video camera). Thanks to the Internet and a single collection of digital educational resources, it allows you to provide a visual image for the vast majority of the topics of the course "The World Around".

The use of a variety of teaching aids in their combination allows you to form the correct ideas about the objects being studied - their size, shape, color; about the significance of phenomena and events in the historical and cultural life of the country and the world, etc.

Along with the principle of visibility in the study of the course "The world around us" in elementary school, the principle of objectivity plays an important role, according to which students perform various actions with the objects being studied. In the course of such activities, practical skills are formed in schoolchildren, and conscious assimilation of the studied material is ensured.

The course "The World around" provides for a significant number of laboratory and practical work that simulates the phenomena of the natural and social world.

Proceeding from this, the second important requirement for the equipment of the educational process in elementary school when studying the world around us is that among the teaching aids must be presenteddevices, tools for practical work, as well as a variety of handouts.

Dispensingmaterialfor practical and laboratory work should include herbariums, seeds and fruits of plants, collections of minerals and minerals, bones, fish scales, bird feathers, etc.

In the course of studying the course "The world around us", younger students at an accessible level for them

level master the methods of cognition of nature and society, including observation, measurement, experiment. To do this, the educational process must be equipped with the necessarymeasuringappliances:scales,thermometerscentimeterrulers.

In elementary school, students begin to form cognitive interests, cognitive motivation. At this age, the majority of schoolchildren expressed interest in studying nature, their own organism, human relationships, therefore, the study of the course "The World Around", saturated with information about animate and inanimate nature, the human body, its inner world, different sides public life, should stimulate the formation of sustainable cognitive interest, its further development.

This contributes greatly toactivity, practice- oriented characterthe content of the course "The world around us", as well as the use of various teaching aids in the course of its study. They are primarilykitencyclopediasForjunior schoolchildren, allowing you to organize the search for information of interest to children. In addition, an important role belongs to the excursions provided for by the program of the course "The World Around", therefore, the equipment of the educational process, if possible, should includeexcursionequipment, includingfolding magnifiers, compasses, binoculars, garden scoops, tape measuresetc.

For class excursions, it is useful to havekitpopularillustrateddeterminantsobjectsnature(minerals, plants, animals, etc.). To visit local history, art, ethnographic, memorial museums, it is important to have specialguidebooksdesigned for interactive tours of a particular exposition.

Library fund

Educational and methodical sets (programs, textbooks, workbooks, readers, etc.).

Popular science, fiction books for reading (in accordance with the main content of education).

Children's reference literature (reference books, reference atlases, encyclopedias) about the world around (nature, people's work, social phenomena, etc.).

Teaching aids for teachers

printed manuals

Tables of natural history and social science content in accordance with the curriculum.

Posters on the main topics of natural science, magnetic or otherwise (natural communities of forests, meadows, gardens, lakes, etc.).

Portraits of outstanding people of Russia (political figures, military leaders, writers, poets, composers, etc.).

Geographical and historical wall maps.

Atlas of geographical and historical maps.

Illustrative materials (albums, sets of postcards, etc.)

Computer and information and communication means

Multimedia (digital) tools and educational resources corresponding to the content of training, training programs on the subject

Technical training aids(TSO)

Classroom board with a set of devices for attaching maps and tables.

exposure screen.

Plasma TV.

Audio player.

Personal Computer.

Multimedia projector

Screen and audio aids

Video films on the subject (including in digital form).

Audio recordings in accordance with the content of the training (including in digital form)

Educational-practical and educational-laboratory equipment




Relief models (plain, hill, mountain, ravine).

Models of traffic lights, road signs, vehicles.

Models of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, taking into account the content of the training.

natural objects

Collections of minerals.

Collections of fruits and seeds of plants.

Herbariums of cultivated and wild plants (taking into account the content of training).

Living objects (houseplants, animals)

Visual aids:

1. natural living benefits - indoor plants; animals kept in an aquarium or wildlife corner;

2. herbariums; collections of insects; wet preparations; stuffed animals and skeletons of representatives of various systematic groups; micropreparations;

3. collections of rocks, minerals, minerals;

Main literature:

1 . Pleshakov A.A. The world. Curriculum and planning for grades 1-4

2 . Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: a textbook for grades 1-4 beginning. school M.: Enlightenment 2007

3 . Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: a textbook for grades 1-4 beginning. school M.: Enlightenment 2010;

4 . Pleshakov A. A. From earth to sky: Atlas-determinant for primary school students. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004

5 . Pleshakov A. A. Green Pages: A book for primary school students. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005

6 . Pleshakov A. A. The Giant in the Glade, or the First Lessons of Ecological Ethics: A Book for Primary School Students. M.: Enlightenment, 2005

7. Pleshakov A.A. etc. The world around. Workbook. 1, 2 cells. (parts 1,2) 3 cells. (parts 1,2) 4 cells. (part 1,2)

8 . Pleshakov A.A., Gara N.N., Nazarova Z.D. "Tests" (to the textbook "The world around") 1,2,3,4 classes;

9 . Pleshakov A.A. The world around us. Let's check ourselves: a notebook for students in grades 1,2,3,4. – M.: Vita-Press, 2010

10 . Pleshakov A.A. etc. The world around. Lesson developments. 1,2,3,4 cells.

11 . Pleshakov A. A. Guidelines to the textbook “The world around us. Grade 1» / A. A. Pleshakov. - M .: Education, 2006.

12 . Pleshakov A.A. Toolkit to the textbook "The world around us. Grade 1". - M.: Enlightenment, 2009

13. Pleshakov, A. A. Methodological guide to the textbook “The world around us. Grade 2» / A. A. Pleshakov, V. P. Aleksandrova, S. A. Borisova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2006.

14 . Pleshakov, A. A. Guidelines for the textbook “The World Around Us. Grade 4 / A. A. Pleshakov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004

15. Pleshakov A. A. Atlas. The world around: 1 - 4 class. M.: AST - PRESS SCHOOL, 2004

16. Levitan E.P. Journey through the Universe. Book for reading.

additional literature

1 . Alekseeva S.V., Anashchenkova S.V., Biboletova M.Z. Planned results of primary general education. M.: Enlightenment. 2009

2 . Asmolova A.G., Burmenskaya G.V., Volodarskaya I.A. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school. M: Enlightenment, 2009

3. Barkov A. Voices of the spring forest. M., Malysh, 1969

4 . Brykina N. T., Zhirenko O. E., Barylkina L. P. Non-standard and integrated lessons in the course "The World Around": grades 1 - 4. - M.: VAKO, 2004

5 . Gerasimov V.P. Fauna of our Motherland: A manual for elementary school teachers. M., Enlightenment, 1985

6. Goroshchenko V.P. Nature and people. Reader on natural history for teachers. 1971

7. Gusev V.G. Our pets: Album. M., Timber industry, 1986

8. Datskevich V. Colored fins. M., Children's literature, 1972

9. Demidova M.Yu., Ivanov S.V., Karabanova O.A. Evaluation of the achievement of planned results in primary school. In 2 parts. Part 1. M.: Enlightenment, 2009

10. Dmitrieva O.I. and others. Lesson developments in the world around: Grade 3. – M.: VAKO

11. Eremeeva E.Yu. Plants: A Schoolboy's Handbook. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2005

12. Education Act"

13. Zotov V.V. Forest mosaic. M., Enlightenment, 1993.

14. Kazakova O. V. and others. Lesson developments in the world around: Grade 2. – M.: VAKO

15 . Modestov S.Yu. Cosmos: Schoolchildren's Handbook. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2005

16. Modestova T.V. Animals: A Schoolchild's Handbook. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2005

17. Modestova T. V. Birds: A Schoolchild's Handbook. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2006

18 . Mukovnikova O. G. Natural history. 1 class. Lesson plans according to the textbook by A. A. Pleshakov "The World Around Us". - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2004

19. Mukovnikova O. G. Natural history. Grade 2 Lesson plans according to the textbook by A. A. Pleshakov "The World Around Us". - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2004

20. Mukovnikova O. G. Natural history. Grade 3 Lesson plans according to the textbook by A. A. Pleshakov "The World Around Us". - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2004

21. Mukovnikova O. G. Natural history. 4th grade. Lesson plans according to the textbook by A. A. Pleshakov "The World Around Us". - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2004

22. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2004 No. 0351101403 "On maintaining the federal component of state educational standards for primary, general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education."

23. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 07.07.2005 "On exemplary programs in subjects of the federal basic curriculum"

24 . Petrov V.V. Vegetable world of our Motherland: A Handbook for Primary School Teachers. M., Enlightenment, 1981.

25. Pleshakov A. 100 and 14 more assignments in natural history. Notebook for students. - M .: "Vita Press", 1996

26. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2004 No. No. 1089 "On approval of the federal component of state educational standards for primary, general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education"

27. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation u1086 dated 09.08.2004 No. No. 1312 "On the approval of the federal basic curriculum and exemplary curricula for educational institutions Russian Federation implementing programs of general education”

28. Sample Programs on academic subjects. Second generation standards. Elementary School. / Appendix to the “Exemplary basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school. In 2 parts. Part 1. M.: Enlightenment, 2010

29 .Sotnik V.F. Pantry of Health: Album. M., Timber industry, 1990.

30 . Fefilova E.P. and others. Lesson developments in the world around: 1st grade. – M.: VAKO

31. Flint V. Birds in our forest. M., Children's literature, 1976

32. Tselousova T. Yu. and others. Lesson developments in the world around: 4th grade. – M.: VAKO

33. Shikina L. B. People and peoples: a Schoolchildren's Handbook. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2006

34. Shikina L. B. Countries and Continents: A Schoolboy's Handbook. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 2005

35 . School of Russia: Concept and programs for elementary grades. At 2 pm Part 1. - M .: Education, 2005.

Electronic educational and methodological support:

1 .Gulueva T.S., Lobodina N.V. Electronic textbook “The world around. Grades 1-2: lesson plans for the program "Promising Primary School" Series "Lesson Planning for Primary School", 2010

2 .Gulueva T.S., Lobodina N.V. Electronic textbook “The world around. 3-4 grades: lesson plans for the program "Promising elementary school" Series "Lesson planning for elementary school", 2010

3 . Natural science. Secrets of the world around for little naturalists. COMPANY " New Disc»

4 . Component of an integrated educational and methodological complex for elementary school. Electronic textbook for the textbooks "Wildlife" and "Inanimate Nature" for grades 2-4.

5 . Multimedia educational and methodical complex Elementary school. Media libraries and lessons of Cyril and Methodius»

6 . The world of nature. Cognitive materials about the world around. CJSC "New Disk", 2006

7 . Educational complex (OK) “1C: School. The world around, 1-4 cells. Tests" is designed to test the success of elementary school students in the study of natural science and social science. OK contains over 500 test tasks for all sections of the program in the subject "World around" for a four-year elementary school.

8. Educational programs and standards. Thematic planning in primary school. Program "school of Russia" Publishing house "Uchitel", 2008

9 . The world around. 1-2 classes: lesson plans for the program School of Russia. CD for computer. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011

10 . World around. 3-4 classes: lesson plans for the program School of Russia. CD for computer. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011

11. Software and methodological complex for computer support of the educational process in grades 1-4 of elementary school in the main subjects: Teaching literacy; Russian language; Mathematics; The world. LLC "New Disc", 2009.

12. Human. Nature. Society. Electronic teaching aid to support and accompany learning in primary school. DOS LLC

7. Glossary

~ ADAPTATION-the process of adaptation of living organisms to certain environmental conditions.

~ NITROGEN -from the Greek "non-living", a chemical element (N), a colorless gas, makes up about 78.09% of the air, does not support the processes of respiration and combustion, is part of acids and proteins.

~ ARTERIES -blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the organs and tissues of the body.

~ BACTERIA -from the Greek "rod", single-celled microorganisms united in groups of rods or cocci.

~ BAROMETER -instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.

~ VIENNA -blood vessels that carry blood from organs and tissues to the heart.

~ WIND -horizontal movement of air relative to the earth's surface.

~ VOLCANOES -geological formations, usually having a cone-shaped or domed shape, composed of eruption products.

~ YEAR -a period of time equal to the period of revolution of the earth around the sun.

~ NATURAL SCIENCE -the science of natural phenomena.

~ EURASIA -the largest continent on Earth, occupying 1/3 of all land.

~ GEM -embryo, an organism at an early stage of development.

~ EARTH -one of the nine planets in the solar system. It is located at a distance of 150 million km from the Sun.

~ EARTHQUAKES -These are shaking of the earth's surface caused by natural causes.

~ SOURCE -the place where the river originates.

~ MAP -a reduced generalized conventionally symbolic image of the surface of the Earth (its part), other planets or the celestial sphere, built on a scale and projection.

~ FANGS -developed in mammals, single-root cone-shaped teeth.

~ CLAWS -horny formations at the ends of fingers in terrestrial vertebrates. Hooves and nails are modified claws.

~ rhizome -underground relatively long-lived shoot of perennial grasses, shrubs, shrubs. Serves for the accumulation of spare substances, vegetative propagation and renewal.

~ SCALE -this is the ratio of the length of a line on a drawing, plan or map to the length of the corresponding line in reality. The scale shows how many times the distance on the map is reduced relative to the actual distance on the ground.

~ PLAN -drawing of the area, made in conventional signs and on a large scale.

~ FRUIT -reproductive organ of flowering plants. Develops from a flower, contains seeds.

~ WEATHER -the state of the atmosphere at a given place at a given time.

~ MINERALS -natural mineral formations in the earth's crust of inorganic and organic origin.

~ GEOGRAPHICAL POLE -North and South - the points of intersection of the axis of rotation of the Earth with the earth's surface.

~ POLAR NIGHT -the period when the sun does not appear during the day above the horizon.

~ POLAR DAY -the period when the sun does not fall below the horizon for many days.

~ THE SOIL -a special natural formation, the upper layer of the earth's crust, which has fertility.

~ PLAINS -vast areas of land with a flat or hilly surface, having different heights relative to the level of the oceans.

~ COURSE -a depression in which a river constantly flows.

~ HEART-the main and central organ of the circulatory system.

~ DAY -a period of time equal to the period of rotation of the Earth around its axis (24 hours)

~ THERMOMETER -temperature measuring device.

~ LEGEND -designations used on maps to depict various objects and their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

~ MOUTH- the place where the river flows into the sea, lake, swamp, glacier in the mountains.

~ ECOLOGY -the science of the relationship of organisms with the environment.



The work program on the world around for grades 1 - 4 was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Model Program for Primary General Education in the educational field "Social Science and Natural Science" (Standards of the second generation. - M .: Education, 2011) and the author's work program educational institutions Pleshakova A.A. on the course "The World around" for grades 1 - 4 (A.A. Pleshakov. - M.: Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 2011) The program corresponds to the textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The study of the course "The world around us" in elementary school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person's place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-valuable comprehension by the child of personal experience of communication with people and nature;

Spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the context of the cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society.

Main tasks implementation of the course content are:

1) the formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, locality, region in which children live, towards Russia, its nature and culture, history and modern life;

2) the child's awareness of the value, integrity and diversity of the world around him, his place in it;

3) formation of a model of safe behavior in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations;

4) formation of psychological culture and competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society.

The specificity of the course "The World Around" lies in the fact that, having a pronounced integrative character, it combines natural history, social science, historical knowledge in equal measure and gives the student the material of natural and social sciences and the humanities necessary for a holistic and systematic vision of the world in / his the most important relationships.

Acquaintance with the principles of the natural and social sciences in their unity and interrelationships gives the student the key (method) to comprehend personal experience, allowing you to make the phenomena of the world around you understandable, familiar and predictable, find your place in the immediate environment, predict the direction of your personal interests in harmony with the interests of nature and society, thereby ensuring in the future both their personal and social well-being. The course "The World around" presents children with a wide panorama of natural and social phenomena as components of a single world. In the basic school this material will be studied differentially in the lessons of various subject areas: physics, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history, literature and other disciplines. Within the framework of this subject, thanks to the integration of natural-science and social-humanitarian knowledge, the tasks of environmental education and upbringing, the formation of a system of positive national values, ideals of mutual respect, patriotism based on ethno-cultural diversity can be successfully solved, in full accordance with the age characteristics of a younger student. and the general cultural unity of Russian society as the most important national asset of Russia. Thus, the course creates a solid foundation for the study of a significant part of the subjects of the basic school and for the further development of the individual.

Using the knowledge accumulated by the natural and social sciences and the humanities to comprehend the child's personal experience, the course introduces a value scale into the process of comprehending the world, without which it is impossible to form positive goals for the younger generation. The course "The World around" helps the student in the formation of personal perception, emotional, evaluative attitude to the world of nature and culture in their unity, educates morally and spiritually mature, active, competent citizens who are able to assess their place in the world and participate in creative activities for the benefit home country and planet Earth.

The significance of the course also lies in the fact that in the course of studying it, schoolchildren master the basics of practice-oriented knowledge about man, nature and society, learn to comprehend causal relationships in the world around them, including on the diverse material of nature and culture of their native land. The course has ample opportunities for the formation of the foundation of environmental and cultural literacy and relevant competencies in junior schoolchildren - the ability to make observations in nature, set up experiments, follow the rules of behavior in the world of nature and people, the rules of a healthy lifestyle. This will allow students to master the basics of adequate natural and cultural behavior in the natural and social environment. Therefore, this course, along with other primary school subjects, plays a significant role in the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, forms the vector of cultural and value orientations of the younger student in accordance with domestic traditions of spirituality and morality.

An essential feature of the course is that it lays a substantive basis for the broad implementation of interdisciplinary connections of all disciplines of elementary school. The subject "The World around" uses and thereby reinforces the skills acquired in the lessons of reading, Russian language and mathematics, music and fine arts, technology and physical culture, together with them accustoming children to rational-scientific and emotional-value comprehension of the world around.

For the implementation of the work program, the EMC "School of Russia" is used, including:

Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: a textbook for grades 1-4. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

Pleshakov A.A. Workbook for the textbook for grades 1-4. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

Pleshakov A.A. From earth to sky: Atlas-determinant. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011

Pleshakov A.A. Green Pages. A book for primary school students. - M .: Education, 2011

Electronic supplement to the textbook

General characteristics of the course

1) the idea of ​​the diversity of the world;

2) the idea of ​​the integrity of the world;

3) the idea of ​​respect for the world.

Diversity as a form of existence of the world clearly manifests itself both in the natural and in the social sphere. Based on the integration of natural science, geographical, historical information, the course builds bright picture reality, reflecting the diversity of nature and culture, types of human activity, countries and peoples. Particular attention is paid to the acquaintance of junior schoolchildren with natural diversity, which is considered both as an independent value and as a condition without which the existence of a person is impossible, the satisfaction of his material and spiritual needs.

The fundamental idea of ​​the integrity of the world is also consistently implemented in the course; its implementation is carried out through the disclosure of various connections: between inanimate nature and living nature, within living nature, between nature and man. In particular, the importance of each natural component in people's lives is considered, the positive and negative human impact on these components is analyzed. Critical importance for children to realize the unity of nature and society, the integrity of society itself, the closest interdependence of people, the inclusion in the program of information from the field of economics, history, modern social life, which are present in the program of each class.

Respect for the world is a kind of formula for a new attitude to the environment, based on the recognition of the intrinsic value of the existent, on the inclusion in the moral sphere of the relationship not only to other people, but also to nature, to the man-made world, to the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and all mankind.

The method of teaching the course "The World Around" is based on a problem-search approach, which ensures the "discovery" of new knowledge by children and the active development of various ways of knowing the environment. At the same time, a variety of methods and forms of training are used with the use of a system of tools that make up a single information and educational environment. Students conduct observations of natural phenomena and social life, perform practical work and experiments, including research ones, and various creative tasks. Didactic and role-playing games, educational dialogues, modeling of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world are held. Excursions and educational walks, meetings with people of various professions, organization of feasible practical activities for environmental protection and other forms of work that ensure direct interaction of the child with the outside world are important for the successful solution of the objectives of the course. Classes can be held not only in the classroom, but also on the street, in the forest, park, museum, etc. The organization of student project activities, which is provided for in each section of the program, is very important for achieving the planned results.

In accordance with the above-mentioned leading ideas, the types of activities of students that are new to the practice of elementary school are of particular importance in the implementation of the program, which include: 1) recognition of natural objects using a key atlas specially designed for elementary school; 2) modeling of ecological relations with the help of graphical and dynamic schemes (models); 3) environmental and ethical activities, including an analysis of one's own attitude to the natural world and behavior in it, an assessment of the actions of other people, the development of appropriate norms and rules, which is carried out with the help of a specially designed book for reading on environmental ethics.

The training course "The World Around" occupies a special place among the primary school subjects. Figuratively speaking, this is what is “always with you”, since children's knowledge of the world around them is not limited to the lesson. It continues constantly at school and beyond its walls. Myself training course is a kind of system-forming core of this process. That is why it is important that work with children begun in the classroom continues in one form or another even after they finish, in extracurricular activities. The teacher should also strive to ensure that parents of students in everyday communication with their children support their cognitive initiatives awakened in the classroom. It can also be specific tasks for home experiments and observations, reading and receiving information from adults.

Course Content Values

Nature as one of the most important foundations for a healthy and harmonious life of man and society.

Culture as a process and result of human life in all its diversity of forms.

Science as a part of culture, reflecting the human desire for truth, for the knowledge of the laws of the surrounding world of nature and society.

Humanity as a diversity of peoples, cultures, religions. in International cooperation as the basis of peace on Earth.

Patriotism as one of the manifestations of a person's spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, a small homeland, in a conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The family as the basis of the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, the guarantee of the continuity of the cultural and value traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and the viability of Russian society.

Labor and creativity as distinctive features of a spiritually and morally developed personality.

A healthy lifestyle in the unity of its components: physical, mental, spiritual and socio-moral health.

The moral choice and responsibility of a person in relation to nature, historical and cultural heritage, to himself and the people around him.

Place of the course in the curriculum

For the study of the course "The world around us" in each grade of elementary school, 2 hours per week are allotted. The program is designed for 270 hours: Grade 1 - 66 hours (33 academic weeks), Grades 2, 3 and 4 - 68 hours each (34 academic weeks).

Course results

Mastering the course "World around" makes a significant contribution to the achievement personal results primary education, namely:

1) the formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity; formation of values ​​of the multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

2) the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

3) the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, history and culture of other peoples;

4) mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world;

5) acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

6) development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, including in information activities, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

7) the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

8) development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

9) development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations;

10) the formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results, respect for material and spiritual values.

The study of the course "The World Around" plays a significant role in achieving metasubject results primary education such as:

1) mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

2) mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

3) the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

4) the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

5) mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

6) the use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the objects and processes under study, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;

7) active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (ICT) for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

8) the use of various methods of searching (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the subject "World around";

9) mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

10) willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

11) definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

12) mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of the subject "World around";

13) mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes;

14) the ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including with educational models) in accordance with the content of the subject "World around".

When studying the course "The world around us" the following are achieved: subject results:

1) understanding the special role of Russia in world history, fostering a sense of pride in national achievements, discoveries, victories;

2) the formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, the native land, one's family, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life;

3) awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basics of environmental literacy, elementary rules of moral behavior in the world of nature and people, norms of health-saving behavior in the natural and social environment;

4) mastering the available ways of studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experience, comparison, classification, etc. with obtaining information from family archives, from people around, in an open information space);

5) development of skills to establish and identify causal relationships in the surrounding world.

The work program of the subject "The World around" of the compulsory subject area "Social Science and Natural Science" for primary general education was developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard for primary general education, taking into account the exemplary basic educational program for primary general education ( and

Regulatory documents:

2. On the approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions": Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 189, Moscow, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 3 2011

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2014 No. 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs for primary general, basic general, secondary general education.”

4. Order dated June 8, 2015 No. 576 "On amendments to the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs for primary and general, basic general, secondary general education, approved order and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31 2014 No. 253.

5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education” dated October 06, 2009 No. 373. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009, registration number 17785.

6. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2009 No. 1241 "On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation." Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 04, 2011, registration number 19707.

7. Main educational program primary general education MBOU Pervomaiskaya secondary school of the Tatar region.

Information and methodological materials:

8. The world around. Work programs Pleshakova A.A. 1-4 classes. M: Enlightenment. 2011

The contribution of the subject to general education: the specificity of the course "World around" is that it has a pronounced integrative character. It combines natural history, social science, historical knowledge in equal measure and gives the student the material of natural and social sciences and the humanities necessary for a holistic and systematic vision of the world in its most important relationships.

The work program on the subject "World around" was developed for the EMC "School of Russia". EMC "School of Russia" was developed in accordance with modern ideas, theories of a general pedagogical and specific methodological nature, providing a new quality of both the educational and methodological complex as a whole and the significance of each academic subject separately.

The goals of studying the subject in elementary school:

  • the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of a person’s place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional-valuable comprehension of personal experience of communication with people, society and nature;
  • spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the conditions of cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society.

The main objectives of the implementation of the course content are:

1) the formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, locality, region in which children live, towards Russia, its nature and culture, history and modern life;

2) the child's awareness of the value, integrity and diversity of the world around him, his place in it;

3) formation of a model of safe behavior in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations;

4) formation of psychological culture and competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society.

Etcpriority forms and methods of work with students:

Individual (consultations, exchange of opinions, individual assistance, joint search for a solution to the problem);


Group (link, differentiated group, creative groups, dynamic groups);

Collective (competitions, search)

Didactic and role-playing games;


Practical work

Etcpriorityteaching methods:


Partial search;



Active Methods training (cluster, cinquain, fishbone, etc.)

Etcprioritymethods and forms of control:

Types of control:






Methods for monitoring learning outcomes

Oral: survey (individual, frontal, selective, cross), conversation, etc.

Written: control, independent work, test, survey, etc.

Practical: creation of a material product, creative or made according to a model, algorithm (product, model, essay, drawing, diagram), demonstration of actions and operations, etc.

Work in pairs and groups.

Machine: test.

Program implementation period- 4 years.

The work program reflects nine mandatory structural components:

1. Title page

2. Explanatory note

3. general characteristics subject, course

4. Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum

5. Description of the value orientations of the content of the subject

6. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a particular academic subject, course

8. Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students of primary general education

9. Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.



Krasnodar Territory, the village of Kushchevskaya,

Municipal educational institution
"Average comprehensive school No. 4 named after V.V. Samsonkina"


Decision of the teachers' council protocol No. ____

from ______________20____
Chairman of the teachers' council


Signature, seal of the OU




Level of study (class):primary general education (grades 1-4).

Number of hours: 270 .

The program of the subject "World around" is based on author's program A.A. Pleshakova "The World Around".

Compiled by: T.M. Syrovaya, primary school teacherMBOU secondary school №4 named after V.V. Samsonkina.

Art. Kushchevskaya
2012 – 2013 academic year


The program was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education on the basis of the author's program "The World Around" by the author A.A. Pleshakov.

The specificity of the course "The World Around" lies in the fact that, having a pronounced integrative character, it combines natural history, social science, historical knowledge in equal measure and gives the student the material of natural and social sciences and the humanities necessary for a holistic and systematic vision of the world in its the most important relationships.

The study of the course "The World around" in elementary school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of the place of a person in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value understanding by the child of personal experience of communication with people and nature;

Spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the context of the cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society.

Main tasks implementation of the course content are:

1) the formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, locality, region in which children live, towards Russia, its nature and culture, history and modern life;

2) the child's awareness of the value, integrity and diversity of the world around him, his place in it;

3) formation of a model of safe behavior in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations;

4) formation of psychological culture and competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society.

Thematic distribution of the number of hours.

No. p / p

Sections, topics

Number of hours

Work program by class

Sample program

Working programm

1 class

2 cells

3 cells

4 cells

Human and nature.

Human and society.

Rules for a safe life.

Verification work.



The selection of the content of the course "The World Around" was carried out on the basis of the following leading ideas:

1) the idea of ​​the diversity of the world;

2) the idea of ​​the integrity of the world;

3) the idea of ​​respect for the world.

Diversity as a form of existence of the world clearly manifests itself both in the natural and in the social sphere. Based on the integration of natural-science, geographical, historical information, the course builds a vivid picture of reality, reflecting the diversity of nature and culture, types of human activity, countries and peoples. Particular attention is paid to the acquaintance of junior schoolchildren with natural diversity, which is considered both as an independent value and as a condition without which the existence of a person is impossible, the satisfaction of his material and spiritual needs.

The fundamental idea of ​​the integrity of the world is also consistently implemented in the course; its implementation is carried out through the disclosure of various connections: between inanimate nature and living nature, within living nature, between nature and man. In particular, the importance of each natural component in people's lives is considered, the positive and negative human impact on these components is analyzed. Of paramount importance for children to realize the unity of nature and society, the integrity of society itself, the closest interdependence of people is the inclusion in the program of information from the field of economics, history, modern social life, which are present in the program of each class.

Respect for the world is a kind of formula for a new attitude to the environment, based on the recognition of the intrinsic value of the existent, on the inclusion in the moral sphere of the relationship not only to other people, but also to nature, to the man-made world, to the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and everything humanity.

The method of teaching the course “The World Around The World” is based on a problem-searching approach that ensures the “discovery” of new knowledge by children and the active development of various ways of knowing the environment. At the same time, various methods and forms of training are used with the use of a system of tools that make up a single information and educational environment. Students conduct observations of natural phenomena and social life, perform practical work and experiments, including research ones, and various creative tasks. Didactic and role-playing games, educational dialogues, modeling of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world are held. Excursions and educational walks, meetings with people of various professions, the organization of feasible practical activities for the protection of the environment and other forms of work that ensure direct interaction of the child with the outside world are important for the successful solution of the tasks of the course. Classes can be held not only in the classroom, but also on the street, in the forest, park, museum, etc. The organization of the project activities of students, which is provided for in each section of the program, is very important for achieving the planned results.

In accordance with the aforementioned leading ideas, of particular importance in the implementation of the program are new types of student activities for the practice of elementary school, which include: 1) recognition of natural objects using a key atlas specially developed for elementary school; 2) modeling of ecological relations with the help of graphical and dynamic schemes (models); 3) environmental and ethical activities, including an analysis of one's own attitude to the natural world and behavior in it, an assessment of the actions of other people, the development of appropriate norms and rules, which is carried out with the help of a specially designed book for reading on environmental ethics.

The training course "The World Around" occupies a special place among the primary school subjects. Figuratively speaking, this is what is “always with you”, since children's knowledge of the world around them is not limited to the lesson. It continues constantly at school and beyond its walls. The training course itself is a kind of system-forming core of this process. That is why it is important that work with children begun in the classroom continues in one form or another even after they finish, in extracurricular activities. The teacher should also strive to ensure that the parents of students in everyday communication with their children support their cognitive initiatives awakened in the classroom. It can also be specific tasks for home experiments and observations, reading and receiving information from adults.


2 hours a week are allotted for the study of the course "The World around" in each class of elementary school. The program is designed for 270 hours: grade 1 - 66 hours (33 academic weeks), grades 2, 3 and 4 - 68 hours each (34 academic weeks).


Nature as one of the most important foundations for a healthy and harmonious life of man and society.

Culture as a process and result of human activity in all its diversity of forms.

Science as a part of culture, reflecting the human desire for truth, for the knowledge of the laws of the surrounding world of nature and society.

Humanity as a diversity of peoples, cultures, religions. in International cooperation as the basis of peace on Earth.

Patriotism as one of the manifestations of the spiritual maturity of a person, expressed in love for Russia, the people, the small homeland, in the conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The family as the basis of the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, the guarantee of the continuity of the cultural and value traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and the viability of Russian society.

Labor and creativity as distinctive features of a spiritually and morally developed personality.

A healthy lifestyle in the unity of its components: physical, mental, spiritual, social and moral health.

Moral choice and responsibility of a person in relation to nature, historical and cultural heritage, to himself and others





1) the formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity; formation of values ​​of the multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

2) the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

3) formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, history and culture of other peoples;

4) mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world;

5) acceptance and development of the social role of the student, development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

6) development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, including in information activities, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

7) the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

8) development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

9) developing the skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations;

10) the formation of a setting for a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results, respect for material and spiritual values.

1) mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

2) mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and claimable nature;

3) the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

4) the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;
5) mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;
6) the use of sign-symbolic means of representing information to create models of the studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;
7) active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (ICT) for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

8) the use of various methods of searching (in reference sources and the open educational information space of the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the educational subject "The World Around";

9) mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

10) willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

11) definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

12) mastering the initial information about the essence and features of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of the subject "World around";

13) mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes;

14) the ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including with educational models) in accordance with the content of the subject "World around".

1) understanding the special role of Russia in world history, fostering a sense of pride in national achievements, discoveries, victories;

2) the formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, the native land, one's family, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life;

3) awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basics of environmental literacy, elementary rules of moral behavior in the world of nature and people, norms of health-saving behavior in the natural and social environment;

4) mastering the available ways of studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experience, comparison, classification, etc. with obtaining information from family archives, from people around, in an open information space);

5) development of skills to establish and identify causal relationships in the surrounding world.


1 CLASS (66 h)

Introduction (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the textbook and teaching aids.

What and Who? (20 h)

What is Motherland? What do we know about the peoples of Russia? What do we know about Moscow? What is above our heads? What is under our feet? What do different plants have in common? What grows on the windowsill? What grows in the flower bed? What are these leaves? What are needles? Who are insects? Who are the fish? Who are the birds? Who are the animals? What surrounds us at home? What can a computer do? What around us can be dangerous? What is our planet like?

How, where and where? (12 h)

How does the family live? Where does our water come from and where does it go? Where does electricity come from in our house? How does the letter travel? Where do rivers flow? Where do snow and ice come from? How do plants live? How do animals live? How to help birds in winter? Where does garbage come from and where does it go? Where is the dirt in the snowballs?

Where and when (11 h)

When is it interesting to study? When will Saturday come? When will summer come? Where do polar bears live? Where do elephants live? Where do birds winter? When did the clothes appear? When the wheel was invented When will we become adults?

Why and why? (22h)

Why does the sun shine during the day and the sun at night? Why is the moon different? Why is it raining and wind blowing? Why is the bell ringing? Why is the rainbow multicolored? Why do we love cats and dogs? Why don't we pick flowers and catch butterflies? Why do we keep silence in the forest? Why do we sleep at night? Why should you eat lots of vegetables and fruits? Why brush your teeth and wash your hands? Why do we need a telephone and TV? Why are cars needed? Why are trains needed? Why are ships built? Why are airplanes built? Why do you need to follow safety rules in a car and train? Why is it necessary to follow safety rules on the ship and on the plane? Why do people explore space? Why do we often hear the word "ecology"?

2nd class (68 hours)

Where we live? (4 h)

Native country. City and village.Nature and man-made world. Our address in the world.

Nature (20 h)

Inanimate and living nature. Natural phenomena. What is the weather. Visiting autumn. Starry sky. Let's take a look at the storerooms. About air and about water. What are the plants. What are the animals. invisible threads. Wild and cultivated plants. Wild and domestic animals. Houseplants. Animals of the living area. About cats and dogs. Red Book.

City and village life (10 hours)

What is the economy. What is made of. How to build a house. What is the transport. Culture and education. All professions are important. Welcome to winter.

Health and safety (9 h)

The structure of the human body. If you want to be healthy. Watch out for the car! Pedestrian School. Home dangers. Fire. On the water and in the forest. Dangerous strangers.

Communication (7 h)

Our Friendly family. At school. Politeness rules. You and your friends. We are spectators and passengers.

Travel (18h)

Look around. Location orientation. Forms of the earth's surface. Water resources. Welcome to spring. Russia on the map. Travel around Moscow. Moscow Kremlin. City on the Neva. Journey along the Oka. Travel around the planet. Travel across the continents. Countries of the world. Summer ahead.

3 CLASS (68 hours)

How is the world? (6 h)

Nature. Human. Society. What is ecology. Nature is in danger!

This amazing nature(6 pm)

Bodies, substances, particles. Variety of substances. Air and its protection. Water. Transformations and cycles of water. Save water! How stones are destroyed. What is soil. Variety of plants. The sun, plants and we are with you. Reproduction and development of plants. Plant protection. Diversity of animals. Who is what? Reproduction and development of animals. Animal protection. In the kingdom of mushrooms. Great circle of life.

We and our health (10 h)

Human organism. Sense organs. Reliable protection organism. Body support and movement. Our food. Respiration and circulation. Know how to prevent diseases. Healthy lifestyle.

Our safety (7 hours)

Fire, water and gas. To make the journey happy. Road signs. Dangerous places. Nature and our security. Environmental Safety.

What economics teaches (12 hours)

What is the economy for? Natural resources and human labor are the basis of the economy. Minerals. Plant growing. Livestock. What is the industry. What is money. The state budget. Family budget. Economy and ecology.

Traveling around cities and countries (15 hours)

Gold ring of Russia. Our nearest neighbors. In the north of Europe. What is Benelux. In the centre of Europe. For France and the UK. In the south of Europe. Famous places in the world.

4 CLASS (68 h)

Earth and Humanity (9 hours)

The world through the eyes of an astronomer. Planets of the solar system. The Starry Sky is the Great Book of Nature. The world through the eyes of a geographer. The world through the eyes of a historian. When and where? The world through the eyes of an ecologist. Treasures of the Earth under the protection of mankind.

Nature of Russia (10 hours)

Plains and mountains of Russia. Seas, lakes and rivers of Russia. Natural zones of Russia. Arctic desert zone. Tundra. Forests of Russia. Forest and man. Steppe zone. Deserts. At the Black Sea.

Native land - part of a large country (15 hours)

Our edge. The surface of our region. Water wealth of our region. Our underground wealth. The earth is the provider. Forest life. Meadow life. Life in fresh waters. Plant growing in our region. Animal husbandry in our region.

Pages of World History (5 hours)

Beginning of human history. The world of antiquity: far and near. Middle Ages: the time of knights and castles. New time: the meeting of Europe and America. Modern Times: The story continues today. Life of the ancient Slavs. In the times of Ancient Rus'. Country of cities. From the book treasury of Ancient Rus'. Difficult times on Russian soil. Rus' spreads its wings. Kulikovo battle. Ivan III. Print masters. Patriots of Russia. Peter the Great. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. Catherine the Great. Patriotic War of 1812. Pages of history of the 19th century. Russia is entering the 20th century. Pages of history of the 1920s - 1930s. Great War And a great victory. The country that opened the way to space.

Modern Russia (9 hours)

Basic law of Russia and human rights. We are citizens of Russia. Glorious symbols of Russia. Such different holidays. Travel across Russia.


Thematic planning

Number of hours

Characteristics of the activities of students

1 class (66 hours)


Ask questions!

1 hour

Students learn basic skills:

To ask questions;

join in a learning dialogue;

enjoy textbook conventions;

Distinguish ways and means of cognition of the surrounding world;

Evaluate the results of their work in the classroom.

What and who?

20 h

What is Motherland?

What do we know about the peoples of Russia?

What do we know about Moscow?

Project "My small Motherland".

What is above our heads?

What is under our feet?

What do different plants have in common?

What grows on the windowsill?

What grows in the flower bed.

What are these leaves?

What are needles?

Who are insects?

Who are the fish?

Who are the birds?

Who are the animals?

What surrounds us at home?

What can a computer do?

What around us can be dangerous?

What is our planet like?

Let's check ourselves.





Understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

Consider textbook illustrations, extract of which the necessary information on the topic of the lesson

- work in pairs: tell(according to photographs of personal impressions) on the topic of the lesson


Working with adults: finding information related to the topic of the lesson

Reply for final questions and evaluate your achievements in the classroom

Protrude with a prepared message based on photographs (slides);


observe and compare day and night sky, talk about it;

Model the shape of the Sun;

Work in pairs: model the shape of the constellations;

- work with adults: findin the night sky the bucket of the Big Dipper; conduct constellation observations

Fulfill textbook test questions.

How, where and where?

12 h

How does the family live?

Where does our water come from and where does it go?

Where does electricity come from in our house? How does the letter travel? Where do rivers flow?

Where do snow and ice come from? How do plants live?

How do animals live?

How to help birds in winter? Where does garbage come from and where does it go?

Where is the dirt in the snowballs?

Let's check ourselves and evaluate our achievements in the section "How, where and where?"




Understand learning task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

Observe for animal life tell about your observations;

Work in a group: perform tasks, formulate conclusions, carry out self-examination;

care for the animals of the living corner;

Evaluate your achievements in the classroom

Understand learning task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

Watch wintering birds wintering birds according to drawings and in nature;

Discuss forms of feeders and types of food for birds;

Practical work in pairs: make simple feeders and pick up from the proposed food suitable for birds;

Remember rules for feeding birds;

Reply for final questions and evaluate your achievements in the classroom

Discuss the importance of maintaining cleanliness in everyday life, in the city and in the natural environment; the need for separate waste collection;

Practical work in a group: sort garbage by the nature of the material;

Compose and tell

Reply for final questions and evaluate your achievements in the classroom

Practical work in pairs: research snowballs and snow water for contamination;

Discuss sources of pollution in the snow;

Formulate proposals for protecting the environment from pollution;

Compose and tell a fairy tale on the proposed topic;

Fulfill test tasks of the textbook;

Protrude with prepared messages illustrate their visual materials;

Discuss student performances;

Evaluate their achievements and achievements other students.

Where and when?

11 o'clock

When is it interesting to study?

Project "My class and my school".

When will Saturday come? When will summer come?

Where do polar bears live? Where do elephants live?

Where do birds winter?

When did the clothes appear? When was the bicycle invented?

When will we become adults?

Check and evaluate your knowledge.

- photographthe most interesting events in the classroom, school building, classroom, etc.

Collectively compose a story about school and class;

present the results of the collective project, accompanying the story with photographs (slides);

Organize a photo exhibition

Evaluate the results of their own work and the work of comrades

Understand learning task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

Analyze textbook illustrations, distinguish past, present and future;

Work in pairs

Call favorite day of the week and explain why exactly he is a favorite;

Compose and tell a fabulous story based on a drawing;

Reply for final questions and evaluate your achievements in the classroom

Analyze change of seasons and

months; call seasons in the correct order correlate seasons and months; use colored chips to complete tasks;characterizenatural phenomena at different times of the year;

Call favorite season and explain why it is a favorite;

- work in pairs: findinconsistencies in natural phenomena in the drawings of the textbook;

exercise self-control;

Review and compare textbook illustrations, to extract from them information about the animal world of cold regions;

give examples

animals of cold regions;

Install the relationship between the structure, lifestyle of animals and natural conditions.

Why and why?

22 h

Why does the sun shine during the day and the sun at night?

Why is the moon different?

Why is it raining and wind blowing?

Why is the bell ringing? Why is the rainbow multicolored?

Why do we love cats and dogs?

Project "My pets".

Why don't we pick flowers and catch butterflies?

Why do we keep silence in the forest?

Why do we sleep at night?

Why should you eat lots of vegetables and fruits?

Why brush your teeth and wash your hands?

Why do we need a telephone and TV?

Why are cars needed?

Why are trains needed?

Why are ships built? Why are airplanes built?

Why do you need to follow safety rules in a car and train?

Why is it necessary to follow safety rules on the ship and on the plane?

Why do people explore space?

Why do we often hear the word "ecology"?


Discuss why and how to protect the ears;

speak out assumptions about the cause of the echo


Describe feelings that arise at the sight of a rainbow; call the colors of the rainbow according to your observations and the drawing of the textbook;

Remember the sequence of rainbow colors using a mnemonic device;

speak out hypotheses about the causes of rainbows, carry out self-examination;

- work in pairs: displaythe sequence of the colors of the rainbow using colored stripes, realize mutual verification;

Describe according to the plan of your pet (cat, dog);

Discuss our attitude towards pets;

Tell according to the drawings of the textbook on caring for a cat and a dog;

Practical work in pairs:познакомиться with care products

cat and dog and their purpose;

Participate in a role-playing game that simulates the relationship between the owner and the pet;

During the project, children with the help of adults learn:

Observe for a pet and fix observation results;

- photographyour cat (dog) in the most interesting situations;

Compose a story about your cat (dog), its character, habits, games;

present your project with a demonstration of photos (slides);

Organize a photo exhibition

Evaluate the results of their own work and the work of comrades

- work in pairs: determineflowers and butterflies with the help of an atlas-determinant, realize




Pleshakov A.A. The world around 1 class, M .: Education, 2011.

Pleshakov A.A. The world around us, grade 2.

Pleshakov A.A. The world around 3rd grade.

Pleshakov A.A. The world around 4th grade.


Pleshakov A.A., Aleksandrova V.P., Borisova S.A. The world around: lesson developments: Grade 1.

Pleshakov A.A., From earth to sky: Atlas-determinant: A manual for students of educational institutions. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010

Pleshakov A.A., Green Pages. A book for primary school students.

"Technological maps" (On the website of the publishing house "Enlightenment".)

2. Printed aids

Pleshakov A.A. Tables around the world. 1 class.

3. Teaching aids


Classroom board with a set of devices for attaching maps and tables.
exposure screen.
Personal Computer.
Multimedia projector.

4. Screen and audio aids


Video films on the subject (including in digital form).
Audio recordings in accordance with the content of the training (including in digital form).

5. Natural objects




Natural living benefits - indoor plants; animals kept in an aquarium or wildlife corner.

Herbariums; collections of insects; wet preparations; stuffed animals and skeletons of representatives of various systematic groups; micropreparations.

Collections of rocks, minerals, minerals.

Fine visual aids - tables; models of the human torso and individual organs, etc.

Geographical and historical maps.

Items representing the life of a traditional and modern family, its economy, everyday, festive life and much more from the life of society.

6. Games and toys.



Board educational games on the subject of the subject "World around" (lotto, travel games, etc.).

Sets of role-playing games, toys, constructors (on the topics: house, zoo, farm, transport, shop, etc.)

Sets of dolls in traditional costumes of the peoples of Russia.

Sets of pencils, paints, sketchbooks.

7. Equipment class



Student tables single and double with a set of chairs.

Teacher's table with a pedestal.

Cabinets for storing textbooks, didactic materials, manuals, educational equipment, etc.

Demonstration stand (for samples, manufactured products).

Wall boards for hanging illustrative material.

Frames or passe-partout for exhibiting children's works (frontal compositions) at exhibitions.

Stands or showcases for exhibiting three-dimensional compositions at exhibitions.

The choice of an electronic translation tool that would be able to satisfy not only students, but also the most professional translator is small today.
The effectiveness of a modern electronic translation system, whether it is a machine translation application or an electronic dictionary, primarily depends not only on the quality of the software product itself, but also to a large extent on the direct language competence of users. Therefore, today we will talk about dictionaries and about the world around us for free. I would like to note right away that the translator application requires a rather high level of knowledge of the language from the user, since translations are given not of a single text, but of the entire phrase. That is why it is not surprising that not only a simple user, but also a professional translator himself often uses electronic dictionaries.
Today, such electronic dictionaries are especially relevant, where there is a wide base of common, and sometimes special vocabulary, which will provide a very quick and convenient search for the desired word. The electronic dictionary itself can consist of the most diverse specializations and languages, and at the same time, provide users with advanced work opportunities - sorting the input according to various criteria, using synonyms, inflection patterns, translating phrases. In addition, there are also work programs for the surrounding world.

At the same time, the user retains the final word, as well as the very possibility of stylistic control during the choice of a translation equivalent. This is all related to the program "Context".
In versions of this software you can find: computer jargon, mobile phones, flower language, thieves' jargon dictionaries and so on.
And now let's go directly to the topic: work programs for the world around us. One of these applications is the program "The whole world in your pocket."
So, the application "The whole world in your pocket" is an electronic constantly updated directory of countries. The system consists of a catalog of countries of modern recent history. The user can easily find out the main characteristics of any state: the capital, currency, area, state language, and so on. The description of the state includes images of the coat of arms, flag and maps.

The main features of the software "The whole world in your pocket":
- Creating your own catalog (specific Russian principalities, states of the ancient world, and so on).
- Built-in catalog of states of the modern world.
- More than 20 characteristics for a detailed description of the country.
- Grouping states on arbitrary grounds.
- Tree-like directories of groups and territories.
- Maintaining a reference book on currencies.
- Directory filtering.
- Adding pictures to the description of the state.
- Multilevel sorting.
- Built-in viewer of available images.
- Adding links to web pages and external files.
